a demon core? what is with exclamanians and demon cores? weird pattern.
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defrag-mx · 1 month
Música Revisada • Bon Enfant, Fabiana Palladino, A Certain Ratio, Fedde Le Grand
Nuevo episodio ha sido publicado en https://defrag.mx/musica-revisada-bon-enfant-fabiana-palladino-a-certain-ratio-fedde-le-grand
Música Revisada • Bon Enfant, Fabiana Palladino, A Certain Ratio, Fedde Le Grand
Defrag.mx Podcast Música Revisada ・Bon Enfant・Fabiana Palladino・A Certain Ratio・Fedde Le Grand
"@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "PodcastEpisode", "name": "Música Revisada • Bon Enfant, Fabiana Palladino, A Certain Ratio, Fedde Le Grand", "description": "Prepárense para sumergirse en un mundo de sonidos frescos y emocionantes mientras exploramos los lanzamientos más recientes en el mundo de la música", "audio": "@type": "AudioObject", "contentUrl": "https://defrag.mx/podcasts/musica_revisada/musica_revisada_s03e09.mp3", "encodingFormat": "audio/mpeg" , "publication": "@type": "PublicationEvent", "startDate": "2024-04-27T12:00:00-06:00" , "creator": "@type": "Person", "name": "El xGeek"
¡Hola, amantes de la buena música! Es un placer darles la bienvenida una vez más a nuestro universo sonoro en constante evolución. Soy el xGeek, su anfitrión en Defrag.mx, y hoy estoy emocionado de presentarles el último episodio de nuestro podcast: “Música: Revisada”.
¿Están listos para un viaje musical que desafiará sus sentidos y elevará su espíritu? ¡Entonces prepárense para sumergirse en una experiencia auditiva inolvidable!
1. “Little Wins” – Jewelia: Celebrando la Autoaceptación
Abrimos este episodio con el brillante álbum “Little Wins” de la talentosa Jewelia. Esta joven londinense nos lleva en un viaje de autoaceptación a través de su música pop alternativa. Con influencias de MARINA y Kate Bush, Jewelia crea un sonido único que cautiva desde la primera escucha. Desde la emocionante “Fields of Gold” hasta la energética “Loser”, este álbum es un festín para los oídos que no querrás perderte.
2. “boy” – Luke Hemmings: La Madurez Musical en un EP
Luke Hemmings nos sorprende con su último EP, “boy”, una colección de canciones que reflejan madurez y humanidad. Desde la emotiva “I’m Still Your Boy” hasta el conmovedor “Benny”, Luke nos invita a un viaje lleno de emociones y reflexiones sobre el sacrificio y el amor.
3. ¡Bon Enfant nos Transporta a Otras Épocas con “Trompe-l’oeil”!
Desde la vibrante escena alternativa de Montreal, el quinteto Bon Enfant nos deleita con su nuevo sencillo que fusiona lo mejor del psicodélico de los 70 y el rock artístico de los 80. “Trompe-l’oeil” es una experiencia auditiva que te transportará a otras épocas con su melodía Yé-yé.
4. “BONK!” – Sen Morimoto: Explorando Nuevos Contextos Musicales
El talentoso Sen Morimoto regresa con su EP “BONK!”, una colección de canciones que no llegaron a su álbum anterior. Desde la energética “The Cold” hasta la cautivadora versión en vivo de la pista principal, Sen nos lleva en un viaje musical lleno de sorpresas y emociones.
5. Gabrielle Aplin Revive los 90 en “Writers Block, Pt. 1”
La talentosa Gabrielle Aplin nos sorprende con su nuevo EP, “Writers Block, Pt. 1”, una colección de versiones de canciones de los años 90. Con su dulce voz y su creatividad única, Gabrielle nos invita a sumergirnos en la nostalgia y la creatividad de esa década.
6. Fabiana Palladino nos Conquista con su Debut Autotitulado
Después de años de anticipación, el álbum debut de Fabiana Palladino finalmente ve la luz. Con influencias de los años 80 y colaboraciones destacadas, este álbum es una obra madura y cuidadosamente elaborada que no querrás perderte.
7. “It All Comes Down to This” – A Certain Ratio: Una Fiesta para los Sentidos
La legendaria banda post-punk A Certain Ratio nos presenta su decimotercer álbum, “It All Comes Down to This”. Con ritmos modernos y letras reflexivas, este álbum es una invitación a reflexionar sobre nuestra existencia y el poder de nuestras elecciones.
8. “Head Up High” – Fedde Le Grand, Mike James: El Himno de la Pista de Baile
Y para cerrar con broche de oro, el contagioso track de Fedde Le Grand, “Head Up High”, es el himno perfecto para dominar las pistas de baile este verano. ¡Prepárense para bailar y disfrutar al máximo!
Recuerden seguir explorando nuevos sonidos, ¡porque la música siempre tiene algo nuevo que ofrecer!
Nos vemos en el próximo episodio, aquí en Defrag.mx. ¡Hasta entonces, sigan disfrutando de la música!
Te recomendamos escuchar los siguientes podcasts del equipo Defrag.mx:
Música Revisada • Bon Enfant, Fabiana Palladino, A Certain Ratio, Fedde Le Grand
10 Plataformas de IA que debes conocer
ByteTrax – El Auge de la Inteligencia Artificial en la Ciberseguridad
Música Revisada • Girl In Red, Still House Plants, Mark Knopfler, Maggie Rogers
ByteTrax – Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas: Blanco Perfecto de Ciberdelincuentes
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catboymoments · 6 months
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Behold… some Cool Teenz
wanna keep making characters for this lore-world that are just ocs, not fankids of characters we really know in the og show :] they are so sillay
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hellsitepfpgrabber · 3 months
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blankdblank · 1 year
Protego Pt 2 - Introductions
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Continuing the Protego Miniseries. 
Do let me know how you like the changes and if you’d want to be tagged. :)
Pt 1 - Origin of Magic
The Potters.
One of the Sacred 28 families, equaled by few in wealth and stature amongst Wizarding Britain, now had one heir. Born late in life to his parents, James Potter stood a beacon of hope for their line to continue.
So proud, so vain, so entitled for all he had been given and was assumed destined to achieve. Given all he could ever desire and more. And all he wanted upon first sight was one of a redheaded duo tentatively entering the 9 3/4 platform. Future allies were made upon that same train, distant relations and strangers alike to help raise himself and his clan higher.
He saw who he wanted. Many would see the smug devastation dealt out in conquest of his prize, to the dismay of said prize herself and all around her.
The Snapes.
Downwind from a foul smelling mill nearby to a polluted river little Snape again found himself crouched inside a rotating tunnel built into the jungle gym on the playground in the park by his home. Somehow thunder overhead, while terrifying in itself, paled in comparison to how his parents’ contemptuous behavior made his heart pound in fright. And just like the wind to vanish and suddenly appear, one of his two red headed anchors appeared at his side. Not the one his heart yearned to belong to, who he feared to ever show this side to, but to a confusing diamond in the rough he equally never wished to be parted from.
Identical to a T in appearance alone the fiery tempered young girl who seemed as troubled as him inside adamantly seemed at odds with her picture perfect life. Shivering to the next explosion of thunder and lightning Severus glanced at his trembling friend he scooted a bit closer to, making use of his poorly sized clothes to share his tent of an outer coat which always seemed to do the trick. “Did your parents bake you too many pies?” he asked sarcastically, his only way to vent his confusion and frustration at her for why she had been recently talking about not wanting to go back to her parents’ haven of an abode.
“I had the dream again,” she whispered frailly on the cusp of tears. Stopping as she regretted saying even that much.
Her tone alone had him shift a bit closer and turn his head to look at her as face on as possible to ask in seer concern, “What dream?” She simply shook her head, now with tears pooling into her pink eyes he’d neglected to notice having not looked her way until now. “Tell me. You and Lily never expand on dream when it comes up.”
The force in his gaze was unnecessary as she simply finally felt herself ready to share this truth with him in particular. “I keep seeing this woman, she’s trapped, and alone,” a tear broke loose and before she could help it she had leaned into the hand of his that rose to wipe it away. A move that had him halt in his tracks, uncertain if like him she had been neglected of family contact and sought this clear innocent trusting comfort from him, someone who would understand having parents who truly didn’t care if he lived or died. Yet she straightened up and sniffled hard to keep from the failing means to stop a second tear and third soon to follow while she squeaked out, “She looks-,” her voice cracked and down into her propped up knees and legs now folding up to press to her chest her head burrowed to hide her face urging him in to loop an arm around her back and a hand on her shins to coax her out again.
“Looks what? Like what? Is she hurt?”
“Like me,” she squawked out in a pop of her head up if only to clasp hands over her mouth she felt his fight to pull away in the emergence of a beak out of her teeth and lips and blood red shade to cover the whites of her eyes now with golden pupils. Again she burrowed her head into her knees, clearly frightened of scaring him away. Pain, so he’d read often mingled in sadness came with the occasional rage, something he could attest to and now guessed that was why she was trembling, in rage and not fear. Though surely now that had faded as he heard her squeak out frightfully soft, “What if my parents lock me away too?”
Right away he folded around her as if the action could be a shield against that possibility to last for years to come until she was able to choose herself in legal age on what to do. “I heard them, they found me on a walk.” His eyes he had been clenching so tightly to enforce the wishful intentions snapped open in shock to let a tear of his own fall. “Like magic, they said, to, someone on the phone. That’s why, they don’t know what to do or say, when it happens, when I get angry. They treat it like it’s some sort of trick.” Sharply she drew in a breath to assure him, “No matter what, I swear I won’t hurt you.”
“I know,” he whispered back in reply and as she nodded he eased her back into his side uncertain of what else to say. She wasn’t his love’s twin, merely made to look like her, again most likely out of fear. She was one of his anchors and now he felt a stab deep in his chest she had never shown him her true self, shared her fears and nightmares when always when he had his own she would appear to console him. Now he knew, and now he would work hard to prove that she could trust him with anything, and he would never harm her in return for the oath she had given to him.
The Evans.
Petunia Evans, daughter of a well respected couple, skipping at the side of the pram they pushed. All four lost to the bliss of their vacation and tour of the countryside they chose to vacation in. Passed beyond a veil somehow the sight of an infant, the same age as their youngest, held in the arms of a rather cross Nun. Inclusion of this out of place orphanage dulled this quaint town. Right through the bars an ache stirred. Parents of two daughters just moments ago would within the chime of the next hour have three.
A child found as if by magic. One Petunia would take solace in also being the lesser favorite of their begrudging and obstinate Great Aunt Gertrude who would impose herself and her opinions upon the Evans household whenever possible. Petunia never seemed to find out what the woman wanted from her exactly. Not like Lily. But this new sister soon would draw a special strain of reluctance from their guest. When she would throw her first tantrum and sprout a beak in doing so.
A shape shifter. A mimic. A freak. That last word slipped out when she was alone, but how her sister acted after that she had heard it being muttered from her older sister who didn’t like being mimicked. “I’m sorry,” Petunia repeated until it just about made her throat bleed for weeks when she got the chance. She didn’t want to hurt Jewels’ feelings, but no one in the family knew just what to make of this and school would start soon. So the youngest girl would have to do something about her ever changing appearance.
She wasn’t a freak. Could she be? How would she know? Jewelia Rose Evans, commonly called Jewels. A rarity in their little garden patch surrounded cottage haven. A child with eyes that dead on were a deep purple that from the side like a mystical creature appeared neon green.
A child inexplicably able to morph her hair and face and body to whatever she desired. Or one uncontrollable appearance when in a quick fit of rage. And she desired to not have her older sister call her a freak. So, like the beloved Lily she molded herself. To don steady brilliant green eyes and crimson hair, and still the chanted word persisted. This time from others who could sense something was off about the youngest girl hiding behind another’s face while not solely in the company of family.
In every hiss she whispered to the garden snakes in their garden she got to agree to keep from harming Mrs Evans. In every blossom she and Lily helped to return to full bloom. Freak would echo and sting, and burn like an acid that no one could scrub off of their skin and hearts. All she could the eldest sister tried to step in where possible, especially now the nightmares were growing more frequent and her baby sister was never a day without pretending she hadn’t woken hours before she should and wasn’t able to go back to sleep. Something was wrong, even safe at home Petunia saw that Jewels was scared of what was happening to her, so she tried to help. She wouldn’t let her mimic her, but she could offer simple distractions and copies of magazines borrowed from her own friends in school to fawn over. Small things, distractions really, all the young teen was capable of scouring up off her own imagination.
Eleven years would fly by and those sisters, close as any, now faced division like no other. Coming in the form of two letters, just two, not three.
“How wonderful, isn’t it, to have two witches in the family?!”
They loved their elder sister and cheered her on in every endeavor, as they would even from afar. Both found solace with the Half-Blood boy from down the lane. Who shared the moniker of Freak on top of a house of pain to hide from.
Together the trio shared all the magical things. A world their cherished Petunia would always, to them, wrongfully be forbidden.
Toujours Pur. The words etched beneath The Black Family crest.
The most distinguished and expansive line descended from Salazaar Slytherin, the grey bearded Wizard beyond compare. With eyes just as distinguishable, a deep violet dead on and emerald from the side that had darkened in beauty and knowledge as he had aged.
This line bore its own fabled beginning in the wielded of its birth. Major Ursa Black, fabled Warrior of old and Keeper of the Stars. Every generation must have one. One to always be looking up and in his esteemed legacy was noted to have become a star in his passing.
Thus beginning the tradition of naming his heirs after stars, with whom all could hear when focused. Night or day through their blood bond their ancestors could always conference with the youngest of their line for guidance, and through the stars pass on the path to their nearest of kin for aid.
Sirius and Regulus had those words drilled into their heads between lessons. Always pure. Always something. Always in language lessons, instrument lessons, gymnastics, botany lessons, classical dance lessons. Always something. Never enough and pushed to achieve more than their parents.
Parents, Walburga and Orion, in a strive to inherit more when their patriarch passed, wed and conceived twice to a far from loving home, that in early days of their union had moved to the dark Grimmauld Place. One of numerous properties within the Black Family line, each magically linked to the coveted unplottable Black Family Mansion. A home their parents desired more than anything. Tucked safe in the top of far distant mountains that none could climb or pass over without coming to a grizzly end to protect the hidden haven. Every angle gave clear view of those treasured stars. Up where their ancestors rested for all eternity.
Sirius came to Hogwarts first, and by word of his first letter home knew come spring time he’d return a failure. Sorted wrong, and kept in said wrong place by order of the Headmaster. Albus Dumbledore who refused to see reason and move him to his proper place. Who was reluctant to take orders from his predecessor Phineas Black’s portrait in aim to please his living kin.
But the teen didn’t want to be proper.
One glimmer of hope for his parents came in an alliance with the Potter clan. An esteemed older relation by marriage, a silver lining. An alliance able to be boasted of during grim discussions amongst other relations, also with children attending Hogwarts. Often brought up in shared stories from their son who could easily reach his cousins in Slytherin if need be.
And with that Potter boy came need.
A bond to rival any brothers, a ferocity followed by fury that often had him turned out of his dormitory. With no place to sleep, that need sent him down to the dungeons. Down to his place in Slytherin’s dormitories. There he could find his cousin Narcissa, who would always take pity on the boy now bounced from one rough tide to the next. On those nights lent him a blanket to sleep on one of the couches in the common room, as long as he required it. Until James would let him back into their dorm.
He always would. Unknown to him this pattern would continue for years. Both pitted together against a dark haired Severus, their chosen rival who aimed to divide him from the identical sisters. Severus. Who never knew what to expect seeing Sirius, the teen now unthreatening in his presence when forced to take shelter in the Slytherin common room.
Severus, who never understood just like Sirius never could, why them? Why did they have to be targets of such pressure and expectation? And be magnets for such painful moments in their lives? James had chosen Lily. While magnificent as James had dubbed her, Sirius from the first moment of seeing her, instantly plummeted for Jewels.
Sirius had made so very many mistakes. But every time the usually divided houses would share a class he could see one glow in his future, the girl who held a million secrets in those rare eyes. The girl who whispered to animals, and always bore a forbidden sense of kindness and mystery. He loved her, but she loved Severus. The fact in that burned hotter than any flame ever could. But still, the young Ravenclaw powder blue and grey adorned girl, who flit in and out of his view, would be respected in her choice until he could one day earn her love.
Beyond flawed himself, and prone to tries and fails to move on he couldn't stop loving her or imagine anyone else. First dates were beyond easy to obtain. But his growing list of exes would have on average just minutes of his attention before he would flee to find her again.
A list that anyone, including her would give raise to doubt if he could be trusted with anyone's heart at all; the only real argument in time to hinder a try to accept his offer to give romance a shot. Once his prankster exterior was shown to not be his only side. But beyond his name and assumed failure who he would grow to be would stun even himself.
No matter the tries to hide it from the world a war was coming. People would have to choose their sides. And against everything burning in him to stupidly run head first at the first chance for a fight, something more important would offer him an impossible choice. One impossible choice of many he would tackle.
Who he should be. Who he wanted to be. And who those he loves would need him to be. His world, this world was about to change into something none had seen before. One to break him and his family, both chosen and blood born, in ways beyond repair.
Pt 3
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undrsk0re · 23 days
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lepidopterian · 2 years
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all saints wake. 1/?
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plastic2000s · 11 months
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Barbie Fairytopia dolls from 2005: Jewelia and Crystal
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jadefangirl15 · 2 months
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Jewelia from war planets/shadow raiders
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dipperpines-kin · 1 year
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Armageddon Expo Haul: Gravity Falls Edition
I bought an original drawing/print of the Stan twins, and these handmade clay earrings of Journals 2 & 3. Made by KeyshaKittyNZ on Twitter.
I bought these wonderful Stan stickers and got a free Danny Phantom sticker from @serapheir. Stan Stickers by hareundies on Twitter.
Shaker charm is a bag of teeth, thought it was very Bill-esk. Made by humblegeode.com
Nonbinary Bee Pin by Jewelia Howard Art and the rest I cant remember, but I have 6 new pins.
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brokenhardies · 1 year
Siobhan's PR Universe (2023 Update)
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Rainbow Express: The mysterious Necro Line is a group of aristocrats obsessed with sucking the life out of the Earth and using it for their own nefarious purpose. Four teenagers from Earth are chosen by the Conductor (Ke Huy Quan) of the Chrono Line - an opposing force to the Necro Line - to become the newest Power Rangers team to protect the Earth from falling into darkness. However, the sudden influx of light energy awakens a young android on the Chrono Line named P0PPY (Lana Condor), who becomes the unofficial leader of this rag-tag team. Also featuring Jacob Latimore as Indigo Campbell, Peyton List as Daisy McNamara, Hero Fiennes Tiffin as Forest Whitmore and Ciara Bravo as Camelia Whitmore. (Adapted from Ressha Sentai ToQger)
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Digibeast - Everyone in the small town of Summerville is obsessed with the mobile game known as Digibeast - a creature-raising simulator that transforms into a game where you force those creatures to fight. What they don't know is that the app was created by a nefarious group known as the FANG Corporation, obsessed with using Earth's teenagers as an army and using the game to make them docile and more susceptible to brainwashing. To combat this, five Digibeast hatchlings contact their hatchers and use them to combat the corrupted soldiers created by the FANG Corporation. Starring Xolo Mariduena as Maddox Clemente, Hayley Tju as Dawn Sudarso, Diego Tinoco as Dante Carerra, Chantz Simpson as Caleb Jones and Emily Skinner as Brooklyn Matthews (Adapted from Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger)
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Turbo Prism - The ancient underground tribe of Jewelia is under attack by a group known as Axium, which is disguised as an Earth-based mining corporation. Desperate to save her people, Jewelian Princess Seraphina (Isabela Merced) sends four of her people's finest to the surface - a cocky royal guard (Froy Gutierrez), a kleptomaniac urchin (Rachel Hilson), a charming swordsman (Tyler Alvarez) and her personal Lady In Waiting (Savannah Lee May). The only thing missing is a leader, and thus, the group arrive on Earth to prevent Axium from stealing its resources. While in the town of Silver Hills, they meet socially awkward high school student Mitchell Park (Lance Lim) who shows the right amount of courage and imagination to become the leader of the new Turbo Prism team (Adapted from Mashin Sentai Kiramager with Choushinsei Flashman archive footage)
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Cyberspace - A hot new VR game named Space Deleter has just come out, and an E-Sports team known as Alpha Phi (αφ) are tasked to test it. However, when Henri (Aramis Knight) accidentally touches something he shouldn't have, he sets off the bad guys from the game into the real world. Fortunately, the company had the exact failsafe for this situation -- grant the five test subjects the ability to become Power Rangers and protect the world from the Bugster Army. Also featuring Quincy Founce as Elijah Frank, Kira Kosarin as Flo Dupont, Lyrica Okano as Stevie Kitagawa and Ryan Potter as Kasper Kitagawa (Adapted from Battle Strike Team Space Deleter)
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so, you said the bugs have been tinkering?
what sorts of things have they made so far?
⁜ Just some basic things… A generator, walkie talkies, the demon core. ⁜
⁜ I’ve seen some people with guns, but they don���t look like bug tech… Which is odd, because who else could’ve introduced them to the rest of Exclamania? ⁜
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glaciars · 1 year
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waddup its me cha boi returning to this hellscape after 8 years of mostly avoiding it
writing a first post feels super weird but hi im jewelia and im an artist/zinemaker/queer autistic goblin/tired lil guy based in pōneke, aotearoa
im here to share some art and shitpost
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catboymoments · 5 months
(Can they cook? TOH nextgen + some ye OCs)
Azura: Yes, she's great at breakfasts and soups! Not the cleanest sometimes tho, she can be a little messy
Mittens: Only good really at baking, not the fondest of using stoves
Hyacinth: He makes a mean sandwich but cannot really cook due to mobility issues and his prosthetics can get in the way
Juno: Can follow a recipe somewhat but definitely would prefer if she was either helping someone else
Calcifer: Nope! But that doesn't stop them from trying their best! Makes good cookies though
Bronwyn: Yes, knows quite a lot from her parents, makes many demon realm specials and a few human dishes too
Bramble: YES!!! Due to working for Vee and Masha Bramble learned to cook on the side
Briar: Somewhat, as she learned some things from her brother and really enjoys it
Bella: Knows a lot of recipes but has a 50/50 shot of pulling it off
Alek: The kind to say they can then order takeout
Mitzi: Master of barbeque, grilling, and seafood
Isabelle: Yes they can but prefer to make pastries and cute desserts like ice cream or strudels
Anubis: Makes instant ramen then adds soy sauce to call it gourmet
Palatino: Knows how to cook but prefers to avoid it if he can, not the most confident in their skills
Jewelia: Another wiz in the kitchen and can cook very well
(Some other things I thought of)
Azura and Isabelle really like to cook for each other making pastries and sharing
Jewelia and Bramble became well acquainted after finding out they other could cook
When Briar and Bramble truly made up one of the first things Brirar did was make Bramble the first dish he taught her. He cried promptly after and they ate it together
Hyacinth and Alek are banned from the school kitchen after trying to merge abomination magic with cooking
(Welp this was kinda long but eh I was bored and had a google doc be safe fran!)
THIS IS ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC AND I LOVE IT although my oneeee correction is that briar loves baking and is good at it but doesn’t do it often because she thinks she has to perform in other aspects of her life more to impress her moms BUT OTHERWISE THIS IS PERFECT AND CANON NOW 💕💕💕
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
i’m sorry, but the zarah fic is just so angsty and sad, my poor little quiet baby!!! i’m the quiet one in my family, and i only have two brothers, but whenever they come over and their girlfriends are over i tend to get overwhelmed that i separate myself from the group and just read, so i really relate to zarah
we have to talk that with that many kids rockstar!eddie and nepobaby!reader (which i feel like she deserves the most boujeest name like this girl in my school was named jewelia — shit like that) have to have a minivan. and i just know rockstar!eddie was like having the biggest fit at the dmv or wherever they went about having to get a minivan bc “it’s gonna ruin my reputation as a cool badass rockstar” and then nepobaby is like “then stop being so damn fertile and giving me kids”
I just found this lmao. I know I answered it last night, but you're so right lol.
he would never do the mini van he couldn't do it.
"baby, if the paps see me in this it's over. we'll be poor-"
"-ed, shut up."
"we will. everyone will think I'm a poser."
"you are a poser, fucking softy."
LMAO that's literally him.
I was thinking she'd have a kind of snobby name and honestly when we were going to name her before, I was going to do serena bc it just felt right. she gives serena vibes to me lol.
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blankdblank · 1 year
Protego Pt 3 - Half
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Posting Pt 3 of this mini series. hope you like it and do let me know what you think if you are so inclined. More fun to come with this era and group. All I’m posting today to let everyone enjoy. :)
“Full up.” A twiggy shaggy brown haired boy said. He'd slid between the open train car door. Ruining the plan both James and Sirius made. Bent on being the one to tussle their way to sharing the ride with those redheads. In front of their faces, both boys willing to sit on the floor if they had to, the glass windowed door was shut and locked sending them elsewhere. Along the way to actually trade names and see who the fellow loser belonged to.
Right around the cunning teen turned. Lips parted in a successful puff of air to help a grin form in greeting the twin girls. Both partly hidden behind the dark haired boy, that had moved to block them in the door scuffle. “Remus,” he spoke first to the other shaggy sandy haired boy nearest to the window the trio looked to in confusion. Hand extended, they began a brief clasp more than a shake. Each greeting the familiar face during the contact returned then dropped. Enabling the now named Remus to fix his baggy cardigan around himself to sit down.
“Junior,” the part of his name spoken had the instigator smirk. As it revealed Remus had only heard what the former was called by his father inside the Ministry.
“Glad to see a familiar face.” Next his hand was offered to the round glasses, corduroy and tweed clad boy on the other side of Remus. “Diggory, right?”
“Yes, Amos.” The bowl hair cut around this new boy's face shifted mid nod. Then stilled in a quizzical look at the taller boy, whose hand Amos released. “But your name isn’t Junior? Right?”
“Barty." Barty replied and right away turned his body to reach around Severus to offer his hand right to Jewels. “Crouch Jr. Pleasure to meet you.” Through the glass barrier behind him more slow passing teens stole their own glances inside the car. Many already had peered inside of on their way past, all eager to see what those before them had noticed and had to keep stealing partly obstructed looks back at once passed.
“Jewelia Evans,” the girl replied in an uncertain tone to the timid offer of her hand. Reluctant to take his hand as if he was a snarling dog, unable to take her eyes off his direct stare.
“Our dads work together in the Ministry, different fields, er, Remus Lupin and Amos Diggory.” Right away his eyes snapped to Lily at the pull of the hand out of his so Jewels could cling it to her belly, and blindly ensure it was intact still by means of her spare hand. “You are?” Again his eyes darted to Jewels and back again.
When Barty's eyes were off her Jewels looked to Remus in the flinch of a wave her way she returned. Not noticing the slip of her natural dead on purple eyes Amos fixated on their alluring green shade. Until they fell on his grinning self and became purple to Remus’ new green view.
“Lily Evans,” the sister said proudly, even from behind Severus. Smiling as she did so mid subtle stretch to straighten up her posture in doing so.
Off Jewels Barty's eyes snapped to Severus, still unmoved from his place as a wall blocking Lily whose hand was taken next. “Brother? Triplets are rare here.”
“Neighbor,” Severus answered flatly. Still staring directly in the shared brown eyed half curious half protective staring contest.
“Sevy,” Jewels softly uttered in a poke to her best friend’s arm that broke the stare as both looked her way.
“Eyes,” Lily sharply muttered. Bumping her body into her sister to force them both onto the seat to help hide the shift back to look identical to Lily. Avoiding once again being the one to stir up whispers about the pair. To stop the first try to call them freaks and ruin their chances to make friends here. Gaze fixed upon the floor Jewels sat. Lost to focus of her mind on every inch of her body to get control again after being startled into the reveal. A look of fear glint across her face in doing so. A look Remus felt stab at his chest from a fellow secret keeper.
“Severus Snape.” He drew focus of Barty and Amos back onto himself in declaring his name and tightening the grip on the hand still locked in Barty's. A move that had the other half of the newly introduced pair smirk back at him.
“There’s a fifth year,” calmly Remus spoke. Those now emerald eyes landed on him to the knock of his weathered shoe into her new polished pair, “can do that with his eyes.” the rest of the sentence spoken in a gesture of a finger to both of his own blue pair.
Awkward and curious a grin tugged onto Jewelia’s face to ask softly, “He can?”
Remus nodded, “Maybe you’ll be sorted to his house. I’ll point him out.”
Lily smiled, “Can’t wait to be sorted. Make new friends.” Settling better into her seat to make room for Jewelia she’d noticed was pinned into the corner of the booth and the wall in the hasty plop to sit down.
Severus broke the contact first and sighed in lowering himself down to sit beside the girl he loved. Still watching as Barty claimed his seat beside Amos, who had now righted his own clearly hand me down jacket around his sticky self. “Where do your parents work?” Barty again was looking right at Jewels, who tried not to blush at being the focus of this odd boy’s attention. As she’s usually be forgotten beside Lily back home. “Haven’t seen you about. Don’t sound from the North or anywhere near the isles.”
“Uh, Daddy works in Tax Law, Mummy is a Pet Groomer on the side.”
That had Barty narrow his eyes and Severus state the obvious, “Their parents are Muggles.”
And between them Barty looked and let out a disbelieving chuckle, “No, you can’t be serious.” Unable to believe one with such a magical  and inherited allure affecting the attentions of so many could come from mere Muggles.
“That, is what our parents do.” Jewels said haltingly.
“The Prefect sent to speak with us said Muggle-Borns are quite common.” Lily argued to help break any focus off her sister who might let slip another reveal of her eyes to the staring boys.
“Barty be nice,” Remus interjected and had Barty look his way and scoff.
“I am being,” he looked back to Jewels saying, “I’m not insulting you. Just, caught me off guard.” And he looked to Severus asking, “Muggle-Born too?”
“My mother is a Witch.” Severus sighed and relented more, “Works in a book editing company. My father has many seasonal trades.”
“Where was your mother sorted?” Barty asked with a smile, “Mine were Slytherin and Gryffindor. Mum broke out her red and gold scarf today.” Adding a chuckle to how happy she seemed in the send off as the train began to let off a whistle and jerked from its stationary place to leave the platform.
“Take it she’s not the Snape?” Barty asked with brow raised.
“Eileen Prince,” Severus answered and the boy grinned.
“Kicked my dad out of the dorm once, literally. Never let’s go of a reaction like that.” Over the sisters he looked again and spoke with the boys to his right next, “Where your parents after for you two?”
Remus answered flatly, “Anywhere but the forest.” And Barty chuckled to the turn of Remus’ eyes to the window to avoid thoughts on being sorted, and how he would keep his other side to himself. Amos spoke up on his own parents' hopes. Then Barty dove into sharing more on the houses for the girls and broke out stories he’d heard from older friends, relatives and his parents about the school. The start of a gap bridging conversation, that more than once would lure out slips of those same color changing eyes on the very giddy Jewels. Who hoped to be making friends that could last for the next seven years. Every detail memorized to be written down later in both their diaries and letters home.
 “Who are you?” Bellatrix Lestrange asked Jewels. Who'd just apologized for bumping into her arm on the way to the numerous first years in a swarmed mess to be lined up for the boat ride ahead.
“Jewelia Evans,” she replied. Almost sounding like a question at the break in her voice to the intently staring girl who had noticed those same eyes right away.
“Be nice to the Muggle-Born Bella.” Barty spoke up as he came to take Jewelia’s side. Kindly patting the startled redhead’s back to comfort and show support.
“Don’t lie to me, Crouch.” Bellatrix uttered. And when he stepped away from Jewels he led the darker haired witch aside. To stop what he knew could only escalate and make the Muggle raised girl more uncomfortable.
“Right up to the front,” Lily urged and tugged both sister and Severus along into view of Rubeus Hagrid. The groundskeeper who helped the trio into a boat one at a time. Every inch of his half giant frame ready to catch any child with uncertain footing.
“Why are we taking boats?” Jewels whispered to Severus to Lily’s settle into the front seat of the boat. The question made Rubeus smile and offer his hand next to her.
“Never quite got a response myself my first year. For the view, my guess.” His reply accented with a chuckle.
 “Gryffindor!” Proud Lily was the first of the trio sorted. And to the shock of everyone there the next child with the nearest birthday was called. Not Jewels who smiled at the sister she assumed to be joining at the clapping table soon. A belief shared by the boy who went to take a seat at the same table. Leaving room for the identical sister between him and Lily for that assumption.
“Slytherin.” Severus off his turn at the stool was watched by the still lingering sister. Her being whispered about by many throughout the crowd to be sorted and those at their assigned tables. Without a glance back on his path to the clapping table to take up the seat beside a soon to be named, dual hair colored, Narcissa Black.
Barty had even gotten sorted. And gave the anxious girl a pat on the arm on his way towards his seat at the Slytherin table. Once there he asked the girls beside Severus to kindly scoot over so he could sit down. All so he could ask the best friend, “Why wasn’t Jewelia called after Lily?”
“Jewels was adopted.” The answer dawned on Barty and those within earshot at the much welcomed explanation.
“Oh that clears it all up,” and Barty let out a relieved chuckle, “No Muggle could pull that off.” Instantly luring Severus to look directly at him. Instead of James Potter and Sirius Black who had been inching closer to the girl left behind Remus had been keeping equally anxious company in their wait.
“Hmm,” three minutes the sorting hat sat silent atop her head. No longer in deep reflection but merely in awe at the odd slew of tongue twisters Jewelia had been reciting in her mind to not be a multicolored mess right now in front of the entire student body and staff at the wait for where she belonged.
“Ahem.” Minerva spoke up and the hat opened its cloth fold eyes.
“Yes Minerva?” It replied and arched its head to peer at the Professor who had moved closer to see if she might help move things along.
“Her house?” Minerva asked.
“Aha, yes, a fine adornment for Ravenclaw. Fair penchant for tongue twisters to boot.” Minerva smiled in relief to the eruption of noise from the silver and blue adorned table. Every one of them more than glad to make room for the girl who stumped the hat for so long. Relief swelled and spilled violently throughout the hall and crowd just to leave Jewels so far from Lily and Severus.
“Sirius Black.” The name that came next, another name the girl didn’t recognize out of those left. One by one to be called while she was at a table filled entirely with strangers to her. Friendly but strangers no less.
Through the crowd during the final few, Remus by her was spotted. He drew her focus to a grey feather embroidered black jacket wearing teen seated a bit farther down the Ravenclaw table. To the older teen from his eyes Remus' fingers moved. Right away her lips parted in remembering the fact that had many at her table check between the first years and warn the fifth year of being talked about.
Ted Tonks, who she’d later be able to meet when he helped to guide her and the other first years to their tower. One of the Prefects she’d have ample time to build up the nerve to talk to. Right when his eyes landed on the overly quiet first year he assumed to be nervous he urged his eyes to flicker a few colors mid sudden sprout of his natural ears into those of a bear around his black pointed hat, to try and make her smile. The shock of which had her eyes instantly change to purple widening his smile. Right to her glass she looked so he could have an angle of her eyes that looked green and he let out a chuckle. Forcing his ears and hair back to normal. He straightened up on his seat to share with his friends around him the obvious reason why he was pointed out to her.
Mentally he made note to talk to the girl even if he had to wait for the walk up to the tower to do so. Let her know that even without her sister to room with she wasn’t alone. Sure he was the only one able to change like her he knew of. But amongst the other female student body there were those the boys could feel an unyielding pull to gawk at and shadow to be in their company. Just as soon as she stopped focusing on her sister too engrossed in conversation of the two boys who tried to get inside the train car earlier.
Much like her sister Bellatrix, Andromeda Black, beside her boyfriend Ted, kept a lingering stare at the first year who seemed to have Slytherin's eyes. Marking them as relations of a most perplexing variety if she was born from a pair of Muggles. Yet somehow of stronger connection than the Black line to have inherited that one feature. Those questions would have to wait though as the new girl would be early to bed to rest for the first day of classes and the pair of Prefects were off to their first meeting of the year.
 *.*.* Jewels *.*.*
 On break between Transfigurations and lunch the first years were let loose to roam the halls at their fancy. Jewelia and Severus walked alone, hoping to find a sunny place to sit and wait as Lily was halls away having a word with the Potions Professor on a weird reaction her hand had to an ingredient to see if it needed a quick remedy or not.
Severus broke the focus she had on more students whispering and nodding her way from the other end of the corridor by saying, “The moody one came down to our dorm last night. Has a cousin in the room across from mine, let him in and gave him a blanket for the couch in the common room.” Jewelia’s brow rose at the curious notion of the perplexing Sirius Black. The boy who seemed to be gaining popularity amongst Gryffindors thanks to his new friend James Potter. A clearly well off Pure-Blood from a family nearly as old as the Black Family. The pair now firm in a group of four boys including curiously enough Remus. The boy who kept to himself nearly as much as she did, somehow tangled up with the pompous Potter Lily now mentioned daily in his tries to get to know her better. “Apparently not all is going swimmingly between the pair.”
Clearly Jewels was on edge, or so he heard, having checked in with a few older Ravenclaw students who said the young eye grabbing co-ed was not being the most talkative since being split from Lily and himself. Even more so when she would take spare time each night after curfew to write to another mysterious sister not attending here others had bets on what magical school she had been accepted at if not here.
And just like a bad egg being stepped on a voice like a foul scent filled the air of the space announcing James Potter here to spoil the assumed calm afternoon. “Mind the balloons Snivellus, wouldn’t want to spoil your only tailored piece of clothing to your pitiful name.” James mocked aloud mid explosion of a balloon charm he cast that coated Severus in colored powder reeking of papaya.
A crack of a broken nose followed and the smug peacock dropped to a hard fist colliding with his face by none other than the now red and gold eyed glowing girl in love with the target of said prank. Bloody handed Jewels stood glaring at the prankster who enraged her. Goading cackles and noises from the students milling by muffled in her ears as her body stood ready to hit him again if he went for his dropped wand. That hand in a fist while her other arm remained locked around her books she hoped to keep in good order for their price for years to come. But not a moment later a startling authoritative shout drew a visible flinch from several.
“EVANS!” Minerva shouted in a determined stride that way. Under the ruckus the sound of Jewels’ books she let free to hide and flee muffled, same as the disappointed sigh from Severus, who bent to collect them to join his own on his way to find where she had raced off to. Unnoticed by Sirius’ wide eyes that followed the clap of hands over the beginnings of a beak on Jewels’ face and her race away. “Soon as you find her send her to my office!” Minerva instructed.
Sirius moved past bloody nosed James to ask the flustered Professor en route to speak to said groaning boy bent forward collapsed onto the stone floor clutching at his throbbing face, “Muggle-Born, right?”
“I beg your pardon, Sirius?” she asked ticking her brow upwards.
“Jewels, she’s supposed to be Muggle-Born?” He clarified the question that nearly everyone of well off lines had asked themselves. A puzzle in human form, showing traits of beings that could not be found ever in Muggle lines causing many to insist they heard from others Severus himself said she was in fact adopted both solving and not solving the perplexing puzzle.
“I don’t rightly see the worth-,” she tried to say but was cut off.
“I think she’s half Veela.” He said dropping the Professor’s jaw. In a pinch of fingers mid tug of that hand away from his lips he motioned a hand to elaborate his point, “Beak, and she glows, and the temper.”
Minerva huffed. Just now realizing the most logical reason why the young girl had been coming off possibly as owner of an unnamed chip on her shoulder requiring spare effort. “That, is a possibility.”
He nodded and said, “I’ll find her a book on it.” Order free he made his way to the library leaving behind James and lanky Remus, the latter leaned against a wall snickering at the sudden change of goals in Sirius. All at this proof of their week long debate on why Jewels seemed to be unmistakably irresistible to look away from. Peter alone was the one to help guide James to the Hospital Wing.
Softly Sirius cleared his throat on the other side of the bathroom Jewels was pretending to not be inside of. With his arm nudged the door open enough to levitate the book inside. “I’m sending a book in, don’t damage it or anything. Librarian Pince will raze the school to the ground if her collection is damaged. Thought you might need a few answers.”
Before he guessed it would the door opened and his wide eyed self peered on at the pink cheeked girl with still golden pupils, who held the open book facing him to show what could only be named as an inhuman creature. Two legged but with wings and a bird head to match the talon ended feet and sharply clawed thick knuckled fingers of the rage filled beast. “I am not-,”
“That’s a full Veela,” he blurted out. Then gestured at the stuffed miniature cow shaped stool at his side that she looked to then back up at him again, making him sigh and step aside to reveal a chair with legs that didn’t match in length. “I’m still only able to make wobbly chairs, that’s got four even legs.”
Softly she huffed and eased out of the door to plop down on the cushioned animal stool in demand of answers. Down onto his chair he lowered, extending the plant of his feet at the tilt of the chair to one side he ignored the motion to explain this fuller to the girl who had absolutely no clue what had been happening to her. “Half Veela don’t fully change like that, it, depends on the family line, some countries have different traits. I think it’s twelve chapters in, talks about half Veela. They do have powders for the glow, perfumes for the allure of others, and some shops do have charms to help, with the,” his hand rose to gesture out of his mouth like a beak just making her bashfully cover her mouth with a hand.
“I didn’t mean it, like that,” onto her shoulder his hand moved. “It’s a nice beak, at least the base of it, haven’t seen it full on yet.” At him her eyes glared and he choked out a laugh and cleared his throat again. “James, he can be like my Mum sometimes. Just a light switch. Sudden ignition, no reasoning required. You can’t,” he said and felt his voice taper off in the lock of his eyes on hers to just stare at the eyes so unlike any half Veela line he’d heard of before, but rang close to his own.
The shove into his arm that had him rock unsteadily on his seat snapped his thoughts back to the present. “Stop doing that, everyone in my dorm already stares at me.” Muddled in self pity and uncertainty of what to do with the name of this supposed condition of hers she dropped her eyes to the book now open on her lap. Freeing a full look at the roots of her hair that began to bleed out lime green.
“You’re a Morpher too!” Up at him again her eyes snapped, this was her turn to be the wide eyed one. “Super rare mixture! No wonder the reaction is so reflexive when you get upset!”
“What?” she asked squeaked. Up he stood gesturing his wand, pulled from his pocket, at the cow stool that levitated behind him to head for the library not far away from this rarely used bathroom. “I can walk…” she stammered out with hands and feet locked on the stool to not fall off at the same time.
“Best you stay on the stool or you might hit someone again. Professor wants to talk to you still you know, trouble maker you.” He joked, turning his head back to flash her a quick wink trying to calm her down in the wait of this newly added fact.
But at the end of the proper aisle inside the library he helped her down to share the system to her organizing the rows on various conditions that were inherited through magical lines. “Metamorphmagus. Gobblety gook word for shape shifters. Your body hits a rage and that kicks off to fill out what the blood knows to be a hidden side of you.” Pulling out the proper book he had been in search of.
Up at him she looked and timidly asked, “They don’t, lock those up, do they?”
Over her face he looked in concern and shook his head. “No. No they don’t. Muggles might not ever think they’re actually real outside of science fiction or fairy tales, but they are, just regular people who are able to change how they look, people, animals, creatures even if they practice enough. Like that Prefect Tonks who’s dating my cousin. So maybe, now you know what’s going on it might help, with the-,”
“You lift your hand I’m going to punch you.” She said luring a wide smile across his face.
“Detention, in the least. Now, I’m gonna take you to Professor,” and he moved to the side of the stool to pat the head on it winning a sigh from her in return for the action. “Or I could be labeled an accomplice and end up in the desk beside you. And think of the misery in that, spending an entire evening with me at your side.” That had her plop back onto the cow and he smiled again, “Thank you, from the deepest cockles of my heart for sparing me and yourself the cruelest of evenings party to my company in shared misery of the foulest of tasks.”
“A bit thick,” she muttered and he chuckled, going to check out the second book for her to borrow so he could hover her to the stern but understanding Professor. Who for most of the time until dinner would share all she could to fill in gaps, including hand over an order form for some Veela products to help with the most troublesome traits Minerva herself would foot the bill for and keep up to date on check ins to see how they would help in day to day issues. Sheepishly the teen spoke up to Minerva’s inquest on any more questions to ask, “Does any of this help with the nightmares?”
“Nightmares?” Minerva asked straightening up, “Concerning what precisely?”
“There’s a woman, and she’s locked away, alone, I keep seeing her. She can’t get out. She looks like me.”
Minerva over the top of the desk leaned in to rest a hand on top of Jewels’, “How often do you have this dream?”
“Seven years. Few times a month in the least.”
Minerva’s mouth opened a moment and she nodded, prompt to stand on her feet and offer a hand. “Come with me. Divinations Professor Onai is best to play council to these dreams of yours, and if not her we shall inquire upon a Centaur of the herd in the dark forest.” A possible Seer of limited capabilities, just foreboding dreams apparently linked to a single trapped woman they couldn’t name in any way was the given and unhelpful prognosis. The solution, nightly rituals to help and dampen the frequency of said dreams at least were added amongst the new tasks for detention each night until the window of punishment had run out.
Tricks easy enough for her to carry on all on her own, but not alone, soon she would make good on her self made plan to sneak into the forbidden forest to find the Centaur herd and see what they might have to draw out of the dream. A plan successful in that she got her answer, the trapped woman is a ghost of some power to her past. A guiding spirit instilling warnings of things to avoid muddled by lack of knowledge on how to share the pain precisely beyond the dividing veil. To the Muggle side of her upbringing it rang closer to a guardian angel, and like their biblical counterparts were equally terrifying as beautiful, so the fact these warnings came to be nightmares shifted a bit less unsettling once seen through that light.
To get out of the castle proved to be a simple task. Sneaking back in however was how she got caught. That trip would spur on a month more detention, through which her absent humming observed by Flitwick would begin a change to her life in a way she would have never guessed while being a student in this magical place.
Pt 4
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