#jett's musings
morallyinept · 3 months
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This image got me thinking about A Cup Of Love Dieter... a little drabble, nothing wild, just soft.
Dieter Bravo x F!Reader. Just slightly over 1k words written on a whim this evening...
Enjoy! 🖤
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He knows that you secretly loathe these events that you’re dragged to, sparkling on his arm like some expensive diamond, when you tell yourself you're nothing but a zirconia really.
He’s not really fond of them either. Too full of panache and charade, but it’s part of the gig.
If he had the choice to stay at home with you, smothered in a sherpa lined blanket whilst bingeing murder crime docs and eating French toast with that little berry compote thing you make, the one that reminds him of his Grandma’s strudel, he’d trade that for all the weighty statues with his name engraved on them any day.
Just to feel you snuggled into him under his arm as you say you’re not sleepy after episode seven, and he says you are and you insist you’re not, but you doze off anyway, snuffling lightly into his warm pit.
Dieter also knows you only go to these things for him, despite you feeling somewhat aloof and out of place.
He sees it, that glazed look in your eyes as stylists and make-up artists fuss over you and turn you into a version of yourself you don’t recognise all throughout awards season.
He always glimpses you as you stare back into the mirror, peering at yourself with a stumped look and wonders why it is you don’t see how stunning you are to him, whether you’re in sleek Prada tailored for you, or frayed sweatpants with holes in the crotch.
He promised you he’d shield you from this world as best as he could, if that was what you wanted. But you also want to celebrate him, show the world how proud you are, because damn you’re so fucking proud of him and all that he’s achieved.
Even if you can’t quite breathe in the dress when you sit, and the heels are blistering your toes that are squished into them before you’ve even begun walking.
Amid the glittering spectacle of the awards show, you walk the red carpet with him, squeezing his arm or his hand, and he always squeezes back, never letting you fall. Always reassuring you in the car ride there that he won’t let you fall, at least twenty times before you arrive. I promise you, I won’t let you fall, baby.
The cameras are there for him, incessant shutters sounding like machine guns in your ears as you present practised pearly gnashers with an aching jaw.
Dieter kisses your temple, rubs the skin on your lower back, whispers that you look incredible in that tight magenta and it’s making him hard; all things that aren’t for the cameras.
They’re for you.
And you do smile, genuinely, as it all fades away. He has that knack of making them all disappear before your eyes, like a magic trick, when he looks at you like that.
All warm, cocoa brown eyes set in crinkly laughter lines. Tan skin in an open collar, and greying scruff tamed with Chanel lotions.
Curls slick and silken replacing the silver-streaked ball of frazzled fluff you run your fingers through when he rests his head in your lap, or between your legs making you squeal and buck into his face as you twist and pull at the roots whilst he makes you come undone with that pink, slick tongue he bites between his teeth when he smirks and winks at the cameras.
He’s not acting. It’s real. It’s all Dieter and he’s all yours.
As real as the discomfort radiating from your feet. The sky-high heels you wear, though apparently fashionable, are exacting their toll with every agonising step. Each moment seems to exacerbate the ache, as though your shoes are made of steel rather than matching satin to your dress.
Dieter glances at you, a mixture of empathy and awe in his eyes, realising the lengths you go to for the sake of appearances. In that unguarded moment, your vulnerability only deepens his admiration for you, recognizing the strength and determination it takes to endure such discomfort with grace in such a public forum.
But despite your demure appearance, you kick off your shoes under the table the first chance you get, as you watch the ceremony, him by your side. Your fingers knotted inside his, stroking over worn knuckles and silver rings.
It's not his night, he’s not nominated this time, but he has been before, and he will be again.
You watch him put on his new specs so he can see better, and you stroke affectionately under his chin as he blushes and nuzzles his chin into your palm, not caring who sees how you make him weak.
He sticks to water most of the night; only one glass of champagne to toast his friend and mentor who is honoured with an esteemed accolade in the business, but even then he leaves most of the glass after a sip or two, and you smile proudly at his resilience.
How you make him strong.
You know these events are hard for him too. Where he once would relish the bawdy opportunity to get wasted, papped coming out of a party half-undressed and falling into some strangers bed, sweaty and not remembering their name in the morning, he now longs to leave before midnight and crawl into bed with you for a good cuddle and a cup of love.
Dieter watches you mingle in between awards, getting starstruck as you chat with revered actors whom you watched on the silver screen when you were small and ungainly, and he can’t quite contain the grin as he notices you gushing at Hollywood royalty whilst you’re completely barefoot.
Little painted toes peeking out from under your dress, wiggling in their excitement, as you laugh and chat, and the stars in your eyes twinkle like the droplets dangling from your lobes.
Smiling so hard your jaw aches as you make your way back to the table and Dieter’s holding up your shoes to his chest, smirking at you.
You take them from him, not caring you’ve been rumbled, and simply chuck them under the table.
You go without them for the remainder of the evening.
And that right there is one of the reasons why Dieter loves you so much, because despite your worries that you don’t always fit into his world, he knows that you absolutely do.
Because sometimes, just sometimes, you're just as wild and carefree as he is.
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bikinikillarchives · 7 months
kathleen hanna and kathi wilcox talk about the formation of bikini kill, and working with joan jett, in 1997, on Australian music tv broadcast, Recovery.
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mushroom-crew · 6 months
Reunions Pt 2
Tilly groggily looks up from where she'd fallen to the floor, her hand coming up to her head on instinct. Sparks are flying everywhere. Groans and quick shuffling from other crew members resound as everyone tries to get back to their stations after that last wave out of the wormhole. Tilly barely manages to stand, finding her way to her own station and looking at the readings. "Feels like my head is in a vice"
"Tidal forces from the wormhole. Like G-force, but nastier." Reno pops up from where she'd managed to get up herself. "Must've knocked us all out, including my damn back." She groans, right as the ship hits something like an asteroid field, sending everyone spinning again.
Tilly barely holds on for dear life. Shields are down. They don't have navigation or warp. They barely have a way to land themselves down on the planet. Detmer manages to get them lodged in a patch of ice, successfully stopping them from exploding on impact with the surface, but still sending everyone flying again in the process.
It becomes abundantly clear once they land that they don't have communications, or truly any of the ship's functions online, outside of life support. Tilly's heart aches in her chest. "Michael's alone."
The words hang in the air for a moment. Saru takes a breath and begins to address the crew. "We are completely disconnected at present, yes. But. We are also together, and alive. If Commander Burnham landed elsewhere, I trust she is aware that we will find her as soon as we are able."
They go about repairs, quickly and efficiently. Tilly throws herself into her work. There's nothing else she can do right now. If she stops for even a moment, she knows she'll break down. Michael, somewhere out there, all alone. Their daughter, left behind in the past with no way of reaching them. She knows that if she lets herself think about it, the weight of it all will crush her.
She still can't tell them exactly where they are, but she finally gets the scans back of the nearby surroundings. What she finds is enough to give her a weary smile. In a flash, she's rushing off to find Saru and explain her findings. Pockets of air on the surface meant for sustaining life. Pockets that must have been made. She finds him checking on repairs in a hallway, and she quickly falls into step with him as she talks.
He looks down at her with a sad look. "Then we are not on Terralysium."
"No, sir." She shakes her head, tears springing back into her eyes for a moment, before she continues. "But there is evidence of an active settlement in one of these pockets, so there... There's life."
"There is... Life." Saru takes a moment to take that in. It worked. Their plan worked. Control did not destroy this future. No matter what, they have to hold onto that fact. Their mission was not a failure.
Their joy is short lived, however, when they discover that one of their communication transtators is need of a complete rebuild. Without the parts they need on the ship, Saru and Tilly brave the outside world, hoping to find help from the local settlement. Philippa demands to go with them, but Saru refuses. He cannot let her interfere with their first contact to the outside world.
The walk to the settlement is long and Tilly talks the whole way there. She's terrified of not knowing where they are, of what it means now that they're here. So many things could go wrong. So many things already have. Saru lets her talk, his own mind still reeling with all of the things that have happened. All he can do is trust in his crew, and trust that they'll find a way out of this mess. The way they always do.
When they reach the settlement, they're almost immediately held at gun point by the locals, who seem just as confused by them being Starfleet as they do by how they're reacting. It's a standoff until they come to a deal. Some of Discovery's dilithium for help with repairs and information.
Things are going well, until Zareh, the courier who's been exploiting the colonists, shows up and causes trouble. He demands that they take him to the Discovery, and kills one of the colonists when Saru refuses to do so. It's enough to make him decide to bargain, offering to give the courier some of their dilithium in exchange for their freedom and the safety of the colonists.
Once a deal is struck, Zareh turns to Tilly, slowly beginning to walk towards her. "Now you. I genuinely like you. I believe you'll come back with my property. So you're gonna go get me that dilithium. How about we wait here, where it's cozy. But be quick, Ensign. Come nightfall, the ice... well it does what parasites do. It infests everything. I've seen it get down someone's throat. But you look like you can handle yourself. Maybe you can outrun it. Explosives help. You forge yourself a path back to us once it's dark. Okay, sweetheart?"
Before she can answer, one of his men finds Philippa around the perimeter, dragging her into the bar with a surprising amount of ease. She stumbles in, still as cocky and assured as ever. "Did I interrupt a critical moment of diplomacy?"
Zareh lets out a dry chuckle and moves to sit down at the bar. "A one-woman tactical response. V'Draysh has officially reached its nadir."
Philippa just smirks and rolls her eyes. "A fancy vocabulary doesn't mean you're scary. It means you have a thesaurus."
"Shoot her," He growls out.
"No, shoot him! He's gonna get you killed." Philippa looks at the one holding her at gunpoint expectantly. "This is when you ask why."
He lets out a small sigh and raises an eyebrow. "Why?"
Philippa grins widely, like the cat that got the canary. "Glad you asked. You think you're the only ones that saw a big ship fall from the sky? He knows your competitors probably detected the ship, and they're already on their way. But he hasn't told you, you're too weak to take them out, and you don't have the firepower."
"Enough!" Zareh rises from his seat, and pulls his own weapon, aiming it at her.
"I'm gonna enjoy this new world. If this idiot can run a settlement, then imagine what I could do in my sleep."
He shoots her as she turns to face him, the laser beam hitting her in the shoulder. It's not enough to kill her, but it's enough to send her reeling. "You've got a mouth, but I've got a gun."
He shoots her several times like that, having a sadistic sort of enjoyment in torturing her. She looks to Saru from where she's fallen to the ground, and he nods in understanding.
She gives it another moment before she rises to her feet, that self-assured smirk coming back to her face. Zareh raises an eyebrow and aims his weapon again. She kicks a barrel into his legs before he can shoot, sending him sprawling. Philippa and Saru manage to subdue, or in her case, kill their assailants, until there is only their leader sitting on his knees on the floor.
Philippa wants to kill him, but Saru refuses, instead letting the colonists decide his fate. They decide to send him out on his own come nightfall, let him fight his way through parasitic ice to find safety if he can.
Night comes sooner than the crew would hope, and it's almost completely dark by the time they're able to leave. One of the colonists gives them a personal transporter to make it to their ship without braving the ice, but it's still much to late to get Discovery off the ground.
They try to take off, to push themselves out of the ice with their thrusters, but it's too strong, they can't get through it alone.
Another ship appears on scanners, and they all fear it's one of the many competitors looking to use their ship and their dilithium. The ship gets ahold of them with it's tractor beam, giving them that last little push they need to be free of the ice. Once they're free, the other ship hails them.
With communications finally back online, Saru decides to answer it. Whoever it may be, they need to try and communicate before more drastic measures are taken. "Open a channel, Mr. Bryce. We will face whatever or whomever has come for us together."
"Channel open."
Saru stands from the captain's chair and takes a few steps forward. "On viewscreen, please."
It takes several moments to get the viewscreen up running, the whole bridge crew waiting on baited breath for whoever will be on the other line. After what feels like an eternity, the screen finally comes on, revealing a smiling Commander Burnham on the other end. The crew lets out breaths of relief and small cheers at seeing her alive and well.
"Saru!" Her smile brightens as she says his name, her eyes watering slightly.
"Michael?" He looks at her in awe and complete disbelief. Her hair, her demeanor. If he didn't know her so well, he wouldn't believe it was her for a moment.
She nods and chuckles. "Yeah, it's me. We found you. We've been looking for so long."
Tilly puts her hands up to her mouth and sighs a breath of relief. At least Michael is home. Her heart breaks again in the same instant when she realizes she'll have to tell her that Jackie never made it back on board. A small quiet sob wracks through her and she turns away for a moment to compose herself.
Saru stutters and tries to find the words to say. "You... You're... You look--"
Michael shakes her head, her smile softening for a moment. "Saru... I landed here a year ago. I've been waiting for all of you, all this time."
Saru finds his voice after a moment, clinging onto the one thing he knows to be true right now. "So you know. Our mission was a success."
Michael lets out a small sigh, and nods. "Yeah, Saru, I do. But there's more to discuss once I come on board. It'll be two to beam down. I have a bit of a surprise."
Saru cocks his head slightly at the mention of a surprise, but he nods all the same. "Of course. We will be here for you when you arrive."
Michael clicks off the channel with another small nod, and turns to Jackie with a large grin. They finally found them. They're finally home. She holds out her hand to her daughter, happy tears welling in her eyes that she has to blink back. "You ready?"
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angelsdvsts · 8 months
open to f/m/nb !
muse: jett marshall, mid-twenties
plot: jett could fr be after your muse or it can be a teasing game !
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"come out, come out wherever you are..." words taunts as he paces back and forth in the room. "i know you're in here somewhere," smirk plasters across his features, "you can't hide from me forever."
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spiderwarden · 4 months
Minthara listens to music from the 70s and 80s - likely her generation of music, there’s also likely classical music in there, with a touch and mix of 90s and early 2000’s music. Sometimes there’s a modern rock song in there.
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kalijhomentethi · 4 months
hi!! holds out my multimuse… @stormduelist
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waitforurluv · 1 month
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mazzy-rockstar · 7 months
Filmbros Galore: the full playlist
Another week of great music done. For those who didn't enjoy, I'm sorry. For those who did enjoy, here's the link to the full playlist! As usual, if you have songs you think would fit, let me know and I'll add them!
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knotdispenser · 8 months
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name: Jett Brood nicknames: none (yet) age: 38 gender: Male pronouns: (he/him/his) secondary gender: Either. occupation: fertility expert notable features: tentacle dick / brood pouch species: Deep One / Spawn of Cthulu fc: Chase Crawford
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+optimist, charming, fertile+ -sarcastic, aloof, oblivious-
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covenunited · 1 year
Stab My Muse | @handful-of-muses
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The blade biting deep into his gut came as a total shock to Jett. He’d been minding his own business, tending his garden, when he heard someone approach. Turning to greet them, the witch donned a polite smile and a curious expression, only to be rewarded with the business end of a sword. He stared openly at his assailant, coughing up a bit of blood as he spoke.
“Why…?” was all he could manage. The rest of his energy was diverted to making the attacker regret his decision. One hand gripped the other man’s forearm, channeling every bit of necromantic energy he could muster to weaken it. If he was going to die, he might as well ensure that his killer rotted away, as well. Fury and pain wracked the normally gentle witch’s face as he struggled, and soon his cries were joined and nearly drowned out by the angry howling of the ghosts he communed with.
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Maplestory - Shining Heart Angelic Buster arc | Chapter 2 - Looking for yourself
As time passes as they continued to wait for the communicators, some of the members decided to practice in the training room to keep themselves sharp. It took about an hour for them to wait, but once they were done, they saw the police officer walking towards them with a hover table following her. On it were 8 boxes with each a letter. Where there was at first a serious expression on her face was now a pleased expression on her face as she saw no one really causing trouble.
"Everyone, my team has just finished configurating the communicators. Inside each boxes contains the devices that are linked together. Each of them can hold two days without being charged, but make sure you'll charge them in their container each night. And we advice you to not put your communicators in the same container when charging. It's not that it doesn't charge, it's just to make sure that no one gets a pair of communicators that aren't linked to each other."
While almost everyone was confused, Maroon casually opened one of the containers-- the one with the letter M, which showed the watch and earpiece she mentioned before putting it on. Once he puts it on, Maroon spoke up.
"Simply put, keep it in the box it came with." He started to explain. "Seems like you've put the first letter of our names in each of the boxes. I guess it's to help make sense of who's who's?"
"That is correct," Naona responds. "A is for Aran, K is for Kyle, O is for Oz, M is for Maroon, V is for Velderoth, T is for Tear, J is for Jack and Y is for Yamato. Just put those communicators in the box you have and you'll all be fine. We've also gotten maps of each of the locations in the Mapleworld and Grandis thanks to Yamato's help."
The group was surprised to hear that, or rather, surprised he did that without them noticing. But Maroon quickly smiled hearing that. "Quick thinking there, Yamato. So I guess we're also able to locate one another in case of emergencies?"
"It was originally to know locate each other in case we're dealing with more than just a singular doppelganger," Naona responds before nodding after thinking about it. "However, that is also very much a useful feature of it. The watch has a map built in to help for those who are still new to the place." She looked towards her son's direction as she continued to talk while pulling out what seemed to be a radio antenna device from one of the drawers inside the headquarter. "Due to this feature I'd like for you to install this And configure it so that every communicator's location can be at it's most accurate. You know how it works, right?"
"I know it? I've practically studied such technologies with Akari so of course I know how it works!" He responds as a chuckle escaped his lips while he examines the device before lifting it.
"...We're probably going to need permission from the elders," Kyle spoke up, looking at it with curiosity from a distance. "But you can leave it to me and Tear. I think we need to mount it somewhere high up?"
"That's right," Maroon responds with a nod. "Consider it a base for our communicators. Speaking of, I'll give you all the run down once it's mounted and configured. Kyle, Velderoth, if it's alright with you two can I ask for help in mounting it? I think I am going to mount it somewhere on the temple so like you said, permission from the elders is necessary."
"Then I will come along to explain the situation in full detail." Naona spoke up. "After all, it was my idea to use these communicators. I feel like it's right for me to handle the negotiations and supervise mounting the base antenna. Any objections?"
The group made their voices heard: they had no issue with it at all. Tear certainly had no issue with it, she was somewhat hoping she would tag along as Tear felt that Naona easily was able to make the group listen to her request.
So with that, they all went back to Pantheon. The negotiations were made and the base was mounted properly. There even was extra small talks with Fenelle and the rest of the priest and priestesses about the importance of these communicators. In the end, it all went without a hitch before Naona said her goodbyes to the team and best wishes on the mission.
Once she left to Lawain City once more, it was time for the mission to truly begin. And thus, the group split into 4 teams, each heading into their destined direction,
with Maroon and Velderoth to the East, Tear and Yamato to the North, Aran and Jack to the South which leaves Kyle and Oz taking the west.
Each team was looking hard for any signs of the doppelganger, but they had some conversations along the way, with the most silent one being the northern team.
"..." Tear was silent compared to how she usually was, way too silent. It was enough for Yamato to take notice and speak up as rare as it is for him to speak when he took note of her expression.
"...You seem concerned, Tear." Yamato started to talk to her, "While I understand that facing a mirror image of yourself can be difficult to deal with, you seem to have taken it well until now. Is it because of the question left you with has troubled you?"
"Hmm? Oh...No, it's just..." She was silent for a moment, trying to gather her thoughts before letting out a soft sigh. "...I was trying to distract myself, honestly. And now that there's nothing to distract me with..."
"...What is it that worries you?" Yamato spoke up once more, his eyes focusing on hers that had tried to look to the other side. "Is it related to her?"
The area was silent as they were walking around the field, it was clear to the Dual Blader that she was troubled by the doppelganger. And when she started to speak, he listened...
"...Kind of, yes." Tear responds. "All this time I've had to live a double life, with the one side as Tear and the other as Angelic Buster until a few months ago when I finally have come forth to Kyle with the truth after I've stopped becoming an idol and started focusing on what I wanted to be: A hero of justice. And now...There's a doppelganger or another me walking around. I won't lie, I want her out of my life, but I don't want to kill her-- that's just not what a hero should do. But if we keep her around I fear that I might be replaced as a person."
"..." Yamato, after hearing all that, nodded as he understood the issue she was facing.
"You're conflicted with the actions you feel should be taken given the issue you're facing while concerning the morals of these potential actions." Yamato responded, "You're faced with a difficult decision that will require a compromise one way or another. The question will be if the action you're willing to take and the morals you're going to be sacrificing will be worth it. You may not like the outcome of it, but if you want to tackle this issue you will need to compromise on something."
"...As I was afraid of, I'll either do what a hero shouldn't do, or have to deal with a doppelganger for the rest of my life..." Tear wasn't pleased to hear it, if anything she felt like she was facing an inevitable outcome...
"...Even so, you shouldn't worry about being replaced." Yamato spoke up. "While the doppelganger might look the same and the likes, the impact you have on the people around you and the world at large is something no clone, doppelganger or mirror self can do. Just because her presence and actions might leave an impact, doesn't mean that it will ruin the bonds you've made. Bonds might shake, but it'll only end up growing a stronger bond. You shouldn't let your fear take over you. Keep that in mind, push forward and have faith in your comrades and you will be rewarded."
"..." Tear's expression didn't change, but she did nod before responding. "...Thank you. You do talk a lot when you need to-- and a lot of important stuff too. You make Maroon's sentences seem small compared to what you say. Though I think you're right. It reminded me what he said-- that I'm irreplaceable."
"...Hmm," Yamato nodded in agreement. "You could think of it that way. Not everyone needs to say everything to get their point across. Besides, at least you've got good friends, family and yes, even loved ones too."
"Yeah..." Remembering that did cause her to start to smile again, albeit a small one. "Say, have you noticed Veldie acting a bit distant to Maroon?"
"Veldie? You mean Velderoth? And distant?" Yamato repeated, remembering the time the group was together. He had kept an eye on the green haired Nova until the mission started. After thinking about it, he nodded. "...I see what you mean, although I don't think distant is the right word to describe it. If anything, he seemed on edge. Do you think there's potential conflict brewing between the two?"
"Uhhh..." After thinking about the times where Tear and Maroon and even Kyle faced off with Velderoth, she felt a growing concern in her mind once more.
"...Probably. At first I thought it's simply because they don't mesh well together, but now that you've mention conflicts and on edge...Do you think he's feeling the similar concern I had with the doppelganger...?"
"...." A sigh escaped Yamato's lips as he realized what it could be. "...If that's the case, I fear it's rooted much deeper than just being enemies. You and Kyle are his childhood friends, right?"
"Yeah...If we see him again, I hope he doesn't see me and Kyle as former friends..."
On the eastern side of Pantheon field, Maroon and Velderoth had some exchanges here and there but were mostly silent. It was only later in their search that someone started to speak up, that being Velderoth.
"...Hey, so you've seen the Helisseum hideout-- that place with the telescope, yes?" Velderoth asked, but still continued talking after that question. "Did you know it used to be the base of the Helisseum Force?"
"Hmm?" Maroon turned to look at the Nova with a raised eyebrow. An odd question in his opinion, but he is still going to respond.
"It's only my first time I've seen. Why did you want to talk about the hideout? Does it have any sentimental value to you?"
"..." Velderoth was silent on that question and instead, asked another question instead, his eyes once again glaring at the half dragon in front of him. "...Tell me, did they invited you to join the Helisseum force?"
"..." Maroon observed the expression on the other's face, a serious expression was shown in return. He had a feeling there was more to this than a simple discussion.
"While I've only heard of it until recently and hence why I am not a part of it, I get the feeling it's not just about the Helisseum force that you're concerned about, is it?" He used his creation abilities to create two rock like formations, formations they can use as a seat. "I had a feeling you've got something against me. Let's have a seat. It's best to talk this through before we can continue the mission, right?"
"..." Velderoth was silent, his fist clenched. A part of him wants to fight the blonde male in front of him, but...He's right, they have a mission and they're a team whether he liked it or not. So with that, he sat down with Maroon. And with that...Velderoth was ready to let everything that was in his mind out.
"....Why do you have to be here..?" Velderoth said as he leaned forward. That expression on his face didn't change as of yet.
"I was once best friends with Tear and Kyle, we even founded the Helisseum force. The hideout is more than just a sentimental value-- it was the place where we three promised to stay as best friends back when we were kids. It wasn't the best sure, but it had value. even if it was made by a bunch of kids it was still our hideout."
Velderoth tone softened reminiscing about the past.
"It was all back before we faced Magnus for the first time, before Kyle became Kaiser and before Tear got her magic-- it was when we were all still normal. We were pretending to be knights, hoping that we three could become knights to help out in the war of liberating Helisseum from Magnus' rule. All seemed fine and stable and we were hoping that we could make an effort. We three decided I was the leader. It all changed when the two got so much more stronger than me, when Kyle's power as Kaiser awakened and when Tear got her powers and become Angelic Buster. At first it didn't bother me all that much, but when we came face to face with Magnus for the first time, we were outmatched and I was powerless to help or lead."
"...And that's when you've decided to follow Magnus to become stronger, right?" Maroon asked before Velderoth nodded.
"Yes...Sure, that meant betraying the nation and my friends, but I was hoping that they understood my point of view. Before long I was under his influence and soon was influenced by his world views. I was hoping that it would end with us three being reunited. And while it happen in the end..."
Velderoth's voice started to gain a tone of anger, making it clear how he's feeling.
"....That's when YOU came." He said his fist still clenched, gritting his teeth as he was ready to snap at the half dragon.
"Not only were you one of the people who made me lose a second time and humiliatingly so, but you were involved in their lives more and more often. You became friends, you had fun with the two of them while I had to suffer for trying to gain more strength to help out and what did I get!? I was captured, be deemed as a traitor and worst of all I was facing the death sentence and I accepted it but no-- you had to step in and even ruin that!! Instead of the end of my life I had to work while you still had fun with them which caused me to start to realize that they were silently being replaced by you--"
He now stood up, letting out all that frustration in two sentences.
"..." That last two sentences echoed across the fields did made Maroon silent for a second. Velderoth definitely had made his point clear-- that was something Maroon knew. A sigh escaped his lips as he stood up.
"...So that's why you were looking at me like that."
He was dusting himself off a bit as he started to talk.
"I'm not going to sugarcoat this: while some parts are indeed unintentionally my fault and it's your right to hold a grudge against me, don't forget what you've done as well as well as the reputation you've made across the whole two worlds. Had you not been Tear's friend I wouldn't have batted an eye I wouldn't have gone through all those hoops to help you out. However..." A smile appeared on his lips as he looked at the Nova once more.
"....You ARE and still are Tear's friend at least. It's thanks to her that I was convinced that I think you deserved a second chance. You know her, she wants to help her friends and family out and that includes you too. Besides, she told me what kind of person you were back before you joined Magnus' side. A caring leader figure...And if that's what Tear says, then I'm sure at some point that side of you will shine once more and for that I'm willing to give you a chance to redeem yourself and show the Velderoth that they've missed not just to me but to everyone."
He once again reached his hand out to him, ready for a handshake.
"So. Let's try again, want to join the mission to help your friend and redeem yourself?"
"..." Velderoth was silent, looking at that stretched out hand. He still had a grudge on the male, but helping out a friend... Velderoth finally reached out and shook his hand, though his glare still present.
"I'm only doing this to help her out, just so you know. Are you seriously going to believe that I have a chance to redeem myself after all that?"
"As a matter of a fact--" Maroon responds as he leaned forward before nodding.
"--I do. It may be long and some may never forgive, but a knight that went down the wrong path can always return to the right path. Besides, look at me-- I went from fugitive and being chased after the six heroes of Maple to being the husband of the queen of the elven kingdom herself. Crazier things can happen. And if that's not enough, look at Tear. A girl that was once bullied for a lack of magic and tail to being a stand-up citizen across Pantheon. If lightning can strike twice then redemption is definitely in your path, so don't lose hope and keep striving for betterment! Strive and shine, Velderoth. Cause that's what stars do!"
And with that Maroon continued to walk to the east. Velderoth was silent for a moment at how calm he was. It actually made Velderoth lose his anger as he sighed with a shrug before following him. The further they walked the more calmed down Velderoth became. It didn't take long for him to calm down completely before speaking up once more after checking on the map.
"Say, we're heading to the East Sanctum." Velderoth noted with a raised eyebrow. "Does it have to do with that Eskalade person by any chance?"
"Unfortunately it does." Maroon responds, the joy in his voice not being present at all. "Eskalade Lorang is the god that originally gave Tear her powers that allowed her to become Angelic Buster. I believe you're aware that she got the relic from that incident."
"...Eskalade Lorang?" Velderoth repeated.
"Yes," Maroon responds. "Do you know of him as well?"
"He isn't a god-- at least from what I've read in the history books. He's loud and proud with his pride getting the better of him to the point he called himself a god. He's more so a warrior of ancient times. He may be powerful, but he is no god."
"He isn't??" That got him to raise an eyebrow. He's no god? "I'm surprised to hear that. Though that makes total sense from what I was able to sense thus far. So he's got powers rivaling gods but that is it? I'm surprised."
Hearing his surprise did make him feel a bit better...But hearing that news also made him realize how lucky they were for Tear to get that relic before Magnus.
"...Oh, by the way Velderoth--" Maroon spoke once more. "Since you've read it in the history books, has there also been mentions of Eskalade's uhh... How should I best put it...um, mentions of Eskalade's womanizing tendencies...?"
"..." Velderoth raised an eyebrow at him almost as if he was weirded out by it. "...The fuck?" He blurted out, "Are you being serious here or what?"
"No I'm being quite real here--" Maroon responded. "I've been able to contact Eskalade a few times and I will be honest, he definitely seems to be the kind of guy who would date a lot of women. If you don't believe me you can ask Tear, or Eskalade himself once we get there."
"Hold on--" Velderoth interrupted. "We're going to see him directly!?"
"Well, more like speak to him directly, but yes."
And by the time Maroon had said that, they arrived at the east sanctum. It was a piece of architecture and engineering genius made by the hands of the priest and priestesses that had founded these sanctums. From the cracks and broken parts it's clear to say that the sanctum is old yet still cleaned on a regular basis. In the center was a beam of light piercing through the heavens with in the middle of the light a cube like object.
"...Are you really sure we should get close to it?" Velderoth spoke up in which Maroon responds while walking closer to the cube.
"We have to if we're going to get any answers on the potential of another Angelic Buster. I know he's not our favorite kid of guy to deal with, but he's strong and wise enough to hopefully sense her presence if need be. Besides, if she's Angelic Buster it's likely she'll also have an Eskalade of her own and surely he can sense his own power, right?"
"...You've made a good point." Velderoth responds, although a sigh escaped his lips.
As the two have gotten close enough, Maroon spoke up in hopes it would reach the warrior inside the relic.
"...Eskalade--" he reaches out. "--I have come to seek an audience with you, it is about Tear."
Silence surrounds the air. It was seconds to nearly a minute of silence, before Velderoth broke the silence.
"...Are you sure Eskalade resides in it?"
"I'm positive, but like you, he doesn't have positive feelings towards me. It's actually partly because of me that he's back to being like this." Maroon responded, already thinking about the next plan of attack.
"..." Velderoth rolled his eyes. "He's a 'god' like you said, did you not? Let me try."
He went on one knee, kneeling before the relic like a knight kneels before his king before speaking up.
"...O' lord Eskalade Lorang, we've come to summon ourselves before ye to seek an audience with you, renowned and mighty deity of us warriors. We came in concern of a possible doppelganger and we wish to know more of them."
Once again, silence surrounds the air, but it only lasted at least ten seconds before the two could hear a voice-- a burly voice.
"Yeah yeah I'm coming. Uuuugh, I had a nice nap too!" It was Eskalade's voice. While they couldn't see it, he did turn to look at them.
"Hmm? Oh...It's you two." He noted with an annoyed disappointment in his voice.
"Wha--" Velderoth raised an eyebrow. He was being polite and getting this response. Maroon however snickered lightly as he spoke up. "Seems like we're both as welcome of a guest as one another--"
"And you--" Eskalade's spoke to Maroon, his voice clearly not amused. "After everything you and that brat you're dating have done, why have you come back here? Haven't you done enough of this payback already?"
"Uhh yeah I have--" Maroon admitted, "however there's another issue coming up we require you he--"
"Not interested." Eskalade interrupted.
"...Could you please at least what we have to say, sir?" Velderoth spoke up once more.
"Eh?" Eskalade looked at Velderoth. If he had a physical body, Eskalade would've already scratched his ears by now.
"Why should I listen to a brat who sided with Magnus and the one who caused that kid to be too loud and rebellious. Seriously, why should I?"
"...Cause this also concerns you." Velderoth spoke up, furring one brow a little bit of annoyance. "There's another Angelic Buster present here and--"
"Oh god there's two of them now!?" Eskalade spoke up with a groan. "Uuuugh-- as if fate hasn't given me enough headaches already. First Tear went bratty and rogue on me and now this!? Hmrpfh, I'm getting too old for this. Come back when you two find a hot chick for me to make a contract with, then we can talk. But until then, lemme nap for another eternity."
"..." Okay, that started to annoy Velderoth more, so he tried to speak up once more. "...But aren't you Eskalade Lorang, ancient Nova warrior from the past? We need to know if there is indeed to Angelic Busters!"
"Well yes I am, but I've retired." Eskalade responds, his snarl could be heard under his breath. "Just scram, You kids don't need me anymore anyway. Better to let this old soul rest either in peace or with someone that won't actually give me a headache."
"..." A soft scoff escaped Velderoth's lips. He has seen and heard enough. So with that, he turned around and started to walk. "...Very well. Seems like legends are overexaggerated after all."
But when he's walking away he heard Eskalade's voice one more time. "Fine then, go back to that Magnus person or whatever he's called. Surely he can help out with that brat's problem--"
"Brat?--" Velderoth spoke up, he was now beyond annoyed. He turned back to Eskalade and walked up to the relic where he resides.
"Listen here you old man, you can mock me, shame me, belittle me whatever you want, you can talk your fat mouth about me all you want but I dare you to utter one bad sentence to her!!--"
He was about throw his sword at the relic, but Maroon grabbed a hold of his wrist in time before Velderoth could be able to throw the blade at him.
"Don't Velderoth," Maroon spoke up, "As satisfying as it is to give him a piece of our mind, he's not worth it. He's basically useless to us like he said. Besides, you're better than this-- better than Magnus."
"..." He lowered his sword, his anger not subsiding yet. However, he closes his eyes and nodded. With that, without saying anything, the two left the sanctum, leaving Eskalade alone once more before he went back to sleep.
After they're far away from the sanctum, Velderoth spoke up once more.
"...Now I know why you spoke ill about him." Velderoth had sheathed his sword, before he used his fist to punch the nearest tree. It did hurt, but he had to let that anger out.
"Ancient nova hero my ass-- he's nothing more than a old perverted asshole! Why didn't you say anything to him?"
"...Trust me Velderoth, I could have said the whole thing." Maroon responds "But we've got at least one important information in mind. Eskalade is still in the sanctum and it seems like he doesn't care about making contracts with Tear anymore-- or a doppelganger."
"And that's important, because...?"
"That's important cause that removes the potentiality that something similar will happen in the future-- that history will repeat itself."
"Hmm..." Velderoth nodded before responding. "That's true...Also.."
"...Thank you for trying to stop me. I've let my anger get the better of me."
"..." Maroon paused for a few seconds to process that compliment before a soft smile appeared on his face. "It's understandable though, Eskalade can be pretty uncaring towards certain people as you've witnessed."
"Honestly, Eskalade brings shame to us warriors. A shame Tear had to deal with that old man."
"I know right?" Maroon responds, "I'd throw him in a blender if I really wanted it to after that. But let's focus on--"
Before Maroon could finish his sentence, a beep came from their communicators. It was from Aran's team.
"Everyone, we've got an emergency!--" Aran's voice could be heard from the earpiece. "We're dealing with a big stone monster in the orange forest!"
The two males looked at each other before nodding. They have to use a portal to get to it.
Meanwhile Aran and Jack were trying and make some distance away from what seemed to be of all creatures...
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A limestone Tokka, albeit one of ginormous proportions as it's nearly taller than some of the trees. Aran was using her polearm to slice through it while Jack was using his giant shoulder mounted cannon to shoot a giant missile at it.
"Sheesh, this gem is a tough nut to crack!" Jack spoke up, already taking higher ground. He was already placing another missile in the cannon, ready to fire it.
"Yeah. As if we already haven't dealt with enough big monsters in our lives--" Focusing her magic on the polearm she made a big spiritual polearm extruding out of it before swinging it down slicing the Limestone Tokka through the middle.
While it did get split down the middle, it quickly healed itself as if the cut never had happened, showing that it had a great healing factor. This annoyed Jack a lot.
"Agh, shiver me timbers." He curses himself before he noticed just next to him a random blur speeding by. Aran too noticed the speeding blur. It was pink and blue. And her voice sounded very familiar when the familiar giant ring appeared just behind the figure.
The ring let our a soul shaking roar hit the Tokka, causing it to to take massive amounts of damage. The attack caused it to require some time to get back up so the stranger had time to do another attack. She summoned a couple of star blades from the sky to drop down onto the Tokka, causing it to take some fatal damages, before it ceased moving all together. The giant tokka was slain somehow. And who salin it?
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"That was a close call...Hey, are you guys alright?"
This person seemed to be...Angelic Buster? He appearance looks similar enough, but she had a different look to what they knew her as. She had more pink and purple to the mix and even blue in her hair.
The two tanned duo looked at her, which she looked back, before speaking up.
"Hmmmm... Yeah, you two look okay, but you t wo seemed surprised to see me? Anyway, I'm a busy girl right now, so gotta jet!"
Before the two could speak up, this Angelic Buster already decided to run. She seems...Busy?
It wasn't long till the first two, Velderoth and Maroon, arrived at the location through a dimension gate, but once they were there, the other Angelic Buster was almost nowhere to be seen.
"What's the situation--" Velderoth spoke up, before Aran responds.
"Forget us-- we've found the other Angelic Buster-- she went that way!" She pointed at the north, where Maroon could notice the small strand of pink hair moving out of his field of view.
"--Crap, we can't catch her in time--" before Velderoth could finish his sentence...Boom, Maroon engaged his overdrive and dashed towards the north at a blazing speed.
While he was chasing her, Velderoth was utterly surprised how fast her was. Before he could speak up, the rest of the team arrived, with Tear and Yamato being last and Tear having transformed into Angelic Buster.
"What happened?" Tear spoke up, which Aran responds.
"...We had trouble with that giant stone monster before what we think is the doppelganger that we were looking for."
"R-really!?" Tear responded in surprise, before Jack nodded.
"Yeah-- and Maroon's chasin' her down like a shark hunting it's prey. So hopefully our mission will be close to being done."
"So...That was her?" Velderoth asked to make sure he didn't saw anything weird.
"That was her yes," Aran responded. "The best we can do now is to let Maroon do his thing. He's fast on his feet in his overdrive-- too fast for us to catch up so we're going to have to wait for orders."
Meanwhile, the other Angelic Buster tried to shoot a few attacks from her soul shooter towards Maroon, only to miss with each shot as he moved into random directions while still closing in the distance. It was clear it annoyed her.
"H-hey, I didn't ask you to follow me, weirdo!" She yelled at him, shooting what seemed to be a soul shooter aimed at him, only for it to go through a portal that closed down the second it got inside of the portal.
"Sorry pal, but you're not getting away from me!!!"
And thus, the chase is on. Will the other Angelic Buster escape his grasp or will he be victorious in his capture?
All will be revealed in the next chapter/drabble.
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gcldentales · 11 months
open to: muses 28+
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❝ that’s the hardest thing about this, y’know? seeing you in love with another and knowing i’m too late. i should’ve told you how much i loved you when i still had the chance. back when you were still mine. ❞
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celestiel · 2 years
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felt silly so here’s jett as a genin, chūnin & a jōnin
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notfrgttn · 2 years
❛ before you do anything, try this and tell me what you think. ❜  (  jett  @  killjoy  )
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Killjoy sighs before rolling her eyes to advance her gaze at Jett. “ Why is it every time we’re here, you make me try something like this and I always hate it. “
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She takes one more quick look at the packaging “ warum nicht . . . i’ll try it “ KJ’s picky food habits give her a second of questioning as if it was really even a good idea, but she suddenly decides for Jett she would. . . She opens the packaging while standing in the middle of the store and takes a quick lick of the side. . . “ Ich gebe es zu. . . this red bean Popsicle isn't THAT bad Jett “ as she nudges her shoulder up against Jett’s. 
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thecrashdownn · 2 years
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lunasmusemenagerie · 15 days
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name: Jett Richardson
Race: High fae / witch / human hybrid
Type: OC
FC: Jordan Connor
Orientation: Bisexual, slightly male leaning
on the outside the Richardson family looked like a regular middle class family, however they were anything but that. Jett's mother was a witch, and a prolific one at that. as soon as she learned her son was gifted, she began to teach him. spells, potions, tarot, hexs and encantations....all carried down from her the mothers before her. when he was older he she revealed that she wasnt exactly human, which explained a few things about her in how she moved, how she spoke, even how she healed others in what his father would call a placebo effect. she was High fae from the summer court, left after Oberon's dealings with certain human groups 'reeked of corruption'. she set up shop amongst them, a 'witch store' that also sold potions and tarot readings. she always did tell him it was easier to hide in plain sight.
His father believed his mother's tricks and charms were nothing more than normal charlatan things, well meaning of course, but still. he himself was always busy on business trips, something they didnt find out of the ordinary when it came to his job as he did work pipeline.
Jett never knew how his father found out, but when he was 13, on a solstice, his father broke into his mother's shop blind with rage, barring the door behind him as he screamed at his mother, calling them both heretics and satan spawns. It was then revealed to him that his father was a witch hunter, and had been using his mother's store in order to sort out the false and real witches. one had talked on accident, mentioning the fact the Jett and his mother were one of them. under torture, they both confessed, Jett's mother pleading for her son's life to be spared and Jett begging his father to stop. the man he once respected and loved now turned to a cold, bloodthirsty monster.
Jett watched helplessly as his mother was executed in front of him, bled out before her body was cast aside as if it was nothing but garbage. his father then turned his attention back on his son, ignoring the boy's threats and vows to murder him for what he just did. after trying to 'purify' his son from the sins of his mother and finding it usless, he then bound him and informed him he'd be handed over to the Calloways, a hunting family that exterminated the worst creatures off the earth. and while Jett was still too young to pay in full for what his mother had made him, he could at least be useful to them, to be trained like a dog to hunt others like him. Jett swore to his father that he'd hex him, and make everyone think it was an accident on how he died. that night he broke free, and, after a few days of being on the run and trying to mind himself back together, he did just that.
the coroner called it a heartattack, triggered by the brutal murder of his wife, and kidnapping of his son. though Jett knew differently. the only thing out of place that was found on his dad's body? a tarot card in the inside jacket pocket. Death.
Jett was on his own afterwards, taking what he could get from his mother's place that hadn't been destroyed by his father, carrying her Tarot deck always with him. He met Jax maddox when he was 14, and the two became fast friends, brothers in the Hellriders together as the grew older.
at 15, Jett began getting urges, the fights and the blood wasnt enough, not for people that really deserved it after all, especially once he found out there was a witch hunter sect nearby. Jett made it his personal mission to hunt down and kill every single one, and after every death left a single tarot card by the body. sometimes the cards had meaning, sometimes the bodies or objects were placed around the bodies that tied to the card. The urges didnt happen that often, and he was always careful to cover his tracks. using different decks, always different decks and never the one his mother had used. It didn't stop at the witch hunters, though he tries his best to curb it when he can. The more he bottles it, the more likely he is to lose conplete control over himself.
at 19, he became Jax's lieutenant in their sect of the Hellriders, and had already been accepted in the Maddox family as one of theirs, with only Jax knowing the full extent of who and what Jett was. he can often be found in the Hellrider's headquarters shuffling his deck and reading the cards.
NOTE: Jett is 19-23, depending on verse or timeline.
Jett is also a lynx shifter, coming from his fae lineage.
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