#jb grimm
herochan · 7 years
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Stones and Bones 
Created & submitted by JB Roux || Tumblr
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sunlit-feathers · 2 years
@scatterose sent: 📙  + page #117 for vampire qrow! 👀
(The Winner of last book read waaaas... Furies of Calderon by Jim Butcher. I discovered most of my books have been packed so all I have is JB and Neil Gaiman close at hand lolll. The scene in question is rescuing a girl from a deadly storm).
If he pretended he didn’t hear her yells, if he kept going and flying as hard as he could, he could outpace the storm. He could find somewhere safe to hole up, wait it out, and move on. Hide from daylight, if he had to and it lasted that long. It didn’t have to be his problem. It wasn’t like he didn’t have thousands of his own to worry about. 
She screamed again, and Qrow felt his will break. As much as he liked to pretend he’d stopped caring a long time ago, he knew he hadn’t. He let the wind turn him, lifting under his wings, and shot towards where she heard her cries. 
It didn’t take long for the wind to push him towards her. He waved through the air, through whipping boughs, and past the presence of too many Grimm, before he spotted her. She was ghostly, white cloak plastered to her form, daggers flashing in the darkness. More than that, he realized he recognized those cries.
Well, it was too late to turn back. If he was lucky he could help her out of her bind and disappear before she realized who he was.
He dropped like a stone, feathers melting way to skin, to clothes, to cape, and to his weapon. 
Harbinger flashed in the glare of a lightning strike, cutting through the beowulf that had been coming up behind her. All he had to do was kill them, see Summer safe, disappear, and ignore the weight of his choices in his heart. After all, he’d left them. 
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dong-hyucks · 7 years
[Two Tags Under the Cut]
10 songs we’ve each been vibing to ...
tagged by @justsomekpopstuff tY WE LOV YOU ↬  first five ; CJ’s // last five ; Jade’s
MY DARLING by AKMU - I lOvE this sONg!! it’s such a bop and oh my god, the vocals are amazing~ i’m sorry but AKMU just makes me soft guys
Despacito (JB Remix) by Luis Fonzi and Daddy Yankee - i know, i know ... “wow CJ that song sucks.” “Justin Bieber is trash.” i’m sorry,,,, i’ve fallen into this hole and i can’t get out (blame my spanish teacher;; )
Sing For You by EXO - this song is my life. i love this song, it’s so sad and the first time I heard it, i cried ngl. aND, PARK CHANYEOL SINGING IS MY aEStheTiC
Come Back Home by BTS and Seo Taiji - okay, but like,,,, i was late to discover this song, buT i LObE it. rap line kills it in this song, and their parts legit slaughter me
Brahms Lullaby - i apologize. i’m so boring, but it helps me study (;-;) [ngl, jade has very nICe TAsTe]
Hellevator by Stray Kids - okAY I HAVE BEEN VIBING TO THIS SONG SINCE IT CAME OUT IT’S A STRAIGHT UP BOP it’s so good honestly i love the general beat and their voices?? that rap?? snatched
O Sole Mio by SF9 - aNoThEr BoP !!! it’s so GOOD I DEFINITELY RECOMMEND omg i love how one of taeyang’s lines literally has his name in it
Ikaw by Yeng Constantino // 너에게 covered by Yohan Hwang - oMg these are so good i love thkahfa ikaw is the orig. tagalog version and 너에게 is the korean cover and they’re both so amazing i lov
Cause I Love You by Noo Phước Thịnh - hajhfa i don’t expect many ppl to know this song (or the singer lol) bUt it’s so good i love it and the mv oMg--
Limitless (Japanese Ver.) by NCT 127 - ,,,, i yelled when this came out ngl
,,, not going to tag anyone bc we already did a tag a few days ago and wHoOp i don’t wanna annoy my mutuals sO-- whoever wants to do this :)))
Random Facts Tag (i have no idea what this one is called)
tagged by @nctimagery hihi mia ily even when you’re attacking me :) - Jade
When was your first post of your current blog, and what was it:  Jade: hOmYgOd my first post was this abomination that i highkey forgot abt CJ: ewewewewew, it sucks and i cri, but it was a piece of writing called “everything” (hansol fluff)
Do I like anybody: Jade: ,,,, yes CJ: ... ish? maybe? i have no idea, i confuse myself.
Height:  Jade: 151cm (4′11″) CJ: 157cm (5′1-2″ ish)
Past urls:  for @dong-hyucks : xxwe-all-need-jisoosxx, imagineyourself, jamlesswritings
Meaning behind your current url:  ,,, it’s a bit,, obvious hahahah - Jade
First person/thing you remember from your last dream: Jade: honestly i usually can’t see faces in my dreams bUt the first thing i can remember is a snake CJ: ^^same. but, the first thing i remember is a cold bed??
Lucky/favourite number:  Jade: oddly enough, 13 CJ: me too, why are we the sAMe?? (reason being, i like to prove people wrong, so i make 13 my lucky number)
What is your name:  Jade: <-- my real name is v obvious considering my nickname is jade CJ: my real name is Cassandra
What are your nicknames:  Jade: Jade, Jae/Jay, JJ, Dee CJ: CJ, Cass, Cassie, Jean, Sanders
Where were you born and raised:  Jade: Canada~! CJ: the USA (wisconsin specifically)
What is your star sign: Jade: aquarius CJ: aries
What was the last thing you bought:  Jade: it was a book surprise surprise Grimm’s Complete Fairy Tales by Brothers Grimm CJ: a new headband (i have seven and an addiction h e l p m e)
What are your best features: Jade: none lol ??? i’ve been told my hands are cute ???? CJ: ^^oMG, this always happens to me. but, people tell me i have pretty eyes.
Mac or PC: Jade: PC CJ: PC
iOS or android: Jade: i’ve owned both but iOS probably CJ: android all the way
What’s your favourite season: Jade: autumn !! CJ: winter~
Where do you want to live:  Jade: i’m actually v content with canada but if i had to move, france probably CJ: either japan, australia, or korea~ i want out of america (we highkey suck)
Do you believe in heaven or hell: Jade: ye CJ: yeah
Can you speak another language: Jade: very basic vietnamese and tagalog // slightly less basic french CJ: basic-intermediate spanish
Do you like your name: Jade: i like jade better tbh CJ: eh, when people say it right lol ;-;
Who do you want to be closer to: Jade: my friends in general honestly. i feel like, even tho i’ve known them for 10 years, that i’m a bit? of an outside of sorts. i love them all a lot, which is why i’d like to be closer :) CJ: strangers. i’m really shy but also v competitive, so i either shut people out or scare them away, so whenever i see sweet messages in the asks it always makes me super happy ^3^
Pen or pencil: Jade: pen definitely CJ: mechanical pencil
Whats your love language: Jade: physical touch oops CJ: quality time (this is so true,,,, like)
What female celebrity do you wish was your sister:  Jade: oo,,, niana guerrero like oml she and ranz are so cute CJ: asdfklja lili reinhart i love her soooo much (i’m riverdale trash)
What male celebrity do you wish was your brother:  Jade: to go with ^ i’ll say ranz because they both are such fun ppl i love CJ: um,,, finn wolfhard he’s so funny and just a great person overall (i’m also stranger things trash)
again, not going to tag anyone bUT if anyone managed to read through this entire thing ily aNd go ahead if you want !! 
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gplusbfics · 7 years
Marvelous continuation of “Fairy Tales in Deep Space” by another author, who does, IMO, and equally good job, same tone even, picking up right where airandangels left off, covering different tales. 
The premise is Bashir tells Garak fairy tales -- Grimms’ or Anderson -- while Garak interrupts and asks questions and then at the end, Bashir asks Garak what he thinks the moral is. (This is based on Bashir sharing “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” on the series.) So in the end, you get GB banter, cultural exchange, lit-fic, and a refresher on certain fairy tales you might not have revisited in a long time or which you never read in the original. I had never even heard of “Donkeyskin.”
Thus far this author has covered (by reader request): 
1. Beauty and the Beast 2. Hansel and Gretel  3. The Emperor's New Clothes  4. The Little Mermaid  5. Bluebeard 6. Rumpelstiltskin  7. Donkeyskin  8. The Frog Prince  9. Thumbelina 
Unless the story was already covered in the earlier series, you can put in your own suggestion. I recently put in a prompt for “The Red Shoes,” which is an extraordinarily gruesome Anderson tale. 
[Bashir is finishing up the tale of “Beauty and the Beast.]
EG: So he really did die of a broken heart. I suppose that's a lesson to children to keep their promises.
JB: I'm not finished. Beauty went to the Beast, hoping she could revive him. His eyes opened for a bare moment. "You took too long," he gasped. "I thought you'd never return."
"But I did," she said. "I love you. And I have decided to accept your offer of marriage."
With that, a bright light flashed through the garden, blinding Beauty. When her vision cleared, she found her Beast had vanished and a handsome young man knelt before her.
EG: Now really! Just because she agreed to marry him, he suddenly became a socially acceptable husband?
JB: Just so. The young man explained that he was a prince who had been cursed by an evil fairy to appear in the form of a beast until a woman agreed to marry him as he was. All his servants had been cursed to be little more than wraiths, and the castle had been hidden and erased from living memory. But Beauty had broken the spell, so she and the prince got married and lived happily ever after.
EG: And what about her family? Did her father get over the guilt of leaving her there?
JB: Some versions don't say what happened. Some say that her family came to the wedding, but when her wicked sisters passed through the gates, they were turned into stone statues to frighten away the birds.
EG: Ah, of course they were.
JB: So…your interpretation?
EG: Let's see…I suppose the lesson is that loyalty to your family is more important than personal happiness.
JB: How did you reach that conclusion?
EG: Everything that happened was because of the father's desire to please the daughter who had been good and helped him, and because Beauty was willing to take responsibility for it and sacrifice herself to save her father. And in the end, she was rewarded with material wealth and a powerful husband, while her disloyal sisters were punished.
JB: Well…I suppose you can look at it that way. The original moral was that you can't just a person to be a monster by their appearance and that true beauty is found within.
EG: I found very little about the beast to be beautiful, inside or out. He manipulated Beauty throughout the story with both extortion and bribery.
JB: Well, the other common interpretation on Earth is that it's a story romanticizing Stockholm Syndrome and abusive relationships, though I find that overly reductive.
EG: So you're saying that for once I managed to be less cynical than the people of Earth? I'm shocked.
JB: As am I…same time next week?
EG: I look forward to it.
Title: More Fairy Tales in Deep Space Author: butterflyslinky Year Posted: 2017 Approx. Word Count: 22,000+ (more stories to come...) Chapters: 9 (so far) GB - Slash or Platonic: platonic (turning flirty) My Rating (1-5): 5 Keywords: fairy tales, stand-alone stories, flirting
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alyblacklist · 7 years
Hi Aly! I was wondering, to your knowledge when will NBC likely renew Blacklist? And in your opinion, do you think it has a fighting chance? If it's still up in the air how can they film the finale? Sorry I'm really confused and you seem like a reliable kind source :-)
Hi Anon!  I’m just a fan, like you, so I don’t know what sort of source that makes me except that I read everything I can get my hands about when renewals happen, why they happen, etc.  So as far as I know, NBC will make a decision on The Blacklist at some point before NBC Upfronts, scheduled for May 15 in NYC.  When?  I can’t say.  In prior seasons, TBL has been renewed by now.  Then again - NBC is moving slowly this season with all of its scripted shows.  It hasn’t renewed the Chicago franchise, or SVU, which are all considered by most critics sure bets (and which, like TBL, have generally been renewed before now).  So whatever is going on - we’ll know at some point soon and hopefully THIS MONTH.  If I had to guess - I’d bet the producers already know - or at least have a strong sense of their fate - and they don’t to me seem overly worried.  I say this because last year, JB knew in December that the show was renewed and spilled it to the podcast long before NBC seemed ready to announce it.  They were supposed to meet with Jennifer Salke of NBC in March.  
To answer your second question - YES, I think it is has more than a fighting chance. As far as I know all of the big sites/bloggers that follow ratings - Grim Reaper, Cancel Bear, SpoilerTV, etc. have Blacklist at a more than 50% chance of renewal.  Yes, the ratings have slipped this season but the show is in a tough time slot and does VERY well in delayed viewing and international sales and a lot better than (I think) other content would fare in that slot.  In the end it will boil down to whether Sony and NBC agree on terms for another season and whether those dollars make sense for both sides.  But I will be very surprised if we don’t get some kind of 5th season.  In what time slot and what number of eps?  Too soon to tell.  I’m more worried about the impact of the potential writers’ strike right now on a September start and a full season than the overall chances of renewal, to be honest.
If it’s still up in the air how they can film the finale?  Well that one, unfortunately, just as a fan - means nothing.  While it’s great where the network gives a heads up on a final season and gives the show runners time to close the show out properly (i.e., Grimm recently) that does not ALWAYS happen.  Sometimes even beloved shows end on cliffhangers because the show runners were expecting another season.  That said - I think/hope TBL is an important enough franchise to NBC that they will not spring a total surprise on them such that we are left hanging without some proper ending to the show so they can continue to profit from it properly in syndication.  Hence another reason why I am bullish on S5 - which will also give them the opportunity to film a killer 100th episode, hopefully.  The fact that the final Blacklister for S4 appears to be Mr. Kaplan #9 further suggests to me that we have a S5 in us - hopefully a full 22 but at the very least a shortened one.  I hope so.
*Fingers Crossed* 
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henrytcasey · 7 years
Watch This Wrestling 10 (3/10 – 16)
What a week it's been. So much to talk about, and so many things we can't talk about.  
Of course, though, I can say that this was the week I dropped Impact (fka TNA). It took 19 minutes for that show to focus its whole efforts on the Josh Matthews vs JB storyline and for me to tune out.    
Also, this was the week where I learned what it's like to watch NJPW's non-English content. Shows with only Japanese commentary are the most engaging, while matches without any commentary and a fixed angle, they can be difficult. For more on NJPW, read my explainer here.
Last little note, who the hell schedules ROH's content? The ROH Wrestling show that landed on 3/13 was completely incongruous with the promotion's 3/10 ppv. Not only did it ignore 15th Anniversary, but it had the Young Bucks holding the tag titles. Which they haven't since March 4th, when they lost them at Manhattan Mayhem.  
Below, as usual now, you'll see what I watched for this week's edition and what I'm planning to watch next week. If I'm missing anything that can be accessed without too much trouble, @ me on twitter: henrytcasey.
What I Watched:
ROH 15th Anniversary aka Winner Takes All, 3/10
New Japan Cup (Night 1) 3/11
New Japan Cup (Night 2) 3/12
New Japan Cup (Night 3) 3/13
ROH Wrestling, 3/13
WWE Monday Night Raw, 3/13  
New Japan Cup (Night 4) 3/14
WWE SmackDown Live, 3/14
WWE 205 Live, 3/14  
WWE Talking Smack Live, 3/14    
New Japan Cup (Night 5) 3/15
WWE NXT, 3/15  
Impact Wrestling, 3/16 (well, the first 19 minutes)  
My Upcoming Watch list:
Southpaw Regional Wrestling, 3/17
New Japan Cup 3/17
wXw 16 Carat Gold (Night 1), 3/17
WCPW: Matt Riddle vs Cody, 3/18
New Japan Cup 3/19
New Japan Cup 3/20
ROH Wrestling, 3/20
WWE Monday Night Raw, 3/20  
New Japan Cup 3/20
WWE SmackDown Live, 3/21
WWE 205 Live, 3/21  
WWE Talking Smack Live, 3/21    
WWE NXT, 3/22  
Segment of the Week (Non-WWE):
Christopher Daniels Promo  
ROH 15th Anniversary aka Winner Takes All, 3/10  
I went into this late, having known everything that would happen, but damn did Daniels' promo still pump me up. In part, it works so well because it plays upon his history with the company and his lack of reward, blurring that line and creating that raw emotional tension.  
Honorable mention:
EVIL's post-match mini-promo from New Japan Cup (Night 1), 3/11.  
Match of the Week (Non-WWE, Overall):
Kenny Omega vs Tomohoro Ishii  
New Japan Cup (Night 2), 3/12  
I don't know what would make a man so foolish as to get into a knife-edge chop fight with Ben Grimm. Maybe Kenny Omega doesn't see Tomohoro Ishii the way I do, which is as New Japan's version of The Thing from The Fantastic Four.  
Either way, this match was fantastic, so much so that I'm using it to start noting the overall best match of the week.  
From the Terminator claps from the audience to the back and forth spitting on one another, this match made the New Japan Cup feel important.  
My notes include the phrase "such lariat" and I'll stand behind that. It's the first no-English commentary match I ever loved and it validated my decision to go deeper down the rabbit hole into the NJPW content.  
Available via NJPWworld.com
Honorable mentions:
Katsuyori Shibata vs Minoru Suzuki from New Japan Cup (Night 2), 3/12  
Christopher Daniels vs Adam Cole (c) for the ROH World Championship from ROH 15th Anniversary aka Winner Takes All, 3/10
Segment of the Week (WWE):
Who will Mick Foley Fire?
WWE Monday Night Raw, 3/13  
I'm not giving a YouTube video for this segment, as I sometimes do. Find it in full, WWE edite too much out of it.  
Both the Mick Foley's Impending Firing storyline and Rollins vs. Triple H have been drawn on for so long that it felt like this night would never come. Therefore, seems fitting that WWE rolled the climaxes for the two into one night.    
Mick Foley may often get praise for his Angry Old Veteran promos on Raw, but this segment truly allowed the McMahon/Levesque (pronounced "le•vek") duo to shine. This segment told us what we already knew (the Authority branding is dead but Steph and Paul still run this town), and made us feel those feelings.  
From the look that Steph gives as Triple H's music hits to Hunter bringing up Foley disappointing his kids and potentially ruining Noelle's budding career as a WWE Superstar, there's a lot of beautiful malice happening here.  
So to top it off with two returns, a low blow and a beating, help give the coming weeks some stakes. Good job, Raw.  
Honorable mentions:
Bathing Bray, Bryan's Ultimate Face-Punching Extravaganza and AJ confronts Shanefrom WWE SmackDown Live, 3/14
Noam Dar tells Daivari that he needs a win, Drew Gulak is Angry, from WWE 205 Live, 3/14
Match of the Week (WWE):
Kassius Ohno vs Bobby Roode (c) for the NXT Championship
WWE NXT, 3/15  
Sure, I'm awarding this match as a compliment, but I should like this match a whole lot more. Hell the audience in Tampa should have enjoyed this match more. I loved the reversals, and that Ohno elbowed Roode out of the ring, but I need to digress a little about what held this back.  
The big problem, of course, is that they didn't get enough time to cook. 14 minutes may sound long for a WWE match on paper, but it's still the first match Hero wrestled as Ohno in this return to NXT. Therefore, parts of the audience had no idea who he was or why they should care. Also, WWE kinda botched Ohno's return, with a bunch of telling and not showing. By leaving the stories of his old feuds on the table, by trying to brush the topic of his weight under an unfortunately tucked-in customized Dream Team jersey, they gave a match so meta that audiences would need to be super aware in order to connect.  
Also, I don't buy Ohno or Hero getting fooled into getting his neck hurt by the top rope. Dude's a veteran. Yes, I spent the majority of this bitching, but it wasn't the best week for matches in WWE.  
Honorable Mention:
Number One Contender's Match for the Cruiserweight Championship from WWE 205 Live, 3/14
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neurogenpapers · 7 years
Alzheimer's amyloid-β peptide disturbs P2X7 receptor-mediated circadian oscillations of intracellular calcium.
PubMed: Alzheimer's amyloid-β peptide disturbs P2X7 receptor-mediated circadian oscillations of intracellular calcium. Folia Neuropathol. 2016;54(4):360-368 Authors: Wilkaniec A, Schmitt K, Grimm A, Strosznajder JB, Eckert A Abstract Recent data indicate that Alzheimer's disease (AD) is associated with disturbances of the circadian rhythm in patients. We examined the effect of amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide, the main component of the senile plaques playing a critical role in the deregulation of calcium (Ca2+) homeostasis in AD, on the circadian oscillation of cytosolic calcium (Ca2+) levels in vitro. The experiments we carried out in human primary skin fibroblasts. This cell line was previously shown to exhibit circadian rhythms of clock genes. Moreover, the basic clock properties of these peripheral cells closely mimic those measured physiologically and behaviorally in human and do not change during aging. In this study we showed that i) cytosolic Ca2+ oscillations depend on the activation of purinergic P2X7 receptors; and ii) these oscillations are abolished in the presence of Aβ. In total, our new findings may help to deepen our understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in AD-related circadian alterations. PMID: 28139817 [PubMed - in process] http://dlvr.it/NG9zFJ
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gessvhowarth · 7 years
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Things To Do Today In London: Monday 12 December 2016
Things to do today in London is sponsored by CommuterClub Things to do Brick Flicks is on display until 31 December at Apthorp Gallery. Photo: Arts Depot What we're reading This awesome kid is reviewing London's chicken shops. Plaques in south London mark the flow of the lost River Effra. Ken Block drifts through the empty streets of London. BEAUTY AND THE BEAST: Follow Belle into this mysterious, enchanted house and find out its secrets. As a part of its Christmas season, Sutton House is showing Beauty and the Beast, a magical, immersive family production of the beloved tale. £12/8, book ahead, from 6.30pm STAR WARS: May the force be with for this celebration of Star Wars. Eat, drink, and get limited-edition goodies with Little White Lies' celebration of its special colour-in Star Wars: Rogue One magazine cover at the 71A Gallery. £10, book ahead, 6.30pm-10pm DOUBLE FEATURE: Get into the Christmas spirit with Prince Charles Cinema's double feature screening of Trading Places, starring Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd's,  and Scrooged starring Bill Murray. £10/£7, book ahead, from 6.35pm DRAGONWORLD: Get lost in a world of fiction at The Free World Lecture Theatre & Hall with Dragonworld. The evening will include discussions on four short stories from China, exploring the subject, style and authors. £5/£3, book ahead, from 6.45pm HUMANS IN REVOLT: Need to let loose and forget about the craziness of 2016? Then Shorts On Tap's Humans In Revolt - Funk This Shit is for you. Head over to Brick Lane for four short films on empowerment and human strength and a night of dancing and letting go. Free, book ahead, 7pm-11pm Prince Charles Cinema is showing Scrooged (1988) as a part of its double screening of Trading Places and Scrooged. Photo: Paramount Pictures GRIMM BEGINNINGS: Explore the world of the Brothers Grimm down underground in the Brunel Tunnel. Grimm Beginnings is beautiful piece of theatre, based on the enchanting characters of Grimm, with live music and fights. £20/£18, book ahead, from 7.30pm ICONS: La Gateau Chocolat walks the line between his public and private personas in Icon. The show, at Soho Theatre, explores the relationships we have with our icons, and things that shape us and we aspire to be. From £12, book ahead, until 7 January 2017 BRICK FLIPS: Enjoy LEGO recreations of your favourite scenes and films on Monday. Head over to the Apthorp Gallery for Brick Flicks, an exhibition bringing film's most iconic moments to life in LEGO, by Warren Elsmore. Free, just turn up, until 31 December ADVENT WINDOWS 2016: Celebrate the Christmas season with Advent Windows: 2016. Greenwich's St Alfege's Church is unveiling a newly decorated window in its living advent calendar every day until Christmas Eve. You can check the locations of each window here. Free, just turn up, until 2 January 2017 ROALD DAHL BIRTHDAY: In honour of Roald Dahl's 100th  birthday, illustrator Sir Quentin Blake has drawn speacial portraits of Dahl's most famous characters. Head over to the British Library for Quentin Blake: The Roald Dahl Centenary Portraits to celebrate this phizz-whizzing anniversary. Free, just turn up, until 21 May 2017 Sponsor message Get In Quick To Save Even More With CommuterClub Christmas is on the horizon, which means that money will be escaping from pockets faster than you can say Santa Claus. Saving some cash is surely a welcome thought, then, especially on the cost of commuting. You probably know that annual travelcards offer much better value, but the upfront cost can sting a bit – if this was spread out over 11 monthly payments, though, this offers significant savings. This is what you’ll get if you buy with CommuterClub, as well as the chance to lock in 2016 prices before the 2017 increases. Better yet, your twelfth month will be cost-free, just to make CommuterClub even more appealing. Treat yourself and your bank account this festive season, by joining the ultimate club for commuters. Good cause for the day CHRISTMAS PARTY FUNDRAISER: Enjoy an evening of storytelling, comedy and clowning and give to a Clowns Without Borders with Thom Foole's House Party. Described as TGI Fridays meets Live At The Apollo via Little Britain, it's set to be a hilarious night. From £7, book ahead, 7pm-10.30pm A TRIPPY CHRISTMAS: The only way to describe this surreal exhibition is the aftermath of a trippy Christmas party. Confetti litters a gallery filled with dead Christmas trees. ‘Party guests’ with inflatable heads lie asleep with legs sticking out that look very real. Bizarre but brilliant. Destined to be Happy by Irina Korina at GRAD London, 3-4a Little Portland Street, W1W 7 JB. Until 28 February, free. ★★★★★ Funzing Fun things to do with our friends and sponsor Funzing. Visit The Streets That Inspired Harry Potter's Diagon Alley Cross gas lit alleyways and stroll by ancient pubs as you discover forgotten parts of London. See the world's smallest police station and visit London's most superstitious hotel on a walking tour covering everything weird, wonderful and London. £12 Book now Discover the Delicious World of Dim Sum with Will Fancy some Dim Sum Fun? Learn how to make restaurant-quality dim sum under the guidance of the main instructor at the London Cookery School, William Wong. William will also teach you about different Chinese teas, and how to find one you love. If that's not enough, you'll also pick up some Cantonese, so you can order the authentic way the next time you're in China Town. Book now London History Tour Tales of torture and plagues await you on a historical walk around London — see bombed out ruins, discover Medieval markets and even visit a Roman ampitheatre. £12 Book now
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neurogenpapers · 7 years
Novel genetic loci associated with hippocampal volume.
PubMed: Novel genetic loci associated with hippocampal volume. Nat Commun. 2017 Jan 18;8:13624 Authors: Hibar DP, Adams HH, Jahanshad N, Chauhan G, Stein JL, Hofer E, Renteria ME, Bis JC, Arias-Vasquez A, Ikram MK, Desrivières S, Vernooij MW, Abramovic L, Alhusaini S, Amin N, Andersson M, Arfanakis K, Aribisala BS, Armstrong NJ, Athanasiu L, Axelsson T, Beecham AH, Beiser A, Bernard M, Blanton SH, Bohlken MM, Boks MP, Bralten J, Brickman AM, Carmichael O, Chakravarty MM, Chen Q, Ching CR, Chouraki V, Cuellar-Partida G, Crivello F, Den Braber A, Doan NT, Ehrlich S, Giddaluru S, Goldman AL, Gottesman RF, Grimm O, Griswold ME, Guadalupe T, Gutman BA, Hass J, Haukvik UK, Hoehn D, Holmes AJ, Hoogman M, Janowitz D, Jia T, Jørgensen KN, Karbalai N, Kasperaviciute D, Kim S, Klein M, Kraemer B, Lee PH, Liewald DC, Lopez LM, Luciano M, Macare C, Marquand AF, Matarin M, Mather KA, Mattheisen M, McKay DR, Milaneschi Y, Muñoz Maniega S, Nho K, Nugent AC, Nyquist P, Loohuis LM, Oosterlaan J, Papmeyer M, Pirpamer L, Pütz B, Ramasamy A, Richards JS, Risacher SL, Roiz-Santiañez R, Rommelse N, Ropele S, Rose EJ, Royle NA, Rundek T, Sämann PG, Saremi A, Satizabal CL, Schmaal L, Schork AJ, Shen L, Shin J, Shumskaya E, Smith AV, Sprooten E, Strike LT, Teumer A, Tordesillas-Gutierrez D, Toro R, Trabzuni D, Trompet S, Vaidya D, Van der Grond J, Van der Lee SJ, Van der Meer D, Van Donkelaar MM, Van Eijk KR, Van Erp TG, Van Rooij D, Walton E, Westlye LT, Whelan CD, Windham BG, Winkler AM, Wittfeld K, Woldehawariat G, Wolf C, Wolfers T, Yanek LR, Yang J, Zijdenbos A, Zwiers MP, Agartz I, Almasy L, Ames D, Amouyel P, Andreassen OA, Arepalli S, Assareh AA, Barral S, Bastin ME, Becker DM, Becker JT, Bennett DA, Blangero J, van Bokhoven H, Boomsma DI, Brodaty H, Brouwer RM, Brunner HG, Buckner RL, Buitelaar JK, Bulayeva KB, Cahn W, Calhoun VD, Cannon DM, Cavalleri GL, Cheng CY, Cichon S, Cookson MR, Corvin A, Crespo-Facorro B, Curran JE, Czisch M, Dale AM, Davies GE, De Craen AJ, De Geus EJ, De Jager PL, De Zubicaray GI, Deary IJ, Debette S, DeCarli C, Delanty N, Depondt C, DeStefano A, Dillman A, Djurovic S, Donohoe G, Drevets WC, Duggirala R, Dyer TD, Enzinger C, Erk S, Espeseth T, Fedko IO, Fernández G, Ferrucci L, Fisher SE, Fleischman DA, Ford I, Fornage M, Foroud TM, Fox PT, Francks C, Fukunaga M, Gibbs JR, Glahn DC, Gollub RL, Göring HH, Green RC, Gruber O, Gudnason V, Guelfi S, Håberg AK, Hansell NK, Hardy J, Hartman CA, Hashimoto R, Hegenscheid K, Heinz A, Le Hellard S, Hernandez DG, Heslenfeld DJ, Ho BC, Hoekstra PJ, Hoffmann W, Hofman A, Holsboer F, Homuth G, Hosten N, Hottenga JJ, Huentelman M, Pol HE, Ikeda M, Jack CR, Jenkinson M, Johnson R, Jönsson EG, Jukema JW, Kahn RS, Kanai R, Kloszewska I, Knopman DS, Kochunov P, Kwok JB, Lawrie SM, Lemaître H, Liu X, Longo DL, Lopez OL, Lovestone S, Martinez O, Martinot JL, Mattay VS, McDonald C, McIntosh AM, McMahon FJ, McMahon KL, Mecocci P, Melle I, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Mohnke S, Montgomery GW, Morris DW, Mosley TH, Mühleisen TW, Müller-Myhsok B, Nalls MA, Nauck M, Nichols TE, Niessen WJ, Nöthen MM, Nyberg L, Ohi K, Olvera RL, Ophoff RA, Pandolfo M, Paus T, Pausova Z, Penninx BW, Pike GB, Potkin SG, Psaty BM, Reppermund S, Rietschel M, Roffman JL, Romanczuk-Seiferth N, Rotter JI, Ryten M, Sacco RL, Sachdev PS, Saykin AJ, Schmidt R, Schmidt H, Schofield PR, Sigursson S, Simmons A, Singleton A, Sisodiya SM, Smith C, Smoller JW, Soininen H, Steen VM, Stott DJ, Sussmann JE, Thalamuthu A, Toga AW, Traynor BJ, Troncoso J, Tsolaki M, Tzourio C, Uitterlinden AG, Hernández MC, Van der Brug M, van der Lugt A, van der Wee NJ, Van Haren NE, van 't Ent D, Van Tol MJ, Vardarajan BN, Vellas B, Veltman DJ, Völzke H, Walter H, Wardlaw JM, Wassink TH, Weale ME, Weinberger DR, Weiner MW, Wen W, Westman E, White T, Wong TY, Wright CB, Zielke RH, Zonderman AB, Martin NG, Van Duijn CM, Wright MJ, Longstreth WT, Schumann G, Grabe HJ, Franke B, Launer LJ, Medland SE, Seshadri S, Thompson PM, Ikram MA Abstract The hippocampal formation is a brain structure integrally involved in episodic memory, spatial navigation, cognition and stress responsiveness. Structural abnormalities in hippocampal volume and shape are found in several common neuropsychiatric disorders. To identify the genetic underpinnings of hippocampal structure here we perform a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of 33,536 individuals and discover six independent loci significantly associated with hippocampal volume, four of them novel. Of the novel loci, three lie within genes (ASTN2, DPP4 and MAST4) and one is found 200 kb upstream of SHH. A hippocampal subfield analysis shows that a locus within the MSRB3 gene shows evidence of a localized effect along the dentate gyrus, subiculum, CA1 and fissure. Further, we show that genetic variants associated with decreased hippocampal volume are also associated with increased risk for Alzheimer's disease (rg=-0.155). Our findings suggest novel biological pathways through which human genetic variation influences hippocampal volume and risk for neuropsychiatric illness. PMID: 28098162 [PubMed - in process] http://dlvr.it/N87Gjx
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neurogenpapers · 7 years
Novel genetic loci associated with hippocampal volume.
IoN UCL PubMed: Novel genetic loci associated with hippocampal volume. Nat Commun. 2017 Jan 18;8:13624 Authors: Hibar DP, Adams HH, Jahanshad N, Chauhan G, Stein JL, Hofer E, Renteria ME, Bis JC, Arias-Vasquez A, Ikram MK, Desrivières S, Vernooij MW, Abramovic L, Alhusaini S, Amin N, Andersson M, Arfanakis K, Aribisala BS, Armstrong NJ, Athanasiu L, Axelsson T, Beecham AH, Beiser A, Bernard M, Blanton SH, Bohlken MM, Boks MP, Bralten J, Brickman AM, Carmichael O, Chakravarty MM, Chen Q, Ching CR, Chouraki V, Cuellar-Partida G, Crivello F, Den Braber A, Doan NT, Ehrlich S, Giddaluru S, Goldman AL, Gottesman RF, Grimm O, Griswold ME, Guadalupe T, Gutman BA, Hass J, Haukvik UK, Hoehn D, Holmes AJ, Hoogman M, Janowitz D, Jia T, Jørgensen KN, Karbalai N, Kasperaviciute D, Kim S, Klein M, Kraemer B, Lee PH, Liewald DC, Lopez LM, Luciano M, Macare C, Marquand AF, Matarin M, Mather KA, Mattheisen M, McKay DR, Milaneschi Y, Muñoz Maniega S, Nho K, Nugent AC, Nyquist P, Loohuis LM, Oosterlaan J, Papmeyer M, Pirpamer L, Pütz B, Ramasamy A, Richards JS, Risacher SL, Roiz-Santiañez R, Rommelse N, Ropele S, Rose EJ, Royle NA, Rundek T, Sämann PG, Saremi A, Satizabal CL, Schmaal L, Schork AJ, Shen L, Shin J, Shumskaya E, Smith AV, Sprooten E, Strike LT, Teumer A, Tordesillas-Gutierrez D, Toro R, Trabzuni D, Trompet S, Vaidya D, Van der Grond J, Van der Lee SJ, Van der Meer D, Van Donkelaar MM, Van Eijk KR, Van Erp TG, Van Rooij D, Walton E, Westlye LT, Whelan CD, Windham BG, Winkler AM, Wittfeld K, Woldehawariat G, Wolf C, Wolfers T, Yanek LR, Yang J, Zijdenbos A, Zwiers MP, Agartz I, Almasy L, Ames D, Amouyel P, Andreassen OA, Arepalli S, Assareh AA, Barral S, Bastin ME, Becker DM, Becker JT, Bennett DA, Blangero J, van Bokhoven H, Boomsma DI, Brodaty H, Brouwer RM, Brunner HG, Buckner RL, Buitelaar JK, Bulayeva KB, Cahn W, Calhoun VD, Cannon DM, Cavalleri GL, Cheng CY, Cichon S, Cookson MR, Corvin A, Crespo-Facorro B, Curran JE, Czisch M, Dale AM, Davies GE, De Craen AJ, De Geus EJ, De Jager PL, De Zubicaray GI, Deary IJ, Debette S, DeCarli C, Delanty N, Depondt C, DeStefano A, Dillman A, Djurovic S, Donohoe G, Drevets WC, Duggirala R, Dyer TD, Enzinger C, Erk S, Espeseth T, Fedko IO, Fernández G, Ferrucci L, Fisher SE, Fleischman DA, Ford I, Fornage M, Foroud TM, Fox PT, Francks C, Fukunaga M, Gibbs JR, Glahn DC, Gollub RL, Göring HH, Green RC, Gruber O, Gudnason V, Guelfi S, Håberg AK, Hansell NK, Hardy J, Hartman CA, Hashimoto R, Hegenscheid K, Heinz A, Le Hellard S, Hernandez DG, Heslenfeld DJ, Ho BC, Hoekstra PJ, Hoffmann W, Hofman A, Holsboer F, Homuth G, Hosten N, Hottenga JJ, Huentelman M, Pol HE, Ikeda M, Jack CR, Jenkinson M, Johnson R, Jönsson EG, Jukema JW, Kahn RS, Kanai R, Kloszewska I, Knopman DS, Kochunov P, Kwok JB, Lawrie SM, Lemaître H, Liu X, Longo DL, Lopez OL, Lovestone S, Martinez O, Martinot JL, Mattay VS, McDonald C, McIntosh AM, McMahon FJ, McMahon KL, Mecocci P, Melle I, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Mohnke S, Montgomery GW, Morris DW, Mosley TH, Mühleisen TW, Müller-Myhsok B, Nalls MA, Nauck M, Nichols TE, Niessen WJ, Nöthen MM, Nyberg L, Ohi K, Olvera RL, Ophoff RA, Pandolfo M, Paus T, Pausova Z, Penninx BW, Pike GB, Potkin SG, Psaty BM, Reppermund S, Rietschel M, Roffman JL, Romanczuk-Seiferth N, Rotter JI, Ryten M, Sacco RL, Sachdev PS, Saykin AJ, Schmidt R, Schmidt H, Schofield PR, Sigursson S, Simmons A, Singleton A, Sisodiya SM, Smith C, Smoller JW, Soininen H, Steen VM, Stott DJ, Sussmann JE, Thalamuthu A, Toga AW, Traynor BJ, Troncoso J, Tsolaki M, Tzourio C, Uitterlinden AG, Hernández MC, Van der Brug M, van der Lugt A, van der Wee NJ, Van Haren NE, van 't Ent D, Van Tol MJ, Vardarajan BN, Vellas B, Veltman DJ, Völzke H, Walter H, Wardlaw JM, Wassink TH, Weale ME, Weinberger DR, Weiner MW, Wen W, Westman E, White T, Wong TY, Wright CB, Zielke RH, Zonderman AB, Martin NG, Van Duijn CM, Wright MJ, Longstreth WT, Schumann G, Grabe HJ, Franke B, Launer LJ, Medland SE, Seshadri S, Thompson PM, Ikram MA Abstract The hippocampal formation is a brain structure integrally involved in episodic memory, spatial navigation, cognition and stress responsiveness. Structural abnormalities in hippocampal volume and shape are found in several common neuropsychiatric disorders. To identify the genetic underpinnings of hippocampal structure here we perform a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of 33,536 individuals and discover six independent loci significantly associated with hippocampal volume, four of them novel. Of the novel loci, three lie within genes (ASTN2, DPP4 and MAST4) and one is found 200 kb upstream of SHH. A hippocampal subfield analysis shows that a locus within the MSRB3 gene shows evidence of a localized effect along the dentate gyrus, subiculum, CA1 and fissure. Further, we show that genetic variants associated with decreased hippocampal volume are also associated with increased risk for Alzheimer's disease (rg=-0.155). Our findings suggest novel biological pathways through which human genetic variation influences hippocampal volume and risk for neuropsychiatric illness. PMID: 28098162 [PubMed - in process] http://dlvr.it/N86C1H
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