#iyashikei anime
nonameidentified · 7 months
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Also this
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I can smell the shippers from a mile away.
Both of these reek of gay subtext, the likes of which I've never seen.
Constantly going on dates and what this is :
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The hand holding (>∀<)
They could be slow burn too, but I'm too lazy to read the manga right now.
Also, my new boss is goofy also exists in this lethal amounts of gay subtext area, but it feels like a slow burn (like stardust telepath), but the bigger reason is that their gayness cannot be encapsulated in a single gif.
Also also, both my new boss is goofy and stardust telepath are iyashikei anime. So they will heal your soul, so please watch them if you haven't already. Both of them have autistic people, too.
Speaking of iyashikei, the yuzuki family's four sons also exist, so go watch it. (no gay subtext, though)
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sorairokakera · 1 year
two consecutive seasons of delights
クールドジ男子 Cool Doji Danshi
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Cool doji danshi has finished airing this week, it was 6 months filled with adorableness~! Ichikura Hayate, Futami Shun, Shiki Souma, Mima Takayuki, Igarashi Motoharu, are all so cute! Their little daily clumsiness often makes me smiling 🥰 Their interactions, heartwarming friendship🫀✨ They also voiced by very nice voices that suit them well! I like all 5 cool doji danshi voices but three of my favorite voice actors are there (Uchiyama Kouki as Shun, Kobayashi Chiaki as Hayate, Furukawa Makoto as Motoharu) which made me more delighted when watching them~ I think I have more soft spot for Hayate and Motoharu (all 5 are so adorable), also Shiki Souta (Souma's aniki) 🫶 I really like their ending songs sung by their voice actors, especially the 2nd ending たいせつ.
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In episode 24, that Shun and Souma 'accident' on the beach and when they took picture together with hanabi, were cute funny moments I replayed 笑 nice final episode 🥹. It has been an adorable little delight once in a week for 6 months, I'm going to miss them~🥺
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lilacs-in-the-wind · 2 years
Mushishi has been haunting me for a week now. I cannot stop thinking about that boy who attracts lightning and his mother, the girl who disappeared under a bed sheet, the rebirth island, the man who was chasing a rainbow and Ginko himself. There is a heaviness in my chest that I'm sure will go away as soon as I consume something new but I don't want to lose it
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mysticalflyte · 6 months
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Aria is a series for the soul 💕
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moonsinkfoxgirl · 1 month
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ふぎゃ! (///⚬♢⚬///)
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alpaca-clouds · 11 months
Iyashikei - The Art of Healing through Stories
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Having talked about possible conflicts for Solarpunk novels (and other Solarpunk fiction media) over the last three days, let me now talk about something kind of adjacant. Let me talk about the elephant in the room: Why do stories need conflict?
See, Western Storytelling centers around conflict and always has. And due to the influence of Western colonial societies on the rest of the world, modern media for the most part does in fact feature some sort of conflict no matter where on the world we are. One might argue, that our brains have gotten so used to it, that we might consider any story without it as inherently boring.
This is why I find the Japanese genre of Iyashikei so wonderfully refreshing. Now, let me be clear: This genre is "relatively" new, originating in the 1970s when Japanese society after a large earthquake started to yearn for peaceful stories. The genre name literally translates into "healing type".
But is that not also one thing, that we are trying to do through Solarpunk? Helping people heal from climate depression and all the general trauma related through living in a world of capitalism, patriarchy and white supremacy?
Iyashikei stories tend to not feature any sort of larger story or conflict. The genre often gets called "cute girls doing cute things", because especially in anime that is, how it often ends: Just the most slice of life you can imagine. People just making music. People just going shopping. People just going camping. No larger goal. Just hanging out.
In fact two of the older anime/manga, that often also get considered to be Solarpunk, are of this genre: ARIA and Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou. The first one featuring girls in a city like venezia just taking people around in gondolas. The later features a robot girl just going about her day in a cozy apocalypse.
And I know that it is the instinct to say: "How boring!" But... Well, a lot of the "Cute Girls doing Cute Things" have actually large fandoms behind them. Even in the west. So there clearly is an audience for this.
So... Why not embrace it? Why not tell Solarpunk Iyashikei stories? About people going about their day in a Solarpunk world.
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kinasin · 1 year
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Flying Witch
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mysticdragon3md3 · 2 months
Tonari no Yokai-san | OFFICIAL TRAILER by Crunchyroll
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astraemoodboards · 3 months
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Natsume Yuujinchou/Natsume's Book of Friends moodboard
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momoiro-kakarichou · 2 days
I’m a morning person through and through. I’ve got sleepy bitch disease and my bedtime routine starts at 9:00 pm sharp… but life offers few pleasures as great as watching anime in the dark and that is the boulder I must push up this damn hill every day
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kuronekkosan · 1 year
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Natsume Takashi and his Dog Club.
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animangabwedit · 3 months
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Kyuujitsu no Warumono-san by Morikawa Yuu
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sorairokakera · 1 year
癒し系 iyashikei
when thinking about iyashikei there are two that pop up in my mind, they are Natsume Yuujinchou and Mushishi. I need some iyashikei manga and anime from time to time to keep me somewhat sane in between. Here are some iyashikei anime/manga I enjoy (not in particular order)~
夏目友人帳 Natsume Yuujinchou
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I wonder whether I can rewatch Natsume Yuujinchou (from beginning) within this year. I talked about it a bit here~ sorairokakera.tumblr.com/post/natsume-yuujinchou
蟲師 Mushishi
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slow and beautiful, maybe I will rewatch this when I have some relaxing time, or read the manga.
ばらかもん Barakamon
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Though it's been so long I don't really remember, I feel that I had fun watching Barakamon~! I might rewatch it soon or start reading the manga when I need something chill and heartwarming, and maybe, a little push to move forward.
君と僕。Kimi to Boku.
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School-setting story of 5 boys that has iyashikei mood~! I like all of them (I like twins yuta-yuki the most) and I remember I enjoyed watching their stories long time ago. Heartwarming, funny, seishun!! I want to read Kimi to Boku manga soon, since this series has ended I want to know how their story continue, also I kind of miss them 🥺
しろくまカフェ Shirokuma Café
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when I was about to watch this I thought whoa this series is long, can I keep watching this till the end. But then I watched it everyday and enjoyed it quite much~! Shirokuma Cafe has many characters and some of them are fun to watch. Panda is so adorable~ it caught me off-guard at that one sad episode of panda, I didn't expect there would be sad moment too.
田中くんはいつもけだるげ Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge
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I wish I can be like Tanaka-kun 🥲 I enjoyed reading Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge quite a lot. It's calming and fun, likable characters (Tanaka-kun blessed with good friends) and nice moments. I actually wish for Tanaka and Shiraishi to be together as a couple by the end of manga 🥺 I want more of them~
同居人はひざ、時々、頭のうえ。Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue.
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I watched this at the beginning of this year, thinking 'let's see some cuteness of cat and human' but what I got was a heartwarming story ; ; I want to read the manga soon (hopefully)~ Subaru's parents are really nice ;__; I got inspired by Subaru's mom ⁠—those plants in their home garden, seeds from various places they visited on holiday, it's really great, I wish I can do that someday.
That's all for now, I guess. There are few iyashikei I want to try watching but haven't yet >< (so many on my list to watch and read) Hope we will have more heartwarming iyashikei works to enjoy, that may become a little healing to get through the day. I hope I can read more watch more this year~ with my own pace.
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lilacs-in-the-wind · 1 year
My God I finally watched Poco's Udon World only to end up sobbing by Episode 12 and embarrass myself in front of my mom by answering the door for her with my puffed up face. She asked me what happened and I had to explain to her that an anime tanuki made me cry.
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kon-kon-kon-kon · 2 years
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causmo7 · 1 year
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Alpha the hitchhiker...honestly Alpha's hitchhiking adventures can be whole series in itself ..but yeah learning more about screen tones..its cool having fun
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