sgtjamesrogers · 1 year
obsessed with ur characterization of roy, it’s so accurate while also going even deeper than what the show has done so far!!! ur just expanding on the established plot points so so well and i love it!!!! this is my fave ted lasso fic series rn!!! love ur writing <3
hi friend i have been hoarding this in my inbox and stopping to look at it and shine it up like a greedy dragon, but i just wanted to say thank you so so so much for taking the time to say this! :( this has never been my particular fanwork lane before and i was a little nervous before i started posting, so i'm really really glad you're enjoying!!
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bluebellhairpin · 2 years
out of curiosity, what were all the parent options on ur percy jackson quiz? (it was a rlly fun quiz btw, i got hecate! :))
These are the results;
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So basically all the gods of Camp Half Blood who have confirmed cabins, minus the big three (Zeus, Poseiden and Hades who are under oath) and Hera (who apparently doesn't dabble with mortals).
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oobbbear · 2 months
What is your pfp? It look like it'd be called spingy. My favorite pfp is your bear fursona(?)
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Itsa mi! Yo fello neighborhood vampaya bear
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444namesplus · 17 days
Ak Akbi Akcam Akchu Akfi Akla Aklay Akne Akpo Akquäs Aksol Aksu Aksy Aktar Aktho Akvuk Akxhu Akyo Al Alche Aldar Alfy Algyä Alshul Alti Alvo Alweë Alxik Alziä Alzot Am Amfha Amgi Amphij Ampul Amxa Amxhor Amxon An Anbiy Anfhy Anhy Ankuë Anlys Anmu Anni Annuk Anpa Anpey Anphil Anphul Ansas Anthy Antys Anve Anxhe Ar Arbik Arfhul Arsal Arwoä Arzun As Asbu Ascak Aschy Ascië Asde Asdy Asfa Asgar Askhiä Asno Aspa Asphi Asrin Asrot Assha Assi Asvi Asxhik Asya Asyaä At Atban Atchi Atcho Atchu Atdat Atkho Atkis Atky Atlat Atnu Atquä Atryt Atse Atshys Attek Atwil Atxaë Atxhi Atzu Atzyk Ay Aybil Aycho Ayfas Ayfaë Ayfhar Aykey Aykhi Aykir Ayko Ayle Ayni Ayro Ayrum Aytho Ayxuë Aä Aäbe Aäby Aäcas Aäki Aäni Aäro Aäthuk Aäti Aävu Aäwym Aäya Aäza Aäzi Aäzur Aë Aëbu Aëchak Aëchi Aëcy Aëfhiä Aëgu Aëkoä Aëlom Aëmuk Aësa Aëtij Aëyeä Bal Be Bem Beë Bi Biy Bo Bom Boy Bu Bur Buä Buë By Byl Byä Ca Ce Cen Cha Chak Chay Che Cher Cheä Chi Chin Chië Cho Chus Chyk Chyr Chyë Cim Cit Cië Con Cu Cuk Cy Da De Dey Di Dil Doy Dut Dy Dyt Ek Ekcer Ekcy Ekgis Ekijm Ekmy Ekru Ekta Ekthi El Elcey Eldan Eldy Elfus Elhar Elhet Elhi Elkhun Ella Elnoë Elpe Elquäel Else Elshar Elthi Elti Elto Elve Elwul Elxal Elxin Elxy Em Emba Emchin Emchus Emfhi Emfo Emguä Emhar Emsaë Emthos Emty Emyak Emyen En Enbor Endo Endyk Enfhoä Enfu Enge Enkhat Enkho Enkhy Enki Enkir Enly Ennas Enne Enphe Enpyt Enshin Enthan Enva Envim Enxhaë Enxhië Enxu Enzu Er Erbi Erbim Erfha Ermu Ernis Erquä Erquäi Errun Erxy Eryim Eryuë Es Eschey Esdi Esdo Esdos Esfak Esij Esli Eslok Espha Espym Esquäië Esry Esso Esthe Esti Esvem Esvij Et Etby Etfos Ethi Etkey Etkho Etle Etles Etli Etni Etnu Etphy Etquäe Etquäim Etsut Etthek Etxin Ey Eybyt Eychu Eyfho Eyfhy Eyfy Eykhy Eymok Eynel Eyphir Eyshym Eysy Eyves Eyzu Eä Eäbe Eächi Eäka Eäkhe Eäko Eänu Eänyk Eäphen Eäphuk Eäraä Eäthu Eävok Eäwer Eäyi Eäzyt Eë Eëchet Eëchiä Eëfi Eëkhe Eëkun Eëlyr Eëmyë Eësha Eësher Eëshin Eëto Eëyi Eëyu Eëzu Eëzuy Fa Far Fha Fhe Fheä Fhi Fho Fhu Fhul Fhus Fhy Fhyë Fit Fo Fu Fuk Fus Fuy Fy Fys Fyt Ga Gal Gam Gar Ge Gi Gij Git Gu Gus Gy Gyt Hal He Heä Hi Hin Ho Hon Hos Hul Hy Hyr Hyë Iijik Ij Ijcho Ijfun Ijfy Ijgim Ijk Ijke Ijkhi Ijphe Ijra Ijsa Ijshe Ik Ikfaä Ikkher Iklu Ikmu Ikne Ikno Ikvyä Ikwe Ikxho Il Ilbo Ilfhik Ilfur Ilgyn Ille Illi Ilmyë Ilpha Ilrit Ilseë Ilshi Ilsi Ilsus Ilsyn Ilva Ilvij Ilxhy Im Imcy Imfho Imgis Imhy Imla Imlaä Imlo Imphar Imxy Imzeë In Inbar Inbi Inbij Inco Infen Ingyl Inhyn Inku Inly Inma Inmaë Inphin Inphu Inphy Inso Inya Ir Irbuä Irchey Irgi Irgok Irhul Irmyl Irphat Irshe Irthi Irthij Irvy Irwo Irxhi Iryem Is Isben Ischië Ischot Isdin Isdoä Ishat Iskhi Iskhyt Islus Isman Isni Isnir Isphy Isphyk Isril Isru Isrys Issi Isthoy Isthuë Iswyä Isxhy It Itceä Itchul Itchym Itcym Itgur Itgy Ithe Itke Itken Itkul Itqo Itquäe Itquäl Itri Itsa Itsol Itvyk Itwe Itxi Itxir Iy Iycho Iyfhy Iyfil Iyfo Iykan Iykhok Iykhu Iyki Iymy Iypa Iypu Iyshi Iyshut Iysi Iythoä Iytu Iyxo Iyxy Iyxyë Iä Iäbe Iäijn Iämi Iäniä Iäphat Iäqot Iäquä Iäquäi Iäquë Iäru Iäsheä Iäva Iävi Iävos Iävyk Iäwal Iäxeë Iäyo Iäzo Iäzyä Ië Iëda Iëfu Iëma Iëne Iërun Iësem Iëti Iëvi Iëvy Iëwi Iëxet Iëxeä Ka Ke Key Keä Kha Khaë Khe Khek Khel Kher Khes Khi Kho Khu Khut Khuä Khy Ki Kil Kin Kis Ko Ku Kuä Ky Lat Le Leë Li Lin Lië Lo Lu Lun Lur Ly Ma Me Mi Mo Moë Mu My Na Nen Neë No Noë Nuä Ny Nyä Ok Okcha Okfit
Okloë Okluä Okmu Okmy Okpe Okphyl Okpu Okquäe Okre Okthil Okzuy Ol Olbië Oldan Olfa Olfe Olfhi Olkher Olna Olthim Olvyn Olway Olxut Olyes Om Omchu Omhik Omkhan Omkhuä Omlyk Ommi Omna Ompen Omsy Omthy Omve Omvo Omxhyl Omxok Omzom On Onban Onfhu Onfol Ongu Onhat Onkhun Onmi Onpun Onput Onqor Ontyk Onxhoä Onxor Onxu Onyo Onzek Or Orfhu Orgat Orker Ormu Orphes Orqo Orquäi Orshy Orso Orto Orwe Orwek Orxhis Orya Oryi Oryok Oryuä Orzim Os Osber Oscaä Oschy Osfa Osgek Osgy Osha Oshe Oskho Osla Osmy Osnay Osri Ossys Osti Oswym Osxhel Ot Otgyk Otij Otkha Otkhil Otko Otla Otlum Otnië Otphut Otphy Otpol Otsoy Otto Ottor Ottul Otve Otzy Oy Oykië Oyphe Oypi Oyru Oyryr Oythu Oywe Oyweä Oyxa Oyxho Oyxis Oä Oäbo Oächa Oädik Oämi Oäny Oäquäl Oärik Oäshys Oë Oëbas Oëchu Oëchy Oëcyr Oëda Oëdi Oëdoë Oëduë Oëphoy Oëquäit Oëtha Oëthoy Pa Pen Peä Pha Phak Pham Phaä Phe Phi Phit Phok Phoy Phu Phun Phy Pi Pis Piä Pië Po Pol Por Pot Poä Pu Pyk Pyn Qo Qoä Quäa Quäe Quäek Quäel Quäes Quäet Quäeä Quäi Quäy Quë Quël Quëä Quëë Ray Raä Re Rek Rer Res Ri Rik Rol Rul Rum Rus Ruä Ryk Ryr Ryt Sak Saä Sel Sha Shar She Shet Shi Shiy Sho Shol Shot Shy Sul Suy Sy Syä Tan Tat Te Tet Tey Tha Thaë The Them Ther Thi Thir Tho Thom Thor Thu Thum Thur Thuä Thy Thyt Ti Tiy Tiä To Ton Toë Tu Tus Ty Tyt Uije Uijul Uk Ukce Ukdi Ukgiy Ukhaë Ukkhol Ukliä Ukphat Ukphaë Ukpo Ukri Uksyä Ukza Ul Ulchu Uldan Uldu Ulgeë Ulguë Ulsho Ulvij Ulxit Um Umbal Umcek Umcu Umfhal Umgik Umhey Umny Umpi Umquäa Umvo Umwa Umwul Un Uncha Unfa Ungi Unha Unhu Unlos Unme Unphu Unquäe Untu Unvu Unxe Unxo Unza Unziy Ur Urcak Urcheä Urcyë Urfha Urgom Urhi Urkas Urpho Urphul Urru Ursy Urthi Urtho Urwuë Us Uschar Uscu Usgi Usne Usnil Uspa Usshu Usti Usvot Uswul Usxuk Uszu Ut Utby Utfu Uthel Utkak Utko Utma Utnaä Utny Utnyä Utphir Utshak Utshyn Utvo Utvoä Utwit Utxor Utxu Uy Uybe Uybi Uychaë Uychen Uycy Uyfu Uyga Uyger Uyha Uynen Uynoä Uypha Uyphis Uythuä Uywit Uyxas Uyxheä Uä Uäba Uächen Uäfeë Uäha Uäkhi Uäla Uäli Uämi Uänus Uäpi Uäteë Uäxun Uäzij Uäzon Uë Uëchi Uëchyk Uëhi Uëkij Uëpho Uërat Uëter Uëxa Uëxor Va Val Vay Ve Ves Vi Vo Von Vor Vu Vul Vum Vus Vuë Vy Vyn Vys Wak Wam Waë We Weä Wi Wim Win Wis Wo Won Wor Wu Wy Wyk Wyr Xa Xay Xe Xha Xhar Xhas Xhaä Xhe Xhey Xheë Xhi Xhil Xho Xhu Xhuk Xhut Xhuë Xhy Xin Xo Xor Xus Yam Yay Yaë Ye Yi Yis Yk Ykbo Ykbu Ykchur Ykdil Ykfhi Ykha Ykker Ykkhin Ykmel Ykpa Ykqo Ykra Ykroä Ykset Ykta Ykwyr Ykxhe Yl Ylbi Ylciä Yldi Yldië Yldyk Ylgy Ylne Ylpas Ylphu Ylte Ylthi Ylto Ylxiy Ym Ymci Ymcor Ymfon Ymfuk Ymhy Ymhyk Ymkhy Ymna Ymnyl Ympha Ymphaë Ymphuë Ympi Ympo Ympyë Ymsem Ymwa Ymxe Ymzyt Yn Ynbo Ynbus Ynce Ynci Ynfhi Yngyt Ynhu Ynkho Ynmu Ynpi Ynpur Ynquëä Ynryl Ynti Ynvi Ynwul Ynxhus Ynyim Yo Yor Yos Yoë Yr Yrcaä Yrcheë Yrfo Yrge Yrhiy Yrla Yrpat Yrquäi Yrsam Yrtyë Yrwym Yrxhit Yrye Ys Yscho Ysfhi Ysfhu Yskik Ysmeä Ysphu Ysquäe Ysxhij Yt Ytde Ytget Ytha Ytij Ytkal Ytkhal Ytlay Ytme Ytne Ytnu Ytphu Ytpy Ytqor Ytqos Ytrol Ytsaë Ytshuk Yttho Yttoë Ytwal Ytye Yu Yuk Yuä Yä Yäcak Yächak Yägy Yäke Yäkha Yänys Yäquäi Yäry Yäwu Yäxhi Yäzes Yë Yëcha Yëcy Yëka Yëkhe Yënot Yëphoä Yëpu Yëpy Yëse Yëshin Yësu Yëthut Yëwi Yëwuä Yëxho Yëxhy Zaë Ze Zer Zeë Zij Ziy Zo Zoy Zum Zuy Zy Zyl Zyt
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90sbee · 5 months
ITSA YOU 🖤❤️🩷🩵💜
🖤: you are my worst enemy. if anything bad happened to you i would kill everyone.
enemies to lovers u say? okay fine i'm in
❤️: i have feelings for you /srs
i adore u u rlly are my beloved sweet rose 😭😭😭 U SPOIL ME!! U ARE SO TALENTED AND FUN AND COOL I AM SIMPLY NOT WORTHY !!!
🩷: lets go kill someone together <3
🩵: you are amazing and i love you /p
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💜: you look like you had a fnaf phase
LMAO ROSE JSDJDKDLS. i actually tried to watch gameplays and stuff some years ago but never really got the appeal? i don't even know anything abt the lore and such JDKDKD. i'd simply watch the movie cos josh looks very submissive and breedable 😭😭🫠🫠
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hey just wanted to let u know that i absolutely ADORED ur writing in to die and retry i read it all last night and today and i’m now reading ur mha bleach crossover series. and it’s just. the way u are still able to make it so enjoyable for a non bleach viewer. i have homework i’m not doing and it is Your fault. i can’t stop reading. anyway just wanted to say that ur writing is unmatched and thank u sm for sharing. <3
thanks for the kind words! happy you enjoyed. homeworks are insignificant in the great wheel of life. have a great day <3
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karliahs · 4 years
um for prompts idk anything specific but maybe more midoriya gettin angry over stuff and dealin?? really loved the way u handled it in something else to pretend, would love to see ur take on how he deals with more aggressive/harsher anger? idk tho
content warning for discussions of bullying and brief references to (canon) child abuse
“Why did Kacchan do that?” Izuku asks. It’s one of those shards of memory that lingers far longer than it should, muddying over years and re-rememberings, but never completely fading away.
Izuku can remember the question, his grazed knees, the sun shining on the grass. He can remember his mother helping clean him up, smiling a comforting smile and saying, “I don’t know, sweetie. I think he was angry.”
Izuku isn’t sure if the question that comes next comes from his mother, or if it’s just something he’s thought about so much over the years that it’s gotten tangled up in the memory, an unwitting passenger. “Don’t you get angry, Izuku?” someone asks.
ao3 link / continued below
In hindsight, Izuku is sure the thoughts that come next can’t be part of the memory. His five year old self wouldn’t be capable of this kind of self-analysis. But the thing is, Izuku thinks he knows what anger is. It’s not really that distinct from other kinds of overwhelmed, when the world is too loud, too much, too impatient and needling - and so he cries, because this happens every time a feeling is too large to hold all of it inside him, and ‘wanting not to cry’ is always one of those feelings, so there’s no way out.
Izuku supposes he must have thrown tantrums when he was little. Thrown his toys around, fallen on the floor, screamed. He can’t remember doing any of that.
He’s never felt whatever Kacchan is feeling when he pushes Izuku into the dirt. He tries to imagine it, a feeling bubbling over into bright, harsh action, like Kacchan’s explosions. He can almost get there, but after comes a sweep of shame that pulls him back into himself. Izuku Midoriya, quirkless and strange, who causes enough problems without pushing other children over. Izuku, who can feel the aftermath so much more distinctly than that initial explosion of anger. He can’t think about explosions without thinking about wreckage.
“Don’t you ever get mad?” Matsuda asks.
Izuku had been on his way to take shelter in the school library over lunch. He’d been distracted, as he walked, wondering if the doors would be open today - the library is sparse and neglected enough when it’s open, but the school’s staffing levels are such that he frequently turns up at the doors to find the whole place shut up and locked, leaving him to try and think of another place where he might be able to spend the next 45 minutes safe and left alone - so distracted that he hadn’t noticed Matsuda until they almost collided in the hallway.
He was lucky, really, that it was just Matsuda, not one of Kacchan’s true entourage, but a hanger-on who rarely missed an opportunity to take Izuku down a peg. In a class without Izuku there, it wouldn’t be that hard to see Matsuda in Izuku’s place.
But something about Izuku’s distracted expression during his taunts seems to have triggered something else, a kind of disbelieving disgust. “Like, ever?” he asks. “Don’t you ever get tired of like ‘thanks, excuse me, sorry for existing and all, good luck with the test tomorrow guys!’” He says this last past in a high-pitched imitation of Izuku’s voice, and Izuku thinks maybe they’ve returned to familiar ground, but Matsuda is still staring intently at him, seemingly waiting for an answer.
He doesn’t have one to give. Half his mind is still on those library doors, and whether they’ll be open when he gets there. The rest is fuzzed over with panic, leaving him with nothing but his polite, stammering default - which never makes it better, but silence never does either.
“Whatever,” Matsuda says, suddenly growing tired of him and starting off in the other direction. “It’s like you like it this way.”
Izuku takes a shuddering breath and turns the corner. The library doors are closed.
Izuku tries, later that day, once he’s safe at home, to get angry on purpose. He sits on his bed and tries to summon it up, like the opposite of meditating, reaching for fury instead of calm. For a few minutes nothing happens at all, except that he gets distracted thinking about other things and has to drag himself back.
He thinks about Kacchan pushing him down, and him never finding out why. He thinks about the look on his mother’s face when she came back from meetings during the dissolution of her marriage, meetings Izuku was kept well away from; he thinks about how hard she tried to be normal, but how her knuckles were white where she gripped her water glass.
Eventually, there’s a kind of hot, prickling feeling over his skin. He feels briefly untethered, out of his own body, and wonders if he really did end up meditating after all. Then comes a wave of nausea, so physical that he feels a prickling in the back of his throat. He remembers having the flu last semester, and the nausea that had flooded through him when he’d tried to walk just to get a glass of water - nausea that felt like a warning, like a plea; stop, whatever you’re doing, stop.
He opens his eyes to find he’s gripping his notebook in his hands, so tight he’s bent the spine, leaving little wrinkles of damage spreading out from where he’d held on. He releases his grip and tries to smooth it over, bend it back into shape, but it only looks sadder for his efforts, care shown far too late to help anything.
Always, at the root of anger, we find a desire for change. Izuku grips his highlighter pen, unsure. He doesn’t think this passage has much to do with the essay question he’s been assigned, but something about it peaks his interest anyway.
A person enraged is a person committed to affecting change in the world around them. If we all gave in to those desires at every opportunity, we would have a world of tyranny and chaos. However, the alternative extreme is no better - a world of stasis and apathy, drifting, stagnating. When we tell our children to banish their anger, we tell them to cut away a significant part of their own agency. When we tell this to some children and never to others, we invite a different, more incisive kind of tyranny.
Izuku is torn between a desire to slam the book shut, and the urge to try and pivot his essay in a direction that will let him analyse this. He highlights the words in yellow, realising that when he thinks of change, he doesn’t think of anger. He thinks of All Might, defeating impossible odds, saving dozens of terrified people, and doing it all with a smile on his face. What is that if not agency? Can you really not have one without the other?
He supposes what he’s doing is building a case, the way he always does. Trying to capture the sum of his understanding of something, so that when he needs the knowledge it will be there. The crucial, long, stuttering thinking will already be done, and in the heat of the moment he can just act.
That’s Hero Analysis For the Future , and he thinks that’s why he’s holding onto these memories too. Almost every aspect of a hero’s life affects their career in some ways; if anger does too, it makes sense that Izuku needs to work out what he thinks. Don’t you ever get angry, Izuku? Don’t you ever get mad? Always, at the root of anger, we find a desire for change. It’s like you like it this way.
Izuku wishes, for a moment, that feelings were as real and tangible as organs. He wishes he could go for a scan and have someone tell him yep, anger’s right there. It isn’t enlarged or shrivelled. It isn’t inflamed or sickening. It isn’t poisoning everything around it.
He asks his friends, now that he has friends, specifically targeting those who are more on an even keel - he already knows he can’t relate to big, obvious anger.
“Sure, Deku,” Uraraka answers. “Everyone gets angry.”
“What does it feel like, when you are?”
“Are you gonna take notes?” she teases, but then she’s concentrating, tapping her fingers together, trying to figure out how best to describe it. Izuku still isn’t used to this; if you’d asked him to predict what Uraraka would give him, even though he thinks the world of her, he assumed he’d get a quick, uninterested comment at most. Either his UA friends are so much better than most people, or his calibrations for what friendship is are all off; Izuku suspects it’s a little of both.
“I guess I have two types of anger?” Uraraka muses. “Like, there’s…determined anger? Like at the sports festival, I just got really fired up and wanted to win so bad!” She makes a fist, as if to demonstrate, and man, Izuku likes her so much.
She lets her hands drop. “Then there’s the kind that’s less fun. Like…when your heater is broken and you’re mad that it’s broken, and that you’re cold and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
“Your heater isn’t really broken, right?” Izuku asks. “It’s been getting really cold out!”
Uraraka gives him a warm smile. “No, Deku. It’s fine.” He stares at her smile for a second too long, trying to grasp the idea of Uraraka being really, truly angry. He thinks it’s like how no one can really know that they’re seeing the same colours everyone else sees. For all he knows, they’re feeling totally different things and giving them the same name; he can’t imagine Uraraka feeling anything in the disjointed, sickly way that rage finds him.
Ashido is his next target, and she laughs before realising he’s serious. “Anger feels like anger, you know?” she says idly. “Like…” She holds up her hands in a claw-like gesture, and makes a kind of ‘rrargh’ noise.
Izuku must look slightly disappointed, because Ashido sighs and throws up her hands. “I don’t know, man! I don’t like to think about it. Everything is stupid when you’re angry, and I’m always there, so it’s like I’m stupid. The stupidest thing in all the stupid.”
She looks down at her shoes as she talks, and it’s so unlike the Ashido he knows that Izuku wants to apologise for having asked. Before he can, she lightly punches his shoulder, giving him a smaller, more subdued version of her usual bright smile. “You don’t always gotta dwell on stuff, you know?” she says. “No one’s gonna give you points for it. Chin up! Plus ultra!”
She skips away, and Izuku feels like he understands her both more and less than he did five minutes ago.
He doesn’t actually plan to ask Todoroki, but he’s in Todoroki’s room taking back his notes for English class when he finds himself doing it anyway.
“You…get angry sometimes, right?”
Todoroki blinks at him. Slowly, deliberately, he lifts his left hand, cupped in a way that makes Izuku anticipate flame, makes him aware of the ghost of it among his fingers.
“Yes,” Todoroki says simply.
“Yeah,” Izuku says, wanting to smile to soften things but not wanting Todoroki to think he’d been making fun of him. “I’ve been asking a lot of people. People in our class, I mean.” He fidgets with his hands for a second. “I think I’m doing it wrong? I don’t know if I have too much anger or too little, but…I don’t know. I think there’s something wrong with me.”
Todoroki waits patiently while he speaks, all his attention fixed on Izuku. Izuku thinks that’s one of the reasons he likes Todoroki; even for all of his ambition, he gives off this impression of patience that makes it feel okay to talk, to talk imperfectly and at length, now that he’s past Todoroki’s initial barriers. The other ambitious people Izuku knows, himself included, aren’t like that - he’s dogged, determined, but not patient. It comes from starting so far behind everyone else, making it feel as though no movement is ever really fast enough.
Todoroki thinks for a long moment before replying. “It can’t be worse than what’s wrong with me.”
Izuku gives him a small smile. Kind things hover in the back of his mind, wanting to offer reassurance, but he knows from experience that when you offer some glimpse of how you feel about yourself, sometimes the best thing to receive back is just space and acknowledgement, instead of attempts to convince you otherwise that mostly just make you regret speaking up in the first place.
Izuku knows he’s so behind with this, too; having friends, talking to people, trying to give them reasons to be glad that they talked to him. But maybe Todoroki would understand that, out of all of his friends - maybe they can muddle through together.
“I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately,” Todoroki offers, and Izuku thinks maybe he made the right choice after all. “I used to want to never be angry, so that I’d never act like my father. Now I think if I don’t get used to it, get control of it, I’m more likely to make the same mistakes he did.”
Todoroki flexes his left hand, frowning.
“You’ve come so far, you know?” Izuku says, before he can stop himself.
Todoroki meets his eyes. He’s familiar and strange all at once. Even now that they’ve spent more time together, Izuku can so rarely predict what Todoroki will say or do, just that he likes him, likes the strange angles of him, likes that for some reason he chose Izuku as the subject of his honesty.
“It doesn’t feel like it,” Todoroki says, but there’s a softness there, like gratitude.
“I don’t know if it ever does,” Izuku answers, thinking of all the times this year he’s been told that he’s making progress, and how sometimes he’s still convinced that he’s exactly the same on the inside; the same friendless nothing who spent his lunch breaks cowering in the library. “I just feel so guilty for being mad,” he says. “Even if I just sit with it and don’t do anything, it feels so…dangerous.”
The notes in his hands bring him back to that day in his room, trying to be angry on purpose. “One time I messed up one of my notebooks when I was angry, and even though it’s just paper, I felt so bad…I can’t think about anger without thinking about damage, you know?”
He looks up from the notes, from his own scarred hands, to find Todoroki watching him with a new intensity in his eyes. Immediately he wishes he hadn’t spoken, because of course Todoroki knows more about damage than he ever will. “I’m sorry-” he starts, but Todoroki shakes his head.
“I didn’t know anyone else thought about this the way I do. Especially you.”
Their eyes meet again and Izuku finds himself smiling, just from having spoken and been understood - it was still wonderful and new, every time, each moment where he realises he really does have friends. “Maybe there’s a class we can take?” he jokes.
“I think that’s just therapy,” Todoroki says, sounding thoughtful and disappointed in equal measure. “Tell me why you think you’re doing it wrong?”
Izuku gently sets the notes back on Todoroki’s desk, realising with another little leap of joy that he won’t be leaving for a while yet. He takes a seat and starts to talk about being five years old, about the time Kacchan pushed him over and the only explanation anyone could offer was anger.
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no thoughts, head empty . . . . . 🥺💛
just fawning over the human iteration of the sun yknow? no big deal, not in the slightestㅡ
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tmmyhug · 3 years
itsa mamma mi-a, mario !
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itsa-mi · 2 years
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ninakoll · 7 years
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selfies from my twitter! the sun has been shining this week so i can wear SPRING STUFF:.. its WONDERFUL
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maraschinotopped · 4 years
>Sandy made a group chat
>Sandy renamed the group to “The trash bin of all universes”
>Sandy invited Oreo Icecream Sandwich Cookie
Sandy: @everyone
>Oreo Icecream Sandwich Cookie changed their name to “Oreo”
Oreo: why did you make this
Sandy: Wait a sec!!
>Sandy invited Udon Cookie, Nesquik Powder Cookie, Graphite Cookie, and 10+ others
Oreo: oh no
Sandy: @everyone
>Graphite Cookie renamed themself to “New Warrior”
New Warrior: whats this?
Chocolate Fudge Cookie: owo w..whats thwis??
Udon Cookie: i stg fudge i will ban you myself
Chocolate Fudge Cookie: do it cowawrd
>Udon Cookie changed their name to “already going insane”
already going insane: im coming to your location rn fudge
>Chocolate Fudge Cookie changed their name to “Not a coward”
Not a coward: ur a cowawrd!!! ahahhahahaa
already going insane: bitch i actually know where you live
Charcoal Cookie: How the absolute fuck did i get invited here
already going insane: how the fuck am i suppose to know
already going insane: wait aren’t you like one of those evil cookies like enchantress
Charcoal Cookie: uhhhhhhhhh
New Warrior: Diiid i hear evil?
Charcoal Cookie: oh god no
Nesquik Powder Cookie: ???????????????????
Sandy: @Nesquik Powder Cookie oh hi!!!
Nesquik Powder Cookie: oh hi sandy 
USB Cookie: what is this and why was i forced into this
>Charcoal Cookie changed their name to “im a god bitch bow down”
already going insane: fuck off i could probably kill you @im a god bitch bow down
im a god bitch bow down: no
Jelly Shark Cookie: hm? whats this thing??? a group chat?????
Sandy: yup!!!
Jelly Shark Cookie: oh cool!
>Jelly Shark Cookie changed their name to “*Jaws theme*”
USB Cookie: who even are you people???????????
Not a coward: wiat if evwery1 is inviwted here thwen...
Not a coward: @Papercut Cookie  @Papercut Cookie @Papercut Cookie
Papercut Cookie: Who the absolute FUCK is this
Not a coward: uwu
Papercut Cookie: Oh god
>Papercut Cookie has disconnected
Not a coward: umu
already going insane: why
*Jaws theme*: dum dum,,, dum dum,,, dudududududududududududu
im a god bitch bow down: shut up weeb
*Jaws theme*: well RUDE.
already going insane: ok boomer
im a god bitch bow down: fuck off im not a boomer
Peacock Cookie: w
Peacock Cookie: @USB Cookie i think this is a groyp chast?? ithnk
USB Cookie: oh
USB Cookie: cool
Oleander Cookie: How goddamn important must this be to interrupt my work
USB Cookie: you
Oleander Cookie: oh no
>Oleander Cookie has disconnected
Peacock Cookie: whysd u scary themoff??????
im a god bitch bow down: use a fucking dictionary kid
Sandy: ChhAAARcooaalll if you insult them one more time then ill have to mute you~~!!!! @im a god bitch bow down
im a god bitch bow down: shut up weeb, you probably cant even mute me bitch
>im a god bitch bow down has been muted. Reason: i told you! =)
already going insane: thats vaguely threatening
Sandy: =)
New Warrior: Sorry, im back, i needed to get food. what did i miss
already going insane: the so called ‘god’ got muted. karma
Roadkill Cookie: hm
New Warrior: wait who are you
Roadkill Cookie: i have a username for a reason use your eyes
Roadkill Cookie: so, it looks like everyone has been invited here
Sandy: yup!!!
Roadkill Cookie: so Icecream cake cat has also been invited
Sandy: yup!!! and?
Roadkill Cookie: @Icecream Cake Cat hey bitch i lived. im coming for you. watch out.
>Roadkill Cookie has disconnected
Sandy: welp cant do anything now
Icecream Cake Cat: why did i get a ping from here
Icecream Cake Cat: .
Icecream Cake Cat: what the fuck
Icecream Cake Cat: wHAT THE FUCK
>Icecream Cake Cat has disconnected
Nesquik Powder Cookie: i dont even know whats happening anymore
Peacock Cookie: iknow rigt?
>Sandy changed Peacock’s name to “Baby”
Baby: wh
Sandy: its the truth~
Baby: iam nt baby thouh..
Snowcone Cookie: oh!!!!!!!! sorry!!!!!1 i came late!!! hope i didnt mis anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Sandy: u didnt really miss anything ur fine!!!
Snowcone Cookie: whos alive rn????
Baby: ia m!!1
already going insane: im here too
New Warrior: me too!
*Jaws theme*: same
USB Cookie: i guess im also here. just kinda observing right now
Not a coward: uwu...
Black Cat Cookie: um
Black Cat Cookie: i havent been,well, involved but
Black Cat Cookie: im here ..
Sandy: GASP
Sandy: Blackie baby!!!!!
already going insane: blackie baby????
>Sandy changed Black Cat Cookie’s name to “blackie baby!!!”
blackie baby!!!: o
blackie baby!!!: oh???
Not a coward: wait a sec arent you the cookie we were suppose to kill multiple times
blackie baby!!!: wait what??????????
already going insane: fudge shut up
*Jaws theme*: you what now
Snowcone Cookie: well uhhhhhh
>Snowcone Cookie changed their name to “Ski Resort”
Ski Resort: calm down??? please????????? lets not fight......!!!!!
Sandy: yeah!!! lets not fight!! or you know what happens =)
already going insane: i dont know what happens but i dont want to find out
Sandy: =)
already going insane: please dont hurt me
*Jaws theme*: stop!!!!!!!
Baby: sandy itsa lik.... 11 p mgo to sle ep
Sandy: mmmmmmmmm
*Jaws theme*: wait its 11??? oh sh
Ski Resort: oh!!!! it is 11... i have to go to sleep now then!!! cya !!!!!11
>Ski Resort has disconnected
already going insane: oh shit i should go to sleep
Not a coward: uwu do i reawly hawe to go to sweep????
already going insane: well yeah we need to do something for papercut tomorrow, remember?
Not a coward: owo i forgowt abowt thawt...
Not a coward: bwye!!!!!!!
>Not a coward has disconnected
>already going insane has disconnected
>blackie baby!!! has disconnected
Sandy: guess they also fell asleep~~
*Jaws theme*: holy i did not see the time
Baby: goito slep!!!! now!!!!!!!11!11
*Jaws theme*: yikes ok ok
>*Jaws theme* has disconnected
Nesquik Powder Cookie: guys im back
Nesquik Powder Cookie: wait everyones sleeping
Sandy: yup!!
Nesquik Powder Cookie: welp better go then
>Nesquik Powder Cookie has disconnected
>im god bitch bow down has disconnected
Sandy: and there goes the so called “god”
Baby: i wil.. slep now. go tosle eep sandy
Sandy: ah, gn peacock!!!
>Baby has disconnected
New Warrior: wwwweeell
>USB Cookie has disconnected
New Warrior: that was interesting. better hit the hay now
>New Warrior has disconnected
Oreo: . . .
Oreo: sandy why
Sandy: =)
>Oreo has disconnected
>Sandy has disconnected
>Everyone is Offline
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itsasumbrella · 5 years
Hey, Umbrella. Primero: ¿Te molestaria si te digo Rihanna? Tiene una canción llamada Umbrella y ps... Sigamos 😅 Segundo: ¡Me encantan tus historias de HTTYD! No he leido las otras, ya que no sigo a Trollhunters. Tercero: Y por último, pensé un poco sobre a quien hacer esta petición, pero... Nunca pensaste en un AU donde, ¿Estoico fue a quien se llevo un dragon y Valka gobernaría Berk? ¡Esperare tu respuesta con ansias!
Holi! Esto es muy raro porque es el primer ask que recibo de una lectura y, dios mío, creo que voy a llorar. Prefiero que me llamen Itsasne o Itsas, porque Rihanna es too much y un bellezón. 
Agradezco que te hayas leído mis fics de HTTYD —aunque sean solo tres—, y no te preocupes, el fandom de Trollhunters es pequeñito, es muy raro que lean esos fics, aunque para mí son super especiales y me encanta escribirlos.
La verdad es que jamás he pensado en ese AU y, sinceramente, me parece super original. ¿Estoico llevado por un dragón en lugar de Valka? Dudo mucho que Estoico actuaría como Valka. Estoy convencida de que Estoico haría lo imposible por volver a Isla Mema. Me imagino la situación que es Asaltanubes el que se lo lleva, en un amago de intentar salvar a su hijo y llega al nido desarmado y rodeado de dragones. Está aterrado y convencido de que lo van a matar y sabe que no tiene ninguna posibilidad contra toda esa horda de dragones que hay en el nido. Sin embargo, los dragones se reducen a ignorarle. Sólo Asaltanubes está pendiente de él. Le trae comida —pescado casi siempre— que Estoico se niega a comer al principio, pero al tercer día decide que si no va a morir a manos de un dragón, tampoco iba hacerlo muerto de hambre. ¡Menuda estupidez de ser así! Una vez que ha aceptado que los dragones no van hacerle daño a menos que los ataque, Estoico decide explorar el lugar, dispuesto a encontrar una salida para volver a Isla Mema por su cuenta. Pero se pierde. Varias veces. Pronto cae que ese lugar está en medio de ninguna parte, rodeado de hielo y agua, seguramente muy muy muy al norte de su hogar.
Y entonces encuentra el corazón del nido y al Alfa. Estoico no ha visto en su vida a tantos dragones juntos y menos a un dragón tan grande como el Alfa. Se asusta. ¿Y si esa criatura va a Isla Mema? No le supondría un gran esfuerzo destruir toda su aldea y todo lo que ama. ¿Pero cómo se mata a algo tan grande? 
Estoico decide observar a las criaturas de aquel lugar para buscar la mejor manera de acabar con ellas. Asaltanubes de mientras le observa, le trae comida aunque Estoico se vale de sobra para buscarla por su cuenta. Antes de que se dé cuenta, se encuentra hablando con el dragón. Más de lo que debería. Pero se siente solo y está desesperado por hablar con alguien. Asaltanubes no da signos de violencia, sino más bien de curiosidad. Sin embargo, Estoico no lo quiere cerca. No deja que duerma con él, aunque se muera de frío por las noches y el dragón insista en acercarse. Aún así, Asaltanubes parece entenderlo, aunque Estoico aprecia la tristeza en sus ojos. No obstante, no permite dejarse engañar:
Es un dragón. Son criaturas salvajes y terribles que han matado a cientos de los suyos.
No obstante, un día Estoico se cae por uno de los precipicios. No muy propio de él, la verdad, pero lleva varias noches sin dormir bien y no ve que la piedra estaba fuera de lugar. Mientras cae piensa en Valka y en su hijo, rezando a los Dioses para que los protejan. Sin embargo, Estoico nunca llega a impactar contra el suelo. Asaltanubes lo salva en mitad de la caída y lo lleva volando hasta un lugar seguro.
En ese momento, Estoico empieza a cuestionar todo lo que había aprendido hasta ahora.
Con el paso de las semanas, Estoico se va relajando más y más alrededor de los dragones, es más, empieza a familiarizarse con ellos, les pone nombres e interacciona y duerme con ellos. Asaltanubes le lleva ante el Alfa cuando ve que está preparado. Estoico siente un nudo en el estómago por los nervios, pero no puede evitar verse en ese dragón.
El Alfa protege a los suyos.
El Jefe protege a los suyos.
La ansiedad por volver a su hogar se acrecenta. Echa de menos a Valka e Hipo y le preocupa que les haya pasado algo durante su ausencia. Tiene que volver ya. Una idea empieza a rondar su cabeza. Es una locura, pero se intensifica a medida que avanzan las semanas.
Decide volar con Asaltanubes. No se le ocurre un candidato mejor y el dragón parece lo bastante paciente como para aguantar sus gruñidos impacientes y su torpeza. Casi medio año después de haber sido arrancado de su vida, Estoico regresa montado sobre a Isla Mema. Hay quienes pensaron que era un demonio, un mal augurio enviado por Loki, pero es la Jefa quién les quita esa idea de la cabeza.
Valka Haddock, Jefa de Isla Mema, siempre supo que su marido no había muerto. Ella seguía convencida de que aquel dragón no había matado a su esposo. Y Estoico le da la razón: esas criaturas jamás cometerían daño a menos que fueran forzadas a ellos. Ambos deciden poner fin a la guerra contra los dragones, pero esta vez iba a ser diferente. 
Esta vez tenían dragones de su lado.
Y, bueno, ese sería el resumen. No sé si cumplen tus expectativas, pero he hecho lo mejor que he podido. Muchísimas gracias por tu ask, me ha hecho muchísima ilusión.
Un abrazo :DDD
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soupydoobydoo · 2 years
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tumblr user itsa mi is indeed a community fan who didn’t finish the last season bc of fear but a community fan nonetheless <3
<3 YAY community buddies 😁
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raticusfinch · 2 years
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I posted 3 052 times in 2021
6 posts created (0%)
3046 posts reblogged (100%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 507.7 posts.
I added 301 tags in 2021
#fave - 98 posts
#check later - 49 posts
#cute - 30 posts
#itsa me - 27 posts
#cat - 26 posts
#bts on main - 19 posts
#ultimate fave - 13 posts
#doctor who - 13 posts
#skz - 13 posts
#sdv - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#me watching a russian guy speedrun purble place instead of starting any of the shows ive been meaning to watch for the past 3 years
My Top Posts in 2021
there was a bbc les mis ad while i was watching tv with my parents today cuz theyre rerunning it or smt and my dad was like oh have you seen that one yet? the way i looked up that stupid ass andrew davies interview where he acts all high and mighty abt his adaptation being better and the musical being shit.. LMAO i was fucking fuming and went off about my favourite parts of the book and how davies didnt get the point at all and now she borrowed my copy and is reading it
0 notes • Posted 2021-01-17 04:27:45 GMT
0 notes • Posted 2021-01-11 07:13:27 GMT
who would win: my desire to start watching the untamed and know wtf everyone i follow is talking abt vs me knowing i will probably get way too invested into it and fall into another obssession rabbithole
0 notes • Posted 2021-01-02 22:53:58 GMT
ok well i caved and made a kpop sideblog so i wont be littering your dashes anymore hehe <3
1 notes • Posted 2021-01-20 06:19:39 GMT
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singabouther · 6 years
Itsa mi😘
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