#its about Gornachov
cschunney · 2 years
Upon the bridge she stands
Between red lacquer her smoke trails
And in the boat away from, far away from her bloodied lands
Torn between the darkness of apples or the inevitability of males
And overwatching like always
That grand clocktower bell plays
Upon the bridge He stands
A gilded stopwatch ticking on, ticking on
And she served Him once, anchovy juice upon her hands
He could not love her His perfect Russian blonde
And looking over the silverware,
The grandfather clock stays silently aware
For the essence as always is Time
And she loves Him and so she throws her shot
But men look only upon other men
And he loves Him . So he does not
So He lights a cigarette or ten
And dies all while the clock gives it's Chime
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Have you watched Gornachov (1973) dir. Martin Scorsese? If yes, what did you think of it?
I haven't, but I'm going to try now.
My initial impressions:
Pornography is still mostly porn, but the porn has this distinctive "catholic horror" flavor
My first thought upon realizing the character was not "catholic priest" but "the strange reddish man" was "huh, that's how you refer to yourself on the internet"
I can see this being an interesting movie if I were more familiar with, well, the other thing it's evocative of (the Catholic Church and its various historical/mythical/literary inspirations)
I imagine Scorsese would probably have a lot to say about it, so I should really watch it
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mihai-florescu · 2 years
Goncharov not gorbachov what is going with my autocorrect Jesus Christ
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Ah its ok, i misspelled gornachov as gornachev the first time cuz i too was thinking about gorbachev
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