#Gornachov (1973)
icarusistires · 2 years
I do not have the words for how stunning Gornachov is, the long, panning shots that seamlessly transition into fast-paced action, and the lighting used to add to every word in every conversation. The use of reds to symbolize both the love and passion of the characters for one another, but also the violence of the movie's setting.
The characters are just as amazing, none are 'good' by any means, but are all three-dimensional. Struggling with their own existing relationships, and their sexualities, and how society percieves them.
All mixed with the rythmic clock ticking, leads to such an action packed movie, but with an eerie sense of peace up to the end.
Just an incredible experience to see overall.
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"The trouble is... you think you have time"
Goncharov (1973, dir.: Matteo JWHJ0715, exec. prod.: Martin Scorsese)
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gayangelbones · 2 years
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ney-pilled · 2 years
Guys look
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thesolarisknight · 2 years
don’t let Disney make a remake of Goncharov . we need to protect our blorbos 
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daisymooonart · 2 years
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Okay but the clock symbolism in Goncharov? The red dress Katya wore as she went to bed alone, staring anywhere but her husband's pocket watch lying on the bedside table???
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sarahshoots1st · 2 years
"Wit," Dalinar said with a sigh, "I haven't the mind for this tonight. I'm sorry if I'm missing your intent, but I have no idea what you mean."
"I know," Wit said, then looked directly at him. "Gornachov."
Dalinar frowned more deeply. "What?"
Wit searched his face. "Have you ever heard the term, Dalinar?"
"Gorna ... what?"
"Nothing," Wit said. He seemed preoccupied, unlike his usual self. "Nonsense. Balderdash. Figgldygrak. Isn't it odd that gibberish words are often the sounds of other words, cut up and dismembered, then stitched into something like them - yet wholly unlike them at the same time?"
Dalinar frowned.
"I wonder if you could do that to a man. Pull him apart, emotion by emotion, bit by bit, bloody chunk by bloody chunk. Then combine them back together into something else, like a Dysian Aimian. If you do put a man together like that Dalinar, be sure to name him Unrealism, after me. Or perhaps Unreality."
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negetive-doubt · 2 years
Tumblr: talking about Goncharov, making fanart
Me (not an online person with abandonment issues): Can someone please explain what is happening? Also is there a wlw relationship in it?
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fuck fuck fuck help i just invited someone over to watch goncharov and they don't know that it's not real what do i do
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grotesquete · 2 years
I relate to Gornachov because I too have no idea how I ended up becoming the person I am
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cschunney · 2 years
Upon the bridge she stands
Between red lacquer her smoke trails
And in the boat away from, far away from her bloodied lands
Torn between the darkness of apples or the inevitability of males
And overwatching like always
That grand clocktower bell plays
Upon the bridge He stands
A gilded stopwatch ticking on, ticking on
And she served Him once, anchovy juice upon her hands
He could not love her His perfect Russian blonde
And looking over the silverware,
The grandfather clock stays silently aware
For the essence as always is Time
And she loves Him and so she throws her shot
But men look only upon other men
And he loves Him . So he does not
So He lights a cigarette or ten
And dies all while the clock gives it's Chime
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Have you watched Gornachov (1973) dir. Martin Scorsese? If yes, what did you think of it?
I haven't, but I'm going to try now.
My initial impressions:
Pornography is still mostly porn, but the porn has this distinctive "catholic horror" flavor
My first thought upon realizing the character was not "catholic priest" but "the strange reddish man" was "huh, that's how you refer to yourself on the internet"
I can see this being an interesting movie if I were more familiar with, well, the other thing it's evocative of (the Catholic Church and its various historical/mythical/literary inspirations)
I imagine Scorsese would probably have a lot to say about it, so I should really watch it
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sunsetcurveauto · 2 years
the funniest part about goncharov (1973) is that i read it wrong every time. gornachov goncharov gorvachov idk but im having a fun time
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potato-painter · 2 years
Fuckers on Tumblr got me thinking that Goncharov (1973) is fucking real. I was out here looking for it because this sounded and felt like a masterpiece.
Indeed, Taylor, "You know the greatest films of all time were never made".
Pls, I beg of someone, my brothers in Christ, write a script for it or something, I need to fill the need for Gornachov.
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Have you heard about the hit film Gornachov(1973(
Yeah!! It's only the GREATEST Mafia film of all time!!! ...or that's what everyone else says, I've never actually seen it. But I want to!
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wantsomegaycake · 1 year
half of my feed is Martin Scorsese’s Gornachov (1973) and the other half is the random fandoms that have adopted me
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