#its a little past 12:30 pm now btw
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went to bed when my internet broke right as i was in queue for the final trial at 4:30 am
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allthingsfern · 3 years
Finally took some pictures, as life goes on
On Saturday, 01-16-21, a little after 2:30 pm, I happened to see the title of an article about how US state capitol buildings were being protected by temporary fences and other barriers and by police and military forces in case of armed terrorist attacks by US white supremacist terrorists and other right wing extremists, attacks against US democracy similar to the insurgency at the US Capitol on 01-06-21.
Davis, CA, where I live, is a small, liberal, middle class college town that is about 12 miles from Sacramento, the state capital city of California. The California State Capitol building is about 15 miles from Davis. Every so often I rent a car 9or sometimes take the train) to go and take photos around there, plus there are great restaurants in Sacramento, close to the capitol building, and even Mike’s Camera, where I bought my 2 Sonys and where I buy most of my camera gear, is close to the capitol.
Anyway, I rented a car and drove to the capitol, getting there at around 3:30 pm. It was mostly deserted, except for small groups of soldiers and/or police officers and the usual joggers, tourists taking smartphone photos of the scene and selfies, residents of the area walking their dogs. Oh, and a surprise bunch of folks I will talk about later. And there were police and military vehicles.
The whole scene, for me, was disturbing, because it took me back to post-1959 Havana and the military presence visible throughout because of ongoing contra-Castro sabotage and the fear, starting in mid to late 1960, of a US led invasion. Many regular citizens were often dressed in military uniforms while they did volunteer security checks and stood watch, prepared for any attacks. My dad, who supported the new regime until April 16, 1961, the day Castro declared his nascent administration “comunista y socialista,” coincidentally the day before the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Both my parents supported the Castro government until that day.
I also recall seeing anti-aircraft guns along El Malecon, Havana’s renowned “broad esplanade, roadway, and seawall that stretches for 8 km along the coast in Havana, Cuba, from the mouth of Havana Harbor in Old Havana, along the north side of the Centro Habana neighborhood and the Vedado neighborhood, ending at the mouth of the Almendares River.“ (Source) And after the “French freighter La Coubre exploded in the harbour of Havana, Cuba, on 4 March 1960,” I recall my parents taking us on a small wooden water taxi to see what was left. BTW, the explosion occurred “while it was unloading 76 tons of grenades and munitions. Casualties may have been as high as 100, and many more were injured. Fidel Castro charged it was an act of sabotage on the part of the United States, which denied any involvement.” (Source) 1960 and 1961 was a period of constant fear, every so often hearing explosions at a distance, seeing the armed presence of military alertness, all the while having to hide the fact that my sister and I were leaving the country; my parents and newborn sister were able to get out in 1962. And then, once in the US, there was the 8 months of separation, the total disavowal by our pro-Castro family in Cuba, the fear that my parents and baby sister might not be allowed to leave, and soon after my parents and sister arrived, there came the October Missile Crisis.
On Saturday 01-16-21, all of that kept popping up, physically making me hyper aware, stirring up my little Cuban refugee anxieties and my childhood struggle to make sense out of what made no sense. Yet, that all my past pain and confusion and fear also grounded me in a faith of knowing I was going to be okay, the small groups of soldiers and/or police officers and the usual joggers, tourists taking smartphone photos of the scene and selfies, residents of the area walking their dogs were all going to be okay, the whole thing, the whole country, all of us were going to be okay.
So, I walked around. I asked the first small group of soldiers I saw if it was okay to take pictures of them and the surrounding area and they said it was okay, that I was only the second person to ask, which they appreciated, but most people just took pictures or video of whatever. They were very polite and seemed relieved to have a moment of civil conversation. And yes, I also thanked them for being in the front lines. And I walked around.
I think I got a couple of good photos of people being people, but I was especially blown away by the one group that, I guess, was a big a family, with parents, kids, cousins, aunts, uncles, all dressed in formal wear, posing in front of a young woman, also all dressed up, who was taking their photos with a nice setup that included a tripod. I guess the photos were for a wedding or a quinceañera. They were on the steps of a government building across the street form the capitol building. And what blew my mind was that to their right were 3 soldiers, standing guard, fully armed and ready, while they also watched the photo shoot. See, the capitol and its surrounding gardens and buildings are often used for backdrops for graduation, quinceañera, wedding, and family portraits.
My stormy emotions and painful memories were calmed by that family, by the usual joggers, tourists taking smartphone photos of the scene and selfies, residents of the area walking their dogs, all being people, And yes, by the very polite soldiers. And the beauty of the capitol and its gardens and buildings also soothed my anxiety. All those people in that lovely place reminded that life goes on. See, even during the violence and uncertainty of my childhood, life went on. My parents went to work. I went to school, played games, my family got together, we went to the beach, had fun. I watched One Step Beyond and Flash Gordon and Rosita Fornes and Betty Boop and Perry Mason and Pepe Biondi on our little B&W TV set. While the 1959 Revolution and the contra-Castro aftermath raged on, we went to the movies, had fun.
Life went one.
Really, kinda like now, during the COVID19 pandemic and political and social upheaval.
Life goes on.
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finallybeensaved · 6 years
Objection! Against Humanity: 7/3/18
Summary: A small smattering of a prosecutors, defense attorneys, bystanders, and one prisoner gather together to play Cards Against Humanity. Miles faces his past (literally). Few can find Bali on a map. Nobody likes Kristoph Gavin, but prison let him borrow a computer to play. Phoenix and Miles are WAY too candid about their bedroom life; Apollo and Athena have a surprise idea in response to this.
Content warnings: Sexual content, implied alcoholism, murder.
Notes: If you would like to join in the fun, we will playing again on July 5th at 5 PM Eastern! Also, click the permalinks to see which cards were played.
@absolutelaw​ (Kristoph Gavin)
@loudredattorney​ (Apollo Justice)
@multifariousmuses​ (Raymond Shields)
@revcnite​ (Phoenix Wright)
@praepcsitus (38 year old Miles Edgeworth) 
@millseggworth (21 year old Miles Edgeworth)
@aceofstrange​ (Chase Hoek)
@loathingreflection​ (Ritsuko Akagi)
@finallybeensaved​ (Adrian Andrews)
@cykeologies (Athena Cykes)
[7:30:18 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [7:30:18 PM] Permanent link to this game's rounds. [7:30:20 PM] <PhoenixWright> (helloooooo, its 3:30am but who cares) [7:30:26 PM] <Raymond_Shields> (Lawl. Army of Defense Attorney's here.) [7:30:29 PM] <kristoph_gavin> (i should have capitalized. but we all have regrets i gUESS) [7:30:35 PM] <PhoenixWright> (CHARGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE) [7:31:15 PM] <Adrian> Well this one seems fairly straightforward. Wasn't this supposed to be an inappropriate game? [7:31:17 PM] <Adrian> Wait.... [7:31:21 PM] <PhoenixWright> (i just realised what i've caused by being phoenix.. and i have zero regrets) [7:31:33 PM] <kristoph_gavin> I bribed a guard to get a laptop for this. It had better be worth it. [7:31:35 PM] <ApolloJustice> Um... can someone please explain what's happening, please? What the hell is this game? [7:31:44 PM] <ApolloJustice> K-KRISTOPH GAVIN? [7:31:48 PM] loathingreflection has joined the game. [7:31:52 PM] <Raymond_Shields> I believe it's a Card Game out to destroy humanity. Or something. [7:31:57 PM] <PhoenixWright> Oh boy, Apollo, please restrain me. [7:32:00 PM] <Adrian> That doesn't seem right.... [7:32:02 PM] kristoph_gavin wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [7:32:07 PM] <kristoph_gavin> HAH. [7:32:10 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [7:32:10 PM] <PhoenixWright> ...I cannot believe I done this. [7:32:17 PM] <ApolloJustice> M-Mr. Wright?? A-Am I dreaming? Someone.... please pinch me. please. [7:32:32 PM] <PhoenixWright> Apollo, I feel like if I pinched you, I'd lose my hearing for good. [7:32:40 PM] Error: You don't have that card. [7:32:42 PM] <Raymond_Shields> It occurs to me that likely none of you know who I am. So why don't we start things off with a hug? [7:32:48 PM] <ApolloJustice> Hehe... maybe just a little. [7:32:53 PM] <ApolloJustice> Um... I'll pass on hugging a stranger, but thanks. [7:32:57 PM] <Adrian> Hug?? [7:33:08 PM] <Adrian> Let's try a firm handshake [7:33:18 PM] <PhoenixWright> I'll pass, thanks. [7:33:18 PM] <Raymond_Shields> Works for me! [7:33:30 PM] ApolloJustice wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [7:33:31 PM] <Adrian> -shakes hand. it is actually a very limp handshake- [7:33:55 PM] <Raymond_Shields> It's alright! There's no need to be afraid! Name's Raymond Shields. Ace Attorney. [7:34:05 PM] <PhoenixWright> Erm, that's my title. [7:34:07 PM] <PhoenixWright> Get your own. [7:34:14 PM] <ApolloJustice> Wait, hold on. That's me... [7:34:27 PM] <PhoenixWright> Apollo I coined the phrase first, you latched on for seconds. [7:34:38 PM] <ApolloJustice> You were disbarred, Mr. Wright. I think I had a rightful claim. [7:34:39 PM] <kristoph_gavin> Wright, I told you to get your own apprentice, and you stole mine instead. You don't get to talk. [7:34:41 PM] <Raymond_Shields> I'm older than the both of you. [7:34:53 PM] <PhoenixWright> I got my own apprentice a year later, Gavin. [7:34:53 PM] loathingreflection wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [7:34:55 PM] <ApolloJustice> Can someone PLEASE explain why I'm playing this... vulgar thing with Kristoph Gavin? [7:34:57 PM] <Adrian> I don't think this is the right answer, but it's the most entertaining.... [7:35:38 PM] ApolloJustice wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [7:35:40 PM] <Raymond_Shields> (Imagine an Ace Attorney Objection voiced by Morgan Freeman.) [7:35:52 PM] <PhoenixWright> Hey I'm trying to drink the pain away right now, Apollo [7:35:55 PM] Aceofstrange has joined the game. [7:35:55 PM] <PhoenixWright> Ain't working [7:36:11 PM] <ApolloJustice> Card czar? Like, the leader of Russia? What is this? [7:36:25 PM] <ApolloJustice> Mr. Wright, you know I'm not big on grape juice... but you might need to pass me a bottle soon. [7:36:45 PM] <PhoenixWright> Grape juice is a life saver, one day, you'll come to learn its value in life [7:36:55 PM] <ApolloJustice> I hate all of these and all of you. [7:36:59 PM] <Adrian> :( [7:36:59 PM] Adrian wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [7:37:04 PM] <PhoenixWright> What did I do wrong?! [7:37:19 PM] <PhoenixWright> I just played a card... and drank some grape juice. [7:37:23 PM] <ApolloJustice> I had to choose a winner for a card about orgies, Mr. Wright. Everything about that is wrong. [7:37:34 PM] <PhoenixWright> You came along for this, Apollo. [7:37:37 PM] <Raymond_Shields> It appears that it is I who now holds the power. [7:37:40 PM] <ApolloJustice> ...unwillingly. [7:38:02 PM] <+loathingreflection> ( sweats as i realize i should have joined as my character name & not url 8^D ) [7:38:14 PM] <kristoph_gavin> ( it's okay angelina i still love you ) [7:38:20 PM] <Aceofstrange> Grape juice? C'mon, where's the booze? Ain't this a party? [7:38:20 PM] <Adrian> (I love... lamp) [7:38:21 PM] PhoenixWright wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [7:38:25 PM] <PhoenixWright> Sweet. [7:38:27 PM] <Adrian> Mr. Wright? [7:38:29 PM] MilesEdgeworth has joined the game. [7:38:56 PM] <PhoenixWright> (drags someone in, dabs into hell) [7:39:00 PM] <PhoenixWright> (my works done folks) [7:39:29 PM] Aceofstrange was skipped this round for being idle for too long. [7:39:42 PM] <PhoenixWright> How does this liven up a party? [7:39:44 PM] <Adrian> OOOOO a powerpoint presentation [7:39:48 PM] <PhoenixWright> And what parties have you been going to? [7:39:55 PM] <Aceofstrange> (OC Prosecutor Chase Hoeks, btw) [7:39:56 PM] <Adrian> Work... parties? [7:39:57 PM] qpdunalz has joined the game. [7:40:04 PM] <Adrian> (hi!) [7:40:15 PM] <PhoenixWright> I half want to pass. [7:40:18 PM] ApolloJustice wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [7:40:21 PM] <+loathingreflection> You can never go wrong with a well developed presentation. C: [7:40:23 PM] <PhoenixWright> I guess????? [7:40:30 PM] <Adrian> It's true! It's really true. [7:40:40 PM] <ApolloJustice> I'm almost out of appropriate cards. [7:40:48 PM] <+loathingreflection> Oh lord, why can't I sleep at night? [7:40:52 PM] <PhoenixWright> Well then, this IS a mood. [7:41:02 PM] <PhoenixWright> Apollo half of these cards are your fault. [7:41:04 PM] <+loathingreflection> Because my veins are but coffee at this point. [7:41:05 PM] <PhoenixWright> Just saying. [7:41:06 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> How so? [7:41:07 PM] <Adrian> I'm filled with Regret at this card [7:41:11 PM] <Aceofstrange> H-heya, Chief Prosecutor, Sir. [7:41:12 PM] <kristoph_gavin> Don't know what you're all talking about. I sleep just fine. [7:41:16 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> Hello [7:41:20 PM] <Adrian> IN PRISON [7:41:22 PM] <PhoenixWright> Chords of Steel, enough said. [7:41:26 PM] qpdunalz was skipped this round for being idle for too long. [7:41:34 PM] Aceofstrange wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [7:41:46 PM] <PhoenixWright> Edgeworth's life in a nutshell. [7:41:55 PM] <+loathingreflection> My ugly face & bad personality was a close second. [7:42:06 PM] qpdunalz has left the game. [7:42:38 PM] kristoph_gavin wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [7:42:42 PM] <Adrian> Wait, how does that kill people? [7:42:49 PM] <kristoph_gavin> You'd be surprised. [7:42:49 PM] <ApolloJustice> Is... Is Mr. g [7:42:57 PM] <ApolloJustice> ...Gavin a fan of disney movies? [7:42:58 PM] <PhoenixWright> It's Gavin, what else do you expect Ms Andrews? [7:43:10 PM] <Adrian> More out of him? [7:43:12 PM] <PhoenixWright> He'd murder someone by singing a Disney song. [7:43:33 PM] <ApolloJustice> Don't ruin Disney for me, please. After this, it's one of the few things I'll have left. [7:43:44 PM] <PhoenixWright> Hey, I'm stating facts. [7:43:52 PM] <kristoph_gavin> To be fair, he's not wrong. [7:43:54 PM] <Adrian> First your title, then your childhood... [7:44:02 PM] PhoenixWright wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [7:44:10 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [7:44:17 PM] <PhoenixWright> Bribery works [7:44:39 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> Bribery? [7:44:46 PM] <PhoenixWright> You know what I mean [7:44:49 PM] <ApolloJustice> Grape juice? [7:44:50 PM] <Adrian> This card hits home [7:44:56 PM] <PhoenixWright> Maaaybe. [7:45:08 PM] MilesEdgeworth wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [7:45:12 PM] <Aceofstrange> Oh, suffering skunk-apes... [7:45:30 PM] <Aceofstrange> I thought I had that. [7:45:41 PM] <ApolloJustice> S-Skunk apes? [7:45:52 PM] Adrian wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [7:46:00 PM] <PhoenixWright> Can I vomit yet? [7:46:11 PM] <Adrian> Please avoid the carpet, if possible [7:46:21 PM] <Aceofstrange> Bigfoot's stinky brother. [7:46:22 PM] <PhoenixWright> Eh, dry cleaners. [7:46:24 PM] <ApolloJustice> Yeah, if you vomit on the carpet, guess who cleans it up. [7:46:38 PM] <PhoenixWright> Ohhh yeah, Apollo's on clean up duty. [7:46:39 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> Certainly not me [7:46:58 PM] MilesEdgeworth wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [7:47:10 PM] <Adrian> Mr. Edgeworth, are you okay? [7:47:11 PM] <PhoenixWright> You um... you okay there, Edgeworth? [7:47:37 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> Not entirely [7:47:48 PM] ApolloJustice wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [7:47:49 PM] <PhoenixWright> Will me su-. I mean... [7:48:00 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> >_> [7:48:01 PM] <PhoenixWright> coughs coughs. [7:48:30 PM] <Adrian> (trying to save the transcript is hard guys) [7:48:48 PM] <kristoph_gavin> (r i p) [7:49:22 PM] ApolloJustice wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [7:49:33 PM] <PhoenixWright> Apollo what do you know about those? [7:49:51 PM] <ApolloJustice> ...don't make me suffer anymore than I already am, Mr. wright. [7:50:09 PM] <PhoenixWright> It's a curiosity question! [7:50:12 PM] <Aceofstrange> Oh, Mr. Edgeworth, before I forget... [7:50:21 PM] <ApolloJustice> Curiosity, something something, cat, something something, I forget. [7:50:26 PM] Raymond_Shields wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [7:50:37 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> Yes? [7:50:46 PM] <PhoenixWright> That's an escalation if I've ever heard one. [7:50:50 PM] <Aceofstrange> Here are the case files you asked for. [7:51:05 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> Thank you [7:51:09 PM] <Adrian> So it IS a work party [7:51:20 PM] <PhoenixWright> I didn't ask for this. [7:51:22 PM] kristoph_gavin wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [7:51:26 PM] <ApolloJustice> Me either. [7:51:35 PM] <PhoenixWright> I also ask for Gavin to um... die. [7:51:52 PM] <Adrian> That's just not nice [7:51:53 PM] <kristoph_gavin> The only reason I'M here is because Adrian keeps telling me to "join activities" to "socialize" me, or ... something. [7:52:10 PM] <kristoph_gavin> There's no need to be so rude. [7:52:17 PM] <PhoenixWright> Ms Andrews, if you heard what happened, you'll know why I'm salty. [7:52:35 PM] <kristoph_gavin> Hmph. [7:52:36 PM] <ApolloJustice> We... we're all aware that he MURDERED people, right? [7:52:40 PM] <Adrian> Well yes [7:52:44 PM] <kristoph_gavin> Some mistakes were made! [7:52:44 PM] PhoenixWright wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [7:52:54 PM] <PhoenixWright> Wow okay Edgeworth. [7:52:59 PM] <Adrian> But he could become a slightly more successful member of society [7:53:09 PM] <PhoenixWright> Not really. [7:53:16 PM] <PhoenixWright> He poisoned people, forged evidence, lied to the world. [7:53:17 PM] <ApolloJustice> I'm with Mr. Wright on this one. [7:53:26 PM] <Adrian> People can change! Really!! [7:53:27 PM] <PhoenixWright> He can burn in hell for all I care. [7:53:31 PM] <+loathingreflection> Well how bad was the murder? [7:53:32 PM] <Adrian> Ithinkorhope [7:53:37 PM] <PhoenixWright> Very. [7:53:40 PM] ApolloJustice wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [7:53:53 PM] <ApolloJustice> He ruined several people's lives, and not just the ones he murdered. I'd say it was pretty bad. [7:54:00 PM] <kristoph_gavin> Eh. [7:54:03 PM] <Aceofstrange> .....Awkward~ [7:54:07 PM] <+loathingreflection> We all have our vices. [7:54:12 PM] <kristoph_gavin> Thank you! [7:54:36 PM] <ApolloJustice> Today has only crushed what little hope I had for humanity. [7:54:39 PM] <Adrian> Murder isn't a very good vice, though, as a reminder [7:54:46 PM] <Raymond_Shields> Kristoph's last name isn't Von Karma. So he isn't that bad in my book. Nor is his first name Manfred. [7:54:54 PM] Aceofstrange wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [7:55:02 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [7:55:30 PM] <PhoenixWright> (I'm just saying if no one gets my reference I'll be disappointed) [7:55:55 PM] <PhoenixWright> In what world is Kristoph Gavin good? [7:56:04 PM] <PhoenixWright> Cause I'd like to visit this world, and laugh at it's bullshit. [7:56:05 PM] <Adrian> Potentially good! [7:56:08 PM] <Adrian> Potentially. [7:56:12 PM] <+loathingreflection> Some people bury their vices with cats & coffee & cigarettes, others bury it with a shovel & some well placed evidence against someone else. [7:56:12 PM] loathingreflection wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [7:56:36 PM] <ApolloJustice> I'll take "false equivalence" for 300, Alex. [7:56:56 PM] <PhoenixWright> I'll take dying of alcohol poisoning from Gavin's BS for 500. [7:57:16 PM] <kristoph_gavin> Yes, please do die. [7:57:18 PM] Aceofstrange wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [7:57:20 PM] <PhoenixWright> You first [7:57:25 PM] <Aceofstrange> MUTTERING MOTHMAN!!! [7:57:30 PM] <kristoph_gavin> Hmm........... nah. [7:57:31 PM] <Aceofstrange> YES!!! [7:57:34 PM] <+loathingreflection> I thought murder was bad though? [7:57:50 PM] <PhoenixWright> Oh no, he can die from execution for all I care [7:57:55 PM] <PhoenixWright> I bagsy front row seats [7:58:13 PM] <kristoph_gavin> At least if I'm dead, I won't have to see your face anymore. [7:58:25 PM] <Adrian> Please don't haunt Mr. Wright... [7:58:29 PM] <PhoenixWright> The same can be said for you [7:58:39 PM] kristoph_gavin wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [7:58:51 PM] <+loathingreflection> I'm concerned. [7:58:57 PM] <Aceofstrange> Ohh! Ohh! Haunt me! [7:59:08 PM] <Adrian> What?? [7:59:14 PM] <PhoenixWright> Why in the [7:59:27 PM] ApolloJustice wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [7:59:34 PM] <Adrian> What??? [7:59:36 PM] <kristoph_gavin> I will not be haunting anyone. Not worth my time. [8:00:06 PM] <PhoenixWright> He'll haunt his own grave because only he can love himself. [8:00:24 PM] <kristoph_gavin> *Because I'm the only person worth haunting. [8:00:25 PM] <Aceofstrange> I used to be a paranormal investigator, alright? There, I said it. [8:00:34 PM] <Adrian> Explain? [8:00:35 PM] Raymond_Shields was skipped this round for being idle for too long. [8:00:40 PM] <ApolloJustice> Like, yknow, ghosts? [8:00:41 PM] <PhoenixWright> Nah I prefer my theory. [8:00:43 PM] kristoph_gavin wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:00:51 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [8:00:58 PM] <kristoph_gavin> Well, I mean, your theory is WRONG, but that's never stopped you before. [8:01:19 PM] <PhoenixWright> You couldn't even stop me. [8:01:21 PM] <Adrian> Theories require rigorous testing [8:01:33 PM] <kristoph_gavin> Stopped you for seven years. [8:01:38 PM] <ApolloJustice> Uh, I'd like some credit for the whole stopping Mr. Gavin thing. I helped. [8:01:40 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> -_- [8:01:41 PM] Raymond_Shields has left the game. [8:01:47 PM] <PhoenixWright> You forged evidence, congrats. [8:01:49 PM] <PhoenixWright> Want a medal? [8:01:55 PM] <kristoph_gavin> Yes! [8:01:58 PM] <PhoenixWright> Fuck off. [8:02:06 PM] <kristoph_gavin> So eloquent. [8:02:08 PM] kristoph_gavin wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:02:12 PM] <kristoph_gavin> It's true! [8:02:16 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [8:02:38 PM] <PhoenixWright> Your ego needs a checkup, seems to have gained unnecessary baggage. [8:02:49 PM] <Adrian> (hmmm ema is spelled with one m isn't it. this is what i get for not making my own decks) [8:03:08 PM] <PhoenixWright> (yeah it is, people make that mistake a lot in these cards) [8:03:16 PM] loathingreflection wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:03:16 PM] <ApolloJustice> (ngl i pronounced it "eem-a" in my head for much longer than i'd like to admit) [8:03:30 PM] <kristoph_gavin> (i still do that sometimes even though i know it's not right....rip) [8:03:33 PM] <Aceofstrange> Crap, I got papers to fill out. Got to go. [8:03:50 PM] <ApolloJustice> Good luck! Take me with you, please. Paperwork sounds so much more appealing. [8:04:03 PM] <Adrian> Stay... safe [8:04:17 PM] <Aceofstrange> Prosecutors only. Sorry. [8:04:28 PM] ApolloJustice wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:04:29 PM] <ApolloJustice> Why did I even ask. [8:04:41 PM] Aceofstrange has left the game. [8:04:55 PM] <Adrian> Anybody up for another game? [8:05:18 PM] loathingreflection has left the game. [8:05:30 PM] <kristoph_gavin> (I am, if you guys are?) [8:05:38 PM] <PhoenixWright> (I'm down sure ;3) [8:05:40 PM] <ApolloJustice> (sure!) [8:05:42 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> (ye) [8:05:42 PM] Play 3 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [8:05:42 PM] Permanent link to this game's rounds. [8:06:04 PM] <kristoph_gavin> (My friend who writes Athena @ cykeologies might join later ) [8:06:18 PM] <Adrian> (odd question but would anybody be interested in a group rp verse where the characters are playing dungeons and dragons to humorous effect?) [8:06:29 PM] <ApolloJustice> (^^^^) [8:06:58 PM] <ApolloJustice> (also let's be real here athena would kick ass at this game) [8:07:08 PM] <Adrian> (it true) [8:07:14 PM] <PhoenixWright> (fair) [8:07:35 PM] PhoenixWright wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:07:43 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [8:07:50 PM] <PhoenixWright> Appealing to his tastes. Nice. [8:08:13 PM] MilesEggworth has joined the game. [8:08:19 PM] <ApolloJustice> Please never make me think of your... thing, that way ever again, Mr. Wright. [8:08:20 PM] <MilesEggworth> hello [8:08:25 PM] <Adrian> -looking between Edgeworths- [8:08:26 PM] <Adrian> Uhhh [8:08:27 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> Oh [8:08:31 PM] <MilesEggworth> hmm [8:08:36 PM] <ApolloJustice> Hello there... wait a second, um... what...! [8:08:39 PM] kristoph_gavin wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:08:54 PM] <Adrian> This is really something! ....Really.... something! [8:09:11 PM] <PhoenixWright> Is it bad I lowkey have the weirdest boner right now? [8:09:26 PM] <Adrian> YES [8:09:26 PM] <ApolloJustice> Hell is other people. [8:09:39 PM] MilesEdgeworth wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:09:58 PM] <MilesEggworth> I probably have to leave soon, unfortunately [8:10:19 PM] <kristoph_gavin> (listen though. why is "kristoph obtains a laptop somehow just to pettily crash everyone's nice game of cah" something that would happen in-universe) [8:10:21 PM] <kristoph_gavin> (i'm not wrong) [8:10:24 PM] <kristoph_gavin> (i'm really not) [8:10:29 PM] <ApolloJustice> 9 [8:10:36 PM] <ApolloJustice> (youre very right) [8:10:40 PM] <Adrian> (it's a shitpost that writes itself) [8:10:51 PM] <kristoph_gavin> (exactly) [8:10:55 PM] <PhoenixWright> (phoenix would find a way to troll him on cah) [8:10:55 PM] <Adrian> That's okay, Mr. Edgeworth. Mr. Edgeworth will keep us company [8:11:00 PM] Adrian wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:11:17 PM] <ApolloJustice> I've read enough sci-fi to know that our entire reality is going to collapse because of this. [8:11:31 PM] <MilesEggworth> Don't be ridiculous. [8:11:50 PM] MilesEdgeworth wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:11:58 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [8:12:47 PM] Athena has joined the game. [8:12:50 PM] <MilesEggworth> I have never understood this game. [8:12:56 PM] <kristoph_gavin> (HEY!!!) [8:12:58 PM] ApolloJustice wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:13:04 PM] <ApolloJustice> Oh no. Not Athena. Please anyone but Athena. [8:13:05 PM] <ApolloJustice> (hiya!) [8:13:16 PM] <+Athena> ( [ kicks my legs out ] HELLO ) [8:13:17 PM] <PhoenixWright> Great, both of my students are here, wonderful. [8:13:37 PM] <MilesEggworth> My parallel self is here. [8:13:44 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> Hello [8:13:48 PM] <MilesEggworth> Helo [8:13:49 PM] <PhoenixWright> Miles, kill me. [8:13:51 PM] <+Athena> hiya, mr. wright! it's surprising to see you here too! [8:13:52 PM] <MilesEggworth> *Hello [8:13:53 PM] <Adrian> Which one? [8:13:55 PM] <kristoph_gavin> And I hacked your game to bother you. [8:13:59 PM] ApolloJustice wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:14:00 PM] <PhoenixWright> My one- [8:14:27 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> That would be me [8:14:33 PM] <+Athena> ohh.. [8:14:33 PM] <PhoenixWright> (tfw you're sat here tryna work out who's who, forgetting no one knows you-) [8:14:42 PM] <ApolloJustice> Every time I win in this game, my suffering grows just a little bit more. [8:14:45 PM] <MilesEggworth> Other Miles Edgeworth, do you understand what's going on here at all> [8:14:46 PM] <+Athena> ( im cykeologies lmao ) [8:14:48 PM] <MilesEggworth> *? [8:14:49 PM] <kristoph_gavin> (i'm billie absolutelaw) [8:14:56 PM] <MilesEggworth> (I'm millseggworth) [8:14:56 PM] <ApolloJustice> (loudredattorney, ben!) [8:14:58 PM] Adrian wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:14:58 PM] <PhoenixWright> (no one knows me dabs) [8:15:06 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> Not quite, I'm just going with the flow [8:15:11 PM] <kristoph_gavin> (WELL IT'S GOOD TO MEET YOU) [8:15:13 PM] <PhoenixWright> As usual [8:15:16 PM] <Adrian> (finallybeensaved, bekah.... this game is my child) [8:15:25 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> ( sup it's your local thot, yang, from praepcsitus :v ) [8:15:30 PM] <Adrian> (noice) [8:15:33 PM] <MilesEggworth> I suppose that is all we can do. [8:15:37 PM] <PhoenixWright> (im nickey, from revcnite) [8:15:50 PM] Athena wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:15:55 PM] <+Athena> yes! :D [8:15:57 PM] <PhoenixWright> LEAVE MISSILE OUT OF THIS. [8:16:11 PM] <Adrian> He seemed like such a good boy [8:16:14 PM] <+Athena> what's wrong with missile having a vacation?! [8:16:18 PM] <PhoenixWright> He's such a good boy. [8:16:23 PM] <PhoenixWright> He deserves belly rubs [8:16:25 PM] <PhoenixWright> And kisses [8:16:26 PM] <MilesEggworth> I supppose. [8:16:27 PM] <ApolloJustice> Cats are better than dogs and that's a fact. [8:16:37 PM] <PhoenixWright> And Miles I swear if you kidnap Missile I will fight. [8:16:40 PM] <Adrian> While true, there wasn't a cat option [8:16:42 PM] Adrian wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:16:48 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> Pess also deserves them- why would I do that when we already ahve a dog [8:16:48 PM] <Adrian> I have no idea who he is [8:16:50 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [8:16:54 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> have* [8:17:01 PM] <PhoenixWright> You cried over fifty dogs. Today, alone. [8:17:06 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> And?? [8:17:07 PM] <kristoph_gavin> Speaking of dogs. I know you all hate me, but please tell me someone is at least taking care of Vongole. [8:17:10 PM] <ApolloJustice> I'm picking whoever has the least vulgar cards. [8:17:16 PM] <ApolloJustice> Who the hell is Vongole? [8:17:27 PM] <PhoenixWright> Vongole deserved a better fucking owner. [8:17:34 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> I assume Klavier is [8:17:49 PM] <+Athena> . . . i'm sure someone's taking care of them? [8:17:49 PM] MilesEggworth wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:17:51 PM] <Adrian> Is Klavier your emergency contact? [8:17:53 PM] <PhoenixWright> (phoenix is the protagonist who failed the turing test) [8:17:55 PM] <kristoph_gavin> Apollo, haven't you met my dog before? [8:17:55 PM] <Adrian> I can see if we can call him up [8:18:00 PM] <kristoph_gavin> And Klavier had BETTER be taking care of her. [8:18:06 PM] <MilesEggworth> I see I am capable of earning points, then. [8:18:07 PM] <PhoenixWright> (quit booing y'all know im right) [8:18:22 PM] <ApolloJustice> I'll be honest with you Mr. Gavin, I've blocked everything I ever did involving you out of my mind. [8:18:28 PM] <MilesEggworth> (I suck at this game) [8:18:30 PM] <ApolloJustice> Besides proving your guilt on two separate occasions. [8:18:35 PM] <kristoph_gavin> Fair enough. [8:18:51 PM] <+Athena> ( im trying my best to Not Pick The NSFW Cards but theres so MANY ) [8:19:03 PM] <PhoenixWright> (IM GONNA PLAY ALL THE NSFW CARDS) [8:19:05 PM] <PhoenixWright> (IM NO COWARD) [8:19:08 PM] <PhoenixWright> (Im british) [8:19:08 PM] <+Athena> ( OH GOD ) [8:19:08 PM] <ApolloJustice> (i tried to avoid them but it was impossible lmao) [8:19:16 PM] ApolloJustice wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:19:26 PM] <PhoenixWright> (welcome to hell bo i s) [8:19:26 PM] <Adrian> Just... one pringle... hmmm [8:19:27 PM] <+Athena> that's a sad toy [8:19:54 PM] <PhoenixWright> This is why I gave Trucy magic props. [8:19:56 PM] <PhoenixWright> Best toys. [8:20:25 PM] MilesEggworth was skipped this round for being idle for too long. [8:20:26 PM] <ApolloJustice> I swear if any of you let Trucy anywhere near this game. [8:20:28 PM] <ApolloJustice> I will end you. [8:20:34 PM] <PhoenixWright> Oh no, I banned her. [8:20:44 PM] <MilesEggworth> (sorry for being afk. I'll be back in a sec) [8:20:45 PM] <+Athena> D: [8:20:54 PM] PhoenixWright wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:20:59 PM] <Adrian> Maybe she could join us for Apples to Apples? [8:21:11 PM] <ApolloJustice> YES. Finally, someone suggests a decent game. [8:21:15 PM] <ApolloJustice> Let's go play that instead. [8:21:43 PM] <+Athena> hey! i like this game :(! [8:21:45 PM] <PhoenixWright> I prefer to play how red can my husband be. [8:21:54 PM] Adrian wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:22:01 PM] <Adrian> So only one of the Miles...es is your husband? [8:22:12 PM] <PhoenixWright> He knows who he is [8:22:13 PM] <kristoph_gavin> As long as I can irritate Wright with my presence, I'm good. [8:22:17 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> That would be me [8:22:33 PM] <ApolloJustice> So you're only married to one of the Mr. Edgeworths? [8:22:34 PM] <PhoenixWright> Oh no, I've grown to accept you're just apart of the wall, Gavin. [8:22:36 PM] <Adrian> Congratulations! [8:22:38 PM] <+Athena> what's a pingers [8:22:46 PM] <PhoenixWright> And yes, I'm married to one of them, and only one. [8:22:47 PM] <MilesEggworth> Um... interesting. [8:22:48 PM] <Adrian> I don't know, I was trying to get rid of cards [8:22:51 PM] <PhoenixWright> Two would be theft ;) [8:22:56 PM] <ApolloJustice> I don't know, Athena, and I'm scared to find out. [8:23:01 PM] MilesEdgeworth wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:23:18 PM] <+Athena> i was . . . half inclined to pick ' pingers ' just for how it sounded . . . [8:23:21 PM] <kristoph_gavin> There was a card........that was me...........and you didn't instantly pick it out of your deep love and respect for me? [8:23:23 PM] <kristoph_gavin> I'm insulted. [8:23:39 PM] <+Athena> i'm sorry, mr. gavin! D: [8:23:43 PM] <PhoenixWright> Honestly a dance named after you would just be you filling up a bottle with poison. [8:23:48 PM] <Adrian> Mr. Gavin, the game doesn't revolve around you :( [8:23:56 PM] <ApolloJustice> Athena, don't show him sympathy. Please. [8:24:00 PM] <+Athena> catapult was just calling to me . . . [8:24:01 PM] <kristoph_gavin> Everything revolves around me!! [8:24:05 PM] <PhoenixWright> No. [8:24:21 PM] <kristoph_gavin> Hmph. [8:24:21 PM] <Adrian> oh i don't like these [8:24:22 PM] <ApolloJustice> Well, your ego is massive, and I guess things with high mass tend to have high gravitational attraction, no? [8:24:24 PM] Error: It is not your turn to play a card. [8:24:24 PM] MilesEdgeworth wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:24:27 PM] <+Athena> there's two cards that scare me [8:24:42 PM] <Adrian> I picked the only one that wasn't frightening [8:24:51 PM] <ApolloJustice> That's fair. [8:24:55 PM] <PhoenixWright> Dating Edgeworth's a dream [8:24:57 PM] <PhoenixWright> I mean... what [8:25:02 PM] <Adrian> no offense, Misters Edgeworths, but dating you is not a dream of mine. [8:25:03 PM] <MilesEggworth> I'm... not that frightening, am I? [8:25:11 PM] <MilesEggworth> Understandable. [8:25:12 PM] <PhoenixWright> But it is mine ;) [8:25:23 PM] <+Athena> tiny pizzas .... [8:25:24 PM] <MilesEggworth> Are you...? [8:25:34 PM] <+Athena> how did they know [8:25:34 PM] MilesEdgeworth wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:25:41 PM] <Adrian> That was the correct answer [8:26:04 PM] <MilesEggworth> I believe I may stand a chance this round. [8:26:10 PM] <ApolloJustice> An asteroid. Someone please play "an asteroid." [8:26:17 PM] <Adrian> Raptor attacks!! [8:26:23 PM] Athena wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:26:25 PM] <PhoenixWright> Raptor what now? [8:26:29 PM] <+Athena> closest i could get! [8:26:32 PM] <Adrian> Raptor attacks... made sense [8:26:33 PM] <MilesEggworth> Raptor attacks was mine. [8:26:37 PM] <ApolloJustice> Points for trying, Athena. [8:26:41 PM] <PhoenixWright> (OKAY GAME JUST BECAUSE I'M BRITISH) [8:26:43 PM] <Adrian> I can't lose this one [8:26:52 PM] <PhoenixWright> (wankers I say) [8:27:00 PM] Adrian wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:27:05 PM] <PhoenixWright> I mean... [8:27:06 PM] <MilesEggworth> Wright, why? [8:27:06 PM] <PhoenixWright> I would. [8:27:09 PM] <kristoph_gavin> That's a terrible department. [8:27:12 PM] <kristoph_gavin> I disapprove. [8:27:14 PM] <PhoenixWright> WHY NOT. [8:27:22 PM] <PhoenixWright> Fuck you Gavin, I disapprove of you. [8:27:23 PM] <MilesEggworth> Remind me to never vote you for Prime Minister. [8:27:29 PM] <kristoph_gavin> *Department of bluffing [8:27:34 PM] <+Athena> oh no . .. the gross cards ... . they're coming to haunt me [8:27:39 PM] <PhoenixWright> *Department of kicking Gavin's ass [8:27:45 PM] <MilesEggworth> Acceptable. [8:27:46 PM] <+Athena> UM [8:27:50 PM] <ApolloJustice> To be fair, none of us are qualified to hold any elected office ever. [8:28:06 PM] <Adrian> Felons can't vote... can they run for office? [8:28:07 PM] ApolloJustice wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:28:14 PM] <PhoenixWright> APOLLO. [8:28:15 PM] <+Athena> CORPSES? [8:28:50 PM] <ApolloJustice> Mr. Wright, as many times as I've had to think about your private parts today, I won't accept your scolding ever again. [8:29:02 PM] <ApolloJustice> And I don't have a justification for you, Athena. I'm disappointed in me, too. [8:29:03 PM] PhoenixWright wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:29:37 PM] <+Athena> i glitched out and had to refresh, what did i miss in the two seconds of me being gone that prompted THAT [8:29:53 PM] <PhoenixWright> Welcome to life Athena [8:30:00 PM] PhoenixWright wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:30:02 PM] <Adrian> (it's okay i'm saving the transcript for FOREVER) [8:30:08 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [8:30:10 PM] <PhoenixWright> I'm sorry Athena, I really am.
[8:30:23 PM] <ApolloJustice> Where the hell is my apology? 
[8:30:26 PM] <+Athena> maybe coming to WAA wasn't the best of my ideas now that i think about it [8:30:54 PM] <Adrian> Employment is great! [8:30:56 PM] <+Athena> oh the last card set [8:31:04 PM] <+Athena> that ones my favorite [8:31:07 PM] MilesEdgeworth wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:31:18 PM] <ApolloJustice> Ms. Andrews, you haven't experienced what it means to work for Mr. Wright. [8:31:25 PM] <ApolloJustice> (how could wesley stickler and women's undies lose) [8:31:31 PM] <ApolloJustice> (i thought that one was unbeatable) [8:31:48 PM] <Adrian> (IT WAS SO GOOD but would scare adrian) [8:31:49 PM] <PhoenixWright> I mean to be fair Apollo, you walked out after a year [8:31:57 PM] <Adrian> (unfortunately i'm trying to play in character :< ) [8:32:03 PM] <+Athena> ( look i cant speak for the czar but the last card pack is just an athena aesthetic ) [8:32:05 PM] Error: You don't have that card. [8:32:06 PM] Hurry up! You have less than 10 seconds to decide, or you will be skipped. [8:32:09 PM] <ApolloJustice> Don't even get me started, Mr. Wright. 
[8:32:24 PM] MilesEdgeworth wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink 
[8:32:26 PM] <ApolloJustice> (i was just so proud that i had those two cards in one hand lmao) [8:32:33 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [8:32:44 PM] <MilesEggworth> (why is other miles doing so well while i suck so badly) [8:32:57 PM] <+Athena> ( he Has A Plan ) [8:33:01 PM] <+Athena> ( Probably ) [8:33:08 PM] <kristoph_gavin> ( i have terrible cards but i'm doing my best ) [8:33:10 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> (legit i'm just tossing out random cards, like half of those were burn cards tbh) [8:33:13 PM] <PhoenixWright> (she's hacking the game guys) [8:33:15 PM] Athena wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:33:20 PM] <+Athena> :D! [8:33:22 PM] <Adrian> Mood! [8:33:31 PM] <PhoenixWright> Where's Bali? [8:33:37 PM] <ApolloJustice> Cuddling and/or peace and quiet would be vastly preferable to this. [8:33:38 PM] <PhoenixWright> Is that Asian? [8:33:56 PM] <PhoenixWright> Bali-done with Gavin's Shit? [8:34:09 PM] <kristoph_gavin> You don't even know where Bali is? [8:34:15 PM] <ApolloJustice> That's a stretch even for you, Mr. Wright. [8:34:18 PM] <+Athena> not sure, but i guess they're having a volcano crisis there as far as i can search up? [8:34:26 PM] MilesEdgeworth wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:34:28 PM] <kristoph_gavin> How did you.......how on Earth were you ever intelligent enough to pass the bar? [8:34:43 PM] <PhoenixWright> Geography ain't my strong suit [8:34:47 PM] <kristoph_gavin> Ugh. [8:34:47 PM] <MilesEggworth> That is indeed a good question. [8:34:49 PM] <ApolloJustice> At least he's good at poker, Mr. Gavin. [8:34:51 PM] <Adrian> All I've learned today is that Mr. Edgeworth and Mr. Wright have a very active bedroom lifestyle [8:34:56 PM] <PhoenixWright> (i mean tbfh idk where Bali is anyway) [8:35:05 PM] <+Athena> eheheh . . . i studied psychology, not geography ... [8:35:08 PM] <ApolloJustice> Me too, Ms. Andrews. [8:35:09 PM] <PhoenixWright> (PROJECTION TO MUSE TIME) [8:35:17 PM] <kristoph_gavin> ( idk where Bali is either gavin is just pretentious ) [8:35:26 PM] <+Athena> ( i just searched it up akdjwkadjajd ) [8:35:31 PM] <Adrian> (it's a brand... of bra) [8:35:32 PM] <PhoenixWright> (fair, it's in indonesia lmao) [8:35:36 PM] <MilesEggworth> (Miles is smarter than I am probably) [8:35:38 PM] <+Athena> ( theres a Lot Of Volcanoes ) [8:35:46 PM] <PhoenixWright> (i think miles is smarter than a lot of us tbfh) [8:35:50 PM] <MilesEggworth> (oh yeah it IS in Indonesia) [8:35:52 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> ( he is ) [8:36:04 PM] <MilesEggworth> (Why didn'tI remember that?) [8:36:06 PM] <PhoenixWright> (he just sucks at life skillz) [8:36:10 PM] <MilesEggworth> (Like I knew that) [8:36:15 PM] <kristoph_gavin> ( kris is both much smarter and much more of an ass than i am ) [8:36:17 PM] <MilesEggworth> (oh heck yeah) [8:36:19 PM] <kristoph_gavin> ( but that makes him fun to write so ) [8:36:20 PM] Permanent link to this game's rounds. [8:36:29 PM] <PhoenixWright> (i'm just as dumb as phoenix ;D) [8:36:46 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> ( shut ) [8:36:48 PM] <ApolloJustice> Me and Clay used to play video games like this. I remember he would always find the cheat codes in those books you could find at the bookstore. [8:36:50 PM] <Adrian> (short game to 4 points) [8:36:55 PM] <PhoenixWright> (YOU'RE DATING AN IDIOT BABE) [8:36:58 PM] <+Athena> oh god the last one [8:36:59 PM] <Adrian> That's so... hm.... [8:37:00 PM] <ApolloJustice> He used them just to win against me, though. [8:37:02 PM] <PhoenixWright> Ooof. [8:37:08 PM] Athena wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:37:09 PM] <MilesEggworth> (I tend to be somewhat verbose, which makes characters like Miles easier to play at times.) [8:37:10 PM] <+Athena> OH GOD THE ALL OF THEM [8:37:23 PM] <Adrian> You did it, Ms. Cykes! [8:37:45 PM] <Adrian> Now what's a durry [8:37:50 PM] MilesEggworth wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:37:50 PM] <+Athena> thank you, i'll be here all night! [8:38:00 PM] <MilesEggworth> Victory is mine. [8:38:05 PM] <Adrian> You know, that sounds like Mr. Wright all evening :/ [8:38:18 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> Congratulations :) [8:38:34 PM] <MilesEggworth> One of us had better win. [8:38:48 PM] kristoph_gavin wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:38:55 PM] <PhoenixWright> I'd like to say no- [8:38:56 PM] <Adrian> Mr. Gavin?? [8:38:58 PM] <ApolloJustice> Mr. Gavin, are you... not wearing pants right now? [8:39:04 PM] <MilesEggworth> After all, we are certainly the most intelligent of this group. [8:39:14 PM] <PhoenixWright> He's probably jacking off to the sounds of pain [8:39:21 PM] <ApolloJustice> Jesus, Mr. Wright, TMI. [8:39:27 PM] <MilesEggworth> (fuck it I've only played demon so far this is demon) [8:39:28 PM] <kristoph_gavin> Ugh. [8:39:29 PM] <Adrian> Iamtoogayforthis [8:39:30 PM] <+Athena> oh god, mr. wright please don't give us that mental image [8:39:37 PM] <PhoenixWright> I'm speaking truths guys [8:39:40 PM] <kristoph_gavin> I hate all of you. [8:39:42 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> (mine is chief oof) [8:39:46 PM] <PhoenixWright> Love you too <3 [8:39:49 PM] <ApolloJustice> That's a truth I'm fully content to bury, Mr. Wright. [8:39:55 PM] Adrian wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:40:03 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [8:40:07 PM] <+Athena> oh no [8:40:10 PM] <ApolloJustice> Ms. Andrews, are you seething right now? [8:40:16 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> I'm scared of what you are all picking [8:40:20 PM] <Adrian> Uhmmmmm [8:40:22 PM] <Adrian> Hmmmmm.... [8:40:22 PM] <+Athena> please, be merciful [8:40:25 PM] <Adrian> Hmmm..... [8:40:27 PM] <PhoenixWright> I'm innocent, I sweare [8:40:43 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> Ha [8:40:49 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> You are not innocent, Wright [8:40:49 PM] <PhoenixWright> Fuck off [8:40:56 PM] <PhoenixWright> Nor are you, Edgeworth ;) [8:40:57 PM] <+Athena> be merciful on this poor attorney [8:41:07 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> I never said I was [8:41:09 PM] <MilesEggworth> I also greatly doubt your innocence, Wright. [8:41:11 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> ;) [8:41:11 PM] <PhoenixWright> Mhmmm [8:41:15 PM] <PhoenixWright> wow [8:41:16 PM] <Adrian> HMMMMMM [8:41:17 PM] <PhoenixWright> he winkied face [8:41:18 PM] <PhoenixWright> guys [8:41:23 PM] <PhoenixWright> guys he did a winky!!! [8:41:30 PM] MilesEggworth wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:41:35 PM] <PhoenixWright> im sobbing literal tears [8:41:40 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> It is not that big of a deal, Wright, honestly. [8:41:41 PM] <PhoenixWright> my husband's adjusting ;A; [8:41:47 PM] <MilesEggworth> I almost wish I had not won that round. [8:41:52 PM] <ApolloJustice> Well, at the very least, I know I'm seething right now. [8:41:56 PM] <Adrian> A LOT OF THINGS, OKAY, CARDS. A. LOT. OF. THINGS. [8:42:02 PM] <+Athena> look, your card was great [8:42:16 PM] <+Athena> MISSILES [8:42:19 PM] kristoph_gavin wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:42:32 PM] <ApolloJustice> (ema's first kiss????) [8:42:37 PM] <kristoph_gavin> (fjdksjfdkJKFDLSJ) [8:42:38 PM] <PhoenixWright> (basically) [8:42:44 PM] <PhoenixWright> (her sexuality is science) [8:42:47 PM] <Adrian> (you can't make love to science) [8:42:51 PM] <MilesEggworth> I... do not enjoy thinking of my father. I merely played that card to get it out of my hand. [8:42:52 PM] <PhoenixWright> (ema will) [8:42:53 PM] <+Athena> ( ema is married to science ) [8:42:59 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> (you can if you try hard enough) [8:43:01 PM] <ApolloJustice> (ema will find a way) [8:43:02 PM] <PhoenixWright> (ema makes love to science hard) [8:43:07 PM] <ApolloJustice> (life, uh... finds a way) [8:43:15 PM] <+Athena> umm. [8:43:15 PM] <ApolloJustice> (to quote jeff "daddy" goldblum) [8:43:16 PM] ApolloJustice wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:43:21 PM] <+Athena> apollo?! [8:43:22 PM] <PhoenixWright> (why) [8:43:23 PM] <ApolloJustice> No one comment about that. [8:43:24 PM] <ApolloJustice> ATHENA. [8:43:28 PM] <Adrian> (i can't believe we're gaslighting ema and she can't defend herself) [8:43:35 PM] <PhoenixWright> I mean, Mr Edgeworth did do that- [8:43:35 PM] <+Athena> okay okay! i won't! i'll just judge quietly [8:43:38 PM] <PhoenixWright> Gestures to Miles [8:43:41 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> What did I do? [8:43:49 PM] <PhoenixWright> Nothingggggg [8:43:51 PM] <MilesEggworth> What? [8:43:54 PM] <Adrian> Mr. Wright :( That's what you did [8:43:56 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> :/ [8:43:59 PM] MilesEggworth wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:43:59 PM] <PhoenixWright> ;) [8:44:04 PM] <PhoenixWright> still doing me now Athena [8:44:07 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [8:44:08 PM] <Adrian> :( [8:44:16 PM] <MilesEggworth> I see victory is coming to me. As it should. [8:44:17 PM] <+Athena> wait what? [8:44:45 PM] <ApolloJustice> ( [8:44:45 PM] <+Athena> oh my god [8:44:49 PM] <Adrian> Mr. Justice? [8:44:55 PM] <ApolloJustice> Uh... clashes, like, in what way...? [8:44:58 PM] MilesEdgeworth wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:45:04 PM] <MilesEggworth> I currently have three points. That is more than anyone else here. [8:45:09 PM] <PhoenixWright> Miles... you um... you okay? [8:45:14 PM] <+Athena> i'm coming for your title! [8:45:18 PM] <ApolloJustice> No need to rub it in, Mr. Edgeworth. [8:45:26 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> No, I am not okay [8:45:34 PM] <MilesEggworth> I am perfectly fine. [8:45:54 PM] PhoenixWright wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:45:56 PM] <Adrian> But... which Edgeworth is most Edgeworth? [8:45:59 PM] <+Athena> MR WRIGHT? [8:46:02 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> What gives you the impression that I'm ever alright? [8:46:04 PM] <MilesEggworth> I am, naturally. [8:46:05 PM] <PhoenixWright> DON'T SPEAK ABOUT IT [8:46:14 PM] <+Athena> I'M TERRIFIED OF ALL OF YOU [8:46:16 PM] <ApolloJustice> No, you know what, Mr. Wright? I am going to speak about it. [8:46:18 PM] <MilesEggworth> No one can best me at being myself. [8:46:21 PM] <ApolloJustice> I refuse to be silenced anymore. [8:46:22 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> Well, considering the fact that I am older [8:46:28 PM] <PhoenixWright> please don't [8:46:39 PM] <MilesEggworth> I am 21 years old. [8:46:52 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> I am 38... >_> [8:46:56 PM] <PhoenixWright> Same <_< [8:46:58 PM] <MilesEggworth> What? [8:47:06 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> It's,,, complicated [8:47:09 PM] <MilesEggworth> How is this possible? [8:47:11 PM] <Adrian> You could be his dad? Kind of [8:47:11 PM] <PhoenixWright> Like fucking me- [8:47:13 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> It somehow is [8:47:13 PM] <PhoenixWright> I meanwhat [8:47:25 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> I don't have an explanation [8:47:39 PM] <+Athena> if they had a kid at age 17, maybe [8:47:45 PM] <MilesEggworth> No. [8:47:49 PM] <MilesEggworth> My father is dead. [8:47:52 PM] Adrian wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:47:58 PM] <+Athena> well that settles it! [8:47:59 PM] <PhoenixWright> (i s2g tho if there is a great lizard uprising of 2352) [8:48:05 PM] <ApolloJustice> Ms. Andrews... you really sohuldn't drink alone, you know. [8:48:06 PM] <+Athena> oh god why me [8:48:16 PM] <Adrian> IT happens sometimes, Mr. Justice [8:48:21 PM] <Adrian> It happens sometimes... [8:48:27 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> Understandable [8:48:30 PM] <ApolloJustice> That's fair. [8:48:39 PM] <+Athena> i'm going to cry [8:48:43 PM] <Adrian> Sometimes not everyone comes to your card games [8:48:45 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> Dear lord [8:48:58 PM] <Adrian> Sometimes it's just you on the rug, pushing cards around alone [8:49:11 PM] kristoph_gavin wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:49:19 PM] <PhoenixWright> Miles' title [8:49:22 PM] <ApolloJustice> Damn, Ms. Andrews. [8:49:29 PM] <Adrian> That's my drink of choice during those games [8:49:40 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> .....I wish I can dispute that [8:49:43 PM] <ApolloJustice> Please don't let Mr. Gavin win. [8:49:58 PM] <Adrian> Younger Mr. Edgeworth stands a chance [8:49:59 PM] <kristoph_gavin> Please do, actually. [8:50:00 PM] <+Athena> he and mr. edgesworth are tied! [8:50:00 PM] PhoenixWright wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:50:06 PM] <MilesEggworth> So, then... assuming you truly are an older me, may I ask what it's like in the future? [8:50:11 PM] <+Athena> NO MY BLOCKBUSTER [8:50:31 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> It's... messy, but it gets better :) for you definitely [8:50:39 PM] <ApolloJustice> Well, being from the future, I can tell you that I'm now officially the Ace Attorney. [8:50:48 PM] Athena wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:50:50 PM] <PhoenixWright> Bullshit [8:50:52 PM] <+Athena> :D [8:50:56 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [8:51:07 PM] <MilesEggworth> I suppose I'll be looking forward to that, then. [8:51:17 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> You most certainly will [8:51:25 PM] <ApolloJustice> (lmao wesley stickler and women's underwear would be perfect for this) [8:51:40 PM] <kristoph_gavin> (THE BOBBY ONE) [8:51:41 PM] PhoenixWright wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:51:45 PM] <PhoenixWright> (;D) [8:51:50 PM] <kristoph_gavin> (THAT WAS INCREDIBLE) [8:51:51 PM] <PhoenixWright> It is true [8:51:58 PM] <PhoenixWright> (BOWS. THANK YOU, THANK YOU) [8:52:05 PM] <PhoenixWright> (I WANNA THANK MYSELF, and fuck y'all) [8:52:18 PM] Adrian wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:52:26 PM] <Adrian> (GUYS STOP PICKING THESE) [8:52:28 PM] <PhoenixWright> I... I feel called out. [8:52:28 PM] <ApolloJustice> M-Ms. Andrews...? [8:52:30 PM] <MilesEggworth> You seem to be on speaking terms with Phoenix Wright again? [8:52:52 PM] PhoenixWright wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. Permalink [8:53:27 PM] <PhoenixWright> Oh hey I won- [8:53:30 PM] <kristoph_gavin> Ugh. [8:53:33 PM] <+Athena> you did it! [8:53:35 PM] <PhoenixWright> Fuck you Gavin. [8:53:36 PM] <Adrian> I think I really lost this one [8:53:40 PM] <kristoph_gavin> Love you too, Wright. [8:53:45 PM] <PhoenixWright> Kiss my ass [8:53:51 PM] <kristoph_gavin> <3 [8:53:52 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> Hmph, I love him :/ [8:53:53 PM] <PhoenixWright> I'll even lube it up ;) [8:54:03 PM] <+Athena> should i step out of the room? [8:54:03 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> You will do no such thing, Wright! [8:54:04 PM] <Adrian> NoNOnO [8:54:04 PM] <kristoph_gavin> Do you ever cease being annoying? [8:54:05 PM] <ApolloJustice> Everything hurts and I'm dying. [8:54:06 PM] <Adrian> NO [8:54:13 PM] <PhoenixWright> Fine, fine. [8:54:22 PM] <PhoenixWright> I'll lube his ass with his blood as I kick it- [8:54:30 PM] <MilesEggworth> I'm afraid I have to go now. I just recieved a call from my mentor, no doubt to discuss my performance in my last case. [8:54:37 PM] <kristoph_gavin> You really /don't/ cease with that prattle, do you. [8:54:49 PM] <PhoenixWright> Like you cease to poison people? [8:54:52 PM] <kristoph_gavin> (see you around!!) [8:54:52 PM] <PhoenixWright> Reformed my ass. [8:54:55 PM] <Adrian> Stay safe, everyone, please [8:54:55 PM] <ApolloJustice> Goodbye, other Mr. Edgeworth [8:54:57 PM] <ApolloJustice> (cya!!) [8:55:01 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> Goodbye [8:55:03 PM] <PhoenixWright> (byeeeee~!) [8:55:05 PM] <+Athena> hey, mr. wright? i have a newfound fear of every single one of you. [8:55:09 PM] <+Athena> ( see u later :0 ) [8:55:15 PM] <PhoenixWright> eh, you'll forget this by morning [8:55:18 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> Who doesn't he strike fear into [8:55:21 PM] <Adrian> (athena's quote gives me life) [8:55:21 PM] <MilesEggworth> (bye guys!) [8:55:26 PM] <MilesEdgeworth> ( bye! ) [8:55:27 PM] <ApolloJustice> Someone please hold me. [8:55:35 PM] <PhoenixWright> Turnabout Terror bitches. [8:55:50 PM] <Adrian> We have learned Too Much [8:56:08 PM] <+Athena> hey...... does ema have an agency? you know, one that isn't full of fearful, fearful memories? [8:56:48 PM] <Adrian> Mr. Gavin di- Wait [8:56:55 PM] <ApolloJustice> We could always start our own, Athena. 'Justice & Co Law Offices" does have a nice ring to it. [8:57:01 PM] MilesEggworth has left the game. [8:57:09 PM] <+Athena> please. i'd do anything [8:57:32 PM] <kristoph_gavin> I'd offer you a position at the Gavin & Co. Law Offices, but SOMEONE had to ruin that. [8:57:41 PM] <ApolloJustice> I hate you, Mr.Gavin. [8:57:42 PM] <+Athena> ( apollo and athena plot to leave WAA more at 5 ) [8:57:42 PM] <Adrian> Was it Mr. Wright? [8:57:48 PM] <kristoph_gavin> Of course. [8:57:55 PM] <ApolloJustice> (apollo's master plan) [8:57:56 PM] <ApolloJustice> (finally) [8:58:00 PM] <ApolloJustice> (he can get a new game) [8:58:13 PM] <Adrian> I've never regretted getting a business degree instead of a law one less 
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mxnyxxngx · 6 years
1. nickname: jen !!! :)
2. gender: female
3. star sign: virgo hohoho (also an enfp gryffindor if u were wondering) (u probably werent but still lmaoo)
4. height: 165 cm aka just barely 5’5 rip
5. time: 5:23 pm
6. birthday: september 13th !!! a late late late summer baby
7. favorite bands (non kpop): oh no im not sure i have any ?? i used to listen to a whole bunch tho, like one direction, big time rush, 5sos, onerepublic, imagine dragons, panic at the disco (somewhat)
8. favourite solo artist: my favorite korean solo artist has to be dean hes a literal king dear god as for non korean ive recently been listening to a lot of borns and troye sivan :’) blackbear too !!! his songs are my exact aesthetic tbh
9. song stuck in my head: without you by nct u (im listening to it rn LMAOO)
10. last movie watched: legally? black panther WHICH IS ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES OF THE YEAR BTW I FUCKING LOVE IT TO BITS illegally? drive me crazy bc im lowkey a sucker for sappy cliche 90s romcoms :’)
11. last show watched: i have no clue ?? actually ??? i dont watch a lot of tv so i hope seventeens weekly idol counts ??? or nct vlives ???? LOOOOOL
12. when did i create my blog: november 2014 i think !!
13. what do i post: id say about 80% is kpop (40% bts 20% nct 15% seventeen 5% other) and the rest is either memes or aesthetic posts LMAOOO
14. last thing i googled: nyc weather (theres a snowstorm today omfg and school was cancelled ?? which makes today my first proper snow day ever ??? im such a california kid)
15. do you have other blogs: not active ones but i have a couple saved urls up my sleeve ;)
16. do you get asks: ,,, not really LMAO occasionally i used to but my inbox has been pretty dead for a while
17. why did you choose your url: its just min yoongi with the vowels replaced with xs and honestly ??? i have no clue how i thought of that or why but i thought it was sooooo cool and smart at the time LOOOL im not mad at it tho tbh i love it even though it gives me a bit of trouble w url tag games LMAO
18. following: 1219 blogs which ?? i honestly dk if thats a lot or a little
19. followers: i just recently hit 204 followers !!! which btw thank you guys ??? sm ???? i love you all ??????
20. favorite color (s): PEACH and RED and GOLD (my gryffindor ass is showing) and hmm black maybe :)
21. average hours of sleep: hoooo boy LOOOOL it really depends on the day but probably about 6 ?? even tho im the sleepiest girl u will ever meet ??? my sleep schedule is FUCKED LOOOOL
22. lucky number: 7 !! its cliche but i dont care lmao
23. instruments: i used to play piano and the flute but i pretty much havent touched either instrument since college started :((
24. what am i wearing: my bigass kevin woo love more hoodie and thigh highs and uhhh a bra and underwear i guess ??? LOOOL
25. how many blankets do i sleep with: two !!! although tbh im not sure why ?? i feel like i prefer only using a comforter ???? wtf @ me
26. dream job: oh wooooow uhhhh … a music producer
27. dream trip: south korea is the obvious answer i feel like but i have been missing la so fucking much these past couple of weeks so definitely there ugh
28. favorite food: im a hoe for kbbq tbh or any kind of meat/korean food in general actually !! i also reaaaally like spicy foods :’) so hot cheetos are my favorite snack tbh pizza and in n out are both soooo good too tbh in general i prefer salty things over sweet things but i WILL eat anything peach flavored straight up i kid u not it is my favorite flavor/color/smell in the entire world I LOVE PEACHES OK
29. nationality: american born chinese (first gen) but i took like a dna test a while ago and ?? apparently im like 10-12% finnish ??? which ,,, idk LMAOO
30. favorite song now: currently its any title song by nct tbh ?? go and boss and touch and baby dont stop have been on repeat since they came out
other korean song recs: dinner by jane jang and suho; jewel box AND thousand times (an ost and it made me cry tbh) by samuel (listen ,,,,,, the boy is so talented ,,,,, pls support him ,,,, i lov him w my whole heart); some and galaxy by bolbbalgan4; i promise you/ipu by wanna one (its so good slkgslkgdlkh ahhh i didnt like it THAT much at first but it really grew on me)
some english song recs: strawberries and cigarettes by troye sivan; helplessly by tatiana manaois; dirty laundry by blackbear !!! :)
i tag @sasha092398​ bc ofc i am ??? and @byeulbitch​ and @ashweeeeeh​ heheheh :’)
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donghun-s · 6 years
the very large sp3arb tag
so @sp3arb has tagged me in a total four tags recently and i’m finally getting around to all of them!! tysm for all the tags, meri (btw i love your name?? i think its super cute!) and i hope you learn a bunch of unnecessary stuff abt me lmao (under the cut bc this is a long ass post)
i dont have a name for this tag
1ST RULE: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
im not tagging anyone bc im bad at things and most ppl i wanna know about, meri has already tagged so
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true.
APPEARANCE: - I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo - I have at least one piercing - I have blonde hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair - My abs are at least somewhat defined - I have or had braces
PERSONALITY: - I love meeting new people - People tell me I am funny - Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges - I am playfully rude to people I know- I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory - I am good at doing maths in my head - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority  - I do some form of Martial arts
EXPERIENCES: - I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol - I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event - I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
MY LIFE: - I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend - I live close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling - I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smart phone - I own at least 15 CDs - I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS: - I am in a Relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a Relationship - I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily - I have had a crush for over a year - I have been in a relationship for over a year - I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM: - I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie  - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages [i don’t speak two, i speak one and sign in another] - I have made a new friend in the past year
alphabet tag
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better
I was tagged by Roxanne ( is it ok if I call you Roxy? I like Roxy) Actually @lxx-fxlix  And for some reason it did not give me the notification you did, I was casually stalking your blog when I saw:
A: age? 16 (01 liner)
B: birthplace? North Carolina
C: current time? 7:53 pm
D: drink you had last? Arnold Palmer (half sweet tea, half lemonade)
E: easiest person to talk to? for me, it’s my irl best friend gwen and my best friend on here, krys
F: favorite song? oof i’m super indecisive so i’m just gonna commit to mayday by got7 (it always changes but mayday has stayed on my constantly rotating playlist for nearly six months now; most are on for six weeks, max)
G: grossest memory? uh probably when one of my swim lesson kids tried to eat a bug (they were like four) and i had to make them spit it out into my hands 
H: hogwarts house? proud slytherin!!
I: in love? i love a lot of people, but i’m not IN love
J: jealous of people? not anymore, my self-esteem has gotten so much better in past years
K: killed someone? uhm a couple of times in fics (*cough* jinjin in not like this *cough*)
L: love at first sight or should i walk by again? not love but pls walk by again bc i’m probably enjoying your aesthetics
M: middle name? christine
N: number of siblings? one, an older sister
O: one wish? to adopt a kid with no family or an unhealthy one (obvs when  older and financially stable)
P: person you called last? my sister called me yesterday morning, and before that i had called my friend to tell him abt a near death experience when i was driving
R: reasons to smile? something good will happen to you, you’ll meet someone wonderful, and there’s always new experiences to happen
S: song you sang last? poet by bastille (an underrated fave)
T: time you woke up? about 8 am
U: underwear color? light heathered grey
V: vacation destination? i’d love to go to greece someday! santorini would be my first choice, and then my great-grandparents old village near thessaloniki
W: worst habit? probs my dermatillia (picking at acne on my face until it bleeds, then picking at the scabs, leaving a bunch of scars that will never go away)
X: x-rays? i got one on my tailbone one time, two years after i sprained it bc my mom didn’t believe me
Y: your favorite food? uhhh most anything tbh; i quite like the honey butter chicken sandwich from pdq
Z: zodiac sign? libra
✨ Fun Facts Tag ✨
Rules for this are:
Have fun with it!  
Tag some of your mutuals
1) Favourite colours:
orange!! and after that, any kinds of pastel or muted darks
2) Favourite song at the moment:
lotto by exo has been on replay in my head, my car, and my earbuds
3) Last book you read:
the sun and her flowers by rupi kaur
4) Last TV show you watched:
i tried to watch part-time idol bc hyunbin from jbj was in it, but within the first 15 minutes they set up an unnecessary relationship so i had to nope out of there real hard; i then reverted back to rewatching white collar for the fifth time
5) Last movie you watched:
does john mulaney’s nerflix comedy special comeback kid count?? if not, probably nightmare before christmas way back around christmastime
6) If you have a pet whats their name?:
four dogs: pheonix, kino, midge, and bess; three horses: little man, gem, and andy (ironically i’m allergic to dogs and horses, and my dad keeps buying more)
7) If you have siblings how many?:
one, my older sister
8) Favourite thing to do on a weekend:
i love doing my swim lessons and seeing all my kids!! i haven’t been able to lately bc of the weather, 
9) Best tumblr friends:
i only talk to @cheesyramynry on a daily basis, but i have a lot of blogs that i consider friendly acquaintances or casual friends as well!!
10) Favourite thing about yourself:
i value my compassion and empathy above all else; i am very much the mom friend and love to be it
11) Favourite memory:
ah i have so many; i think rn i’m gonna go with this past christmas, bc it was my last one with my grandfather
12) 3 weird habits:
swallowing gum, taking all my pills in descending size order, i tend to mimic how a singer sounds when i sing along to the song (ex: if they have a british accent, i’ll subconsciously sing in a british accent; if they stress certain syllables in certain ways, i’ll do it too)
13) What would you call your style?:
comfortable (stretchy jeans, t-shirts, hoodies) and with a few signature Gay Things (jean jacket, flannels, oversized mens’ button ups, a couple gay/bi pride shirts)
14) Odd talent:
if i have lyrics in front of me to a song i’ve never heard before, i can predict the pattern of the tunes and rhythm and sing along the first time
15) Do you have a tumblr crush?:
literally all of aroha and all of the sk fandom (y’all are the loveliest fandoms i’ve ever been a part of)
the stray kids tag
Rules: answer the questions in a new post, and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
I’ve decided that in celebration of Stray Kids pre-debut album I needed to create a tag. The ultimate goal for The Stray Kids Tag is to learn about your Tumblr mutuals, and have fun answering the Stray Kids related questions!  Here we go:
1: When did you decide to join the Stray kids fandom?
i saw a thread of information abt the suspected nine members before they were officially announced and was like ‘yes i must stan them and love them with all of my heart.’ so uh,,,,, back in august or september??
2: What is your favorite episode of Stray Kids? uhm, i’m gonna expose myself rn and let y’all know that i’ve never actually seen a full episode of the show; as soon as i heard it was gonna be a survival show, i knew that i couldn’t watch it bc my heart was too weak and i was emotionally incapable of becoming too invested while watching it; but from clips, i quite like the episode with the 3:3:3 mission, and also the last episode when all nine were reunited and told they were going to debut together
3: Who would you say is your bias in Stray kids?
my initial one was chan, and they i got rlly confused, and then slowly came to realize that it was jeongin (anything else after that is a fucking mess)
4: Who would you say is your bias wrecker in Stray kids?
literally kill me all of them bias wreck me so hard bUT hyunjin, jisung, seungmin, and chan have been wrecking me so hard in particular lately
5: What line would you want to be apart of in Stray kids? uHHH not dance line bc swimmers have 0 coordination on land; i quite like singing even tho i’m not good at, so probably that, but i can also hit all of chan’s english rap parts in 3racha songs, and keep up with lafayette’s raps in hamilton, and a lot of the english rappers i like too so uh,,, sign me up for rap line too
6: What is the first song you heard of Stray kids? hellevator
7: What is the first song you heard of 3racha? i think it was either hoodie season or runner’s high
8: What is your favorite song on their pre-debut album?
young wings or school life or yayaya (or grr or 4419 or glow or hellevator)
9: What is a concept you’d like to see Stray Kids try in the future?
i love their current optimistic and slightly rebellious teenager concept rn bc its an Eternal Mood; but i always love myself a soft boyfriend concept 
10: if you could meet with the members of Stray kids for one day what would you say to them?
how proud of them i am, and how proud of themselves they should be; i would tell them about how they’re saying things that resonate deeply for their fans and i love that they’re talking abt real world problems; i would also make sure to tell them (chan and 3racha especially) to make sure to rest more, and eat well, and take care of themselves emotionally as well as physically; and finally i’d like to tell jeongin how wonderful he is and that he’s doing so much at such a young age (lmao he’s actually eight months older than me but that’s no the point) and to never lose his cute little smile
finally done!! meri, if you actually read all of this, uh thank you????? i hope you now know everything you wanted to know abt me, and probably more than you wanted to know
i’m bad at tagging people, so if you also made it this far and haven’t done some of these tags, choose one, or a couple, or all of them and do them yourself!! just say that i tagged you!!
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fuck-customers · 7 years
This place is absolute abuse
I got stuck in Kitchen by myself on a BUSY day while the front had 5 cashiers. We only have 2 registers! 2 people on register, 1 making ice creams, 1 making hot coffees, 1 making cold coffees and smoothies, plus GM was cleaning lobby. I got backed up 20 orders, plus GM told me to prep very little food. (2 burger meats at a time even though I needed 12 at the moment) I asked the Cashier/Kitchen girl to help me a bit and she did for about 15 minutes until our GM saw her and told her to go back to the front. Gm didn't even bother to help me out even though I was still 13 or so orders behind. Customers were waiting for about 15 to 25 minutes for food and were yelling at me for free food because I was slow. I apologized as much as I could but I still feel horrible about it. ~~~~~~~~~ I called gm's supervisor and explained all the illegal stuff she does to us, mostly me. He told her to stop making us work off clock, which lasted 4 days until she told us we ran out of overtime and she'd pay us under the table instead. Which is a lie because the supervisor said we have a LOT of overtime to use because we hardly used it. She doesn't want us to use it because she loses her $1,500 bonus if we go over 100 hours. Which we easily do because she doesn't schedule enough people to help us close up. She took me off Thursday closing and now she has 5 people helping until 11 pm. When I closed it was JUST me closing by myself until 11pm...or 2 am the latest we stayed. (I actually was alone from 2:30pm to 11pm in Kitchen because she never scheduled another kitchen person to help me except the day we had our yearly Visit) He also told her to backpack me overtime, she ONLY gave me 30 minutes instead of the 2 hours we had agreed on. (There were times I refused to clock out and she changed my punch back to say I did clock out, but I let that go because I knew she wouldn't add it anyways) She was also told to stop making -us- put in our own money to fix the registers if they were off. But she still expects us to pitch in the money if the registers are off. She then gave ME a yelling when I took a piece of hair off a coworker's hat, which he gave me permission to. And yes, this is the same GM who let a manager RIP my earrings out and then told me "If you don't want them ripped out, don't wear earrings" when I notified her about it. Yet me having verbal permission from said coworker causes her to yell at me about Sexual Harassment, and when I brought up the earring incident she just told me "That in past". The supervisor talked to her about that to and told her to apologize to me, but her apology went "I only make yous work off clock because yous iz slow. If yous faster no need work after. Yous get faster yous get hours again. And is no my faults theys ripped earrings out and broke items in bag. You no need bring and wear and is no problems. Yous cause lots you know. She no need apologize and I no needs to either. Yous need earn Thursdays back, show me yous improve and you get rewarded again." (She barley speaks English btw) She then told the morning lady in racist and didn't want to work with them because "She's say we in HER country and we need learns English cus we no in Mexico anymores even thoughs California used to be Mexico." Which is NOT what I said. I asked if we could use hand signals for things until we learned how to communicate with each other or if she could translate a word or two because I don know much Spanish. That's it. I'm NOT racist, she is. She's called my family many derogatory terms because we're very mixed. She also told many coworkers she's not planning on giving me back those 20 hours she took from me because she's mad that I told the supervisor on her. Not like it did anything because he told me he wouldn't fire her because she's a hard worker. Even though 4 people have complained about her this year alone. I'm at my breaking point with this place, most of us are. We don't know what to do though, the supervisor isn't helping and only I'm willing to take this to court but I don't have much proof because its mostly Verbal things so I don't know if a She Said/She Said would even work. So even if I DO take it to court, I have nothing to back me up because everyone is scared to talk.
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verdigrisprowl · 6 years
Dec 19 Odothon Part 8 - DS9 S7E17 S7E18 S7E19 S7E20 S7E21 S7E22 S7E23 S7E24 S7E25
At last, the marathon that Soundwave has been showing Prowl is over. The star of their viewings, an unpopular law enforcement officer who’s been grappling with the discoveries that his home planet is 1) full of murderous conquerors bent on galactic domination, and 2) about to die off, has decided what to do about his ailing, awful species: cure them completely, and go home to try to teach them to be better people.
Prowl’s furious.
It doesn’t work like that. It’s not that easy. It’s a waste of time and a waste of effort and it just allows a rusty tumor that’s slowly corroding the galaxy to get stronger. One person can’t possibly hope to change a culture like that. It isn’t possible. People don’t get nice little happy endings like that.
... But. But. Now, he’s thinking about it.
ItsyBitsySpyers 5:09 pm *He's going to beat Prowl to it today. He's going to ping first. Rapidfire string of five.* FakeProwl 5:09 pm *He arrives between the third and fourth.* FakeProwl 5:10 pm Hold on, I wasn't actually upstairs yet. *He just kind of stopped walking in the middle of the doorway to turn on his avatar. He goes idle a moment.* ItsyBitsySpyers 5:11 pm *Soundwave shakes his helm in amusement and parks himself on the couch, cubes nearby.* FakeProwl 5:12 pm *Right! Optics bright again and claims his seat.* Ready. ItsyBitsySpyers 5:13 pm [[Good. There is one he thinks could be important, but we must finish this story today, so he will let you go back to it in your own time. There is also one to summarize.]]
[[Section 31 - the Federation's hidden spy organization - returns and demands Bashir gather data on key Romulan figures during a military and medical conference, intending to control who rises to power to preserve Federation interests. Sisko asks Bashir to agree, hoping to publicly expose them. Unfortunately, Bashir's work plays directly into their hands.]] FakeProwl 5:14 pm Mhm? ItsyBitsySpyers 5:15 pm [[Yes. They get their mole elected while doing what the humans call "throwing someone under the bus" to another senator who was already interested in helping.]]
[[And we begin.]] FakeProwl 5:18 pm {{S7E17 Penumbra: Part 1}}
... His mother is related to the wormhole aliens? ItsyBitsySpyers 5:19 pm [[Yes.]] FakeProwl 5:19 pm Hm. That explains why they like him so much. ItsyBitsySpyers 5:20 pm [[And why they expect so much of him.]]
[[He will be cutting out scenes in the next few tapes. They are somewhat important, but not greatly. The newest Dax host secretly leaves to rescue Worf, who is missing and stranded. They will be captured by the Breen aliens after she finds him.]] FakeProwl 5:24 pm ... About the Docks alien. I've never gotten a clear explanation. It's a parasite that lives in other people and passes its memory down across its hosts, correct? FakeProwl 5:26 pm *That was an extremely subtle way to propose. Prowl approves. Excellent job.* *I mean, he made it explicit after that. But if he'd left it at "I want it to be /our/ house" it would have been the most understated proposal Prowl's ever seen.* ItsyBitsySpyers 5:27 pm [[It is a symbiont, not a parasite, but yes. The host species and the worm species willingly work together. Those interested in becoming a host train hard and are well-screened.]] FakeProwl 5:27 pm ... People /volunteer/ to have someone else move into their body? I suppose someone has to enjoy it. ItsyBitsySpyers 5:28 pm [[The hosts are not mentally destroyed. They benefit from years upon years of experience, often retaining past skills and memories.]] FakeProwl 5:30 pm Roommates are hell. ItsyBitsySpyers 5:31 pm [[They can be.]] *This puffing is Soundwave chuckling to himself.* ItsyBitsySpyers 5:32 pm [[Some more than others.]] FakeProwl 5:32 pm *Sideways glance at Soundwave* Do /you/ have any? ItsyBitsySpyers 5:33 pm [[Not the kind you've been saddled with. Not the kind the Trill have. But he lives with seven others, and even without them around there is almost always a stream of other voices passing through his head.]] FakeProwl 5:34 pm Visitors. ItsyBitsySpyers 5:35 pm [[Of the longest-term variety.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 5:37 pm [[But, as he said. Some more than others. He knows yours falls under "more".]] FakeProwl 5:38 pm ... If the wormhole aliens weren't going to let him get married, it would have been nice of them to let him know before he proposed. {{S7E18 Til Death Do Us Part: Part 2}} ItsyBitsySpyers 5:39 pm ((WHOOP i forgot you were doing that. i'll catch the rest)) FakeProwl 5:39 pm ((o7)) ItsyBitsySpyers 5:39 pm [[It would have been. That is the problem with beings existing in non-linear time, he supposes.]] FakeProwl 5:40 pm If they're in non-linear time then couldn't they have seen the proposal coming and said something first? ItsyBitsySpyers 5:41 pm [[You'd think so.]] FakeProwl 5:41 pm *Ah, Prowl finally gets to see this Kai Winn he keeps being told about.* ItsyBitsySpyers 5:42 pm ((say hi to Nurse Ratched btw)) ItsyBitsySpyers 5:44 pm [[During these cuts, the Breen aliens torture Worf and Dax for information.]] FakeProwl 5:44 pm Very rude. ItsyBitsySpyers 5:45 pm [[Understatement.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 5:49 pm [[He does not understand why Sisko did not tell her right away. She is clearly excited about becoming his companion. Her hopes will have been built.]] FakeProwl 5:51 pm Fear of her pain when she's told. Short-sighted, yes, but still daunting. ItsyBitsySpyers 5:51 pm [[But waiting created more.]] FakeProwl 5:52 pm ... Were the prophets telling her that she needs to be guided by /Docket/? Why in the world...? ItsyBitsySpyers 5:53 pm [[All in time.]] FakeProwl 5:54 pm I'm hoping it's to screw her over. ItsyBitsySpyers 5:55 pm [[You dislike her.]] FakeProwl 5:55 pm You haven't talked her up. ItsyBitsySpyers 5:57 pm [[She does not deserve to be talked up.]] *Soundwave starts to lean toward Prowl, waiting to see if he'll be allowed to complete it.* [[And he is not complaining. He dislikes her too. He's just used to too many excusing all who bear religious power.]] FakeProwl 6:00 pm You're speaking to a mech who's made a career out of arguing with Primes, and who recently decided to cut out the middle man and argue directly with Primus. FakeProwl 6:02 pm ... Docket must be fuming on the inside. He's putting up a good act of gratitude. ItsyBitsySpyers 6:02 pm [[That is true.]] *Looks like he's not. He'll just prop himself up to stay in that position so he doesn't tip over or hurt himself trying to stay unsupported.* [[And most impressive of you.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 6:04 pm [[Dukat is indeed a skilled actor. And she is too naive for the level of her ambitions.]] FakeProwl 6:05 pm *It isn't until Soundwave props himself up that Prowl realizes he was leaning toward him. Oh. Oops. Slides over against Soundwave.* ItsyBitsySpyers 6:06 pm *Oh? Changed his mind? No more questions from him; he'll settle up and rest against Prowl in turn.*
[[She should, at the very least, be looking into his history.]] [[If for no other reason than most religions he knows of demand documentation for the miracles they lay claim to causing, so that they may wave it in the faces of those who disbelieve.]] [[Look at these fantastic events happening on Bajor, she could say. Bajor thrives under her spiritual leadership. And so on.]] *Ah, they're defying the Prophets and becoming spouses anyway. Charming. He'll be quiet now.* FakeProwl 6:09 pm Based on the previous things you've said about her—all her political machinations and so on—it seems to me as though that /would/ be the sort of thing she'd do. FakeProwl 6:11 pm So it's curious that she isn't. Is she that confident in the wormhole aliens' guidance? Is she... twitterpated by Dukat? ItsyBitsySpyers 6:13 pm *Where was he?*
[[She is twitterpated, yes. And always eager to believe herself in the right. Here is "proof".]] ItsyBitsySpyers 6:15 pm [[Her ego overrides her common sense.]]
{{S7E19 Strange Bedfellows: Part 3}} ItsyBitsySpyers 6:29 pm [[NOW she asks.]] FakeProwl 6:31 pm Aha. ItsyBitsySpyers 6:32 pm [[You begin to see.]] FakeProwl 6:35 pm Why does she still trust him in her presence even after finding out that the "prophets" that led her to him were false? ItsyBitsySpyers 6:36 pm [[Refusal to admit she was wrong? Her state of infatuation? Believing he did not know either? He cannot say.]] FakeProwl 6:41 pm ... Is she repenting? ItsyBitsySpyers 6:41 pm [[Trying.]] FakeProwl 6:41 pm Impressive. FakeProwl 6:42 pm ... Well, it was nice while it lasted. ItsyBitsySpyers 6:42 pm [[All ten seconds of it.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 6:47 pm ((solbor is 5000% Done)) FakeProwl 6:50 pm ... You know, if all it would have taken for her to realize she was wrong and repent is a visit or two from the prophets, just a chat every once in a while... Of course, I'm not saying it's /their/ fault if she goes completely evil. But, they could have done something about the situation. If they don't want to deal with her, they could have at least given a vision to a bunch of /other/ Bajorans telling them not to listen to this Winn Adami. If they're going to set themselves up as gods, for goodness sake, they could at least attempt to do the job properly. ItsyBitsySpyers 6:54 pm {{S7E20: The Changing Face of Evil}}
[[Who is to say they have not? She lost her other grab for political power. She herself states that they have never spoken to her - odd, for someone who leads the entire spiritual side of their planet. Kira has been warning her for the last seven years, and told her the truth now.]]
[[That said, he does agree that they could have done more. Clearly, she is too far gone for subtle messages.]] FakeProwl 6:54 pm ... Anyway. *Looks at Soundwave.* Where's Odo during all this? ItsyBitsySpyers 6:56 pm [[Odo is dealing with station life and will soon be brought into things as a larger player. It is best we see all these dominoes being placed so you understand his role in their tipping over.]]
[[And now he must answer a quick call - he will be back in a moment; Ravage has something to ask him.]] FakeProwl 6:57 pm *A nod.* All right. ItsyBitsySpyers 7:15 pm [[We're clear.]] FakeProwl 7:17 pm I can't begin to say how disinterested I am in this love triangle. ItsyBitsySpyers 7:20 pm [[You don't need to say. He is disinterested in it as well.]] *He was all too happy to cut most of it out.* FakeProwl 7:26 pm ((why do dukat's shoulders go on forever)) ((I thought it was just his gul suit but he's still got them)) ItsyBitsySpyers 7:27 pm ((marc alaimo just has broad shoulders and long neck irl heh)) FakeProwl 7:36 pm *There he was. For thirty seconds. Odo. It was nice.* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:37 pm *There will be more than thirty seconds of Odo as of next episode, Prowl. Patience will be rewarded.* FakeProwl 7:38 pm ... Docket and Kai Winn make me appreciate Starscream a little more. ItsyBitsySpyers 7:38 pm [[...Those are eleven words in an order he never thought he would hear them.]] FakeProwl 7:38 pm He's selfish, power-hungry, narcissistic, and cares nothing for the people under his control... but he's /self-aware/ of it. FakeProwl 7:40 pm You won't catch him explaining how thinking he's inherently superior to all the people around him makes him a good guy. ItsyBitsySpyers 7:41 pm [[Being self-aware of it does make it harder to interfere with his actions, but that has its upsides as well. He's generally not THIS]] *point at Kai Winn* [[easy for others to control.]] FakeProwl 7:42 pm I was thinking that it's less annoying to have to watch. ItsyBitsySpyers 7:42 pm [[Starscream's power lust?]] FakeProwl 7:43 pm THEY have themselves convinced they're doing the right thing. That makes them far more frustrating to watch. FakeProwl 7:48 pm If Starscream decided to massacre a planet, he'd at least be honest about his motives. If you tried to argue with him about how he's not doing this for whatever greater good may exist in his mind, you don't have to argue him out of that belief first before you can move on with the conversation. He'd shrug and says "So what?" FakeProwl 7:50 pm ... So why did it light up now? Does the book only reveal its contents to somebody who doesn't want them? Or maybe it requires a sacrifice. ItsyBitsySpyers 7:50 pm [[It does waste far less time. We may be a long-lived species, but even we have so much patience to spare.]]
[[The book lights up because it is the blood of the people the pah-wraiths would destroy.]] [[Proof that the would-be reader is ready to destroy Bajorans because they have already done so.]] FakeProwl 7:51 pm Sacrifice, then. ItsyBitsySpyers 7:51 pm [[Yes.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 7:53 pm [[She no longer bothers to hide her illness.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 7:54 pm {{S7E21: When it Rains: Part 5.}} FakeProwl 8:00 pm Poor Kira. Teaching her oppressors how to fight against oppressors. (("I need to borrow, a cup, of goo. I'll give it back." omg.)) FakeProwl 8:03 pm How easily she excuses the genocide of her own people, when she's the one committing it. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:06 pm [[He can't imagine Kira enjoys the idea of teaching them. But the alternative is... unpleasant. And dangerous for the rest of the galaxy, including her home.]] FakeProwl 8:07 pm Indeed. There's no practical alternative. On the bright side, the Cardassians won't enjoy it either, and then they'll be indebted to her. She seems unlikely to be the kind of person to cash in on that debt, but she and they will all know she has it. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:08 pm [[If she does not wish to cash in on it, she can always hand it off to her government.]] [[...Or she can simply enjoy sitting on it. It can be a pleasant feeling.]] FakeProwl 8:09 pm *Sits forward. Odo has an STD. This is unacceptable.* FakeProwl 8:15 pm ... Is Martok the one that was a changeling replaced? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:16 pm [[Yes. The true Martok was discovered in that internment camp, escaped, and returned to the Empire. He has fought valiantly since.]] FakeProwl 8:19 pm ... He's... not wrong. Losing one ally in order to allow their enemy to all die off... ItsyBitsySpyers 8:21 pm [[An important ally, who has an increased understanding of the Founders' mindset and is unlikely to let himself be trapped by it again, who could potentially gather more information and protect whatever ship he is placed on because of his species.]] [[And has an *incredibly* valuable ability for a resistance member.]] FakeProwl 8:22 pm The advantage he offers won't be necessary if the Founders are all dead. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:23 pm [[He does not need to die for them to do it.]] FakeProwl 8:24 pm No. He doesn't /need/ to. But if he's saved and the cure that's used to save him is leaked to the enemy... FakeProwl 8:27 pm He's already proven vulnerable to other Founders. He might voluntarily go out of his way to protect his home world. And changelings are already known to have infiltrated Starfleet. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:30 pm [[He broke from the conditioning he was being brought under.]] *Thoughtful nibbling.* [[You have a point that someone hiding in Starfleet could take it from him... but then why not imitate the people in charge of deciding whether or not Bashir gets the cure and freely hand the medical records over?]] [[And they are not doing this.]] FakeProwl 8:31 pm Maybe they simply haven't had the chance. Maybe they haven't been able to replace anyone high-ranked enough to get their hands on Odo's file. Maybe they think that if their doctors in the Dominion can't find a cure, Starfleet can't; but if they ever discover they underestimated Starfleet and they HAVE found a cure, they'll swoop in to take it. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:33 pm *Passing half-formed thought that can be interpreted as sneering at Gowron's idiocy.* FakeProwl 8:33 pm ... Primus below, save me from bad strategists. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm [[He hopes you mean the Klingon and not his mulling over points with you.]] FakeProwl 8:34 pm I definitely mean the Klingon. FakeProwl 8:35 pm And before that, the Cardassians. And I'm throwing in Docket and Kai Winn too... ItsyBitsySpyers 8:36 pm [[Good. It has been thoroughly enjoyable speaking with you and listening to your points and counterpoints. Too long since he's been around anyone who even tries to think as hard as you on such matters.]] FakeProwl 8:36 pm *STARFLEET infected Odo? Prowl's... ...not surprised. And... can't disagree.* ... Mutual. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:36 pm {{S7E22: Tacking into the Wind, Part 6}} *Sits up just enough to allow him to dip his helm in gratitude.* *And gets comfortable again.* FakeProwl 8:38 pm *Wraps arm around Soundwave.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:39 pm *Pleased rumble.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:40 pm [[...He knows only what absorption of Earth media and Knock Out's data have provided him, but the... peeling? Flaking? The disintegration looks horrifically painful.]] [[It certainly would not be comfortable for our kind.]] FakeProwl 8:41 pm I've seen rust infections like that. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:43 pm *Silent for a few seconds, debating whether or not it's his place to say what came to mind just now.*
*In the end, he figures it's history anyone can look up.*
[[...So has your alternate. Fragmented records suggest that they were forced to close a bridge on one of their - you would call them batchmates, he thinks? When their planet became overrun by a rust plague.]] FakeProwl 8:44 pm Batchmates? Built in the same factory batch? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:45 pm [[Not built. Forged in the same group at the same time and made the Underworld run to the surface together.]] [[Close for much of their lives.]] FakeProwl 8:46 pm Ah. If they were born instead of built, "from the same hot spot" or, more poetically, "forgemates." ItsyBitsySpyers 8:47 pm [[Thank you. He will make the correction. But yes - forgemates, then.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 8:49 pm [[Shrewd.]] FakeProwl 8:49 pm And also exactly what Kira predicted. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:51 pm [[The sooner they shed the uncooperative one the better.]] FakeProwl 8:55 pm Check out that projecting he's got going on. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:56 pm [[He could play it on a screen from a thousand feet away.]] FakeProwl 8:56 pm *Huff.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:56 pm *Pleased.* [[Garak did warn him.]] FakeProwl 8:57 pm If Garak's so concerned that Russet is going to kill Kira, why is he urging Kira to kill him? That will undermine her authority in front of all the other Cardassians. Garak should kill Russet himself. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:08 pm [[Odo's protest reminds him of your simulations.]] FakeProwl 9:09 pm *wry smile.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:10 pm *...Not sure that's a good smile. Looks at it for a moment longer than necessary and then away, unable to decide.* FakeProwl 9:10 pm ... Odo is learning to imitate other people. Admittedly, so far it's only another Founder whose face looks almost like his, but. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:11 pm [[That's hardly an "only", given their situation.]] [[Imagine all they could do...]] FakeProwl 9:12 pm True. But it means his skills at imitating other people are still limited. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:13 pm [[Hopefully O'Brien and Bashir will buy him time to learn.]] *Soundwave leans forward a little bit.* FakeProwl 9:14 pm Hopefully. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:16 pm *Gets back to his comfortable lean.* FakeProwl 9:16 pm That's a terrible governmental system. Admittedly, not much different than ours, but. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm [[It can be improved. Martok is sufficiently honorable.]] FakeProwl 9:19 pm It's not going to get a lot better as long as you can seize leadership just by being a good enough warrior. Hand-to-hand combat skills and leadership skills have low correlation. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:20 pm [[What he means is, Martok is a fine tactician, and unlikely to serve his personal interests above those of his people. He may help to change what is corrupt and foolish.]] FakeProwl 9:21 pm {{S7E23 Extreme Measures: Part 7}}
Maybe. But he seemed pretty invested in the status quo. FakeProwl 9:22 pm ... He's hideous. *That's Prowl expressing concern.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm [[Mm. It is a possibility. Still. If Worf is right, and the Empire respects him enough to support him and try following in his footsteps, it will do much to stop the rampant selfishness. It is a start.]] FakeProwl 9:24 pm Mm. *At the moment, he's been quite thoroughly distracted from Klingon politics by dying Odo.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm *On the other side, Soundwave is uncomfortable with the concept of loved ones dying and was trying not to focus too much on it.* *He's gotten braver about letting himself be open and attached, but there's always That Fear.* FakeProwl 9:29 pm *... Rumors of nonconsensual mind reading, now.* This message has been removed. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:29 pm ((DAMN forgot one)) FakeProwl 9:30 pm ((how long ago did the ep start?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:30 pm ((about 10 minutes)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:33 pm [[The Section 31 operative wakes in the medbay, threatens O'Brien's family, tries to convince them he does not have the cure, and attempts to kill himself when they apply the probes. Bashir stabilizes him, but only for an hour. They manage to find the cure just before he dies.]] FakeProwl 9:35 pm *Well, Prowl doesn't think he minds skipping all that.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:35 pm *Soundwave didn't think he would.* FakeProwl 9:35 pm *Odo isn't dying and that's what matters.* FakeProwl 9:36 pm ((episode #?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:36 pm ((typing it!)) {{S7E24: The Dogs of War Part 8}} FakeProwl 9:38 pm ... How are they going to explain the dead guy in the medbay? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm [[It was somewhat explained in the part he skipped. The operative had been in Section 31 for so long and devoted himself so deeply that he had done his best to eliminate himself from the historical record. There will be few who knew he existed and fewer who cared.]]
[[In any case, no-one who does recognize him can be publicly upset by it, lest they get exposed themselves.]]
[[He expects they simply vaporized the body.]] FakeProwl 9:41 pm ... That's unfortunate. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:43 pm [[Isn't it.]] *Folds his hands.* [[It's possible they turned him over to his family and concocted a lie, but the amount of explaining they'd have to do would risk revealing their hand. Or trapping them in the future. It would be wiser to remove the evidence, and he thinks Bashir is that sharp.]] [[There is a war on. There will be plenty of missing citizens that never return.]] FakeProwl 9:44 pm Oh, no, I meant, *gestures at the screen* the people they were coming to recruit being killed. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:44 pm [[Ah. That, too.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 10:02 pm [[Quark spends the next while complaining about all the other social reforms on Ferenginar and states that he will demand to be allowed to do things as he wishes or else refuse the job despite the loss of status and wealth.]] FakeProwl 10:02 pm ... The Founders don't seem to be doing much about the fact that they're currently dying, do they? Well, there's no need to watch Quark gripe. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:03 pm [[They don't, no. Stubbornness and pride and a stupid, *stupid* determination to win instead of attending to the health of their people.]] [[No, there isn't. Let us skip him.]] FakeProwl 10:03 pm *Very emphatic. Is that self-reproach Prowl hears?* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm *A little self-reproach, a little residual anger with Megatron... it's a strong cocktail.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm [[The Grand Nagus arrives and informs Quark that he is mistaken. It is Rom who will become the Ferengi planet's next leader, not him.]]
[[Quark declares that his bar will be the last outpost of the old Ferenginar. He will continue to cheat and swindle while Rom carries the planet forward.]]
[[Moving on.]] FakeProwl 10:07 pm Oh, a happy ending. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm *Huffing.* FakeProwl 10:12 pm ... Poor timing to be reproducing. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:12 pm [[Agreed. One of the worst.]]
[[We are now at the end of all the wars that have woven around and through one another because of the Dominion.]] {{S7E25 What You Leave Behind, Part 9}} FakeProwl 10:13 pm The end? The war ends here? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:14 pm [[They all will, one way or another.]] FakeProwl 10:14 pm Hm. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:14 pm [[That is, we are at the point of watching it.]] FakeProwl 10:14 pm I figured that was what you meant. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:15 pm [[Yes.]] *Huff.* [[The galaxy does not stop because the Emissary has reproduced.]] FakeProwl 10:17 pm Thank goodness. That would be a dull five months. *Isn't quite sure how long pregnancy lasts.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:18 pm [[Still. At least it would offer them all a break.]]
*Doesn't know either.* FakeProwl 10:21 pm ... So the helmet causes the voice, that's not what the Breen actually sound like? FakeProwl 10:22 pm ((garak is beaming. "look at that, my honorary grandma's complimenting my deceitfulness")) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:22 pm [[Apparently. It's a handy trick, you know.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm ((precious snek boy)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:25 pm [[Must he return.]] FakeProwl 10:27 pm Ugh. FakeProwl 10:28 pm I hope to see them hoisted by their own petards. Or maybe just backstab each other. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:29 pm *Soundwave lifts a cube in a feeler and nods, then sips from it. He'll toast to that.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:31 pm [[Coward.]] FakeProwl 10:31 pm I was just thinking the same thing. Look at that, Dumber /can/ be humbled. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:33 pm [[It is good for him.]] FakeProwl 10:34 pm *... Long exhale.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:34 pm [[This is the kind of thing he meant when we discussed Bashir's numbers about surrendering. Resistance becoming nigh impossible when they already have a solid hold.]] FakeProwl 10:35 pm *Two million, in moments.* *Prowl's seen numbers like that, many times. They never stop feeling like an icicle through the spark.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm *Soundwave glances at Prowl. Is he all right, there? It can't be bringing up good memories - his own aren't - but Prowl isn't seeking comfort yet, so he must be holding up relatively okay.*
*Or else hiding it, but Soundwave can't make him not do that.* FakeProwl 10:41 pm *well, his expression hasn't changed.* FakeProwl 10:43 pm ... It's the fastest way to inspire the population to join a side, isn't it? By having the other side bomb their civilian cities. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:45 pm [[He doesn't know if it is the fastest, but we did use it on Vos and Tarn.]] FakeProwl 10:46 pm Did you? The Decepticons just conquered them in mine. FakeProwl 10:48 pm ((in his bajoran disguise dukat looks like he should be the so-serious-he's-goofy uncle in a 90s family sitcom)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:49 pm [[Mm. Shockwave attempted to play each city against the other and convince both the Autobots had done it.]] ((...i'm never gonna unsee that)) FakeProwl 10:49 pm ((good. suffer with me.)) FakeProwl 10:51 pm *Oh shoot, Prowl had almost forgotten about Odo, he was so worried about the Cardassian civilian cities.* FakeProwl 10:52 pm *Prowl wonders how often his spies and saboteurs have had little breakdowns like that behind enemy lines.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm *Soundwave's group have had them from time to time. They're probably more prone to shenanigans than Prowl's bunch, but he'd still put money on it happening if he had any to spare.* [[A death well spent.]] FakeProwl 10:55 pm Indeed it is. ... I thought you didn't believe in heroic sacrifices? *mumbles at the screen* Qapla'. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:58 pm [[He would prefer Damar have perished another way, or not at all. Cardassia needs people like him. But, if he must go... better that than cringing in the cellar.]] FakeProwl 10:58 pm Mm. True. FakeProwl 10:59 pm *Wants to know who the hell these Breen are and how they got involved. Will ask once this is over. Doesn't want to interrupt the show for it.* She's poisoning him. He's a sacrifice. Of course, it was obvious he was going to be a sacrifice the moment she said she needed him. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:01 pm [[Naturally. To all except he who thought himself invincible.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 11:03 pm *Soundwave would run and run and run from the DJD rather than stay and fight them head on at the first battle, but if he were finally cornered? Yes, he would die on his feet.*
*He focuses on the screen.* FakeProwl 11:03 pm *Focuses as well. Odo is playing a very dangerous game.* *Linking with the person who used that link to manipulate him? Cure a Founder at the edge of death?* *slow blink.* ... Why? Why has she changed her mind? Odo's linked with her before, and it twisted him. Why not this time? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:10 pm [[He has become stronger. Firm in his convictions regarding the humanoids, with evidence of their interest in peace and their ability to learn to accept and help others. Acknowledgment of her failure. A reminder of the traitor Vorta's story would not hurt.]] FakeProwl 11:10 pm ... He has weapons he didn't before. FakeProwl 11:11 pm ... And that's enough? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:11 pm [[And despite all they have done to him, he offered to cure his people. That is... something powerful. Especially to them.]] FakeProwl 11:12 pm That can't be enough. They've sent hundreds—maybe thousands—maybe /millions/ of changelings out into the galaxy to live among solids, all of whom have come back to report their findings and contributed their knowledge to the—the hivemind— And somehow he's the only one who's come back with a positive impression? The only one whose positive impression was strong enough to override the consensus she learned from the hivemind? It's, it's—irrational. ((i bet THEIR alamo in the future has a cool plaza with a bunch of trees in front of it.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm [[He was the first to return. Ahead of schedule, by her own words.]]
[[In the episode we skipped, he finally found another of the Hundred. That one disliked humanoids and preferred to avoid them, but they did not go to join the Dominion.]] ((lmao we can hope)) FakeProwl 11:16 pm ... So he's the only changeling to ever get a positive impression of solids? I find that— I can't believe that. Surely others have had positive opinions, and their positive opinions were oppressed by the majority. His can't be different. ... His /shouldn't/ be different. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:18 pm [[No. The one he found had positive enough impressions to entertain relationships with them for a while. And to avoid joining the war, as he said.]]
[[And who is to say there were not those who once held or now hold positive opinions in the Great Link? If he returns, he will be able to help them find their voice.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 11:19 pm [[He is clearly strong enough now to teach those who don't.]] FakeProwl 11:19 pm He taught one. Who was desperate and dying. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:22 pm *Soundwave shudders slightly. Possession by such spirits - ugh.*
[[The others are desperate and dying. The others are as timeless as him. He has a long opportunity to try.]]
[[And even if he fails - at least he'll have made the effort to teach and protect them, and others around the galaxy.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 11:24 pm [[It is devotion to the safety of others. It is the rehabilitation of criminals. How is that wrong for him to try?]] FakeProwl 11:24 pm ... If he fails, then /they/ persuade /him./ And he's added another body to their army. One with intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the Federation. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:27 pm [[Their army is broken. Others will hear of this - and those who have already survived and won will not accept more wars.]] FakeProwl 11:29 pm If he tries, then he /gives up/ on trying /other/ things that—that might actually work. That might actually succeed in protecting people! They still have an army that can be and IS CURRENTLY a threat to the galaxy. Making an effort to /contain/ it—or better, just letting its leaders die—has a far higher probability of making a difference than /saving/ them and trying to talk sense into them. He's just /one person/! What can a /single/ person do to—to change the minds, of... of an entire... ItsyBitsySpyers 11:33 pm [[Why must he be all things? Why can't he try to be this while others conduct negotiations? While others assist worlds that need help breaking free of their former oppressors and rebuilding?]]
[[And one person can do much. Worf stood before Gowron. Damar inspired Cardassia's rebellion. He does not seize all the credit for Megatron's defeat, but his turning away from Megatron did help change things.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 11:34 pm [[If nothing else - one Cardassian allowed them to seize the Jem'Hadar ship. One Cardassian saved them when they were to be executed.]] [[One Bajoran taught them how to run a resistance.]] FakeProwl 11:37 pm He doesn't /need/ to be all things. But there's going to be /one/ thing, /somewhere,/ where he will make a greater positive difference than he will anywhere else. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:38 pm [[This is what he knows how to do. This is what he /wants/ to do, and has aspired to do well. This could be that thing. It does not need to be destructive.]] FakeProwl 11:38 pm And he is—is derelict in his duties if he turns away from that position to pursue one where he's got a /tiny/ chance of talking a pack of genocidal warlords into making peace! FakeProwl 11:40 pm SO WHAT IF IT'S WHAT HE WANTS TO DO?! He's pursuing the lesser good! What he WANTS is worth nothing compared to what he OUGHT to be doing! ItsyBitsySpyers 11:41 pm [[Who BETTER to do it? The humanoids cannot link, and the changelings still have some fear of them. The Founder will be punished for her war. No other Changelings have returned, and judging by the Founder's claims, it is unlikely they will for centuries.]] FakeProwl 11:41 pm Then maybe it shouldn't be done! Maybe he should have left them to die! No warlords, no threat! He helps them, and there's a tiny chance they improve compared to a MASSIVE chance they pick up right where they left off! He lets them die, and it's guaranteed they hurt no one again. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:47 pm [[And the Earth? The one that experienced a war so terrible it nearly destroyed the planet and everyone on it, yet survived to become a paradise?]]
[[Why do you deny the existence of hope? How can anyone claim the right to destroy that many people? To do that to their own species without proving themselves a part of everything they claim the others are - a part that doesn't know how to do anything /except/ murder?]] [[He said it himself. He is /not/ a god. He does not have that right or that power.]] FakeProwl 11:50 pm Hope isn't statistically probable, that's what makes it hope! If it was the probability you wouldn't need to hope for it! You put all your effort into pursuing a one percent hope of reform and you leave a ninety-nine percent chance they'll pick up their same old scrap! FakeProwl 11:51 pm He may not have that right but he /does/ have that power—and sometimes you have to do things you don't have the right to do. And what does it matter if he proves himself just as bad as the rest of them, as long as he becomes the only person left who would do that? That's the /point/ of a necessary evil—it's necessary but /still evil./ Yesterday ItsyBitsySpyers 11:59 pm [[It does not need to be all the effort! Odo does not need to be all things, and not everyone can have the same role! There are still many others who can assist and prepare in case the ninety-nine percent comes true. Kira stood against him when he fell; she would do it again.]]
[[He could not live with himself if he went against his nature and killed them all, and that would be a waste of him as well.]] *Vents. He thought this would help, but... it's as if Prowl is doubling down instead.* [[In any case, he doesn't think you'd have respected Odo for what he'd become if he did. Not in the long run.]] FakeProwl 12:05 am ... Not all /necessary/ things are worthy of respect. They're not done for—for respect, or to demonstrate one's moral high ground. They're done because they... The alternatives... *For a moment, he glowers at the floor, silent.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:07 am *Soundwave doesn't say anything while Prowl glowers. He doesn't know what else he /can/ say. For Primus' sake, he's not an Odo himself and he never will be; that was out of the question from the moment he made his Underworld journey. How is someone like him supposed to convince someone like Prowl to be /better/ than him?* FakeProwl 12:08 am ... Does he succeed? ItsyBitsySpyers 12:11 am [[...He doesn't know. It isn't explicitly said. And maybe that is part of the point, that we must accept the presence of uncertainty.]]
[[But he likes to think so. They didn't show him failing. They showed him curing the Link. That must mean something.]] [[And they didn't throw him back out.]] FakeProwl 12:12 am You've got access to the records from this universe. You can look it up, can't you? FakeProwl 12:13 am Unless their war only /just/ ended, there's got to be /some/ update on what the Founders are up to now? ItsyBitsySpyers 12:14 am [[What he knows of what comes to pass after this does not speak of it, just as he does not have a record of every single thing within his own. He knows nothing of the result, good or bad.]]
[[But... sometimes quiet is a sign of peacefulness.]] FakeProwl 12:15 am ... Or plotting. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:19 am [[Perhaps. Uncertainty, again.]]
[[But he is tired, both frame-wise and of the idea that nothing can be improved. He has fought it since he first understood that Minicons were true people and he will neither accept it now nor apologize for that.]] FakeProwl 12:21 am *Back at the floor.* ... Sorry I'm so tiring. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:21 am [[You aren't.]] FakeProwl 12:22 am Hmm. FakeProwl 12:24 am *Props his elbows on his knees, laces his hands in front of his crest, presses his thumbs over his dimmed optics.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:25 am [[You told him he was to be honest. If he had meant you, he would have said you.]]
*Soundwave isn't sure how to handle Prowl's current pose or provide what comfort he thinks that hmm might need, so he just... rests his hand on Prowl's back. And rubs tiny circles with his thumb.* FakeProwl 12:26 am *An initial twitch at the touch, but he doesn't push it away.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:27 am *He pauses for a second at the twitch, but he's also supposed to trust that Prowl isn't fragile and can speak for himself, so he'll take the lack of being pushed away as a sign that his hand being there isn't a Vital Error.* FakeProwl 12:38 am ... I'm... *No. Get your words in line before you say anything.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:40 am *Soundwave turns his helm just enough to make it clear he's being patient and listening without fixing his gaze on Prowl and getting all intimidating about it. He'll wait until they're in line.* FakeProwl 12:42 am It's... not that... he's not... that... FakeProwl 12:44 am ... that the path he's... That the path he /wants/ to take... doesn't have... value. It's not that it doesn't—increase the good. It—could. It might. A little bit. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:45 am *Nodding. Go on?* FakeProwl 12:47 am But—only a little bit. Only a small, tiny, local bit. He makes things a little bit better on—on one little planet—and maybe, MAYBE, if he's DAMN lucky, he has a minuscule effect on how that one little planet deals with a few other little planets. But probably not. FakeProwl 12:49 am Compare that to where he is now. The resources he commands. The organizations he's tied to. The things that he can offer to the greater good from his current position are—boundless. Sure, he gets his hands a little dirtier in using them, but what are his hands compared to the welfare of the entire galaxy? One set of hands is a small, small price to pay. FakeProwl 12:51 am By choosing to walk away from those resources, those connections, those many, MANY ways he can advance the greater good... he's just... FakeProwl 12:52 am He's a law enforcer. He believes in order and justice. How, with any good conscience, can he let himself abandon a position where he can do /so much/ for the greater good... to take a smaller role, where he does less good, purely because that's /what he wants/? What is what he wants worth compared to the greater good? ItsyBitsySpyers 1:04 am [[Yes, he is a law enforcer. But tell him, Prowl - isn't making things a little bit better a small, tiny, local bit at a time how law enforcement is supposed to work? It didn't in his time, but ideally - the way you've spoken of it - one officer patrols his set neighborhood, keeping it safe and helping those within it. And surely everyone he protects is happy that he is there, if he does the job the right way and does not abuse his position.]]
[[He may rise through the ranks and he may not. There simply isn't room for everyone to do it. But he continues to perform a vital function for that small area.]]
[[With enough law enforcers taking on pieces of the city, eventually the whole area becomes protected, one being at a time.]]
[[It is not so different with a galaxy. Odo can protect and teach his home planet. Others will try to protect and teach theirs. In time, entire sectors smooth out and things like the Federation are born.]] FakeProwl 1:09 am *Shakes his head.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:09 am [[And just because someone has the resources, it does not mean they should be the one to use them. Kai Winn had connections, organizations, resources - the theoretical ability to do a great good with them at the price of dirtying her hands. Which she did willingly and often.]]
[[But she should have stepped down. She served Bajor best when she was still a Vedek. And there is no shame in knowing that. There is no shame in wanting to return to that.]] FakeProwl 1:15 am You're exactly right, not everyone deserves to use those resources. Which is why it's so important for the few who /can/ use those resources properly to be the ones to use them. Any patrol cop can make a single city block better. Not just any patrol cop can be trusted with the resources that can be used to steer an entire galaxy toward good or evil. Those that /can/ be trusted with them, can't—can't give up and restrict their influence to a little neighborhood and cross their fingers and hope that the next person to hold those resources isn't a despot or a moron. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:29 am [[They'll have to eventually, whether they want to or not. Someone must come after them. Existence can no more be permitted to stagnate and fall into stasis lock than it can to succumb to chaos.]]
[[And not everything needs to be a heroic sacrifice. He and his deployers share our burdens when we can. It stops us from pushing ourselves to a point from which we cannot recover. And it ensures that we are all capable of going places we could not alone.]]
[[Imagine what the Dominion could someday do for the galaxy if they learn to model themselves after Odo. All their genetic engineering and medical skills, their creative technological developments, their unsurpassed knowledge of an entire quadrant - all used to help instead of harm, to raise others up, and without being smeared by dirty fingers. Benevolence and guardianship.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 1:32 am [[He could have forced the Founder to go with him and make him their leader. He could have broken her the way she tried to break him. Instead, he gave her a choice and kept his hands clean, and she still agreed to turn herself in.]] FakeProwl 1:37 am Of course someone must come after them. That doesn't mean those who are /currently/ capable should—should give up before they must. "I'm going to be useless someday, therefore I might as well be useless now"? Pff. Sharing burdens is—irrelevant. A burden can be shared without giving it up entirely. Acquiring the appropriate assistance to complete one's duty is entirely different from—from flat-out running away from one's duty. FakeProwl 1:39 am *The last point, though—the things they could contribute if someone else steered them that way... Prowl doesn't reply. He lowers his hands from his crest to his mouth, frowning hard behind them, glowering again at the ground.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:42 am *He doesn't think it's irrelevant. Everyone who isn't forced into dirtying themselves until they're buried and lost can still contribute. They can still show off a shiny spot or two and make the overall future brighter.*
*But Prowl is thinking again, and if he could fire lasers from his optics Soundwave would probably have a nice new storage pit in his floor. So for now, he'll sit in silence.* FakeProwl 1:43 am ... Do you think he succeeded. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:43 am [[Would he have asked you to watch this with him if he didn't?]] FakeProwl 1:45 am Depends on how desperate you are to change my mind. *But, he sees Soundwave's point.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:49 am [[The answer is yes, Prowl. He thinks Odo succeeded.]]
*To make sure Prowl knows.* FakeProwl 1:52 am *A small nod.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:56 am [[He's going to have to recharge soon. Would you rather idle with him or have time to yourself? Such as it is.]]
*Sits up only to bend forward a bit to try to get a better view of Prowl's face.* FakeProwl 1:58 am *His expression is unchanged. Still that intense frown of concentration.* FakeProwl 1:59 am ... I'd rather be here. ItsyBitsySpyers 2:01 am *Hmm. Running a simulation? Maybe he'd best not create a disturbance. Or allow one. He could cause a harmless error that would interfere with the sch--*
[[Then he will stay here with you. Rouse him if you need him. He will not mind.]]
*Sits back again and maneuvers himself into a sort of half-sitting, half-laying position against Prowl's side with his legs over the side of the couch.* FakeProwl 2:02 am ... Before you... One question. ItsyBitsySpyers 2:02 am [[Hm?]] FakeProwl 2:04 am He's not charismatic. He's not popular. Why would—why would they listen to him? Sure, /if/ they listen to him, it could make a... But why would they? Someone like him? ItsyBitsySpyers 2:16 am [[He cannot give a definitive answer to that.]]
[[But it's probably for the same reason someone would listen to a prying, unsettling, suspicious mech like himself: the truth is the truth, whether or not it comes from socially preferred sources. Those who seek it will consider its existence reason enough to listen.]] FakeProwl 2:18 am *In Prowl's experience, next to nobody wants the truth if they dislike the source.* ... I've kept you up far later than you wanted to be. I'm sorry. ItsyBitsySpyers 2:21 am *Well, the world is slow to change. Soundwave hasn't convinced everyone of the Unicron threat. He's convinced a few, though, and that's a start.*
[[He is where he wants to be, and he does not regret the time spent. Don't apologize.]] FakeProwl 2:22 am *Nod.* *Finally, he breaks off his intense stare, sits up, and leans against Soundwave.* ItsyBitsySpyers 2:23 am *Coils a feeler around the avatar and closes his optics.* FakeProwl 2:24 am *Dims his optics, and lets his avatar go idle.*
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Chapter 4: Sixteen Hours
6:30 AM The alarm rang abruptly in the stillness of the morning, a rude shrill noise, splintering our warm, nocturnal embrace and throwing us both into the coldness of the day. 
“April, we gotta get up”, I said, mumbling as I shook off the last remnants of sleep. She groaned softly, rolling over and pulling the covers away. “Hey, get up. Geee-tta UGH-PUUUU! Get TU DA CHOPPAH!” I did my terrible Arnold Schwarzenegger impression loudly and poorly, adding in a loud grunt for full effect. 
“Argh, I need muh clothes, my boots, my motorcykalll”, she said, in the same bad Austrian accent without opening her eyes. “Come ONN, do it. Do it Nah-OW!”
Stumbling out of bed, vision still blurry, and nearly tripping over the corner of the blanket now fallen to the floor, I reached over and grabbed from the basket the first item of clothing on the pile of clean laundry that we neglected to fold from the previous night. I pulled open the top drawer of her dresser and felt around for a bra. I threw both toward the bed as I made my way to the bathroom. April put on her top as she stood up. Hair a mess and eyes barely open, April exuded a dreamy, other-worldly quality as she floated from the bed to the sink wearing the dark red floral patterned shirt dress I had bought for her the weekend before. I blow dried my hair into a more presentable state and shaved as she washed her face and finished combing her hair. 
I packed April’s belongings into her backpack for her, the both of us hurrying downstairs to my car. After stopping by a McDonald’s drive-thru on the way, we ate Egg McMuffins sitting in the early traffic heading toward Downtown LA. I looked at her as she opened a ketchup packet.
 “Don’t worry, I’ll be careful!” she said, laughing as she carefully squirted the ketchup onto her hashbrown.
 Briskly walking up the parking lot escalators and half-skipping across Pershing Square, April got to the bus stop just in time as the vehicle screeched to a halt. “WESTWOOD/SANTA MONICA” said the display. A quick kiss goodbye and she was off to class.
8:00 AM The office was dark as I stepped out of the elevator. Walking toward my desk, I was greeted by lights flickering on as motion sensors began to stir. Fresh cup of coffee in hand, I left the kitchen for the far side of the floor toward my favorite viewing spot. 
The Los Angeles morning was peaceful when viewed from high above. Cars moved slowly down Broadway; I could hear their distant honking noises in the early rush hour. Construction workers below near Third Street walked carrying their equipment, passing by the shops just beginning to open in Grand Central Market. From my hawk’s nest I saw a cyclist zipping down Grand Avenue past the Museum of Contemporary Art, in front of which a food truck was beginning to set up shop. My breath and the steam from my coffee fogged the glass as I stepped closer to look at the crowd of people gathering by the Broad. The early light bathed my city in a warm amber glow, thawing its sleepy commuters as a new workday began. Flecks of gold and saffron twinkled as the dawn bounced from the stirring skyscrapers and automobiles, blinding me. I, too, was beginning to wake as I finished my coffee. 
With my headphones on, back at my desk, I continued sketching out the wireframe concepts from the day before. Wireframes are the foundation of plotting out designs for interactive products such as apps and websites. They are a high level way of designing ways in which someone can use a product and the organization for which types of information and interaction appears on which screen, before a designer has to focus on the finer details such as animations, visual appearances, and the style of smaller items such as buttons. Even though the other designers created wireframes in programs I was also familiar with such as Adobe XD or Sketch, I always took great care in sketching out early ideas neatly on paper. I felt there was a purity in shaping ideas away from a computer, a kind of humility in making things with my hands.
8:30 AM The office is still dim as I make myself a second cup of coffee. This was one of those sluggish days; I felt slow to start, and was glad to still be the only person in the office. There was less pressure this way. I returned to my desk and cleaned up my lines with an eraser, reinforcing others with a Sharpie. Boxes with crisscrosses represented images, various other shapes representing icons and call-to-actions. Simple line patterns signified text, clearly showing the underlying grid to the layout. Adding final touches, I drew an outline of an iPhone over all of the screens before using a green colored pen to create the markings that showed how a user interacted and navigated from screen to screen. I felt pride for the cleanliness of my draft, as I never knew whether the second draft in the computer would be made by myself or a different designer. Finished, and satisfied with my work, I walked over to the simple Kanban board on the far wall and moved the task’s corresponding post-it note from the column labeled “in work” to the column labeled “done”.
Aside from a few coworkers from accounting, the floor was still mostly deserted. Sitting back and listening to the rest of Bach’s Goldberg Variations on my headphones, I fidgeted at my desk for a while. Impatient, I walked back over to the job board and grabbed one of the tasks from the column labeled “backlog” and moved it to “in work”. This should keep me occupied, I thought.
10:00 AM Standup was always kind of fun. Normally I have always preferred to work alone, with headphones on, lost in thought as I built designs and mockups, in an almost-meditative state of flow. However, I liked my coworkers very much, and it was also nice to see everyone at the beginning of the day and update one another on our work progress in the morning as we created the pieces of our product together. I enjoyed this kind of organized interaction that afforded me boundaries and space to create.
 <Walalala..>, texted April. It was her way of greeting. Warm and cheerful, albeit at times a little silly, it was a greeting that I had come to love. It would also be a salutation I would receive less and less over time until I would not see it at all. <What you doing?>, she added.
<Designing more apps. What about you?>
<Nothing bored in class>
<Lol. You should pay attention! I’m pretty tired too. I don’t think I woke up yet>
<I miss you.>
<Haha, I miss you a little too.>
<Only a little bit? Fine! Text me when u miss me a lot!>
<Ok I miss you alot>
<Pfft, you still need me to remind you?>
<Ha, you should pay attention in class. Your mom will kill me if you fail because of me>
<Well you can always quit and go to engineering or med school!>
<YOU can go to med school. I’ll make more apps!>
<Too hard~ And I’m so tired today I don’t want to do anything. Head hurt.>
11:00 AM Sketches spread out on the table before me, I began to create the second round of digital wireframes. As much as I enjoyed sketching, this step was also one of my favorite things to do. The useful aspect having hand sketches was their looseness — from a high level perspective, during this stage there were still so many possibilities. Creating the first digital wireframe versions, despite their inherent roughness, narrowed down those possibilities. To do so felt like taking a camera lens and turning it slowly into focus. At this stage, it was not a crisp focus, but much more recognizable as a coherent direction. The process was therapeutic as it was methodical; moving through it step by step, there was room to make improvements on the fly, perfecting each idea. However, today, my process of refinement would be interrupted by a different task.
There needed to be a version of our project for a new client, said marketing. A simple mockup of our app must be made in the style of our new client, a baseball team. The refinement of the new screen designs would have to wait. Grumbling to myself a little, I closed the program and neatly piled the sketches into my drawer.
<Heyyy, why u ignoring me?>
<Sorry, some other stuff came up at work>
<So sad but it’s okay. I feel so sleepy and tired>
<Maybe have some coffee? I’m on my second cup already>
<I dunno. Stomach hurt a bit too>
<I’m sorry. Would you feel better if you ate something? What are you gonna get for lunch?>
<Expensive grass, haha>. “Expensive grass” was April’s name for salad. They always cost more than they should, she would remark.
<what’s wrong?> Nothing good ever happened when April said “by the way”.
<If I go back to Taiwan after graduation, can we still be friends?>
<We’re not breaking up. We can make this work>
<I mean, if. Can we please stay friends? I can’t imagine a day without you, even if we’re only friends>
<I want you to stay though. We can figure this out>
<I don’t know…>
12:00 PM It is lunchtime. Mood now sour, I didn’t feel like leaving the building. After informing my deskmates that I was taking my lunch break, I grabbed a stale bagel from the kitchen and microwaved it with a slice of cheese. Taking that and a diet soda from the fridge, I returned to my viewing corner.
We had only recently moved into the forty fourth floor of the building from six floors above. The company had now grown bigger and the fiftieth floor was not enough space. However, it was only the design, marketing, and accounting teams on this floor, leaving most of it empty. In fact, we only occupied one corner, leaving the other three quiet and deserted. I enjoyed taking walks around the empty areas, sometimes even bringing my cello to work and practicing in one of the empty rooms during breaks. Today though, I only wanted to look outside and think.
Now midday there was visible smog in the Los Angeles air.  Protestors were forming on Grand Avenue. I looked closer, curious as to the reason for this group. I could not make out the writing on their signs. A car accident was visible further down on the 2nd Street intersection, blocking it off. The authorities closed off one of the lanes, backing up traffic. A bus awkwardly took up both lanes as it attempted to merge into the available space. An adjacent driver made a rude hand gesture out of his window. I sighed, feeling exhausted as I learned against the wall near the window. I sat on the floor as I drank my soda and looked out of the floor to ceiling window, thinking. The conversation I thought of was not with April, but one with someone else, from a different day, in a different language.
<Your girlfriend is really pretty! I saw the pictures you posted to WeChat yesterday>
<Yeah, I took her to the airplane museum the other day.>
<Do you spend everyday with her?>
<Well, she kept asking me to stay over, and then I had to stay with her after she crashed her car. Lately though, she tells me she just doesn’t like it when I’m away. It feels weird, but I’m really happy with her and I love her, so I guess I’m not complaining. She’s been coming to work with me and taking the bus to school too>
<Hey, you should pace yourself. All couples need their space from time to time.>
<Maybe? Sometimes I go to work and five minutes after I leave she texts me that she misses me. I think she’s very sweet.>
<Okay, I’m just looking out for you. What if she turns out to be one of those possessive types?>
<She told me she gets jealous easily. A lot of my female friends came to my birthday party and she told me she felt weird about it. ‘I’m very jealous’, she said.>
<Hey! I knew it!! Is that why you didn’t answer any of my calls or texts last winter in China?>
<Sorry. I guess it’s just weird, what happened between us.>
<Why would you tell her that…>
<She had someone else she was trying to get over and I was trying to comfort her.>
<Well, nothing happened between us!>
<I know! Well, I don’t know. You are one of my best friends, and what happened affected me very deeply. It may have been nothing to you, but it was definitely something to me.
<I’m sorry about that. I really am. I was as confused as you too. I never meant to be cruel. I hurt you, and I ended up hurting myself too.>
<I’m glad we’ve moved past it and we’re still friends>
<How long have we been friends? I was still ten or eleven years old I think? We’ve been best friends for so long even though we are in two different countries. Don’t you think this is a friendship worth keeping?>
<I know! I’m trying to figure this out>
<You promised not to throw this friendship away after you meet some girl remember? You made me a promise.>
<Yes, I remember. And I will keep my word. I just need to figure this out. She’ll come around eventually. I really think the two of you would become great friends.>
<Well, you gotta figure it out eventually, because this is just awkward what you’re doing>
<I just need time…>
1:00 PM I snapped back to reality as my phone alarm went off. It was time to go back to work.
The caffeine was beginning to wear off. Still debating whether or not I should have a third cup of coffee, I flipped through the Android Material Design Guidelines online, pondering what visual branding treatments were acceptable within Google’s design parameters. Writing down the correct color hex values on a notepad, I began to change colors on app elements in Photoshop, reskinning the interface. The phone beeped again, as another text message arrived from April.
 <I’m sorry. I want to stay with you too. But I’m so worried>
<About what?>, I answered.
 <What if it doesn’t work out between us? In a year? In five?>
<Why are you worried about this now? April, I love you and I’m perfectly happy with you>
<Yeah, but what if we DO break up eventually? You’re not a doctor and I’m supposed to marry a doctor.>
<Come on, I can’t change that>
I stopped working. Taking off my glasses, I sat back in my chair, rubbing my forehead. I was getting very tired.
<I just wish you could accept me for who I am>, I texted back.
<I do! I really want you to make it. I love who you are I just don’t love what you do>
<There’s nothing wrong with what I do. I am a designer and I’m good at it. I make a decent salary and I like my life>
<It’s different>
<Well that’s just your viewpoint. We’re just different, I guess>. I saved my work and walked to an empty conference room.
 <Why do you even love me?>, I texted. My thumbs began to sweat. Typing was becoming difficult.
<I love you because you are kind. I love you because you value family, like me. My friends ask me why I love someone who is not what I want and why I want to change him knowing how much effort I have to put in>
<The only complaints MY friends have about you is these things you say from time to time! It’s so messed up. Maybe your friends are full of shit. At least I love you for YOU>
<I do too! Doctors are all over the place, especially with my family background it’s easy for me to just marry one, but I can’t find a doctor who is YOU>
<I’m getting back to work>
I stomped back to my desk, angrily chucking my empty soda can into a nearby wastepaper basket. A couple of coworkers stared.
3:00 PM For the next two hours, I tried my best to focus on creating more animations. More interactions. I compared the mockups I made against the Android and Apple guidelines. So far, so good. Sending the finished mockups back to marketing, I went back to the kitchen and made myself the third cup of coffee. 
I chugged the hot beverage, nearly searing my throat. I went back to designing the wireframes. There were only three hours left in the workday, and I originally wanted to have had this perfected at the end of the day. 
<Are you done with class yet?>. There was no answer from April.
Frustrated, I placed my phone face down on the table and returned to the designs. These have to get done, I thought. So little time. Fuming, I angrily threw the boxes together on the computer screen, connecting the button hotspots together as violently as someone could inside a digital space. 
 “Hey are you ok?”. It was Julie, who sat across from me behind my monitor. “I can hear you breathing from here”
“I’m fine”, I said. I sat back in my chair and looked at what I’ve made. It was sloppy and nowhere near the level of detail that I have been known for around the office. 
 “Take a break man. I just got an email that we have until the end of the week for these screens now”
“Yeah. You can just chill”
“I think I’m gonna take a walk then.”
4:00 PM I looked at my watch as I waited in the elevator. Who does she think she is, I thought. So what if I’m not a doctor? Life can’t only be about status. I was so mad. That is such a shallow way of thinking! And it wasn’t me who started all this. I was just minding my own business working. She was the one who had to bring up Taiwan, and her parents’ crazy expectations for who she should be dating. 
 I walked outside briskly in the shade of the tall buildings. It was much louder now that I left the lobby. A street performer was beating a drum across the intersection. A crazy person was yelling about the end of times on the other corner. Good. Noisy enough that no one could see how angry I was.
And I hated the way she texted. How am I supposed to always be at her beck and call? I have a job to do; I can’t be there to simply answer every time she worries about crazy hypotheticals. I was doing fine today, I should’ve simply not answered. And now that she’s finished ruining my day, she’s stopped texting and has gone back to whatever she’s doing leaving me to pick up the pieces. Every single month, we have to have some fight about something completely stupid like this. Every single month — 
April had complained about being tired. April had experienced stomach pains during class. I counted the days since the last time I remembered similar complaints. There were many things I remembered for her. April could be so forgetful.
“Twenty-seven, twenty-eight….”, I counted in my head. I knew what she was going to need.
I stopped at the Rite Aid on 5th and Broadway. Quickly making my way through the aisles, I picked up a pack of Ibuprofen, a box of what appeared to be feminine pads, and a bottle of water. The cashier handed me the items in a paper bag after I made my purchase. Strolling further south, I began to think about what transpired.
Did she really mean all that she said? Perhaps a deeper question was, WHICH of what she said did she actually mean? You can’t tell someone you love them for who they are but also want to change them, I thought. Girls just say crazy things during their time of month right? I checked my phone.
 Still no answer.
 This is bad, I thought. Perhaps I was too harsh. Her car is in working condition. She chose to take the bus because she genuinely wanted to spend time with me. And now she’s probably on the bus home, in pain. All for me. I’m such a jerk, I thought.
Ducking into Bottega Louie on 7th, I bought a box of half dozen French macarons. They were rather pricey, but came in a beautiful box and were, I had heard, delicious. The small rigid box was not unlike jewelry packaging, with beautiful calligraphy and gold speckles dotted throughout its powder purple surface. It was a small gift that was sure to brighten up anyone who was having a less than perfect day.
6:30 PM The workday was now over as I closed my work laptop and packed away my things. The bus from UCLA arrived as I waited on a bench in Pershing Square.
“Hey what took you so long?”, I asked as I took April’s bag from her. 
“I had the most horrible day!” she said.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize I sounded so mean—
“No, not you! My period started and I forgot to bring pads so I had to use tissues. And my phone died, and then the bus had to take a detour. So I needed to get off and wait for another bus, but I couldn’t use Google Maps and I’m so tired and I just want something to eat”
“Well, first things first I guess”
I handed her the box of macarons and discreetly showed her what was in the paper bag. “Let’s find a bathroom,” I said.
She looked into the paper bag. She looked at me. She started giggling, the happiest I’ve seen her all week.
“What? What is it?”
“Have you never bought pads before?”
“Well, no, but I figured you needed them. Was I right?”
“Those are panty liners, not pads!”
“It’s okay, I’ll be alright. Cmon, let’s eat”
8:30 PM After April had a chance to change, I took her to a nearby Hong Kong styled cafe. It would be nice to have some porridge, she said. 
As we sat down and waited for our food, by reflex I folded April’s chopstick wrapper into an origami chopstick stand, as I have always done since our first date. I looked out the window into the dark. 
The San Gabriel traffic outside was a lot calmer compared to the city. It was quiet and I could just make out the sounds of crickets. A high school couple walked out of the boba shop across the street, laughing to themselves, carefree. An elderly man picked out a newspaper from a box near the entrance. I felt a soft caress on my forearm.
April handed me a crudely folded flower made from a chopstick holder. 
 “I’m sorry about today. I keep forgetting how to fold that fancy origami, but I want to thank you for taking care of me.”
She smiled the familiar funny smile.
9:30 PM As we walked in the darkness at a nearby park, digesting our meal, I stayed quiet. How can I make all nights like tonight?, I thought.  Is there really an expiration date to our happiness? 
Perhaps reading my mind, April said, “I don’t know what we’ll do if I really have to leave…”
I looked at her and kissed her forehead.
“Whatever”, she added. “If I have to go back to Taiwan, I guess I’ll just get another boyfriend, and it’ll be a doctor this time! HA HA!”
I did not laugh.
I let go of her hand and walked a few paces ahead, sullen.
 “I’m kidding!” April grabbed my arm. “I really do love you, alright?”
0 notes
hencethebravery · 7 years
In commemoration of the truly astounding display of public regard for CC thanks to Colin, who is legit an angel (dated 8/19/2017). Not to mention the fact that @mahstatins is a truly amazing mom who is truly v tired and could use some solid flirting. This is established relationship CC. I’m sick of getting them established. They are already together, ok? Modern AU time. TOPICAL modern AU time. Oh, and btw, if u were wondering what their dog (who is named after Sally Ride, because space) looks like.
+ For someone who can’t seem to shut up about constellations and space travel and whatever else not of this Earth, he’s unusually apathetic about the upcoming Event. Which, while scientists have known about it’s coming for quite sometime, it seems to have only just exploded onto the media scene, which means his Facebook is mostly flooded with scams for special glasses and not the latest political nightmare. Although there is that. Never free.
Thing is though, the man has a telescope and a star map and one of those little night lights that projects the constellations of your current geographical location on the ceiling. He’s got a mug, right? David has to remind all of their friends that he did not buy him this mug, he bought it himself, and it says “The rotation of the Earth really makes my day,” like it’s funny—and laughs about it every morning.
So the not caring about the upcoming eclipse? It’s unusual. For him.
“I’ve just been busy lately, love. Honestly,” giving him a peck on the cheek and going about his day, “I appreciate the concern.”
Which, yes, he has been busy. They both have, but they’ve also been dealing with some Liam-related drama (what’s new), and nothing rests heavier on Killian’s shoulders than the latest “Fucked Up Thing Liam’s Said on the Phone,” catastrophe. And usually, Killian shares the latest criticism or blunt (also known as, “rude”) opinion immediately. He’s older now, wiser—less sensitive about Liam’s litany of opinions about his career choices and food choices and how-you-arrange-the-living-room choices and whatever else he can think of. Liam’s a good guy. David is adamant; he’s a good guy that loves his little brother as if he were his own son. But Killian’s not his son, is he?
“I know how hard it was for you guys growing up,” David says for what feels like the millionth time, “but he’s gotta let go a bit, ya know?”
“You don’t need to tell me,” Killian answers for, again, what feels like the millionth time, “I don’t take any of it to heart.”
But he does take it to heart. Of course he does. Killian Jones takes everything to heart and it’s one of the things he loves about him, but it’s also one of those things that makes him soft and vulnerable and sad, only he tries to keep it to himself and that’s when something like a solar eclipse is fucking nigh and he suddenly couldn’t care less.
Which is when he proposes the road trip.
He moans about it at first, mentioning all the work that needs doing and the boat that needs cleaning and how is traveling with the dog supposed to go, and it’s one thing after another until David pulls him a bit roughly into a hug and reminds him (for the millionth time) that it’s all gonna be ok, and it’ll all be here when they get back and they’ve got lots of podcasts to catch up on.
“And I don’t know if you know this,” David whispers conspiratorially, “but the last time a solar eclipse was visible in the U.S., it was 1918.”
“I do know that, actually,” Killian sighs, surrendering to David’s plotting,  “Alright, then. I’ll run to the shop.”
It’s a bit last minute, and it’s a good 20 hour drive, and being prepared for such a trip with the dog (”Her name is Sally,” he had rather drunkenly decided the night before they took her home, “our intrepid lass.”) is a bit of a to-do, but whatever, David knows it’ll be worth it. A little stress now, a lot of pop music, coffee, and about a dozen hand-rolled cigarettes later. He figures he can let up on the no smoking rule for this.
“But just this once, you hear me?”
“Bloody hell, Dave, yes.”
They’re packed up and ready to go in about a day, setting out at an ungodly hour a day or so before the eclipse is supposed to take place. They’ll be driving through a few states, but given the time crunch, they can’t make as many stops as they’d like. Maybe on the way back. They do have to make a decent amount of stops for Sally, including one in New York closer to the Finger Lakes. Luckily, or not so luckily, there are about a hundred incredible wineries along the way and they get a little stuck.
“This tastes like actual candy,” Killian mumbles into his glass, he’d loudly protest only he can’t seem to stop drinking it.
“I don’t see it stopping you.”
It’s some kind of raspberry dessert wine, only it tastes nothing like wine and they’re imbibing the stuff like it’s water. This particular winery is a little bit in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by vibrant, lush meadows dotted with wildflowers; sloping, seemingly infinite hills in the distance.
“We could just stay here,” Killian suggests with his eyes closed, a hand resting on Sally’s head. “12 more hours in the car isn’t the most appealing.”
David grabs his hand, swiping his thumb back and forth over Killian’s knuckles. “Maybe,” he says, conceding the point, “but 1918.”
Eventually they sober up and move a little further on down the road.
In Ohio they pull off to the side of a road and eat some raw corn on the cob (Sally too, of course). It’s juicier than expected, even without being cooked. It’s sweet without being saccharine, a refreshing and floral bite aided by the sight of corn fields and red pick-up trucks and frightening billboards about the Devil. They buy a bag for about 3 bucks and continue on, the strains of Fleetwood Mac and Paul Simon following after one another—windows rolled down, the air smelling vaguely of diesel and freshly turned dirt.
They hadn’t really told anyone before they fled, their only notice a picture of their clasped hands on Instagram, resting over the gearshift, “1918,” the caption reads simply, “brb.”
They find a reasonably empty campground right outside of Hopkinsville, Kentucky. There’s a few families with strangely well-behaved children, a small group of women on some kind of vision quest, and a few students from a nearby university. Killian seems to deflate at the prospect of mostly silence.
They arrive the night before, setting up the tent and feeding Sally before collapsing on top of their sleeping bags, legs entwined. Killian usually wakes up first, listens to Sally’s snuffling, Dave’s soft breathing in his ear.
“You happy we’re here?” David asks quietly, observing the thoughtful expression on Killian’s face. Taking note of the crustiness at the corner of his eyes, the soft, still almost-asleep way he stares up at the sky through the mesh of the tent.
"Very much,” answering with a kiss, offering reassurance with a squeeze to the forearm wrapped around his stomach. “Rather this than being tortured with the regret.”
"Didn’t you know?” David snorts, “That’s why I did this. There’d be no living with you otherwise.”
“So a selfish endeavor then.”
Around noon, the moon makes its way in front of the sun. By around 1:30 PM it achieves totality, and it’s twilight in the middle of the day—surreal but beautiful. A rooster crows in the distance, the nighttime insects begin to chirp as if they’ve been rudely awakened, and David can’t keep his eyes off Killian’s face.
A lot of the websites he’d visited had said there would just be too much going on to really focus—you’d have to decide what it is you choose to look at, only he hadn’t really anticipated that it’d be the person he’s looked at everyday of his life for the past 5 years. He looks almost inhuman in this near total darkness, his features taking on an edge, a clarity that he’s never been able to appreciate before now.
“Can you believe such a thing is possible?” Killian says softly, in awe, almost as if he were talking to himself.
“No,” he answers, smiling at the sight of Killian’s high, joyful cheeks, “not at all.”
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iesharael-blog · 5 years
1/5/19 Happy New Year
ok im gonna be honest... I dont remember the past 5 days other than i’m sick and can barely breath and i mad the mistake of going to the movies with some friends. i wanted to see mary poppins again so me and 4 friends were gonna go, well after we already planned that, one made me really uncomfortable when he was drunk messaging me and not accepting that i did not want a relationship with him. even going so far as to say he hates my ex simply cause he got me first. so im gonna call these friends A B C (as well as D and E to explain backstory) and explain who they are with a little key so i can give the story without being revealing of identities and what not.
Me - [fem] myself. I’ve know them for a little over 20 years and they tend to be a complete child and was treated as the child of friends back in high school and cared for as such. highly susceptible to emotional manipulation especially from people they trust
A - [fem] my best friend since 5th grade who i fondly refer to as my mama bear. my amazing protector of both physical and emotional battle grounds. the very person who’s house i ran to when i needed time away from my parents to figure things out before asking for therapy.
B - [male] twat i met my junior year who i started calling dad at some point and has since become completely unstable. very egotistical and leaves arguments if he isn’t winning constantly playing the victim card.
C - [male] guy who i was randomly introduced to through his younger brother adding him to a discord server i run as an attempt to shut down my ex for daring to call the unholy texts that are The Harry Potter Series “mediocre” (i also have his phone number randomly cause i used to know his twin) and has been friends with B for a while even going so far as to have a running joke of them being in a relationship even tho they are both straight.
D - [fem] B’s ex who i refer to as step mama and who tends to be fairly motherly towards me
E - [male] dude i was friends with in highschool and who was good friends with B
My Ex - [male] still on very good terms and he is very caring towards me. he tries to make sure im doing whats best for me and not letting anyone manipulate or harm me
ok that was bigger than i expected but im sick im not thinking straight so this gonna be a bit weird and long... ok heres the story:
so im all like “hey i wanna see Mary Poppins again!” and B and C are like yeah lets go! with B immediately stating how he had planned to see it with B before they broke up, already putting a slight damper on the thing but we got past it. a day or two after i end up with me and B agreeing (timestamp 9:30) to message on discord between 11-12 as well as set up a server for us and his little sis to play on. (the wait was for him watching doctor who with his family) so i shower and puzzle and finally with no word by 11:42 i message him asking for when he thinks he will be on to which i get the message “I don’t know I’m really drunk it’s gonna be a blast “... and now a transcript of what followed next copied word for word (well privacy edits) time stamps (and spelling errors) included:
ME Last Sunday at 11:44 PM
but i guess mary poppins day discusion will wait for tomorow
me and your sister agreed on doing ftb sky adventers
B Last Sunday at 11:45 PM
I shouldn’t say it
ME Last Sunday at 11:45 PM
say it
cant say btw then not say it
B Last Sunday at 11:46 PM
ME Last Sunday at 11:46 PM
B  Last Sunday at 11:46 PM
I’m unhappy with [MY EX]
Because I was maybe going to ask you out
I can say this because I’m drunk
ME Last Sunday at 11:47 PM
omg lol (in the this is a funniy situation way, not laughing at you)
thought you were repulesed by me? yeesh [B] keep your story straight
after all i did like you a bit before i met [MY EX], but hes always nice and youre... drunk nice
so eta for server mister cassanova?
B Last Sunday at 11:51 PM
No I want to be nice to you sober too but for some reason I get scared so I hide behind lies
Idk a while
ME Last Sunday at 11:51 PM
you dont have to be scared, im just shocking
B Last Sunday at 11:52 PM
Well if we go to Mary poppins
Even with [C], who I’d like to be there
Maybe a mini date?
ME Last Sunday at 11:52 PM
B Last Sunday at 11:52 PM
ME Last Sunday at 11:52 PM
sorry but i cant date again not yet
B Last Sunday at 11:53 PM
I’m gonna be sad
ME Last Sunday at 11:53 PM
i told you why me and [MY EX] broke up
B Last Sunday at 11:53 PM
But when I’m sober I’m going to regret most of this
ME Last Sunday at 11:53 PM
its not good for me to be in a relationship rn
B Last Sunday at 11:53 PM
I know
ME Last Sunday at 11:54 PM
look if things dont work out with [MY EX] once my brain is on the path to fixed then we will see, until then dont wait up for me
B Last Sunday at 11:54 PM
I think you do need to be with at least someone because when you are depressed and thrown out of it you need someone to relate to and talk and make you feel comforted and loved
Time alone isn’t the answer
ME Last Sunday at 11:55 PM
except i have friends for that hon
B Last Sunday at 11:55 PM
You dooo
ME Last Sunday at 11:55 PM
you dont need a relationship relationship
i have a [A]
B Last Sunday at 11:55 PM
Is she helping
Are you loved
ME Last Sunday at 11:55 PM
i talk to her about everything mental
i talk to [IRRELEVANT MALE FRIEND] about physical questions
creepy right? well this kept going with me getting more and more uncomfortable and refusing to accept that i dont want a relationship (a quote from B in reference to my ex: “ He might be your daddy, but I’m your daddy” tf? and yes he bolded) to the point that i was just sticking around so hed put a server up for the pack. then a bit before 2 o’clock i say that im gonna get off at 2 cause that when i had planned to, to which he (im not sure if intentionally) manipulated me into staying on till 3 o’clock because he would tell me about a personal thing i was curious about. finally 3 o’clock comes around, we call and i hear the story and once the server is up he tells me hes gonna go play league with some people (note random online people not irl people he supposedly likes) and will be back in 20 mins. i figure what the hay ill wait. 40 mins later he says hes not getting back on... obviously im furious. (screen shot of convo i sent to someone day of to explain without having to retype - im red)
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next day comes and im uncomfortable and C ends up buying minecraft so he can play with me on the server, we get in call with a now sober B when he gets on and i confront him about the messages even sharing screens for proof (i learned its best not to 1v1 argue him cause im easy to manipulate) and he claims to not remember it but whenever C is away during the call he says things that sound slightly suggestive. at this point id like to note that i have a full recording of me scrolling through the messages as an unlisted video on my youtube channel and have sent it to people who with no prior suggestion have described it as “rapey” and warned me against him. my ex in particular warned me that i am very susceptible to an abusive relationship rn due to my mental state and that he seemed very unstable. at this i decided to invite A to go to mary poppins too since she would be a good protector of me should anything happen and to have a more familiar presence there. 
now here is the juicy part. so D was talking to C where C was complaining how clingy B was becoming and how creepy he was being towards me so she quickly messages me on snap warning me that he is a ‘manipulative possessive jerk who will see me as nothing but an object to conquer and get mad when you are unhappy’ after hearing this i rembered B’s story about D cheating on him with E before D and E got together and started to wonder how true that was. me and D had a lovely conversation following that about my singular past relationship and her current one and blah blah blah.
MOVIE DAY: (C canceled the night before so now it is just me B and A going) we get picked up by A and all seems well with everyone being friendly and B seeming kinda cautious. i think hes regretting the convo so i decide to be nice. the movie was great and we decide to hang in the mall after (i made a build a bear). so while we were hanging at one point he scared me when after he provoked me into my light face wacks (cat play pretty much, wouldnt damage the most fragile ice) he grabs my hand to stop me and me thinking “oooo game fun!” i start to dig my nail into his hand to get let go of but instead of him reacting how i expected (letting go so i can escape) he looks at me with the scariest most serious face ive ever seen and (this part still scares me) says “you dont want to go down this path” he finally lets go and i go sit by the hot topic earing displays while A and B look at buttons then when B sits next to me while A waits to pay he basically called my claw abuse. (like what? you grab my hand hard enough that it hurt when i was doing the same playful banter weve done for years and apparently im the abuser cause i do my standard get away strategy of hurting the hand thats holding me? what did you expect me to do? just comply and calmly stand there with my hand held above y head in yours?) after we leave hottopic we are in the car and somehow we get to the topic of the drunk conversation.
so im talking and trying to explain how uncomfortable he made me( and how i was afraid to be alone around him and how i had been scared remembering that he not only knows where i live but where the spare key is!!!!) and i dare use the word “rapey” ... lets see if i can get a definition for yall but first ill say how i use that word - “rapey. an adjective to describe a situation in which one party becomes uncomfortable and afraid to the point that they feel if this continues they could be raped or otherwise hurt/abused in the future” - and now the second definition from urban dictionary:  “Rapey A guy who's creepy, and hugs or kisses inappropriately. He has a rapist lure. You don't think he would do it but definitely gives off that vibe. i.e. creepy hugger at the office.” - now i apparently  made a huge error in daring to use that word to describe the conversation where he would not accept me saying no to a relationship (and at one point asked me my ex’s dick size - which i did not give) and continously stated how using words liek that could end up getting him in jail. A and i look at eachother incredulously and try to argue with him a bit but ultimately decide to just get back to the point and bring it back to how uncomfortable i was and how he needs to change his attitude and appologize but he keeps bringing it back to that word. fianlly im close to tears and mutely hugging my yoshi in the front seat and the whole car goes silent. A offers that i sleep over tonight which i decline knowing im sick and need my bed and we talk a bit about my ex and goign out for ramen with him sometime. once i was home i removed B from discord snap and steam and will remove him next time im on league as well. he was removed from my server and i left any i had in common with him. i am done trying to forgive him.
on a brighter note i got sims 4 cause C bought it for me since i couldn't refund his ticket i prepaid for and im learning how to get better from this stupid dry throat. hopefully ill be better by Tuesday so i can go back to work at the library!
thanks for reading! <3 
i know this was a long one and probably makes half sense cause of the code letters and the fact that i am writing this while very light headed <3
0 notes
herbalzee · 7 years
Get to know me tag!!!
Five Things You’ll Find In My Bag
   1. headphones (always!)    2. at least 50 hair ties    3. a full bottle of perfume    4. free pens from like everywhere    5. lots of tissues lmao
Five Things In My Bedroom:
a fish tank! i love my lil fishies
shoe cabinet
a Moriarty (from Sherlock BBC) calendar of him saying “Miss me?”. I love it
a small yellow chair!  
a color-coordinated bookshelf!!!
Five Things I’ve Always Wanted To Do In My Life:
learn sign language!
travel all over europe
write my own book
become a therapist
have kids!! and pets!!!
Five Things That Make Me Happy:
hanging with friends!!
listening to music, podcasts and ASMR
watching movies
doing artistic things?? idek what that means but like i love going to operas and theaters and taking aesthetic pictures and being creative, shit like that
talking, ranting, expressing my opinions comfortably, theorizing, brainstorming
Five Things On My To-Do List:
read books
hang with friends
write short stories- or write in general lmao
prepare for uni... i need to seriously do that
Five Things People May Not Know About Me:
i am passionate about psychology
i had an obsession with piercings and tattoos when i was younger
i had the yellow belt in karate when i was in practice
im very old school about silly things yet quite liberal about the serious stuff
im basically in love with malmo, sweden
Name?: zaina
Nicknames?: zee
Zodiac?: sagittarius
Sexual Orientation?: straight
Ethnicity?: middle eastern/ north african
Favorite Fruit?: mango!!!!
Favorite Season?: winter
Favorite Flower?: after a quick flower research, i found the soft pink spray roses and the blue hydrangea the most appealing to me
Favorite Scent?: vanilla! cocoa! banana-scented stuff (or generally fruit-scented stuff). old books!!! 
Favorite Animal?: bees!! or just any domesticated animals honestly (that can be kept at homes or farms)
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate?: tea
Cat or dog?: dogs
Dream Trip?: a boat travelling all around western europe!!!
Number of Followers?: i dont really care about this stuff
What do I post about?: any posts containing message worth-spreading, funny content or aesthetically-pleasing stuff..
Do I get asks on a regular basis?: nope! so famous that i had to close my ask box 
Favorite Band?: twentyone pilots, little mix, imagine dragons, coldplay, hey violet, abba (almost forgot them omg)
Aesthetic?: cinematography, animals and nature, books and libraries, literally anything vintage, multicultures, feminism and femininity. i cant think of other stuff but im majorly into art
Fictional Character I’d Date?: john bender from the breakfast club!!!!
Hogwarts House?: ravenclaw
Rules: BOLD the statements that are true for you!
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for under a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close at my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the united states
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CD’s
I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages
I have made a new friend in the past year
Relationship status: single
Favorite color: purple, blue, green
Lipstick or Chapstick: lipstick!!
Last song I listened to: hard times by paramore
Last movie I watched: The Boss Baby
Top three TV shows:
(btw these three tv shows are the only shows ive ever watched and actually finished lmao)
BBC Sherlock
Yuri! on ice
Top three characters:
These are the ones that came to mind first, not top favorites
Sherlock (Sherlock BBC)
Todd Anderson (Dead poets society)
Savannah Karlsen (Girl, interrupted)
rules: copy/paste and replace my answers with yours and tag people :^)
a - age: 17 
b - biggest fear: my actual biggest fear is too personal so im gonna say my second biggest fear: not achieving anything valuable in my life  
c - current time: 3 am lmao 
d - drink you last had: a peach detox lmao 
e - every day starts with: checking phone  f - favorite song: of all time or currently? ive never had an all time favorite but right now my favorite song is hard times by paramore (mainly the chorus bc its awesome) 
g - ghosts, are they real: only the ones in our heads 
h - hometown: a.d. 
i - in love with: psychology 
j - jealous of: productive people 
k - killed someone: ... 
l - last time you cried: literally yesterday..  m - middle name: dont have one  
n - number of siblings: eins (one) 
o - one wish: to be satisfied with who i am and what i have p - person you last called/texted: im talking to my friend on the phone right now as im doing this.. shes the one who so kindly guided me to these fun questions q - questions you’re always asked: “why are you so quiet?” “what major are you getting into and at which university?”  
r - reasons to smile: youre very much well and alive!!
s - song last sang: i was having a fetus 1d songs marathon at like 2 am the other day so... definitely the entire up all night album
t - time you woke up: these days.. 12 pm, bc im tired and its my holiday 
u - underwear color: ohhhh boi v - vacation destination: anywhere cold filled with warm people 
w - worst habit: procrastination 
x - x-rays you’ve had: the most recent one i remember is a chest x ray y - your favorite food: pasta 
z - zodiac sign: sagittarius
post a screenshot of my lock screen, home screen, and last song played
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RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. Then tag some friends.
I choose:
bbc sherlock
yuri! on ice
The first character you loved:
ohhh, first was sherlock! then john almost 0.001 secs later
im pretty sure it was elizabeth. shes the cutest and i relate to her the most
probably Minako Okukawa, because shes so charming and funny
The character you never expected to love so much:
mrs hudson!!!!
louise!!! shes so smart and gorgeous and the least involved in the drama
yurio!!! i used to dislike him lmao but now hes my son
The character you relate to most:
molly hooper
like i said above, elizabeth!
ohh definitely yuri
The character you’d slap
john because sherlock suffered sooo much for him and opened his heart only to be abandoned because john is a naive idiot who still cant tell sherlock’s NOT a sociopath
SO MANY bc almost all of them did shitty things.. but the ones id slap right on sight are Alistair and the Steiner dude
ohmygod no, theyre all pure!! probably yurio bc that kid needs to love himself (but id immediately hug him right after)
Three favorite characters (these are in order of preference):
sherlock & john (one answer), mrs hudson, WIGGINS
holly, rachel, and fay (elizabeth and jude too)
the obvious trio: yuri, victor and yurio
A character you liked at first but not so much anymore:
mary lmao
alistair. i was a little suspicious of him but i liked him at the beginning bc he was cute and innocent. i HATE him now obviously
i love them all.. theres not a single one i dislike
A character you did not like at first, but they’ve grown on you:
ahahah mycroft
 uh georgia
christopher and JJ (but now i love them both so much)
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astrogeoguy · 7 years
Clocks Spring Forward, Catch a Comet, and Steeply Slanting Sunlight on the First Quarter Moon!
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(Above: Last night, the moon slid past the bright star Aldebaran, with observers in the western GTA and Vancouver seeing the star blink on and off as it passed behind lunar mountain peaks. Rick Foster captured this image a short while before the moon, moving to the upper left, grazed the star. Observers to the south saw the moon completely cover the star. Aldebaran, located near the ecliptic, often gets occulted.)
Astronomy “Skylights” for the week (from March 5th) by Chris Vaughan. All the times mentioned are Eastern Standard Time. If you are a camp, or a teacher interested in a guided field trip to the David Dunlap Observatory, visit www.astrogeo.ca.
Clocks Spring Forward!
Unless otherwise noted, the times I quote every week are for GTA observers. We’re on Eastern Standard Time (EST) until 2 am on Sunday, March 12, when the clocks advance one hour to commence Daylight Savings Time (EDT or DST) in North America. Astronomers worldwide avoid time zone confusion by using Universal Time, abbreviated UT. Also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), it’s the time on the central meridian (zero degrees longitude) which runs through Greenwch, England. UT uses a 24-hour clock that zeroes out at midnight. As long as you know your time zone’s difference from UT, you can determine when events will occur for you.
Until Sunday at 2 am, Eastern Standard Time runs five hours earlier than UT, so 23:30 UT equals 6:30 pm (23:30 minus 5 is 18:30). From next week until the fall, it’ll be UT minus 4 hours. BTW - it’s not good enough to simply subtract five (or four) hours from London, UK time because they also change their clocks for daylight savings time!
Public Talks
Taking advantage of the Moon and some favorite objects in the sky this week, the RASC Toronto Centre astronomers will hold their free monthly public City Sky Star Party in Bayview Village Park (steps from the Bayview subway station), around 7:30 pm on the first clear weeknight this week (Mon to Thu). You don’t need to be an RASC member, or own any equipment, to join in. Check here for details, and check the banner on their website home page or Facebook page for the GO or NO-GO decision around 5 pm each day.
At 7:30 pm on Wednesday evening, March 8th the public are invited to attend a free RASC Toronto Centre Speaker’s Night Meeting at the Ontario Science Centre (Room TBD, just follow the signs). The speaker is Keavin Moore, York University, presenting Tatooine's Future: Fates of Planets Circling Two Suns. Details are on the RASC website here.
Quench your thirst for astronomy – with Astronomy on Tap! From 8 to 11 pm on Friday, March 10th, at The Great Hall, located at 1087 Queen St. West, Toronto, The Dunlap Institute presents another (19 and over) fun evening of pints, astronomy news, mind-expanding talks, games, prizes, and Dunlap mechandise for sale! Plus, following all the talks, there will be plenty of time for you to have all your cosmic questions answered by astronomers from the University of Toronto. No advance registration and no cover charge. Check the Facebook page for details.
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(Above: Tracking image of comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak taken on February 25, 2017 by the Virtual Telescope Project)
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(Above: This image of periodic comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak was taken by John Drummond of New Zealand in July, 2006. The telescope was following the comet as it moved across the sky, and not the surrounding stars, producing the streaks.)
A Binocular Comet
Right now, a comet called Comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak is crossing the eastern evening sky, and it can be spotted in binoculars or a small telescope if you know where to look. As darkness falls around 7:30 pm local time, it is halfway up the eastern sky. By midnight, it is nearly straight overhead, and it remains above the horizon all night. Tonight (Sunday), the comet is in the constellation of Leo Minor (the Little Lion), about a quarter of the way from the modest star Algenubi, which marks the nose of the bigger lion, Leo, and Merak, the bottom star of the Big Dipper. It’s moving towards Merak at a rate of about 1.25° (a thumb’s width) per day.
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(Above: Comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak’s track (in yellow) over the next several weeks. This week, it is near Leo, moving north.)
The “P” in the name indicates that it is a periodic comet that returns at regular and predictable intervals. At its farthest point, it almost reaches Jupiter’s orbit, then it swings around the Sun at a distance that is just inside the Earth’s orbit before heading out again - repeating this every 5.41 years. At the moment, it is approaching the Sun and slowly brightening as it warms and moves closer to us. So it should be visible in a dark sky through medium sized binoculars. It will pass 21 million km from the Earth around April 1, and then swing around the Sun on April 12. Sometime between those two dates, it’s expected to reach a peak brightness of about magnitude 7, visible in small binoculars. Then it will slowly fade again in the following weeks.
Expect the comet to appear as a faint greenish blob (quite different from a star). If it develops a tail, it will point roughly away from the Big Dipper. On Sunday, March 12, it will have moved to sit about halfway between the Big Dipper and Leo. Keep an eye on it - this comet has a reputation for sudden outbursts that dramatically brighten it.
The Moon and Planets
This is the best week of the moon’s cycle to observe it up close, especially with binoculars or a small telescope. As the moon waxes near today’s (Sunday) First Quarter, its lit sunward side grows nightly as the terminator boundary, the line that separates the lit and unlit sides, migrates across the moon’s disk. Viewed from the moon, you’d see the Sun rise VERY slowly. Look from pole to pole along the terminator for the bright peaks and extremely dark shadows cast by the steeply slanting sunlight. Every night reveals a new set of delights! And First Quarter moons are always conveniently positioned for viewing in the southeastern evening sky. They rise around noon and set after midnight.
As the week wears on, the moon will shift east and wax brighter towards next Sunday’s Full Worm Moon, Crow Moon, Sap Moon or Lenten Moon - all traditional nick-names after the early stirrings of spring and religious lunar observances. Two nights before full, on Friday evening, March 10, the nearly full moon will sit only two finger widths below Regulus, Leo’s (the Lion) brightest star.
After gracing our western evening sky since last August, extremely bright white Venus is starting to drop into the sunset, setting about 8:30 pm local time this week. A telescope will reveal that it is showing a thin crescent phase, and its disk is slowly growing larger as it moves towards Earth on its way towards inferior conjunction with the Sun on March 25. Much dimmer, reddish Mars is still sitting about 15° (or 1.5 fist diameters) to the upper left of Venus, and is setting about 9:45 pm this week.  Distant dim, blue-green Uranus is situated below Mars, by an amount that grows from a palm’s width to a fist diameter through this week.
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(Above: The bright evening planets Venus and Mars flank dim Uranus this week, shown for March 5 at 7:30 pm local time.)
Bright, white Jupiter is just a few finger widths to the upper left of Virgo’s (the Maiden) brightest star Spica. They both rise in the east about 9 pm local time this week. Jupiter reaches its highest point, over the southern horizon, at 2:30 am. And by dawn, it is above the southwestern horizon. Jupiter’s moon Ganymede casts its black round shadow on the planet on Mar 9 from 9:45 to midnight EST. Its moon Io’s shadow crosses the planet on Mar 10 from 10:30 pm to 12:30 am EST. The Great Red Spot is visible on Jupiter for about three hours centred on Mar 7 at both 1:30 am and 9:30 pm EST (as it rises), as well as Mar 9 at 10:55 pm EST.
Yellowish Saturn rises in the southeast about 2:30 am local time, and can be spotted until about 6 am, when it’s two fist diameters above the southern horizon. The bright reddish star Antares in Scorpius (the Scorpion) is less than two fist diameters to the right (southwest) of the planet for the next few months.
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(Above: The bright morning planets Jupiter and Saturn this week, shown for March 6 at 5 am local time.)
Spot an Asteroid
At visual magnitude 7.1, asteroid (4) Vesta is observable in binoculars or a small telescope throughout March. It is moving within the constellation of Gemini (the Twins), ranging between 2.5 and 4 degrees (three or four finger widths) to the right of the bright star Pollux.
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(Above: Asteroid Vesta’s path near the bright star Pollux in Gemini during March.)
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(Above: Asteroid Ceres’ path in the western early evening sky during March.)
Keep looking up to enjoy the sky! I love getting questions so, if you have any, send me a note.
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eirosbraindump-blog · 6 years
November 8, 2018
Thursday: around 10:30 in the morning
Hello, Joe!
It has been a long time since I called you that. Usually I would just slam words and feelings at you and have forgotten the reason why I named you Joe. i wanted to have someone whom I can always rely my stories to, and that is my journal, it is you Joe.
I wanted to have a friend whom I can trust the secrets of my life with, because as of now I don’t think I have one.
Side comment: Fuck, this is very unusual of me to do journaling early in the morning because most of the times I do this at night pero kailangan ko na magreflect. I need to do something productive because I think I’ve been wasting a lot of time.
Around almost 7 in the pm. Lol haha. Whut???
OKAAAAAAY, so it’s basically NOV. 9, I got distracted by movie watching yesterday and left this one hanging. I’m such a fool. I haven’t done anything productive and I’m pissed off with myself because even journaling, di ko matapos tapos. Sooooo yesterday I just watched a couple of movies (not that important) and then drowned myself on the internet, AGAIN.
Thoughts raging, scribbled memories and fucked up mind. That is basically who I am right now. I don’t even know what to write. I got a lot of thoughts going on in here.
I made iced oreo coffee btw. I’m proud, though i still have to perfect it. but I’m proud. Hehe
So back to my magulong sarili, I watched a movie a while ago. Crazy Rich Asians. It’s a good movie though, while watching that I have a lot going on in my mind. First, I got jealous with the girl because how can she be that lucky! Like oh my gosh Rachel, u got a crazy rich man like that who really loves you and then you only gonna turn him down! She is really a strong woman btw. Nick’s family hates her and she just got along with it. SECOND, arrrgh that movie made me feel how single I am and it made me miss my fckin ex-boyfriend AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH. As much as I wanted to forget that asshole, I can’t. because you know what? He gave me two years of happiness that I can’t just forget, bet nobody can do that to me, even my family. Though I appreciate them, every moment of my life I’ve loved my family especially my parents. But there’s just something with Kiko that really made me who I am today. When I met him it was like I finally knew who I really am. I found myself you know? I learned so much for the past two years that I’ve known him. It taught me so much lesson. Life taught so much. I became to appreciate little things because of him. Although I know that we’re not that lowkey to everyone but our treatment, the way we treat each other is kami lang ang nakakaalam at kami lang ang nakakaramdam. Damn you, kiko. I loved you. I really did love you so much it came to the point that it broke my heart really bad. I still love you up until now though, but I don’t think I’m in the right position to love u like I loved you the way I did before.
Kani-kanina lang, I’ve watched a video about journaling, I forgot the name of the girl but there’s this one thing that she said that I can’t forget (though she just re-quoted it, she’s really not the one who said that, I think.) “Forgiveness is the way/road to Happiness.” I don’t think that I have completely moved on yet, I’d just lie to myself if I said that I already did, but I don’t know if I have completely forgave you, and I know that I have been a bitch at times to you (on social media) and to your girl. But that girl is really being a lowclass obsessive bitch she’s really like nagpaparinig sakin na parang mas affected pa siya kesa sating dalawa. Aarrrghh. I cant just be happy for you yet. You really broke my heart Ching. Anyways, as I was saying, that girl on the video also said to write a letter of forgiveness to someone because it will help yourself to freeload your bothering thoughts. So I decided to do that, not just now because I cant promise myself (yet) that I won’t get affected just by seeing your random jejemon-ish pic with the girl i-was-once-got-jealous-into-but-you-said-to-me-don’t-because-she’s-just-a-friend-who-turned-out-to-be-your-girlfriend-today together with you.
Aside from hating and loving my ex at the same time, I have more randomly important life-related thought still going into my head like: what am I going to be after graduation? because I never saw myself being an employee. I don’t know, whenever I think of what am I gonna be, I just see me walking with confidence together with high-fashioned business clothes with high heels and sunglasses inside a random office building. Maybe I’m gonna be a ceo or something. Haha. And then there’s this purpose chorvaness of me. like, what is really my purpose in life ba? What is my actual calling? Am I gonna be like this forever?
Eiro, you know yourself better than anyone else. I can see who am I on the inside, but theres this one thing that I can’t see that people can see: who am I on the outside. Let me give you an example kung gaano kagulo ang personality ko (idk if personality is the right term but. . .) 1. Before sembreak came, I was like ‘oh I should do something productive on sembreak, like I should re-learn photoshop, read books, learn something new and blablabla.’ Some of that happened syempre kasi I was in the urge of reconstructing and discovering me diba? I re-learned Photoshop but I stopped when I got proud of the first project that I made. I didn’t even bother continuing the second project. And then I read a book naman although–haha, I stopped, I don’t know why pero gabi ko kasi binasa yun tapos kinabukasan I didn’t bother to touch it. I cant say that it’s the same old eiro kasi di naman ako ganito dati. You know what? I’ll be harsh to myself, I became a fucking ningas cugon na!
(break muna nandito na parent ko hehe)
Bello. It’s NOV 13 na and I can’t even get this fucking done. It’s around almost 10:30PM so maybe I’ll be like medj sabaw na hahahaha. But I need to get this done you know?
So many things have had happened this past days. Im afraid that my parents are losing their sparks for each other, and I don’t want to let that just fade, so I always make a way to remind them the reason why they stayed at each other’s side. My mum can be stubborn sometimes and my dad is a big pain in the head. Theyre both a pain in the head.
My relationship with kiko is a big blessing in disguise. Yung mga lesson na natutunan ko is naapply ko sa mga magulang ko. And I’m proud of what I did to both of them. I have so many problems in life and I don’t want my family to be one of them. Aside from my friends, sila na lang ang pinagkukunan ko ng lakas at ayoko naman na pati sila ay maging dahilan ng pagsuko ko. Lord please give me strength.
My parents are okay now. I guess the advices that i gave to them works. I love them so much and it hurts me whenever I see them into cold war.
So yesterday, I have this kwento. I dreamt of kiko. I dont want to forget that dream kaya I immediately get my phone and wrote down what happened. Here’s what I wrote:
“11/12/18 4:47am grudgy and sleepy. but idon wanna forget this dream that i had. i meed to write this i had a dream i was with kiko we are on the fx daw and we were standing i know right haha basta fx yun you know dreams are weird sa pagkakaalam ko we were going to sm north edsa and i was hugging him while standing. and he keeps giving me forehead kisses. puta namiss ko yun. pero may isa akong nagawang mali, binitawan ko siya. kumalas ako sa pagkakayakap sa kanya sa kadahilanang majudge ng mundo. were fckin doing pda on that ride. i hate myself for that. binitawan ko siya pota (nakuha tuloy ng iba). then i woke up. Lord, please stop giving me dreams like that. iniisip ko tuloy na sign siya or something. lalo po akong umaasa. please sana yung nangyari po na yun panaginip na lang na habang tumatagal nakakalimutan. i am happy Lord kasi having a relationship with kiko taught me so many lessons that i can say i already applied to some. i see it as a blessing in disguise. pero, how long will i keep hurting Lord?  -your broken daughter,Eiro.“
Yeah, I kinda forgot that ganyan pala yung mga sinulat ko.
Kiko having a girlfriend is a big slap on my face. I think I lowkey gonna accept pa if he broke up with me just to save the relationship, kaso hindi eh. Pinagpalit ako friend. Agad! Alam mo ba yung feeling na parang wala ka ng karapatan na mag selos at mangamusta man lang sa kanya kahit gusto mo kasi alam mong may nagmamayari na sa kanya? Yung parang ang only choice mo na lang is mag move on at parang wala ka na sa lugar masaktan? Though I’m really moving on, may mga times lang na pagdumadating yung mga dates na  ay kinalaman sa kanya is biglang bumabalik lahat ng sakit. All I have to do is wait for that day to be over. And it is so dumb of me because I didn’t even noticed that 4 fucking months have passed and the pain that I am feeling is the same like it just happened yesterday.
Anyways, you know I really need to stop talking about them no? kasi it’s bad for a moving on Eiro.
So It’s almost 11pm and this time is way passed my sleeping time. I just got a lot of brain dump going on that I need to write or else I think I’ll get crazy.
Kinakamusta ko lang naman yung sarili ko and I just really wanted to finsh this entry. And also I am requiring myself to reflect weekly, if not, monthly. Just so I see my improvements and how far I’ve come.
Another side story or cause di ko lang maisingit sa iba hahahah. I am so much thankful for my friends. They really helped me cope up with my problems and helped me get up in my broken situations.
And oh my gosh, nakakainis pala kasi Kiko is using our slangs when we were still a couple sa new gf niya. Like omg ang lame lang at nakakainis kasi. Di ko maexpress through sulat yung nararamdamn ko pero its like a big “PUTANGINA BAKIT?” to my face.
I know bashing them and ranting here are useless, pero kasi it helps me cope up with my problem. Kailangan ko lang mailabas to and to let myself believe that I’m the better one. Friends also said to me that the best revenge is to show them that you are not affected kasi pag pinakita mong apektado ka, ikaw yung talo. And to show kiko that you improved and that youre even happy without him is the best that you can give to him and to yourself.
Girl, I. AM. SERVING!!!
You got served mf a-hole together with your bitch! Jk I still care for you, Ching.
Oh right, shit. With these raging thoughts and feelings, I really need to write a letter to Kiko. Di nga lang yung letter of forgiveness hehe.
So I think that’s it for today, I still have a lot going on though. Hehe
- Confused Rose
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roycruisesthebaltic · 7 years
Friday May 22 09:34 mid flight Syd to Mel
Very busy prior to today getting things done and Anne with her business and uni work. Bed last night at 23:00 finished packing. Up at 05:45 and had lots to do before leaving the house at 07:00 15 minutes behind schedule. Drove to Liana who drove us to the airport. Plane delayed about 40 minutes due Melbourne weather. Another scissors confiscated but no fluids nor toothpaste this time. ETA Mel. about 10:15. Jetstar A321 a little squashy but only for 1 hour.
14:35 downtown Melbourne
Hotel across the road from the airport just a short walk. Btw Jetstar took carry on luggage down to the cargo bay and we were lucky not to be charged. We are at the hotel today and leave for Hong Kong tomorrow at 07:25. How convenient just a walk across the road from the hotel.
We caught the sky bus into town. Walked around had lunch, window shopped. Free tram from Spencer St outlet mall to Bourke Street. Currently having another coffee, to wake up and kill time. The chocolate and cake shops are very tempting but we are resisting, not sure about resistance on the cruise in a week or so. It's quite cool here in Melbourne and the jacket I brought may not quite cut the mustard so we bought a jumper from an outlet shop. Coffee at Myers.
Dinner was at Triim a Mediterranean restaurant in Hardware lane. Read my review on trip adviser (anneroy contributor). Free tram back to Spencer St interchange. Then skybus back to Park Royal airport. Watching Eurovision. Tomorrow flight to Hong Kong departs 07:40. Wake up call at 05:00
Sat May 23 07:35
Email during the night to say flight delayed so we slept till 6. Dressed, packed, checked out and walked to airport. Currently having breakfast.
Sun May 24 16:25
Comfortable seat that lies flat, daytime flight so movies. Interstellar and John Wick. Too much food. Smooth flight only a couple of times to fasten seat belt. Installed SIM card into my phone. Arrived Hong Kong delayed docking due weather. Lucky flight was not diverted to Malaysia or China due weather. Easy quick transit though arrivals. MTR train to Kowloon HK$140 then free airport shuttle to Salisbury YMCA hotel. All too easy. Upgrade to view of harbour. Dropped bags in room then walked to Marianne jeweller. Most shops closed so back to hotel, fruit in our room for dinner and early night. Up early, bought coffee downstairs and took back to room. Fruit for breakfast. Walked 1st to tailor chose material and measured up for suit. Last time 2010 and 5 centimetres thinner now. Then to Jeweller Marianne, then a haircut and shave. Lunch across the road. Anne bought watch and hand bag. Currently Coffee in hotel cafe. Plan to catch airport shuttle at 20:30 across the road. So 4 hours to kill. I bought an "S" SIM card for iPad from honest Ali ( turned out to be a dud) in shop in arcade. Let's see if it works for 4 weeks.
23:15 Emirates lounge
Plane leaves 12:30 just past midnight so we are filling in time sitting in hotel foyer. Airport shuttle leaves every 12 minutes to Kowloon. Anne read book I walked thru hotel next to YMCA. Shops are all classy expensive like Prada Louis Vuitton and other names I've never heard of but Talia would know. And watch brands that are probably ridiculously pricey.
Decided we might as well suffer at the airport so caught early shuttle to Kowloon. Rather quick trip without traffic. Well surprise surprise, at the train station, Kowloon, you can check in your luggage. Then you board the train to the airport luggage free. The airport is something else, the size of a small city. A shuttle train takes you to the appropriate gate and lounge because it is so far away. So we ate lots, charged up the phone and iPad and now wait patiently for another 30 minutes to board the plane to Dubai.
Mon 25 12:15 pm
Amazing Emirates A380 flight to Dubai, overnight flight so we missed out on enjoying everything Emirates has to offer. Arrived early Dubai about 04:00. Easy transit thru customs, immigration. Chauffeur driven to Regent Palace hotel. Arrived hotel about 05:00 far too early to check in lovely hotel front of house Essi now Facebook friend, so we paid extra ¥200 for the luxury of a room. Had a snooze. At about 09:30 went across road to shopping centre including French supermarket Carrefour. Lunch at Dome. Bought fruit to fill in before dinner. It's very hot probably about 40 Celsius.not many burqas several men in traditional gear. Swishy shops in shopping centre. Weighed myself with clothes and shoes so possibly 1kg extra weight. Gotta be careful.
Waiting till 19:00 to be picked up for cruise dinner and dance performance. Rosemary and Garry arrived from Sydney. I checked out the trains just next to the hotel and they come often.
Tuesday May 26 21:36 in our hotel room
Dinner cruise was interesting. Mostly Indian passengers and a few locals including women completely covered in black. Magician and Egyptian dancer. Indian cuisine buffet. B- evening but something to do in the evening. A good nights sleep and breakfast at 09:00. At last a hotel breakfast that is different albeit an Indian cuisine. Off to Dubai Mall and Burj Khalifa tall tower. The mall is awe inspiring in its size. The train trip to it was easy and efficient and the station located next to the hotel..well done Anne and Rosemary. Note that some carriages are women only, a friendly local explained to me I could be fined being in the wrong carriage.
At the destination 7 travelators to get you to the mall. We did the aquarium, had coffee then went up to level 124 of the tower in a super smooth elevator. Great view. Dinner at Wafi gourmet, somewhat expensive but quite good. Enjoyed the water show then train back to hotel.
12:25 old Souk Dubai Eating at Masti
Hotel Breakfast at 09:00. Taxi to Old Souk but he got it wrong and took us to old Gold Souk. Eventually went to the right place. Walked around the market mostly clothes, materials and trinkets. Very hot and dry. Bought a white Arabic garment plus keffiyeh. Pestered by hawkers.
Lunch at small cafe Masti. AED¥75 (2.7) Biryani chicken and fish plus fruit juices. Call to prayer loud and clear from several mosques.
Thursday23:30 Southampton Mercure hotel
After our shopping trip to the Souk we returned to hotel by taxi. Picked up at 16:00 for our desert safari. Our guide Botiri. Driven to the desert where we swapped to a Land Rover vintage model and given goggles and kaffiyeh.. A drive over the sand dunes looking for animals oryx, antelope like mammal. Refreshments sweet Apple juice and a falcon demonstration during which the sun set. A drive to dinner in the desert with entertainment, rifle dance and Arab lady dance. Lentil soup, rice, chicken kebabs, camel stew, dates, coffee, sweet drink mezze dips and bread. I lay on the cushions and fell asleep. Returned to the hotel by 22:30
Thursday morning vip taxi (lexus) to miracle garden. A 35 minute trip. Gardens were lovely. We waited for taxi to return us to the hotel 10:15 patiently which eventually arrived so we would make it on time back to the hotel. Picked up at 12:00 by Emerites and driven to airport. Boarded at about 14:30. 7 hour flight to Gatwick England. Emirates drove us to Southampton Mercure hotel where we are now.
May 31 sailing from Southampton to Denmark 05:48
A small room in the hotel but conveniently located. Met up with the other two families. I woke up early and walked up to the shops. After breakfast drove to Portsmouth dockyard and toured it. Took lots of photos. Light Lunch potato and cheese in a pub and had a pint. Met up with Chris and Diane in the street. Local restaurant fully booked so we ate at the hotel which was quite good. Saturday June 30 had early breakfast with Chris and Diane. Invited them to Talia's wedding (I know Diane will read this) Sadly said farewell then we drove to Highcliffe Northern Forest. Returned to hotel via the ship Celebrity Eclipse then finished packing. Checked out of hotel dropped off bags, Anne and I embarked at about 13:00 after about an hour line up. The ship is amazing. It just had a refit a month ago. Cabin spacious. Buffet level 15 very yummy. Dinner in restaurant very delicious. Prior to that we went to forward Skye lounge for drinks, part of our unlimited drink package. After the dinner went to the show, a very funny comedian. Bed early. Couldn't resist room service chicken soup at about 22:00.
12:00 noon may 31
Up early. Gym for 30 minutes 300 calories. Breakfast at Ocean View Cafe level 15. Yummy smoked salmon and herring. Spa level 12. Trivia sky lounge level 15. A,R,G playing cards.
Monday June 1 in bed 12:16 am
Lunch in dining room. Dinner yummy as usual. Singer evening show very good lady.
Monday gym, smoked salmon and herring breakfast. Spa with Anne, Denmark talk. How to cook a steak demo. Lunch in ocean view cafe. Arrived Denmark 15:00. Taxi to canal boat ride, which was excellent. Tour guide Kiya. Met Karina and had coffee and talked a lot. It was just great meeting her after 16 years. Anne had 5 herring sampler. Taxi back to ship. Dinner in Ocean View. + wine( part of drink package). A,r,g cards in our cabin. Show at 21:30 very good singer Ben 3rd place X factor, sounds like rod steward. Coffee and iced tea in cafe bed at 12:30.
Wed June 3 10:00 in cabin
Yesterday taxis all booked up so took hop on hop off bus into town. Anne and I got off at department store like David Jones. Bought mascara for Liana then a Danish with coffee ( not called Danish here). Walked to "3" shop and along the way bought clothes at H.M. At "3" shop they got internet working on iPad and spent a short while skyping the girls.
Returned to catch the bus and the first one did not stop. Fortunately second one did stop because we have no Danish Kroners left for taxi fare. Back to ship, lunch, afternoon sleep, dinner at 6:30 then excellent show, circus, lucky to find a seat. After show my iced pear ginger tea. Watched rest of movie in cabin whirlwind or whirlpool.
Up at 07:30 and gym for 30 minutes. Then Oceanview cafe for smoked salmon, herring and toast with OJ and coffee. Returned to cabin with fruit for Anne then spa with Anne level 12.
Friday may 24 05:30
Wednesday: early gym. Port talk about Stockholm and Estonia. Show was juggler comedian, excellent. Afternoon matinee was Ben the singer and the west end lady singer together. They were terrific. Lunch in oceanview level 14. After show we all met up in the cafe and I had my iced pear tea.
Thursday May 25
Arrived Stockholm. Gym for 30 minutes and met everyone for breakfast. My weight ok but I think the scales are wrong. Taxi to Vasa museum (fitted 8 into a 7 seater) ended up doing Abba not Vasa. Skyped the girls in Abba museum. Abba interesting but needs a lick of paint. Ferry across harbour to old City. Walked around. I had my Swedish meat balls and beer. Anne had herring. Walked around then long walk back to ship. My phone says 12000 steps today. Returned to ship smoked salmon open sandwiches delicious and scones. Met chef yesterday and asked for buffalo wings. During dinner maitre de said buffalo wings tomorrow (Friday) show was impressionist, least entertaining so far. Early to bed everyone, all quite tired.
Friday May 26 clock forward 1 hour. Up at new time 04:30.
Saturday 20:30 St Petersberg.
Yesterday Stockholm. Shuttle bus into town. Lunch at restaurant. Fish soup and potato dish and Swedish beer. Bought a few nick nacks for kids and friends. Old city with history, small lanes and old buildings. Returned on shuttle bus. Dinner at 18:30 and magic show at 20:30 quite good. Everyone is quite exhausted so early to bed finished watching night stalker movie in cabin. Up early in St Petersburg.
A magnificent sickly opulent city with palaces decorated in over the top paintings, crockery and gold foil. On a tour. Had to pass through customs to get off ship past miserable government employees. Tour guide Lena, good English and very knowledgable. We were early so avoided huge crowds at various venues. We are a little disturbed that Russians do it tough while such lavish opulent churches and palaces. Part of the tour was a subway ride on a noisy train over one stop. The longest escalator I've ever experienced. We had lunch provided creamy soup and chicken crêpes. Garry and I had vodka. A lot of walking today 17000 steps according to my pedometer on the Samsung. We were agog at the size of the palaces as well as the fit out. The nazis more or less destroyed these places when they left and the Russian government restored them in record time. Much artwork was removed just before the nazis invaded. Much was stolen or destroyed. Back to the ship at about 18:00, dinner in dining room at about 19:00. Everyone is tired but we all want to see St Petersburg entertainment at 22:00 tonight. Early start tomorrow another 1/2 day tour with Lena and Peter.
Sunday 23:48
Early start 07:30. Easy thru immigration today. River cruise. Churches, palaces, lunch piroga (big piroshki) blood church, mosaics. Synagogue, hermitage museum. Farewell Elena and Peter our tour guide and driver. Dinner in Murano at discount thanks to Robert. Fantastic experience. Broadway show. Delay setting sail due 40knot wind.
Monday 21:00
Sea day sailing to Lithuania. Gym, new scales more accurate, I'm a little shocked at my weight. Excursion talk. Go pro talk (bought one). Chef demo how to cook fish. Lunch, sleep, dinner with Ruth and Stephen. MacDonald brothers show. Iced ginger pear tea. Anne did trivia.
Tuesday June 9 12:00 midnight
Arrived Lithuania. Gym, weight terrible. Walked thru town. Wi fi at cafe. Lunch back on ship. Trivia. Men vs women fun quiz. Ventriloquist show. Time running out for cruise.
Thursday June 11 08:35
Yesterday Poland. Taxi tour. French markets ate pistachio nugah. And apple donut. Church of many bricks. Church with lovely orang recital. Famous ant communist ---------- place.
Thursday arrived Germany. Gym, spa, breakfast.
Coach to Berlin 3 hours. Stopped at Maccas for toilet and coffee break. Toilet 50c. Swapped at 1936 Olympic stadium to group of 8 of us with excellent tour guide Lee an American who has been here for 30 years. All day tour of various places. Berlin Wall, railway station where Jews were loaded onto trains, square where books were burned. Various other places. Currently driving back to ship, a 3 hour trip. It's 20:00. Thursday evening.
Oops Sunday June 14
We arrived back at the ship at about 21:30 and dinner in the oceanview cafe bistro. A German feast including German sausages which chef Darren went on shore to buy , sauerkraut and German beer affordable on our drink packages. Ship departed at midnight.
Friday and Saturday sea days. Gym. Trivia, talks about confessions of a customs officer, and necrotourism. Other talks from officers, navigation and engineering. Shows were Beatles(yesterday evening, Chinese magician matinee yesterday and production show. All quite good. Four families met outside our cabins in team earth to discuss tips for crew. Rosie's trivia team earned various prizes including new lanyards, most appreciated. I walked around the ship and photographed most places with my new gopro. Obviously I've put on weight. We disembarked today (Sunday) at about 08:30. Phone call to taxi company. Taxis to Southampton airport. Little hiccups with Rosie's champagne and my bottle of wine but all sorted. Weigh was ok. Howard and my priority cards got us into business lounge. Free wifi so we spoke to the girls and caught up a little on the Internet and ate nibbles. Currently 22:05 on a Dash 8 at 28000 ft on track to Dublin.
Monday June 15 22:35
Yesterday arrived Dublin. Picked up car. Drove to Sandymount Hotel. Walked to local village. Asked Una Mollony a Dubllin resident directions and she ended up making two trips in her car to take us Moto dinner at the Old Spot where I had hamburger and Guinness.
Up Monday morning, hotel breakfast then caught hop on hop off bus to trinity college, then to town and shopping centre. Irish stew at cafe below museum the Hutch. Shopped then walked to Dublin castle to catch up with Rosie and Garry. Bus to Guiness storehouse for interesting tour then a pint of Guinness on level 7. Bus to stop 24 to dinner show, Gaelic music and dancing. Train home to the hotel.
During the day I got interviewed for a Father's Day show on Saorview.
Wednesday June 17 21:30 just arrived Sligo Park Hotel in Sligo
A summary of the last two days. Belfast :Titanic museum exhibition. We had a tour. It was terrific.a few levels of information, a chair lift taking you through a mock up ship yard. A cinema showing the remote camera view that surveyed the sunk ship. The drawing room. And lots of information. The Crumlin road Gaol, a morbid but interesting historical tour of this infamous place including the gallows. A show at the Old Opera theatre in Belfast. The Business of Murder. Slow at first but quite interesting second half. It had an 8 year run in the west end. Meals at various pubs and even a Chinese meal at the red panda opposite the Europa hotel. On the way to Sligo from Belfast today we stopped at the rope bridge Carrick-a-Rede. £5.90 and a mile long very difficult walk then a precarious walk over this shaky bridge. Hmm a lot of calories burned up today. A visit to the Bushmills distillery too late for a tour but not too late for a taste and to buy a bottle of honey single malt.
An historic black taxi tour if Belfast telling us about the history and the political problems faced by Ireland. Protestants are loyal to England Catholics are republicans. Some very sad stories of the struggle.
Saturday June 20
Left last drove to Sligo. Nice hotel for 1 night. In the morning a spa. Breakfast. Off to Galway. Dinner at an Italian restaurant. Looked through Dunnes department tour.
Currently travelling to Killarney. Cliffs of Mohr along the way but fogged in. Diverted by car ferry. Stopped for chowder and potato. Currently in Listowe having coffee. During this last two days we visited a castle in fact a fortified mansion. Today's road trip passed a bicycle rally.
Last night we stayed at a B&B Seashore lodge. Had to carry suit cases up the stairs. A good B&B but a poor hotel. Breakfast was basic. Coffee finished now 1 hour to finish our trip for today.
Sunday 10:30 June 21
Arrived Killarney yesterday via fogged in cliffs of Mohar and a ferry ride across a lake. Nice hotel Brooks. Great position near shops. Big room. OK breakfast. Here for two nights. Today we drove the ring of Kerry and enjoyed the scenery. Dinner both nights at Scala Eile and they gave us left over cakes to take away. Barbara from Poland the waitress my new Facebook friend and Maurice was the manager. Good value nice food great service. Had my sixth Guinness. Tomorrow early start to Cork.
Wed June 24
Taking off Dublin on route to London central airport. Just left Dunboyne castle hotel. A great hotel, great dinner here and good breakfast. Spa was €10 for the room and had steam rooms, sauna, spas of all sorts, relaxing rooms. I note that maintenance was lacking with multiple issues in several rooms.
Prior to that we were at the Ambassador hotel in Cork where we met Tommy and Anthony, Marian's father and brother. They picked up Anne and me from St Patrick's Street outside Brown and Thomas department store and took me for a Murphys at a local pub.then a Jamesons whisky. We had a cheap Chinese meal at a local (pity we missed out on a genuine not tourist meal).
Btw last night was my seventh Guinness.
Spa, nice dinner, and good breakfast here.
Friday June 26
Currently in Lancaster hotel London. Couple of days ago flew to London City airport. Gotta remember not to take liquids on plane! Fitted 8 of us plus baggage into taxi..a miracle. Hop on hop off bus. Thames cruise with the funniest tour guide ever! . Harrods ( crazy prices AUS$14 for coffee). Saw musical Beautiful last night excellent, in the audience Gene Simmons and Michael Cain. After Harrods walked through Hyde park back to hotel. Saw Princess Diana memorial fountain and squirrels.
Wednesday July 1
Have not written for a while so here's a catch up.
Back to London where Anne and I picked up the SIXT hire car with a little difficulty interpreting the gps. We caught a train then walked till we discovered it in a car park. It's a manual Citroen and had a challenge finding out how to start it and how to engage reverse. Then to negotiate London traffic, avoiding the congestion tax. We drove to the Lancaster hotel, farewelled Cheryl, Adam, and Howard and Shirley. Then off we drove to the Cotsolds and our lovely Roman period house at Bouton on the water. We stayed here for 3 nights during which we did road trips all around enjoying English countryside. We had cooking facilities so we cooked two dinners, 3 breakfasts and made lunch twice left over sausages on rolls with coleslaw. We shopped at Tesco a short distance from our house. the Cotwolds are a magic place with a creek running through it and old English charm and a lot of weekenders over Saturday and Sunday. We bought duck food and fed the ducks. Garry and I had a pint of Hobgoblin beer brewed locally and served at 12 Celsius. Restaurants close at 6 on Sunday so we were forced to eat Chinese. On the morning of our departure a police car pulled up as someone complained about where we parked.
We left the Cotwolds and drove the Staffords to Gatwick via Stratford upon Avon and Brompton where Downtown Abbey is and was being filmed. Behind schedule we tracked to Gatwick on the M25 my gps not working, turned out we ran out of data. I drove for about 7 hours this day. Traffic on the M25 was horrific for over 100 miles. A nightmare. Went under some bridge and paid the toll on line at Jeff's place. We planned to arrive at 5, we arrived after 6. We had planned to do dinner with the Simons at 7 ended up thee at 8:30 without gps and about 10 at Monica's place after that. And we tried to ring Sharon turned out we had the home number not mobile and ringing Jeff the phone cut out yep unbelievably stressful. Wi fi at the restaurant gave us a map to Jeff so Alls well that ends well. Stayed with Monica overnight after talking till midnight. Yummy breakfast. England has great berries and yoghurt. I had a short morning walk to the seaside. We went to Smileys for lunch on the seaside I had fish and chips. Then at about 11:45 set off to Heathrow early as I was scared of the traffic. As it turned out traffic was excellent and I cruised at 70 mph. At the airport we retrieved VAT and octopus credit then relaxed in the lounge until we realised our plane was at sector C a shuttle away.
11 hour flight passed quickly I think I slept a long time as I can't account for all these hours.
Arrived Hong Kong knew the train and shuttle protocol and here we are at the YMCA and the temperature is 35 Celsius.
July. 2 Thursday
Just filled in time on an hour harbour cruise.
Did recon this morning about our trip to Macau.
Went to jeweller and to polo bag shop.
Yesterday went to jeweller and tailor. Suit measured and will be posted to Australia. Ring ready for Talia and bought earrings for Liana.
Dinner in authentic Chinese restaurant around the corner. Checked out of hotel at 12 and they are storing our bags and facility for shower if we want.
0 notes
Vince (10)
[9/14/16, 4:00:07 PM] Jak: the figure gathered itself and stood up, brushing off the dirt from the floor. He stared at the door for a moment before finally turning around to face the rest of the gang in the room. it was Jak, a 3 month older version of him that they were used to , but it was him. His hair was trimmed up. He was sporting a long white over coat, standard issue of the institute. Probably contained some kind of tracker on it. Jak stepped out of the darkness to reveal himself, speaking in a deeper, just puberty broken voice " Guys?? [9/14/16, 4:00:47 PM] Robin: Robin spins around to get a closer look. [9/14/16, 4:01:16 PM] Forge: Forge rolled over slowly, eyes red and brows raised high Jak? That you, boyo? [9/14/16, 4:02:05 PM] Jak: Jak looked around the room, clenching his head tight " fuck , which of you is screaming right now?" [9/14/16, 4:02:49 PM] Robin: “Jak?” [9/14/16, 4:03:25 PM] Jak: he looks up as best he can, ignoring the massive headache and rush of everyones thoughts " aye." he smiles at them [9/14/16, 4:03:54 PM] Robin: Robin runs to him and hugs him tightly. “You bastard, where have you been?" [9/14/16, 4:04:31 PM] Dagda: Dag glances up. "We'll look at that..." He murmurs with a wave, opting to stay sitting [9/14/16, 4:04:54 PM] Azuna: Azuna eyed Jak with an air of suspicion. "Good to see you." He said. He didn't get closer, merely stood back and stared at Jak's new attire. [9/14/16, 4:06:22 PM] Jak: Jak returned robins hug, a bit tighter then he intended, it had been long since he had contact with another like himself " They, snatched me the day we got out of the simulation. Guess they Didn't know I could do the thing with the mind that I can do. They added me to some list, some, threat list and I was monitored, for a long ass time. But I guess I did something right if I'm allowed back" [9/14/16, 4:06:53 PM] Azuna: "Guess so." [9/14/16, 4:07:20 PM] Robin: “What’s this?” Robin gestures to his coat. [9/14/16, 4:08:31 PM] Jak: " oh, OH" jAK GETS A LITTLE EXCITED " See., its flame retarded? is that the word? anyway, it prevents me from burning my clothes. My fire got stronger. watch." Jak lights a burning blue ball in his hand [9/14/16, 4:09:11 PM] Robin: “Flame retardant, hun.” Robin smiles at him. [9/14/16, 4:09:48 PM] Azuna: Azuna snorted quietly. That was more like the Jak he knew. [9/14/16, 4:10:17 PM] Forge: Forge, a little revitalized by the return of a fellow firebug, chuckled and watched Jak fiddle with his flames Aye, but did they make yer hair flame proof? I'd be more concerned with that, boyo. [9/14/16, 4:11:02 PM] Jak: " No" Jak sighs " that's why I needed it trimmed to be honest. " [9/14/16, 4:11:15 PM] Azuna: "Maybe they should make Dag more fireproof, given his magnetism to the stuff." He muttered, just loud enough to be heard. [9/14/16, 4:11:33 PM] Robin: Robin laughed. [9/14/16, 4:12:01 PM] Jak: jak looked around at everyone " Why is there so much yelling, btw?" [9/14/16, 4:12:28 PM] Robin: “We’re all a little… conflicted.” [9/14/16, 4:12:58 PM] Azuna: Azuna let out a quick, jarring laugh. It sounds empty. "That's an understatement." [9/14/16, 4:13:00 PM] Dagda: This message has been removed. [9/14/16, 4:14:27 PM] Jak: " No, I get that robin, but, Why... are you, guys all yelling at once?"  Jak still hadn't really gotten a grasp on hearing others thoughts [9/14/16, 4:14:59 PM] Robin: “We’re not yelling…” [9/14/16, 4:15:35 PM] Dagda: "Just makin' and ass of myself as usual Jaky boy" Dag says with forced cheerfulness. [9/14/16, 4:16:25 PM] Jak: Jak walks around the room looking around " No seriously, you guys are very, aggressive right now? Did something happen?" [9/14/16, 4:16:51 PM] Azuna: "I'll give you three guesses." [9/14/16, 4:16:58 PM] Robin: Robin is silent, watching Azuna’s reactions and realizing what may have happened. [9/14/16, 4:17:03 PM] Azuna: "No, I'll give you one guess." [9/14/16, 4:18:04 PM] Jak: " no reason to be rude, I just don't see why theres so much hostility towards me"  Jak picks up on the feeling of distrust [9/14/16, 4:19:07 PM] Robin: Robin is still silent, scared to bring up more conflict. [9/14/16, 4:20:23 PM] Azuna: "Forgive me, it's been a long three months, we're all a little high-strung. And in you come, dressed like you've joined the Institute A-Team. What the fuck is that about?" He was half-shouting by the end of this sentence. [9/14/16, 4:20:58 PM] Robin: Robin touches Azuna’s arm. [9/14/16, 4:21:31 PM] Jak: " Like I said, Az, It's flame retarded. It prevents me from actually killing myself when I light up a fire" Jaks voice is a little raspier now, breaking every other word [9/14/16, 4:22:22 PM] Dagda: Dag watches the exchange, his eyes narrowed. "Yeh do seem to have been treated a bit better than us though." [9/14/16, 4:22:29 PM] Azuna: "They could easily have given you something that didn't make you look like ONE OF THEM!" Azuna was practically shaking with rage at this point. Maybe it was unfounded, maybe not. [9/14/16, 4:23:40 PM] Robin: Robin’s grasp on his arm tightens slightly. “Az…” [9/14/16, 4:24:53 PM] Jak: " Look. I get it. But, don't you everEVER, say I've been treated better then you." Jak flinches towards robin and can tell that everyone is thinking the same thing. "traitor" pops up a lot in his mind [9/14/16, 4:25:42 PM] Robin: “We don’t know how he’s been treated,” Robin whispers. [9/14/16, 4:28:13 PM] Dagda: "Just sayin' that he dresses a bit smarter than we do. Also been given more chances to practice from what it looks like." [9/14/16, 4:28:20 PM] Azuna: Azuna's eyes turn cold. "All I see is another fucking white coat." His words are dripping with so much venom, he wouldn't be surprised if he started spitting the poison out. [9/14/16, 4:28:48 PM] Dagda: Dag frowns. "That may be goin' a bit far fearless." [9/14/16, 4:29:29 PM] Jak: Jak, being the asshole he usually was, flipped his coat inside out protruding a black lined inside. , but revealing many scars that weren't on his arms before, as he quickly covers back up and grins " better Az?" [9/14/16, 4:32:17 PM] Azuna: Azuna rounded on Dagda instantly, completely ignoring Jak, hissing his words. "I have absolutely no idea what he's been doing these past three fucking months. You know what I've been doing? THE SAME SHIT I'VE BEEN DOING FOR THE PAST 18 FUCKING YEARS. Every. Fucking. Day. Sleeping on the fucking floor, barely eating, acting as the walking pincushion. He spat this last word with hatred. [9/14/16, 4:34:13 PM] Robin: “Calm down, Azuna.” Robin’s gentle demeanor turned cold. [9/14/16, 4:34:41 PM] Jak: " Youre.. mind, is, stronger?"  Jak notions towards robin [9/14/16, 4:35:30 PM] Robin: “You’re not the only one who has neurological powers, kiddo.” Robin turned to Jak. [9/14/16, 4:36:33 PM] Dagda: Dag's frown deepens. "I ain't yer enemy darlin'. Don't make one of me." He murmurs to Az [9/14/16, 4:36:47 PM] Azuna: Azuna clenches his hand into a fist, and attempts to put it through the window in their chamber. Not even a crack. Blood could be seen dripping down the glass, his knuckles split. [9/14/16, 4:37:18 PM] Azuna: His form softened slightly, and he half-slumped against the window, breathing heavily. [9/14/16, 4:37:58 PM] Robin: Robin sighed loudly and held his fist in her hands, her eyes flashing green as she healed the wounds. [9/14/16, 4:38:21 PM] Jak: jak clenched his head again when Az slammed into the mirror " can you please, PLEASE not shout into oblivion az? " [9/14/16, 4:39:17 PM] Forge: Forge sat quietly in his corner, left exhausted both physically and emotionally from his previous encounter with Dag. He looked sadly towards Az and shook his head All walls crumble in time... He muttered [9/14/16, 4:39:40 PM] Dagda: "Well, if everyone wants to start playing the pain Olympics then by all means let's show off our scars, but I think we have better things to do with our time" Dag drawls, "like workin' out that plan we were talkin' about earlier." [9/14/16, 4:40:43 PM] Jak: Jak sits on the ground and just observes everyone as he tries to get a grip on his headache [9/14/16, 4:41:44 PM] Robin: “What do we have to go off of, exactly?" [9/14/16, 4:42:52 PM] Dagda: "Nothin' but theory and a whatever bullshit scraps of hope we can dream up darlin'" Dag snickers, "but sounds like more of a grand time then sittin' here and bitchin'." [9/14/16, 4:43:56 PM] Jak: " You're referring to a break out?" Jak looks at robin, no one said it particularly yet, but , he can pick up certain sounds from peoples thoughts, not very effectively yet but enough to hear some things [9/14/16, 4:44:32 PM] Robin: Robin says nothing to confirm or deny. [9/14/16, 4:45:58 PM] Azuna: Azuna sat against the window. "From what I've seen, outside of this room it's pretty much the same as how it was in that machine. Only difference seems to be the hallway directly outside of this room." He turned to look out of the window again. "And outside...It's completely different beyond the immediate forest. I wouldn't even know where to start." [9/14/16, 4:48:21 PM] Jak: " You know, You really just need to take out the glass there. Theres a direct line to another hallway through that and you wouldn't even be on camera. At least not until you reach the other hallway":  Jak pipes in half minded [9/14/16, 4:48:30 PM] Robin: “We can’t escape while we’re under their watch. I don’t want any risk of us being caught in another fucking simulation.” [9/14/16, 4:53:45 PM] Azuna: "Should we risk trying what we did the last time? Granted, we were given quite a good opportunity then, so I'm not sure." [9/14/16, 4:54:11 PM] Azuna: "Only time we'd have is if we take them by surprise, which is why we need to know the route beforehand." [9/14/16, 4:54:58 PM] Dagda: "And how are we meant to find that out?" [9/14/16, 4:56:30 PM] Azuna: "I don't know." Azuna threw a hand up. [9/14/16, 5:03:24 PM] Robin: the queen of calling updated the group picture [9/14/16, 5:07:49 PM] Azuna: The door hissed and clunked open yet again, the massive tumblers within retracting. A much smaller figure than Jak was thrown into the room, grunting as he hit the floor. The light out in the hallway had either burned out or was shut off, throwing the hallway beyond the chamber into almost pitch black darkness. It was a wonder how the scientists could see in such low light. This new figure, was not one our group had met before... [9/14/16, 5:13:13 PM] Vince: The figure stands up quickly, to start dusting himself off. He grumbled to himself, curses being heard under his breath. Letting out a sigh he turned to face the others in the room, nearly jumping out of his skin seeing the amount of people. [9/14/16, 5:14:16 PM] Forge: Forge raised an eyebrow and called out Evenin'. Good ta see a fresh face... I think... [9/14/16, 5:17:10 PM] Jak: " Hey there, no need to be afraid of us, well maybe except for az over there"  Jak speaks , noticing the uncomfort in their thoughts [9/14/16, 5:19:54 PM] Vince: A look of confusion walked across the kids face, as he starred at the other man. He wasn't exactly used to being in a room with this many people, well with this many people who aren't scientists. [9/14/16, 5:20:47 PM] Jak: " Oh don't let the coat fool you..."  jak looks at az " Im not one of them. Names Jak. " [9/14/16, 5:21:57 PM] Dagda: "Fuckin' fabulous," Dag mutters, looking the kid up and down, "babysittin' time." [9/14/16, 5:22:25 PM] Jak: " lay off dagster"  jak chuckles, cracking his first joke since he's been here [9/14/16, 5:25:25 PM] Vince: He raised an eyebrow at Jak, looking up and down at the other judging to see if he was a threat or not. "Vince." [9/14/16, 5:26:36 PM] Dagda: "Call me that again darlin' and yeh'll be scoopin' yer insides up off the floor with yer hands" Dag replies cheerfully. [9/14/16, 5:29:07 PM] Jak: " Finally, some cheer out of you losers. "  Jak nods to vince " so , what you here for? They didn't throw you with us bunch so we could make a new friend" [9/14/16, 5:34:48 PM] Azuna "Maybe they did. I'm Azuna. You can call me Az, if you want." Az stood and offered Vince a hand. [9/14/16, 5:35:23 PM] Tony: " oh. friendlier to him huh az?" jak chuckles [9/14/16, 5:35:42 PM] Azuna: Azuna merely shrugged. [9/14/16, 5:36:45 PM] Forge: The Scotsman piped up from his corner and gave an idle wave Forge. [9/14/16, 5:39:10 PM] Dagda: "M' Dag," the lanky Irishman chimes in from his spot on the floor. His smirk still in place, but still off compared it's normal state [9/14/16, 5:39:41 PM] Vince: Vince paused, taking Azuna's hand, giving it a quick shake. "um hello, nice to meet you." [9/14/16, 5:45:14 PM] Azuna: "Indeed. If only it were under better circumstances." Azuna returned to his spot in front of the window, and sat back down. [9/14/16, 5:45:59 PM] Jak: " don't mind az dude, hes an azhole" Jak grins [9/14/16, 5:46:41 PM] Azuna: Azuna sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers. "One of these days I'll get used to those." [9/14/16, 5:49:51 PM] Vince: Vince nodded, watching Azuna return to the window or what seemed to be a window? he couldn't tell with the other blocking it. [9/14/16, 5:51:50 PM] Jak: " So I hate to be the nosy type nut, what do you do man?"  Jak asks genuinely intrigued [9/14/16, 6:03:49 PM] Vince: Vince crossed his arm's and raised a brow at the other, attempting to make himself bigger and more defensive than his small framed allowed him. "No offence but I don't really wanna be showing what I can do to people I don't really know." [9/14/16, 6:04:43 PM] Jake: " What ever man, suit yourself"  Jak lights up an impressively large flame in his hand and tosses it passed dag playfully [9/14/16, 6:05:55 PM] Forge: Forge scoffed and chuckled incredulously at Vince, shaking his head Ya best learn to share quick 'round here, bucko, Ye'll be with us fer at leas' 2 weeks, minimum. [9/14/16, 6:06:52 PM] Dagda: "Not to mention we all have to start gettin' real friendly with those lovely little gifts of ours" Dag adds [9/14/16, 6:09:57 PM] Azuna: "Maybe a lot longer, if what we're planning works." Azuna mused aloud. [9/14/16, 6:11:35 PM] Jak: " Oh did I show you guys these?"  jak pulls out matching fire resistant gloves " these are also fire retarded too" [9/14/16, 6:15:43 PM] Forge: That's fire retardant, Jakaboy. The Scot smirked, leaning back against the wall [9/14/16, 6:16:44 PM] Dagda: "Lovely toys they seem to have given you darlin'" Dag calls from the floor as he lays back down, head aching from the beating that had occurred earlier [9/14/16, 6:27:22 PM] Vince: "Toys? they seem useful?" not understanding the harshness towards Jak. [9/14/16, 6:36:03 PM] Dagda: "Not sayin' they aren't kiddo," he replied tiredly, "just admirin' them.....not everything I say is meant to be a fight." The last part is muttered and slightly sullen. [9/14/16, 6:37:55 PM] Azuna: "Of course not." Azuna replied, seeming to regain some of his humanity. "We've just had a lot of those lately." [9/14/16, 6:43:00 PM] Vince: "I see" he replied, taking a seat on the ground still farther away from the others. Making I clear he didn't trust them yet, finding it best to keep his distance [9/14/16, 6:59:36 PM] Azuna: "We've...been through quite a bit. You'll have to forgive the harsh attitudes around here. We'll mellow out, just give it time. Tomorrow we can get back to you on something we've got in the works currently. Might even need your help." Azuna looked up, towards Vince. He shrugged, half a smile on his face. [9/14/16, 7:08:56 PM] Vince: Vince leaned against the wall he was closest to, uncrossing his arms to get more comfortable. "it's fine, I can't blame you guys for being tense. I mean we aren't exactly in paradise." [9/14/16, 7:10:50 PM] Azuna: Azuna looked around, as if seeing the room for the first time. "Huh, you're right." His tone had an air of teasing about it. [9/15/16, 11:55:06 PM] Robin: Robin smiled warmly at the new captive. “We’re glad to have another one on the team." [9/16/16, 6:06:11 PM] Azuna: Azuna cleared his throat, regaining his composure, and continued. "Indeed. The more the merrier, after all." He nodded. [9/16/16, 6:24:05 PM] Robin: “The more to help us break out of this place,” Robin added. [9/16/16, 6:35:02 PM] Vince: Vince nodded, starting to fiddle with the loose fabric on his jeans to keep his mind busy.
0 notes
loveandra0314-blog · 7 years
All my tweets since August 29th, 2016
Currently renewing my unhealthy obsession with Harry Styles. Seniors- have a fun year knowing that all the people older than you in school get to sleep in on Mondays If it comes in rose gold, I own it Lol @ seniors who think they're the shit All of my stories start with "well first of all, bitch" I love myself. Thought you ought to know. When your roommate is THE SAME DISNEY PRINCESS AS YOU My mom keeps sending me pictures of her food Still in summer mode Drew some nice pics of myself getting electrocuted in math today I can literally find someone on the Internet in .002 secs with just a first name, but tell me to hand in my assignment online and I'll die LOOK AT THE LITTLE HEART #GreysAnatomy GREYS FOOTBALL AND HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT If you live tweet next weeks Criminal Minds season premiere, I'll report you for emotional abuse I have not lost my voice, my voice just doesn't like me so she moved out. I send my parents paragraphs and hundreds of pictures of school and I am repaid with one word sentences and blurry pictures of my dog. I come home to find that my parents literally did everything they could to conceal everything that has anything to do with me in my room ALSO MY BATHROOM SMELLS LIKE CLEANING FLUID AND I KNOW DAMN WELL IT SMELLED LIKE "sweet peony" WHEN I LEFT Anthony's favorite hobby is absolutely roasting people on the Hudl app MUZZ WAS SO EXCITED TO SEE ANTHONY THAT HE PEED ON THE COUCH On a scale from 1-10 of brokenness, I'm a $34.72. I'm really proud of myself because I finished 1/8 of an essay that's due on Thursday #overachiever Btw, Anthony replied to my hint with pictures of his papa I know it's the law... But could the train maybe not blow the whistle 6 times through a campus of sleep deprived college kids????? Spagetting to know you Julia and I are in bed watching a movie and wondering why it's so loud... ITS 8:00 PM But how the f is it October in like 2 days We're over here acting like its the damn ice age I've been coughing all over everyone and everything and IM A TERRIBLE ROOMMATE IM SO SORRY WTF "5 Crazy" I love you, SVU Women before us fought to have the right to vote - don't take that for granted #VOTE My bed is absolutely COVERED in pillows, blankets, wires, school supplies, clothes and Tide pods etc… This woman started vaping and then another woman told her to stop, and now they are full on screaming at each other. ON THE COMMUTER RAIL. Guys, this clown thing is REAL I'm having a hard enough time sleeping without all these inconsiderately loud people outside my building clown hunting The dangerous part about college is going back to your bed in between classes WORDS LITERALLY CANT DESCRIBE HOW EXCITED I AM FOR BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. Belle is my Disney princess and Emma Watson is my all time favorite actress I'm crying Constantly waiting for the 12th of each month so I can have some data You can now get a life sentence for animal abuse. Justice. When your roommates make fun of you for complimenting an absolute FIRE selfie of yourself <<<< SUNDAY SHOPPING SPREE I fcking love candy corn You don't understand... our school and social lives have to fit around the voice and grey's. Sometimes my hand slips and I accidentally share something to my Facebook page We're gonna miss you #ThanksPapi It would be fun to me Harley Quinn for Halloween, but I refuse to be one of "those girls" Never be afraid to be yourself!! Happy National Coming Out Day everyone Julia and I have been watching Netflix in bed for 5 hours. COME BE OUR FRIENDS OMG Tmlt I fcking love Evan Peters and AHS Netflix for dayyyyyyzzzz May god bless you and may your eyebrows be forever on point Dear very high people in the hall, please talk even louder! And continue to walk around in your underwear! Please! I'm DYING. As soon as josh got home he immediately told everyone not to ask any questions about the dance My baby brother is almost 14 and he's like a foot taller than me and his voice is deeper than my dad's My little brother got a 30 yrd touchdown and 40 yrd run Mo and Julia are asleep and I'm just laying here laughing my ass off Literally the worst thing in the world is realizing you have a hole in your leggings Backless dresses are just so incredibly beautiful I love them The girls are asleep and I am laughing like a fcking psycho. What's new? Sorry that I retweet a lot, I just feel like sharing the things I find awesome or funny are worth making your day too I love reconnecting I have heart failure walking to class when I start to hear a longboarder behind me Cookies and Gilmore Girls with my babes It's 11:00 and we're trying to sleep pls enforce quiet hour or I will Julia and I suck at life so we put it on the internet. #relatable "Omg have you seen @JeffreeStar new black highlighter?" "Isn't that just a sharpie?" NO JULIA IT IS NOT A SHARPIE I love late night phone calls with my man Rewatching greys is my fave thing to do Meeting guy friends at college is easy until you bring up your boyfriend I told everyone in my kindergarten class that I was a boy. So, surprise everyone idk what that was about Life update: the heater in our room is making loud, evil noises. This started yesterday and has not stopped. This heater needs medical attention I am honestly concerned for this heater's health. She's clearly leaking or dying or something College is not being able to afford a stapler and the professor refusing to collect unstapled papers. Derek Shepherd has been setting unrealistic expectations since 2005. Feliz Dia de Los Muertes! I'm so excited for Beauty and the Beast I'm actually crying. Real tears. I'm seeing it MINIMUM 10 times in theaters "THIS MEAT IS SO RAW A GOOD VET COULD SAVE IT" Anthony wutttttttt No Makeup November JULIA AND I ARE CRYING (not happy tears) The sun rose this morning and it will rise tomorrow morning My dad has had a variation of the same car since 1995 "You are SO loud" "I just don't care" lol k Anthony Scooby doo I cried twice today, first because I watched the Beauty and the Beast trailer, the second time was when I re-watched the trailer. My dream job is when it's always Friday Also no makeup November is going swimmingly, I may never wear makeup everyday ever again All the bathrooms on my floor are being cleaned and I've been holding my pee for an hour and a half. Can I be someone's creepy older prom date this year? I had some real good coffee this morning and I feel absolutely fantastic, this may be a new me Anthony is snapchatting me live from his room where his roommate is keeping him captive and asking deep questions about life College is being awake at 11pm which is just enough time to squeeze in a few more episodes of greys before 12 COLLEGE IS BEING AWAKE AT 12:30am BUT THERES ONLY ONE MORE EPISODE IN THE SEASON Hobbies include: coughing loudly and rudely when I pass people who are smoking When I'm actively trying to not laugh my ass off at stupid stuff because roommate Just a reminder to be careful and safe this holiday season I want a pretty case because the life proof one is too much but I can't afford a new phone sooo.... TMI: I threw up all over a bathroom stall today. I warned you. My professor shaded me in front of the whole class. I don't have room for embarrassment because I high key gained so much respect. Savagery Hahaha at least my eyebrows are fleeky The weather today is less than ideal. Julia made a tinder and then promptly deleted it when she saw an attractive man. THIS IS WHY. THIS IS WHY. True friends snapchat from across the room If the wifi would stay connected, I wouldn't run out of data every month The temperature was in the single digits today and I honestly don't know how I've ever been able to live like this for so long There is a full on absolutely raging party down the hall from my room. 24 hour quiet hours what College made me addicted to tums Sleep is great, but have you ever watched Netflix? Prof almost made us stay past the two hours like... fuck you thought?? Oh annnnnnd I woke my ass up at 7:00 this morning to get a waffle AND THEY HADNT PUT THE STATION OUT YET Why does my brother constantly ask what we got him for xmas?? Like we're not telling you and if we did your xmas would be ruined Trying to save up...but Sephora I can't even put into words how sad I am about Carrie Fishers passing. Rest In Peace. Someone get me on the slopes Can't stop won't stop crying at the Beauty and the Beast trailer. What did I do to deserve this Every time I lose a snapchat streak, I die a little on the inside I'm such a daddy's girl tbh Setting that 4 am alarm is absolutely killer Hey at least the Cubs won the World Series in 2016 Thought about making a resolution to go to the gym and eat green stuff, but I'm just gonna do me, eat cookies and walk occasionally Tmlt- moral: be happy, and do what makes you happy I really just slept until 5pm Traveling through Hoth in my damn Jetta was fun I should have just skied home from work smh These are the days that I wish my dad's Outback was automatic. Smh I share a bathroom w two teenage boys. There is a pile of underwear in the corner that grows +2 every day.
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