#itll be a journey
suck-mein-pokeballs · 4 months
This week my entire paycheck went to meds and therapy
Being disabled is the best
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transldpdl · 2 months
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Louis de Pointe Du Lac 'In Throes of Increasing Wonder'
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snail-sir · 2 days
Ask me to help you again I'll rip my hair out please 😭😭😭
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orginllazyblog · 2 months
Been playing AFK Journey and honestly...I'm loving it so far
So here we go with some headcanons and silly interactions
The player, either male or female, can attract beautiful women or be beasties with them
With my player and with the interactions with the characters I meet so far, she is most fond of women
Haven't really thought of a name for my player, so I'm going with "Magister" even tho their name is Merlin. Plus, they forgot half of their memories
Meeting with Valen, the character who everyone falls in love with him. Yeah... I don't really see him that way 😅
Other people: "He is so fine 😏"
Me: "He's my beastie. If I die, he's dying with me, ain't no choice."
He's my emotional support friend
Also, I'm glad that there were characters from the Afk Arena such as Antandra, Satandra, Rowan, Niru, Brutus, Thoran, Lyca, Silvina, Arden, Lucius,Mirael, and Eironn I'm surprised how Lyca is playable but not her brother Lorsan 😭
There are only a few celestials and hypogeans in the game (so far)
The side quest I've completed, Romeo and Juliet, I find it quite funny as the group read the letter Romeo wanted to give tk Juliet. Yeah, it was a bit cringe, but luckily, Lorsan is the guy who knows romance 👍🏼
And with that, we become a trio: Valen, the friend everyone has a crush on. Lorsan, the friendly one, and me the player and the great mage everyone thinks but just a chaotic gremlin searching for treasure chest. And then there's Rowan, the rich friend.
I go straight to the npc monsters to get goodies and resources for my heroes. I make sure my team is at a higher level than them.
Yesterday, I just figured that you can interact with the animals like a cat or dog, and it was just...so cute. It show hearts and even sounds of them.
As for the guild party, I haven't decided on which one and more focus on the story mode.
Speaking of which, I actually got asked on a date by none other than...Mirael. Yeah, that got me by surprised 😮 Fun fact, Mirael was my first crush when I started playing afk arena bc she could wield fire, but that was when Lilith introduced Talene. So getting asked out by her was like... a dream to me 😌
But then she left 😭 like what did I do!?!?!? Did I choose the wrong answer? Don't leave 😢
Back to the story, the group has to sneak into the old man's mansion to investigate more of the grape situation, and that's where I left on bc I was playing late at night
It is such a beautiful game with the graphics, the weather changing, and new heroes. I'm very happy to be able to play when it got released for mobile. Also, I was wondering if the devs would add heroes from the Afk Arena
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spookythesillyfella · 3 months
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winnie-the-monster · 2 years
I wait it two years for this.
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helloimnad · 10 months
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i dont want men unless his name is jing yuan ...
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wayward-wren · 2 months
See Timeless Child as a concept I don't hate. I think it's got some fun implications to explore and fallout for the Doctor to deal with, identity crisis and all. (Also I've heard Chibnall was drawing from his experience of being adopted, which makes me like it even more). I think there's a lot of interesting things in there, though part of me loves the Doctor being normal, just a bit different, too much to fully embrace the idea that the Doctor is a Special Being. That one is gonna be a 'depending on my mood ill choose this canon' thing for me probably. But on the whole I think Timeless Child is a solid try at something new, and Doctor Who always needs that imo.
What I don't like about the concept, is claiming that there was 'the Doctor' before the First, William Hartnell. Because he starts going by the Doctor in the show, we saw it happen. And I think its more canon that he chose the name at the academy now, but I still love the slow acceptance of the Doctor identity you see early in the show, along side the slow progression of the Doctor embracing a role of protector and defender. So while I can accept the idea that maybe there were Timeless Children, and then that entity had their memories erased and became a child again, who grew up into Hartnell, I don't like the idea that the Doctor existed before Hartnell (and this includes regenerations the Doctor remembers before Hartnell I think).
Which is why I think Ruth!Doctor has to be between Two and Three; because she called herself the Doctor and her TARDIS was a police box (something else that happened for the first time in the show). The Doctor as the Doctor didn't exist before William Hartnell, and I think changing that canon almost does a disservice to the fact that he essentially created the character, and did so with so much love and care.
Anyway. I finally finished season 12 so that's my thoughts now that I've actually seen the timeless children episode.
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doobea · 5 months
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next milestone fic will be focusing on rinnie <3
everyone start placing bets to see how long it'll be and i hope to god it wont be 7k+ this time
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yaytomhiddlestonyay · 6 months
"With the Final Aeon, she can beat Sin. But then... But then..."
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toestalucia · 3 days
guy whos gonna feel like a fraud whenever they end up supporting someone to move on
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I would give anything to watch Fantasy High for the first time again. You have no idea how serious this is to me. Literally anything
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needylittlegirl · 2 months
brain is spinning
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pinkseas · 9 months
girls will put an EXTENSIVE amount of thought and research into their next couple of planned fics and THIS IS THE THANKS THEY'LL GET FOR IT.
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merrysithmas · 1 year
ugh im legit so disappointed they gave heir to the empire to filoni (& will seemingly focus on Ahsoka) rather than give it to someone like Gilroy and focus on Han/Luke/Leia
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catboii · 6 months
@asskraehe sry that daves taste in videos is fucking weird
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