#it's not trying to gas up thomas hamilton
somfte · 2 years
okay i'm a little bit [REDACTED] right now but i just
please tell me you've all read FletcherHonorama's A Story Is True / A Story Is Untrue?
I fully intend to write a proper review when i have finished this time (doing my third read to actually leave real comments on each chapter, and as a sort of bookclub with @granturn who is reading it for the first time)
But it's just... it's the perfect post-canon story for me? The show itself is sooo good i mostly don't have any interest in fic for it, but i did briefly hunt around for some as bedtime stories before i finished watching the series for the first time. It stood out for its romance at the time, but it has held up on post-series re-reads as a powerful look into what is, for me, Black Sails' most compelling thesis: that comfort and security are often gained at the cost of liberty, or that the struggle for freedom often demands suffering.
I really can't emphasize how well the author has captured the voice of both the show and of th characters that are included in the fic, and because of the choice to use thomas hamilton as the POV character, the author is able to work in a lot of high minded philosophizing that is both in-character and serving a narrative purpose, and that speaks through the fourth wall to the reader.
But what really hits home for me, that fills the small hole in what i wanted from the show, is that even as it acknowledges, as the show did, that freedom often requires sacrifice, it always comes down on the answer that freedom is always worth sacrifice.
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caffeine-and-tears · 4 years
John Laurens X M! S/o Pride headcanons
Character: John Laurens (Hamilton) x male reader! 
Type: Headcanons +moodboard
Triggers: Tear gas, protests, drinking, sexual innuendo, racism, homophobia
Word count: 1,117
General S/o
If you’re dating John Laurens you gotta be okay with cuddles
He the most cuddly boi ever (Please love him)
He’s definitely the type to hug you at random moments and ask for cuddles like John you’re adorable but the pancakes are burning
I feel like John is a sucker for simple domestic things. Seeing you fall asleep in his arms? Watching you make breakfast in your boxers? He will m e l t
He’s very affectionate! Random kisses are a big part of how he shows he loves you (Please tell him if you’re not okay with it the boi will understand)
If you’re the type to drown him in compliments please warn him! He might cry
Babe you know you mean the world to me? John.exe has stopped functioning
He can’t deal with it, he blushes every time
He won’t buy you a lot of stuff but he will 100% make you stuff! 
I hc John as a pretty great artist so expect a lot of drawings of you! 
If you’re the type to spoil him he will internally die every single time
Hey babe I got you that book about the American revolution you wanted! I would die for you
John loves going on adventurous dates or just general fun dates. He’s the type to go skydiving with you if you let him. Or maybe just a theme park! (If you go to Disney with the boi he will beg you to go on all the roller coasters and will try to buy all the stuffed animals I don’t make the rules)
But if you prefer more tame dates that’s fine! I mean he loves coffee shops and movie nights as much as the next guy. And to share it with the most handsome man? Who could ever say no? 
He might fall asleep if you’re doing a movie night though.
His southern drawl comes out when he’s sleepy so like, enjoy horny bastards
But like seriously early morning/ late is usually when things go down (usually you) 
(I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself) 
He’s 100% more cuddly when he’s sleeping. He will not let go! Especially if you’re warm (And if you’re the type to kick in your sleep he will still hang on)
You’ll wake up with his face nuzzled in your neck while he begs you for just 5 more minutes, please????
He is a blanket burrito kinda guy. He’s usually v cold so he uses it as an excuse to get affection. Babe, I’m freezing only kisses will warm me up 
He doesn’t sleep too late, 12 am is basically his limit and if you stay awake longer he will pout until you join him. 
C u d d l e  h i m
And don’t try to stay up late! He will force you into bed by 1 am, he’s gotten a lot of practice with getting Alex into bed he is really good.
John is a pretty deep sleeper like you’ll have to work hard to wake him up. You can try tickling, just basic shoving, and if nothing else works play All-star very loudly. (If you can get him off you that is-)
Or you can make him breakfast! 
Speaking of breakfast (Great segue) it’s the only food John really knows how to cook. He can’t make pasta but you’ll find him snacking on waffles at 8 am.
If you know how to cook then teach the boi !!! He’ll hang on to every word you say and John no you don’t have to take notes. Please don’t leave him in the kitchen alone though if he’s trying something new, not after the sprinkle incident- (*Lightning strikes dramatically in the background*)
If you don’t know how to cook its fine y’all could learn together! I mean all the google recipes didn’t turn out so well and you had to invite Laf and Herc over to teach you but still!
He does like baking though! 
Well only chocolate chip cookies
Fine only cookie dough
Oh, you thought Hamilton was extreme? Well, meet John brings-up-the genocide-of-the-natives-at-a-children’s-party Laurens!
He’s going to be so busy caring about everything going on the world except himself
Please take care of him! 
He goes to every protest and puts himself in front of anyone being harassed by cops It’s better me than them they get enough of that shit
Pack him googles or protective eyewear!!! 
He’s gotten tear-gassed so many times-
You’ve found him crying over news report after news report multiple times
Remind him that it’s okay to unplug for a bit! He will burn himself out emotionally if you don’t.
Going to pride
John isn’t the type to dress up normally but like Does this outfit have enough rainbows babe? I wanna piss off the homophobes
Pray for the homophobes who give you shit what the hell did you just call my boyfriend????
He doesn’t care he will 100% fight them 
(If you want to stop John from being charged with assault pull him into a kiss! It’s a win/win scenario the Homophobe gets even more pissed off and he gets kisses!)
Y’all visit a booth with rainbow plushies and OH MY GOD THERE’S A RAINBOW TURTLE CAN WE BUY IT PLEASE
He names the turtle after you and gets Herc to make it clothes  (Exclusively turtlenecks, John likes puns okay) 
After going to a parade John would like to tour a bunch of queer bars with you! He loves how lively they are and the sense of community! (Plus he won’t pass up booze, ever)
If you don’t drink/ don’t like bars that fine too! Y’all could cuddle while watching Love Simon he doesn’t mind! (He will cry though, every time)
Celebrating pride at home
I hc that John has a Tumblr he uses to educate himself and others about multiple issues but during pride month it’s all about LGBT issues!
You’ll find him in the living room reading an 80-page pdf and you’re like ??? Oh yeah I asked Alex for his resources on the Bathroom bill-he got excited’
He will try out some rainbow themed recipes! (Again he doesn’t know how to cook so please make sure he doesn’t poison himself!)
Will 100% tweet about how cute you are constantly (he does that usually he just is a lil extra gayer during pride month)
You will be using Youtube/Netflix party to binge-watch Thomas’s sanders and Sense8 I don’t make the rules
He loves you so much! Every day he wakes up with you in his arms is a great one!
Take care of him please
Thank you so much for reading this! I’ll (try) to post something every day of pride month! (Complete with a moodboard). Okay but seriously I know we’re all happy because it’s pride but black people are still being murdered. I’ve reblogged several ways you can help including ways you can help if you can’t donate on my other blog @fight-me-i-dare-you-bro. 
Stay safe everyone
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thomashxmilton · 3 years
Verses so far:
V. Main
Thomas survived his stint in Bethlem and is now living in Savannah, GA on the plantation.
V. He’s a pirate
Alfred Hamilton tells Thomas while in Bethlem that James and Miranda are killed trying to flee London. Almost mad with grief, Thomas breaks out of Bethlem and makes his way to the Bahamas to be free. He ends up turning to piracy as a means to survive.
V. Nassau
Thomas was being transported on the same ship that Flint killed his father on. Found shackled in chains, Flint takes him to Nassau with him and he lives with Miranda in her cottage.
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h-x-l-p-l-e-s-s · 3 years
ABC Fanfic Challenge
C - Christmas
(Written 12/24/2020 - 12/25/2020)
Wow, I ship something straight? That’s odd. Anywhohow, I hope you enjoy this small thing I typed up at 12 in the morning! :)
Word Count: 2k (16 Pages on Google Docs)
Warning: Profanity, Drinking
Pairing: Alexander Hamilton x Elizabeth Schuyler
This year was going to be perfect, unlike last year. Memories of the pie splattering in Alex’s face scarred him mentally, damn it, Jefferson.
“Cake’s done, Lasagna’s done, the sides are done. Everything, when it comes to food, is done.” Alex thought to himself. He put a checkmark on a piece of paper. Next to the checkmark was the word, “Food ‘n Shit.”
Alex walked to the living room and turned on the TV, “Now, I need to find a Christmas movie.” While he looked for one, he took a look at the tree. “Damn, that’s bright.”
He found a Christmas movie on Disney+ and checked, “Fun Shit” off of his list.
He heard his doorbell chime, indicating that someone arrived early.
“Coming!” Alex yelled as he ran towards the front door, sliding on his tile flooring with socks on. He opened the door to see three gay people.
“Bonjour, Mon Ami!” Lafayette hugged him with one hand, he held a small box in his other hand.
“Evening, Herc, Laf, and John!” Alex let them inside and pointed towards the Christmas tree.
“I’m sure you’re not too surprised to see us here this early.” John let out a small giggle after he said that. “So, your girl isn’t here yet?”
“J-John! Sh-she’s n-not my girl!” Lafayette and Hercules laughed while Alex stuttered that.
“You don’t even know which girl he was referring to, man.” Hercules grabbed control of his laughing to say that, Alex’s face was as red as hell’s fire.
“Can we watch Nikocado Avocado?” John asked, making everyone laugh.
“There’s no time to mess around, everyone else should be arriving before I know it. I need to make sure everything’s correct.” Alex ran up the stairs, making sure it was all decorated to his liking.
He checked “Decorations Bitch” off of his list. He locked his bedroom door and turned on each light upstairs.
He checked every single room to make sure everything was perfect. His stress disappeared after that.
He walked downstairs and fell on the floor in exhaustion. “He’s dead.” John sighed, watching Nikocado Avocado on Alex’s TV.
“Ah, yes. I just love watching staged failing marriages on Christmas Day.” The doorbell chimed about thirty seconds after Alex sarcastically mumbled that.
“Dance, King! Dance!” Lafayette and Hercules screamed at the same time Alex opened the door.
“Nice to know the others are here.” Burr grinned. He was with Washington and his girlfriend, Theodosia.
“I would stay away from them if I were you, come in.” Alex moved out of the way to let them enter.
“Merry Christmas, Lex!” Theodosia hugged Alex. “I see your girlfriend isn’t here yet.”
“S-she’s. N-not. My. G-g-girl-f-fr-” Alex stuttered, a bit more nervous than before.
“You’re a mess, Alex,” Washington whispered as he walked towards the boys in the living room. Theodosia followed.
“Why do you seem so tense?” Burr asked while pulling Alex towards the kitchen.
“I... I’m just kind of stressed about making this year perfect.” Burr raised an eyebrow after hearing Alex say that. “Anything else? Are you stressed about asking Eliza out?”
“W-who told you I was asking her out today?!” Alex whispered loudly. Burr smirked naughtily and left Alex alone in the kitchen.
Time had passed, everyone was in the living room playing Monopoly. Alex was left in the kitchen, silently downing a bottle of wine.
“Fuck this shit!” Lafayette yelled. Alex assumed he was arrested again. “This game is rigged.”
“Okay, Lex. In five minutes you’re gonna get up, down a bottle of water, and walk in the living room.” He thought to himself.
Five minutes had passed, he looked towards the living room to see everyone having a great time. “Alright, you’re gonna walk towards the living room and sit next to… John or Lizzy.” He did just that.
“Hi, Alex!” Eliza and Peggy waved at him, he waved back.
“Now that he’s here, can we play something less rigged?” Lafayette groaned, moving a bit closer to Hercules so Alex could sit next to John.
“Alex, can you tell Laf that if he manages to go to jail three times in one game, he needs to own his goddamn mistake instead of whining like a baby?!” Jefferson yelled.
“Alex, can you tell Thomas that if I managed to pull three “Go Directly to Jail” cards, that someone had to rig it somehow!” Lafayette yelled as a comeback.
“Laf, no one would waste their time to make this game unfair for you.” Angelica stood up and walked towards him, making him intimidated.
“Angel, leave Laf alo-” Hercules walked in front of her, but was pushed to the side by Maria.
Before Alex knew it, everyone began to argue over a game of Monopoly. Alex slid off the couch onto the floor, covered his head, and tried to ignore it. That’s a new one.
The person who’s most likely to start a whole war on Twitter was trying to avoid this catastrophe.
No one included Alex into the argument for ten minutes, after that, James said, “Laf, do you think Alex would sabotage the game to make you out of anyone else pissed?”
“Alex, did you sabotage the ga-” Lafayette began to ask until Jefferson cut him off by saying, “He would sabotage me, not you.”
Alex became a bit nervous. “I didn’t ‘sabotage’ anythi-” He tried to say but Lafayette and Hercules interrupted him. “I’m calling bullshit!”
Just like that, everyone was yelling again. This time, they were yelling at Alex. Some people were attacking him, some were defending him.
“You’re being suspicious, Alex. If you-” Hercules snarled. “Are we all arguing over a freaking board game?!” Maria yelled as a response.
“No, we’re arguing over Alex finding it funny to sabotage one of his closest friends!” Hercules seemed a bit less friendly. He seemed like he actually would kill you if you looked at him the wrong way.
“He didn’t sabotage shit! Laf’s luck is just fucked!” John screamed, covering Eliza’s ears.
“It’s kind of like how Alex sabotaged us in history!” Jefferson laughed.
“Y’all remember that shit?” Jefferson looked at Lafayette, Hercules, and Madison. “When he taught us misinformation so we could fail?” Washington looked at Alexander in shock after Jefferson said that.
Everyone began to scream at Alex, some upset, some a bit upset but not as much. It was official, this Christmas was R-U-I-N-E-D, maybe a bit worse than last year.
Alex, not being able to take unnecessary feedback anymore, ran upstairs to his room and drank a bottle of wine that was in his closet.
He wrapped himself in a blanket, turned off his lights, and drank one bottle after the next. Waiting for this day to end, waiting for everyone to leave.
He allowed the red liquid to slide down his throat, each drop making him a bit comfortable.
He heard a faint knock on the door. “Alex, are you in there?” A precious voice whispered. “There’s no one else with me.”
He set his bottle next to his bed and unlocked his door.
“Everyone’s downstairs, they change the argument every fifteen minutes. Do you want to come downstairs?” Eliza asked.
“N-no.” Alex wanted to say more but struggled to get it out. After he responded, he shut the door on Eliza.
“Do you want me to comfort you?” Eliza asked. White light shined in her eyes as Alex opened his door again.
“If you want to turn your light off again, you can.” After Eliza said that, she set her backpack near Alex’s bed. The light remained on.
“Okay then. Are you a coffee, tea, or hot cocoa connoisseur?” She asked, no answer. “Are you okay?”
Alex slid the bottles of wine under his bed and sat near Eliza. “Hot chocolate, I guess.”
“Okay!” She took a hot chocolate maker out from her backpack, making Alex a bit confused. “I’m like Dora the Explorer, I can fit anything into my backpack.”
“They’re just unfair,” Alex mumbled. He set his head on Eliza’s shoulder and closed his eyes. “It’s genuinely not my fault Laf’s luck is trash. It’s not my fault they failed history. It’s n-not my faul-”
“So the world’s unfair, just keep them locked downstairs.” Eliza cuddled with him.
“In here it’s beautiful.” Eliza grabbed a few blankets, tossing them over Alex’s window.
“Wh-what’s the point of doing tha-” Eliza shoved a chocolate bar down his throat to make him shut up.
She turned off the light, Alex opened his eyes to glow-in-the-dark blankets all over his room.
“W-woah.” He let out a small mumble. Eliza jumped towards her backpack to get marshmallows.
“Want some?” Alexander nodded as a response.
She put four large marshmallows in Alex’s cup, and four in hers.
“Liz, I’m sorry. I know Christmas is your favorite holiday and I fu- messed it up again. Maybe next year, it should just be at John’s house without me. Wasn’t it better in 2018 without me? Didn’t everything go as planned?” Alexander’s eyes began to flood.
“Believe me, it was boring without you. Plus, it was Laf and Thomas who started it, not you.”
Alex drank his hot chocolate swiftly. He then reached under his bed and grabbed a bottle of wine. As he drank it, Eliza felt a bit troubled. Alex used to struggle with a drinking problem before he met Lafayette, Hercules, and John.
He still drinks now and then, but not as much as before. The way he devoured two bottles of wine in thirty minutes was concerning.
“Alexander.” Eliza’s stern tone was enough to send chills down anyone’s spine, even Washington’s. “Put the bottle down, please.”
Scared, Alexander followed her orders. She grabbed two boxes, one box was wrapped with pastel blue wrapping paper. The other was wrapped with a bloodshot shade of red wrapping paper.
“I believe this one’s for you!” Eliza lost her stern tone and replaced it with a loving one. She handed Alex the blue box.
“It’s your Christmas gift from me.” Alex shook it a bit to get a hint of what was inside. “Before you open it, can you do me a favor?” He nodded.
“Don’t go crazy with it.” Alex smiled a bit as he tore it open with no care in the world. Inside he saw a bunch of $100 bills.
“It’s about twenty-five grand.” Alex’s eyes were watery, he hugged Eliza. “What the heck?” He whispered in her ears.
“Pegs has been telling me about how stressed you are at work, and how your bills are rising so… every month until next year I’ll be giving you twenty-five grand.”
“But why? Isn’t it too much?” Alex gave half of it to Eliza, but she declined the offer.
“It’s fine. I wouldn’t have given it to you if it wasn’t fine. Also…” Eliza grabbed a piece of paper from her pocket. “...mind reading this out loud?”
Alex grabbed the paper. It was as straight as Eliza’s hair, surprisingly. It was a fine cream color.
“Will you date me?” Alex read, crying even more. “Holy…” He failed to express how he actually felt.
“Yes! Oh my goodness, yes!” He jumped on Eliza in excitement.
“U-um, what did you give me for Christmas anyway?” Eliza asked, not trying to be too noisy.
“Pegs said you wanted nail polish and hair dye so… surprise.” Eliza let out a squeal and jumped on Alex. “Merry Christmas, Liz.”
They looked outside to see the whole neighborhood, each house decorated with green, red, and white LED lights.
“This is such a step up from last year.”
(Sorry about the lack of storyline! I needed to get this out on Christmas day so… yeah! Merry Christmas everyone! :D)
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mightystargazer · 4 years
Another year gone, another readinglist done!
W. Michael Gear Outpost
W. Michael Gear Abandoned
Angela Carter The Bloody Chamber
Sue Burke Semiosis
Rob Dircks Don't Touch the Blue Stuff!
Laurie Forest the iron flower
Joseph Nassise urban Enemies: a collection
Ezekiel Boone The Mansion
Richtel, Matt Dead on Arrival
Wilkie Martin Inspector Hobbes and the Blood
Wilkie Martin Inspector Hobbes and The Curse
Wilkie Martin Inspector Hobbes & The Gold Digger
Wilkie Martin Inspector Hobbes and The Bones
A. American Home Coming
Adam J. Wright Lost Soul
Adam J. Wright Buried Memory
Adam J. Wright Dark Magic
Adam J. Wright Dead Ground
Adam J. Wright Shadow Land
Robert Bevan Critical Failures VI
Darynda Jones Grave on the Right
Darynda Jones Grave on the Left
Darynda Jones Third Grave Dead Ahead
Darynda Jones Grave Beneath My Feet
Darynda Jones Grave Past the Light
Darynda Jones Grave on the Edge
Darynda Jones Grave and No Body
Darynda Jones Grave After Dark
Darynda Jones Brighter Than the Sun
Darynda Jones Dirt on Ninth Grave
Darynda Jones The Curse of Tenth Grave
Darynda Jones Eleventh Grave in Moonlight
Dan Simmons The Terror
Warren Fahy Fragment
Tim McBain The Scattered and the Dead
Scott Thomas Kill Creek
Kurt Anderson Resurrection Pass
Larry Correia Son of the Black Sword
Larry Correia House of Assassins
Chuck Wendig Blackbird
Chuck Wendig Mockingbird
Chuck Wendig The Cormerant
Chuck Wendig Thunderbird
Karen Thompson Walker The Dreamers
Hank Green An Absolutely Remarkable Thing
C.T. Phipps The Tournament of Supervillainy 5
Peter Clines 14
Peter Clines The Fold
Peter Clines Dead Moon
Sean Schubert Infection
Sean Schubert Containment
Sean Schubert Mitigation
Sean Schubert Resolution
James Marshall Smith Hybrid
Mark Tufo Demon Wars
Alan Dean Foster Interlopers
Anthony Melchiorri The Tide
Anthony Melchiorri Breakwater
Anthony Melchiorri Salvage
Anthony Melchiorri Deadrise
Anthony Melchiorri Iron Wind
Anthony Melchiorri Dead Ashore
Anthony Melchiorri Ghost Fleet
Anthony Melchiorri Devil to Pay
Scott Medbury Heel Week
Scott Medbury On The Run
Scott Medbury Cold Comfort
Scott Medbury Rude Shock
Terry Pratchett/Neil Gaiman Good omens
Barry J. Hutchison The Sidekicks Initiative
Catherynne M. Valente The Refrigerator Monologues
Ike Hamill Super Apex
J.H. Moncrieff Monsters in Our Wake
John Connolly The Underbury Witches
Jonathan Maberry Dead of Night
Lydia Kang Quackery
Tomi Adeyemi Children of Blood and Bone
Thomas Morris The Mystery of the Exploding Teeth
John A.Keel The Complete Guide To Mysterious Beings
Ted Dekker ADAM
Richard K. Morgan Altered Carbon
Ransom Riggs A Map of Days
Kevin Hearne Death & Honey
Benjamin Wallace Boom box 1
Benjamin Wallace Boom box  2
Benjamin Wallace Boom box  3
Benjamin Wallace Revenge of the Apocalypse
Victor LaValle The Changeling
Rick Chesler Sawfish
Nathan Barnes The Reaper Virus
Michael brent Collings The Deep
Bill Heavey If You Didn't Bring Jerky, What Did I Just Eat
Bill Heavey It's Only Slow Food Until You Try to Eat It
Bill Heavey Should the Tent Be Burning Like That
Jenny Lawson Let's Pretend This Never Happened
Mark Tufo The Spirit Clearing
Ambrose Ibsen Asylum
Ambrose Ibsen Forest
Ambrose Ibsen The Occupant
Stephen King The Man in the Black Suit
Sam Sykes The City Stained Red
Peter Meredith The Queen Unthroned
Peter Meredith The Queen Enslaved
Nicholas Sansbury Smith Extinction Red Line
Nicholas Sansbury Smith Extinction Horizon
Nicholas Sansbury Smith Extinction Edge
Nicholas Sansbury Smith Extinction Age
Nicholas Sansbury Smith Extinction Evolution
Nicholas Sansbury Smith Extinction End
Nicholas Sansbury Smith Extinction Aftermath
Nicholas Sansbury Smith Extinction Lost
Nicholas Sansbury Smith Extinction War
Nicholas Sansbury Smith Missions from the Extinction Cycle
Drew Hayes Super Powereds Year 4
Dean Koontz Odd Thomas
Patrick F McManus Kerplunk! Stories
Mark Wayne McGinnis The Simpleton
Mark Wayne McGinnis The Simpleton Quest
John Connolly A Book of Bones
Drew Hayes Corpies
Nathan Ballingrud Wounds
Michael Todd Torn Asunder
Michael Todd Killing Is My Business
Michael Todd And Business Is Good
Marty Ross The Darkwater Bride
Richard Porter Top Gear Epic Failures 50 Great Motoring Cock-Ups
Parker Peevyhouse The Echo Room
P. K. Hawkins Shark Infested Waters
M. R. James The Conception of Terror Tales
Broad Reach Publishing I, Zombie
Bobby Hall Supermarket
Terry Pratchett Night Watch
Patrick F McManus Never Sniff a Gift Fish
Michael Talbot The Bog
Michael Edelson Seed
Matthew Scott Hansen The Shadowkiller
Jonathan Maberry Ghost Road Blues
Jonathan Maberry Dead Man's Song
Jonathan Maberry Bad Moon Rising
Jonathan Maberry Property Condemned
Jonathan Maberry Darkness on the Edge of Town
Chris Angus Flypaper
Dean Koontz The Night Window
John P. Logsdon Platoon F Big Ass Bundle
Robert Tomoguchi The Scribbled Victims
Richard MacLean Smith Unexplained
Mark Edwards The Retreat
Dennis E. Taylor Outland
Bobby Adair Freedom's Siege
Bobby Adair Freedom's Fire
Bobby Adair Freedom's Fury
Bobby Adair Freedom's Fray
Bobby Adair Freedom's Fist
Bobby Adair Freedom's Fall
Bobby Adair Freedom's Fate
William Gibson Alien III
Terry Brooks Running with the Demon
Steven Campbell Hard Luck Hank
Neal Stephenson Reamde
Neal Stephenson Fall, or Dodge in Hell
J.F. Holmes Irregular Scout Team One
Michael Stephen Fuchs Odyssey
Kameron Hurley The Light Brigade
TTC History of Ancient Egypt
Justin Cronin The Passage
Justin Cronin The Twelve
Justin Cronin The City of Mirrors
J.N. Chaney Orion Colony
J.N. Chaney Orion Uncharted
J.N. Chaney Orion Awakened
Christopher Dowell The Adventures of Badass Mike
Barry J. Hutchison Sentienced to Death
Adam Savage Every Tool's a Hammer
Rob Dircks Gigi Make Paradox
Eric Rickstad What Remains of Her
Robert Bevan 6d6
L. L. Akers Fight like a Man
L. L. Akers Shoot Like a Girl
L. L. Akers Run Like the Wind
Jonathan Mayberry Broken Lands
Alexander C. Kane Andrea Vernon and the Superhero-Industrial Complex
A.R. Shaw The China Pandemic
A.R. Shaw The Cascade Preppers
A.R. Shaw The Last Infidels mp3
A.R. Shaw The Malefic Nation
A.R. Shaw The Bitter Earth
Jim C. Hines Terminal Uprising
Mark Tufo Dog Days of War
Rick Gualtieri Get Bent!
Brian Keene Darkness on the Edge of Town
Christopher Moore Practical Demonkeeping
Christopher Moore The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove
Christopher Moore The Stupidest Angel
Chuck Wendig Wanderers
John Connolly Conquest
John Connolly Empire
John Connolly Dominion
C. J. Tudor The Taking of Annie Thorne
Wellington, David The Last Astronaut
S. Bennett A Womans Journey with the Worlds Worst Behaved Dog
Levi Black Red Right Hand
Levi Black Black Goat Blues
Eoin Colfer Artemis Fowl
Eoin Colfer The Arctic Incident
Eoin Colfer The Eternity Code
Eoin Colfer The Opal Deception
Eoin Colfer The Lost Colony
Eoin Colfer The Time Paradox
Eoin Colfer The Atlantis Complex
Eoin Colfer The Last Guardian
Ambrose Ibsen Transmission
Daniel Green End Time
Daniel Green The Breaking
Daniel Green The Rising
Patrick F McManus The Bear in the Attic
Mark Tufo Encounters
Mark Tufo Reckoning
Mark Tufo Conquest
Mark Tufo From the Ashes
Mark Tufo Into the Fire
Mark Tufo Victory's Defeat
Mark Tufo Defeat's Victory
Brett Battles Mine
Caitlin Starling the luminous dead
Craig A. Falconer Not Alone
Craig A. Falconer Second Contact
Craig A. Falconer The Final Call
Gardner Dozois Down These Strange Streets
Greig Beck Primordia
Kevin  Hearne Kill the Farm Boy
Kevin  Hearne No Country for Old Gnomes
Kathleen Meyer How to Shit in the Woods
Joe Hill NOS4A2
Drew Hayes The Case of the Damaged Detective
Simon Haynes Robot vs Dragons
Nora Roberts Blood Brothers
Nora Roberts The Hollows
Nora Roberts The Pagan Stone
Peter F. Hamilton The Reality Dysfunction
Paul Tremblay The Cabin at the End of the World
Gerry Griffiths Down from Beast Mountain
Eoin Colfer The Reluctant Assassin
Eoin Colfer The Hangman's Revolution
Eoin Colfer The Forever Man
C A Fletcher A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World
N.C. Reed Odd Billy Todd
Stephen King The Shining
Stephen King Doctor Sleep
Richard J. Dewhurst The Ancient Giants Who Ruled America
Laird Barron The Croning
Keith C. Blackmore The Troll Hunter
J.L. McPherson The Gorge
Erin Bowman Contagion
Erin Bowman Immunity
Stephen King The Institute
Douglas Adams Starship Titanic
Lee Murray Into the Mist
Lee Mountford The Mark
Keith C. Blackmore White Sands, Red Steel
Joe Hill The Fireman
Barry J. Hutchison The Hunt for Reduk Topa
Greig Beck Return to the Lost World
Greig Beck The Lost World
Ted Dekker Obsessed
James D. Prescott Extinction Code
James D. Prescott Extinction Countdown
James D. Prescott Extinction Crisis
James D. Prescott Missions from the Extinction Cycle 2
Dean Koontz Strange Highways
Mira Grant Rolling in the Deep
Mira Grant Into the Drowning Deep
Luke Romyn Ash
Thomas Olde Heuvelt Hex
Jeremiah Knight Hunger
Jeremiah Knight Feast
T. Kingfisher The Twisted Ones
Patrick F McManus The Horse in My Garage
Jeff Strand Wolf Hunt
Jeff Strand Wolf Hunt 2
Annie Wilder Trucker Ghost Stories
Kathryn Croft The Girl with No Past
Larry Correia Monster Hunter International
Larry Correia Vendetta
Larry Correia Alpha
Larry Correia Legion
Larry Correia Nemesis
Larry Correia Siege
Larry Correia Guardian
Nicholas Sansbury Smith Extinction Inferno
Jack Townsend Tales from the Gas Station
Dean R Koontz Phantoms
Scott Sigler Blood Is Red
Stephen Chbosky Imaginary Friend
Larry Correia Grunge
Larry Correia Sinners
Larry Correia Saints
Larry Correia The Monster Hunter Files
Dean Koontz Innocence
Hugh Howey Half Way Home
Shaun Hamill A Cosmology of Monsters
Cameron Milan Zombie Slayer!!
Charles Soule The Oracle Year
Christopher Moore Practical Demonkeeping
Christopher Moore The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove
Christopher Moore The Stupidest Ange
Iain Rob Wright Sea Sick
Iain Rob Wright Ravage
Iain Rob Wright Savage
Keith C. Blackmore 131 Days
Keith C. Blackmore House of Pain
Keith C. Blackmore Spikes and Edges
Keith C. Blackmore About the Blood
Keith C. Blackmore To Thunderous Applause
Kevin Hearne The Princess Beard
Adrian Tchaikovsky Walking to Aldebaran
Cixin Liu Supernova Era
Dave Pedneau Night, Winter, and Death
Dean Koontz Nameless
Jack Hunt As We Fall
Jack Hunt As We Break
Katherine Arden Small Spaces
Katherine Arden Dead Voices
Larry Correia #1 in Customer Service
Myke Cole The Armored Saint
Myke Cole The Sacred Throne
Myke Cole The Killing Light
C. T. Phipps The Future of Supervillainy
Charlie Huston The Mystic Arts of Erasing All Signs of Death
T.W. Piperbrook St. Matthews
T.W. Piperbrook Onset
T.W. Piperbrook Crossroads
T.W. Piperbrook Wasteland
Paul Tremblay Disappearance at Devil’s Rock
Ferrett Steinmetz The Sol Majestic
Grady Hendrix Horrorstör
Mark Tufo The Perfect Betrayal
William Goldman The Princess Bride
Joseph John The Eighth Day
Stephen King Gwendy's Button Box
Richard Chizmar Gwendy's Magic Feather
Ronald Malfi Snow
Robert Bevan Critical Failures VII
Mark Tufo Winter's Rising
Mark Tufo Cedar's Conflict
Mark Tufo The Edge of Deceit
Michael McBride Unidentified
Scott Sigler Infected
Scott Sigler Contagious
Prescott, James D The Genesis Conspiracy
Michael Crichton Andromeda Strain
Michael Crichton The Andromeda Evolution
Melanie Golding Little Darlings
Iain Rob Wright Escape!
Ambrose Ibsen Midnight in a Perfect World
Scott Baron Bad Luck Charlie
Scott Baron Space Pirate Charlie
Scott Baron The Dragon Mage
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Hey guys,
So I went at all 14 parishes, for the first time in 2019. Most of my touring was for work, I worked with a research lab for a while. However, I did go touristing for fun.  Here’s a recap:
St. Thomas
I went to St.Thomas several times in 2019 primarily for the beach.
St. Thomas actually has a nice beach that isn’t too popular and it’s pretty easy to get to. Besides the last time I went, the water was beautiful. To get to the beach, I’d have to take a Morant Bay coaster from Downtown for $250 then take a Lysson taxi from Morant Bay town centre to Lysson’s beach for $100. To get into the beach it’s $300, it was $250 earlier this year and if you’re a UWI student it’s free but you’d have to get the pass from SAS before going there. Read more about that here: 5 Things You Can Do With Your UWI ID. 
This is a beach in St.Thomas. It cost $700 JMD from downtown to get there and go back.
You’re allowed to carry food on the beach and that’s usually what I opt for but there is a cookshop directly beside it you can opt for. For a reasonable $2000 or less I could pay for transportation, access to the beach and food.
Me at Lysson Beach in September.
Portland is my all-time favourite parish, I hope I can live here in the future. I went twice in 2019 for different reasons.
The first time was for work. I was working side by side with the vector control team for one day for research purposes. Since I was working, I didn’t really get to explore but I did go to a new place which was Snow Hill. I bought lunch from a roadside shack selling Jerk Chicken and festival. It cost under $500 and it was really good.
Port Antonio
I asked some school girls to take my picture after a long day of work.
The second time, I went on a road trip with some friends. I did way more exploring here because, well, I had the time to. I spent maybe around $2500 on transportation, access to the beaches and food. My first stop was the Folly Ruins.
Posing in front of graffiti at Folly Ruins
This was free to explore. You can read more about the story behind the Folly Ruins here.
The next place I went to was Blue Lagoon, this was also a free option. I’m not that great of a swimmer so I didn’t venture off into the approximately 200ft lagoon.
Blue Lagoon, Portland Photo by: K.S
  After Blue Lagoon we went to Winnifred beach, it was my first time there and I absolutely loved it. The water was literally transparent. There was somewhere to buy food but I was saving my money for Boston jerk pork. There was also no cover charge but they asked that you contribute any amount. I did, maybe about $200.
Winnifred Beach
After Winnifred Beach we went to Boston Beach. It was my second time there. This time I decided to try the jerk pork and I fell in love. I don’t remember how much I paid for it, maybe around $600 for the quarter and I paid for some festivals. They gave and charged me for an extra one I didn’t ask for but I can’t get mad in Portland. It wasn’t enough pork but I got what I paid for, next time I’ll stop being cheap and buy more. While I’m not 100 per cent sure of the cost for everything, I know for a fact I spent less than $1000 though. To get into Boston beach, I believe was $200 JMD.
Boston beach
  St Mary
I never stopped and did anything in St.Mary in 2019 except drive through but I was there so it counts. In 2018 I went to Hamilton Mountain and the surrounding environs to help with vector control activities and lab work.
I went to St.Ann once in 2019 for work. I was helping with training at Shaw Park. Food and transportation was covered by the company of course so I only paid my regular fare to go home from work after we got back to Kingston. I did charter a taxi to get to the lab at 6am though but that wasn’t from my pockets either. Everything would have totalled $900.
Little photoshoot at the end of the day
I drove through St.Ann another time but that was also for work.
I went here for the first time. We stopped at a gas station right across the road from the sea. Really excited to come back here and find hidden gems. No one really speaks about Trelawny and what it has to offer but I’ll be figuring that out in 2020.
St. James
2019 was also the first time I went to St. James. I went maybe three times, all for work. It was also the first time I went to Montego Bay and as a Kingstonian, I think Mobay looks much better than Kingston.
Only picture I took in St.James
Transportation was covered by the company, I spent maybe $500 on some food when I was in Mobay.
I spent a whole lot of time in Hanover, okay I spent maybe 3 days but it was a lot of time to me. It was the first time going to Hanover and yes guys, it’s real and it’s beautiful. Hanover reminds me so much of Portland with its beauty. I went here for work and so transportation was paid for.
some interesting plants i found on the job
I wish I was able to explore the parish more but I only went from the hospital in Lucea to Cacoon Castle to help with vector control and gather things for research.
This was the view from the hospital and no this photo was not edited
We stopped for gas so I ran across the road to take a photo with the sea.
I also spent a lot of time in Westmoreland for work. I mostly stayed in Negril but went to a couple other more rural places to collect data. When it rains over in the west, it pours. I learnt how to walk on steep surfaces in the pouring rain and not slide on swampy lands. Of course, transportation was paid for but I did spend some money on a box food and Popeyes in Savanna La Mar. All of that would have been maybe $1000 total.
We stayed in a quaint little resort across the road from the beach.
Pure Garden Resorts where I stayed. They’re very reasonable.
After work, I’d go over there for dinner. They’re not cheap, I bought some fried chicken strips and fries for maybe $700. I liked it so I got it the next time I was there and drank water. I save a lot of money just drinking water. The company would have helped with some of the cost of food on these trips though.
Burbon Beach
I liked Bourbon beach, not just because there was no entry free but the sunset was beautiful.
St. Elizabeth
I went to St.Elizabeth both for work and fun. While we mostly drove through St.Elizabeth I did get stranded outside Santa Cruz. Driving through St. Elizabeth to get to the rest of the west for work was always the most tiring part of the journey. It felt never ending.
A very blurry picture of me outside the “Welcome to St. Elizabeth” sign
Right at the border of Westmoreland and St.Elizabeth, you can get seafood or you can go up the road to Middle Quarter for shrimp. You’d spend no more than $1000. I spent nothing because I brought snacks and protected my pocket, even though I was travelling that time for work.
I also went to St. Elizabeth for a wedding. It was right outside Treasure Beach. I was tagging along with my mom so of course, I didn’t have to worry about transportation.
Treasure beach
It was a wedding so food and drink were covered of course.
I spent quite a bit of time in Manchester, primarily Mandeville and Porus. This was again for work and so transportation and food was primarily taken care of. I had fun walking up the steep hills and steps in Porus and Mandeville, it was a good work out.
Clarendon was mostly a drive through parish for me this year but I did stop at the Juici Patties in Toll Gates a couple times for a cheese patty.
St. Catherine 
St. Catherine was another drive through parish for me. Hopefully I can explore this parish more this year.
St. Andrew
This is where I spent most of my time. I attended workshops, award ceremonies, movies, anything. You can read about it here:
I Went Out For Restaurant Week Alone and This is What Happened
A Review of Pizza Please’s Jerk Pork Alfredo Pasta
Back on the Rack Review
Review of the Healthy Hair and Beauty Expo
My Experience Attending She Speaks; A Necessary Safe Space for Women’s Voices
Review of the “Securing the Bag” Millennial Mixer
I did touristy things too like go to Devon House and explore Gordon Town for the first time.
When it comes to St.Andrew, I get most of my fun from exploring restaurants. I went to South Avenue Grill for the first time 2019 for my solo birthday dinner.
Always looking for new experiences and restaurants in this parish. St. Andrew touring isn’t really considered travelling per say so I’ll leave the budget out of this one. I should mention that I got a free movie pass from work, entry to some workshops for free and free food so I still saved money.
Ironically, Kingston was parish 14 even though I’m so near to it. I did a couple things in Kingston like boarding the coaster to go to another parish, attending an art festival, attend workshops like
 What You Need to Know About Investment from the Adulting 101 Conference
Takeaways from the Adulting 101 Conference
What You Need to Know About IPOs
Fare to go to Kingston and get home is capped at $200 and I didn’t pay for any of the events I went to.
My favourite thing about Kingston 2019 was seeing Waterfront and the Art festival. I sampled all sorts of wine from ackee wine, to sorrel wine and passion fruit wine.
Posing with Melisa Kerr’s art Downtown
Well, there you have it, a brief synopsis of what I did in all 14 parishes this year. I didn’t spend much out of pocket which was primarily because of the nature of my job. There are ways to cheaply tour Jamaica, the places I did go for fun didn’t break the bank either. I find that carrying food cuts down on the cost. You just have to do some planning. You can check out: How to Travel in Jamaica on a Budget
How I Toured the Island in 2019 Without Breaking the Bank Hey guys, So I went at all 14 parishes, for the first time in 2019. Most of my touring was for work, I worked with a research lab for a while.
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hamilton-one-shots · 6 years
Hamilton High School AU 77
"Trust me, sunshine, it's no easy path." Especially not with the risks Thomas had made in the past year, namely, the pregnancy scare. John never had to deal with that sort of thing, but it didn't mean he could be reckless. Thomas knew that. "Just stay doing you, okay?"
"I was planning on it. I think I'd be scared if I woke up and realized I liked girls, too. I already have two boyfriends, anything more would be too much for me."
Alexander held his hand. "That just leaves more awesomeness for the two of us. Oh! That reminds me. Thomas and I kind of made up a word for what we are to each other." He grinned like a playful child. "We're boyfrienemies."
John laughed. "Oh my god, what does that even mean?"
Thomas put an arm around his shoulder. "Simple. It means that if we got along, we'd probably be boyfriends. And when it comes to anything besides this relationship, we're rivals. Or, in other words.." he trailed off so John could finish his sentence.
"Enemies. So you're not quite boyfriends and not quite enemies because you're not quite boyfriends and not quite enemies. Boyfrienemies. I like it." He smiled. "But I can still call you boyfriends, right?"
"Of course you can. You can call me whatever you want, whenever you want, just say the word and my attention is yours." He leaned down and kissed John's cheek.
"And right now, I'm calling you a dorky flirt." He chuckled and playfully pushed him away. "That's Alexander's job. Aren't you supposed to be the suave, romantic one?"
"And attract the attention of anyone besides you? I'd rather be a dork and make you laugh than me suave and make anyone else look in our direction."
John giggled again and punched his arm. "Shut up."
"It's not too hard when you're here, taking my breath away."
"Are you done?"
"Not until it doesn't make you smile anymore."
In that case, it seemed like Thomas would never be able to shut up. In simple terms, he made John smile and he was good at it. There was nothing more, nothing less to it.
Of course, Alexander had the same power, but in a different way. Thomas flirted a smile onto John's face while Alexander was a bit more subtle in his compliments. Two different techniques from two completely different guys as usual. John had no way of choosing a favorite, he loved them both.
"Come on, weirdo, the line is moving." He smiled and took a few steps forward, Thomas and Alexander following close behind.
Thomas stayed behind John. "Can I hug you?" From the front, it would've been alright, but he didn't want to spook John by hugging him from behind, even if he knew exactly who it was.
"Yeah, it's fine." John smiled and leaned back against Thomas's chest as he hugged him.
Thomas kissed the top of his head and took baby steps with him as the line continued moving.
Alexander just held his hand, trying to count the freckles that decorated his skin. There were at least 100 on each finger and a few more hundred on the back of his hand, but he kept losing count every time they stepped forward. "You have too many freckles. I swear they keep multiplying," he finally commented as they got close to the front.
"I think the same thing sometimes. You know the sun makes it worse, right? I get more freckles the more I spend time in the sun."
Alexander nodded and thought for a second before pulling his jacket sleeve up to his wrist, keeping his hand palm down.
"What are you doing?"
"I love your freckles. Make more."
He smiled. "It doesn't work that way, but I'll get more sunlight, just for you and my freckles."
Alexander kissed the back of his hand. "Good."
John kissed his cheek.  "You're adorable. You know that, right?"
"I have to be something to be anywhere near you."
"You just have to be yourself."
Alexander smiled.
Thomas paid for their tickets and walked inside with them, all of them looking around.
John grabbed their hands and took them around the carnival, making them ride everything they could, not that either of them were about to complain.
As long as John was happy, they were happy.
But, eventually, John also got hungry.
Thomas chuckled and looked around, walking towards a food booth.
Alexander grabbed John's hand and led him to a table in the meantime, sitting next to him and cuddling up against his side with a content sigh. "I like this... We should go to something like this when we get back to New York."
John shook his head. "It's not the same. Don't you have that one thing from your home that's just not the same anywhere else?"
"Oh my god, the food. We were poor, but my mom could really cook and she made us traditional food all the time. Don't get me wrong, Martha is a great cook, but... I remember she tried to make me some Caribbean food when I first got here and it just wasn't the same. We had our secret spices and fresher seafood."
John nodded. "Exactly. To me, nothing's going to match the woods out here, especially not in New York."
"Yeah. Too much city. There's also this one place I went to in Texas, I don't remember the name, but it was this huge gas station. My old case worker took me there on my way to the airport and gave my five bucks. I came out with an armful of snacks and I still had change. It was amazing."
John grabbed his shoulders and opened his mouth to speak, then closed it, then opened it again. "I was going to say we're going to Texas. Then I remembered how racist and homophobic it can be. But I am totally willing to go to just that gas station and leave the whole state."
Alexander laughed at that. "I feel like you'd love it there. Not the whole state, of course. It was most;y country, from what I saw, but there were a few big cities."
"Sounds about right." He let him go as Thomas came back over with food, nachos for everyone.
"What are we talking about?"
"An awesome giant gas station in Texas where you can get a lot of snacks for cheap."
"A large slushie was, like, a dollar."
Thomas nodded. "Sounds like fun. Don't they still lynch people in Texas?"
"I assume it's only in a few cities. But I'm not taking the chance without doing my research." John shrugged and began eating.
"Me neither." He and Alexander began eating their own food as well.
"It's almost noon. Do you want to leave after we eat?" Thomas asked.
John smiled and shook his head. "I still want to ride the Ferris wheel."
Thomas raised an eyebrow. "Are... Are you sure?.." He'd been pretty open in voicing his fears on the structural integrity of almost every ride to John and Alexander. Or, in Alexander's words, he was being a chicken.
John rolled his eyes playfully. "Hey, it may not have been built by the best engineers of France, but it's been functioning for at least fifteen years."
"I'm not saying anything. I'm just wondering if you think a Ferris wheel is supposed to creak and moan with every inch it moves."
"You've never even been on it." John pouted and gave him puppy dog eyes. "Please? Ride the wheel for me? I promise it'll be lots of fun."
Thomas sighed and smiled, kissing John's cheek. "You're lucky you're so damn adorable."
He smiled and pecked his lips, then kept eating. "Alexander, I'm warning you now, you'd better not rock the cart."
He tutted. "How immature do you think I am?"
"Oh, come on, even I'm tempted by the idea."
Thomas tutted and pulled John against his chest. "You two are a couple of bullies." He kissed the top of John's head.
"I'm not a bully, I'm just mean." John grinned, leaning his head back and letting Thomas kiss him properly. "And you'd do the same thing if it were Alexander."
He nodded and let John go. "Yeah, you're right."
Alexander threw a fry at his head.
"Very mature, Alexander."
The three finished their food and got in the short line for the Ferris wheel. Most people preferred riding that particular ride at night, when it was lit up. They all sat in the cart, John in the middle, and they were off.
John smiled and leaned against Thomas, his arm around Alexander's shoulder, pulling him close.
Not that Alexander was fighting his grip. He leaned into John's side with a content sigh and a smile. "Alright. You were right. This is really nice." He enjoyed the soft breeze that the movement of the wheel was creating, though not nearly as much as he was enjoying being snuggled up under John's arm.
"I know." John held him close and enjoyed the ride. "How are you doing, Thomas? Still afraid we're all gonna die?"
He tutted. "Alright, I'll admit I was wrong. This is really nice." He rested his head on top of John's and smiled, enjoying the rest of the ride.
All three could agree that the ride felt like it ended too soon, but they went back to the hotel anyways, letting John take a nap before the second night of the art event. The rest of the day went just like the one before, with John going and selling his art and Thomas and Alexander roaming a bit before sitting with him and watching. Luckily, there were no drunk assholes this time to harass John again.
Alexander stayed awake that time, so they were able to drive John back to the hotel at the end of the night, their freckled boyfriend falling asleep as Thomas drove the car.
When they got to the hotel, Thomas went around and carefully carried him out, letting him sleep on the way up to the room, Alexander following behind him. He got some clothes from John's bag and gently woke him up. "We're back at the hotel, baby. You have to change into some pajamas, okay?"
John groaned, but sat up and stumbled slightly to the bathroom, changing into the sweatpants and t-shirt before going back to the bed and falling asleep.
The next day was Thomas's attraction choice, just a few random tours that caught his eye, but he decided on letting them skip them for John's sake.
"Are you sure? Don't you think he'll feel kind of guilty about it?.."
Thomas shook his head. "I wasn't a big fan of these events to start. I just want to go see what John wants to show us. That's why I picked them for the middle of the week, so that if John was too tired, we could just take the day off."
Alexander nodded in understanding. That was smart. "Alright, then." He kept eating his breakfast and John stayed asleep, a sure sign that he wasn't waking up anytime soon.
He hardly even stirred in his sleep until noon, making for a total of eleven hours of sleep. He flipped onto his back and stretched before sitting up.
"Good morning, John," Alexander said softly from across the room, Thomas turning and smiling as he saw him sitting up. "Did you sleep well?"
He nodded. "Too well.. What time is it?.." He grabbed his phone and jumped up as he checked the time. "Oh my god, I'm sorry Thomas, I overslept!"
"Sunshine!" Thomas called, stopping John in his tracks. "It's fine, baby. We're taking the day off. I didn't really want to go to those things in the first place. Let's just spend the day here, alright?"
John frowned. "I'm sorry.. I feel bad."
"Don't." He went and sat beside John. "I picked these events knowing you'd probably be tired out by today. I know you'd make me pick something, so I just picked the most irrelevant to me. You just rest, okay? There's still a few hours until you have to go."
He sighed. "Okay.."
Thomas kissed his cheek. "The only tours I need are the ones of your favorite places."
John smiled. "And that's what we're doing tomorrow and Friday, whether I'm tired or not."
"And I'm driving us back Saturday."
He rolled his eyes dramatically. "Alright, fine."
"Good." He smiled. "Go get something to eat, okay?"
"You don't have to tell me twice." He chuckled and got up, going and getting his breakfast.
As he ate, Alexander stood behind him with his hands on his shoulders, gently massaging his muscles. "You've been working too hard all week. It's Spring Break. You should be relaxing."
"I know, but I've got work to do and I have two amazing boyfriends who take care of me when I'm overworking myself."
He smiled and kissed his base of his neck softly before continuing to massage his shoulders. "And you say I work too hard."
"You do, most of the time. This time, it just happens to be me."
"Speaking of which, have you done the homework for Adams?"
"I did it as soon as we got it. I know, it must be shocking, but I do all of my homework."
He chuckled. "I guess you do."
John nodded and finished eating, getting up and sitting on the bed. "Let's just watch a movie, if we're not going to go out." He grabbed his laptop and put on Tangled, one of his favorite Disney princess movies.
Thomas and Alexander gladly joined him, sitting on either side of him and watching the movie quietly, cuddling.
Thomas even took John's hand and began kissing it, since he wasn't much of a Disney fan, kissing each of his fingers, then the back of his hand, then making his way down his wrist and kissing every faded scar before jumping over to his cheek.
"Thomas.." John whined.
"You're distracting.."
"You're a lot more entertaining than the movie to me."
John smiled a bit at that. "You can kiss me after the movie. It's almost over."
He sighed dramatically. "Alright. I think I can handle waiting for you." He let him be, though he still played with his hair.
Alexander tutted at Thomas's advances on John and shifted so he was sitting in John's lap, leaning against his chest.
John kissed the top of his head and wrapped his arms around him, holding him close as they watched the rest of the movie. As promised, though, he turned to face Thomas the second the movie ended, grinning a bit.
Thomas didn't have to be asked twice. He tilted John's head a bit more towards him and kissed him gently.
John put an arm around his shoulders and kissed back, sighing contently. He may not have wanted to go too far with either of them while they were there, but that didn't mean he didn't want the occasional make out session. He only pulled away when Alexander started moving out of his lap and away. "Sorry.." he apologized, slightly breathless.
"No, it's fine. You guys do your thing."
John shook his head. "I've given him enough attention for now. Come here, it's your turn." He smiled sweetly.
Ordinarily, Alexander would've felt a bit awkward about it, but how could he resist that smile? He went over and let John pull him into a kiss, almost immediately melting into it and kissing back, his arms around John's waist and John's around his neck. Then, he suddenly didn't care anymore that Thomas was there. He could do what he wanted to John, but he knew that he could never take him away. Alexander knew that he'd never lose his John, that he'd never get stolen away from him. He smiled slightly into the kiss and pushed things just the tiniest bit further, pushing John back onto the mattress and hovering over him as they kissed. He pulled away for breath a minute and glanced over at Thomas, who was distracting himself with his phone. "Thomas."
He glanced up and raised an eyebrow as Alexander waved him over, but went over anyways, only understanding what he meant as he pointed at John. "Oh, with pleasure." He leaned down and began kissing him, toying expertly with his bottom lip.
John began moaning quietly as he did and pulled Thomas down closer, enjoying every minute of it.
Alexander took note and did the same thing when he was kissing John again, nipping at his bottom lip and sucking on his tongue. About a minute or so later, he pulled away and jumped off, feeling John tense up beneath him. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"
John shook his head. "I'm fine.. Um... I just.." He sat up and pulled his knees against his chest, his face dark red.
"Oh.." Thomas muttered, understanding what happened after a second.
"This is so embarrassing, I'm sorry.."
Alexander remained clueless until Thomas brought John a change of pants and boxers. "Oh.. Oh! Um... You don't have to be embarrassed, it happens."
"All we did was kiss.." John muttered, taking the spare clothes from Thomas.
"Don't worry. It was getting heated. Things happen," Thomas reassured before kissing John's cheek.
He looked over at the time. "I should get changed for tonight."
Thomas nodded and took back the sweatpants, giving John his dress pants instead.
"Thanks.." He got up and walked awkwardly to the bathroom, doing his best to hide the wet spot in his pants.
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poemsandpeaches · 6 years
The Black Swan Rebellion Au
Warning: mentions of death and sex. this is just a warm up since I haven't written in like 3 days.
"You're an idiot" Alex glared. "What the fuck could've possessed your brain to make you do that?"
"Commander-" Maria said, taking a step forward. "If you would just listen-"
"There's nothing to listen to, Maria. I trusted you to lead them into battle, not lead them straight to their deaths. I specifically told you not to go into the trench and what did you do?"
The brown-haired girl sighed and looked down at the stone cold floor. "I led them into the trenches."
"You're lucky I don't remove your rank as co-commander right now" The dark-haired man said, walking down the line as his tiny army of soldiers stood in line. He could tell Jefferson was holding his tongue not to put his two cents in. He loved arguing, especially with Alex. If they didn't need him so bad, Alex would've kicked him out of the group long ago.
But someone had to fight against King George and his men. Someone had to rebel and they needed all the help they could get. So he stayed.
"Madison" Alex said, taking a step towards James. You could almost see the shorter man trembling as he tried to keep his calm, collected pose that mirrored everyone else's.
"Yessir?" He asked, voice not wavering once. But Alex could read tones and faces surprisingly well as head commander. It was taking this man anything and everything not to cower down on his knees and hide his face.
"You almost got fucking killed out there. Why was that?"
"Leave him alone, Hamilton" Thomas finally cut in. Everyone knew him and James had a thing since the first recruit. They started out as partners for...sexual tension but soon the two caught feelings and were in a relationship. They acted like it was some big secret and tried to hide it, but everyone knew and played along to humor them.
Alex just sent a glare over to Jefferson. "Why did you almost get killed?" He asked again, looking back at James.
"Cause I wouldn't shoot my enemies" he whispered, looking down in embarrassment.
"That's right. That's a move that gets you killed. Being a Black Swan means no fear. If Eliza hadn't jumped in and saved your ass, you'd be-"
"Enough!" John roared, stepping out of line and running in front of James defensively, which wasn't much help since they were about the same size. "He knows what he did wrong, he cried for half an hour afterwards. Just stop!"
Everyone stared in shock, mouths agape. John never spoke out of turn, especially not this harsh. Everyone also knew that he and Alex were lovers, but they'd never let that get between their duties and stations. The Black Swan Rebellion was too important to ignore. Through John's tone, it was clear that something else was upsetting him, but Alex wouldn't press.
"I'm sorry, but who's in charge here?" Alexander asked, stepping towards John. Some of John's hair looked like it was singed off with fire. It wasn't much, only the tips. But that stressed Alex out a lot more than it should've.
"Doesn't matter" John growled. "Leave my friend alone."
Alexander grabbed his arm, not roughly, but not gently either. "Some things are more important than friendships, Laurens. You know that. If someone doesn't teach James what he did wrong, he's gonna end up just like Washington. Dead. He left in in charge for a reason. All you are is a private and you're lucky you're even that."
"Last time I checked, we're the ones winning!" John screamed. "Do you hear me? We kicked ass in that trench today! Sure, it was dangerous, but so is this whole little organization. I killed 5 men, Hamilton. Five men. I took five souls off of this planet while you sat here on your ass and watched us through a camera and planned your next little attack. Fuck off."
"You think 5 is a lot?" Alex asked, raising an eyebrow. "Try over 300. Take that tone with me again and I'll throw you out on the streets to fend for yourself. And I don't 'sit on my ass', thank you. I was actually at Seabury headquarters."
With that, he rolled up his sleeve to show a bandaged arm with a bloodstain covering it. "SIG Sauer P226" He said, staring down at the wound. "Saw it coming a mile away but it was too late. So don't discredit me for my work. I'll kick any of you smartasses out."
"You won't" John whispered bravely. "You need us. You need every single one of us. That's why you won't de-rank Maria. You need us right where we are."
There was a silence. There was a pause. The room seemed to freeze over in time as the two locked eyes and stared each other down. Everyone, including John, thought he was done for. That Hamilton was gonna kick him out for sure.
Instead, Alex just sighed, took a step forward and kissed Lauren's forehead. "You're washing dishes for the next month."
"You're tense" John said, walking into Alex's bedroom as he sat on the stolen red couch. "You're stressed."
"How could you tell?" Alex sighed, resting his wounded arm on one of the arm chairs. "It's bad enough we already lost 20 of our men in Georgia. We cant afford to lose anyone else."
John set the cups of tea on the small coffee table, actually bought a long time ago from an old traveling saleswoman who sold almost everything she owned for gas money to visit her son. "Drink" He whispered. "It relieves stress and makes you think more clearly."
"Thinking clearly is the last thing I need right now" Alex whispered, closing his eyes.
John just sat in silence until Alex reached out to touch his hair. "Why are you fighting this war?"
"W-what?" The freckled man asked in surprise. "What do you mean? I told you why."
Alex nodded. "You're avenging your dead parents. But why are you fighting instead of painting or singing? Why are you expressing your pain through war?"
"Because painting someone on a canvas doesn't hurt them." John said darkly. "I'm not stopping until I catch the killer and hold their heart in my gloved hand."
"Fair enough" Alex said, stroking his hair. "What happened here?"
John raised an eyebrow.
"Your hair. It's burned at the edges. What happened?"
"Oh yeah. It's kinda funny. I knew I smelled smoke but it wasn't until Maria woke me up when I realize our tent was on fire. My hair suffered in the process. I've been meaning to cut it but-"
"Let me" Alex whispered softly.
"Let me cut your hair?"
"With one arm? No way. Do you even know how?"
"You only need one arm to cut with" Alexander smiled, grabbing a rusty pair of scissors from his drawer. "My Mama used to cut my hair all the time. She was a beautician after all. I've got this."
And so John succumbed and allowed Alex to cut his hair.
(It cuts off here, go to my oneshot book for the rest)
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A Hamilton Christmas
Eliza: Darling its christmas eve! Take a break for your family
Alex: no eliza I have to get my plan through congress
Eliza: please Angelia is coming soon!
Alex: wait isn't peggy coming too?
Eliza: yes but no one cares about her
Philip: wait you mean aunt peggy?
'Door knock'
Angelica: hello alexander, hey sista
Peggy: Hi I aM pEgGy mErRy-
Alex: 'subtly closes door in her face'
Angelica: Now who are we missing?
'window breaks'
Lafayette: Comes sailing through
Also Lafayette: Hey my man what's UPPPPP
Philip: what the HECK
Door opens, enter herc and burr
Herc: We use the DOOR, Laf. Its POLITE
Burr: Alex get away from those freaking papers its christmas!
Alex: no I have to get my plan through congress!
Lafayette: This is why John didnt really like you 'claps hands to mouth'
Herc, Burr, Angelica: Shut up, Laf
Philip: wait are you saying daddy's ga-
Eliza: let's just get on to the presents, okay little Phillie? Son?
Alex: (flashes back: CALL ME SON ONE MORE TIME!)
George: walks in on cue
Also george: Hey, hows my right hand man doing?
Alex: TRYING to get my plan through Congress, but these killjoys are distracting me!
Eliza: Alex please, take a break!
Alex: Eliza I'm busy!
Angelica, burr, herc, laf, george: exchange knowing looks
Angelica: then you leave us no choice (sigh) 'whistles'
Thomas: sails through the newly broken window
Also thomas: So whatd I MISSSSSS
Alex: no NO WA-
Madison: 'is outside window'
Also madison: Hey there's me too
Alex: What the heck are you doing in my house?!
Thomas: I'm here to celebrate christmas of course!
Alex: ...
Madison: If you take a break, we'll take him away fro-
Alex: DEAL! 'throws down quill'
Madison: Leads thomas outside
Thomas: wait where are we going james?
Madison: ...france
Eliza: Anddddd we're finally ready to celebrate!
Philip, herc, laf: yay!
Bedroom door: 'opens'
Maria: Alex darling what is all of this com motion?
George: Sorry maria
George, burr: 'grabs maria'
Philip: 'opens door'
Burr: Go outside with peggy, no one likes her either
Philip: 'closes door'
Everyone: finally, shes gone
Angelica: we all just agreed on something
Alex: But we can celebrate now!
Everyone: Yeah!
Alex: Merry Christmas everyone!
Herc: but look, mistletoe
Eliza: yeah hes right alex
Alex: okay but wha-
Eliza: shut up alex
They kiss
Peggy: hElLo I aM pEgGy-
Peggy: Hehehehehehehehe
'Cue sinister music'
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my-dear-hammy · 6 years
Falling Through Time: Book 2
Jamilton Series Masterpost
Basking in Firelight
Part Twenty-Three
Crumbling Foundations
Warnings: None
"I've decided that Monticello needs some massive updating," Jefferson said, stalking in the living room from the kitchen.
"Missing your fancy gas stove?" Hamilton asked from the couch, turning a page of his book.
"Yes! As a matter of fact, the entire place needs to be remodeled," Jefferson announced. He pointed dramatically at a wall, "Starting with that wall right there. It needs to go. And the stairs! Complete do-over. And don't even get me started on the bedroom."
"Didn't you design this place yourself? Why are you complaining?"
"Yes, I did design this place myself. About a million different times. Do you know how many times I've torn it down and started over?"
"Well, you can't do that anymore."
"Why the fuck not?" Jefferson asked, crossing his arms. "It's my house."
Hamilton sighed and shut his book, "Maybe once, but that was two hundred years ago. Now it's a historical landmark. The only reason we've gotten away with staying here so far is because the government shut it down to use as a base, so there's no tourists or official people around right now. What're you going to do? March up and demand it be turned over to you because you're Thomas Jefferson and it's rightfully yours?"
"But I am Thomas Jefferson and it is rightfully mine."
Hamilton snorted, "Good luck convincing other people that. You'll probably just get thrown into a mental hospital."
"Well, why did it end up as a museum then? I left it to you."
"Yeah, and I died about nine years later."
"Who'd you leave it to?"
"Ah. Yep, that explains it. He has my journal too. I need to get that back," Jefferson sighed, collapsing on the couch next to Hamilton, laying his head in his lap. "But this is my home. This is where you and I became more. This is where all our memories are. I can't give that up."
"We could build an exact replica."
Jefferson thought for a moment. "No, it wouldn't be right. Mostly because I would redesign it."
"You want to redesign this one anyway."
"But the story is still there! It's the same foundation, the same hill, the same sunset, if we move, it'll be gone. This is where we truly found each other, what if we die and come back again and can't find each other because all this is gone?"
"Thomas, stop," Hamilton said sternly. "You can't just steal such an import historical location from the nation."
"What nation, Hamilton?" Jefferson asked. "What nation do you see? Every state in the Eastern States of America left the Union a long time ago. The government is just in disbelief and refusing to acknowledge it. We're basically in the nation of Virginia."
"You know, you have a point there," Hamilton said, gears turning in his head. "This is government land and there is no government anymore. So this is conquered land. Maybe you can claim it. It's far-fetched and probably never going to work, but we could give it a try."
"Or," Jefferson went on, "I'll let you cook and when you accidentally burn the house down, we can claim it was lost in the war, the land will lose its significance, I can buy the land, and then I can remodel. That sounds way easier."
"You're suggesting arson?"
Jefferson shrugged, "I'm owed something for coming back from the dead just to fix this stupid nation, why not make it my home?"
Hamilton sighed, opening his book again on top of Jefferson's face. "Whatever you want. But we're stashing everything in the library."
"Deal," Jefferson said from underneath Hamilton's book.
"Speaking of the government, why don't you think they've retaliated against us taking over their base?" Hamilton asked.
"Ah, I've got a theory about this. You see, their commander probably got a report saying that you and I broke out of a maximum-security prison by simply slaughtering every soldier in the place. Then he got one that said that we, plus a ragtag group of volunteers, stole a tank from the middle of enemy ranks, in the middle of a battle with seemingly very little effort. Then the next report rolled in about us decimating their army when they had the entire rebel force trapped. So the commander's sitting trying to figure out how to get rid of these two guys that keep blowing his plans apart by pulling off insane shit that should never even work when another report rolls in saying that we took a leave of absence. He sitting there celebrating when he gets told that after our immediate departure, we wiped out every soldier here at Monticello. So he's like okay, odd, what're they doing now? Living peacefully, with seemingly no intention of moving their asses anywhere anytime soon. So the Commander is like, fuck, don't touch them, leave them be and pray they don't fight anymore."
"Yeah....Or they think it was an actual rebel move made by a regiment of soldiers that are now holding the base, so they're amassing a force to attack. It's only been, what? Two days since we took the base?" Hamilton said.
"My version is more badass."
"Your version is ridiculous."
"You're ridiculous," Jefferson shot back. Hamilton lightly smacked Jefferson with his book in response.
Jefferson leaped from Hamilton's lap, spun around, planted a kiss on Hamilton's lips, and strode out the door with a purposeful stride. Curious, Hamilton shut his book with a snap and followed him out. Hamilton found him standing on the front lawn, staring ahead, unmoving.
"What're you doing, mon chéri?" Hamilton asked, placing a hand on Jefferson's back.
"Where'd all these trees come from?" Jefferson asked.
"What do you mean?"
"Where are my fields? They were right there where the trees are. How did they get there so fast?"
Jefferson stared off for a moment, his eyes unfocusing. "Oh..." he stated simply after a moment. "Right. Sorry. No fields for farming anymore."
"Thomas, why don't you and I go lie down for a little while? Spend some time together. Relax," Hamilton proposed, worrying about Jefferson.
"No," Jefferson replied, "I think I'll take a walk. Clear my head."
"Do you want me to come with you?"
"No, it's fine. I'll be fine. I'd take a horse, but I don't have any anymore," he replied. "You go ahead and finish your book. I'll be back soon," he said as he walked off, following some invisible path he seemed to remember from the old days, now long hidden underneath the growth of nature.
Hamilton watched him go, wanting to go with him but knowing Jefferson wanted to be alone and the best thing to do was to respect that. So when he couldn't see Jefferson's back through the trees anymore, he walked back inside the house and continued reading his book as Jefferson suggested.
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parasholidays · 5 years
Best Romantic Spot in America
There are few places that definitely make us want to fall in love and must be included in America group tours. It could be the radiant sunset casting a dazzling glow upon your beloved, or just the addition of a live trumpet and extremely lively while dining outside on the veranda; nevertheless, feeling amazed is something we all see forward to. So whether you’re looking to celebrate longtime love or spark one with a new relationship, these American cities will surely set the right mood.
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Charleston, South Carolina
Some things are more romantic and fascinating than a bit of Southern charm in American tour packages. Vibrant streets, horse-drawn carriages, and rich architecture make Charleston an ideal place in the realm of romance. Plus, the numerous quaint B&Bs and boutique hotels increases the town’s allure, some with fireplaces and historic-filled rooms. You can dine at Circa 1886, a former carriage house-turned-restaurant situated in Wentworth Mansion, before popping into Charleston Grill for enjoying elegant jazz. The romantic night can’t be complete without a leisurely walk through the French Quarter.
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Honolulu, Hawaii
Hawaii has always been all time favorite travel destination, attracting visitors with its sandy beaches and sparkling sunshine. Honolulu is especially famous for couples as they get plethora of opportunities for both adventure activities as well as kicking back beachside included in America honeymoon packages. So you can try zip-lining and scuba diving, or sunbathing and beach yoga (followed by various mai tais), this island city is surely the place to be. To light up the romance, go to Ocean House Restaurant, fit with waterfront dining and tiki torches.
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Providence, Rhode Island
Mini but admirable, Providence – with its numerous canals and waterways – has an extraordinary whimsical flavor. At Water Park Place, wander along cobblestone walkways before enjoying fine dining at New Rivers, a restaurant situated in the former Congdon and Carpenter Mill along the river. In the summer months, an art installation, Water Fire, sparks the downtown, great for those post-dinner evening leisurely walks or a mesmerizing gondola ride down Providence River.
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Georgetown, Washington DC
The nation’s capital is a couple’s paradise, filled with neoclassical monuments, museums, and plethora of performing arts venues and always part of America holiday packages. In Georgetown, cobblestone streets illuminated by gas lamps will surely set the mood in this historic neighborhood. Plus, this town known as the home to popular residents like Thomas Jefferson and John F. Kennedy – boasts various remarkable restaurants. Get ready for your date on a thrilling bike ride along the C&O Canal before going to the popular 1789 Restaurant, a restored Federal house offering out local and seasonal fare.
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San Francisco, California
San Francisco is an ideal destination for two as every point in the city is highlighted with breathtaking glimpses of the Bay, while moseying through Golden Gate Park and across the bridge will give captivating views of the San Francisco skyline. For splendid night scenery, visit to Nob Hill to dine on the 19th floor of the InterContinental Mark Hopkins hotel, or choose for one of the stunning waterfront restaurants at the Embacadero and be amazed at the 25,000 white LED lights spread along the Bay Bridge. 
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Savannah, Georgia
Oak and Spanish moss-lined streets, heritage buildings, and manicured, blooming gardens fascinates romanticists to stay in Savannah and enjoy all its splendors. Many historic mansions, such as the Gastonion and Hamilton-Turner, have been turned into amazing inns and B&Bs – mostly featuring antique furnishings and Southern gentility. A small walk from downtown, Tybee Island displays the awe inspiring sunset views accompanied by the occasional dolphin. You can end the day on happy mood by being at Circa 1875, a wine bar-meets-bistro, or at Elizabeth on 37th placed within a turn-of-the-century mansion.
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Napa Valley, California
A wonderful walk through the field of grapes, a private barrel room tasting, a thrilling ride on the Napa Valley Wine Train are some things to try. You can feel the love and togetherness in the air, Napa is it your place to be in America travel packages. Just near San Francisco, this region is covered by charming scenery and rolling vineyards. Plus, the weather is almost always perfect offering sunshine and blue skies. You must head to the most beautiful and lovely wineries – Castello di Amorosa and V. Sattui – and a vineyard-side picnic is mandatory. You can’t miss one of the various hot springs resorts, finest followed by dinner at one of Napa’s many famous restaurants making your trip surely memorable.
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Source- https://www.parasholidays.in/blog/best-romantic-spot-in-america/
0 notes
adriansmithcarslove · 6 years
The 2019 Power List – and the Person of the Year Is…
This is the 14th year Motor Trend has scoured the automotive landscape to produce its Power List. We discern the most influential and transformative people of the past year, the ones that make this elaborate industry hum and whirl, speed up and bog down.
As the powertrains of tomorrow transition away from diesels, optimizing gas-engine efficiency and adding electrification, so too do the faces change with the times. There are always CEOs and other C-suite executives on our list, but we look for the people further down in the trenches whose efforts create a buzz. We love this industry and want to reward a job well done. And we try to find the new faces that reflect the trends, new tech, and sometimes new companies that populate the automotive landscape.
This year there were a few big business moves: Aston Martin went public; Tesla pondered going private. There was boardroom drama with a Volkswagen coup, the untimely death of FCA CEO Sergio Marchionne, and the punitive stripping of the chairman’s title from Elon Musk. But largely it was a year of solid product development, with some remakes of classics and launches of a healthy batch of new nameplates.
These are the people behind those successes. Topping the list is the Person of the Year who left an oversized imprint. But the 49 others are the ones to watch in 2019.
Busse spent 10 years with Mercedes in Germany then moved to the U.S. during the DaimlerChrysler years. He chose to stay after the corporate divorce. Now back in Europe and designing FCA’s European brands, he has shaped cars as disparate as the Jeep Grand Cherokee and Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio. His next task? Shoring up Maserati’s styling.
The former racing driver is the managing partner of the Formula 1 team and also leads the Mercedes motorsports program. He has a 30 percent stake in Mercedes-Benz Grand Prix. Teamed with Niki Lauda, Wolff has produced results exceeding expectations with drivers Lewis Hamilton and Valtteri Bottas.
2018 RANK: 47
Freiburger is a former editor-in-chief of Hot Rod magazine and one of the stars of the breakout Motor Trend original series, Roadkill. Under his direction, the unscripted reality series, now shown on Motor Trend’s SVOD channel and the Motor Trend Network (nee Velocity), Roadkill has built a huge fanbase on the strength of its authenticity and credibility.
2018 RANK: 35
After posting a decade of growth for Subaru, Doll was promoted to CEO while unveiling the Ascent three-row SUV, launching the Crosstrek, and introducing the next-generation Forester. Subaru continues to cater to its loyal buyers and sell cars as fast as it can make them.
2018 RANK: 10
As the auto world goes electric, the Formula E founder sees a future where his series overtakes Formula 1 as the leading motorsports series. Formula E is starting its fifth season with faster Gen2 cars. More automakers are planning to participate with big-name drivers in the years ahead.
Aptiv was spun off from Delphi to focus on electronics and software for autonomous driving, connectivity, and active safety systems. Under Clark, Aptiv has grown its market cap and partnered with Hertz to get autonomous vehicles on the road and with Lyft to test a fleet in Las Vegas.
2018 RANK: 16
Fletcher, a top engineer, takes on a new role identifying and accelerating new growth opportunities as GM works to transform. She now reports directly to CEO Mary Barra. Fletcher has distinguished herself in managing teams bent on bringing industry-leading electric and autonomous vehicles to market.
Everybody seems to be working on smaller, lighter, and less expensive autonomous vehicle lidar systems. Fighting off the myriad startups is Velodyne, which dominates in this crucial field. Hall invented 3-D lidar in 2005 and turned his vision into a thriving company that continues to lead the field.
42(0). ELON MUSK
2018 RANK: 2
The mercurial genius got into trouble with the SEC over tweets about going private (never happened), which cost him fines and his chairman title. Model 3 “production hell” led him to sleep in the factory and build cars in a tent. Tesla’s wild ride includes ever-evolving tech, as well as Musk’s promises to build electric big rigs, pickups, and sports cars. More vaporware? Don’t count him out.
2018 RANK: 27
It’s now official: Kallenius becomes chairman of the board of management at Daimler and CEO of Mercedes-Benz cars next year with the mandatory retirement of Dieter Zetsche. The Swede becomes the first non-German Daimler leader. His clear and transparent leadership style and steady climb up the ranks should make for a smooth transition.
Vogt’s startup was acquired by GM in 2016 and is the basis for Cadillac’s Super Cruise and a fleet of robotaxis. Cruise received a $2.25 billion infusion from the SoftBank Vision Fund, and Honda will invest a further $2.75 billion over 12 years and take a 5.7 percent stake. Cruise rivals Waymo for autonomous vehicle supremacy.
2018 RANKING: 22
Prior to his sudden arrest on the day the Power List went to press, Ghosn was still chairman of Nissan, Renault, and Mitsubishi and was CEO of the global Alliance he created (as this is written, he retains his titles at Renault). He took three struggling companies and made them stronger than the sum of their parts. Before the allegations, which could end his career, his legacy reflected efforts to create an automotive juggernaut.
The longtime head of Ford Credit has heady new duties—running Lincoln and leading Ford Motor marketing—while remaining Ford Credit chairman. She is proving a quick study as Lincoln gains traction. She’s also shaken up marketing with new advertising partners and a new image for the Ford brand.
2018 RANK: 37
FCA’s five-year plan reads like a to-do list for Gilles, who oversees the design of the varied brands, including tough Ram pickups, iconic Jeep Wranglers, tiny Fiats, family-hauling minivans, American muscle cars, and exotic Italian cars. Gilles continues to deliver the goods, keeping each brand distinct and relevant.
2018 RANK: 39
Charged with design for Nissan, Infiniti, and Datsun, Albaisa has been prolific. Infiniti has launched the luxe QX50, and Nissan created the smart Kicks. Infiniti also teased its future with the stunning Q Inspiration, Prototype 9, Prototype 10, and Project Black S.
2018 RANK: 13
Why is Toyota bringing back the Supra, sustaining the 86, and supporting Gazoo Racing? Because its CEO loves to drive. But Akio is also positioning Toyota as a player in ride-sharing and autonomous vehicles—while ensuring mainstream best-sellers like the Camry and RAV4 continue to evolve. Most recent negotiation: the joint venture plant with Mazda in Alabama.
The Dieselgate coup that ousted CEO Matthias Muller also elevated former BMW veteran Diess. He is orchestrating the expensive plan to launch 80 electric vehicles by 2025—including a resurrection of the iconic Microbus. Diess is restructuring the 12 brands under VW’s aegis and tackling a potential IPO of the heavy truck division.
2018 RANK: 18
This trailblazer is reinventing the world’s view of Korean automakers—in terms of both design and drivability. The Hyundai, Kia, and Genesis brands are gaining sales and acclaim as they add new nameplates and improve existing models at a rapid clip.
2018 RANK: 25
Reuss is the driving force behind GM’s products. A tweaking of duties makes him the undisputed product guru. Cadillac will return to Detroit and report directly to Reuss, who will work to jumpstart the brand. The most anticipated product of Reuss’ tenure arrives next year: the mid-engine Corvette.
2018 RANK: 11
Moers has relentlessly kept the AMG lineup fresh with an A 35 at one end, the One (formerly Project One) at the other, and a slew of new GTs. The highlight, of course, is One—a street-legal hypercar with a Formula 1 hybrid engine, coming in 2020. Moers recognizes that powertrains of all types are in AMG’s future.
Under Kruger BMW is getting its mojo back with a more dynamic platform architecture, expansion of the crossover lineup and the South Carolina plant that makes them, and promises of 12 new EVs by 2025. He is focused on growth in China and adding a plant in Hungary—the automaker’s first new European plant since 2000.
2018 RANK: 30
The engineer running Honda is injecting vigor and shows an uncharacteristic openness to new ideas, tech, relationships, and partnerships—including the decision to invest in GM’s Cruise self-driving car unit to get the tech on the road faster. Although Honda is best known for the Civic, Accord, and CR-V, the company’s range spans the Acura NSX and Civic Type R to electric and fuel cell Clarity models.
Raymond took a great, smooth-riding truck and made it better. Powertrains include obligatory V-6, V-8, and diesel, but the big news is the debut of the eTorque 48-volt mild-hybrid system, making FCA the largest player in electrified light trucks. The eTorque system will proliferate to other FCA vehicles. Still to come: a Hellcat engine.
Mauer sent his talents in a new direction with the Mission E family, starting with the Taycan electric sedan coming in 2019, to be followed by a raised wagon based on the Mission E Cross Turismo concept. The design had to channel Porsche but be recognizable as an EV with no performance compromises.
2018 RANK: 6
Kuniskis oversees brands crucial to the success of FCA’s five-year plan. He must build Alfa internationally while keeping Jeep as a profit driver in North America as it expands to include the Wrangler pickup and Grand Wagoneer luxury SUV. Both brands have ambitious electrification plans and sales targets.
Harman, now a subsidiary of Samsung, is a powerhouse supplier of audio, infotainment, connectivity, and safety systems. Harman designs HMIs and provides over-the-air updates, cyber security, autonomous vehicle technology, and artificial intelligence while still being known for such brands as JBL, Harman Kardon, Bowers & Wilkins, Mark Levinson, Infinity, and Revel.
Allen is Mr. Jeep. He lives and breathes ways to make Jeeps more capable, usable, and filled with automotive Easter eggs designed to surprise and delight. He outdid himself with the new Wrangler, which is true to its heritage and can be dismantled for open-air fun in a fraction of the time and effort required on past models.
Shashua is the brains behind Mobileye (now a subsidiary of Intel), which develops chips and algorithms for vision-based systems used in autonomous vehicle technology. Installations include GM’s Super Cruise and the driver assistance systems—designed to prevent accidents by taking corrective action when the driver does not—on many of today’s vehicles.
The new Navigator is a stunner, followed up by a concept for the smaller Aviator. Woodhouse is making an imprint on a brand that desperately needed attention. He has captured the brash but elegant soul of true American design, distinguishing it from Ford and making Lincoln unapologetic and relevant again.
There are high expectations when your job is to make GT3, GT2, and RS models. Preuninger has responded with more GT cars for the Porsche lineup than ever in the brand’s past. These halo cars further boost the brand and show Porsche’s ability to build what hardcore enthusiast buyers want.
Each new McLaren model is better than the one before it. Limited edition models sell out before they even have a name, and the Woking plant is running at full capacity. A second plant is under construction so McLaren can make its own carbon-fiber bodies. Flewitt oversees a rolling five-year business plan that includes a replacement for the P1 by 2025.
Reggiani’s magic is evident in the Huracan Performante, our 2018 Best Driver’s Car, for its ability to make every driver feel like an F1 champion while handling speed with grace and ease. Reggiani develops Lamborghini’s long-term strategies, including tech for bodywork, powertrains, chassis, suspension, and electronics, while also overseeing its outrageous design.
Ulbrich heads the E-Mobility division VW created in January to become the leader in mass-market electric vehicles, helped by the new I.D. EV subbrand. This is an important pivot after the diesel emission cheating scandal. VW’s brand goal is to sell 1 million EVs by 2025.
Genesis G70, Kia Stinger, Hyundai Veloster N—just a few of the cool new products on the road today courtesy of Biermann, who left BMW to infuse top-shelf performance and handling into the Hyundai group. Rear-drive-performance enthusiasts applaud while consumers of mainstream models also benefit from his work.
2018 RANK: 17
Despite Brexit concerns, Speth is working to take Jaguar Land Rover to the next level with new products, platforms, and plants, plus a push to electrification. The trick is to evolve without diluting brand DNA. The I-Pace is an example of how to do it right: an EV with Jag finesse.
2018 RANK: 7
Nvidia provides the AI computing and programmable chips that cars need to interpret their surroundings and safely navigate them without human input. Huang’s vision took him from the gaming world to creating the brains behind self-driving cars. He shows no signs of letting up, and his roster of automotive clients keeps growing.
2018 RANK: 12
The scion oversees the growth of the Hyundai, Kia, and Genesis brands while each carves a distinct path in the market. Products have advanced from value propositions to standout lineups in both design and performance, making Genesis and N performance possible and credible. Chung’s sights are now on mobility services and AI.
In the Expedition and Navigator, Ford created two impressive but distinctly different large SUVs. Kernahan helped ensure each suits its target audience: the former a big family hauler, the latter an elegant and pampering vehicle that hearkens back to the days of true American indulgence and bravado. Both hit the mark dead on.
2018 RANK: 33
Manley was in the running to succeed Sergio Marchionne next year. Marchionne’s sudden death resulted in Manley taking the top job with no advance warning. He jumped in, making a quick management shuffle as he works to implement FCA’s five-year plan while still overseeing Jeep’s global fortunes.
Barra has a clear vision and pushes for mobility, autonomous driving, and electrification. Savvy partnerships, especially with Cruise, make GM a tech leader. She continues to cut unprofitable products and operations and has refocused Cadillac. She has advanced women executives; the board now is half men, half women.
2018 RANK: 41
Ingenlath has another winner, adding the jaunty XC40 to the language he has created for Volvo. Each model is a different modern take on Swedish design with a refreshing simplicity and attention to detail. He also manages the Polestar electric performance brand, which serves as an engineering incubator.
2018 RANK: 21
This poet and businessman is building an automotive empire with Chinese automaker Zhejiang Geely, Sweden’s Volvo Cars, and a 9.7 percent stake in Daimler (making him the largest shareholder). He also owns stakes in truck maker AB Volvo, Lotus, Malaysia’s Proton, and flying car company Terrafugia. He also owns the company that makes London cabs.
Branding guru Fitzgerald is defining the new luxury brand that embraces its Korean roots while pursuing international recognition. Impressive product, the sensual Essentia concept, storefronts in airports, a Genesis Open PGA tournament, and NFL sponsorship are among the initiatives working to implant Genesis into the public psyche.
Jackson took an outmoded franchised dealership model and created the largest chain of car dealerships in the U.S. with a single brand and strategy. Last year, AutoNation’s 260 points sold 550,000 new and used vehicles and generated $21.6 billion in revenue. Jackson will step down next year after 20 years as CEO; during his tenure AutoNation stock price tripled.
2018 RANK: 19
As it perfects hardware and software systems for all vehicle types and uses, Waymo ordered another 82,000 vehicles from FCA and Jaguar to equip with its autonomous drive technology. The leader in this space, Waymo vehicles have logged more than 10 million autonomous test miles on public roads.
The superb I-Pace puts Tesla on notice and makes Jaguar the first mainstream luxury brand to offer an electric SUV. The tech came first, then the modern take on classic design. A motor at each end provides sharp-handling AWD, and its 90-kW-hr battery puts out 394 hp and 512 lb-ft. The tech will migrate to future vehicles.
2018 RANK: 31
Palmer took the 105-year-old brand public, listing it on the London Stock Exchange. The automaker has promised a new vehicle every year as it pivots to challenge Ferrari head-on. The Vantage shone at Best Driver’s Car, and Aston’s first SUV is due in 2019, followed by a mid-engine sports car. Palmer is giving back, too, through his foundation for engineering apprenticeships.
2018 RANK: 8
Samuelsson led Volvo to its strongest and most striking product lineup in its history while spinning off Polestar as a performance EV brand and opening new plants in South Carolina and Chengdu, China. Volvo is advancing in development and testing of autonomous vehicles while still leading the charge in safety.
2018 RANK: 20
In his final full year leading Daimler, Zetsche put on a clinic of how to run an automaker that minds its core brands while feeding performance and adding a new EV brand. When Zetsche takes his mandated retirement in 2019, he will have left a strong and indelible stamp on the carmaker.
2018 RANK: 23
The philosopher king built his legacy by pulling off minor miracles.
Earlier this year, we said if Marchionne paid off FCA’s debt in 2018 and crafted a strong new five-year plan, he would be a solid candidate for Person of the Year. He showed up at the June investor day wearing a tie—a promised signal that he had, once again, against all odds, pulled it off. He planned to retire leaving his groomed successor clear to invest in future product.
Sadly, he didn’t get to enjoy the results of his plan—or retirement. His death does not negate a career as a financial wizard who salvaged troubled Chrysler and Fiat, saving thousands of jobs across the globe. He was a man who did not do something unless he was convinced it would be successful. Sergio Marchionne got the work done.
Sergio also had an eye for product, sending employees back to the drawing board until it was right, even if it meant spending more money. And he got a lot right lately, as evidenced by the 2018 Car of the Year Alfa Romeo Giulia, 2019 Truck of the Year Ram 1500, and 2019 SUV of the Year Jeep Wrangler.
An intellectual, he shared his vision of the evolving automotive world and was not afraid to be first to take action. He led the Detroit automakers’ charge away from poor-selling sedans. He said companies must marry up to support the high cost of technology and was ready to engage in hookups, if not marriages.
Sergio was wonderfully outspoken, as anyone who listened to his quarterly earnings calls can attest. The silence of his passing is a void that will not soon be filled.
Buick Regal
Ford Mustang
Ford Transit Connect
Hyundai Accent
Hyundai Elantra
Honda Clarity
Kia Forte
Lexus ES
Lexus LS
Mercedes-Benz CLS-Class
Nissan Altima
Toyota Avalon
Toyota Corolla Hatchback
Volkswagen Jetta
Audi A6
Audi A7
Honda Insight
Hyundai Veloster
Volvo S60 and V60
Cadillac XT4
Ford EcoSport
Ford Edge
Hyundai Santa Fe
Infiniti QX50
Jaguar E-Pace
Jeep Cherokee
Lexus RX L
Mercedes-Benz G-Class
Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross
Nissan Kicks
Subaru Ascent
Toyota RAV4
Acura RDX
Ford Expedition
Hyundai Kona
Jaguar I-Pace
Jeep Wrangler
Lincoln Navigator
Range Rover Velar
Subaru Forester
Volvo XC40
Chevrolet Silverado
Ford F-150 Diesel
GMC Sierra
Ram 1500
The post The 2019 Power List – and the Person of the Year Is… appeared first on Motor Trend.
via RSSMix.com Mix ID 8134279 https://ift.tt/2BzmVfv
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‘I’m Not Gay’
male x male
If you’re homophobic, get over it. 
Enjoy the gay
“You’re so stupid. I hope you know that, mon ami.”
Thomas was bent over Alexander dressing his wounds. “How did that even happen? How do you accidentally stab yourself with a broken glass?”
 “I got excited. And I didn’t ask you for help. I could probably do it better myself, blood loss and everything.” He hissed in pain as Thomas poured rubbing alcohol on his wound. “You did that on purpose, asshole.”
 “What, cleaning your wound? Yes, yes I did. Unless you’d rather die from an infection, you blithering idiot.” He set the alcohol down and covered the open wound, putting pressure on to slow the bleeding.
 “Knock it off, you dumb hick. Let go of me, I’ll do it myself.” He knocked away Thomas’s hand and grabbed the gauze that had hit the floor.
 “Well now it isn’t clean anymore. You’re gonna kill yourself yet.” He stood up and moved to the living room. “I’m grabbing a phone and you’re going to the hospital.”
 “Don’t call 9-1-1! You can drive me!”
 Thomas rolled his eyes and disappeared with his phone in his hand. He came back minutes later. “Alright, let’s go stupid.” He pressed a clean piece of gauze and pressed it to Alexander’s wound before wrapping his side with an Ace bandage. “I still can’t figure out how you stab yourself in the side this bad, with a broken glass. You’re unbelievable.” He helped Alexander to his feet. “You realize now that you’re gonna need stitches, or surgery.”
 “I don’t need surgery. It’s not that bad.”
 “If the doctor decides it’s bad enough, you’ll be getting the surgery.” He unlocked his car and pushed Hamilton toward the passenger side. “That’s the last time I invite you for dinner at my house. You weren’t even excited about the mac and cheese.” Thomas’s curls bounced around his head as he slid in the passenger side of his SUV. “That’s my own personal recipe I hope you know. I worked hard to perfect it.”
 “Why did you invite me over in the first place?” Alexander asked, wincing in pain. “You hate me.” He clutched his side in pain as Thomas started his car. “I can’t put the seat belt on.”
 “You pull it, and clip it, stupid. Here, hand it to me.” Thomas reached over and grasped for the seat belt, locking it in place.
 “Holy fuck, don’t! That hurts!”
 Thomas glanced at Alexander and saw the seat belt rubbing against his freshly dressed injury. “Whoops, sorry. Just unclip it or something. I’m a good driver anyway. You won’t need it.” Thomas shifted his car in gear and pressed his foot to the gas pedal, slamming Alexander forward into the glove compartment.
 “You’re purposely trying to hurt me, aren’t you? Now I probably have a broken shoulder. God, slow down, I’m not going to die in the next twenty minutes. Jesus. The bleeding has slowed almost to a stop. The hospital is twelve minutes away. We’ll make it without you trying to kill us both.”
 Alexander held the bandages tight to his side despite the ace bandage keeping the gauze in place. He draped the other hand around the ‘oh shit’ handle above his head, as Thomas refused to slow down. Thomas glanced away from the road and at Alexander, whose eyes were starting to cross as they stared at the center line, his blinks getting slower.
 “Alexander? Alexander! Hamilton, god damn it all. Look at me.” Thomas’s eyes kept flickering to the road and back. He swung into a parking spot as close to the emergency entrance as possible and ran around the side. He opened the passenger side door and watched Alexander’s eyes droop closed and his body fall back against the seat. “Oh, for fuck’s sake.” He grabbed Alexander and rushed him inside the emergency entrance, running him to the nearest doctor. “Fix this idiot,” he muttered, setting him on the stretcher that was wheeled over. “He managed to stab himself with a broken glass. I already cleaned it with rubbing alcohol but the moron wouldn’t stop squirming. So go fix him. I’ll be in the waiting room.”
 The doctor disappeared with three nurses that pushed the stretcher beside him. As they disappeared through the doors, Thomas heard someone say that he would need surgery to stop the bleeding.
“Fucking idiot,” he mumbled, walking through the double doors to the waiting room. He threw his head in his hands and stayed like that, thousands of thoughts running through his head, until a young doctor came through the double doors, blood staining the rubber gloves he was throwing in a garbage for bio-hazardous materials.
 “Are you here for Mr. Hamilton?”
 “Yeah, that’d be me.”
 The young doctor came forward and shook his hand. “I’m Doctor James McCormick. I performed the surgery on Mr. Hamilton. Unfortunately, it was worse than it looked. We had to repair a part of his intestines, and a piece of glass made its way into his right kidney, so we had to fix that as well. There’s a slight chance that his kidney will regain function, but it’s very slight. He needs a blood transfusion from the amount he lost, so he’s hooked up to a blood bag.” Thomas shook his head at the fact that Alexander could be so stupid. “He’s upstairs in a recovery room. He’ll have to stay here at the hospital for a few days, depending on how he reacts to the surgery and everything. We want to keep an eye on him to make sure there’s no infection or leakage from his internal organs. We managed to get all of the glass out, so there should be no problem. After Mr. Hamilton goes home, he’ll have to be constantly monitored to make sure he doesn’t do anything to hurt himself again, or rip his stitches.”
 “The moron can’t even handle a glass without cutting himself. I’d have to practically sleep with him to keep him safe.”
 The doctor chuckled. “It’s up to you how you monitor him, we just need him monitored. He’s heading up to room 301 right now. You’ll be allowed there twenty-four hours a day as long as you’ll be the one monitoring him at home.”
 Thomas sighed at pushed his hair back with both hands and sighed. “Yeah, it’ll be me.” He followed the doctor until he reached the elevator and the doors opened right in front of him. He pushed the button for the third floor and strode through the doors to the first room as soon as they opened again. Alexander laid there in a hospital gown, his cheeks rosy against the pale hospital room. He had an IV in each arm, one in the crook of the elbow on his right arm transfusing blood, one in the back of his left hand, with a saline drip attached.
 Thomas pulled up a chair and sat next to Alexander, staring at his small hands against the white sheet. His skin was pale against the bed. “Alexander, you idiot. Wake up,” he whispered, his voice breaking. “Wake up.” He set his head on the edge of the bed and began to play with the buttons next to his face. The bed began to recline more, then less, as he pressed the buttons back and forth before even that didn’t amuse him. He sighed and closed his eyes, grabbing ahold of his hand to sleep with. He shifted his position a few times before he finally fell asleep. He woke up multiple times over the next two days but there was never a change in Alexander. He remained at the bedside, having the janitor buy him things from the cafeteria downstairs on his shift, the nurses leaving him a book or magazine on the bedside table. On the third day, Thomas dragged himself in the bathroom attached to the hospital room and took a shower, washing away the filth before pulling on his dirty clothes once more. As had become the norm for the last couple days, he fell back asleep, Alexander’s hand encompassed by his own.
 A few hours later, he woke up to the feeling of someone playing with his curls. “Don’t touch my hair,” he grumbled sleepily. The hand he fell asleep holding was no longer there and someone was touching his curls. “Alexander, if that’s you, I swear.”
 “It is.”
 Thomas’s head shot up and he saw Alexander staring at him. “Alexander!” he cried, standing up. He pressed his lips to Alexander’s in an emotion filled moment of passion. Thomas heard a small, masculine groan beneath him and he shoved himself away and ran his hand through his hair, pushing it back. “I- uh. I shouldn’t have done that. I’ll be back later,” he stammered before running out of the room, leaving a shocked Alexander on the bed. Alexander brought his fingers to his lips and wondered if this was all a dream. He laid back in his bed and hoped it was, though he knew it wasn’t. The heart monitor’s beeping slowed in his ears as he fell into a light sleep.
 He woke up the following morning to the same curly pouf of hair sleeping beside him and he smiled. Thomas was back in his seat, his elbow on the armrest, his hand propping up his head. His lips were pursed slightly as he slept and his eyebrows furrowed. Alexander shifted his body to the side of the bed and stretched over to pull one of the curls when pain shot through his side. He winced and shifted back, grabbing for the nurse alarm button. A nurse came in almost immediately and smiled when she saw him awake.
 “Good morning, Mr. Hamilton. How are you feeling?” The nurse began taking note of his vitals and took his temperature, making notations on his chart.
 “It’s Alexander, and I was wondering if you had something I could take for the pain.” He blushed as the nurse lifted his gown from the bottom to check out his stitches, seeing everything he had to bear, but she didn’t seem fazed in the slightest.
 “Of course, I’ll go get something for you and I’ll be right back, okay?”
 He nodded his head and watched as she walked out. He reached over again, wincing in pain once more, to pull on Thomas’s curls and watch them spring back into place. His hand was brushing a curl when a hand grabbed his wrist.
 “Do not. Touch. The hair.”
 “It just looks so soft and springy,” he whispered. “I thought you were sleeping. I just wanted to touch you again.” He bunched his fingers in the thin blanket that covered his body and laid his head back, closing his eyes. His eyebrows furrowed for a moment before his body relaxed against the sheets.
 “Alexander, are you okay?”
 He nodded slowly. “The nurse is already going to get medicine, so don’t worry about it. It’s just pain, which is understandable considering I almost died.”
 “Well,” Thomas paused. “I don’t think you almost died. I think the blood transfusion is just a precaution. You just ripped some stuff inside with the glass but you’re completely fine.”
 Alexander raised his eyebrows mockingly. “I know I’m fine,” he joked. “It’s about time you figured that out for yourself.” He chuckled before abruptly stopping and holding his side. “Don’t. I’m fine.”
 “Alexander, don’t lie to me, okay? If I’m going to watch you and take care of you, you’ll have to be honest to me.”
��“You’ll be taking care of me?” Alexander questioned. “You don’t even like me.” He knew he was lying to himself. He liked Thomas and Thomas liked him. Right? That had to be why he kissed him, right? “I really liked that kiss,” he whispered. “Kiss me again.”
 “Alexander, I-”
 Alexander grabbed Thomas’s jacket and pulled him closer, making Thomas growl against his lips. Thomas could hear Alexander’s heart monitor speed up and tried pulling back, but Alexander held him in place. Alexander bit Thomas’s lip and Thomas growled once more, pushing Alexander against the mattress. Alexander smirked as his shoulders were pinned down, but grimaced as the blanket on his body raked the hospital gown across his stitches.
 “I hate to kill the mood, but why haven’t they dressed my stitches? Also, did you enjoy that kiss as much as I did? And-” He paused. “And why do you act like you hate me when I can tell that it’s completely different than that? I mean, I can admit that I feel something for you. Not all of it is complete hatred. I don’t know what it is but it’s something. I know you feel it too.”
 Thomas looked down at his hands against the blue hospital gown. His hands were bunching up the fabric. “Alex, I-”
 “Please Thomas. Just be honest with me.” His eyes were big and Thomas couldn’t break his gaze away from them. He was entranced.
 “I care for you,” he grumbled. He finally ripped his gaze away from Alexander’s eyes. “Alright? I care. That’s why I invited you over; to become friends. I just- I don’t know anymore.”
 “Then why did you run?”
 “I’m not gay,” Thomas mumbled.
 “That kiss felt pretty gay to me,” Alexander smirked. “Please Thomas, I know you feel it too. Don’t fight it, please.” Thomas leaned his head back on the bed and Alexander grasped Thomas’s hand in his before it was jerked away. “Thomas, please.”
 “Alexander, just-” he sighed. “Just let me think. I’ve never felt like this before. I need to think about this.” He stood up, knocking the chair against the wall before he stormed out of the room. He went to the waiting room at the end of the hall by the elevators. Putting his back to the wall, he slid down, sitting in the corner looking out the window. He couldn’t face Alexander. Especially not with the boner he was sporting in his pants.
 He heard people shuffling through the halls as he stared out the window. Someone coughed in the background and the television droned on some reality station. He felt a body move beside him, yet his gaze focused out the window until one of his curls bounced against his cheek.
 “Don’t touch-”
 “I’m going to touch your curls until you decide to talk to me like a human being.”
 Thomas’s head whipped around. “Alexander, you’re supposed to be in bed.”
 “I’m fine. Can you just talk to me?” His hair was messy and tangled, his gown was hanging loose in the back.
 “Alexander, I do care for you. I just- I never thought about remotely having feelings for a man, especially you.” Thomas looked down and his curls bounced around his face. “I’ve always been attracted to women. Always. But you’ve done something to me and I can’t explain it. The arguing doesn’t anger me anymore, it turns me on. You used to just piss me off to no end…but now I find it kind of cute. And sexy.” He chuckled slightly to himself and shook his head. “I actually ran out of your room so I could hide the boner you gave me. Didn’t think that was what we needed to focus on at the time. And the truth is, Alexander, that I couldn’t fathom the idea of falling in love with a man, but here I am, completely and hopelessly in love with you.”
 Alexander moved his body around to stand in front of Thomas and held his hands out to him. “Come on. Let’s go back to my room. I’m starting to catch a breeze,” he smirked, twirling in a circle to show his backside. Thomas’s eyes darkened for a moment before he used Alexander’s hands to pull himself up. Thomas grabbed the back of Alexander’s gown and pulled it together, scowling. Thomas’s hands made their way down Alexander’s body until they reached his ass. He grabbed a handful in each hand and squeezed, making Alexander jump as they walked in the room together.
 Thomas followed Alexander, watching him climb into his bed, wondering if Alexander knew how much his hospital gown showed as he did that. Thomas groaned quietly as he adjusted himself through his black jeans. “You probably shouldn’t climb up like that again,” he said as Alexander climbed under the covers. “That is, unless you want me to take you right here, right now.”
 Alexander’s eyes grew wide as his mind worked through what Thomas had just told him. “Don’t you think that’s a little quick, since, you know, you just figured out that you’re bisexual?”
 “I’ve never been with a man before. I could make you my first, Alexander. You and that pretty little ass of yours.” He grabbed Alexander’s chin. “But that would be after I take those even prettier lips of yours. See them wrapped around my cock.” He took his thumb and dragged it over Alexander’s bottom lip, dragging it down. “Yeah. I could see that. You on your knees, your eyes wide, legs spread. Mm,” he groaned, bringing his free hand to rest on the bulge in his pants. “You looking so innocent.” He brought his lips to Alexander’s ear. “I bet you’d try to fight me, because you are so fired up all the time. Because you don’t have it in you to be submissive. And guess what Alexander.” He rolled Alexander’s ear between his teeth. “I want the fight. I want you try and fight me, because I know you’ll give in.”
 Alexander was shaking on the bed, his breathing heavy, his bottom lip quivering. Thomas moved his hand from Alexander’s lip and slowly moved it down the front of the gown to where it was tenting right above Alexander’s hips. His hands tossed the blanket back and grasped the hard cock beneath the thin gown and Alexander’s whole body tensed. His eyes closed and his mouth fell open as Thomas began stroking him.
 “Thomas, please. Oh god Thomas, stop.”
 Thomas’s hand stopped stroking, but didn’t let go of Alexander’s hardened length. There was a knock at the door and Thomas finally let go of Alexander and adjusted himself, turning his body in the chair. Alexander’s face turned pale as Thomas smiled and the doctor walked in.
 “Good morning, doctor. How are you?” Alexander asked.
 “I’m fine Alexander. How are you feeling?”
 “Better. A lot better. The nurse gave me something for the pain a little while ago and dressed my stitches. When can I go home?”
 “Well, you slept off and on for almost four days after your surgery, so we’ve been able to monitor you for any signs of infection, which there are none. The other doctors and I have decided that you don’t have to be hooked up to the machines anymore, and barring any other issues that come up, you can leave tomorrow morning. I’m going to assume that you’ll be going home with your, uh-”
 “Friend, Thomas Jefferson.”
 The doctor frowned at that but continued. “You can go home with Thomas, who said he’ll be taking care of you until your stitches are removed. I’ll be back to check on you in the morning, but I don’t think there will be any more tests or anything for a while, so get some rest. Goodnight, Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Jefferson.”
 “Goodnight, doctor.” Alexander watched as the doctor closed the door behind him before looking over to Thomas. “Can you-” He shook his head and knotted his fingers in the blanket. “Never mind.”
 “What is it?” Thomas moved his hand to grab Alexander’s. “Do you need more pain medication?”
 “I need you. Come lay with me.”
 “Alexander, I don’t think I should.” He bit the inside of his bottom lip.
 “Thomas, please. I just want you to hold me close. We don’t have to do anything. I just- I hate sleeping in strange places alone. Please,” he whispered, his bottom lip quivering. “I get scared.”
 Thomas sighed but nodded his head. “Scoot over. I’ll sleep beside you.” He stripped off his jacket and tossed it on the chair before doing the same with his belt. Thomas watched Alexander’s eyes grow wide and his chest heave, his eyes not leaving Thomas’s hands. “I promise I won’t do anything. I just don’t want to hurt you with the belt clip.” Alexander nodded and laid back on the bed.
 “Is this moving too fast? I mean, yesterday, we hated each other and today I’m getting you to strip and hop in bed with me. Is it too fast?” His fingers fisted themselves in the blanket again and Thomas grabbed his hands pushing them off to the side.
 “Stop overthinking this. We’re just two friends who are going to sleep in the same bed and make out like teenagers.” He let go of Alexander’s hands and let his own drop to the side. “Is this about the thing before the doctor came in? I meant every word, but it’ll happen when we’re both ready. I guess I was rushing things because of all the confusion and everything. You’re right. Maybe we are going too fast. Do you want to sleep alone? I can sleep in the chair again, or I could leave, or something. I’ve finally found a comfortable position where I can sleep and hold your hand at the same time. Unless you don’t want me to hold your hand. I could-”
 Alexander grabbed Thomas’s hand. “You’re rambling. Just come lay with me and we can hold each other and make out like teenagers.” He moved over on the bed and grabbed Thomas’s other hand, pulling him on the bed. Thomas groaned as Alexander pulled him too far and, instead of landing on the bed, he landed over Alexander’s body. Alexander winced as Thomas’s hand pushed against his newly dressed stitches.
 “Oh my god, are you okay? Do you need me to get you something?” Thomas sat up straight, throwing his legs on either side of Alexander. “Alexander, please, look at me. Tell me, did I hurt you?”
 Alexander tried to slow his breathing. “I’m fine. Just get off me.”
 Thomas looked down at how he was sitting, his legs straddling Alexander. His eyes darkened and his cheeks tinted red as he tossed his leg back over Alexander’s body. “Sorry,” he mumbled. “I’m sorry.”
 Thomas kicked his shoes to the floor, moved his body to lay on the bed beside Alexander and wrapped his arms around the smaller man. Alexander smiled and curled his body into Thomas’s, his hips bumping against Thomas’s stomach, his eyes closing. He wrapped his arms around Thomas and ran his hands along the body of muscle against him, up his spine and cradled the base of Thomas’s neck.
 “Alexander, are you really falling asleep right now? You’ve been sleeping for four days.”
 “I woke up a couple times through those four days. I just didn’t stay awake long.” He never opened his eyes, but his fingers danced their way to Thomas’s curls where they tugged a bit.
 ‘Alexander, don’t-”
 Alexander opened his eyes, grabbing a fistful of hair, and pulled Thomas’s head back before trailing his tongue from the little hollow at the base of Thomas’s neck up to the razor straight line of hair that covered his chin, turning and teasing its way up to Thomas’s ear. His teeth nibbled at Thomas’s earlobe and he drew it in his mouth before releasing it with a small whimper. “I’m glad you’re here.” He released Thomas’s hair and laid back down, nuzzling his face into Thomas’s neck.
 Thomas’s chest was heaving up and down. His eyes were wide at the fact that he was just dominated by someone who had to stand on the bottom shelf at the grocery store to reach things on the top shelf. That same someone was now curled up beside him, knowing very well what he had just done, and now pretending to be sleeping. “Alexander, you can’t just do something like that and not continue.”
 “I can. Look at me now, curled up, trying to sleep. It would be easier if you would slow your breathing down, so I could get comfortable. You’re hard.” He jerked his head away from Thomas’s neck and his entire face turned red. “Your body is hard. I mean, your abs, and chest. I uh… I’m gonna stop talking.” He hid his face in Thomas’s chest, the t-shirt wrapping around his face.
 Thomas grabbed Alexander’s shoulders and pushed him back. “I think you promised me something,” he stated.
 “And what’s that?”
 “I believe you said if I got up here, we’d make out like horny teenagers.”
 Alexander’s whole body began to turn red. “I mean, if you want to. I just wanted you here with me, but we can make out if you want.” Thomas threw his head back and laughed as Alexander’s body curled into him. “I also don’t think I said ‘like horny teenagers.’ I think I just said like teenagers. I also don’t think I promised. But I’m ready and willing if you are.”
 Thomas pushed a piece of hair out of Alexander’s eyes. “I won’t do anything you’re not ready for. Starting now. Sit up, I want to play with your hair.” Alexander sat up on the bed and Thomas moved to sit behind him, one leg curled under himself, the other stretched beside Alexander. “You know, actually, we should give you a shower. Or a bath. I’ll go ask the doctor.” He scooted off the bed and shuffled out the door in his socks, Alexander watching him as he walked, his curls bobbing as he moved.
  Alexander waited on his bed, wondering what was going on between him and Thomas. He had feelings for Thomas, he knew that, but did Thomas like him, or did Thomas lust him? He had hundreds of these thoughts running through his head when the door opened.
 “The nurses said you can take a shower but you have to try not to get your dressing wet. They’ll come in after to change the dressing, but…”
 “But what?”
 “She said I’ll have to stay in the room with you. Is that okay?” He held out a bottle of liquid soap and Alexander grabbed it from his hand and traced the design on the bottle.
 “Uh yeah. That’s okay.”
 “Here, let’s go then. I’ll just sit on the toilet lid or something. If you need me, I’ll be there.” He held out his hand and pulled Alexander off the bed. “Come on. Let’s go get you clean.”
 Alexander’s legs shook as he stepped to the floor. Thomas noticed and swept Alexander off his feet. “Thomas, I’m fine. It happened last time too. Just let me get used to standing up.” Alexander winced as Thomas set him down and his legs wobbled as he grabbed ahold of the bed railing. After a moment, his legs finally stopped wobbling and he slowly began to walk to the bathroom.
 “I don’t know if you should be standing in a shower if you can hardly handle yourself on dry flooring.”
 Alexander pushed back he shower curtain and fiddled with the shower knob, trying to figure out how to use it. “I’ll be fine. You’ll be right here if I need help.” He tried pulling on the temperature knob. “I can’t get this thing to-”
“It just turns. Just turn it until you find the temperature you want.” Thomas put the toilet seat down and plopped himself into his new seat.
 “That’s dumb,” mumbled Alexander. He grabbed the tie to his gown. “Can you close your eyes? Or turn around or something?”
 Thomas laughed and closed his eyes. “I can touch it, I just can’t see it, right?” He opened one eye to see Alexander staring at him, red in the face. “Shit, I have to go get a towel for you. I’ll be right back.” He strode out of the room and Alexander was fixated on the sound of Thomas rummaging through the cupboards outside. He untied his gown and it slowly slid off his shoulders as he focused on the movement in the other room. Thomas shoved through the door just as Alexander’s gown dropped to the floor and he smirked. “Was that your version of a strip tease?” he joked. “Because I found it very arousing.” He moved closer to Alexander and licked his earlobe before sitting back on the toilet seat.
Alexander shook himself out of his stupor and jumped in the shower, pulling the curtain closed around him. “You were supposed to keep your eyes closed,” he pouted.
 Thomas laughed. “I had to look and see where I was going somehow. It’s not my fault I got to see your sexy show while I was at it.”
 Alexander’s head whipped around the curtain. “Can you see through this shower curtain?”
 Thomas looked up and smirked. “When you press your body against it like that, I can.”
 Alexander looked down at himself and blushed as he noticed that everything was on display. His cheeks brightened and he shoved the curtain away and threw himself back under the water, leaving Thomas laughing. Thomas could see Alexander through the curtain still but he was enjoying the show and decided not to say anything. As Alexander raised his hands to his hair, he jerked them down again before hissing in pain. “Uh, Thomas?”
 “I’m right here.”
 “I can’t wash my hair. It hurts to lift my arms.”
 “Do you want me to go get a nurse?” He could see Alexander holding his side through the thin curtain.
 “Can you just come help me? I don’t want the nurses to… I mean they probably already have, but, just… Can you help me?”
 Thomas walked to the shower, pulling off his t-shirt, tossing it on the edge of the sink. He pushed the curtain aside and saw Alexander standing beneath the water, holding his side, staring at the floor. His face looked ashamed, his posture slouching, eyes cast down. “Alexander, there’s no shame in asking for help, you know.”
 “I hate asking for help. I just feel weak,” he said, his eyes flickering up to see Thomas’s naked chest and quickly flitting back down.
 Thomas wet his hands and grabbed some soap, massaging it between his hands before reaching for Alexander. “I thought nurses were supposed to keep you clean while you’re here. At least while you can’t do it yourself.” He began to rub the soap into Alexander’s hair. “I don’t think they’ve washed your hair at all since you’ve been here. Here, lean back.” Alexander leaned back and Thomas began to rinse the soap out. “This will probably make your hair a little dry, but I have to wash it again. It’s way too dirty to be comfortable.”
 Alexander hummed in agreement, still embarrassed at the fact that he was completely naked in front of Thomas. His cheeks flared red all the way up to his ears. His body shivered as Thomas’s fingers brushed the fine hairs at the base of his neck. “Uh, can you turn the temperature down a little bit?” Thomas had one hand trail down Alexander’s side as the other one reached for the temperature knob. It was completely innocent, just Thomas stretching to reach, but Alexander needed the water colder and now, before Thomas saw him get hard. Goosebumps appeared on his skin as the water turned cold and he shivered, sighing at the crisis he had just averted.
 “You know, you don’t have to be embarrassed about getting an erection. I know that’s why you had me do that,” Thomas mused from behind him. “I’m not looking at anything but your hair. For now. It’ll be different later.” Alexander could hear the smirk in his voice. “Okay, lean your head back again.” Alexander complied and Thomas rinsed the soap from his hair once more.
 “Thank you,” whispered Alexander.
“Can you get the rest by yourself?”
 Alexander turned his head to look at Thomas. “I can try, I think.”
 Thomas stepped back and closed the curtain, looking down at his soaked pants. “God damn it,” he murmured.
 “Is everything okay?” Alexander’s voice floated through the curtain.
 “Yeah, I just got my pants wet. It’s fine. They’ll dry eventually.” He stripped off the pants and tossed them over the side of the towel rack on the wall. He grabbed an extra towel and tried getting as much water out of them as possible. His boxers were damp, but nothing he couldn’t deal with.
Thomas was busy trying to dry his pants and didn’t notice the water turning off behind him. Alexander swiped the curtain out of the way and quickly grabbed the towel, wrapping it around his waist. Thomas stood against the wall in only his boxers and Alexander let out an audible squeak in surprise at the toned man half naked in the bathroom with him.
 Thomas turned around when he heard the noise emanate from behind him and saw Alexander blushing with nothing but a towel around his waist. “My, uh… my pants got wet while I was washing your hair. Sorry. Just give me a minute and I’ll put them on.”
 “Where are my clothes?”
 “The clothes I came in with? I mean, the shirt isn’t any good anymore but I want to wear underwear. I felt completely exposed out there. Even though it was just you.” Thomas grabbed his shirt, leaving the pants hanging up to dry and walked out of the room in his socks and boxers. Alexander was steps ahead of him, looking for a bag marked ‘patient belongings,’ finding it on the floor beside his bed. He bent down and grabbed it, Thomas slapping his ass as he did.
 “Hey,” he laughed. “Open target.” Thomas sat on the edge of the bed and pulled off his socks as Alexander pulled on his boxer briefs and sat on the bed.
“Well I feel slightly better. Is there another gown or something in here for me to wear?”
 Thomas tossed his t-shirt to the smaller man on the other side of the bed. “Here, wear this.” Alexander took off the dressing on his side, threw it in the garbage, pulled the shirt on and climbed into bed, laying down on the pillow.
 “Are you going to sleep with me?” Alexander asked, scooting over on the bed.
 “Let me go get my pants out of the bathroom and hang them on the back of the chair or something and I’ll climb in beside you.” His feet slapped against the cold tile as he walked to the bathroom and grabbed his pants before slapping back out. He crawled in beside Alexander who was facing the wall, his back turned to Thomas. “Why are you turned away from me, Alex dear?”
 “No reason,” he squeaked.
 “Oh really? Then turn around.” Thomas grabbed his shoulders and turned him around.
 Alexander gasped as his body was pulled flush against Thomas’s warm chest, his legs wrapping themselves around Alexander’s. Thomas smirked as he leaned down and kissed Alexander, his teeth latching onto Alexander’s bottom lip. Alexander stretched his arms around Thomas and played with the curls that surrounded his fingers. Thomas pulled away and smirked at Alexander. “I see you’re keeping your promise of making out like horny teenagers.”
 “I didn’t promise, and I didn’t say horny.” He blushed, hiding his face in Thomas’s chest, inhaling the scent that surrounded him. He smelled like hospital too. “You don’t smell like you,” he whispered. “I want to be able to smell something other than hospital.”
 “Tomorrow, we’ll go home and I’ll wash myself with my own soap, how’s that sound?”
 Alexander murmured in agreement and fell asleep, his breathing becoming slow and steady. Thomas grabbed the hair band from Alexander’s wrist and pulled the sleeping man’s hair back into a ponytail, kissing his forehead. “Goodnight, Alexander. Sleep well.” He watched the slow rise and fall of Alexander’s chest before he closed his own eyes and fell under the blanket of sleep.
 The pair was woken up the next morning to the attending surgeon snickering at the foot of the bed. “You were serious about sleeping with him to keep him safe, weren’t you?” he chuckled, looking at Thomas.
 Thomas’s cheeks rouged at the memory. He had been joking at the time, but now…
 “Alright, Mr. Hamilton. I’ve looked at your tests, and they all came back normal. Let me look at your stitches and if everything looks good, you can go home today.” Alexander lifted the side of his shirt- Thomas’s shirt- and the doctor examined the stitches. “You’re healing remarkably well, so you’ll definitely be going home today. Make sure you be careful and don’t do anything that’ll rip your stitches. Come back in a week and we’ll take out the stitches. Have a good day, gentlemen.”
 The pair watched the doctor walk out and Thomas looked at Alexander, kissing his lips gently. “Let’s go home, love.”
 “I want nothing more.”
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Bonjour, Bitches! Teaser
Here’s a teaser for the new multi-part fic I’m writing, inspired by @desperatepenguin722​‘s prompt: “How about a Thomas x Reader where Thomas pretends to be Laf to initally try and sabotage Hamilton but he realizes he’s falling for you and uses his position to find out your feelings?” I’m in a spy fic kind of mood, so that’s what this is. Kind of a Leverage, crime heist sort of thing. Hope you like! 
It was supposed to be an easy job—just get the information, plant the virus, and get out. Two weeks tops. But on Day 20 of the job, Thomas Jefferson did not find himself lounging in his new mansion in Virginia like he had planned. Instead he was sitting in yet another board meeting with Alexander Hamilton, the up-and-coming tech mogul, and his brilliant team of programmers, media consultants, and PR reps.
There were two reasons why the job hadn’t been finished by now. One, Hamilton’s almost over-the-top security in the offices. The other reason was more complicated than a secret room, lockdown, knockout gas, and air shafts. 
Jefferson had a rule—actually he had many rules—but one of his top five rules was never get romantically during a job. Yet Jefferson had broken his rule about job-related romances. It had happened so subtly that he didn’t even realize it was happening until 2am last Tuesday. 
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Emotions - Alexander Hamilton/Thomas Jefferson
Part: 6/10; (Index)
Pairing: Jamilton;
Summary: Life was always composed by emotions i felt              Good or bad, they shaped the days              Being the guides to my actions              Being the way i saw the world
            Until, one day, my emotions weren’t the only ones affecting me             Because yours took place on me             Shaping my life             Shaping my heart
Words: 3.381
Ao3 link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/8924482
Tags: @suspicious-protagonist;
A/N: Thanks to Jamie for helping me editing some parts <3 Love you babe :’)
Thomas felt his muscles tensing up and droplets of sweat fall from his forehead. He was so close; The noises coming from his mouth were the proof of that. Little whines and moans insisted to leave his lips as he moved his hand, his eyes were closed and his mind was working to get him the image he needed to have his release.
It didn't surprised him when he moaned Alexander's name while he came, making a mess of himself, but he still got mad at the fact it was Alexander's name. He took a moment to breathe, opening his eyes and looking at the ceiling, feeling the heat he was feeling fade slowly, leaving him cold. There wasn't another body there to keep him warm, it was just him in his bed and the guilty feeling that consumed him every time that happened.
But it was too late, and he knew that. The desire he was feeling towards Alexander wasn't normal.
He remembered last night, he managed to get the cafe waitress' number after Alexander left and charmed her till she agreed come to his house that night. It was a good idea, he thought; Have sex was the best way to get rid of that lust that was ghosting him. But afterwards he couldn't feel more uneasy for closing his eyes and picturing Hamilton there while the girl rode him. He came thinking of him and he couldn't stop himself to let his mind wonder if Alex woud too keep kissing his neck like the girl was doing when both of them were finished and trying to recover their strength.
Fortunately the girl said she had to leave that night still and he didn't have to deal with his shame for too long with she still on his sight.
He couldn't go to that cafe anymore, that was something he was sure of.
Thomas huffed, deciding to get up and clean himself, hearing his phone buzz on the bedside table. It was probably Angelica and he again felt the stress leave with the thought of a conversation with the woman. He was almost sure she was an angel send from God to take him out of his thoughts for a while.
He cleaned himself fast and took his phone, seeing he was right, it was Angelica. He laid on his bed, opening the texts quickly.
—Tjeffs, are you busy?
—I already told you to not call me that! And no, I'm not. I missed work today.
—Tjeffs, you're such an irresponsible man! Do you even work?
—You're so funy... What do you want, Schuyler?
—Make you mad, but I already did it apparently, so this part is done.
—Fuck you.
—Not today, darling. See, Lafayette and the other guys got out of work early today. We are all going to the park to throw snow at the French. Wanna come? Laf is asking for you too, not just me.
—It depends, who's "we"?
—My sisters and I, the walking baguette, Laurens, Mulligan and Hamilton.
—Sorry, can't go.
—What if Alexander doesn't go?
—Then I can.
—Omfg! Thomas Jefferson, you'll bring your ass to this park. You know you don't need to interact with Alex, right?
—But he will be there and I'm not in the mood for that asshat today.
—I will be there too. And so will Lafayette. And Peggy and Eliza are dying to meet you. Are you seriously missing that chance because of Hamilton?
Jefferson didn't answer that one quickly. He stopped a little bit, trying to think if would be a good idea to go. With Hamilton so close to him again it would be even harder to contain the dark thoughts that roamed through his mind. But did he really wanted to stay away from Hamilton? Everything he had done until now showed he wanted the exact opposite; The desire of having Alexander as close as possible made his body warm up suddenly and he had to take a deep breath to ignore those thoughts and felt the phone buzz on his hands again.
—I know you read the text you motherfucker, answer me.
—Can you chill for a second? I'm thinking!
—Didn't know you could do that.
—I'm considering blocking you.
—Do that and I'll go to your house scream at your door.
—Please don't.
None of them sent anything after that, Jefferson was still wondering if it was a good idea or not, till a few seconds later the new text popped up on the chat.
—Are you coming?
He closed his eyes, knowing he would probably regret that decision.
When he finally finished dressing up to protect himself from the cold he sent Angelica a text to warn he was leaving.
The park that they chose to go was close to his home so he didn't wanted to waste gas on a five-minute-walk to the park. He got out of his house, took the elevator, and in one of the floors a kid walked inside, looking at him with curiosity. He looked at the little girl back, annoyed.
"Your hair."
Jefferson opened his mouth, ready to drag that kid by the ear in the next floor to take her out of the elevator when she kept on talking.
"It's pretty! Can I touch it? My mom won't let my hair stay like this. She says it's too messy so she just keeps strai–" she stopped and frowned, trying to remember the word correctly "Straightening it. But yours looks so pretty!"
Thomas stopped for a moment, not knowing how to react. The little girl seemed innocent enough to be saying the truth, so he just got down on one knee and put his head down a little bit for the girl to reach his hair. She smiled widely and he felt her little hands touch his curls. He couldn't hold back a smile and suddenly felt his cheeks heat up.
He raised his head again and saw the big smile on the girl's face, making him smile back. He saw her smile drop a little as she touched her hair and looked at it, kinda disappointed.
"Maybe you could talk with your mother to stop straightening your hair." Thomas said with kindness in his voice "Or just wait till you age a little bit to let your hair go back to normal. Either way I know you would look amazing with any kind of hair."
He gave the little girl a wide smile and saw as she smiled back, feeling a sudden happiness inside of him for making that girl's day even a little bit better.
"Thank you, mister!" she hugged him, taking him by surprise but he only laughed and hugged the girl back
"You're welcome, little miss!"
He got up, messing a little with the girl's hair, making her giggle, and the doors of the elevator opened to the lounge. The girl ran out of the elevator, giving him a fast goodbye, and Thomas left it with a big smile on his face. If he was stressed, he couldn't tell. That little moment on the elevator was enough to lift his mood.
He left the building, seeing that a few snowflakes were falling, making him put his hoodie on so the snowflakes wouldn't stay on his hair while he walked.
Thomas started his walk to the park and looked around to see the white streets around him. That was when he remembered Alexander. More specifically, the night where he drove Thomas home. He remembered his words talking about snow, even being drunk. But the truth is that he wasn't talking only about the snow.
He had spent the whole day without fighting Alexander and having little chats with him, and receiving those looks from him. That made him think of Alexander –and later desire him. He was amazed how Hamilton were attractive when he was not fighting Thomas. Not attractive only in his looks, but also in his words and actions. And, even drunk, he noticed how dangerous that was.
When Thomas talked about snow he was talking about Alexander too. The cold way he acts around Thomas but at the same time so attractive, the danger behind that beauty he carried. The way he made Thomas wish for him, even knowing that would probably cause damage to him. More damage.
He was a damaged man, that was the truth. Wishing Alexander Hamilton was the same as wish more pain, he knew that.
He shook his head, getting angry at his own brain for those thoughts. All he felt was lust, and that was all. He was conscious that his sexuality extended itself to guys too, and just occurred to extend itself to Alexander. He wondered if Alex would accept laying with him just so he could stop thinking about him every time Thomas touched himself. But he made sure to ignore the thought when he turned on the corner of one street, seeing the park there, Alexander standing alone in front of it, looking annoyed.
He stopped for a moment, wondering why was Alexander alone and not with the rest of the group. He thought about going back and lying to Angelica but decided to confront the man and pretend he didn't imagined them fucking.
Just pretend.
When Alex saw him his eyes widened and Thomas thought seeing the man blush, but he let that aside, getting closer to him.
"Hey." he said, dryly
"Where's everyone?"
"They'll arrive soon."
Thomas nodded and stood by Alexander's side, looking at him out of the corner of his eye. The short man was with a beanie, gloves, a scarf, a very thick coat, jeans and boots. His face was flushed because of the cold and Thomas couldn't hold a smile back. He was from the Caribbean, that kind of cold was probably a lot to him. But Thomas also noticed how beautiful he looked like this, making him blink a few times, looking away, trying to ignore those thoughts.
It didn't take long till the rest of the group arrived. Angelica walked to him with a big smile on her face and raised her arms for a hug that Thomas gladly gave her, having a smile on his own face.
"Tjeffs! It's so good to see you again, but less drunk."
"I will make you choke in snow if you don't stop calling me this."
"Didn't know you were into that kind of stuff."
"For fucks sake, woman..."
They both laughed and Lafayette got closer, hugging Jefferson by the side.
"And how's my dear friend going?" he said, still hugging him
"Pretty well, Gilbert."
"Don't call me Gilbert."
Eliza Schuyler got closer, together with Peggy, to talk to Jefferson and, after a few presentations, he discovered he enjoyed the presence of the Schuyler sisters, not only Angelica. They started walking on the park, Jefferson being surrounded by the Schuylers while they tried to ask him a million questions and Angelica just looking at him with a side smirk that he couldn't tell what it was, but made him feel uneasy.
After a while walking, Eliza and Peggy went to talk with the rest of the group and Angelica kept on walking by his side. He got surprised when she got his arm intertwined with hers and kept walking, staring a small conversation.
Behind them, Alexander felt his blood boil. Why was Angelica doing that in front of him? It was not fair that she got to touch him like that but he couldn't. That was what made Alexander even more frustrated; Was probably more likely for Jefferson to like Angelica than him, and that was why he was so jealous of them walking side by side, arms intertwined, close to each other, with Thomas giving her one of those happy little smiles that wouldn't leave Alex's mind.
Eliza noticed Alexander's saddening face and intertwined her arm on his, like Angelica was doing with Thomas, making Alex frown and look at her, curious.
"Don't worry, she's just talking to him and will try to bring the 'You' subject into the conversation. She told me her plan."
Alexander smiled at Eliza, seeing that she wanted to comfort him and looked back to the two walking in front of them. "She could do something less romantic, couldn't she?"
"Don't even worry about her, she won't admit it but she is in love with a family friend. The guy is pretty cool, you would love him."
Alexander smiled, still looking at Thomas and Angelica and feeling Eliza's arm on his. Why couldn't he fall in love with Eliza? It would be so much easier if, when they were dating, he actually felt more than a "family love" for the girl by his side. He still remembers how the girl cried when they broke up. How Angelica wanted to kill him for a few days and how Peggy threw a shoe at his face at the very same day they broke up. He felt guilty but he couldn't fake his feelings for Eliza anymore; He loved her too much to do that. But after a few days everything was fine and they talked to each other –awkwardly– before gaining their friendship back. But there he was, suffering for someone he liked and probably wouldn't like him back.
Karma was a bitch.
He laid his head on Eliza's shoulder and she placed a little kiss on the top of his head, making him smile. She was too much for him, that was why it didn't work out. He had to fall for the worst man alive; His political enemy who was always against all he said. The man he did nothing but fight. He was some kind of sadistic son of a bitch, and he knew that very well.
Thomas was enjoying his talk with Angelica, as he always did –the only difference being that now he cold look at her while talking. They were getting to an open area on the park, where Angelica told him they were planning to throw snow at Lafayette and Alexander till they couldn't take it anymore, since they were the immigrants there. Thomas was quite excited for that.
Angelica laughed at something he said and took a deep breath, looking to nowhere before start talking again.
"So, I've been meaning to ask you something... Do you really hate Alex?"
The question caught him off guard and he walked looking at his feet for a few seconds.
"No, I don't hate him. We're just opposites on work, but other than that I don't think I have motives to really hate him."
"You two should talk more, you have a lot in common."
"Like what?"
"You're both assholes."
"I'm going to throw you in the snow, lady."
"Yeah, yeah, good luck."
They laughed a little bit and Thomas looked behind, to see were the rest of the group was, noticing Alex with his head on Eliza's shoulder, making him frown. He stopped looking at them and his lips formed a straight line before he talked again.
"Alexander and Eliza are–"
"No." she cut him in the middle of the phrase, not even looking at him "They dated once, but, no. They are just really good friends."
"Why they don't date anymore?"
"Long story. But basically his heart wasn't hers. At least not as much as she wanted." Angelica got a bit sad all of the sudden, remembering the way her sister cried when they broke up "But they moved on. They are looking for the ones to give their hearts to."
Thomas gave her a simple "hm" before noticing they got to the open area of the park. And, lucky them, it was completely covered in snow. He smirked, together with Angelica and they started to take amounts of snow in their hands, looking at each other before turning back and both choosing a target.
Thomas threw a snowball into Lafayette's face, making him stumble backwards and Angelica got Alexander right in the nose. It didn't take long for Laurens to scream "DEATH TO THE FRENCH" and throw a snowball on Alexander's face, making him get mad.
Then the snowball fight began, everyone around stopped to see the grown ass men and women playing in the snow in the middle of the park. Some laughed and some disapproved the action, but the group didn't care at all.
Alexander was trying to run from all the snow that was being thrown at him and couldn't help but look at Thomas, seeing him jump on Lafayette's back with snow on his hand and smak the snow on his face. But that wasn't the part that he was concentrated on. No, what he saw was the childish smile on his face while doing so –the way he laughed after Lafayette got rid of him. Alex stopped for a moment, just admiring him. He wished he could see that smile on Thomas's face more often, it made him even more beautiful. He blushed when he noticed Thomas looked back, his smile giving place to an expression he couldn't explain, his eyes so intense that made Alexander look away.
And Thomas saw the way Alex was looking at him. The same look he saw on Christmas Eve. The same look that insisted to creep on his mind a few times. That look distracted him enough for him to be not see Laurens running towards him while trying to escape an incredible agile Peggy. Laurens hit him with his whole body sending him to the ground. Thomas heard Angelica's laugh and when tried to get up he felt another thing hit him and he felt again, feeling another body fall over him. It didn't take long for him to see it was Alexander over him.
"Get off me, Hamilton!"
Laurens laughed seeing Alexander struggle to get up. When he finally got up he looked at Jefferson, putting his hand out to offer help. Thomas looked at him for a second and held his hand, getting up easily. The shorter man was way more strong than Thomas expected.
"Thanks." was all he could say
Hamilton nodded, this time visibly blushing, making Thomas frown. Must be the cold, was what he said to himself. Then Laurens whistled loudly, making everyone look at him. He had an evil smirk on his lips and was looking at Thomas and Alex like he knew something they didn't.
"Tom and Alex, sitting in a tree–"
"Oh no..." Eliza mumbled behind Alexander
"K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Lafayette, Peggy and Angelica now followed the mocking with Laurens while Thomas only rolled his eyes
He didn't see when Alex jumped on the man. When he noticed Laurens was on the ground and Alex was over him putting his head on the snow with an evil laugh. Thomas just stared, wide-eyed, starting to laugh because of the scene.
After an hour of playing in the snow or just generally talking to each other, everyone started to go home. Thomas bid goodbye to Angelica with a kiss on her hand, making Alexander want to drop-kick him. When everyone was already gone, both he and Hamilton started walking out of the park side by side, in silence.
Until Alexander sneeze.
The sound was so sudden and loud that made Jefferson jump and look at him, seeing Alex hug himself, probably cold. They kept walking and alexander sneezed a few more times before Jefferson started talking.
"How are you going home?"
Alexander frowned and looked at Jefferson, curious.
"I came here walking. Guess I'll walk home."
"You're going to get really sick if you do. You already look bad, to be honest."
Alexander looked at him, offended and Thomas took his time to laugh. "I mean that you already look sick, Alexander. Look, I live nearby. Let's walk to my house and I drive you home."
Thomas didn't know why he was doing that. Taking Alexander home was trespassing lots of boundaries, but there he was, offering it anyway. And Alexander seemed even more surprised, but he couldn't control a little smile to appear on his lips.
"Ok. Seems–" he sneezed "Seems good to me."
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hamilton-one-shots · 6 years
Hamilton High School AU 28
Herc looked at John sympathetically as he dragged himself out of the dressing room. "I'm sorry, Jack... I shouldn't have left you alone with him."
"No.. I'm fine. Just can't believe I ever dated that guy sometimes." He sighed and plopped back down in the chair before announcing. "I've been thinking about getting a piercing. Or a tattoo. Something crazy."
Hercules laughed at the sudden absurdity, keeping an eye out as customers came into the shop. "Go nuts. I almost got my ears pierced a while back, but I chickened out."
John nodded. "Hopefully I wouldn't."
Hercules nodded and stood up straight, smiling as a customer came up to the counter.
She smiled at John as Hercules rang up her items, eyeing him up and down. "You're pretty cute."
Hercules chuckled and bagged her items, handing them to her after she paid. "Trust me, you're barking up the wrong tree."
John, the oblivious gay, just looked between the two blankly, trying to figure out what was happening.
"Oh.." she muttered and went red. "Sorry." She took her things and left.
"You don't even like girls and you get their attention more than Thomas."
"What?.. Oh! Was she flirting with me?"
Hercules laughed. "You're so gay."
He chuckled awkwardly, then sighed. "Yeah, I know." He checked his phone as it vibrated, then smiled. "I have to get home. I need to babysit for Maria."
"Have fun."
John nodded and left, walking home.
Lafayette pulled up outside of a nearby gas station and went inside, grabbing a slushie for him and his brother while he waited with Rosie in the car.
Alexander smiled and pulled out his phone, opening Snapchat and taking a picture with Rosie. [Got a bf nd i still get pussy]
John posted a picture in response to Alexander's, the picture featuring him holding a three year old and kissing her cheek. [Got a bf and I still spend all this time with my baby girl <3] He messaged Alexander. [Hey, I'm back at my apartment with Maria's daughter, as you see.]
Alexander smiled brightly and responded. [i c that] [she's almos as cute as u <3]
John chuckled and put her down, letting her color. [Doubt that, but okay.]
Lafayette slid back into the car, putting his phone in his pocket. "How dare you use my daughter for such an obscene joke."
He shrugged. "She made me, Laf. She insisted that I did it."
"Uh huh. Sure." He smiled and drove them to the park.
Alex responded to John's text with a picture of Lafayette sipping his slush as he drove. [Im wit tis bby grl. dont tink i can lift her]
Lafayette pulled up at the park and let Alexander walk Rosie on the harness that he got for her, glad he made sure she wouldn't be able to slip out of it. As soon as they got out of the car, she began sniffing around a bit, though was mostly interested in watching pigeons flying. And a few other birds, Alexander noted.
"Those are wagtails. They bounce around like that to make worms think it's raining so they come up and they can eat them." He smiled as he watched them bounce around, their tails bobbing behind them. "They're called wagtails for obvious reasons."
Lafayette nodded. "You always did have a love for birds."
"They do have fun Wikipedia pages when I'm home and George takes my Xbox away." He smiled as he got a response form John.
[She's cute, I guess, but my baby gets a makeover from her Uncle Johnny <3] [Laf should be jealous.] He sent her a picture of the same baby with her makeup done.
Alexander smiled. "John says you should be jealous." He showed him the picture. "I'm dating a dork."
Lafayette smiled. "I hope you are not just now realizing that. He's especially dorky around kids. And she does look cute."
Alexander nodded and responded. [she luks cute, unkle johnny ; P]
[So do I.] He sent a picture of both of them, now with his own makeup done. [Maybe you could come over and I can do your makeup, too, though I wouldn't be able to make you any cuter.]
Alexander practically squeaked with delight as John responded. "Johnwantsmeover- I mean.." He looked up at Lafayette, smiling sheepishly. "Would you mind?.." He didn't want Laf to think he was just second best, that he only wanted to be with him when he couldn't be with John.
"No, that's completely fine." He smiled. "You haven't seen him all day. I'd ask you the same if Herc asked me to hang out."
Alexander smiled. "Thank you."
Lafayette tugged at Rosie's leash, watching as she leaned forward, more interested in the wagtails. "Come on, Rosie."
She let out a disgruntled mewl, but listened and followed them back to the car.
"You know, I just realized," Lafayette began as he got in, "I don't know where John lives."
"Oh, right. I can tell you which way to-" He was cut off as Rosie jumped over the gear stick and across his lap, escaping through his open door. "I got it!" He jumped out of the car and followed the kitten, who was now more focused on terrorizing a squirrel than her frantic owners. Alexander watched as the squirrel began climbing a tree and hoped that it would discourage the kitten, but no luck. She scaled the tree right behind him, climbing to the highest branches and chasing the squirrel off the end of one of them before finally realizing that it was gone. She sat there on that top branch and licked her paw, completely unaware of what was happening below.
"I should've been watching her more closely, I can't believe I let her do this, how am I going to get her d- What are you doing?" Lafayette had been so busy panicking, he hadn't had much time to notice Alexander pulling off his hoodie and scaling the tree himself.
"I'll be right back," he responded simply as he climbed, his speed being rather impressive. He eventually reached that top branch and carefully placed himself near the trunk before leaning forward and reaching out, grabbing Rosie's harness and pulling her back, much to her displeasure. "Yeah, yeah." He sighed and looked back down at Lafayette, going a bit dizzy. Had he always been that high? "Uh.. Are you any good at catching, Laf?.."
"You'd better not jump! Um... Do you think you can climb down if she's out of your hands?"
Alexander thought for a second and nodded. "Yeah."
"Okay.. This may not work.." he muttered to himself before calling out. "Rosie! Come here, love!"
She may not have listened to Alexander, but she loved Lafayette. Though, instead of climbing down, she leaped out of Alexander's arms, landing safely in Lafayette's open ones.
He quickly put her in his hoodie pocket and tied her leash around one of his belt loops as he watched Alexander climb down, ready to catch him if he had to.
Alexander took a deep breath and began climbing back down, one branch at a time at a steady pace. All seemed well, until a branch snapped beneath his foot. He gasped and clung to the tree trunk, wincing as the broken end dug into his leg, piercing his skin. "Ow, ow, ow, ow.." he whimpered, before taking a deep breath. After all, it was still a long way down. He regained his composure and continued climbing until he was where he started, just a few feet up, and hopped down, Lafayette catching him and managing not to crush Rosie.
"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! She's my kitten, I should've gone after her instead of panicking."
"Laf, it's," he looked down at the blood on his jeans and gulped, "just a little cut.. I'll be fine.."
Lafayette sighed and took him back to the car, supporting most of his weight. "I'm still sorry... I'll take you home and fix your leg, then take you to John's."
Alexander nodded and let Lafayette help, sighing as they got in the car.
Rosie curled up in his lap, evidently tuckered out from her criminal actions, and Alexander simply allowed it, taking the situation well.
Before, he would've screamed at Lafayette for letting him fall or making him go after her, but he was acting pretty much reasonably right now. It was all the more proof that Alexander was a changed man. He got out his phone and texted John as Lafayette drove them home. [il b ther swn. gota go hoem frst] [may b bleadin, but dnt wory] [im ok. lafs here] [rosy is a demon in kiten from hel] His writing somehow seemed to be a bit more appalling than usual, the pain distracting him.
[What happened? Are you okay?]
[i piked a fite w/ a three nd lost] [il explane wen im @ urs] [dnt panik] [pls]
[A three?] It took John a few seconds to get it. [You fell out of a tree?!]
Lafayette arrived at their house and took Alexander inside to the bathroom, giving him some painkillers before rolling up his pants and fixing up his wound, cleaning it and putting a bandage on it. "Is that better?.."
Alexander stood up, wincing as he put weight on his bad leg, but nodding. "Yeah, that's better. Thanks, Laf."
Alexander limped back to his room and began packing a bag for things he'd need to stay over at John's apartment: a change of clothes, his books, his laptop, Rosie, his headphones- "Oh no you don't! You've cost me enough trouble today." He grabbed Rosie and took her out of his bag before zipping it up and slinging it over his shoulder, grabbing his phone. [no, i rely hat mats] [yes i ment tree] He chuckled to himself and followed Lafayette back down to his car. [im on my way, c u sun <3]
[Learn to spell so I can read your texts : P]
Alexander smiled and got in the car with Lafayette, giving him directions to the apartment as he texted. [m4b3 i sh0d tip3 l1k3 d1s 1nst3d] [w@ d0 u th1nk?]
[I think your typing just gave me an aneurysm : P]
He chuckled, then looked up at Lafayette. "Hey.. Do I look okay?.. Like John was with Madison and he dresses smart, so I just want to.. you know?.."
Lafayette nodded. "You look fine. Don't worry. You and I both know that John loves you and not Madison, anyways. He loves you for you and you are the one who makes him happy." He pulled up at John's building. "Go hang out with your dorky boyfriend."
Alexander smiled and leaned across the seat, giving him a hug. "Thanks, Laf.. I needed that." He smiled at him as he pulled away and got out, heading up to the gate and pressing the buzzer for John's apartment. "Delivery! One sappy boyfriend here for a weirdo."
John laughed as he heard the message and got up, responding before buzzing him in. "Great! I've been waiting forever. I don't have any money. I hope you accept payment in cuddles and kisses."
Alexander smiled and went in, heading over to John's apartment and hugging him as he let him in.
"Hey! I've missed you all day. Come in." He smiled and closed the door behind him, the toddler on the floor looking up at the stranger. "Alexander, this is Maria's daughter, Susan. Susie, this is my boyfriend, Alexander."
She smiled and waved. "You can call me Susie, too!"
Alexander nodded and looked between the two, feeling incredibly under dressed. John looked amazing with the makeup and Susie was no less than adorable. "Hi, Susie. You can call me Alex. John was telling me how great you looked with your makeup, but I didn't expect you to be so beautiful."
She smiled widely. "Thank you! He made me pretty, like my mommy. He can make you prettier, too!"
Alexander may not have been one for such feminine things, but he would've had to have been a monster to turn down such an offer. "How could I turn down an offer like that?"
John shook his head and knelt down to Susan's level. "I think he's just saying yes to be polite. Some people don't like makeup, okay?"
He smiled and kissed her cheek, then looked up at Alex. "Sorry.. She's three. She's excitable."
"It's fine. Thanks."
"No problem." He got up as the buzzer rang again, this time there being an actual pizza delivery. "I'll be right back." He left and got the pizza, Susie showing Alexander her coloring pages in the meantime.
He joined her in the kitchen and sat beside her at the counter. "Whatcha coloring?"
"My mommy as a princess! Johnny said that she's too pretty for a princess to look like her in my coloring book, so he drew her for me." He showed him the Disney princess style Maria Lewis in the sketchbook that seemed to be filled with similar drawings for her. "Johnny always makes coloring books for me." She smiled and flipped to another page, this one with John as a Disney prince, and showed her. "I asked him to draw this one because he's my prince."
Alexander smiled and looked at the drawings in awe, once again amazed at John's artwork, this time in the variety of styles he could draw in. He was so amazed that he didn't even notice John coming back in with the food. "John's my prince, too. He's my knight in shining armor with a heart of gold."
"I'm glad to hear that," John said as he placed a plate in front of Alexander.
"Shhiiii-ugar. Sugar. Oh, gosh." Even Alexander knew better than to curse in front of small children. "Looks like his highness has arrived."
"I thought you were my prince!" Susie whined as she finished giggling.
"I am! I'm your prince and Alexander's and my sisters'."
"Oh. Okay." She smiled and began eating, John sitting across the counter from the pair and doing the same.
Alexander stared at his piece, wishing it wasn't so hard for him to eat, especially in front of little Susie. He decided to distract them both from it. "Hey, Susie, want to see a trick?" He smiled and showed her his tongue, which was bright blue from his slushie earlier.
Susie giggled loudly when she saw. "How did you do that?"
"A magician never reveals his secrets." He smiled and began eating his pizza, taking a few small bites.
After everyone finished eating, John scooped up Susie. "It's getting late. Time for you to get ready for bed."
"But I want to stay with Alex," she whined.
"I know, but you have to sleep if you want to grow up and be a big girl. I promise you'll see him again."
John smiled and took her to the bathroom, giving her a bath and dressing her in pajamas before letting her take over his bed for the night. When he was done with that, he went back to Alexander and sat on the couch with him, pulling him close.
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