#it's fun though. it's enrichment
dykeminecraft · 2 years
Actually fuck it I'm chattering about it Now.
So I'm in a discord for a game series (IEYTD) and that's where all this is happening
The most recent puzzle...transmission...thing we got was these two images & a message
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(This is a spy game series dw about it it's not super relevant)
Anyways we got that about 5 days ago. More under the cut bc I'm gonna fuckin Ramble
anyways so this guy...i mean technically speaking he's based on the handler character from the games so i'll just call him Handler. anyways. Handler had a pen pal (as you can see) & we. don't know shit about this pen pal. all we know is that they play a "mean game of chess" and are now in mortal peril. cool whatever we can fix that probably.
first transmission is a threat, pretty bog standard, it's fine. the clues make it come out to "this message is a warning - your friend is a secret". which ok cool doesn't give us much to go on but it's fine
next transmission is a drawing of dominoes (the dominoes are orange, green, purple, blue, & yellow). dots & divider lines on the dominoes translate to morse. yay. orange becomes "burn", green becomes "life", purple becomes "bleed", blue becomes "funeral", yellow becomes "flanter". don't worry about that last one it's an inside joke & the moderators keep poking at us about it. anyway
something that wasn't relevant up until this point is now relevant, which is that while Handler can send us transmissions, we can respond. so we pick green. Handler's like "i hope you're right about this because everyone picked green" (we were right. it's fine).
(it also becomes obvious that he's at least somewhat aware of our other discussions, specifically when it would be funny, because he mentions our concerns that the penpal may be the major antagonist of the game series. he shrugs it off. we're still suspicious).
so we're helping Handler at this point.
next transmission comes in, and it's caeser ciphered, different shifts every line, it's fine it gets solved in 30 minutes flat. but unfortunately the person who kidnapped the penpal (referred to as Hijacker from here on) has gotten tired of Handler using a P.O. box & is now demanding his address (coordinates, actually).
So we have to give Handler a burner location. all good. he gives us options to pick from, we pick somewhere in the city, it's great.
we wait a month.
then this one comes in.
so now that about 3 months has been summed up. time to explain what in the absolute fuck this latest one is.
each number on that sheet of paper has multiple translation options, based on what the corresponding letters on a phone pad would be. for example, 4 could be G, H, or I. and it's not consistent - one 4 could be an I, and the next could be a G.
this took us a day to figure out.
and because of how it is by nature, there's multiple different word possibilities.
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all of this is from one line of numbers. it's a nightmare out here. and most of these, yknow, they make sense if you look at them for a second (like that one comes out to "take a short walk to get a short cake")
but the first line is a nightmare. and then there's this funny little line
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it took us 3 days to figure out what that said with occasional input from the puzzle manager.
p.th.a² + b² = c². that's what it translates to.
which is a pretty obvious reference to pythagorean's so it didn't take long to figure out what it meant after that, but the translation was rough. but now we know
so anyway we get about...3 lines into translating it, and figure out that they're directions. assumedly leading to that purple building in the map picture.
problem is. the directions aren't just "go left. go right. go straight." this is a list of confirmed correct translations & sentences:
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(temptation was a typo on the puzzle manager's part. it's fine i assumed it was on purpose)
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these are our current directions. we're pretty sure that this is correct bc the puzzle manager reacts with a specific emote when we get a right answer (which has been fucking instrumental in this puzzle. it's been 5 days)
we think we have it narrowed down to a building/area within that star lookin cluster
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what we know now is that -there's a park on the immediate left of the origin point -"poof" isn't a relevant word. apparently. -the second sentence (park port) helps with orientation, and the third sentence (pass pest pair and peer) helps nail down the origin point we're hoping to have it done within the next couple days. but then again there's only two people working on it most of the time (+ the input of the puzzle manager)
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menlove · 9 months
can't do this one as a poll bc there's endless choices but if you're in college/university or went to college/university what's been the most fun/enriching class you've had?
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fidgetspringer · 2 months
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Do you miss the Pokemon GO days but feel done with the game?
Here's an alternative for you:
-Download the Merlin app.
-Make an account with Cornell lab of Ornithology.
-Go for a walk.
-Hear a bird? Hit 'Sound ID' and let the app do its thing.
-Hit 'This is my bird' and follow instructions.
Congrats! You just logged a bird sighting! Now go do another.
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hydrachea · 7 months
I like to imagine the Melusines have collectively mobilized to bring Furina and Neuvillette together, because otherwise they'd just "I should keep my distance for their sake 😔" eachother until the end of time, so they've taken the matter into their own hands and keep arranging things so Neuvillete and Furina can "coincidentally" keep crossing eachother's paths
The mélusines ship Neuvillette and Furina as hard as Meropide's inmates ship Wriothesley and Sigewinne for real.
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engietrans · 7 months
im working on something positively silly
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yetvalerian · 7 months
scrolling through the slimecicle tag rn is so funny bc there is a clear disconnect between posts about charlie try-harding and his total breakdown
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sysig · 10 months
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Very cool and not at all uncomfortable vent sesh (Patreon)
#Doodles#Wander Over Yonder#Emperor Awesome#Commander Peepers#Some friendly Eyesome :D#This is all Awesome's fault lol I thought about him being dramatic and lying on the ground and venting to Peepers and it became an Idea#Awesome stop being fun to draw challenge - at least it's not as hard a challenge as Peepers stop being being fun to draw lol#A lot of his poses were really fun for this as well :D Although I didn't mean to put Awesome behind him initially lol#They're probably at Awesome's actually - Peepers brought something to work on the workaholic needs his enrichment lol#I just can't imagine Awesome being comfortable on the Skullship let alone Peeps' quarters lol ''Damn bitch you live like this?''#Like he can talk ♪ But at least he knows what he likes!#Peepers gets all the vent sessions haha - at least Awesome would probably return the favour! Gossip ♫ It's still probably mismatched#Both for Awesome's selfishness and Peepers' discomfort with relying on others and being kinda repressed#If Awesome pushed him the right way he'd probably spill a lot though hehe#But anyway this is about Awesome! I think actually becoming friends with Peepers after he told him off would recontextualize some things :)#Still some hard feelings but not enough to reignite the fight over haha#And actually letting Peeps in and his words sink into his bones - and as he says watching Peepers work so hard but still just be a minion#What does this say about me??? thinks the self-obsessed shark man lol#Meanwhile Peepers was just expecting a self-centered rant but he actually got caught in the crossfire enough to be complimented hehe#At least Someone around he recognizes how hard he works!#''Alright fine you've got my attention keep puffing my ego'' lol#His little quirked ''brow'' hehe <3
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yume-fanfare · 7 days
ok guys so what do we think about fuyume in the yztr dorm. someone absolutely needs to be added there asap.
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i didnt come up with this headcanon ive just seen it around a bit (but not enough!!) which is that because he is part stonesleeper hunter is also weak to ear scritches lol
I've always been a fan of the more subtle grimwalker biology headcanons like. Their eyes look slightly weird in photos/at night, their heartbeats are really subtle to the point of being inaudible, their skin is a bit duller and greyer than the average witch, etc. Small things that are Off, but not noticable.
There's so many options for How this revelation could come about and all of them are of equal hilarity to me. On the one hand, Luz knows about the stonesleepers ticklish spot, and is one of the most touchy feely in the cast w/ a curious personality. She is a PRIME candidate for unlocking the Hunter ticklish spot. Realistically it's Luz.
BUT if I were to be indulgent, then I'd also like to put forth Darius- (he's so used to giving Eberwolf affectionate ear scritches that once him and hunter have acclimated past the awkward phase of their relationship, he does it unconsciously one day, leading to the discovery)
-and Willow (that's his GF and she has special Hunter cuddle rights that few others have (HC hunter is VERY awkward about PDA but when he's alone w/ willow he's an absolute touch starved cuddlebug) and thus she is the only one who could have her hand in as weird of a place as the back of Hunters ear without him completely seizing up and going into fight or flight mode).
Either way once this fact is discovered Hunter will never know peace. Everyone he allows to be affectionate with him (Luz, Camilla, Gus, Amity and Eda after a time, King, etc) is gonna get their hands behind his poor, vulnerable little ears. It's just so surprising to people when they first hear it. Hunter?? Really??? He's got a ticklish spot like a big puppy????
And tbh it was a suprise to Hunter too! Nobody had ever been affectionate enough with him to discover this before </3
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 months
when can we talk about wanting to see HER bleed huh? when can we talk about wanting HER to get her bones broken in alphabetical order? when can we talk about how much SHE needs to have her mind shattered? the state of this website. you can’t even talk about wanting to tie women to traintracks anymore. because of the woke.
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I love this blog and this idea so much, it makes my day so much better to see the posts you have no idea <3
You are very welcome! Every Mathieu deserves a loving home and here at is-this-mathieu-enriched we strive to do our part when it comes to outreach and education on Mathieu-care.
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moe-broey · 4 months
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Very quick and messy doodle for Valentine's cause I don't believe in romantic love BUT I ALSO don't believe in being a hater because of that 😤😤😤
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also the Biggest Eternalest Moods
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monty-glasses-roxy · 4 months
I just had the funny thought of Roxy lowkey 'abusing' her power as a security node to allow herself a little pettiness by eventually figuring out how to ban Gregory off EVERY attraction of the PizzaPlex, INCLUDING THE FREDDY-CENTERED ONES, since she is part of the security while Freddy isn't. Now they might figure out a way to undo this in some areas, but it would still be inconveniencing them for at least a couple hours which Roxy takes as a win. Or, when it happens they can tell who is responsible and have to figure out a way to make Roxy undo it, which I highly doubt she'd do without some demand or strings attached.
Oh she's absolutely abusing her security power for this and everything else ever lmao
It would be pretty funny if they can't override it at all and had no idea what the problem is. She doesn't even have to just ban him! There's normally at least two or three doors in halls and rooms on your way into the attractions, so she could fuck with him way more here. He can't get through one of the doors for ages and she randomly unlocks it when he's trying to fix it so he thinks he found the solution... only to get stuck by the next door. He goes back through the previous door a few times before that one stops working again too. And oh hey! This door is opening now, but it's only opening far enough to stick his hand under it at most! Sometimes the doors work, sometimes they don't, and neither Gregory nor Freddy know what the fuck is happening, cause Freddy has the same problem now lmao
Freddy asking Roxy is she knows what's going on cause she usually knows when something's wrong. She answers like "oh that's soooo weird... none of us are having that problem that's wiiilldd..." Doesn't even try to cover it up that she's messing with them cause what are they gonna do? Override her? Good luck with that!
Why just doors though? She could be a little shit in other ways too I bet. Interferes with Gregory's Fazwatch a little bit so when he calls Freddy from Mazercise or wherever, Freddy thinks he's in Gator Golf. She could randomly make it start blasting Never Gonna Give You Up, and if they don't know she can do that, they'd have no idea what's going on lmao
He tries to find anyone on the cameras and they just don't work all of a sudden. That's soooo weird! It's such a mystery that he hasn't seen Roxy on these things since that night!
That could be what gives her away, but they can't prove anything so they can accuse all they like lmao. They keep trying to catch her out but they don't know how she's doing it or where she's hiding out to do it. Can't track the signal cause they don't have that kind of clearance. They try to get her back too by banning her from various Plex areas but like... obviously the security animatronic can just... bypass that...
It's not like she's hurting them or anything! She's just waging psychological warfare on them for shits and giggles! She's inconveniencing them at best and it's driving them up the wall cause they can't figure out how to stop her lmao
What would she even demand from them to make it stop? Would she even want anything, or would this be entertainment enough for her to just keep playing the clueless innocent card in the most unconvincing way possible? They know it's her but they can't prove it and get her into trouble for it and she's living for their frustration over it.
Bonus: She doesn't even watch most of the time. She could potentially have randomised how the doors react to both of them so they can lose their marbles with minimal effort on her part. She's absolutely this petty lmao
Maybe she locked Freddy out of his own attraction and his room in Rockstar Row too. I bet she's done that a good few times. A bunch of kids staring at him as he struggles to open the door and he has to very awkwardly pretend he's lost his keys or something, only for it to open when he leans on it so he falls on the floor. What's the point in all this power if she can't be funny and abuse it, right?
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isfjmel-phleg · 7 months
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noctude · 1 year
hi. would anybody want to provide some singing for a track on wizard solitaire? i think it would be extremely cool to have a bunch of voices on this one. (i cant pay you sorry this would just be for fun and also i get no money from music streaming)
(details under cut)
-only 8 measures
-i will provide sheet music and an audio track for reference/timing
-lowest note is a D#3, highest note is an A4. if you cant hit a note just sing a different one and i’ll use the magic of subtle autotune
-the melody is kinda wonky because i didnt originally write it with vocals in mind but it’s doable
-theres actually 2 choices a melody and a countermelody. the countermelody is harder. let me know which one you wanna do. or both if youre an overachiever
-recording quality can be scuffed i literally did it with my laptop mic
dm me :-D
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