#it's dimitri he's a blue lion blue lions stick together
yellowocaballero · 4 months
No one left behind 😭👍, that was so cheesy of Felix but I love that for him.
It was SO cheesy and I'm SO proud of him. I think Felix has the biggest heart in the Blue Lions, which is saying a lot. He's way too loyal and loves way too much and it burns him. He's one of the characters who changes most throughout the story, and it was rewarding to show him grow up. And I loved writing him as a POV character, he was perfect - perceptive, insightful, funny, provocative, has lots of internal conflict, starts a lot of external conflict, says what he thinks. and emotionally intelligent or stupid as the situation calls for. 10/10 character.
The conceit of the AU was, of course, "what if the Blue Lions stayed together during the time skip". They were each other's only safety and security, the only people they trusted, and in the most dangerous situation possible they were each other's only safe harbor. The Rules were why they stayed to take care of Dimitri (ergo, it's also "AU where Dimitri wasn't alone for five years"), but I think it was taking care of Dimitri that finally solidified them as a family. To them, it was a replication of what Byleth had done - gaining the ability to show compassionate, empathic, and unconditional love because that love was given to them. As Byleth gains the ability to feel love through the love felt for her. Byleth's upcoming arc is very much a 'oh no, I'm having feelings' journey. AKA Come get your Dimileth food lol
I think Felix is a very loving person, but his love had fueled his hatred and resentment, and he had to re-learn how to show it. That involved releasing a lot of things within him. Becoming a caretaker tends to mature you fast, for better or for worse, and Felix had to process a lot of stuff very quickly. I think namely the fact that Dimitri and Felix had been caught in a toxic PTSD cycle of Felix punishing Dimitri and Dimitri using Felix as a way to punish himself. I think Felix's desire to punish Dimitri was stonewalled by Dimitri's psychotic break, because it must have become incredibly apparent that Dimitri was punishing himself enough for the both of them - and that there was no point to punishing Dimitri at all when Dimitri could barely even understand him. Everybody's seen Dimitri homicidal now and everybody believes him. The homicidality has lost a lot of its monstrousness and evil - it just seems sad, now, the misdirected fear of a sick person. There's no satisfaction out of hating Dimitri anymore. There's no longer any point. And Felix is left alone with the fact that the boy he loved is sick, and needs him, and if Felix was cruel to him now then it would only be cruelty for the sake of cruelty, and he would be no better than Dimitri. I think Felix forgave him, and I think it took a lot of maturity.
Felix's journey is super interesting. He got, like, two side stories with his POV just because I found him so interesting. This is also really why I'm not a Dimitri/Felix person - what they actually have going on is just so much more interesting (same reason I'm not a Dimitri/Dedue guy - Dimitri and Dedue's actual thing is FAR more fascinating). Felix's decision to forgive Dimitri wasn't about Dimitri - it was about Felix, and Felix being nineteen years old, and facing a crossroads of his life where he decided what kind of person he wanted to be (again, another journey Byleth has). Would he exhibit decency, humanity, and compassion to the person he hated the most? And if he did, would it release something old and rotten within him? Who knows! We will! When I post Catleth!
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dragonsarecats · 7 months
[ Previous anon ]
 I'M SORRY FOR WORDING IT LIKE THAT I played the Golden Deers, some of my favorite queer ship are with Deers and some of my favorite character are among the deers! My favorite deer ship is probably Leonie x Lysithea ( She litteraly say Leonie would make an incredible partner! Why do their support stop at B again?? ) and my otp is Hilda x Edelgard ( do not judge me I have REASONS ). And also, one of my favorite queer headcanon is trans aro-ace Claude! So I genuinely love the Deers as queers!
However, for me the deer and the diverse queer content around them is heavily a fandom thing. When I say the deer are "too straight for me", I meant it for the game directly. Like you have the Black Eagles where not only litteraly every characters is canon queer/has heavily subtext but has also its whole narrative drenched in queer metaphor! You have the Blue Lions where, while there's less "canon queer", you litteraly cannot say most of its members are straight with how heavy the subtext that's barely even subtext anymore is: there's 0 straight explanation for Felix crying more at Dimitri death than his wife, or him dying the same day as Sylvain because they can't live without each other.
But for the Deers... You have Hilda/Marianne and Claude/Lorenz as the most popular one but while their relationship are so fascinating, when you only look only at the game, they feel too platonic? Especially compared to a Dedue/Dimitri ( like a family in private. took up a post at his grave for the most of his days. BURIED BESIDE EACHOTHER ) or a Ferdinand/Hubert ( rare A+ support, with blushing, their own little surname, Ferdinand/Edelgard support changing just to mention Ferdinand drinking coffee ). Otherwise you have Leonie/Lysithea which stop at B. You have Raphael/Ignatz where they decided to just push the relationship to make their ending all about Ignatz with his sister.
Like really, the Deers manage to have less in game queer moment than the Church of Seiros, Rhea aside, of all things! We were so robbed! The rainbow house deserve better. I'm a lesbian and after all my playthrough Verdant Winds was my only route where I had to marry a man, all I wanted was a lavender wedding with Claude while I have a passionate romance with Leonie :(
To sum up: Lysithea and Leonie should kiss, Intelligent Systems are fucking cowards 
For the fandom I'll have to disagree, I think the Deers have a lot a queer content and it's amazing :] My only thing might be how Claude has become the first character you think of when talking about bi fe3h character which is kinda telling how wlw are dismissed in the general fandom, but its better than some people insisting he's totally straigh so eh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
( Also I big agree on Hilda support being gem, she's such a great character and one that's much more complex than given credit for!! )
Oh and I think I disagree with Deers being the more family found-esq ( saying that bc it's a great subject of I discussion and I want to hear more about your opinion on the matter )
The Lions is the family where they all stick together through thick and thin, following Dimitri to hell and back, but their relationship are complexe and not always healthy ( mostly at the beginning with like Dimitri & Felix or Ingrid & Sylvain ).
The Eagles are the found family where a lot of them bitch about each other at first but they end up with deep relationship where they take care for each other and stand together against the world, even sticking together during the time skip ( also because they kinda all killed each other dad ).
The Deers are for me more like an actual close group of friend: their life are not going to revolve around each other like it does with the other houses, but they won't hesitate to come for that 5 years reunion to see the other. It's kinda like you say they're so normal in a good way! They tease each other but they don't hate each other in the way of a Dimitri/Felix, a Caspar/Petra, a Ferdinand/Hubert ( except for Lorenz but like, it's Lorenz ). They won't kill the other dad, but they'll sure as hell support each other like Lorenz and Ignatz or Marianne and Raphael. They might not start a revolution together but they will listen to the other even when it’s total heresy ( Leonie & Claude, such an incredible support :’) ) and help the other to reach their goal… I do agree with you it’s linked to not knowing each other before, but on that, isn’t knowing each other before more of a Lion thing than not knowing being a Deer thing? I don’t know, the BE are kind of a middle ground.
( Sorry for my ramblings- It's so fun talking about the deers )
AA anon thank you for the long ask!! Okay I'm gonna take this point by point under the readmore!
"My favorite deer ship s probably Leonie x Lysithea ( She litteraly say Leonie would make an incredible partner! Why do their support stop at B again?? )"
INCREDIBLY fair and based of you, lol, I read Lysithea as gay and it's 100% because of the support conversations she has with Leonie and Hilda (which to me implies an ADORABLE crush--Lysithea seems to genuinely respect and admire Hilda which is not something you'd expect from like, a surface level reading of their characters).
I'm gonna admit my own bias here in terms of canon text endings--my favorite Lysithea ending is her paired ending with Lorenz. It really reads like a queer platonic relationship to me--I don't really get romantic vibes from either of them (gay as they are) towards each other, but the commitment and care they have for each other genuinely warms my heart. Especially the fact that like, Lorenz is SO determined to ensure Lysithea takes care of herself and the ending doesn't really imply that she dies young (only that her health is delicate/poor) in comparison to others, and she and her family get to live the quiet life they want. Of course, as an aro/ace disabled person, I think it probably hits differently for me than people who aren't just because of the fact that after the most recent time I saw their support chain/got their ending I teared up a bit (and also why I'm now adoring your trans-aro-ace Claude).
ANYWAYS, I agree IS are cowards and that's why Edelgard is the only Lord who can romance both male/female Byleth.
"For the fandom I'll have to disagree, I think the Deers have a lot a queer content and it's amazing :]"
I probably didn't word what I meant completely lol correctly-- it's not that the Deer don't have a lot of queer content, it's just that overall, they have less content in general made for them then the Black Eagles and Blue Lions.
I do ALSO love so much of the queer content made for the Deers! The Three Houses fandom is amazing.
"My only thing might be how Claude has become the first character you think of when talking about bi fe3h character which is kinda telling how wlw are dismissed in the general fandom, but its better than some people insisting he's totally straight so eh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
Okay, so I was kind of dancing around saying this to your last ask but you hit the nail on the head lol. I genuinely think the reason why the Deer might come across as less queer is because the "main ship" for them, so to speak, is the WLW pairing Hilda/Marianne.
Ironically when I think about bi fe3h characters my first thought is consistently Lindhardt?
"Oh and I think I disagree with Deers being the more family found-esq ( saying that bc it's a great subject of I discussion and I want to hear more about your opinion on the matter )
The Lions is the family where they all stick together through thick and thin, following Dimitri to hell and back, but their relationship are complexe and not always healthy ( mostly at the beginning with like Dimitri & Felix or Ingrid & Sylvain ).
The Eagles are the found family where a lot of them bitch about each other at first but they end up with deep relationship where they take care for each other and stand together against the world, even sticking together during the time skip ( also because they kinda all killed each other dad )."
Okay so I definitely agree with you that they're all found family, explicitly in the text lol. What I meant in my statement that they're the most found-family-esq is that you get to see the development of ALL their relationships and becoming that family together on screen.
The Lions (a mess, and I love them), are pretty heavily involved with each other at the beginning of the game. A lot of the intrigue with them is the fact that they all have backstory stuff going on with each other (save for Ashe, I think, but we kill his dad on screen so). Mercedes and Annette went to Sorcery School together, Felix/Sylvain/Dimitri/Ingrid are all childhood friends with intense complications, and the trauma and deliberate kindness that brought together Dimitri and Dedue makes me emotional.
Similarly to them, the Black Eagles all have a history with each other (save for Dorothea) as well. There's the insane and amazing devotion between Edelgard and Hubert, Lindhardt and Caspar's childhood friendship, the onesided rivalry going on between Ferdinand and Edelgard since they were kids and Hubert's judgement of Ferdinand for it. Petra and Bernadetta, technically don't have pre-established relationships with the others, but in ways that are deliberately intense. Petra is blatantly a political hostage in the Academy Era in a way that really informs her relationship with Edelgard and Hubert even before they get to know her. Additionally Bernadetta's isolation creates a kind of infamy between her and the other nobles.
The Golden Deer, on the other hand, don't really have as many intense bonds going in (and thus, in my opinion, makes it easier for Byleth to integrate amongst them as an eventual equal). There's the preestablished dynamic of Lorenz being suspicious of and wanting to best Claude, but it's a recently developed dynamic, as Claude only appeared a year ago. This would be a bigger personal issue if he was leading a house like the Blue Lions or the Black Eagles (noble heavy as they are), but it's barely an issue in the Deer and not just because of the commoners. Hilda, Lorenz, Lysithea, and Marianne are not close. In all his supports with the three of them, Lorenz is the one reaching out because of his belief that their time in the Academy should be used to form better and closer connections with other nobles. There is nothing to imply that there was any substance to their pre-existing relationships. The only two who have anything to their relationship before the game starts, are Raph and Iganatz, who haven't spoken in years, mostly due to guilt on Ignatz's behalf for what happened to Raphael's family.
So as a result, you get to see the bonds being formed and deepened with the Golden Deer from scrap. Obviously some development happens off screen during the time skip, but other than that the Deer's found family forms and develops completely on screen, which is why I think it's the most found family-esq of the three.
In fact, it's a huge part of Claude's story. It's something you don't really notice in his route, but it's really clear when you don't pick him. While Edelgard and Dimitri kind of can't function and literally can't without Byleth's support, Claude has probably the highest survivability rate when you don't choose him of any character save technically Marianne. He survives the Blue Lions route, the Black Eagles route (if you spare him), and is implied to have survived the Silver Snow route. When he doesn't have Byleth, he still survives, so not choosing him isn't as dramatic. But it's easy to see that without Byleth as a teacher, he doesn't open up enough to the Deer. Dimitri and Edelgard have assured loyalty from their houses (even Ferdie and Felix) becuase of these pre-established relationships and positions, but Claude has to earn it. That's why Hilda, despite being his vassal, is recruit-able so long as you don't choose Black Eagles (the only route where he can die). Without Byleth, although the Deer do grow close, they don't do it as quick or as closely as they do with the Professor. Claude is a character who's never been able to truly rely on others, even if they care about him, and being able to rely on Byleth allows him to open up and rely on the Deer and truly trust them. I mean, Claude's two most relied upon people in the Deer (as seen in 3Hopes when he goes against Dimitri) are Hilda and Lorenz. I don't think people talk enough about how insane it is that Claude trusts Hilda Goneril with his life, considering he's an Alymran prince.
That's also why I think the Deer are so good for Byleth. I don't think any of the other route's are bad for Byleth at all, but I think the deer provide something to Byleth that neither the Lions or the Eagles can bring to her: a single of equivalency. Byleth is only slightly older than her students in the Academy Era and is in fact younger than most of them in the War Era, and yet it's only really with the Deer that she feels like she's amongst peers (whether it be because of the commoner/noble ratio or that she's as much of a stranger to them as they are to each other.) I mean, Claude is literally the only character who doesn't call refer to her by her Profession.
Anyways, TLDR: I think they're the most found family because a huge part of the Golden Deer route is them getting to know and love each other from scratch, and being a found family is a much bigger thematic aspect for them then it is for the other two houses.
"However, for me the deer and the diverse queer content around them is heavily a fandom thing. When I say the deer are "too straight for me", I meant it for the game directly. Like you have the Black Eagles where not only litteraly every characters is canon queer/has heavily subtext but has also its whole narrative drenched in queer metaphor! You have the Blue Lions where, while there's less "canon queer", you litteraly cannot say most of its members are straight with how heavy the subtext that's barely even subtext anymore is: there's 0 straight explanation for Felix crying more at Dimitri death than his wife, or him dying the same day as Sylvain because they can't live without each other."
"But for the Deers… You have Hilda/Marianne and Claude/Lorenz as the most popular one but while their relationship are so fascinating, when you only look only at the game, they feel too platonic? Especially compared to a Dedue/Dimitri ( like a family in private. took up a post at his grave for the most of his days. BURIED BESIDE EACHOTHER ) or a Ferdinand/Hubert ( rare A+ support, with blushing, their own little surname, Ferdinand/Edelgard support changing just to mention Ferdinand drinking coffee ). Otherwise you have Leonie/Lysithea which stop at B. You have Raphael/Ignatz where they decided to just push the relationship to make their ending all about Ignatz with his sister."
Okay, so I definitely agree with you that those things are canon queer and subtext, and that it's a shame they don't push the Raphael/Ignatz stuff and focus on Ignatz and Raph's sister (which is admittedly adorable to me).
Again, I'm aro/ace, so for me, queerness doesn't necessarily require romance as a prerequisite? Which is why I like Lorenz and Lysithea's ending, lol.
Hilda/Marianne in no way reads platonic to me, so I really disagree with you there. Hilda treats Marianne completely differently to how she treats everyone else in game. Their support chain is focused on how Hilda, who manipulates her way out of doing anything she doesn't want to, chooses to consistently over and over again do things for Marianne that she can't, and refuses to let Marianne feel bad over it. She leverages this into Marianne buying her pastries and them having a lunch date together. Their A support consists of Marianne questioning their regular dynamic of doing this and Hilda reassuring that she enjoys it so much she'd feel odd if it changed. They compliment each other to the point where Hilda starts to get a little flustered, and Hilda's even able to poke fun a little at Marianne and get Marianne to poke fun at her back. Marianne laughs at Hilda, and Hilda textually thinks it's adorable and can't even get mad at it because it's so cute. Marianne seems so genuinely happy and herself (even in negative ways!) with Hilda, and can rely on her in a way that doesn't make her feel inadequate or a burden.
I can understand as being able to view Claude/Lorenz as platonic, especially since I will never diverge from my Claude/Byleth endings, but I think they can also still be read pretty textually clear and potentially romantic. Part of this is Lorenz, who just, is very clearly gay to me? But again, part of this is the fact that a huge part of the Lorenz/Claude dynamic is them being viewed textually as equals, which is something that will and can never happen with Edelgard/Dimitri and their rival characters. Their support chain is all about getting to know and respect each other as they grow to care for one another, and while it isn't explicitly as romantic as Marianne/Hilda, I think their paired ending really speaks a lot for itself, in that Claude trusts Lorenz to be Fodlan's face of diplomacy towards Almyra. He trusts Lorenz to help him achieve his dream in the most direct way possible, something I think you can absolutely compare to his relationship with Byleth in their S-Support. Additionally about their support chain, their A-support really is about affirming to the player how close they've become, how fond they are of each other, and how neither of them can imagine the future of Fodlan without the other one in it. While there isn't a lot of direct text between Claude/Lorenz, I think there is absolutely enough subtext that you could read them romantically, especially from Lorenz's POV. The hard thing with this game is that each character needs to be able to be paired with Byleth, so they can never be textually obviously/blatantly in love with another character save for Byleth until their paired ending, and I think that absolutely holds doubly true for Lord characters, which is why I think Claude/Lorenz relies more on subtext.
I do think it's a shame that Lysithea doesn't have any A supports with women in her own house. Leonie like you mentioned is an adorable one, and I think Lysithea has a huge crush on Hilda in the ones with her, and there is definite potential in the one she has with Marianne (which in my opinion is a kinder, more gentle version of her supports with Ignatz).
I also think there's a few other support chains where there is a queer romance blossoming, they just don't get the chance to have an ending. A big one for me, personally, that I think deserved more, is Ignatz and Lorenz. I also think Leonie and Marianne's support chain was very cute, and deserved an A.
This is kind of what I was saying when I answered your last ask, I think, wherein the Deer have queer romance, but because the don't have a big blow up mlm ship (Claude is more often shipped with Dimitri + a lot of people aren't as fond of Lorenz as I think they should be lol), they kind of get sidelined as their big queer ship is WLW. And unfortunately in most fandoms, wlw ships are rarely as popular or have as much pushing force.
And also, I think, that the deer are queer without having as much romance. Their romantic pairings are far less set in store then the other two houses, I think, and part of that is because a lot of their endings read really queer platonic to me. Plus, a lot of the heavy romance lifting in the explicit text for a lot of supports tends to happen in the A/A+ region, and a several of the wlw/mlm golden deer pairings only go to B, which I think is a shame and forces them to rely more on subtext.
Additionally, because they're not the revolutionary or chivalry aligned House, a lot of their endings aren't written as...dramatically? Like I adore Felix/Sylvain to death (I have a print of them hanging next to my Claude one lol), but their childhood promise is very much the product of living in Faergus, similarly to how Hubert and Ferdinand's relationship is defined by them living in the Empire. I think because the Alliance politics are far less dramatic (or are far more dramatic in a visibly different way) the subtext for Claude and Lorenz's Romeo/Juliet for politics thing doesn't come across as huge as two characters who promised to die with each other as kids and keep it (insane I love them).
That's why in my original post I talk about loving how normal the Deer are, and I think ultimately a part of that comes from their setting: the Alliance. In my first play through, I specifically chose having my loyalties lie (in the initial meeting with the Lords) with the Alliance, because to me, someone who had no real context for the game, the Alliance was the closest thing to a democracy from what little we'd hard of each nation. Politics informs almost every aspect of the Golden Deer; sure it's played for angst and importance in the other two routes (Duscur/Sylvain's Crest Complex/Felix's problem with the chivalry system for the Blue Lions--with the latter two never being things that are textually resolved in the Kingdom's government--and Enbarr/those who Slither in the Dark for the Black Eagles), but Claude actually has to balance what other lords want in the War phase, and it's his ability to be so good at politicking that enables the Alliance to consistently remain neutral in the war. So a lot of the subtext stuff comes to fruition through the realm of politics in a way it doesn't entirely through the other two, if that makes sense. It's a huge gesture of love that Claude can trust Lorenz with his dream.
"The Deers are for me more like an actual close group of friend: their life are not going to revolve around each other like it does with the other houses, but they won't hesitate to come for that 5 years reunion to see the other. It's kinda like you say they're so normal in a good way! They tease each other but they don't hate each other in the way of a Dimitri/Felix, a Caspar/Petra, a Ferdinand/Hubert ( except for Lorenz but like, it's Lorenz ). They won't kill the other dad, but they'll sure as hell support each other like Lorenz and Ignatz or Marianne and Raphael. They might not start a revolution together but they will listen to the other even when it’s total heresy ( Leonie & Claude, such an incredible support :’) ) and help the other to reach their goal… I do agree with you it’s linked to not knowing each other before, but on that, isn’t knowing each other before more of a Lion thing than not knowing being a Deer thing? I don’t know, the BE are kind of a middle ground."
I both agree and disagree with what you've said here!
I think it's true, that in any route where you don't choose Byleth, the Deer are textually viewed much more as just close friends rather then found family, whereas I think if you chose their route they end up much closer (as I said above). I think the Black Eagles and Blue Lions have their lives, by nature, revolve around each other since they're literally all Nobles and thus part of the governning system of this world (with the exception of Dorothea). I think the Golden Deer have to make it a much more deliberate choice, and I do think it's something they do after the War in any route (assuming the majority of them have been allowed to live) because that sort of thing just forms a life long bond between people that's hard to shake without deliberate effort I can't imagine any of them truly wanting to put in.
They are normal! None of them hate each other! They don't have that sort of intensity, but they do have a lot of complexity that lends itself very well to found family. I think a big part of that complexity lends itself to the lack of killing (although I don't really think any of their parents deserve to be killed whether they've alive or dead?). The fact that Lorenz's dad has Claude's uncle killed (which when combined with Hilda, again, being a fucking Goneril is INSANE my man's two best friends are people who have reason to kill him for BOTH SIDES OF HIS ANCESTRY) and thus gets Raph's parents killed is something truly heartbreaking, and yet I think it's because there's no violence amongst each other or against the previous generation that characters like Claude (has had violence perpetuated against him for his heritage), Marianne (has had implied violence perpetuated against her for her crest), and Lysithea (has had violence perpetuated against her to get her second crest) are able to feel safe amongst the Deer. Violence is an intense choice, but I think lack of violence should also be viewed as something deliberate and chosen, esp. in the world of Three Houses. I mean, throughout Verdant Wind Claude is constantly complaining about the perpetuation of violence caused by the War! He's someone who deliberately chooses direct harm reduction. Although, to in fact speak of violence, I think it's absolutely insane that Hilda "I refuse to die for my friends" Goneril will willingly die for Claude "DO NOT DIE FOR MY SAKE FLEE PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU RETREAT" von Riegan's sake.
I do think that the Golden Deer are the most similar to a modern queer friend group and thus would be the easiest to make a 1:1 comparison, but again the events of the game do kind of necessitate that they are found family because they go through a war together. Their group dynamics are probably the most influenced by Byleth (Dimitri and his relationships with others while "mad" of course, aside), and it's really hard to make generalizations about them because again, the fact that she is not there to facilitate these close bonds makes it a lot harder for them to be as close as they are before the war as they end up being, although even without Byleth I still think they're exceedingly close. But yes, I agree, they do not live in each other's pockets, which does not make them any less found family, but does, probably, make them healthier in modern context lol.
(As a side note about Byleth and the house leaders: I think what she visibly provides to Edelgard and Dimitri is a lot more obvious than what she provides to Claude. She helps the both of them in maintaining themselves and not loosing themselves to the burden of leadership and trauma. Claude, however, is a character who has been handling both of those things alone, and we are shown that he is capable of handling them alone without massive cracks appearing in Three Houses. Claude does not need Byleth to live, as the other two directly do. Byleth gives Claude someone consistent and trustworthy to rely on, which opens him up to being able to do it with the other members of his house far easier then he's able to otherwise.)
Anyways! I think the Golden Deer are very queer, just more subtextually so then the Black Eagles and Blue Lions. I personally view a lot of the straight endings, so to speak, as queerplatonic (again Lorenz/Lysithea and honestly Leonie/Ignatz). Romance is a pretty easy metric to view queer storytelling through, but I don't think I'd see Sylvain as any less of a queer character if he didn't have his paired ending with Felix because of how his story is written. In a similar way, I think characters like Ignatz (wanted to be a painter, but it's not what his family wants for him; yearns to be creative and is self conscious about people thinking it'll interfere in his duties and has to learn to accept himself and his true dreams) and Marianne (sees herself as a monster that other people won't accept if they knew the true her and what she's hiding) are also queer without needing to be in romances, which is why the fandom gets a lot out of them subtextually.
Acceptance, I think, can be viewed as a very queer theme, and I think it's a prominent one within the Deer.
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sunstone-smiles · 1 year
The Bubbly Blue Lion Tickle Fight
With the release of Fire Emblem Engage just around the corner, I finally finished the Azure Gleam route in Fire Emblem Three Hopes last month! To celebrate, I have once again created a fun fic with Shez wanting to make their friends smile, with the Blue Lions this time! (Somewhere in the process the word count became even longer than my Golden Deer one, but oh well-). I hope you enjoy! 
Series: Fire Emblem Three Hopes
Characters: Shez, Dimitri, Dedue, Sylvain, Ingrid, Felix, Ashe, Annette, Mercedes
Words: 4,522
Summary: Dimitri struggles to simply relax on his day off, so Shez thinks of a way to get him to take a break, but their original plan grows into a much more playful battle when the rest of the Blue Lions show up. (Note: There are no spoilers that are mentioned so please enjoy!)
The tides of war are ever changing, yet little by little the Faerghus army keeps clawing their way towards their end goals of peace. Turmoil occurred during their pushes for victory, but the army learns from every battle they fight. The key to their success so far has been their continued trust between allies, furthering the bonds between each other in the process. On days when the army is not battling for the good of the Kingdom however, they’re saving their strength for the next fights ahead.
Shez, a mercenary and commander for the army, spends their day off by doing a little reorganizing of their private quarters. Wearing comfortable black clothing rather than their usual armor, Shez places a box of old papers outside their tent. These types of quiet days give the entire army a chance to relax. Everyone does so except for the one person who needs it the most—the King of Faerghus itself—Dimitri.
Shez notices him working in the distance. He’s helping fellow army members organize their own boxes of weapons and materials near the rest of the camp’s private quarters. It’s kind that he’s helping, but what he really should be doing is resting. At this point, Shez can’t even count how many times they, or the rest of their friends have told him to take it easy. Yet despite what they say, he seems to be doing the exact opposite. With a huff, Shez makes their way over to Dimitri.
The king lifts up another wooden box filled with sword hilts sticking upwards. The metal of the weapons clang together as the box is moved on top of a cart. “That’s the last of them,” Dimitri steps away from the cart and dusts his hands off. The army men and women thank him for his assistance and cart the materials away. “Take care now,” the king waves goodbye to them.
“Well, it seems like you’re being helpful today,” Shez comes up behind him. Dimitri turns around in surprise.
“Ah, Shez!” he positions himself properly to face them. “I didn’t see you there. What are you doing over here?”
Shez crosses their arms. “I could ask you the same thing.”
Dimitri lets out a sheepish chuckle. “Yes, I know. You’re about to give me an earful about why I should be resting.”
As expected, he already had a feeling as to why Shez had come over. At least he was out of his bulky armor and in more casual attire, wearing a dark blue, long sleeved undershirt with matching pants.  
“Because you’re aware of your mistake, we’ll skip the lecture this time. And now that you’re done helping, you can go and rest now, right?” Shez responds.
Dimitri flicks his blue eyes away, “Well…”
“Dimitri,” Shez elongates the last part of his name like they are about to scold him.
“I know, I know,” Dimitri gives a guilty look, tilting his eyes downward, “But it’s difficult for me to simply relax when there’s work to be done.” After a moment to think, he lifts his head back up. “How about this, I’ll finish one final task I have to do, then I’ll rest for the remainder of the day. Does that sound agreeable?”
Shez feels sympathy for him. They really do. They want to agree with him, but they know that he’ll go off and overwork himself again unintentionally. He doesn’t know when to stop. What Shez needs is a way that can guarantee that he’ll relax. Something that can get him smiling in no time. Ideas bounce around in their head—and they finally set their sights on one particular, perhaps unconventional idea, that may just be exactly what Dimitri needs to finally relax. 
Shez puts on a serious face. “A tempting offer, but no.”
“What?” Dimitri is taken aback.
“Every time you say you’re gonna take a break you never do. You may finish one task, but another will just come up. So, I’m gonna make you take a break, right here, right now.”
“S-Shez?” Dimitri can only blink at them, “I don’t understand.”
“Oh, you will,” Shez smirks. They stroll towards Dimitri, keeping eye contact with the king until they circle behind him. Dimitri continues to watch them with a curious gaze. Shez’s smirk becomes increasingly larger. “Right after I do…this!”
“AHACK!” Dimitri suddenly lets out an uncharacteristic shriek when his sides are squeezed, followed up by the fluttering of Shez’s fingers into his sides. 
“Shehez! What are you dohohohoing!” Dimitri turns his head away into his shoulder to hide his boyish giggles from slipping out.
“I’m tickling you of course! What else does it look like? I thought it would be a great way for you to finally relax.”
“Shehehez wait—AH!” Dimitri shrieks again when Shez scribbles their fingers into his stomach. He tries to curl up his middle and hold his laughter in, as this silliness may be unbefitting of a king, but streams of giggles continue spilling out. 
“Shehehehez! Hahaha!” Dimitri attempts to twist away from the mercenary. He soon ends up  crumbling to the ground onto his back and Shez follows him down. They crawl their fingers up to his ribs, earning another giggly shriek from the king. He slaps a hand over his mouth upon hearing his own squeaks; behind his hand, pink hints of a faint blush can be seen rising in his cheeks.
“Hey! No hiding that smile!” Shez easily pulls his wrist away from his mouth, then dives both of their hands back towards Dimitri’s ribs. The king is known to have great strength, but even he is weakened by the tickles.
“Shehehez!” Dimitri curls up onto his side. Big, full laughter begins to flow out of Dimitri and a bright smile is clear on his face. 
“See? Now isn’t this relaxing?”
“Your Majesty!” a protective male voice suddenly booms. Shez lifts their head up, noticing Dedue rushing towards them. They temporarily halt their attack on Dimitri to give him a break.
“I heard a shriek and—Oh?” Dedue pauses when he gets close enough to see Shez and a still giggling Dimitri on the ground.
“What’s going on over here?” another voice, female this time, calls from behind. Shez turns their head, seeing Ingrid, Sylvain, and Felix rushing over from the opposite side. 
“Hey Dedue! Hey you three!” Shez smiles at all of them as if nothing is wrong. Their friends are all wearing comfortable undershirts as well instead of their armor.
“Well, this is an unexpected surprise,” Sylvain returns the smile.
Felix crosses his arms with a scowl. “You better have a good explanation for getting us all worried.”
After hearing his friends, Dimitri tries to lift himself up, “Dedue—Ack!” but Shez playfully shoves him back down and starts tickling him again, quickly earning more laughter from the king.
“Are you…tickling His Majesty?” Dedue asks, unsure if he should be concerned or not.
“Yep! Our king here was being stubborn and refusing to rest like we told him to, so I decided to show him a way to relax,” Shez casually responds while a squirmy Dimitri wriggles under their fingers.
“Dehehehedue! Hehehehelp!” Dimitri calls to his retainer through his giggles. 
As his retainer, Dedue knows full well that it’s his duty to protect the king, but that includes making sure he’s well rested. The corners of his mouth then turn upwards into a faint smile. “Very well, Your Majesty.”
Dedue positions himself behind the leader, hooking his hands right under Dimitri’s arms as if he was going to pull him away. Thinking Dedue is going to help Dimitri up, Shez stops their attack. However, in an unexpected turn of events, Dedue starts scribbling his fingers into Dimitri’s underarms.
“AHA! Dedue! Thihihis is nohohot what I meheheheant!” Dimitri clamps his arms to his sides and starts kicking his legs in the dirt.
“Is it not?” Dedue responds innocently with a smirk in his tone, “You needed help relaxing. I am simply helping you achieve that.” 
Shez laughs, happy to see this playful side of Dedue come out. They then assist the retainer by diving their fingers back towards Dimitri’s stomach, increasing the squirms and giggles produced by the king. 
Sylvain chuckles to himself as he watches from the sidelines with Ingrid and Felix, “It looks like he’s still as ticklish as he was when we were kids.”
“You know…” Ingrid looks at the red-haired noble with a child-like mischief in her eyes, a giddiness rising up inside her that she can’t contain. “I recall you also being ticklish, Sylvain.”
Sylvain whips his head in the direction of Ingrid, his eyes expanding in horror.
“I-Ingrid! Now wait a minute!” Sylvain backs away from her when she takes a step closer, her fingers wiggling in the air. With that, he turns to make a run for it, but she darts at his sides before he can even take his first few steps to escape. Sylvain bursts into laughter, twisting in Ingrid’s hold to playfully shove her away, but he crumbles to the ground, falling to nearly the same fate as Dimitri as Ingrid follows the red-haired noble down to continue her attack. Felix rolls his eyes at Sylvain and Ingrid’s behavior, but he continuously glances back at the silly scene, also finding it quite amusing.
Shez softly laughs seeing Ingrid and Sylvain now join in on the fun, but the commander suddenly lets out a startled shriek when they’re yanked forward by a strong tug. They flop down on the dirt, and before they can look over their shoulder to see what happened, there’s fingers scribbling at their own ribs.
“AH! Hehehey!” Shez wriggles around on their belly, now noticing that Dimitri had escaped, and is the one who had attacked. 
“Ah ha! I’ve got you now Shez!” Dimitri digs into their ticklish bones, immediately causing Shez to flail around even more. “Prepare for your revenge!” Dimitri smiles and looks over at his retainer. “Dedue, I would greatly appreciate your assistance!”
Dedue returns a nod. “Right away, Your Majesty.”
“Nohoho! Dehehehedue!” Shez twists around onto their back in playful panic, now using their arms to try and defend themselves. “I thohohought you were on my sihihihide—AH!” Shez yelps again and kicks their feet in the dirt when Dedue slightly lifts them up from behind and wiggles into their own underarms.
“I was,” the retainer says in a serious manner, “But it’s only fair that His Majesty gets a chance to return the favor.”
Meanwhile, Sylvain continues wriggling on the ground, his arms squeezed to his sides, unable to roll over onto his stomach due to Ingrid’s nimble fingers scribbling into all his ticklish spots. His laughter rises in pitch the higher she flutters her fingers up to his ribs.
“Ihihihingrid! Quihihihiht it!” Sylvain giggles and tries to push her back, only resulting in her grabbing one of his wrists away for easier access to his torso.
“Quit what, Sylvain? Is there a problem? You’re going to have to be more specific,” Ingrid teases while her free hand tickles him to pieces.
“Ohoho thahahat’s it! Yohohour turn!” Quickly finding an opening, Sylvain darts his hand forward, which earns a surprised screech from Ingrid when he latches on to her ticklish side.
“EEK! Sylvahahahain!” She releases his wrist and topples over onto her back, unfortunately leaving her middle wide open to Sylvain’s attack. Ingrid tries to grab his wrists away from digging into her tummy, but Sylvain easily uses one hand to claw into her belly, earning another child-like shriek from Ingrid.
Dimitri looks over when he hears these giggly exclamations from Ingrid. He also notices that Sylvain’s back is turned towards him, which leaves him the perfect target. As sneaky as he can, Dimitri leaves Shez to Dedue and moves closer to the others.
“Haha!” Sylvain laughs triumphantly over his squirming friend, unaware that Dimitri is approaching. “What are you going to do now Ingrid—AH!” he yelps when Dimitri pounces at his sides, causing Sylvain to erupt into more laughter. He successfully yanks himself away from Dimitri’s fingers, but flops onto the ground in doing so. In a panic, Sylvain tries to scramble to his feet, but Dimitri catches his leg and starts tugging him back.
“Don’t try to run from me Sylvain!” the king exclaims with a smile.
Sylvain worms on his stomach, frantically clawing at the ground to pull away. “Why not?! I think this is an appropriate situation to be run—ING! Hahaha!” Sylvain yelps once more when Dimitri dives his fingers into his ribs. Sylvain clamps his arms down and wriggles around again in any attempt to nullify the vicious tickles.
“Did you forget how ruthless of a tickle monster I could be?” Dimitri grins from above.
“YES! Yehehehes I did!” Sylvain exclaims as he’s nearly tickled to hysterics.
“But that tickle monster is also ticklish himself!” Ingrid sits up and pounces towards Dimitri’s side.
“Ah! Ihihingrid!” Dimitri attempts to gently shove her away, which allows Sylvain the chance to quickly slip from his hold. He then attacks Dimitri’s other side, causing the king to curl himself up into a protective ball.
From above, Felix lets out a short laugh. “It’s surprising how the ruthless boar can be easily taken down by something so simple.”
“Why don’t you join us Felix?” Ingrid smiles up at the blue-haired noble.
“Hmph. No thanks,” Felix turns his head to the side.
“Aww come on! It’ll be just like when we were kids!” Sylvain adds on to the persuasion.
“I said no.”
“Then if you're not with us…” Sylvain smirks at Ingrid, signaling her with a wink of where he’s going with this new plan. He grins back at Felix. “Then you’re against us!” Sylvain exclaims and gets up to dart towards Felix, Ingrid following Sylvain’s lead.
“What?!” Felix flinches back, unable to move from his spot fast enough before Sylvain grabs his arms and pulls them in front of him. Felix growls as he tries to shake him away. “Sylvain! Let go of me—AH!” Felix yelps when Ingrid comes up behind him and squeezes his sides. The blue-haired noble immediately grits his teeth, refusing to let even a single giggle slip out. He arches his back to escape Ingrid’s wiggling fingers while trying to free his arms, but he bends backwards too far, slipping out of Sylvain’s hold and onto the ground. 
Ingrid switches roles with Sylvain, now being the one to position herself behind Felix and grabbing his arms above his head. 
The blue-haired noble gasps, then struggles to get out of her grip. “Ingrid! Let go!” Felix snarls at her. To make matters worse, he looks ahead and sees Sylvain staring him down with a sinister grin. 
“S-Sylvain! Don’t you dare!” Felix snarls again as the red-haired noble approaches him closer with wiggling fingers.
Sylvain’s grin grows even wider, “Oh, I dare!”
“Sylvain no! GAH!” Felix shuts his mouth tight when Sylvain dives his fingers into his underarms. His mouth forms a wobbly smile as he tries to hold in his giggles, but the dam soon bursts, resulting in the blue-haired noble breaking into rare laughter. He squirms from side to side, trying to yank his arms down, but he’s clearly at a disadvantage.
“Not so tough while you’re in this position, huh Felix?” Sylvain teases. In the corner of his eye, Sylvain also sees that Dimitri is finally lifting himself up from his previous attack. “Ah, you’re finally up, Your Majesty. You want to help us with Felix now?”
Dimitri chuckles, then makes his way over to Felix’s side. “I will gladly be of assistance.”
“Yohohou’re all gohohoing to gehehet it!” Felix’s laughter rises in volume when Dimitri aids by tickling his sides. Soon after, Ingrid lets go of his wrists to use her own hands to tickle him, turning the usually stoic Felix into a squirmy, giggly puddle against his three friends.
Due to the ruckus of laughter, the rest of the Blue Lions—Ashe, Annette, and Mercedes—also in casual clothes, come over to the scene after all the noise caught their attention.
“Oh my!” Mercedes exclaims with a smile when she sees the cause of all the commotion, “What’s going on here?” 
“Aww!” Annette clasps her hands together, “It looks like everyone’s having a tickle fight! Oh, how fun!”
Mercedes gazes down at Shez, who’s still being taken down by Dedue. “Shez, did you start this?” she asks.
“Yehehehes! Buhuhut it bahahackfired! Hahaha!”
“I know that feeling all too well,” Ashe giggles. “It reminds me of the tickle fights I used to have with my siblings.”
Annette’s ears perk up. She then glances at him with a little grin. “Soooo, does that mean you’re ticklish too, Ashe?” she ends her sentence with a poke to his side, earning a jump from the knight.
Ashe darts his eyes to the side. “I—Well…Hehehey!” he jumps again when Annette continuously starts poking at his sides. He turns away from her pokes, but Annette suddenly wraps her arms around him and scribbles her small fingers into his sides, trapping the knight in a tickle hug.
“Ah ha! I knew it!” she exclaims.
“Annehehehette! Hahahaha!” Ashe bends his middle forward to try and escape, but like many of his other friends, he ends up crumbling to his knees and flopping onto his back, where Annette follows him down to easily scribble into the rest of his torso.
After witnessing Ashe and Annette’s playfulness, Mercedes glances back at Shez and Dedue, observing that the purple-haired mercenary is still squirming about with laughter after all this time.
“Here, let me help you Shez,” Mercedes joins in on the fun. She leans down behind Dedue and scribbles into his sides. The retainer jolts in surprise, but no laughter.
“Mercedes? What are you doing?” Dedue asks over his shoulder, also halting his attack on Shez to allow the mercenary a breather. Shez lifts themself up on their arms, slowly sliding themselves over to the side to now watch the two.
“I’m trying to tickle you,” Mercedes responds, “You’re not laughing though.”
“I suppose I’m not ticklish there. I can’t remember if I am anywhere.”
“Hmm…Well, maybe you are in a different spot then,” Mercedes scratches her fingers up his ribs, still getting no reaction. “What about here?” the healer then moves her hands up to Dedue’s underarms. The retainer lets out a sudden gasp, followed by him clamping his arms down.
“M-Mercedes!” a quivering smile grows on Dedue’s face while Mercedes continues scratching at his tickle spot. Dedue drops forward, one hand holding himself up, while the other wraps around his torso, his body unsure of how to exactly react to the unfamiliar tickly feeling. Shortly after, soft giggles begin releasing from the retainer. 
“There we are!” Mercedes beams with success. She increases the pace of her fingers, prompting Dedue’s deep giggles to slowly increase and nearly causing him to drop completely onto the ground.
“Thanks Mercedes,” Shez smiles up at the healer. 
“Of course!” Mercedes then peers ahead to Felix’s situation, seeing that another one of her friends can use some assistance. “Annie! Take over for me!” Mercedes exclaims over her shoulder.
“You got it, Mercie!” Annette releases Ashe and quickly switches with Mercedes, leaving little no time for Dedue to regain his composure before being sent back into giggles. With Annette now taking over, Mercedes dashes behind Dimitri and Sylvain.
“Come on you three! Give Felix a break,” Mercedes drops to her knees, then shoots her hands forward to tickle the ribs of the male nobles with one hand each. The two jump and lean away in the opposite direction of her while another stream of giggles spill out of them.
Now freed from two of his attackers, Felix launches past Ingrid into an upright position and pounces at Sylvain, knocking the red-haired noble to the ground.
“Oh, you’re in for it now Sylvain!” Felix immediately starts digging into Sylvain’s sides, causing his friend to jolt with laughter.
“AH! Fehehehelix! NO—AHA!” Sylvain kicks his legs when the blue-haired noble scribbles down near his hips, sending Sylvain into hysterics. At the same time, Mercedes takes on Dimitri, easily making him topple over onto his back again from the gentle fluttering of his fingers into his middle.
“Thanks for the help Mercedes,” Felix acknowledges the female healer beside him as they tickle the two other nobles side by side.
“I’m happy to assist!” Mercedes smiles.
From behind, Ingrid quietly laughs at her friends, but apparently not quiet enough. Felix glances over his shoulder, glaring at her like he’s locking on to a new target. 
“Don’t think I forgot about you, Ingrid!” Felix leaps at her, knocking her to the ground like he did with Sylvain. She explodes once more into laughter when Felix scribbles into her belly.
In the meantime, Ashe recovers and notices Dedue in need of assistance as well. The knight lunges his hands towards Annette’s sides, resulting in the girl producing a high pitched squeak. Through her giggles, she twists herself all the way around in the knight’s hold to break free, but Dedue repositions himself to sit behind her. Using their significant height difference to his advantage, Dedue pulls back the squirmy Annette in his lap before gently scribbling into her sides. Ashe also helps, adding in some more scribbles into her tummy.
“Eek! Ashehehe! Dehehedue!” Annette shrieks again, loud enough for Mercedes to hear it over the laughter around her.
“Annie?” Mercedes lifts her head up. Unfortunately for her, that leaves her wide open for a counter attack from Dimitiri. Wasting no time, the king darts his hands forward and wiggles into the healer’s sides.
“Eep! Dimitrihihihi!” Mercedes crumbles to the ground and Dimitri sits up, successfully switching places with his previous attacker.
“My apologies for this Mercedes, but it has to be done!” Dimitri smiles while a flow of airy giggles is released by the healer.
As this all plays out, Shez curls their knees to their chest from the sidelines, simply watching everyone have a good time. They didn’t think that their silly little plan would turn into an all out tickle fight, but they’re glad it did. Sometimes they forget that everyone needs a chance to loosen up once in a while.
Another squeak from Annette snaps Shez out of their thoughts. Looks like it’s time to get back into the game and help out their friends.
“Hold on Annette, I’ve got you!” Shez gets up from their spot. They come behind Dedue and slip their fingers under his arms, earning a jump from the retainer. 
“Ah! Shehehez!” Dedue squeezes his arms down and can’t help himself from breaking out into giggles again.
“Don’t worry, Dedue! I’ll help!” Ashe lifts himself off the ground and heads for Shez. With a mischievous glint in their eye, Shez stays put. Ashe lunges at the mercenary, but Shez dodges out of the way and Ashe trips forward with a thud.
“Come here Ashe!” Shez scoops up the knight in a hug and pulls them into their lap, then drills their fingers into his sides.
“AH! Nohohohot again!” the knight squirms around in the mercenary’s hold. Annette then sneaks up from behind, wrapping her own arms around Shez’s middle to tickle them.
Through Shez’s giggly squirming, they reach behind and give a few squeezes to Annette’s sides, making the girl fall back with a squeak. Shez quickly escapes their friends and runs away. However, they accidentally head right towards Dimitri. The king easily catches the mercenary when they run by and Shez lets out a shriek when they’re yanked backwards into a strong hold.
“Dimitri!” Shez frantically tries to squirm away, having a bad feeling they know what he’s thinking of next.
“You can’t escape all of us at once Shez! Time to end this fight with the person that started it all!” Dimitri glances around at his teammates, “Everyone attack!”
Shez’s eyes go wide and their squirming significantly increases. “Noho!” they exclaim with a giggle as they attempt to escape from the king’s grasp, but they release another shriek as Dimitri dives his fingers into the commander’s sides. Shez immediately slides backwards onto the ground. Soon after, Dedue comes over to assist Dimitri, both tickling Shez from behind. The rest of the Blue Lions surround the mercenary—Ashe, Mercedes, and Annette get them on their right, while Sylvain, Ingrid and, surprisingly, Felix get them on their left. 
Shez squirms around from side to side, kicking their legs in the dirt as their laughter fills everyone’s ears. They had no idea all of the Blue lions could be this playful, but it warms their heart to see them all happy. Dimitri was right that Shez can’t escape all of them at the same time though.
“OKAY! Okahahahay! I give! I gihihihive! Hahaha!”
Dimitri and Dedue release Shez, soon followed by the rest of the Blue Lions moving their hands away to free the commander from their team attack. Leftover giggles slip out of Shez as they catch their breath, some remaining from the tickles while the others are just because they had fun. Dimitri lends them a hand to an upright sitting position and the rest of their friends huddle around them.
“Are you alright Shez?” Dimitri asks with concern in his eyes.
Shez still has to catch their breath, but shows him a reassuring smile. “I am…But the real question is…Do you feel relaxed?”
The king glances down, but it only takes him a moment to ponder the question before he responds with a similar reassuring smile. “Actually, I do. Thank you.”
Dedue places a hand on Dimitri’s shoulder. “That’s reassuring to hear Your Majesty.”
“Yeah, that’s a relief,” Sylvain leans back on his arm. “I was starting to think that we would never get His Majesty to take a break.”
“And that’s what really matters to us,” Ashe adds on, “Being able to see you take it easy once in a while.”
“Agreed!” Annette beams. “Plus, it was really fun! We should do it again sometime!”
Felix scoffs. “Fun? Speak for yourself. I wanted no part of it yet I was forced into it by these two.”
“Yet you still continued playing the game even after you were freed, didn’t you?” Ingrid nudges Felix with her elbow. The blue-haired noble scowls and turns his head away.
Mercedes lets out a soft laugh before looking at Shez with proud eyes. “It looks like your plan didn’t backfire after all, Shez.”
Behind them, Dimitri suddenly lets out a yawn, using a hand to cover his exhaustion. When he opens his eyes though, he notices everyone staring at him. Dimitri’s cheeks slightly flush. “Well, I suppose you would all like to see me get some rest now. I’ll make sure to do so right after I—” but Dimitri cuts himself off, not only hearing what he was saying, but also noticing the piercing glare on Shez’s face. “On second thought…” he catches himself, “I’ll make sure to get some rest now.” 
Shez smiles at him once more. Now those are the words they've been waiting to hear for a long time.
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blueaiyuice · 11 months
boys planet if fire emblem three houses crossover
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house leaders are at the front, so they would be:
BE: Keita BL: SHanbin GD: Phanbin AW: Haruto COS: Hao
for those that don't know much about 3h:
black eagles are the house primarily focused on dark magic, and most of the characters in that house have a particularly quieter and/or serious personality, with more self-made leaders than anyone else. there's a couple exceptions of louder people (such as yedam), but most of the house is full of serious sided people (also, if you know, keita would def fit the role of edelgard)
blue lions are the house primarily focused on close combat, and most of the characters in that house are more on the gentler side, though they do suffer from not being as close together compared to the other two. most are gentle, most are sociable, but they all carry some level of unspeakable trauma at least LOL. (hanbin is the leader because of his princely demeanor perfectly matching dimitri's)
golden deer are much more of a mismatched group, a jack of all trades, but they're surprisingly a lot closer to each other. most of the ppl in here either have colorful personalities or colorful backgrounds, with a couple calmer people to balance it all out. it's a loud place for sure, but everyone loves each other; though their differing opinions might end up in some fights. (hanbin is the leader due to his natural ability to socialize with literally everyone on bp, making him the perfect glue)
ashen wolves are the rejects of society, mainly underground either due to crime or debts unpaid, having nowhere else to go. this place is literally just the supercharger team (who were robbed), plus some people who got the shortest ends of the stick in boys planet. they're the smallest group in general due to abyss being so tiny. (haruto is the leader because he...just would)
the church of seiros either houses great warriors, gentle priests, or small children. a couple of deadpan mercenaries, as well as general caretakers or people in need of comfort and care would end up here. (hao is the archbishop because honestly... he manages to fit that role of gentle leader and harsh commander all at once, somehow)
ricky is our byleth/main protagonist because he came from nothing to something (thru the power of YRTH)
and hui is our sothis, all knowing god with experience
im pretty sure 90% of ppl do not get this but this was just fun to think about and sort people into. some extra bonus notes:
popular duos like haobin, mattbin, hwanyeol, etc. are separated for peak angst reasons (unless you. recruit them. i guess)
i somehow managed to keep the numbers even across the original three houses (ashen wolves is DLC)
ggang team is together minus junhyeon bc junhyeon's chaotic ass personality is too much to be a blue lion
only reason why gyuvin is in blue lions is to 1. be the outlier and 2. his trauma on bp outweighs his personality in regard here
the viets are together! cong and honghai were meant to be the raphnatz of the gd :)
i didn't have a byleth in mind before this. since there's only one and usually you chose between gender, the options in this au are either blonde hair ricky or black hair ricky. and he turns into zb1 ricky over time.
ichika and seunghun are kinda meant to be our seteth and flayn. iykyk :)
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a-pale-azure-moon · 2 years
Welcoming the first snowfall of the winter where I live today. Big puffy flakes are currently falling outside my window, and it's sticking to all the trees and power lines. I dread the onset of winter a little more each year, but even on my most cynical days, I do still think there's something magical about a fresh snow. After all the colorful fall leaves disappear, the world's just nothing but drab grays and browns, so when it gets coated in fresh white like this, it truly transforms the landscape.
I'm trying to work on fic today too, so the snow seems even more appropriate. The children of Faerghus probably anticipate the first snow with eagerness, jumping out of bed all excited to play in it. Their parents probably grouse and grumble about the cold and needing to clear the snow from the front steps of their houses. Or how the cold and snow in general just makes all of their daily tasks harder.
Thinking about the royal castle in Fhirdiad, snow clinging to its towers and spires. Castle servants sweeping walkways in the gardens and shaking snowflakes out of the blue banners. Extra wood is thrown onto all the fireplaces to keep the drafts under control. The windows frost up and have to be wiped clean to let in the pale sunlight.
Young Dimitri wakes to new snow with excitement. If his friends are around, they all run out into the yard to play, having snowball wars and practicing their weapons training under the new slipery conditions. If none of the other Lions are around, Dimitri pesters his father to come outside for just a little while, and Lambert always eventually caves.
Teenage Dimitri looks at the snow with regret, as it's the sign of another year's passing where he still hasn't found answers for the Tragedy. He thinks on past memories of happier days and buries his loneliness under his smile.
Adult Dimitri, wandering in exile, finds that the snow makes Imperial battalions easier to hunt, as they don't cover their footprints and they didn't come equipped to deal with Faerghus winters. He steals resources from their camps after destroying them, and those rations help him survive the winter. When the blizzards come, he takes shelter wherever he can find it and bitterly wonders if the weather will kill him before his vengeance quest does. The howling winds carry the cries of his lost loved ones as they remind him of his failures and weaknesses.
King Dimitri, returned to his rightful place, anticipates his peoples' need for more resources when the winter comes, and makes sure more firewood and bread are available for anyone who requires them. He takes breaks from paperwork by going to the training yard, the rookie soldiers marveling at how their king looks like he's dancing in the snowflakes as he goes through his lance drills. Late at night, after a hard day's work, he climbs into bed next to Byleth and they fall asleep cuddled together.
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thesummerstorms · 9 months
Other stray thoughts from finishing Blue Lions:
Unlocked the Yuri S support. He's on my ❤️ list with Felix and Edelgard and Claude. ... I might have too many ships.
I finally got the Felix and Sylvain paired ending for Blue Lions and understand why people ship him. That's a pretty shipper bait ending.
I accidentally made Flayn Dimitri's queen just by battle supports. I did not mean to do that. I don't actually see it going well
Nice to know Seteth CAN actually take the stick of his ass and make good choices. I don't remember if I've read that ending before.
Mercedes and Dedue have a nice PostScript together though I think the Annette/Dedue scene was probably cuter.
I did get the C-A Felix x Annette supports this time, and I admit theyre cute. I have trouble spinning a deeper story for it like Byleth x Felix or Sylvain x Felix though.
Poor Ashe and Ingrid both accidentally ended up alone. Sorry guys
I want Hapi to be Hapi...
I recruited Petra, Ignatz, Dorothea, and Ignatz this time to avoid killing them, but honestly I did nothing with them and therefore they had very bleh endings.
I have successfully collected some of the Slithers and Duscur and Church lore I was after so hopefully I remember it this time.
Azure Moon still has my least favorite ending. Byleth is this close to running for the hills screaming.
I played a very "pro-Church" Byleth this time to unlock all the content. My canon Byleth still really does NOT like the Church. Or Rhea. Who never got less creepy.
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pathetic-gamer · 2 years
Ok I literally just made a different post about this, BUT: time to get emo about it, baby!!! Ashe and Felix's relationship is actually extremely complex and carries a surprisingly hefty amount of character development for both of them, for a pair with only two supports.
The central thesis here: Ashe + Felix is Felix + Glenn 2.0
This ramble breaks down the ways that dynamic matches and what it means for Ashe. (I've already gone into Fe's a while back, so he's not really the focus here.)
This got long and I have feelings. A gift from me to you: courtesy cut.
Hello and Welcome to Blue Lions With Dead or Missing Siblings Anonymous. My name is Sylvain/Dedue/Felix/Ashe/Mercedes and I haven't seen my sibling in 5/<9/9/9/~15 years. These kids need help.
First things first, I don't think this is Replacement Brother Syndrome. Rather, I think their dynamic mirrors Felix and Glenn's but as a distinct relationship for both Felix and Ashe, because neither of them is going into this in the exact same role as they had with their own now-dead brothers. We know that, as a kid, Felix was idealistic and clingy and looked up to Glenn and his role as a knight with his whole heart, but Glenn was also somewhat abrasive and cynical, and now Felix is, too. Meanwhile, Christoph was focused on teaching Ashe trust and chivalry up to the very end, and Ashe still lives by that. Felix doesn't match that role at all, and Ashe doesn't expect him too. A new and different brother doesn't count as a replacement brother.
According to Dimitri, Glenn was sarcastic and rude and liked to pick fights, but despite that, Felix admired him and wanted to be strong like him and says he was a great knight. (Note that he gets mad at his father treating Glenn's death like it was heroic, but he at no point does he argue that Glenn wasn't a strong and good knight, only that Glenn was reasonable in his commitment to his ideals. This is a surprise tool that will help us later.)
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Felix is ALSO abrasive and likes to pick fights, but Ashe admires him and his strength and says he's like a great knight.
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Glenn teaches Felix to think for himself and not blindly take orders. Felix tells Ashe very bluntly to think for himself and not get himself killed in his blind enthusiasm.
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Later, Felix amends that statement to say he doesn't want Ashe to abandon his ideals, just to be reasonable. That matters, because Felix said he learned from his brother, but his brother was the one who read him the tales of chivalry and bravery and knighthood and all of that in the first place. Glenn taught him balance, not cynicism, it just took him some time to grow into it. Once he did, he tried again to pass it on to Ashe, but properly this time.
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"It's OK to be who you are" FELIX PLEASE I'M GOING TO CRY
Meanwhile, Ashe's older brother, Christoph, didn't. He was about trust and chivalry through and through, and it's what got him killed. Look at these exchanges with Catherine.
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(Side note, I'd argue that Catherine's support chain is the one that carries Ashe's character development on its back, but Fe comes in second place, followed by my archnemesis Gilbert. Meanwhile, Ashe carries Fe's, together with Ingrid and Seteth. I know that every single one of you is going to disagree w me on this, and I'm OK w that and would not be upset if yall came into my ask box to demand an explanation, since I love to talk lmao)
Cynicism couldn't save Glenn, trust couldn't save Christoph. So Ashe had to learn cynicism from Felix, and Felix had to make sure Ashe knew to keep it in balance with his own beliefs and ideals. Thats... a lot.
What really makes it stick for me, though, is this exchange after Felix tells Ashe that Glenn used to read him tales of knights and chivary:
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Like, tell me that's not a conversation baby Felix had with Glenn at some point. I'm so upset right now lol
Idk, there's no point to this, I was just reading supports, as I tend to do in my spare time, apparently, and it came to me in a divinr revelation. Also, it's weird that they max out at b-support, since they have paired activity dialogues and the only other person Fe has paired dialogues with is Dimitri. (Who, by the way, I have a whole other spiel abt, in addition to the spiel I posted a while back, bc I think their relationship is a whole ass case study on family dynamics and I didn't quite get into that in the first one.)
A lot of Fe and Ashe’s B-support could honestly be an A-support, so if I were adding a third support, I think it would have to go between the current C and B? I have no idea, I just want to see more of it lol. Maybe let them have an unrelated conversation and then come back to the book in the A support, now with more of a friendship in place so it doesn't go from "your book is stupid" straight to "hey, let me give you some life advice that shows my character growth more clearly than literally any other scene in this entire fucking game" with nothing in the middle.
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ireniclacuna · 2 years
okok so, i hope i’m doing this correctly and if i’m not then you are more than welcome to ignore, but i couldn’t help but notice you listed fe3h 👀 if possible, can i ask for a dimitri oneshot? (or drabble, idk know the difference between them :/)
i’m assuming you need a general idea of the plot so how about the reader joins the blue lions since they got a bit of a major crush on mercedes, but dimitri gets the wrong idea and thinks they’re actually into him so he gets hella upset when he finds out who they really like. that’s all i can really think of for this, it’s been awhile since i’ve played the game so i forgot some details and don’t wanna conflict with the story somehow so if you need more deets i can try and think up some more!
i’m fine with whatever you choose to do tho, i rlly like your writings so far and wanna see more in the future!! ^-^ /gen (iactuallymayhavereadyourraspberrycookiehcsmorethanonceagsjdhks—)
and i died in your arms tonight - dimitri alexandre blaiddyd x reader
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A/N: anon ily /p TYSM FOR REQUESTING FE3H I HAD SO MUCH FUN WRITING THIS PROMPT I HOPE I DID IT JUSTICE,,, andbsksm im so happy to hear that, i'm glad to hear that you liked them,,, i hope you like this too!!
tags/CW'S/TW'S: unrequited crushes, you should probably see a summary of the Blue Lions route first before reading if you've never played fe3h, violence, murder, going unhinged, dimitri,,,, my poor boy,,,,, reader uses they/them pronouns and so does byleth too in here, wanting to commit violence to someone very badly, angst all around, fluff is mainly in the early parts, name calling/insults (boar, monster), self-depreciation
word count: 4.3k ish (wow... so many words...)
please tell me if i left anything out or the like for the tags/CW'S/TW'S!!
Dimitri notices you one day. 
He's never really thought of you as anything more than a bystander- someone who he greets with a practiced smile on his face and nods at when passing by in between classes. Someone who is simply just there, in the Black Eagle house, with Edelgard as their house leader, who wears their emblem and has never quite bothered to actively make friends with the rest of the houses. He's sweaty when he finally interlocks eyes with you, hair matted with dust and sticking to his forehead.
The rest of his house walks behind him, groaning and sighing and basking in the content of their hard-fought victory. He wonders if there's anything that his house did not like better than the taste of victory- and wonders if that's one of the things that manages to draw everyone together. You're staring at the group, at him, eyes drifting toward Mercedes, for some reason, before going back to home, whispering to Dorothea near you. His teacher- Byleth, mercenary turned Professor extraordinaire- had already settled into their room when they had returned. They had scampered off, blue hair smacking against the back of their neck. 
He takes another look at you. You stare back, as Dorothea giggles beside you and nudges you toward him. You grin, lopsided. There's a strange feeling that whispers inside him, that tells him, it's nice to be seen, right? Something else- his ghosts, his own damn self- instantly berates him, surrounding him like hounds hungry for blood. 
Remember what you're here for.
And he understands, he will never, never forget the blood spilled on that day- but it's nice. Nice to be stared at with such a soft gaze, unlike Sylvain's or Ingrid's, always worrying, always too worried about someone like him, and unlike Felix's gaze. Felix, who has his eyes narrowed, mouth curved downwards in disgust, gaze sharp and unyielding, saying that he is a boar, and to "stop pestering me, boar." So he decides, with a sigh filled with soft air, that he likes your gaze on him. It's soft. It feels full of something he can't put a pin on. He wonders if Mercedes felt it too- your soft gaze on her. He had simply been spared a few seconds of it, the full brunt of it on the beloved healer of the Blue Lion house, but it was long enough. Long enough to decide he likes it, that is. 
Besides, he tells himself, ignoring the ever so familiar hint of guilt that likes to well up inside him, it's nice. Nice, he tells himself, over and over as he puts up his silver lance and walks with Ashe to their dorms. 
You join their house the next week, their Professor simply saying your name in that monotone voice of theirs. Dimitri watches his classmates go from muted interest to smiles all around, letting out cheers and declarations of how happy they are to have you. Dimitri hasn't seen his Professor smile since the Battle of the Eagle and the Lion, but he swears that he sees their lip curve upwards just a tiny bit, face free from any smiles that might even show. He grins too, lightly punching Dedue near him on his shoulder, mouth moving on its own. Dedue curves his own lips upwards, punching him back. His smile feels real for once, not in the way that everything in his body is begging to let go of noble propriety. It feels nice. Feels nice to actually grin. You're nervous, he gathers, as he watches Mercedes and you share words, whispering. The Professor says some sort of speech, simply saying to treat you with respect. And then the Professor, in their usual Professor style, walks out of the room, taking a Felix who is almost begging (or what is akin to begging for Felix) for a sparring match, an Ashe who is absolutely eager to share his findings of a new book, and then the rest of the class with them. Dedue is still near him, like the ever loyal retainer he is, while you and Mercedes stick behind, caught up in conversation.
You're sweating, clutching your uniform like it's your death-day, for some reason. Even for his standards, used to the frigid ice-scape that is Fareghus, the heat isn't so bad today. It feels nice. Mercedes, perhaps oblivious to your sweating and nervousness, is smiling at you, telling you that she'd be absolutely "-delighted if you could join me and Annie to make snacks together." You let out a rather warbly "I'd love that," cheeks turning the softest shades of reds. You look around suddenly, before your soft gaze settles on him. And then your face turns a bit more flushed, as you immediately look away from him, head tilted up high. Something inside of him preens at that reaction- he isn't sure what. 
Mercedes smiles at you, turning away to the open classroom door, her footsteps light and quiet despite the cobblestone underneath her shoes.
"Ah, I'd also enjoy it if we could become better friends, as well!" Is the last thing she says before heading out, the healer's hair softly swaying in the breeze. You let out a choked sound, akin to a dying animal, as you nod furiously and say yes. He's almost positive you're going to collapse now. You let out a sigh, and yes, he thinks, he was right, as you fall to your knees as you steady yourself. He walks up from his desk, chair making almost a screech sound against the floor, and leaves Dedue, staring. Dimitri kneels down near you, head tilted and his smile a tiny bit real. It's forced, he thinks, as he pats your shoulder. 
"Are you alright?" He asks, eyes narrowing at your form. 
You peek up, eyes staring back. Your face turns red again, as you scramble up. 
You let out a hurried 'your Highness,' bowing. "Forgive-" you stutter the first word out, looking anywhere but him.
"Forgive me," is what you say, finishing the sentence. You add on a quick Your Highness, mumbling. 
He narrows his eyes, smile straining.
"Ah." He says. 
"You don't need to call me Your Highness, you know. I am perfectly happy with being called Dimitri."
You finally look up at him, eyes blinking. Your gaze is still soft on his face, he notices. You gulp, a nervous smile stretching across your face.
"Then.... Dimitri." you say, smiling. Dimitri lets out a soft grin himself. It feels nice. It feels good to be called by his name. Not a title. You let out a squeak, realizing something. 
You move past him, legs starting to run out of the classroom. 
"Wait." He says, watching you almost fall over in your running as you come to a stop. 
"Yes, Dimitri?" 
His name sounds nice, he realizes, from your mouth. 
"If this is alright with you," he starts off, voice in that perfect pitch he usually has it in, "perhaps we can become friends?" Something inside of breaks at how desperate that must seem to you, how absolutely needy, so ungrateful he must sound- 
But you nod quickly, soon continuing on your trek to somewhere else in the holy Monastery. Most likely to join Mercedes and Annette, he thinks, as he stares at your retreating form. Dedue walks over to him, and simply nods. 
"Your Highness," he starts, "we need to get going as well." 
And Dimitri simply nods. 
The first time he meets up with you, in attempt 1, dubbed lovingly by Sylvain as: "His Highness Gets A-" and was never finished, because Ingrid had lovingly kicked him in his shins. The Professor had agreed to make a tea party for the both of you; making batches of chamomile tea and forcing Annette and poor Ashe to tastetest. The Professor had also managed to get an unwilling Dedue roped in, getting the Duscurain's opinion. Dimitri, really, did not think that this was worth the fuss over trying to become better friends with you. But he liked it. If their efforts did pay off, then, who's to say that no one would like it? And so, he sips at the chamomile tea put out by said Professor, brewed to perfection by the former mercenary after multiple taste-tests. You're sitting still, surprisingly. Unlike all the times he's seen you fidgeting in the Blue Lion's healer presence, and Mercedes had gracefully ignored it, simply asking what did you need, while you stuttered and smiled. 
You sip at your own tea- entertaining Dimitri's efforts to strike up a conversation. Dimitri asks you what your family was like, how are you doing, what are some of your favorite hobbies, and they're all met with curt answers and quick responses. Your face is still red though, he notes. Perhaps you're nervous. And so he asks if you are. 
You stutter almost immediately, losing control of that still composure you had just a bit. 
"I'm doing quite fine, Dimitri," you say, coughing, "just. Have a lot on my mind, is all." 
Dimitri softly smiles- "What's on your mind, then?" 
You stutter again, headplanting your face into the table. Dimitri sips at his tea, ignoring the ruckus from the bush nearby, knowing full-well what his classmates were doing. (He had begged for them to leave the both of you in peace- but they all had simply grinned and tagged along.)
"Well." You say, blushing, cheeks colored a fine red, as you peek up at him with soft eyes. Dimitri, for the second time in his life, realizes that he may be falling into something. He gulps- he's never felt this nervous before, never like this- and stares at you back with blue eyes that resemble a lake. Your eyes, your soft eyes he's grown ever so fond of, dart back and forth, til you lean over in your chair, whispering. 
"You better not tell anyone, Princeling."
Princeling. He doesn't care for the nickname, but if it's from you, then it's alright. 
"I have," another baited breath, " a crush. Perhaps. On someone. In our. Class." You stop after each word suddenly, blushing a foul red. 
He looks up at you, and feels something in his chest twist and bang and explode. He's tempted to ask who it is. Maybe you can read his thoughts, or maybe you can tell by expression alone, because you say, looking away from him, body back in the chair, "At the end of the school year, I'll say." 
There's a sudden cheer from the bush, which makes you twist your head so impossibly fast and the bush goes silent once more. 
Dimitri feels his lips curve up, and he doesn't focus on anything for once that doesn't involve death, that doesn't involve fire and a field soaked in blood, and thinks of you, with your soft eyes and flushing face, and decides to hope for once.
Dimitri wonders what happened between you and Mercedes, during the ending of the White Heron Cup. You seem to be less flustered around her, smiling always, as the healer herself grins and giggles. You both smile and grin at each other, hands sometimes entertwined with the other's hand. Annette has pouted at it before, he notices, saying "-you already have His Highness as a best friend, don't go stealing mine!" And you simply laugh, and and you laugh in such a way that makes his heart throb and feel normal, for once.
The Professor has been cheering him on, lately, for some reason. At least, that's what Dimitri guesses is what they're doing, when they punch the air in a show of solidarity, whenever he has a tea party with you. Whenever he's close to you, really, and the Professor just happens to be nearby. He, somehow, managed to become closer to you. And he likes being near you. Likes to hear you laugh. To laugh and tug at his arm, smiling at him. The ghosts do not wish for murder, they do not wish for revenge, they stay silent for a welcomed change. It's blissful. It's peaceful, and he likes it. He needs it like he needs air, because for once, there are no screeches in his ears, there are no wails from under his bed, and there are fading bags from under his eyes. There are only soft murmurs near his ear and they are so incredibly easy to ignore, unlike yells or screeches or cries for revenge. He smiles whenever he's near you, and from how much his own chest beats like a human, not like a boar or a monster, he feels alive. Alive, he thinks, because love is such a human thing to experience. He's only ever felt it a time before, when everything was decidedly normal and both of his parents and friends were alive and not reduced to ghosts haunting him, screaming for revenge. He likes it. He loves it, if he would dare say it outloud. He only ever says that line of thought when he's alone, gulping down air.
Everything comes crashing down, soon after. Edelgard's- no, that monster, that monstrosity, he thinks, cursing her name for every crime that she has done- mask falls down, and Dimitri has never wanted to choke someone, has never wanted to piece someone with his lance, because finally, finally, he has a name for who has wronged him, who caused these ghosts to follow him, and they are all yelling to kill her, yelling and screeching. 
Except. Except there's a soft touch of hand on his shoulder, and he's tempted to throw it off, in this Holy Tomb, and he looks back for one second and- it's you. You with a worried face, face scrunched up, mouth parted open. He glares- he has never glared at you before, never dared to- and shrugs it off. The ghosts hiss at him- he is wasting time, "why are you wasting time, you foolish lovestruck boy, give us her head, give us penance-" and something cracks under his iron grip. He has the Crest of Blaiddyd. Of unnatural strength. Of a single touch making things shatter under his grip. He has always resented it. But not now. Not now, in this moment, when he can finally get everything he came to this damned Monastery for. The face he grips with a ferocity cracks under his touch, and he can feel blood and snot leak onto his armored glove. The knight- no, vermin, he thinks- cries out weakly for help. None of the other vermin comes to help out.  He throws his lance, and Edelgard dodges ever so slightly, axe gripped tight in her hand, violet eyes staring into hate-filled ones. She takes a single look at the Professor, before shaking her head. 
"Professor." She says. "Do you refuse?" 
And the Professor says something, says no, and Edelgard yells at a nearby mage to take her away. 
Taking her away from her fate. Taking her away from her destiny to die, to die with a life with so much left unaccomplished. And Dimitri is more than glad to be the one who ends it, who hangs her head by her white hair on the gates of Enbarr. 
And Dimitri has never felt such rage before, has never felt such anger, has never seen such red in his eyes. He knows of soft reds. He knows of the light pink on your cheeks. But he knows of blood, a deep red staining his hands, body, mind, and he practically lives in it. Felix, from somewhere, always someplace nearby but far, sneers at him. "This is the real boar prince you've all been pretending that doesn't exist," he says, voice full of malcontent and barely hidden anger, and Dimitri ignores it. He only acknowledges you turning him towards you, dull blue eyes looking into your ever so soft ones. 
He wants to promise you that he'll get her head, and then finally, he'll be free, he'll finally get to hear whoever you liked, he'll finally be- 
The Professor opens his clenched hand, staring at the blood that had stained the previously clear silver.  They wave a healing spell over him, and their stare is impossibly hard, eyes boring into his head. The ghosts whisper at him- leave them behind, go get her head, they jeer- and he yanks his hand away from their soft touch. 
He's about to walk off, shoulders straightened, on a warpath. A path that has already been bloodied, bodies strewn along it. Except. 
You tug at his arm, eyes twinkling. There are tears that are leaking out, he thinks, as he stares. Your eyes are still soft, soft as he's known. He stills. There are other sets of eyes on him, tense and waiting. Hands tightened around lances, around swords, raised up and soft shades of purples emanating. Magic, he dully realizes. Maybe they should cut him down, he muses, because he is nothing but a beast now. You grip his hand tight, sighing. 
"Dimitri," you start off, and the ghosts have started to YELL, THEY ARE HISSING, THEY WANT HIM GONE, THEY WANT HER DEAD, THEY WANT HER HEAD- and Dimitri has never hated like he has before.
"Please. You need to rest."
"I will rest," he grits out, "when I have gotten her head." 
And then he yanks himself from your soft hands, soft gaze, from everything that he likes, and continues on a warpath that will make him crack. 
The Professor, screeching and yelling, falls from a cliff, the Sword of the Creator wrapping around their body from a blast of magic. Dimitri is slowly being ripped apart at the seams, with each accusation, with each cry from people he has never known. That he has committed regicide, killed the Grand Duke of Fareghus. Killed his uncle. Corneila wants him executed, but she does not know that he has been dead for so many years. He is dead. He is a monster. He has been dead, and remains that way.
His eye has been taken out by a stray bandit, an arrow piercing the flesh. He ripped it out easily, blood leaking out. 
He does not care. 
He comes to the Monastery, shivering and shuddering, with a lance in hand and an eyepatch tied around his head. 
He steps into the Monastery, black armored boots banging against the cobblestone. The wreckage of the Monastery is all over the place. He kicks pure bricks and stones out of his way, lance making a screeching sound against the stone. 
There is someone. Someone who looked older, aged like the heavens. They are tucked into themselves, hands over their knees, head tucked inside their body. They look like a little mouse, he thinks, as he stalks over to them. They peek up, and- oh, he thinks, oh. 
It's you. 
Your soft eyes. Soft gaze. He stares at your head, turned away from him, his single blue eye boring into your head. You turn to him, eyes soft as ever. Something inside of his chest churns, throat turning dry. 
"Dimitri?" You ask, peeking up. Mouse is what he thinks of you, acting like one, is all his mind gives him. You move over to him, a boar, a beast, and gently place your hand on his face. 
A ghost- his father- hisses at him. "Former Black Eagle," he hisses, "they would use you. They are with her, kill them, kill them-" And you look into his eyes, and he has missed it, and he has been a monster for so long, and Dimitri falls apart.
Dimitri wonders if you should be here. You must be after something, he thinks, if you decide to stay here with him. If you decide to take care of a beast like him. You drag him to the washhouse. You make him clean his lance. You go with him, when he has to murder some vermin hoping for quick riches in the Monastery's treasury, despite having been long emptied out. You stay here, despite it. Sometimes, when the ghosts are particularly silent, when there are only a few yelling surrounding his ears, he thinks about what you told him. A promise, from when you both became friends. He wonders and wonders. There's the old beating of a heart- his own, he realizes- that beats at the idea. 
It's a nice day. The heat is bearable. Even with all this armor on him, it's alright. It isn't making him wish to cower away from everything. You're right next to him, soft breaths emitting from your mouth, parted open slightly. 
You sigh, leaning against him, covered in his cloak. His blonde hair, well-kept in the past but not anymore, has grown long and shabby, reaching his shoulders. It's a soft silence. He has never let his guard down like this before. You look at him for a second. He wonders, in a moment, if this was how they acted back then. When the both of you were friends and laughed together. Played together, weapons singing out in the tunes of battle, arm hanging off a shoulder. You and him, laughing together, and he has never felt such ease like this. At least not when you, with your soft gaze, allowed the beast to be your friend on that fateful day. 
"Hey, Dimitri." You say, eyes turned toward the sky. He wonders, once more, if this is what friends do. If this is what actual friends, not like him, not like the beast that he is, does. 
He grunts as a reply. You shuffle a bit. 
"Hey," you say, eyes turning to him.  
Dimitri simply nods back at you, eye focused ahead of him, hand slowly unfurling around his blood-stricken lance. 
"Technically, now that the school year is over-" A soft silence. Restarting a sentence, he notes, with an eye colored blue staring at you, his face still facing forward, gaunt and full of sharp lines. 
"I never told you who I was crushing on, huh?" An attempt at small talk, he thinks. "Did you, uh- Do you still wish to know?"
You look at him again, eyes blinking, a soft blush blooming over your cheeks. It's enrapturing. A punch of emotions hits him in his chest, hard and fast. Everything is warm, for some reason, and so, so, warm. 
"I think- I think I'm still perhaps crushing on them." 
You let out a nervous laugh, shifting towards him. The blush on your face is gone for a moment, and he thinks it's a pity. (Before everything happened, is what he thinks you left out to say, before he truly embraced that he is a monster, a beast, a murderer.) 
He turns toward you, and then there is a flicker of hope that lights up in his chest, and he does not kill it immediately with water from a sobering reality. He watches it flicker, and nods.
There's a deafening silence around the both of you, as the ghosts are silent and they are quiet, and there is only you and him, with his old quiet fantasies that he used to comfort himself with being reignited. You stare at him, laughing. There's a soft blush that appears on your cheeks, laughing nervously. 
"It was-" and something inside of him cracks. 
"Mercedes-" He stomps whatever flicker in his chest that lit up. 
"During the White Heron Cup, we met at the-"
And Dimitri feels a primal anger rise, the ghosts yell at him, you stupid idiot, you fool, for falling in love, you beast, why would they ever like you- (italics here before and) and then he gets up. He growls, teeth gritting against each other. You tilt your head- "Dimitri, are you-?" 
And Dimitri never in the moment has never felt such a breaking of his heart, has never felt such sadness before, that threatens to leak out of his only eye. He has never felt such red anger like this before, he has never- 
He whips his head around you, eye glaring at you. He was always so scared of doing it before. There is a part of him that loves you, that still loves you, and he wants to kill it. He wants to rip out every part of him. You ask him again, if he's alright, and he slaps away the soft hand that comes to cradle his face. 
"Leave me alone," he growls out, a blue eye resembling a tornado.
You do not. Traitor, (I) the ghosts say to him. You look at him, your eyebrows furrowed in soft anger- "Dimitri. What has gotten you so-"
"Leave me ALONE," he bellows at you, acting like an injured animal. He growls. He hates you, he loves you, he hates that healer, he hates her, hates her for taking you away from him, hates himself for being so utterly foolish to believe that he could have had a beloved- 
You step back. You remind him of a mouse. A mouse in the presence of a scary beast, of a monster who has claws for hands and a lance on the floor. He growls at you, eye akin to a tempest, to a storm raging. Blue turning to shreds. He doesn't want you to go- but you already seem to be backing away, his cloak falling off of him. He kicks it aside, and stares at you. Glares, really. 
You take a deep breath in, and walk off. He does not follow. He does not follow because he is a beast. 
A beast alone, he thinks, and suddenly, he slinks to the floor. He's tired. He's never been this tired before. Everything hurts inside of him, heart being poked at it, mouth filling up with a metallic liquid he's long since been familiar with. A beast who is alone. A monster. A horrible person.
He yowls into the sky, and then there is nothing, and then there is everything, and then there is a hand that extends out to him, while he is but a shred of humanity long gone since he was a little boy, in a field of bloodied flowers and blooming tears. 
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[fun fact: title is from "arms tonite," by mother mother!]
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indigowallbreaker · 3 years
maybe like a role swap for the retainers? hilda dedue and hubert getting rotated around? i wonder how hubert would fare as claude's retainer skdgks i feel like they'd do cool schemes together
Unable to bear the guilt of what he had a hand in doing to the Emperor's children, Minister Vestra leaves Enbarr for the Alliance. His reputation is enough to land him pretty close to Duke Riegan. By the time Claude's presence becomes known to the Alliance, Vestra and Riegan have developed a deep enough trust that there's only one person that could possibly be Claude's retainer-- Vestra's only son Hubert, who has never met Edelgard in his life.
Meanwhile, in an effort to teach her the value of hard work before she is to start at Garreg Mach, Hilda's parents send her to the School of Sorcery in Fhirdiad. The schooling doesn't go great-- Hilda has no love for magic-- but she does get to meet and hang with the crowned prince in the city, who is kinda fun to tease. She writes about him to her brother so much that Holst advises her to just stick by his side no matter what. Though this gets harder after the Tragedy of Duscur, Hilda remains with Dimitri, trying to get him to smile even on his lowest says and actually puts work into training so she can follow him into battle.  
After Dedue is rescued, Rodrigue and Gilbert deem him too dangerous to have around-- both because he would be surrounded by resentment in the castle, and because they have no idea what to do with this kid who can't even speak their language. Though Dimitri protests, they send Dedue into the Empire. Around this time, Edelgard is back in the picture, and Slither picks the 'poor Duscur boy' as her retainer. Just try and team up against us now, princess. But Edelgard teaches Dedue just as Dimitri did and the two grow close despite their differences.
As a result of all this, I think the game goes off the rails.
Dedue, knowing both Edelgard and Dimitri now (though he hasn’t seen Dimitri in years by the time they get to Garreg Mach), is against the idea of all out war. He tries to persuade Edelgard to choose a different path to her dream, though he remains loyal and ever at her side. He simply advocates for speaking with Dimitri and Claude for a better Fódlan. Since someone she trusts so deeply is so against war, Edelgard puts more thought into other solutions (all without tipping off Slither). 
The Black Eagles are very friendly towards Dedue: Caspar wants to fight him, Ferdinand quizzes him about Duscur fighting styles, Linhardt likes to use him as a sounding board for his research finds since Dedue has little personal experience with Crests (apart from Edelgard’s whole thing), Dorothea likes having a fellow commoner (even though he’s spent most of his time in Fódlan in the Enbarr Palace, it’s the origins that count), Bernadetta instantly feels safe around him, and Petra finds a kindred spirit. 
Dimitri, Hilda at his side, still has his ghosts and trauma-- but he’s less uptight due to her influence. He’s better at relaxing. Finds time to simply sit and enjoy the view. Hilda feeds Dimitri all the gossip, so he’s weirdly wise to all the goings on in Garreg Mach despite not being the most observant person. Hilda secretly still trains hard-- she has Dimitri tutor her after dark so no one else can see how hard she’s trying, fearful of their expectations. Dimitri’s the only one who knows how strong she really is, and he tries his best not to pressure her too much. Though he does hate seeing her squander her potential in front of everyone else. 
The Blue Lions take Hilda in stride, as some are already used to seeing her around the castle: Felix finds her laziness annoying but can tell she has some skill, Ingrid and Hilda swap differences between the Kingdom and the Alliance since Ingrid’s family split from them way back and she’s sometimes curious how different her life could be, and Hilda finds Ashe adorable and easy to order around while Ashe is all too happy to help. Hilda’s supports/relationship with Sylvain probably remains largely the same-- but Mercedes and Annette’s supports would have a touch more about the School of Sorcery mixed in.
Since Hubert figures out Claude’s true origins in a matter of days, Claude imparts upon Hubert his desire to open up the borders around the world-- starting with peace between Almyra and Fódlan. They’ve really only known each other a year before school starts but Hubert is pretty ride or die so they bond quickly. Hubert teaches Claude all he needs to know about Fódlan, starting from the Alliance’s darker underbelly and working up from there. The two devise several secret codes and can use a board game to have a whole covert conversation even while talking to those around them. Together they try and work out the secrets of the Church and plan to use them to their advantage. Claude finds Hubert’s methods harsh sometimes, and Hubert thinks Claude could stand to act like less of a dolt in front of others; but overall they work scary well together.
The Golden Deer find the pair odd at first-- friendly, golden Claude next to tall dark and scary Hubert. But via support conversations they realize what Hubert really is: a massive dork. Hubert takes special care not to spook Marianne because she seems anxious enough but they get to talking about Crests and Curses and get along fine, Ignatz uses Hubert’s likeness for several paintings when he needs an antagonist to offset the saint he picked but at some point starts painting Hubert as a savior himself once Ignatz realizes all he does for Claude, Lysithea bonds with Hubert over magic, Leonie and Hubert make an effective fighting duo and they have a frankly hilarious conversation when Hubert realizes just how scrapped together all of her things are, and Raphael makes it his goal to bench press Hubert just to prove he can. 
(Lorenz says one negative thing about Claude and when Hubert threatens him, Lorenz fucks around and Finds Out. The two are never friends. It’s the only support chain in the entire game to end at C+ (I’m kidding no I’m not))
Keeping all that in mind, I think war becomes the least likely outcome.
With Hubert and Claude’s powers combined they figure out a LOT of what the Church is hiding (special thanks to Yuri and Shadow Library). Edelgard actively seeks other ways to dismantle the Crest and Nobility system, opening up to Dimitri with Dedue’s encouragement. Dimitri and Hilda deliberate for some time on Edelgard’s feelings but it’s not until Miklan steals the Lance of Ruin and turns into a Beast that they think maybe Edelgard as a point. 
How do they come together? How does this effect the overall plot of the pre-skip period of the game? Or the post-skip? How does this effect Slither? Or Byleth and Sothis? Do Dedue and Dimitri rekindle their friendship? Does Hubert ever figure out what his father did to Edelgard and her siblings? Do Hubert and Ferdinand still clash? 
I have no idea but it’s fun to think about. Thanks for asking this one! The plot takes a hit whichever way you move these kids around, and this is just my interpretation. 
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kiss4kazu · 4 years
Hi! could I request some headcanons for what kissing Ashe and Dimitri (Felix too if thats not too much if not its fine) would be like for the first time?
☆ first time kisses with ashe, dimitri, felix 
↳ ashe babie boy 
although ashe is really innocent and pure i think he’s easily one of the most romantic in blue lions and would really go above and beyond always for the person he loves. 
i know a lot of people probably see ashe as someone being too reluctant and nervous to actually ever make a move first but i think if he really liked someone, he’d be extremely obvious about it, blushing like crazy, a stuttering mess, etc and after enough pep talks from sylvain he’d finally make a move to ask u out on a date and it would be an absolute wreck.
would literally put together something so fckin cheesy n corny but in the most adorably ashe way that it makes you want to punch him from being so precious
like a cute picnic or something by a lake and he’d make cute little cakes with some help from annette and it would just be so pure. 
he’d rehearse how he’s going to confess in his head like a million times but when the moment actually comes it ends up just being a jumbled up mess filled with “ums” and he’d try to stick to the script him and sylvain came up with and get out a “y-you’re r-really… u-uh… p-pretty..” but then he’d fuck it all up by saying something weird n dorky like “a-and you s-smell really nice… w-wait that’s weird i’m sorry-” and you’d just hold back ur laughter, ur heart swelling with so so much affection for him. 
ofc he’d ask for permission to kiss you, cheeks crimson and his eyes looking up at yours like tht one starry eyed emoji. you’d give him a vocal response, since he rly needs that reassurance. no stutters just “of course ashe” and he’d smile so so big and then just swoop down totally uncoordinated. 
would probs miss your lips and have to readjust. 
kissing ashe for the first time would be … messy. he’s not experienced at all, and doesn’t know what to do with his hands and he’d honestly be a dead fish for a good few moments. but as you ease him more into the kiss, he’d loosen up a bit, tilt his head and just stop overthinking. his lips would be really warm and would taste so sweet from the cake and he’d smile so hard into the kiss that your teeth end up bumping into each other and you’d pull away laughing
ashe kisses are the best honestly the butterflies fireworks the whole shebang yknow. 
as he gets more confident he’d probably try out a few things he’s seen in books like slipping his tongue in and would be completely taken aback by just how nice it feels. would probably whine into the kiss, cradle your face in his hands, and once you guys pull apart for some air he’d just breathe heavily against your lips with the dopiest smile on his face :( <3 
he’d be rly slap happy after kissing you for the first time and would probably tackle u onto the picnic blanket laughing from happiness kissing your face everywhere and showering you in compliments, shoving his face into ur neck and just breathing in ur scent. 
he’s very clingy ok. 
↳ dimi !!
whew. ok so we’re gonna do academy phase dimi since feral dimi is uh… probs not sfw & violent skjdfjslkjfd  
academy phase dimi knows NOTHING about kissing n he has 0 experience so it takes him forever n a day to finally get the balls to kiss u and when he does … whew. 
i can imagine kissing dimi to be during like , a deep convo or something late at night, when he’s having trouble sleeping or something and ur just running ur fingers through his hair, listening to him as he vents and admiring the sound of his voice bc he’s always more talkative at the dead of night when he’s sleep deprived. 
he’d just look at u so so lovingly and it would be suffocating and ur just staring at his lips but u know ur probs way in over ur head bc uh he’s the future king of faerghus 
but then he’d ask for permission too like ashe tbh bc he’s just polite like tht and has too good mannerisms 
plus he cares a lot about your comfort and would never want to make u feel unsafe or uncomfy especially by his doing
and you would nod with quickness n he’d waste not a second to connect ur lips 
kissing dimi is like a trance tbh, type of kiss that feels like something in u is short-circuiting 
literally the type of kiss that makes ur knees buckle u know the ones. 
he’s a rly rly good kisser n it makes no sense bc he’s literally never kissed anyone before in his life n it kind of makes u mad bc why is he perfect 
a rly rly passionate kisser and he can be kind of rougher than he intends to bc he’s not good with fragile things 
clearly v dominant in the kiss, one hand with an iron grip on ur hip the other tangled up behind ur neck, gripping ur hair. after a while gets reluctant and starts to overthink things and pulls away apologizing for being too rough
you’d probs have to reassure him a million times tht its okay dimi ur not hurting me!! 
he’s rly touch starved tbh so he always tends to take pecks into full-blown makeout sessions or when he intends to just kiss ur forehead he ends up kissing ur cheeks too, ur jaw, down ur neck just riling himself up tbh and then he finally  looks up at u with his eyes all dark n ur just like … here we go
did i mention he groans a lot during kisses bc he does 
dimi’s other sides shining through when his emotions overwhelm him is just .. dimitri 101. 
he’s rough, seemingly an expert at this shit, his tongue shoving past your lips and completely taking u off guard. he’d literally kiss you so hard your head would spin and he’d do it all with a blush on his face bc he’s still a shy babie.  as soon as the moment is over he’s back to stuttering n being all awkward boyish prince. 
he’s also the type to shower u in compliments between kisses.
kisses lips “you’re so gorgeous” smooches neck “so amazing” kisses jaw “goddess i love you” 
im scream crying
↳ felix too bc WHY NOT ! i love him 
this little fucker kisses the life out of people u heard it here first folks. 
he’s 100% a heat of the moment type of kisser. it could go two ways tbh. like if you got hurt or something on his behalf he’d scream at you with glossy eyes for a good 5 minutes and then just stare at you all >:( and then he’d just grab you and  kiss the fuck out of you.
probably the most passionate kisser out of the three, he kisses to the point where u can’t feel ur toes and stuff he’d just completely indulge without any fucks given bc he almost lost you and he’s not good with explaining his emotions so hopefully this helps you understand. 
the other way i can see a first kiss going down with felix is more.. vulnerable, despite his hard exterior. he is rough and mean but it’s not bc he’s genuinely a bad person he just has walls built up so high tht its impossible for anyone to rly climb over 
to get a kiss from lix, u definitely have to have climbed over tht wall of his, or just fly a wrecking ball through it n send it crumbling to the ground
you’re literally the only exception, the only person who can rly get through to him 
he’d probably turn to you for comfort a lot, when dimitri agitates him with memories of glenn or his dad says something that ticks him off and he wants to punch something he’d just go to you instead, knock on ur door and just waltz in like he owns the place, sitting down on ur bed and u would know he wants cuddles bc this is how felix communicates 
if he had to actually say “i want cuddles” out loud he’d probably shoot himself in the foot with an arrow so he’s glad u understand, u always understand him just by looking at him n it’s reassuring bc he’s never been good with words.
its kind of cringe to him that he likes being held but shocker he likes being held 
he also rly rly likes it when u play with his hair he’s like a cat he will literally start nuzzling into you, so warm and pliant to your touch
ok im getting distracted back to the kissing shit
felix would probably just be rly overwhelmed with emotions n he doesn’t rly know how to tell u “i like u” so he just says “im going to kiss you.” like a literal statement n then he does it n ur just like o-o bc wtf. 
if ur not responsive at first he’d just pull away after a while and wouldn’t meet eyes with u and be all blushy. 
would let out a tch like the little shit that he is, and u have to turn his face so he’s properly looking at u again and meeting eyes with u 
he looks so vulnerable and stupidly gorgeous so u kiss him this time so he knows the feeling is mutual and it’d take him a min to really gather whats happening but once he does he’d literally. suck. the. life. out. of. your. face. period. 
felix kisses r rough n messy n just completely self-indulgent and he groans shamelessly when u pull his hair tie out from his bun and tug at his hair yes i have a thing for felix’s hair leave me alone.
gives 0 fucks would literally shove his tongue down your throat pull you flush against him and he always calls sylvain insatiable but rly its this fucker who’s insatiable he is literally eating your face. 
you’d have to pull him away from you and he’d just pant so hard against your lips and look at you like he wants to devour you and its kind of overwhelming bc he’s fucking hot !!!!! 
would shove his face into ur neck and mumble out an “i like you”  and u would tease him n be like “what did you say i cant hear u?” and he’d elbow u in the ribs  and groan into ur neck and u would laugh n kiss his head, telling him u like him too
at tht he’d lift his head up, his hair falling over his amber eyes and u would just push the strands away from his face and kiss him softly one last time before going back 2 ur conversation about punching sylvain’s face or sumn
anyway i love felix thanks 4 coming to my ted talk. 
requests are open! <3
- vivi ★
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yukiwrites · 3 years
Now, and Forever
Thank you so much for the support as always, @breeachuu !! i can't believe this is really the end of Wolfie's adventures! ToT) Thank you for sticking with me for so long! I'll miss the goodest boyo...
Summary: The alarming news that arrived the night of Wolfram and Dimitri's wedding was just as unexpected. There were signs of a new war brewing in the horizon, so they had to take up arms one last time...
Commission info HERE and HERE!
By the time Wolfram woke up from their first night as a married couple, the inner circle of the palace sat in disbelief at the conference room.
Wide-eyed, the half manakete tiptoed to his seat beside Dimitri’s, who had his head down under his laced hands. Sensing his husband, Dimitri lifted his face, showing the hardened expression.
“What’s going on?” Wolfie asked tentatively, glancing at the people in the room: Byleth, Seteth, Gilbert, Dedue, and most of their original classmates from the Blue Lions House sat around the table.
Byleth pointed to the letter that sat at the center of the round table. “This letter arrived during the night,” she explained, then lingered her gaze on Wolfie’s. “It’s from Hubert.”
“What?!” Wolfram gasped, jumping out of his seat to pick the letter up. “But he’s-”
“Dead, indeed. By my own hand.” Dimitri spoke in a deep voice. “Yet, it seems that he had that letter ready to be sent right as the war ended, though it was misplaced for a full year until it found its way to us.”
Gilbert sighed deeply. “According to the person who brought it, the original carrier was one of his coworkers at the palace. There was only a short letter attached to it, saying to take it to the winner of the war no matter what.”
“I wonder what happened to the person Hubert entrusted the letter to…” Annette fidgeted on her seat. “What if they got caught up in the battle and…” her voice trailed off as the outcome seemed obvious.
Wolfie’s pupils shook as he lowered the letter. “But if what he’s saying here is the truth… We’re on a really tight schedule, right? If this was supposed to be sent one year ago…”
Dimitri sighed beside his husband. “Indeed. We must set out to this Shambhala place with haste.”
“And the children of the goddess mentioned here…” Wolfram glanced at Seteth and Byleth, then back to the letter.
“Yes.” Byleth nodded, making all eyes turn to her. “After the goddess granted me her power, I started recovering her memories little by little, especially in these past few months. If any of you have any questions about this, I’ll probably be able to answer them; but my plan for the church in the future does include this knowledge…”
“It will be a drastic change to what’s been believed up until now, so it will require some time…” Seteth added with a hand on his chin.
“Well, at least that letter found us all in the same place, huh?” Annette tried to lighten up the mood. “If it had arrived any earlier or later, it would’ve taken a long time to gather everyone together again!”
“Annie, we’re here for the royal wedding…” Mercedes nudged her younger friend, giggling when she blushed and hid her face under her hands.
“Ah, um, sorry about that! Not saying that it’s good that we discovered a new enemy during your honeymoon or anything but- I’m-”
“Heehee, it’s okay, Annette! We’re fine.” Wolfram smiled brightly, dispersing some of the strained atmosphere of the room. “Besides, I also think it’s lucky.” He crossed his arms, smiling proudly. “My entire family is here, too, and boy can they fight! My Father’s been itching for a fight since a while ago so I’m sure they’ll all go with us, too.”
“Will that be alright? I wouldn’t want to drag them into another war…” Dimitri looked up with worry, though Wolfie replied by sitting back down and smiling.
“It’s okay. It’ll actually be harder to tell them not to come, nyahaha…”
“Half a dozen dragons fighting by our side… Now I almost pity those who slither in the dark.” Gilbert chuckled darkly. The thought of such a sight sent shivers down everyone’s spines; they couldn’t even fathom the amount of power they had by their side now.
“Well, I don’t.” Wolfram pouted, snapping his finger on top of the letter. “Do you think I should call Mother here? She might not know the whole situation here and stuff, but she is, like, almost three thousand years old…”
Everyone but Byleth and Seteth sputtered. “Three thousand-” a collective voice choked as all eyes turned to Wolfie.
“Ah,” he scratched his cheek awkwardly. “Didn’t I mention?”
They all stared, befuddled, at their King’s consort, with varying degrees of surprise.
Dedue closed his eyes, then was the first one to move. “... I’ll summon her here.”
“Ah, thank you, Dedue.” Dimitri recovered his composure. He had heard from Wolfram that his mother was a kind of ancient being, but he had no idea of HOW ancient she was.
He now felt too humbled to even be in her presence, but that had to wait.
For now, they had a war council to run, a year after the end of the last war.
If what the letter said was true, those who slither in the dark was an ancient organization set upon decimating the children of the goddess and any who worship them. Monica, or rather, Kronya, and Tomas/Solon were known members of it, though the man who went by ‘Thales’, who only Byleth met briefly before Jeralt’s death, had taken the place of an influential person no one ever expected: Volkhard von Arundel, Dimitri’s uncle by marriage.
They had dealt a decisive blow against those who slither in the dark during the past war without realizing, as the letter explained. Hubert even snarked, saying that although the Empire had lost that battle against the Alliance and the Kingdom, they cheered inwardly at the death of such a repugnable being.
“That also may be the reason why there hasn’t been an attack from them in the past year.” Byleth added as they discussed the contents.
“If they were busy regrouping after losing so many key members… It makes sense.” Sylvain pitched in, checking the map attached to the letter. “This place’s right south of Hilda’s territory, isn’t it? Good thing she and Caspar are staying here for the time being, huh?”
“See, I told you!” Annette puffed her cheeks to her former classmate, earning a few chuckles all around even amidst all the tension of the looming threat.
“OH!!!” Wolfram exclaimed out of nowhere. “Oh, oh! Now I remember!” he jumped out of his seat, placing both hands on the table. “I don’t think I told anyone, but during that battle in Derdriu, I felt something strange oozing from the enemies… And then, when we got into Enbarr-”
Dimitri interrupted, with a hand on his chin in thought. “You mentioned that something stank, if I remember correctly.”
“Yeah! I felt that there was something familiar about them, but I never made the connection until now. So those were the people infiltrated into the imperial forces… those who slither in the dark.”
“You could smell them?” Felix asked in disbelief, frowning deeply.
Wolfram scratched his nose awkwardly.
“We have better senses than humans,” he said in a small voice, fixing his gaze on the door.
Frowning even more, Felix looked from the consort to the door and, for a moment, nothing happened.
However, soon Dedue opened the door, bringing Nidra with him.
Since she had been brought at such short notice, she wore a veil around her head to hide her ears, though she lifted it once the door closed behind them.
Those inside gawked at the sight of her, now with the knowledge of being in the presence of a being older than time itself.
Blinking, Nidra tilted her head to the side at the strange atmosphere before making her way to Wolfram. “I was told something concerning had happened.”
Wolfie nodded, glancing between Dimitri and Nidra. “Yeah, the truth is…”
Once filled in the details, Nidra took the letter and the map. “This pull I feel… around here,” she pointed to a place near the Monastery: it was Zanado, the Red Canyon, where the former archbishop and strongest of the children of the goddess, Rhea, now resided. “Does it have anything to do with this enemy?”
“Oh, wow! You can feel her from here, Mother? I could only feel it when we arrived at the mountains…”
The classmates exchanged glances around the table, confused. Only Seteth silently gasped in surprise, remembering the talk he and Wolfram had had in his office, over a year ago.
“Aheem, um- yeah she’s on our side, so it’s okay.” Wolfie waved both hands as if to dismiss the topic in a hurry.
“Very well,” Nidra put the map back on the table. “These… enemies, according to this letter, somehow resemble those who once tried to use Lady Tiki in their evil plan to conquer the world. If we had more time, perhaps she would’ve been able to infer her insight on this.”
‘Lady Tiki?!’ the classmates thought at the same time. Was it someone more incredible than the woman who lived almost three millenia standing right in front of them?! They were even afraid to ask.
“I’m afraid my forte is not strategy, as that spot is already taken by a dear friend of mine. However, I will do what I can to help this cause.” Nidra concluded, gracefully sitting down beside Wolfram. “It is, after all, a personal matter now,” she smiled, though the pressure exuding from it made the classmates freeze in their spots.
Perhaps it was true that they should pity their enemies.
It would be for the best not to attract too much attention as they moved, so only a handful of people were aware of the true danger. It would do more harm than good to alert the entire population of a danger that might or might not surface in the near future.
Thus, the newly-married King and his consort set out to the Monastery -- officially, that is -- alongside the Archbishop and her consort, bringing quite a few soldiers as escorts with them.
Hilda sent an express messenger to her brother back at their territory to check if there’s been any activity around that area in the past few months, though nothing in particular popped up.
They weren’t called ‘those who slither in the dark’ for nothing, apparently.
Even in his letter Hubert mused how difficult it had been to pinpoint the whereabouts of Shambhala since they had been very careful with the types of magic they used. He had to follow their lines of supplies through espionage, but that was beside the point.
What mattered was that the headquarters was finally within their grasp, even if it wasn’t during the exact time they were supposed to know about it.
When the former classmates from other houses and the rest of Wolfie’s family had been told about the campaign, their readiness to jump back into battle was inspiring and staggering at the same time.
Even the peace-loving Dorothea immediately jumped into the bandwagon, surprising Wolfram into giving her a big hug.
There was no way of knowing the extent of the enemy forces, so although they left with a considerable number of troops under the guise of an escort, there was no shortage of worry. Even if their leaders had been eliminated, new ones would surely surface, so that wasn’t enough to let their guards down.
According to Byleth, they had been the ones who slaughtered the children of the goddess and made weapons out of their bones and crests stones out of their hearts, not to mention how they had experimented on Lysithea during her childhood or how they had kidnapped Flayn for her blood.
They had to be more careful than ever when dealing with such unscrupulous people.
“Yuck, and I thought no one could out-awful the grimleal.” Cynthia made a sour expression one night after the march. “How’re you feeling, Rammy? Are you okay?”
“Hm… I don’t think I am, actually.” Wolfram confessed as they sat near a random tent. “You know, the first mission I had to go to was… was to deal with something these guys did in a tiny village.” He shivered, holding himself as if to warm his arms from the chill. “It was horrible. I kept thinking about what you and Big Brother told me just so I wouldn’t be a crying mess for weeks.” He leaned on Cynthia’s shoulder as she scooted closer.
“Don’t worry, Rammy. Big Sis here is gonna kick their butts so hard I’ll turn them inside out.” She clenched her fist decidedly. “I’ll probably dust off my dragonstone for this.”
“Whoa, Sis, but what about your pegasus?” Wolfie gasped in surprise.
“Well, my arm in human form isn’t as strong as my,” she mimicked biting the air, “jaws in dragon form.” She grinned. “And I’m ready to fill my belly with baddies.”
“W-wait, what if they give you indigestion!” Wolfie finally laughed, making Cynthia sag her shoulders in relief.
“No amount of baddies could make MY belly upset! Not the greatest hero that ever lived, Cynthia, the pegasus-riding dragon!” She struck a pose, receiving applause from a giggling Wolfie.
Content, the big sister patted her younger brother’s head.
Despite being cheered up by Cynthia, Wolfie still worried as they marched, to the point that he was unable to sleep sometimes.
Dimitri, as one with a light sleep, noticed when his husband tossed and turned in bed. “Wolfram…”
“Ah, did I wake you? I’m sorry, Dimitri.” Wolfie slapped both hands over his mouth. “I’m just so nervous about it all,” he scooted closer, hiding in Dimitri’s embrace. “I keep remembering Remire village…”
Dimitri softly hugged his husband back, digging his face into his thin neck. “Indeed, that was a terrible experience for me as well, at the time. But we will put an end to all of that suffering, now once and for all.”
“Put an end to the suffering…” Wolfie mused. “I hadn’t thought about that. I was so focused on all the evil they did and how strong they must be, I wasn’t looking ahead!”
Chuckling, Dimitri kissed Wolfram’s forehead. “To think the student would become the teacher,” he smiled. “You were the one who taught me to think of the good I could make, so I’ve been taking it to heart.”
“Mhm,” Wolfie grinned, feeling pride well up inside his chest. “Thanks for reminding me of it, Dimitri. I think I can finally have a good night’s sleep, thinking of the good we can do.”
“That’s good.” Dimitri nodded, bringing Wolfie closer into his arms. “The weather gets warmer the further we get from Faerghus, but…”
“Of course, I’m not trading your hugs for anything, not even if it’s too hot!” Wolfie giggled, rubbing his face on his husband’s strong chest.
Under loving giggles and soft embraces, the rulers of the Unified Fódlan fell asleep in one another’s arms on the eve of their arrival.
The entrance to Shambhala was within a mountain, under many strange and familiar contraptions -- they resembled those who lifted them downwards to the Holy Tomb. The air was still and hard to breathe the deeper they went, but under the eerie lights embedded on the walls and the constant flow of dark mages, there could be no doubt about it: they really were in the heart of the enemy.
Byleth took the charge as she had always had, though this time her Sword of the Creator shone brighter than ever, ready to soak up all the blood its owner had spilled to create it. There were Demonic Beasts and Titanuses blocking their path left and right, but with the collective might of mages and dragons, they, too, fell like dominoes to the Kingdom’s might.
There were many traps to be disarmed as they swooped in, some that they had never seen the power of -- like the Javelins of Light, that had decimated Zanado a millenia ago. Though they all equally fell to the Kingdom army due the incompetence of the organization's new leaders.
Once they descended some dozen floors, never stopping with killing everything in sight, they arrived at a room with oval compartments around the walls.
There were eleven of them, with the biggest one menacingly standing in the middle.
Cautious, Byleth asked Yuri and Ashe to approach, as the stealthiest ones in the team, but the moment they took the first step into the room, smoke rose up from the tubes connecting to the compartments.
“Archwind!” Henry shouted immediately, dissipating the dangerous-looking smoke into nothing.
It revealed that the doors to the compartments opened upwards, one by one, revealing dead-looking people inside.
They were grey as ash and the putrid smell that filled the room told the army that something that defiled even Death stood in front of them.
“Seiros…” the man in the middle, who towered over even Dedue at almost 3 meters tall, grunted in a guttural, animal-like voice. He took a whip-looking thing from his waist, immediately whipping it ahead -- straight in Byleth’s direction.
She blocked it with her Sword of the Creator, noticing that that was no whip: it looked exactly like her sword, though it was bathed in black.
“You’re…” she widened her eyes in surprise. “Nemesis!”
“What?!” the army gasped in surprise behind the Professor.
“Then those ten are…” Dimitri’s words trailed off as the 10 Elites each brandished a shadow copy of their original Relics. “Quick, to arms! Do not let them gather their strength!”
“I’ll keep Nemesis occupied! Defeat the others!” Byleth rushed ahead.
Although the room was enormous, it didn’t fit all of the units they had brought, especially not the draconic ones in their original forms. Due to that, Wolfie’s family had to fight in their human forms, though they were no weaker than before -- Nidra especially, who had perfect control over her dragonstone to allow it to give her the strength equivalent to her dragonic form without completely transforming. She fought with her fists.
By her side, Henry cackled maniacally, loving that new side of his wife.
The battle against the revived 10 Elites was over embarrassingly fast, though no one dared to mention it aloud. Perhaps it was because they had just been resurrected, or just because the Kingdom army was just that strong.
One thing was for certain: the moment the last of the ten fell, Byleth’s sword managed to wound and then kill Nemesis, as if he had been protected by magic that connected all of them to him.
“Humph,” Byleth whipped her sword back into its original shape. “It was good that we were informed of this place when we did. I think those who slither in the dark wouldn’t unleash this threat until this age was over, so we managed to protect future generations.”
“We saved the future of not only one, but TWO worlds!” Cynthia threw her elbows back in a pose. “Now I can rub that in Owain’s face, mwahaha…!”
No one truly heard, or simply ignored, her words as they all came to terms with the victory.
“Was this the last floor? Did we really do it?” Someone asked.
“I can’t believe there was so much hidden underground,” another person mused, though, by far, the most common reaction was a shout to the sky.
“We won!!!” They cheered.
It was a mission that ended as quickly as it arrived, though it was by no means easy on their hearts. To be thrown into another war right after being able to stand after the last one made the soldiers’ hearts waver.
Yet, now it was all over.
“I’ll have to make sure there weren’t more of these around the land,” Byleth mused to herself as Seteth wiped the blood out of her face with the worry of a very concerned husband.
“That this place existed at all is already unimaginable enough… But true, we shouldn’t overlook that possibility.”
On the other side of the room, Wolfie hugged all of his family and his husband in turns. “We did it!! Thank you so much, everyone! I don’t think we could’ve ended this so fast without you.”
“Of course you couldn’t! Not without the duo heroes, Cynthia!” Both Cyn and Cynthia struck an ‘x’ pose as petals magically exploded behind them.
“Nyahaha…” a glint shone in Henry’s eyes as he helped flaunter his daughters’ antics.
His heart full, Wolfram’s nose itched with tears. “Thank you so much, really, thank you… Now we can truly, finally be at peace.”
Dimitri slid one hand to Wolfie’s waist. “Indeed. Your help was invaluable, mother-in-law, father-in-law.” He bowed.
“Wow! This makes me feel so old!” Henry giggled, waving his hand to Dimitri’s bow. “It’s fine, I’ve been wanting to spill some blood for a while… hey, be sure to call on me if you need something killed, alright? There’s not much fun- aack, owowow, Ni-Ni!”
Pulling her husband’s ear, Nidra sighed. “Pay him no mind, Dimitri.”
Dimitri blinked, then laughed as warmth enveloped his chest.
It would take a bit of getting used to to finally accept that he now had a family -- and a really big and diverse one at that.
Yet, whenever he held Wolfram’s hands in his, he couldn’t help but accept that reality readily. Truly, only bright days waited ahead of them.
The party dissolved little by little as they returned home.
Hilda and Caspar stayed at the former Alliance to visit her home and tell them the good news of their victory. There was also another set of good news that would visit them in a few weeks’ time, the first of many, many new members of their little family.
Dorothea returned to Enbarr to be with her husband, Ferdinand, and help him rule over his domain. She brought him the news of what Thales had done as Arundel in the Wrym territory, and the both of them wondered if they had ever met the real Arundel at some point in their lives or if those who slither in the dark had truly been infiltrated so deep into the Empire for that long.
Byleth and Seteth headed back to the Monastery, though first they stopped by Zanado to tell Rhea of everything that had happened. They didn’t call on her before since she was still recuperating after five years of torture at the only place she had called home since ancient times, but now that Nemesis had been defeated once and for all, she deserved to know the truth. Rhea weeped for her mother and brethren for the first time in centuries, somehow managing to let go of a lot of resentment and attachments, which stabilized her aura considerably.
Now, Nidra wouldn’t be able to sense her from Faerghus like before.
As the new Archbishop, Byleth would spread the truth of what actually happened at the creation of the Church of Seiros, though she would be doing that over the centuries with Seteth by her side.
Dedue and Mercedes finally went on their trip to Duscur, though Dimitri said that if they wanted to take permanent residence there, he would do his utmost to bring the land back to fruition. Dedue was conflicted at first, since he wanted to serve Dimitri for the rest of his life, but the prospect of rebuilding his land beside the one he loved moved his heart like never before. Besides, it was only a week of travel between Duscur and Fhirdiad, so they could see each other any time.
Cyn and Ingrid established a new Pegasus Order in Fódlan, based on the one from Ylisse. Even though Cyn’s pegasus looked different from the others, it was by no means weaker or slower, so it was easily accepted into the group at the barn.
Claude, now crowned King of Almyra, would sometimes visit Fhirdiad in diplomatic missions, so his promise with Wolfie was fulfilled now that they could meet whenever they wanted. As Cyn was Wolfie’s personal guard, she and Claude saw a lot of each other whenever he visited, and there were some glances…
Cynthia, Meliodas and their spouses moved into their family’s castle, bringing new life into it even after Wolfie and Cyn’s departure.
Surprisingly, the one who visited the most was Henry and not Nidra, though he liked to study Fódlan’s magic more often than not -- it was said that the innate magic he learned could decimate a few dozen armies, though that wasn’t put to practice. … Yet, anyway.
Nidra learned how to braid her hair around her ears from Dorothea, so now she didn’t need to walk around with the veil anymore. She divided her time between visiting Robin in her detached palace and Wolfie in his, so she was by no means staying still, though she still relished in taking naps under the oak tree in the garden.
Wolfram and Dimitri, years later, would decide to adopt a child to be the heir to the throne, though first and foremost they would treat him like their own son before he was to be the next king.
Family was, after all, everything that mattered.
Now, and forever.
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nixelspixels1225 · 3 years
I should be working on college work but here I am. Okay but...
FE3H College/University AU: Blue Lions Part 1
Side note: I have a headcanon that Lambert and Rodrigue had a side relationship going on, which applies to this a little bit,,,
Maintains a 3.5 GPA, is an over-achiever, and isn’t ever late to class.
He has therapy dog that’s a boy :) I imagine it’s a White Terrier who kind of has the same personality as him.
He’s apart of the debate team with Felix; is considered the best on the debate team, rivaling with Edelgard’s team.
plays on the baseball team with Sylvain and Felix (more on that in Felix and Sylvain’s portions). Every time he goes to bat, though, he ends up either hitting it out of the park or he breaks a bat somehow. He’s the reason they have to keep buying extra bats. 💀
He commutes from his home and Lambert is/was a well-known big time politician, but Dima inherits it. His uncle Rufus (who he doesn’t like as stated in the game) comes and checks in him every once in a while, but he’s basically a drunken bank owner and doesn’t really care for Dima.
On days he’s at his lowest he brings his dog with him to class. Everyone wants to pet his dog, but the dog is pretty picky with people touching him. When Dimitri raises his hand in class, the dog copies him and raises his paw. 🥺
Everyone assumes he’s gay, but doesn’t make any inclinations on if he actually is or not. He usually sticks to not talking another himself at all. The college/uni has days where students can bring their pets for an outdoor event and Dima almost doesn’t wanna bring his dog because he stubbornly considers his dog a friend over a “pet”
He's definitely a teacher's pet, no doubt.
Attends a small therapy session through the college every two weeks.
You cannot get him to drink alcohol or smoke pot honestly. Maybe unless a certain professor were there and did it first, he may be convinced.
Get ready for Sylvix vibes.
Maintains about a 3.1–3.4 GPA. Sometimes ends up being late to class, but only if he is just perpetually exhausted.
Is apart of the debate team. He has to be on it because his excuse is that he has to keep an eye on Dimitri (this kinda goes along with my Lambert/Rodrigue headcanon post)
Is also apart of the baseball team but that's because he likes being active. It helps him with his anger issues. He's probably the best player on the team to be completely honest. Short? Runs fast? Well-balanced and strong? Yes.
oh yeah he has anger issues. People have told him to go to therapy but it only pisses him off. His therapist is basically Sylvain. dhebjbhjbhcjjbh
A good majority of people legitimately cannot tell whether or not Felix is aromantic, asexual, straight, or what the hell he is. Sylvain would say he's sexually attracted to anything metal but that's an inside joke between them.
Felix commutes to college/uni. Actually, he doesn't live too far from Dimtiri.
Owns a black cat, originally out of irony, but he ended up growing to be extremely fond of cats. Especially black cats. It has bright green-yellow eyes and is actually very sweet.
Often finds himself in Sylvain's dorm, sometimes sneaking in his cat since they don't allow pets in the dorms due to other students possibly having allergies. He likes to sometimes bring over Mexican food, guacamole and tortilla chips.
When staying up late to study with Sylvain, he'll put his hair in a messy white girl bun. Sylvain teases him that he needs a starbucks coffee, acrylic nails, and a shit ton of makeup and he'll be as good of a white girl as Dorothea or Hilda.
is very oblivious to Sylvain crushing on him, but also is unaware he likes Sylvain a lot. Also. Yes, they will die together. Totally doesn't click that he likes Sylvain.
Calls Sylvain "Idiot" in the streets, but "Syl" in the sheets DJHDEHVEVHJHVJJVH--no they don't actually bang until they get together.
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authordgaster · 2 years
Chapter 1.2
The kids wandered about, deciding to meet the other students as Byleth continued to discuss matters with the other two professors. They didn’t know Byleth particularly well, but it still surprised them that such a blank faced guy had been picked to become the new professor for an academy housing the next rulers of the continent. Then again the ArchBishop did let a bunch of strangers into the academy without very much hesitation either.
The two professors were named Hanneman and Manuela. Hanneman stated that he is something called a Crest Scholar, and Manuela said she was a former Songstress, reminding them of Azura. They were kind enough to explain the three different houses and their origins.
The Black Eagle House is for students from the Adrestian Empire. Their house leader this year is Edelgard, the Imperial princess, who is in line to be the next emperor.
The Blue Lion House is for students from the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. Their house leader this year is Prince Dimitri. He is to be the next king of Faerghus.
Lastly, there is the Golden Deer House, which is for students of the Leicester Alliance. Their house leader is Claude, grandson to Duke Riegan, the leader of the Alliance.
The group reached the area in front of the classrooms, and saw the three house leaders standing around. Soleil immediately began to walk towards Edelgard, with Shiro right behind her to make sure she stays out of trouble. Selkie bounded towards Claude to say hi to him, and Dwyer was right behind her to keep her out of trouble.
Midori and Forrest exchanged a look before smiling and making their way towards Dimitri.
Edelgard smiled when she saw Soleil and Shiro approach her. “Ah, it’s you. I was pleased to hear that you will be joining us at the officers academy. I hope you decide to lend your power to the Black Eagles.” She said with a slight bow.
“If you’re the one in charge, then I have to admit that your house is quite appealing.” Said Soleil.
Shiro rolled his eyes at his friend’s flirtations. “You’re one heck of a fighter, our brawl with the bandits proved that. I definitely don’t wanna be on the wrong side of that axe.” Joked Shiro. 
“A smart choice.” Stated Edelgard. 
Soleil stifled a chuckle at that, Shiro turned to her and gave her an unimpressed look. “Next you’re gonna say, ‘Shiro and smart? Those words definitely aren’t used together very much.’”
“‘Shiro and smart? Those words definitely aren’t used together very much.” Laughed Soleil, who paused for a moment before sticking her tongue out at Shiro.
Edelgard watched the display with a bit of surprise. “That was impressive, how did you predict what she was going to say?” She asked. 
Shiro chuckled and scratched the back of his head. “My mom’s a fortune teller, I inherited some of her abilities when it comes to predicting the future, though it works a bit weirdly with me.” He explained.
“I see… your mother must be quite wise to be able to predict the future.” Said Edelgard.
“Yeah, she’s pretty impressive… when she’s not screwing with everyone for her own amusement. She definitely has a… unique sense of humor.” Said Shiro, making a face like he was recalling events that he would prefer to be forgotten.
“Oh yeah… like the time she tricked Midori’s uncle into revealing a story from when they were children and she scared him so bad he soiled himself?” Asked Soleil.
“Yup.” Said Shiro.
“Well… it sounds like your kingdom has quite a unique queen. Hoshito, was it?” Asked Edelgard.
“Hoshido, with a d, and yeah. But fortunately dad keeps mom from going too far, and she’s there to make sure he doesn’t have a stick up his bum at all times.” Said Shiro as he shook his head while smiling fondly at the memory of his parents.
Soleil laughed. “Yeah! I think the only one more serious than Lord Ryoma is Lord Xander! I’m pretty sure his face would actually crack if he tried to smile.” She joked. Shiro laughed as well.
“I’m amazed you can talk so nonchalantly about the rulers of your countries.” Said Edelgard. 
“Meh, I mean, we spent months fighting together in Lord Corrin’s army, that tends to break down most social barriers.” Said Soleil.
“I suppose that is fair…” Said Edelgard.
“Ah, Lady Edelgard, there you…” A gruff sounding voice caught the attention of the trio as a taller man with black hair that covered his right eye approached them. “Ah… I see that you are preoccupied at the moment. I assume that these are the ‘otherworlders’ that rescued you?”
“Oh, hello Hubert.” Said Edelgard. “Yes, this is Soleil and Prince Shiro of the kingdom of Hoshido, I fought with them against the bandits.”
“I see. Well, as Lady Edelgard’s retainer, I thank you for protecting my liege at a time where I could not, and I advise that you treat her with the respect that she is due, even if one of you is a prince.” Said Hubert calmly.
“Well… you’re a real ray of sunshine…” Said Shiro drily.
Hubert crossed his arms. “It matters not what you think of me, all I care for is Lady Edelgard’s well being.” He said.
Soleil chuckled. “Well, from one retainer to another, I can respect your dedication, and I look forward to seeing you in the future.” She said as she extended her hand to the tall and creepy man. 
Hubert looked at the outstretched hand, then at Edelgard who was looking up at him with an unimpressed expression. Sighing, he met Soleil’s hand with his own. This caused a smile to cross Edelgard’s face. “Hubert, I take it that there was something you wished to discuss with me?” She asked.
“Indeed.” Said her retainer. “Something I would prefer was discussed in private.”
Edelgard nodded her head.. “Understood. Soleil, Shiro, why don’t you meet the other members of my class. They’re located in the room on the far right with the red flag. I hope to see you and your friends again in my class.” She said before departing with Hubert. 
“See you Edelgard! Let’s get tea together soon as well!” Said Soleil as she waved goodbye to the princess.
“Why are you like this?” Asked Shiro tiredly.
“Because I am an adorer of all things adorable and girls are the most adorable of all!” Said Soleil proudly.
“Fair enough. Let’s go meet the others.” Suggested Shiro.
“Alright! I hope the class has more cute girls!” Cheered Soleil as she and Shiro made their way to the other Black Eagles.
“Midori, Forrest, it is wonderful to see you both again.” Said Dimitri with a polite bow as the two younger teens approached him.
“Hello Prince Dimitri.” Said Forrest with a similar bow.
“Hey Prince Dimitri!” Said Midori with a smile.
“Please, simply Dimitri will do.” Said the prince with a chuckle. “We are going to be attending the academy together in the near future, there is little need for formalities.”
“Very well.” Said Forrest with a smile. 
“Ok Dimitri.” Said Midori with a giggle.
“There, now if only Ashe could do the same…” Said Dimitri with a light chuckle.
“One of your classmates?” Asked Forrest.
“Ashe? Yes, he’s the adopted son of a lord named Lonato. He is a polite young man, perhaps too much so since he insists on sticking to formalities when referring to me.” Said Dimitri.
“Perhaps he is intimidated by you? You are a large man and from what I witnessed against those bandits, a powerful one as well.” Said Forrest.
Dimitri laughed awkwardly. “It is certainly true that I’m adept when it comes to combat. I remember that my friends and I would pretend to be knights and such when we were younger.” He said.
Midori giggled. “I bet you were a cute kid Dimitri.” She said. That only earned more awkward laughter from the prince of Faerghus.
“Come now Midori, no need to say such things.” Chastised Forrest.
“Oh come on Forrest! I was trying to be nice!” Pouted Midori.
Dimitri watched the pair with a soft smile for a moment before speaking up. “So, if I remember correctly, Forrest’s father is a prince of Nohr, Midori’s mother is the chief of the Flame tribe, and her father is a retainer to the king of Valla?” He asked.
“Yup! Aren’t my parents so cool?!” Asked Midori proudly.
“Indeed, though I am curious as to what Forrest’s mother does.” Said Dimitri.
“My mother? Oh, she’s an assassin employed as one of the retainers of my aunt Camilla.” Explained Forrest.
“An assassin?” Asked Dimitri.
“Indeed. It was not a life my mother chose, but one that circumstance forced her into and cost her her emotions to survive in. One day she found her way into working for aunt Camilla, and that led to her and my father becoming comrades in the war. After learning her story, my father decided that he would help my mother learn to feel again, and they developed a love for one another that eventually led to me. A unique love  story for two people as unique as my mother and father.” Said Forrest, a smile on his face as he recalled the story of his parents’ love. 
Midori giggled at the sight of her friend’s romantic side. “What about you? What’re your parents like Dimitri?” She asked, turning to the prince. All the warmth on Dimitri’s face vanished as he looked down for a moment. “Dimitri…?” Asked Midori worriedly.
Dimitri looked at the pair once more with a strained smile. “My parents are sadly… no longer of this world. They died four years ago in an event known as the tragedy of Duscur. I lost almost everyone that I cared about that day.” He said.
Midori gasped and covered her mouth. “Oh my gosh, that’s terrible!” She exclaimed. 
“Indeed. It was a tragedy, not just for me, but an event that would lead the people of Duscur to ruin…” Said Dimitri.
“A…and, here we are talking about are parents all happily while yours are gone… I… I feel terrible!” Midori was starting to tear up, causing Dimitri to panic.
“P-please Midori! Yes the loss of my parents caused me great pain, but I continue forward for there sake. So please, there’s no need to be upset on my behalf.” Said the prince.
Midori sniffled. “O…okay…” She said softly.
“Milord, is all well?” Everyone turned as a giant of a man approached the group. Forrest and Midori had to tilt their heads back to see his face.
“Ah, Dedue. All is well, I was simply speakingwith two of the people who helped me against those bandits.” Said Dimitri in a slightly shaky tone.
“…I see…” Said Dedue as he turned to Forrest and Midori, causing Midori to flinch a little. “You are the ones who aided his highness, against the bandits. It is not worth much, but I offer my thanks.” 
“It was no problem then and it is no problem now.” Said Forrest simply with a smile and a nod.
Dedue returned the nod before looking at Dimitri.
“Perhaps I shouldbe with you at all times so I will be there for you the next time an unexpected attack occurs.” Said Dedue.
“Dedue, while I appreciate your company, that is far from necessary.'' Said Dimitri.
“…as you wish.” Said Dedue calmly.
Dimitri looked at the smaller pair. “Ah, I realized I’ve yet to introduce you. Forrest, Midori, I would like you to meet my retainer, Dedue. He is not just the one who protects me, but he is also a close friend of mine.” He introduced him to the pair.
“It is a pleasure to meet you, I am Forrest, a prince of the kingdom of Nohr and this is my ally, Midori.” Said Forrest with a polite bow. 
“Hello.” Said Dedue.
“Good, now that you have properly met Dedue, perhaps you should come and meet the rest of our class.” Said Dimitri as he began to make his way to the center classroom of the school, with the others right behind him.
“CLAAUUDE!” The archer barely had time to process what was happening when the sentient fluffy ball of energy launched straight at him.
Dwyer watched Claude spit grass out as he stood back up after Selkie’s tackle hug. “You get used to it…” He said. “Eventually…”
“Common occurrence?” Asked Claude with a chuckle. 
“Very…” Said Dwyer. “It’s just my lot in life to follow after Selkie and keep her out of trouble. I’ve gotten pretty good at it over the years…”
“Yup! He may act tired and lazy all the time.” Said Selkie.
“Because I am...” Said Dwyer.
“But he’s still my best friend! And he heals me when I’m hurt!” Said Selkie.
“Which happens a lot. I’ve probably used at least a dozen staves and rods on you alone…” Noted Dwyer.
“Staves?” Asked Claude.
“Yeah, these...” Said Dwyer as he pulled his staff out. “It’s how we heal each other in battle. But they break after they’re used too many times.” 
“Uh huh…” Said Claude as he examined the item. “In Fodlan we simply learn spells. Faith, or White Magic for healing and Reason, or Dark Magic for hurting.”
“We use Tomes and Scrolls to cast spells in our world. I have some experience but I prefer using a dagger. It’s more my cup of tea. Even if I’m a coffee drinker…” Explained Dwyer.
“All I need is my Beaststone to get the job done!” Said Selkie proudly.
“Well who needs weapons when you can turn into a giant beast and maul your enemy…?” Noted Dwyer.
“So are shapeshifters considered normal in your world?” Asked Claude.
“Hardly… other than the Kitsune, the only races of shapeshifters are the Wolfskin and the Vallite royals that descended from Anakos…” Explained Dwyer. “And our army only has two of each… Kitsune and Wolfskin usually live in isolation because people try to hunt them…”
“People want our fur.” Explained Selkie softly.
“Oh… charming…” Said Claude awkwardly.
“Fortunately the kings have outlawed such activity, so now their kind can go about without as much fear...” Said Dwyer.
“And if someone tries to get me, I’ll just have to get them first!” Cackled Selkie.
“…so, you’re royalty?” Claude decided to tactically change the subject.
“Correct, our mothers are both the youngest siblings of the royal families of Nohr and Hoshido. Their friendship lead to Selkie and I meeting at a young age, despite our Deeprealms being separate...” Explained Dwyer.
“…Your Deeprealms?” Asked Claude.
“Yeah, we were born during the war so our parents hid us in different Deeprealms where we would be safe. Unfortunately due to the different flow of time, by the time a month passed for them, we were nearly at adulthood. Realizing that if we stayed there much longer we would die of old age by the time our parents ended the war, we were invited to join lord Corrin’s army…” Said Dwyer. “Some of us wound up becoming the same age as our parents. Our friend Rhajat is older than her own father now…”
“That is… really disturbing.” Said Claude. 
“Oh yeah, a lot of us were definitely… not happy with our parents. Apparently our friend Percy tricked a band of mercenaries into thinking the army was a band of bandits and attacking us. That was a fun story.” Giggled Selkie.
“The more stories I hear, the more insane your army sounds.” Noted Claude.
“Our army is filled with crazy weirdos…” Said Dwyer simply.
Claude couldn’t help but laugh at that. “Well, the Golden Deer definitely isn’t in short supply of those. Would you like to meet them?” He asked.
“Yes yes yes!” Said Selkie excitedly.
Claude continued to chuckle as he stood up, brushing grass and dirt off his pants. “Well then, let’s get going. Just a heads up, the purple one is very… stuck up.” He said.
“I will keep that in mind…” Said Dwyer.
Fire Emblem: Three Fates
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burr-ell · 2 years
i will say as someone who doesn't like dimi//eth i do kinda find it idk? uncharitable? to just handwave it as byleth being dimitri's "therapist".
to explain, their relationship is more like: you're brought into a new friend group and the one friend who brought you in is someone you have a good connection with. suddenly they go through something horrible and hit rock bottom, and cut off their connection with those closest to them as a result. you decide to stick with them because you still believe in your friend and want to help (and have the advantage of not being too close to the situation). does that suddenly make you a therapist? or are you just someone who's helping a friend through a rough patch and getting them back on their feet?
like that other anon, it just feels like this came at the expense of the blue lions actually coming together to support dimitri and each other. with claude, i never felt like his relationship with others was pushed aside to make room for byleth. byleth is important to him, but so are the rest of them.
personally, i think the dimi//eth romance is fine, but that's it. not bad just fine. wasn't really wowed by it yanno? plus i vastly prefer his endings with other characters as well as for byleth in AM.
I think that's fair. When I compare Byleth to a therapist in this context I don't mean to discount her friendship with Dimitri; I'm just trying to use the closest frame of reference I have. But I think what you said about her not being too close to the situation is a bit closer to the mark on why I'm not as bothered by what others see as player pandering. Byleth has a more objective point of view than everyone else, in addition to that mentor figure role, and that's a reasonable Watsonian explanation for why she plays such a prominent role in Dimitri's turnaround.
Agreed as well on the Blue Lions not feeling as cohesive as the Deer. And part of the problem with that is the permadeath; by the time Dimitri comes around, the entire group could potentially be dead, and so they have to write around that. But it's also just not a theme of the route, and it seems like rather than interweaving the team dynamic with Dimitri's character arc, the writing just favors one over the other. I feel like Verdant Wind did a slightly better job on that front—it has clear themes, but Claude's character development is still there. (It's not as strong as I'd like it to be, but I won't pretend I'm not annoyed by people acting like Claude didn't grow at all just because he didn't have a big dramatic personal story, so I freely admit I'm biased.)
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emblem-fire · 4 years
Black Eagle!Dedue AU
Dedue starts classes in the Blue Lions House, but he isn’t totally loyal to Dimitri like he is in the canon. In this AU, he is bitter about the Murder of Duscur and about Dimitri’s refusal to do anything in terms of reparations.
Dedue spends two moons in the blue lions and in that time, he is consistently belittled and degraded by Felix and Ingrid for his heritage. He doesn’t get this treatment from his other classmates but they seldom defend him. This refusal to take action leads to a rift between the Dedue and the rest of his class. For a while, he feels totally alone.
One day, Ingrid gets exceptionally racist in the mess hall and it draws attention. Again, none in the Blue Lions stand up for Dedue but to Dedue’s surprise, quite a few Black Eagles come to his defense immediately. This leads to a spat between the the black eagles, Petra, Dorothea and Ferdinand in particular, and Ingrid and Felix. Seteth breaks up the argument but before they leave, the Black Eagles invite Dedue to their table. Dedue thinks on it a minute before he stands with his food and he goes to join them. He starts sitting with and just generally hanging out with the Eagles from then on, but it doesn’t push him to switch classes.
From then, Dedue builds relationships with most of the Eagles.
Petra becomes friends with him first, and they bond over their mutual feelings of homesickness. They become good friends doing cool friend shit like hunting and fishing together and kicking the shit out of racist monks and students. Idk I just want them to be bros, dude.
Dorothea becomes friends with him by asking him about the arts of Duscur. He’s wary of her initially, but he eventually warms up to her and he even sings the songs he remembers for her.
Ferdinand tries to be a protector to Dedue at first but that annoyed Dedue more than anything. Dedue tries to explain that he doesn’t need a defender and that while he appreciates the thought, he would rather not have Ferdinand stick his neck out like that. Ferdinand obliges, albeit a bit confused as to why someone would refuse a noble’s protection.
 Caspar becomes friends with Dedue because of how built he is. They train together all the time, and though Caspar is a bit too rambunctious for Dedue’s tastes, he indulges him anyways and he develops a friendship with him.
What pushes Dedue to leave the Blue Lions is his paralouge. Dimitri refuses to defend the Duscur rebels. He says that there are more important matters at hand, so he turns his back on the people who just want their homes back. Desperate and enraged, Dedue turns to the eagles and begs them for their aid. Without question, Byleth and Edelgard agree to help him and together, they help the Duscari rebels fend off the battalion of Faerghus soldiers. Afterwards, Edelgard offers the rebels a haven in Enbarr, so that they may live in peace. The rebels accept her offer and they go to Enbarr as temporary refugees, but with plans to take their lands back in one way or another.
Dedue is thoroughly shocked that Edelgard was so ready to aid his people who have been seen as lessers for so long and he’s even more shocked when she offers the people of Duscur her protection and a temporary home in Enbarr. It is here where Edelgard confides in Dedue that when she is Emperor, she wants to create a world of equals in terms of rights and protections. It’s vague but it’s enough for him to turn his back on Dimitri all together and join the Eagles because in this one act of aid, she has done more for Duscur than Dimitri has in his entire life.
Ingrid is predictably vindictive about his choice to leave, but everyone else is amicable about it, ranging from sad to indifferent.
When the war rolls around, Dedue doesn’t think twice about siding with the empire.
Dialogue vs former classmates
Dimitri: Dedue!
Dedue: Your Highness.
Dimitri: I don’t understand, how could you side with her? Can you not see the destruction that she has wrought?
Dedue: With her help, Duscur can reclaim what it has lost. She offers a future for my people, whereas Faerghus sees us as little more than a remnant of the past.
Dimitri: Faithless turncoat! Very well, then. If you fight for her despotic visions, then you’ll die too!
Ingrid: Duscari scum! I will rid you from the world for your treachery!
Dedue: No, Ingrid. You will only die trying.
Felix: Even if you’ve left the boar, you’re still nothing more than a dog. The only thing that’s changed is your master.
Dedue: I have no words for you.
Felix: Good. Come fight me and die.
Sylvain: So, this new world Edelgard wants to build is one where crests are insignificant?
Dedue: Yes. If you lay down your arms, I can promise you that you’ll have a place in it too.
Sylvain: Tempting, but I’m afraid I’ve already found a cause worth fighting for.
Dedue: Your sense of duty will get you killed.
Sylvain: I have the Lance of Ruin on my side, Dedue. I’ll take my chances.
Annette: I know I should hate you for siding with her…
Dedue: …
Annette: But, I don’t. I really do understand why you did.
Dedue: We don’t need to fight, Annette. Surrender, and I will see that you are treated with fairness and dignity.
Annette: I’m sorry, but I can’t. I will not lose my father again. Prepare yourself, I won’t go easy on you.
Ashe: I was hoping we wouldn’t have to fight.
Dedue: As was I. I don’t suppose I can convince you to lay down your bow and surrender?
Ashe: I’m sorry, but no. I have a duty to fulfill. Even if it means I’ll die fulfilling it.
Mercedes: Oh! It really is lovely to see you again. It’s a shame that it’s like this, isn’t it?
Dedue: I don’t want to fight you, Mercedes. Please, stand down.
Mercedes: If only it were so simple, Dedue.
Endings in Crimson Flower route
Solo Ending
After the war finally came to a halt, the people of Duscur were able to reclaim what they had lost and then some. Dedue was widely celebrated as a hero to his people and he became the first leader of Duscur. The people wanted him to rule as a king, but he proposed a more democratic rule. Even so, Dedue was never voted out of office and under his selfless leadership, Duscur was able to bloom into a wealthy nation with rich art and world famous cuisine.
Ending with Ferdinand
After the war had finally came to a halt, the people of Duscur were finally able to reclaim what they lost and then some. Dedue became a hero to his people and together with the aid of Ferdinand von Aegir, Duscur healed from the scars of it’s past and it blossomed into a vibrant nation which was rich in trade and art. Later, after both Dedue and Ferdinand had passed, letters between the two were discovered, the contents of which were described by poets and scholars as the most beautiful and intimate expressions of love and gratitude to ever be written.
Ending with Petra
After the war had come to a close, Petra was finally crowned as the Queen of Brigid. From the very start of her reign, Petra worked hard to establish strong diplomatic relations with not just Fódlan, but with Dagda, Almyra, Morfis and the newly rebuilt Duscur. Dedue, as the new leader of Duscur, would meet with Petra regularly to make sure that their two nations grew strong together, though later, these meetings would become more private affairs. Eventually, Dedue announced that he would not be running for another term and he left Duscur to be with Petra, to whom he was wed almost as soon as he arrived in Brigid. The people were initially skeptical of him but Dedue’s tireless devotion to his new subjects earned him their love and admiration. To this day, Dedue and Petra are revered in both Duscur and Brigid and the two nations enjoy a high degree of camaraderie.
Ending with Dorothea
When the war finally came to a close, Dorothea accompanied her husband, Dedue to Duscur. Together, they got to work rebuilding Duscur, though in two very different ways. Dedue became the first elected leader of Duscur and his policies made sure that the country was built strongly in terms of infrastructure and with its economy. Dorothea, on the other hand, became a patron of the arts and she oversaw the creation of a new Opera company in Duscur which took in talent from all over the world. This diversity of artists effectively revolutionized art itself, and before long, Duscur was known far and wide for it’s wide array of arts. For as busy as the couple was, however, they always made time for one another and it is said that no union was ever as happy and serene as theirs was.
Ending with Caspar
In recognition of his daring deeds during the war, Caspar was offered the position of Minister of Military Affairs, but he declined. Instead, Caspar accompanied Dedue and his people to help rebuild Duscur. Unfortunately, hatred for Duscur persisted in the north of Fódlan. This led to the creation of a military dedicated to the defense of Duscur, helmed jointly by Caspar and Dedue. Thanks to their tireless efforts, Duscur remained safe and in time, the nation was able to heal and bloom into a wondrous country of wealth and formidable military might. To this day, Dedue and Caspar are remembered as the greatest of all of Duscur’s heroes, even being called the sons of the War God by some.
Ending with Bernadetta
After the war had finally come to a close, Bernadetta was granted the Varley territory, but instead of taking over, she chose a more adept successor and relinquished all claims to the territory. From there, she became a traveling artist of great renown. She ventured far and wide, from Brigid to Sreng to Almyra, but eventually, she found herself in Duscur and she fell in love with the culture. Her paintings of Duscur and it’s denizens became beloved by the people to the point were Dedue, the new leader of Duscur, had to beg her to stay. She inevitably stayed and with her help, art museums were established in Duscur. In time, these became among the finest in the world, filled to the brim with the beautiful works of Duscur’s many artists.
This was pretty cool to write haha. If anyone is interested in me writing more endings for this AU or maybe even Dedue’s supports with the Black Eagles and the Golden Deer let me know!
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fe-husband-heaven · 4 years
Dimitri x Wife!Reader - Commission (N/SFW)
@queenofthespacesquids has graciously commissioned Dimitri smut from me :') and has been an absolute angel during this whole mess of a pandemic!
This reader is a general female reader and the commissioner wanted to share the Dimi love so they've allowed posting here!💖💕💖
Thank you once again for commissioning me! I hope everyone else enjoys it too!
The twelfth sigh that day fell from Dimitri's lips. Drooping shoulders accompanied the heaving huffs he gave as his horse trotted along the roads of Fhirdiad.
"We'll be arriving soon, boar. Contain yourself."
Felix travelled afoot alongside Dimitri's white steed. A frown on his face, he shot Dimitri a judgemental look.
Dimitri paid him no heed.
"Awww, c'mon Felix. Give the guy a break. He's a man separated from his lady, doesn't it break your heart?"
Sylvain rode up to the two on his own horse, sticking to Felix's left.
"The only thing it breaks is my patience. I'd understand if this was his first time away, but he does this every time."
Sylvain laughed, his swordsman friend only deepened his scowl.
"Well...They've only been married for a little while..can't imagine they've had too much time alone considering he's the freaking King."
Felix scoffed,
"Y/N's with him all the time, they're attached at the hip, it's a miracle they haven't fused together yet."
Both of them turned to face the blonde man when he gave another longing sigh at the mention of your name.
Sylvain trotted his horse closer to Dimitri, which forced Felix to move to his left. Felix gave him a "Tch." in response.
Sylvain patted Dimitri's shoulder,
"Think of it this way, I'm sure your lady was very lonely. When you get back, she'll probably want lots of-"
Felix stomped on the ground near Sylvain's horse, spooking it and causing it to rear up before it sprung forward, Sylvain, fumbling to stay on and regain control.
"That absolute fool…Don't listen to his inane..."
He trailed off when he looked back to Dimitri, who looked extremely troubled.
"..Lonely..?..My wife is..lone...ly..?"
Dimitri's expression quickly went from yearning, to worry. Felix slapped a hand to his forehead in defeat.
"Ugh, you two are absolutely impossible…"
The gates of Fhirdiad were in sight not long after that. The soldiers standing guard alerted their fellow knights about the return of the king.
Many thought that Dimitri should remain on the throne and not step foot out into danger, it was  a great risk to have the king out and about after what happened to the previous one.
But Dimitri firmly believed in being involved with the people, and seeing for himself what his people needed. The Kingdom was still recovering from the war, constant patrols were necessary.
Unfortunately, this meant that he was often forced apart from you. He would take you with him but it was not the most intelligent of ideas to have both the King and Queen away at the same time. 
He wondered...were you really lonely? He knew Dedue had stayed behind as your guard but did you miss him the same way he missed you?
He sighed again, he wanted his wife.
"We're here, boar. Quit moping."
Dimitri looked up, they were in fact in front of the gates. But he honed in on something much more important.
His wife.
She was waving. Smiling and waving at him from just a little bit inside the gate. He could see a couple of advisors begging her to come back inside where it was safe. 
Felix and Sylvain essentially watched a man be reborn right in front of them. Dimitri perked up and a bright glimmer found its way into his blue eye, he kept his gaze on her. He knew he was to remain cordial and in line with the rest of his troops but...his wife.
The moment he was able to, Dimitri clambered off his steed and headed straight to you. You stood, adorned in blues and whites, the colors of Fhaergus. Laughing lightly as you held your arms open for him. He did not hesitate to jump right into them and return the hug you gave him.
He squeezed tightly, and pulled back far enough to pepper a couple kisses on your face.
He remained completely unaware of the dozens of eyes watching the two of you. Many of them simply civilians who had come to witness the return of their king. They smiled at the scene, Fhirdiad was well aware of the King's love for the Queen.
This was not the first time he had arrived absolutely starved for his wife's company. The people found it soothing, King Dimitri did not seem so far out of their reach when they saw how very much like them he was. Many were quite fond of the two of you and those of older generations would have a couple "Ahh to be young again.."s when the two of you were spotted together.
Once again, a royal advisor came along to try to usher the local King and Queen back into the palace.
"Please, your majesties-" Cut off by the firm grip of a hand on their shoulder, the man who was about to plead the resident King and Queen to please for the love of the goddess head back inside, turned towards the source of the sudden looming shadow.
He came face to face with a less than pleased Dedue.
"Do not interrupt their Majesties…"
Dedue had not meant for the man to apologize and run away but...he could not help the pleased feeling that ran through him at having protected the precious time their Majesties had together. The Queen doted on him and The King never failed to remind him that he was family. He was extremely grateful, he thought it to be the least he could do.
He quite enjoyed seeing them happy.
Briefly pausing his barrage of affection, Dimitri's lips pulled down into a frown accompanied by what can only be described as puppy dog eyes.
"Were you… lonely..?"
You...weren't sure how to respond. Of course you wanted him home but were you lonely? Dedue and the others had kept you company and they made it difficult to be lonely.
Your attention was caught by a redhead casanova standing a few feet away from the two of you. He was nodding, giving you a thumbs up, and mouthing "Say yes". You then watched as Felix jabbed his elbow into his side before dragging him off by the collar, probably off to go train.
Turning back to your giant lion of a husband, he was still awaiting an answer. You don't know what possessed you to trust Sylvain but between not knowing how to respond and his look of confidence, you threw caution to the wind.
"Of course..!.Isn't it natural to miss my husband?" 
For a moment he looked even more saddened, like it was somehow his fault that you had been lonely. You smiled softly at him and laid a gentle hand on the side of his face, cupping his cheek.
"Hmm, didn't you miss me too?"
Leaning into your touch, Dimitri's frown dissipated, and a serene expression was left behind in its departure. Your hand was tenderly covered by his own as the other arm wrapped around your waist tightened just a little.
Smiling at each other, it seemed as though no one else existed around you. Just a husband and wife who were reunited.
"Your majesties."
Dedue stepped forward.
Dimitri turned to look at him, keeping you in his arms as you did the same.
"Please Dedue, call me "Dimitri". You know you're family to us, Y/N and I would love nothing more than to drop formalities."
Dedue smiled tenderly, his heart warmed.
"Yes, your majesty."
You couldn't help the giggle that escaped you at the way Dimitri was rendered speechless. You doubted that Dedue would ever move past the habit, Dimitri would have to settle for having his name used in private!
Giving your husband a comforting pat, you turned your attention back to Dedue when he continued speaking.
"Your majesties, there are no matters that require your assistance urgently. Please, take this time to rest...both of you." he added.
You smiled and thanked Dedue, who with a bow, went off to the kitchens. His cuisine had grown quite popular among the people and he was often requested for cooking duty in spite of his status as Dimitri's right hand man.
Shooting Dimitri a bright grin, you wrapped your  arms around his as his hold on you loosened.
"Shall we go?"
His smile softened further, your lips parted to tease him about being handsome but before you could, a surprised yelp escaped your lips as you were suddenly pulled off of your feet and into strong toned arms.
You heard a couple whistles from onlookers as you collected yourself, Dimitri had already begun moving and walking off towards your room as if he wasn't carrying an entire human being in his arms.
You stabilized yourself by wrapping your arms around his neck, marvelling up at him briefly before laughing.
"Hmm, this is familiar!"you chirped.
Dimitri's strides slowed just a little as he focused on you. He pressed a kiss to your forehead, not noticing the respectful bows of passing attendants.
He laughed lightly,
"Ahhh,yes, our wedding night, you nearly tripped on your own dress when I set you down."
You made an offended sound but felt your heart warm. Dimitri used to be nothing but proper to you, now he was comfortable teasing you.
"Yeah well, you cried when you saw me in it."
Dimitri sputtered,
"T-that is not..!..I-.."
He stopped walking, locking eyes with you as red burned on his cheeks and tips of his ears.
"That is unfair Y/N...you were beautiful.."
You smiled contently at him, sighing softly. Somehow, you had netted yourself the sweetest man on the planet. Tooth-rottingly sweet. You wondered if he knew how charming he was.
"How did I get such a precious husband again..?"
You leaned up to press a kiss to his lips. Not satisfied with a peck, Dimitri careened his neck to return the kiss. A wave of warmth ran through you as the sound of lips melding together slipped into your ear.
You pulled back just enough to murmur against his lips,
At probably the fastest speed you'd ever seen him move, Dimitri barreled through the castle halls at breakneck speed. You couldn't help but laugh at his eagerness as he neared your room. Barely getting the door open and crossing through, he was back at engulfing your lips, shifting you in his arms so you pressed against him.
Pulling away reluctantly, you patted his shoulder.
"Set me down here."
He seemed unwilling to let you go but the ever obedient husband he was, he voiced no complaints. Though he did look like he was itching to snake his arms around you again.
Locking the door, you watched with amused eyes as Dimitri's face went crimson the moment you got on your knees in front of him.
"M-my love…!.you don't have to..!.please let me-"
Dimitri moved to help you up but you simply grabbed a hold of his hands and brought them to your cheeks.
"Dimitri…" you locked eyes with him, taking in the flustered expression he wore, "You're always spoiling me...let me take care of you too…!"
There were a lot of things in life Dimitri could handle. Being king, fighting in arduous battles, even the most extraneous of labors. But seeing his wife kneeled in front of him, eager to please him in such a lewd manner was not one of them.
"Y/N...if it is what you wish…"
You frowned, you wanted him to enjoy it too…
Looking back in front of you, you were surprised by the bulge protruding from his pants. You couldn't help the cat-like grin that enveloped your lips.
Reaching out to tug at his belt, you purposefully brushed against the swell, not missing the soft intake of breath from him. You looked up and smiled cheekily at him,
"What I wish,huh…" teasing evident in your voice.
Maybe it was a little mean, but the way he buried his face in his hands as his blush travelled down his neck was well worth it. He was so cute it was almost unfair. This was most definitely not your first time doing anything intimate so to see him flustered even after all the other nights he seemingly couldn't be satiated…well, it was adorable!
You decided to give his heart a bit of a break and turned your gaze away. Working his belt and tugging his pants and undergarments just low enough for his length to slip out, you swallowed thickly as you were reminded about how well endowed your husband was…
Placing a hand on his thigh to stabilize yourself, you curled your fingers around his member and gingerly began pumping its length. Dimitri's hips lightly followed your hand as you rubbed and teased the tip. You thought you wouldn't tease him more but the slow pace you took was probably his greatest enemy right now.
"Y/N..please, this is torture.."
You laughed but indulged him. Tongue wet and warm, you gave a long drawn out lick before taking his cock in your mouth. Head beginning to bob up and down the thick throbbing length of your King, you didn't fail to notice the way Dimitri's hands clenched as he leaned against the door for support.
Struggling to maintain himself, Dimitri watched as he disappeared in and out of his beloved wife's mouth, the lips that kissed him so sweetly, wrapped around him and sucking with such rhythm and heat that he had to fight his own wanton need to buck into your mouth.
It seemed that despite how fervently he had pounded you into the mattress so often after your wedding, he would still be a blushing mess when at your mercy. But he couldn't help it. His wife, his precious wife...full of nothing but love for him..there were times where he was unsure of whether he deserved such devotion.
He knew he shouldn't doubt your decisions but he couldn't help but wonder why him. You told him often about everything you loved about him but the question lingered. What exactly had he done to be blessed with you? Perhaps it was pointless to mull it over, he couldn't let you go either way.
Still...his wife..his wife...Y/N Blaiddyd…
His length twitched in your mouth, and your pace stopped as gentle hands reached down to brush hair out of your face, tenderly caressing your cheeks. You looked up to meet loving blue eyes, Dimitri's expression was soft, and you weren't sure what insighted it. 
But it didn't matter, letting your eyelids flutter shut, you nuzzled a little into his touch before continuing. His body responded to your affection with a slow roll of his hips, and a soft breathless moan of your name.
Encouraging him to keep moving, you pulled him a little closer. His breathing was growing rapid and the wary slides into your mouth were building into broken thrusts, desperate to keep feeling the inviting heat of your tongue.
Your jaw was getting sore but the face Dimitri made as he got closer and closer to release was too great of a reward to stop. Burning the image of your King panting and losing himself to pleasure into your mind, you couldn't help but feel a little pleased with yourself. 
"..!..Y/N..!!..I'm going to-..!"
Expecting you to let him go, Dimitri was helpless against your increasing speed. Bucking into your mouth while his fingers dug into your hair, he shut his eyes tight as the ache and throbbing of his cock was finally rewarded with the white pleasure of release.
Driving him in as deep as you could, you enjoyed watching him as the rush of warm cum spurted down your throat. Making a show of swallowing, you let his member slip from your lips.
But before you could make a comment that would net you a cute blush and a stammer from the golden haired man, you were pulled up carefully and wrapped into a tight hug.
After a split second moment of surprise, you returned the hug, one hand reaching up to stroke and play with Dimitri's tousled hair. Burying his face in the curve of your neck, Dimitri murmured a soft but bashful Thank you. You would have laughed if it wasn't so sweet. 
He was still so polite…thanking you for sucking him off...heh.
"Hmm, don't thank me yet. I'm not quite done with you!" You sing-songed.
Dimitri pulled back just enough so you were facing each other, you admired the color on his cheeks. He kissed your forehead softly, 
"May I..?"
Now it was your turn to be putty in his hands, it was hard not to be when he was asking with such decorum to undress you. Your face matched his as you turned around, giving him access to the lacings and buttons on your dress.
He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the back of your neck as he worked on freeing you from your clothes. 
You busied yourself with a mantra reminding you not to pounce on him, but that internal chant was disrupted by the sudden sound of fabric tearing, followed by something dropping on the floor, rolling to a stop in front of you. Looking down, you saw a button.
Silence filled the room and nobody moved a muscle as you stood, feeling a little colder than when you had first walked into the room.
"Did you rip my dress?"
He didn't respond immediately.
"...I..will acquire a new one for you…"
He knew you wouldn't chide him, but he still felt guilty. Expecting you to laugh it off, he was caught by surprise at the sudden barrage of peppered kisses on his face accompanied by you latching onto him through arms snaked around his neck.
He hugged your waist reflexively and though he was extremely happy to be at the receiving end of so much affection, he wanted to know what he had done to deserve it.
You cuddled into him, full of glee, having the dam holding you back from smothering him in as much love as you could muster, broken. 
"Dimi, you're so cute! Hnnng, why is my husband so cute??"
Dimitri was unsure of what to say but he was happy he was being complimented,
"Two seconds ago, while I was doing something sinful to you, you were absolutely gentle and careful with me but now that you try to be the same to my dress, you go and tear it!"
It was amusing, but also so endearing that you couldn't help the swell of blatant affection that had welled up in your chest. Dimitri was much too kind, handsome, adorable, strong, and intelligent all in one. You were often teased about how much your husband fawned over you, but you were very much the same.
He made you very happy and it's all you wanted for him as well.
Leaning forward, Dimitri captured your lips in a drawn out loving kiss before resting his forehead against yours.
"..Of course...I could never hurt you.."
That netted him a return kiss from you. 
Being even just a little rough during sex constituted as hurting you to him. He knew you weren't helpless, and you could very much handle yourself, but he couldn't help but treat you like you were fragile. He always believed you had to protect the things you love. 
Boy, he really took the priest's "to love and cherish till death do you part" seriously…
"My apologies for tearing your dress..I'll replace it, I promise."
And the sweet man was still concerned over something so trivial...You reaaaaaally loved your husband.
You pecked his lips before leaning forward to purr in his ear,
"It's okay. I like it when you tear my clothes off."
It was not but a split second after that you were carried off to your bed, the sound of fabric being torn off your body, music to your ears as an impish grin rested on your lips. With his immense strength, it was an easy task.
The chill from the sudden lack of coverage was ignored as you relished in your riled husband fumbling to take off his armor. When the plates of steel had hit the floor, Dimitri was quick to sink the bed with his weight and hover over you.
"W-would you like me to do the same..?"
Even when he was eager, he was polite.
As sure as you were that he was skilled with his tongue, you had no more patience left to spare.
Shaking your head, you pulled him down so you could let your lips meet, murmuring against them,
"No...I don't want to wait anymore...I just want you, Dimitri."
Making a sound that was strangled by the way he smothered your mouth with his, you felt the hardened tip of his cock align with your entrance, ready to slip into you.
"I-it's wet..." Dimitri noted against your lips.
For as much teasing as you had given him earlier, you were certainly getting your dues at how torturously slow he was sliding into you.
You knew you couldn't rush it but feeling every inch of Dimitri's length filling your core and being unable to have him just pound you into the mattress..it was unfair.
Feeling Dimitri's hips meet yours, you were relieved that you didn't have to wait much longer. The kisses that Dimitri was making to your neck were growing to be too much when coupled with the feverish groping of your chest.
Filled with him, your hips moved on their own and rolled up onto his cock, wanting for him to move. 
The slippery inviting heat of his wife's insides mixed with his wife's needy hips spurred Dimitri into slow drawn out thrusts. Thrusts much too leisurely for you.
Maybe it was the way you breathed it out next to his ear or the fact that he was always quite obedient in bed but Dimitri did as he was asked.
Building up to a strong steady pace of deep rams of his cock into you, Dimitri wrapped his arms around your waist, keeping you close and in place as he slammed himself in and out of you.
Finally being given what you wanted, your legs wrapped around him as little cries of his name escaped your lips. It had been much too long since the last time you'd done this.
"I-..missed you..!"
You panted out, digging your fingers into his hair as your stomach burned from the pleasure.
Dimitri hugged you tighter against him, almost in comfort and agreeance. It was all he could do, he couldn't trust his mouth to form any words at the moment.
He had missed you so dearly, he did every time he had to leave you behind or when you left his side. He loved you more than anything else in the world and it pained him to think you might've felt lonely all on your own. 
He was always elated upon his return to find you smiling and welcoming him back, he found comfort in having a home to return to and being able to do the same for you whenever you travelled to neighboring territories to maintain peaceful relations.
Every time you parted, he felt a piece of him was missing. The nights he spent away from you, wondering what you were doing and whether you were faring well, were torturous. Quiet nights, missing you and your company would lead to the shameful pumps of his cock into his own hand, imagining it to be his wife's heat he was plunging into.
He missed you, this, everything.
Maybe it was unbecoming of him, the King of Fhaergus, to love sex with his wife so much but the mutual wanton need to be together and be one was much too enticing to him. Being as close as he could be to the person he vowed to share his life with..it was precious to him, and he was sure you were the same.
"I..!.love you, Y/N-"
Garbled words in between frenzied thrusts somehow still clutched at your heart. You're not sure why, maybe it was just hitting you how much you truly missed him but your eyesight blurred with sudden tears.
Maybe it was just Dimitri. So full of love and so willing to offer it to you despite him sometimes wondering whether he deserved yours. You just wanted to seal away all those worries.
"Dimitri-..!..Dimitri..!!..I love you-..!.I love you, I love-"
Your cries of his name and declarations of love were muffled by desperate lips melding with yours, tongues slipping against each other as the bed creaked with each jut of his hips. The lewd sound of skin slapping against skin and the wet squelch of you clenching around him burned into your ears.
Hips bucking up wildly, the building white heat that pooled in your stomach finally spilled over the edge as you shook and trembled against him, vision blurring momentarily. All at the same time as your husband's erratic thrusts grew jerky before you felt the hot spill of his seed inside you.
Panting and settling against each other, you ran shaky fingers through Dimitri's hair, smoothing away any strands plastered to his forehead.
Ignoring the wet feeling of cum slipping down the curve of your ass.
You sighed contently as your breathing evened out, a feeling of serenity taking its place. Your husband peacefully rested against your chest, eyelids fluttered shut as he let you caress his face and play with his hair.
The two of you stayed quiet for a long time, just basking in the afterglow of your affection. Dimitri silently relished in his wife's gentle tender hand, enjoying the coolness of your wedding ring when it touched his skin.
He listened to the calming beating of your heart, the same heart that was so open and devoted to him. The same heart that loved him back with as much fervor as his own. The heart that his beloved wife promised belonged to him, just as he had promised his to her.
He moved slightly, indicating he was listening. 
"..Welcome back."
Shifting, he faced you, joining your mouths in a soft sweet kiss.
"I'm home."
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