#it's a jewish pun
autismserenity · 16 days
*clears throat, stands up*
You guys, Passover is in a week, and my kitchen is a cha-mess!!
*sits back down* Thank you. That will be all.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 9 months
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a fresh loaf of t'challah
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climbingmountsinai · 2 years
If there's one thing that's really shocked me since I started my conversion into Judaism, it's the staggering amount of antisemitism on the left. I knew it was there, and I knew it was harmful, but I never expected it to be so insidious. There are so many things that went over my head, or things I shrugged off because hey, it wasn't affecting me.
Now whenever I'm on a leftie forum, I feel like I'm the sole spokesman arguing for the humanity of the Jewish people. I have to deal with all the casual ignorance of people who know nothing of the culture talking about how they're not antisemitic, but....
But this whole "chosen people" thing makes me uncomfortable even though I don't know what it means
But all religion is evil, and they need to stop clinging to stupid and antiquated traditions
But just say you hate Israel if you don't want to be spammed with the Palestinian flag every time you speak Hebrew
But I'm going to misquote and misinterpret this part of the Tanakh to own the Christians
But admit that you're privileged and rich and don't actually experience bigotry anymore
I'm not even Jewish! I don't have the authority to speak on these issues because it's not my culture yet- but I never thought I'd be met with so much open hostility and scorn when I tried. Judaism only has a place on the left insofar as it's funny and palletable and disdainful of all those bad Jews who don't assimilate in the right ways. As soon as you step out of line, Judaism is just spicy Christianity, and deserving of the same derision as its oppressor.
And I know that everything I've said has been said before in better ways, but I'm just so exhausted by being treated like the scum of the earth by people I thought I could help educate. I had no clue it was this bad.
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jewish-culture-is · 2 months
Here's a pun joke to make you feel better
Why do ducks have feathers?
To hide their butt quacks!
ok that's pretty good, thank you lmao
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meayefet · 8 months
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a-god-in-ruins-rises · 5 months
are there any or has there ever been any sects/denominations of christianity that were skeptical of or opposed to pauline christianity?
just the more i read about it the more hilarious/insane it is.
like...you have jesus. and you have his followers. then jesus dies. and his followers are left to preach his word and whatnot. then after years and years of doing all this work and building this jewish christian community.
then comes this dude named paul. not just any dude. but a pharisee who openly admits to having zealously and violently persecuted christians. and he's like "hey we should preach to the gentiles."
and you and all your bros (who literally knew jesus personally in the flesh and travelled with him and stuff) are like "no you have to be a jew to be a christian, sorry."
and then paul is like "actually no. i saw jesus in a vision. i think i know better. we're going to preach to the gentiles." and then he goes off and just starts sharing your little cult with all of these foreigners but a really strange version whose theology is quite different from what you understood and he writes these letters where he just says shit and people treat those letters literally like the word of god.
it just blows my mind. how did/do people buy that? he's just some nobody and all of his authority rests on his "i had a vision". and people ate that shit up. lmao.
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lo-fi-charming · 11 months
Hi, I saw your ideal Elias drawing and wanted to let you know that portraying politically and/or socially power people & people in high positions has roots deep in antisemitism. It's derived from the claim that all or most political figures are actually jewish and that Jews thus 'run the media'.
Some further reading: The Atlantic article on why conspiracy theorists always land on the Jews: https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2022/10/why-conspiracy-theorists-always-land-on-the-jews/671730/
The Guardian article on QAnon and their roots in antisemitic theories: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/aug/25/qanon-conspiracy-theory-explained-trump-what-is
Wikipedia article on the international Jewish conspiracy, which also has a short 'see also' section linking to two more Wikipedia articles on antisemitic conspiracy theories: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Jewish_conspiracy
I'm sure you didn't purposefully portray Elias as an antisemitic stereotype/conspiracy, antisemitism often hides in plain sight, so I wanted to take initiative.
Have a good [insert relevant temporal word here] :) /gen
anon im going to be so straightforward and real with you
my thoughts on this:
it is a... silly little joke. a pun yknow? EELias? we all have a sensible chuckle
i drew him as an eel because i like eels. i love them so much. i would hug and kiss them.
pr sure the most relevant angle for that antisemitic stereotype is lizard people? and he is not a lizard. he is an eel
my elias isn't jewish? so...?
also elias runs a dumb little institute that relies on donors... he has like 5 dollars... i wouldn't exactly describe him as Politically Powerful
i GUESS you could argue that, well he is literally the guy secretly manipulating all events for his evil plans, but like... that isn't why i drew him, specifically, as an eel? review points 1 and 2
...i think when it comes to why folks might feel the urge to send asks like this... i get it can come from a genuinely well-intentioned place, to an extent. but i've talked before about how asks like these come off and how they make me, personally, feel. it's not your job or obligation to write out an essay explaining to me why [your interpretation of my art] means ive drawn something you feel is bad, and thus need to warn me of
like im sorry but ultimately my feeling is that it's just not that deep and kind of a reach, and this ask is frustrating to me because to me it feels like you're taking the worst-faith reading of something innocuous as an excuse to be pedantic in my direction
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krindor · 11 months
What was the smallest imperfection that could be found according to religious Jewish law?
The mini-mum
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koshercosplay · 1 year
Did anyone ever suggest changing the cat Hanukkah sweater to "Happy Ha-nya-kkah" as a more appropriate cat pun? Love your yearly review btw
this is INCREDIBLE oh my god
it's probably been done somewhere but it's the first I'm hearing of it. AMAZING.
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reconditarmonia · 7 months
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chicago-geniza · 1 year
didn't want to dox myself on twitter with a display name that everyone could see even if the account was locked (current handle "trans castorp") but please know under other circumstances i would change my display name to "shapiro-worf hypothesis"
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gay-jewish-bucky · 9 months
an apron that says 'knish the cook' and it comes with a pocket that can be filled with knishes which can be snacked on while cooking
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cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
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If you say shit like this im fucking stealing something out of your house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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anonymousdandelion · 2 years
The weird thing about fast days is that the days never seem to go fast. A true misnomer.
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sol-air · 1 year
Really hate how Christmas is assumed to be the only holiday one can celebrate around this time of year. Like I just want generic winter themed gifts for loved ones but I do not celebrate Christmas myself nor do a good majority of those I keep in my inner circle… you quite literally have to search for hours to find generic holiday cards and every time you think you’ve found one it still says merry Christmas on the inside… it’s frustrating
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are Hanukkah sweaters a Jewish thing? i've seen them before but 90% of the time, they're people trying to make christmas displays more "inclusive." so are they legit Jewish or no?
Rating: Capitalism.
Hanukkah sweaters are a prime example of what I previously characterized as "capitalism's tendency to tepidly repackage any Christmas symbols in literally or metaphorically blue-and-silver wrapping paper to appeal to a Jewish market." As the "ugly sweater" phenomenon has grown more popular, retailers saw an excellent opportunity to widen their market by having "Hanukkah" versions.
That said, there's a wide range of Hanukkah sweaters out there, some of which are more problematic than others. Ones that are literally just recolored Christmas designs with a couple Jewish-y things tacked on, like this "Shalom Gnome" design or this "Oy to the World" design are more problematic than enthusiastically tacky designed-from-the-beginning-to-be-Jewish ones. The former says "Hanukkah! It's Christmas for Jews! Jews! They're just Christians without Santa or Jesus!" while the latter says, "Oh, you're going to walk around with an eyesore sweater full of tinsel and actual little jingle bells as though anyone could possibly forget that it's Christmas season in this country? I see you, I see you, and I'm just going to casually wear this sweater with a menorah and candles that actually light up because Judaism rocks, that's why."
Then there's a whole genre of Hanukkah sweaters with, let's say, more adult content, and people's mileage may greatly vary on how they feel about them. Personally, I find the ones riffing off more secular aspects of the holiday to be largely harmless, such as this "You Spin Me Right Round, Baby" design with dreidels. On the other hand, while some may find it amusingly subversive, I find ones making fun of the religious part of the holiday (i.e., the actual hanukkiah/menorah) to be in poor taste at best. There are a plethora of "let's get lit" Hanukkah sweaters like this one that genuinely annoy me. (For one thing, Hanukkah isn't even a drinking holiday! If you want a drinking holiday, we actually have those but Hanukkah isn't it!) Ones like this that make it into a creepy pick-up line actively disgust me. And this "gelt digger" one is genuinely antisemetic, given the stereotypes about Jews and money.
I would be remiss not to mention what I personally think is the best of the Hanukkah sweater subgenres: animal puns. My fiance owns this Meowzel Tov sweater with a truly garish design. What does "mazel tov" have to do with Hanukkah, you may ask? Absolutely nothing, but hey, cats! Can't be upset about Jewish cats! Similarly, llamas? Not Jewish at all! But Happy Llamakka? Okay, cute pun, cute graphic, I'm reluctantly charmed. Your Menorasaurus would not be kosher for actual use as the candles are all different heights, but you know what, that actually makes me smile.
So, basically: If you get joy out of being loudly Jewish during a season where everything is yelling about Christianity all the time, go ahead and wear your ridiculous ugly sweater to the company party. Just take a close look at the design to make sure it's not actually full of Christmas trees, not pretending something extremely Christmas is Jewish because it's a pun now, doesn't use Charedi men as a cartoon stand-in for anyone Jewish, and doesn't makes being Jewish primarily about not being Christian.
In sum: RIP my browser history, I'm going to be getting such terrible ads for the next several weeks. Click the links at your own risk.
~Mod Leora
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