#it’s probably just period hormones or whatevah
fruityfinch · 10 months
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I’m feeling a little rough…….tee hee! 😋
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nandabell · 5 years
Mother nature strikes.(headcanons)
Bnha boys to the rescue!
Notes: so I'm currently dying from my own monthly friend(my craps are hell right now). And that got me thinking about how how the boys of bnha would take care of their s/o on their's. Enjoy yall. *hugs heating pad*
if periods make you uncomfortable or gross you out then please dont read. I just wanted to write some of the struggles we go through everyday when menstruating.
☆ aged up boys
☆ talks of menstrual cycles
☆period symptoms
Muscle aches
Abdominal cramps
Head aches
Trouble sleeping
Mood swings
Food cravings
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This guy is possibly the most caring person when your on your period.
Your cramps hurt like hell? Dont trip boo.
The tired hero will prepare your heating pad and bring you pain meds.(he wont admit it but he hates seeing you in any kind of pain)
Will affectionately tell you to shut up when your complaints begin to annoy him.
Always has your favorite snacks that you crave during your monthly blood sacrifice to satan.
Makes sure you drink plenty of water.
Is both amused and annoyed by your mood swings. Giving you chocolate usually calms you down. So he always makes sure he has a candy bar on hand when your menstruating.
You feel extremely insecure about your acne breakouts.
He'll just stare and tell you that your still pretty.
Expect tummy and lower back rubs.
Will suffer watching all your favorite Disney movies that make you feel better.
Oh you ran out of supplies? Girl he got chu.
He's not embarrassed to make a quick run to get your pads/tampons You need them so he ignores the stares he gets while walking through the feminine product section.
Will cuddle you even though you feel gross and bloated.
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Iida would probably be that guy to keep track of your cycles tbh.
And you find that kinda cute but also kinda weird....but whatevah.
Looks up everything he can on natural remedies to ease your cramps.
Will come running when you text him and ask to pick up some supplies from the store.
He'll end up buying more pads/tampons than you asked for.
"These tampons are 100% made from cotton! And look these pads are ultra thin and super absorbent! But I wasn't sure if you preferred wings or not. So I got several different kinds."
Dont worry about staining your clothes or bed. He understands that you cant help it sometimes.
He'll just grab you a new pair of clothes and usher you to the bathroom. "Theres nothing to be ashamed of dear. Accidents happen."
He'll make you your favorite meals when your feeling down.
Will let you wear his largest hoodie because he knows you hated how bloated you looked during your cycle
Gives you space when your hella moody.
Always tells you how beautiful you are even though you feel like trash.
Gives you plenty hugs and kisses.
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He'll be a little clueless on how to help you.
But he does his best.
Makes you some tea when your stomach is feeling bad.
He gives the best head massages EVER.
Will panic when you double over and groan as a painful cramp hits. "I'm fine shoji, it just a cramp."
Will check the back of your pants when you ask. "I didn't leak did i?" "nope all clear!"
He too, will buy your feminine products. But he's a little more awkward about it. "E-excuse me ma'am, where can I find these brand of tampons?"
If your body is aching he'll gently rub you down.
Is surprised when you jump him and initiate a heavy makeout session. (Hormones got you all over the place)
This guy will sit there and help you find an outfit that covers your bloated body. Even if it takes hours.
Your favorite takeout food will be waiting for you when you come home after a long day. (He leaves a little note with hearts on it)
Tells you he loves you regardless if your a bleeding moody mess.
When your angry he throws you candy bars and runs like hell. (He ain't ready to die today)
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This lil cinnamon roll will not leave your side!
Is a 1 in comforting you.
Always asking if you need anything
Is a little overbearing at times. But it's kinda cute.
He will back off when you tell him too though "Baby, I love you but your hovering and it's kinda annoying. Chill."
You get super constipated during your cycle. So he makes sure you eat foods with plenty of fiber.
He also makes sure you exercise a little to help with the constipation and aching joints.
You can bet this boy tears up when your cramps hit you hard. "A-are you sure your okay? You look like your in a lot of pain, honey."
If you guys are out he always keeps a spare pad/tampon on him. He knows you carry plenty with you during your cycle but it never hurts to carry around 1 extra.
He notices how self conscious you are around him when menstruating. "I just dont want you to think I'm gross."
"I'll never think your gross! Besides, periods are natural!"
Dont cry hoe! Keep those hormones in check. You ain't no bitch....*sniffles*
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You really just try and act natural around tokoyami when your period starts. Like, yeah sure your uterus is literally trying to kill you but you gonna just grin and bare with it.
Tokoyami still notices though. You ain't slick girl!
You make faces wherever your cramps get uncomfortable. Tokoyami will always ask if you are okay. "Y-yep! Never better!"
He doesn't believe you and goes to fetch you some midol.
Has an extra heating pad at his place in case you come over.(also has a small stash feminine products in his bathroom)
Tokoyami knows how much you hate to go anywhere where during mother nature's curse. Tries to convince you not to go out. (He doesn't have to try hard)
You dread about dropping anything because bending over to pick it up.....ooooo bitch.
Thankfully tokoyami will pick it up for you. But only because you will just stare at the item you dropped with a doomed look.
He'll watch you trying to sit down awkwardly. trying not to grin while you find a comfortable position. You end up looking like a weirdly shaped pretzel. Hell just pull you close to him and cuddle you.
He's very patient. So he'll wait for you as you run off to the ladies room for the millionth time.
Sleeping on your period is so difficult. Your so uncomfortable. So tokoyami will talk to you all night until you drift off.
Lol okay I'm done. Hoped you like this.
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