#it’s like if the McElroy Brothers went to Night Vale
from-mars-to-venus · 9 months
telling my literary agent my project is like “Studio Ghibli meets the Legend of Zelda” before they open their mouth and a torrent of a million tiny knives shoot out at me, perforating my body endlessly and turning me into oozing Swiss cheese
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twunny20fission · 1 year
Podcasts I'm listening to right now
I saw someone else do this (theirs was specific to narrative fiction, but I'm listening to a lot more than that.)
This will be for recommendations, but also hopefully serve as a reminder to myself down the road.
Part One: The Ol' Reliables
Judge John Hodgman One of the first podcasts I even began listening to, and it's never NOT been on my subscription list. Even though it can be predictable (once you've heard 500 of these, you can guess where the rulings are headed) it's still delightful. Love John, Love Jesse. Love the whole deal. 8/10
My Brother, My Brother, and Me I came somewhat late to the party. So, after the most-problematic character traits of the boys were gone. 2 of the 3 of them always make me laugh. In my opinion, I only fail to enjoy about 10 of the episodes. 9/10
99% Invisible The GOAT. Funny, fascinating, and well-produced. It's been on my list for like 10 years? And it has introduced me to other phenomenal podcasts, books, and people. 10/10 no notes.
No Such Thing as a Fish 4 (usually) researcher for QI talk about weird facts they learned. It's great. 9/10
Sawbones Dr. Sydney McElroy and her clown husband discuss medical history. Although really, there are quite a few episodes of currently-relevant issues as well. Good stuff, though not without it's flat points. 8/10
Welcome to Night Vale Again, an all-timer. Though to be honest, it fell off my list for a while there. But when I went back and listened to the first 100 again to get caught back up, I refell in love. Great world, great writing, great narrator. Some of the deeper lore stuff doesn't always land with me (I still don't know how Huntokar like, matters). 8/10
Cautionary Tales The newest-comer to this slate. Fascinating stories told in a cunning way. Which is to say, sometime manipulative storytelling to pad out the 30 minutes or whatever. They hook you, then you find out that they lied up front sometimes. And sometimes they have ads for Crypto...which is so discordant on a podcast about watching out for scams. 6/10 (2 points off for their annoying and poorly-chosen ads, honestly. May be a ploy to herd people to their Patreon.)
The Adventure Zone The "hit-or-miss"est of this list. Some seasons are soaring and riveting. Some are not. Sometimes it's the GM, sometimes it's the setting, sometimes it's the system. There's a narrow needle to thread between RP and explaining what the hell is going on. When they nail it, I'm sold. 7/10 overall.
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whooshingnoise · 8 months
What I'm Listening to Now
Oooh, a podcast update!
I'm on Season 61 of "Business Wars." That's...a lot. I took some breaks recently. I'm back to work now, and while I'm spending more time in the car, I'm also not playing podcasts while playing "Dr. Mario" or folding laundry (I've actually decreased the amount of time I'm spending on housework in general, soooo...). I'm skipping the subscriber seasons and the encores, as I'm not paying extra for a subscription, and I listened to the encores the first time around.
I followed a bunch of new podcasts I want to listen to, but I can already tell I'll be overwhelmed. I'm thinking of picking up again with "Welcome to Night Vale." I loved the first few arcs; I was a regular listener right up until the election, and then I don't know what the hell happened.
"The Prince Mixtape" and "Think Twice: Michael Jackson" were both really good- realistic, in-depth looks at complicated, creative people. I worry that I'm downplaying MJ's sins with that description. I didn't come away from the podcast thinking he was anything but guilty, and I don't think the podcast absolves him either. Though if you're triggered by discussion of child SA, then I don't recommend listening to it. The Prince Mixtape is a little more fawning at times, but still a great look at Prince's life.
"Believe in Magic:" Good, buried the lede. I sometimes have difficulty listening to British accents for extended periods of time. This is a new issue to me. I'm wondering why that is. I don't have that issue watching British movies?
"Parks:" Interesting premise, irregular updates and not many episodes. If you're interested in the relationship between the U.S.'s national parks and their indigenous inhabitants, this is a good listen. Also hard at some points.
I would really love to finish/get caught up with "Business Wars." It just. Keeps. Going. I'm a completionist; I can't just stop. I'd say my interests lie not in true crime, necessarily, but in scandal. I'm considering "American Scandal," but that's already over 50 seasons. I'm so tired. I'd also like to listen to more McElroy products. I just added so many more, sitting here and browsing through my app.
I wish Apple would do an end-of-year on podcasts.
Listening Now: Business Wars
Finished: Transmissions: The Definitive Story of Joy Division/New Order; Dolly Parton's America; Elizabeth the First; The Rise & Fall of Mars Hill; The DropOut; Parks; Believe in Magic; Think Twice: Michael Jackson; The Prince Mixtape
Regular Listening: The Thirty28; Wedway Radio; You Must Remember This; Learning Vibes; Maintenance Phase; My Brother, My Brother, and Me; Business Wars; Fated Mates; The Indicator
Upcoming: "Ongoing History of New Music;" "What Went Wrong;" "If Books Could Kill;" "Song Exploder;" "American Scandal;" "Flipping the Bird: Elon vs. Twitter;" "The Secret History of Hollywood;" "Sawbones;"
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gender-snatched · 3 years
in no particular order whatsoever, I present you some good queer media: ((very minor spoilers for some things))
- black sails! it's a series, 4 seasons, 30 something episodes total, I haven't watched it yet but someone just recommend it to me and it sounds amazing. they're pirates, it's got a lot of queer characters, characters of color, and it deals (really fucking well, from what I heard) with topics of racism, misogyny, cissexism, poverty and how all of these relate and how systems oppress marginalized people and a bunch of other stuff. there's also at least two different poly relationships (a triad and a V). also it's got legit really fucking good writing, like legit legit good.
- the penumbra podcast!! I have listened to this one and it's a fucking masterpiece. it's got two main storylines; the first one (Junoverse) is a noir detective type but it's in Mars in the future (with a non-binary he/him bisexual lady as a main character and it deals (really well) with a lot of mental health issues, mainly depression) and it turns into space pirates in the third season and I think there's only one canon cis/straight person in the whole thing everyone else is queer and the other main storyline (Second Citadel) is more classic fantasy knights and monsters with a lot of questions of morality and "what's really a monster" and a poly relationship (and scaley monsterfuckers) and honestly a lot of queer characters
- Welcome To Night Vale!! I feel like this would be right up your street, honestly. it's a podcast, it follows a radio show from this town, Night Vale, where a lot of really weird supernatural shit happens, and the radio host, Cecil telling us (the town) about what's up. it's really fun and weird, it's not scary at all if that's a concern, it's very explicitly queer (in the very first episode Cecil falls in love with a man and tells the whole town about it) and it depicts a very healthy gay couple and great character development and it's honestly really fun, you get to know a lot of the townfolk and their stories and it's great
- The Adventure Zone! it's an actual play podcast, the McElroy brothers (you may know them?) and their dad play d&d. they just finished their third campaign and are starting the 4th one this week I think. the first campaign is by far my favourite. it starts kinda rough, they're playing dnd for the first time and the story and characters are pretty weak, but by the third or fourth arc you can tell how much they've learnt in the process. the fourth arc is where the story starts picking up and by the end (there's 69 (ha) episodes divided into 8 or 9 arcs) you'll be sobbing your eyes out for the last ten episodes. it's classic dnd fantasy stuff with at least three explicitly queer relationships (one of the main characters is gay and in a relationship) and w at least one explicitly trans character. it was their first time, they tried and did fairly well tbh. the second campaign is shorter, settled in modern real life Kepler, West Virginia where basically cryptids are real and the main three kill monsters in a monster of the week type of thing. (one of the main three is bi and in a queer relationship, there's one nb they/them character). and the third campaign just finished, it's real fun too, three college students of a heroes and villains school, in a (fantasy) world where heroes and villains are like A Thing and The System sucks and the message is basically to overthrow capitalism lmao
I swear I consume more media than just podcast but rn I just can't think of any...
also not exactly queer media but:
- Phineas and Ferb, it's a classic, you probably watched it on TV as a kid (I did) but it merits a rewatch
- Gravity Falls, same thing, I'm still not over how fucking good this show is
- Steve Universe, I know things got heated up in the fandom at some point but I ignored the fuck out of everyone and enjoyed it anyways because it's good
- how to train your dragon, they're all good okay, they are, watch them again
- Big Mouth. you're like 15 right? you can watch big mouth, I highly recommend it, it's really good. it's for some queer characters but they're even the main focus of some episodes/storylines, but it doesn't even matter, the whole series is just really good.
- Megamind, it's probably better than you remember
- also, you're into star trek right? have you watched discovery? I haven't watched s3 yet but it's good
I went completely off the rails halfway through this but still, hope you check out some new thing!! (and if you do post about it, I wanna know) (also can you guess who I am? I feel like it's kinda obvious sjsksk)
- j
Thank you!!! I really like WTNV, and I've been meaning to watch/listen to those other ones! And I never actually watched Phineas and Ferb, but I've heard it's good. Gravity Falls and Steven Universe are both on my list! And I hella hyperfixated on HTTYD in sixth grade. Megamind is amazing!!!!! And I sadly can't watch Disco cuz I don't have Paramount+, but I wish I could!
And surprisingly I can't guess who you are but that's probably due to me being a dumbass who can't really tell typing styles apart
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thatgirlonstage · 6 years
Podcast Challenge 17/11/18
Bolded means I listened to an episode today. Strikethrough means I’m all caught up and waiting for the next episode, or the podcast is complete!
The Adventure Zone | Adventures in New America | Alice Isn’t Dead | The Bright Sessions | Bubble | Can I Pet Your Dog? | Conversations with People Who Hate Me | Critical Role | Ear Hustle | The Flop House | It Makes a Sound | The McElroy Brothers Will Be in Trolls 2 | My Brother, My Brother, and Me | My Dad Wrote a P*rno | Oh No, Ross and Carrie! | The Orbiting Human Circus of the Air | The Penumbra Podcast | Sawbones | Shmanners | The Thrilling Adventure Hour | Welcome to Night Vale | Within the Wires | Wolverine: The Long Night | Wonderful!
Podcast: The Flop House
Episode: #84 - Sucker Punch
Time: 59 min, 98% of goal
I remember seeing a ton of trailers for this movie when it was coming out and thinking it looked simultaneously stupid and incomprehensible, and from everything I’ve heard about it from people who have actually seen it, the movie itself really makes about as much sense as just watching all the trailer clips strung together randomly
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother, and Me
Episode: 210: Yippee Ki-yay, Holy Father
Time: 1hr 8 min, 113% of goal
Awwwwwww Justin <3 <3 <3
Podcast: Oh No, Ross and Carrie!
Episode: Ross and Carrie Meet Brian!
Time: 48 min, 80% of goal
See... I like this more, and I kind of wish they would do more of talking to people who have lived inside of these religions or used whatever homeopathic cures or tried out whatever pseudo science long term, in addition to trying things themselves. Because there’s a lot of stuff that you just can’t get into as an outsider or someone who’s only there for a short amount of time. And there definitely is some fucked up shit in the Mormon church - but they weren’t really there and in it long enough to see a lot of it, so they’re left just criticizing it in broad strokes for being unscientific, which doesn’t really get at the differences between the Mormon Church and, say, Presbyterianism. It ends up being more just a critique of religion in general than of the specific practices that make the Mormon church harmful for some.
Podcast: Sawbones
Episode: C-Sections
Time: 47 min, 78% of goal
When they brought up Dr. James Barry I was so concerned like ahhhhhhh transgender people exist -- I was very glad when Justin went back to that and they addressed it.
Episode: Vaccines
Time: 48 min, 80% of goal
I... don’t think I’ve ever heard Justin sound that sincerely, seriously ANGRY. I’m 100% on his side, it just... that took me aback. He usually puts a humorous spin even on very serious topics. But I mean. Good for him. I’ve just never heard him sound like that before.
Podcast: The Thrilling Adventure Hour
Episode: #111 Behind the Scenes with Annie Savage and Busy Philipps
Time: 1hr 20 min, 133% of goal
I enjoy behind the scenes stuff but it does always come with weird guilt anxiety about not doing enough for my own career in trying to do this kind of stuff
Episode: #112 Sparks Nevada, Marshal on Mars - “Support Your Local Marshal”
Time: 20 min, 33% of goal
Heyyyyyyyy I can finally get back to this, I’ve missed these guys
Episode: #113 Cactoid Jim, King of the Martian Frontier - “Good Jim”
Time: 27 min, 45% of goal
“And I ask again, what am I doing here?!”
Total Listening: 6hr 37 min, 662% of goal
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hyperioncitypd · 6 years
could you like, compile a list of podcasts you listen to? basically so i can treat it like a recommendation list, because our tastes clearly overlap (penumbra, taz...) but i don't recognize every podcast you reblog about. i always need more stuff to listen to
oh my holy super shit i never got a notification for this i am so sorry
this got super long, so it’s broken into three sections (caught up with/working on/it’s on my list), with the second two sections under the cut. everything’s been annotated with descriptions, though at some point i’d like to do a more formalized rec list with content and warning tags.
caught up with/listening as it updates (alphabetically):
alice isn’t dead - night vale presents, a woman becomes a trucker to search for her missing wife and ends up discovering a ghostly horror conspiracy
the adventure zone - mcelroy brothers + their dad play dnd and other roleplaying podcasts, v funny and sweet
alba salix, royal physician - one grouchy woman must handle the medical needs of an entire kingdom, because her two assistants sure aren’t gonna help
the bridge - in an alternate timeline, we built a bridge across the atlantic. the monsters that live in the ocean weren’t too happy about it.
the bright sessions - psychics probably need therapy, and the government wants to use that as a weakness.
eos 10 - more medical comedy shenanigans, but on a space station. very silly, lot of sexual humor
the far meridian - an agoraphobic young woman lives in a mysterious travelling lighthouse. this one is just incredible
inkwyrm - fashion magazine office comedy, on a space station! many of the lgbtq+s
otherverse - propaganda from our new alien overlords
the penumbra podcast - a couple of different shows, but the two primary ones are a sad bisexual nonbinary detective in the cyberpunk martian future, and a whole cast of knights in a medieval fantasy cop dramedy
the strange case of starship iris - procyon podcast network, the only survivor of a mysterious spaceshipwreck must learn to trust a bunch of criminals, and stop trusting the government
thrilling adventure hour - several shows in one, including married alcoholic ghostbusters, your space western hero is a cop and acts like a deadpan toddler, catchphrase superheroes, and others. a super long runner, went for like ten years. did a crossover with wtnv at one point.
under pressure - procyon podcast network, a doctor of literature is assigned to both philosophy and socializing in an underwater station with a bunch of scientists
welcome to night vale - night vale presents, spooky news from a friendly desert community
within the wires - night vale presents, lesbian cassette tapes from an alternate timeline where families were banned in order to promote peace
wolf 359 - a bunch of strong personalities, trapped on a space station together, and also there’s a big conspiracy. very funny dramedy
wooden overcoats - two funeral homes compete for monopoly rights in a small english village. the rest of the village has its own shenanigans going on.
working on:
ars paradoxica - a physicist’s work goes horribly awry, and she is pulled back in time to wwii, and eventually the cold war.
girl in space - there’s a girl, alone on a space station. eventually, she is less alone.
jim robbie and the wanderers - a group of friends travel through a fantastical postapocalyptic wasteland.
kakos industries - the shareholder announcements from a corporation that is helping you Do Evil Better.
the lost cat podcast - a man searches for his cat. on the way, he finds all manner of horrors.
love and luck - gay australians use phone messages to plan all their dates.
lucyd - a young woman has bad dreams. through the power of magic, she also eventually has a bad reality. 
mabel - the carer for an elderly woman is trying to get ahold of her charge’s granddaughter, mabel. but there’s magic about, and some things should not be messed with.
misadventure by death - the new groundskeeper for a historical site finds the place to be Super Duper Haunted.
saffron and peri - what if fairy godmothers worked out of a call center?
spines - i’ll be honest, i don’t really know what’s going on yet, but the narrator’s voice is top, and it has a very desert-y horror aesthetic, so i’m into it.
station to station - procyon podcast network. shortly before a research cruise, a scientist’s work partner and best friend goes missing. there’s a mystery afoot.
steal the stars - alien government conspiracy, from the point of view of the government. also, so far, gets major points for genderflipping the traditional trope of Grizzled Older Tough Soldier Man and Nubile Young Female New Coworker.
tides - a biologist researcher has been stranded on an alien planet, and records her findings as she looks for shelter and awaits rescue.
what’s the frequency - another one where i don’t know quite what’s happening yet, but there’s a horror mystery afoot!
hoping to get to soon (i have no idea what any of these are, so they’re not annotated):
crossing wires
fall of the house of sunshine
friends at the table
greater boston
join the party
kalila stormfire’s economical magick services
lake clarity
lesser gods
the magnus archives
the once and future nerd
we fix space junk
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acommonrose · 6 years
2017 Wrap Up
I’m trying to do the thing where I reflect on the past year, which is hard for 2017 because it was one of the most uneventful years I’ve had, probably owing largely in part to the fact that it’s the first year I’ve spent fully out of college living as a sort of settled adult, and because of that, all the big milestones either were last year (moving, meeting some of my current friends) or are yet to come (grad school stuff mostly). Anyways, things that I did in 2017:
Read 23 books, which isn’t a ton but is way more than previous years (owing mostly to being in a book club this year). Highlights include Natural History of Dragons, Small Gods, Noteworthy, and The Stone Sky.
Continued DMing an online campaign fairly consistently, finished three major arcs with my players (and am one session away from finishing up a fourth), getting them from level 5 to level 9 (soon to be level 10)
DMed Timewatch for the first time, which was my first non-D&D system, eventually running three different one-shots, one of which was my first time co-DMing and part of my first time DMing at a con
Played my first non-D&D campaign, though it was a rather short-lived Masks game. Still love my character, though.
Joined a new ongoing D&D campaign with a really truly ridiculous bard, who has now hit level 5. Also continued playing in one pretty consistent online group (paladin went from level 6 to 9) and one semi-consistent in person group (rogue went from level 3 to 7), as well as making a new character who I love and was a lot of fun to play in the same universe as the bard for a Valentine’s Day one-shot.
On a professional note, supervised/mentored an undergrad on my research for the first time
Made a point of actually trying to cook and teaching myself how for the first time, really
Hosted a holiday party (Hanukkah) myself and cooked for it and everything
Started getting back into podcasts, mostly to have something to listen to while cooking. This mostly meant I listened to all of TAZ and a smattering of other McElroy content.
Also went to a surprising number of podcast live shows given that I’d never been to one before: Night Vale, MBMBAM, and Buffering the Vampire Slayer (at FlameCon). All were at different places in Brooklyn, apparently podcasters like Brooklyn.
Saw less live music than usual (I’m not really familiar with the NYC folk music scene, gotta work on that), but I did see Brother Sun do a house concert before they split, and also I discovered Erin McKeown when she was the weather for the live Night Vale show I was at, and I love her
Saw maybe 10 plays/musicals, mostly but not all Broadway stuff when friends or family were visiting. Highlights include Come From Away (which I saw twice), Hamilton Chicago, Indecent, and Great Comet.
Obtained both a decent futon and an electric keyboard for my apartment, so it’s starting to feel a lot like home
So... not a terrible year in all?
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dancinginodessa · 6 years
I’ve been doing this survey on New Year’s Eve for thirteen years, which is HALF MY LIFE, and I need to go sit down now.
1. What did you do in 2017 that you’d never done before?
Officiated a wedding, crocheted a shawl, got a joint membership to something with somebody (the New York Botanical Gardens, truly the highest level of commitment before marriage), marched for my beliefs, called my elected officials on a regular basis, got a promotion, genuinely did not give one shit if my dad’s family figured out my sexuality, etc.
2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
My sole New Year’s resolution, as usual, was about how many books I wanted to read. I chose 100. I read 103.
In the new year, I (please hold on to your hats) want to read less, only so I can write more. It’s been a while now since I graduated from the MFA program. I want to go back to the work I was learning to do and keep doing it. That was the point: to keep doing it. 
I always want to learn to be more comfortable with not being in control, which might actually take me the rest of my life, but I might as well start sometime.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
No, though I know of lovely people who had equally lovely babies! Just, you know, not babies I know very well.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
No. People got sick but recovered, and I am so grateful for that.
5. What countries did you visit?
I did not leave America for the...fourth year running? It’s a bummer.
6. What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017?
Money that I am not actively setting on fire, and more room in this apartment.
7. What date from 2017 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
August 5: my best friend got married. I remember this on account of how I officiated, and also on account of it was one of the loveliest days of my life.
September 9: I had dinner at the American Girl Café, which I will not stop talking about until I am literally dead.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I got a therapist!!! 
9. What was your biggest failure?
I was a real dick to myself. And I’m still very bad at emailing people back in a timely fashion. As far as society is concerned, the latter is a graver sin.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
A bunch of weird bruises and scabs from being too clumsy to live, plus a pretty nasty cold or two. And I guess mental illness more or less constantly. But I think I am okayer now, and was okayer all this year, than I have been for a long time.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
G and I went halvsies on a Nintendo Switch! I’m real bad at Mario Kart 8 Deluxe! But I guess love is being real bad at something in front of someone and not caring.
Also: plane tickets to Cleveland and Chicago, bus tickets home, yarn for my mother’s Christmas shawl, a new phone because that means my dad has inherited my old phone and we can send each other emoji-filled texts now.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Everyone who put up a good fight. The friends who hugged and fed me. G, for riffing off my bad jokes with his own bad jokes for another whole calendar year. My parents, for everything. The McElroy brothers, for making me laugh every time I needed to.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
The government? Evangelical Christianity? Lani Sarem? In no particular order?
14. Where did most of your money go?
Transportation to other cities and mental healthcare. Holy hell am I glad that I now see a therapist who does not cost $$$$$.  
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Karen’s wedding!! Seeing Welcome to Night Vale live!! Making things to keep people I love warm!! The 5 Boro Bike Tour!! Switching to a shampoo that makes my dry hair less dry and therefore more acceptable in polite society!!
16. What song will always remind you of 2017?
“New Rules” by Dua Lipa, no contest.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? Happier. Angrier. More willing to put up a fight.
ii. thinner or fatter? The same, I think, because we can’t afford an animator to redraw my sprite and I guess the series is going to be using this model until further notice.
iii. richer or poorer? Poorer. Woof.
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Being honest about what I needed. Wearing a scarf instead of pretending I wasn’t cold. Watching Netflix, because now it’s almost 2018 and I still haven’t seen Stranger Things or Bojack Horseman and the entire zeitgeist has left me behind. 
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Worrying (about whether I am secretly the most unbearable person alive/about what my face is doing/about spending too much money/about what I should be doing with my life/about whether or not I am literally about to die, which, so far so good), though that is kind of a tall order. 
20. How will you be spending Christmas?
I went home and spent December 25th at my grandma’s, where I was very cold and also very happy to be with my family. For Julian calendar Christmas, I think I am going to see family in Connecticut, and I haven’t seen them since I was 12, so this could be great AND/OR very awkward. Say a prayer.
21. Did you fall in love in 2017?
Stayed in it. Bought a time-share in it. Built a house in it. 
22. How many one-night stands?
I’ve been having the same one-night stand for two and a half years, am I doing this wrong?
23. What was your favourite TV program?
I watched little to no TV this year, but I did really like the one episode of My Brother, My Brother & Me I saw! If we’re counting Youtube channels, I would like to give an award to Geography Now! for being the glue that bonds my parents and my boyfriend.
24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Honestly, I don’t think so. 2017 is the year of smoldering resentment. I’m too tired to hate anybody extra.
25. What was the best book you read?
Oh geez. Lincoln in the Bardo was way up there. And Version Control. Also Shrill, and Her Body and Other Parties, and maybe a dozen more, but I’m trying to finish this before midnight (in five hours), so let’s stop there.
26. What was your greatest musical discovery?
This was not a year in which I listened to much music! That was weird. So I can’t say I really discovered anything; however, I certainly continued to be grateful for Ween.
27. What did you want and get?
A subscription to New York Magazine. Listen, it’s the little things. (Also, a raise.)
28. What was your favourite film of this year?
Thor: Ragnarok is the most profoundly bisexual movie I have ever seen. I would also like to nominate the trailer for A Wrinkle in Time, even though the movie is not out yet. It’s just that the trailer is very important to me.
29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 26! And my birthday just happened to fall on one of the dates of Welcome to Night Vale’s spring tour, so I went to the Bell House with G. There’s a doofy photo of us on Facebook looking pleased with ourselves on the train, and I treasure it.
30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
I’m getting word that everybody else already submitted “a different president,” so how about...a rug in my living room that isn’t white? Come on, Past Nina. Who did you think you were? That kind of hubris is unbecoming, and we’re all paying the price now.
31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2017?
“Thanks, I Love Cardigans.”
32. What kept you sane?
Podcasts, crocheting, calling my mom to vent my spleen, and therapy (if you want the literal answer).
33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Oscar Isaac is a beautiful man, and St. Vincent is my queen.
34. What political issue stirred you the most?
[tense, angry silence; in the distance, thunder and a horse’s whinny]
35. Who did you miss?
Everyone. All the time. Especially my parents.
36. Who was the best new person you met?
Who did I meet this year? It’s been a decade since January. The new tenants at the office are pretty delightful, and my first bonding activity with my roommate E was going with her and G to the Women’s March. (We three are the best apartment you know.)
37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2017:
It’s okay if you aren’t okay.
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welcometomy20s · 6 years
December 10, 2017
Podcon diaries: Day 2
Who would have thought about bringing together McElroy brothers, Night Vale crew and John and Hank Green and have the whole thing not fall apart?
Not the convention itself, mind you... no, it went swimmingly. Panel I volunteered and went to were outstanding and funny and relatable, No, I’m talking about the closing ceremony. Specifically the ending of that ceremony.
The closing event went 10 minutes late. There were many events. Rolf slowly went down the drain and it was foreshadowing... Before the last segment, the house light came on, because it was 7:12. They had twelve minutes and the last segment couldn’t be fitted within that timeframe. That was not all.
The last ten minutes of PodCon was just a mess. There were joke flying everywhere, we could have moved on, but we just continued pushing, until it was way too uncomfortable to not do something... I almost wonder how would the whole thing play out digitally. But it was a good mess. I love the mess that professional create and I think that I pursue things like that, because something professionally slowly decomposing itself is something truly special. 
It’s this pure sense of creation. That we’re here because we’re here mentality. Nothing can be worse, so let’s throw things and see what sticks. And here’s the thing... everything sticks. Just everything is so great. I love that enthusiasm.
I really hope Podcon can continue and I hope the convention will continue be a product of some quirky men bringing some quirky people to do quirky things.
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thehenryhiggs · 7 years
bre’s big ol podcast rec list
heyyy everyone! so @bodhilukes​ asked for podcast recommendations on twitter and @czarrish​ and i immediately jumped on that. i was gonna make this list sometime this month away, and im super excited to do it! this is probably gonna get long so under the cut we go!
1. Hello From The Magic Tavern
Updates: Every Monday
Current # Of Eps: 101
General Length Of Eps: 40 mins to an hour
Synopsis: Arnie Niekamp fell through a dimensional portal at a Burger King in Chicago into the magical, fantastical land of Foon. He’s still getting a slight wifi signal from the Burger King, so he hosts a weekly podcast with his buddies Chunt (a shapeshifter who normally takes the shape of a badger) and Usidore, a wizard. They interview different creatures from Foon each week as Arnie tries to learn about Foon, while also trying to figure out how to get back home.
Notes: Okay, I have to say it. This is my favorite podcast. I love it to absolute death. It 100% got me into improv comedy and comedy podcasts, to the point where that’s pretty much all I listen to anymore. Arnie, Matt, and Adal are sweethearts and the show is so genuinely funny and interesting. Please give this one a listen.
2. The Adventure Zone
Updates: Every other Thursday
Current # Of Eps: 57
General Length Of Eps: An hour, but there are a few that are two or three.
Synopsis: The McElroys play Dungeons and Dragons. But it’s also so much more than that.
Notes: Okay you all know how much I love this podcast. I love it to death. I’m still only like halfway through it but god it’s amazing and I’m so angry I didn’t start it earlier. All of the characters are amazing and Griffin is truly such an amazing storyteller. It’s so much deeper than you would originally think, and it will make you cry like a baby. Please listen to The Adventure Zone. Holy shit.
3. CoolGames Inc 
Updates: Every Friday
Current # Of Eps: 45, with some CGI Jrs mixed in.
General Length Of Eps: An hour (CGI Jrs are 20 mins)
Synopsis: Polygon’s Nick Robinson and Griffin McElroy take listener suggestions and make video games out of them.
Notes: These are my favorite soft boys, and they are just too funny. Some of the games they come up with are genuinely good games that you’ll be upset don’t actually exist, but most of them are just silly goofs that are guaranteed to make you laugh. This podcast single-handedly got me through last semester, so shoutout to Nick and Griffin for that. You should also check out CoolGames Inc Animated!
4. Improvised Star Trek 
Updates: Every other Monday
Current # Of Eps: 157, with a BUNCH of bonus eps mixed in
General Length Of Eps: About 30 mins for regular eps, 5 mins for bonus
Synopsis: These are the voyages of the starship Sisyphus, Starfleet’s worst crew. Captain Julius Valentine Baxter and his crew, including First Officer Corbomite Hayes, Science Officer Crick Watson, Ensign Laserbear, and Chief Medical Officer Zarlene Zonaldson, just to name a few, get into way too much trouble out in the final frontier.
Notes: I started listening to this because of Matt Young from HFTMT (and because I got super into Trek), but god I fell in love with every single character. Quite a few guests from HFTMT are regulars on IST, and their shenanigans are just amazing. If you love Trek, you’ll love this.
5. Siblings Peculiar 
Updates: Infrequently
Current # Of Eps: 29
General Length Of Eps: 30 mins
Synopsis: Adam and Sarah Peculiar (pronounced Pec-U-lAr) are trying to figure out what happened to their parents, paranormal investigators that suddenly disappeared 10 years ago. They interview conspiracy theorists of all sorts as they try to gain any information they can about their parents’ whereabouts.
Notes: I started listening to this one because of Adal Rifai from HFTMT, and I’m glad I did because he and his sister are so funny together. Their conspiracy theories are so off-the-wall hilarious (there’s a whole episode about Grease being propaganda where they interview the real creator of Grease), although I will say the comedy might not be for everyone as it can veer a little into the offensive (but it’s satire and I personally love it). It’s less frequent now because Sadieh got cast in a tv show, but I still recommend listening to it!
1. Welcome to Night Vale 
Updates: Bimonthly, on the 1st and the 15th.
Current # Of Eps: 103
General Length Of Eps: 30 mins
Synopsis: Cecil hosts a radio show in the mysterious town of Night Vale, where abnormal things like Glow Clouds, angels, ominous dog parks, and floating cats are commonplace.
Notes: We’ve all listened to WTNV at this point, right? Or at least heard of it? Besides an old Fringe podcast I used to listen to back in like 2008, this was the first podcast I ever listened to. Cecil’s voice is just incredibly soothing, I find this podcast really helps when I’m super depressed, and I used to stock up on eps specifically for those times. 
2. The Black Tapes/TANIS 
Updates: they used to be weekly but they look pretty infrequent now
Current # Of Eps: TBTP has 24, TANIS has 25, both with several bonus eps mixed in
General Length Of Eps: 30-45 mins
Synopsis: TBTP is about journalists Alex and Nic investigating The Strand Institute’s Richard Strand and his various black tapes that may be evidence of the paranormal. TANIS is the spinoff, where Nic focuses more on real life conspiracy theories as he tries to find the location of the mythical TANIS.
Notes: I’m not gonna lie, I did drop both of these podcasts and I’m not sure if I will pick them back up. But the first season of both were incredible, and @czarrish introduced them to me and they really got me into podcasts. In my opinion they both declined in quality during their second seasons, but that’s just my opinion!
3. The Penumbra Podcast 
Updates: I think it’s on hiatus? But I think it was bi-weekly at one point
Current # Of Eps: 19, with bonuses mixed in
General Length Of Eps: 30-50 mins
Synopsis: The Penumbra is the grandest hotel this side of Nowhere.The series mostly follows Detective Juno Steel trying to solve mysteries, but they’re all stories you recognize told in ways you won’t expect. 
Notes: Again, I’m not gonna lie, I’ve barely listened to this and I really don’t know that much about it. I had to take a lot of the synopsis from the actual one on their website. But the first two episodes were awesome, so I feel confident in recommending it. I think they might be rebooting it?? Idk, you might want to ask @czarrish for more details.
4. Alice Isn’t Dead
Updates: Season one wrapped in Jul 2016 and it’s been on hiatus ever since. edit: s2 is starting soon!
Current # Of Eps: 10
General Length Of Eps: 30 mins
Synopsis: Alice is a truck driver who’s driving across the country in search of her missing wife, who she thought had been dead but now has reason to believe otherwise.
Notes: This is from the creators of WTNV and features the voice of Jasika Nicole, who I know and love from Fringe but also does the voice of Dana on WTNV. It’s spooky but not too much so, and I’ve admittedly only listened to 3 episodes but just like Cecil, Jasika has a wonderfully soothing voice.
1. Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men
Updates: Every Monday
Current # Of Eps: 148
General Length Of Eps: An hour
Synopsis: Basically what it says on the tin: two guys explain in detail everything that has happened in the X-Men universe, starting at the very beginning.
Notes: Again I haven’t listened to too much of this, but it’s really fun. I’ve loved X-Men for a while but I always get confused with all the retcons and different verses and stuff, but Jay and Miles do a wonderful job of explaining everything without making it confusing.
2. Terrace House Mafia 
Updates: Infrequently
Current # Of Eps: 14
General Length Of Eps: 10-15 mins
Synopsis: Polygon’s Nick Robinson and his roommate Chad watch Terrace House: Boys & Girls in the City and talk about it. That’s it. But it’s cute as fuck.
Notes: I absolutely love listening to these guys talk about Terrace House because they’re going through the exact same journey that I (and probably everyone) went on when I first watched it. It’s quick and super fun to listen to.
3. The Probe 
Updates: Was weekly, but s1 wrapped in November so it’s been on hiatus
Current # Of Eps: 8
General Length Of Eps: 30 mins
Synopsis: A satirical take on news podcasts, two journalists follow the election at Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School, and learn about the country’s political climate along the way. 
Notes: Again, I started listening to this because Matt Young from HFTMT produced it, but I really enjoyed it beyond that. If you like HFTMT, you’ll recognize a lot of the Chicago-based actors in The Probe. Also I wasn’t exactly sure where to put this so I just put it in MISC cuz it’s like... definitely funny and improvised but also it’s a little serious, maybe? Idk, it’s satire. And it’s great satire.
I’m also gonna include the podcasts that I’m subscribed to but I haven’t actually started listening to yet. They piqued my interest but I just haven’t gotten around to listening to them yet! So here we go: The Bright Sessions, Darkest Night, The Hilarious World of Depression, Hollywood Handbook, Homecoming, Lore, My Brother My Brother And Me, Reply All, The Room Where It’s Happening, Wolf 359, With Special Guest Lauren Lapkus.
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apieceot-blog · 6 years
podcast recs
yo what’s up homeslices it’s my 100th post so I figured I’d do a list of podcast recommendations because I listen to a lot of em. I’m going to do it in the (approximate) order of when I first started listening to them. The first podcast I ever listened to was some Sword Art Online podcast but I don’t count that so the first podcast I ever listened to was:
Wolf 359
Wolf 359 is a podcast about a crew of astronauts onboard the USS Hepheastus. It stars communications officer Doug Eiffel, and it’s told through his audio logs. It starts off as a comedy, but quickly transitions into something else. Worry not, though, there’s plenty of comedy throughout the entire story. It has really amazing audio quality at the end which I always love (it’s seirously asmr worthy) and uh yeah space podcasts are my jam
Welcome To Night Vale
WTNV is a lot of people’s gateway into podcasts and chances are you’ve already heard of it but here we go anyway. It’s told in the format of a local radio station set in the town of Night Vale where lots of spooky things happen. To the host of the show and to most of the town, these spooky things are considered normal, and it’s fun to hear our host speak about Glow Clouds (all hail) and floating pyramids in a matter-of-fact tone which is usually pretty funny. There’s a backlog of over 100 episodes, which makes it great to binge. You could also start it wherever you want. I’d suggest looking up a list of plot specific episodes and listening to those first if you don’t want to listen to all of them in order.
The Bright Sessions
This podcast is about a therapist who helps people with superpowers (atypicals) adjust to and control their powers. There’s a few different main characters, and each episode is one of their therapy sessions. At first, they each have their own individual stories, but they intersect fairly soon into it. It’s ending soon (cri cri) so this is one that you might want to start with.
Alice Isn’t Dead
From the same creators of WTNV! This one’s more focused on horror than comedy, and it’s about a woman who’s wife has died, only, as it turns out, she isn’t dead. The only thing she has to go off of is a company: Bay and Creek Shipping, and so she becomes a trucker. The podcast is about her various trips and the things she sees along the way. It’s fairly short, and is currently in it’s third and final (!!!!!) sesson. There’s also a book coming out soon if you don’t want to listen to a podcast.
The Penumbra Podcast
If you’re looking for LGBTQ+ content, this is the podcast for you. It tells a variety of different stories featuring minorities that don't get enough rep in the media. There are two main stories that they’re currently doing. One is Juno Steel, which is about a detective named Juno (and it's on Mars!) He runs into a guy named Rex Glass who… let’s just say he isn’t what he seems. It’s very good but prepare to feel many emotions as we go on adventures with Juno and learn about his past and who he is as a person. The other recurring storyline is The Second Citadel which tells stories from the points of view of many different people all living in the fictional world of The Second Citadel. I’d recommend listening to the Juno Steel episodes and then going back and listening to the rest. There are two horror stories at the beginning which I’d recommend you listen with caution because there are some potentially sensitive topics. They don't impact your listening experience at all though, because they're standalone stories.
Conversations With People Who Hate Me
This one’s another Night Vale Presents podcast. This time it’s a nonfiction podcast where Dylan Marron (a fav and the voice of Carlos on WTNV) calls people who have said negative things about him online, and has a conversation with them. He also monitors conversations between two people sometimes. It’s really great and is something we all need nowadays.
Within the Wires
Last Night Vale Presents one, I swear. I haven’t finished this one yet (last episode yeet) but it tells stories through (first season) relaxation cassettes and (second season) museum tour guides. It’s set in the same world and it connects at the very end. It’s really relaxing because there’s only one voice, and both of the voices (1st and 2nd season) are very nice to listen to.
The Adventure Zone
It took me a very long time to finish this, but trust me, it’s worth it. It’s in its second season now so you’ve got many hours of quality content ahead of you. It’s a dnd campaign (that doesn’t 100% follow the dnd rules) but that doesn’t matter because the storytelling is *chef’s kiss*. It follows the Très Horny Boys (which is not a porn thing @my friends) on their adventures. Anyone who knows me (both here and irl) knows that I have an unhealthy obsession with the McElroy brothers, and this podcast stars them and their dad.
The Far Meridian
TFM is about an agoraphobic woman who lives in a lighthouse that suddenly starts moving to new places every day. It’s all about her learning to deal with her agoraphobia, and her search for her missing brother. It’s a really calming podcast to listen to, and tells a really interesting story. Even if you don’t think that this podcast is one for you, I strongly suggest following their tumblr. They post Gentle Encouragement Monday, which is a cool thing to look at if you aren’t feeling the best, or if you’re just bored one day.
This one also took me a while to get through, but it’s very interesting and definitely worth the listen. It’s about a woman who accidentally goes back in time to 1943. It’s definitely a more serious podcast, but there are plenty of funny moments, too. It’s ending soon, so now would probably be the time to start. The main character is canonically asexual which is very cool, and there are plenty of characters that address the hardships that minorities faced in the 20th century, as well as the struggles they still face today. There’s also plenty of history (and rewritten history) and it all makes a very interesting podcast.
This one’s about the AI caretaker of a fashion magazine and her adventures. It’s another Gay Space Podcast™ and is done by high schoolers (!!) which is EXTREMELY impressive and definitely something that I could probably not do. It’s in its second season right now, I believe, and although the audio quality isn’t for everyone, the story is still good and worth the listen.
This is one that I’m going to relisten to soon because I forget a lot of what happens. It’s about a spy named Holly who gets stranded somewhere and it's told through her audio posts. If you donate to her funding accounts (I forget which ones), the donations are transferred into items that she buys to help keep herself alive. I really liked that part of the podcast! I definitely recommend this, but can’t really give an accurate summary because, as I said, I forget a lot of the things that happen.
EOS 10
There sure is an abundance of space podcasts. It’s pretty much its own genre at this point. Anyway this one follows Doctor Ryan Dalias and the rest of the crew of EOS 10, which is a space station. It’s currently in hiatus, but they’re starting work on season 3, which is exciting. A lot of people describe it as “Scrubs but in space” which I’m sure is accurate but I’ve never seen Scrubs so I wouldn’t know. Make sure to look up the content warnings, though because there was something that I didn’t expect in episode 4 and it didn’t bother me too much, but there might be other people for whom it does bother.
King Falls AM
This one’s another podcast told through radio broadcasts, but it’s set in this day and age. It’s a comedy that also delves into paranormal stuff (apparitions, the void, and more). It, like so many before it, starts off very lighthearted and quickly turns more serious. There’s still plenty o’ laughs, though. Featuring the world’s longest slowburn relationship (besides Blupjeans Adventure Zone of course). There’s quite a few LGBTQ+ characters, and more than quite a few emotions to be felt over the course of this podcast. It just went on hiatus, so now is the perfect time to catch up!
My Brother, My Brother, and Me
This one’s an advice podcast that was actually my first podcast, now that I think about it, but I stopped midway through the first episode because I wanted to listen to Wolf 359 instead. My goal is to finish all 400+ episodes by the end of the year, but that’s probably not going to happen. It’s an advice podcast where the McElroy brothers usually don’t give good advice, but there are a lot of good goofs to be had. A fair amount of what I say on a regular basis is actually a McElroy quote, but because none of my friends listen to this, (yet), I’m safe.
The McElroys Will Be In Trolls 2
It’s exactly what the title says.
This one is just Griffin and Rachel McElroy  talking about things that they love! It’s a really great podcast to listen to when you aren’t feeling great, or if you just need some time to yourself. Not only is it a great podcast, but Griffin and Rachel love each other so much? Like you can hear it in their voices? And it’s just a really happy podcast? Honestly I’ve felt very emotional more than a few times just because this is such a lovely podcast and adsfhjlkldasfhgf
Travis McElroy and his wife Teresa teach us about the history of good etiquette, and how it applies to us in everyday situations! Are you out of episodes of Wonderful! to listen to? This one’s a pretty good second option, and you learn new things each week!
Justin and Sydnee McElroy talk about the history of medicine, and things that have gone wrong with it in the past. It’s really interesting to hear about these medical things because it’s an area that I know very little about, but probably should know more about, seeing that I should learn to take care of this flesh prison that I currently reside in.
I think that’s it! If there’s any more I guess I’ll have to make another list some other time. Congrats if you’re still reading this, by the way. I hope I’ve given you some new stuff to listen to! I’m always down to talk about podcasts (or anything else, for that matter), so uhh hit me up I guess. Also feel free to recommend me more podcasts, because I’m always in need of some new ones!
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thatgirlonstage · 6 years
Podcast Challenge: September Recap
The Adventure Zone
That new liveshow was everything. What a blessing.
I have been fucking WAITING for Beacon to pull some kind of shit like this, I am absolutely DYING to see how this plays out
Adventures in New America *NEW SHOW*
The very first episode of this just came out on September 28th, and I’m not ready to make a final judgement on how much I like it, but I’m definitely intrigued
The Bright Sessions
I really hope this show really does make it onto TV/Netflix/Hulu/wherever, because I think they could take time to explore more of the worlds and the different types of atypicals and I have adored these Bright Sides episodes, I’d be so down to see more of everything about this world 
Bubble *NEW* *CAUGHT UP*
Started listening and binged the first season!
A lot of potential that is severely undercut by an over-reliance on exposition, a script clearly still intended for the TV pilot it originally was rather than being truly adapted for an audio medium, and a rushed expansion of the world before properly establishing what they already have
I have hopes that they may take their time with S2 and improve, now that they have a better idea what they’re doing
Can I Pet Your Dog?
Episode 11-21, out of 160 episodes currently
There was a weird out of order episode that’s gotten switched with another one somehow? I just noticed because the guest was the wrong person from the title, and they were talking about it being December when the episode was dated to October. But the show continues to be cute and fun and a very nice way to start my day before I go walk dogs :D
Conversations with People Who Hate Me
Episode “Bigot Scum”-“Nauseating” | 21/23 episodes currently
I was so close to catching up this month and I really wanted to but I didn’t quite make it. DEFINITELY next month though
I like Dylan doing the mediated discussions, they’re interesting and they break up the pattern
Critical Role
Just episode 7 this month. Look, what can I tell you, I can’t listen to this one on the go because I watch it on YouTube instead of playing it from my podcast app and I was like. Never at home this month.
Ear Hustle
Season 3 started!
It seems a bit weird to break these up into “seasons”, since there’s no real overarching focus or theme for each one, it’s just a way to collect the episodes and for the creators to take a hiatus from time to time. But, regardless, I’m happy it’s back.
The Flop House
Episode #52-#71, out of 267 episodes currently
I am very, very slowly learning to distinguish Dan and Stuart’s voices. The entire “find Dan a hook” thing helped, lol.
It Makes a Sound *NEW* *CAUGHT UP*
Started listening and binged the first season!
Unfortunately I’m... really not a fan of any of the characters? Deirdre is painfully irresponsible and really, REALLY needs help getting out of her fantasy world, and the rest of them I just don’t like very much
The story has some passing interest and the music is good. Will definitely check out the album they release, like Bubble I’m hoping they may hit their stride more in S2.
This whole story did feel a little like set up, like they were spending the season trying to get to that video at the end. Obviously any story with a defined climax is always “heading” there, but I really didn’t feel like I was taken on a journey so much as getting an explanation for how this group of people ended up singing and spraying graffiti in a clubhouse. Parts of it were quite clearly padded for time, to the point of being irritating. But hopefully they might have ideas for what comes after that are more interesting
The McElroy Brothers Will Be in Trolls 2
This is actually happening and I’m never going to stop screaming
My Brother, My Brother, and Me
Episode 163-194, out of 426 episodes currently
The introduction of guestperts!!!! Including LIN FREAKING MANUEL MIRANDA (yes, I knew they were friends, I know about the MBMBAM bits in Hamilton, I’m just never going to be over it)
So close to 200...
My Dad Wrote a P*rno *CAUGHT UP*
Current/Caught up this month!!!
Went from S2E11 all the way to the current episode, which was. Oh boy. It’s so much bad porn, lmao, but it’s so funny.
Now I get to live through the clithangers with everyone
The Orbiting Human Circus of the Air
Didn’t listen to anything this month, I have the Imaginary Symphony episodes downloaded from before they deleted them so I have been meaning to listen to them, I just haven’t gotten to it
Episode “Alcoholism”-“Phrenology” | 34/245 episodes currently
I am still thinking about Albert Einstein finding cosmic sex energy in a box. I will continue to think about that until the end of time. I will find Albert Einstein in the afterlife and I will make him tell me about it
Episode “Office Etiquette”-“Handshakes and Business Cards” | 17/133 episodes currently
I continue to be infinitely more interested in the history or cultural difference aspect than any of the advice they give, but I do see episodes popping up more recently in the feed about things like “Pirates” so I’m holding out to be much more excited for those
I saw the next Shmanners episode I had to listen to was “Office Etiquette” while I was binging MDWAP and laughed because. Oh man.
Shit now I need the McElroy brothers to be guests on MDWAP and read a chapter with Jamie, James, and Alice. Can you IMAGINE the chaos 
The Thrilling Adventure Hour
Episode #101-#110, out of 220 where the podcast ended plus specials
Well I woke up this morning to find the vast majority of episodes deleted from my feed and behind a paywall, which I am pretty fucking pissed off about, not gonna lie. I donated to their Patreon because getting to listen to the rest of it is worth $5 for a few months to me, but they haven’t even uploaded the whole back catalog there yet, so I don’t know when I might be able to listen to more
I’m excited it’s coming back but that is thoroughly overshadowed by how angry I am about this
Welcome to Night Vale
Continuing my relisten!
Currently posting reviews for each episode as I listen to them, see the ones from this month here: The Man in the Tan Jacket | Street Cleaning Day | The Phone Call | Valentine | The Traveler
Within the Wires
We started Season 3!!!
I LOVE S3 so far, I really like the more overtly political angle and I think it has the potential to reveal a lot about the world
We’re already getting hints and nods to S1 and S2, I can’t wait to see what else happens
Episode 18-23, out of 52 episodes currently
This show is kind of growing on me. It’s a good cooking show. It’s very soothing, in a way
Previously Completed Podcasts: Alice Isn’t Dead
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thatgirlonstage · 6 years
Podcast Challenge 10/9/18
Bolded means I listened to an episode today. Strikethrough means I’m all caught up and waiting for the next episode, or the podcast is complete!
The Adventure Zone | Alice Isn’t Dead | The Bright Sessions | Bubble | Can I Pet Your Dog? | Conversations with People Who Hate Me | Critical Role | Ear Hustle | The Flop House | It Makes a Sound | The McElroy Brothers Will Be in Trolls 2 | My Brother, My Brother, and Me | My Dad Wrote a P*rno | The Orbiting Human Circus of the Air | Sawbones | Shmanners | The Thrilling Adventure Hour | Welcome to Night Vale | Within the Wires | Wonderful!
Podcast: Conversations with People Who Hate Me
Episode: Burned at the Stake
Time: 33 min, 55% of goal
This guy just has a whole lot of unexamined assumptions huh
He’s... admittedly way better than most though
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother, and Me
Episode: 175: Torsey
Time: 1hr 2 min, 103% of goal
“Boar taint” is one of the worst phrases I’ve ever heard
Podcast: My Dad Wrote a P*rno
Episode: Footnotes: Royal Albert Hall
Time: 12 min, 20% of goal
“Do they KNOW what it’s CALLED?”
Episode: Best of Book Three
Time: 28 min, 47% of goal
Book 3 really was so much, like I feel like everything happened in this book
That song is unironically really good? What the hell?? That song has no right to be good?
Episode: Belinda Blinked 4; The Blurb
Time: 12 min, 20% of goal
Oh my god they’re so fucking dumb how did Alice think “herr” was a name
Episode: S4E1 - ‘Dearly Beloved’
Time: 41 min, 68% of goal
Oh god I was trying to drink a coffee and I had to keep stopping because I kept fucking laughing
But also like  thERE’S PLOT???!?!?!?!?!?!! I actually want to know what HAPPENS????
Episode: Footnotes: Who Is The Special One?
Time: 12 min, 20% of goal
Oh come on, Jamie, you care, admit it, you care at least a little bit
Episode: S4E2 - ‘Tony’s Secret’
Time: 38 min, 63% of goal
Episode: Footnotes: Rocky Answers Your Questions 3
Time: 15 min, 25% of goal
“Writer’s block is something I believe many great writers struggle with. Fortunately, I am not one of those.”
Episode: S4E3 - ‘Cubicle Confessions’
Time: 40 min, 67% of goal
What’s happening in these books I’m fucking screaming. FBI????????????
Podcast: The Thrilling Adventure Hour
Episode: #103: Sparks Nevada, Marshal on Mars, “Murder In His Place”
Time: 21 min, 35% of goal
Have I mentioned how hard I fuck with the Sparks theme song? It gets me so fucking hype every time. I recognize this isn’t really commentary on this episode in specific, except that this time he did it as a duet with the Red Plains Rider, which was EVEN BETTER, but the Sparks theme song is actually really fucking good. It’s like the first Soul Eater opening, no matter what it just gets me in the mood and so freaking ready for an episode
Episode: #104: Tales of the Troubleshooters, “Personal Business”
Time: 18 min, 30% of goal
CROACH IS BACK and he’s... Mars Jesus?
Total Listening: 5hr 32 min, 553% of goal
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thatgirlonstage · 6 years
Podcast Challenge 23/4/18
Bolded means I listened to an episode today. Strikethrough means I’m all caught up and waiting for the next episode :)
The Adventure Zone | Alice Isn’t Dead | The Bright Sessions | Can I Pet Your Dog? | Ear Hustle | The Flop House | The McElroy Brothers Will Be in Trolls 2| My Brother, My Brother, and Me | Sawbones | Shmanners | The Thrilling Adventure Hour | Welcome to Night Vale | Within the Wires | Wonderful!
Podcast: The Flop House
Episode: #34 - Mirrors
Time: 50 min, 111% of goal
My, uh... friend that I occasionally make out with apparently hates mirrors and finds them very creepy so I guess this would be, like, the WORST horror movie for them to see lol
Episode: Movie Minute #23 - Twisted Trailers 3: Your Sister is a Werewolf
Time: 3 min, 7% of goal
I honestly have no idea what that was about
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother, and Me
Episode: 134: Dukes Down, Dunks Up
Time: 1hr 3 min, 140% of goal
“What does Auld Lang Syne mean?” Me, trained for my entire life by the Christmas Quiz: “I KNOW THIS ONE”
Episode: 135: TWENTY-DIRT
Time: 54 min, 120% of goal
Okay but that moment where Justin went quiet for a while and then we just hear this distant dismayed report that his cat has taken a dump on the floor was the funniest fucking thing. I feel your pain, Justin. I feel your pain.
Podcast: The Thrilling Adventure Hour
Episode: #60: War of Two Worlds, part 1
Time: 10 min, 22% of goal
Okay the first half of this episode was super unpleasant to listen to. I could barely understand what they were saying and there doesn’t appear to be a transcript anywhere. I understand the immersive, let’s make it sound like we’re talking over radios, but there’s a way to get that effect without sacrificing audio quality
Episode: #61: Sparks Nevada, Marshal on Mars, “A Date with Destinos”
Time: 24 min, 53% of goal
“You can’t disagree with the truth.” “Sure you can. People do it all the time.” /laughter from the audience. Oh, you sweet 2011 summer children. You have no idea.
Rebecca is living out the plot of a romance novel while Sparks is just trying to live his life and it’s hilarious
Episode: #61.5: A Word from Los Banditos Mutantes
Time: 1 min, 2% of goal
That was unexpectedly sweet, aww
Episode: #62: Cactoid Jim, King of the Martian Frontier!, “Space-coach”
Time: 26 min, 58% of goal
I kind of wish that Sparks Nevada was a full podcast by itself - like, I enjoy the other segments, they can be fun, but I’m actually highkey invested in all of the side characters and the world of Sparks Nevada in a way that I’m not in the rest of the segments, given their lack of a continuous plot
Podcast: Welcome to Night Vale
Episode: 4 - PTA Meeting
Time: 26 min, 58% of goal
A hooded figure appears in the station and starts making static noises...
Guys, I can’t believe that Cecil met Barry Bluejeans
See my full review here
Total Listening: 4hr 17 min, 571% of goal
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thatgirlonstage · 6 years
Podcast Challenge 3/5/18
This is sitting in my drafts because my life went abruptly insane for like a week and a half, sorry to be publishing it randomly today. But I haven’t listened to any podcasts since this. We’ll be back on track starting today, 15th May
Bolded means I listened to an episode today. Strikethrough means I’m all caught up and waiting for the next episode :)
The Adventure Zone | Alice Isn’t Dead | The Bright Sessions | Can I Pet Your Dog? | *NEW* Conversations with People Who Hate Me | Ear Hustle | The Flop House | The McElroy Brothers Will Be in Trolls 2| My Brother, My Brother, and Me | The Orbiting Human Circus of the Air | Sawbones | Shmanners | The Thrilling Adventure Hour | Welcome to Night Vale | Within the Wires | Wonderful!
Podcast: The Adventure Zone
Episode: Amnesty - Episode 8
Time: 1hr 11 min, 158% of goal
So I want to know more about why certain Sylfs were exiled, because I feel like this could end up being key to the story. And there’s gotta be a reason for the abominations, I can’t imagine that will go unanswered.
Also, Heathcliff. I must admit I don’t actually know the comic strip – I wondered why Griffin was referencing Wuthering Heights – but as soon as I googled it I died
Podcast: Conversations with People Who Hate Me
Episode: You’re a Piece of Sh*t
Time: 31 min, 69% of goal
Hoo boy, it’s... gonna be an uphill battle to see if I can actually listen to this one. I want to, because I think it’s important, but... some of these people are just gonna make me see red, I know.
Also Dylan Marron is YOUNG holy shit, I didn’t realize we were that close in age
Podcast: The Orbiting Human Circus of the Air
Episode: Season 1 Episode 3
Time: 27 min, 60% of goal
Macbeth follows me and honestly I wish just once the random example of a Shakespeare play could be, like, Cymbeline. Although then again I guess the point is that no one was interested in the performance lol
Podcast: Sawbones
Episode: Patent Medicine
Time: 35 min, 77% of goal
I’m surprised that Sydnee didn’t key into “female complaints” as code for either period symptom relief or (as it was) abortion-inducers. I know that hysteria is code for just, “My wife isn’t behaving,” but “female complaints” has definitely been a long, longstanding code for “I’m pregnant and I don’t want to be.”
Also Vicks Vapor Rub is legit magic, as in when I was having coughing attacks so bad I couldn’t breathe as a kid the only thing that helped was that and shower steam
Episode: Immortality
Time: 37 min, 82% of goal
Honestly... I can get the appeal in some ways, but if you asked me today if I wanted to be immortal the answer is absolutely not, no way.
Episode: Reanimation
Time: 33 min, 73% of goal
There was a story I read once, where a dog got hit by a car, a cop decided to try and put it out of its misery because it was clearly dying and in pain, so he shot the dog in the head, animal control came and picked the dog up and put him in a freezer until they could bury/cremate him, came back in a few hours later and the dog was sitting up the bullet had slid into his jaw he got surgery and was perfectly fine. 
Podcast: Wonderful!
Episode: 13: The Devil is a Barking Dog
Time: 54 min, 120% of goal
Okay so what Rachel defined was a charity, not a nonprofit, because not all nonprofits are charities (the theatre I work at, for instance)
Griffin makes me feel slightly better about my email inbox situation
Total Listening: 4hr 48 min, 640% of goal
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thatgirlonstage · 6 years
Podcast Challenge 16/10/18
Bolded means I listened to an episode today. Strikethrough means I’m all caught up and waiting for the next episode, or the podcast is complete!
The Adventure Zone | Adventures in New America | Alice Isn’t Dead | The Bright Sessions | Bubble | Can I Pet Your Dog? | Conversations with People Who Hate Me | Critical Role | Ear Hustle | The Flop House | It Makes a Sound | The McElroy Brothers Will Be in Trolls 2 | My Brother, My Brother, and Me | My Dad Wrote a P*rno | Oh No, Ross and Carrie! | The Orbiting Human Circus of the Air | The Penumbra Podcast | Sawbones | Shmanners | The Thrilling Adventure Hour | Welcome to Night Vale | Within the Wires | Wolverine: The Long Night | Wonderful!
Podcast: Adventures in New America
Episode: S1E2: Love in the First Degree
Time: 31 min, 52% of goal
The Grease music interlude was weird, but otherwise I like it so far. Oh man, queerness and religion is A Thing I relate to too much
Podcast: Can I Pet Your Dog?
Episode: 23: New Year’s Resolutions
Time: 30 min, 50% of goal
Vizslas are so pretty
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother, and Me
Episode: 204: Bait Kids
Time: 1hr 19 min, 132% of goal
I’m really glad to know that John Roderick keeps up with the McElroys’ chaotic comedic energy
Podcast: Oh No, Ross and Carrie!
Episode: Ross and Carrie Get Ear Candled: Wax Springs Eternal
Time: 38 min, 63% of goal
Oh my God, I heard about this. A couple years ago I was trying to clean out my ears with q-tips and ended up shoving a block of ear wax down my ear canal and up against my ear drum so hard I couldn’t actually hear out of that ear and I was frantically looking for solutions (don’t worry, I finally just went to the doctor, they did something that felt like the equivalent of putting my ear in a washing machine, and I was fine) but this is DEFINITELY something that popped up while I was Googling. I didn’t really understand what it was telling me to do but I definitely remember hearing about this
Podcast: Within the Wires
Episode: Season 3, Reel 4: February 15, 1954
Time: 19 min, 32% of goal
What’s going to happen to Vivi because narrative senses are tingling that say SOMETHING bad is going to go down
Total Listening: 3hr 17 min, 328% of goal
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