#it’s camp? 🤷🏾‍♀️
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
I sent someone an anon about this a couple months ago, but the arc I was expecting for Sansa was more along the lines of Cordelia Chase from Buffy The Vampire Slayer, like basically when Cordelia is introduced to the show at the beginning of BTVS she is a selfish, materialistic, cruel, classist bully, but over the course of BTVS and especially ATS she grown into a kinder, more caring, and compassionate person and genuinely comes to regret her past behaviour. I was kind of expecting an arc like this for Sansa, but it never happens? Like book Sansa experiences very little growth in the books, and I’m not even going to get into show Sansa, the development of her character is incredibly disappointing and you can tell GRRM didn’t really know what to do with her.
I could have definitely seen that happening for her arc. I think the main reason she has stagnated in that area is that George intends for Arya and Sansa to work their issues out on page, rather than just having them reconcile immediately when they reunite. I mentioned in a previous ask that I didn't think he had a solid idea of what he was doing with her character, but I'm not sure that's exactly it. It's more that fandom has decided that Sansa's character is something different than what he's actually writing for her. He created her as a foil for Arya and to cause conflict, and I think he still sees that as part of her purpose. There's the only thing that makes sense to me. He put her in the perfect situation to reflect on her own classism and grow. Instead, we just get a reminder that she still thinks like that. She thinks even pretending to be a bastard is beneath her and gets incredibly upset at being called one; yet she doesn't reflect at all on her attitude towards Jon, Mya, or any other low-born character. Given how George has written other characters confronting their flaws or wrongful attitudes, this comes across as very intentional.
I do think there could still be time for Sansa to have that kind of growth, but it would most likely happen after the Stark sisters' conflict plays out. I don't think it's a coincidence that their conflict is somewhat rooted in classism, with Sansa's dissatisfaction with Arya being that she doesn't act like a high-born Lady. While Arya begins the story as someone sympathetic to the smallfolk and then goes through a journey where she witnesses their experiences first-hand, Sansa stays relatively in a high-born bubble and doesn't confront any of her prejudices. George has mentioned before that they have issues they need to work out and I think he's created the perfect setup for it.
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robotpussy · 10 months
there r 2 types of sunny days for me:
1. nice enough to go out
2. it looks nice outside but it only serves as a nice backdrop for whatever video game I want to play that day (today I'm feeling psychonauts)
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beautyindiversity · 10 months
Rush Hour: An Unexpected Image of Black and Asian Solidarity | Video Essay
This was soooooo good!!! And my fav was in it giving the black perspective 🥺
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slasherstories123 · 1 year
I was wondering if you could do Jason Voorhees, Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Sawyer, and Michael Myers with a s/o who always knows when and where someone is stalking them or around them, like they can pinpoint exactly where they are. sorry if that's weird but I kind of have the same thing and if you could I'd be very happy 😁
Slashers with a S/O who can predict who’s around them
Paring: Jason Voorhees, Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Sawyer, and Michael Myers x GN! Reader
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Tagslist: Tagslist: @dootys @callmemeelah @fluffy-little-demon @mehidktbh @slash3rl0v3r @the-anxious-youth @beanbagbitch @mrs-heelshire @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @oneofvincentscandles @sleepypersonblog @alexxavicry @vexeliers-breakroom @naxxsstuff @beel-mcburger @pink-apollo @charliedawn @emychan @bunnysenpai31 @sadskies @slasherscrybaby @bl-rrryface @l0sercat @cherry-lovr @emychan @anim3l0v3r
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Jason Voorhees
At first he wondered how you could locate where he was at before you two met
Each time you looked in his direction he’d have to change into a new hiding spot since you can spot him quickly
But once you two got together he realized that it could be a good thing since he can’t catch all of the victims before they catch you
I mean he’ll try but since you can pinpoint where people are he knows that you can handle yourself if it came to danger.
Now if it came to someone stalking them he’s quick to hunt them down since stalking isn’t allowed in the forested
Whenever you tell him that someone’s in the camp he’s happy on the inside knowing that he dosen’t have to search the whole camp to see if there’s more than one person
Thomas Hewitt
The friends that you had didn’t believe the fact that you can know when someone’s close but they didn’t believe you, now look at them dead🧍🏾‍♀️
It would be a relief for the whole Hewitt family to know that you can pinpoint when someone’s in the house, especially an intruder. Now if it’s Hoyt secretly watching you all you gotta do is tell Thomas or Luda Mae and they’ll just put him straight 🤷🏾‍♀️
Thomas would question you more about it since he finds it interesting himself. He’s a curious guy, so he’ll ask questions here and there and would want to see it from your perspective
Once you tell him that someone’s close to the house or is hiding inside the house he’s going protective mode
Thomas won’t rest until any trespassers are out of the Hewitts house considering the fact that he practically has to do all the work
Besides Hoyt but he dosen’t count
Bubba Sawyer
Bubba’s more confused than ever, how can you pinpoint someone so fast?
Unlike the other victims, you knew that either him or his brothers were close.
Just like Thomas, he’d ask questions about it too out of curiosity.
This would be also good when his brothers are being loud, even though they’re so loud it’s still best to let him know that they’re nearby or are coming to where you two are
When it comes to victims sometimes they rely on you to tell them where they’re at if bubba accidentally let them escape since he does a lot of work too.
Michael Myers
Will be more shocked out of all of them but won’t show it, normally people wouldn’t know that he’s there, sure they may get the feeling that someone is stalking them but not actually pinpoint where they are.
This caused him to follow you more to see if it’s just him or you can really see that he’s following you.
It’s a great surprise to him, he’s not sued to people pointing him out since he’s practically the god at stealth and stalking
Didn’t really want to kill you anymore which was weird so he spared your life.
When it comes to someone else stalking you there’s no stopping him even though he stalks you himself
Only he gets to do that not some random dude or person that can get away with it.
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fukingsad · 1 year
Modern AU- Sport headcanons
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AO’NUNG: Basketball
-he’s probably point guard or center but no matter what he’s the team captain
-he’s been playing since he was a kid
-I can imagine him asking tsireya or rotxo to ‘help him practice’ when all he does is dunk on them (bc he’s taller) and laughs when they can’t cover him or get the ball
-he went to basketball camps every summer
-he met rotxo at one they’ve been besties ever since
-he’s THAT light skin basketball player
-I mean the TikTok before and after a game or practice arm swing and ALL
-“They won’t see how amazing I am if I don’t record how confident I am”
-He asks you to 1v1 him and he likes to cover you bc he’s GOT THE W RIZZZ 😏😘
-“1v1? cmon I promise I’ll go easy”
-His room is full of player posters trophy’s and old basketballs
-Idk but I feel like he keeps all his old basketballs 🤷🏾‍♀️
-He gave you one of his jerseys
-“Now everyone knows who you cheering for”
-his jersey number is your fav number 😻
He’ll wink at you and shoot the ball and it makes every time
-he says it’s a good luck charm
-your contact name is a good luck charm bc of it
-“You’re gonna be at my game right? I need my good luck charm so we win”
-ok ok but imagine ao’nung doing that thing where they lift their shirt to wipe their sweat but it shows off the abs… he does that…. a lot
-Overall he’s a stereotypical light skin wannabe who’s obsessed with basketball 🏀
NETEYAM: Football (American)
-Wide receiver or quarterback
-He’s the Team Captain
-When he was little he was more interested in soccer but then jake got all in his head about football
-He doesn't mind it though he got to practice with his dad and his teammates are pretty cool
-People think he's mean bc of how he is on the field but he's a sweetheart
-He calls you his cheerleader
-He gets you free tickets to every game
-“Neteyam stop I can pay for my tickets it’s ok” “Nonsense my cheerleader shouldn’t have to pay for anything plus that way I know you’ll be there”
-He and lo’ak went to a football camp lo’ak got sent home early
-All of his coaches loved him
-he’s that kid whose dad is assistant coach BUT he’s not an asshole about it
-“Hey, neteyam is your dad the assistant coach?” “yeah that’s my dad haha”
-When lo’ak gets on his nerves he chucks a football at him to shut him up
-Tuk has played football with neteyam and she always wins
-“Haha teyam I win again” “Tuk you’re just too good”
-He did one of those big ass promposals after a good game
-he had the marching band and everything just to ask when he knew you’d say yes
-When it’s off-season he’s practicing more than he did during the season
-gets up at 6 am to get a workout in and then practices from 8-10 🤦🏾‍♀️
-Overall neteyam loves football it’s a part of him now but he DEFINITELY doesn’t wanna pursue it as a career
LO’AK: Baseball
-Lo’ak is aggressive AND he’s fast bro he hits home runs 24/7
-he’s either pitching on first base or shortstop
-The whole crowd starts cheering when he’s up to bat
-He’s never gotten struck out it’s just not his thing
-his pitches are DEADLY I just know he is putting all his anger into them pitches
-it’s one of the main things jakes proud of him for
-“You did well today son” “Ha thank you, sir”
-after getting kicked out of neteyam’s football camp he decided to do baseball
-He met spider at baseball camp
-The kids loved lo’ak the coaches ehhh not so much
-But he was a good player
-lo’ak is dedicated to baseball it’s one thing about himself that he’s proud of
-He’s that one lanky ass light skin that runs hella fast for no reason
-he had every color of the viper glasses and I mean every color
-He got you both a custom match pair (he customized it himself)
-“Look now we’re matching ma” “Thank you my heart I love them”
-he tied a pair of his old cleats together and hung it on his wall he’s very proud of it
-“Ma look at how artistic I am” “I see, good job my love”
-Your birthday is his jersey number
-Lo’ak also plays basketball he’s just not as enthusiastic about it
-he’s probably a shooting guard or point guard
-he’s so good at basketball that it’s surprising
-“You must practice at least three times a week” “Nah cuz I’m too busy at a baseball practice to be practicing this shit”
-he’ll 1v1 ao’nung beat him then act like he doesn’t care bc he doesn’t
-Lo’ak finds it funny when he messes with aonung’s ego
-Yes lo’ak is good at basketball but his heart belongs to baseball
-He would take you to the baseball field in the middle of the night climb on the cage where the home plate is and lay there with you looking out to the stars
-“Nothing like a night with my two favorite things baseball and you”
-He’s honestly just happy he found something he can take pride in
a/n: idc what anyone says y’all can fight me of this hc lo’ak is a baseball playerr
KIRI: Nothing
-Kiri my beautiful girl
-she hates sports
-she doesn’t like to play them
-she’ll watch her siblings play but that’s it
-the thought of actually playing NO
-“Why the hell should I play if I can just watch”
-Overall she just wants to spend her time with her cat plants rocks books tea and you
TSIREYA: Volleyball & Cheer
-this amazing girl is so so talented
-she’s gone to cheer camp’s volleyball camps
-She likes volleyball but she like outfits for cheer
-she also dances
-She’s probably a setter or a hitter in volleyball
-she’s a flyer
-she loves being a flyer getting thrown in the air is such an adrenaline rush for her
-she makes sure you are at all her tournaments and games
-She always asks you to play volleyball with her
-she had a net set up in her backyard
-She plays at the beach
-Once ao’nung was annoying her at the beach so she served the ball…. at his head
-She’s so close with her team both volleyball and cheer
-tsireya brings food for her team all the time it's just what she does
-Lo’ak introduced her to anime and she lives for haikyuu
-Overall this sweetheart is just super talented and amazing at both sports
TUK: Gymnastics
-we all know she's in gymnastics
-She loves doing cartwheels and flips
-She loves everything about it
-she's just so good
-She gets it from her momma
-Tuk started really young
-she was in those baby ones that keeps teaches them when they’re like one year old
-She’ll try to get her dad to do some of the stuff she learned Jake is not flexible at all though
-“Daddy look what I learned it's called a back bend wanna try?” “baby girl you know I love you but daddy doesn't want to go to the hospital for his back tonight”
-She loves scaring lo’ak but doing a back bend and crawling after him
-He screams every time she does it
-She just loves gymnastics and will probably keep doing it as she gets older
A/N: HEY BOOKIESSSS i hope y’all liked it (i do take constructive criticism and feedback just don’t be too mean) 😻🤞🏾
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ptseti · 5 months
You are from Europe no Africa 🤷🏾‍♀️ Shall we talk about the Herero genocide? Where you perfected concentration camps in Namibia 🇳🇦 Africa before Germany… no to mention the Maji, Maji rebellion 1905-1907 where you massacred 300,000 Tanzanians 🇹🇿 because they were starving to death while growing cotton for you… but the Chinese 🇨🇳 😂😂 audacity of Colonizers or the fact you turned Africa into your brothel and you still murder the animals and sacrifice children for your rituals…
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theshifterbride · 3 months
General - Percy Jackson dr
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Plot changes
Half bloods can use phones just not at camp.
Summer is 4 months long. Just cause I can 🤷🏾‍♀️
There's no casualties or major injuries in any of the wars.
Not a lot of campers join the other side.
We don't have to wear those ugly ass orange shirts unless we're on a field trip.
Quests don't only need 3 people.
A lot of people don't die.
Hades is unproblematic and cares for his kids.
Ares is a good dad.
Campers 14 and up are allowed to have parties on the beach over the weekend.
Cabins have TV's but you need a DVD
Percy, Grover, and Annabeth don't drift apart.
Hestia's cabin is for unclaimed kids. They do have control over her domain till they get claimed. It's never crowded.
Plot shit
My friends do move in with me cause I feel bad that they're year around campers and I can't see them all the time. Plus I'm the only child so it works in my favor.
I'm the only child of Lua because she didn't want anymore kids after WW2 or was it WW1? It's one of them.
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PJO dr masterlist
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phosphenesoupp · 8 months
an extremely rushed bylerween day 2 - slashers, gore & body horror
TW: blood, knife
this is a redraw of one of the posters for ‘Sleepaway Camp’ (i haven’t watched it yet, idk why i chose this movie in particular).
i low key considered even continuing with my initial idea that i had from september bc avoiding having to truly look at or draw noah schnapps face rn is the goal but idk. i just continued trying to make him look as much like will but as stylized as i can for the concept if that makes sense🤷🏾‍♀️ especially since i am drawing fanart of a character (who is still my baby) and not exactly him. anyway yeah, it’s not my fav but again i say, rushed. so much more could have been done with the open space surrounding the house especially given the source material and the fact that it’s supposed to be a camp but we’ll ignore that. so yeah, that’s day 2
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sapphic-agent · 6 months
I want your opinion on this, because this is a nagging thought that won't leave my head.
There was absolutely no reason to make UA a boarding school. None at all. The whole freaking reason Nedzu made UA a boarding school was to "consolidate the investigation", but given how absolutely nothing gets done concerning the traitor plot, the boarding school angle was completely unnecessary.
Tbh, if Hori was gonna make it a boarding school, it should have been one to begin with. Making it one in the middle of the series was... Weird. I do kind of get why he did it though.
Some of the most famous series take places at either boarding school (Harry Potter) or overnight camp (Percy Jackson & the Olympians). Those are things that makes both those books fun, and gives the hero a second "home." They're supposed to be safe places (literally, Hogwarts is regarded as the safest place in Britain and Camp Half-Blood literally protects demi-gods) for the heroes and their friends.
That's probably what Hori was trying to do, give Izuku another place that feels like home while also putting him in close quarters with his classmates (trying to stress that they're a "family"). Like most things, however, he's really bad at writing that out🤷🏾‍♀️
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destinyc1020 · 10 months
I know celebrity couples usually not last but tz seems natural with mutual feelings and care to each other. I'm really trying hard not fall to camp of cheering for them so i don’t get upset if they don't work out. If start wish them happiness with family and kids their fans starting get protective lol but damn they cute
Yea, TZ seem very different from MOST younger (or even older) celebrity couples out here to me. I don't think we'll have to worry about that. I think that two are def headed for marriage.
Tomdaya is just special I guess? 🤷🏾‍♀️
Here's a Sunday Confession For Me: Maybe I'm just biased coz I follow them the most, but I'll be 💯% honest... I'm not one who usually "ships" celebrity couples in the first place. I may think a celebrity couple is "cute" together and think they are meant for each other, but that's usually the extent of my interest. I'm not eagerly keeping up with what they're doing, or worrying too much about what they're up to, etc.
But Tomdaya is different. Tomdaya is actually the ONLY celebrity couple that I've ever "shipped" in my lifetime, and they will most likely be the LAST lol. 😅
It's WAY too much work and time spent trying to keep up with a couple 24/7 lol 😆
So yea, after Tomdaya, that's it for me lol 😅
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blackbellybella · 5 months
I feel stupid even complaining about this but like am I the asshole here?
I don’t like gifts from my boyfriend’s family. It’s like they half ass it, if that . Gifts for the both of us are really just gifts for Rob.
I want to give them the benefit of the doubt that it’s an all boy family essentially they don’t know how to interact with younger women his mom included. I really want to believe they mean well but at this point it’s starting to feel a lil like they don’t like me
Rob’s bother went to Vegas and got Rob a bottle and a gift shop bottle opener the expensive mgm magnet and an embossed shot glass. They got me a wallet for a child.. like a unicorn lil dollar store wallet you get for a kids play set. And I said something about it to Rob like a shirt or a shot glass would have been fine what am I supposed to do with this? I can’t even use because you can’t fit anything in because it’s for a child. And as soon as I opened it, it separated from its self to where you could see the cardboard.
Christmas I got colorful socks I can’t fit and a $10 Starbucks gift card and It wasn’t like they got the gift card for me Rob’s mom got it because they messed up on an order and she knew I liked coffee. Rob got a whole cast iron camping cooking set and bottle of henny my dad also got Rob a handle of henny that year
Next Christmas they got Rob a ninja blender a pasta maker and a ninja mini oven/air fryer…. These were for the both of us, tho months prior when Rob was talking about buying the ninja mini oven and blender for himself. I suggested we wait bc we had to down size for a smaller apartment and we have absolutely no fucking room. ALSO HE COMPLAINS ABOUT HAVEING NO WORKING SPACE and he doesn’t even use the appliances we have I pointed that out. I also got him a flat top for our oven for his birthday of which he doesn’t use now. So his mom gets him everything anyway and we just had boxes on our floor till I got us the metal self. He still hasn’t used them. I use the blender bc I like salsa and rob broke my last blender. But yea those gifts were for the both of us
This Christmas, they got each other bottles. Clase azule and Jonny walker blue and black label. I got an anime figure for Rob’s favorite anime, it is sukuna and from my favorite brand of figures, however I feel like that was mostly Rob’s doing mainly bc I over heard them talking about it and directing them over the phone phone. But past that they got me a bottle of cream pineapple rum? 🤷🏾‍♀️ it’s so nasty, I can’t make anything with it every drink I’ve tried the cream curdles. The crazy think is we’ve talked about alcohols I like or that I mostly prefer wine I’ve even got Rob’s mom one of my favorite wines bc I knew she’d like it and now it’s one of her favorites. Also they got Rob a ninja wood fire grill…. We live in a fucking apartment, something I pointed out when he brought up wanting one months prior just like before. We had a plan to get a house next year. This year now. But I was like just wait till then bc we have a balcony and again no place to put it… this thing is fucking huge and surprisingly we can’t even fucking use the damn thing BECAUSE WE LIVE IN AN APARTMENT. And Rob’s been mopey about it since new years.
Like I feel bad complaining but like am I overreacting/overthinking this? My Mom gets Rob $300 every Christmas and take us out to eat and or gets him a bottle for our Christmas game night. My dad will take us out to eat or take us somewhere so we can pick out a gift that’s actually for the both of us.
But for real am I being a bitch about this? Like it’s been almost 4 years, me and your son practically share a brain cell and you haven’t picked up on any of my interests besides baking?
ALSO ADD ON: Rob literally has a folder on his phone where he takes a photo of absolutely everything Ive been interested in at any store we’ve gone to since we’ve started dating. They could have just asked him what I wanted
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sadbeautifutragic · 5 months
people are doing what now
apparently people are camping outside of stores to get their hands on different colored stanley cups. there's an entire discussion about it over on twitter
i will admit the cup looks nice but it's just a cup at the end of the day. you can live without 50 versions of it 🤷🏾‍♀️
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solarwynd · 6 months
unpopular opinion: jimin isn’t known by the gp for his music even post lc. his dedicated fans are still the ones carrying his career and it’ll continue to be this way the kpop and bts label and their connotations will always be attached to him much like jk 💀.
i really don’t think lc/face brought in a new audience at all as in people who knew nothing about kpop, the genre or the culture, i don’t mean kpop stans or stan twt who finally saw the light lol.
Yea I agree with you. Don’t think any of bts will really be gp artists and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. The perk of gp is getting longevity which bts as a group and as soloists lack, but radio and tiktok are big factors into that as well. And you have to pay for both for the most part. 90% of these western artists would not be on these charts if those two were taken out the equation. I’m still in the camp that believes a dedicated fan base trumps gp despite the stigma behind it because their interest is fickle. GP will stream but it’s the dedicated fans who will actually buy, which is where the real monetary support lies.
But to me, a new stan is a new stan. 🤷🏾‍♀️ doesn’t matter if they’ve never set foot on socmed or if they were in the next fandom over. It’s additional support that he didn’t have before. And exposure to new audiences is only gonna come with good promo which jm is being denied. And although jk had it, it didn’t work out for him because the songs he pumped out weren’t that good. LC did grab enough interest that it did have the potential to go viral and be a gp hit, but we’ll never know the extent.
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owl127 · 1 year
Did you receive my prompt with the scar and the planned pregnancy ? That last one I sent a while ago I was just wondering if you received it haha
Yes, I thought about it but just didn't have the time to sit down and write.
It would be something like this: (inhales deeply and tries to get into @lexa-griffins mindset when she explains her ideas)
It's a late night in the Ark pack home, and while the pups are bundled up in the den, the crew is being lazy in a rare night off, with bottles of wine everywhere. Lincoln remains sober, since they had learned the hard way that Raven and Anya's oldest is a hazard around flammables (Raven's swears it's not her fault, but everyone KNOWS).
Lexa is almost asleep in Clarke's lap when Octavia, bless her, suggests a game of truth or dare. Because the sobriety level of everyone there is not above standard, everyone agrees. While Octavia is forced to do a handstand (fails), and drunk Anya is also challenged to do a handstand (doesn't fail, and Raven states her mate's balance abilities extend to the bedroom--which everyone boos at, obviously), Clarke chooses truth against Raven. Raven smiles and asks, "tell us about your butt scars."
Lexa's eyes fly open immediately, because she has always seen the scars but like, Clarke never talked about it, and by the time Lexa sees it, her mind if focused on something else 🌚😏
Anyway, Clarke goes red to the tip of her ears and says, very calmly, that "we promised to never talk about it, Reyes."
Raven, drunk as a wet hamster, blinks at her and says their 20 year secret clause has expired.
Lexa is drinking wine from a straw watching it, because she will finally know why Clarke has--
"It's kind of cute," Lexa offers, unhelpfully, and Clarke wants to go downstairs and hide with the pups.
Raven being (drunk) Raven pushes it, and Clarke is forced to tell ~le story~ where she Raven, and Bellamy went dicking around with humans back in college, scaring a bunch of them in a camp, and it would have been all fun and games if the kids hadn't called animal services and the three of them had to run for their lives. While Bellamy and Raven shape-shifted and hid, Clarke, the white freaking beacon that she is, was the main target and ended up being shot in the ass, multiple times, by tranquilizer darts. The dose wasn't enough to knock her out, and by then Raven and Bellamy had stepped in to help, but that was the story when Clarke was shot in the ass by an animal control volunteer named Dave.
Dave was a cool guy, but Clarke has three cute little dots in her butt thanks to the darts that hit her 🤷🏾‍♀️
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londonrih · 2 years
I just thought of the most craziest and over the top thing yet:
Okay so… what if Charles faked that “nearly dying on Lucy’s couch” thing? I mean yeah he’s stupid, and wouldn’t know how to pull it off, but he’s working with the most scariest, craziest, but intelligent serial killer out there — Miss Rosalind Dyer herself. I mean she was in the car with him that night. Like it’s such a coincidence that HE got in that very vehicle that she was in.
So so so, what if this was Charlie’s ultimate plan all along?? He knows Lucy has ZERO interest in him, and 100% interest in Tim, so - Cameron had to think of something fast to “get the girl” or “win the girl” so he fakes this whole thing, and of course, we already knew this was sadly coming but Lucy stays out of GUILT. (For those who didn’t know it’s out of guilt, drill it in your heads now.)
So she’s taking care of him til he feels better cause she feels sorry for him. And I do think he is kind of using her for a come-up in his career, but at the same time I still feel like he’s working with Dyer. Either or he’s using her and I’m sticking with that theory.
Long story short, something happens that enrages Cane, and he starts to show his true colors and accidentally blurts out his true intentions cause he’s an idiot, duh. He does stupid stuff on the daily.
Sure, this may never happen, and seems very fanfic-y but I want chenford (TIM AND LUCY) to be endgame, and I want Cantelope gone for GOOD! I can’t stand him! And I hate that Lucy’s staying out of guilt because we know this isn’t what she actually wants, babysitting a man she isn’t even committed to. I want her to be happy, and this doesn’t seem like happiness to me.🤷🏾‍♀️
LUCY, DROP THAT BITCH AND GET WITH TIM!!! She deserves to be happy, after every terrible relationship she’s experienced. And I know she’ll be happy with Tim. Cause you don’t stay with someone out of guilt and expect me to think that you actually have feelings for them💀, especially Camp Rock of all people.
Anywho I’m done.
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