#it’s acknowledged in the most shallow way possible it’s aggravating
muichirous · 2 years
finished azure gleam and now i’m fucking annoyed because like. honestly fe3h/few3h should have never been about the lords it should have been about the nabateans/agarthans 🙄
#like. i hate how we essentially have 2 games lore dump a shit ton about the origins of fodlan#and how like the actions/grudges between these groups still have an ACTIVE influence on fodlan THOUSANDS of years later and like.#it’s acknowledged in the most shallow way possible it’s aggravating#i mean yeah sure the primary focus of the games are the lords and their circumstances which i get. but#when essentially all of the tragedies and happenings of these lords are somehow related to this overarching conflict. it’s fucking annoying#like… bc of the lore… it just makes the lords part of something bigger than themselves and they’re not even aware of it. it’s stupid#i’m not saying the nabateans/twsitd should be the protag/antag (depending on who u side w ig) in 3h but it’s so dumb to have them relegated#to the fucking background. when they are STILL around influencing shit in fodlan#was it kusakihara who said that the lore didn’t really matter??? fuck that guy#he dropped the ball. with EVERYTHING. his lore. his characters. his avatar. his gameplay mechanics. like fuck that guy holy shit#but i got to marry dimitri fire emblem ig so 10/10 game#i have two more routes to play for few3h. i am not excited tbh#also help. can we actually talk about azure gleam. what the fuck was going there besties#actually no. do not speak to me i don’t want discourse#i’ve invested two years(?) in this stupid war crimes academy game and have nothing to show for it but a deep unsettling rage when#i begin to just Think about the game. not even Critically Think. just a simple Think.#i want engage to be released already so i don’t ever have to think abt this game again help#astro.txt
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ewellnessmassage · 2 years
Tips for Buying a Massage Chair
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Rubbing, an initially old treatment which includes the control of shallow and more profound layers of muscle and connective tissue (typically manually) utilizing Osaki Voice Control Massage Chair, has forever been utilized as a cure to pressure and muscle strain, advancing unwinding and prosperity, since old times. These days, knead seats play out these exercises and likewise, they are superior to individuals, never getting worn out. Rub seats are quick turning into a swap for human back rub specialists for their benefit, protection and transportability.
The principal thing you ought to consider is whether you have a space accessible to put the back rub seat. Rub seats can be cumbersome and can be leaned back, denying you to situate the rear of the back rub seat near a divider. In this way, you want to quantify the space you have as a top priority prior to choosing a seat. You can ask the store's sales rep how much room you want for the back rub seat to have the option to lean back as far as possible and whether the specific model you're keen on will work in your space.
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However, rub seats frequently have lots of elements, it is critical to purchase seats that have the highlights that are generally helpful to you and gives you the most advantages in easing your aggravation. Pick seats that do an especially great job of kneading the pieces of your body that are of most worry to you. Likewise, you really want to look at the power or strain of the back rub. Some back rub seats give areas of strength for others utilize lighter pure water from AquaTru Water Purifier System. Some permit you to increment or decline the power of the back rub. Thus, it's truly vital to attempt it for around 15 minutes to ensure that the tension and fit are what you want.
Ensure that the Osaki Massage Chairs are substantial and sturdy. Make certain to check the details on the seat you are taking a gander at concerning the most extreme bodyweight limit. The normal greatest limit a seat will acknowledge is 300 pounds. Check likewise the most extreme span of utilization per meeting, and the upkeep it needs.
 Last words:
These seats are for the most part estimated from many dollars to a large number of dollars, contingent upon the elements you need to be remembered for your seat. To check its quality, don't simply depend on cost, and don't feel that you need to purchase at the highest point of the cost range for you to have the option to get a quality back rub seat. It's an issue of finding the great one with the right highlights that are of most use to you at the right cost.
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bailspogue · 4 years
( 𝑗𝑗 𝑚𝑎𝑦𝑏𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 )
𝑆𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦. ─── A tremendous curiosity had always been one of your flaws — however when it drives you to seek out your best friend in the midst of night throwing rocks at the window of JJ Maybank you can only wonder if friends are all you both will ever be.
𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠. ─── swearing
𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡. ─── best friends
𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑. ─── no 
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              Those whirling winds howling throughout the unwavering emptiness of those hot summer nights were nothing more than an indication for all that was till to devastate Kildare County disrupting the pretentiousness of their heavenly promises amidst the rough waters whereas the peninsula prevailed — more hurricanes were still to come.
However sullen the thought — your mind had strayed amongst the many possibilities of what was to unfold behind those closed windows stains and filth embellishing them. Those faint bruises that had scattered amongst the many blemishes of the tanned skin of JJ Maybank along with those few days his presence was dearly missed at The Chateau had become a strain upon your conscience — A sense of worry had manifested within yourself.
              That very sense of worrisome dispensation had brought you to his house — one amongst the various untouched by the wraths of Agatha or so it had seemed. Few branches had been scattered within the grass surrounding that horrendous house. The slightest rays of luminescence had wallowed fractions of that very same field brought your concentration to the few loose pebbles that trounced amongst the sand.
An unforgiving harshness brought forth the relentless shivers that spread across your skin — while those cold surfaces of one of the stones smoothed within the warmth of your palm before it had found its expeditious trajectory against the window of the one who had consequently tormented your every thought — a second had soon followed aggravating you furter as all behind that very window had remained unmoving.
              Those very same eyes of yours had roamed across the night sky plentiful starts devising their own extraordinary patterns across the abyss — lips parted absentmindedly shallow breaths falling from them transpiring within the sweltering summer air awhile the nerves arose within you — fingers stirring alongside the smooth surface of the stone still resting within your nonchalant hold.
However the insignificant sound of that precious window unlocking it had gathered all attention from you once more — he stood within it bewilderment personified him momentarily while those clouded blue eyes sought an answer within the many branches disregarded within the debris that littered beneath the window. A scoff surpassed your lips accompanied by one of the eye rolls that had become infamously associated with you while you moved closer towards the walls embellished with the many remains of polished paint that had once brought a sense of life to the godforsaken house you had found yourself stood beneath the window of he who called it home.
              ❛ Are you fucking deaf? ❜            You taunted a smothered laugh intertwined within the blatant sarcasm of your words. Sometimes you would find yourself wondering if you too had found your love within the most wonderful of people — a mere thought at the sight of the bewildered blonde stood within his window mere inches from where you had persisted inside the shadows dispersed from the many leaves hung above your head.
❛ Can you shut the fuck up? ❜            He asserted — the pettiest of grins curving the edges of his busted lips. He lived for the seething glances you had brought upon his form only fueling into his antics more all while he laughed along with his own words awaiting an answer from you and an answer he from you he shall receive — another rock had encountered the window sill with a loud thud only ever so insignificantly missing the hand he had leant upon it with.
              ❛ Cool it with the rocks, Juliet. ❜
❛ Oh, Romeo. ❜            You called out to him — a sickeningly sweet tone settling within your softening voice while your eyes met once more.   ❛ Wherefore art thou. ❜
              ❛ Right here, Dumbass. ❜            JJ acknowledged — he laughed along with you before those words of confusion fell from those bruised lips of his.   ❛ Its the middle of the night. ❜
              ❛ Oh sorry. ❜            You answered — a laugh hidden within your joyous tone of voice while you lowered it ever so insignificantly the slightest traces of your mischievous temper interlacing within the troublesome grin that had become engraved upon those anxious lips of yours mimicking that very smirk infamously endowed by JJ Maybank.    ❛ Am I fucking up your curfew? ❜
❛ Go home — I'm closing the window. ❜
              ❛ Dude. ❜            Your reaction to the taunting words of his caused that infamously gorgeous smile to resurface once more — however, those entrancing eyes of his had found yours once more widening at the mere sight of your satisfied stance beneath him. He watched you intensely while his arms found some comfort within leaning upon the window sill — challenging you awhile he awaited your acknowledgement before he too spoke again.
❛ Dude. ❜            
              ❛ Yeah, just break in while you're at it. ❜            He had muttered underneath his breath — the faintest amusement hidden within the lowering of his voice while he observed you intensely the slightest fluttering of his breath had caught those thoughts of you from roaming within his mind.
❛ I am actually a great friend. ❜            You defended yourself — you had found your actions justified while your feet sought their steadfast amongst the splintering paint that had varnished the walls you leaned against absentmindedly.
              ❛ The best. ❜            He had forced out while you brought yourself closer towards him — hands steadily extended to be taken by his. Reminiscent of the many melancholic memories that had begun to submerge within his conscience at the mere sight of your widening smile — brought one to his bittersweet features the feeling of your fingers skimming across his calloused palms so mindlessly awhile he had assisted you through the window.
His adoring eyes were no longer wandering your form they had found their attention brought to your hands seething where his skin had touched yours so thoughtlessly, so hastily — how you both had wished it could have lasted longer than the mere moments it did.
              ❛ Walked all the way out here — just for you. ❜
❛ Adorable. ❜            He laughed in disbelief — his eyebrows furrowing ever so slightly while a frown formed upon his features at the words you had spoken before his eyes too found the photograph held in between your gentle fingertips.
              Rays of golden sunlight disintegrated against the sunburned features of yours and his wallowing all else in a sunny summertime radiance as those rays of golden sunlight ignited their skin and all thoughts seemed to vanish from your mind — How blissfully unaware of those sunkissed smiled adorning their lips when her arm had been wrapped around his shoulder holding onto your beer loosely between the nonchalant grasp of your fingers seething along with the condensation that had brought a refreshing touch to them.
❛ Total invasion of privacy there. ❜            JJ complained — the slightest tinge of amusement hidden within the flustered tone of his hushed voice not able to stand the fact you had stood so far from him now when all he wanted was to be held by your hands once more.
              ❛ I love these. ❜            You declared truthfully — the faintest of smiles brought upon the edges of his lip while he watched your eyes full of adore at the photograph of you and none other than John Booker Routhledge beer cans surrounding the both of you while one had remained precariously loose within your intoxicated hold.   ❛ Was a great fucking time. ❜
❛ Can't remember half of it to be fair. ❜      
                    ❛ Sounds about right. ❜            He could only watch you with his heart aching for that very same love within your eyes to once be destined for him — your laughter brought him alive. Warmth arose from within him — all those uncertainties, all those nerves everything that had once been bothering him set aflame within your very presence.
❛ Why are you here? ❜            He had sought an answer within your eyes once they had found one another once more — his heart fluttered at the mere thought of you. He had watched your soothing fingers saunter along with the photographs amongst the messy walls — their gentle touch a mere memory from the many youthful nights you had spend with one another. A troublesome grin unfolded along with the words he so teasingly uttered while he had crossed his arms over his chest.     ❛ Can't just be to admire my decorating. ❜
              ❛ You had me worried. ❜            Your fingers lovingly sauntered along with the photograph that had been torn ever so subtly as if had been folded messily before — however his sudden answer had brought your eyes to his form once more.
❛ I'm okay. ❜
             His fingers too sauntered amongst the blemishes of the holding onto it despairingly — all sense of reality had become lost on you underneath the realisation of the sudden proxamity he had been within. The smell of him entrancing beyond reason, feeling him so close — so intimately had drowned out everything else that had gone on around them before your eyes wandered amongst the photograph again.
              The reminisces of a drunken smile casually kindled the exhaustion from your features — imprints of those godforsaken rings of JJ Maybank caressed delicately against the blemished skin of your heated cheeks along with the affectionate tenderness of his bruised lips varnished with that very same taste of alcoholic disaster pressed against them.
You could no longer withdraw the sense adoring that had prevailed the corners of your lips to transform into an unwavering smile amongst the many thoughts of him that ensued within your admiring subconscious once more — eyes wandering amongst the wounds that devised their very own patterns across the delicacy of his blemished skin every detail of him had you mesmerised and falling ever so easily.
             Memories of that very summer night — However faint, However conflicting — had remained a cherished remembrance of just how you felt for him that night.
                             ❛ If you say so. ❜          
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orderpeaujeune-blog · 4 years
Peau Jeune Cream: Boost The Skin Moisture And Elastin Level
Peau Jeune Cream rushes to apply healthy skin recipe. This item is well known and sought after among ladies who need to look immaculate, wonderful simply like models, Hollywood stars and TV on-screen character. Ladies are increasingly possessive for their fragile skin particularly facial zone that for the most part gets influenced by different components. Things that mischief are expanding age in which fundamental protein known as collagen decays continuously, evolving atmosphere, contamination, unfortunate living style harm the skin.
 Peau Jeune Reviews
 These lower the certainty and make the individual look increasingly old in contrast with genuine age. Despite the fact that, there are boundless assortment of skin items, salves, serums, packs accessible in the market yet none of them assurances to give palatable outcome. Hence to decrease the lopsided looks, control droopiness restore the skin structure the US based producers have propelled Peau Jeune Face Cream in the online market.
 This is anything but difficult to utilize normally made enemy of maturing recipe that reestablishes the young brilliance and easily decreases the troublesome lines. It gave assurance from maturing signs, however manufactures a solid shield against destructive sun beams, toxins and can be applied before the make-up as base. It is a finished skincare equation that takes care of skin needs and gives durable results.
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 To know more peruse the given survey till the end:
 What number of fixings are utilized in creation of Peau Jeune Cream?
 The top notch quality Peau Jeune Face Cream is pressed or made up of characteristic fixings like collagen promoter, skin firming peptides and different nutrients. Collagen supporter help augment the skin dampness level, maintain a strategic distance from the untimely maturing signs, different nutrients help treat aggravation, expel scars and staining. Including, the skin framing peptides are the chain of amino corrosive that keep up the best possible skin surface and make skin supple.
 How to apply Peau Jeune Face Cream arrangement?
 Three stages help recharge, rejuvenate the sensitive skin by following the given underneath steps:
 Step-1: wash your face with a home grown chemical so earth get expelled. Pat dry with a delicate fabric
 Step-2: after legitimate facewash take a pea size measure of Peau Jeune Face Cream on your palm and spread it equitably on skin with the assistance of fingertips.
 Step-3: to accomplish best outcome allow a couple of second back rub in upward round movement with the goal that it get retained into the shallow layer.
 Peruse the guidance printed cautiously and remain scarce differences, dim circle free. For astounding outcome save utilize this awesome recipe for 2-3 months with no skip.
 What are the enduring Benefits of Peau Jeune Face Cream item?
 Give opportunity from maturing wrinkles, scarce differences, temple lines and mouth lines
 Assist make with cleaning smooth, delicate, supple, and firm
 Hold the most extreme skin dampness, hydration and sustenance level
 Increment the skin collagen creation
 Comprised of all regular and powerful fixings
 Keep away from skin staining, darker spots
 Lift the blood flow
 Keep away from redness, aggravation and tingling
 Fix skin tanning, and shield from UV beams
 Expel the clogged pores, white heads
 Handle free radicals and oxidative pressure lines
 Limit the under eye puffiness, dark circles and crow's feet
 Lift the skin invulnerability and stout up the cheeks
 # stay away from examination as result shift from individual to individual as indicated by skin type
 From where I can purchase all new jug of Peau Jeune Face Cream?
 Get helpful with all new jug of Peau Jeune Cream by tapping the underneath given connection as this recipe is just sold at online mode. When associated with authentic site client are recommended to fill the enlistment structure given there and pay the charges.
 In addition, purchasers have alternative to benefit the constrained period RISK-FREE TRIAL pack that help see genuine nature of this wrinkle free recipe. Hustle just a bit! Attempt the free pack as observe a definitive change.
 Inside 4-5 business days you can anticipate the all new container at your doorstep. You are proposed not acknowledge the wrecked seal and altered pack.
 Peau Jeune Price Order Now
 Whom to contact?
 Consumer loyalty is first need consequently, to clear questions, disarray and issue related booking or use client can converse with assistance bolster group. The contact detail is 1-866-584-3495 the cost free number which is accessible 24 hours per day. Alongside that, one can compose a mail at support@Peau Jeunefacecream.com. The client official will return inside 24 hours.
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 Monisha: I use to have aggravating under eye dull circle issue in light of which I look weired. In any case, I attempted to laser treatment by setting aside my pocket cash however result was moderate. At that point I booked Peau Jeune Cream which smells so wonderful and splendidly choose skin layer. Energetically suggested."
 Does Peau Jeune Face Cream have any impediments?
 Peau Jeune Face Cream isn't reasonable for under 18 and ladies who are having some other skin malady
 Get it far from direct daylight and store under cool dry spot
 Counsel dermatologist if disturbance happen after each utilization
 Stay away from direct contact to eyes
 This equation won't analyze, fix or treat any sickness and infirmity
 Extra tips:
 Keep yourself hydrated by drinking most extreme measure of water in a day as it help expel poison from the body
 Avoid sleek nourishment, eat green verdant vegetables and new natural products
 Wash your face in any event thrice in a day
 Abstain from utilizing a lot of make-up and clear the make-up before resting
 Shield facial skin from direct sun beams via conveying umbrella, covering face with scarf
 Does Peau Jeune Cream hostile to wrinkle item have any reactions?
 In no way, shape or form, the entrancing wrinkle expelling Peau Jeune Cream doesn't have any reactions. Nonetheless, inside seven days its standard use limits the maturing spot, line and checks from all skin type either sleek, dry or touchy. It deal with the skin Ph level, oil creation, etc. The fixings utilized in its creation are liberated from fillers, covers and engineered folios.
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lifesobeautiful · 5 years
7 Ways to Control Your Business Travel Anxiety
Business trips are not fun trips. From flight delays, chaotic train stations, poor hotel rooms, language barriers to deadlines, there’s an endless list of stresses that leads to business trip anxiety.
In one survey, 36 percent of employees admitted that “work-related travel makes them more stressed than usual”.
While experiencing travel-related anxiety is totally normal, you shouldn’t let it affect your performance. Managing your travel anxiety on a business trip is not that too difficult. With some small steps, you can stay comfortable and do your business tasks without being taken down by worries.
Use the following tips to calm down yourself:
Accept that getting anxious is normal on a trip
“Complete stress-free travel” is a nice slogan most travel companies promise. But in reality, a 100 percent stress-free trip is not always possible. There are many things that can go wrong when you travel. And some obvious bumps are flight delays, losing your luggage, getting poor hotels or poor internet connection.
Having the fear of unexpected circumstances just add to your anxiety. Acknowledging that things might go wrong can help you offload some of the stress haunting you continuously.
Create an itinerary
Managing and creating an itinerary is stressful for 33% of working professionals.
If this is also your woe, then prepare them strategically. That way, it won’t be that stressful.
Make sure to create a plan that includes your flight information, ground transport information, hotel, reservation number, meeting times, places and other important details. Also, research your destination by checking the weather, local transportation, and points of interest over the Internet.
Create a copy of this plan and give it to your friend and colleague so that they can track you when you don’t come back on scheduled time.
Book everything in advance
What if you don’t get a flight on time? What if you find all the good hotels already reserved? Or what if you don’t get local transportation like a taxi on time? Such hassles ramp up your anxiety.
Here is a simple solution:
Book everything in advance, from flights, airport transfer, local shuttle services to your hotel. It will give you peace of mind. As an added bonus, you can find incredible deals helping you save a lot.
Do some relaxation techniques
Instead of being worried by planes, hotels or upcoming chaos, practice some relaxation technique to calm down your mind. It will help you overcome momentary anxiety triggers.
Here are some of the easy techniques to manage travel anxiety.
Breathe deeply through your nose and exhale from your mouth. Make sure to take deep breaths instead of shallow breaths.
Listen to music.
Practice meditation.
Using certain affirmations like “I am Safe” can calm down your mind.
Remind yourself of your travel’s objective. Imagine your life a year from now—will you not repent on not having reached your destination.
Play game or have words with the fellow passengers to get yourself distracted.
See Also: Benefits Of Meditation: How You Can Change Your Life In 10 Minutes
Avoid taking alcohol or coffee
Alcohol and coffee can aggravate your anxiety and cause panic attacks as well.
Anxiety occurs in threatening or worrisome scenarios, pushing our body into a “flight or fight” response mode. Caffeine prompts this response, making you overreact to the situations that aren’t actually worrisome or threatening. Too much caffeine also makes you irritable and agitated even in normal situations.
Likewise, alcohol raises the level of anxiety. As it is a depressant and contains a sedative effect, it is often used by people to feel relaxed.
Ironically, alcohol can increase anxiety within just a couple of hours of consumption. Even alcohol withdrawal is stressful as it causes symptoms like nausea, trembling, sweating and increased heart rate. Therefore, steer clear of alcohol or caffeine on your trips. Instead, take alcohol and caffeine-free options like a smoothie, soda water or decaffeinated coffee.
Opt for travel insurance
Travel insurance is a great way to protect your health and finances while traveling. However, it is important to choose a company that also covers psychiatric care. This is because most standard travel health insurance plans don’t cover mental health condition. This is why you can end up with thousands of dollars bill if you are hospitalized for your anxiety and panic disorder.
See your doctor
Sometimes, there are some underlying issues or conditions leading to anxiety. For example, some people experience panic or extreme stress when it comes to traveling. Therefore, it is important to work with your healthcare provider to find out what therapy or medication can help you deal with travel-related anxiety.
A physician will diagnose any underlying issues that trigger anxiety as well as prescribe medication to help you manage those panic signs.
The post 7 Ways to Control Your Business Travel Anxiety appeared first on Dumb Little Man.
This article was first shared from Dumb Little Man
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