#it was my first ‚ok i will jump into the mosh pit action‘ concert as well
owlispls · 6 months
post-concert feels are hitting hard today ;0;
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A Guide To Gigs
The top 5 things you should know and do
So having just booked to see 5SOS again at Wembley I thought that I would share some tips on things to do when going to concerts- especially rock shows which is what I normally attend.
For a little history I’ve been going to rock concerts since I was about 11/12 with the first rock concert I went to being McBusted which is where I stood for the first time. I remember it was exhilarating and I knew that I couldn't wait to do it again. So I've got a good 7 years of concert experience under my belt so here's the things I've learnt over the years.
1) Check your travel before you leave and make sure you know how to get home. A lot of the gigs I go to are up in London so I get the train and tube. It’s important to ensure that you know what late night tubes are running to ensure that you can get home safely as you will be tired and processing the adrenaline that is in your body
2) Where something with lots of deep or zippy pockets so that phones, cash and cards can be tucked away safely and won’t fall out when you’re jumping around.I try not to take bags with me as this means I either have to carry them or get them checked into a cloak room which is time and money. 
3) With regard to personal items keep them all in separate pockets and take a small amount of cash with you. When I go to gigs I tend to take my oyster card, phone, about £10- £20 cash and a portable charger. I use apple pay on my phone so I don't need to take a card with me and I tend to take a little cash just in case my phone is either lost or stolen. The money tends to get kept shoved down my bra so that it's in a safe place. I will take more cash however if i'm planning to buy merch so that I have enough on me. A portable charger is also handy to have as if you’re sitting outside the venue for a while then you may kill the battery and need it to help you get home. It’s easy to get small, cheap lightweight ones so I’d recommend investing in one.  
4) Be mindful of the gig you’re going to and where you are standing. Middle center is always a riot and I tend to stand towards the front of this area as this is where I find that most of the mosh pits occur meaning I get a great view of the band and have an amazing time in the pits. I have also do the barrier for some gigs however you MUST be careful standing here as you will get pushed tightly against the barrier so be warned and if you feel unsafe tell the security and there should be someone at the front of the stage to help. The middle tends to be the pits and the crazy jumpers and rockers so if you’re standing here then get ready for that. If you’re towards the back then chill and vibe and enjoy the music while still getting involved in some of the action. 
I said I go to gigs a lot so I get what it’s like to see the joy in the eyes of the 13-14 year olds who are at their first concerts and are excited to see their favourite punk phase band and they maybe don’t yet understand what is going to happen in the pits. If they pit it's their choice but don’t be mean to them just because they’re younger than you. If people fall over then stop and help them up and check if they’re ok. I was at the Bring Me The Horizon concert where Ali Mills died. Although he went into cardiac arrest and fell over in the crowd he wasn’t helped up and suffered greatly because of it. I was towards the back for this show where it wasn’t as bad but people tweeted that the pits were ridiculous. Just make sure that you look after those around you- you’re all there for the same reason do you should all enjoy it and look out for each other. 
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