#it was a super
maybealex · 1 year
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The convention (my first!) was super fun! 😃✨
I was Ritsuko Akagi from Evangelion, and my friend was Vash from Trigun. @teal-pen
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I bought a few cool things!
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From @mrquackersartistry, a very beautiful Eva Unit-13 print and a very lovely pocket mirror! A couple free stickers, and I forgot to grab a card qq ��
From @imkaet, the cutest most darling little acrylic rainbow trout keychain. Named him Evan…Evangillion. 🐟
And from the night market, which is like a many-yard-sales in the hallway, I found a little Mari figure for $5! In the day I was debating if I wanted to buy the only Eva figure available, which was a $40 Mari, but decided if I was going to spend that amount of money on an Eva figure I would rather get one I really really wanted, but then surprise! a $5 Mari! Perfect 👍🏻 She will stand next to my Eva Unit-08γ figure!
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Kazhaはめっちゃかっこよかった❣️🤘🏻Kazha was super cool! After the show I waited in line to get a pick signed, and when it was my turn, we talked completely in Japanese. It was very refreshing; everything I wanted to say I was able to and I understood them entirely. Bery fun and cool. *Soldier 76 voice* I still got that ESL fluency, babey! 😎 When you don't get to use your languages often, you definitely worry about what you might be losing, whew!
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chongoblog · 4 months
Me, after forgetting to cut the top off an onion before dicing it: “Aw dammit”
The Gordon Ramsey that lives in my head: “Don’t worry there, this mistake isn’t going to ruin anything. No need to be too hard on yourself”
Me: “Wow, that’s…not what I was expecting”
Gordon: “Of course, you ought to know by now that I don’t shout at cooks just to do so. I do it because the people in hit television show Kitchen Nightmares are putting their services out into the public and claim to be good enough to have the title of head chef. You’re just some guy in your twenties making beef stroganoff for yourself and your roommate. I’m kind of a dick, yeah, but I’m not gonna scream at you for a minor mistake like this”
Me: “Oh….well…thanks”
Gordon: “You’re welcome…cunt…”
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opt1gan · 6 months
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
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couch-house · 10 months
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hbmmaster · 17 days
"why are people excited for the transphobia in ttyd" because it means super mario gets to kill transphobes with hammers. game of the year
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prokopetz · 25 days
Wrong: Ada Lovelace invented computer science and immediately tried to use it to cheat at gambling because she was Lord Byron's daughter.
Right: Ada Lovelace invented computer science and immediately tried to use it to cheat at gambling because that was the closest you could get in 1850 to being a Super Mario 64 speedrunner.
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dragon-ball-meta · 2 months
Ohhh my God, the current VA for Foghorn Leghorn actually dubbed it.
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sm64mario · 2 months
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coldalbion · 2 months
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As a disabled person who's loved LEVERAGE and LEVERAGE REDEMPTION since the beginning - for the characters but also the whole ethos of performing acts that help people against crap systems, it's wonderful to be reminded that it springs from reality.
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notherpuppet · 4 months
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First Meeting
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possamble · 2 months
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oh they super understood the assignment this time holy shit
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jell-o101 · 8 months
I'm ignoring the part of the internet who is going "Oh no" at this.
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Bowser really is the type to love you if you became a worm lol
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whisperingbadger · 4 months
Okay, normally, I don't do this kind of thing, but I can not get it out of my head.
Carmilla said the best thing to kill an angel with is to fight for what you love. To fight for something you believe in. And that's what the whole gang does.
Charlie fights for her dream
Vaggie fights for Charlie
Angel and Husk fight for their friends
Lucifer fights for his daughter
Sir Pentious DIED for love and friendship
Guess who doesn't win in their fight?
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Alastor can not comprehend dying for friends of all things. He was fighting for power he was fighting for freedom, and he lost his fight.
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dat-soldier · 3 months
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New Donk City workers
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clowngames · 4 months
For those unaware, Super Mario Maker for the Wii U disabled uploading levels in March of 2021, and is shutting down its servers entirely in April of this year. I don't know if there's a good estimate on how many levels have been created in SMM's lifetime, but in 2016 Nintendo reported about 7.5 million levels created by players, so the number is High.
In the meantime there is a community dedicated to taking every level that has yet to be cleared for the first time, and clearing it. Some of these levels take 6-10 hours of attempts to beat, and some of them use obscure glitches that no one else has discovered. Nevertheless, as of a few months ago there were less than 20,000 uncleared levels and currently there are less than 1,000.
Nothing remains but the most difficult platform experiences you can imagine. The community is confident they can "beat Super Mario Maker" but the deadline is fast approaching. It will be a tight race, and this is shaping up to be a potentially historic moment.
As of yesterday, all levels uploaded in 2016 have been cleared.
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