#it was a good distraction from worrying about physics for a hot minute tho which is nice
lxvebun · 2 years
period pains
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buns notes: it's been 500 years since I wrote something for JJK and it's the first time I'm writing for Yuta so it may be a little rusty. I hope you all enjoy it tho!!
content Yuta/Gojo/Toji/Sukuna x gender neutral reader. Fluff + comfort. Kissing. Tummy kisses. Neck kisses. Painkillers. Eating. Talk about cramps, dizziness, just common period problems. English is not my first language. Not entirely proofread.
♡dark blogs/creators/consumers(meaning u reblog that shit), k!nk and ed blogs do not fucking interact🔪
-♡navigation -♡JJK masterlists
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He’s really sweet and attentive, especially on your period. You do have to guide him a bit with what you need from him and be very specific if he needs to buy something for you but other than that he does everything perfectly.  Yuta's most cherished comfort is physical affection, which is why he's extra affectionate during your period, trailing sweet kisses down your neck to your cheek, and pressing soft kisses on your stomach to soothe the cramps.Even if the kisses don't actually relieve your cramps, the hopeful look in his eyes and the soft smile on his face is still healing enough. If you have any sweet cravings, rather than buying it, he’ll buy the ingredients so the two of you can make it. it’s a way to distract you from the pain and curb your cravings at the same time. It works wonders. Making cakes and cookies together with the love of your life while soft music plays in the background and fresh air flows through the window makes any pain you were experiencing disappear
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Gojo takes great care of you when you’re on your period, even if he can't be there because he's at Jujutsu high. Gojo has a major sweet tooth so the fridge and cabinets are always stocked with the most expensive and tasty snacks. Really opening the fridge is like opening the door to a dessert store. Before he leaves for work he also makes sure you have enough painkillers, pads/tampons left, if not he’ll quickly buy some for you.  In addition to this, he also leaves a ton of colorful sticky notes all over the place, all with sickeningly sweet nicknames and random "gojo facts," and of course, before he leaves, he sticks one on your forehead after kissing it.
To distract you a little bit from the pain, he texts you throughout the day with reminders, silly pictures of himself or very random close-ups of Nanami and Megumi. When he gets home, even if he had a rough day, he’s still very attentive. He'll make sure you’re drinking enough water and holds you when the cramps or dizziness gets worse. He's good at calming you down when that happens.  While he rests your head on his lap, he will turn on your favorite movie, gently trail his fingers down your spine and occasionally draw invisible hearts and flowers shapes on your back, which leads to him trying to distract you from the cramps by making you guess what he is drawing,,,and then tells you you guessed wrong even if you were right because he's a menace like that<3
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He’s amazing at handling your period. Whether you experience cramps, lightheadedness, sensitive headspace, or mood swings, don't worry, Toji will take care of you. He will get you anything you need and is not at all opposed to buying you period products. He knows your favorite items by heart at this point. He knows exactly what packaging to buy, what painkillers help the most, your food cravings, etc. When you tell him you've gotten your period, he presses a kiss on your forehead before heading to the store and coming back with a huge bag of everything you could need.
Toji is really good at coaxing you into sleep so he sometimes coaxes you into taking a nap to help you with your pain.  After you’ve eaten and taken your painkillers, he'll carry you to bed and then put on an ambience noise video, open a window, and make sure your heating pad isn't too hot before placing your head on his chest so you can fall asleep listening to his heartbeat. You always fall asleep within a few minutes like this. Toji doesn’t leave once you fall asleep nor does he join you for a nap either, he’s more so focused on your facial expressions and movement to see if you’re having a peaceful sleep. As soon as he detects that you're becoming restless, he starts pressing soft kisses on your forehead and smoothing his thumbs down your cheeks until you fall into a peaceful sleep again.
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Sukuna becomes very a little worried and more protective than he already is when you're on your period. He hates seeing you in pain, especially when there is nothing he can do to make it stop. Usually, if something is bothering you, he will deal with it in his own special way violence but that is not something he can do here. He will do whatever you ask and get you anything you need. You need a heating pad? Luckily for you Sukuna runs very hot. Is it because he's so incredibly handsome or is it because he’s from hell? Who knows all that matters is that you can use him as your personal heating pad. Simply grab his arm and drop it on your stomach. He'll get the message, and if you're okay with it, he'll even give you a massage to alleviate the pain. He will get you any stuff you need, though he is a little wary of mortal medication, so he will avoid giving that to you unless you ask him to get you some. He also fears you'll choke on it, so when you're with him, the only way you'll get painkillers in your system is when he spoon feeds you yogurt or pudding laced with powdered aspirin. it's a little odd but also kinda sweet in a way. Sukuna makes your period a little more bearable but do be prepared to have him loom over you 24/7👁
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thank you for reading bunnies!<3
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virmillion · 2 years
just found an abandoned story idea in a notebook and while rereading forgot it was abandoned so i got to the end with the plot still unfinished and
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my-white-canvas · 2 years
No Dilf yet just a new character Unlocked
After the emotional drama that happened you asked Violet some questions that revolved around your head for some time while Mother was stroking your hair with you on her lap
"Alright, I need you to answer a few questions"
"Very well, however only for 5 minutes"
" Wah! Whatever you say, Why do we have to learn breathing techniques when you gave me a multi element vision? I'm not complaining tho"
"Well I allowed you two to learn breathing techniques so it'll enhance the elements from the techniques so you have more chances of taking out multiple people with visions"
"Ok but why didn't Mother get a physical human body until just recently?"
"She asked for one just 5 years ago so..."
"Then how about my body?"
"The both of your bodies were made differently because yours was made for a human soul but Teyvat's was made for an entire will of this world so her body needed a longer process"
"How long exactly?"
"10 years"
Violet was looks little distracted from your conversation so decided to get to the point because she probably needed somewhere to go.
"Ok I'll get straight to the point, other than just a child for Mother what exactly do you need me here?"
Mother was surprised at the question, she started to frantically wonder if she wasn't a good mother and you wanted to go back to your home world or you just no longer wanted to be her child, she stopped stroking your hair from fear of you getting annoyed from her or when you liked her better when she wasn't physically annoying, she was on the verge of tears from those thoughts.
"Don't get me wrong I love it here, like Mother, Selena and the little children I can talk to outside the main cities but why am I wanted from just my looks? Or there is someone that.. you know, on a high horse that ain't there's?"
Mother was relieved to hear that you were just confused from Violet's lack of explanation and really did care about her and the whole of Teyvat (except for the "you getting wanted" stuff) and those worrying thought were just over exaggerations.
You noticed her tears were falling down to your hair, you were quick to comfort her to whatever she was crying about.
"Well to answer your question lets just say there's an idiot who claimed to be the god of Teyvat because of some easy won luck"
"Whoever that is seems to be more than an idiot telling people that their 'GOD' but what's really surprising is that-"
"The people of Teyvat seem DUMBER than how I purposely made them"
"Mother what do you think about your people"
"Humanity is evolving, but backwards and everyday they just stray further away from god"
You couldn't help but giggle at what Mother said, that touch of comedy and when you looked back at Violet she was gone.
"Damn she could have told me times up"
A few hours pass after Violet left and You wanted to catch up Mother on what happened but you expected her to already know.
You and Selena sat next to Mother like a lil of pile of meat and bones, you snuggled closer to Mother but you noticed something unsettling.
"She slept with her eyes open"
But you tried to ignore it and went back to sleep as if you saw nothing but it felt like you were looks at a corpse with their eyes open.
When dawn arrived the two puppets came to alert you that an intruder has been found in the premises but you were in a deep sleep from your traumatizing meeting with the grim reaper last night so Selena took action and left Mother to protect you.
She arrived at the last place the intruder was spotted and found a certain ginger headed Shneznayan that seemed looking for a fight.
"The rumors surrounding this place seems false from what I've seen, there aren't even any hilichurls here"
"Pardon my intrusion but I must ask of your intentions of this place"
"Ah are you also here from the rumors"
"You know that this place gives a chilling vibe, that of which surpasses Wuwang Hill"
"I see"
"It's quite the hot topic in Liyue and Sumeru, it's impressive you haven't heard of it"
"Hmm well thank you for the information but I ask that you leave this place, and tell none of this conversation"
"I would but I'm looking for a challenge at the moment so what about a little fight with you and me, if you win I'll leave but if I win you need to tell about this place"
He has spotted Selena's weapon from her waist and assumed she was able to fight with it.
"Very well, if it means they are safe I will duel with you"
The ginger smirked and summoned his hydro blades and thrusted towards her at full speed, as he continues to slash his opponent she kept dodging in a clam matter, Selena was purposely dodging to get a feel of the ginger's fighting style.
Selena saw an opening so she backed up and jumped at and incredibly high height that no amateur fighter could jump and unsheathed her blade to reveal a needle like sword unbuilt to cut, the ginger thought she was an easy target but then she said:
Dance of the Butterfly: Caprice
Then in an instant he wan in an illusion with a kaleidoscope of butterflies and one landed on his finger then the next thing he felt was a sting in mulch vital parts in his body in a split second then he was knocked out cold.
When he woke up he saw a tall woman at the corner of his eye, incredibly tall that no human could be as tall as her and she was giving him a look that said ' why the fuck are you here ' then one of the puppets entered the room but the ginger mistook them for a child.
"Uhm excuse me but is there a white haired girl with a ponytail and caries a peculiar sword"
"You must mean Lady Selena, she is currently busy at the moment and does not wish to be distributed"
Then the child gave him some food and left while the tall woman was still at the same spot but looked calmer than before and approached the Shneznayan.
"You must be apart of the 11 idiot harbingers"
"D- did she just insult the fatui"
"Pleas to not misunderstand, from my knowledge fatui means idiot does it not?"
"I don't really know what fatui means but certainly doesn't mean idiot, wait did she just ream my mind"
"Worry not Ajax, I do not wish to be on bad terms"
The tall woman said that in a joking matter so the ginger didn't take her words seriously then caught someone peaking from the he door.
"Who's that at the door? And how did she know my name"
"Ah sorry to interrupt but I need Mother for a sec"
"Ofcourse is there anything you need?"
"A lil something happened and I need your"
I am officially ded for this one
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ruhrohimrorny · 4 years
What Subjects I Think LOK Characters Would Teach:
Lin: PE, obviously. Dating Kya and all the kids are happy cause there’s a noticeable shift in Lin’s mood once they start dating. She no longer forces kids to run a mile every day and instead does it once a week now, so the kids are hoping her and Kya stay together. She also coaches Golf and Lacrosse.
Kya: Waffled between MILF Math teacher, MILF Science teacher, and hippy/chill Music teacher, but decided on MILF Science Teacher. Getting strong Biology vibes. Very fun labs and not strict at all. Her and Zhu-Li are super passionate about leading the Science Bowl team. Seeing these young people be so passionate about STEM and helping their fellow teammates makes her hopeful for this young generation.
Tenzin: He kinda gives math teacher vibes, but a large part of his character in the show is about him keeping his history alive, and teaching others abut learning and respecting history, so I feel like he’s a History teacher. His class is a lot of notetaking but he plays quiet music and does a five minute meditation in the middle of class to encourage kids to relax, so students really like him and actually listen to him. Also, he’s kind of gullible so they make up fake trends to tell him. He once spent a week addressing people as “brony” cause students told him thats what people say now instead of bro. Kids got a good laugh out of that one. Him and Pema are another favorite teacher couple.
Bumi II: Def gives off eccentric/unhinged English teacher vibes. Very interesting and informative conversations in his class, but things get off topic very quickly. Whenever kids ask about Bum-Ju, he gets distracted and will talk the entire rest of the period about what to dress Bum-Ju up as for Halloween. Probably plays a lot of videos. And students don’t worry about if they read the books Bumi II assigns cause they don’t think he’s even read the books he assigns. When having discussions about the books in class, sometimes kids will make up stuff and say it’s in the book and for the most part, Bumi II goes along with it cause he doesn’t know what actually happens in the books.
Varrick: Also gives off eccentric/unhinged English teacher vibes, but because he’s a businessman/war profiteer, I’m gonna have to say he teaches Econ and gives students lots of unsolicited financial advice. Also supervises the Engineering and Robotics Club.
Zhu-Li: Science teacher, probably Chemistry. She’s very good at explaining and getting kids to follow her instructions. Not only is she a co-supervisor for the Science Bowl team, she helps Varrick run Engineering and Robotics Club, cause if it were only Varrick running it, no kids would come. His intensity and eccentricity scares them.
Iroh II: He’s definitely the young Math teacher everyone has a crush on. Very chill and doesn’t give a lot of homework. Kids love when he shows pictures of his dog to the class and eventually he brings in the dog cause admin think the dog is too cute to say no to.
Tonraq: Resident DILF History teacher. Kind of a hardass but also a nice dude so most everyone passes his class. Probably that History teacher that is also a football coach, so during fall he doesn’t give a FUCK about whether anyone actually turns anything in. Him and Senna is the teacher couple that seems like opposites but actually are pretty similar and balance each other out.
Senna: That English teacher that every mentally ill student becomes emotionally attached to. You know what I’m talking about. She’s so sweet, funny, and chill so all the kids love her class. Tries to include memes in her presentations to seem “with it” but they’re like, doge memes from 2014. But the kids appreciate the effort.
Pema: Definitely the sweet English teacher that occasionally has a mental breakdown when the students test her patience. Otherwise very chill. Also teaches the Childhood Education and Development class. Her, Senna, and Bumi II run the school newspaper.
Bataar: Drafting. Pretty chill, very skilled, and def smokes on the weekend. Also, him and Suyin are that teacher couple that everyone likes.
Suyin: Dance. Super nice and always has like to of those smelly plug in things going so her room smells good and has a “good vibe that evokes emotion”. Always plays EDM or weird 80s rock to get the kids moving. She runs the school dance team. When Bataar has prep period, he sometimes drops in to see Su dance, cause she’s mesmerizing to watch. All the kids think that, coupled with the fact that they eat lunch together every day, makes them the cutest couple ever.
Amon: Drama. He loves directing kids on how to totally live a role. If you can imagine, he sometimes gets a little overdramatic about drama, forgetting that these are just highschool kids, not Oscar winners, but his passion makes the class more enjoyable. Runs Drama Club with Tarrlok.
Tarrlok: Probably Physics. A difficult class, but he’s pretty good at explaining so most kids don’t struggle too much. His main focus is running student government, which he takes pretty seriously. Sometimes too seriously.
Unalaq: Teaches Psychology. The most pretentious teacher on campus. It’s literally so bad, that even other teachers avoid him. Amon abandoned his coffee still being brewed in the machine in the staff room cause Unalaq walked in and he didn’t want to be in a room with Unalaq again after he said that Amon’s outfit “looked like something stolen from the lost and found of a funeral home”. Unalaq sees it as “telling it like it is”.
Zaheer: Government and Politics. Tries to teach the class very well but also injects his own opinion into teaching a lot. The students find him scary but some also kinda think he’s hot. Also does Yearbook. Him and Senna run Mock Trial. Replaced the old Government and Politics teacher Hou-Ting after she retired. She was that one old teacher that made it a hobby to harrass students and constantly reminisced about when you could smack students.
P’Li: Math teacher. Much scarier than Zaheer. Plays her trash ass music very loudly while the kids work. Def yells at kids. She’s kind of funny when she’s in a good mood tho, and when she roasts kids it’s really funny cause it’s usually dead on. Her and Zaheer are those teachers that flirt a lot and you know they’re sleeping together.
Ming-Hua: Art. Loves drawing and, you guessed it, watercolor painting. Very chill and plays soft music but lets you listen to your own music. Super sarcastic and all the students eat it up. Literally a universal favorite. She runs Art Club and Fashion Club.
Ghazan: Guitar. Pretty cool teacher that definitely has some weird stories. All the students know he has a crush on Ming-Hua cause they flirt constantly, but he denies it. Runs E-Sports Club. Idk why I think that, it just feels right. Him and Ming-Hua are also the kinds of teachers kids become emotionally attached to.
Kuvira: Government and Politics also. Seems calm and reasonable, but is a total ass. Makes kids give up their phones, allows almost no talking, gives out more detentions a week than most teachers do in one year, and doesn’t allow for much discussion. Everyone wants her class cause she’s hot but most drop within the first week, to the point that counselors have to say no to some kids so they don’t have to get rid of the class altogether.
Bataar Jr.: Computer Lit teacher. None of the students respect him so they’ll play Minecraft the whole time or play inappropriate videos really loud. Doesn’t really put much effort into teaching, which for some kids is a dream, but for others is an annoyance. Him and Kuvira are the teacher couple that makes everyone say “wtf”. Literally no one knows why they’re together.
Izumi: Secretary/Attendance. Pretty much remembers everything and is super organized. She is the glue that holds the school together. Most students don’t know her name though cause she’s super quiet and works mostly behind the scenes. Whenever Zuko sends anyone her way though he reminds them of her name and to say thank you cause he recognizes how hard his daughter works to keep everything running smoothly. Izumi catches on to this and always manages to thank her dad with a nice tea and a hug.
Toph: Vice Principal. Scary as fuck. Doesn’t ever call kids’ parents cause she efficiently scares the shit out of every kid, so they never do whatever bad thing they were doing again. When she has to work dances, Katara always tries to get her to dance with her. She resists every time, but she always gives eventually. She’s happy to though, cause although she’ll never say it out loud, seeing Katara this happy at her old age warms her heart.
Katara: Health Clerk. Very sweet and everybody loves her. Sometimes kids pretend to feel sick just to talk to her. She doesn’t mind though cause a kid that has a tummy ache and a kid that needs to talk are both kids that need help, and she’s happy to offer whatever support she can. She also always offers to supervise dances when the school has them and always manages to bust a move.
Zuko: Counselor. Wants to be to students what his uncle was to him. Aang and Sokka were counselors too, some years ago. And while they could give some good nuggets of advice and offered the kids amazing support, they also would totally fuck up student’s schedules by accident cause those numbskulls were exactly that- numbskulls. So usually Zuko would have to fix that. He misses fixing their messes and, more importantly, he misses them (they aren’t dead, just retired). He hopes to retire soon too, cause he’s getting too old for this, but he secretly doesn’t want to retire just yet cause working at school allows him to see and spend time with Izumi. Since they’re both working, it’s not like they have too much time together, but even just her popping into his office to bring him tea or check in on how he’s doing that day brings a smile to his face that doesn’t leave for the rest of the day.
Raiko: Principal. After Toph stepped down cause she’s “too old for this shit” (her words), Raiko stepped in. The students aren’t a fan of him but he’s not terrible. And since Toph is still Vice Principal, she keeps him in check.
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Royal Crowns
Jaron x reader an: if you would like a part 2 to this i could make one if not cool. Also read the Ascendance Trilogy.
word count:2032
“Jaron! You’re here. I thought you would never come.”
I said with a hint of annoyance in my voice at the young King. Jaron was supposed to be at the dinner table 30 minutes ago with me to start forming a proper bond between us. I like Jaron, maybe I even love him, he’s just a stubborn boy. I have been at Drylliad for over two years now almost three, and yet Jaron still won’t try and sit down with me and have a proper conversation without the sarcasm and yelling. Tonight might end up in the same result, but I was gonna try a different approach to this dilemma.
“Of course I came Princess, just got distracted with some work. I need to eat of course.”
Jaron smiles smuggling at me, he knew just where to push the right buttons. I just smiled and said,
“Of course Jaron. What were you working on? If I may ask?”
Jaron looked at me with a look of disbelief of what was coming out of my mouth. It wasn’t anything weird if he kept secrets, he always does it’s just the way he is so taking this small steps like asking if he would want to share this information is a way to form a trust between us. Jaron’s eyes darted around the room to my face then to his plate like he was trying to think of a story to make up. I just sighed and went back to my dinner.
“It’s fine if you don’t want to tell me Jaron, just trying to make conversation.”
“(Y/n) I want to tell you, it’s just for safety reasons incase this information accidentally gets out.”
I looked up from my plate to meet Jaron’s eyes from across the table. They looked gentle and sincere, like the eyes of a boy who has lost so much, but has also learned to love and trust. I felt like with this small gesture from Jaron we actually might have a chance of forming a trusting bond.
“Okay Jaron you are the King of Carthya, you know what is best for your people and country. If it’s something you think I need to know you will tell me and if not I accept that.”
Jaron just smiled at me his beautiful brown eyes shining bright like a gleeful child. I very rarely see that bright shine in his eyes, maybe Imogen gets to see them all the time when he is with her. That though alone made my smile fade slightly from knowing that Jaron won’t love me back. He was in love with Imogen when he met her at Farthenwood when he pretended to be Sage the orphan boy, it was the way he looked at her how he stood close to her shoulders almost touching. The small glances they exchanged when they thought no one was looking was all that needed to be said. I saw from the corner of my eyes that Jaron was looking at me with his head cocked and a questioning look in his eyes. I just sent my eyes on him again and put on my best smile. Feeling like I might break soon I moved from my seat at the table watching as Jaron’s eyes followed me.
“I’m sorry to leave early Jaron, but I forgot that I have some Princess duties to attend to. Shall I see you at breakfast tomorrow morning?”
Jaron’s expression showed that he was confused and maybe a little hurt at my sudden leaving, but he only stuttered out a response.
“Y-yes I’ll see you tomorrow at breakfast (Y/n) have fun with your princessly duties.”
He said with a small smile at the end going back to his dinner. I just smiled to myself and left the dining room needing air and space to clear my head. I opened my eyes and looked up at the sky to see the stars twinkle just like that twinkle in Jaron’s eyes. I suddenly felt tears falling from my eyes and landing on the cheeks, I reached my hands up and wiped them away not wanting anyone to see. I was starting to held back inside to the castle when suddenly I felt someone grab me by my waist and placed a hand over my mouth to keep my cries of help muffled.
Jaron was walking to Princess (Y/n)’s room wanting to see if she was okay, having never seen her leave from dinner early even if he doesn’t really show up she always stays the whole dinner. When Jaron got to (Y/n)’s door he knocked then waited and waited another 10 minutes, she never answered. Jaron just thought that she didn’t want to see him so he just walked away and headed to his study working on plans to keep Carthya and (Y/n) safe from harm. As he was walking he saw (B/f/n) looking frantic was rushing to (Y/n)’s room.
“(B/f/n)! Woah calm down now. What’s wrong? Where’s (Y/n)?”
“I can’t find (Y/n) anywhere! I checked her room, the garden, the library. She isn’t in the castle anymore. I’m scared Jaron what if something happened to her? I can’t lose her she’s my best friend.”
(B/f/n) started to develop tears in her eyes and they were starting to fall down onto her cheeks. Jaron just stood motionless taking in all the information he was just given, you were taken and he didn’t know. Jaron just pulled (B/f/n) into a hug knowing that she needed it right now.
“Don’t worry (B/f/n) Mott and I will find her. Nothing bad will happen as long as I’m around.”
(B/f/n) looked up at Jaron and smiled at him she gave him a look like she knew something he didn’t.
“You really care about (Y/n) don’t you?”
“Of course I do, why wouldn’t I?”
“Well you like Imogen, don’t you?”
Jaron just looked at (B/f/n) like she started talking in tongues.
“I like Imogen as a friend. She helped me when I was at Farthenwood. I think I love (Y/n), I notice her when she thinks I don’t pay attention or if I’m not around, I notice her every time she walks into a room, I feel her presence around me.”
“Well maybe you should tell her that because she thinks that you love Imogen and don’t even like being around her.”
Jaron just stared into the corridors of his castle thinking everything over.
“I’ll find (Y/n), stay in the castle and in your room.”
And with that Jaron ran off to find Mott and Roden to go searching for (Y/n) no matter how long it would take.
I woke up maybe 2 hours after my capture from the castle gardens. Aveinas snuck onto Carthya’s grounds and captured me wanting to get Jaron here to try and bring revenge for stuff he’s down, which is a lot and not surprising. I was placed in a holding cell of some type with my wrist chained to a wall and my clothes ripped up. I heard the cell door open up and saw a soldier holding a plate of food and water, he placed the items on the floor and gave me a sickening grin that made my insides turn. He started to walk closer to me and I saw the emotion in his eyes that what he was about to do to me was going to be painful. I was wriggling in my chains even tho it wouldn’t do me much good.
“P-please s-stay back. Vargon wouldn’t w-want me to be h-hurt.”
The soldier just grinned wickedly at me.
“Oh he won’t have to know about this.”
Jaron, Mott, and Roden were all searching in the woods hoping to stumbleupon a camp of some sort. They all knew that Avenia and other countries were trying to get back at Jaron just because they don’t like him. They finally noticed a fire coming from a Avenia set up camp. They stayed hidden in the shadows and checked for soldiers, they saw about 5 set up around a caved out area probably holding someone important. Jaron started to feel his blood boil at the thought that one of these filthy Avenias touched a hair on (Y/n)’s head.
“Jaron don’t run in like a hot head, think this through.”
Mott said as he noticed Jaron was about to do something stupid and might get them killed. Jaron was about to leave his horse and everyone behind when a hand grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back. Jaron looked back and met Roden’s eyes.
“What was that for?”
“To keep you from doing something stupid. You could get killed, or they could kill (Y/n) if you do something stupid.”
Jaron’s jaw tightened trying not to snap at Roden from keeping him from getting to (Y/n) and getting her home, but he just sighed through his nose and breathed.
“Okay let’s all think of a plan.”
I was in pain. My arms getting sore from being held up to the wall, my wrist getting raw from the tight chains and the wriggling causing the skin to bleed. My throat was sore from all the screaming I did to try and get someone’s attention, my legs feeling numb and jelly like. My blue dress was torn and ripped to pieces showing parts of my body leaving me feeling exposed. I felt tears running from my eyes and falling onto my cheeks. The cell door opened again and I saw another soldier coming in, but this time he had a prisoner with him. I squinted to try and get a look at their face to see if I knew the person, when they were shoved into the cell and pushed to the floor I saw a head on medium length brown hair that I’ve always wanted to run my hands through. They lifted their head up and I met the brown eyes of the boy that I love; Jaron.
“Your boy king gave himself up to Vargon, pathetic.”
And the soldier left after giving his comment no one asked for. Jaron got up to his feet, walked slowly over to me and placed his chained hands on either side of my face. His face showed pain, emotional pain not physical. I just smiled at his beautiful face, happy to finally see him feeling my heart flutter tears started to leave my eyes.
Jaron’s heart stopped beating for a moment seeing the condition (Y/n) was in after only being left alone for almost a week. Jaron slowly stood to his feet from the floor and walked over to (Y/n). Jaron placed his hands on both sides of her face and his whole world was in his hands and nothing was better. (Y/n) just smiled brokenly and tears started to fall from her beautiful (e/c) eyes, Jaron swiped his thumbs under her eyes to catch the tears from hitting the floor.
“Hey, hey it’s okay I’m here now we’re gonna get out and head back home.”
(Y/n) smiled at Jaron’s kind words and watched as he pulled keys from his shirt sleeve moving to undo his chains first then her’s. He only got one chain off her wrist when her right hand fell to his head and started comb her fingers through his hair. Jaron froze for a moment having the sudden desire to just kiss (Y/n) right there in the cell, but knowing that they needed to leave as soon as possible as he continued working on the chains. Jaron got both of the chains off of (Y/n)’s wrist causing her limp body to fall towards the floor luckily Jaron was able to catch her before she hit the ground. (Y/n) was barely able to keep her eyes open she just got some glimpse of Jaron looking down at her and feel his hand push hair behind her ear and cupping her cheek with his thumb swiping underneath her eye.
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sky-girls · 6 years
Look at me
So leaving aside the fact that it’s sad that i can barely keep up with the ficweek me myself decided to do here is day 5 finally!! and i hope you guys enjoy it!!
“im sure i can get some kind of sexual gratification just from staring at /them/  if i try hard enough”
It all starts with a kitty pic and of course  at that moment she doesn’t think much of it. She just sees the picture of one fat, grey kitty on her instagram search page and decides to go to the page of the person to see if maybe they have more pictures of kitties.
And flor.ph , photography student does have some pictures of kitties, some pretty cute and adorable ones, but mostly she has picture of people, lots and lots of attractive people. A particular guy calls her attention. Probably a model, he has to be a model, because he is the hottest guy she has ever seen in her whole life.
He is wearing a white dressing shirt, first few buttons undone and he is looking straight into the camera, his eyes are a deep dark brown and even through the screen of her phone they make heat pool into her lower stomach, his hair is curly and slightly messy and before she can even control it she has images of herself caressing it and pulling it. She sees the description and finds a hashtag #MByFlor. She taps on it instantly.
What she finds takes her breath away almost literally. There’s so, so many pictures of this guy and Luna crosses one leg over the other as she looks around, of course there’s no one, she is alone in her room sitting on her desk but somehow she still feels slightly exposed, like she could be catched doing something wrong any minute, not that there’s anything wrong with just looking at pictures of a guy. But the more she scrolls through the hashtag the more certain thoughts she wouldn’t want anyone else to know, slip into her mind.
She can’t say it’s her fault though, it’s obvious these pictures are made for this kind of reaction, the clothes the poses, the abs, the hands, she has no idea what it is with those hands, but they will be feeding her fantasies quite a while she is sure.
She sighs softly to her face as she  keeps going through the pictures, some of them are staged obviously, there’s no way the way this guy is lounging on a pool chair with his shorts and an opened button up shirt, his abs all noticeable and making Luna’s fingers tingle to touch them as he holds his sunglasses a little bit away from his eyes is not staged. But there are also some that are obviously candids, some that have him messy haired and looking sleepy and it’s such a 180 from the other pics but that still makes her feels things, things like wanting those lips he is biting as he is playing the guitar while wearing glasses and a sweater on hers and every inch of skin they might want to be in.
There’s nothing shameful on following the hashtag and the account, even if she feels kind of ashamed doing it, even if it might be about all that came before that. She just wants to see him again. He is nice to look at.
Why wouldn’t she?
She learns a few things about the guy the next few weeks as his pictures constantly pop up on her instagram. One, his full name is Matteo, he is cousin of the photographer, who is also super fucking hot by the way, he plays guitar, he seems to like space, he has a grey kitty called Lyra and none of these things help with the massive crush she has been developing on him lately.
It’s not actually a crush of course, she doesn’t know him but she has a pretty decent picture of him on her head and she can fill up the rest in whatever possible ways she likes, she can make him everything she wants him to be and mostly she wants to imagine him on her bed, she also very likes looking at him.
Matteo is very pretty, besides being hot as hell, he is pretty and just looking at him makes all kinds of feelings stir up inside of her body.
She ends up using one of his pictures as her phone’s home screen just because she like looking at him too much and not even Pedro’s incessant teasing will make her change it.
Overall she thinks she could be doing worse, she is not obsessed with him or anything, he is just some hot guy she can use to fill up her thoughts.
The only bad thing is that his account is private. And he hasn’t accepted her yet.
After vacations things take an unexpected turn, a very very unexpected turn that has her choking on her tea silently as Pedro pats her in the back softly and sends her a weird look.
“What happened?” He asks her when she is better but she doesn’t look at him, she can’t stop staring in front of her. Where fucking Matteo is, in a white button up shirt and black pants looking as hot as ever and maybe even more.
There’s something different about seeing him on real life, something different about the energy he gives off, about the way he makes the room feel. He calls everyone’s attention for one reason or other and he hasn’t even talked yet but she is sure everyone is staring at him and she has no idea how she will manage to breath in this class from now on. There’s no doubt here, Matteo is her T.A.
“Good morning.” He says and his deep voice sends shivers down Luna’s spine in ways she wasn’t ready for. She bites her lower lip and takes a deep shaky breath cause of all the stuff her brain could be doing right now it’s only going all those dreams, all those fantasies, all those moments where she imagined him, his hands, his lips and filling them with words said by him in this exact same voice. It’s even better and hotter than she imagined and she wasn’t ready for this.  “My name is Matteo Balsano and I will be your physics ta this semester.”
She stops paying attention to his voice lulling her softly as she keeps staring at the way his lips move as he talks Pedro kicks her under the table softly and she sends him a glare. He sends her a questioning look and she blushes more that she ever has, she slowly takes out her phone of her pockets praying Matteo doesn’t notice and unlocks it quickly and the laugh that comes out of Pedro calls everyone's attention. He turns into a cough soon enough that people get worried but she can see that Matteo doesn’t believe him.
“Are you okay?”He asks the guy and Pedro is seriously having  problems breathing so the wheezing sound that he makes when he tries to say he is okay doesn’t sound any convincing him. His eyes fix on Luna and there’s something weird about it but maybe it’s just because she is very not subtly holding her phone
Luna struggles to hide her phone, the last thing she needs right now is for him to want to look at it and find himself shirtless staring back at him.
The class goes fast, it goes the fastest any physics class Luna’s has ever had and the only thing she learnt of it is that she needs to get home as fast as possible and be alone.  But she still has classes after this one and more importantly she has Pedro at lunch trying to interrogate her.
“Why is he on your phone? Luna, please.” He asks for the third time and Luna sighs, he will tease her so much but who wouldn’t in his situation, this is honestly ridiculous.
“There’s this guy.” She mumbles. “This instagram guy.”
“An instagram guy you have a crush on?” He asks teasing before gasping. “Is he the instagram guy?”
“Of course he is.” She huffs and Pedro chokes on his sandwich laughing. Good. “And now he is teaching us physics.”
“This is great news.” Pedro exclaims still laughing and Luna looks at him like he is crazy. “Don’t you see it?”
“What I see here is that I am fucked.” She says annoyed and he nods.
“Not yet, but this is where I am getting, yes.” He tells her and she rolls her eyes. “This is your chance to get laid.”
“This is not my chance for anything, don’t be ridiculous.” She tells him and Pedro huffs.
“Why not?” He asks. “You are hot and you have the hots for him that’s perfect combo right there.”
“Oh, wow.” Luna starts trying to distract him. “You said I am hot this is the nicest thing you have ever said to me.”
“I can admit it sometimes.” He says simply. “But really, you have a once in a lifetime chance, you should use it.”
“What I should do is change my phone background.” She says with a sigh and he nods.
“Yeah, that too.”
After she gets home that night his phone buzzes with an instagram notification, someone is following her and the profile picture makes her trip over her feet and almost step on poor baby cassie. Matteo is smiling lazily at the camera from it. when she taps on the profile she sees that she can see all pictures.
She doesn’t mention this to Pedro this probably means nothing.
And it actually doesn’t, now she can see all of his pictures , all of his stories and she gets to have much more pics of him saved on her phone but also he barely ever pays attention to her except to ask her things when she is spacing out. Usually because she is staring at his arms.
It’s all normal and it’s obvious that for him she is not someone worthy of notice. Which is okay, she never expected anything else and she of course won’t do anything to change that no matter how much Pedro insists she should. He is just a crush, an impossible crush she kinda blogs about but that’s all of it.
She expects nothing of him, she is perfectly content with him just appearing on her dreams.
And apparently her gmail inbox too cause a few weeks into the semester she has a mail from him, a mail sent only to her. Which is weird on itself. The mail is short. Very short, only informing her that if she would like it she will be the person in charge to deal with class in physics subject but also kinda implying that she can’t really say no here. She sends a screenshot to Pedro of course and his answer is about what she expected.
Peter rabbit:
do it!!!1
do it do it do it do it
Are u crazy?? The last thing I need is to be alone with him
Peter rabbit:
That’s exactly what you need tho lol
come on we both know what goes through that mind of yours now you can actually have a chance to use that desk in the ways you would like
Peter rabbit:
I am very useful excuse you, just bc you don’t wanna follow my advice doesn’t mean its good advice
just say yes nothing has to happen (even if it totes will)
Luna bites her lower, lip, he is right nothing has to happen and this is good chance to stare more at him, to spend more time with him and even if she will end up all tense and stressed because she wants something she can’t have at least she will be close to him. Maybe this will be worth it.
She sends him an answer saying that she will do it and then opens her instagram profile, because she has issues, many, many issues. This will be awful but she will manage somehow.
It all goes better than expected he is nice and funny and interesting and she can hear him talk for hours but she manages to keep it in her pants and act like a decent human being around him no matter what. She is very proud of herself.
At least until one tuesday comes after a long weekend and she has to stay after class to discuss if they can change the date of the next quiz they have and all she has been able to see when her eyes close is that instastory from friday night where he is dancing with a girl pressed against him, his lips on her neck, his hand on her hips and the other under resting on her thigh under her dress. And that image usually leads her to imagine what would have happened if that girls was her, what would have happened if his hand went higher.
She is honestly the biggest mess and is in no state to be in a classroom alone with him but no one else will do it so it has to be her.
“Hi.” She says walking to his desk after everyone else has left and she ends up resting her hips against one of the table on the front because she can’t keep her legs from trembling just a little. He grins at her, authentic a little tired and a little lazy and she wants to pull him from his tie and kiss him. She needs to keep a safe distance because she has no idea what she will do if she doesn’t.
“Hi, what’s the problem now?” He says with a fake tired sigh and she shakes her head at him.
“Why do you always assume there is a problem?” She asks and his deep, soft chuckle, makes her take a deep breath.
“Because that’s all you come talk to me about.” He says raising an eyebrow as he rolls his sleeves up exposing the tattoos on one of his arm and Luna shifts uncomfortably at the sudden heat that takes over her body.
“Well, you are right.” She tries to say casual. “And I am sorry to ruin the amazing weekend you just had with these problems but the class was wondering if we could change friday’s quiz for next week.”
“Yeah, no problem, I do have one question though.” Matteo says and Luna nods looking at him but not really at his eyes, she wouldn’t handle that right now. “How do you know I had an amazing weekend.”
The teasing sparkle in his eyes fills her with anger and desire all in one blow and she needs to take a deep breath to calm down and hope her face doesn’t wanna match her red skirt right now.
“I just assumed.” She stutters and Matteo nods unbelieving. “I mean you look relaxed so I am guessing you had fun this weekend, let out some tensions.”
“Oh I did, not the ones I would have wanted but I did.” He says and Luna chokes on air when he says that, he probably doesn’t mean the same kind of tensions she is thinking of right now also maybe he does.
“That’s sad.” She manages to say. “At least you had fun.”
“I did.” Matteo says simply and Luna nods. “What did you do this weekend?”
“Not much.” She clears her throat.
“Didn’t you have fun?” He asks and she swallows hard, why does she feel like there is some other intention to these questions? “I thought maybe Pedro and you did something interesting these long weekend.”
“No, he went out with these girls he is seeing.” She clarifies for some reason. “And I stayed at home doing some reports I had to fix.”
He just nods and Luna has no idea if she can leave or no.
“I think I saw some of your stories on instagram.” He comments and Luna dies a little inside. “You are very responsible.”
“Yeah,that’s me.” She says nervously. “A responsible girl who has other class right now so she needs to go.”
She runs to the bathroom and skips her last class. She can’t believe what just happened and has no idea what it means, but she is dying.
After that she is kinda done with him, she can’t keep being like this around him, she can’t keep feeling like this. She needs to forget about him and what better way than to find some hot stranger in some bar get laid, leave their place in the morning and forget all about them too.
She needs a quick thing that will leave her satisfied for a while and won’t bring her any problems, so she puts on this tight black dress she has, the one pair of heels she owns, that one leather jacket and paints her lips red before she tells Pedro to meet her at the club and getting a taxi.
Pedro being Pedro gets excited about anything that involves alcohol and the chance to hook up with some hot girl so he throws himself into it right away. He lives closer than her so he gets there faster and when she arrives he already has two shots waiting for her.
Or maybe one was for him but she drinks both of those and that’s what matters.
She lets him post some pics of her on her instagram, she looks hot, she feels hot and she posts it just thinking once about what would Matteo thinks when he sees it before dragging Pedro to the dance floor and deciding to forget all about Balsano.
She manages mostly at least until she is back on the bar ordering more drinks and her phone vibrates so she takes it out and sees that she has a notification on instagram from mbalsaon.
She opens it fast and sees that he liked her pic and he actually send her a message. She takes deep breath, it’s probably going to be something nice or something teasing about her having fun now, it will be nothing important.
Her fingers still shake when she opens it.
do you have any idea just how hot you look?
She almost drops her phone when she reads it.
you look so good with that dress and the way you are dancing
the way i’m dancing? what??
turn to your right, cucciola
She does as he says, ignoring the weird nickname and finds him sitting not far away from him on the bar, he is wearing a black shirt and dark jeans sipping on a glass of something she can’t recognize from him but he lifts it softly on her direction.
if you don’t want this i apologize the last thing i want is you make you feel uncomfortable
but i kinda feel like you do
so if I am right i am going out right now, i need some air, maybe you do too
She sees him down the contents of his glass and walk towards the doors much closer to him that to her, when he disappears from her sighs she takes a deep breath, texts Pedro and follows Matteo.
She definitely could use some fresh air right now too.
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oakpodcast · 7 years
Transmission 2 Transcript
If you're just now finding these transmissions, please start with transmission 1. 
This is Holly, broadcasting on all frequencies using protocol: MINISTER DELTA. This transmission is intended for Oak, last known location CAESAR casino in PRAGUE. All others please disregard.
SOUND: a busy McDonald's in the southeastern USA
I love how you can learn all kinds of stuff from Google. For example, today I Googled myself and learned that I'm apparently dead.
I know! It was news to me, too. Apparently, I overdosed on Xanax and alcohol the night of the tribunal. The worst part is that that's... frustratingly believable. I mean... this article in our local paper...
(Reading) The woman's body was found Sunday, March 12th, when a concerned co-worker asked police to conduct a welfare check.
"She wasn't answering any of my calls," the anonymous woman said. -That's probably Cami- "That wasn't too out of the ordinary for her, but she had promised to answer if I called her three times in a row. After three days of silence, I was worried."
Another anonymous coworker, I assume Evergreen, said: "She seemed really distressed in court Friday. The cross-examination was pretty intense. They really dragged her through the mud. And that was before they announced she was facing criminal charges of her own."
Oh look, there's a quote from you. It says they brought you home for the funeral, and... "I'm devastated to lose her. This didn't have to happen. Nothing can ever bring her back, but I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure she rests in peace."
Maybe that's made up, but it sounds just like you. Are you in on this, or... do you really think I'm dead?
It's just so believable. It's exactly how I would have done it. And Friday night was my low point. If I were going to do it, it would have been then. And it would have been that method.
I can just imagine your face when you got the news. I know you must have been remembering the night you left—2am, me half-asleep in pajamas in the bathtub, you frantically pouring old prescriptions into the toilet while you packed your travel kit.
I don't remember a lot about the past three months, but I do remember that, somehow, despite how drunk I was at the time. And you, you probably remember shaking the Xanax in my face to wake me up. You told me, "You have to promise me you won't do anything stupid with these," and I said, "I won't, I promise."
You didn't believe me, but you put them back in the cabinet anyway. And then you left. I did actually keep my promise. You only think I broke it and washed the whole bottle down with vodka.
But I'm not dead!  You can feel that I'm not dead, right?! We have a connection, I thought, you could... tell...
I... I need a minute.
SOUND: Morse .- .-.. --- --- ..- .- ... -.. .-.. -.-
Situation report. Date: March 22nd. Time: 11:18 p.m. Weather: indecisive. It's been pretty cold and rainy most of the past week and a half. Not as cold as home, obviously, but cold enough that I've been holing up at the library and some 24-hour McDonald's.
I'm kind of offended that I ended up somewhere without a Timmy's, tho. Honestly, who's dumb idea was that? I'd like to have a word with them.
Anyway, it's starting to warm up now, but it's gone from below freezing to basically summer temperatures in a matter of days, which is especially annoying since I don't always have access to air conditioning. That's the downside of being hot-natured, I guess. I'm comfortable in Siberia, but not so much in Alabama.
I don't want you to think I'm frivolously wasting money on food when I could be dumpster diving. I am doing that, sort of, sometimes... when I can stomach the idea of it. But after a certain point I was dehydrating myself trying to dumpster dive; it just made a lot more sense to go to McDonald's or the grocery store.
SOUND: morse .--- .--. -.-- --.- ..- ...- ..- -.-
I don't know why I keep talking to you. Deep down, I don't really think you're listening. But... what else can I do? Even if you're not listening, I can't get through this ordeal without pretending you are. I'm only pushing through right now on the off chance that you'll hear this and... do something, if I just talk long enough. Or maybe if I keep talking to you, some other entity will overhear and take pity on me.
Speaking of which, there are a few people I'd like to thank. First of all, Susan was kind enough to send me enough money for a bottle of acetaminophen.
It's... a little complicated how I got the PayPal account and bank card to use the funds, but if being dead doesn't absolve you of a little cybercrime, what does? You can find the PayPal button on my Tumblr, which is OAKPODCAST.tumblr.com.
Is it dramatic to say I wanted to kill myself a little less because of your gift? Well, dramatic or not, it's true. Being in pain makes it really hard to think, and that's kind of critical to my survival right now, so thank you so much for the acetaminophen, Susan!
Susan wasn't my only donor this week. Adie has been helping me out with meals. Thank you, Adie. I feel completely horrible when my stomach gets too empty, so thank you so much for your help.
Lastly, an anonymous person also pledged enough funds to get me two nights in the women's shelter. That's right-homeless shelters are not free here. I had no idea until I showed up there like an idiot with no money.
And tonight I'm back to that same situation. No money, nowhere to go...
SOUND: MORSE --. ..- .--. --. .. -.. -.- ..-
Nuances and Dichotomies
I wonder what these broadcasts sound like to someone who isn't you. I wonder if a casual eavesdropper would think I'm nuts, or leaving an extremely long voicemail, or praying, or... I'm not sure what.
You always used to say that I'm smart with science and machines but dumb with people. I think that's a fair enough assessment. Although, in my defense, I'm pretty good at guessing what people will do. And why, even. I just don't understand why they're so stupid!
I won't insult you and pretend that I've been handling this situation... maturely. Not all the time, anyway. I think we both know I've spent a lot of the past week or two regressing to some less-than-professional behaviors.
I may or may not have had a meltdown over people being too noisy in the library while I was reading about my own death. So... I'm sort of steering clear of that library for now.
SOUND: Morse .--. .. .--. .-. .--. .--- .--.
It's so hard to pretend to be a normal human when your life depends on it, especially when you don't have a safe, quiet place to retreat to. I don't even have a safe place to rub my rocks against my face, besides the washroom.
I find podcasts help. Not the nonfiction ones you like so much. I get so agitated listening to people ramble. Which is hypocritical, I'm well aware, but it is what it is.
When people are acting, they take on a different cadence. They cut out all the filler words that grate on my nerves, and the stories are a good distraction.
So this week, I've started listening to a show called Jim Robbie and the Wanderers. It's... soothing. Very Jewish in philosophy, I think. Also, Tango reminds me a lot of you, and Charlie reminds me a little bit of me, so it makes me a little less homesick.
SOUND: Morse .- .--. -.- ...
Most of the time, I just get so lost in my head that I forget I have a physical body. As far as I'm concerned, I don't have a gender or any other traits. I mean, I'm aware that people treat me differently, usually not in a good way because of how they perceive me, but internally? Whenever people call me a woman, there's always this moment of-
(robot voice) "Yes, human, the pronouns you have assigned me are acceptable. My programming does not specify a preference."
(laughing) I just got really weird looks for saying that.
I do have to be careful about that. People mostly leave me alone, but I'm scared if I seem too "crazy..."
I mean, I do have issues, obviously! But people don't really seem to care if you're mentally unwell if you're just sitting quietly, drinking your coffee and contemplating your own death. They only care if you start getting agitated or violent or you start talking to people who aren't there. Which... technically, I am? But you know what I mean.
So far I've found that I get significantly fewer weird looks if I pretend like I'm talking on the phone while I record these, so... I guess that helps.
SOUND: MORSE .- .-.. - -.- ...
Back to my incredibly exciting nuances and dichotomies, because who doesn't love talking at length about themselves?
Let's see, for any strangers listening...
Well, I'm the clumsiest person I know who still managed to pass Basic.
Look, just because I've practiced running laps and firing guns and seducing heiresses doesn't mean it comes naturally. 
I love horror movies, but I'm afraid to leave the house by myself. I'm also afraid to be inside the house by myself, so you see my dilemma over the past three months.
Meh. I have rocks that are more interesting than me. I don't want to talk about myself anymore. Sorry, strangers! You'll have to learn my deepest darkest secrets through anonymous Tumblr messages, just like everyone else.
SOUND: Morse -.- ..- ..- --.
Inventory acquired since last transmission: One really worn-out backpack, several assorted plastic grocery bags, a few extra pieces of clothing from the shelter—and thank GOD, because let me tell you, the skirt suit Camellia picked out  was not the most comfortable thing in the world!—some assorted toiletries, one pair of earbuds from the dollar store, a large piece of unpolished quartz, and a smaller piece of pyrite.
SOUND: morse - --- -... ..- -.- ...
I still don't have money for the papers I need. First thing tomorrow, I'm going to make a new sign and get back out there panhandling for it.
Any money you can send would be a huge help, but I know I can't count on that, so... trying to be proactive.
MUSIC: Outro theme (Solitude by muciojad)
SOUND: morse -.-. ..- .. --
All right, I desperately need to sleep. I'll report back soon.
SOUND: morse -.-- - .. ..- / ... ..- .--. .---
Oak, please confirm receipt of my transmission. Find me on Gmail, social media, and Patreon under the username "oakpodcast." I would be really grateful for any money you can send to me, as things are getting more desperate every day.
Patreon is also where I'll be submitting more secure transmissions for you.
If you're eavesdropping on me without authorization, maybe you can make up for it by rating and reviewing this podcast to help my partner find it. End transmission.
SOUND: Morse -- .. ..- .--. --.- ..- / -.-. ..- .. -- / .--- ..-
MUSIC: Outro fades out
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