#it made me feel things i haven't felt since Adventure probably
rayactive-factory · 10 months
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[🍃🐦🎂🔵🍃] for the end of june 💗💛💙
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bengiyo · 7 months
Having dropped Dangerous Romance, I am now down to three shows. As our intrepid BL adventurer, what would you recommend I watch?
Airing or Recently Finished
Of the things currently airing, I would recommend the following.
My Personal Weatherman (Gaga, Viki)
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This show has been a fascinating examination of a new-ish relationship with some heavy kink overtones. This show is not so much about the chase, and so much more about how these two could actually function long-term. I've enjoyed reading @lutawolf kink talk about this one, and the leads have some of the best sexual chemistry we've seen from Japan.
If It's With You (Gaga)
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We have a sexually active and assured gay protagonist who knows who he is and what he wants. He's also a menace with some sort of trauma. I am absolutely obsessed with him. This show is going to be very short at 5 episodes, so it may be one you don't want to miss out on. Truly, this has felt like nothing else we've had in a long time and I've been thinking about it for days.
Love in Translation (iQIYI)
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This just finished and is an absolute delight. This is one of the better executions of a workplace romance we've seen this year, and was the show anchoring me with all the heavy shows and silly shows airing at once. This show had so much heart to it. It had some wobbles towards the end, but the kindness underpinning this show makes it one of my favorites of the year.
Past Shows
Because you're still doing the homework, here are some shows I know you missed.
Make It Right (Grey)
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You should still finish this. I still believe this is one of the most important foundational works for what made Thai BL start to feel more queer. This show asked big questions about male sexual maturation and I don't think any of the Thai high school shows have gone there since.
We Best Love (WeTV)
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You probably haven't watched much from Taiwan, but this is one of the best examples of why we remain committed to them. Sam Lin and Yu have hands down the top three best paired chemistry in BL.
Rainbow Prince (YouTube)
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This camp masterpiece from last year is one of my favorite shows. It is a hot mess, but the songs are fun and the plot is ridiculous.
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silver-slates · 4 months
My thoughts on Disney's Wish (Spoilers)
Let me preface this by saying that I haven't heard all of the negative things that have been circling around the movie, but I've heard more than a few things that painted a pretty grim picture of the movie before I went to see it. I was going in expecting something akin to Strange World going in, which I really didn't like (and that's coming from someone who likes unique worldbuilding.)
After I left the theater yesterday, my thoughts were just, "This is the worst Disney movie of 2023?" I really didn't have any issues with it at all, and even if I usually tend to have a more positive outlook on movies I watch in comparison to others, I just have to say that this was NOT a terrible movie. Disney has had a LOT of blunders in 2023, but I can't say that this was one of them. I know that a lot of people out there might disagree with me or even hate me, but Wish made me feel something that I don't feel very often: magic.
It's hard for me to know what specifically to talk about since I don't know about all the criticisms the movie's gotten, though I do know about a few. The first one that sticks out to me is the movie's art style, and how some people have called it ugly and even unfinished looking. But... I honestly don't get it. Nothing strikes me as unfinished, and I never found the art style to be irritating. It was something new, and I thought it was fine. It uses shading and colors that are a bit flatter than some of their previous works, but I saw that as it being a sort of in-between of the 2D look of the classics and the 3D look of the newer movies. There was probably only one time where I noticed something was slightly off, and that was where Asha is waving around some flags at the beginning and having no motion blur or smear frames on it looked a little awkward. I can also understand how some of the shots can feel a bit flat, but once again that's something that makes it feel similar to the 2D classics.
Up next, I heard some things about some of the characters being trash. The main two I heard about were Asha and King Magnifico. Some of the main things I heard concerning Asha was that she's dorky and silly to a fault, and what I have to say to that is that although she's pretty silly at the beginning of the movie and sometimes it can be a bit embarrassing to watch, that's just Asha being Asha before the adventure kicks off. As the story progressed, I thought that she learned to be more serious over time as she learned the truth about the wishes and Magnifico and what she really wanted to do, and most of her antics after that point are mostly concerning the actions of other characters. I never felt like she was silly in places where it was inappropriate, and I actually ended up liking her a lot. As for Magnifico, I haven't heard anything specific about him other than the fact that he's supposedly the worst Disney villain of all time. But... I just don't see it. His motivations are believable (according to my standards), he's shown to be a narcissist who doesn't truly listen to other people's criticisms, and him turning from a king who wants to maintain order while very rarely giving people what they want into a power hungry madman who wants nothing more than for his subjects to bend to his will and lick his boots feels in character for him and it had the right setup. I thought that the supporting characters were all good as well, but my least favorite was probably Valentino. He was alright and he did his job, but he really felt like more of a gimmick than anything else.
The next thing I want to talk about is the music. I don't know if anybody's had a lot of bad things to say about it, but I thought the songs were great. After Encanto I was wondering what they'd have in store for this movie, because although Encanto had some banger songs there were one or two that I didn't really like. Not so for Wish though, because I liked every last song that was in the movie. I'm... not really sure what else to say here.
I heard about there being a few cameos in the movie as well, and I picked up on a lot of them as I watched it. But the references feel tasteful, not overblown and obvious, and something you'll really only notice if you're looking for it (except for the Peter Pan reference maybe, but that's just one.)
One last thing I want to talk about is how I've seen some people calling the film's main source of conflict something that makes Asha a bad person. Basically, they say that her mission goes against Magnifico's warnings of what could happen if everybody is allowed to keep their wishes and that there could be some serious consequences that she's too headstrong to consider. But... they address all these points in the movie. Even if someone's wish turns out to be a rotten one, you can always try to step in and make sure it doesn't get too out of hand.
And I think those are all the things I had to say concerning Wish. I personally feel like it paid some good tribute to the animated classics with its story and familiar themes, and it was a good way to celebrate 100 years of the Walt Disney company, though I'm well aware that there are plenty who disagree. If there are some things that I didn't cover or consider please let me know, and I'd like to hear what you all have to say about the movie as well.
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yourworsttotebag · 20 days
wip wednesday
Hi hi hi hi hi, it's Wednesday and I feel like yapping, what else is new.
I've been working a lot on the Evie/Halsin pwp since talking about it the other day and I have more to say about it apparently. Explanation and draft snippet both under the cut due to high spice levels.
So - even though Evie is sexually experienced, I don't think she has a lot of experience talking openly about her desires with a partner. She's had a lot of one off hookups and brief relationships and I don't think she has really been comfortable around or truly trusted any of them. Which has probably led to things like unsatisfying sex or uncomfortable boundary pushing and that sucks, I hate that for her.
The doc is called "negotiation" right now because it's kind of what she's working through with Halsin here. Asking for things she wants, saying no, experimenting with new things with a person she trusts enough to be vulnerable around. And that would be an element of any of the relationships I've put her in so far but I thought the concept was specifically fun to write about with Halsin because 1) he's going to be unphased by anything she does or doesn't want and 2) he's experienced enough to have some big ideas while also being very thoughtful about how Evie is feeling the entire time. Basically he's a good dude and I just wanted them to really enjoy each other!
Anyway this scene was basically the seed idea everything else has sprung up from. I haven't gotten the exact phrasing yet (hence this beginning basically mid-thought) but roughly what they're talking about here is Evie being kind of a smart ass/brat and then Halsin asking if she's trying to incorporate that into their encounter. Okay, have fun!
“Is that what you want? Attention?” The hand in her hair tightened its grip and Evie gasped as her head was gently tipped back. “Or perhaps to be punished?” Her blood pounded in her head and she felt dizzy with it, a worrying sort of vertigo that made it hard to breathe. She struggled for the right words. Evie wanted to be game, to be adventurous, but the thrill had ratcheted up faster than she could follow. “I don't…I don't think I want that,” she said falteringly. Halsin instantly released the hold on her hair and then both arms were at her back, gathering her even closer for another kiss. “Sorry,” Evie mumbled. “Hush, no apologies.” Halsin kissed the corner of her mouth. “You came here to enjoy yourself. And a game is only harmless when all parties are interested in playing.” He kissed her neck. “Tell me what you do enjoy.” Evie tilted her head with a small whine. “Boring things. You’ll laugh.” “Tell me.” Nerves swirled in her stomach again as Halsin nibbled and kissed over her neck, scattering her thoughts with each touch. “I like you.” Her cheeks were hot. “I like big men with muscles and chest hair. But I like girls who are soft and pretty. I - ah. I like when people are nice to me.”   He opened her collar further to mouth over the swell of her breast, near her heart. “I like that too. Giving beautiful creatures like you exactly what they want.” 
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Hi! I saw the post with your dolls and I wanted to say I am totally in love!! I wondered if maybe you would be willing to share more pictures? The button irises and embroidered lashes are so so charming, the impression is so cute and I love their expressions so so much
In all honesty the button and embroidery combo really inspires me to try something similar! I have always done full embroidery or embroidery and pencil for faces on my cloth dolls but I am just so taken. They really leave a mark! Their faces are just so striking!!
And the clothes you made!! They are so impressive! Clothes are the hardest part to me, most dolls I have made are chilling in an underwear party haha
This is such a sweet ask, thank you so much!! I am totally willing to share more pictures, I'll put a few here and probably make another post soon! (Putting the rambles under the cut again for the sake of length)
I'm so happy to be getting good feedback on the dolls I make, it's not something I usually show to other people and it makes the whole thing feel more "real", if that makes any sense. A few people have commented on the way I do eyes/faces specifically, and that's SO cool to me I can't even begin to tell you- I've done a lot of experimenting in that department, and even now I'm not entirely settled on how to do it. With my white fox girl, I actually went and made 3d lashes for her out of felt (highly recommend, it stands out beautifully and holds up well over time) but didn't do any blushing with pastels/color, but on my Aunt's dolls I did a lot of color, like watercolor pencil for the freckles (not very happy about getting wet, but not a horrible way to do it)... I might never make up my mind, lol! Right now I'm working on a dragon themed doll whose going to be a BIG experiment.
And totally agreed, clothing is the hardest part- I don't use patterns for my dolls (because I think it's more fun just to mess it up a thousand times lol) and let me tell you that does NOT make it easier. My big secret is that I just cover everything in trims and ribbons to hide the poor stitching- EVERYTHING looks nicer if you put a ruffle on it!
If you look at my one doll in the purple skirt, she has a super big shirt on and that's because the black wolf girl was supposed to have that shirt, but the torso was slightly too thin! I spent hours on that shirt and tried my best to make a real collar and I still messed it up. Thank God it looks good on her, though!! I always get so excited for the clothes stage but this is always how it goes- whoever I think I'm making clothing for is never the one who recieves it.
There's also one more doll I never showed off! She was the second(?) doll I ever made- she's supposed to be a little ghost, to haunt the other ones!
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Her bonnet always slips over her eyes, lol. I used a technique on her I haven't used since, where I used black and grey/brown pastels to shade the white fabric- I may have to try it again sometime, she was really better for it <3
OK I should quit rambling, but thank you so much for your ask!!! This brightened my entire year- I wish you luck in your own adventures, @arezou !!
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huntinglove · 1 month
ask game time >3c
tenderheart bear ❤️ - what's your love language? what is s/i's love language?
love-a-lot bear 💞 - what moment made you realize that s/i was "the one"? be as detailed or vague as you want!
friend bear 🌻 - do you and s/i share a lot of friends, or do you both have separate friend groups you hang out with?
Hi hi!! Thank you so much for the ask!!
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Tenderheart Bear ❤️ - What's your love language? What is S/I's love language?
"What isn't my love language, honestly? I'm willing to do anything to make Eri happy, and I mean anything. All is fair in love and war, as they say... And for me, love is war."
"Eri's love language is definitely quality time... Even when we're not together, they're always checking my social media and sending me anything she thinks I'll enjoy, it's pretty sweet. Plus, I'm always keeping a close eye on them anyways so I guess it's a good match."
"Oh man, I've always been really bad at noticing these things, but let's see... I think my love language is acts of service. I think it's nice to have a helping hand after a long day, so whenever Ocean Princess needs help with chores or if she's bored, I'll be ready to take care of it for her!"
"Ocean Princess' love language is probably words of affirmation, she always has something sweet to say about me, I don't really see where she's coming from but I'm glad she thinks so highly of me, even if it's a bit... Flustering sometimes..."
Love-A-Lot Bear 💞 - What moment made you realize that S/I was "the one"? Be as detailed or vague as you want!
"Right when they moved in. I offered to help them unpack and bring all their stuff inside once I saw the moving truck. They were so kind and fun to talk to, it felt like my first time falling in love all over again, but way more intense... Their smile, their voice, there wasn't a damn thing about Eri that didn't make my heart race like a dumb teenage boy."
"Considering the... Circumstances of my love life, I was definitely a bit nervous about getting in a relationship... I don't remember many things from when I was Ice King, just some flashes and what other people tell me about it... And Ocean Princess was something a lot of people brought up to me, especially Marcy. When we got back together I was really apprehensive about the whole thing, but then she... Was the most kind and patient person I've ever met. She never made me feel like a waste of time, and everyday with her felt like a brand new adventure, I hadn't felt so young and alive in... Well, a thousand years. That's when I knew I was ready to give love another chance."
Friend Bear 🌻 - Do you and S/I share a lot of friends, or do you both have separate friend groups you hang out with?
"Aw man.. Friends... Well, I haven't heard from most of my friends since I finished highschool, plus the people at work are a bunch of assholes, so I don't talk to them much... I guess Eri is my only friend, even if we're dating and all... It's nice to be in love with your best friend though, nothing ever feels dull or boring when we're together!"
"On the other hand... Eri seems to be a social butterfly, even if her friends are far away, since she moved here... She calls them every night and they seem to have a blast together each time. I don't see the point in all that, if you ask me.. I don't trust any of them either..."
"Oh yes! We definitely have a lot of friends in common, as far as I'm aware! Marcy, though she's technically our daughter hehe... Finn, Prismo, Princess Bubblegum and a few more!"
"I'm pretty sure Ocean Princess is closer to Flame Princess than I've ever been, which is a bit... Ironic, but I'm glad she has more people that understand her!"
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Come and Lay the Roses 36- Angel of Mercy- [Ivar x OC]
Summary: Aaline and Ivar are finally reunited.
Characters: Ivar x OC, Bjorn x Torvi, Ubbe x Margrethe, Hvitserk x Thora, Sigurd x OC, Ragnar, Lagertha
Warnings: arranged marriage, violence, sex, torture, language, mentions of rape/sexual assault
Ch. 35
AN: Wow. It's been a long time. I've been thinking about this chapter for a long time and haven't been able to pin down why I waited so long to update. Part of me blames writer's block, part of me blames my schedule and timing, but the biggest thing I think that kept me from updating was that this would mean the end of this journey.
I came up with the idea for this story in May 2019 and after four years, it's finally finished. I don't think I was ready to end this journey and part with Aaline and the Lothbrok clan. I've been telling myself for weeks that I need to finish it and I've finally decided that I'm ready to end this journey.
I thank all of you who have stuck with me on this adventure.
“Angel of mercy, how did you find me? How did you pick me up again? Angel of mercy, how did you move me? Why am I on my feet again?”
~ “Mercy” by OneRepublic
She was warm. A marked difference from the last few weeks of her existence. She inhaled deeply and slowly, allowing the world to come back into focus. She blinked and surveyed the room she was in. 
It was her room. Her and Ivar’s. The curtains were closed except for a six inch gap that allowed sunlight to stream in and light up the dim room. There was just enough to maneuver the room but not wake her.
She shifted and winced at the sharp pain that lanced through her back. It would’ve been gracious to call the bed she’d slept on for the last few weeks a cot. It was barely more than a metal frame with a threadbare mattress. The metal bars had dug painfully into her bones for the few days she tried to sleep on it. Eventually she took to sleeping on the floor. It was more comfortable by far but still gave her stiff muscles. Sleeping on a real mattress had done little to ease the ache. 
She shifted slowly up to her elbows and glanced around. Clothes were littered on the floor. A serving tray of dirty dishes sat on the dresser across the room and a half full glass of water on the nightstand. She looked at the alarm clock and noted that it was the middle of the afternoon. 
She didn’t know how long she’d slept or how many days had passed since her rescue. She felt grimy and dirty and knew she hadn’t been bathed since then. She decided not to wait around for someone to help her and hoisted herself out of the bed. 
With stiff legs, she made her way to the bathroom and blinked rapidly against the bright white light that penetrated her eyes. She smiled at the bouquet of black roses that were situated in the middle of the counter. Ivar had even left a short note expressing his love. He didn’t date stamp it so she didn’t know when he’d written it but she settled it back on the counter anyway, contentment thriving through her veins. 
She switched the shower head on high and undressed. Someone, probably Ivar, had dressed her simply. She pulled the black comfort t-shirt over her head and slipped her panties down her legs. The dirt and grime from the concrete room she’d been held in still decorated her body in streaks of gray and black and brown. She looked at her face in the mirror and narrowed her eyes at the vibrant purple bruise along her jaw and the dried blood that had caked itself in her nostrils and along her upper lip. 
She tried to comb the rat's nest that was her hair so she didn’t tangle it further in the shower but there was little hope for the strands. She pushed it back from her face and stepped into the shower when the steam fogged up the mirror beyond sight. 
She took a deep breath and let it out slowly through her mouth. The hot air filled her lungs and she felt herself relax. Her muscles began to unclench and she could feel her body disengaging from fight or flight mode. 
Once the trembling in her hands had stopped, she picked up Ivar’s shampoo and dropped a generous dollop in her hand. She massaged the minty soap through her hair and shivered as her scalp began to tingle. 
She combed her fingers through the knots as best she could, wincing at the extra sharp tugs that befell her scalp when she came to a particularly vicious snarl. She rinsed the lather and began again, working to clean all the grease and grime from her hair that she could manage.
She used her own rose scented body wash to scrub the dirt and grime from her body, scrubbing twice like she did for her hair, before turning to the leave in conditioner. She worked the lather into her hair before tilting her head back and closing her eyes, letting the hot water pelt her chest and stomach. 
She startled at the sound of the bathroom slamming open. She barely had time to shut the water off before the shower door slid open and she was pulled into Ivar’s arms. He didn’t seem to mind that she was soaking wet and dampening his clothes. He pulled her out of the steam and lifted her, settling her on the counter top. She shivered against the temperature difference and he left her arms only long enough to wrap a towel around her shoulders. 
He returned to her embrace and she wrapped her arms and legs around him fully, holding him in the embrace of her body. She felt him sign against her neck and knew it was a weight leaving his shoulders. He pulled back and pushed her hair behind her ears with the flat of his palm. She nuzzled into the contact. 
“Are you alright, my love?” He asked, his fingers combing through the wet strands of her hair. She nodded against his palm and tangled her fingers in the longer strands of hair at the nape of his neck. 
“How many people did you kill searching for me?” She asked. He smirked and stepped out of her embrace. He took a second towel from the rack on the wall and began meticulously drying her off. He started from the top, softly stroking the towel over her hair, squeezing the ends. He trailed it across her shoulders and down her arms, stroking over the crease of her elbow and over the backs of her hands. He even toweled off the spaces between her fingers.
“Innumerable. There is no number that will equal how precious your life is to me.” He answered. He brought the towel to her legs and traced her thighs and hips. She sucked in a soft breath when he gently toweled off the space between her legs, stroking the curls and dragging between the crease of her thigh. He smirked before stepping back and lifting first one leg and then the other, settling the balls of each foot on his chest and he dried her calves and feet. 
When he was satisfied, he pulled open the mirror and reached for her lotion and moisturizer. She closed her eyes and he traced his fingers gently over the planes of her face, taking care with her bruises. He rubbed in her moisturizer before opening her lotion and smoothing his hands over her chest. She shuddered when he worked the lather into her breasts, the spaces of his fingers catching on her nipples in a way that she wasn’t a hundred percent certain was accidental. 
She opened her eyes when he withdrew and almost shouted when he lifted her from the counter and returned to the bedroom. She let him settle her on the bed as he pulled a new shirt, his, and new underwear, hers, from the dresser.
He took her breath away when he dropped to a knee before her and, not once breaking eye contact, slid her panties up her legs. She shifted so he could settle them over her hips. He hovered over her, his mouth a hair's breadth away from hers but denied her a kiss. “If you’re trying to seduce me, it’s working.” She whispered. He grinned before picking up the new t-shirt and sliding it over her head without ceremony. She laughed as she pulled her head through the neck and slid her arms through the sleeves.
Ivar grew serious as soon as she reappeared and she twisted around on the bed to face him. She let him examine her face, which she knew was a mess of cuts and bruises. “I’m fine, Ivar.” She said.
He met her eyes and gave her a sad smile. She leaned forward into his space. “You know, this whole time I’ve been awake, you haven’t kissed me.” Ivar tilted his head to the side, his smile growing playful. “Kiss me, husband.” She said, and Ivar was unable to do anything but obey. 
He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers, his tongue seeking entrance almost immediately. She moaned and pressed forward, deepening their kiss. Ivar groaned and pulled back, licking his lip. She grinned at him, blood on her teeth. Ivar growled and leaned forward, his hand settling at her throat and squeezing.
She groaned as Ivar tilted her head to the side and trailed kisses down the side of her throat. They left fire in their wake and Aaline sighed, settling her hands on Ivar’s forearms as he maneuvered her head whichever way he wanted.
She trailed her hands up his arms to his shoulders, tightening her fingers in the fabric of his t-shirt. “There’s something that I have to tell you.” Ivar hummed as he licked a line up the left side of her throat. She moaned when he nipped at the hinge of her jaw. 
“I’ve been meaning to say it for awhile butー” She’s cut off as a whimper works its way past her lips when Ivar sucked a mark into her throat at the curve of her neck and shoulder. Ivar hummed and switched sides, trailing nipping kisses up the other side of her neck. She knew she’d have marks to show for his affections. 
“What did you want to say?” He whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine. He traced the curve of it with his tongue before biting the lobe. She gasped and clutched tighter as his shoulders. 
“I didn’t tell you before. I was afraid.” Ivar pulled back and met her eyes, his hands moving to cup her face. His thumbs stroked over her cheekbones. She blinked at him, her hands releasing his shirt and smoothing out the fabric.
“I love you.” She whispered, her voice trembling. Ivar hummed and stroked his thumb across her cheek. He leaned for and settled his forehead against hers.
“As I love you.” He responded. Aaline released a watery laugh before surging forward and kissing him. Ivar laughed and opened his mouth to her, letting her devour him. She sat up on her knees and pressed bodily against him. Ivar groaned and stroked his hands down her back, reveling in the feeling of his wife safe in his arms again. 
Aaline giggled as Ivar’s hands smoothed up her back, taking her t-shirt with him on his way. She settled in his lap, relief flowing through her veins as her husband proceeded to make love to her.
@dreamlesswonder86 @youbloodymadgenius @inforapound @bcarolinablr @funmadnessandbadassvikings @jay-bel @feyrearcheron-nightcourt @londongal2810 @khiraeth @didiintheblog @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @xbellaxcarolinax @shannygoatgruff @kingniazx @revolution-starter @0hsappho @love-all-things-writing
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azurdlywisterious · 2 months
The Brainless Ones (part 2)
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AN: I'm back with more of Sir’s adventures! I wanted more Sir so now y'all get more Sir.
Word count: 1.3k
CW: body horror played for comedy (idk how else to describe sir’s empty head), very unethical scientific practices, body horror not played for comedy (if the centaurs count as body horror but I think they do)
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“Where are we heading, Beagle?”
He runs his fingers through his silver hair. “End goal, New Vegas. But right now, we’re going towards a little town called Novac.”
“I’ve walked this way before,” I observe. “Where is Novac on this map?”
I show him the screen built into my arm, which currently has a map of the area pulled up.
“I’m never gonna get used to this,” he mutters under his breath as he examines the map. "Uh, I think it's around here?"
He taps a spot on the map and a waypoint appears on the map. There's a small ping! noise, which causes Beagle to jump.
"You're very nervous," I observe.
"I still haven't fully grasped that this is my new reality," he retorts. "I've heard of lots of terrifying things out here in these sandy wastes."
"My interest has been piqued. What kind of things?"
"Radscorpions, geckos, the Powder Gangers out by the NCRCF..."
His voice trails off at that last one. His eyes lose focus, like he's seeing something playing out miles in front of us. I put my head as close to his as possible and zoom my eyes in as much as they can.
"What are you looking at?"
He jolts and does a small hop away from me. I can feel warm air on my skin. Is that his breathing? Dr. Dala told me about breathing, what it looked like, what it felt like. I don’t fully understand her obsession with it, but I am starting to gain my own appreciation for the habit.
“I was just… remembering something,” he says to me after he’s regained his bearings. “Nothing that a pretty lady like you should worry her pretty little head about.”
“Right,” I respond, disinterested in whatever it is he’s hiding. I continue to walk since he spotted nothing.
“Wait!” He half jogs to catch up to me. “Don’t you want to know what I was thinking of?”
“You can tell me if you want,” I reply, “but right now our main goal is Novac; and all this sand being blown by the wind is getting in my eyes.”
He doesn’t respond, instead lighting up another cigarette as we walk.
"We aren't walking on a road," I state. "Is there any reason for this?"
"Well, according to the maps, this is the fastest way to Novac," he tells me. "There is a longer route following the main road that crosses through a town called Nipton, but that place gives me the creeps.”
“It's been radio silent for weeks. If anything happened down there, i doubt that it would be anything good.”
“You imply that Nipton is south?”
“Weird way of phrasin’ it,” Beagle remarks, “but yeah, I suppose so.”
I stop to show him a point on the map in my arm. “Is this Nipton?”
“Then I’ve been there,” I inform him. “Boring place. Just a bunch of dead lobotomites everywhere.”
All he says in response to that is, “Oh,” before holding his cigarette in place with his teeth and shoving his hands deep into his pockets.
I continue to walk and he follows suit.
After a long while of silence, Beagle plucks the remains of his cigarette from his teeth, flicks it away, and asks me, “So what is a pretty lady like you doing wandering the desert all by her lonesome?”
“The great minds of the Think Tank made me to explore the new world beyond Big MT in their stead so that they may study it from the safety of their labs.”
“Wait…” He starts counting on his fingers before giving up entirely. “How old are you?”
“Depends,” I reply.
“The body is roughly 26 years old, the computer parts that keep the body functioning are a few days old, and the data programmed onto my hard drives encompasses all of scientific knowledge that humanity has ever recorded and the Think Tank had ever saved to their computers. Though all of the components have been together for 32 days.”
“So you're 32 days old?”
“It appears so. Like Athena from the myths of the Old World, I emerged from the Think Tank fully formed.”
“Who’s Athena?”
I start to reply, but a flicker of movement from the neighboring hill catches my attention. I place a finger to my lips and crouch down. I zoom my sight in and study the creatures that caught my attention. The top half is a lobotomite torso and head, but the bottom half is a mass of tissue and extra arms acting as legs. Three tendrils hang out of its mouth like long tongues and it has no true arms.
Beagle notices what I’m looking at and grabs his gun. He’s aiming it wildly due to his shaking hands, a phenomena caused by the sudden influx of adrenaline in his body.
I gently lower the gun for him and start to quietly move closer, calibrating my long distance lasers as I move. The LRADs are already primed.
Using the pointed tip of my thumbnail as a scope, I aim a laser right between the thing’s eyes.
“Fascinating,” I remark as I see it spit sludge in our direction, taking plenty of photos as it does so. “One shot isn't enough to kill it.”
“What?” Beagle squeaks and pulls out a voice recorder. I gently lower that too before he starts talking into it.
The creature’s aim is not good enough to hit us with the sludge. That doesn't stop it from setting off my internal Geiger counter. My skin feels crackly. I need to end this quick.
The thing is charging at me and Beagle is starting to try and take voice memos again. I roll my eyes and let him. I just turn my ears off and fire enough shots to fell the beast.
I blow on my index finger to cool it off before extending the opposite hand to Beagle. I feel his hand vibrating on contact, so I grip it tightly to get it to stop shaking.
I lead him over to the corpse, the whole time him describing the encounter into his voice recorder in strikingly accurate detail. Despite his trembling hands, his voice is rather level, and nice to listen to. It’s soft and smooth, like the half melted butter on top of the waffles in those commercial breaks that Dr. 0 accidentally recorded along with his movies.
I turn my ears back off to remember to take more photos of the thing before teleporting it off to the Think Tank. I wince a bit as my still hot index finger lightly burns my temple.
I turn my ears back on, ready to listen to him talk; but all I hear is unvoiced gasping. I’m on alert.
“What is it?” I whisper urgently.
“The thing,” he points to where the creature once was. “It’s gone!”
“I teleported the cadaver back to Big MT,” I tell him, hovering my fingers by my temple. “Remember, if something bad happens to me while we’re out here, press on my temples and we’ll be teleported back to safety.”
He nods solemnly, processing the information as clear as day behind his eyes. As my science deputy, he deserves to know how to activate the teleported in case of an emergency.
He takes my arm, studies it, and places a new waypoint, saying, “I don’t wanna run into another one of those things. If we go up from here and then start cutting across, we should be fine.”
“Why not just go south to Nipton?”
He stares off into the distance and lights up another smoke. “There’s something that needs to be done up there anyways. And you’re just the person to help me.”
“Then why not just go directly to New Vegas?”
“Deathclaws,” Beagle replies coolly, taking another well timed drag of his cigarette.
“What are deathclaws?” I ask him.
“Nothing good,” he responds, gently lowering my arm for me; as if wanting to reach for my hand but not having enough courage to do so. “I’ll tell ya later.”
"After you help me clean out the NCRCF."
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gible-love-nibles · 8 months
What Happened After?
Safeshiptember Day 15: Reunion
Thinking about Post-A.zran L.egacy makes me unwise, and here's like. The culmination of all that. I'm still bad at titles.
This was also something I was writing pre-event, and I thought it fit way too well. Probably going to make a part 2 to this after this event because I Have More Ideas. Just, don't have the time. Mr. Sillymore aough
Word Count: 1.3k
Taglist: @crickiss @heart-of-aspiration @halsdaisy @sosawl @homosexual-fast-dancer @jocelynships @imaginemyshipswithme [If you want to added or removed, tell me in a comment or tag!]
(Please reblog! I like reading tags :])
I felt shattered, curled up on Layton's study couch. I clutched the extra snow-white mask tight. The last thing he had given me before… before…
No. No, he wasn't… gone. The man jumped off stupidly high ledges like it was his day job; it would take a miracle to kill him. But then… why did he leave…?
…How long had it been since everything in the Azran sanctuary? A couple of weeks, I think. A… lot was spilled in that sanctuary… including that De— he had loved me ever since we first saw each other back in Misthallery. He had tried to push those feelings away, tried to push me away; and knowing about his previous family made me completely understand why. But with the universe seemingly continuing to push us together, he decided to act on them a little more as… his true self.
And now he was gone again. Before, I would've felt relieved, maybe even elated. It meant one of his plans had been thwarted. Now I just felt depressed, empty.
Of course, I wasn't alone. Layton, Luke and Rosa were extremely kind to me making sure I was at least taking care of myself. Before she had to leave, Emmy reassured me that he was absolutely coming back for me (even teasing that it would be in some over-the-top, dramatic way). Grosky sent flowers and snacks, courtesy of the Yard (no doubt Emmy pulling some strings there). Even people we had met during our adventures sent postcards, telling me how they were doing and how wonderful I was helping with their problems.
It was certainly all very kind and generous, but… none of it truly helped.
There was a hole in my heart, and only one man could fill it.
"Clare! Clare!!"
With supreme effort, I rolled around to face Luke. He held a letter in his hand.
"Is that for me?" I asked him. He nodded. I thought about it for a second, and then started to roll over again. "Ok. I'll read it later then. Thank you, Luke."
The boy grabbed my shoulder. "Um, Clare… I think you should read this now."
I quirked an eyebrow as he handed me the envelope, took a few steps back and then left the room.
It had a cinnamon-colored wax seal with the letters "DS" inside. On the other side was my name trying to look fancy, but was clearly written by someone who didn't have the best handwriting. And it all smelled faintly of fruitcake.
I gripped the envelope like a lifeline, until my knuckles started to go white. It was him. It had to be.
As much as I wanted to rip the envelope open with no abandon to see what was inside… I couldn't bring myself to ruin it. I swiftly but gingerly managed to open it up without breaking the wax seal.
Inside was a letter.
"My dearest Clare,
I sincerely hope I haven't worried you these past weeks."
"Bit late for that," I couldn't help but mutter.
"All of my injuries are fully healed now, and I'm doing completely fine. Well… except for you not being here. It shattered my heart to leave you behind like that… but I had a few matters of business to take care of. I'll explain it all once we reunite."
I felt my heart leap. Reunite… with Desmond…
"I sense you may want to desperately, but please don't reply to this letter. Just come to the London Aerodrome in three days' time. I will be there, with the Bostonius and Raymond. Pack well. I promised I'd come back for you, and it's about to be fulfilled.
I don't deserve to ask anything of you now— not after everything I've done— but please… wait just a bit longer for me.
Forever and only yours,
The next three days were a complete blur of packing and re-reading the letter. "Pack well" probably meant that we were going somewhere. At the very least, somewhere. For a day? A few days? A few weeks? A few months?
…I found myself realizing that I didn't care how long or where we would be going. As long he was there, I wouldn't care.
Rosa eventually convinced me to perhaps pack a little less.
My alarm rang extremely early the day Desmond said he was going to come. I had set it up that way, not that I really needed the reminder. I was rushing out the door even before the crack at dawn.
The aerodrome was closed to the public at the time, but I climbed over the fence. Some chain link was not going to stop me.
And then I found a patch of grass to sit on… and waited.
The sun rose in the sky… and set. I was very glad Rosa packed me breakfast and lunch the day before.
I was getting antsier and antsier with every minute that passed.
I first reasoned that I had gotten here extremely early. Even Descole wouldn't be up this early for a scheme. So I waited.
Morning came and passed. I thought he probably wanted to be away from all the other planes and blimps, make it truly private. I still waited.
When noon came and went and the afternoon rolled in, I checked the letter again. Three days' time. I had gotten this letter three days ago. It was today, I was absolutely sure of it. I held the letter close to my chest, breathing in the fruitcake scent. I waited still.
It was only when the sun was beginning to set and the sky was alight in warm colors did I finally see the Bostonius in the sky.
It landed nearby, and I scrambled up to my feet, rushing to the ship. Rushing to him.
Once I got to the bottom of the stairs that led me up to the airship, I… paused. I wasn't really sure why. I didn't feel particularly winded. And of course, I wanted to see Desmond, so so badly. Why was I hesitating now, of all times?
Thankfully, the door at the top of the stairs opened, and right after… he stepped out.
Desmond. Looking just as he had before during the trip.
We caught each other's eyes nearly immediately, and time seemed to slow. I found I couldn't say a word. My throat was clogged up with all the words I wanted to say. My legs started to wobble a bit.
Meanwhile, Desmond's face went from surprise to sweet, soft joy and elation. "Clare…" He broke the silence by having my name pass through his lips.
And with that, I broke. Hearing him again after all this time made my knees crash to the ground, and I covered my eyes with my sleeves, trying to curl up into the smallest ball I could.
I vaguely heard the sounds of someone descending rapidly down the steps before I was swept up into someone's arms. I paused my crying to see who it was, but I didn't really need to. Of course it was Desmond. There were little tears in his eyes, but he smiled with immense brightness and warmth. "Hello, Clare," he said, just the littlest bit choked up.
I still couldn't say much; I just buried myself in his shoulder, my tears still pouring out. "S-Sorr—"
"No need to apologize, my love," he reassured me, stroking his thumb on my arm in a comforting gesture. As he made his way back up to the Bostonius, he left little kisses on the top of my head— or more accurately, he left kisses wherever his lips could reasonably reach. It barely seemed like he let himself breathe in between each one.
"You're gonna pass out if you keep that up," I joked in between deep breaths.
He started to laugh. "Oh dearest… just hearing your voice again… it makes my heart soar. I've missed you so much."
"…Me too."
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marshvlovestv · 4 months
I haven't done a ranking list in so long either. I've played nine more games since these, which I probably finished back in like. August?
1.The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood - This was an easy number one. It quickly elbowed its way past so many others to become my favorite video game I've ever played.
2. Grapple Dog - Cute and quirky instead of gritty and bloody, this game made me fall in love with platforming again.
3. Midnight Scenes - A series of ooky-spooky point-and-click adventure games inspired by The Twilight Zone. I like that show and these games made me want to go watch it again. I didn't, but I should.
4. Strange Horticulture - A cozy shop sim in atmosphere but not in mechanics - you're solving fun puzzles, not dealing with the tedium of crafting and managing inventory and all that nonsense, and yet the game still feels like it's giving you a hug every time you boot it up.
5. Scarlet Hollow - This game is overall S-tier and should really be up in the number 2 slot, if we're talking about how it, much like Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood, eventually became an all-time favorite to the point where I made a fandom sideblog for it. BUT. These rankings at their core are reflections of my personal experience with the games more than the quality of the game itself. And before it bloomed into love and obsession, what I initially felt towards this game was discomfort and dislike.
6. One Step from Eden - Similar story here, honestly! I see that it's a great game now but I tired of it a lot faster than I usually do with roguelikes. Then I had an epiphany about how it works and it made me like it again.
7. CrossCode - And here we have the opposite story. I loved this game from the very beginning until suddenly I just. Completely stopped having fun. I got the Ick from this game.
8. Promesa - A dreamlike, experimental Argentinian walking sim. I played it in Spanish and it was so refreshing to see a game with an authentic and regionally-specific Spanish version.
9. Black Book - I need my card games to be roguelike in nature I think. Quick and randomized. There were a lot of other problems I had with this game but I think the linearity and scope were the biggest thing that grated on me.
10. Verne: The Shape of Fantasy - I do not like to say that things are unequivocally, objectively bad. But this game was bad. I would not recommend it to anyone under any circumstances.
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gurugirl · 11 months
hi! same anon about the boyfriend who broke up with me. can i be 🍸 anon? i've been drinking my weight in vodka lately to drown my sorrows so a dirty martini emoji might just be for me. 😭
the ex called me yesterday after i posted a selfie on ig. i knew i was looking fly so i had to post it. did i do it so he'd see it and feel like he'd made a mistake? yes. a little. but also i was just really cute last night with my new haircut and color (some highlights) and I was wearing this dress i hadn't worn in forever.
anyway... the asshole called me an hour later and apologized about how it ended so he wound up coming over and we fucked 😫 i know it was a bad idea. and we aren't back together or anything either. he just came to "apologize" he said and then he like had me on the couch and kissed me and i just didn't stop it. and i really liked it though.
you know how i said he was boring? well. he wasn't boring last night. he ate me out (first time ever) and i didn't cum but then he begged me to let him fuck me and i really liked him begging me cause i told him no but he was like holding onto my dress and pushed his face into my stomach and begged me and i felt so powerful. but i know i was actually just weak but he fucked me so good and i came so hard.
i don't know what to do. i was gonna wait to start up my dating profile again but now he's gone and fucked me proper and i'm confused. i haven't even heard from him today at all.
and my boss was really nice to me. told me i did well on fixing the issue at work and then bought me a starbuck's coffee just now 😭
i'm in the bathroom sending this to you while i'm at work. i was gonna tell my bff about my ex but she's going to kill me and figured i'd send this to you first and see what you think. she's gonna kill me isn't she?
what do i do guru? i'm not getting back with my ex. i still hate him right now but my brain is all messed up after last night. i sound crazy and i'm really not.
Hi babe! Yes you can be the dirty martini emoji 🍸
Yay about your boss! Sounds like you worked out the issue :)
So, you have gotten yourself into quite the conundrum with your ez. I cannot say I've not dealt with what you're going through, though. I've hooked up with a few ex's before. And the only thing I can really say is that it never winds up being a happy ending. Not for me anyway.
I feel like your ex was regretting breaking up with you and since you two are familiar and are used to one another he probably just figured he'd test it out. It's actually not that uncommon to have sex with an ex. It's not a great idea, but humans are like that - we are full of bad ideas and can be messy.
Don't worry too much about it, don't beat yourself up over it - and I know that's easier said than done but you can look at it like this... you got a little closure, you know he still thinks you're hot and now you know he kind of regrets letting you go. But he did let you go, so that part you need to hold on to and remember.
And just because he was a little more adventurous last night (girl that was the first time he EVER ate you out and you didn't drop his ass from the start?) doesn't mean he'd continue that. It was hot, spur of the moment sex with an ex thing.
I would also say it might be too soon to start up your dating profile yet. You literally just got out of this relationship. Give yourself some time to be single. If it happens it happens! Just go out and have fun.
As for your bff... if she knows the story then yeah, she might be disappointed but she's your bff for a reason. She's gonna love you and tell you her thoughts openly. She'll probably also be able to offer better advice than I can since she knows you.
Don't stress. Don't call him or text him. Just think of it as your closure and you do your best to move on and live your life.
Good luck, babe!! xoxo
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silentsundown · 11 months
Got a sudden urge to message a friend I haven't talked to in a very long time (since December 2022). She's an Ukrainian girl, a few years younger than me, fellow queer, who took refuge in Germany when the war began. I open Telegram, and I see her most recent account has been deleted. Her previous ones are still there but obviously she won't log on those anymore. Fucking hell.
She told me a while ago that she'd rather die than go back to Ukraine, and that she'd off herself when her residence permit would expire and she wouldn't be able to stay in the EU anymore, which was May 5, 2023. I don't know when that account was deleted. I just hope she didn't do it. Really. I hope this urge to talk to her isn't... her soul reaching me from the astral. Because if I learnt that I'd just fucking collapse inside. I was there at her lowest point in her life and I remember how worried I was for her then. One of the reasons though that I didn't reach out much was because she was telling me about her sex life and it made me jealous because I'm 23 and haven't found anybody I trust enough to get into bed with, and I'm not interested in hearing about people's body counts and sexual adventures anyway.
If it does turn out that she did the deed and that she's no longer with us, I just feel responsible for it. I got caught up in so many things, I got caught up with somebody as well, and... well, I could've got her to come at my place in France, even if I have no room in my house and my mother would've probably felt weird about it, but I did nothing, and I should've been there more. If I learn that she did it I think I'll never forgive myself for having been distracted like that.
I have no info and may never know, but I just hope she's okay.
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stargazer-sims · 2 years
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- fifty-three -
Fox has had the best Winterfest holiday of his entire life.
He’s sad that the holidays are over now, but he’s always a little sad in the weeks between Winterfest and his birthday, and he supposes it was to be expected this year too. He wishes Clancy could have stayed longer, so they could’ve celebrated their birthday together, but he understands that she needed to go home, to get back to work. This year will be the first in their lives that they haven’t been together on their birthday. To Fox, it feels strange.
Auntie Keiko and Uncle Kin have promised to help him celebrate his birthday in style. He’s looking forward to that, and of course Takahiro and all Fox’s new friends will no doubt contribute to the fun. Because his and Taka’s birthdays are so close together, they’ve decided to choose a day in between the two dates and have a party for both of them. Fox’s birthday is first, on the sixteenth of January, and Taka’s is on the twenty-ninth. They’re both turning twenty-six.
It’s not just the thought of a birthday party that Fox is excited about. During his last consultation with Dr. Sato at the hospital, she'd sent him for a new set of x-rays on his injured leg. According to her, his healing process is right on track, and his cast can come off in a couple of weeks. He'll still have to wear a light brace on his ankle for support for a few additional weeks, and he'll need some physical therapy, but he can live with that. If everything goes according to plan, he should be cast-free in time for his and Taka's birthday party, if not for his actual birthday itself.
Once he's free of the crutches and cast and brace, he'll be able to start learning to drive. Perhaps that's the thing he's anticipating most of all; learning how to do normal things like a normal adult and becoming more independent.
This was the topic of conversation he'd had with Clancy a couple of days after she arrived. She'd asked him what his plans were for the new year, and he told her enthusiastically about his driving lessons, and the class on traditional Japanese art that he'd signed up for, and all the adventures he and Taka would have when his leg was better and the weather improved.
"You know, I'm really proud of you," Clancy said. "You hardly seem like the same person who left home back in August."
"I don't think I am the same person," he said. "It's still me, obviously, but I feel like I'm evolving into a better version of me."
"That's a good thing. We should all be trying to evolve into better versions of ourselves. I think you're doing great."
"Thanks," he said. "I'm really liking the new version of me."
Clancy smiled at that. "Me too."
Fox returned the expression, but then he caught himself deflating a little. He said, "I wish everyone felt that way."
"And by 'everyone', I presume you mean Dad?"
"Yeah, and he only saw the beginning. What would he say if he could see me now?"
"He'd probably tell you to put on some pants."
"Shut up." Fox swatted playfully at her. "This is supposed to be a serious conversation, you know."
"I know. I'm sorry," she said. "I couldn't help myself. But yeah... Dad was pretty upset when he came home. I think he's still upset, actually."
"I figured," Fox said. "I haven't heard from him since he left, so I guess he's still not over it."
Clancy stared at him. "What? Are you saying Dad hasn't contacted you at all?"
"Not even once."
Like, not even to let you know he made it home?"
"Yeah, that's what I mean," Fox confirmed. "Mom was the one who let me know he got back safe. I've tried texting him a few times, but he didn't reply, and the one time I called him, it went straight to voicemail, so I didn't bother trying any more."
"Wow," was Clancy's response. "I knew he was mad, but I didn't realize he wasn't speaking to you. And this is all because you like a guy?"
Fox sighed. "It's not all because of Takahiro, but I'm sure that's part of the reason. I think he's mostly annoyed because I refused to come home and to do what he wanted me to do."
"If you want my opinion, it's past time you started living your own life," Clancy said. "You don't always have to do what Dad wants."
"I'm starting to see that."
"I'm glad. You deserve so much more than to be stuck at home with Mom and Dad all the time. I think coming here was the best choice you ever made."
"I may be biased, but I think so too," Fox said. "I mean, if I hadn't come here, I wouldn't have met Takahiro, so..."
"Speaking of him, when do I get to meet him?" Clancy asked. "I've been here for two days and I haven't seen him yet. Any longer, and I'm going to start to think he doesn't actually exist."
"He'll be over this evening, when he gets off work," Fox told her. "He wanted to give us some time to catch up."
"Thoughtful of him."
"He's very thoughtful," Fox said. "He said he might bring Seiji with him when he comes over, too. Apparently, Seiji saw a picture of you and he's been dying to meet you ever since."
Clancy looked both intrigued and confused. "What do you mean, he apparently saw a picture of me?"
"He found my camera in the forest, after my accident," Fox explained. "I guess he felt like it was okay to look through my photos. There were some pictures of us at the pool. Remember, from Rye's birthday party?"
"I still think it's hilarious that our cousin wanted a pool party for their eighteenth birthday," Clancy said.
"Is it really the pool party that's funny, or the dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets, balloons and triple-layer confetti cake?"
"Okay, yeah. It was that other stuff."
"Now that I'm thinking about it, I like the idea of Rye's party. Didn't they say it was their 'goodbye to childhood' party?" Fox said. "Maybe I should have that. A 'hello to adulthood' party."
"Maybe you should," Clancy agreed, smiling. "Triple-layer cake and all. But, can we get back to this guy Seiji for a second?"
"What I'm hearing you tell me is that some strange guy just helped himself to a view of me in that green bikini I had on at the pool for Rye's party?"
"Uh... yeah," Fox said. "I wasn't there at the time, so it's not like I could've stopped him."
"Is he cute?" Clancy asked.
"I think you're asking the wrong person for his opinion."
"Oh? I thought you were into boys."
"Not exactly. I still mostly like girls. I'm really just into one boy," Fox said. "And don't ask me to explain it, because I don't think I can."
"Fine," said Clancy. "But objectively, though, do you think women would find this guy cute?"
"He doesn't seem to have any trouble hooking up, so I guess women find him attractive? If it helps, he thinks you're cute. A 'smokin' hot western lady' is how he referred to you, I think. I'm pretty sure that’s what Victor told me he said."
"Ohh... is he cute?"
"You mean Victor?"
"Don't get too excited. He's married," Fox informed her, and then added, "To another man, just in case you have ideas."
"Too bad," Clancy said.
"Listen, did you come here to visit me, or to find a boyfriend?"
"I don't see why I can't do both," said Clancy. "I mean, you came here to visit and found a boyfriend, so..."
Fox had to concede that point. The last thing he'd expected when he decided to travel and experience a different part of the world for a year was to find a partner. Much less did he imagine that he'd be falling in love with a man. But, he is falling in love with Takahiro. There's no doubt of that in his mind.
That evening, true to his word, Taka showed up for dinner with Seiji in tow. He brought flowers for Fox, and a cherry cake for everyone to share after dinner. Fox was delighted to see Taka after two days of being apart, and was more than pleased to introduce him and Seiji to his twin sister.
For her part, Clancy did not miss the chance to tease Fox about the little bouquet of pink camellias and about the awkward way he and Taka tried to greet each other with kisses on the cheek. She said she was thrilled to see him so animated and happy, though, and commented later that he and Taka make an adorable couple.
As for Seiji, he couldn't take his eyes off Clancy all through dinner. He didn't seem to mind that they barely speak a word of each other's language, evidently content enough just to sit across the table from her and gaze longingly at her while they ate.
After dinner, when everyone retired to the living room for tea and cake, Seiji and Clancy sat in the corner together and did their best to have a conversation using Google Translate on their phones. Fox attempted to keep an ear open for anything interesting that they might be trying to say to each other, but it was proving too distracting. After being poked by Taka several times for missing things in their own conversation with Taka's parents, he had to admit defeat and stop paying attention to his sister and Seiji.
After that, it seemed Seiji and Clancy took every opportunity they could to see each other. At the end of Clancy's visit, Seiji even came with her, Fox and Taka to the airport to see her off.
At the doors that led to the security area, Fox and Taka both hugged her goodbye. Then it was Seiji's turn. He held up his phone and showed it to her. In his extremely limited English, he pleaded, "Make the email. Okay?"
"Yes," Clancy said. "I'll email you. I'll use the online translator. Promise you'll do that as well. Send emails to me."
He nodded. "Yes. I make the email," and then clasped his phone against his chest in a gesture that seemed to imply something of the tone those emails might take.
Clancy laughed and held out her arms to him. "Here. You should get a goodbye hug, too."
Fox had watched, fascinated, as his sister pulled Seiji into an embrace and held on for several seconds. Clancy has never been the most physically demonstrative person, and it was interesting to see her initiate a hug, particularly with someone she'd only met two weeks prior.
Before they broke apart, Seiji kissed Clancy quickly on the cheek. She didn't blush or look uncomfortable. She smiled.
Seiji glanced over his shoulder at Fox and Taka. With a cheeky grin, he said, "See? That's how you do it."
Looking embarrassed, Taka translated for Clancy, who gave Seiji a light, playful slap on the arm. "Be nice to Fox and Takahiro. We owe them for bringing us together. You should show a bit more gratitude."
Taka's translation of that was met with a typically unrestrained laugh from Seiji. It was clear he was not the least bit contrite.
After that, they said their farewells, and the boys left the airport. Despite the moment of levity in the departure area, it was a quiet ride back to town.
Fox was especially sad because not only had he said goodbye to his sister, but he'd also said goodbye to Ruby. He and Taka had mutually decided that their current arrangement for her wasn't practical. Fox couldn't have her with him, due to Uncle Kin's allergies, and it was becoming increasingly hard for Taka and Seiji to keep Ruby and Taka's dog, Hyorinmaru, safe at their house. Both the fox and the dog were showing signs of territorial aggression, and Taka was worried they'd get into a real fight and Hyorin would injure Ruby.
Fox reluctantly agreed that it was in everyone's best interests if Clancy took Ruby home, so they'd arranged a vet visit to get her health certification, and Fox paid the extra fee for Clancy to bring her carrier into the passenger cabin of the plane. Then, just like that, off she went.
Despite the difficult parting from his sister and his pet, however, Fox can still say the holiday was a happy one, and certainly one to remember. Every time he looks at the watch Taka had given him as a Winterfest present, he'll think of it. In fact, that's what he's doing right now, as he waits for Taka to come and pick him up. Today is Wednesday, and Taka is working an early shift at the book café, which means he gets off at one o'clock, so they'll have the entire afternoon and evening together.
This afternoon, Taka is taking him shopping for a new coat, because he's adamant that Fox cannot continue to wear a white jacket in the mostly white environment of winter in Mt. Komorebi. It'd be too dangerous, he says, and Fox needs something more easily visible, now that he’ll soon be able to get out and about again. Fox has repeatedly assured him that he's not going to go wandering alone in the forest any more, but Taka will not be swayed. Fox has given in, mostly because Taka is so serious about it.
He supposes, if nothing else, he'll look fashionable on the slopes a couple of weekends from now, when he and Taka go on their first real date. Taka is planning to take him out for breakfast, and then they're going to watch some of the events of the professional snowboarding competition that's taking place on Yukimatsu throughout that weekend. Taka explained it's a qualifier for the All-Japan Snowboarding Championship, and he's excited about it. Seiji and Victor are competing, and Taka says he thinks they both have a good chance at gold in their respective events. As for Fox, he doesn’t know anything about competitive snowboarding and has absolutely no idea what the significance of an All-Japan qualifier is, but he gets to spend the whole day with Taka, so he's happy nevertheless.
After the competition ends for the day, if Fox isn’t too tired, Taka’s going to take him to a lake where he says there’s a small waterfall, and a stunning view of the night sky with no light pollution like there is in town. Fox wants to take photos as references for painting while they’re there, but he thinks Taka may have something else in mind. The way Taka talks about the spot gives Fox the impression that the view of the sky isn’t the only reason people go there after dark, or even the main reason. He likes to imagine that when Taka kisses him that night, it won't be on the cheek or the forehead.
Maybe he’s silly for daydreaming, but he hopes he’s not wrong. If he and Takahiro are going to have their first real kiss on their first real date, he wants it to be there at the lake, under a canopy of a thousand stars. That, he decides, would be better than Winterfest, better than a birthday party, better than getting his cast taken off, eating triple-layer cake, or learning how to drive.
No matter what else they happen to do, that one thing would make the day perfect; perhaps even the most memorable and perfect day of his life so far.
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sweetescapeartist · 1 year
More Sonic Frontiers Spoilers
Continuation of this, but this time its the stuff I didn't like.
Story didnt feel too original. Too much nostalgia bait.
Super Sonic was used way too often. Its like they were trying to make up for Super Sonic not being part of the story for the last few games.
Super Sonic felt kinda weak too. How come it takes so long for Super Sonic to defeat bosses? He's freaking Super Sonic! And for him to lose the Super form due to lasers was dumb.
Super Sonic fight music was... Misplaced and distracting. Its like they dont understand what made Super Sonic special anymore. Used too often, underpowered, unfitting music. It should've been used more sparingly for more impact. Or more orchestrated boss battle music. Idk. Something was missing.
Sonic's friends were barely used and weren't handled well.
Tails, Knuckles, & Amy holding hands then returning to cyber space made no sense. How did they know that would work? Why did it work? Why didn't they all split up and find the Emeralds like they did in Sonic 06? Oh that's right... They aren't playable so their roles are diminished. If SEGA would just allow for other Sonic characters to be playable, they wouldn't have to limit their storytelling & gameplay so much.
Some of the character progression is due to the charafters being ruined by the 2010's writers.
Sonic was too jokey for a serious story like this. He should behave more serious like in the Adventure games, Heroes, 06, & Unleashed.
Open world doesn't work too well for Sonic. Hub worlds with levels works better; like Adventure & the Unleashed hub worlds that had enemies in them in. (In certain sections of the Hub world of course)
Certain combat is more fitting for Knuckles than Sonic.
It should've been Echidnas instead of the Koco since in the Knuckles prologue, he mentions discovering that there were many more Echidna tribes. The Kocos weren't all that interesting besides their connection to the Chaos Emeralds. And the Echidnas are more interesting. But that would require Knuckles playing a bigger role instead of being captured for most of the story. (Probably can't use other Echidna Tribes due to that stupid copyright stuff with Ken Penders & SEGA not paying attention to their own IP)
Quick time events were boring and not very involving.
Sage sacrificing herself was pointless because of many reasons. One being that she didn't need to sacrifice herself at all. Super Sonic put a hole in the final boss, so why did she rush at it when it exploded? Seems like they tried to recapture Shadow's sacrifice from SA2 mixed with Chip's sacrifice from Unleashed.
Too many callbacks and references to past games because SEGA wants to play it safe.
What was the point of the cyber power?
Why was the final boss a living planet/moon thing?
(Other stuff I can't recall at the moment.)
Frontiers, to me, is a placeholder game. This is them trying to win us back. All they did for me is make me cautiously curious about what they will do next.
I'm still waiting for multiple playable characters as well as better & consistent character depictions. Until that happens, I won't be purchasing a Sonic game. And I haven't purchased one since Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.
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fayesdiary · 2 years
18, 20, and 22 for the ask game! :)
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18) What are your hobbies?
The main one is playing videogames, but I also like reading books and comics, watching the occasional TV series/animated media when on the train and taking a walk!
It sound more than it actually is, because in truth, since I'm stuck at home because at home and videogames are one if not the only thing that stimulates me enough, gaming is the main thing I do in my free time.
...not gonna lie, my life feels pretty empty at the moment.
Ever since I started working and am away from all my friends, my life feels more hollow than ever.
Other hobbies I technically have but almost never end up doing are creating art, mainly writing and gamedev!
But I can barely do them due to lack of time, energy and executive dysfunction, and it's one of the most frustrating things ever.
I can barely write, I haven't worked on any games after the one I made on the first months of Covid and while I do want to draw or paint for the heck of it, most of the fun I have doing it is being in company while creating, so doing it alone feels a bit pointless.
...sorry for turning this into venting
20) Favorite book?
May be kinda cheating, but I loved reading the Metal Gear Solid 4 and Halo Reach novelizations! Especially the MGS4 one, I consider it to be better than the actual game.
As for books that aren't adaptations, hmm.
I'll admit I don't remember much of the book I read after a while passes (then again I don't remember much of anything), but honestly I haven't felt hooked into a book for a long time.
Granted, while I am reading more now that I live near a library I'm not reading as much as I want or should, so...
I'll accept any reccomendations if there's a book you'd like to share!
21) Favorite show?
Again, I'm not one who tends to rewatch/replay stuff, but some of my favorite shows are Phineas & Ferb, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Ducktales 2017 and the She-Ra reboot!
Yeah, most of the stuff I watch is animated.
I started watching Heartstopper after hearing about it though. I'm in only a few episodes in, but it's pretty cute!
22) Favorite movie?
Movies are probably the type of media I watch the least due to their length requiring too much attention on my part, but some of my fave movies are Revenge of the Sith due to it being like a insanely fun rollercoaster ride if the rollercoaster was poorly made in CGI and on fire, Emperor's New Groove since it's the funniest thing Disney has ever made, and Spaceballs because it's an hilarious parody and Star Wars if it was actually good
Besides non-comedy movies, A Silent Voice really hooked me for a few months back in the day.
Recently I also watched the first Sonic Movie since it came on Netflix and it was way better than I expected!
Too bad I missed the sequel at the movies..
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bldcatlog · 20 days
It's so pretty outside. The colours and life the people have on campus. I can't seem to sit still. I feel urged to wander and walk and also reminisce? I'm feeling better but I'm not yet there. I think I feel absent minded as of now, I just go and do things to do it! I haven't been in my house for an evening for a while now -- since I got my car properly registered. I just go. Wander off -- it's like I'm searching for something. I can't seem to feel grounded.
I don't have any negative thoughts really, just somber feelings? The weather makes me feel better but I am missing a feeling. I think the more I've been growing recently the more I've come to understand what it's like to feel attached. It's funny really.
I'm sitting here just reading notes, but my thoughts wont focus.
Yesterday I went to the driving range with Cole. It was fun ! I never had golfed before but god was it a little chilly and windy. I broke my fast with seoul fried chicken and I literally blown out my speakers by blasting fart noises. I need to replace my front speaker now. We went to the mokha afterwards and it's so busy. I think I've been there 3 times now? with my siblings, then Makoto than Cole. It's absolutely beautiful inside and I can definitely see myself studying there come next semester.
I'm supposed to be studying but I'm literally journalling LOL! I hope future me doesn't regret this. Speaking of schoolwork, I finished my essay finally. It was okay a little long paragraphs but hope it goes well. I still have to finish my stats assignments but I don't have the urge. A lot of my energy feels drawn out now ! I wonder how it'll be brought back or how I will bring it back.
Talking with Cole, he told me about his private life with a hopeful girl (he really loves her but it hasn't been official) I felt bad for him really. The way it sounded was so exhausting to hear to be honest. I think she fears the commitment and Cole is too nice/aware to break it off properly. We talked about what I would do in that situation and I was not much of a helper LOL! I told him that when things becomes so mundane/ redundant I get radical. I told him not to follow what I said but understand instead. I really hope him the best but the way that girl sounds does not sound like an amazing partner (no offence to her or him!) -- it's pretty insulting actually. But I would hate to be in his shoes, I was at one point with that girl back in high school and to be honestly it was so relieving breaking myself off from her. I hope one day either he makes a strong stance or realize maybe it's a dead flower.
I'm glad I got to experience attachment and grief I'm sure however I feel now my future self will come to realize it was either good for me or something to learn from. Thoughts still linger and attachment but it's best for myself and her. I think I would be a terrible friend if I had these unresolved feelings. It probably would turn into resentment or whatever. So it's best to leave knowing that I enjoyed my life with her for that short moment.
I wonder if I'll hangout with friends this summer that I made this year. I don't know but I let them know that I'm down! I would like a fun summer instead of just working. Maybe I should've joined the dance performance team for funsies.
I wonder how I'll change in 6 months or a year from now. Would I be the same person? Or would I actually be off doing crazy outlandish adventures. I wonder what life would be like if I'd move out.
I'm debating if it's even worth going to CMPUT. actually fuck it! I should go to at least 1 class before the final HAHA
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