#isat 2 hats spoilers
the-bitter-ocean · 5 months
I talked about this on the discord server but I might as well post this here! Uhh i made these originally to brainstorm for my own au (the one where Mira loops in time instead of Siffrin) but I got silly and thought of the rest of the party looping and doodled everyone’s “loop” counterpart for fun! If anyone draws/ writes about them feel free to!! Just tag me so I can see it because everyone’s art and writing concepts are so cool. This isn’t canon to the story by any means of course these are simply my designs/ interpretations of how I’d think they act like or look like!
Design wise I really wanted to keep the space/ celestial body theme but I didn’t want to make everyone the same kind of star because in canon the party has very recognizable shape language that is very different from one another! I wanted to capture the personalities of everyone while still being clearly changed.
Cycle/“Cy” -> Isa ( A shooting star! Has a seemingly more upbeat / cheerful energy because he wants to motivate the other self that’s looping to make it through. Don’t let that fool you though he definitely has issues. Not that he’d tell you! )
Constant/ “Con”-> Bonnie (The sun! Easily frustrated / sarcastic kind of energy. I can’t imagine being trapped in a timeloop would do anyone’s wellbeing or mood good, Let alone a literal preteen and it shows. Secretly very happy to have someone to talk to even if they’ll insist otherwise.)
Eon -> Odile ( Also a star but in a Diamond shape! Wanted the shape language to resemble the craft she does as well as the earrings Odile wears. Has a pragmatic / seemingly cold or indifferent personality, in attempt to distance herself to make things hurt less. She still clearly cares though!)
Rewind/“Riri” -> Mirabelle (The moon! I wanted to choose the moon because the moon constantly changes phases and I think that would reflect her emotional state and connect to her faith in the change belief too! I imagine riri to be very like “I am On the verge! lol! ^_^” very polite and sweet though like her counterpart has. Some bite to her if you make her mad. )
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Natural Satellite [ch 12]
An In Stars and Time AU. In ch 12, Loop returns to the House. You can start from the beginning here.
When you reach the kitchen, your stardust balks in the doorway, eyeing that stupid blinding countertop. You sigh. “I’ll get it.” “...Would you?” “Don’t feel bad,” you tell them, patting their head with all the condescension you can muster. Which is a lot. “Not everyone can be as graceful as yours truly.” Then you saunter up the aisle and— —hit your hip on the kitchen counter. Oh, okay. Haha! Okay!! You’re going to kill yourself!!!!
[spoiler warning for all conceivable endgame spoilers, including the secret end]
Whaa~aat are you doing here? Haha… What are you doing here. Literally why would you ever, ever, ever come back here? You did this already. You played this game and lost. It’s someone else’s turn.
Oh, you were bored? Re~eally? You were bored and lonely and so blinding pathetic that you’d agree to play pretend with a lot of vacant husks of the people you failed? The family you abandoned? A lot of stupid ugly strangers who don’t even recognize you? And that seemed like a good idea?
Stars. It’s the worst joke you ever told. And as usual, you’re the punchline.
A colossal hand rears up from the shadows. Absently, you just attack it. There’s no satisfaction in watching it shudder and fall. No pleasure in hearing your stupid stardust’s stupid Kid marvel at your strength. The whole performance is almost as empty as you are.
That idiot understudy even tried to give you your— their dagger. “I don’t really need it,” he said, shuffling his feet. “I’m pretty strong now.”
Of course you laughed in their face. You weren’t even trying to make them feel small. It was just so blinding funny.
There’s someone saying something. More sepulchral whispers from the ghosts you left to die. Talking to them at the Tree was bad enough, but seeing them in the House is—well, it’s just hilarious. It’s so funny you could cry. You remember how they used to wail and moan every time you drove your blade into your throat. Would they cry for you now?
(Stupid. Of course they wouldn’t. Who could cry over a stranger?)
“You’re pretty strong,” the Fighter tells you, grudging, after you one-hit another Rancoeur, and you nearly fling yourself into the nearest Tear. But what would be the point? You’re already living your worst nightmare.
The ghost of your Fighter is the one who hates you the most. Isn’t that funny? Isn’t it hilarious? He took to you so quickly once. He thought you were sooooo~ cute. In all fairness, you definitely were. And you used to wear a lot more… clothes. But your surface isn’t exactly solid, nowadays. If you tried to put a hat on, you’re not sure if you’d set it on fire or if it would just fall straight through you. Not that you want to wear a hat. You have no one left to hide from.
Slapstick is a little low-brow for you, anyway.
But these actors are a bunch of hacks. They don’t even remember their lines! You have half a mind to fill in for them. A call and response between you and your understudy. Practically a one-man show! So high-concept!! So avante-garde!!
The only problem is, audiences never like a one-man show. Normal people find them inaccessible. Masturbatory. Pathetic.
But you knew that already, didn’t you.
When you reach the kitchen, your stardust balks in the doorway, eyeing that stupid blinding countertop.
You sigh. “I’ll get it.”
“...Would you?”
“Don’t feel bad,” you tell them, patting their head with all the condescension you can muster. Which is a lot. “Not everyone can be as graceful as yours truly.”
Then you saunter up the aisle and—
—hit your hip on the kitchen counter.
Oh, okay. Haha! Okay!! You’re going to kill yourself!!!!
* * *
Running the House goes a lot more smoothly with Loop around. They’re remarkably efficient. Sort of alarmingly efficient, actually. Not for the first time, you find yourself wondering what their deal is. And not for the first time, you find yourself strangely reluctant to think too hard about it.
When you get to Euphrasie’s office, Madame Odile spends about ten minutes enraptured by a lot of boring paperwork before you gather the courage to mumble, “Um. Madame? Are you almost finished?”
“Absolutely not,” she says briskly. “Honestly, this organizational system is in shambles. Who in their right mind would put expense reports in the same file as enrollment rates? What’s the common thread there? ‘The letter E?’”
Mirabelle giggles. “My roommate says the same thing.”
You don’t want to interrupt, but… “Is this, um. Do you think you might want to help her organize after we beat the King, though?”
Odile barks a laugh. “I’m no one’s secretary. This isn’t altruism, Siffrin, it’s research. I’m looking for any more information that she might have tucked away on Wish Craft. You know. The thing that might actually free you from an eternity of torment?”
“Check under ‘water bills,’” Loop suggests. “Or ‘waste management.’”
Madame Odile actually snickers.
“Okay, but…” You huff a breath. “It’s just. The rock trap will go off if anyone leaves, but I’ve still got some keys to collect… and if we take too long, we’ll be pretty hungry by the time we reach the King…”
“Understood,” she sighs. Then she rolls up her sleeves. “Isabeau!”
He salutes smartly. “M’dame!!”
“Pull out this drawer,” she tells him, nodding at it. “And this one, too. We’ll bring them with us to the library. That is where we’re headed next, no?”
“Well, yes, but—”
“Then that’s our first move,” she says firmly. “We can discuss next steps once we’ve resituated.”
But when you get to the library, she gets right back to work.
“Madame,” you sigh. “Weren’t we going to—”
“Oh, absolutely not. This is only because of that trap.” She quirks an eyebrow at you. “If we have other business to attend to, I’m quite sure we can accomplish it in teams, now that we’ve picked up an extra pair of hands.”
Oh. Weird. From your perspective, Loop’s been with you the whole time.
You frown at her. “You think we should split up?”
“Well, there’s no risk anymore, is there? Apparently, failure isn’t permanent. If anything goes wrong, we can simply… start again.”
Loop flinches.
You flinch, too. Technically, temporally, she isn’t wrong. But having the same excruciating conversation over and over and over again… Honestly, it sounds even worse than dying. “Um…”
She flaps a hand at you, her interest already drifting. “You and Loop can go retrieve whatever-it-is you’re so eager to find, and—”
“No,” you blurt out, alarmed. It takes you a second to notice the echo. Loop spoke at the exact same time. You give them a startled glance before pressing on. “Um. You can’t… You need one of us with you. It’s dangerous. And they’ve been with me the whole time, so… they know how to be careful.”
“Teehee!” Loop winks. “I assure you, I’m nothing if not careful.”
“Fascinating,” Odile mutters. “You know what Siffrin’s referring to, then?”
They count on their fingers as they rattle off the answers. “The Crying Key in your Housemaiden’s old classroom; the Scissors Key in the trap room, and—”
“That’s plenty. We’ll keep Siffrin; I have a few questions for him. Loop, what’s your Craft Type?”
“Who’s asking?” they ask automatically.
Odile’s mouth twitches. “Cagy little thing, aren’t you? It’s like meeting Siffrin all over again.”
“No it isn’t,” you both say, in perfect, unnerving unison.
Loop glares at you before rolling their eyes. “I’m Scissors Type. If you must know.”
“Then we’ll send you with a Rock type, to be safe. Isabeau!”
He snaps to attention. “M’dame!”
“Go with Loop. Watch their back. Siffrin,” she adds, making you jump. “Can Isabeau trust them to take the lead?”
You give them a deeply distrustful look, then sigh. “...Yes.”
“Then we’ll see you two shortly. With any luck, we’ll have something to report by then.”
* * *
It’s the worst thing you can imagine. Your own personal void, tailor-made for you. As if your pathetic existence wasn’t torturous enough~!
You do your level best to ignore him. Unfortunately, the ghost of your Fighter makes himself uniquely difficult to ignore. Every time you look his way, you find him already staring. A lot of quick, nervous little glances, like you’re some unspeakable horror that, should he take his eyes off you for ten seconds, would promptly unhinge your jaw and swallow him whole.
The next time it happens, you lose your patience. “Craft a picture, why don’t you? It’ll last longer.”
“S-Sorry!! I was just—just wondering, um. Are you… okay?”
(What.) “Peachy keen, big guy. I just lo~ve wasting time on a lot of low-level losers that’ll reset the second we finish the job.”
“…You’re talking about the Sadnesses, right?”
“Teehee!” you giggle, and wink. “Who can say~!”
You can finish ch 12 here: ao3.org/works/53412649/chapters/138927454
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applesaucesomething · 1 month
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These two are very fun to draw (even if I’m still trying to figure out how to draw them)
The quality is better if you click on the image
Version without colour:
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whomst-yall · 10 days
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this is inspired by me forgetting about the pineapple allergy twice after loop literally tells you :') figured it was fitting for siffrin "memory issues" nolastname
bonus doodle:
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luaneedssleep · 4 months
Hello ISAT community!! So I made this comic for the In Tales Of Time AU (Odile Looping AU), so let it be known that there’s a lot of spoilers!! Especially for Act 6!!!!! Also, uh, implications of bad stuff happening to Odile! So be warned!!
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@tealgoat @wonder-of-the-stars
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sloopaysfan · 11 days
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wouldnt it be fucked up if loop was the only one. well. looping. could you imagine how insane that would make them.
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daily-odile · 5 months
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moonstandardtime · 1 month
loop gets arrested part 1. i spent entirely too long on this but i think its funny so. worth it
(it cuts off weird at the end (theres supposed to be more) which i need to fix. but there's a link to the obj.lol itself in the description so its not a pressing issue. enjoy!)
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codacheetah · 3 months
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gardenofskeletonss · 1 month
They strike.
And strike again.
Two hat spoilers
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bengallemon · 11 days
The Favour Tree stands tall. Impossibly tall, scraping against the darkening sky.
It is darker at the centre. The Stars hang within it.
It feels like you are staring at into the depths of the Universe.
It is staring back at you.
You feel like the Universe is laughing at you.
You feel like the Universe is crying at you.
You feel like the Universe is crying for you.
But which You?
There is two of You.
You were staring at another You.
Even if their face was not yours. Even if it was one of the Stars you hold dear.
It was You.
The same body. The same flesh, blood and bones. The same muscle tissues, all the same body systems. The same eyes. The same being. The exact. Same. You.
Loop was so angry with you, weren’t they? You get to succeed where they could not. You get to be with your family where they can not. You get to have the life they were supposed to have.
No wonder Loop tried to kill you, huh?
You got everything, they got nothing. Nothing but a little coin.
And it’s not like you were kind to them, really. Considering what you said to Loop before you ended up in the House alone.
Loop tried to kill you and take your place.
You never wanted to kill them. They’re still You, after all.
You don’t hate yourself like that ~!
You panicked.
They lunged at you and you panicked.
Red eyes in your face and you panicked.
You shot your hands out in front of you.
And grabbed.
A n d
y o u
t o r e
It is dark now.
The bottom of the Favour Tree is light. Except for the blood. The roots you and Loop used to sit on and talk to each other are covered in it. The Red stands out so starkly against everything.
You stand before it. There are the fragments of a Star scattered around the body, around where the head must be. The shades have faded into a dull almost darkless grey.
You look at the face of who you killed.
And Siffrin’s face stares back, the eyes are blank, and you feel nothing.
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livesworthlivingau · 11 days
Lives Worth Living Chapter 3
General ISAT Spoilers possible below
"Oh hey, welcome back Sif! You're just in time, Bonnie's finishing up dinner now"
"Where's Loop? They shouldn't miss dinner!... Wait... Can Loop actually eat food?" (You pause... Mira brings up a very good point actually...) "Uhh… I'm actually not sure... But they said don't wait up, they uh... have some stuff to think about." (You respond, worried about them, but just glad to be back with your family for now. You take a seat at the table next to Isabeau, placing your hand in his and entwining your fingers, laying your head on his shoulder with a content sigh... wait... why is everyone staring at you?) "Uhh… S-Sif?..." (Isa asked, you could feel he was incredible tense all of the sudden, his palm soaking wet, even shaking a little... OH STARS! You quickly pull away, face burning darker as you realize what just happened. It was a leftover reflex from your former life. It was so natural you didn't even think about doing it. Mirabelle just gave a cute giggle and smile, almost as if she was enjoying one of her silly romance books.) "I didn't expect you to be so forward Siffrin." (Odile noted with a raised brow and a bit of a smirk, seeming to at least be glad the two of you were progressing in the relationship.) "I-I-... I'm sorry Isa I-I... I don't know, I wasn't thinking..." (You have no way to explain the actions you just took, just hiding your face in your cloak like you used to, tipping your hat forward as well to hide your shame.) "N-No it's okay!... I-It... was really nice actually..." (Isa was blushing just as brightly, slowly extending his hand, inviting you to place yours in it again. You know things didn't progress this quickly before, but... it couldn't hurt to get a tiny head start, could it? You return your hand to his, the both of you just flustered and looking away, still holding hands... the entire display must look terribly stupid... but it was worth it.) "MALANGA FRITTERS TIME!" (Bonnie shouts as they barge in, holding a large plate of your favorite dish... stopping and staring at the awkward scene before them) "... Why's everyone being weird?" --------------------------------------------------------- (You sigh some to yourself as you walked through the hall that night, it was a long day with a lot of surprises, so it was nice to finally have a moment to yourself, heading for the living space to relax on your own, only to find...) "Siffrin... I don't mean to force you, but considering everything that happened recently, I think you'll understand why I feel the need to pry. You've been acting strange, and not in the expected way. Do you care to explain?" (Odile... always so crabbing smart... She sat there with a serious yet caring face, and she clearly wouldn't let this go easily... Oh boy, how to handle this?) "Are you sure you wanna open this can of worms right now?" "I promise you I won't tell the other's unless I absolutely feel the need to, if that would make you feel better." "... I watched you die Odile... I watched you take your last breath... 30 years from now." (Odile's expression quickly shifted from studious to shocked, horrified even. She takes a while to process this, and will likely need longer than she'd allow herself) "Tell you what... bring a bottle, we'll have some fun with it, hehe~" (You instruct, shifting to a bittersweet look, and 'winking'. This seems to relieve at least some of Odile's worry, nodding and getting up to find a trusty bottle of vodka.) ----------------------------------------------------------- That's the end of this chapter but if anyone wants to suggest questions for Odile to ask in Sus 2: Electric Boogaloo, I'd love to hear them!~
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hopepetal · 15 days
hi! uh, im very new to the isat fandom, but you seem nice! and i have a few questions that i was wondering if you could answer! (/not forced and /gen question)
so 1. sasasap is the prologue game right? am i loosing any of the story but not playing this?
2. what do people mean when they're talking about "two hats spoilers"?
3. there's only those three things right? sasasap, "two hats" and then isat?
again if you dont know the answers or dont want to answer thats okay!
Yep! Start Again: a prologue (sasasap) is, in fact, the prologue! It's not necessary to play to understand plot but it might be good to check out after you finish isat (if you haven't already)
Two hats is a bit of a secret ending that you get if you do a very certain thing. I wouldn't have gotten it if I didn't have anyone else helping me.
Yep :D
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inks-lil-quiet-corner · 2 months
woa a random in stars and time oc that may or may not be incredibly self-indulgent!!! woa!!!!
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meet lost! a silly ghost that just vibes with siffrin in the loops! more info about them is under the cut cuz it's a lot and doesn't make much sense lol (isat spoilers!!!)
would appear after the loop where siffrin gets accidentally thrown into the tear
like loop, they don't use any of the characters’ actual names
in order they call them little shine, housemaiden, fighter, researcher, and kid
basically the same as loop except for siffrin’s nickname
calls loop little galaxy, and calls the king crying one
loop would probably call them ghost
genuinely doesn’t remember anything about their past, but there are things that give them a sense of familiarity
can choose to make themselves visible or non-visible to siffrin, but can’t make themselves non-visible to loop
has free range when it comes to movement, can go wherever they want, but often chooses to stay beside siffrin
is oddly calm most of the time, and usually has a neutral expression unless they're expressing some sort of joy or acting mischievous
gives siffrin little pep talks at the start of every loop, but stops doing so after act 3
would suggest the use of siffrin's dagger to loop back really early into the loops, before the end of act 2
siffrin still wouldn’t go along with it until much later on
sometimes messes around the house since they're able to sometimes physically interact with the items around them
has caused the group (other than siffrin) to think that the house was genuinely haunted in multiple loops because of this, much to siffrin and loop’s annoyance
commentates a lot on what siffrin’s doing, even if he can’t hear them in the house
would suddenly act differently after act 2, when siffrin defeats the king only to get sent back
would express more emotion, namely frustration and impatience
would also show exasperation regarding siffrin deciding to stick to some script, wondering why something like that matters when they’re stuck
after act 3, would often immediately go to bonnie’s side and stay with them for as long as possible for a few loops
would also shut up about their annoyance regarding siffrin following a script, though they’d still see it as pointless when it comes to some of the stuff that he’s so adamant about keeping the same that wouldn't really put any of them in a life or death situation
would suddenly become visible to the rest of the group in act 5 after siffrin runs off into the house on their own, would partner up with loop to help guide them all to siffrin
Two Hats Spoilers below this line!!!
they're a siffrin from another universe
loop had a sneaking suspicion of this since their first meeting, and it was confirmed in one of the loops during act 4, in which lost decided to hang out with loop while siffrin went back into the house and the two of them had a talk
lost themself didn’t know that they were a siffrin from a different universe, but remembered when loop started talking about it
wished for something different compared to loop
wished to rest, and for their soul to be sent somewhere far away where it’ll actually matter
did not turn out as expected but oh well
doesn’t want to replace siffrin, just wants siffrin to be happy and live the life they couldn’t since he never gave up when they did
never reveals their true identity to siffrin, but siffrin suspected that they’re another siffrin after the uh. conversation. with loop in act 6
their spirit is finally able to rest after the loops end, so they fade away, leaving behind their silver coin and five-leaf clover
do they come back??? who knows it’s like a similar ending that loop had where they just faded
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Natural Satellite [ch 13]
An In Stars and Time AU. In ch 13, Loop deflects. Siffrin spirals. Isabeau tries to keep up. You can start from chapter one here.
Isabeau nearly jumps out of his skin. “W-Woah!!! Sif!!!” “Yes?” “You’re—wow, you’re like, really quiet!!” “Yes.” Sif flops down in the grass, patting around vaguely till they find a thick-ish branch. They snap it in half with a startling crack, eye it thoughtfully, and then halve it again before unsheathing their dagger. ...Huh. They’re whittling again, even though they know their work won’t outlast the loop. Which means they want to talk about something. “What’s up, Sif?” “The canopy.” “Annnd…?” Sif’s blade digs into the wood, scraping off a long, curling shaving. “And I thought we should talk about Wish Craft.”
[isat spoilers / 2 hats spoilers / spoilers thru act 6]
Isabeau has, like, at least a million questions.
If Loop—(Sif???) (No, they chose the name Loop; that has to matter)—is really some alternate version of Siffrin, then… what? What? What??? What would that even mean??? And why would they keep it a secret from Sif? What’s the point in keeping secrets from yourself?
Of course Isa isn’t going to rat them out. It’s not his place. And he’s definitely not gonna confront them about their past. What kind of a crab could look at someone who Changed that much and try to talk to the person they used to be? Loop is Loop now. Isabeau is totally cool with that.
…He’s just a little confused about why there are two of them.
Isabeau knows how it feels to Change. But it’s not like he walked out of the House holding hands with the kid he used to be. One person can’t become two people. That’s not how it works. (That’s not how anything works.)
He needs to talk to Loop. Luckily, he’s in the right place. There should be at least a few minutes before Siffrin catches up. Longer, if Sif stops to talk to Mira. It’s not ideal, but it should be enough to get at least a few answers.
“Loop!” he gasps, when he spots them.
“What do you want,” Loop asks sourly.
“N-Nothing!! I’m just a little confused, is all!”
“And… I guess I was hoping you could help with that?”
Loop gives him a close-eyed smile. “Optimistic!”
“I’m just, um. I… guess I’m having a hard time getting my head around it?”
Loop’s eyes snap open. “Why? Because I don’t hang on your every word? Because I’m not some cute little puppy, like your Siffrin?”
“What? No! Because why are there two of you???”
He watches Loop draw themself up to snap at him and then just—settle back into their seat. “Oh.”
Yeah, oh. “So. You know. Why are there two of you?”
“Does it matter?”
“And how do you look so different? Body Craft is, I mean, it’s pretty advanced, but I don’t think it’s possible to—I mean—I’m pretty sure you’re made of light?”
Loop examines their hands, the white shining from under their nails. “It certainly seems that way, doesn’t it?”
“And—” This one is embarrassing, but he can’t help it. “W-Why wouldn’t you tell me?”
“…Why would I?”
Yeah, Isabeau probably could’ve seen that coming. “Are you seriously not going to answer any of my questions?”
“I’d have thought that would be obvious.” Loop narrows their eyes at him. “Don’t you have any manners? This is Vaugarde. It’s rude to ask someone about who they used to be.”
Wow, they are really not making this easy! “I’m not— I don’t care that you Changed. Or, I mean, it’s great! If you’re happy, I’m happy! I just… I mean… It kinda seems like you aren’t, though?”
Loop’s face hardens. “I don’t want to talk about this with you.”
“Well, who do you wanna talk to?”
“No one! Ever!!! Till the end of time!!!!”
Isabeau groans. “Look, I didn’t wanna play this card, but you just really don’t seem like you’re doing very well…”
“What impressive powers of perception! Your parents must be proud.”
“…and I guess it seems like you’re cool with that, but I’m not, so I think you probably have to talk to someone, so… i-if you really won’t talk to me, then—” He grimaces, bracing for the worst. “I… think I might have to tell Sif.”
To his surprise, Loop just rolls their eyes. “Knock yourself out. I’m sure he’ll be soooo~ surprised.”
“Wh— Huh???”
“Why are you acting like that?” Loop asks grumpily. “You just said it just last loop. That they guessed who I was, and he thought I was probably him.”
“B-But that’s just a theory!”
“Oh, grow up. How long did it take you to clock me? Three loops? Maybe four? He’s been here for hundreds.”
“They have all the pieces. He’s just deluding himself because he doesn’t like the implication.”
He almost doesn’t want to ask, but… “What implication?”
Loop smiles nastily. “That—”
“Oh, good,” Siffrin says, from immediately behind him. “You’re already here.”
Isabeau nearly jumps out of his skin. “W-Woah!!! Sif!!!”
“You’re—wow, you’re like, really quiet!!”
“Yes.” Sif flops down in the grass, patting around vaguely till they find a thick-ish branch. They snap it in half with a startling crack, eye it thoughtfully, and then halve it again before unsheathing their dagger.
Huh. They’re whittling again, even though they know their work won’t outlast the loop. Which means they want to talk about something. “What’s up, Sif?”
“The canopy.”
Sif’s blade digs into the wood, scraping off a long, curling shaving. “And I thought we should talk about Wish Craft.”
“It sounds like you should talk about Wish Craft,” Loop sniffs. “You are the only one who knows the rituals.”
Isabeau gives them a look, but doesn’t argue.
“I don’t think that’s right, though,” Sif mutters. “My wish wasn’t even related. And, I mean… do I know the rituals?”
“You knew the right numbers,” Isa points out. “And the chanting and stuff.”
“Right, but it can’t be that simple. If repeating was all it took, then I’d still have that toilet paper.”
Isabeau stares.
Unexpectedly, Loop stares, too. “Come again?”
“The toilet paper,” Sif says again. “Didn’t you see? In the bathroom on the third floor.”
“I don’t watch you pee, stardust. Gross.”
“Wait,” Isabeau interjects, “I’m sorry, I just… You can do Wish Craft by peeing?”
“Piss Craft,” Sif says, apparently on reflex, and then glares. “I mean, no. Obviously not. Will you just listen?”
Isabeau shuts his mouth obligingly. He’s listening.
* * *
You don’t like that Isabeau is talking to Loop now. You can feel that something’s shifted between them, and you don’t like that, either. But at least Isa still mostly does what you tell him.
“I’m saying I didn’t do Wish Craft,” you explain. “I did the wanting, and the repeating, and it didn’t do anything. I didn’t get what I…”
. . . Wait.
What did you repeat, exactly? It definitely wasn’t “toilet paper, toilet paper, toilet paper.” What were your exact words? You asked it to come with you. No. To loop back with you. And you said—
You said you didn’t want to be alone.
(“S-Sif?” Isa says nervously. “You’re, um. You should probably be careful?”
You follow his gaze toward your hands. You’ve reduced the whole branch to sawdust. You flip your knife shut and brush off your knees in disgust.)
You said you didn’t want to be alone. And you’re not alone anymore, are you? Someone’s looping back with you, but it’s not the blinding toilet paper.
“Oh, Stars,” you mumble. “I did it.”
Loop wheezes. “What, really? Piss Craft?”
“No!! Shut up!! Will you both just shut up and listen? I’m saying that I—” Stars, but it hurts to admit. “It’s— Isa, he’s… It was my fault. I’m the reason he remembers.”
Isabeau’s eyes widen. “Wait, but… are you saying, um. D-Does that mean you wished for me?”
Right. Of course he’d ask that. You squeeze your eyes shut, cringing. “Not… exactly?”
“Toilet paper??????”
“I just wanted something I could hold!!” you say defensively. “I was losing my mind!! I was tired and alone and tired of being alone and I couldn’t make anyone touch me and I was just—so blinding tired of dying that I… yes. Yes. Toilet paper.”
For some reason, Isabeau looks even more confused. “W-Wait, what?”
“I said I wanted something I could hold.”
Loop stops laughing for just long enough to choke out, “Wrong sentence, stardust.”
You frown at them, running over your lines in your mind. It all seems pretty self-explanatory. “What?”
“You—” Isabeau’s face is quickly changing color. “You, um. You… wanted us to touch you?”
Oh. Oh, no.
You can read the rest of ch 13 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53412649/chapters/139473697 Or start from the beginning here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53412649/chapters/135189547
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anuninterestingperson · 4 months
Number 2 and/or 16 for ISAT? :3 Regarding the fandom ask game
(link to ask meme here)
fullgame & two hats/endgame secret spoilers below the cut!
2. i think when i first thought about the headcanon that loop would do plays/voices while reading and so forth postcanon, i wasn't completely sold because i thought it might be kind of a trigger? but now i like it, i think it could be a healthy way for them to channel those feelings!
16. let's seeeee what's a tiny detail. isat is entirely full of good tiny details. all of the hints towards loop's identity throughout the game are some of my favorites, but! other than that...hm ok i think a lot of people don't look at the item interactions in act 6 and i really like those! broken doll is my favorite but i think the chain is also really sweet, plus you get the 'sif isn't completely better' from stuff like the picture and (redacted). the item interactions in general deserve more attention! Good Flavor
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