#is it any surprise Rhys throws shade with his powers?
aprill-99 · 8 months
How it started *Under the Mountain*:
Feyre: “So that’s the love of my life.”
Rhys: “Really? Tamlin? That guy?”
Feyre: “Yeah. Thoughts?”
Rhys: “And prayers. Girl what-”
Where it went *Early ACOWAR*:
Feyre: “So this is my mate.”
Lucien: “Really? Your mate is that guy?? Rhysand???”
Feyre: “Yeah. Thoughts?”
Lucien: “And Prayers. Girl what-”
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darling-archeron · 5 years
Beneath the Dark - Chapter Four
What would have happened if Feyre had come to Prythian much earlier? Feyre Archeron has left her mortal life behind, and accepted being demi-fae. She has found her place in the Night Court’s Inner Circle. But when her and Rhys attend a ball hosted by Amarantha Under the Mountain, they are in for much for then they bargained for.
Chapter warning for strong implications of rape.
She had us by the balls.
We were trapped here, and utterly at her mercy. I knew there had been no real point slaughtering those couriers, no reason beyond showing what she could do.
I knew most of them had despised me.
And I would mourn them still.
But better for their blood to coat the floor than Velaris’s. Hewn City had always been the front with which I protected what was most precious. The Court of Dreams would take care of the city and protect it, even if it drove them mad. I knew they had received my message, but I had pulled away before I could hear their replies.
“You all should find quarters to stay in and retire for the evening. You’ll be down here for a long time, and I won’t have you all staying uncomfortably.” She mocked. “Tamlin is welcome to set out whenever he likes.”
“The Spring Court leaves now,” Tamlin growled, murder blazing in his eyes. Claws grew from his hands – and Amarantha, curiously, let them be. Lucien gave the order to round up servants from his side. His frown wasn’t concealed by his mask – though both were reminiscent of a fox. The face he would wear for forty-nine years.
I hadn’t seen that variable coming – that she would play this game with Tamlin, drawing it out as she did the cruelest of tortures.
My fault, for not exploring all the ways this gone.
“I’ll see the rest of you in the morning. I have some wonderful plans for our time together!” She chirruped. “And I certainly hope no one develops any little plans about not making an appearance.”
Feyre made eye contact with me, and I took in her appearance for the first time since we had left Velaris only a few hours before. She was disheveled, her delicate brown hair coming undone and half of her gauzy black skirt hacked away at the knee, though she still wore the bat mask.
Granted, I knew I probably looked like hell too. Flakes of blood spotted my jacket and pants.
“What now?” She asked quietly.
“We retire, as she wants. There’s nothing we can do right now.” It angered me more than I wanted to admit.
“Do you have a plan?”
“Velaris is safe. I’ve bound the Circle to the city, and anyone else here with an inkling will find themselves without that memory.”
“Good.” She didn’t comment on how I had avoided her question. I jerked my head slightly, indicating that we should start walking towards the doors where everyone else hurried.
“But there’s no way I’ll be finding any sleep tonight.” She almost shuddered, stopping herself.
“Your acting tonight hasl been excellent, Feyre.”
“She knows I’m a daemati, Rhys.”
“We both fucked up,” I admitted. Me, more than her. Amarantha’s interest in Feyre was exactly the opposite of what I had wanted. I shouldn’t have introduced her in such an important role, I should have disguised her as a servant instead.
We approached the doors, and I noticed a few stares clinging to us like cobwebs. “Nuala has found a chamber for you. Go ahead and try to rest.” I knew the idea sounded absurd. “I have a few things to attend to first.” I knew I didn’t have to remind her to place wardings around her room.
“Of course you aren’t retiring.” Her mental voice was soft. She turned and exited the room without looking at me again, shoulders back and head held high. Part of me wished I could go and find sleep. Using my magic against Amarantha had taken more of my remaining power than I would ever admit.
I continued to stalk ahead, maintaining that air of arrogance. No one dared approach me, and I found a path cleared for me.
Intimidation, I knew, would continue to serve me well. Set on my path, I turned the corner -
And was faced with Amarantha. This night was already down the drain – but it was obviously about to get worse.
“Rhysand.” She purred. The evening’s events didn’t appear to have taken a toll on her, and not a hair was out of place. She had removed her mask, baring her face.
I dipped my head. “My Queen.” Better to slip into the role right away. It would make everyone believe I had always been a two-faced bastard, but so be it.
She smiled. “I’m so glad to see you’re adjusting to this quickly. I fear others will struggle.”
“Ah, but I know you will guide them well. They will learn who their Queen is in due time.”
“Your faith is much appreciated, Rhysand. No hard feelings about your Court, I hope? I did what was necessary.”
Hard feelings. As if she hadn’t ended those lives without a second thought. But I only smirked. “Dealing with scheming couriers is one of the more irritating parts of my job. You’ve saved me a great deal of work.”
A smile. “Good. I can hardly be responsible for what will happen if my orders aren’t obeyed, not after I’ve given such a fair warning.” She shrugged.
“And do you expect Tamlin to bend the knee again soon?”
“Naturally. It’ll only be a matter of time before he grows tired of living as a shade of himself.” She paused, and I noticed how empty the hall around us was. Nobody wanted to be near Amarantha.
“But in the meantime –“ She placed a hand on her pale chest, Jurian’s eye once again still. “I fear I will grow lonely. So many of my subjects will fear me before they grow to love me.” She took a step closer to me, near enough that I could feel her breath.
And I realized what she wanted.
“Perhaps you are in a similar position. Lord of Nightmares, they call you. Though given your father’s reputation I’m surprised they all fear you so easily.”
Her hand grazed my arm, her pale skin warm.
That was what this was about. Not me, not even Tamlin. But how my father had murdered Tamlin’s.
“I’ve earned my reputation. Surely you’ve heard of all the tortures I’ve inflicted over the years, My Queen.  But if you’ll excuse me, it grows late.”
She shook her head. “You’re High Lord of the Night Court.” Her voice was soft. “Nighttime should be of no consequence to you.”
I opened my mouth to refuse again, but she kept talking. “You made an impressive display against me in the ballroom. I was quite enthralled. You end lives like some give in to sleep.”
“I’ve always taken care to hone my powers.” The only true thing I had said to her during this conversation. I couldn’t decide if she knew it or not.
“Is it frustrating, Rhysand? I’m sure you can find no equal among the High Lords. Nostrus and Beron sit around reveling day and night. Calder is practically a child. Thesan and Julius are so dull. And….of course, we all know you and Tamlin get along.”
“The other High Lords bring me no interest, that’s true.” I clasped my hands behind my back. “My Court is diverting enough.”
“And do tell me, what about it is so diverting? I could never unravel that during my time there.”
I raised an eyebrow. “My Queen, you’ve been to the Hewn City. Did they not amuse you?”
“They were plenty amusing. I have plans to model this mountain’s architecture after theirs. But I can’t help but feel as though I didn’t see your entire Court.  Members of key bloodlines were missing – where was the Morrigan? Where was that creature that men fear, who drinks blood like wine?” She tilted her head.
“She is little more than a legend – I thought you would have known that. A tale mothers tell their children to keep them from straying too far.”
“Is that not what all of Prythian is, to mortals?”
I fought the urge to grit my teeth. All these questions were striking too close for comfort.
“You must be lonely. All that power, half of a millennium by yourself, an equal never found. You never found a mate, did you?” Her voice took on a mocking edge. “Come to think of it, I’ve never heard of any lovers you’ve had."
It took effort to keep my expression the same. She couldn’t find out about Feyre, or any of my circle. That was my goal in all this – to protect them and my people.
“I never had the fortune to find a mate. But leadership has kept me plenty occupied.”
“Does it? Kier told me you barely ever make an appearance in the Hewn City.”
Damn him. “I prefer to rule from afar. I have a castle in the mountains where I spend my time.” Another truth.
“I plan to be an attentive ruler, Rhysand. But I have no intention to spend all of my time bored and alone.”
I didn’t say anything, a pit of dread growing in my stomach.
“Tamlin isn’t here right now. But you would occupy me well, in the meantime.”
“I don’t know if that would be wise, My Queen.” I didn’t break her gaze.
Her tone sharpened. “Are you questioning my judgment? You’re the only one worthy of me, Rhysand, and deep down you know it. And I could do….considerable things for you.”
Sleeping with her…..sleeping with her, giving a pretense about caring for her…. it would draw attention away from whoever I might be close to. Away from Feyre. Perhaps she would come to trust me, in time. I could use it to my advantage.
“These years may grow long. We will both need something to distract us.” She pushed, gripping my arm tightly. “Without your couriers to provide the amusement you claim, surely you will need a distraction.”
I blinked for a moment too long. And when I opened my eyes, the decision was made.
So I let my gaze turn wolfish, taking in her body. She was, objectively, beautiful. “I’ve been told I’m very, very good at distractions.”
“Then we’re in agreement. Escort me to my chambers, Rhysand.”
I linked my arm into hers, the portrait of a gentleman, giving her a small smirk. Her tongue grazed her lips, eyes dilating.
The mounting dread in my stomach grew and grew. The carnage of earlier hadn’t made me throw up, but this….this might do it.
I had slaughtered and tricked my way across battlefields for years, played mind games of politics.
This was a new, different sort of fight. But I would treat it as I had all the others.
I didn’t know the way to her rooms, but she told me where to turn with a tug against our linked arms. The hallways were dark, arches and corridors casting shadows onto the ground. Our own shadows looked monstrous in the dim lighting. Besides the guards stationed intermittently, we were the only two out, and not a sound came from the wing we approached. At last, at the end of a long corridor, we approached a wide door, finer than others I had seen. It alone was carved, depicting gods and monsters in the pattern.
Amarantha reached for the doorknob, dark-painted nails curling around the handle. The door opened with a click, and faelight from the corridor shone into the room, casting a bit of light.
She left my side and placed a glowing ball of soft faelight in a bowl by her bedside, illuminating the room. It was an oddly familiar gesture; one I had done myself countless times.
The suite was grand, and already well decorated in colors of purple and gray. Hybern’s color, and the color of her own House. A reminder of who this was all supposedly for.
The bed drew my attention first – grand and ostentatious, covered in rich silks. The bedposts rose like daggers from the ground. From high ceilings hung large silver chandeliers that remained unlit. Fine tapestries in rich colors covered the walls. The suite had been decorated far in advance. I had no doubts that her newfound prisoners were sleeping in less comfort.
No windows, obviously. One exit – the one we had come through - and a door leading to the rest of her chambers.
Amarantha strutted back to me, gate seductive and face half-hidden in shadow. In the darkness, her hair was much less red. She placed one hand on my chest, the other reaching up to tear off my mask. It landed behind me with a thud, and bile began to rise in my throat.
“You say you’ve spent your due time on battlefields, winning victory after victory. But I have fought for longer than you’ve been alive.”
She placed one hand on my chest, and with the other reached up to remove my mask with a gentle touch. I could feel her breath on my cheek, and the scent of rich perfume wafted towards me - a heady vanilla.
I didn’t lean away.
“And tonight, you will truly learn of war.”
When it was done, I lay on my back and watched the chandelier, trying to distinguish patterns in the twisted metal, its dull grey finish gleaming slightly in the faelight. She hadn’t extinguished it.
Amarantha lay only a few feet away, physical and mental shields as strong as ever. I had checked, laying here for minutes on end before I could rally the strength and will to try it.
The tides of her breathing remained steady, soft. She seemed almost innocent in sleep – red hair unbound and flowing across the pillow, naked body hidden by the silken sheets.
It felt like I was floating. Out of my body, to somewhere else. It had stopped feeling like my body halfway through.
Even so, the places on my back she had dug her nails into still stung, the pain lingering longer than I had expected it to.
I lay awake as the hours passed, blocking out the memories as I remembered who I was doing this for.
She had vowed to teach me of war.
And it was obvious who the victor was tonight.
@fireheart-of-your-dreams @rowaelinforeverworld Let me know if you’d like to be tagged!
AN: This chapter was uploaded to AO3 a few weeks ago but I completely forgot to post it here, I apologize! This chapter is also on the short side, they’ll get longer again as certain things start to unfold. Thank you all for reading!
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flowerflamestars · 5 years
How did Feyre and Rhysand meet in your Ivy Moon AU?
Yall know I love this backstory! 
Okay, so as established in Ivy Moon: the sister’s magically hidden home is in upstate new york. Elain very briefly attended Columbia- this is the fake degree she currently uses in the human side of her career. Nesta flat-out did not go: she had just been hired by Amren at the time, and was already rising as one of the most in demand curse-breakers around. She has No Time for human life.
But Feyre, the youngest and most curious about her human father, wanted a real human experience. She gets into NYU and studies in succession: poetry, theatre, photography, before settling on making gigantic, watercolor melded canvases. 
The older Archerons worry, of course. One of their Wild Hunt Uncles, Alaistair actually spends a semester posing as adjunct faculty to watch out for Fey. (It plays out like one long tweed cosplay and he leaves the avowed enemy of the history department.)
At twenty- one Feyre has been selling her art for just under a year. She’s about to graduate. But more stressful than that: she’s about to have her first solo show in the city.
A frantic spring of painting commences. Elain is on her yearly work trip to France- preforming alchemy and checking in on perfume production- but magically sending her little sister late night desserts, knowing damn well Fey isn’t sleeping. Only one batch is spiked with enough magic to make her take a break. 
A month out, Amren and Nesta get called to Russia for a job. 
While all this has been happening, Rhysand has been ruling the city. He does much of what his vampire father had taught him to: the magical world watches out for its own, but as the strongest, you have to be the watcher. (Nesta continually calling him a mob boss is not wrong).
He’s a respected leader, despite being the only dhampir alive. Helped along by the fact that Az had been living in witch territory for years and Cassian is the go to source of werewolf magic for the entire eastern seaboard. 
It’s all going well, until Feyre walks into Az’s old diner, paint-streaked and seeking chocolate chip pancakes. 
What Rhysand hadn’t admitted to either of his brothers, was that after meeting with a very concerned Columbia dean- and convincing him that no, one bronze age welsh immortal who wanted to teach the classics probably doesn’t mean faery invasion.- he’d wandered through a student exhibition. 
Typical photography, found object art, and there at the back, a canvas with color so skillfully blended that his vampiric sight couldn’t find brushstrokes. (Feyre does not admit she’d made it with magic until after they’re married.)
An hour later, he’d found the director of the program and pressed five hundred dollars into her hands before taking it off the wall himself. Star Nursery I.
It was followed by Daybreak, Star Nursery II, Orion, and Mist.
Azriel owns a handful of successful restaurants, for both human and supernatural clientele. But this diner was the first of them, now mostly a human establishment, and Rhys goes there on quiet days. It still smells like Cassian’s childhood.
This quiet is interrupted by a messy haired, tiny bombshell of a witch slamming into him.
(This is the incident that sparks one of the iconic Feyre-and-Nesta-boytalk conversations referenced in Ivy Moon. Elain is the sister you go to for emotional advice, but Nesta is the one you take the sexy disaster queries to.)
Feyre is too busy dying inside to apologize because Rhys is beautiful. Classic sculpture beautiful, with big purple eyes and dressed in a three piece suit that looks like sin and smells like money. Feyre thinks, as she tells Nesta, fuck, bench press me. And runs away.
Rhys is ALSO silent: because he knows her scent. This is painting girl: and she’s a witch.
Angst proceeds: Rhys thinks Feyre ran away because she knows who he is- she does not- Feyre is horrified for days she smashed into a man that gorgeous with unwashed hair and holding an armload of chocolate chip pancakes like a disaster child- he thinks she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. 
But Rhys has other things to deal with: a creepy old vampire acquaintance has been stalking around NYU and Rhys wants nothing more than to throw him out of the city. 
He follows Tamlins scent all the way across town and runs into Feyre again.  
Witches don’t believe in coincidence. She might not know who Rhys is, but he’s a powerful something- past the incredible hotness. But she’s also by far the nicest Archeron.
So she apologizes for the first run in. Says that she has nothing to do with the city magic, and if this is his territory she’s sorry again- but she had to go to three different stores to get the right shade of green and she’s leaving now anyway.
Rhysand, devoid of all charm because Feyre turns him into a puddle: BUT A VAMPIRE IS FOLLOWING YOU
Feyre, who literally just saw him flash fang and also was kidnapped by a demon a year ago: ARE YOU KIDDING ME. 
She pepper-sprays him with colloidal silver and runs away. 
Being a dhampir, this doesn’t work for more than to soak his hair. But in the meantime Feyre has run right into Cassian, who was helping with the Tamlin hunt. (Cassian calls him creepy vampire malfoy. He is not wrong)
Cassian, one of those dudes who despite being a sexy mountain has that chris-evans-I respect ALL women vibe: Are you okay??
Feyre, pissed as fuck because her bag broke and now she’s going to have to go to a fourth art store: A FUCKING VAMPIRE IS CHASING ME. NO. NOT OKAY
Rhysand, skidding around the corner human fast and dripping: I DIDN’T MEAN ME. I’m not chasing you, there’s another vampire!
Cassian, gamely not laughing: I don’t know dude, that looks like chasing. 
Rhysand: CAS
Cassian: Are you covered in silver spray? What the fuck, Rhys?
Eventually everything works out to the fact that Tamlin is straight up stalking Feyre. Rhys obviously vows to keep her safe no matter what. Having no time for any of it, Feyre says fine- not thinking AT ALL about how SEXY SEXY SEXY he is- but I’m not stopping work.
What proceeds is a month long extended shenanigan of one of the brothers being with Feyre at all times while she frantically makes art. Wanting to prove that she’s fine and can handle it all herself, she refuses to tell either of her sisters.
Cassian goes to Delaware to heal some werefox children, which is fine, because Rhysand is now seeing to Feyre’s around the clock protection personally. 
The show comes! Rhysand sees Feyre all dressed up and lacking any trace of paint or glitter for the first time and bites through his own tongue. He resists the urge to buy the entire gallery only barely- but Az does buy a wall sized canvas.
SURPRISE Elain came home early to see the show! 
Cue Az summoning the courage to offer her a drink, all shy smiles.
Elain: Do you have any idea who the fuck that is with my baby sister?
Everyone meets. Feyre tackle hugs Elain, Elain congratulates her expansively. Az is charmed, Elain intimidates the FUCK out of Rhys, Az decides she’s his new best friend.
Feyre is called away to meet a buyer.
LO AND BEHOLD, the buyer is creepy Tamlin who tries to zoom her away at vampire speed. 
But Feyre is an Archeron, raised by the wild hunt. She’s got knives under that dress and NO VAMPIRE is going to ruin her special night!
Feyre stabs him. What she didn’t know was that Nesta- protective as ever, secretly charmed her baby sister’s entire arsenal to make it a little more lethal, knowing damn well Feyre hates violence and is extremely vulnerable in the human world. 
Fire magic and vampires don’t mix well.
Rhys wooshes to Feyre’s side around the time the wounds start to catch fire.
Rhysand, taking in Feyre smeared in blood and ashes, with a dying vampire at her feet and still wearing that glittering black dress: Marry me
Elain and Az arrive just in time for Tamlin’s final graphic wails. Az rushes forward to help, but Elain stops him. Hello, Elain’s seer gift. 
Feyre, shaky but okay drops the knife. Rhys holds out a hand to help and then lifts her clean over the ashes. Tucked against his chest, Feyre breathes. Impossibly, begins to laugh.
Rhys, thinking she’s going into shock and taking a step back to see her face: Feyre?
Feyre, reaching up to cup his face: Of course, I’ll marry you.
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radreactions · 6 years
Companions Get Cucked
Brought to you by the legendary @saintlyguy!
Ada: Any robot would love routine check-ups of their sensitive circuitry or a hot oil bath. Ada especially enjoyed whenever Sole would mod her or give her a new coat of paint. These maintenance sessions gave her such bliss, Ada’s voice would become almost as seductive as conventional assaultrons. Sole had most recently gave her a full assaultron build and an oil rub, which gave her the opportunity to tease Sole with slim yet strong legs and claws that would pin them down while she set the mood with her head laser set on a low and non-lethal emission. Speaking of head lasers, Ada had almost fired when she saw Sole tending to their robot butler. Codsworth giggled as Sole made him into a Mr. Gutsy. Ada knew that Sole was just a friend, but it was at the robot workbench where she had found more than just a personal mechanic.
Cait: After asking Sole if they felt anything between the two, Cait had no idea that the sentence “We’re the best of friends” would cause her such distress. Just friends don’t care like Sole does for Cait. Just friends don’t check up on each other at almost any hour just to make sure the other is still there. Just friends don’t hide beneath their collar whenever Cait would tease Sole about snuggling or her ass. The mindfuck of “just friends” ran through Cait’s head as she perused through the pictures of Sole with Nate/Nora hung throughout their house. She envied how Sole’s spouse had experienced such unrelenting love. Then it hit her: “What if I was more... womanly?” Cait wondered as she saw Nora in colorful dresses and skirts. That night, Cait had a surprise for Sole as she snuck to their room in a summer dress she had “borrowed” from their attic. This would be her second chance at being with Sole, that is until she saw that reporter sway out of Sole’s room, wearing nothing but their shirt and appearing satisfied. Years of being alone and denied even a little joy made Cait snap; as Piper cleaned up in the bathroom, she was met with a calloused hand over her mouth. “Who the fuck do you think you are, taking Sole from me? What makes you, Nate/Nora, or anyone else so damn special?”
Codsworth: Memories of Sole and their family helped the butler persevere 200 years of isolation. No matter how bittersweet. Or entirely bitter. Codsworth had recalled one time where he had walked in Sole with the missus/hubby. “Shaun has been put to sleep, would you require anything- ELSE?!” “Yeah. Fuck me right in the- CODSWORTH?!” “Why I say! There shall be no such thing in me!” “No Cods! Wait babe stop, put some clothes on-“ WAAAAAAAAHHHHHH The ruckus had awoken young Shaun, which gave Codsworth a perfect excuse to leave. “Yes! Saved by the baby!”
Curie: New to almost everything human, Curie knew she had to do it all! With Sole. Not only did she want to share every discovery with Sole, she wanted to do everything with Sole. Curie wants Sole. She wanted them... to do everything to her. Curie owes Sole more than her new life; the very person who liberated her from Vault 80 and her robotic confines. She loved them, body and mind. So she made it obligatory to pass by their room every night to check on them. On a routine passby, she heard noises from their room. “Shit.” “Fuck.” “Ow.” This alarmed her, thinking someone was hurting Sole. Expecting to find them in distress, Curie had found Sole destressing. With Gage. Her heart had fell out of her chest and even deeper, as the two lovers stopped and screamed “Close the door! Get out Curie!” Slumped against the wall outside Sole’s room, little whimpers of “No...” and “Why Sole?” escaped her mouth as tears began flowing.
Danse: Power armor was the only thing that made this Paladin feel strong enough to take on the Commonwealth. Now even an X-01 suit couldn’t even hold a candle to Sole, according to Danse. Sole had shown great conviction serving in his unit; getting Rhys to be more of a team player and forming something of a dynamic duo with Haylen. Danse was thrilled to see Y/N bringing the team closer together, but he would like to see the two of them do the same at a much larger scale; he wanted the dynamic duo to be him and Sole. That ain’t happening. One night while sweeping Cambridge, Danse had heard groaning. No. Moaning coming from the old evidence room. Much to his distaste, Sole was on their knees eating out Haylen. Her hands held their head directly in front of her bare entrance. Never had Danse used his authority to undermine his fellow soldiers. That was until he had shouted “Cease this at once!” as Haylen climaxed all over Sole’s face.
Deacon: It was a prank war between best buds Deacon and Sole. Whoopie cushions, air horns, and laxatives brought the two agents closer than a raider and some jet. But this was all a front: Deacon had his shaded eyes on Sole ever since their first mission. This prank war was just so they could spend more time together in hopes that sparks would fly. But it was time for Deacon’s magnum opus: he was gonna drop the L bomb. Knowing that Sole frequents the tombs under the Old North Church, he was going to hide in one of the tombs and pop out wearing nothing but a bowtie and a gum drop bikini (courtesy of Piper). It was after this he’d get serious and start spouting some cheesy sonnets. It was go big or go home. Deacon should have stayed home. While he waited in an empty tomb, he heard to people enter. “Toot that ass Sole!” Wait, is that Glory? Then Deacon heard the two right over the tomb he was hiding in. Then came the moans and dirty talk. “Oh! Oh shit! Glory!” “You yelling Glory! Now it’s time for me to get gory!” Deacon held his hand over his mouth as Glory gave it to Sole. Right. Above. Him.
Dogmeat: You’d only hear Dogmeat growl if there’s an enemy nearby, or if shit’s about to go down. Shit definitely went down when Sole came home smelling like another dog.
Gage: Damn the new Overboss was fine. Especially when dat ass was clad in their vault suit. Gage had an eye for top notch goods. Especially the type of goods you just want to squeeze. The problem with goods like the ones on Sole is that everyone wants a piece. Gage wasn’t always top dog, but he’d need to mark his territory before anyone else could. He should have done it before Mags. Before William. Before Nisha. Before Mason. Gage had walked in on all of Nuka World’s highrollers climax all over the overboss. Everyone except him.
Hancock: Your friendly neighbohood mayor had many partners in his bed. But the one person he needed was Sole. They’re more badass and sexy than any gun that passed through Goodneighbor. He’d trade all the drugs in the world- the Commonwealth- ok in his stash just to have a shot with Sole. But perhaps he should have given more than his chems. A party at the Third Rail meant booze, singing, and dancing. Everyone was going to be there, including Sole. Throughout the party, Hancock kept his eye on the prize; making sure no one else would make a move on Sole. He even hired Fahrenheit, promising her a personal keg of beer. After like 10 bottles of every liquor on Charlie’s shelf, Hancock was off to win over Sole. Surely after traveling with them and opening up, they’d feel something right? Yep. Sole felt Fahrenheit’s hands explore their body as they grinded on her. All Hancock did was watch in disbelief and feeling betrayed, as his Right Hand was the one leaving Sole a wet mess. Leaving then satisfied while he’s kicked to the curb.
Longfellow: It was happy hour at The Last Plank, everyone was there: Sole, Valentine, Avery, Erickson, and even DiMA. As a party started, Sole got dizzy and sat on Valentine’s lap. Longfellow knew there was something up between them, and raised a bottle to them. Then some hussy came up shrieking “Ew. You have sex with that?” Pointing at Valentine. Just before Longfellow was about to throw a bottle at this bitch’s head, Sole drunkenly retorted “Oh yeah? You have sex with old people.” “Hey!” both Longfellow AND Valentine exclaimed. Now Longfellow didn’t know who to throw a bottle at.
MacCready: Yearning for your employer is never good, but for Sole? Mac could make an exception. The two of them even became friends. Sole even helped Mac with his problems with the Gunners and Duncan’s disease. I mean who wouldn’t fall for them? Even Magnolia had her eye on them. This almost made Mac pull out his entire rifle in the Third Rail. But not wanting to upset Sole, Mac only kept his hand on the grip. That was much harder especially when she was holding onto Sole’s arm while they walked her to her room. He nearly pulled his gun when she invited them into her room and sending him away. “Sole, why don’t you get the help a room so that we may... converse in private.” Mac could only comply. His mouth sewing itself shut when he could have just took Sole with him. Now he’s in the room underneath Magnolia’s. “Take that vault suit off and really make me sing.” Mac’s pillow alone couldn’t block the sounds of pleasure coming from right above him.
Maxson: The elder had a good eye for soldiers. But it was knight Sole who had stolen his gaze whenever they were on the Prydwyn. Whether it was them fixing up their power armor or bringing more technical documents, Maxson couldn’t resist dat ass. He was nearly on edge when he saw them in a Brotherhood uniform. The thought of Y/N in a jumpsuit, blue or orange lingered in his head as he went on with his day. The thought was replaced with methods of torture when he walked into Paladin Danse’s quarters only to see Sole harnessed naked onto a power armor station. “So it would seem my best soldiers need a lesson in fraternization.”
Nick: Coming home to the agency was always a pleasure since he’s welcomed by Ellie with a freshly lit cigarette. This became even better when Sole partnered up with him. Now Nick has got two friendly faces to come home to, with the occasional nuzzle with Dogmeat. But what he’d really like to come home to is Sole patiently waiting for him in bed. One night, when Nick fantasized about this treat, he walked in to Ellie bent over his desk, with Sole pounding her from behind. An awkward silence filled the air; it was if you could actually cut through it. Before any more coolant could be used to prevent him from overheating, Nick could only say this: “Ellie. You’re fired.”
Piper: Having Sole as her best friend made Piper happier than she was the day she had met them. But you know what would be better? Unlimited and exclusive access to Sole’s blue butt as opposed to being limited to brief glances while walking behind them. Being besties is great and all, but it would be better to be able to kiss Sole on the cheek (both head and rear). To have someone to warm her bed and wake up with. Since they’re not doing anything, Piper would need to make the first move, so she decided to visit them at homeplate. Much to her pleasure, Sole answered the door in only a shirt long enough to cover what’s down under. It was as if they were a present for her to unwrap. Before she could even get into why she was there, in comes Cait (although she had already came the night before, multiple times). To Piper’s horror, Cait walked by Sole naked just to slap their ass. “How’s that ass darling? I wasn’t too rough was I? What do you think Piper? Too much?” She spun Sole around so Piper could see the hickies, scratch, and spank marks that Cait had left on them from the night before. It was clear that Piper was too late. Sole now belonged to Cait. Before Sole could take notice of the tears welling up in her eyes Piper exclaimed “WELL I HOPE THE TWO OF YOU WILL BE HAPPY! GOODBYE!” After which she stormed off. Before Sole could go after her, Cait had pulled them back. “Didn’t you hear her? She’s happy for us. Now why don’t you make me even happier and come back to bed?”
Preston: “You can do this.” Preston repeated this in his head on his way to Sole with a bouquet of flowers hidden behind him. When a complete stranger not only revives the Commonwealth and becomes your best friend, how could you not have feelings for them? Sole altruism made Preston feel like he never felt before. He’d look into their eyes and the skies the limit. He feels so- so - so- helpless. Helpless as he caught a glimpse of Sole exchange tongues with Sturges. Good for them. Sturges is a good guy. He’s strong. Handy. Not me. And not a virgin. Which Preston got a first hand experience afterwards. Trying to get back to normal, he returned to his usual “Another settlement needs your help.” routine. Which was disrupted when he walked in on Sole playing with Sturges’ tool.
Strong: Fighting beside Sole almost made Strong feel as if he didn’t need the milk of human kindness. Almost. The way he felt smashing skulls with his leader gave Strong purpose and the desire to be Sole’s shadow. So other companions beware: try to avoid Strong whenever you’re with Sole or you may find a nasty surprise. Gage had found a huge turd in his pillow. Cait found a snake in her boot. Who knows what Strong will do next if he finds Sole with someone else?
X6-88: The golden rule of being a bodyguard: Never Fall in Love. At least according to an old pre-war film. Sure X6 has to provide cover fire for Sole almost everywhere they go. There was even that one time he had to carry them bridal style after they had twisted their ankle. But never had he considered that he could have fallen for them. He did grow fond of them as well as concerned for their safety. So he asked Curie, that synth doctor to always check up on Sole after missions. However he didn’t intend on her becoming competition. So it came in like a bullet when he found her undressing Sole. “Maybe it’s just a physical?” Sure. That is if physicals involved the doctor putting their mouth all over their patient. X6 only stayed out of sight so he could exit. This was no big deal. He just had to arrange Curie’s retrieval, or a much preferred extermination.
Shaun: Coming to the surface met Shaun with new challenges and experiences. Sole’s child was unexposed to many wasteland commodities such as radiation and the threat of monsters. Shaun was grew scared upon hearing tales of deathclaws and feral ghouls. It wasn’t surprising that his first meeting with Hancock was that of screaming. After calming down, the two got along fine. This would make it much more easier for Y/N to break the news that they’re together with Hancock. Or so they thought. Disturbed by the humming of Sanctuary’s generators, Shaun left for his parent’s room in hopes that they would cuddle him to sleep. Flipping on the switch, Shaun was met with the sight of Hancock on top of Sole. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH “MAMA/DADDY NO!”
Glory: It was a slow day at Railroad HQ. Everyone important was out helping the safehouses and everyone had a job. Everyone except Glory, who got banged up from her last job. Who knew plasma could cause a life threatening explosion? After being tended to and scolded by Carrington, Glory was left to watch the HQ. Even though she had a limp and couldn’t steady her minigun, she’s still deadly with a railway rifle. So she sat at a counter and ate a wasteland salad. While thinking about tossing a salad. Sole salad. Oh yeah. The newest agent has caught Glory’s eye, and she knows what she wants. Sole shirtless and bent over this very counter. Which is exactly what’s in front of her. “Sorry about the view, it’s hot down here.” Sole had come to resupply and take a breather, holding a cold Nuka Cola on their bare neck. “No need to apologize” Glory said through a grin. Before she could even use a pick up line, in comes Deacon. Sole’s best bud. Hooray... Baldy came in and gave Sole a pat on the butt, earning a small yelp. It should Glory’s hand on dat ass dammit! It should be her wrapping around Sole from behind- Wait. Why are they moaning? “Wait a minute. Deacon do you even have pants on? Are you two fucking? ARE YOU SERIOUS? RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY SALAD?”
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snappedsky · 4 years
Borderlands: Skies the Bodyguard 3
Skies and the crew get help from Ellie. Previous! Next!
Chapter 3
           Vaughn, Sasha, August, Skies, Loader Bot, and Gortys make their way through the seemingly endless desert known as The Dust. The sand is loose beneath their feet, making it easy to slip; the powerful sun beats down overhead, providing very little shade even with the many outcrops of rock around. It’s a hot, miserable trek but this isn’t the first time any of them have had to go across a desert. Besides, it’s not like they have any other choice.
           “So who are we going see?” Vaughn asks.
           “A mechanic named Ellie,” Skies replies, “this is…pretty risky actually cause she’s with the Crimson Raiders. But she had a chance to kill me once and didn’t so.”
           “How do you know her?” Sasha asks.
           “Not long after Jack’s death I ended up wandering The Dust and got heat stroke,” she explains, “Ellie found me and nursed me back to health before realizing who I was. But she decided not to kill me or turn me in…for some reason…”
           “And what makes you think she’ll give us a car?” August asks cynically.
           Skies shrugs. “I dunno. She’s a good kid; I think she’ll at least do it for you guys. Er, then again, she was Scooter’s sister…”
           A heavy silence hangs over them as Sasha and August share a guilty look.
           The quiet is quickly broken by the roaring of an engine and excited shouting. Everyone looks up as a bandit technical closes in from the distance, practically overflowing with Psychos.
           “Roadkill!” one of them shouts as he bangs his buzz saw axe against the outside of the truck.
           “Uh oh,” Vaughn squeaks.
           “To the rock!” Skies orders as she frantically points at a nearby outcrop. “Go go go!”
           They race for the rock and scramble to the top just as the vehicle screeches by. One of the bandits inside draws a gun and begins firing. As they take cover behind the rock, Skies draws her rifle and waits for the technical to come back around.
           Poking her head out from behind the rock, Skies aims and fires a short burst. The bullets tear through the right front tire. The driver immediately loses control and crashes into the outcrop. Before they can have a chance to recover, Skies stands over them and fires into the engine.
           “Move!” she barks as smoke starts to rise from the hood. Everyone leaps away just before the technical explodes.
           “Phew,” Skies sighs, brushing back her hair and holstering her rifle.
           “You really pull no punches, huh,” Vaughn comments, smiling shakenly.
           Skies starts to reply but gets cut off by a blood curdling howl. A Badass Psycho bursts from the burning vehicle and flies right for Skies, his large arm wielding a buzz saw axe. She barely dodges his blow, draws her old Hyperion pistol, and starts firing, but the bullets puncture his massive body like needles.
           The Psycho huffs as he stands up and lifts his axe again. Skies glares at him, ready to dodge again, when bullets whiz by and blow into him, knocking him to his knees. Before he can get up, Skies shoots him a couple times in the head.
           She sighs as he falls to her feet and looks back at the others. Vaughn, Sasha, August, and Loader Bot all re-holster guns.
           “Y’know,” Skies says, glancing back at the Badass. “I used to be able to take down these guys by myself.”            “Yeah, well, you also had a giant cannon crafted to your arm,” Sasha points out.
           “It was pretty giant,” she mutters agreeably.
           They continue their journey, thankfully without any more incidents, and soon reach Ellie’s junkyard. It’s really more junk than yard, with all kinds of metal garbage surrounding a garage and a large crusher behind a tall sign reading ‘Ellie’s’
           “Okay, don’t bring up Scooter,” Skies warns as they pass the sign. “And try not to piss her off.”
           The second Skies steps into the garage, she hears the click of a gun cocking and immediately throws out her arm, stopping the others in their tracks.
           “Ellie?” she calls out, her eyes carefully scanning the garage. It’s not large, but the lights are off, cloaking the room in shadows.
           “Gimme one good reason I shouldn’t blow yer brains out,” a voice demands from somewhere in the darkness.
           “Ellie, I just wanna talk,” Skies says calmly, “we need your help.”
           “Why should I listen to ya? I let ya go once and I’m bettin’ that was a mistake.”
           “Look, you don’t have to listen to me. I don’t blame you. Just listen to my friend. He’ll explain everything.”
           Skies looks back at Vaughn and motions for him to step forward. He gulps but slips past her into the garage.
           “Well!” the voice booms excitedly. “Ain’t you a hunk of man.”            An absolute mountain of a woman stomps into view, a shotgun resting on her shoulder. She beams at Vaughn who looks up at her, stunned, with a similar expression as the rest of his friends except for Skies, who tries not to make eye contact.
           “Name’s Ellie,” she says, “what’cher name, Muscles?”
           “Uh…I-I’m Vaughn,” he stammers and points at his friends. “This is Sasha, August, Loader Bot, and Gortys.”
           “You are the biggest human I’ve ever seen!” Gortys comments.
           “Gortys,” Sasha scolds.
           “Oh, I mean that as a compliment.”
           “Well, and yer just the cutest, lil robot I’ve ever seen,” Ellie replies.
           “Thanks!” Gortys chimes.
           “So, what can I do fer ya?” she asks, “and how do I know I can trust ya, since ya be rolling with…her.” She glares venom at Skies.
           “Heh,” Skies chuckles uncomfortably and backs away. “I’ll just…be over here…”
           She quickly goes to the entrance of the junkyard while Vaughn quickly explains their situation.
           “Ya opened a Vault!” Ellie exclaims in shock. “Impressive.”
           “Thanks,” Vaughn smiles awkward. “But our friends disappeared inside of it and we need to find them. We just need a car to make it easier to get around.”
           “Why not use the Catch-A-Ride?”
           “Well, we’re uh not exactly Catch-A-Ride customers,” he replies.
           “Hmm,” Ellie muses as she looks everyone over. “I guess ya do look a bit like bandits. And ya do have…questionable company.”
           She takes a second to glare at Skies’ back.
           “Alright. I’ll give ya a technical,” she says, “it won’t be cheap, but since ya opened a Vault, I’m guessing ya can pay for it.”
           “We’ll give you anything,” Vaughn replies, smiling with relief.
           “Come on inside,” Ellie smiles and waves for them to enter. “Ya can pick yer features.”    
           “Oh, I definitely want a minigun,” Sasha says as they all go inside, except for Gortys, who stops short and looks back. Skies is leaning against the entrance sign, staring at her right arm. She’s so focused on it, she doesn’t notice Gortys roll up to her until she’s tapping her shin.
           Skies looks down at her with surprise. “Uh, Gortys. What-what’s up?”
           “Why does nobody seem to like you?” she asks bluntly.
           Skies chuckles awkwardly and looks off into the distance. “Well, Gortys, I was kind of a…horrible person before. I worked for a really bad guy and nobody really forgives me for it. Well, Vaughn does and Rhys too. But everyone else…well, I don’t really blame them. I deserve it.”
           “Oh,” Gortys says then smiles at her. “Well, I forgive you.”
           Skies looks at her, somewhat amused. “You don’t even know what I did.”
           “That’s okay. I like the person you are now. Who you were before doesn’t matter.”
           Skies stares at her, shocked. Then she kneels down, hesitantly reaches for her, and pats her head. Gortys beams at her and she smiles shakenly back.
           “Skies, Gortys!” Vaughn calls to them and they look back. He points at a brown bandit technical that Sasha and August are getting into. “We got a vehicle.”            Skies sighs as she stands up and nods at Gortys. “Alright, go to Loader Bot.”
           Gortys rolls up to the others and Skies follows close behind. As Loader Bot helps Gortys into the truck, Skies approaches Ellie who glares at her darkly.
           “Ellie, thank you,” she says, unwavering beneath her glare.
           “Vaughn tells me ya’ll are going to Sanctuary to look fer help,” Ellie says.
           “Yeah, w-well, I don’t think I will be…” Skies replies.
           “He seems to trust ya. I hope that trust ain’t misplaced.”
           “Yeah,” she sighs and looks back at Vaughn and the others. “Me too.”
           Ellie’s glare seems to soften a bit. “Just don’t make me regret helping ya twice,” she warns, “cause if ya do, I’ll hunt ya down myself.”
           Skies meets her eyes. “I’m…I’ll do my best.”
           Ellie nods. “Now git outta here. Ya got friends to save.”
           Skies smiles weakly before hopping into the back of the technical with Vaughn, Loader Bot, and Gortys; Sasha and August are in the front.
           “Alright, which way to Sanctuary?” August asks.
           “Just start driving,” Skies replies, “I’ll direct you.”
           He starts the vehicle and takes off. Ellie watches quietly as they leave the junkyard and disappear into the Dust.
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handsomepeacock · 7 years
Since a FNAF song just came on and once again reminded my of my FNAF au I can tell you guys how it is roughly supposed to go down
Holy shit, this is under a read more because I didn’t know it would get this long
John starts up a business and it is insanely successful and lively, people love how the place almost seems magical.
He has a daughter named Angel and she grows up experiencing the magic of the place and has always wanted to perform on stage.
John inspires a young kid by the name of Rhys to want to grow up and be like him.
Angel gets sick and there is no cure for it.
John commissions Shade and Nakayama to make him two animatronics. One based off of his daughter and one based off of himself.
Angel dies and John does not handle her death well, in fact he tries to put her body in the animatronic in hopes her spirit will stick with it. He doesn’t know if it works or not and shuts himself away.
John spots someone that looks like his daughter and he once again thinks that maybe he can trap the spirit in the bot and kills the look-a-like and stuffs the body in the animatronic but doesn’t move it, thinking that maybe it will take time.
Tim happens to swing by his house having known the owner for a long time and sees a gruesome scene, he gets knocked out by John and now he thinks he killed Tim but then gets the idea to put him in the animatronic that was made for him.
He makes Tim’s body fit in the animatronic by cutting it up and at one point the other wakes up to him cutting away and he screams but and struggles but John stabs him a bunch to kill him, tells him he is sorry but continues what he was doing. Telling the corpse he’ll feel better when he’s in a new body, one that won’t get sick and you can’t stab to death.
He thinks he is doing the right thing, he can preserve his friend’s lives if he puts them all in their own animatronic bodies.
He commissions Shade and Nakayama to make more another one for himself, Nisha, Moxxi, and Wilhelm 
He takes Wilhelm by surprise, he wouldn’t have been able to take the man if he knew what was coming.
Moxxi manages to break his arm but John manages to kill her. She is forced to leave behind her two children, Scooter and Ellie, they’re told that their mother ran off.
Nisha knows what is coming and she takes it with a grin on her face and a bloody fight where she leaves a scar on John’s face.
Nakayama has had a growing crush on John and even though he finds out what is going on he says nothing about it. Does nothing accept agree to do what the other wants.
John thinks Angel would like to have friends more her age.
He commissions three more animatronics to be made
He finds people he thinks Angel would like to be friends with
Lilith, Maya, Steele
He calls them a little group of sirens and puts them in a ‘secret’ location so they can perform together whenever they want. Anything for his little girl.
John comes to look at the animatronic that was made for him, it looks good but different from the first one he ever had made for him. This one looks colder, crueler somehow and before he can ask anyone about it Nakayama kills him and puts him in the suit, thinking that this is what he wants but he finds out too late that this isn’t what John wants as he vows he’ll be back to kill him.
Nakayama is able to frame Shade into being the one that committed the murders, saying something about how he was obsessed with making his animatronics more life-like. It somehow works and Shade is taken away. Nakayama uses the funds he gets from their business to buy up the Pizzeria to run it for John.
The old animatronics fall into such disrepair he brings out Wilhelm, Nisha, Moxxi and Tim (he doesn’t know where Angel, Lilith, Maya, or Steele are being kept at)
He puts John in a display case, too terrified to activate him. Renames him Jack
Scooter sees his mom one day in the Pizzeria, finds out she’s an animatronic now and breaks in at night to get her home but now Scooter is breaking the rules and she grips him tight, to take him to the back where the rule breakers go to be reprogrammed and placed in a suit. He begs her to stop and that she’s hurting him. Suddenly she stops and stares down at him, this is her son, she was about to kill him. Moxxi lets go of Scooter and tells him in a soft voice he has to leave.
Nisha happens to spot the action and comes out to confront Moxxi about it. They fight while Scooter slips away.
The Pizzeria is no longer a magical place, there is always a feeling of dread and it doesn’t get taken care of. Eventually Nakayama activates Jack to see if he is still angry at him. The man gets killed instantly as Jack crushes his throat and throws him down the stairs.
The place gets bought by a group of investors that are hoping they can make it back to how it used to be because of how much money they place had made. They use the parts from the old animatronics to make friendlier versions of them. Jack is left alone because of the craftsmanship that went into making him, they keep him on display.
Roland is now older and gets a job hoping to get every bit of information he can out of the place about his friends disappearance.
Jack absolutely hates what his business has turned into and his anger causes his spirit to reach out and mess with the “toy” animatronics so they start malfunctioning, it eventually leads to someone getting bitten and the place gets shutdown and moved back to the original location, the old animatronics put back in use. Jack is happier now and doesn’t act up again.
Roland moves with the business and gets further in his investigation, leaving his findings in the vent in his security office, recording things he has found and putting the tapes with his findings. Eventually he is lead to the Jack animatronic, he has never once seen the thing move but something is off about it and he starts poking around it, the other animatronics starts going off, he can hear their voice lines playing all around him and he thinks it is time to go, he isn’t wrong but he accidentally switches on Jack.
He runs off to see if he can get out but the exits are blocked and the only place he can go is the security office and lock the doors. He’s doomed, he knows it. He makes one final recording while he is listening to the animatronics bang on the doors. The last thing he hears as they slowly slide open is the ominous playing of a music box. The message cuts out and the recorder is dropped on the ground and kicked to the far corner, hidden from view.
No one knows what happened to the last security guard but they can’t afford to hire a new one the only thing left to do would be to close to doors one final time.
Rhys comes back with Vaughn and buys the place, still remembering how it used to be and wants it that way again. Vaughn is skeptical about this idea but told Rhys he would back him up on what he wanted to do and so they purchase the business. There’s a lot of work to do to restore it to its former glory.
Rhys stares at the Jack animatronic one day and notes how real it looks and is just waiting for it to move. Vaughn comes in and scares the crap out of him (mostly on accident). After they both leave the eyes on the Jack animatronic move and watches them go.
Vaughn takes the car to get it checked, lucky for him there is a place right across the street from the business they just bought. Scooter is working on the vehicle and tells him how he should just burn the building and everything inside it down. It is evil. He started his business across the street to keep watch over the place and make sure the evil doesn’t leave the building.
Vaughn is now thoroughly spooked by the place and tells Rhys that he is gonna go home before it gets dark.
Rhys is in the security office to grab all the papers in there because he needs to go through everything and file it away, he finds the hidden stack and recordings in the vent and starts going through them, listening to everything Roland had to say. Everything is neatly labeled.
He gets drawn in by everything and he finds himself back by the display where the Jack animatronic is while Roland’s ‘final’ recording plays and he says he is going to be checking it out for any more clues. Rhys turns on the animatronic. All hell breaks loose.
Much like Roland he ends up back in the security office locked away inside, he is backed up to a corner where he happens to find another tape, unmarked but he plays it anyway because he needs to hear. While he listens to the banging on the doors outside the office and in the recording he realizes he might just die here. He can hear the music, it is terrifying. But then he hears a softer sound playing, it is coming from the vents and since he’s never been very bulky he could fit in there. He didn’t want to die like Roland did so he starts climbing through it. The animatronics burst in at that moment and try to reach him before he can leave. They only get his shoe.
Vaughn having not been able to sleep and realizing the time goes back to he Pizzeria to make Rhys leave because he noticed he wasn’t home yet.
He enters the place and it is dark, the power is out and he only has a flashlight. He doesn’t know what is happening. Suddenly he is grabbed by the Moxxi animatronic and she is draggin him again when she stops. She is fighting Jack’s control, she always has, it is easier when she thinks she has a kid in her grip. She lets go of Vaughn and the shorter man runs for it but instead of leaving he goes to look for his friend.
Scooter noticing the commotion grabs his gun and goes into the building across the street, he was preparing to fight these robotic sunova bitches since he was a child.
Vaughn sneaking around, looking for Rhys. Scooter is looking for both of them. Rhys finds himself in a secret room that leads to where the sirens are being kept. He goes there because he is following the music.
Moxxi is acting up against the others, fighting with one of them again, Tim refuses to do anything, he doesn’t want to kill anyone he doesn’t want to fight against his friends.
Jack is pissed about all these people breaking the rules and he is hunting them down. He comes across Vaugn and he isn’t going to let him get away, he gets him with his claws and lifts him by his neck. He’s about to kill him when he gets shot by Scooter. He drops Vaughn and the smaller man makes his way to Scooter, holding his bleeding side.
Before another shot can get off into Jack another animatronic comes in to get them. Scooter knows when to back off and he helps Vaughn out. The mechanic has been wanting to burn the building down for years and he starts to go about it from the outside. Vaughn is too busy trying not to bleed out to stop him.
Rhys talks to Angel and she simple tells him to deactivate them and tear them apart and destroy the facility, it is the only way to set them free, to end whatever curse has fallen on the place caused by her father. He obliges and barely escapes the building.
The last thing the three survivors see is a fiery figure charging at them but before it can kill them it collapses, it was the Jack animatronic’s endoskeleton.
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