#invasive species management
theraptorcage · 2 years
For the lanternfly, did you just see a dead one, or do you have some kind of liquid trap? (and if yes, got a How To? My neighborhood is swarming).
Happy little accident - it was an old gardening bucket that collected rain the night before and it happened to land in it. The best method of Intentionally trapping and killing SLF are basically fly traps you can wrap around a tree.
I've attached a Penn State pdf that lists the best way to set up the traps and to manage them so you don't accidentally catch other animals.
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What Are Invasive Species?
Invasive species are plants or animals from another region that have been placed in a new environment. Often these species are introduced to an area by humans and can spread quickly and cause damage to native ecosystems and people. While not all invasive species are necessarily dangerous or lethal, some of these plants and animals can disrupt the balance in their new environments.
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Traits of Invasive Species
Invasive species have traits that allow them to thrive and spread over their new environment rapidly. Some of these include
Ability to grow quickly
Ability to reproduce quickly
Ability to disperse a high number of seeds or spores quickly
Ability to alter form to suit current conditions
Tolerance of a wide range of environmental conditions
Ability to sustain a diet of various food types
Invasive species are often overlooked because those unfamiliar with these plants and animals do not perceive them as threatening. However, these plants will take over large areas of land over time. A well-known example of an invasive plant is the kudzu vine (Pueraria lobata). Kudzu was brought from Asia into the United States as a food crop during the late 19th century. The vine spread throughout many southern states in the U.S. and chokes out surrounding plant life.
What Makes Invasive Species Difficult to Control?
Invasive species can be challenging to remove once established. One of the reasons is the lack of natural control mechanisms. In their native environment, plants and animals have predators or environmental factors that act as control mechanisms to keep populations in check.
For example, the spotted lanternfly is an invasive species of planthoppers native to China. In China, the lanternfly is preyed upon by native species of wasps. However, those wasps are not found in Pennsylvania, so the spotted lanternfly has spread rapidly because those predators are unavailable to keep the population in check.
Plants Have Become Established by Being Sold at Nurseries Without Proper Labeling
The most common way invasive plants spread is by being sold at nurseries. In some cases, many invasive plants often lack labeling that indicates whether the plant is native or exotic to a specific region. As a result, governments are taking more action to prevent certain invasive species from being sold at nurseries.
If you are purchasing plants for your landscape, you may wish to check to see whether the plant is native or could have negative impacts on your landscape. If you are concerned about invasive species of plants and insects on your property, contact plant health care experts to assist with removal efforts.
Invasive species are difficult to remove, as removing or controlling their population requires extensive knowledge of the specific species and the various control and removal methods. These methods also have to protect the health of other plants in the environment.
Contact Burkholder PHC for Invasive Species Management
Invasive species can threaten local ecosystems, and some have the potential to cause harm to native wildlife and people. Visit next month as we continue our series and discuss invasive plants. Burkholder PHC has experience helping homeowners in the Main Line area with all types of plants and insects. We have a team of specialists who will visit your property, conduct a plant health care evaluation, diagnose the problems, and inform you of the recommended treatment options. Contact us today for a free consultation.
Blog is originally published at: https://www.burkholderphc.com/what-are-invasive-species/
It is republished with the permission from the author.
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bet-on-me-13 · 3 months
The First Supervillain
So! A Typical "Early Start" AU where the events of The Show happen early in the Timeline. Like, in the 70's or 80's.
Danny never quite managed to fix his Public Perception, and even years into his career people still saw him as the Villain.
Coincidentally Valerie was seen as a Hero because of how often they were seen fighting. Even after they revealed their Identities and got together, they still had the occasional Battle. It was their love language.
His role as the Villain was Cemented when Pariah launched his Second Invasion of Earth after some dumbass accidentally freed him, and Danny took the Blame for it. Instead of being seen as the Hero who battled Pariah and stopped the Invasion, he was seen as the Tyrant to launched the Invasion in the first place, with Red Huntess being the one to defeat him in one final Ultimate Battle.
And honestly? He was fine with that. Now that he was the King of the Ghost Zone, he had the Authority to Regulate the Portal so villains stopped getting through. And that meant that he wasn't needed to stop random Ghost Attacks anymore. He could finally focus on College and his own Life, instead of sacrificing everything to act as the Protector of the Human Realm.
Val continued to be a Hero for a few more years, eventually retiring when it became Clear that the new generation of Heroes could pick up the Slack.
He went to College, got a Job as an Aerospace Engineer, and eventually proposed to Valerie.
About 20 years since his initial Accident, and he was doing great! He had moved into a humble home on the edge of town with his loving wife Val, his beautiful daughter Ellie, and his cute dog Cujo.
Yeah, life was good.
Until the day Danny accidently caused a Mass Crisis.
Superman was having some extreme trouble in dealing with his current Opponent. He had just been flying around the City, patrolling as Usual, when all of a sudden he had been attacked by a Flying Mech Suit.
At first he had assumed that Lex was giving it another Go, but he quickly realized that was not the case when the Armor seemed to Phase though solid matter in the middle of the battle. Lex had never made Tech advanced enough to do that on the fly.
This opponent was tough too. Strong enough and Durable enough to go blow for blow with him, and seemingly able to pull Advanced Weaponry from out of nowhere whenever he wanted. As tough as it was to admit, Superman as losing the Battle.
Then, without warning, the battle stopped. His opponent was staring at the space just behind him, with a look of pure dread. He turned around, and his heart stopped.
Floating behind him, staring right past him and directly at the Mech Suit, was the First Villain Phantom.
He looked much the same as when he had last been seen, although he was definitely Older. He had snow white hair, and glowing green eyes that seemed to stare right past him and into his very soul. He was wearing what seemed to be a costume of sorts, with an all black suit, white gloves, and white boots. Over his Shoulders sat a Cloak made of Stars, and above his head sat a Crown made of an Icy Blue Fire.
The Mech tried for a greeting, "Er- Hello t-Lord Phantom. How do you d-"
"What are you doing here? I thought I gave you explicit orders to stay in the Ghost Zone until further notice. You disobeyed me."
"Okay look. I got excited, that's my fault. It's just, I got anxious waiting. Can you really blame me? I've been waiting 20 years to take another Crack at the Human World, what's it matter if I left a few weeks Early?"
"I told you. You were supposed to wait exactly 20 Years, and you left Early. This calls for punishment."
"No wait!"
"Let's see how you feel after a few days as Soup."
The Villain pulled out a Thermos, and in a flash of green light, Skulker was gone, and the King was capping the Thermos. He then turned to Superman.
"I apologize for him, he decided to leave ahead of schedule." The King addressed him. "Now, Kryptonian. Rest and tend to your wounds, you will need to be in your best health if you want to continue saving the lives of those people below us."
With a dramatic flare, the King reached up and Tore a hole in Space. Through the Hole, Superman could only see an infinite Green Void, with the sound of screams cheering being heard through the rift.
The King departed through the Tear in Spacetime, and it closed behind him.
Superman tried to collect himself, and activated his League Emergency Comms.
"Attention All Founding Members, and Justice League Dark Members. This is Superman calling for an immediate Emergency Meeting."
He took a deep breath.
"Phantom is Back."
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ahedderick · 6 days
Chilly Day
I decided to take advantage of the chilly weather to put on my denim jacket and go cut brush in the field. I've been working on it, a little at a time, for a YEAR now.
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This tangled mess extended at least 50 yards, but today . .
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standing roughly in the same spot, I can see a long way! Of course, I had help.
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A ferocious guard-cat, extra-spicy.
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and Nutmeg, nibbling many leafs. Hero attended, and spent most of his time rubbing his itchy hide on trees and leaving clumps of gray and white hair around. I'm sure the nesting birds will enjoy that.
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toadstoolgardens · 1 year
Eat & Destroy: Garlic Mustard
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Fuck garlic mustard (in North America, anyway)! This plant is highly invasive and a serious threat to native plants through overcrowding, prolific seeding, and allellopathy. Brought to North America from Europe in the 1800s as a food plant, garlic mustard has now gone completely feral. In Europe garlic mustard or Jack by the Hedge is native and has it's place in the food chain.
Garlic mustard is also edible and tasty raw or cooked. You may have seen posts encouraging eating invasives, which is great and yes you should! But with garlic mustard harvesting for eating does nothing to control it's spread. If you want to make a difference in the biodiversity of your local woodlands you'll have to do more than forage. You need to eat and destroy.
Finding & Identifying Garlic Mustard
This bastard of a plant can grow just about anywhere. Roadsides, along forest edges, along creeks and streams, in open forest, in parks, around the city, and everywhere in between. And when you find it you'll probably find a lot of it.
Garlic mustard is a biennial herb that sends up tiny leaves in the first year and grows basal rosettes of leaves and tall flower stalks in the second year. The leaves have scalloped edges and are fairly round and kidney-shaped around the basal rosette and become more triangular as they move up the stalk. The stems are often purple-tinged. When crushed the leaves will give off their distinct garlicy smell. When fully grown it can reach up to 3 feet all.
In order to effectively remove garlic mustard you'll need to pull it before it flowers and seeds. It will likely flower somewhere around March-May depending on your area. The flowers are small, white, with four petals and the seed pods form on the stem beneath. The long, thin seed pods are about two inches long with small black seeds.
Harvesting Garlic Mustard for Eating
To harvest garlic mustard simply use your fingers and snap off the top tender portion of the stem and leaves, usually the top 6-12 inches. The stem should snap easily. The younger the plants the stronger their flavor.
Many foragers say the tastiest time to harvest garlic mustard is when the flowers are budding, but garlic mustard tops can bloom and go to seed even after you've picked them! A slightly more succulent stem isn't worth risking bringing invasive garlic mustard seeds home with you!!
Eating Garlic Mustard
The leaves and stems of garlic mustard are edible cooked or raw. The leaves have a mustard green/garlic-like flavor with some bitterness. The stem is the most delicious part. It's sweet and garlicy like a mix between a snap pea and a garlic scape.
Eat them raw, blend them up, saute them, steam them, add them to pestos and hummus, add them to pastas and soups and sauces, bake the leaves into chips, there's so many options with garlic mustard.
Removing & Managing Garlic Mustard
Now that you have plenty of garlic mustard tops to eat, let's destroy the rest!!!
To properly remove garlic mustard each plant needs to be pulled up root and all and either burned or suffocated to death. It takes some work so grab some foraging friends and organize a garlic mustard pull! Pull from the base of the stem to have the best chance of getting the whole root out.
Once you've pulled and gathered up all your garlic mustard roots and shoots, do not compost them!! They can still flower and seed and continue spreading. Instead you'll want to either:
Burn the fuck out of them. Burn them as soon as possible because as they dry the seed pods can still burst open and spread. Practice good fire safety and dance around it while you watch your plant enemies burn.
If you're not able to have a fire, your next best option is to suffocate them. Bag up the garlic mustard in opaque bags and leave them in the sun to die.
Remember where the patch of garlic mustard was and return at least once a year and repeat. With regular pulling you will deplete the garlic mustard's seed bank, but full removal can take years of regular pulling. It's a slow but important battle and you are making a difference with each plant pulled!!
Management Tips:
Don't leave any pulled garlic mustard on the ground because (you guessed it) it can still flower and seed. Make sure to gather and take it all with you to burn/suffocate.
Mowing is not effective for the same reason. Mowing when the seed pods are present will make things even worse!
Brush off your shoes and clothes before leaving the garlic mustard patch. Don't take home sneaky seeds
Some areas offer free control for invasive species like garlic mustard. Look into if there's any city or county weed control programs near you (and make sure they don't control by spraying chemicals!)
Some areas hold volunteer workdays to pull garlic mustard and teach proper management. Look into nature centers and volunteer groups near you, or start and plan your own!
If everyone interested in foraging went out and ate and destroyed a patch of garlic mustard, we might see a day where it's no longer a threat to our native woodlands! Be safe and happy foraging!🌱
Source, Source, Lyle, Katie Letcher. The Complete Guide to Edible Wild Plants, Mushrooms, Fruits, and Nuts. 2017. Pp. 16-18
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void-writing · 1 year
What if Danny's core is multi-elemental or adaptive? He temporarily stole Vortex's power, called on fireballs, and shot electricity in the show.
What if Frostbite is partly wrong about Danny's core? But only because his ice powers were the first ones that manifested on their own before he accidentally called on them. So they're currently his strongest elemental powers which has affected his core. Some things just happen by coincidence. Plus he got actual training for them.
Not necessarily CiM related, I just found it cool.
(Although I've been imaginging the DC characters' outside reactions if Danny should suddenly manifest flames. XDD Meanwhile, Danny is like,
"Shit, I forgot I could do this. Why does my core feel differently?!? AND THERE WASN'T THAT MUCH FIRE BEFORE."
XDD Adaptive powers for Danny in the most inconvenient way possible now that he's gotten stronger and more stable. So his core hammers out the next power set.)
I'm sticking with just a plain vanilla ice-core for CiM for the sake of my sanity. Danny's got enough going on power-wise in this story, so I'm not going to make even more work for myself by giving him the Swiss-army-knife-equivalent of cores because I just know that will get out of hand way too fast lol
BUT. I do enjoy a good adaptive-core Danny story :3 Meta-wise it makes sense (at least to me) that Danny's core-affinity would be a lot more flexible than other ghosts on account of him being alive and still possessing the inherent dynamism that comes with the living.
The next big fic that I'm noodling on is a halfa!Jason story (and maybe just liminal!Batfam in general), so I think I'll use omni-core!Danny there for the sake of the chaos that you've proposed. I do love me the idea that Danny is like the ultimate chameleon, the epitome of invasive species that out-adapts anything that could challenge him XD
But that's not going to be for a while. CiM has been going for three months and I'm only just breaking into double digit chapters. And I'm not a third of the way through!
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parttimepunner · 6 months
When I see people build million dollar homes on swampland or in flood zones again and again, I can’t help but think that those are the actions of an invasive species. I really wish people would stop buying and developing in areas that get hit by disasters again and again and again. If it were up to me we’d give this land back to nature.
Above is an example of what I mean, granted yes this is a dam not a house. I want thoughtful land management that will turn the land back over to nature and that includes monitoring by experts if necessary.
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Jack's workplace is called Knockout Burger, right? What if Knock Out use the drive-in because he thought someone is calling his name.
Jack has two more uncles and another cousin now.
Daaaaaw, that's cute
The cybertronians don't speak english (or any earth language) in this AU, but that's still such a fun idea. Maybe KOBD hears from Arcee and Cliffjumper about the organics that actually make effective sparkling sitters. Maybe they bring little Wildbreak around to play with Eavesdrop, and the Darbys are just like 'please god don't let them destroy our house'.
I love the idea of Jack being absolutely flattened between the two babies--they like to cling onto and snuggle him because he's warm and squishy and he's a great soother for fussy little sparks. He, once again, will not be making it into work except now it's because he's trapped by two babies
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its crazy how everywhere you go ecologists will be discussing the great lakes
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lemonwhorror · 1 year
carnival games should not be your standard for fishkeeping
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quiveringdeer · 1 year
Eren: My therapist told me that when I find myself getting violently angry, I need to deal with it in a healthy, constructive way. Armin: By finding a parking meter and ripping it out of the ground? Eren: I mean, I've never seen anyone use it.
Welp. As much as I hate to agre with Ereh, he's not exactly wrooooong. 🙄
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I mean demolition is just deconstructed construction right? 🤔
Eren...construction and constructive are not the same thing. 😐
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temeraire · 2 years
i love you weeds i love you vermin i love you pests i love you parasites i love you ugly common boring survivor animals and scraggly determined plants i love you creeping mould and toadstools that spring up after rain i love you furious survivor life i love you organisms that are hated because you refuse to die and who dare thrive in places we deem inconvenient and in ways that we deem disgusting or offensive i love you overlooked native animals who adapt to urban environments i love you leeches and cockroaches and pond scum i love you beings whose only crime is existing i love you i love you i love you
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bivwifeybunny · 2 years
I’m panicking (/hj) George is a little slut being with all these models and modeling for Versace so fucking casually like he doesn’t play video games and scream’s like a toddler for a living.
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excuse me whAT ???
george... bestie... u gotta stop doing this to us
fr tho my boy really said im done waiting on america and went to italy to fucking model. he really is the epitome of pretty privilege /hj
no cause like, how tf did he so casually go "yeah imma just model" when he plays video games for a living? and for fucking Versace no less?? like not saying it can't happen (obviously it can lol) but like my brain cant see him modeling after hearing him scream and yell at his friends in autotune while playing the block game lmaoo
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ahedderick · 3 months
Busy Monday (I work at home, why are busy Mondays so common?) I did paperwork/billing paying/insurance checking and other small [annoying] tasks early on, then late in the morning I got my gear on for working outside. This reliably puts both dogs into hysterics. It took me longer than I wanted to get heavy jeans/socks/hair-braided/work hat/pruning saw/pruning shears/oops-I-forgot-camera and all the nonsense put together. Scooped up Baxter because he enjoys when I work in the far field. Off we went, a 200 yard commute.
There is a narrow stretch between the field and the creek, and we DON'T want it to become completely overgrown with brush and invasive thorn bushes. My husband got one strip mowed with the tractor and brushhog, and I'm trying to further that improvement with hand tools.
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You can see, looking south, that it's quite thick. Not quite impassible, but you'd need heavy jeans and boots to get through there.
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The other direction, you can see where I cleared a bit last time I was here. Baxter is helping (yellow arrow).
After an hour and a half, during which time Nutmeg joined us and nibbled things with great interest, I had made some good progress.
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Shrubs such as spicebush and elderberry get left; they are both native and useful (to wild birds or to me). I am, as you can see . . never lonely.
Off to the left, at the top of the field . .
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. . green marks the areas that were full of bushes when I started, and red marks all the places I piled up cut material. Some will get burned and some will be left to decay naturally. My winter fitness program, in a nutshell.
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awkwardbotany · 2 years
Weeds of Boise: Vacant Lot on West Kootenai Street
Weeds of Boise: Vacant Lot on West Kootenai Street
Every urban area is bound to have its share of vacant lots. These are sites that for whatever reason have been left undeveloped or were at one point developed but whose structures have since been removed. The maintenance on these lots can vary depending on who has ownership of them. Some are regularly mowed and/or treated with herbicide, while others go untouched for long periods of time. Even…
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turtlesandfrogs · 2 months
What I was taught growing up: Wild edible plants and animals were just so naturally abundant that the indigenous people of my area, namely western Washington state, didn't have to develop agriculture and could just easily forage/hunt for all their needs.
The first pebble in what would become a landslide: Native peoples practiced intentional fire, which kept the trees from growing over the camas praire.
The next: PNW native peoples intentionally planted and cultivated forest gardens, and we can still see the increase in biodiversity where these gardens were today.
The next: We have an oak prairie savanna ecosystem that was intentionally maintained via intentional fire (which they were banned from doing for like, 100 years and we're just now starting to do again), and this ecosystem is disappearing as Douglas firs spread, invasive species take over, and land is turned into European-style agricultural systems.
The Land Slide: Actually, the native peoples had a complex agricultural and food processing system that allowed them to meet all their needs throughout the year, including storing food for the long, wet, dark winter. They collected a wide variety of plant foods (along with the salmon, deer, and other animals they hunted), from seaweeds to roots to berries, and they also managed these food systems via not only burning, but pruning, weeding, planting, digging/tilling, selectively harvesting root crops so that smaller ones were left behind to grow and the biggest were left to reseed, and careful harvesting at particular times for each species that both ensured their perennial (!) crops would continue thriving and that harvest occurred at the best time for the best quality food. American settlers were willfully ignorant of the complex agricultural system, because being thus allowed them to claim the land wasn't being used. Native peoples were actively managing the ecosystem to produce their food, in a sustainable manner that increased biodiversity, thus benefiting not only themselves but other species as well.
So that's cool. If you want to read more, I suggest "Ancient Pathways, Ancestral Knowledge: Ethnobotany and Ecological Wisdom of Indigenous Peoples of Northwestern North America" by Nancy J. Turner
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