firstbol · 2 years
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Hahahahahahaha 😂😂😂😂
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discoursecatharsis · 4 years
We need to re-normalize rule 34. I don’t mean shoving the content on people, but just, like, the understanding that it’s basically an inevitability? So that when these younger people stumble across something that squicks them they have a context for its existence and can Nope out of there without needing to expend any more energy than that.
I shared the wikipedia article about “rule 34″ once and an anti replied “um so you think it’s okay to post cp because of a MEME” (the wikipedia page has it as an “internet meme”). They truly don’t get it T-T I agree, we definitely need to bring more awareness to it’s existence, like with “notp” and other original fandom terms.
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thedurvin · 4 years
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Highlight from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_meme
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radrush · 5 years
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arcadian101 · 2 years
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By: John Vincent Villanueva
Internet memes, or memes, are probably seen everywhere in cyberspace, and it becomes a way of expressing one’s emotions, thoughts, and ideas most likely presented in a comical manner.
Different platforms are bombarded by memes, and so it is inevitable to be noticed by netizens, but what it is actually?
According to a common source, Wikipedia, a meme is an idea, behavior, image, or style which circulates all over the online world and is commonly found on different social media platforms.
Read more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_meme
Do you understand this meme?
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If not, it is pretty much normal since memes are actually contextualized from culture to culture. The photo above is based in Zimbabwe, a country in the continent of Africa, and the meme probably has something to do with the state of currency in their country.
As I was saying, it is pretty difficult to understand a meme from a different country as there is a difference in culture.
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In addition, although some memes are made in another country with a totally different culture from the viewer, it still can be understood as long as the person who saw it knows the context or has proper knowledge about the message the meme is trying to convey.
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Narrowing down the topic by focusing on the memes that circulate in the Philippines, it is noticeable that they did not just become a matter of entertainment but also a representation of existing issues of the country. It is getting common to see memes that are related to social issues, political issues, economic issues, etc. And it builds awareness to the netizens about the issues happening around.
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Memes are known to be created for entertainment purposes; however, it doesn’t mean that any topic, person, scenario, etc. should be a content.
It is saddening that it is getting normal to react and share a meme with a photo of a person (without his/her consent) which is used for fun and to make fun of him/her.
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To add up, it is undeniable that memes also act as enablers for the spreading of fake news throughout the internet world. It is possible to encounter a meme that shares information without any reliable basis, and it sometimes gets more attention than the actual news.
Memes can be created and spread out easily, and so myriads of people are possible victims of misinformation shared from a meme.
 As a teenager myself who grew in the time of technology, memes indeed play an important role in the lives of the netizens as almost everything is done online especially amidst the pandemic. 
Many occurrences occur within the screen and some even have effects on the real world, and yes, memes are made for fun but it comes along with the responsibility.
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specifically the section about irony and absurdism. imagine being the person that made this. they must be having a wild old time.
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thepaupauheart · 4 years
Here we have some key concepts that will be of great importance for the development of the innovative project:
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Link to the Padlet: https://padlet.com/al315964/f7ad4ggsh8ew
ICTs and E-learning: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/ICT_in_Education/Definition_of_Terms
Active Learning: https://cei.umn.edu/active-learning
Internet Meme: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_meme
Intrinsic Motivation: https://www.healthline.com/health/intrinsic-motivation
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emilydingles-blog · 7 years
Page 1:
Hampster Dance Image source
Badger Badger Badger
Chuck Norris Facts
Numa Numa
Page 3:
Boyfriend meme 1
Boyfriend meme 2
Boyfriend meme 3
Boyfriend meme 4
Dr Phil
Page 4:
Twitter content borrowed from: @_Ihateyall, @tinifsan, @I_smoke_tacos, @yung_deepthroat,  @michaelaokland, @russdiemon, @Kodienecrazy, @snatched, @heartlle, @ivykungu, @sayingsforgirls 
Headless FIFA Player
Page 7:
All I want for Christmas trends
John Cena
Barack Obama
Nicholas Cage
All Skeleton War resources from: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/skeleton-war
Content +  Research:
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What Do You Meme?
When I say the word “meme,” what is the first image that pops into your mind? Perhaps you’re reminded of “Bad Luck Brian” or “Success Kid,” or maybe even more current images, such as “Salt Bae” or “Welcome to Your Tape,” given the recent success of Netflix’s 13 Reasons Why. However, what most people don’t know is that the word was originally coined by Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book, The Selfish Gene. In an attempt to explain the way cultural information spreads, he defined it as “an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture.” Often compared to genes and evolution Dawkins’ memes can experience variation and mutation. More specifically, they can become extinct or they can evolve with society.
But what about Internet memes?
In contrast, the concept of the Internet meme was first proposed by Mike Godwin in 1993. When it comes to the world of the Internet, memes are also ideas that spread - just through a different platform. They often take the form of images, hyperlinks, videos, websites, or hashtags, and tend to spread from person to person through social networks, blogs, or even various news sources. As we know, memes leave their mark on the Internet, which makes them traceable and analyzable.
Yes. This means that your favorite meme may actually be studied academically by researchers. Why? People want to know how memes evolve, as well as which memes will continue to spread throughout the Internet. But we’ll cover that more in depth later. For now, take a look at this infographic that provides a brief summary of the history of memes.
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some late night researchin’
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_meme “An Internet meme may stay the same or may evolve over time, by chance or through commentary, imitations, parody, or by incorporating news accounts about itself. Internet memes can evolve and spread extremely rapidly, sometimes reaching world-wide popularity within a few days. Internet memes usually are formed from some social interaction, pop culture reference, or situations people often find themselves in. Their rapid growth and impact has caught the attention of both researchers and industry.[10] Academically, researchers model how they evolve and predict which memes will survive and spread throughout the Web. Commercially, they are used in viral marketing where they are an inexpensive form of mass advertising.One empirical approach studied meme characteristics and behavior independently from the networks in which they propagated, and reached a set of conclusions concerning successful meme propagation.[6] For example, the study asserted that Internet memes not only compete for viewer attention generally resulting in a shorter life, but also, through user creativity, memes can collaborate with each other and achieve greater survival.[6]Also, paradoxically, an individual meme that experiences a popularity peak significantly higher than its average popularity is not generally expected to survive unless it is unique, whereas a meme with no such popularity peak keeps being used together with other memes and thus has greater survivability.[6]Theoretical studies on media psychology and communication have aimed to characterise and analyse the concept and representations in order to make it accessible for the academic research.[11] Thus, Internet memes can be regarded as a unit of information which replicates via internet. This unit can replicate or mutate. This mutation instead of being generational[3] follows more a viral pattern,[7] giving the Internet memes generally a short life. Other theoretical problems with the Internet memes are their behaviour, their type of change, and their teleology.[11]Writing for The Washington Post in 2013, Dominic Basulto asserted that with the growth of the Internet and the practices of the marketing and advertising industries, memes have come to transmit fewer snippets of human culture that could survive for centuries as originally envisioned by Dawkins, and instead transmit banality at the expense of big ideas.[12]” http://www.jstor.org.brkproxy.minlib.net/stable/24710851?Search=yes&resultItemClick=true&searchText=meme&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3Ffc%3Doff%26wc%3Don%26prq%3Dmeme%2Bpopularity%2Bcapitalize%26amp%3D%26amp%3D%26amp%3D%26amp%3D%26amp%3D%26amp%3D%26acc%3Don%26Query%3Dmeme%26hp%3D25%26so%3Drel&seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents https://prezi.com/8disg2_5ws1q/postmodern-humor-whats-funny/
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firstbol · 2 years
Monday meme
Hahahahahahaha 😂😂😂😂
Follow @firstbol . . . #meme #memes #memesdaily #memestagram #memer #memes4ever #viral #explore #internet_meme #job #masti #fun #reelitfeelit #viral #instagram #trending #instagram #facebook #linkedin #fbpemilega #trending #instagood #reetitfeelit
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firstbol · 2 years
Monday meme
Hahahahahahaha 😂😂😂😂
Follow @firstbol . . . #meme #memes #memesdaily #memestagram #memer #memes4ever #viral #explore #internet_meme #job #masti #fun #reelitfeelit #viral #instagram #trending #instagram #facebook #linkedin #fbpemilega #trending #instagood #reetitfeelit  @facebookmeat @linkeding @medium @instagram 
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firstbol · 2 years
Hahahahahahaha 😂😂😂😂 . . . #internet_meme #job #jobfair #jobs #jobvacancy #jobvacancy #service #serviceprovider #influencermarketinghub #technology #technologynews #technologyrocks #technologythesedays #technologytrends #photo_caption #meme #memes #memesdaily #memestagram #memer #memes4ever #memelife #memesfordays #interview #firstbol #memes2good #dankmeme #mondaymonday
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