#interactions: kairi.
sweeteastart · 3 months
What happened to us ..?
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Was inspired by @xshinina serie of illustration of Kairi/Riku's relationship during each games. I HAD to draw this out !!
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miramelindamusings · 2 years
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I’ve had Riku and Kairi on the mind. I just love drawing them being silly together and looking out for each other :)
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mythicalartistx · 8 months
Opinions of KH2 novels that happen that are funny/interesting
I saw a lot of sections recently
Riku Axel & Namine are a trio
Their interactions are nice
It's something I didn't know I needed
I love seeing them do stuff in the background while Sora does basic (game moments), instead of focusing what happens in the games during Disney worlds, it shows them
Axel being a grey character
He doesn't know himself if he's bad or good
But some of the others noticed it and gladly call him their friend.
Also when Goofy "dies" he helps him to see if he's alright and even gives him a potion
Instead of initially kidnapping Kairi, he does so with good interest in mind, thinking she's in danger because the organization is after her— Riku and Naminé were going to her but got caught up in a battle with Saïx.
Then Saïx fought Axel and won, obtaining Kairi.
Also Naminé helps heal Axel after he lost to Saïx.
I love his banner with Riku
At one point Mickey is like, I'm glad you're not alone Riku, Riku responds, He's my friend, but then Axel says, Nobodies don't have friends, it's not exactly word for word, but similar.
Axel comments to Riku
Riku eating ice cream and Axel is like is it good, You're like a little kid even though you look like a mean old man. Then Axel steals his ice cream and Riku like bruh really dude there is plenty of ice cream in there.
After Land of Dragons, Axel tells Riku, Seeing Sora made you that happy, and Riku is like I don't feel like telling you. Then afterwards he's like it's creepy how you smile with Ansem's face.
Mickey and Goofy can smell
So Pluto is in the novel sometimes around Axel and of course Kairi. When Mickey first sees Axel after Riku leaves, he sniffs him and is like oh it's you I thought it was Riku but you smell like Pluto.
Then later when Axel helps Goofy after his "death" he is like you smell like Pluto and at this point Axel is like AGAIN!?!?
Maleficent and Riku
Honestly I find this kinda charming and kinda nice.
At one point she calls Pete useless and how Riku was so much helpful and even got him what he was trying to do and gave him Kairi. She then admits that she was using him, but it made her kinda sad or a "thorn in her heart" that he left her without hesitation.
Then at one point Riku goes to see Maleficent and Maleficent is like oh you're alive and he says I see you came back from the dead. And it's great exchange.
He wanted to see if she'd fight the nobodies/ organization 13. But when he goes to her he wonders if he is betraying Mickey by doing that and he thinks it's all for Sora.
Riku opinion of DiZ request
So DiZ got Riku to do some things... that isn't great and afterwards he wonders if that was right.
After seeing how DiZ treated Naminé and views nobodies he is like Should I have fought Roxas? He was thinking Should I have destroyed him for him to go back to Sora? What if there was another way so he could still be here?
And I wanted to point it out that he obviously questions whether it was right and he was just following DiZ because he wanted Sora back and thought it was the ONLY way and much would have rather Roxas to stay as a person too.
DiZ offers Naminé ice cream
At one point Naminé goes back to the mansion in the middle of KH2 and she finds DiZ which she is surprised by. DiZ was harsh and mean to her at the beginning of the game and is weary of him,
But this dude straight up offers her sea salt ice cream like he didn't want her destroyed or want Riku to get rid of her (which Riku was like NAHHH I won't because he saw them as people and Sora was waking up). And then he says there are plenty more, you can share with friends 😀😁 LIKE COMPLETE SWAP
Saïx fight Riku and Naminé
First when Riku and Naminé is fighting Saïx while Axel gets Kairi, Saïx slaps Naminé and causes her to fly back.
Then he is like oh you're trying to protect your home from darkness (assuming he might corrupt it or by getting Kairi) and then he's like but you did that once before. LIKE 😭😭😭 THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR
And then he tells Riku he sold his Soul for Power. JUST wow, great character but man is he cold sometimes.
I never want Saïx to touch Naminé again though... Saïx over here hurting Axel and Naminé.
Donald and Goofy no longer tease about Kairi
So... In KH2 there are moments where Donald and Goofy tease Sora about Kairi with possible romantic implications
(though I'm not exactly sure since that is the English version which could have some transaction errors and there's a lot of added romantic moments because of English version)
In Halloween town, Sora also imagines himself dancing with Kairi when Jack and Sally dance, but in the novels none of these things happen. Donald and Goofy don't tease him about Kairi.
Shang and Mulan = Sora and Riku
So in land of the dragons when Sora sees Mulan and Shang he tears up and thinks of himself and Riku cause he missed him.
This does happen in the game, but it's more explicit here that he missed him and thinks of Riku and himself when he sees Shang and Mulan.
Sora always wanted to fight by Riku's side
In the novels throughout the ending battle Sora is so excited and is just glad to fight by Riku's side and he had always wanted to have him as an ally.
He states how he always hoped and dreamed he'd be able to.
He feels so excited and just glad to be able to do so.
Also want to point out that they feel better together and they're okay in the dark realm because they have the other
Sora doesn't care as long as Riku is okay
At one point Sora says, so what if he's in organization 13, it's fine.
Donald is like it's not they're a bad group of people.
This just shows how much he cares about him.
Axel pretends to betray Riku and Naminé to help Kairi
He told them he was going to and would give them their location and reassures them that he doubt Xemnas would come over.
And Xemnas ends up being the one going over....
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shibee-inu · 7 months
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Back into Kingdom Hearts and trying to figure out how to draw the beloveds
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as-above-rp · 5 months
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"Who wants to arm wrestle??!"
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goldensunset · 1 year
it's all been said before but something something riku is the element of change and kairi is the element of stability cuz riku wanted to leave the island above all else while kairi didn't really care she just wanted to stay with her friends above all else no matter where she was (and of course sora was kinda in between) something something the moral of the story here being that some things in life have to change while other things are meant to last and this is why both kairi and riku are both so important to the heart of this story cuz they represent that duality. we can't stay on this tiny island forever as innocent kids. but the island and what it means to us will always be there. y'know
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ok4ru · 4 months
I know. I know... Swap AU aren't original but Lauriam being swapped with Strelitzia and Sora being swapped with Kairi is also a great concept...
Not original but still!
Imagine a young Lauriam being protective over Kairi since in a way she reminds him of Strelitzia and left her all alone when he died...
They both like flowers and would be great besties so why not?
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jesaerii · 9 months
One thing that I desperately look forward to in kh4 is seeing kairi & riku interact more and work together to get sora back home. Sometimes I feel like there is not a huge emphasis on riku and kairi’s relationship in-game, so i am hoping to see this explored more.
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big-friendly-birb · 1 year
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Radiant Garden besties forever ❤️
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keykidpilipili · 1 year
Me: huh a Xion-as-Sora replacement mod. That sounds cool, I wonder how they handle the coat physi*dies from bliss over remind starting screen with Kaixi*
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mirror-to-the-past · 9 months
Hi! Wanna hear me rave about how I really appreciate Kairi as a character, particularly in what she represents?
This was born partly from Kairi swimming around in my head regarding how much I like her (I hope it shows), and partly because of me generally looking at YouTube comments (dangerous, I know) where I was surprised to see people calling Kairi useless, unimportant, etc. I've also seen opinions lamenting about Kairi's minimal usage (which is totally fair- who doesn't want to see more of their favorites?), but it's to the point that some have said it's bad writing or that the writers don't care about her or something.
Every person's reading of a story and their preferences are ultimately their own, and I acknowledge my scope of fan opinions is limited to wherever I end up on the KH internet, but I just thought I'd throw my two cents in about what I think of Kairi's utilization as a character.
And the verdict is... that I'm actually really satisfied with how her character is executed, amount of screen time and everything! Why, you ask?
Before playing Days, I was still very moved by Roxas in just his KH2 opening debut, yet his amount of overall screentime in comparison to all of the characters of the other games prior to that was very limited. But- I still liked him because I thought that with the little he had, it was done so effectively and with stellar atmosphere.
Personally, I think the same of Kairi.
Across the games, practically every scene she *is* in has her stealing the spotlight. At the end of KH1 where she wakes up from her sleep, she really emotes her heart out. When Sora disappears right in front of her, she just yells "I won't let him go!" Which was a pretty poignant and steadfast thing from a disoriented kid. I thought it was touching. She holds herself to that, and actually brings Sora back. It's sweet as all hell. She says the (retrospectively) very tonally setting line of wondering "You think it'll ever be the same again between us?" when referring to her, Sora, and Riku's friendship. In Kairi's first cutscene in KH2, I was over here like:
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My heart was being SQUEEZED, man. I already talked a bunch about it, made a fanfic about it and everything, and I still didn't get my wiggles out over that scene, evidently. After all that time, she had to come to grips with the complete MIA state of her friend group, and how she doesn't even recall one of them outside of vague notions of emotion.💥 Misery. But she still holds on, because that's Kairi, for better or for worse. She takes that same steadfast nature when she turns her KH2 kidnapping into an Organization infiltration and beats some antagonistic ass. Her wishes saved Sora and Riku from a slow death in purgatory. 🎊
Off to KH3, she's still holding on, and her motivation to stick her neck out and become a Guardian of Light isn't even necessarily to save the world or do some grandiose mission like her other friends are doing. It's so she can stick to her friends who are so insistent on leaving their homeworld behind for dangerous exploits. So she can finally be there with them in their harrowing moments and not just be stuck in the nerve-racking in between of unknowing.
So, what I'm getting to is this...
I feel like Kairi, for what she represents, is portrayed well. And to me, she represents grounding. In a series that's as metaphysical as KH, it's a wonder to have a character as rooted in stability as Kairi is. People like to tout Sora as the mascot of "friendship is power," and he is in many ways, but while Sora is the feeling, the empathy of seeing someone who needs help and loudly saying they're besties now because he's moved by you, Kairi is the one who holds out for you simply because she should. The one who's left out of the loop that still shows up when you need someone in your corner. She's the reminder of home, and the person who follows through on the promises. She's the person who holds in her mind the images of her childhood friends, and no matter how they change, she still remembers what they were like at their core- when they were small and simple- and will always hold affection for that. She's if a friendship bracelet was turned into a human.
And like a friendship bracelet, she's nostalgic. She's what feels like the most important thing in that first friendship at 7 years old, that you wear proudly and promise to be good to forever and ever. And like a friendship bracelet, she often will end up lost in a cubby hole a few years down the line, or falling apart.
It's why in KH3, when she tries the metaphorical friendship bracelet again with the Paopu Fruit, she's affirming that, even if it seems like Sora's really grown away from his home, she's the reminder of his foundation and where he came from- what he was like before everything spiralled into confusion and everyone got older. It's a soft promise that says "even if you've changed, Sora, there's one person who won't forget the *you* you were. You worry about your future, I've got your past."
And for a coming of age story, I think that's a beautiful and tender execution of that kind of message. Kairi has made me think, which is all I really want from a character at the end of the day, of what things I've unknowingly left behind as I've grown older. And it stings. It hurts, but it's a good hurt. She makes me realize that, when it's not stopping my growth, there's no harm in my remembering the things that have made me, me. I don't want to be stuck in the past, but who says I should lose my core, either?
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as-above-is-moving · 8 months
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"Um, excuse me? I don't mean to bother you, but I wanted to ask if this seat next to you was taken...?"
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mythicalartistx · 4 months
Kairi probably has Trauma and her reasoning why she is with Sora and Riku
Ansem the Wise is not a good person
He experimented on children and even fed them to the heartless.
Saïx/Isa often heard screams from the Ansen's study and when he and Axel/ Lea snuck in, it's no wonder they tried to find X after she went missing. No wonder why Saïx was so obsessed with finding her because Ansem the Wise does this stuff.
In ff7 nobody likes Hojo and he's seen as a bad person. Ansem kind of does the same thing except people are supposed to feel bad for Ansem and are like he's good now because he regret it??
The thing is we don't see why he regrets it or anything. And we just see he feels bad about Roxas and Naminé. We also see that he only stopped because he took it too far?
But this is the stuff Ansem did and his apprentices continued, or at least Terra-Ansem.
And Terra Ansem was interested in Kairi because she was a princess of heart. He kidnapped her and then he probably did experiments on her.
She probably has trauma. Then he sent her with that pod to Destiny islands because that's where a key blade wielder is at and whenever a pod is used a meteor shower happens.
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And then we get to the start of KH1 and there's some things I've noticed. When Sora asks Kairi what her old home was like, she says she cannot remember. Sora asks “nothing at all?” and she makes this interesting expression. Before answering she frowns before quickly changing to a smile when she says, nothing.
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What if she does remember and could be lying here because the experience was so traumatic and does not want to share what happened. However, she barely remembers it and could repress what happens, so she could remember it being bad but says nothing because she truly can't remember because of trauma.
No wonder she seems content on the island. Everyone is nice and she has fun with Sora and Riku. Nobody is trying to experiment on her.
She then goes along with it because they want to. People say she doesn't want change and yes that is true because of the trauma she faced. She's scared to go out into the world because of what happened.
When she talks with Sora later she reveals that she was hesitant at first, but now she's not. She probably was hesitant because of the fear that people like Terra Ansem are out there and might experiment on her. Then knowing that Sora and Riku really want to and they all can go together, she wants to. She is with them and isn't alone. She relies on them when doing things and bases everything on them.
However, that doesn't happen and her heart goes inside of Sora's. Riku's darkness gets the best of him and he believes Sora doesn't care about him anymore and is getting left behind, something he always feared.
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And during the games going forward she always focuses on Sora and Riku. She mentions how they left her behind in kh2. She has changed and tried growing as a person but she still relies on them.
When Sora and Riku get the letter from Mickey, Kairi seems sad because they will leave again.
Then in kh3, she is keyblade training. She cuts her hair like Riku did. In the novel she wonders if Sora likes short hair and does it because of Riku. She then grows close to Lea / Axel someone who once tried to kidnap her for his own gain. Then she realized he was hurt and was trying to see his friend again and that isn't something that bad. But above all, he is sorry about everything.
She is often left behind. Unless she is in immediate danger, she isn't really thought of. Sora's mind always goes to Riku and what Riku is doing.
In kh2, he keeps trying to find Rikuand only focus is on finding him. It isn't until someone mentions Kairi that he thinks of her. In kh3 he talks about wanting to call Riku and that he wants to show how cool the MH6 world is to Riku. When he sees Kairi in kh3 that's when he realizes oh, you're here too.
She constantly wants to be with them fuelled by both trauma and friendship, However they're constantly leaving her behind.
Tetsuya Nomura once said that Kingdom Hearts is about the friendships that change alluring to how destiny Trio dynamic changes where Sora and Riku aren't as close to her.
In re:mind / mom Kairi falls asleep, hoping to be useful and wake Sora up so things can be like they have always been between the three of them.
Then when she wakes, she and Riku go to try to find Sora and realizes she must stay behind as it is Riku's part not hers. Kairi must grow on her own and not with other people that constantly held her back and left her behind.
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I don't think she should be friendless but I think she should grow without them because they hold her back and she is left behind a lot. She is constantly relying on Sora and Riku.
Also it would just be interesting to see her with other characters as it could be an interesting dynamic. I would have loved to see her with the sea salt trio + Twilight gang. Her interacting with Vanitas would also have been great (though not sure if it's possible since he went away).
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rhythmmortis · 6 months
i want to headcanon that aqua showed kairi her wayfinder in bbs and thats why kairis good luck charm looks like one. So mad that this didnt happen in bbs cuz literally its perfect . Whatever...
in bbs aqua mentions that she made the wayfinders look like that because of the paopu fruit and kairi's good luck charm was meant to be an old sailor's superstition (but i also like headcanoning that it was also from the paopu fruit tree, like it changes to in com) which is a fun connection between them both but like. kairi remembering aqua through that small detail, her linking good luck to aqua who saved her in bbs is so fucking adorable i am absolutely going to take that headcanon in and let it sit in my brain. forever and ever
i also find it kinda funny that any time a good luck charm is given to a character their life IMMEDIATELY becomes fucking cursed fdkhdfkjh the literal day after the wayfinders get theirs is when shit falls apart, same with sora, and the good luck charm is constantly used to taunt sora in com. their asses are NOT blessed with good luck
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dullahandyke · 1 month
was gonna make a post bitching about how being a princess of heart works but then i remembered the whole union cross 'the 13 darknesses are sentient' thing and came up with my own theories but ive looped back around to being mad again. goddd why does shit actually work when you think about it im so mad
#i was hung up on the singular sentence in kh3 abt them releasing the lights into new vessels (EXPLAIN PLS?)#and ive come to the conclusion that the 7 lights are their own sentient beings like the darknesses who can interact with their hosts#and they explained the situation and all went 'hey jasmine/belle/etc id usually only do this if u died but like#the baddies all know where we are now. can we fuck off to new hosts so they dont find us'#and the princesses all went thumbs up emoji and off they fucked to arendelle#n then that leaves a couple options for kairi#first off her light went 'oh she has a keyblade? im staying here then. no need to ask her'#second off it asked her and she decided to keep it. which is INTERESTING and i will have to think abt to decide what it means#bcos like. im keenly fucking aware that we get Three whole sentences abt the situation in kh3#and neither kairi nor the former princesses r there for it. so like. Assumptions R Being Made!#like i know the princess of hearts logic is literally just 'we made the disney princesses into macguffins'. but like. augh#this also brings me to question like. yeah yeah heart wont make a nobody. but like. what ELSE does lightdom grant#bcos we KNOW excess darkness has an impact (hi terra)#and if the only ppl without darkness are those currently hosting the light (and ven. hi ven)#then moving to another host like elsa requires purging them of their darkness. which i feel should. do something#IDKK im pontificating with shaky knowlege but like. u undestand#anywho leftover stir fry is calling my name xoxo
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goldensunset · 2 months
Bestie don't be alarmed but in the Pokemas Volo event, Volo interacts with N. Pokemon Blorbo event horizon for you I guess, take cover
W H E R E .
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