#insect repellent for babies
notmumtoday · 4 months
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suburblocal · 5 months
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vinceschilling · 2 months
10 Native inventions that changed the world!
#Indigenous, #NativeAmerican
Now on the Vincent Schilling #YouTube Channel!
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loamandlovechild · 1 year
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this book is honestly so good. It’s interactive and kind of cheeky
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G loves it and it really lends itself to that kind of dramatic vocal variation little kids like (though, to be fair, G will even be [feign?] interested in my “How to make sure your child enjoys seeing the dentist” pamphlet if I use that voice)
Additionally, (despite my ideals and aspirations I know I will never be a Jain) can conclusively say this book is fucking excellent at killing flies
10/10 am strongly considering purchasing
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kadoore · 2 years
I really wish we'd teach about seasons based on where the kid lives and not on this midwestern/northeastern ideal of spring/summer/fall/winter.
My kiddo is learning about leaves changing color and falling off trees while she lives in Florida. She asked us when the leaves would fall here and I had to break it to her: never.
What I wished she'd learn instead, and which she will:
Autumn isn't falling leaves in Florida -- it's hurricanes and wildflowers. We tend to the monarch butterflies passing through and don't clear out the brush lest we clear out their chrysalises. We reclaim the evenings from summer's last grasps and await every cold front.
Winter isn't snow and ice here -- it's enjoying the beauty around us, exploring the woods, going outside without risking exsanguination by mosquito. Winter is our season of bounty, of relief. And sometimes, yes, we have to cover the plants to protect them from frost and we leave footprints on the grass in the morning. Here is our season of abundance, of frost-kissed oranges and lemons, of strawberries picked with your breath clouding your hands, of blueberries gathered in skirts. Kale and lettuce, beets and greens, it's all here for us in winter.
Spring isn't the season of hope it is up North. It's an end, a swelling of heat so sudden you swear by it. Florida kids need to know it's lovebug season and every bug season, it's gator baby season, it's beach before tourists season, and it's also fire season. The air is sticky but the trees are dry and an early thunderstorm could ignite it all, so be careful. Be careful.
Summer is our winter and it's shit. You step outside and you melt. It's hurricane season, but not really. More like hurricane preparatory season. They should teach kids here to check their supplies and how to chart a hurricane's movement. Summer is about wearing a jacket inside, because everywhere has the a/c cranked up. Kids need to learn how to cover themselves head to toe in insect repellant and sunscreen.
Instead of learning all that, my kid's gonna come home this week sad again that we don't have snow.
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textless · 10 months
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When I first spotted these clumps on tall grasses in Olare Motorogi Conservancy, in Kenya, I thought they were some kind of insect eggs. (My vision isn't as sharp as it once was.) But when I touched a piece of grass, the tiny specks started moving... because they were thousands of baby ticks!
There is no Lyme disease in Kenya, but there is an illness called African tick bite fever that is no joke. I didn't see a single mosquito during my trip - it wasn't their season - but these little guys made me glad to have hardcore insect repellent on hand.
So. Many. Ticks.
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bonefall · 1 year
Herb Guide: Basic Hygiene
A quick aside for @kingmystrie​ who has a stinky Clanmate
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[Image ID: sketch of a cat licking its outstretched leg]
For the most part, a healthy warrior can be expected to keep themselves perfectly clean. Cats have special tongues with ridges on them perfectly evolved to keep their coats shiny and healthy.
When a Clan cat is long-furred, sick or elderly, or displaying signs of mental distress, the Clan will give them special attention to keep them clean. This is not just a job for the medicine cat; allo-grooming is a social behavior, close to the heart of a collectivist cat culture.
Herbs only come into play when hygiene becomes a health problem. The two most common issues are Mats and Fleas.
Time to clear up a common misconception; a mat is not a knot. A mat is what happens when a knot tangles with a bunch of other knots, wrapping up dead skin, dirt, layers of shed fur, and other gross debris into a solid mass. If a mat has formed, there’s been a breakdown in proper care!
When they do form, they are likely to form where the cat has trouble reaching, like the lower back.
Not only are mats filthy, but they can also pose a health hazard by weakening and pulling painfully on the skin below, allowing infection to take root. Mats must be removed as quickly as possible, before they become too large. Taking care of mats can take several painful, time-consuming days.
Oil made from flax seeds can be use to lubricate and loosen them, if the mat is not too large to be a lost cause. Carefully brush with claws, teeth, or a bone comb, if your Clan is capable of simple carving.
The best treatment is to carefully shave the area. A sharpened mussel shell, or a flint or stone blade will do. Take care to not cut the skin below, which could be thin and sensitive from bearing a mat.
Aside from ticks which are treated with the infamous canonical mouse bile, fleas are another concern to Clan cats. While they’re only annoying to adult cats, they can sicken elders and kill kittens if they become a camp-wide infestation.
Fleas can’t be completely eliminated, but Clans go to great lengths to keep them at bay. Cedar chips are used as den flooring, especially in the nursery, producing a fresh pine smell that insects can’t stand.
Mint can be planted around the camp and rubbed into fur to repel fleas and prevent them from leaping onto a patrolling warrior; but this is kept away from the nursery as mint is extremely poisonous and babies have a bad habit of putting things in their mouths.
“barkface what do if flea outbreak bad TIME SENSITIVE“ -Kestrelpaw, desperately texting StarClan
For a VERY bad flea infestation, an herbal bath is an easy but detested solution. A large clay bowl (or, in SkyClan, a stolen birdbath) is filled with water for soaking, vinegar for killing, and a blend of mint and lavender for repellent. From there, the unfortunate warrior is plunged in, usually yowling and crying, and forced to soak for an hour.
Repeat for every. Single. Infested warrior. Even if they are WAILING LIKE BABIES.
They must be prevented from licking clean after this bath. Licking the bathwater off will poison the Warrior from the mint. Since it’s only a repellent, the mint could be optional, but WILL be included if the camp is actively infested... in spite of the soaked warrior’s grumblings.
The number one flea-killer, bar none, the GOLDEN KING of bug eradication, is none other than SALT. In addition to being a seasoning, having as much salt as possible in the medicine cat den is invaluable for controlling flea breakouts. Salt will be added to the herbal bath when it’s available.
In the Forest Territories, there was no salt. In the Lake Territories, collecting salt takes a long journey to the beach, and a patrol capable of carrying it home. As far as the Clans are concerned, salt works miracles so these trips are scheduled visits.
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thegoatsongs · 9 months
“Well, Professor, I know you always have a reason for what you do, but this certainly puzzles me. It is well we have no sceptic here, or he would say that you were working some spell to keep out an evil spirit.”
“Perhaps I am!” he answered quietly 
Garlic may now be associated with warding off vampires in pop culture, but garlic cloves and flowers have been used to repel or subdue evil in general.
Stoker, in this case, uses information through various sources such as Ármin Vámbéry's consulting, referring to the use of garlic on thresholds to prevent evil spirits or creatures such as vampires from approaching homes in Eastern European and Balkan folklore. Van Helsing likely gained this knowledge after returning to Amsterdam and reading some books for details on deterring vampire/undead bites.
Eating garlic is also part of the ritual to protect oneself during some dates. Garlic is a strong repellant of the evil eye as well. In Greece, you exclaim "garlic!" after praising a baby, for example, to shield them from evil (incidentally in some countries vampires are associated with preying on infants and other vulnerable people but that's for another time). Or whisper three times "garlic on your eyes" to someone you believe is looking at you with evil intent.
Garlic has long been credited as a repellent for evil spirits. People smeared garlic on children's foreheads, munched on garlic, or wore it around their necks to keep themselves safe. Some believed since garlic deters some blood-sucking insects it must also keep blood-sucking evil spirits away.
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attichaos · 2 years
P.2 Common Herbs A-Z
This is D-N of some common herbs and their uses
*longer read*
Used to keep negative energy away from the home or altar. Place fresh daffodils in the home to increase fertility. Wear near the heart to bring good luck.
Associated with babies and newborn infants. Incorporate into baby blessings & Wiccanings or to bring protective Magick into a baby's sleeping area. Wear or carry to draw love.
Dandelion leaf
Summoning spirits
Defeating negativity.
Bury in northwest corner of yard to bring favorable winds. Use in sachets and charms to make wishes come true.
Dandelion root
Calling spirits
Use in dream pillows & sachets for sleep protection. Bury on northwest side of house to draw good luck.
Use to purify any space. Use dried leaves to stuff healing poppets, pillows, or sachets. Arrange a ring of dried leaves around a blue candle and burn the candle for healing vibrations. Carry in a sachet or amulet to help reconcile difficulties in a relationship, for protection, and/or to maintain health.
Money drawing
Fertility magick
Use in floor washes to bring money to the home. Place in a jar and add a few seeds every day to increase money flow to the household.
Mental clarity
Dispelling negativity
Keep in room where studying is done to help concentration. Burn a sprig of fern before an exam. Use in sachets and amulets for powerful auric protection.
Place a branch in front of the door before traveling to ensure a safe return. Write a question on a fig leaf -- if the leaf dries slowly, the answer is yes, otherwise the answer is no.
House & business blessing
Protection for the home
Wear around the neck for health and protection against the evil eye. *Poisonous*
Protection of home & garden
Used to commune with those of the Underworld. *Poisonous*
Repulsion of vampires
Purification of spaces and objects
Used to invoke Hecate. Guards against negative magic, spirits, and the envy of others. Hang in the home to bring togetherness to the family or keep your willpower strong. Said to ward off bad weather when worn or carried during outside activities. Believed to absorb diseases -- rub fresh, peeled garlic against ailing body parts then throw the garlic into running water.
Overcoming negative thoughts & attitudes, lifting spirits, promoting protection & happiness. Repels insects. Balances mind and body.
Draws adventure and new experiences. Promotes sensuality, sexuality, personal confidence, prosperity, and success.
Adds to the strength and speed of any mixture of which it is a part. Place in amulet, mojo, or medicine bag to promote good health & protection. Use in herbal mixtures for the consecration of athames to strengthen and energize the ritual blade. A ginger root in the form of a human is a very powerful magickal token.
Mental powers
Garden magick
Use to paralyze a situation.
*Highly poisonous, do not consume.*
Attracting love and lust, divination, and dreams.
Carry in a sachet or burn as incense to attract love.
Draws money
Quick abundance
Aids persuasiveness and confidence, sharpens intuition.
Ring green candles with honeysuckle flowers or use honeysuckle in charms & sachets to attract money. Crush the flowers and rub into the forehead to enhance psychic powers.
Promotes peace of mind and peaceful sleep. Attracts love, luck, and good fortune.
Named for Hiakinthos, Greek God of homosexual love, this is the patron herb for gay men. Guards against nightmares when used as an oil, burned as incense, or included in dream pillows. Carry in amulet or sachet to ease grief or the pain of childbirth.
Love drawing
Lringing back a lover
Hang an ivy plant in front of the home to repel negative influence and discourage unwanted guests. Mix in a sachet with Holly as a wedding gift to provide protection to the newly married couple. Place ground ivy around the base of a yellow candle on a Tuesday, then burn the candle to discover who (if anyone) is working negative magick against you.
Uses include snakebite and divination; good for charging quartz crystals. Use in sachets and spells to draw spiritual love and attract a soul mate. Carry or burn the flowers to draw wealth and money. Use in dream pillows to induce sleep or burn in the bedroom to bring prophetic dreams. Helps to promote new, innovative ideas.
Promotes healing from depression. Great in sleep pillows and bath spells. Believed to preserve chastity when mixed with rosemary. Burn the flowers to induce sleep and rest, then scatter the ashes around the home to bring peace and harmony. Use in love spells and sachets, especially those to attract men.
Spiritual opening
Removal of blockages
Add lemon peel to love sachets and mixtures. Soak peel in water and use the mixture as a wash for magickal objects to remove unwanted negativity, especially for objects received second-hand. Use an infusion of lemon to induce lust.
Lemon balm
Psychic/spiritual development
Use in love charms & spells to attract a partner. Use in healing spells & rituals for those suffering from mental or nervous disorders.
Psychic cleansing
Also used in lust spells.
Lunar magick
Love spells
Male sex magick
Promoting calmness and tranquility
Strengthening love
Promotes energy
Communication and vitality
Draws customers to a business
Use dried leaves to stuff a green poppet for healing. Place in wallet or purse or rub on money to bring wealth and prosperity. Use on the altar to draw good spirits to assist in your magick. Place in the home for protection.
Carried to increase lust & fertility
Prevent backache
Cure disease & madness
Place around divination and scrying tools to increase their power or near the bed to enable astral travel. Use in sleep pillow or place in a sachet under your pillowcase to bring about prophetic dreams. Use an infusion of mugwort to clean crystal balls and magick mirrors. *Toxic in large amounts*
Dispelling darkness & fear
Strengthening the will
Aiding in the ability to handle emergencies
Sprinkle in the home to drive off evil & negativity. Carry in a sachet or use with a poppet to turn back a spell on the one who cast it. Sprinkle on self to remove petty jealousies, gossip, envy, and uncomfortable situations.
Attracting money/prosperity
Bringing luck
Breaking hexes
Include in money magick and sachets. Carry as a good luck charm and/or to increase the intellect. Sprinkle nutmeg powder on green candles for prosperity.
And as always, merry meet <3
(photo - attichaos)
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notmumtoday · 3 months
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suburblocal · 5 months
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thisisnotthenerd · 6 months
and now for our 2022-23 intrepid heroes season:
quick episode descriptions:
no place for a prince or princess: first level one battle since the corn cuties. an army of constructs plus the fairy. buttoned up. crit to pull attention. the first of the red gems. running screaming puppet boy. ylfa's bottleneck. pib and alphonse. pib facing the fairy godmother. murph's bad turn. gerard is almost insta-killed. ylfa getting overwhlemed as everyone dies around her. gerard rolls an 18 and pulls the shard out of the fairy into himself. total party kill. ylfa is the only one who doesn't elect to fail.
the curdled web: trying not to fall off the web. first crit with a death blow mechanic. faerie fire on pinocchi-crow. spider drops from the ceiling. ylfa eats a spider. look alive, wet, naked spiders on your 10, 11, 12, 1 and 2 and behind the and the 10 and the 11. senator! we're all on our own in the dark, little boy. weird spider goo. ylfa crits. monster girl bonding.
trouble in tuffeton: cleaning up. mayor harold hopps. adult sleepover. gerard assisting crits. finding the ritual. the wicked fairy clawing her eyes out. you are seeing something you absolutely should not see, the face of a divinity you don't worship, the fucking smile of a devil that you never believed in. the children look into the face of horror. the stepmother eats grandma. pinocchio crits on cutting his strings. going to the lines between.
the baron of bricks: split narrative and battle episode. you came with a handmaiden, a butler, a jester, and a second butler. how do wolves like sex. the book is tugging. he's in the fucking stew. huff and puff, little girl. heat metal on the copper. stay mad, baby. giant moving spoon. the soup is lava and does 18d10 damage. he has eaten of the soup. mother goose goes down. spilling stock on the fires. little red riding hood successfully grapples the third little pig. 51 damage from the spoon. just another blue collar little cat working his job at the factory. full nelson. the culmination of pinocchio's story.
terror on toy island: a soft little touch. mer-king's insect plague. no daddy. pib getting the little guys. i'm so fucking scared! the water surges around the mer-king. the terrible dogfish is here. daddy-meter is spinning. pinocchio crits to figure it out. pinocchio screaming to wake the dead. with the eyes! you were about to instantly die. gerard is wearing full chain mail in the ocean.. rosamund & ylfa are swallowed. the sea witch shows up. murph causes a nat 20. call of destiny. rosamund gets the eye with a seven. i'm a lion in the water. pib's acrobatic crit. one v. one.
leap of faith: using the code word. red and la bete. pivot after pivot after pivot. gerard giving the note to elody and failing so hard. 🎶 her hair is everywhere! 🎶 pib succeeding by not being social. pinocchio starting off drinking whiskey with bubblegum and telling cinderella they have her book. timothy with rapunzel truly fucking it up so hard. rosamund and snow white. attempting to put cinderella in her book. jumping out the window. getting attacked by dwarves. nat 20 perception as they leave. nat 20 to repel the gander. we're the giants.
in the land of giants: we might be the giants. ice knife. princess or bully? a bunch of tiny wizards. jack 1v1ing timothy. get in the crevice. animate objects. fuck alphonse. a really sharp bird. gerard lands some hits. shatter on some birds with a side of existential crisis. ylfa critting twice to carry tim and take so many opportunity attacks. the goose is loose! pinocchio is attacked by alphonse and goes down. goose casts heal. failing on insight. you have collected all of the golden belongings of this battle. nat 20 save for alphonse a cricket shot a rocket at me.
the trials of baba yaga: the aftermath of pinocchio's persuasion. my hot form. pinocchio select. i'm always pissing. stray from the path, but stray together. gerard sees rapunzel, gives up his name for elody's, and goes full frog with a crown. rosamund encounters the fairies, gives up her true love, and takes on the briars again. ylfa meets her grandma, and walks her great-great grandma to death, having replaced the wolf. pinocchio eaves-peeps on the stepmother, gives up his chance at being a real boy, and gets the stepmother's name. timothy pulls artifacts & puts them in the book, and gives the baba yaga a full page. pib sees the tricksters, goes from a 33 stealth to an 11 performance, and somehow still tricks the giants, after giving his book away. piss stew. i cast banishment on the actual man murph.
the ending of all things (part 1): geas on scheherezade. pib crits immediately on rapunzel. the bird is dead. bad persuasion checks. scheherazade be normal. pinocchio persuades mira. i'm a fucking frog, elody. no one liked that. she poked me with a d4. ylfa drops la bete into oblivion. rosamund goes down, gets revivified and consumes thumbelina. gerard eats rapunzel. breaking concentration with vicious mockery. rosamund crits on snow white for an insta-kill.
the ending of all things (part 2): a friendly platonic kiss. ylfa gets scheherazade's book. crit on the blue fairy. animate objects. flat william. firing a rocket to knock a hat off. the concept of beaky. pib's very good turn. elody hits the hand. ocd boyfriend, add girlfriend. the stepmother appears. you're a dumb motherfucker and I'm going to kill you. using so much pc creep to get the orange hat fairy. crit on the stepmother. baba yaga is banished. pib kills god. almost everyone goes down. all rise to roll for the fate of the universe. 18 from zac. you've thrown the orange hat in the Box of Doom without any permission. stealing everything back from the baba yaga. determining their own stories in the end.
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Odd Encounters of The Customer Kind
-Got asked, "How's the boyfriend?" by an older man while working the register, responded that, "I don't have a boyfriend." to which he then asked, "Why not?" and I gave a noncommittal shrug.
He then said, "Well, I guess it's not for everyone."
This man was also perplexed when I said, "It was a normal day for me." when he asked how my Easter went.
I am both single and not Christian.
And it was unnecessary to ask me about both of these things if I'm honest.
-Had a man say, "How're you doin', Sunshine?" in a flirtatious way to me and I was so visibly put off by the remark he said, "Ah, I must have caught you off guard."
Likewise, I have had multiple people call me "honey", "baby", and "sweetheart", and that's probably the most mild things I've heard a customer say in reference to/call me.
The worst was an elderly man saying, "I bet she likes it rough." while I was trying to stock shelves.
-Had to repeatedly tell a child that they couldn't take our cat, to the point that I had to stop them from walking out of the store holding her.
Manager Cat was bemused by the lack of bodily support and dug into me trying to grapple away from them.
-Had a man spill a bottle of insect repellent all over the floor, repeatedly step in it and spill more of it everywhere, including under a shelf, and then refused to wash his hand until after he bought the corn he came in for.
And that's just a few examples of odd/uncomfortable encounters I have had working retail... three of which happened in the last four days.
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androideql · 6 months
do u have an opinion on . yakumond re: bugs my mind is in factions, warring . edmond brave, yakumo baby. BUT yakumo farm boy. edmond city kid. yakumo destroying farm pests with his bare hands? out of habit? it's on SIGHT?? but nothing scares vice captain, right? so what if yakumond just turns my trope upside down and NEITHER of them are scared of bugs. what then. what do i do
I spent a while thinking how to reply to this ask. And. OK. Bear with me.
I honestly don't see either of them being afraid of bugs. I can see them not liking them, with Edmond being a more indiscriminate "bugs have no place in this house and should be squashed" compared to Yakumo's "will remorselessly kill pests but not harmless insects."
That being said... I kinda like the idea of Edmond having a very specific weakness to just one (1) bug and being utterly fucking embarrassed about it, and Yakumo (being the anxious baby he is) somewhat mirroring Edmond's response to it despite usually remaining very calm. They can be a disaster together. They've got that potential.
In fact, I liked the idea enough that I have this deleted short scene from a fic that I'm working on and that I will be releasing it into the wild now. Mind you, it's a draft so it's way more functional that it is polished.
“Sir Edmond, why don’t you go to sleep right away? It's already very late.”
Edmond looked up from the blank paper. At the lack of a desk, a small wooden crate he'd found here in the hayloft would work just fine. Until he saw that he'd finished writing the letter, he was not going to be able to calm his nerves enough to sleep. It didn't matter that it could be done the next morning. Why leave it for later if it could be done now?
“I’ll be finished in a few more paragraphs, don't worry,” he said, dipping the pen in the inkwell. "You shouldn't stay up longer than necessary, either. Is something holding you up?"
"Ah, well..." Yakumo looked at the lamp on the crate. It would be rather difficult to sleep with it still on, and he couldn't ask it be turned off if Edmond was still writing. "It's fine. I can wait a little longer. I'll make sure the tent is properly set up."
"Haven't you already done that twice?"
There wasn't much else left to do here. Maybe he could go outside or look around the barn for things that might be useful next morning? His eyes tried to look around. It would be rather difficult to do this in the dark... Besides, he didn't want to do anything that would be too distracting. Edmond was very particular about this letter.
As Yakumo looked around from where he was sitting, he could see something scuttling up one of the sides of the crate. He frowned at the presence of the insect. People commonly referred to those as "claw traps." They had a crab claw-like pincer and a nasty habit of biting people in their sleep and hiding in boots. What if there were more around? Thankfully, he'd had the foresight to bring some repellant.
Yakumo crawled closer to the tent, where he'd left his belongings. He rummaged around his bag for the repellent and something to kill the insect with. However, Edmond was so absorbed in writing his letter that he hadn't noticed yet. It was probably better to warn him before he got bitten.
"Sir Edmond, there's a claw trap going up your desk."
At the mention of the bug Edmond haphazardly grabbed all his things and scrambled backward in panic, spilling black ink on the wooden floor, splashing some of it on his shirt.
Yakumo's heart made a jump. He dropped his bag and reacted without thinking.
Squish, crack. He immediately squashed the bug with his bare hand.
For a moment, there was silence. He stared at his hand, at Edmond, who looked way too tense over a single bug. When Yakumo realized what he had done, a shudder ran up his spine. He lifted his hand. It was wet and crunchy, and he probably just stuck the claw into his palm because it hurt. He looked at it. Yes. There it was. Like a massive splinter.
He was more worried about how Edmond hadn't taken a single breath ever since he'd killed this thing, though.
"S-Sir Edmond, is everything alright?" He asked as he shook the remains of the claw trap off his hand.
Snapping out of his panicked state, Edmond nervously cleared his throat, his cheeks burning red. He looked aside and took a deep breath with an angry expression on his face.
"Y-Yes... I... Oh, how embarrassing... I need a moment."
With a nod of acknowledgment, Yakumo rushed to wash his hands in the basin, just the get the gooey and feeling off his palm. Now he was going to have to go back into the house to change the water. He was not about to wash his face with cold insect soup when he woke up in the morning.
The act of cleaning and removing the pincer from his palm helped him calm down and think about what just happened. He turned around to look at Edmond, who examined the stained sleeve of his shirt with an air of inconvenienced embarrassment. That ink stain was not coming out, and he probably knew that.
"Umm... Do you have something in particular against these insects? I've never seen you react like that to any others before..."
For sure, they'd been toiling in the fields for most of the day, and this wasn't the first time they'd dealt with a bug problem before. Usually speaking, Edmond didn't hesitate. He looked at the offending creature with disgust and slammed the first hard thing he could find against them, making it abundantly clear that, while he didn't like them, he could handle them perfectly fine on his own. While claw traps were unpleasant, this seemed a bit excessive.
Looking tired all of a sudden, Edmond took a long breath and let out a deep sigh.
"I don't like those."
"Ah... Well, yes? It's... not hard to see that at all..." He waited for Edmond to continue, and he was about to nervously change the topic and run away to change the water when Edmond cleared his throat.
"We saw a lot of them back when I was still in training. There was one summer when they were everywhere, wherever we set camp. They barely let us sleep. I've had an... aversion to them ever since. But I can handle them on my own next time. I just need a second or two to calm down."
The last part was a quick attempt to save face, but Yakumo wouldn't have minded it at all if he had to get rid of one of these pests again. He merely hoped Edmond's panic was a little less contagious next time.
Hoping to help Edmond retain some of his dignity for now, Yakumo tried to make the atmosphere a little less stilted by subtly shifting the subject away from how Edmond felt about these insects.
"You must have stayed within the Light Territory that summer then?"
Edmond gave Yakumo a surprised look.
"How do you know that?"
"Claw traps can only really survive there. The Water and Wood territories are too humid for them."
Hold on... Yakumo's brow furrowed deeply once he realized what he'd just said.
"How did it get here, then?" Edmond asked. And he was right. They were right in the middle of the Water territory, weren't they? But Yakumo didn't really have an explanation.
"M-Maybe they're mutating...?"
Edmond snapped at the suggestion. Yakumo reflexively lowered his head in response.
"Don't make me even entertain that idea." He stood up, slightly agitated. "I'm going the search the hayloft in case there are more. I won't be able to sleep otherwise."
"W-We have repellent myrrh. We can burn some inside the tent. It doesn't smell bad or anything..."
His voice was barely a whisper, but the night was already silent in the village and the fields. Edmond had no problem picking up what he was saying, or the tone in which it was said.
"... I apologize. My tone was too harsh."
Yakumo had never heard Edmond talk to him like that before. There was no doubt that these bugs were a touchy subject. He chuckled nervously.
"It's... fine. Don't worry. I understand."
With his cheeks turning red once again, Edmond let out some unintelligible noise that maybe, in some corner of his mind, had been words at some point. Eventually, he gave up, huffing in frustration.
"Tha-Thank you for handling it..."
"Oh. I... could do it again if we find another one."
Not enthused by the idea of seeing more of them, but still looking somewhat relieved, Edmond's voice and face softened just a little.
"I seriously wish we didn't... But I'd be quite grateful if you could."
#the reason why i waited to answer this was to make sure I was not going to use the scene at all#turns out that yeah i don't need it#should i put this in the main tag?#new fic coming to you...#... eventually#just bug squashing for now#i couldn't think of a good name for the insect also but it's not like i have to anymore#ok so here's my thinking process:#i've known enough people in the military to make me think that Edmond probably had to put up with some shit as a new recruit or trainee#and that he probably has things that he really really doesn't like as a result#the klein kingdom probably has a bunch of natural nuisances depending on the season#but a trainee probably wouldn't be sent out in the middle of winter right away cause they don't have those survival skills yet#so if those first excursions happen in spring or summer... then bugs are a problem#and Edmond IS a noble anyway. he was probably not expecting that many bugs much less for them to be bite-y#and as for yakumo i just dont see him minding bugs as long as they don't sting#he basically grew up in a cave first and then in a farm; he's super used to them#some kid probably tried to put a spider in his shoe once to try to scare him and got a very underwhelming response for his efforts#i do think he gets nervous when he sees something venomous especially if it moves too quickly#and he probably gets easily startled by jumping spiders if he hasn't noticed them before they jump in front of him#but that's more him being a nervous mess in general and less about bugs#ok enough rambling#i can't do concise answers for shit im sorry
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animeomegas · 2 years
Campsite with lots of insects brr😖😣. Let's say the RFA decided to go camping. I'll definitely be on the team bring me back to my technology. I will roll around Yoosung and wait for the end. Once when I was in the forest I was almost bitten by a snake, just where I live there are ticks. So I'll take a Nintendo, a marshmallow and I won't go further than the camp, and knowing the luck of Yoosung, I wouldn't let him go either. On the other hand, this is a great opportunity to tell horror stories around the campfire.
Maybe a little headcanon how the alpha calms Yoosung after the horror stories around the campfire, please?
And also, everyone who is going to nature, do not forget about the insect repellant.
Hehe, I definitely understand that opinion! When I was watching playthroughs of the game The Quarry, I was like 'a summer camp in the middle of nowhere in the US, filled with spiders, children and no phone... that's my horror situation. I'll take the werewolves lol'
But Yoosung's alpha comforting him after scary campfire stories? I can definitely do that! I love that idea!
You could feel yourself slowly drifting off as the ambient noise of the woods and your friends sleeping around you drifted in and out of your ears. You were on the edge where you weren't quite asleep, but you no longer had control of your thoughts as they wandered from topic to topic with seemingly no coherence.
Until a owl hooted and Yoosung gasped, sitting upright in his sleeping bag next to you. You could tell from his silhouette that he was coiled as tightly as a spring and his hands were gripping the sleeping bag as tightly as he could. His breathing was elevated, and the smell of a panicked omega was hitting the air.
You knew this was going to happen, but Seven had insisted that camping wasn't camping without scary stories.
"Yoosung," you whispered, trying to avoid waking the others. He whipped around to look at you, tears shining in his eyes.
"Alpha?" he whimpered.
"I'm here, baby, why don't you climb in my sleeping bag? It'll be nice and warm."
He didn't waste anytime, scrambling out of his own sleeping bag and sliding himself into yours with no hesitation. You welcomed him eagerly, zipping the sleeping bag back up and wrapping him in your arms as he buried his face in your chest. He sniffed a few times and tried to push closer to you even though you were already crammed as tightly together as you could be.
"Are you scared from the stories Seven told?" you asked gently, nuzzling the top of his head.
"No," he denied unconvincingly.
"You sure?"
"It's okay if you're afraid, darling," you reassured, running your hands through his hair. "I won't tell Seven, I promise."
"Okay," Yoosung said, trying to push closer once more. "You'll protect me, right alpha?"
"Of course! Do you want me to stay awake until you fall asleep?"
"You don't mind?"
"Go to sleep, Yoosung, I'll be right here, do you want me to stroke you hair?"
"Yes," he murmured, sliding his legs in between yours.
"Alright, sleep well, I'll protect you, my sweetheart."
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sluttsxphobia · 2 years
Obanai and shinobu reacting someone someone who sticks up for tomioka with their life.
They just all like "nah you wanna pick at someone it to me 😡"
Like they do not tolerate no passive aggressive attitude towards him or anything snarky or petty
And they have super good come backs
Tomioka baby needs a bodyguard 😭
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You and tomioka were walking out of a meeting when shinobu greeted you two walking right by your side. "Still no luck with ladies huh tomioka?, You must really be a repellent" shinobu stifled a giggle raising an index finger to her chin. Tomioka only sighed and continued walking paying no my to the insect pillar. You couldn't help but scoff you held back telling her off because giyuu told you to pay no kind but it pains you to see him not being able to defend himself. "Ya'know what shinobu! He is one with the ladies! You just have too many butterflies up your ass to notice!" Shinobu looked at you with her widened eyes. "My my, tomioka you have an admirer~" shinobu purred. "And you still don't, fly away bug" you waved your hands dismissing her as tomioka looked at you with a small smile and took your hand in his. "You didn't have to do that, but I admire you for it that's n/n" giyuu looked at you with eyes of admiration. "No one gets to make fun of you! I'll make sure of it!" You smiled brightly at him and continued your walk.
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My husband obanai
You and tomioka were walking by obanai and he raised his chin in disbelief,"you're really with this depressed nobody?" Obanai looked at you with piercing eyes. "What about it you're not so great either!" You stared back at him as tomioka put a hand on your shoulder. "pay no mind" tomioka reassured you but you already lost it."at least I'm not a fucking bimbo" obanai sneered at you still keeping his position on the tree. Your fighting went on for a while until tomioka finally got you two away. Obanai was surprised you were defending him (he was jealous okay he wanted you to be on his side) (love me obanai 🤭)
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Thanks for requesting darling <3
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