#initial d mecha au
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For the two of you who actually care I swear this project isn't dead, i've just been busy and getting inspired on other things but i swear i will finish the ones i have planned one day
the hard thing about this project is that my art style improves as it takes ten million years to finish which makes me want to go back and redo everything else
tohru should be next, then the todo school. just gotta work out their au versions
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twilighthomunculus · 2 years
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two year glow up
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tatortatshima · 2 years
sooo i will put the keep reading button on cuz i have no idea what everyone thinks of this and yes this is the final design for my idea of mecha au tatsuya but its more of a preview of one half. dont worry im still working on his ref sheet (as well as reinas) im just really slow rn lmao  soooo here
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sooo this is mecha au tatsuya, would not classify as having a gender and is bi, hes still the original tatsuya we all know and love from the manga and anime personality wise, hes one of the more higher classes since theyre a prof mecha driver and surgeon at the same time, still morning his original best friend (they fell in love with aka akio 1, doesnt like akio 2 but is ok to become a small friend of akuma 2), gave reina a lower mechanical leg on her right leg (the left leg in her pov) has a really cool coat and has an aid kit as a leg strap. scars are from past accidents with blackbird and the top covers his one half, he does wear different things too im very sorry if i made him be dressed like this twi i would like to know what you think since you are the mastermind of the au
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fangcyclonelunaheat · 10 months
more old fang art, i think i was kinda proud of it but it later left in wip inferno
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more context: this is reina, when twis initial d mecha au stuff was going on awhile ago i thought too much of a wangan one. reina was the only one i drew a full body off but its in a notebook and isnt the best (she has eva asuka mech ears).
this is supposed to be her in air, then she would be cought by her mecha.
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angelspn15 · 3 years
✨Happy New Year in advance everyone!✨
I participated in the Initial D Secret Santa event (@initialdsecretsanta ) and got to make a gift for @twilighthomunculus !!!
I've never written a mecha AU fanfic before but it's always exciting to try new things! I hope you enjoy this fanfic about our lovely Night Kids in a mecha AU!
Ring Ring
A young man was laying on his bed,snoring softly. The phone continued buzzing somewhere in the room,making him shift in his sleep,the bedsheets falling on the floor,leaving him half covered. He rolled to the other side as an attempt to avoid the disturbingly loud sound of his cell phone,his whole body facing the window. The caller probably gave up and the ringing stopped but the young man was already half awake. The thin rays of golden sunlight found their way through the thin curtains,landing on the man's handsome face. His long,black eyelashes trembled and he groaned at the warmness he felt,from the sunlight  caressing his sharp facial features. Deciding that it wasn't meant for him to sleep any longer,he half opened his sparkling dark grey eyes,running his fingers through his now messy,charcoal black hair.
Nakazato Takeshi propped on his elbows,turning his head to look half lidded at the digital clock on the bedside table: 09:26A.M.
Memories of the last night flooded in his mind making him want to sink back in his soft bed. He still couldn't believe what had happened: he had lost.
He had freaking lost a fight and to who? To a 18 year old school boy.
He was so sure,so full of confidence that his high tech GT-R would win that old 8-6 that didn't even look like a fighting robot. But he was wrong. He had underestimated Fujiwara Takumi and his fighter. That boy was so skilled despite his young age and the fact that he looked like he didn't know what he was doing with the spaced out expression he would wear.
Takeshi finally got out of the bed,rubbing his eyes to suppress his sleepiness and headed to the bathroom for his daily morning routine. Brushing his teeth,he looked at his reflection in the mirror that hung just above the sink. His robot was now in the garage waiting to be fixed but the worst part was that his pride was wrecked. He had lost the title of "The Strongest in Myogi",a title that he had earned with lots of effort,sweat and money. He had spent his whole life designing fighting robots,wanting to create the Ultimate Fighting Robot and even get to challenge the king of the underground fights,Takahashi Ryosuke himself.
The man got out o the bathroom,back to his messy bedroom. He grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a plain black t-shirt that were laying forgotten on a chair. He decided to not show up at the underground for awhile,at least not before his next battle. With these thoughts he headed straight towards the kitchen in need of his morning coffee to wake him up completely and get his daily endorphins.
He poured the dark liquid in a mug,bringing it to his lips,the bitterness coating his tongue. Just as he walked towards the sofa,the doorbell rang,startling him. Nakazato just froze in place,staring blankly at the front door. He wasn't expecting guests this early,especially after his embarrassing defeat yesterday. The doorbell rang again and Takeshi dragged his feet to the door,still holding the mug.
He didn't manage to fully open the door as it bursted open violently,makimg him take a few steps back,gasping.
"IDIOT!How could you lose yesterday?! That's ridiculous! You're such a clown,Nakazato!" the younger man stomped inside,rage pictured all over his face that matched the color of his crimson shirt.
"Yeah,good morning to you too,Shingo..." Takeshi said tiredly,rolling his eyes. He closed the door and turned to face the other man who was still muttering things under his breath.
"I called you today but you didn't answer! Are you ashamed? You should be! You lost to that school boy and his...his old piece of junk that he calls a fighting robot!" Shingo continued, heading towards the fridge like he was in his own house. He returned with a cold can of beer, opening it with a click and bringing it to his lips. He leaned against the wall, eyeing up the house owner.
"You understimate him. He has incredible skills and-"
"SHUT UP!That's just excuses! You're such a poor excuse of a leader! You're hopeless,loser-" Shingo's voice cracked from yelling too much. He was taken aback when soft lips kissed his. Takeshi chuckled and moved backwards to admire the desired effect. That so said desired effect was Shingo's eyes widening,his expression a mixture of shyness and anger.
'Maybe I am but you love me..." Nakazato said,another chuckle escaping his lips at the pout the shorter man gave him.
"Don't get cocky! Bastard! You-" he stopped and looked away,his cheeks flushed a deep shade of red.
"What are we going to do now?"he asked more calmly now. Takeshi shrugged looking at his teammate and boyfriend.
"I need to repair my robot. Will you help me?"
"Alright,show me the big guy." Shingo said, shoving his hands in the pockets of his loosened up jeans after throwing the now empty can in the bin.
A few minutes later they were in the garage,both of them staring at the tall robot. It was pitch black,some parts had fallen off as well as the right arm. The paint had being scrubbed off in lot's of places as well as scratches were everywhere.
"So...what do you think?"asked the black haired man, sipping his coffee.
"Yeah.... it's bad... really bad..." Shingo mumbled, scratching the top of his head.
"Come on! Don't make it look worse than it is! The base is in a pretty good condition. I'll have to fix the arm as well as those wires at the bottom and of course paint it!" Takeshi faked a smile, pointing at the parts he mentioned. He opened his mouth to say something else but that's when another part fell off, rolling towards Shoji who stopped it from rolling any further,with his foot. Shingo raised his head to glance at Takeshi with a raised eyebrow. Nakazato bit his bottom lip, walking towards his robot, sighing deeply.
"You're right... it's bad.. really bad... I've got a battle next weekend with Takahashi Keisuke and I don't know how I'll go...I haven't got enough money to repair the robot and even if I had them...the time isn't enough.." the man said sadly,his finger tips trailing down the leg of the robot, feeling the scratches. He couldn't back down. He had to go to that battle. He had two options: either to go with the robot he has now and make a fool out of himself or not go at all. But if he didn't,the RedSuns would take that as a runaway and would see him as a coward. Takeshi was a lot of things but definitely not a coward.
"I've got an idea." Shingo's voice reached his eardrums and he turned to look at him as soon as he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"We're teammates. What if I battle in your place? I've almost finished on upgrading the EG6."
Takeshi's mind was racing. He hadn't thought of that option.
"That's... that's an idea! But do you think you can defeat Keisuke's FD?"
"Ha! I need to put that arrogant brat in his place!" The long haired man said proudly, flashing a smirk.
"Alright then. As soon as he agrees then that's what we're going to do.." the GT-R master said,his lips curling up into a faint smile.
"Hand me the lube"
"You've finished it all!!!"
"Just give it to me already! It's not my fault it stuck!"
Takeshi sighed and took the bottle, giving it to Shingo who snatched it from his hands, climbing back up the tall ladder. Shingo had brought his own robot over, installing some last parts before the big battle. Takeshi would just observe him,while leaning against the wall. He liked watching his boyfriend work his magic on the robots. Who would think that the clumsy,temper filled Shoji Shingo was actually good in such things?
The younger man finished screwing something on the back of his tall, bright red EG6 and gave out a satisfied yelp. Climbing off the ladder,he got a piece of cloth that was hanging from the side of his pants, wiping away sweat on his forehead.
"You finished?" the black haired man asked, leaving the wall and walking around the red beast.
"I think so." Shingo mumbled and got the newly tuned controller that was laying on a nearby table.
"Nakazato,get out of the way if you don't want to be stepped on!" he hissed, pressing something on the controller that caused the robot to raise its head, with a loud sound. Nakazato backed away and headed to stand next to the younger man, staring at the controller curiously.
"You upgraded it as well?" he asked pointing with his index finger at the device in Shingo's hands.
"Yes,I installed some new features." just as he said that,a loud thud was heard and the robot got in a fighting position.
"Woah,how did you do that,let me see-" Takeshi leaned closer to observe the new controller but Shingo stepped away, frustration pictured on his slim face.
"Oi, don't touch it!" he hissed, standing away from the taller man who just folded his arms on his chest,the muscles on his arms flexing.
"Punch..." Shingo mumbled and the robot instantly, created a fist, punching the air in front of it, it's fist inches away from Takeshi's face.
"Damn,are you going to kill me?" he yelled and walked away grabbing the coat that was laying on a chair, tossing it to Shingo.
"Come on,you don't want to be late."he said bitterly,a huge pout on his face.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever... let's get this over with."
It didn't take long for them to get to the underground. The hour was long past midnight,the dark sky reflecting lot's of small stars that would shine like pure diamonds on dark silk.
Just as they entered, Takeshi could feel the burning gaze of everyone but he held his head high like the proud man he was. The Underground was incredibly full, everyone had heard of the battle with the great Takahashi Keisuke and his unbeatable FD. Shingo was looking around, seeing lots of different robots and he nodded to some of the fighters he knew. They were both walking in front, Shingo's EG6 following behind. Takeshi spotted Mako Sato and Sayuki who once she saw him she smiled brightly, giving him a thumbs up. If he wasn't with Shingo,he could have easily fallen for that long haired girl which was cute on the outside but tough on the ring.
The young man was so caught up looking at Impact Blue talking to some random guys, that he didn't notice two robots jumping right in front of him, fighting each other. A strong hand grabbed his shirt and shoved him aside,making him stumble but he quickly regained his balance.
"Takeshi! Focus!" Shingo scolded him, breathing heavily and Takeshi just nodded, relieved that Shingo was there to save him.
The two men knew that they would probably find Keisuke at the bar that was nearby so they headed straight towards it, hearing lot's of yells and laughs.
The blonde was sitting there,as expected, surrounded by his teammates as well as lots of fangirls,his shiny, bright yellow FD near him. His deep blue eyes met Takeshi's dark ones,as soon as he stepped inside.
"Nakazato! I was waiting for you. Where's your R32?" Takahashi yelled from across the room,sipping on his drink. Everyone's attention now was on them. The Night Kids approached them,both having anamused looks on their faces.
"Shoji Shingo will be fighting with you today." the dark haired leader exclaimed sternly,trying to have a straight face.
"Oi,your robot really got destroyed by that kid,did-" Keisuke began but was cut off when Shingo bursted forward,his hands in fists.
"Shut your mouth Takahashi!"
Silence followed,the tension between them growing. Nakazato began thinking that this was a bad idea but what else could he do? The policies of the Underground said that you must fight with your own robot and you can't borrow from someone. But right now,he hadn't got one so he didn't have another choice,did he?
"So,do you accept the challenge from Shingo?"
"Alright. But you still owe me a battle." the blonde said,wearing a grin.
Suddenly,silence fell over,the only sound was the stomping of a heavy robot. Murmur could be heard feom everywhere and the three men looked behind them to see what caused such reaction. Takeshi stiffened when his dark eyes fell on the man who was approaching. The people were stood in two lines, leaving enough space for the newcomer and his robot to walk through the crowd. He was dressed in a white,expensive outfit,his dark blue bangs falling on his face. A white,shiny robot was following from behind,causing everyone to stare. They all knew who this was :the king of ths Underground himself.
Takahashi Ryosuke.
"A-aniki?! Wh-what are you doing here?" the blonde stood up,cold sweat running dlwn hiz handsome face,causing hiz forhead to glister.
"Hmm. I wanted to see this battle."
Shingo just stared at the legendary Takahashi Ryosuke. He secretly admired him and his skills. Ryosuke was a gifted man,with an incredible mind and skills. He was also one of the best fighting robot makers and would use the latest advanced technology for his fighters. The white FC3S was a proof to that. The Myogi fighter could see a speaker on Ryosuke's ear and he knew that this was what everyone kept talking about lately: Ryosuke developed a voice recognition in his robot so now he could control him by just giving him audable orders.
"Aniki...you shouldn't have troubled yourself...I-I can hamdle this..." Keisuke got im front of his older brother,his blue eyes that were identical ro Ryosuke's having a strangw spark in them. But the older Takahashi ignored hiz youngwr brotgwr,proceedimg to exam Shingo's EG6. He walked around it,his delicate long fongers trailing on the  freshly painted parts.
"Nice robot you've got here." the dark blue haired man commented,the sides of his lips curling up into a barely visible smirk.
"Did you come here to mock me?" Shingo hissed in between gritted teeth. He was a proud man and didn't liked to be made fun of. Especially when it came to his robot. But Ryosuke didn't laugh,nor had a mocking look.
"No. I actually meant what I said." he exclaimed calmly,his sharp face features not giving out a single emotion.
"Where did you get it?"he added and finally turned to face Shoji who seemed taken aback by the question.
"I-I made it myself..."
Ryosukes bright eyes widened for a split second,clearly impressed. Tge young man retrieved from the red EG6 and waljed towards his brother.
"Well. Will the battle begin? I can't wait forever."
Everyone stiffened at Ryosuke's request,not wanting to disappoint him.
"Yes,of course!"
"Ladies and Gentlemen! Be prepared for another night of fire! Let's welcome our fighters!" A man from the RedSuns, Fumihiro was it?,shouted, catching everyone's attention.
"Takahashi Keisuke and his FD3S" as he said that,the yellow FD got on the ring, accompanied by loud applause and shouts.
"Shoji Shingo with his EG6,instead od Nakazato Takeshi!" with that,the red EG6 stood on the other side of the ring.
"Let the battle begin..." Takeshi thought, stealing glances from the man besides him who kept adjusting some things on the controller.
The yellow robot swang forward,followimg its master's orders,but the EG6 managed to dodge the hit just on time. Instead,he attempted to punch the FD,unsuccesfully. The FD turned around sharply,its fist hitting its opponemt,with a loud metallic sound.
It raised its hands in victory and got ready to punch the laying robot but Shingo managed to make it roll over to the side,escaping Keisuke's fist. Takeshi could see Ryosuke saying something to his brother on the other side of the ring,but paid no attention to it. He trusted Shingo.
Another metallic sound snapped Takeshi out of his trance,as he watched how the yellow robot stumbled, Keisuke's cursing following.
"Ha! Did you see that Takeshi? I almost crushed him,I-" Shingo turned to face his boyfriend,his dark eyes screaming pride.
"Shingo, WATCH OUT!" Takeshi's eyes widened as he shouted, watching how the EG6 fell on the ground. Shingo didn't lose his cool, despite being under pressure. He tapped on his controller but something wasn't right. His robot's left arm... wasn't working!
However,this didn't stop him. He rolled over but unfortunately didn't get to avoid another punch from the FD.
"Shingo,your robot. It's lighter and faster,use that to your advantage!" Takeshi bursted out, getting right next to the other man, their shoulders practically touching.
"Oi,Nakazato...don't stand so close!" the long haired man complained but still had a determined look plastered all over his face. He knew Nakazato was right. With a swift motion,his robot stood up and got behind the yellow one. Since Keisuke was startled,Shoji used those few seconds to punch the FD hard, making it fall down. Surprised gasps filled the air, murmur being followed.
Three rounds later,both of the masters were exhausted but neither of them let their guard down, doing everything to not lose concentration. Shingo's robot ended up laying down with thd FD towering over it. The countdown started but Shoji didn't manage to make his fighter stand up which resulted to him losing. Keisuke was growling happily,raising his fists in the air with a victorious grin that riled up Shingo. He furiously rubbed the bridge of his nose,letting out heavy breaths.
"It'd okay." Takeshi's hoarse voice was heard from next to him but Shingo didn't pay attention. He had freaking lost. Previously he had gotten all high and mighty,sure of his win but in the end...he was the loser. What tore him apart was that he had let down Takeshi. He was supposed to win...to make his boyfriend proud...
But he lost.
He lost to Takahashi Keisuke.
Shingo was dazed off,his ears ringing. He was surprised when he was yanked by the colar,his face being brought up. Grey eyes stared right into his brown ones,piercing through his soul. He half expected to be yelled at,or even punched and he wouldn't blame Takeshi. But instead, Nakazato crushed his lips on Shingo's,kissing him lovingly.
"Let's get out of here. You're tired." the taller man said,a small smile on his face. He didn't look angry,not even a bit,more of concerned. Shingo just nodded,his cheeks painted a light shade of pink.
Shingo and Takeshi were sitting on the roof of Nakazato's house,close to each other while staring at the night sky. Shingo got a pack of cigarettes, handing one stick to his boyfriend while getting one for himself as well. The man besides him got his lighter and soon both of them were inhaling the toxic smoke.
"What a night..." Takeshi mumbled more to himself than to the man besides him who hummed anyways.
"I'm still proud of you,you know that right?" Nakazato attempted to indirectly compliment the younger man,but failed as he heard a low scoff from his side.
"Shut up already..." Shingo exhaled sharply,the smoke swirling around him and dissolving into the night air.
As they sat there in a comforting silence, a thunder was heard in the distance and out of nowhere it began pouring. The two men remained still, confused and shocked at the sudden change of weather.
"Damn! What are you sitting, let's go inside!" Shingo was the first one to come back to his senses before throwing his cigarette away and standing up. Takeshi watched how his long bangs would cling to his face,while his clothes being completely soaked by the strong rain.
"Beautiful..." Takeshi thought, being completely absorbed in his thoughts,not even hearing Shingo's yelling,who in the meantime was desperately trying to drag Takeshi inside,to the warmness of his house.
No matter what the outcome was today,he still enjoyed every minute of it. Because life isn't only about winning... losses are what make it more interesting.
Hope you enjoyed it!
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pastelpaperplanes · 3 years
Big Ol Ask Post Pt. 3 I think
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I haven’t drawn anything other than cursed or plain technical stuff w him 😔😔 have these for now but expect more soon!
anon a way back asked what he’d look like next to Overlord being already so big compared to Megs, that’s why you see Lordie if you’re wondering why he’s thrown in that line up!
by the way I have a voice claim for the big purple simp— Jenner from NIMH, he’s so awful but that suave baritone oh it fits too well >:] it’s the ‘humble servant’ line that got to me
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Yep! Pharma is absolutely in this AU—as well as the CFau and Crack one too—and in all, he’s still an estranged medic long since booted from any legal work back on Cybertron.
He lost his credibility and more all those years ago when he found himself willing to do his fair share of cutting corners and hastily concealed malpractice to expedite his dream of getting his name down in the medical books—ultimately impressing his dear Mentor Ratchet, finally, in perfecting long-since banned risky experiments and surgeries—not to mention cruel and unusual temperament with the (supposedly) taboo practice of non-medicinal mnemosurgery.
His ambitions and aggression always got the bet of him, this hasn’t changed since he found himself working in freelance outposts. Light years away from Cybertron, he’s made a name for himself as a Good Doctor—but to his under-the-table black market part-dealing clients, he’s just about as bad as a Crooked Medic can get.
Bounty hunters and Arms Dealers like him for his business, a certain DJD member likes him for the occasional berth company and seemingly never ending supply of fresh T-Cogs—but no one actually likes him for his nasty temperamental personality, save for a young and naive Ratchet once upon a time.
Pharma is a roamer, as of recent he’s been a hard to reach mech—seems as if he’s found a little project to keep himself pretty occupied in the last few decades—something about a breakthrough for aiding the Decepticon Energon Crisis :] him and a small, horrifyingly cheerful surgeon are well on their way to completing their first trial batches, it’s safe to say that their little synthetic mixture will have it’s users sated and compliant.
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they’ve got that amazing ‘new car smell’ those first few weeks, and instead of chittering like an Insecticons or vibrating their wings like a seeker—they beep and squeak, sometimes even honk a horn depending on the baseline altmode coding, to get their Creators’ attention before their vocalizer truly starts to kick online
It’s cute, but loud
Much like a seeker sparkling, they have to reach a certain ‘age’ (upgrade) to be able to transform completely, in between then they’re still able to rev those engines as a warning should they need it, as well as spin their wheels should they need a getaway HEELIES IF THEYRE LUCKY WOOHOOOOO—for seekers they can hover on their thrusters!
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Crusade is actually pretty formal with Megatron. But yeah as a kid, Megs was always known as Carrier, but as Sadie got older and more aware of their surroundings—they definitely came to learn the true weight of that title and the fact that they were the progeny of the faction leader, a fact they should have really held onto with more pride. Not wanting to draw more attention to the already blatant favoritism (and nepotism) Crusade made a switch to addressing Megatron as Sir, My Lord, Lord Megatron, —ect. to better fit in with their fellow troops.
It bothers Megatron more than than he lets on. Crusade shouldn’t have to hide their high ranking as his child, the heir to the faction. Megs is their Carrier and can only order them around for so long, as their Leader however—pulling rank may just allow for their infuriatingly stubborn sparkling to listen to them should a day come where even a Carrier’s plea is dismissed.
Crusade does slip up every now and then and a ‘Carrier’ will slip—often hushed and annoyed though as Megs does like to tease every now and then, gotta remind them that they’re still his baby every once in a while :’)
Optimus however—whenever him and Crusade should truly reunite, will never be called Sire by Crusade, which they so heatedly established early on—Crusade never needed one and they don’t need one now, better to not let the title trigger those long-suppressed emotions. Sure enough though Optimus will get his moment.
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actually no lmfao so you’re good! Eh, I haven’t mentioned much plot w them outside of them and Megs, plus bits of potential interactions with Optimus—so the rest of Team Prime is free game :D
For what I (hopefully will have) planned, their interactions with team Prime will be eh,,,interesting to each their own to say the least. Some more stressful than others BUT let’s not get into that until I’ve worked it out—for now I’ll just mention what they’re dynamics would be like when the drama of Oh Shit Boss Bot You’ve Been Hiding a Kid For HOW LONG has died down.
A usually touch-wary Crusade actually is the one to initiate a hug with Bulkhead, he’s the biggest and warmest and somehow is always happy to see them. Plus he tells cool recaps of Earth films and gifts them strange blobish paintings every now and then, all of which Crusade doesn’t exactly understand, but at least the colors are pretty.
Bee is annoying,,,which is what Crusade would say if confronted if they actually liked all the shenanigans Bee suggest they pull together, prank wars to the max, sparring for fun, video games?, DOUGHNUTS and RACES in the fortress halls??? Ahem. they are a super serious soldier, not a hooligan. But honestly, Bee is the one they seek out the most should they need an adventure, they missed out on a lot of this ‘fun’ growing up on the Nemesis—Bee seems to know how to balance a day of soldiering and dumbassery. sometimes.
Ratchet reminds them a bit too much of their Carrier than they’d care to admit. The medic is an old soul to his very core, perpetually tired but quick to snap into work mode, and sweet if you reallllllly squint. Sadie has been taught from day one to always respect medics, Ratchet obviously takes the cake on I’ve Seen Some Shit and for that alone Crusade both fears and admires Ratchet. Again, growing up on the Nemesis they didn’t have too many bots willing to talk much with them—but Ratchet (after he’s gone through his own lot of therapy, him AND Arcee. good lord) has a never ending pile of stories to share with them. Ratchet may throw in a few more colorful curses than necessary—which is SURPRISING bc Crusade thought they’d heard them all back home, but he’s entertaining and tells Crusade how it is, no sugarcoating. For that Crusade is grateful, there’s been too many half-truths thrown about to them in their recent years :’)
Ghost Prowl freaks them out—why does he deliberately have to be so sneaky?? Crusade has only met Prowl a fleeting handful of times (visits from the Allspark come with meaning, you know) and each time Crusade has been given nothing but odd riddles and poetic nonsense. Kidding. Prowl does like his wordplay’s but his given advice is always well meaning—the most firm and direct message Crusade has been passed though was probably most definitely “ Get those two cowards for mecha you call your Creator’s to stop fooling around with each other and SPEAK—at this rate it’s physically paining me that they haven’t begun Ritus and they’re not getting any younger”
Team Prime adores Sadie, they ask Megatron to see their sparkling photos every chance they catch him. And Crusade. hates it.
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:) have
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We’ve been here before, haven’t we?
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bellygunnr · 2 years
Catwalk Whispers
Art trade for @twilighthomunculus . Initial D Mecha AU, Take/Shin style.
an IMMENSE joy to write, thank you for letting me play in your space!
The announcer's voice reverberates through the stadium, instilling itself into Shingo's still-aching bones. Music follows, a steady undercurrent that thrums through the catwalk he perches on, potent enough to be felt through the thick soles of his boots. Further still, he can feel the impact of the mech's feet as they circle the arena, predatory and lean, sizing each other up.
It's a fascinating showdown. A junker Eight-Six chassis and a refined, thoroughbred RX-700 model. The outcome would be laughable if it was predictable, but...
He scratches the heel of his cast, trying to get at a phantom itch. There was nothing normal about this fight. Nothing had been normal ever since that beater came around, really.
Or maybe nothing had been normal since that thing had come to town. A hulking beast, fierce and without regard or respect.
He fishes a cigarette from his pocket, sticking the end of it in his mouth so he can use the same hand to light it. Smoke is just beginning to fill his pocket of air when the catwalk shakes, independent of the arena, and he tenses, suddenly alert.
Through the support beams and rafters, a bulky figure eases himself through, materializing into a familiar silhouette as neon light falls onto him. Shingo braces himself, twisting his mouth in disgust while his heart does something funny.
"What are you doing here?"
Nakazato jumps, surprise flashing over his face, melting into something inscrutable.
"Shingo? I could ask the same of you."
Shingo looks away, chewing on the end of his smoke.
"I didn't think you'd come back here."
"I could say the same of you."
The catwalk shakes. The Phantom Panda evades a dizzying series of blows.
Nakazato is closer now, leaning over to stare at the ensuing battle.
"I guess old habits die hard, then, right, Shingo?"
Shingo kicks the railing and blows a sharp stream of smoke into the air.
"The Panda looks a bit shaky. I'd say White Comet is giving him a run for his money."
"Of course he is. It's Takahashi at the controls."
But they both knew that it could go either way. It'd be a wonder if the Panda would be able to afford repairs, however. Then again, Shingo was still feeling the hurt from  damages inflicted by the Panda, so...
He should have some faith, then, in the junker challenger below.
"How's the Nosferatu?"
The question slips out before Shingo can stop it. He bites his tongue, wincing. He can feel Nakazato turning to look at him, the surprise palpable.
"...Better. What about Gumtape?"
"You know how it is," Shingo scoffs.
"Well, bite me for asking."
The Panda works a stiff leg around the Comet's ankle. It's a familiar technique. The kid learned fast-- probably had to.
Shingo cracks. He looks at Nakazato, shocked to find him already staring back. The darkness of their hideaway does little to obscure his expression.
Or maybe he just knows what he looks like still, despite the time. In spite of the distance.
"Don't," Shingo says harshly.
The announcer's voice rumbles their world. Shingo presses a hand to his forehead, cigarette burning a point in the air above them.
"I've had a lot of time to think. And talk. And... I'm sorry."
"You're sorry?" Shingo sputters.
He stamps out the cigarette, muscle memory taking over.
"I am!" Takeshi says, voice turning low and rough. "It shouldn't have taken me so long to say it, either."
He scoffs. On impulse, he strikes the catwalk's railing with his foot. It hurts.
"Well, you did. Who cares? We're on the same floor now."
Takeshi snorts. "Guess we are. Do you have a place to stay?"
Shingo wrinkles his nose. "Why?"
Confoundingly, Takeshi looks away, cheeks burning red in the low light.
"I don't have a place tonight."
"Is that so?" Shingo sneers, but he fights off the burgeoning grin. "How come?"
"Bought out. Whatever. People really like this battle."
Takeshi still isn't looking at him. Shingo feels bold enough to turn into him, putting his hands on his hips. The sounds of the battle raging beneath them fade into the background, the rumble of the announcer a now comforting lull.
"Who do you think's going to win?"
He allows Takeshi to step closer to him, trying to ignore the rush of him suddenly being in his personal space. Despite the prosthetics, which peek out from under his shoulder, very little about his physique has changed.
It makes something in his chest twinge.
"Anyone's game. But they're on fire tonight."
Shingo blows a sharp air through his nose. He twists around in the suddenly narrow space, feeling Takeshi press closer, so that they're both leaning over the railing, full contact. He thinks about Takeshi's offer.
Could he really not find a place?
"I managed to snag a room. It's pretty shit, though," he mumbles.
The screaming of the White Comet's engine reaches a fever pitch. The junker underneath it is howling in a similar manner.
"So you'll accept my apology?" Takeshi murmurs.
Shingo sighs. It feels like it rattles in his chest.
"You can stay for the night, man."
"Thanks," he says, breath ghosting his hair. "I owe you one."
"Yeah, you do," Shingo says.
The steel catwalk rattles with the sheer ferocity of the audience. It'd be a battle for the history books, if they had those sorts of things. Yet, for some reason, Shingo couldn't feel the impact.
Maybe it was Takeshi's voice, still apologizing.
Maybe it was the prospect of being near him again. Especially after so long.
The night would be rememberable for different reasons, at the very least. He could live with that.
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hopeassassin · 3 years
Rally’s Scribbles in the Work
So after that lovely anon blew my mind away with their kind words and wonderful support, and because I keep telling you guys about my writing plans without actually giving you even a teensy little detail, I have decided to stop being coy and actually likely get your hopes up a bit by dilvulging small details and bits of plots of what is currently going on in my G-Drive. 
This will be a brief recount of what I have currently baking in the AoMomo oven, so let’s dive right into it! Please note that the numbers are in no particular order - I just keep revisiting each of these stories and writing a bit more to them whenever I feel like it. So there’s no ranking and no importance, just a number to keep proper count.
1. “Knight of Renown” Dragons and Knighthood AU, based on that one AoMomo pic with Momo ithe Knight and Dragon Aomine that I reblogged a while back and I actually let me imagination go a bit too much in the tags. I ended up actually rather enjoying the premise I set up in the tags so I actually started writing that one out!  Completion rate at about: 5%? I’d say? Less? :D 
2. AoMomo Music AU - a dearly beloved project that I am pouring a lot of love and attentioin to. That’s why it’s coming along super slow. It’s been in the making since November and I chewed it and mulled through it so thoroughly that I’ve grinded to a halt with it. Intending for there to be 2 chapters, and I am at about 25-30% of chapter 1 currently ready currently. At the pace I’m going, it might be another full year before you actually get to see this bad boy up, but when you do, I’m sure you’ll see all the care and effort that went into making it perfect. Honestly, no joke here, I am intending for this to be one of my rare masterpieces in this tag. So I’m not gonna rush it!
3. AoMomo Car Accident AU where Daiki barely manages to save Satsuki from being run over by a hit-and-run and ends up being the one run over instead. This was my first piece of writing after coming back to AoMomo last summer and yet completion rate is a sad thing. I want it to be flawless, a perfectly agonizing, thrilling type of torturous read that gives you a great sense of relief by the end of it. Needless to say, the clusterfuck of negative feelings is a bit difficult to hold onto for a prolonged period of time and the work is coming along slowly. Planned at about 5 chapters, I have 2 complete ones and the 3rd one is at about ... 30%? Hopefully before this year’s whumptober, we’ll have a finished piece!
4. AoMomo bond character study, which went in a direction I did NOT expect nor intend. It was suppsoed to be an idea that you will see also listed below. But I started this one from their early childhood and somehow, instead of focusing on the kids and their bond and their weird interactions with each other and their first moments of realizing they are of opposite genders, it turned into something much too fun to let go of and the ideas for scenes just kept piling. It’s going to be a long one, very explorative and very in-depth character study on the bond between these two and how it changed over the years, and their first encounters with their sexuality inbetween (because that was really the main idea that I started with... xDDD;;;) Currently at 1 chapter complete, chapter 2 somewhere around 50-60% completion, and at least 6-7 chapters to come after that, soooo.... :’DDDD YEAH. THIS ONE AIN’T SEEING THE LIGHT OF DAY ANYTIME SOON.
5. AoMomo deciding to practice stuff on each other, because I am a sucker for this trope.THIS will be what the idea under previous number 4 was SUPPOSED to be like, but it instead spun out of control. So this one, under number 5, is going to be the smutty, idiots bumbling through physicality to discover that they actually have serious feelings for each other kind of piece. Chapters are planned at about at least 6-7 or so, but not my usual monstrocities! :D First we start with practice kissing, and we move our way up from there! 
6. “The Evil of Humanity” AU - a dystopian futuristic kinda mecha AU, sort of an amalgamation of some of my favourite anime in the genre - a bit of NGE, a bit of Gurren-Lagann, a lot of Darling in the Franxx rewrite and improvement, in distinctly AoMomo colors. I poured a lot of thought and love into initial outline of main moments for this one, and I really hope to make it an epic, thrilling action/adventure with a big dash of romance kind of read! Chapters currently not even planned properly, because I need to sit down and consider this seriously. It will definitely be more than 10-15 though, and they will be my usual chapter lengths so.... likely no time soon. :D 
7. Aomine Fanclub - I got a plot bunny some time ago and I shared it here and my friends were spurring me on with it, so I started trying it out a little more. I’ve written out like... maybe 30% of this one as well, but need to re-read and reconceptualize to get it back on track. The issue with this one is that I’m not really sure where I want to take it, thus it’s on the back burner at the moment.
8. KagaKuro AoMomo double-date kind of story, where Aomine is asking some curious questions of Taiga about going to America and pondering if any of his immediate friends know what Satsuki wants to do with her life. I’m really invested in this one but haven’t started properly writing it out yet beyond just sketching out the idea so I don’t forget it. (I’d say 1% complete here.) Really looking forward to using the idea of Kagami being super impressed with AoMomo perfect sync when playing as a team in arcade games!
9.Laws of Attraction Chapter 2 - You might be surprised at this, but I’m actually super invested in this one. Likely the reason why I am delaying so much working on it - I feel like all my great scene ideas are just too chaotic and I have a hard time starting the chapter flowing properly. I had like 4-5 false starts already and I’m feeling a bit skittish with picking it up. But I have such AMAZING concepts on where to take it after it revvs up the engine, so... Maybe sometime this year! Completion rate: 0% written, but at least about 30% ideas built up for the installment!
10. AoMomo college rooming together story - sort of an expansion on my fill for one of the prompts way back those years ago in AoMomo week. I really dig the concept and the trope of sharing spaces with someone you consider nothing more than a friend and then gradually learning to appreciate each other for something so much more. I am definitely doing this one some day, but not anytime soon, likely.
11. A random idea bit me the other day (read: a month ago) and I actually wrote out like... maybe 25% of it already as well. A random comment from Wakamatsu miffs Satsuki but then she realizes why he’s asking dumb questions and she comes to realize that something is wrong with the equation: either Dai-chan likes someone really close to them and she hasn’t realized, which is unlikely, or Dai-chan likes HER and is super blase about it in a way that betrays his feelings not at all, which is even more unlikely. Being a curious  individual, she sets out to find which it is! Some hilarity should ensue but mostly just some mess-with-Dai-chan fun!
12. Touou summer training camp at the sea - progress is practically 0, I wanted to write a summery piece and set my mind on this, but nothing beyond has come to me, so I’m not forcing it.
13. AoMomo cultural festival fic in second year of high school (meaning something approx end of Oct -> beginning of Nov.) with Daiki being in a distinctly Haruhu Suzumiya role at that festival (has anyone even seen this anime? I adored that episode to freaking bits, man, it’s engraved upon my soul) and singing Billy Idol’s “Rebel Yell” and one more song just like Haruhi did. And Satsuki just beholding the phenomenon he becomes in no time flat while he lays bare his passion for life for all the student body to see. Shippiness will happen in private afterwards!
14. You Can Leave Your Hat On Chapter 2 - Probably like 2-3 years ago while I was still in the damn woodwork and wrestling with real life and adulting being crap, I remembered this AU premise and I got super hyped on the idea of Club Owner Dai-chan being a flirt with innocent Satsuki who got dragged to his joined and fell in love at first sight with his shenanigans. I’ve already played around for like 7k words with the second chapter of this but I’m still not where I want to be at, so it will take a while longer to flesh it out.
15. Idol Worship - a story that I promised my mate aricana some 6 years ago the premise for which I am super hyped for but not quite engaging with it yet. The idea was that Momoi finally starts gettiing the dates she has been pesting Kuroko for for years, and Daiki feeling terrible about beholding that, whilst Kise is being pestered by Horikita Mai for a date and instead ditches her with Daiki because he knows his former Teikou classmate is a huge fan of her. Mai-chan isn’t particularly happy but somehow ends up enjoying her time with Daiki and starts considering actually pursuing him instead of Kise when she sees what an interesting soul he is, with the torch that he’s carrying for some girl in his life he doesn’t really talk about but is evident from the little things he drops off as hits. AoMomo shenanigans will start to ensue properly when Satsuki realizes that Daiki is actually having a close female friend who is not her but is Horikita Mai instead, Dai-chan’s perfect woman, practically. She doesn’t take well to the news and has to grapple with why that is! And what to do with these newfound frustrating emotions!
16. Obstruction of Justice Chapter 3 - MAYBE SOME DAY, I WILL GET TO WRITING THIS. Last summer I inteded to do just that but instead, Wild Side of Justice was born. And it became a spin off of sorts on its own. ORZ. I WILL FINISH THIS SOME DAY, I do have some plans for it and I do have the desire to pursue them. I just need to be in the right headspace for it ahsjkfhkjaf
17. A PWP story of Kagami arriving early for a practice match at Touou and somehow walking in on AoMomo getting busy with each other in very unexpected and explicit ways that Kagami did not see headed his way. Because, we need more PWP in this fandom, honestly.
18. And since we DO need more PWP, recently when checking the 30 lemons community on LJ (shut up, I’m not ancient, YOU’RE ANCIENT) I was wondering how exactly a smut plot around the “Taken by the Faceless Stranger” could work for Aomomo and I came up with this Masquerade ball that they end up both attending because of their friends and meeting each other and hitting off fantastically just chatting the night and then banging in a niche in the long castle-like premise of the ball. :’DDDD Cuz it’s me and if I don’t have something like that in the works, you know i’m likely sick.
ALL OF THESE I am planning on eventually finishing one day. ONE DAY!
For now they are in various states of completion and in various stages of being cared for and improved on with more ideas added and fleshed out.
I am not joking when I say I am very invested in this fandom. I just have difficulty getting to writing out these ideas when I spend like 60% of my free time playing my mobile games. :D 
So there you have it. I didn’t want to say anything about these because 1) I don’t want to get your hopes up. You Can Leave Your Hat On 2, for one, has been in the making for 3 years, very on-again-off-again kind of way, and I just... can’t do that to you guys. I have decided against posting any incomplete fics so I don’t torture you guys and my muse doesn’t abandom me forever for them. So when something is complete, it gets posted promptly for your viewing pleasure!
And 2) If I divulge too much of the story, I feel like my hype of it may disappear completely. Ehh, my muse is a willful creature, what can I tell you... 
So let’s hope at least SOME of these get to see the light of day soon!
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the-odd-job · 4 years
Harem AU Chapter 1 - Where It All Went Wrong
Rating: Explicit Warnings for Chapter: None Category: Other Fandom: Transformers Characters: Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Unnamed Characters, Original Characters Relationships: Sideswipe & Sunstreaker Additional Tags: Sticky, Abduction Words: 9898
Where it all began! No real warnings for this chapter, just keep in mind the fuck uppedness this AU devolves into starting from Chapter 2 :D
That I’ll hopefully have completed in the coming days.
“The rules are simple,” Sideswipe grinned at his audience, showing his cards between his claws. “One winning card, two losing cards. I shuffle them, you pick the winning card. Easy money! All you gotta do is point at the right one.”
He laid the cards on the table in front of him, face up, winking at a particularly attractive mech in the crowd watching him. “Whaddya say? Earn yourself a few creds to spend in a nice bar?”
“Sounds easy,” one mech rumbled, and Sideswipe nodded in agreement.
“It is easy. Just gotta watch carefully and you’ll have me parting ways with my money in no time!” His laugh earned a few chuckles from the onlookers. “Kidding aside, I won’t make this easy for you,” he teased the player stepping forward. “This wouldn’t be profitable if I was bad with my cards.”
“I can take you on,” the mech said confidently. “I’ve got a keen optic.”
“And you’ll need that! Five creds says I’ll win.” Sideswipe showed his credit chit for the mech to scan, five credits programmed into it. The mech mirrored him with his own credit chit and Sideswipe prepared the transaction after confirming there were five credits on that card as well. The mech accepted it and placed it on standby, the final recipient to be determined.
Then Sideswipe grinned, ready to play. “Take a look,” he said, tapping the table in front of the winning card. After the mech had nodded at him, Sideswipe flipped the cards over in quick, practiced motions.
Then he shuffled on easy mode, keeping the movement of the cards slow enough that his play partner had honest chances of winning.
Once the cards were properly mixed up, he pulled his servos back. “Time to pick, my good mech.”
Without hesitation, the stranger pointed at the middle card. Sideswipe flipped it over, and lo and behold, it was the winning card. He laughed and the crowd cheered for the other mech. “Ouch~ Five credits to you, then.” He completed the pending transaction in the other mech’s favor. Sideswipe, five credits poorer; the stranger, five credits richer. “Another round? Ten creds says you won’t pick right this time.”
“Deal.” And Sideswipe prepared the transaction, shuffled his cards a little faster than the first time, and had the mech pick again.
“No slag!” he shook his helm with another laugh when the mech picked right again. “You’re gonna turn me into a guttermech at this rate. One more round, fifteen creds. I promise you won’t win this time.”
“Like pit I can’t,” the other grinned at him, showing his credit chit again and initiating the transaction. Sideswipe accepted it and shuffled his cards once more.
But he’d done this since he was a youngling. It wasn’t profitable if he only relied on other mecha’s failing senses, and he couldn’t afford losing. He and Sunstreaker, they needed the credits. 
His player turning him into a guttermech? Couldn’t do that if you were already a guttermech. His audience didn’t need to know that though—didn’t need to know how he’d go hungry if he failed at the game. He kept his finish in a decent state just for this. No one trusted a guttermech. They were always desperate for survival and guaranteed scammers.
Sideswipe though? He was no scammer, for sure not. He looked just like any of them, didn’t he? He shone well enough, he had no undue amount of scratches on him, no unusual grime, no nothing.
He was just your regular entertainer, here to show you a good time.
They didn’t need to know he feigned the cards’ positions mid shuffle right under their optics, his claws quick in the act.
He’d long since trained himself out of any physical reactions when he did that, not even his spark flaring despite the zap of nervousness that always came with the chance, however slim, that someone would pick up on the cheat. Years of practice paid off though, and no one said a thing this time either, just like no one had said anything the whole day. Cybertron’s star was already in its downward arch and he’d call it a day soon.
He had decent winnings in his pocket already, fooled from other tourists—and some locals—that felt like taking their chances with him. Him and Sunstreaker, they wouldn’t go hungry tonight.
Sideswipe only hoped Sunstreaker had made enough for them to upkeep their frames. His own profits weren’t going to be enough to cover that, and they couldn’t afford to look like the lowlifes they were. None of this would work otherwise.
“Alright. Which one?” Sideswipe asked with an easy smile for the third time.
The mech pointed at a card. Sideswipe turned it over.
It was not the winning card.
“Aw, shucks,” he said, his smile turning into an expression of sympathy. The transaction was completed in his favor.
His player shook his helm, but he was smiling, showing no signs that he suspected he’d just gotten cheated on. Good. “Damn your servos are quick when you want them to be,” he joked lightly, and Sideswipe laughed along.
“I’ve been doing this for a while, is all. Say what though, one more time. Five creds. Pick right and you won’t have lost anything. You in?”
The mech considered that for a moment before nodding. “Alright, sounds good to me.”
Sideswipe grinned, initiated the transaction, showed all the cards, flipped them over, shuffled, swapped, and once again the mech picked.
It was not the winning card.
“Damn,” the other sighed, but they were still in relatively good spirits. “Give it one more go, I want my credits back.”
Sideswipe made a show of hesitating, before he nodded cautiously. “Okay, one more game, ten creds. But if you lose this time, gonna be the last one. I don’t wanna clean your pockets.”
“No worries, I’ll win.” His player’s optics were already intense on the cards, determined to pick right this time around and land himself back in his starting point.
Sideswipe didn’t stress the scrutiny. He showed the cards, flipped them around, and repeated the trick.
The mech chose the wrong one.
They both shook their helms in disappointment. “Like I said, I don’t wanna clean your pockets. You’ve lost enough.”
“Fair, I guess. You’re good at this,” the mech shrugged. The final transaction completed and Sideswipe bid the player goodbye.
Then he turned to the rest of his audience. “Anyone else feel more lucky, or you think I’m too good for you all~?” Sideswipe grinned.
The attractive mech he’d noticed earlier stepped forward, and the scam continued.
Before the last of daylight faded, Sideswipe grabbed his cards and the table he used and deposited them in his subspace. The few mecha that had still been around to watch him got a cheery farewell before Sideswipe headed for the driveway, transformed, and set course towards the energon dispensary. Iacon’s towers rose high up into the clear sky as he drove along the roads weaving around and through them, and above or below each other. Fliers zipped around overhead, following their own marked flight courses between the gleaming towers.
It was called Cybertron’s brightest spark, the city-state of potential, that all others envied. Word was that your fortune and dreams awaited if you saw through the trouble of becoming a permanent resident. Even those that didn’t want to make the move often came around to bask in the city’s glory, providing him with the visitors he needed to continue his games. 
Sideswipe didn’t know how true any of that was. Maybe they treated mecha coming from the outside differently, but he was created here.
And even in the brightest spark of Cybertron, he’d still ended up in the gutters far below the sparkling decks and high towers the tourists saw, scraping by just to earn himself the right to continue onto the next day. Was that by design?
No one had ever shown any care for two abandoned younglings whose commissioners found they couldn’t afford to mentor them after all. They sure hadn’t found their fortune here, just fallen through the cracks of society to end up on the streets with barely a thing to call their own.
But they’d learned to make do. They’d scammed and thieved their way to their current position, each of them a practiced con artist, but Sunstreaker now able to make his portion of their living through honest work.
They wouldn’t have gotten to that point without breaking the law countless times, though.
And it wasn’t enough to get them off the streets. Housing was costly. If they wanted to keep their frames functional and fueled, they couldn’t afford it.
The streets were their home, but that was fine. They’d learned to navigate them and the dangers that came with a life like theirs. Unexplained disappearances, murders, assaults… The enforcers didn’t care enough to dedicate time and resources to seeing to all the plight that guttermecha faced.
As far as most of Iacon was concerned, they didn’t even exist.
But they scraped by and made their life the best they could in their circumstances. Fuel for the night was a good tally on the scoreboard of their life.
He arrived at the dispensary already crowded with others, mostly lower class mecha that weren’t much better off. Those with enough credits to live properly didn’t particularly visit this part of town.
Sideswipe drove next to the walkway and transformed to step off the road, waving a greeting at a few acquaintances he knew from the lower levels—the gutters. A few friendly words were exchanged while they waited in the queues, some laughter, jokes.
The kind of things that lighted a hard life just a little bit.
Then it was his turn and Sideswipe paid for two medium ratios, just enough for their frames, a little larger in size than the average Iaconian.
Mid transaction he glanced over his shoulder at the sound of someone shouting his name.
Uppercut. His optics brightened with delight and Sideswipe subspaced his freshly acquired cubes before jogging over to the mech waving for his attention.
“What’s up, mech?” he asked as soon as they were in greeting range, their servos clanging together. “Haven’t seen you in a while.”
“I’ve been busy,” his fellow guttermech said coyly, and Sideswipe could just imagine what Uppercut had been busy with. 
He laughed. “Yeah? And do you have something to show for it?”
“I do, actually,” Uppercut continued, and Sideswipe looked at his friend with more interest. He recognized that tone. The fun times tone. Uppercut leaned in conspiratorially, like he was about to pass a big secret. “I’ve got creeeeeds.”
Sideswipe knew his next line. “What you gonna use them for?”
“Well, now that I ran into you, I figure we can crash a bar and get wasted. My treat.”
“That much?” Sideswipe asked, more than a little in awe. His optics were probably as impressed and surprised as his tone. Uppercut snickered at him.
“Told you I’ve been busy.” Well, apparently hard work paid off sometimes.
He knew the story though. Credits , but not enough to change your life.
Not enough to get you off the streets.
So why not spend it on something fun instead?
The more fortunate probably would’ve just told them to save up , because surely they would eventually have enough to climb from the gutters. And maybe that was true if you could get more than what you immediately needed to spend for basic survival, like Uppercut had.
It was never that simple though, never just about the credits. You needed a job to keep whatever level of comfort you managed to gain, and if your income was even a little unsteady…
Uppercut had had a good run recently, but there was no guarantee that would last and that he wouldn’t just lose everything all over again, if he tried to reach higher.
“You in?” 
Stupid question. Sideswipe grinned. “Pit yeah.”
They drove to even lower levels to hit up a bar as cheap as they could find. The shiny, well lit, clean streets turned into dim lights, grime, and oil stains, cracks and dents, lined with mecha that made their homes in the creaky abandoned buildings and dark alleyways.
This was their world, the place where all the trash from the upper decks fell.
Drunken mecha were being loud outside of the bar they’d chosen as their target, probably kicked out for having gotten too rambunctious. Dangerous, but dammit they wanted those drinks.
So the both transformed next to the walkway, right next to the drunken group, and tried to ignore them.
They still got a few proposals and gropes, but that was it before they’d already slipped through the doorway and into the bar that was no brighter on the inside than the streets were on the outside. Nor any cleaner.
“So how’s your brother doing?” Uppercut asked as they sat down at the long bar and ordered their drinks. Sideswipe chose cheap because there was no way he wanted to waste Uppercut’s credits; Uppercut went for something a little better now that he could afford it, for once. 
“Sunny’s good. Still runs his thing at the park. Locals are starting to recognize him. A few times the tourists’ve said he was recommended to them even, imagine that!”
“Nice,” Uppercut said, as impressed as Sideswipe had been when his friend had practically waved his credits in his face.
“Yeah,” Sideswipe grinned at him, then shrugged. “Maybe we can afford a little more maintenance at some point, if he gets more popular and can raise his prices.” A little extra for some personal care sure sounded nice. Uppercut nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, the first thing I did was get some oil into my joints and replace some of my fluids that were running low. Still had some left over, so.” He raised the drink the barkeep handed to him before taking a long swig.
“Thanks for bringing me along,” Sideswipe said, sipping his own drink. Crappy quality like everything here, but it was high grade. He wasn’t going to say no to a good buzz every now and then.
“Sure thing. You’ve helped me out when you’ve had extra. Just wanna return the favor.”
“Eh, wouldn’t have been necessary.”
“Maybe, but I wanted to, so you’ll just have to live with it.”
Sideswipe just laughed at that and kept drinking. The conversation flowed as smoothly as it ever did between the two of them, and he had to admit he had kind of missed the mech when he’d dallied off to Primus knew where. There’d never even been a guarantee he’d return, but that was a possibility you just had to live with when making friends here.
He was relieved that Uppercut had indeed returned, and once the charge in his systems started to rise… That started to show a little more. Jokes turned more lewd until they were outright flirting, and then paying for a private room at the back for an hour or two, and before he knew it, he was already pinning Uppercut to the dirty berth that was stained with who knew how many other mecha’s liaisons. His friend was moaning as they kissed and groped, and Sideswipe didn’t exactly keep quiet either.
Especially not when his spike finally found its way to Uppercut’s valve, wet and hot. The calipers clenched around his length as he started to rock in and out, increasing his pace when Uppercut’s legs wrapped around his waist. Charge crackled through their systems, high grade in effect as much as their arousal, lighting the gaps of their plating with blue.
They both liked it a little rough, so when Sideswipe leaned down and bit hard on Uppercut’s neck cabling, all he got was a moan and dull claws digging into his seams with little bursts of pain from his sensors. He drove into his friend, chasing after his high just as much as he was pushing the other higher right along with him.
They’d done this enough times that it was familiar by now.
Uppercut came first, crying out his name as his frame stiffened and his overload crackled over him. The uneven clenching of his valve drew a strangled groan from Sideswipe before he tipped over too, releasing his transfluid deep into Uppercut’s valve.
He didn’t quite collapse over the other mech in the aftermath, but it was a close thing. His arms shook as he kept himself propped up, their fans whirring and vents heaving as they tried to dispel the heat from their systems.
Uppercut’s optics opened after a delay, and when they did, Sideswipe grinned down at him. “Again?”
Sideswipe’s spike sprang right back into pressurization when Uppercut rippled his valve around it.
Three rounds later they both stumbled out of the private room, then the entire bar, giggling and giddy from the afterglow of good overloads and the high grade in their systems. A kiss of goodbye later they parted ways, driving because who gave a damn about laws and safety, Uppercut most likely headed to continue working, and Sideswipe making his way through the streets to a different destination.
The area around the bar was a hotspot for activity, but some streets later things quieted down. There were still mecha around, but they were ones that had built their shelters here, little nooks and crannies they claimed as their own and defended ferociously.
The twins were no different, and Sideswipe stopped in front of one particular alley. His transformation felt a little wonky, high grade still cruising around his fuel lines, and his… Step wasn’t completely even, was it? He was pretty sure the buildings weren’t about to collapse no matter how his vision tried to convince him otherwise.
Sunstreaker was sitting on the mat they called their berth, doodling around on his sketchbook. He glanced up when Sideswipe got closer, raising one stately optical ridge at him. “Had fun?”
Stupid question, he already knew the answer. Sideswipe nodded anyway, collapsing next to his brother and peeking at what he was drawing.
More cityscapes. He was getting really good with those. “Made enough today?”
“Yeah,” the golden twin confirmed. Good. That meant they could hit one of the public washracks in the morning, before heading back to the upper levels for the day.
Reminded of that, Sideswipe pulled the cubes he’d bought from his subspace, offering one to Sunstreaker. He set aside his sketchbook and accepted it, and the both of them fueled in silence—and quickly, lest someone get the idea of trying to get their fuel from them.
He felt a little bad that Sunstreaker hadn’t gotten to come along to their bar night, but he also knew Sunstreaker didn’t really like getting drunk, so it worked out in the end. The low grade he’d been able to afford would be enough to fill his tanks comfortably.
It took him a while because wow the high grade was really making his processors fire in all sorts of funny ways, but eventually Sideswipe could focus enough to… Feel.
The disquiet. 
He really had to have been distracted to miss that. Now he couldn’t rid himself of it.
“Something’s bothering you,” he said, poking Sunstreaker on his arm.
His brother frowned, staring at his worn claws. It took him a while to say anything.
He did speak up eventually, though. “I’ve had this… Feeling, all day.”
It started in the morning, almost as soon as he and Sideswipe had left the public washracks they’d cleaned themselves up in and parted ways to hit different parts of the city that rose all around them. He felt… Watched.
And Sunstreaker had lived on the streets long enough to trust his gut when it said something was wrong. Ignoring your instincts was one of the best ways to get yourself killed—or raped or mugged, if you were lucky.
So he didn’t take the routes he normally would have, weaving instead through the streets he knew so well to more lively areas, until the feeling went away. Even then he didn’t take the straightest way to the park plaza he’d made his spot. It was a hot spot for tourists, exactly what he needed, and when he arrived, a little later than he usually did…
The feeling didn’t come back.
Sunstreaker sighed in relief as he transformed and walked to the shady little area he had made sure he could be found in every day. Word of him and his skills was spreading around slowly but steadily, but if he wanted those potential clients to reach him, he needed to be present.
He set up shop in short order, pulling out his foldable seat and the sign that presented his services and prices, as well as a few example pieces of what he could make, and placed them on the ground like he always did.
Then he sat down. Sideswipe was prone to calling for more “customers” quite loudly, but Sunstreaker had never fancied doing that. Personally he just found it grating. So, as usual, Sunstreaker merely pulled out his sketchbook, entertaining himself with practice and people watching as the activity on the plaza slowly increased. He got looks, his display got looks, and Sunstreaker caught optics and smiled to put on a friendly face and avoid driving off any potential clients by being a grump, as Sideswipe called him.
It wasn’t that long into the morning before he got his first customer. “Hi. Is this your work?” one of the mechs in the group of three asked as they got closer.
Sunstreaker smiled in greeting. “It is. A few credits and I can create something custom just for you.”
The mechs exchanged glances, then some words. About how his prices were fair, his works gorgeous, and how they could watch the entire process to make sure they weren’t being ripped off.
There was no need for concerns like that with him. Sideswipe, on the other hand… Well, a bit of caution was always well founded when in an unfamiliar city.
Or even when the city was familiar. Because the feeling creeped back to him. He had to suppress a twitch and a suspicious look around while he waited on the mecha, but his sensors swept wide, scanning the area as far as they reached.
They reported nothing out of place, but the feeling would not go away.
He hid his tension when the trio turned their attention back to him. 
“I’d love to get a work from you.”
“Me too.”
“Easily done,” Sunstreaker promised and pulled two canvases from his subspace. “Payment upfront and I’ll get started at once. I’ll need a few minutes.”
Their optics were brightening in excitement over the concept of getting this kind of memorabilia from their trip, and both were quick to pay him. Sunstreaker nodded his thanks before grabbing his pens and brushes and setting to work. He’d done this enough times that he was perfectly capable of being quick about it without lowering the quality of his work, and in relatively short order the patient pair were handed their finished pieces.
Both started squealing over them instantly, and this time Sunstreaker’s smile was honest, just a little bit of delight flaring in his spark. Sideswipe was poking at it instantly, but Sunstreaker ignored him in favor and thanking his first clients of the day. They thanked him profusely in turn before walking off with their new possessions.
It was always nice to be appreciated.
Not every customer he ever got was like that, but it was just a matter of staying firm even when they demanded refunds—likely not even because they were honestly unhappy with his work, but because they just wanted it for free.
Sunstreaker didn’t let himself be cowed, though. The plaza was always buzzing with activity and patrolled regularly by enforcers. It made it a safe location for a bit of lawful work, and even if someone would’ve tried something… They would’ve been the ones to get in trouble for it, not him. There was nothing illegal about what he did.
But all the while. All the while the feeling wouldn’t leave him. He smiled and kept his frame loose, inviting, polished as well as he could manage to make him blend in with all these mecha that didn’t live in the gutters, but he felt he wasn’t blending in well enough. Like someone was paying attention just to him specifically.
He couldn’t get paranoid and start looking around in earnest though. He had a facade to keep up, but now it felt like shackles around his wrists, binding him dangerously. 
There weren’t as many customers that day as he would have hoped, but there was enough. They could get by with relatively little, and Sideswipe brought in his own share of credits as well. They’d be fine until tomorrow.
When it was already turning well into the evening, Sunstreaker finished his last customer’s work before he began to pack up, his plating crawling all the while. It was driving him crazy, but now he could look around more freely, and did so as he gathered his things and organized them back into his subspace.
There were mecha walking about, alone or in small groups, going who knew where to do who knew what. Nothing was out of ordinary about it.
None of them were looking his way.
There were mecha sitting on some of the benches as well, alone or with company, again. Some were clearly partners, snuggling into each other, all lovey-dovey. Sunstreaker snorted at them, but still there was no one who stood out to him. No one even remotely appeared like they were or had been looking at him.
What was amiss? He couldn’t rid himself of the feeling and it put him on edge well beyond comfort, but even as he cast his optics around him for a wider view of his surroundings… There was nothing he could see out of place.
Was he losing his mind here, or was there really a danger he couldn’t pinpoint?
It could be the former, his imagination just playing tricks on him, but Sunstreaker acted like it was the latter. He hadn’t survived this long only to die because he got careless. 
He headed for the nearest stretch of road and took the short way to the closest highway, merging into the constant traffic of the larger roads, and again took a long, winding route through too many needless curves and sudden turns.
The feeling would not abandon him.
And he couldn’t drive around all night hoping he could ditch it sooner or later. He and Sideswipe couldn’t afford to waste fuel like that.
For that reason he eventually had to give and head towards the alley they had claimed for themselves.
But he didn’t go there. Instead he stopped a street away and entered one of the abandoned buildings with a knock on the perpetually open doorway, scanning the area for spark signatures.
One came up. “Lossless? Mind if I hang around until Sideswipe gets back?”
Lossless peeked his helm from the next room and waved in greeting. “Hey Sunstreaker. Sure thing, come on in.”
Sunstreaker took the invitation and walked in, and… The feeling receded. Oh, he was still a tense bundle of nerves, but it was an improvement, and he was downright relieved when he sat on one of the dirty couches Lossless and his company had scavenged from who knew where. It made his plating crawl for entirely different reasons, but sooner or later he couldn’t have helped it anyway.
There was no staying clean for long down there, not when you practically slept on the ground. They hit the washracks every damn morning for a reason.
“So where’s Sideswipe?” Lossless asked, reclining on another couch.
“Drinking, from the looks of things,” Sunstreaker shrugged, relaxing on the sofa to the best of his ability. 
“Wow, really? Did you get lucky with creds?”
“Not us, but one of his friends did.”
“That’s a nice treat. I wouldn’t mind if I had enough money on me to do the same.”
“Who would mind?”
“Don’t think I know anyone who would,” Lossless grinned at him, and Sunstreaker’s mouth twitched in something akin to a smile too. “How has your work been going, by the way?”
“I think I’m gaining some reputation.”
Lossless’ cadre slowly trickled in from wherever they had spent the day—stealing, scheming, scamming, if he knew them at all. They were pretty serious about parting better off mecha with their credits by any non-violent means necessary. He and Sideswipe had used many of the same tricks when they had been younger—one working as the distraction while the other handled the stealing.
But where they’d eventually moved on from that to some less risky methods, Lossless’ cadre had continued. They were good at what they did, and equally good at leaving the scene if something went wrong.
He and Sideswipe had run with them a few times, but as much as they admired the cadre, they had never felt the draw to join it.
At the end of the day it was just the two of them—one spark in two frames.
Conversation flowed around him easily, laughter echoing in the room as the cadre pooled the day’s resources, had their energon and counted their funds. He enjoyed the atmosphere as always, soaking it in well into the night. They didn’t kick him out despite how long it took Sideswipe, but as soon as Sunstreaker could feel him closer, he thanked them for having him and left their building to a chorus of goodbyes.
He had hoped that the feeling or the reason for it would have died off during his visit in the cadre’s housing, but he wasn’t even halfway to their alley before it came back.
He was getting ready to lose it at that point, but he had no target, because no matter how he scanned his surroundings with his sensors, he couldn’t find anything to explain the sensation of being watched. 
Aggravated, Sunstreaker transformed outside their alley and marched into the gloom, his engine growling as he sat down on their mattress with more force than necessary. There were only two ways to even go, and he still couldn’t see anyone!
He pulled out his sketchbook and tried desperately to distract himself until he could hear Sideswipe’s engine closing in, and then his brother was already staggering into the alley. Sunstreaker raised an optical ridge at him. “Had fun?”
Drunk or not, Sideswipe still drank his energon with him, but it took him a while before he managed to push through his overcharged haze and pay attention to Sunstreaker’s unease. He was poked in the arm, and usually Sunstreaker would have reminded Sideswipe not so kindly to watch the finish, it was already hard enough to upkeep, but not this time. Instead his optics dropped down to his own claws, dull from overuse and poor maintenance.
They didn’t really have the funds to replace the metal to have something to sharpen into an actual edge again.
“I’ve had this… Feeling, all day,” he spoke up eventually, glancing at Sideswipe. His brother’s optics gained more focus as the severity of Sunstreaker’s inexplicable anxiety slowly worked its way through the high grade in his systems. “Like someone’s watching me. But I haven’t seen anyone or anything.”
Sideswipe thought about that for a moment, then glanced around himself. “I mean… I don’t feel anything, but then again I’m drunk as fuck so that would probably explain it.” Anything but dismissal, Sideswipe instead frowned at his inability to trust his own presently addled instincts. “What do you think we should? One stays up as a watcher?”
“I think that’d be safest,” Sunstreaker agreed. It happened every once in a while that things just got too dangerous for the both of them to recharge at the same time. There was a good reason most of them tried to band together with at least one friend who they could trust to watch their back and vice versa. You never knew what might strike if you were alone.
“I’ll take the first shift, you need to sleep that high grade off,” he continued. Sideswipe nodded at him, not really disagreeing.
“Yeah, I probably should. Ugh. Well, better get started.”
Sunstreaker could feel Sideswipe’s unhappiness with his current overcharge, but there wasn’t really anything but time to take care of that. Sunstreaker scooted to the side enough to give Sideswipe room to lay down, and his brother was down and out within seconds.
Sunstreaker snorted despite himself even as he picked his sketchbook back up and continued working in the light of his optics. His sensors he threw far and wide, on constant lookout for anything out of place.
As the night crawled on… The feeling started to pass. He still couldn’t figure out what had caused it in the first place, but slowly his mind started suggesting that he had just overreacted to some small thing that had been amiss without him making conscious note of it. Which seemed like a pretty likely answer to things.
He glanced down at Sideswipe, his brother’s engine rumbling peacefully and lulling Sunstreaker further into the new explanation for his jumpiness. It had probably been nothing all along.
But should he nevertheless wake Sideswipe to take watch for the rest of the night? That had been the deal and he knew Sideswipe would be upset in the morning if he found out Sunstreaker never had woken him.
Was it necessary, though? It was always better to get a full night’s recharge. Sunstreaker wouldn’t get that at this point no matter what, but he could still grant it to his twin.
There was the scuff of a pede against the ground at the end of the alley.
Sunstreaker’s optics snapped up at once to the image of a mech’s silhouette against the dim light of the quiet street.
Quiet and still and in the dead of night when mostly everyone, even those who liked to stay up late, would be in recharge. A quick scan came up with no spark signature.
Either he was looking at a ghost, or someone living was intent on being bad news.
Not good. “Sideswipe!” Sunstreaker hissed immediately, shaking the red mech’s shoulder until his optics opened. Slower than usual to catch up with things, Sideswipe took a painfully long moment to brush the recharge from his mind.
“What?” he mumbled a little before that process was even over, glancing up at Sunstreaker, then in the direction Sunstreaker was looking at.
Then he froze just as Sunstreaker had.
They got up as one and booked it into the opposite direction, unwilling to find out just what random strangers in the middle of the night would’ve wanted from them.
There were only two ways to go, but the other way wasn’t blocked so that didn’t matter.
Until it did.
One step outside the alley and onto the street and arms shot out to grab Sideswipe, a servo wrapping around his throat with a grip tight enough to silence his vocalizer. Sunstreaker barely had the time to register that much before servos landed on him as well, his throat similarly caught into a crushing grip until he could only spit static.
The third mech appeared from the alleyway just when a fourth one cruised over, but it was only this one that made Sunstreaker’s energon run cold.
The big mech turned into a van, and was currently in his alt-mode. His side door opened as he got closer, revealing a space big enough to hold all five of them.
Sideswipe was struggling, Sunstreaker was struggling, but each of the mechs was a helm taller than they were, and more solidly built. And they acted as if they’d done this before, knowing just how to hold them to keep them from breaking free of their grip, or from screaming.
As humiliating as crying for help would’ve been, sometimes you would’ve needed to do it anyway.
Of course, there was no guarantee that anyone would risk their safety to check what the noise was about.
The van stopped in front of them and they were unceremoniously dragged inside by the mecha both larger and stronger than they were—and they were no weaklings themselves. The third one climbed in with them, and the door closed with a slam.
Clamps were placed around their throats at once, muffling their vocalizers but freeing the mecha’s servos so they could wrangle them onto the ground on their fronts. Their arms were pulled behind their backs despite their resistance, the larger mechs’ strength just greater than theirs, plain and simple. There their arms were tied together by the wrists. Sunstreaker immediately tested the binds, and felt Sideswipe do the same, but the conclusion they both came was that they were solid. 
Sunstreaker growled as he was manhandled onto his back next, Sideswipe panting hard next to him as the same was done to him. The mechs were speaking, but Sunstreaker couldn’t make sense of the language.
Which was enough of a clue on its own. Their optics were Northern blue, but that was an easy detail to fake. He suspected their original color was red.  
The larger frames that didn’t look like they even came from the Northern hemisphere, the harsh language … Those had Kaon written all over them. 
He hoped he was wrong. He hoped these were locals, that they were merely being taken for some manner of forced labor—industrial workers, miners, whores, there were all kinds of functions mecha were pressed to illegally. But if they stayed in Iacon… They would have a chance of reclaiming their lives.
If they were carted to the other side of Cybertron, to Kaon, how were they ever going to get back?
One of the mechs hooked into the medical port at the back of Sideswipe’s neck, heedless of the static coming from his vocalizer that would’ve been creative cursing and insults without the muting clamp. Sideswipe’s mental defenses were overrode with frightening ease, and they couldn’t even place the how before his brother’s chestplates were already splitting apart.
Sideswipe stilled in horror for one precious second before he bucked up, trying somehow to keep the mecha off of him with another quiet screech of static.
It was a fool’s errand. His spark chamber wasn’t pushed forward, but his internals transformed out of the way to give access to it.
One of the mecha held up a small device for their scrutiny. “This, is an explosive,” he spoke up in standard, getting their attention at once. “I will place it into your chassis. We have the trigger. If you try to run, boom.”
Sideswipe’s engine had stalled entirely as dread flooded over the both of them. He had no idea if what the mech said was true, but he wouldn’t have been surprised if it was.
And he wasn’t very willing to call his bluff in fear that it wasn’t a bluff. 
True to his words, the mech placed the device into Sideswipe’s chest, right next to his spark chamber despite Sideswipe’s continuous efforts to somehow prevent it all. Whatever witchcraft the one plugged into his neck was using, it prevented Sideswipe from closing his chestplates to shield himself from the treatment.
And then the device was in place and now Sideswipe’s internals shifted back into place and his chestplates closed tightly with a clang.
Too late.
His twin was left to heave ventilation after ventilation when they moved their attentions to Sunstreaker instead. He growled at them, engine revving an useless warning that they completely ignored, and plugged into his helm like they’d done to Sideswipe. There was nothing he could do but watch as his coding’s safeguards went simply ignored with whatever the mech did, and then his chestplates were parting too, without any input from him whatsoever.
It was not a pleasant feeling, and it was a very small comfort that his spark wasn’t bared on the same go. A device identical to Sideswipe’s was placed into his chassis before his internals returned back to their rightful places around it and his chestplates closed over it.
Potential explosives in their chassis? That was not on their bucket list.
The van they were in kept moving. With their escape made considerably less safe, the twins went mostly ignored by the three mechs in the hold with them. Their abductors spoke with each other almost nonstop, which didn’t matter one bit because they couldn’t understand a word of what was said.
And they couldn’t get a word in from the squeeze on their vocalizers.
They drove for a small eternity, their internal clocks counting on mercilessly. Now was the time they would have gotten up. Hit the washracks. Showered and polished to the best of their ability to get rid of the dirt they’d have inevitably accumulated. Headed out, Sunstreaker to the plaza, Sideswipe to any of the locations he rotated between.
Instead the van kept moving.
It was impossible to relax, but boredom seeped in despite the nerves making their spark flutter wildly. Sunstreaker stared at the ceiling and tried to build images from the bangs and scratches in it. Sideswipe was passing his optics between their captors, just to have something living to look at. 
Then they slowed, and finally stopped. Sunstreaker tensed all over again and Sideswipe followed suit as the mechs started to move around with more purpose. The side door opened to a flood of light, their optics struggling to adjust as the first of the mechs hopped out. The other two hauled them upright and onto the ground outside.
Which turned out to be an airfield, once they had a look around.
That… Likely meant they were going to get taken to a far off location, if nothing gave.
As if reading their thoughts, one of the mechs tapped Sideswipe’s chestplates. “Remember. Trigger.”
Sideswipe growled at the touch, snapping his denta at the mech, who laughed and said something to his fellows. They laughed too, and Sunstreaker found his own engine growling right along with his brother’s. 
But they weren’t clued in on the joke.
Instead and while completely ignoring their struggles, the trio marched them towards an aerial, in their alt-mode just like the van that never bothered to transform. There were airfield workers near the aerial, but Sunstreaker’s hope that they would be of help died off very quickly when they merely gestured for them to hurry up.
It wasn’t exactly difficult to see they were being taken against their will, was it? But the workers barely glanced at them. 
They were led up the ramp into the aerial’s cargo hold, full of what looked like perfectly legitimate cargo about to get transported to who knew where.
And now the twins were going to be along for the ride to that who knew where location.
They were shoved onto their knees at the very back of the cargo hold, out of sight of anyone who didn’t bother to walk well into the hold. The three mechs stayed with them, leaning against the wall as the aerial lifted off.
Sunstreaker glanced at Sideswipe and Sideswipe glanced at him, anger and fear mixed in his brother’s gaze. Sunstreaker expected he looked little different.
It was… Starting to look more and more likely they were on their way to Kaon specifically. And that was the opposite of good. Nothing good was ever said of Kaon. Not that there was much to say about a city-state that refused to interact with the outside word. A dictatorship that held a vice hold of its citizens and didn’t allow anyone in, or anyone out, with very few exceptions… Not a lot of stories escaped that place.
That was all he knew about it, but it was enough to make him desperately unwilling to go there. If they didn’t escape before that… What were their chances of getting out Kaon afterwards?
And why were they being taken there in the first place, he would really love to know that. It was a long way to transport two lowly Iaconians. Longest way there could be, what with Iacon standing proudly on the Northern pole, and Kaon doing the same on the Southern pole. 
But escape would be difficult if their internals were really going to get blown to smithereens were they to try.
They’d gotten out of many tight situations in their short lifetime, some life threatening, but Sunstreaker wasn’t sure how to turn this particular one around. He’d been held at gunpoint, stabbed with the intent to kill, gotten hit by one very angry truck, had the living daylights beaten out of him for being in the wrong place at the wrong time… But he’d never been told his spark would be blown apart if he made a wrong move.
They needed to get those damn bombs out of their chests, which was easier said than done when their hands were secured at their backs, tightly enough that their twisting did nothing to loosen the bonds.
What about trying to get someone’s attention to alert them to the fact they weren’t going anywhere willingly? But they couldn’t scream, and he would’ve bet on their abductors being prepared for something like that, ready to prevent their chances of it.
He was pretty out of ideas beyond that, as was Sideswipe.
It made him hate the situation quite a bit.
The aerial flew for a significant amount of time, but having never left Iacon before, having never flown before, Sideswipe had no frame of reference for how far they’d actually traveled. How fast were they even going? And w here? Southward, probably, but there were a lot of stops they could hit on the way to… Wherever they were going.
Kaon was their best guess.
He really wished they were wrong about that.
They did eventually land, and the cargo doors opened, and… It was night. The moons were high in the sky, the only things visible from all the light pollution.
They were escorted out first, in a hurry it felt like. Sideswipe wanted to stall, because if their captors were in a hurry that could mean someone they didn’t want around was coming, and that could be their chance to escape–
But they grabbed him by an arm and dragged him along when he tried to dig his pedes in, and he wasn’t big or strong enough to keep them from doing that.
There was another van waiting for them. They were pushed and pulled into it, and the door closed, and they were off along ground all over again.
He had no idea which way was which anymore, his internal positioning system so confused it was no help. Sunstreaker was vibrating with anger, but their spark felt fear next to it. Fear of the whole situation.
Fear of the unknown.
They’d never left Iacon, and they hadn’t exactly been planning to do that either. Where would they have gone? How could they have gone? Travel was expensive, and they could barely afford to take care of themselves.
If they’d ever gotten that much extra… Then yeah, seeing what the rest of Cybertron looked like would’ve been nice.
Now? Iacon was far behind them. The streets, the gutters, all the mecha they knew… So many miles away he couldn’t even count them. Their whole life was so far away.
Under better circumstances Sideswipe would have called this adventure and embraced it with all he was.
Under these circumstances he wanted nothing to do with it.
They drove another small eternity. Sunstreaker managed to kick their captors a few times when they strayed too close to his pedes, but surprisingly, there was no retaliation beyond something they assumed were expletives, spoken in another language. In the end one of them had just sat on Sunstreaker’s legs, putting an end to most of his motion. Sideswipe was already pinned to the floor of the van by another of the mechs, using his aft as a seat.
He was seething, Sunstreaker was seething, and their spark kept fluttering with fright they didn’t want to admit to.
The sun was back in the sky when they finally stopped and the door was opened. They were dragged out with as little fanfare as any time before. A look around showed a city skyline in the far distance, although he would’ve never been able to tell what city it might’ve been.
In front of them, there was a rotorflier talking with a couple of others, again in the language Sideswipe could only guess was Kaonite. Nothing for them to understand, which was probably according to plan. The mecha had shown they could speak standard too, just… Chose not to.
Which was smart enough. They could talk about whatever they wanted to without having to worry about the twins hearing it. Why give them any edge in the situation, anything they could’ve used to their benefit?
As nonexistent as their chances of actually getting anywhere from the situation were to begin with. If they didn’t have the damn explosives in their chests, then maybe.
It was a possibility they weren’t lying about the whole bomb thing. Sideswipe didn’t want to test it out, because if they weren’t lying?
Boom. Gone.
And he liked living.
The rotorflier seemed to greet the trio leading them along, exchanging a few words before he transformed and they were handed off to the other two mechs. Their original abductors didn’t follow when they were pushed into the helicopter. When they were seated in the heliflier between the two new mechs and they took to air, Sideswipe could just so see the other three returning to the van.
But there were actual windows this time, which was a nice change. They could see the scenery, for all the good that did.
It was a distraction though, because their spark was about filled to bursting with apprehension. Something made Sunstreaker think they were getting close to their final destination, and Sideswipe couldn’t really argue with that.
They’d traveled for a long time already.
Unexpectedly the mech sitting next to Sunstreaker pulled out two cubes from his subspace as soon as their flight had steadied. One was handed past the twins to his comrade, and then… They turned their attentions to the twin sitting closer to them.
Sideswipe tensed immediately.
“Drink up. You’ll need your energy soon enough,” one of the mechs leered, and Sideswipe did not like that tone. He growled despite the scared pulsing of his spark, and Sunstreaker revved next to him equally unhappily.
There was suggestion behind those words that neither of them appreciated, anxiety surging anew where they’d already partially gotten used to the whole gig of getting hauled all over Cybertron. 
They weren’t stupid. They knew a lot about the reasons mechs got taken off the streets, and what the mech was hinting towards…
Sideswipe fervently hoped they were wrong about it, but he had to resign himself to the possibility they were right in their assumptions.
None of that meant he wanted to be freaking fueled by their guards. Sideswipe kept his mouth stubbornly shut even when the mech next to him came to bring the cube closer. “Aw, don’t be like that,” was the disappointed sigh he got for his trouble before the mech started to just… Touch him. “Where’s your secondary intake? Hm? Here? Nope. Here? Ahh, there we go.”
Enough poking around his lower chest and back later he found the cover to his secondary intake from his lower back. He was shoved forward for the mech to have more room to work, and the cover got pried open in short order. Sideswipe hissed through his vents at the sting, but he went ignored as the guard started to sloppily pour the cube into the intake connected straight to his tank. The other didn’t care if half of it went to waste, but Sideswipe still watched his tank’s capacity meter fill up a little, even as much of the energon stained his armor and seeped to his internals through the seams in his armor.
The other guard had managed to pry Sunstreaker’s mouth open, and was with equally little care directing the cube’s contents down his brother’s throat. Sideswipe could feel Sunstreaker’s muted fury at the energon that was soiling his chin and front, but with the tight grip on his jaw holding him in place he didn’t manage to do much about it.
Primus, he wished they’d had their arms in use.Then they could’ve tried to do something at least. His shoulders were aching from being in the same position for so long, but they’d made no move to cut them free at any point.
It would’ve been pretty stupid to do that, but a mech could hope.
Forced fueling aside the trip was as uneventful as everything preceding it. The guards chatted with each other and the rotorflier, but none of it was in standard so he couldn’t do more than let the prattle wash over him. The scenery outside was no more entertaining, just flat fields of metal as far as the eye could see.
He didn’t know enough about Cybertron’s landscapes to confirm their position. Only their guess remained. He didn’t think they’d have to wait for too much longer before they’d find out the answer one way or another.
It turned out he wasn’t wrong about that. Sunstreaker was the first to notice it, his alarm jerking Sideswipe out of his thoughts and into scanning their surroundings again.
The walls that rose in the distance were unmistakable even to street urchins like them.
Kaon. Cybertron’s impregnable fortress, scaled up the size of an entire city-state. 
They hadn’t been wrong after all.
And that wasn’t a very good thing.
The lowkey fright that had been their constant companion ever since they’d been driven out of their alleyway reared up properly now. No one sane ever wanted to go to Kaon. It was where freedom went to die under a lone ruler running the show with an iron fist.
And now they were being taken into it despite Sideswipe considering them both perfectly sane.
His spark was spinning wilder and wilder the closer those walls got, and Primus but their sheer size. The towers within still rose higher than the walls, but that didn’t make them look any smaller.
The heliflier gained altitude just to even get over the walls, and as he did the amount of guns embedded on and in them became apparent.
It was insane. Fragging insane. Sideswipe could see why they called it a fortress, even if before he had thought it a little bit exaggerated.
It wasn’t exaggerated. It wasn’t exaggerated at all.
If the whole place was locked up as tight as the walls suggested, how were they ever going to get the pit out of there?
The rotorflier flew over the walls, with the guns at the top of the tower aimed at him all the while. It was freaking nerve wracking. What did he know, maybe they’d get shot down for whatever reason these mecha saw fit to shoot others down, and then the explosives in their chests wouldn’t much matter anymore.
But they didn’t get shot at at all, and just kept flying.
And kept flying.
And kept flying.
They wove between the towers to what Sideswipe guessed was towards the city’s center. The towers… They were so different from Iacon. They didn’t shine. They didn’t look like polished silver.
These towers were matte and dark, almost black. They were thicker, wider, and looked just as durable as the walls did.
It was like the whole city was built to handle a full blown bombing effort. He wondered if it had been bombed at some point, and how that had gone. None of the history files he’d ever integrated said anything about something like that happening, but he knew how lacking their education was.
They kept going long enough that his marvel of the city and everything he was seeing started to die out. He entertained himself by watching the other fliers passing them by. They were different from Iaconian fliers too. These were on average larger, with only a few smaller, defter aerial thrown in there.
And some were total behemoths. You’d only really seen them in the industrial sections of Iacon, but here they seemed to be flying all over the place.
The highways far below were darker in color too, but otherwise the way they ran between and through the towers was familiar enough. 
The whole city was so… Bleak, right down to the cloudy sky blocking out direct sunlight.
When the rotorflier started to slow down and lower itself, Sideswipe started to wish they’d kept going for a while longer. For like, so much longer they flew straight out of the city on the other side. That would’ve worked for him really well. 
Instead they were apparently coming to their destination. Sunstreaker straightened and tensed next to him, and Sideswipe copied him when he could feel them touch down on the landing pad of the particular tower. Their transport’s rotors slowly died down, and then the door was opening again.
Two burly mechs in identical dark paint jobs were already waiting on the other side. The twins were pushed out of the flier by their existing guards, words were exchanged around them, and once again they changed hands. The big mecha took a hold of each of them by the arm, and then it was back to being dragged to some unknown destination.
They entered the tower through large doors that led to a wide, long hallway. They were led along it, through several turns, one elevator ride, then more turns, until Sideswipe was hopelessly lost and Sunstreaker faring no better.
But finally they stopped in front of yet another set of doors. A green and purple mech was already there waiting for them, looking grumpy. Which was a nice enough contrast to the stoic guards that had been hauling them along.
The new mech plugged into their necks as they came to him, and this time they were legit medic’s overrides that opened their chestplates. The explosives—if they really were that—were plucked out of their chests and their chassis closed back up, then the clamps constricting their vocalizers were removed, and before they had the time to even react to that, their arms were freed.
No restraints. No muters. No could be bombs.
Free, except for the fact they were deep in one of Kaon’s towers with no idea which way the exit even would’ve been at.
They didn’t have enough time to do so much as share a glance between them before the doors were opened and they were shoved through them, stumbling into a room full of mecha large and larger.
More than a dozen optics snapped to them as soon as they entered, and Sideswipe felt his spark shrink at the emotion he could recognize in them.
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Oh yeah it’s me and I’m finally reopening this after like 500 years
I will draw:
Human/Humanoid OCs
(Most) D&D Characters
AU canons that are significantly different looking than source material.
If you’re interested or have a question, message me either using Tumblr IM or discord (GoldComet#0606)
Examples are in my /tagged/Talksprite-Stuff tag (also a link)
I am significantly better and faster at drawing feminine characters, but I will do my best for all.
Also, I do require visual references. I cannot work from text alone.
Slots and Pricing below the cut:
Current Slots:
Waiting List:
Payment is taken after the sketch is approved, via PayPal or Kofi.
$30 Mix and Match Base - Comes with 54 potential expression combinations (three irises, three mouths and three eyebrows and blushing). You get the .sai/.psd file.
$3 Extra Expressions & Small Accessories (each) - For example, crying, optional glasses, hair accessories, jewellery.
$6 Large Accessories (each) - Capes/Cloaks/Open Hoodies/Detailed jewellery.
$6 Extra Clothes and Hairstyles each + $5 initial fee (in some cases*)
Alternate Poses: Can be DISCUSSED but unlikely to be cheap and in most cases remove the ability for alternate clothing and some large accessories.
Important info about alternate outfits and hairstyles: If you don’t either inform me that in the future you will want a different outfit/hairstyle or buy at least one at first, you cannot come back in the future and ask me to add one on.
If an outfit or hairstyle is very complex, I may charge more for it.
$20 per 250 sprites - Saving to transparent .png for you. (First 50 free.)**
What I don’t do:
Furries (kemonomimi is fine)
Mecha and Detailed Armour
Certain fetish things (e.g. inflation/pregnancy)
Extreme gore
Any NSFW content for minors
Racist or paedophilic content
* Because making an alternate outfit/hairstyle requires me to make the base sprite lack one in the first place, there is an initial charge. However, if your alternate outfit/one of your alternate outfits is something that fits underneath (underwear, swimsuits, etc) or over (large hoodies, coats) then this will be the outfit on the base sprite or go over the default, and there will be no initial charge.
**I can give you a version of Paint Tool Sai that saves transparent sprites, therefore asking me to save them for you should be unnecessary.
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I posted 67 times in 2022
55 posts created (82%)
12 posts reblogged (18%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 60 of my posts in 2022
Only 10% of my posts had no tags
#initial d - 46 posts
#anime - 30 posts
#digital art - 27 posts
#fan art - 16 posts
#initial d mecha au - 16 posts
#art - 12 posts
#doodle - 12 posts
#cyberpunk - 8 posts
#commission - 8 posts
#mecha - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 112 characters
#well when they actually can afford staying up and dumping out the ideas that only come when they are fast asleep
My Top Posts in 2022:
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*kermit happy arm wiggles* YAAAAAY shes here!!!!!! I really need to have a standardized page size for these lol
30 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
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Alt version and doodles under the cut
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See the full post
31 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
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That dumb track suit plus a little cozycore
Special thanks to @bellygunnr for contributing to my super euro merch fund
39 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
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“Needs more glitter”-I say moments before posting. No no idiot no more glitter
See the full post
65 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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71 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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twilighthomunculus · 2 years
New Mecha Stage Chapter lets freaking go
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gunnerpalace · 4 years
YourIchiRuki (Neapolitan Ice Cream): The BattleTech AU
A very slow burn (500,000+ words just for setup) of Yoruichi, Ichigo, and Rukia trying to figure out how to deal with feelings and making a relationship work in a universe beset by war and political intrigue, as complicated by the fact that they are A. mercenaries, B. members of the nobility, and C. more than a little incredulous as to how they wound up in this mess in the first place, as set within a Bleach-y adaption of the BattleTech setting.
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It is the year 3016. The Inner Sphere, a region approximately 1,000 light-years in diameter encompassing some 2 million stars and 2,000 inhabited planets, is split among five Successor States of the defunct Star League, each ruled by a Great House:
The Lyran Commonwealth, ruled by House Kuchiki
The Draconis Combine, ruled by House Shihōin
The Federated Suns, ruled by House Shiba
The Capellan Confederation, ruled by House Fujita
The Free Worlds League, ruled by House Hasegawa
The Periphery and Deep Periphery beyond their reach remain comparatively disorganized. Earth and the Sol System are ruled by ComStar, currently headed by Primus Sōsuke Aizen.
The Third Succession War, one in a series of conflicts waged nominally to restore the Star League, rages onward and is entering its 150th year. It is fought through all available means of combined arms warfare, but the premiere platform of the conflict is the BattleMech, an armored walking war machine piloted by a MechWarrior.
The young Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth, Byakuya Kuchiki (26) has come to learn of the acquisition by the Federated Suns of the so-called Halstead Collection, a trove of Star League-era documents recovered during a military strike against a Draconis Combine staging area that was under construction. Realizing that House Shiba is nearing completion of their New Avalon Institute of Science to study the collection, he devises a plot to infiltrate the institution and gain access whatever secrets might have been found.
The linchpin of his plot is the world of Edo[1], a massively developed commercial and industrial hub. The cosmopolitan nature of Edo provides an easy means of inserting an agent into the society of the Federated Suns who can assume the identity of a native and then work their way onto the staff of the NAIS without raising suspicions. To this end, Byakuya dispatches his "adopted" younger sister, Baroness[2] Rukia Kuchiki (22), on an infiltration and reconnaissance mission, in order that she might prove herself. She is afforded a BattleMech[3] painted in Draconis Combine livery for the sake of additional deception and self-defense should anything go wrong (the Draconis Combine long having had designs on Edo).
After analyzing available data, Rukia decides that the best method of completing her mission and winning his approval is to infiltrate through what she reasons to be the soft underbelly of Edo: its countryside (or what passes for one). She selects the relatively sleepy city of Karakura, on the continent of New Tama, as her entry point.
Unbeknownst to either of the Kuchiki siblings, or indeed anyone in the Federated Suns, this is exactly where a former Duke of the Federated Suns, Isshin Shiba (from a branch of the main Shiba line, and now going under the adopted surname of Kurosaki) chose to flee from his responsibilities and raise a family. Although his wife died tragically some years prior, his son Ichigo Kurosaki (21) is in college, while his daughters (and fraternal twins) Karin Kurosaki and Yuzu Kurosaki (16) are in high school.
Likewise an unknown factor is that Kisuke Urahara (29) and his mercenary company (the Urahara Wild Cards) are in the same place. They have been reduced to the sorry state of having only two pilots, his chief officer (and former Coordinator of the Draconis Combine!) Yoruichi Shihōin (28) and Tessai Tsukabishi (34), as a result of most of the others having decided to go their own way (to form a company of their own called Visored). His company is actively recruiting.
The stage is set for a most curious complex of circumstances to unfold...
The idea behind this is that, although the setting features mecha, war, and political shenanigans (especially what with at least three people from the Great Houses about), I really wanted to use that as a framework for developing interpersonal relations. So, the general gist of the timeline would be that it starts off sort of like Bleach. 
Rukia shows up in Karakura and starts conducting her mission, but things quickly get out of hand. The canonical Federated Suns present themselves as being as honorable and democratic (or, at least as much so as an aristocratic system could be) but there are still vast wealth inequalities and social stratification in their lands, so my feeling is Rukia sees something or other which flips her chivalric and noblesse oblige switches, and she gets involved (eventually using her 'Mech), which draws the attention of the local military forces.
This results in a Fishbone D-style fight, which Ichigo and his family get dragged into. (Perhaps Rukia's 'Mech winds up being pushed into a residential area as she tries to retreat?) Rukia takes a hit to the cockpit while trying to shield Ichigo, getting injured by some shrapnel, mostly in her right arm. (Whoever she's fighting gets knocked down by her counterattack at the same time.) Ichigo clambers up into the cockpit (probably one side of it being torn open) to try and get to her, and finding her injured, decides he's got to fight in her place after getting her out of the ‘Mech[4].
Since he's the child of a Shiba, Isshin has probably subtly been training him to do something like pilot a 'Mech over time somehow, even if it wasn't obvious that's what it was training for. So, Ichigo is fairly naturally able to work with the 'Mech despite no prior official experience, and manages to take out the opposition without destroying the entire neighborhood in the process. He then passes out from heat exhaustion because Rukia's 'Mech is overheating and he doesn't have any kind of cooling gear on.
This is when Kisuke shows up (as in Bleach), having observed this battle from a distance and sensing an opportunity. He and his team scoop up Rukia and recover both her 'Mech and the Federated Suns one that continued pursuit, basically scouring the place for obvious evidence. Things go from there.
Ichigo wakes up the next morning in bed. Isshin, Yuzu, and Karin are fine (maybe they were knocked out through concussion or falling debris or being thrown against walls or something, but are alright; this is a bit handwavy but whatever, no one really cares that much) and seem to think it was a gas main explosion or something. The authorities are basically covering it up as exactly that. Ichigo remembers, but dismisses it as some kind of nightmare.
Until he meets Rukia on his college campus.
She's been patched up enough to be ambulatory but her arm needs time to recover and she can't pilot properly, and so she enlists Ichigo to help her with her infiltration mission by helping her with school and generally blending in and pretending to be a Federated Suns citizen. He refuses at first, but as she saved his life (and he is rather politically disaffected) and he finds there to be a charm in her notions of what honor and chivalry mean, he eventually comes around and grudgingly assists her. (It later turns out her 'Mech is in the care and repair of Kisuke, who is essentially billing her for the services and making her trade on token favors in the meantime.)
A month passes, much as in Bleach, with Rukia living out of Ichigo's room. During this time they converse quite a lot and grow close (as in Bleach and more especially its live action movie). Rukia comes to appreciate the comparative freedom of life in the Federated Suns (even compared to being a noble in the Lyran Commonwealth) and starts to genuinely doubt her mission and cause, finding them to be incompatible with how she interprets chivalry. During this time, she assists Ichigo in getting revenge on a criminal who was responsible for the death of his mother years prior (Grand Fisher equivalent, probably personal combat rather than a 'Mech fight). This is the final straw in her deciding to desert her mission and go native. She stops sending reports back to the Lyran Commonwealth.
Although Kisuke technically owns the Urahara Wild Cards, the reality of the situation is more complicated. He and Tessai were formerly retainers and subordinates of Yoruichi’s from her time as the Coordinator of the Draconis Combine; when she deserted her post to save them from certain execution (due to a convoluted conspiracy), they all wound up as dishonored ronin. Still, he shows her all due deference (if sometimes playfully) from their former lives. He prefers to take an administrative and executive role, leaving day-to-day operations to her, and logistical matters to Tessai.
It is around this time that Yoruichi returns from elsewhere on the planet, her own independent recruiting efforts in more populated areas not having yielded any results. Finding out what's been going on in her absence (with Kisuke having determined Isshin's real identity in the meantime), she's pretty stunned. (As the former leader of the Draconis Combine, finding out that both the sister of the Lyran Commonwealth's Archon and a plausible claimant to First Prince of the Federated Suns are present on such a world is pretty wild.) She joins Kisuke in taking an immediate interest in this situation, but takes care not to make her presence known around Ichigo or Rukia, reasoning at least the latter might be able to deduce who she is (or rather, used to be).
There is growing involvement from Ichigo's college friends and acquaintances (i.e., Chad, Uryuu, Orihime, Tatsuki) who get drawn into matters for personal reasons. (I'm leaning toward including them for contrast, use as sounding boards and interaction for the mains, additional pilots, and for side stories and subplots.) Of these, Uryuu might have his own (Light) 'Mech[5] already, with the Quincy perhaps being some sort of independence movement or armed militia group. (I find it debatable whether Keigo and Mizuiro should be included, but for once they rather plausibly could be.)
Another month passes, and Rukia decides it's time to leave, having come to reason that her mere presence puts Ichigo and everyone else in direct danger. Unfortunately for her, she is too late: shockingly, Byakuya himself arrives on Edo, along with a rising LCAF military commander, Renji Abarai, in order to retrieve her (again with Draconis Combine-styled 'Mechs). Byakuya has come to view her "failure" as a matter of personal honor.
This is where things start to diverge much more heavily from Bleach. Although Uryuu and Ichigo intervene, their ‘Mechs are no match for Renji's 'Mech[6], let alone Byakuya's[7]. All hope seems lost until Yoruichi, Kisuke, and Tessai deploy into battle in heavy and assault 'Mechs[8]. Suddenly outnumbered 2:5, Byakuya and Renji are forced to withdraw and retreat. However, this skirmish draws the attention of the local military much more heavily than even Rukia's initial actions.
The Urahara Wild Cards immediately make ready to leave the planet, and extend an offer to Ichigo, Rukia, and company to join them. Faced with little choice given the attention about to be brought to bear, Ichigo and Rukia choose to leave, prompting the others to join them too. (Rukia having already been prepared to leave, and Ichigo really not wanting to be apart from her but openly reasoning he was planning to leave home anyway after college. The others perhaps view it as more exciting and amenable than staying behind)
They all depart the planet and, after returning to Kisuke's orbiting DropShip (the Geta-Boshi[9], which is too large to make planetfall) soon also leave the system behind. Although Rukia initially finds the idea of becoming a mercenary distasteful for cultural reasons, a speech by Yoruichi[10], who chooses this moment to properly "introduce" herself, results in the six (or eight) deciding they might as well apply their skills as mercenaries under Kisuke's employ, bringing Urahara Wild Cards up to (at least) two full Lances worth of pilots.
The next several months are spent training and taking odd jobs. The young adults from Edo (Ichigo, Tatsuki, Chad, Orihime, and Uryuu [and maybe Keigo and Mizuiro]) come under the supervision of Yoruichi and Tessai for proper basic 'Mech training. Rukia, having received LCAF training, also gets roped into this as a co-instructor. Ichigo winds up being the star pupil of this program by virtue of his history, although Uryuu is not at all far behind.
They settle on a force structure that roughly balances out relative skill while still affording a strong main team and a good reserve team, yielding Alpha Lance (Yoruichi, Rukia, Ichigo, Chad) and Bravo Lance (Tessai, Uryuu, Tatsuki, Orihime). (If Keigo and Mizuiro are there, they're basically backbenchers until the Urahara Wild Cards get at least two more pilots[11] to form a third Lance, Charlie Lance, which would bring them up to Company strength.)
Rukia and Ichigo continue on much as they had before, on Edo. Although they both, along with everyone else, are issued fairly comfortable and private quarters (owing to the size and nature of the construction of the Geta-Boshi), more often than not Rukia chooses to spend her time in Ichigo's quarters, often falling asleep there. It relatively quickly becomes common for them to share a bed, although their relationship remains nebulous and unofficial; almost everyone else treats them as though they are a couple, but they remain very emotionally and personally intertwined rather than lovers.
The Ichigo-Yoruichi and Rukia-Yoruichi reactions are from the outset established on the basis of mutual respect, but as time goes on admiration, care, concern, and physical attraction start to creep into them. Ichigo winds up often getting additional training and instruction from both Yoruichi and Rukia, though more often from the former. He winds up becoming good friends with Yoruichi off-duty as much as on. They have sort of similar interests and approaches to things, and often wind up talking shop about hobbies or knowledge. Yoruichi and Rukia become fast friends due to a mutual background and lifestyle focus; although the Kuchiki and Shihōin are nominally bitter enemies, it turns out they have a lot more in common than it might first seem. They swap more advanced piloting techniques and train together frequently to keep each other sharp. They also spend time together when off-duty, and in the process also become closer with Tatsuki and Orihime, as there are relatively fewer women aboard the Geta-Boshi and the MechWarriors tend to stand apart from the ship's crew and the engineering staff.
A bunch of little incidents also take place that heighten their growing closeness. Two examples: 1. Ichigo winds up walking into Yoruichi's quarters to ask her a question and accidentally catches her in a state of undress; he retreats in (appreciative) embarrassment, but Yoruichi also realizes she doesn't mind that he saw anything. 2. Yoruichi, deducing during an R&R stop on a planet that Rukia is more than a little repressed, and inexperienced to the point of not even knowing how to please herself, offers to show her how as a fellow woman, then reveals she didn't know what she was doing either the first few times she tried.
If the initial time in Karakura were to take roughly 75 chapters (at about 4,000 words each), then this all would probably take at least another 75 chapters, and probably more.
Eventually, one evening Ichigo winds up joining Yoruichi at the only bar on the Geta-Boshi and they trade stories and talk about themselves and each other (although only he drinks). Yoruichi gradually realizes over the course of the evening that she enjoys the sense of connection they share, and that she genuinely finds him attractive, and has the sense that he feels the same about her. Although she's (very) well aware of Ichigo and Rukia's "not-a-relationship," she's also discerned they're not actually lovers, and although that leaves her a bit conflicted, she still chooses to act on her impulses, reasoning she's not doing anything wrong by pursuing him.
After they leave together, she gets him alone (in his 'Mech rather than in either of their quarters, not wanting to make it about power) and reveals her attraction toward him. Her understanding of her feelings is often physical, and she comes onto him, even though she knows that what she’s feeling isn’t purely lust; it’s something more emotionally meaningful and leaves her vulnerable, and the way she takes control of it is by being a bit forward. Ichigo has a kind of similar attraction and doesn’t fight her, having a sense of her perspective and emotions. They have sex, both wanting and needing it, but it’s not just that, and it’s great. Feeling awkward about just doing it and then going their separate ways, Ichigo goes back to her quarters with her, where (despite some innuendo) they probably just shower and fall asleep together (with maybe more in the early morning). This has been prototyped out as about two chapters.
Although Yoruichi initially only considered the idea of it as being a one-time thing, despite her feelings, it keeps occasionally happening over the next few weeks (maybe about every 3-5 days or so) as both of them enjoy the physical comfort of their connection, and the pillow talk afterward.
Meanwhile, Ichigo often spends his other nights finding Rukia asleep beside him, and starts to think about how deep his emotional connection to her is, and how comforting that is too. It leaves him more than a little conflicted and he starts to focus that feeling in on himself as he tries to figure out what to do.
This is where my sense of the plot becomes a bit less certain, and where I felt that input could be particularly insightful.
My sense is that Rukia, smart cookie that she is, would figure out what is going on very quickly. (Probably having a sense of it almost immediately, and piecing it together within a week.) Considering the undefined nature of her relationship with Ichigo, I don't think she'd be mad at him or upset with him. I do think it would also make her reflect on her feelings toward him, and together with her own growing recognition of her sexuality, would lead her to be curious and to want to try and have a physical connection with Ichigo too.
So, I think that she would prepare herself mentally and wait until a night when he was in his quarters, and make the first move. And Ichigo would not resist and quickly start to cooperate, wanting to make Rukia feel good. It'd be different between her and him than with him and Yoruichi, but just as intoxicating.
Probably the next morning, Rukia would slip out early and go to see Yoruichi to try and discuss things, having some sense of Ichigo's emotional turmoil and not wanting it to go on further.
I think they'd talk in Yoruichi’s quarters (as I don’t think Rukia would be intimidated by talking there), but they might also go somewhere private on the ship, maybe a kind of industrial or disused area as neutral ground.
Rukia would begin with just a frank admission of, "I've slept with Ichigo," not wanting to make the talk confrontational or anything.
Yoruichi would say something like, "Good. It's about time."
"That's all you have to say?" Rukia would be surprised more than anything.
Yoruichi might maneuver closer and get in her personal space, assessing her carefully and critically. Rukia might tense up a little but would hold her ground, not afraid.
Eventually Yoruichi gets closer still and leans in to just softly kiss her.
Rukia's stunned, then like, "What are you doing?!"
Yoruichi would pull back and consider her, then cross her arms over her chest as she looked away. She'd say something like, "I know you will, but make sure you take care of him," making it clear she approved.
Rukia would be stunned for a moment, giving Yoruichi the opportunity to begin to gently quiz her on the experience. Did she like it? Did Ichigo? Was it good? Where do they want to go with their relationship?
I think Rukia would see through it, and although she would answer, she would press Yoruichi on her own feelings. It would turn into a kind of Self-Sacrifice Olympics because Yoruichi would be willing to step aside, and Rukia feels bad about that because she can tell that it wasn't purely physical on Yoruichi's part, and back and forth.
They would talk through things for longer than they might have thought they would, with Rukia discerning Yoruichi's care for Ichigo and Yoruichi truly grasping how considerate Rukia is.
I think Rukia would be moved, personally, and she'd eventually return Yoruichi's initial smooch but for a different reason, to make it clear how heartfelt her respect was.
Now, of course, the goal here was to set this up together gradually, so I think that given their shared history to that point, Yoruichi would return it and it would turn into something more, more mutual and a bit handsy.
By the time they pulled apart and looked at one another, they'd both have expressions like, 'Well. What do we do now?'
I think it'd be Rukia who said, "We'll have to see what he says... together."
I don't think they would immediately become a trio from there, it'd be a lot rockier than that, with each having their doubts about the matter before them. 
Ichigo would be worried that they were just doing this for his benefit and that he didn't deserve either of them. Rukia would be less confident in her newfound sexuality and lack of experience and might have a bi crisis (or recurrent bouts of it). Yoruichi would be secure in her sexuality but be worried about hurting them and how that could affect them all professionally (to the extent of even getting them all killed).
I also think it'd take them a fair amount of time to try anything all together, even just cuddling. So it'd be a drawn out process of discovery rather than them all just jumping into it. Movie nights, hanging out, going on dates in pairs and as a trio, and splitting off to take turns as duos (Rukia and Yoruichi at first having an understanding, and eventually taking the step of trying being with each other). It would probably take almost as much time to process through as it did to set up before they finally fully settled in together. 
Meanwhile, the surrounding situation would also obviously be growing more complicated...
In addition to mercenary adventures and dealing with the continuing wrath of Byakuya and the Lyran Commonwealth, there is an even larger picture owing to the Third Succession War.
While, obviously, this does not slavishly follow BattleTech's history as it is, nor will it going forward, taking elements and using them seems prudent. In BattleTech canon, the Third Succession War ends in 3025 with the Lyran Commonwealth and Federated Suns signing a defensive pact (in 3022) which is ultimately designed to unify them (into the "Federated Commonwealth"). The Free World League, Draconis Combine, and Capellan Confederation then ink their own agreement to counterbalance the threat of this.
My feeling is that the FedCom pact could have an interesting basis in Ichigo and Rukia coming together (and, because I'm a basic and predictable bitch, Byakuya and Kuukaku getting involved), although Yoruichi's presence would make things more interesting and complicated. Regardless, I think that with three Great Houses being represented (by Yoruichi, Rukia, and Ichigo) the crew would wind up playing some sort of role in the Third Succession War's resolution.
Other characters can be integrated variously throughout in different ways as well.
[1] Likely standing in for Robinson in the actual BattleTech setting. [2] Rukia's official title of nobility is quite low considering her relation at this time. [3] Rukia, operating on behalf of her brother, has a rare customized 'Mech: an FS9-H Firestarter with 3/4 of the Flamers replaced by Medium Lasers, changing its BV (2.0) from 694 to 883. The rear-facing Flamer is the one retained. This would give it decent staying combat power for something so light. Looks something like this. [4] In BattleTech, the Successor States lost the knowledge of many Star League-era technologies ("lostech"). One of them was cooling suits for MechWarriors; "typical" garb is instead a cooling jacket and as little clothing as possible, usually a sleeveless leotard. So this could be a kind of funny scene if that's kept. (How hard is it to turn a vest into a suit though...) This would make Yoruichi's preferred taste in attire in Bleach fairly normative, though. Alternatively, the standard could be more like what was envisioned in one of the latest video game adaptations. [5] Probably a bog-standard LCT-1V Locust, the most common sort around. Looks something like this. [6] Perhaps an HBK-4G Hunchback. Looks something like this. Renji can have an ugly 'Mech to start with. [7] I'm thinking of a stock VTR-9B Victor. Looks something like this. [8] I think Yoruichi might have a TDR-5SE Thunderbolt (looks), Kisuke might have a MAD-3R Marauder (looks), and Tessai might have a BLR-1G BattleMaster (looks). [9] Kisuke, Yoruichi, and Tessai have somehow found (and renamed) the Argo. [10] It's notable that the Draconis Combine hates mercenaries, so that Yoruichi is here (with Kisuke and Tessai) doing mercenary work also Says Something. [11] As I am constantly saying Fullbring should’ve been introduced early in Bleach, maybe they meet (and beat) rival mercenary group Xcution and take on the remnants (probably Jackie, Yukio, and Riruka) as pilots?
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fangcyclonelunaheat · 2 years
I need to listen to the living tombstone remix just to get the vibe for mecha tatsuya
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loonatic-moon · 2 years
3, 14, 25,
3.) Favorite AU?
This is a bit of a broad question! I think overall my favorite AUs are generally anything that improves on unexplored or uninspired canon, and especially if it's about a canonically dead character that an author says "You know what? Fuck canon, they're alive and this is what happens now."
As far as Initial D specifically, though, tbh I think about your mecha AU so, so much. I was obsessed with Zone of the Enders for teh longest time so that's where my imagination takes me most often, but I love any and all forms of this AU. Also the Ghostbusters AU and the idea of the Takahashi Bros. investigating reports of a Ghost on Akina
14.) What's your most underrated work?
I dunno about underrated! Like any fic author, I subscribe to a "the more engagement the better" type of thinking, but I also to think that my published works have exactly the level of engagement they worthy of relative to demand/interest in terms of both the IP and the ship. Nonetheless! I really am proud of the Beat of the Setting Sun as my ideal cap to the ID series, even just the first chapter (being the least shippy)
25.) Any neglected work you wish you would finish?
My Don't Stop the Music series. I weep. I just want to just open my skull and spill out what I have in mind instead of having to use my fingers and unhealthy amounts of coffee.
I started writing an exotic dancer AU as a mental break after I noticed my writing getting a little...idk?...flat? Now I wish I would hurry up with this dancer AU so I can get back to my main series. lmao. I weep again...
Thank you for the asks!!
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twilighthomunculus · 2 years
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She has a anime face
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