#indoor plant care
gardenersemporium · 5 months
The Ultimate Snake Plant Care Guide: Thriving with Minimal Effort
Snake plants, scientifically known as Sansevieria or more recently reclassified to the genus Dracaena, are renowned for their hardiness and striking appearance. Their sword-like leaves and architectural form make them a favourite in homes and offices alike. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to care for these resilient plants, ensuring they thrive with minimal effort. Understanding…
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cselandscapearchitect · 5 months
Creating a Tropical Haven: How to Increase Humidity for Your Monstera Deliciosa
Is your Monstera deliciosa craving a little extra humidity? As a tropical plant, it thrives in a humid environment reminiscent of its native rainforests. In this blog post, we’ll explore various methods to boost humidity levels for your leafy companion, allowing it to flourish and display its iconic lush foliage. Let’s dive into the world of humidity and create a tropical haven for your Monstera…
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panamacityplants · 1 year
What is a Green Wall and how can They Improve your Business Space
What is a Green Wall and how can They Improve your Business Space
Heroman Services Plant Company is the leading Interior Landscaping firm serving the Destin/Panama City region. We provide personalized designs, installations, horticultural services, and maintenance programs for hundreds of prestigious clients across the South.
Heroman Services Plant Company LLC 505 Mountain Dr. Suite H Destin, FL 32541 (850) 785-8787 https://heromanservices.com/
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ecoorganic · 1 year
Best Plant Care Top Tips for a Disease-Free Garden
Plant Care Top Tips Gardening can be an incredibly rewarding hobby, but it’s also one that requires a lot of effort. You need to take care of your plants if you want them to thrive and grow strong. One of the biggest challenges you’ll face as a gardener is keeping your plants healthy and free from diseases. With that in mind, we’ve put together a list of top tips to help you create a…
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smartgardn · 2 years
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Why is my snake plant growing sideways?
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plantspecialist · 2 years
The Advantages of Growing Indoor Plants and Care Tips
It would be awesome if you could grow a little garden in your home but worried about the sunlight? Don’t worry, you can still grow some indoor plants that don’t need sunlight and look super-awesome. One of the greatest advantages of growing indoor plants is that you get refreshing air, charming mood, and reduced stress.
Let’s take a look at the reasons why you should grow plants:
They can act as aromatherapeutic elements that helps in relieving stress.
The indoor plants are tended to improve the overall performance.
They act as maintenance factor to regulate oxygen level in the body.
These plants are exceptionally beneficial to the areas where there are no plants to manage the carbon dioxide and oxygen levels.
They can eliminate the toxins and pollutants from the air.
These plants work as a decoration factor and adds beauty to the     home.
The indoor plants care is less attentive in compare to the outdoor plants and are available in different colours.
How to Grow Indoor Plants Without Sunlight?
You now know the reasons why indoor plants are a must. But how do you grow these plants without sunlight? As you may know, a plant needs seeds, soil, water, and sunlight to grow. Well, you have other three resources but not the sunlight, here the artificial light source will act as a needed light resource for these plants.
You can provide the fluorescent or LED light to keep them growing. You need to place the light about 6-7 inches above the plant for 12-16 hours per day. Ensure the nutrients and water are provided in a proper amount. If you are not sure about the indoor plant care routines, ask a garden specialist to do prepare a chart for you.
Now, you have the well-guidance resource to take after your plants, you can do a beautiful garden design in your home and just with too little care.
Here, I am discussing some indoor plant care tips that you should remember:
1.       Make a schedule to water plants. Never skip that schedule.
2.       Do not overwater or underwater the plant’s roots, else your plant will be dead.
3.       Maintain the soil moist and make a hole in the designer planter’s bottom to pull out extra water.
4.       Do not use very hot or very cold water.
5.       Choose an area in your home where there is proper air or open space.
6.       Maintain a suitable temperature in the room and increase humidity.
7.       Prune your plants regularly. Pruning will help in maintaining a proper growth and shaving off dead leaves.
8.       Do not put coffee or tea in your houseplant.
Fairly you can utilize these tips and grow beautiful indoor plants. In case, you are stuck with any issue, or you need expert advice, ensure to connect with the garden specialists at the right time. A proper guidance can help you grow plants efficiently. The experts are skilled and have knowledge of each type of plants, they can also help you do a garden makeover. Choose the specialists according to your needs.
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I'm the wife in my marriage.
It's funny to me anyway. Funny to me because my wife is the very picture of femininity, loving, caring, sexy, pretty, beautiful wife, loving and adored by all her children. And a satisfied and hot for her husband.
But to me she is beautiful and terrible as the Dawn! Treacherous as the Seas! Stronger than the foundations of the Earth! All shall love her and despair!
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And yet she chose me.
So to all the hella ladies who rejected my advances? Y'all missed out. Because she saw in me what way too many people couldn't. And sometimes still can't.
And she wants to run my life. And the lives of our whole family. And we all kinda love it. Mostly. But it ain't worth the headache or heartache of fighting her on anything. She's Daddy's little princess and her mother is the loving matron and queen bitch of the family and we all stay in line. Mostly. I love to do my own thing too much for my own good. But it keeps our fights about stupid stuff instead of my weed use again.
(I'm dead ass functional and present from 6am on till I finally get my insomniac ass too sleep while high just to escape the constant anxiety about my sick daughter's upcoming surgery, my dying suegro, my mourning wife, disturbed autistic son, special needs princess Daddy's girl I'm spoiling her to death to make her just as powerful and ungovernable mother and it's working too well already. Have you ever negotiated with a hostile bitchy entitled as fuck child? )
Anyway, you wouldn't know it looking at me or talking normal chitchat, but I'm pretty fucking manly. In the way my culture defines manliness. I'm not very masculine. But I'm very manly.
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I'm feminine as fuck in my household. I mother the kids, help their emotional development, work on my wife's emotional and mental well-being, and I'm the one never in the mood for sex. And I do every single thing she says. And then she does the discipline and management of the family's affairs. And she's the one who has to seduce me. Did I mention she was sexy as fuck? (While I'm awkward as fuck every time we even roleplay.) And a horny Latina. (That's why these horny sexy, nice, Latinos are taking over. It's natural selection. The Whites just can't compete and as usual are getting their panties in a twist over not being able to compete even with everything in their favor to out reproduce them all but it was too many kids for a nuclear family to handle Whites.) So beautiful hot queen sexy as fuck Latina seduces me every night. #blessed. So fuck yeah I don't wanna fuck up this arrangement. So I do everything she tells me to and treat her real good and let her win every argument and over apologize. Except when I make a rare exception to make a stand in something important or just to make some trouble and have some fun.
Oh yeah. She's a clean freak 😮‍💨 But she's an impatient Latina housewife perfectionist clean freak. So she gets mad at my perfectly good job when company isn't ever coming job and tells me to stop even trying to clean. Go play Minecraft with your daughter to keep her occupied.🤣
I have the best living situation ever. I'll be your bitch my bitchy highness. Just please keep playing with my hair on your lap. Oh, and that sucking my dick the way you do and being right 95% of the time on judgement calls.
So yeah I'm the wife.
And I got a pretty good life.
#and know you know the rest of the story#when i was s younger man i had a good paying job at a factory plant as a temp worker#i liked this job#and it was easy clean indoor temp controlled light labor with a jovial#kindly and generally loving crowd of people all just trying to earn a living in this shit economy#and care for each get along with each other#it was a really nice atmosphere. there was only a little manager taking advantage of a woman's situation to force a relationship.#but she was petty please about the whole arrangement because she was lonely and he was kind and likable and#good looking younger guy#and it made her job impossible to get the boot#even as it got easier to boot#anyways i worked my ass off and just tried to get along with the boss#and it paid great#We could have been poor and happy working jobs like that for life if i really had to got some reason#but anyways this bossman manager sees me sweeping my ass off a clean floor and instead of telling me to go lean on a post for a bit#tells me I'm doing a good job#and that I'll make a someone s fine wife someday#i wanted to slap that smug mother fucker up there head w my broom. But i was laughing to hard at that fuckers joke because i liked the guy.#and i liked my job#anyway#here i am being a good little wife#and I'm living the life of Reilly doing it#i don't know the etymology of that phrase is. only my Dad says it in my experience#it might be good own little creation.#you're welcome#And the mother fucker just let me keep sweeping my dumbass all over a clean floor!#Union strong
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hellothereimhannah · 11 months
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Welcome home 💕
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This was a project and a half! But the bucket has holes in the bottom and the monsteras are split and repotted.
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amelia-yap · 1 year
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haha therapy AU
#suletta mercury#miorine rembran#nika nanaura#chuatury panlunch#g witch#the witch from mercury#my art#tw blood#no because what the fuck#i am personally sending them to therapy#kinda modern AU and asticassia is like a psychiatric home#suletta has obvious high functioning anxiety and is schizophrenic#aerial and prospera are two of her more common hallucinations and voices she hears#both will never appear at the same time and depending on who is out atm dictates how comfortable suletta is with speaking#when (the few times) neither of them are there suletta will be on constant edge and more jumpy than usual (which says a lot)#also idk in here elnora and prospera are two separate identities#mio has moderately severe depression and ptsd cough ep12 cough#seeing clusters of red or red objects scattered around would send her into a massive panic#she put down playing the piano but still enjoys gardening and has a few plants that are easy to take care of in her room#slowly she expands to the home's indoor garden and practically owns it and the staff are just happy to let her do her thing#(not before relocating all the red flowers to a far away area lmao)#chuchu just goes in and out for anger management sessions lol#nika is a volunteer that helps around#still working out some stuff#sulemio will bump into each other and heal together like the homies they are and fall in love#there will probably definitely be more of this nonsense stay tuned i have no idea what happens either#i just want to put them in a safe place from bullshit to heal#they are so#also im laughing cause this reminded me of my dead wr hospital AU#anyway i hit the 30 tag limit so bye
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velveteengreen · 8 months
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Roselle Hibiscus from local food forest ❣️
recently have been learning more about growing edible and medicinal plants and actually started lots of seedlings with my husband like beets, sugar magnolia snap peas, dill and catnip to name a few. It feels good to have started them instead of anxiously putting it off!! Hoping for some sort of harvest 🤞🏼
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fixaidea · 1 year
Plants for the chronic over-waterer
So you’ll often see guides and rec-lists for plants that require little water and attention, and just generally ‘thrive on neglect’. But what about us anxious, hovering plant people whose most common way of accidentally offing a plant is by over-loving and over-watering them?
(Before we get into it, let me preface this by the usual disclaimer: a plant’s water needs wildly depend on its environment. I live in the continental temperate zone of Europe, the average humidity level inside is 30-40%, so what I write may or may not apply to your conditions. Watch your plants closely - if you’re reading this post I know you would anyway - and proceed accordingly.)
Look no further, here’s a list of plants that are virtually impossible to over-water:
Fittonia sp.
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Fittonia are extreme divas in room conditions but perfect angels in a terrarium. They will not tolerate a missed watering day, they’ll immediately start to droop. If you’re lucky and you catch them in time they’ll perk up and go on like nothing happened, but the margin between this and irrevocable crisping is a slim one.
Ferns in general
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Of course the details of care depend on the species, but most ferns prefer shade and hate to dry out. I usually water all of mine twice a week, and so far they are doing okay.
Dionaea muscipula - Venus flytrap (and most carnivorous plants)
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Plants usually resort to eating animals when they live in bogs, where the soil is acidic and extremely poor in nutrients. What bogs also are, is wet, and so these plants need to literally stand in a pool of water all day, every day and are therefore quite literally impossible to over-water. (At least in the summer. Over-wintering depends on whether the plant is temperate or tropical.)
The only downside is that they are really sensitive to water quality. No minerals (and no fertilizer!) allowed, only rain or distilled water!
Marantha leuconeura
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Honestly I’d say the entire Maranthaceae counts, but I only have experience with Marantha, and I’m told the rest (like Calathea) are more difficult. These, once you get the water right (twice a week for me), aren’t that bad. They don’t need a lot of light either.
What you do have to keep in mind, is to give them soft water - like collected rain water. They are sensitive to the minerals in the tap water and since they can’t properly secrete them, they’ll store them away in the tips of their leaves, which will thus crisp up.
Jewel orchids
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The one I have (Macodes petola) does well in a shadier spot, in normal room conditions. I mean I do run a humidifier once a day, but it’s not in a terrarium. It’d do well in one though, so if you’re looking to furnish a terrarium, this is a good choice. The only thing you gotta keep in mind if you keep it out in your room is to always keep the soil moist.
Mimosa pudica
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This is a fun and interesting plant, what with the cute moving leaves, but it is the divaest of all divas. On a sunny, dry summer day it may have to be watered twice a day, and it’ll go into hysterics, crisp up and throw leaves if you’re late by five minutes. The good news is that as long as you do get around to watering it, it’ll bring new shoots and keep growing, it’ll just litter your room with dead leaves in protest.
It also prefers lots of light.
Spathipyllum sp. - Peace Lily
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Like ferns, these do well in shadier spots. If exposed to too much light, they’ll keep bringing small, light green leaves, but they’ll flower regularly. (They feel like their lives are in danger so they hurry to procreate before the end.) In the winter they need to be watered about once a week, in the summer more like every two days.
The nice thing about them is that they are very vocal about their needs but, unlike the Mimosa and the Fittonia, don’t immediately, irrevocably crisp up, they’ll just droop. Water them and they’ll perk right back up.
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anulithots · 4 months
I think it is very important for you all to know that despite my semi-regular turning (taking care of plants with executive dysfunction is like... 'I'm sorry little ones I'm dehydrated too we can be dehydrated together<3')
Anuli's tree is still lopsided.
It has two main 'trunks'/branches, and they used to grow at roughly the same time and now one of them is just... so ridiculously large that it covers up the TV from that angle (but moving a fiddle leaf fig is... not recommended. My mom wanted it in another corner once and the tree - and I - threw a fit)
The tree of wobbly and leans to one side and now it's warmer so it's starting to grow leaves again... ON ONE SiDE.
I don't even know what to say other than... that's Anuli's tree for sure.
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sun-e-chips · 2 months
(unsolicited succulent care advice below)
okay so for succulents a lot of the time people make the mistake of overwatering them, which happens when ppl water too often.
Generally you want to give them full light (preferably outside or near a window that gets LOTS of sunlight)
For watering, you want to wait until the soil is bone dry. You can even wait until the plant starts looking a bit wrinkly. Then, you water it HEAPS. Drown that thing. Simulate a huge torrent of rain by completely soaking the soil. Then leave it alone until its super super dry again.
Succs can last a long time without water since those juicy juicy leaves can store water. They're also adapted to dry climates so don't put them anywhere that gets humid like in the bathroom, or near a kettle.
My succulent savior!!!
Ok I think I have figured out knowing when to water the base on the dirt (sadly it’s more tricky with one specific succulent bonsai I’ve had for a long time who has been quite resilient and a trooper but the top layer is covered in this fine gravel so I have to base its needs off the trunk and weather it’s shriveling or not. It got overwatered by a family member and is looking REALLY rugh but I’m hopeful it will pull through and I propitiated some of the dying branches before it it reached the leaves.)
Good to know for the others the dirt is the gauge and to drown those suckers when it’s time haha
Also noting the bathroom thing because I have been guilty of placing them in the bathroom window so I will just leave that spot for air plants!
Thank you Reem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🌱 🪴 🌱
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smartgardn · 2 years
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