#incorrect delta episode
mamasplat · 8 months
Tabitha: Maxie, gather the grunts. We need to have another Courtney-is-doing-something-stupid-again-and-we-have-to-stop-her-before-she-hurt-someone convention.
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steel--fairy · 7 months
Steven: My plan is to send the meteor to another universe with the link cable.
Zinnia: Are you alright with constructive criticism? I don't want to sound mean.
Steven: No, go ahead, I want to hear it.
Zinnia: Your plan fucking sucks.
Steven: That's not constructive criticism.
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crystalelemental · 7 months
Okay so I did a count of the assumed associations in the Pokemon timelines. Because I guess I hate myself tonight?
BW1 -> BW2. Literally the only hard confirmed thing in the series.
Y -> GS/C. Confirmed based on Red having all three starters, Blue having none. Though I'm just going to say it. Blue not having Eevee? Means that Gen 2 might actually be entirely separated timelines from the Gen 1 games we played. Nothing maps perfectly, and with alternate timelines existing, we can retroactively cast doubt on their continuity.
Y -> HGSS. Same as above. That's right, HGSS cannot possibly occur after FRLG, given the team composition. And the difference in Red's team suggests alternate timeline as well. Notably, HGSS could, in theory, lead to SuMo and USUM timelines, but those have Mega Evolution which is canonically a different timeline indicator from games without megas per Delta Episode.
HGSS -> BW1 -> BW2. We know Gen 2 goes to BW1 based on the ex-Rocket house. However, we can confidently saw that BW timeline exists alongside the remake timeline, because of Sabrina in PokeStar Studios. Sabrina has the (incorrect) short hair based on her HGSS presence, eliminating GS or C from possibility.
Platinum -> BW1. Caitlin. Note that Cynthia looks exactly no different, however, despite an allegedly large time jump per fan timelines. Which implies either (1) Caitlin hit a growth spurt in whatever timeframe occurred, which could be lengthy or could be as short as like four years, or (2) they're not actually associated at all, as Caitlin doesn't have Darach, and barring the commentary about not being allowed to battle, I don't think makes mention of the Battle Castle in Gen 5 at all. And I know what you're thinking. "Couldn't HGSS also attach to BW1?" Very unclear, considering that DPPt and HGSS take place at nebulously the same time, with Jasmine also occupying two places at once and having contradictory voice lines on which one happened first, so there's also the possibility that DP and Pt are separate timelines from HGSS. Which, further note: yes, DP and Pt are separate timelines just like all the third games.
R/S/E -> BW2. The Rocket house is occupied by former Magma and Aqua grunts. There are two reasons I'm not including HGSS in this mix. First, we don't know for sure that RSE took place before or after HGSS. Second, we don't have anything to connect RSE to HGSS itself. These grunts could be associated with the teams, but notably only talk about not letting the other know about their past, not any specific deed committed. Unlike the Rocket Grunt who can be placed by dialect, we don't know these goons. RSE may not have even happened yet, to say nothing of how R, S, and E are all different timelines given the wildly different events and we'd have no way of knowing which one they came from.
XY/ORAS -> SuMo. We assume, given the presence of mega evolution, but there's not anything I can think of to sincerely connect them together. They could just as easily be associated with USUM, but there's nothing to ensure those either.
Pt -> XY/ORAS -> SuMo or USUM. Because Looker. Now of course, this is impossible, as Platinum does not have mega evolution, so are we dealing with separate Lookers? I've heard theory that ORAS amnesia Looker is also a Faller, but if that's the case then he has no association at all with Gen 7 Looker, who does not seem to be pursued by the UBs in the same way as Anabel, nor is he used by Interpol the same way. It's also impossible to tell if ORAS took place before XY and he's better now, and that's why in XY he seems like a bit more of a mess, or if XY was first and wherever he was off to next didn't go so great.
Legends Arceus -> BDSP. Yes, specifically. Why? Raminas Flowers. Those don't exist in DPPt, only in BDSP does Raminas mean anything. By extension, the Legends Arceus events cannot be confirmed to have happened in DPPt timeline.
RB/Y -> SuMo. I'm bringing this up because it's wrong wrong wrong! Mega Evolution timelines do not intersect with non-mega evolution timelines! RBY and SuMo cannot possibly be related, yet the entire fan timeline bases itself on this association, because the Porygon Dex entry in SuMo said it was made 20 years ago, while some outside book source stated Porygon was made around 1 year prior to RB, thus setting the timeline between those games at 19-20 years. You want to know why? Because that's how many real world years passed. SuMo released in 2016, RB in 1996. It's just a reference to reality, not anything happening in the games' reality. It's made up, guys. The dex says Pyroar can breathe fire hotter than the Sun, sometimes it's stupid.
As far as I'm aware, literally any other association between two games is pure speculation. And even most of this isn't hard confirmation.
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phantom-le6 · 11 months
Episode Reviews - Star Trek: Voyager Season 6 (3 of 7)
Episode 9: The Voyager Conspiracy
Plot (as adapted from Wikipedia):
Seven of Nine decides to increase the amount of information she learns by directly assimilating as much of Voyager's data as possible via her regeneration alcove. This allows her to draw conclusions from varied sources of data, and she finds the source of a problem in one of the systems that would otherwise have taken a long time to track down. Meanwhile, the ship encounters an alien who has constructed a catapult capable of throwing a ship several hundred light years in a few hours. The crew of Voyager help him repair his array, with hopes that if he makes the trip successfully, they can then use it to shorten their trip home.
 Seven of Nine downloads the data about the catapult, but she begins to exhibit paranoid behaviour. She uses evidence concerning possible spatial-warp technology developments to convince Chakotay that Janeway might be spearheading a Federation presence in the Delta Quadrant. Although sceptical, Chakotay delays the shield modifications necessary for the catapult trip so he can examine the evidence himself.
 After another regeneration/assimilation cycle, Seven has a new conclusion. She uses most of the same evidence, but this time with added incidents involving Chakotay to support her findings to convince Janeway that Chakotay might be spearheading a power grab for the Maquis with the same technology. Janeway and Chakotay end up comparing stories and they realize Seven is acting irrationally. The Doctor determines that Seven has downloaded more information than she can handle.
 Seven then starts suspecting a third conspiracy: that the aim of the last five years was actually to grab a Borg drone, herself. Seven steals the Delta Flyer in order to escape from Voyager. Janeway manages to beam aboard. She convinces Seven that she is ill and she returns to Voyager for treatment. The crew successfully uses the alien's catapult to travel closer to the Alpha Quadrant, cutting three years off their journey.
While the Trek wiki site Memory Alpha doesn’t tell us what this episode aimed to be about, Wikipedia itself suggests various interpretations.  The first and most obvious is that it showcases someone struggling with an overload of information.  Others have suggested it’s just showcasing paranoia or being a metaphor for schizophrenia, but I doubt these were the aim, but that’s just a pure hunch on my part.  A fourth suggestion is that even the smartest of us can draw incorrect conclusions from raw data.  Given Seven’s proven ability across my review to date to reflect autistics, and the tendency of many autistics to experience various sensory processing issues, I’m inclined to thing that episode really is simply about information overload for the most part.
 That said, the episode also sees a multitude of conspiracies being spun, none of which hold water and yet are almost believed by Janeway and Chakotay.  As such, there is a somewhat prescient quality to the episode, because it acts as a case study for modern-day conspiracies, or “fake news”, though usually the latter term is used by conspiracy nuts to debunk the truth, rather than by objective and trustworthy sources to debunk conspiracy theories. Overall, it’s a very good episode, but it’s another Seven-centric one at a time when the show was over-using Seven and needed to give other characters more attention.  It’s not a huge flaw, but it’s enough to prevent top marks.  9 out of 10 for this one.
Episode 10: Pathfinder
Plot (as given by me):
Lt Reg Barclay is visited by his old shipmate Deanna Troi on Earth, and informs her that he’s become obsessed with his work regarding Voyager. He then informs her how the situation developed; Barclay had recently been working as part of Project Pathfinder, a team of Star Fleet personnel trying to find a means of contacting Voyager ever since the Doctor made contact with the Federation a few years ago (in the season 4 episode “Message in a Bottle”). Barclay’s most recent idea was to use the MIDAS communications array to create a wormhole to the Delta Quadrant, which could then carry a comm signal through to Voyager. However, Comm. Pete Harkins thought the idea wouldn’t work because a previous idea of Barclay’s hadn’t, and he asked Reg to complete his assigned duties instead.
 Unfortunately, Reg couldn’t let the idea go, and continued to pursue it even when asked not to. An outburst during the visit of Admiral Owen Paris, father of Voyager’s helmsman Tom Paris, only served to worsen the situation, as did the subsequent discovery that Barclay was using the Project Pathfinder holodecks to interact with a simulated Voyager crew. Reg was then removed from the project, but persisted in trying to get his idea approved by badgering the admiral for a chance.  Ultimately, Admiral Paris promised a review of Barclay’s idea if he could submit a proper proposal. To Reg, this was a polite rebuff and he didn’t believe the admiral would really do anything.
 Reg pleads with Deanna to use her status as a Star Fleet counsellor to declare him fit for duty, but she refuses as she can see Reg is clearly in a state of poor mental health. Reg reveals his use of the holodeck in his work on Pathfinder stemmed from being unable to cope when he was transferred from the Enterprise, as he felt like he’d lost a family and needed a new one. Troi offers to ask Captain Picard for a leave of absence so she can work with Reg on a better solution.
 That night, Reg is unable to sleep and breaks into Project Pathfinder to carry out his idea. The attempt is detected and Harkins tries to stop Reg, who encrypts the systems and tries to hide in his simulation of Voyager. Ultimately, Reg is forced to abandon the holodeck, just as Admiral Paris arrives to approve Barclay’s idea. As Harkins informs the admiral of Reg’s conduct, Voyager picks up the signal and responds. Working together, Reg and Harkins clear up the signal long enough for Reg, and then Admiral Paris, to talk to Captain Janeway and her crew. Reg’s success is celebrated by Voyager’s crew, and is apparently sufficient to avoid any serious reprimand from his superiors.  He later fills Deanna in about Harkins’ sister-in-law, who Harkins wad trying to set him up with earlier in the episode.
This is a great episode to watch if your fandom of Trek includes the other shows that were made between the late 80’s or early 00’s, specifically TNG.  Luckily, I’m in that category, so it was fun to see Reg Barclay and Deanna Troi back on the TV screen.  Reg, of course, headlines this episode, which barely features the main cast, and the fact that it’s such a good episode tells me two things.  First, Dwight Schultz is a great actor, as are the others playing roles in his story.  Second, the way Voyager’s characters were being written was getting to irksome (to me, at least) that the episode really feels like a breath of fresh air.  Too many of the show’s plots fail to develop character or discuss issues, and if they do, there’s often some flaw, quite frequently linked to over-use of Seven or Voyager’s action remit.
 In the case of this episode, we actually get some character development, but it’s around Barclay trying to deal with life after his time on the Enterprise, and while the way he handles it is clearly unhealthy, it has the benefit of providing a boon to Voyager.  As such, we can kind of forgive the fact that our first quality character development in a while went to a TNG-created guest character instead of a Voyager main character.  More difficult to overlook is the various short-cuts Voyager has managed between the “Message in a Bottle” episode, and how that would presumably put the ship well outside the Pathfinder team’s estimates for its location. However, the episode never states that Barclay specifically targeted those sectors, and it’s possible that Star Fleet might have some kind of long-range probes mapping any phenomena in the Delta Quadrant that might shorten Voyager’s journey.  Bottom line, though, is that this is a show that suggests humans getting on with each other despite the fact this is something humans frequently suck at doing.  If you can buy into the spirit of Star Trek, I think you can let at least some of the tech details slide.
 By rights, this episode should get top marks, but again, it falls just short because it’s having to rely on TNG alumni and guest stars to make the episode good Trek instead of relying on its main cast. As such, this is another 9 out of 10 episode.
Episode 11: Fair Haven
Plot (as adapted from Wikipedia):
Tom Paris has written a popular new holodeck program about an Irish village called Fair Haven. Captain Janeway enters the program, and while she is taking a tour the crew is alerted to an approaching storm front. Lt. Torres informs the captain that the disruption caused by the storm prevents Voyager from going to warp, and impulse power will not be enough to outrun the storm. Janeway decides to batten the hatches, drop anchor and ride out the storm.
 After a discussion about crew morale with Neelix, Janeway agrees to allow the Fair Haven program to continue to run. During this downtime many of the crew stop in to spend time in Fair Haven. Some even take roles in the village; the Doctor becomes the town priest and admonishes Paris and Kim to attend the following Sunday's Mass. Captain Janeway stops again to visit the program, and spends an evening getting to know one of the holodeck characters, barkeeper Michael Sullivan. After spending the entire night in a relaxed date with Sullivan, morning brings his wife into the program. Janeway becomes flustered and leaves the program, returning to the bridge as the first wave of the storm hits. The storm will last a further three days, and the captain gives Paris and Kim permission to expand the program to holodeck 2. At this point Captain Janeway edits the character of Sullivan to her specifications. She gives him more intelligence, a few traits that make him more compatible with her personality, and finally deletes his wife. While Janeway is spending time with her modified version of Sullivan, Chakotay encounters the two of them, causing the captain some embarrassment.
 Janeway has mixed emotions about her motives, and discusses moral and ethical implications of having a relationship with a holodeck character with Chakotay. Being so far removed from any practical relationship with a "real" person, and realising that her first officer believes it could produce healthy results, Janeway continues to enjoy the holodeck program as "Katie O'Clare". Eventually she removes the other characters and kisses Sullivan.
 While the captain is away from the program tending to ship's business, Sullivan becomes depressed because he thinks Katie has left him. He starts a fight in the holodeck which quickly grows into an all-out brawl with both holodeck characters and crew members suffering the effects. After learning about the fight, the captain shares her thoughts and concerns with the Doctor. The Doctor sees holograms as equals to their flesh and blood counterparts, and encourages her to continue her relationship with Sullivan.
 Eventually the full brunt of the storm hits with its most destructive forces taking out many of the ship's systems. While some of the Fair Haven program survives, many of its finer points are lost. When approached by Tom and Harry about what should be saved, the captain returns to the holodeck. She does decide to save the character of Michael Sullivan, and after more thought she tells the computer to deny her access to modifying any more of the program's sub-routines.
Apparently, this episode is a bit historically inaccurate in its depiction of what is presumably early 20th century Ireland, but then Trek has a history of exercising revisionist programming on the holodeck in regards to history.  After all, DS9 had a 60’s style Vegas casino lounge for its Frank Sinatra tribute programme Vic Fontaine that included no racist elements, so why should Tom Paris’ program in this episode differ in that fashion.  However, Wikipedia notes that a number of reviews have taken this episode to account for stereotyping Irish culture and people, which surprises me not at all.  After all, TNG’s “Up The Long Ladder” in its second season did much the same, and while this episode isn’t anything like as bad overall, Trek should not be in the business of stereotyping given its nature.
 Ultimately, though, the holo-deck program is more a sort of backdrop to issues being explored through Captain Janeway’s character. In this episode, she falls for a man who happens to be a hologram, but finds him taken and not entirely compatible with her.  So, she makes him single and adjusts his characteristics.  With this done, Janeway then begins to indulge in the romance much more, but when she goes to further edit her holographic romance, she panics. The fact that Michael Sullivan is completely customisable to her wishes makes her feel that everything, including her feelings, are all an illusion, and she abandons the relationship.  After the program is damaged, Janeway saves the character after denying herself further editing rights.
 What, then, does this all signify?  Well, for a start, the characters of Chakotay and the Doctor each point out in turn how going out with a hologram is perfectly fine, because the who of the person trumps the what.  At the time the episode came out, this could be seen as strict metaphor for any number of differences.  Heck, this aired when I was a teenager and girls were recoiling from me left, right and centre for being autistic, so a few of them could have done with watching this episode and taking its lesson to heart, even if only to let me down easier.  As we come into the era of AI technology, though, this episode takes on a kind of prescient quality.
 I’ve seen articles on my Facebook news feed in recent days, weeks and months about not only the development of robots for sexual purposes, but also how one woman has apparently married an artificial intelligence.  While these things sound crazy at first hearing, imagine hearing them when you’re also watching a lot of Trek.  Characters like Data, the Doctor, or Sullivan in this episode, epitomise what AI could be like in time; not just chatbots and auto-writing/drawing programs, but sentient beings with human-like minds and bodies made of either synthetics or, as the Doctor says, “photons and force-fields.”  As such, there may come a time where the idea of human-AI relationships is valid because the level of AI and robotic advancements will allow for a very near-human partner.
 Now, would this result in some mass stampede for such relationships?  No, if for no other reason than the majority of human beings would be able to find other humans that they can have successful relationships with.  However, we do live in a world where a lot of people aren’t so fortunate, and not through any fault of their own.  Some of us, like Captain Janeway, become isolated from conventional romance by our occupations, especially those that entail duty and having to work in a command structure.  Others may struggle because they can’t find anyone near to them that will accept them enough to give them a chance, or they function in a way society refuses to cater to.  If an AI can be given a suitable form and be advanced enough, then this may actually be a welcome alternative to those society hampers in matters of romantic and sexual interaction.
 The episode also brings up the issue of changing one’s partner; is this wise, or indeed ethical, to do so?  With human partners, and discounting the unique considerations of consensual dominant-submissive relationships (which if handled correctly are ethical and not to be confused with abusive relationships), it’s generally ill-advised to change a partner.  In the event AI reaches a level that relationships between a human and any artificial intelligence are viable, the question would be just what level has that AI reached?  If it is effectively sentient, then changing them solely on the wishes of a human becomes unethical, because to quote the motto of Optimus Prime, “freedom is the right of all sentient beings.”  However, if an AI is not sentient, then altering it remains within the bounds of ethical behaviour.  However, it’s not quite clear in this episode if the Sullivan holodeck character has true sentience, as most holograms lack this faculty in Trek.  Going by the events of the sequel episode to this one, however, it’s a reasonable bet that Sullivan at least becomes sentient over the two-episode arc.
 Overall, this is a very thought-provoking episode and really gives us some great issues to look at, but alas, one cannot ignore the stereotyping the episode apparently does.  As such, I give this episode 7 out of 10.
Episode 12: Blink of an Eye
Plot (as adapted from Wikipedia):
The starship Voyager approaches an alien world which is enveloped in a tachyon field, giving it an odd temporal nature. To learn more about the planet, Captain Janeway orders the ship to move closer, but Voyager becomes trapped in orbit by the planet's magnetic field. While the crew concocts an escape plan, Seven of Nine surveys the planet and discovers that Voyager's presence is causing occasional quakes. Further scans reveal that time passes at a much more rapid rate on the planet and it is inhabited by primitive humanoids.
 As hours on Voyager pass, centuries pass on the planet and its humanoid inhabitants soon reach a level of technology similar to 20th-century Earth. As the crew discusses the unusually rapid technological progress of the species, a radio message is broadcast at Voyager. Tom Paris wants to reply but Tuvok points out that the species has not developed warp technology; a reply would be a violation of the Prime Directive. Janeway suggests a covert one-person mission to the planet. As he would not be affected by the change in the passage of time because he is a hologram, the Doctor volunteers for the mission, which, due to the time differential, lasts three years from the Doctor's perspective, even though he is only gone from the ship for minutes. Upon returning, he reports that Voyager, simply by its presence, has encouraged the society to advance as the humanoids attempt to contact the "sky-ship". While some strive to establish peaceful contact, others are developing increasingly powerful weaponry to shoot down Voyager and stop the earthquakes.
 The humanoids develop technology sophisticated enough to send astronauts on a crewed mission to make contact with the sky-ship. A capsule is launched and succeeds in docking with Voyager. Its two astronauts, a male and female, begin to explore the ship, which appears frozen in time, but fall unconscious from the stress of adjusting to the different space-time. The bodies are found on the bridge and are taken to sickbay. The female dies from the shock of adjustment but the male, Gotana-Retz, is successfully treated whilst Voyager is hit by a bombardment of antimatter artillery.
 Janeway urges Gotana-Retz to return to the planet and convince them to cease the attack. Gotana-Retz does so just after Voyager's shields collapse. Suddenly, two spaceships appear alongside Voyager and use tractor beams to tow the vessel out of the planet's field. A visibly older Gotana-Retz briefly transports to Voyager to explain what has happened and Janeway thanks him and his people. On the surface, an elderly Gotana-Retz, long returned from his experience in space, gazes wistfully into the sky as his people's sky-ship vanishes from the heavens.
Here we have a very conceptual episode where everything revolves around a planet moving so fast, Janeway’s crew is able to track an alien culture from its caveman era to a Trek-level society in a matter of days.  As concepts go, it certainly is interesting to watch, especially seeing the species in question cast of religious superstition in favour of more scientifically reasoned ideas.  That aspect of the episode seems very much like an homage to Trek itself, given that Roddenberry’s idea for an optimistic future is one based on human secularism, not human spirituality.
 Peel back the concept, though, and what lies beneath?  The characters are not being developed by this experience, and while Voyager’s presence inspires an entire culture over many centuries of relative time, no issue is really explored.  Certainly, there are not many things of human experience that have had the same impact in real life, or none that I can think of anyway.  If this episode is somehow meant to be a metaphor to something in that line, I think we could have done with some screentime being spent making the metaphor less opaque.  For me, though, this is another hollow bit of Trek, and I can only give it 5 out of 10.
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thenationview · 2 years
Ita case, Giovanni Donzelli's avalanche against Mario Draghi: incorrect government
Ita case, Giovanni Donzelli’s avalanche against Mario Draghi: incorrect government
Sale of Itaú, the right rebels against the Draghi government’s decision to start negotiations for the sale of the national airline to Itaú’s Certares Delta Air France. It was spoken during the episode of L’Aria che Tira broadcast on La7 on Thursday, September 1st. “We consider this act of the government made 25 days after the vote to be seriously incorrect – thundered Giovanni Donzelli of…
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delta-the-mando · 3 years
Me? Hyped for Underverse? Whatever gave you that idea? :3
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Underverse/Cross - @jakei95
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getoutofmyjaneway · 3 years
Since Star Trek Voyager is Leaving Netflix, Here are 10 Episodes that you Should Watch Before the End of September
1. The Cloud
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The Cloud is a great example of the early dynamic between the main cast. This bottle episode shows a very Star Trek episode dealing with some space creature they accidently harm, and being oh so very Starfleet, they assist. That, of course, is not why you watch this episode. It has some pretty great comedic moments, the iconic “There’s coffee in that nebula,” moment, and (if you can over look the cringy and incorrect portrayal of Native American culture) great moments that will let you better get to know the character we love.
2. Tuvix
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Tuvix is was created when there was a transporter accident fused Neelix, Tuvok, and some plants together to create a new single sentient being. Tuvix loves being himself but ultimately it was decided by Captain Janeway that they would be separated back into there original beings. This episode is not only thought provoking, but has been the basis for many discussions of morality on a broader level. It is an interesting thought experiment that is so very Star Trek in nature - it is a don’t miss in my book.
3. Before and After
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You remember Kes yes? She was definitely not given the most to do throughout the run of Voyager, but this is her best story by far. This story sees Kes aging backwards through death to birth, giving us a full picture of her life. This also brings us some of the very seldomly seen foreshadowing in the series, eluding to the Year of Hell (we’ll talk about that soon) and Tom and B’Elanna’s relationship. This is how I choose to remember Kes (we don’t talk about Furry).
4. Year of Hell Part 1 and 2
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Yeah you knew this was going to be on here. There is a reason this is on most peoples lists of top Voyager episodes. And yes, I know I am cheating by putting both episodes on the same spot on my list, but like Janeway, I make my own rules. This is the most action packed two-parter in the series, serving as a kind of what-if scenario if the Voyager crew went down a more dangerous path. It ultimately ends with the ever present “Voyager-Rest-Button” but this is the best use of it. This is the most bad-ass episode by a long shot, also giving great character interactions, as well as commentary of grief and family.
5. Living Witness
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This one is for all of my TNG lovers out there, you will love this one. Living Witness sees the Doctor’s program ending up in an alien museum in the distant future where an exhibit shows the species interactions with the crew of the Voyager. It is up to the Doctor to clear the name of his crew, and himself. This is amazing commentary of how history can be warped by those that recount it. Of course I also enjoy the absolutely savage portrayal of the Voyager crew - you can tell they had a good time with this one. Overall, this is a story you could only see on Voyager and is excellently done.
6. Timeless
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This episode is iconic. If you have seen media referencing Voyager, you have most likely seen the image of the Voyager crashing into an ice planet in some amazing for its time CGI (that holds put pretty dang well even today). This is a strong episode for both Chakotay and Kim, two of Voyagers other most under used characters, seeing them try and create a slipstream with the Delta Flyer to get home. While the Delta Flyer is ultimately successful in this, the Voyager and the rest of the crew ends up dead. Chakotay and Kim take it upon themselves to change the events of the accident.
7. Counterpoint
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There is a reason that this is Kate Mulgrew’s favorite episode (other then the fact that she gets to kiss an alien). This is Janeway at her absolute best - intelligent, cunning, and a master of her craft. This sees Janeway help a group of telepaths cross a region of space where a xenophobic ruling body does not allow them. After frequent inspections, Janeway takes in a defector from the xenophobic race, who tries to get her to divulge her secrets. She, however, was always one step ahead of him in a brilliant power play that I can only describe as spicy.
8. Someone to Watch Over Me
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Someone to Watch Over Me is a story about what it means to be human, a theme often discussed in Star Trek. This sees the Doctor, a hologram, show Seven, a woman rebuilding her sense of self after spending most of her life in the borg collective, teach her what he has learned about relationships. It’s like the blind leading the blind, or in a more Star Trek example, the blind teaching an Andriod how to paint. Throughout their time together, they both seem to teach each other a lot - Seven gains many incites into how to be more human and the Doctor learns what it is like to be in love. A heartwarming episode.
9. Collective
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Members of Voyager’s senior staff are abducted by the borg... children. Five who have been separated and awoken from there maturation chamber struggle between being borg and being individuals. This is, however, not a borg story, it is a story about being human. As Seven was saved from the collected, she went through a transformation under the guidance of her friends family and now it is time for her to help these children in the same way.
10. The Void
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After becoming trapped in a Void with no way of escape, they soon find that ever ship is out for their own in this region, everyone stealing what they need to survive. It becomes a battle of morals - do you take back from those who have stolen from you and then some? Do you use what has been stolen from others for your personal gain? Where do you draw the line for the sake of survive. The Voyager spearheads a mini federation type alliance of sorts, finding strength in unity and numbers, and, in the end, it is the understanding of others that allows for the Voyager and the members of the alliance to escape
These are not necessarily the best episodes of Voyager, but I think these are episodes that you can watch on their own with no other knowledge of Voyager to really get a feel for the series and the characters. Of course, I would love to know what other episodes you would include. Personally, I would have loved to include episodes like Course: Oblivion, Author Author, and Dark Frontier, but out of context, these episodes will give that Voyager flavor we all know an love.
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My Fanwork Masterlist
(for the folk that only use the mobile app)
Happy Birthday, Elizabeth Gaskell!
North and South
White… snow white.
After the proposal.
Little Women
Amy March - Perfect (1994)
Jo/Fritz - Wait (1994)
Jo/Fritz saying goodbye (2017)
Jo/Fritz be worthy, love (1994)
Little Women 2019, leaked vs. final script, scene by scene.
Do not mistake
Jane Fairfax/Robert Martin
Emma ITV 1996 before and after
Emma ITV 1996 color test Mark Strong
Mr. Knightley and Harriet dance 1
Mr. Knightley and Harriet dance 2
Sense and Sensibility
Your Heart Understood Mine
Straight To You
Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice (1980) Opening titles - episode 1
Deleted Scene - Awkwardly Entangled
Bride & Prejudice
Balraj kisses Jaya
Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre (1997)
Jane Eyre (1996)
Jane Eyre (1996) I melted.
A review of Jane Eyre (1983)
A review of Jane Eyre (1996)
Rochesters’ alignment
Wuthering Heights
Funniest shot I have seen in a while.
PotC / One sided Norribeth
CotBP Deleted Scene: the proposal.
Lucky: (T) Some say that James Norrington’s tragedy was being an Austen man in a Disney fantasy movie. And it is a truth universally acknowledged that any Austen man needs an Austen heroine to get his happily ever after. What if the events of Curse of the Black Pearl happened some years later? What if the events of Mansfield Park happened several years earlier? What if the paths of a certain commodore and the Prices were to cross?
Farawyn 1
Farawyn 2
Josh Groban
The Music of Josh Groban: Closer (1 of 2)
The Music of Josh Groban: Closer (2 of 2)
The Music of Josh Groban: Awake (1 of 2)
The Music of Josh Groban: Awake (2 of 2)
False Alarms
Test text - February Song
Test text - If I Walk Away
Test text - You Are Loved (Don’t Give Up)
You Are Loved
Happy 39th Birthday!
Happy 40th Birthday!
In Great Comet 1
In Great Comet 2
Rick Astley
Beautiful Life
Jack Davenport
The Wedding Date 1
The Wedding Date 2
Called Out in the Dark
JJ Feild
The Romanoffs trailer
Dan Stevens
Miss Marple: Nemesis
Matthew Goode
Miss Marple: A Murder is Announced
Los Simuladores
The Mountain’s Liar
OUAT incorrect quotes Rumple and Hook as Molero and Milazzo
The Mixed Marriage
The Social Debilitator
39, Victoria: (T) Santos visita la tumba de Victoria y recuerda su tiempo juntos.  Viene a llenar la escena del comienzo del 1x07 y del final del 2x11, antes de que Santos cruce el puente.
Strike Team Delta
Doctor Strange
Stephine - Persuasion
Have you seen my girl?
May Parker/Bruce Banner (Green May)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Fitzsimmons - Nothin’s Gonna Stop Us Now
Remember and Don’t Forget
Repairing chip
Rumbelle as Jirafales and Doña Florinda
The Fate of Pierrot: (G)In which teacher!Mr. Gold is forced to attend a costume ball prom as a chaperone and decides to dress up as Pierrot. He didn’t expect to find Columbine there.
Also set in this universe: Up in the Sky (G) Belle reading Five Weeks In a Balloon inspires Mr. Gold to plan a very special gift for their first anniversary. Set a few years after The Fate of Pierrot. 
Under the Lights of the Grand Paris: (G)The old cafés hide in the cloud of their mystery hundreds of little wonderful stories. In this case, it is the story of a certain Belle French and a certain Mr. Gold.
Will You Still Love Me?: (T) In a castle near Avonlea, Lady Belle falls ill with a misterious disease that physicians cannot explain. A humble spinner from the other end of the Enchanted Forest will be the key to a happy outcome. Visions are seldom all they seem.
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9] [Chapter 10] [Chapter 11] [Chapter 12]
Gaze the Lights: (T)  After Gideon’s first birthday, the Golds set out on a journey around the Land Without Magic. A year later, the last days of December found them in Buenos Aires. Looking for a quiet place to spend Christmas, they crossed the Rio de la Plata to visit Colonia del Sacramento. The quaint colonial village had a surprise in store for them. Canon divergent after Gideon’s first birthday.
A Place to Call Home (T): the orphanage is a grim place, but the new superintendent is set on changing that. If only the doctor were a bit more cooperative…
Or the Dear Enemy AU in which Belle is the superintendent, Mr. Gold the visiting physician who is also looking for his lost son, Ruby and Astrid team up to help Belle, Archie plays the banjo, some (hopefully) funny shenanigans occur, and there’s a happy ending after lots of fluff and some angst.
[Chapter 1]
Regina/Gideon (OUAT):
Not Coincidence, But Fate: (G)  When Regina fails to wake Zelena, she thinks she is on her own to save Henry and break the curse. She didn’t expect to find the answer to her prayers hitchhiking by the roadside.
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2]
Mission Impossible 1-6 main titles.
Thunder Bear (crossover OUAT/MCU - Thor/Merida)
Kabir Bedi as The Black Corsair (1976)
About Time BTS Mary’s Red Wedding Dress.
My Top 10 posts of 2018.
My Top 10 posts of 2019.
My Top 10 posts of 2020.
My Top 10 posts of 2021.
Updated: April 20th, 2022.
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bizships · 4 years
My Fic achievements for 2019
What did I accomplish in 2019? Meme found in many places.
Number of fics written & finished in 2019: 15 Amount of fests/exchanges successfully participated in: 6 (Mirror March, Merry Month of Cohen, July Photo fic fest, Fictober, October Hurt Comfort Fest, 25 Days of Voyager 2019) Amount of different fandoms: 1 Number of fics by fandom: Star Trek Voyager-15 Most Popular Pairing: Janeway/Chakotay Total Word Count: 151,812
Fics : STAR TREK: VOYAGER You are Here Under The Authority of Me | Warship!Janeway/Warship!Chakotay | Explicit | 3052 words | For Mirror March Now that she's found herself in the Delta Quadrant, Captain Kathryn Janeway of the Warship Voyager negotiates with her new First Officer.
The Times They Are A Changin' | Janeway/Chakotay| Mature | 50774 words | This was started in Nov, 2018, but finished by April 2019. The majority of it was written in 2019 Fifteen years after Voyager's return from the Delta Quadrant, Chakotay is certain the timeline is incorrect. He's determined to find a way to go back in time to fix what he thinks is wrong and hopefully get Voyager home earlier. (Completely new plot to replace Endgame, not a re-write of the episode)
That's No Way To Say Goodbye | Janeway/Chakotay | Teen | 3620 words | for Merry Month of Cohen Tom Paris works with the Janeway and Chakotay on a medical mystery, but then tragedy strikes.
Come Healing | Janeway/Chakotay | Explicit | 14061 words | for Merry Month of Cohen In this AU of Basics, Seska and Culluh kept the Captain aboard the ship when they left everyone else on Hanon IV. This is the aftermath from Chakotay's POV. (Trigger Warning=rape recovery)
The Explorer | Janeway/Chakotay, Charlie, The Doctor | G | 1624 words | for July Photo Prompt Fest, In the Come Healing Universe Toddlers do what toddlers do ...
Feeling Good | Janeway/Chakotay | G | 4074 words | for July Photo Prompt Fest Kathryn Janeway attends a ball celebrating the 25th anniversary of Voyager's Homecoming.
25 Years Earlier... | Janeway/Chakotay | Explicit | 8420 words | for July Photo Prompt Fest Just how did Kathryn Janeway and Chakotay end up married. Prequel/Sequel to Feeling Good.
Almost Home | Chakotay/Janeway, Charlie, Gretchen Janeway | G | 3573 words | In the 'Come Healing' universe Voyager has established contact with Starfleet and Charlie meets his Grandmother.
The Face Of The Enemy | Janeway/Chakotay| Teen | 1803 words | In The 'Come Healing' Universe Episode coda to Nemesis. Chakotay is finding it difficult to process what happened with the Vori and the parallels with his own history.
Lesson Learned | Janeway/Chakotay | Teen | 3260 words | October Trek Hurt/Comfort Fic Fest After an alien attack Chakotay is seriously injured.
Fictober 2019 for JC fans | Janeway/Chakotay, Voyager crew | Teen | 23649 words | for fictober 2019 Short stories for each of the Fictober prompts. All stories will be JC and canon-compliant, with a hell of a lot of blatant subtext. You know, like Seasons 1-4. ;)
Restless Night | Chakotay, Tom Paris | G | 769 words | in the 'Come Healing' Universe Chakotay and Tom watch over their loved ones after they're rescued from the Borg ship.
Long Lost Family | Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, OC | G | 4292 words | for 25 Days of Voyager A woman's search for her adoptive parents reaches a surprising conclusion.
On A Quiet Christmas Morn | Janeway/Chakotay, Charlie, Gretchen Janeway, Phoebe Janeway | Teen | 2002 words | for 25 Days of Voyager, in the 'Come Healing' Universe Voyager is home for Christmas
On This Merry Christmas Night | Janeway/Chakotay | Teen | 3493 words | for 25 days of Voyager Kathryn takes a walk on Christmas Eve, Eve that changes her life.
Reflections: Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? Definitely more, since I'm coming off a 15 year dry spell. I'm loving that Kathryn Janeway and Chakotay have really sparked my muse. I've never been this prolific a writer! I'm loving every moment of it!
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? I tend to not skip around my fandoms, so I prety much stayed with my predictable J/C and Voyager.
What's your own favorite story of the year? Oh man... For me it's a cin toss between The Times They Are A Changing (Who knew I had an epic in me??!!) and Come Healing. Come Healing has spawned a whole new world for me.
Did you take any writing risks this year? So many. I posted Times as a WIP, unfinished. I'd never done that before and the fact that I stuck with the story, as long as it was, and it didn't 'get away from me' is a miracle. I'm currently in the middle of a WIP that I really need to get back to. (Before my reading audience starts to riot. LOL)
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year? Last year my Word count goal was 100K and I wrote over 150K, so this year, I'm sticking with the 100K, with an eye for that 150K again. My goal is to finish a lot of the WIPS (non-posted) that I have started and just stay as prolific as I was last year. Fingers crossed I can keep up the pace!
My best story of this year: Best story this year? I think Come Healing. It's one that even I like to re-read a lot. LOL
My most popular story of this year: I'm going to say Times They Are A Changing, but I wonder if that's because it was posted as I went, so each chapter got reactions. It certainly has the most comments over all.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: I think I'm going to say The Face Of The Enemy. Folks, I think, tend to stay away from these stories because of the 'kid', but, the story is ultimately about Chakotay's reaction to the Vori, it's parallels to the Maquis and Cardassian fight and the fact that his son is half Cardassian.
Most fun story to write: The Explorer. The whole 'toss the POV' moment at the beginning was a lot of fun to write. As was that whole entire scene with them demoting each other as they spoke.
Story with the single sexiest moment: 25 Years Earlier. I'm rather proud of the sex scene. Even though I forgot to describe Chakotay taking his pants off and now that's all I SEE when I read the damned thing. LOL
Most "holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: You Are Here Under The Authority of Me. Living Witness Janeway forcing Living Witness Chakotay into a Vulcan mating/bonding ritual, complete with proximity bracelets. Much pain if he tries to run away from her. Muhahaha. (I loved this universe, I need to go back and play in it.)
Hardest story to write: Come Healing. It's hard subject matter, and I ran into stubborn muse meets deadline issues and literally had panic attacks. But, the finished story is so, so worth it!
Biggest disappointment: I've got a lot of stories started that I've promised. One is a Western that I really really wanted to have done by now. It's not.
Most unintentionally telling story: You Are Here Under The Authority of Me. Haha, wait... ;) It tells you that I am a devious, devious, author.
Did you reach last year's goal? Reached it and sailed past! My goal was 100K words. I ultimately wrote 151K. Go me!!
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chainofbeing · 4 years
On Dhara Jamina Adam talks with the possessed sheriff and learns more about what he has been following.
Inspiration-Besides-Death : David M. Sledge
Eikal: Erik Smith
Ghost-of-Sunken-Dawn/Ovig Nadal: Glyn Pritchard
Adam Delta 5, and Sound Design: Cai Gwilym Pritchard
Follow the podcast on twitter @chainofbeing
Email us at [email protected] for enquires and stuff
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“Have either of you looked at it?” I ask, I say my eyes darting between the imprisoned sheriff and the symbol scratched into the wall
“No,” Inspiration replies, his eyes downcast “the council said not to interact with them or anything they created,”
“Ok good, can you un...stasis them?” Eikal fumbles with the controls on his pad. And then, suddenly, Ghost stands and comes up to the glass, staring me directly in the eyes. Inspiration turns to Eikal angrily  “I thought you said they were in stasis!”
“He- they were!” Eikal taps the pad a few more times to no avail. Up this close, I can see a lot more detail on Ghost, there appears to be what can only be described as swelling all over their body, their metal skin is split like tree bark to reveal green light in the fissures. The light pulses strongly and I can feel the rhythm tug lightly at the edges of my consciousness. I point at the symbol behind them. “what does that symbol mean to you?” I ask. Ghost begins to convulse in time with the light as if they were retching up the words to speak with me from somewhere deep within, they finally get it out
[ghosts voice has the same quality to it as inspirations]
“why do you enquire so earnestly?” Eikal and Inspiration look on in abject horror, stunned into silence. “I asked first,” Ghost convulses again, as if trying to fit something much larger into a space in which it does not belong. “It is... disenthrallment, unconditional freedom from…” they gesture around them “this.” 
“What is ‘this’? The cell? Society?” I lean closer to the glass so that I’m mere centimetres from Ghosts face
“From… entity, from being. The existence in which you are consists heavily of… rules and… restrictions,” Ghost shivers as if the very concept gives them physical pain “existence is the antithesis of true freedom”
“Is that why you stopped the waves? To relieve it of its restrictions??
“How the univ..erse behaves in reaction of my...nature, is of no consequence to me,”
“And on the Avian Ark, that was you relieving the drones of their restrictions right?”
Ghost just looks up at me
“Are you still Ghost of sunken dawn?” I ask 
“There is no me,” Ghost declares “No longer held down by actuality I have been destroyed, unable to cope with the true and ideal nature of…” he stops, unable to find the right word and instead just convulses, the word caught in transit, too big for it to fit where it does not belong. “You know the symbol, but you do not remember where it came from, you pursue its form in the hope that you will remember” the body of what was once ghost looks at me earnestly “am I incorrect?” I say nothing, but deep down I know it is right, If I can remember what I learned from Eden then it makes it all worth it, all the pain and anguish, losing- losing everything.
“allow me to remind you,” and then, the corpse of Ghost of Sunken dawn begins to tell a story.
“Once there was a girl, she lived a nomadic life with the rest of her people, until one day she grew tired of following the movements of the beast in the sky that dictated their path and planted her feet in a great savannah: "here I shall walk no more, I will not be moved by peer nor beast nor god. Thus I declare it." And there she stood, her people stayed with her for 3 days and on the third day, as was the custom for their people, they were forced to move on, abandoning the woman to harsh wilds. On the first night that she spent alone a rodent came to her,
"I have never seen one of your people alone, are you not fearful to no longer live in the shadow of the great beast?"  The rodent enquired
"Not fearful no," returned the woman "for the light is so warm and the stars so beautiful,"
"Are you not racked with the hollow anguish of hunger? Or the dizzying torment of thirst?" The rodent enquired again
"No," replied the woman "for even though my body is empty and dying, my soul is sustained through hope,"
"Are you not lonely?" The rodent enquired once more
"Lonely, yes" the woman said sorrowfully "I miss the creations of my people, but I do not miss their transient nature, I long for permanence"
The rodent pauses and thinks, "I give to you these seeds, though with no way to water or feed them I fear you shall not survive another night,"
In the day the woman planted the seeds in the ground and from her own veins watered the plants and from her own flesh she fed them. And in her sacrifice she was rewarded, from the ground grew a great number of children.
"Go out and create, be free and unrestricted, in 7 days I shall call upon you and you shall return to me" 
And so her children went out, building great structures out of the mud of the Savannah and beautiful works of art from the bones found scattered in the fields, planting great patches of flowers and fruits. On the seventh day she called her children back to her and surveyed what they had created. 
And in that moment she only saw one creation she deemed worthy of keeping. And so in that moment she understood the transient nature of her people, never satisfied, they constantly destroyed and rebuilt, seeking to create perfection. And so, except for the child whose works had satisfied her soul, she layed all of her children into the ground. As they decayed and fed the soil around them she turned to the remaining child and placed her palm upon his head, and when she removed her palm a mark was left behind, 
"This symbol, is who you are, it represents you and beyond you, your nature,"
From the ground where the children had been laid sprouted plants and springs and more children. To these she said, 
"Go out and create, be free, but do not use the mud of the Savannah, in 7 days I shall call upon you and you shall return to me" 
And so her children went out and created, the child she had kept turned to her and asked
"Why do you restrict them in their endeavour to create? When for my generation you allowed us to be unrestricted?"
The woman Said to her son
"With these new rules, what they create will be so different to what your generation made and so there will be more works worthy of keeping. Are you not satisfied that you and your works were allowed to remain?" 
The child said nothing, but deep in his heart he grew angry that he was subjected to these new rules and that the new generation would never know how it felt to be truly free. The child left that day, before he ventured out beyond the Savannah he visited the woman
"I have decided to leave, I shall not stop wandering, I will not be stopped by peer nor beast nor god"
The woman, with sorrow in her heart, replaced the symbol on his forehead, to more accurately represent his nature and she sent him away, knowing, deep in her heart, that he would one day return. And so the cycle continued, with those children that created the most fulfilling works remaining preserved and with each harvest restricted by more rules. As the cycle went on the works of each generation became more diversified, and to this day that same cycle continues ever more”
As the story comes to a close I feel something deep within me, a muted realisation, as if I were standing on the edge of a great chasm, so close to remembering, to understanding. “Do you remember?” the possessed corpse asks passionately. I look it in the eyes, the lights searingly bright “No, you do not, you are close... in time,” 
[ghosts voice now has a strange quality, similar to Adams but different, as he speaks it gets more and more corrupted]
“Where are you now? I mean, your true form?” I ask desperately, sensing our conversation is drawing to a close
“Sailing through the void...searching,”
“For what?”
“In time, Adam Delta 5, in time,”
The Sheriff draws itself up to its full height and declares “I am Ovig Nadal, I have returned, rejoice! For you shall soon be unbound!” and then Ovig Nadal spreads his arms, his body now, so bright it lights up the night sky with a shimmering rainbow haze, smiles a wide smile, and explodes.
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sabrinasu1998 · 3 years
Petroleum trading tip: investors get low, as well as the oil rate will not move!
During the Asian session on Wednesday (July 21), U.S. petroleum floated around 66.79. API information launched in the early morning revealed that crude oil inventories increased by 806,000 barrels and fuel inventories rose by 3.307 million barrels, far going beyond Market assumptions. The boost in petroleum and gasoline inventories indicates the current bad need for US petroleum; oil rates rebounded on Tuesday, as well as market participants rushed to benefit from the two-month low on the previous trading day to buy reduced, however as a result of boosted supplies, need Not sufficient to quit gains.
 Crude oil inventories raise more than expected
 According to data released by API, since the week of July 16, crude oil inventories boosted by 806,000 barrels as well as gasoline stocks surged by 3.307 million barrels, much exceeding market expectations.
 Bob Yawger, director of Mizuho Energy Futures, stated, "Some people are trying to capitalize on this round of decrease to buy low, and also at the same time, the expiry of the contract increases the volatility of the market.
 The United States and Germany are close to getting to an arrangement on the Beixi No. 2 pipeline
 According to the message of the draft arrangement obtained by Bloomberg News, the United States and also Germany are close to reaching a contract on the Beixi No. 2 gas pipeline; according to the contract, if Russia attempts to utilize power as a tool versus Ukraine, it will face permissions or various other vindictive measures.
 The arrangement shows that if Russia does this, then Germany will certainly do something about it at the national degree, but it did not define what the activity was. This decision may mark the giving in of German Chancellor Merkel, that had actually hesitated to take independent action versus Russia on this natural gas pipe from Russia to Germany.
 According to the agreement, if Russia tries to utilize energy as a weapon or dedicates an aggression versus Ukraine, Germany will certainly act separately while requiring measures at the European degree, consisting of enforcing sanctions to restrict Russia's energy exports.
 A senior U.S. official that decreased to be named specified that the wording of the regards to the arrangement was intentionally vague due to the fact that he did not want to give Russia with a guidebook for Europe and the United States to react to its harmful actions. The official did not rule out the operation or the possibility of restricting Russia's gas distribution to Germany.
 Although hinted at the opportunity of limiting natural gas shipment, such language will certainly probably let down doubters, consisting of numerous U.S. lawmakers. They believe that the Biden federal government did not act well as well as did not stop the pipeline job. By the time Biden took the stage, greater than 90% of the pipeline had actually been finished.
 They hope that the arrangement will certainly have particular as well as clear language, and that Germany will assure to shut down the natural gas transmission of the Beixi No. 2 pipe if Russia looks for to poorly affect Ukraine. However Germany has actually resisted this strategy, saying that such risks would just even more politicize the task. Merkel firmly insisted that the project is totally commercial in nature.
 The agreement is expected to be settled within a couple of days before Ukrainian President Zelensky checks out the United States.
 Saudi crude oil imported by China in June decreased by 19% year-on-year
 Personalizeds information on Tuesday showed that Saudi Arabia ended up being China's largest crude oil supplier for the 8th consecutive month in June, and additional declines in imports from the UAE and also Kuwait may suggest a stagnation in Iranian crude oil imports.
 According to information from the General Administration of Customs of China, the arrival of Saudi petroleum in June reached 7.2 million tons, comparable to 1.75 million barrels each day. Petroleum imports from Russia amounted to 6.65 million heaps, equivalent to 1.62 million barrels per day.
 In the context of increasing global oil prices as well as shrinking refining revenues, China slowed its petroleum acquisitions in the second quarter. Its petroleum imports in the very first fifty percent of the year have actually declined year-on-year for the first time given that 2013.
 The area premium of Russian ESPO crude oil price fell to its floor given that April. The factor was that Chinese independent refiners did not have much need, as well as their need to purchase was cooled down by elements such as petroleum import quotas, federal government investigations, as well as high oil prices.
 Customs information additionally showed that China's petroleum imports from the UAE as well as Kuwait in June fell by 32% and also 23% respectively from the same duration in 2014. Reuters has actually reported that given that completion of 2020, Iran has marketed a record amount of crude oil that has been camouflaged as crude oil from various other origins, including the UAE. Authorities information show that imports from Iran as well as Venezuela are zero.
 Requirement Chartered: The most limited period in the oil market has passed
 Standard Chartered analyst Paul Horsnell claimed in a record that the global crude oil market is fretted that the current market supply tensions are fading and that there might be excess in 2022. "The most strained duration has passed, and also the principles in 2022 will certainly be weak." If supply stress now begin to ease, then OPEC+'s choice to stably raise manufacturing might be a wrong selection.
 The global oil supply and demand situation is worried that the recent market supply tensions are fading and that there may be excess in 2022. "The most stressful duration has passed, and the principles in 2022 will be weak." OPEC+'s choice to stably enhance manufacturing may be an incorrect choice if supply stress currently begin to reduce. U.S. supply growth in 2022 will surpass investors' expectations. "We believe that we might enter this method.
 Goldman Sachs reduced its third-quarter Brent oil price estimate to US$ 75/barrel
 Goldman Sachs on Tuesday reduced its third-quarter Brent crude oil price quote to US$ 75/barrel, which was US$ 5 lower than its previous price quote, as the rise in brand-new crown cases of the Delta variant impacted demand. The bank presently forecasts a supply space of 1.5 million barrels per day in the third quarter, compared to its previous projection of 1.9 million barrels per day.
 Goldman Sachs anticipates that the average price of Brent crude oil in the 4th quarter will be US$ 80/US, greater than the previous estimate of US$ 75/barrel, and also believes that the supply space in the last quarter of this year will certainly be 1.7 million barrels/day. "The procedure of repricing the oil market in the direction of a higher balance point is far from over, and the favorable impulse is changing from the need side to the supply side.".
 Goldman Sachs added that even if inoculation falls short to lower the hospitalization price, which might drive demand to decrease for a longer amount of time, thinking about present prices, OPEC+ as well as the decline in US shale oil production will counter the decline sought after.
 The financial institution stated, "Considering the uncertainty bordering the Delta variant virus as well as the slow-moving rise in supply about current demand development, oil price future may continue to rise and fall dramatically in the next couple of weeks.".
 Goldman Sachs likewise stated that the progress of the US-Iran nuclear contract has delayed, leading to a boosted danger of hold-ups in the rise in Iran's exports.
 The number of new coronavirus deaths in the UK in a single day hits a brand-new high since March 24
 According to the newest information, the number of individuals that passed away within 28 days of testing favorable for the brand-new coronavirus in the UK raised by 96, and also the number of brand-new individuals in a single day struck a new high because March 24. Yvonne Doyle, the medical supervisor of the Public Health Service of England, said in an email statement that during the current round of the epidemic, the number of cases has raised by even more than 40% in the previous week, and numerous individuals are still at threat of severe ailment.
 Tokyo Olympics reappeared multiple cases of brand-new crown infection
 The Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee revealed on the 20th that 9 brand-new Tokyo Olympic-related personnel have checked favorable for the brand-new crown virus. Among them, along with a foreign professional athlete living in the Tokyo Olympic Village (a man coastline volley ball gamer revealed by the Czech Olympic Committee on the 19th), a volunteer was additionally located to check favorable for the first time. Considering That the Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee announced the appropriate test results on the 1st of this month, 67 people have actually been identified to be favorable.
 According to the New York Times data source, India still reports almost 40,000 brand-new confirmed instances and also concerning 500 brand-new fatalities everyday. Less than 7% of the populace in India is totally immunized against the new crown. The Indian federal government has warned that the nation will have a 3rd wave of episodes, and government researchers said that the outbreak may happen as early as August this year.
 ING Economics experts claimed in the report, "The rise in cases of Delta variants in some Asian as well as European countries as well as the opportunity of travel constraints have actually increased the unpredictability of crude oil demand to a certain level.".
 Bullish aspects affecting oil costs.
 The S&P 500 index strikes the most significant increase because March
 U.S. supplies were volatile on Tuesday, with bargain hunting in the market, and also the stock index tape-recorded its biggest gains given that March. The cyclical market that was hit hard by the sell-off led the gains on Tuesday, and also the Russell 2000 small-cap index climbed regarding 3%.
 For some capitalists, the current market dive has produced another chance for them to get in the context of consistent corporate profits, proceeded federal government stimulus actions, as well as a loose financial plan environment. JJ Kinahan, chief market planner at TD Ameritrade, stated, "This is rather an amazing rebound, and the bottom-hunting mindset is completely disclosed.".
 UNITED STATE housing starts in June go beyond expectations
 The increase in the number of brand-new real estate begins in the United States in June surpassed expectations, showing that regardless of the proceeded presence of supply chain bottlenecks as well as labor lacks, real estate building and construction is stabilizing. According to main data launched on Tuesday, the variety of brand-new housing beginnings in June boosted by 6.3%, reaching an annual price of 1.64 million systems, and a three-month high. Bloomberg survey financial experts thought of an average projection of 1.59 million systems. In June, structure licenses fell to a yearly rate of 1.6 million systems.
 High product costs, combined with scarcities of land and also labor, hindered designers from enhancing construction efforts. According to information from the University of Michigan in July, a document 71% of consumers stated that rate boosts were a factor for the damage of purchasing problems.
 The record reveals that the number of single-family real estate begins in June raised by 6.3% to 1.16 million systems. Multi-family housing begins climbed up 6.2%, getting to the highest degree since July 2020.
 Overall, the increase in stocks and also the concern of the epidemic misbehave for oil prices. Although the delta mutant stress has no devastating impact on the demand for petroleum, it restricts the demand pertaining to international traveling. The boost in supply and also the absence of need have integrated to stress over the epidemic. Particularly at the opening of the Tokyo Olympics this week, oil costs might remain to be bearish in the short term.
 Throughout the Asian session on Wednesday (July 21), U.S. unrefined oil floated around 66.79. The boost in unrefined oil and gasoline inventories shows the current bad need for United States unrefined oil; oil costs rebounded on Tuesday, and also market participants scrambled to take advantage of the two-month reduced on the previous trading day to acquire low, however due to raised supplies, demand Not sufficient to provide up gains.
 Personalizeds information additionally showed that China's unrefined oil imports from the UAE as well as Kuwait in June dropped by 32% as well as 23% respectively from the same duration last year. Reuters has actually reported that because the end of 2020, Iran has offered a record amount of unrefined oil that has been camouflaged as crude oil from other beginnings, consisting of the UAE. The delta mutant stress has no devastating impact on the demand for crude oil, it limits the demand relevant to worldwide travel.
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bluemagic-girl · 5 years
Kim Zolciak Says Delta Agent Removed Her Children From Plane
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Telling her aspect of the story. Former Actual Housewives of Atlanta star Kim Zolciak defined her Delta airline snafu in a brand new “Home of Kim” podcast episode.
Kim Zolciak’s Most Biting Comebacks On the Thursday, August 1, present, aptly titled “Explaining the Deplaning,” the Don’t Be Tardy star, 41, claimed an agent of the corporate eliminated her kids from the aircraft with out her approval. In response to Zolciak, the alleged incident occurred whereas she was aiding her daughter Kaia, 5, within the restroom simply forward of takeoff. Kim Zolciak-Biermann Charles Sykes/Bravo/NBCU Picture Financial institution through Getty Pictures“Within the interim, I can hear my children getting emotional. I look [and] my children are off the aircraft and so are my luggage,” she stated of exiting the toilet. “[My son] KJ stated, ‘The man instructed us it wasn’t an choice — we needed to get off the aircraft.’” As Us Weekly beforehand reported, Zolciak’s daughter Brielle Biermann, 22, tweeted on July 20 that an worker of the airline compelled her and her youthful siblings to deboard the plane whereas they have been ready for Zolciak’s husband, Kroy Biermann, to get by safety with the household’s service canine. “[He] simply kicked my WHOLE FAMILY OFF the flight to ATL bc we have been ready on my dad with our service canine to complete going through safety,” she wrote in a now-deleted tweet. “KJ & kash began crying bc they thought we left him and Kaia was actually S–ING AND HE KICKED US OFF!!!!! WTF.”
The Zolciak-Biermann Household By the Years Delta denied the allegations in an announcement to Us Weekly on July 22, noting that Kroy, 33, had stayed behind whereas his household boarded their flight to make clear the canine’s paperwork and arrived on the gate after the door to the aircraft had been closed. “Mrs. Zolciak Biermann and household elected to deplane their flight after her husband remained behind to offer correct paperwork for an emotional assist animal,” the corporate’s assertion learn. Zolciak concedes that she left her partner behind to do paperwork for the animal. The previous soccer participant claimed on the podcast, nevertheless, that the airline had been given clearance to carry the aircraft for him by each the pilots and the tower and that he would have made the flight with out the interference of the agent, who allegedly acted of his personal accord. The “Google Me” singer additionally denied that she ever voiced her want to go away the aircraft to a member of Delta’s employees. Kim Zolciak and household. Courtesy of Kim Zolciak-Biermann/Instagram“I by no means stated I needed off the aircraft. I did inform the boys that we’re not gonna go away with out daddy. I did say that to [my kids to] calm them, however you’re making an assumption,” she stated. “There was no dialog with a flight attendant, with a gate agent, with a pilot or anyone else that I ever needed to get off this aircraft at any f–cking level.” She continued: “[The employee] who made this determination and made this name on his personal, forward of the supervisor … made the decision on his personal to open the door [and] take away the kids.” Whereas each Zolicak and Kroy praised nearly all of the Delta employees, calling them “extremely candy” and “so variety,” they maintained their stance that the airline worker in query was incorrect to take away their kids with out a mother or father current. “Kim and her household aren’t backing down from their account of what occurred,” a supply instructed Us completely final month. “Delta has apologized privately to Kim. Kim and her household felt genuinely disrespected by the Delta agent.”
Celeb Mothers Clap Again on the Parenting Police Zolciak additionally addressed critics who claimed the incident was the results of “entitement” on Thursday. “I don’t have any sense of entitlement,” she stated. “I undoubtedly don’t count on anyone at any level to the touch my kids, take my kids off a aircraft, take my luggage off a aircraft when there’s no mother or father, like, it’s completely unacceptable and unprofessional.” Us has reached out to Delta for response.
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Don’t bring your dog as this is a people only presentation 22 Aug 2017 3:04:46pm Click here for additional information on the Canine Good Citizen™ Award.  Electronic training involves the use of an electric shock as an aversive. Common forms are collars which can be triggered remotely, or that are triggered by barking, fencing that delivers a shock when a dog wearing a special collar crosses a buried wire, and mats that can be placed on furniture to deliver a shock. Some aids deliver an aversive such as a spray of citronella when triggered.[61] The use of electric shock aversives for training dogs is the subject of considerable controversy. Supporters claim that the use of electronic devices allows training at a distance and the potential to eliminate self-rewarding behaviour, and point out that properly used, they have less risk of stress and injury than mechanical devices, such as choke chains. Opponents cite the risks of physical and psychological trauma associated with incorrect or abusive use.[62] PURINA.COM.AU Force-free trainers Facebook © 2018 ^ Jump up to: a b Millan 2010, p. 87. Yuri Kravchenko /Shutterstock.com Apartment Dogs Lifestyle Training for Pet Dogs Web: www.positiveresponse.net.au Once you’ve assumed your role as pack leader, all you will need is consistency and the natural techniques taught by Bark Busters to reinforce and strengthen the bond between you and your dog. Bark Busters dog trainers can show you how to transform a “problem dog” into a happy lifelong buddy… Back to Top 23/07/2018 Water Bottles Dogs often have very little control over their environment. We decide when to feed them, when to walk them and when to play with them. Research tells us that animals who have control over their environment are happier and healthier. If we can give our dogs choices it… 23 Aug 2017 1:13:01pm 5 Pack Leadership Techniques To check availability of Urban Basics Course in Carindale (only available in Carindale) click here.  To enrol in Urban… read more Teaching Boundaries – All About Animals TV Show Episode 4 Dog Training Canberra Puppy factories Related services Tools Free Veterinary Services EFTPOS  Where and when: Saturdays at the Scout Hall on Pye Road in Balhannah
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Advice + Education Dog Obedience School – Tranmere Restricted breed dogs Quote of the Day EFTPOS  Log In Broken Hill Aggressive toward people Greeting guests calmly $230 Researchers have described several reasons why the dominance model is a poor choice for dog training.[71] First, a relationship based on dominance is established to gain priority access to scarce resources, not to impose particular behaviors on the less dominant animal,[72] so the dominance model is irrelevant for most of the behaviors that people want from their dogs, such as coming when called or walking calmly on a leash.[71] Second dominance-submission relationships, once established, are constantly tested and must be regularly reinforced.[73] Thus people, particularly children and the elderly, may not be able to retain their rank and are at risk of being injured if they attempt to do so.[71] Third, dominant individuals gain priority access to resources, but only while they are present, establishing dominance over a dog does not guarantee its behavior when the dominant individual is distant or absent.[71] Illawarra Shelter 05 Dec 2017 9:58:00am Here are some handy tips to train your dog using positive reinforcement. 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dinafbrownil · 4 years
Airlines Want Flyers To Feel Safe, But Grab Bag Of COVID Policies Adds Turbulence
Tony Scott boarded an American Airlines flight May 25 from Los Angeles to Dallas. It was a trip he felt he had to take despite concerns about the coronavirus. His son, who lives in Texas, was having health problems.
The teen seated next to Scott in business class wasn’t wearing a mask. Scott was surprised because before the flight he received an email from American reminding him masks were required. He flagged down a flight attendant, who gently reminded the teen of the face-covering rule. She still declined to wear the mask, and the flight attendant told Scott that because she was a minor, the teen was exempt from the requirement.
But Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines state that only children younger than 2 are exempt. The flight attendant also didn’t offer to move Scott to another seat.
Scott, a 53-year-old African American with asthma, was upset. He said he is in a high-risk category for COVID-19 and was shocked by this experience. “I’m very worried about getting coronavirus,” Scott told KHN. “I want to be safe, I don’t want to die and I want the airline to stop putting people at risk.”
Josh Freed, an American Airlines spokesperson, reiterated the policies on the company’s website but declined to discuss Scott’s situation.
Other customers have echoed Scott’s experience on social media, telling tales of uneven, inconsistent and even incorrect COVID-19 policy enforcement on various airlines‘ flights.
As consumers consider traveling again, they discover the public health guidelines in place for flying often are a messy patchwork of precautions that lack the teeth to protect passengers. More often, the priority is on selling tickets. And, so far, federal agencies have been loath to establish and enforce specific safety standards.
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The Patchwork …
Last week — nearly a month after Scott’s flight — it was widely reported that American escorted a passenger off a flight after he refused to wear a mask and then banned him from future American flights while the mask rule remains in place. It was the first known incident of stepped-up enforcement of airlines’ updated COVID policies. American now states that if a passenger is not exempt from wearing a face mask and refuses to wear one, they may be denied boarding and future travel on American.
It’s not the only airline to take such action. In mid-June, Airlines for America, the trade group that represents the major U.S. airlines, announced that its members would be “vigorously enforcing” face-covering policies by communicating before the flight and making onboard announcements. The group said it would be up to each airline to determine the appropriate consequences for not wearing a face mask.
“All A4A [Airlines for America] carriers have implemented a face-covering requirement and have determined the appropriate consequences for passengers who are found to be in noncompliance,” said the group’s spokesperson, Katherine Estep.
United said passengers will lose travel privileges with the airline for a certain period of time that “will be determined when we review the incident.” Delta said a refusal to comply will “risk future flight privileges.” Southwest said it will deny boarding to any customer not wearing a mask.
The announcement comes after most major U.S. airlines started requiring masks on board flights in early May. But, since that announcement, many consumers, such as Scott, reported that the policy wasn’t being enforced.
But the federal government has continued to leave it up to the airlines to regulate themselves regarding masks and other policies to foster consumer confidence in air travel.
Take the social distancing policies. Though most airlines outline on their websites measures to help passengers maintain social distance, the specifics vary significantly.
Both United Airlines and American haven’t committed to blocking out seats, though United said it will be “adjusting advance seat selection” and American said it may reassign seats or move people once onboard and is capping occupancy on flights.
Delta and Southwest said they are blocking middle seats to ensure space between customers — a distance of about 20 inches. Delta is also blocking some window and aisle seats, and JetBlue is doing the same for middle and aisle seats, with both airlines basing these decisions on the size of the aircraft. Exceptions are usually allowed for families who want to sit together.
The websites for some budget airlines, such as Frontier, Spirit and Allegiant, don’t provide such social distancing specifics. Allegiant does say reseating may occur, if possible, and it discourages customers from booking the middle seat.
There are also the matters of boarding and even health screenings.
Delta, United, JetBlue and Frontier are boarding passengers from back to front so they don’t have to closely pass one another. Southwest is boarding 10 people at a time, from only one side of the boarding poles. Airlines have also modified food and beverage service.
And on June 1, Frontier became the first U.S. airline to start screening passengers for fever before boarding. The airline said any passenger with a temperature over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit will be denied boarding, though customers will be checked again after a “rest period” if there is time. Since April, Frontier has also been requiring passengers when they check in to verify that they have no COVID symptoms, nor does anyone else in their household. United, Southwest and Allegiant are now asking passengers to fill out health questionnaires at check-in.
No other airlines are screening temperatures yet, though the Trump administration has reportedly been in talks with the Transportation Security Administration to test the idea at select airports as part of the security check process. But it’s unclear how exactly this would work. Would TSA follow a model similar to Frontier’s? Would airlines charge rebooking fees for passengers turned away?
“At this time, no decision has been made regarding health screening measures at airports,” TSA spokesperson Lorie Dankers said in an email. And the agency isn’t eager for a public discussion. “It is premature to talk about any aspect or specifics of how this could even occur,” said Dankers.
‘The Airlines Can Do Whatever They Want’
Since March, the airline industry has suffered significant losses, with travel down by almost 90% because of stay-at-home orders and fears of the pandemic. But as businesses restart operations, it has sent clear signals about its hopes for how travel will proceed amid COVID-19 concerns: Airlines want the leeway to set and manage their own safety requirements while they regain their financial footing.
Besides announcing more vigorous face mask enforcement, Airlines for America also recently launched a public awareness campaign that “showcases the proactive measures U.S. airlines are implementing to enhance sanitation and disinfection procedures,” said Estep, in a statement. Some of the burden falls on customers and Estep said the campaign would remind “the traveling public of steps they can take to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.”
The National Air Carrier Association, whose members are low-cost airlines such as Frontier, Spirit and Allegiant, takes a harder line. It opposes any federal regulation to enforce capacity limits on planes or block out middle seats, saying such measures could cause bankruptcy and higher ticket costs. “Things that might work for legacy carriers could put low-cost carriers out of business,” said spokesperson Dan Stohr.
These hands-off approaches draw skeptical responses from advocates who want the Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration to protect public health.
“The position of DOT is the airlines can do whatever they want,” said Paul Hudson, president of FlyersRights.org, a consumer organization. “The FAA is supposed to deal with safety, but they have taken the position that they cannot regulate health unless they are directed to do so by the DOT secretary.”
Indeed, FAA Administrator Steve Dickson wrote in an April letter to the Air Line Pilots Association, the largest pilots union, that the FAA is “not a public health agency.”
And Dickson told a Senate committee last week that the CDC, not the FAA, is the lead agency charged with requiring safety precautions against the spread of the coronavirus.
“Our space is aviation safety, and their space is public health,” he said.
He did add, however, that the agency is monitoring airlines’ voluntary safety programs “to make sure they are following through” and that airlines have been better about enforcement.
But some Democrats on Capitol Hill are pressing for more. Sen. Maria Cantwell of Washington and the leadership of key House committees separately sent letters in May to Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao asking her to issue uniform guidelines about seating on flights and other aspects of air travel.
Because the federal government provided significant financial assistance to the airline industry in the CARES Act to help it survive the coronavirus era, some argue the government should also set uniform safety standards.
“We are spending somewhere between $40 and $50 billion in a variety of grants and subsidies to airlines to help them make it through this episode, and yet the government won’t go to the extent of promulgating a rule to make everyone wear masks, which puts us all at risk,” said Robert Mann, an aviation analyst.
How To Be Safe Now?
While this debate continues in Washington, and airlines push toward an economic recovery tied to their ability to regain customers, passengers should remember that the rules to protect against COVID-19 in public spaces apply to every area of the airport and plane.
Wear a mask at all times. Put 6 feet of space between yourself and others. Touch as few surfaces as possible. Wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer. If you’re going to sit in a space for a while, such as at the gate, wipe down the areas around you.
And most importantly: Remember that the nation is in the midst of a pandemic. “Don’t travel by air or other means if it’s not necessary,” said Henry Wu, director of the Emory TravelWell Center and an assistant professor at Emory University School of Medicine. “It is certainly possible to get COVID-19 while traveling.”
from Updates By Dina https://khn.org/news/airlines-want-flyers-to-feel-safe-but-grab-bag-of-covid-policies-adds-turbulence/
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