#in this case shulk got someone else to help with that maybe :>
mewkwota · 1 year
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A comic about two old people being old. (Part II - The Smash Edition)
What happens when a Smash participant has life happen but they still gotta join a tourney? This would be an easy solution if it weren’t for the people behind it making it hard to come by.
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zerolympiustrife · 5 years
Cloud finds a drunk Lucina, celebrating her victory of winning a smash tournament, and escorts her back to her room, only to find that she gets incredibly flirty when intoxicated.
A Cloud x Lucina prompt?! Thank you so much!
Anonymous asks: When Marth’s legacy needs a spiky-haired knight (SSBU)
*At the dormitory Cloud’s staying at for the 5th Smash Tournament*
Cloud (on the dorm phone): ...Yes...yes...yes...uh-huh...alright, I understand. Yes, I promise. Okay. Thanks for calling me about this. I’ll head out right away. Seeya. *Hangs up, then he’s about to head out the door, but hears someone call his name*
Ren: Cloud?
Cloud: Huh? What is it, Ren?
Ren: Where are you going?
Cloud: To pick up Lucina and drive her back to her dorm.
Ren: What happened?
Cloud: Well, you know how this recent event she took part in was the equivalent of a “ladies’ night” event?
Ren: Er...yeah?
Cloud: That’s why. And I don’t want anything bad to happen to her in her drunken stupor.
Ren (surprised): Wait, she’s drunk?!
Cloud: Mm-hm. Can you let me be off now?
Ren: Uh...right. Sorry for holding you back. I’ll...let you be on your way.
*Cloud nods, then walks out. Cloud goes into the dorm’s garage, gets on his Hardy-Daytona, then drives off to the large, fancy restauraunt Lucina’s at*
Cloud (entering the restaurant): Lucina?!?
*Lucina’s eyes widen hearing Cloud’s voice, then stands up*
Lucina (raising her hand): Cloud~!
*Cloud runs over to her, and sees that her face is SUPER flushed-red*
Cloud (hands on his hips): Sheesh. How many did you have?
Lucina (REALLY drunk): I...I don’t remember...
Palutena (also drunk): Cloud~! Are you here to pick up Lucina? Let her shtay a little longer!
Bayonetta (not really drunk): She can handle a little more. She’s a tough girl, after all...
Cloud (grabbing Lucina, carrying her bridal carry style): Not interested.
Palutena (frowning): Hmm...
Bayonetta (looking bored): Fine. Be that way.
Kamui: Well...honestly, I’m rather happy you came here, Cloud. Because for me personally, I’ve got to guide these two *Points to Bayonetta and Palutena* back to my dorm.
Cloud: Don’t you have Rosalina to help?
Kamui: That’s true, but...
Cloud: She asleep or something?
*Kamui nods*
Cloud: Well...good luck with that. But me, personally... *Looks over to Lucina* ...I’ve got more important stuff to take care of. Maybe you can call Robin or Shulk to help you out.
Kamui: That I will. Farewell.
*Cloud nods, walks back to his motorcycle with Lucina in his arms, places her in front of him, then drives over to her dorm*
Cloud (getting off): Alright, here we are. I hope your drunken state didn’t get you-
*Lucina starts vomiting off on the sidewalk*
Cloud (frowning): ...carsick. Or in this case...motorsick? Cyclesick? Motion sickness? ...You know what? Sure. Motion sickness.
*Lucina stops vomiting and haphazardly walks over to Cloud, and places her face onto his chest*
Lucina (smiling): Hmmmm~...
Cloud (sickened out): Oy...c’mon. Let’s go.
*Cloud guides Lucina upstairs into her room*
Cloud: Go to the bathroom and vomit to make sure you don’t have anymore whiskey, or vodka, or...whatever you’ve had to get drunk in your system tonight.
*Lucina obliges, walks over to the bathroom, and a few minutes pass*
Lucina (exiting out): I’m done.
Cloud (crossing his arms): Are you? ...Good. Now then, I’m-
*Cloud is about to open the door to exit the room, but Lucina runs over to the door and slams it loudly, then locks it*
Cloud (raising an eyebrow): ...Was that really necessary?
*Lucina pushes Cloud onto her bed, then lays on top of him, trapping him*
Lucina (smiling): Mmmm~...
Cloud (surprised): Huh?!? Lucina, what are you-
*Lucina muffles him by putting her finger on his mouth*
Cloud: ...Mm?
Lucina (taking a deep breath): Cloud...have I ever told you how grateful I am?
Cloud: ...Grateful for what?
Lucina: Grateful for all the timesh you’ve helped me in combat during thish - and the lasht - tournament.
Cloud: ...Oh. Well... *Crosses his arms, looks away* ...Think nothing of it.
*Lucina strips off her cape, belt, gloves, armor, and boots, all until she’s only wearing her dark blue onesie*
Lucina (blushing): ...How can I not~?
Cloud (shocked): L-Lucina?!? Y-You-
*Lucina kisses Cloud on the lips, shutting him up*
Cloud (breaking the kiss): W-Wait, hold on! *Lucina digs into his shirt and grasps his torso, causing him to squeal*
Lucina (giggling): Mmhmhmhmhmhm~! Cloud...I’m shorry for treating you like a jerk when we firsht met...
Cloud: Oh, well...I accept your apology, but- *Gets shushed again by Lucina*
Lucina: Ssshhhh...Cloud...how much do you love me?
Cloud (blushing): Um...a lot?
Lucina (smiling): Define “a lot”.
Cloud: Er...moreso than the women I’ve traveled and fought alongside with in my past adventures?
Lucina (petting his face): That’sh what I love to hear...
Cloud: Lucina, please...can I get back to my dorm?
Lucina (not budging): No.
Cloud (raising an eyebrow): Why not?
Lucina: Because...you’re shtaying here. With me. I want to treat you to a wonderful night.
Cloud: Thanks for the offer, but I’ve really got to- *Attempts to get up, but Lucina forces him back down*
Lucina (now sad): Am...am I not good enough for you? Were you lying to me, Cloud?
Cloud (confused): Lying?! About what?
Lucina: Shaying that you love me, but...it sheemsh you don’t want to shtay and accompany me tonight.
Cloud: Lucina, you’re drunk! Also, you’re being very complicated right now.
Lucina (angrily): I’m not drunk! I’m jusht...being honesht with myshelf.
Cloud (deadpan): ...We’ve been dating since April. AND we’ve both had a crush on each other since four years ago! What else is there to be-
Lucina: CLOUD!!! Pleashe, jusht...don’t leave me alone tonight.
Cloud: ...
Lucina (hugging him): I want you here with me. Right now. Please...don’t leave...
Cloud (taking a deep breath): ...I didn’t bring my pajamas, just so you know.
Lucina: I don’t care.
Cloud (contemplates, then speaks up): ...Alright, fine. I’ll stay.
Lucina (ecstatic): Wonderful! *Kiss Cloud on his cheek* Mwah!
*Cloud blushes*
*A couple of minutes later...*
Cloud (under the covers): ...Well, good ni- *Squeals*
Lucina (also under the covers, licking her lips): Mmmm~! Cloud!
Cloud (gritting his teeth): L-Lucina, please! I only drove over to pick you up and take you back here! Not to- *Shivers* -do it!
Lucina (whispering into his ear): Well then...looksh like you’ve got a longer quesht than you thought you’ve accepted.
Cloud: That makes no- *Gets muffled* Mmmph!
Lucina (kissing his lips): Mmm~...
*The next morning...*
Lucina (with a pounding hangover): Ow...gods...
Cloud (deadpan): ...Morning, sleeping beauty.
Lucina (blushing): A-Aaaahhhh! C-Cloud?
Cloud (still deadpan): I hope last night was worth it. Say, when was the last time we’ve done it?
Lucina (holding her face): Th-That’s not the point!
Cloud (crossing his arms): Oh, please. Don’t act like we’re not dating. Besides, it’s not like I’ve had much of a choice.
Lucina: Of course you did! You could’ve easily just walked away and left me here to sleep!
Cloud: True, but were you even in control at that point?
Lucina (looking down at herself): Hmm...that’s true...
Cloud: Besides...I was scared of what you might’ve done if I actually left the room.
Lucina: You were?
Cloud: Yeah. Your parents entrusted me to guide you here safely.
Lucina: Father...and mother asked you to guide me back here in my drunken state?
Cloud: Yep.
Lucina (slowly blushes, smiles, then kisses Cloud on his cheek): ...I see.
Cloud: “I see”? That’s all you have to say after you-
*Lucina puts her finger on his mouth again, shushing him*
Lucina: C-Cloud...it means that my parents have fully entrusted you to look after me in their stead. I mean, I can take care of myself just fine, but...to hear them request to you to look after me in a drunken state...
Cloud: Wait, so that means I’ve fully gained their trust in dating you or something?
Lucina: Seems like it.
Cloud (pondering): Oh, well... *Looks away in a haughty manner* ...It’s not like I care about your parents’ approval of me or something.
Lucina: ...I’m sure you don’t. *Smiles*
*Cloud looks back at her, then slowly smiles as well*
Lucina: Also...I apologize if I’ve done anything strange.
Cloud (thinking for a moment): ...Mm. *Shrugs* I’m not complaining. Although...a part of me was thinking about you wanting to keep me for yourself in your drunken stead last night. *Chuckles*
Lucina (looking away): ...In my defense, I was not in control of my actions, and again-
*Cloud pecks her on the cheek*
Cloud: ...I accept your apology.
*Lucina smiles hearing this, and the duo spend the rest of the morning together cuddling with one another*
*Meanwhile, at the dorm Ren’s at...*
Ren (reading a book): Hm...I wonder when Cloud will be back...?
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xsparklingravenx · 6 years
I want to talk a little bit about Alvis, Klaus and Meyneth.
(I’m gonna talk about Xenoblade 2 too, so, MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR XENOBLADE 1 AND 2 AHEAD. DON’T READ AHEAD IF YOU HAVEN’T FINISHED BOTH. Seriously. Don’t.)
So, at the end of Chapter 10 of X2, we get to see the ending scene of X1 again in shiny HD and with a new point of view. In the original, it was fairly clear cut as Alvis shows Shulk what caused the creation of his world with the Bionis and the Mechonis; Klaus is deluded scientist with a god complex, and Meyneth is an innocent bystander who tries to convince him not to go ahead with it. It’s a short scene, thirty seconds at best, painting a very brief picture of who Klaus and Meyneth were before the events of the game in a way that lines up with what we know of them as Gods. Klaus is egotistical, Meyneth is practical, and things go terribly wrong when he refuses to listen to her.
There’s a lot crammed into that short scene, and it’s the physicality I want to comment on quickly. We see Klaus making big, dramatic gestures. Meyneth is panicked as she rushes over to him. She grabs his arm, and he callously throws her to the floor before going back to his controls with a manic desperation. He, in this scene, does not look like a man in control to me. He looks like someone who is deluded and caught up in his own madness. There is no good reason for him to press that button; he’s doing it for his own whims, to be a God.
This looks to be in direct contrast to X2’s depiction of the scene, which expands on what we, and ultimately Shulk, were shown in X1.
Klaus, in X2’s version, is a lot more composed. The space station is under attack, he has locked everyone else out of using the Conduit that might save them, and yet when Meyneth/Galea confronts him, he simply turns to her with a relaxed smile and tells her that they’re about to witness the birth of a universe. Look at him. He’s leaning back on the controls. He’s not frantic, he’s not manic. He’s calm.
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She calls him “Professor”, indicating a higher rank than just a scientist, and he’s not making mad declarations, either. He’s explaining his ideals to Galea, who can’t even comprehend what he’s thinking. She knows the danger, but I’d say he does too. He’s just not willing to think about it. They’re under attack, they can’t hold up against the enemy forces, and he’s got the opportunity to take advantage of it.
 “What’s the alternative?” he asks. “Do you just want to surrender this place to them?”
 Galea knows he’s a fool for even thinking about it. She grabs him, and it’s not violent. For a moment, ever so brief, it’s intimate.
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 Klaus admits this. He sees the hubris of humanity and yet his own desire to be more is what drives him. He throws her back as he did in the original depiction of the scene, and despite Galea’s cries, he presses the button nonetheless. The Conduit is activated, and the rest of the scene plays out identically to how it was shown in X1.
 So, here’s the question: why didn’t Alvis show the full series of events to Shulk? The obvious answer is that Monolith Soft hadn’t come up with this backstory at the time of X1, but I think that there can be something made of this regardless. The first idea that struck me was that perhaps Klaus remembered the scene differently to Alvis, seeing himself as being less manic and more content with his own decisions. It’s worth noting that we meet his ‘good’ half in X2, so that may be influencing the way we perceive him in this flashback. He’s not a narcissistic God hell bent on destroying life as the Architect. He’s kinder, repentant, the kind of man who regrets what he did. His words as Rex and co. leave represent this in the most heartbreaking way possible, as he hopes that he may be able to face Galea again, unknowing that Zanza would have killed her in X1’s reality.
 However, the second idea that came to mind was a little bit more sinister. Is it possible that Alvis manipulated the scene to make Klaus out to be a worse person than he was to Shulk, perhaps to help him make his decision to have a world with no Gods? Any of Klaus’s redeeming factors in the X2 scene are absent in the X1 version, and the war raging outside is left out entirely. Misguided as he was, the X2 version paints Klaus as pressing that button in a moment where there was no other way out, where the Beanstalk is being ravaged and they won’t last much longer. Though he did lock the others out of using the Conduit and kept it to himself, it’s still worth noting that he only did that in what seemed to be their final hour. Alvis erases the context from the scene, and in doing so, changes its meaning.
 But then, there was one third idea I had about the scene, and that is that, as a computer and the third Aegis Ontos, maybe Alvis simply didn’t understand the emotional context behind Klaus’s actions and what occurred between him and Galea in that moment. I’ve always thought that X1 presented Alvis as an utterly neutral kind of being, only working on the base programming of ‘creating’ and only going against Zanza because he was ‘destroying’. The idea of him altering a memory to change Shulk’s perception of Klaus didn’t ring entirely true for me. Instead, the idea that he simply showed Shulk the bare bones of the situation as he understood it – Klaus had a desire to be God. He pressed the button. He destroyed the world. That was all that Shulk needed to know. The rest of the fluff may have been unnecessary in his eyes. It didn’t matter that he and Galea may have had a mutual understanding or even a close relationship. It didn’t matter that they were under attack. Alvis showed only what mattered, and that was that Klaus became Zanza.
 Whatever the case (meaning I’ve probably read far to into it), I do wonder what Shulk may have thought had he known the entire story.
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