#in nazi germany
I've been told I have a john mulaney speech cadence and I don't know whether to be flattered or affronted
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swagging-back-to · 7 months
hot take but i think israel and palestine are long past a ceasefire. there can be no peace as long as israel exists in the Palestinian state at all.
and no. israel is not a country, theyre a settlement in palestine--literally invasive as they suffocate the native populations further and further back.
there can be no ceasefire until there is only palestine. for all the war crimes israel has committed, all the acts of terrorism carried out by civilians and government cannot be ignored, forgotten, or forgiven. There can be no peace with your oppressors. there can be no peace with terrorists. to suggest palestine do anything but continue to fight back is fucking crazy to me.
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anarcho-yorpism · 3 months
To all the communist transvestites, VOTE👏VON👏HINDENBURG👏
I'm just as radical as you; I'm a proud member of the great Social Democratic Party of Germany! I don't know what the crazy communists are telling you, but Paul von Hindenburg is our only hope to defeat the Nazis. After we elect him, then we can discuss other politics, but this is the BARE MINIMUM, and if you don't vote for him, you clearly have this crazy purity test that'll bring us all to fascism.
I know you might be worried about his "senility" and "failing health", and I know you may not like him because of his push to the right, and I know you may be worried about the brownshirts, and the recent persecution of Dr. Hirschfeld and his work, and maybe you STILL haven't gotten over the whole Rosa Luxemburg stuff,
but none of that really matters! We need to keep the SPD in power, or else Hitler will get in charge! This is the most important and most basic thing you could do to help Germany stay a democracy. In 6 years, then maybe we can find a better candidate, but no matter what you think about von Hindenburg, he's the best shot we have at keeping the fascists out of power. We can totally push him left!
Any vote against von Hindenburg is a vote for Hitler. #Hindenburg1932
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dear-ao3 · 20 days
i thought we as a society were over writing nazi germany fanfiction aus but it seems we arent. disappointing!
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decolonize-the-left · 4 months
Sound familiar?
"After the First World War, the map of Europe was re-drawn and several new countries were formed. As a result of this, three million Germans found themselves now living in part of Czechoslovakia.
When Adolf Hitler came to power, he wanted to unite all Germans into one nation.
In September 1938 he turned his attention to the three million Germans living in part of Czechoslovakia called the Sudetenland. Sudeten Germans began protests and provoked violence from the Czech police. Hitler claimed that 300 Sudeten Germans had been killed. This was not actually the case, but Hitler used it as an excuse to place German troops along the Czech border.
Things that happened in September 1938:
Sept 7. On instructions from Hitler, Konrad Henlein broke off negotiations with the Czech government. Allegations of Czech police brutality at Moravská Ostrava were used as an excuse
Sept 7. A famously controversial editorial appeared in The Times which recommended giving Hitler what he wanted because "the advantages to Czechoslovakia of becoming a homogenous State might conceivably outweigh the obvious disadvantages of losing the Sudeten German districts of the borderland."
Sept 13. French Prime Minister Édouard Daladier asked Neville Chamberlain (leader of Czechoslovakia) to make the best deal he could with Hitler.
Sept 20. The Czechoslovak government rejected the Anglo-French proposal in a note explaining that acceptance would mean that Czechoslovakia would be put "sooner or later under the complete domination of Germany."
Sept 20. Hitler met with the Polish ambassador Józef Lipski and told him that Germany would support Poland in a conflict with Czechoslovakia over Teschen. Hitler also said he was considering shipping Europe's Jews to a colony (Israel, a colony for Europe's displaced Jewish population would be established in 1948) and expressed hope that Poland would cooperate with such a plan. Lipski replied that if Hitler could solve the Jewish question, the Poles would build a monument to him in Warsaw
September 26. In the Berlin Sportpalast, Hitler made a speech threatening Czechoslovakia with war. "My patience is exhausted", Hitler declared. "If Beneš does not want peace we will have to take matters into our own hands.
Sept 27th. The French government announced that France would not enter a war purely over Czechoslovakia. Neville Chamberlain gave a radio address saying, "However much we may sympathize with a small nation confronted by a big and powerful neighbor, we cannot in all circumstances undertake to involve the whole British Empire in a war simply on her account. If we have to fight it must be on larger issues than that
Sept 27. President Franklin Roosevelt writes to German Chancellor Adolf Hitler regarding the threat of war in Europe. The German chancellor had been threatening to invade the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia and, in the letter, his second to Hitler in as many days, Roosevelt reiterated the need to find a peaceful resolution to the issue.
Sept 29. German Führer Adolf Hitler, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, French Prime Minister Édouard Daladier and Italian Duce Benito Mussolini met in Munich to settle the Sudetenland crisis. Czechoslovakia was not invited, neither was the Soviet Union.
Sept 30. Munich Agreement: At 1 a.m., the four powers at Munich agreed that Czechoslovakia would cede the Sudetenland to Germany by October 10. The territorial integrity of the rest of Czechoslovakia was guaranteed by all signatories. Neville Chamberlain flew back to Britain and declared "peace for our time"
I think we all deeply need to reconsider what we were taught about WW2. The allies who "saved" everyone from Hitler's camps are also the Same People who allowed him to get so much power in the first place.
Closer looks at these histories show they had their own motives for allowing it just like Biden does today. FDR & Biden are actually mirroring each other really well considering they're separated by time and death. FDR was pleading and asking Hitler to please stop doing war until Pearl Harbor cuz they had a good relationship like that :) Yeah, so all he really did up to that point was play arms dealer for France and Britain because he didn't wanna jeopardize his relationship with Germany by Directly getting involved.
See what I said about it sounding familiar?
And can I remind y'all that Hitler didn't start by saying he hated Jewish people. No.
You know what his plan was at first? A "Greater Germany" that would unify Germans across the territories that Germany was forced to concede after WW1.
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.....Y'all remember this image?
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Fascists and dictators and warmongers come in all shapes, sizes and belief systems, but you can always recognize a Fascist Supremacist by the thinly veiled expansion genocide being done in the name of their people. And the guys who help them are always trying to gaslight you about how things are "It's not that bad"
All this to say: get the fuck up and make sure history doesn't keep repeating itself because it's starting to
Y'all are sitting there asking how the Holocaust could happen and Palestinians are asking why nobody is fucking doing anything.
These are related questions.
Get up and do something. Yeah it is crazy that you're going to work when a genocide is happening...so don't!!! So many people are scared of losing their comfort because of what MIGHT happen if it's for nothing, but I'm BEGGING y'all to ask yourselves what headlines you'd rather read about the 1930's-40's and make those real.
"Mob storms parliament, stops the Munich Agreement," "Citizens of (anywhere) create Organization to protect Jewish, Black, and Homosexual peers in opposition to state sponsored violence. Quote: These are my neighbors and Nazis can't have them." "Meet the University Students who chased Nazis off campus." "'We Couldn't Do Nothing' say arrested group of women who beat a Gestapo officer with a clothing iron." "'If they can't afford us, they can't afford war': How global strikes and the lack of scabs are changing the the future of war" "'I'm afraid to Sleep' American Nazis restless after serial arsonist publishes their addresses in the paper"
Germans literally tried to assassinate Hitler. Like several times. We need to step it up.
There are SO MANY things we can do if we can just agree that none of us will be doing them alone! You are NOT powerless to stop this war just because you aren't in Palestine!!!
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mysharona1987 · 2 days
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I don’t think this is the good pr they think it is.
Like, what? He’s carrying on the family tradition of wiping out helpless civilians?
Seriously people who are travelling from other countries to serve in the IDF are truly frightening to me. Especially after Rafah and the ICC and IJC rulings.
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bringmemyrocks · 4 months
Nazi use of the term "evacuation" to mean "mass slaughter"
I don't like to fear-monger. I don't want to make people think this genocide could get much worse, but as someone with some knowledge of the Nazis and the Holocaust I am compelled to say that this "evacuation" speak is straight-up Holocaust language.
After Israel forced Gazans to flee to Rafah, Netanyahu is now ordering the "evacuation" of Palestinians from Rafah. This was after Israel refused a ceasefire.
The Wannsee Conference was held in 1942 to address the "Jewish Question" (plans for genocide). The Holocaust, the mass murder of Jews, disabled people, Romani, Poles, Ukrainians, LGBT people, Jehovah's Witnesses, communists, and other groups the Nazis considered inferior, was already ongoing, but 1942 was when the plans for huge-scale massive death was planned. The mass extermination, often termed "evacuation" of European Jews was planned at this conference.
Link to the Wannsee Conference minutes, translated into English. They are a summary, not verbatim, so are quite short. Keyword search "evacuation" and "evacuate": http://www.holocaustresearchproject.org/holoprelude/Wannsee/wanseeminutes.html
Another source talking about the language of "evacuation" used to mean "extermination" in Nazi Germany:
"Evacuated to Death: The Lexicon, Concept, and Practice of Mobility in the Nazi Deportation and Killing Machine" https://doi.org/10.1080/24694452.2019.1633904
Quote from the article's author, Peter Adey:
"As we have seen, evacuation was used inconsistently as a set of mobile practices. Death was almost always close behind, but it is important that we consider that the purpose and process also bound evacuation together with its different versions. The practices employed by the Nazi evacuations of the Jews to killing centers ran in parallel to the evacuation measures identified for [non-Jewish] Germans."
Thus Netanyahu can speak of evacuating Jewish Israelis and evacuating Palestinians and mean hugely different things.
It's a difficult watch and perhaps not useful viewing at this time, but the English-language dramatization of the Wannsee Conference "Conspiracy" explores this quite a lot, repeatedly having the Nazi leaders use the phrase "evacuate" in place of "mass slaughter." (I have a copy if anyone wants--be warned it is a very difficult watch.)
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septictankie · 8 months
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beardedhandstoadshark · 5 months
Hey. Fun fact.
Germany is replaying the beginning of the Third Reich now.
The Too-German-Didn’t-Read is that main guys of the right-extremist party that is currently on a major rise, AfD, met with actual neo-nazis discussing plans to deport millions of people, those being anyone whose families came here after WW2 + anyone helping immigrants and refugees, to a fucking "Model State in North Africa“ specifically conscripted for the sole purpose of keeping them there.
And a good chunk of the other politicians plus the main law council itself that could do anything against it is saying it can’t ban them because the AfD isn’t proven to be acting in incitement enough.
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woman-respecter · 6 months
"everyone i don't like is a nazi!" and "everything bad that happens is the holocaust!" things can be bad without being nazis/the holocaust. words have meanings. shut the fuck up
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sayruq · 5 months
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marinalor · 6 months
how’s it feel to be siding with the killers of the most children in history ever?
I can't really know right?
Maybe you mean the nation where the most children were murdered in history?
Ask someone from Nazi Germany 80 years ago or Hamas.
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miraclemaya · 1 month
the thing people must understand is that many diaspora groups are filled with liberals. many groups of any kind are filled with liberals. and it is important to always wish curses upon these individuals for liberalism is a truly awful thing.
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I'd rather have human rights than far right humans
Abolish the AfD (Alternative for Germany, Neo Nazi party)
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There can only be one brown Bernd
Bernd the Bread 🍞 is a German children's TV character
Björn Höcke (called Bernd because it infuriates him) is a fascist and leader of the Neo Nazi party in my federal state.
There is only room for the bread.
Tomorrow we have a demonstration against the Nazis in my city, and I am so down to throw hands.
Please go to your local Anti Nazi Demo!
You can find some here!
@1989nihil @deutsche-bahn @official-nordrheinwestfalen @official-deutschebahn @official-sachsen-anhalt @allthingsgerman @deutschtaeglich @deutschlandgehtwaehlen @stargatelov3r
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wild to turn on a German movie from 1931 and encounter not just a clear predecessor for all the detective procedurals that dominate our modern-day airwaves, but also......Mickey Mouse???
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sonyaheaneyauthor · 20 days
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Ukrainian refugees work as shoemakers in a displacement camp in Germany after World War II.
Millions of Ukrainians were taken by the Nazis as slaves during the war, and hundreds of thousands were left stateless as their land was absorbed into the Soviet Union.
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