#in Vegeta’s defense he never told bulma he has a brother too
fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
Something I always found hilarious in Dragon Ball Super is that Bulma has a sister and both Goku and Vegeta didn’t know about it.
Like Goku, sweetie, she is your CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND, you have known her since you were 12! And Vegeta, she is your WIFE! You have been married for 10 years and had a child together, and yet you didn’t know either??
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vegetasleftsock · 3 years
A Devil’s Smile (Vegeta x OC)
Part 1
Chapter 2
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Saturday morning arrived. Golden sunbeams poured through open blinds in a window next to Milla’s bed. Waking up, she blinked a couple of times to try to adjust to the light.
“No use,” Milla thought to herself. “My eyelids feel like they weigh ten pounds each.”
She shifted onto her stomach and plopped her head straight into her pillow.
“So soft.”
Milla breathed in the scent of her pillow in a deep breath. It smelled like apples- the scent of her favorite fabric softener.
Suddenly a wave of realization and horror washed over Milla. She used her arms to push herself up from the pillow, eyes wide.
“Oh my god, what time is it?” Milla whispered aloud. She flipped over and began to rummage through the sheets to try to find her phone.
“Where is it?” Milla said, frantic. “Fuck!”
She unravelled her comforter and shook it until her phone made a loud thud on the floor.
“9:52? No! Fucking shit!”
“3 missed calls?? All from Janice?? Great.”
Milla clicked on the missed call and the phone began to ring. As she was waiting for the phone to pick up, she rushed to the closet, pulling her oversized t-shirt over her shoulders as she walked.
“Hello?” the voice in the phone said.
“Hey, yea,” replied Milla while hopping into one leg of her black slacks. “Is Janice there?”
“No, she left to run errands. Joey’s here though, I’ll give you to him,” said the voice.
“Thank you, dear angels above, for watching over me,” Milla breathed a sigh of relief that it was Joey, her bandmate and coworker that she was going to have to talk to and not her boss, Janice.
“Ya, you’re welcome. Although, I don’t know if I’d fall under the category of angel,” Joey laughed.
“Joey, I overslept.” Milla said.
“No shit. I told Janice I sent you to try to get more of that special printer ink from the Office Depot off of 5th,” Joey said.
“You told me that printer ink was discontinued,” Milla said, with a ponytail holder in between her teeth. Her hands stayed busy pulling her hair back and brushing out bumps with her fingers.
“Uh-huh. But I didn’t tell her that,” Joey said. “That way when you get here and you show up empty handed, at least you have a reason, ya know?”
“Oh ok, nice! Damn, Joey- I owe you!” Milla said.
“Just get me a pack of cigs and some pretzels for lunch and we’ll call it even.”
“You got it. Thanks again, friend.” Milla smiled.
“No problem bud. See ya soon.” Joey replied, and then hung up the phone.
Milla took one last look in the mirror. Her hair was pulled back into a high ponytail and silver jewelry hung from her ears. The jewelry was vintage and an emerald sat in the middle of each earring. The earrings were a prized possession- her grandmother gave them to her the year she started college.
A black blouse with floaty long sleeves and a bow tied loosely around her neck hung slightly off her small frame. The all black outfit made her look put together- professional. Greatly contrasting from the persona she wears at home and on stage during her performances.
A black and white cat curled through Milla’s legs as she leaned against her dining room chair to strap her tall chunky heels onto each foot.
“Okay, Chomps. I promise I’ll feed you in just a moment.”
Chomps continued to rub his head against her ankles and calves aggressively. Just as Milla placed her foot to the floor to walk to the cabinet where she kept the cat food, Chomps placed his teeth on her ankle and bit down- hard.
“OW, fuck, Chomps! Seriously?” Milla yelled. “I said I was on my way to feed you!”
Blood trickled down her ankle onto her heel, but she was already late. No time to waste.
Milla opened the cabinet and pulled out a measuring cup to portion Chomps’s food. He obviously had an food obsession issue. She dumped the food into his bowl, grabbed her keys and ran out the door.
She sat down into her small silver Jetta and started the engine. As she started her car, it reminded her of the night before.
That guy- the one with the black, spiky hair and the death glare. Milla allowed herself to reflect and replay her interaction with him.
She never even got his name. Not that she really cared. What was his problem? He approached her after the show at her car for what reason?
If he wanted to hurt her or be a pervert, there was nothing stopping him. Milla was strong for her small stature, but she was nothing compared to him. He was clearly ripped. She could tell by every muscle in his toned arms, folded over his chest that also appeared to be rock solid. His shoulders were big and built and even though he wasn’t the tallest guy she had ever met, he still towered over her.
“Too bad he’s fucking odd. He’s hot.” Milla thought to herself.
Before she could think any further about the situation, Milla had arrived at work. She walked through the front doors of the doctor’s office and found her desk, acting like she wasn’t an hour and a half late.
“Good morning, Milla. Did you find anything at the Office Depot? I really need that ink.” Janice, the office manager and Milla’s boss said.
Milla took a deep breath and spun around in her chair to face Janice.
“Janice, I’ve got some bad news about that. They discontinued the ink.”
“I have a hard time believing that,” Janice said. “Did you ask to speak to the manager?”
“I did,” Milla said. “I even asked the manager to call the distributor and they said it’s production has been indefinitely suspended.
“Great,” Janice sighed. “Next time can you clock out if you’re going to take more than 30 minutes to drive across town? Thanks.” Without another word, she turned on her heel and left Milla at her desk alone.
“NeXt TiMe CaN YOu ClOck Out,” Milla mocked.
Even though Milla was annoyed by Janice’s never-ending passive aggressive remarks, she was relieved to be relatively unscathed throughout the day.
However, Milla didn’t get to take her lunch break, which means she didn’t have time to get Joey his thank you gifts for saving her behind.
Milla tied up any loose ends and threw her purse over her shoulder. She waved goodbye to her coworkers and she walked to the back of the office to find Joey.
“Hi, friend.” Milla said to Joey, who was slinging his Levi jean jacket over his broad shoulders.
Joey was about 6 foot, with blonde hair and blue eyes. He was average build, but his arms and legs were lanky.
Any girl would normally fawn over Joey, but Milla considered him to be like a brother.
“Heading out?” Joey said while grabbing his keys from his desk and sticking them into his jacket pocket.
“Yup. Let me take you out to dinner since I didn’t get to buy you pretzels and cigs.” Milla said, starting towards the back exit of the office.
“I’m down. As long as I get something to smoke and we go somewhere that has the big kind of pretzels.”
Milla laughed. “Sure thing, dude.”
They both climbed into Milla’s Jetta and started driving to one of their favorite breweries, not far from the bar they perform at every Friday night.
On the drive over, Milla lit Joey a joint and told her the story of the guy from the bar. How he met her at her car, got defensive, but never even tried to lay a hand on her.
Joey took a puff and laughed. He told Milla that he assumed the mystery man was probably too nervous to tell her that she was pretty.
Once they got to the brewhouse, they ordered a full flight of beer, pretzels, and a medium pepperoni and basil pizza to share.
They discussed work, talked shit about Janice, and Joey talked about his multiple sketchy encounters with recent hookups.
“Alright, you ready to call it a night?” Joey said.
“Ugh, no I really wanted to finish my beer. It’s only 9:30.” Milla said, pouting at Joey.
“Normally I would stay with you, but I have to meet my mom for breakfast at 8. She’ll have my neck if I’m not there.”
“Understood.” Milla said.
“I’ll just grab an Uber so you don’t have to drive. You should too. Call me if you need anything and please be careful.” Joey said, knowing he couldn’t convince her to leave.
“Ew, you’re not my dad.” Milla laughed. “But yes, I will be extra careful if you insist.”
“Thanks.” Joey patted Milla on the back before heading outside to catch his ride.
About 15 minutes later, Goku, Bulma and Krillin walked into the brewery. They sat at the bar, close enough to Milla to get a hint of who she was.
Goku squinted at Milla. “Hmmm..”
“What is it, Goku?” Krillin asked.
“I feel like I’ve seen that girl somewhere, but I can’t put my finger on where.”
“Ha! I know,” Bulma laughed. “That’s the girl that got Vegeta all flustered!”
“From yesterday? The singer?” Goku asked. “She looks so different!”
“She probably works, Goku. Singing isn’t usually super lucrative.” Bulma explained.
“But she’s so good at it!” Goku said. “Excuse me, miss?”
Goku had moved over so that he and Milla were a seat apart. He tapped on her shoulder to get her attention.
“Uh- Hi.” Milla smiled. “Do I know you?”
The guy appeared relatively harmless and the two friends who joined him gave off good vibes. Milla decided to lessen her guard a little.
“Not really. We saw you sing last night. I just wanted to let you know that we all really enjoyed it!” Goku smiled. “By the way my name is Goku and these are my friends, Krillin and Bulma.”
“Nice to meet you guys. I’m Milla. Thanks for the compliment and for coming out last night. I’d love to see y’all there next Friday as well.” Milla beamed, cheeks a little pink from the alcohol.
“I wouldn’t mind going again,” Bulma said. “Your singing is great but it was pretty great to watch Vegeta get all flustered too.” She laughed.
It suddenly clicked for Milla. The blue haired girl and the guy with the nice smile were the ones who were at the table with the grumpy mystery man.
“Vegeta?” Milla moved her head to the side a little. “That’s the guy who got embarrassed and left after I flirted with him, right?”
“Yup. That’s Vegeta!” Goku laughed. “He’s a little hard around the edges but he’s a good guy.”
“Hard around the edges. That’s one way to explain it.” Milla said eyebrows raised. She took another swig of her stout beer.
“Wait-,” Krilled said. “You sound like you know Vegeta.”
“Hardly.” Milla smiled. “He approached me at my car after the show.”
Bulma laughed. “So that’s where he went! It doesn’t sound like he made the best impression.”
Milla puffed up her chest and held her arms out to the side like she had big muscles. “If you knew who you were talking to, you wouldn’t be laughing. Foul woman!” Milla said, imitating Vegeta.
The four of them shared a laugh before Goku was pulled off his barstool.
“Kakarot! Did you forget about our night training? I’ve been waiting for over 30 minutes and I find you HERE of all places, doing god knows what with-“
Before Vegeta could continue, Milla placed her hand on Vegeta’s shoulder.
“Dude. Shut up, relax. Drink a beer or something before your head explodes.”
Vegeta’s face pulled in a snarl as he looked to see who would have the nerve to say such a thing. His eyes met with Milla’s and his expression turned from anger to shock.
Bulma, Goku, and Krillin sat and watched. They were surprised at Milla’s bluntness with volatile and moody Vegeta.
“You,” Vegeta said, brushing Milla’s hand off of his shoulder. “What are you doing here? Are you all just friends now or something?”
“And what does it matter to you?” Milla laughed.
“Ugh.” Vegeta scoffed. “You’re intoxicated.”
He crossed his arms and inhaled the air again. “And you’re bleeding.”
“What?” Milla furrowed her brow in confusion. She was definitely weirded out again.
He leaned down to follow the smell.
“Dude, what the fuck?” Milla cursed at Vegeta.
“Here.” Vegeta brushed his finger against the bite marks on her ankle. “Looks like some kind of small animal marked you.”
Milla then remembered that this morning she didn’t have time to attend to her wound from Chomps.
“Oh, you’re right. That was Chomps.” Milla and Vegeta’s eyes met once more.
“Wow, Vegeta! That’s crazy how you knew that just by smelling.” Goku said.
Vegeta scoffed and rolled his eyes in response.
“Who’s Chomps?” Krillin asked.
“My cat. He bites when he’s hungry, so I named him Chomps.” Milla said.
“Hmph. Your cat and I have something in common then.” Vegeta said while giving Milla a sly grin.
“Kakarot, I’ll let you play your little games for now. But I will not be as lenient if you fail to show for training tomorrow morning. ON TIME.”
Before Milla could even process Vegeta’s words, he had already left.
“Looks like someone has a little crush on Milla,” Bulma said and gave Milla an encouraging wink.
“What’s his deal?” Milla asked. “Why can’t he just buy me a beer or ask me out like any normal human being.”
“Probably because he’s a Saiyan!” said Goku. “And so am I!”
“A what?” Milla said, looking lost.
“I can explain it all later,” Bulma said. “If you’re free you should come over to my place tomorrow night and I can fill you in. I could make dinner for everyone!”
“Are you sure we can’t do it tonight,” Goku whined. “I’m hungry.”
“Goku, you just cleared the wing place we went to of their entire inventory for the week. You don’t think you can wait until tomorrow?” Krillin asked.
“I guess.” Goku pouted. He quickly perked up. “Can you come, Milla? It’d be so fun to have you there!”
“Sure, I can go.” Milla said. She was apprehensive, but the kind nature of the three in front of her and the craft beer bubbling through her system told her to not worry about it.
“Great! Do you have an iPhone?” Bulma asked.
Milla dug in her pockets and pulled out her iPhone.
“Awesome,” Bulma said. “I’ll just connect to your phone through mine and give you all of our numbers, and it’ll put your number into our phones.”
At this point, Milla was ready to go home and sleep. She nodded her head in agreement.
“You look tired Milla, do you need a ride home?” Krillin asked, aware of how quiet Milla had gotten.
“Please.” Milla replied, her eyes fighting to stay open.
“I can help. Where do you live?” Goku said.
“Apple Cove apartments. Not too far from the Sprint skyscraper.” Milla said.
“Got it! Put your hand on my shoulder.” Goku smiled at Milla, helping her onto her feet from the bar.
“It’s okay, Goku I can walk.” Milla said.
“Just trust me.” Goku looked down at Milla and held his hand out.
Milla reluctantly gave her hand to Goku and he placed it on his shoulder. Milla’s arm was almost completely extended, making the height difference between the two of them glaringly obvious.
Krillin chuckled. “Man, I thought I was short.”
“Bye Milla! See you tomorrow at the party!” Bulma said as she waved.
“Bye, nice meeting you. See you tomorrow.”
Goku placed his fingers to his forehead and before Milla could blink again, she was in front of her apartment complex.
“Holy shit, am I really that drunk?” Milla said, eyes wide.
“It’s instant transmission. Pretty cool, huh?”
“I’m not even going to crack open that can of worms tonight,” Milla said before hiccuping.
“Is it okay if I walk you to your apartment?” Goku asked.
“No really, you’ve done a lot. Thank you for all your kindness.” Milla said.
“Please. I wouldn’t feel too good if anything bad happened to you.” Goku said while scratching the back of his neck.
“Okay-“ Milla said reluctantly. “Promise you’re not creepy?”
“I don’t think I’m creepy?” Goku said innocently while looking at Milla.
“I don’t think you are either,” Milla chuckled between hiccups.
Goku walked Milla to her apartment, made sure she was settled, and even fed Chomps.
She was fast asleep by the time he was ready to go home. Goku pressed his fingers to his forehead and transmitted to the kitchen of Capsule Corp.
“Boy am I starving!” Goku said while rubbing his stomach.
“Kakarot.” Vegeta said, standing in the doorway of the kitchen.
“Oh, hi Vegeta,” Goku said with his head in the fridge. “Did you come to get snacks too?”
“What I was doing in this kitchen before you got here is none of your business.” Vegeta said, pushing the bags of fruit snacks further into the pocket of his black sweatpants.
“Oh. Okay.” Goku said. “That Milla girl is really nice, the singer one?”
“So that’s her name. She has an attitude,” Vegeta stated plainly.
“I’m guessing that’s something you like in women.” Goku shrugged, a plate with an entire turkey in his hands.
“Kakarot-“ Vegeta growled, stepping closer to Goku.
“Good news, she’s coming to Bulma’s get together tomorrow night. You’ll get to spend more time with her. If you play your cards right, you might be able to have a normal conversation with her too.” Goku laughed.
“Why do you smell of her?” Vegeta asked.
“I took her home. She was pretty drunk and I didn’t want her to try to make it home alone.” Goku said in between bites. “You could’ve taken her if you would’ve stayed longer.
Vegeta scoffed and walked out of the room. “Training. 8 AM. DON'T be late.”
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goddessofwaifus · 4 years
No one has done Dragon ball super characters playing Among us so I'll do it!
Goku is first
Sticks with Chi chi the whole round
If imposter, won't know what to do and accidentally clicks buttons
He's the good impostor.
When told what to do, he get sad
Baby doesn't wanna kill
He wants to help like a good boy
If crewmate, he's the first to get killed because he trusts too much
His main skin would be orange with an egg hat and a mini crewmate
Always caught but because he doesn't know how to play, everyone either skips or votes someone else out because of guilt
"How do i use vents like [insert color name] did?"
Very clueless no matter what his role is
Won't kill but will sabotage
Goes for lights or reactor based off what Chi-Chi tells him
Sticks with Goku the whole round
Watches his back when doing tasks
If someone tries to kill him first, she lets them kill her first to give Goku a chance to run away
If imposter, she kills everyone else but her husband and son.
Won't go down without a fight
She's pretty good at covering her tracks as imposter
Gets tasks done first as crewmate
Will follow Goku around and protect him as he does tasks
Carries if her and goku are both imposters
Makes sure that Goku isn't sussed so they can win
Very competitive
Her skin is purple
Doesn't like being imposter
Tries to play it strategically
Plans everything and plays detective whether imposter or crewmate
Accidentally gives himself away if imposter
Guesses imposter right every time as crewmate
"Do your tasks everyone! We can do this!"
Instant report if body is found but gets sussed and thrown out because self report is sus
Protects videl even if imposter
Tells his teammate not to kill her or his dad and mom
Responsible crewmate but kinda bad at imposter
His skin is white with a mini crewmate
Is always with videl
Always leads the discussions with Bulma as the assist
Goes off who was closest and who was last seen with the dead crewmate
Evidence or skip
If the crew is less than half, he suggests a buddy system to prevent anymore deaths
If done with tasks, will chill in cams or security
Always checks vitals to keep track of everyone
Good boi 2.0
Android 17 & 18
Ultimate imposter combo
Are never sussed by everyone
Precise and clean kills
16 will kill krillin without hesitation
18 will be angry with her brother
Vent plays
Never caught
Always win as imposters
Diligent crewmates
Will report bodies
17 won't report krillin's body if dead
Finish tasks or figure out the imposter
Their skins are green and pink
17 has a pet
18 has a mini crewmate for marron
Second to die after Goku
Always voted out
Always sussed regardless of innocent or not
Gets voted out because too many emergency meetings or keeps finding bodies
Bad imposter
usually carried in kills
Not good at faking tasks
Always caught after kills
His skin is orange with the dum sticky on his face
Everyone doesn't believe him
'Useless crewmate'
Vegeta is usually the one who kills him first.
If not vegeta, then Bulma
Like gohan, she calculates
Smart as imposter and crewmate
Detective bulma if gohan has been killed
Smooth kills
Kills yamcha first if vegeta doesn't do it
Covers for her imposter teammate
Vent and stealth kills
Great at faking tasks
Great liar
Always has a backup plan
Will derail discussion if sussed by the crew
Her and chi-chi are ultimate imposter team #2
Doesn't care what color her skin is, just as long as she has the lab coat
Never killed first
If imposter, run
Is very sloppy with his kills
Bulma third imposters for him
Kinda diligent crewmate?
Does half his tasks before running off to find Bulma
Saves electrical for last
"It wasn't me you fucking idiot!"
Super defensive when accused
Hates the kill cooldown when it's set for too long
Hates how slow the characters run
Even if he's dead, you can still hear his angry screams and the sound of him going super saiyan before breaking his computer
Also super competitive
Him and chi-chi work surprisingly well as imposter duo
Him and goku are a disaster
Carries Goku
Screaming at his screen if Goku doesn't kill
His skin is dark blue
Nervous as imposter
Prefers to be crewmate
Never kills gohan
Also never kills
Gets kills off reactor or o2
Her skin is yellow
Never sussed
No one wants to vote her off if imposter so they skip vote
Follows gohan around and watches his back as crewmate
Likes the buddy system
Tries to avoid being in stacks
Is sad if she gets killed
Has a 2 mini crewmates; one for gohan and one for pan
Plays for fun but still does tasks as ghost to help her team win
Does tasks
Kinda watches everyone as he runs to do his next task
Will run for the emergency meeting button or the nearest body if chased by imposter
Sus of everyone
His skin is light blue with the cheese hat
Sometimes hangs with whis if he finishes tasks
Somehow always guesses imposter right every round
Walking lie detector
Keeps track of everyone and where they are
Surprisingly good imposter
Vent kills, dark kills, you name them, he's doing it
Whis and beerus make a good duo
Never voted off because everyone wants to live
Takes the game a bit too serious
Careful when killing and venting
Whis third imposters for him but will also throw him under the bus if he's the imposter
Everyone is shocked at how good he is with sabotaging
Sabotage doors
Sabotage lights
Patient kills
Sabotage everything
Lights and door go hand in hand
Messes with the lights when crew tries to fix them
Runs around when done with tasks
Gets angry if interrupted while doing long tasks
Kinda struggles with card swipe
Always survives as crewmate
How does this man avoid death??
When he does die, he's pissed and follows his killer around.
Tells whis who the killer is to avenge his death
Sometimes he goes to nap or get something to eat if he dies
Aggressive during discussions
Will not point fingers except at goku and Champa
Good crewmate and imposter
Finishes tasks then hangs out in cams to watch everyone
Third imposters for beerus for fun
Loves the chaos during discussions when everyone is pointing fingers
If it's good, he keeps important info while giggling as he's muted
Lives for the drama
Plans his kills
Good alibis
Great at lying
Never sussed
His skin doesn't matter to him as long as he has the halo every round
He favors white tho
Never kills the ones sus of him to keep suspicion away from him
Wins every time because he's the least suspect
Is fine with beerus being booted off if he's his imposter teammate
Good balance of speaking up and keeping quiet
Moderates discussions if they don't get anywhere
Uses the excuse "but my cheeks are too thicc to fit in the vent~"
Somehow it works every time!!
Vados third imposters just like whis but will also throw him under the bus for her own benefit if she's on a team with him
Bodies everywhere if him and beerus are a duo
His skin is red with a little top hat just because
Sometimes it's a cherry
Follows Vados around as crewmate
Expects Vados to watch his back and protect him as they do tasks
Gets separated from Vados by the doors and that's how he dies
Always killed in cafeteria
"Take that fatass!"
Screams in anger knowing that's his brother
Swears vengeance on him when he gets imposter
Vados backseats for him when he gets imposter, warning him of witnesses and when and when not to kill or vent
He's always sussed by his brother even when he's not imposter
Beerus somehow gets the majority vote on Champa
*screams into the void*
Very competitive
Doesn't do tasks
Always in security or cams
Same as whis,need i say more?
She'll throw Champa under the bus for her own benefit if she's on a team with him
Will sus her brother for funsies
Points fingers at her brother for fun
Just picks on her younger twin and champa
Will mess with Whis if done with tasks
Watches everyone and makes sure they're doing tasks
Her skin is black with a halo
Reports the body
Goes through a list of possible suspects
Detective team of three!
The imposter who never gets caught or suspected by anyone
Surprised pikachu meme when everyone finds out it was her at the end after they lose
Loves being imposter for the control
Hope you guys liked it! Thought i would put my take on it
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