#in fact everyone in the room was like “ohh yeah that site was around a while ago”
jounosparticles · 4 months
me pretending to not know what tumblr is when my cousin recommended it as a "good writing and blogging platform" (i don’t have the heart to tell her that i have a tumblr and do nothing but talk about anime men)
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fanficshiddles · 3 years
Triple Threat, Chapter 1 (Sequel to Trust)
Summary: Darcy and Loki were enjoying their life, still annoying the Avengers. But one day, Loki from another timeline appears. After causing some mischief, he tells them that Jane is compromised with the aether. And he needs their help.
Now Darcy not only has TWO Loki’s to deal with, but also a deranged and tortured Jane who’s much more powerful than she should be.
But they have to find her first.
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Darcy was late. Ohhh so late.
She ran as fast as she could out of the compound with her bag over her shoulder, Thor, Tony, Natasha, Bruce and Loki were waiting at the Bifrost site.
‘Sorry! I’m sorry! I couldn’t find my contacts and got up late.’ She said out of breath as she slammed into Loki’s side, he slipped his arm around her waist to steady her.
It had been almost six months since Loki and Darcy realised they couldn’t love anyone else. Although, whilst they tried going on proper dates together, they found it wasn’t really them. The whole romance thing.
The Avengers didn’t really know what to make of them both. Loki and Darcy didn’t like it when they were called boyfriend and girlfriend, and to the team they were just like they were before. Mischievous and a bit annoying. But the team knew that no one else would get a look in at either of them now, that was for sure.
Did Darcy love Loki? Yes, she did. She wouldn’t ever hesitate to say she did. And Loki felt the same. They already had a strong foundation built together. Had they added very regular sex to the mix? Hell yes! Did Loki want to kill every man that even just looked at Darcy in a flirtatious way? Of course!
But they were comfortable and happy with what they were. Whatever it was.
‘You’re late.’ Loki drawled.
‘Well, someone failed to wake me up!’ She looked up at him, narrowing her eyes.
‘I’m not your alarm clock, it’s not my duty to wake you.’
‘It is when you’re the reason I was up most of the night. I was walking like John Wayne when I got up. It would’ve been polite to at least wake me.’ She huffed.
‘Eww. Too much information!’ Tony said as he pulled a face.
Loki just looked very smug.
‘Exciting night, huh?’ Natasha smirked at Darcy.
‘Hell yeah!’ Darcy grinned.
Loki chuckled and squeezed Darcy’s side, just as Thor called for Heimdall to open the Bifrost. Whisking them all up to Asgard.
Asgard and Midgard were working together, sharing science and technology. Tony and Bruce were able to take their inventions to completely new levels, while Asgard learned a thing or two from the scientist mortals.
So trips to the golden city were quite regular. Darcy went along whenever Loki went. Frigga was always so happy to see her, even Odin was starting to warm up to her, too. He was also trying with Loki, attempting to make amends for not being a great father. Loki didn’t make it easy, but Darcy kept telling him off and told him to try and at least be civil.
When they arrived, horses were waiting for them on the Bifrost. Tony and Bruce couldn’t get used to riding the horses, they were worse than Darcy had been her first time. They stuck to a very slow walk and took forever. Natasha was a natural rider, which didn’t surprise Darcy or Loki.
Darcy ended up having a favourite horse, a lovely grey mare, she was a gentle giant. Loki always helped her up, often flinging her too far so she would fall off the other side. That would usually end up with Darcy withholding sex for a day or two.
Luckily, he didn’t do that this time. He winked at her as he got onto his horse and the two went galloping ahead as normal. Thor and Natasha raced up after them with Tony and Bruce slowly lagging behind.
‘Hey, Birger! How’s it going?’ Darcy asked when they reached the stables and Birger was on duty just outside.
‘Good morning, Darcy.’ He took hold of the reins for her while she dismounted. ‘You’re getting better at riding, I see.’ He grinned.
‘Yeah it’s getting easier. Soon I’ll be bale to beat this one’s ass.’ She smirked and motioned to Loki who came up beside her.
Loki poked her side playfully. ‘Unlikely.’
‘You never know, My Prince. This mare is one of the fastest in the stables.’ Birger laughed.
Loki narrowed his eyes at Birger and then Darcy. ‘You’re turning Birger to the dark side. Stop!’ Loki put his hand over Darcy’s face with a chuckle.
Birger took Darcy and Loki’s horses from them, just as Thor and Natasha caught up with them. They knew the other two would take forever, so the four of them went inside and headed straight for the banquet hall.
Sif and the warriors three were there. They were pleased to see everyone, more so Thor. But Sif had a soft spot for Darcy, they got along well after they first met when Darcy and Loki visited for a week. Sif was secretly giving Darcy some fighting lessons, she wanted to surprise Loki.
Darcy had remembered when Jane told her about Sif, how she seemed stuck up and rather snippy with her. But Darcy had a feeling it was because Sif had a crush on Thor. So of course she would have been jealous of Jane.
‘Where’s the science dudes?’ Sif asked as everyone sat down to eat.
‘Probably still halfway across the Bifrost.’ Loki smirked.
‘Perhaps we should get them a carriage next time. Or take one of the ships.’ Thor suggested with a mouthful.
‘What are they hoping to achieve this trip anyway?’ Darcy asked as she filled her plate up with various meat and vegetables. She LOVED the food on Asgard.
‘Weren’t you listening in class?’ Loki rumbled, raising his eyebrow at her with a playful smile.
‘I was probably too busy staring at your ass.’ She shrugged.
Loki laughed while the others rolled their eyes.
‘I believe they’re hoping to finally get some of the magic from the healers into some kind of containment, so they can take it back home and study it properly. Change into something we can use. It would help speed up healing so much.’ Natasha said.
‘At least she listens in class.’ Loki teased Darcy, who then proceeded to stick her tongue out at him.
‘So childish.’ Loki tutted at her.
By the time Bruce and Tony joined them, the rest of them had stuffed themselves full and went to their chambers to get unpacked.
‘I’m gonna hang out with Sif while you are doing science with the others.’ Darcy said to Loki once they were sorted in his chambers. She was tying her hair up in a bun at the mirror.
Loki walked over to her and slipped his arms around her, resting his chin on top of her head as he looked at her in the mirror.
‘What do you two get up to together? Hmm?’ He asked.
‘Girl stuff.’ Darcy shrugged.
Loki raised an eyebrow, not entirely convinced. But he took her to meet Sif before heading off to the healer’s room himself to meet Natasha, Tony and Bruce.
As soon as Loki was out of sight, Sif took Darcy outside to the training area. She kitted her out with some basic armour, a shield and a sword.
‘Have you been practising the steps?’ Sif asked as she took out her own sword.
‘Yep. Well, whenever Loki is out of the way.’
‘Have you heard from Jane lately?’ Sif asked when they started doing some simple blocking moves, Darcy was able to step away and use the sword or shield to block any attacks from Sif.
‘Nope, nothing. It’s like she’s just vanished off the face of the earth.’ Darcy sighed.
‘Weird. I thought she was in love with Thor, she always seemed head over heels for him when they visited. Have you asked Heimdall to check in on her?’
‘Nah. She was such a bitch towards me and Loki ever since I was kidnapped by him in the first place. It’s up to her to come to me, if she wants to make amends.’ Darcy then took a jab towards Sif, surprising the female warrior and hitting her chest armour. But she was impressed.
‘Ohh, sneaky. You’ve been practising more than just your steps.’ She grinned.
‘Sure have!’ Darcy said triumphantly.
‘When are you going to show Loki your new skills?’
‘Tomorrow. I want to surprise him by asking him to teach me some moves. Speaking of which, can we work on tackling? I want to try taking him down.’ Darcy said as she stopped to catch her breath for a moment.
Sif laughed and put her arm around Darcy’s shoulders. ‘You really think you’ll be able to knock Loki down?’
Darcy shrugged. ‘I’m hoping the element of surprise will help me.’
‘Good luck with that. Loki is the champ of deception and he is NOT easy to take down, even though he doesn’t look very strong.’ Sif said.
‘Tell me about it. He can lift me with ease with one arm, uses me for weightlifting practice.’ Darcy huffed.
‘Sounds just like the old Loki really is back.’ Sif laughed.
‘Did he hang out with you guys when you were little?’ Darcy asked, they took a seat on a bench for a while to chat.
‘Not often. He was more into books and his magic. A bit of a loner. But I guess we didn’t help the fact by teasing and making fun of him, he was Thor’s little brother, that’s how we saw him. I feel bad now, knowing about his true heritage and everything he’s been through. But there were times his mischievousness shone through and he would join in sometimes.’
Darcy nodded. ‘He did tell me that he struggled because you would all fight with brute strength more than anything. While he prefers more skilled combat, using his magic and tricks.’
‘He is a highly skilled sorcerer, always has been after Frigga’s teachings. I think in a way, we were probably more intimidated by his skills than anything, which likely made things worse. There aren’t many people like him out there.’
‘There certainly isn’t. Which is probably a good thing, one Loki is enough to deal with.’ Darcy laughed and hopped back up to her feet. ‘Come on, let’s fight!’
That night, Darcy was getting ready for bed.
‘Hey, Loks. Can you poof me up my toothbrush? I forgot to pack it.’ She said as she rummaged through her bag.
‘Already in the bathroom.’ Loki said, he was in bed already, reading a book.
When Darcy headed into the bathroom, she smiled as she saw it was indeed there. Next to Loki’s in a little cup by the sink.
‘I used it to clean the toilet when we arrived.’ He called through to her when she started brushing her teeth.
Darcy popped her head round the door to look at him, brush sticking out of her mouth. ‘Yeah? Well I used yours to clean my ass. So guess that makes us even!’ She grinned and disappeared to the sink again.
Loki rolled his eyes and chuckled. ‘You can be so disgusting sometimes.’ He said loud enough for her to hear.
‘Right back at you!’ She shouted through.
He had just put his book down when Darcy came through to join him in bed. She jumped on top of him, he chuckled and let out a fake oomph.
‘Have you put on a little weight?’ He asked as he poked her sides.
‘Hey! That’s not a very nice way of flirting.’ Darcy scowled at him.
Loki smirked and ran his hands up and down her upper arms, squeezing her biceps. ‘You’ve got more muscles…’ He hummed. ‘Why have I not noticed this?’
Darcy rolled off him to the side. ‘Maybe because you’re too focused on other aspects of my body.’ She grinned and started un-buttoning her pyjama top, hoping to quickly get his mind off her new muscles.
‘Mmm… indeed.’ Loki purred and rolled on top of her.
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imagine-loki · 3 years
Triple Threat, Chapter 1 (Sequel to Trust)
TITLE: Triple Threat CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 1 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki kidnaps Darcy Lewis, in hopes of getting the tesseract in return for her. Imagine his surprise when he grows rather fond of the mortal, finding that she understands him better than anyone else ever has.  RATING: M
SUMMARY: Darcy and Loki were enjoying their life, still annoying the Avengers. But one day, Loki from another timeline appears. After causing some mischief, he tells them that Jane is compromised with the aether and under Thanos’ control. And he needs their help.
Now Darcy not only has TWO Loki’s to deal with, but also a deranged and tortured Jane who’s much more powerful than she should be.
But they have to find her first.
Darcy was late. Ohhh so late.
She ran as fast as she could out of the compound with her bag over her shoulder, Thor, Tony, Natasha, Bruce and Loki were waiting at the Bifrost site.
‘Sorry! I’m sorry! I couldn’t find my contacts and got up late.’ She said out of breath as she slammed into Loki’s side, he slipped his arm around her waist to steady her.
It had been almost six months since Loki and Darcy realised they couldn’t love anyone else. Although, whilst they tried going on proper dates together, they found it wasn’t really them. The whole romance thing.
The Avengers didn’t really know what to make of them both. Loki and Darcy didn’t like it when they were called boyfriend and girlfriend, and to the team they were just like they were before. Mischievous and a bit annoying. But the team knew that no one else would get a look in at either of them now, that was for sure.
Did Darcy love Loki? Yes, she did. She wouldn’t ever hesitate to say she did. And Loki felt the same. They already had a strong foundation built together. Had they added very regular sex to the mix? Hell yes! Did Loki want to kill every man that even just looked at Darcy in a flirtatious way? Of course!
But they were comfortable and happy with what they were. Whatever it was.
‘You’re late.’ Loki drawled.
‘Well, someone failed to wake me up!’ She looked up at him, narrowing her eyes.
‘I’m not your alarm clock, it’s not my duty to wake you.’
‘It is when you’re the reason I was up most of the night. I was walking like John Wayne when I got up. It would’ve been polite to at least wake me.’ She huffed.
‘Eww. Too much information!’ Tony said as he pulled a face.
Loki just looked very smug.
‘Exciting night, huh?’ Natasha smirked at Darcy.
‘Hell yeah!’ Darcy grinned.
Loki chuckled and squeezed Darcy’s side, just as Thor called for Heimdall to open the Bifrost. Whisking them all up to Asgard.
Asgard and Midgard were working together, sharing science and technology. Tony and Bruce were able to take their inventions to completely new levels, while Asgard learned a thing or two from the scientist mortals.
So trips to the golden city were quite regular. Darcy went along whenever Loki went. Frigga was always so happy to see her, even Odin was starting to warm up to her, too. He was also trying with Loki, attempting to make amends for not being a great father. Loki didn’t make it easy, but Darcy kept telling him off and told him to try and at least be civil.
When they arrived, horses were waiting for them on the Bifrost. Tony and Bruce couldn’t get used to riding the horses, they were worse than Darcy had been her first time. They stuck to a very slow walk and took forever. Natasha was a natural rider, which didn’t surprise Darcy or Loki.
Darcy ended up having a favourite horse, a lovely grey mare, she was a gentle giant. Loki always helped her up, often flinging her too far so she would fall off the other side. That would usually end up with Darcy withholding sex for a day or two.
Luckily, he didn’t do that this time. He winked at her as he got onto his horse and the two went galloping ahead as normal. Thor and Natasha raced up after them with Tony and Bruce slowly lagging behind.
‘Hey, Birger! How’s it going?’ Darcy asked when they reached the stables and Birger was on duty just outside.
‘Good morning, Darcy.’ He took hold of the reins for her while she dismounted. ‘You’re getting better at riding, I see.’ He grinned.
‘Yeah it’s getting easier. Soon I’ll be bale to beat this one’s ass.’ She smirked and motioned to Loki who came up beside her.
Loki poked her side playfully. ‘Unlikely.’
‘You never know, My Prince. This mare is one of the fastest in the stables.’ Birger laughed.
Loki narrowed his eyes at Birger and then Darcy. ‘You’re turning Birger to the dark side. Stop!’ Loki put his hand over Darcy’s face with a chuckle.
Birger took Darcy and Loki’s horses from them, just as Thor and Natasha caught up with them. They knew the other two would take forever, so the four of them went inside and headed straight for the banquet hall.
Sif and the warriors three were there. They were pleased to see everyone, more so Thor. But Sif had a soft spot for Darcy, they got along well after they first met when Darcy and Loki visited for a week. Sif was secretly giving Darcy some fighting lessons, she wanted to surprise Loki.
Darcy had remembered when Jane told her about Sif, how she seemed stuck up and rather snippy with her. But Darcy had a feeling it was because Sif had a crush on Thor. So of course she would have been jealous of Jane.
‘Where’s the science dudes?’ Sif asked as everyone sat down to eat.
‘Probably still halfway across the Bifrost.’ Loki smirked.
‘Perhaps we should get them a carriage next time. Or take one of the ships.’ Thor suggested with a mouthful.
‘What are they hoping to achieve this trip anyway?’ Darcy asked as she filled her plate up with various meat and vegetables. She LOVED the food on Asgard.
‘Weren’t you listening in class?’ Loki rumbled, raising his eyebrow at her with a playful smile.
‘I was probably too busy staring at your ass.’ She shrugged.
Loki laughed while the others rolled their eyes.
‘I believe they’re hoping to finally get some of the magic from the healers into some kind of containment, so they can take it back home and study it properly. Change into something we can use. It would help speed up healing so much.’ Natasha said.
‘At least she listens in class.’ Loki teased Darcy, who then proceeded to stick her tongue out at him.
‘So childish.’ Loki tutted at her.
By the time Bruce and Tony joined them, the rest of them had stuffed themselves full and went to their chambers to get unpacked.
‘I’m gonna hang out with Sif while you are doing science with the others.’ Darcy said to Loki once they were sorted in his chambers. She was tying her hair up in a bun at the mirror.
Loki walked over to her and slipped his arms around her, resting his chin on top of her head as he looked at her in the mirror.
‘What do you two get up to together? Hmm?’ He asked.
‘Girl stuff.’ Darcy shrugged.
Loki raised an eyebrow, not entirely convinced. But he took her to meet Sif before heading off to the healer’s room himself to meet Natasha, Tony and Bruce.
As soon as Loki was out of sight, Sif took Darcy outside to the training area. She kitted her out with some basic armour, a shield and a sword.
‘Have you been practising the steps?’ Sif asked as she took out her own sword.
‘Yep. Well, whenever Loki is out of the way.’
‘Have you heard from Jane lately?’ Sif asked when they started doing some simple blocking moves, Darcy was able to step away and use the sword or shield to block any attacks from Sif.
‘Nope, nothing. It’s like she’s just vanished off the face of the earth.’ Darcy sighed.
‘Weird. I thought she was in love with Thor, she always seemed head over heels for him when they visited. Have you asked Heimdall to check in on her?’
‘Nah. She was such a bitch towards me and Loki ever since I was kidnapped by him in the first place. It’s up to her to come to me, if she wants to make amends.’ Darcy then took a jab towards Sif, surprising the female warrior and hitting her chest armour. But she was impressed.
‘Ohh, sneaky. You’ve been practising more than just your steps.’ She grinned.
‘Sure have!’ Darcy said triumphantly.
‘When are you going to show Loki your new skills?’
‘Tomorrow. I want to surprise him by asking him to teach me some moves. Speaking of which, can we work on tackling? I want to try taking him down.’ Darcy said as she stopped to catch her breath for a moment.
Sif laughed and put her arm around Darcy’s shoulders. ‘You really think you’ll be able to knock Loki down?’
Darcy shrugged. ‘I’m hoping the element of surprise will help me.’
‘Good luck with that. Loki is the champ of deception and he is NOT easy to take down, even though he doesn’t look very strong.’ Sif said.
‘Tell me about it. He can lift me with ease with one arm, uses me for weightlifting practice.’ Darcy huffed.
‘Sounds just like the old Loki really is back.’ Sif laughed.
‘Did he hang out with you guys when you were little?’ Darcy asked, they took a seat on a bench for a while to chat.
‘Not often. He was more into books and his magic. A bit of a loner. But I guess we didn’t help the fact by teasing and making fun of him, he was Thor’s little brother, that’s how we saw him. I feel bad now, knowing about his true heritage and everything he’s been through. But there were times his mischievousness shone through and he would join in sometimes.’
Darcy nodded. ‘He did tell me that he struggled because you would all fight with brute strength more than anything. While he prefers more skilled combat, using his magic and tricks.’
‘He is a highly skilled sorcerer, always has been after Frigga’s teachings. I think in a way, we were probably more intimidated by his skills than anything, which likely made things worse. There aren’t many people like him out there.’
‘There certainly isn’t. Which is probably a good thing, one Loki is enough to deal with.’ Darcy laughed and hopped back up to her feet. ‘Come on, let’s fight!’
That night, Darcy was getting ready for bed.
‘Hey, Loks. Can you poof me up my toothbrush? I forgot to pack it.’ She said as she rummaged through her bag.
‘Already in the bathroom.’ Loki said, he was in bed already, reading a book.
When Darcy headed into the bathroom, she smiled as she saw it was indeed there. Next to Loki’s in a little cup by the sink.
‘I used it to clean the toilet when we arrived.’ He called through to her when she started brushing her teeth.
Darcy popped her head round the door to look at him, brush sticking out of her mouth. ‘Yeah? Well I used yours to clean my ass. So guess that makes us even!’ She grinned and disappeared to the sink again.
Loki rolled his eyes and chuckled. ‘You can be so disgusting sometimes.’ He said loud enough for her to hear.
‘Right back at you!’ She shouted through.
He had just put his book down when Darcy came through to join him in bed. She jumped on top of him, he chuckled and let out a fake oomph.
‘Have you put on a little weight?’ He asked as he poked her sides.
‘Hey! That’s not a very nice way of flirting.’ Darcy scowled at him.
Loki smirked and ran his hands up and down her upper arms, squeezing her biceps. ‘You’ve got more muscles…’ He hummed. ‘Why have I not noticed this?’
Darcy rolled off him to the side. ‘Maybe because you’re too focused on other aspects of my body.’ She grinned and started un-buttoning her pyjama top, hoping to quickly get his mind off her new muscles.
‘Mmm… indeed.’ Loki purred and rolled on top of her.
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writingkeepsmewhole · 5 years
The Cowboy and The Girl.
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Okay here it is the first part of my Joel Miller fic. I’m so excited to do this! You don’t even know. This part is mainly back story but I think it sets up well. Tell me what yall think. I hope yall love it as much as me! Okay I’m shutting up now.
Trish was a bright girl skipping a grade or two. She thought her life was perfect until the end of the world came. Living on her own mostly just trying to make it back home everything changes when she meets a dark haired man named Joel.
Joel Miller x OC Trish
Warnings: A word or two.
Taglist. Tell me if you wanna be added: @amandamaesweetheart @jodiereedus22
Before Sitting on my hotel bed I brushed my hair it still wet from the shower. I needed it after the long day of walking around and looking at the sites. We were in New York. A school field trip. Being alone from my parents at fourteen was definitely exciting.
“You know he is going to propose.” Belle my best friend since the 3d grade says sitting on the bed in front of mine. Her chocolate skin looking flawless from the lotion she just put on. We both skipped from 1st so we stuck together always being the youngest in class.
“Shut up no he won’t.” I say her talking about my boyfriend.
“I bet he will. He is crazy about you.”
“So? We are too young to get married.”
“I said propose not get married.”
“Then what be engaged threw school? What about when we go to college?”
“Why not?”
“I don’t know if I want to marry him.” I say shrugging.
“What? Since when?” She asks throwing a chip at me making me laugh.
“Since he is afraid of everything. I mean I get it his dad is a doctor and it's probably scary and God knows what he reads about or sees but when he starts telling me what weird diseases I can get from doing my laundry at the laundromat is ridiculous. Like tonight I took a drink of his pop and he flipped out.”
“So he don’t like sharing food, a lot of people are like that.”
“Yeah I know but I want a man not whatever he is turning into.”
“Like a lumberjack?” She asks making me laugh.
“No, like someone who will protect me, someone who can put up with my crazy ass and doesn't make me make all the decisions. Someone-.”
“Who lets you steal their food.” She says pointing at me.
“That.” I say smiling.
“No, he is a good guy he just worries so much. Like let me breathe.”
“Ohh I know a cowboy.” She says making me laugh.
“Yes! I want a cowboy I can saddle up with.”
“You are so gross.” I say throwing my pillow at her.
“Hey I’m being a supportive best friend.”
“As you should be.”
“Well I guess I should let you get to bed. Have fun dreaming about your cowboy.” She says standing up walking to the door.
“I promise to give you the details.”
“Oh you better.” She says smiling.
“Good night love.” I say waving at her getting under the blankets.
“Night boo.”
I woke up to the phone ringing in my hotel room. I pick it up and press it to my ear someone panting on the other side.
“Hello?” I ask sitting up hearing someone run down the hall.
“Trish is that you?” Asks the familiar voice of boyfriend.
“What’s going on Louie?” I ask sitting up.
“I don’t know, there is some kind of disease, people eating each-.”
“Louie?” I ask into the phone when the call drops.
“Well that was weird.” I say getting up seeing the sun start to rise.
Stretching I walk to the bathroom but stop when someone screams. When my doorknob starts to rattle I back away from it fear pumping threw me.
Going to the phone I pick it up nothing coming threw not even a tile town. I pick up my cell phone it having no service.
“What the hell?” I ask turning to the TV.
Turning it on what I left on a movie channel was the news. A woman looking scared and rasled.
“Reports are coming in from all over there is a nation wide atack. Please remain indoors until a local officer can get you somewhere saver. Please do not panic if you see someone-.” I jump as the TV turns to loud static.
“I gotta get out of here.” I think getting up and quickly changing.
Grabbing my backpack I put some clothes inside it, and all the snacks the hotel offers. Picking up the necklace with my parents picture inside it I put it on. Them giving it to me when I left for this trip.
“Please be okay.” I say sending up a pray to protect them until I got back.
Picking up the map of New York all the students given one I shove it in my bag as well.
I put the pack over my shoulder and open my hotel door. When I find the hallways empty I take a relieved breath.
At the end of the hall being the elevator I slowly start to make my way towards it. Hearing footsteps I freeze up as someone walks out of a room.
“Benny you scared me.” I say looking at him.
He stubbles making me assume he is drunk. When he lifts his head to look at me I gasp as his mouth is covered in blood.
Screaming he lunges at me.
I turn around and starting running in the opposite direction him close behind me. Seeing an arrow pointing to the stairs I push that door open and start running down the steps. Seeing a woman leaning on the wall her holding her stomach I stop.
She looks up at me her eyes foggy.
“He bit me.” She says her head falling forward her passing out.
Holding back tears I continue to the ground floor it opening in the car garage. I jump at the sound of sirens and horns fill my ears.
Every car is trying to get out at the same time them slamming into each other.
“Hey!” Someone says grabbing my arm.
I spin around seeing my best friend Belle standing there.
“Oh my gosh!” I say pulling her into a tight hug.
“We gotta get out of here. These people are crazy!” She says pulling me with her.
“It was on the news. Some nation wide thing!” I yell as we weave threw the cars. When we get out on the main road everyone is running around screaming.
“Trish! Belle!” John yells pulling up next to us him in not his own car.
“Come on.” He says looking at us threw the window.
“It’s better on foot.”
“We’ll be saver in a car.” Belle says getting into the car with him.
“Belle come with me you won’t get far in that.”
“Stop being stupid and come on.” She says waving me in.
“I’m not going.” I say backing up something telling me to stay on foot.
“Be stupid then.” He says driving off.
Feeling alone more than ever I start running not knowing where I'm going just away from here.
Hearing screams I duck down behind some trash cans I alone runs past me and slams into a wall not getting back up when it falls.
“What’s going on?” I ask quickly getting away from the body.
Pulling my map out I look at it seeing where the nearest police station is. Seeing that it’s only a block away I put the map back and start to head that way avoiding the people running past me.
Walking around the corner I realize what they were running from a turned over car is in the middle of the road it on fire.
Even from where I stand I can see the bodies inside them dead. Belle’s lifeless eyes staring into mine.
15 Years Later.
I sit up with a start my heart pounding. Sweating from the dream, or memory I should say. I rub my face trying not to think about the job ahead of me today. I would have to go hunting. I didn’t mind it and wasn’t half bad after ten years of practice but I didn’t know if that group had past threw. I didn’t feel like having to kill anymore.
Hearing the birds chirp outside the spring air drifting thru the old house. I roll my shoulders my back cracking as I stretch my arms over my head.
Picking up my bow and quiver I pick up my canteen needing fresh water.
‘Might take a bath today.’ I think walking out of the house.
It used to be a cabin tourist rented now it was just a cabin in the woods of Tennessee. I don’t know why I kept trying to get back home but I figured I made it this far for a reason.
‘Maybe they are still alive.’ I think following a deer trail.
I walk back to the cabin a rabbit strapped to my hip and a shirt full of berries in my hand. Walking into the house I don’t notice the door being open. The lock was busted a while ago so a breeze could open it.
Setting the food down in the kitchen I take off my bow when the floor over my head cracks. Looking up I watch the dust as something moves over the floor.
‘Please don’t be a bear.’ I think to myself as I dock an arrow and head for the steps.
‘Anything but a bear.’ I think as I push the bedroom door open with my foot.
I stop when I see a man past out on the bed. His feet still on the floor his arm and chest covered in blood. Not counting the busted lip and nose.
‘I would have took the bear.’ I think letting out an annoyed sigh.
“Why do I always have to be the one patching someone up?” I asks myself walking to the bathroom.
Getting what little supplies I had I sit them on the bed.
“Hey!” I call out to him getting nothing.
“Oh don’t be dead.” I say reaching up to shake him again getting nothing.
“Oh come on.” I say pressing my fingers into his neck smiling when I feel a pulse.
“Yes! Atta boy!”
“Now to get you patched up.” I say moving to unbutton his flanel.
I don’t really think about what I’m doing until I hear a groan.
I look up at him his brown eyes meeting mine.
“The hell?” He mumbles his southern accent the first thing I notice.
I don’t bother replying him passing out.
“Alright Cowboy let's fix you up.” I say pushing the fabric to the side an angry gash on his side. His shoulder looking like a stitched up bullet wound had popped back open but other then that he was fine.
Cleaning his side off I set to to sowing him up, him not waking up while I do it. After I’m done I rebutton his shirt and go to make food.
I checked on the stranger in my bed throughout the night him not waking up but he was still alive so I didn’t worry to much.
The next morning I was in the kitchen mixing the berries I found with the nuts I found almost a week ago when I heard a bored creek.
Grabbing the knife on my hip I freeze when an arm wraps around my throat. Judging by the fact my head was pressed against someone’s chest. This was the man from upstairs.
“Good morning to you too.” I say lifting my hands where he could see them.
“Where am I?” He asks his country twang proving my guess.
“Earth last I checked.” I say resulting in him tightening his grip slighting.
“Okay, don’t like jokes sorry. You are in my house. I’m Trish by the way nice to meet you.”
“Who else is with you?” He asks his breath fanning over my face.
“No one. Just me.”
“Your alone out here?”
“Yeah, so if your gonna kill me go ahead.”
“You patched me up?” He asks his grip losing.
“Sure did. One hell of a way to thank someone.”
Grunting he lets go of me and takes a step back. Turning around to face him I realize how big he is. He was easily a head taller than me, his wide shoulders making me feel very tiny.
“Your welcome by the way.” I say him letting out a grunt as he looks me up and down.
“What are you doing out here?”
“Well I was gonna eat breakfast. You are welcome to join me if...” I say meeting his brown eyes.
“You give me your name. Not unless you are cool with being called Cowboy for the rest of your time here.” I say him lifting the corner of his mouth.
Smiling I hand him my bowl of food.
“Nice to me Joel. I’m Trish.”
5 Years Later: Summer
I was sitting in front of the window watching the sunset the room around me so silent I could almost hear my heart beat. It was times like these when I was alone I wish I could just run away. Live on a farm out in the woods be free. I touch my necklace the locket making me smile. It was tarnished and the picture inside faded but it lasted all these years that I was thankful for.
Hearing footsteps come down the hall I turn my head to look at the door.
The infected couldn’t turn the knob so I wasn’t worried about that. Watching the knob turn I lift my gun it cocked and aimed a familiar face at the end of the barrel.
“Cowboy!” I say grinning lowing my gun.
“Fucking hell Trish what the hell are you doing here?” Joel asks shutting the door behind the girl who’s with him.
“I needed somewhere to lie low.”
“What did you do now?” He asks his scowl set in place.
“Nothing... “
“Wanna try again?”
“Umm I’m sorry but who are you?” The girl asks pulling us out of are soon to be argument.
“Oh sorry I’m Trish and you?”
When she doesn't answer I cock an eyebrow at her.
“Ellie.” She says sighing.
“Nice to meet ya Ellie.” I say smiling holding my hand out to her.
She takes it shaking it and quickly letting go.
“No need to be scared of me. I’m harmless right Joel?” I ask looking at him.
“If you think annoying the hell out of me is harmless then yes you are.”
“He likes it.” I say winking at her as he lays back on the couch rubbing his head.
“You wanna tell me why you are here?”
“I may or may not have stabbed a guard.”
“Why did you go an do something like that?”
“He thought he knew something about you and Tess smuggling and try to get it out of me. So I made him forget.”
“That how you got that.” He asks most likely looking at my busted lip.
“I've had worse.”
“So you two like know each other?” Ellie asks looking between us.
“More or less.” Joel says closing his eyes.
“Five years. We’ve known each other for five years.” I say looking at her.
“How did you two meet?” She asks sitting in the chair next to me.
“Oh I’m not getting paid enough for this.” He says rubbing his face and laying down on the couch.
“Need a nap old man?”
I grin when he lets out a growl.
“Does he know his watch is broken?” Ellie asks making me look from Joel to her.
“Yeah he knows.” I say softly hoping she understands that's a topic that is not talked about.
I was the type to tell you my whole life story. I knew Joel for five years and only in the past year found out he even had a child at one point.
“So how did you two meet?”
“Oh right, I was living in a cabin at the time, come home, find him half dead on my bed. I patch him up and when he comes to he repays me but trying to snap my neck. Fun times really.” I say smiling getting off the busted heater I was sitting on.
“Why does that not surprise me?”
“Because he is an angry old bear that gets poked easily.” I say walking to my bag but stop when Joel’s hand wraps around my wrist.
“Will you two shut up?” He asks his eyes never opening.
“What are we supposed to do if we can’t talk?”
“I’m sure you will figure that out.” He says letting go of my wrist his arm going to lay over his eyes.
“Fine.” I say moving to the other end of the couch I push at his feet making them fall off the couch him lifting his head to glare at me.
“What? You and little miss are clearly waiting for something Tess I’m guessing and if Im not aloud to talk then I got to find some way to kill the time.” I say sitting down.
“What should I do?” Ellie asks looking at me.
I don’t get to reply Joel putting his feet in my lap a smirk on his face his eyes once again closed.
“I’m gonna kill him.” I mouth to her making her snicker.
Smiling I lean my head back on the couch letting the silence settle over us. Sleep quickly taking over me.
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chilly-territory · 7 years
K ~ After Stories: #8 by Takahashi Yashichirou
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The last after story from the official site, with the Silver clan.
After Story #8 by Takahashi Yashichirou
The Dresden Slate had been destroyed.
The stage where he had been standing until now had been no more, and the fact triggered the feeling of lightheadedness accompanied by uneasiness, and also the sense of loss at losing the foothold that was the power filling him until just a while ago. The power that made Adolf K Weissmann the First and Silver King. As the last drops of it were about to disappear from him, Isana Yashiro at the time, he made a promise with the two clansmen standing over him, both looking sad and anguished.
"It's going to be OK. I will come back, I promise." He had no idea what exactly was going to be OK though. "After all, I'm your king, remember?" Even if his power as one was rapidly fading away as he spoke.
However, as he drew on it just a little, he felt it deep within his chest. A place, nostalgic, lonesome and missed dearly, and reachable, step by step. If he had to describe it, it felt like the road home. If he walked, following the winding path of it, he would, again...
His eyelids opened once more.
'Good thing I'm not claustrophobic,' he smiled crookedly inside a capsule very much like a coffin.
In the basement he hid in back when the Green clan, Jungle, was chasing him, there still were mountains of papers left lying around. The floor was covered with them save for a narrow passage not unlike an animal trail left amidst them, and the desk, forced to bear a weight greatly over its capacity, sagged slightly.
But the word "Jungle" was not to be found anywhere in the new pile placed on top anymore. In its place, the word "Timeless Palace" dominated the papers, sometimes mixed with the word "Scepter 4" and even rarer - with the word "Homura". There were no hastily scribbled notes left even in the lower layer of the papers on the desk, all having been replaced with official documents with their orderly formatting.
"So in the end, you just wasted your time with those negotiations?" Weissmann asked the visitor, sticking out his head above a pile of papers.
The elderly Usagi, kneeling in the doorway, bent his head lower and continued his report. "Yes, sir. In the light of mass resignation, all the faction leaders can do is run about in a panic, it is impossible for them to even find fitting candidates for presidential election, let alone form a cabinet. They all complain that they are too preoccupied to even think of deliberating that law." "Yeah, I guess I should have known this is not something that will calm down only after a few days... What a waste though, the Lieutenant went through pains to prepare the protection law precisely for the time when supernatural power holders would lose their abilities, but it has to be put on hold for now." "Drafted by the first Blue King, it is a spare sword that was being tempered for more than 60 years to use in case of emergency. So if I may state my opinion, you should take your time without getting impatient, sir. After all, every person is the concerned party in relation to this matter. I am sure the politicians will realize the significance of that law soon enough and cooperate earnestly."
It had been a week since the ‘Simultaneous Global-scale Mass Psychic Ability Activation Incidents’ - or just 'January's Superpower Commotion' as it was dubbed because the official name was such a mouthful - as a result of which the whole humankind found themselves trying on the shoes of supernatural ability holders. Although public unrest had yet to calm down, the situation no longer brought the pictures of Apocalypse to mind with countless violent outbreaks by the superpower holders. As to the ringleaders behind the incident, the Green clan "Jungle", who went into it with certain expectations in mind, unfortunately for them, the whole incident seemed to have fallen into the category of an unprecedented disturbance that was still only an extension of everyday life.
Accidents caused by superpowers were now only sporadic, people took the wait-and-see approach, trying to refrain from using supernatural abilities they had obtained, the media treated the affair as old news, while public institutions were busy cleaning up big and small messes... Presently, the world was in the process of trying to process those days when people acted oddly, and now everyone worked to return to their ordinary life.
"Good grief," Weissmann sighed for show and leaned on one of the paper piles. "Well, I guess I should be satisfied for now with just the edict abolishing criminal penalty for damage caused by spontaneous outbreaks of supernatural powers. The fact that the other countries followed suit is a silver lining, too." "It is a fruit of the groundwork you had laid in this very room last year, sir, in the form of drawing up the plan on how to deal with the consequences of the Green clan's uprising. I am certain that His Excellency in the afterlife is also pleased."
A slightly bitter smile was Weissmann's answer to the Usagi's reverent words. "A fruit, huh... Simply put, it just might be that humans love to be humans, or maybe they're just afraid to become something more or something else. Even if it means creeping through battlefield or suffering in poverty... Ah," he suddenly made a noise of realization and, taking out a notebook from his breast pocket, started scribbling down something. "If we circulate this catchy phrase in the media, it just might become the slogan of deterrence to superpower holders. No, wait, maybe I should find more hopeful words for it to catch better..."
"...Siver King, sir, if I may..." the Usagi spoke up again, bending low. "Hm?" "I am to understand that once the present negotiations are over, all the urgent matters in the wake of the incident could be considered resolved." "Yes, that sounds about right." Having guessed the intention behind the question, Weissmann slowly half hid his face in a mountain of paperwork. But the Usagi continued, "Is it not time for you to return to the two's side then, sir?"
The one advice that Weissmann saw coming and still could not avoid had come.
A several seconds of silence followed.
"I still have matters to take care of, like working on consolidating the index for the Slate research." "With all due respect, sir, that hardly can be classified as an urgent matter." The first excuse shot down. "We still need to take in custody the overlooked participants of the Jungle party." "I am told Scepter 4 is already working on it." The second excuse shot down. "Umm, then, there are also things like medical follow-up on the Hieda boy and putting his affairs in order." "It is proceeding smoothly with the consent of the person in question." The third excuse met the same fate. "Th-The regular sessions of the Timeless Palace administration council..." "The next session is scheduled to be held only next week." And with the fourth excuse mercilessly overruled, Weissmann had nowhere to escape anymore. "..." "Cast away your insecurities and find your resolve, sir," the Usagi, whom he knew for some time by now, urged him.
The body stored in the coffin-like capsule was the original body of the First and Silver King, Adolf K Weissmann. It was body-jacked by the Seventh and Colorless King who, after getting it involved in his crimes for pleasure, later fell to his death... or, to be precise, just before dying the Colorless King moved to another body, so what was left was only the empty husk without a soul.
The Second and Gold King, Kokujouji Daikaku, preserved what was hard to even call a corpse, preparing everything for the revival of his friend, who, without his intention, ended up in a body of another person. After that other body got obliterated courtesy of the previous Third and Red King Suoh Mikoto, what came back to life was not the Silver King's original body but that borrowed one, making it for a detour on Weissman's way to finally returning to his original body - by losing his immortality powers of the Silver King that locked his soul in another's body.
After Weissmann got out of the capsule, he stayed with the Gold clan, Timeless Palace, and spearheaded them in coping with the aftermath of the Superpower Commotion incident for the sole reason of not running away anymore from the matters he didn't want to confront. Or so it was supposed to be. The reason why he desperately tried to draft up countermeasures designed to reduce the damage and reign in the chaos in Japan and in the whole world was because, naturally, it was his responsibility. Or so he would have liked to think.
But the need was finally abating.
As such, the time had come to move to the next step.
He intended to face what he had to and move forward, like he had vowed he'd do. That is, to disclose his form as Adolf K Weissmann, a man his two clansmen, friends and maybe even family, had yet to see, and reunite with them.
However, vowed he may have, but it still did nothing to diminish his fear. The fear of putting those bonds to the test.
He had made up his mind one way or another. Or maybe it was simply a result of the preparations the elderly Usagi had proceeded with, unrelenting.
It was early afternoon when he, in a full formal attire, found himself about to face said test only a few short hours after the talk in the basement as he stood in front of the door to the room where he formerly lived as Isana Yashiro.
The dorm corridor, usually pretty quiet, was now anything but. Partly it must have been because it was the day when classes finally resumed, a week after the Superpower Commotion, but the main reason for the fuss was his presence.
'Well, only to be expected, I guess.'
Objectively, the situation looked like an overly casual foreigner suddenly set foot into the students' territory. Of course it would attract their attention.
'I wonder if I, too, would have gone "Ohh, look, a foreigner" a while ago,' he thought to himself as he waved a hand in the direction of the students watching his every more from a safe distance away.
The students, who waved back at him a little awkwardly, looked somehow small to him.
'I guess I'm actually pretty tall, huh.'
Even the well-familiar door in front of him seemed to have shrunk. This reminder of him being different than the him from a while ago only worsened the nervousness he had just managed to suppress somehow.
Facing the door, he took a deep breath. 'It's alright, it's going to be alright.'
From Timeless Palace's thorough check he knew for a fact that the two were in the room at the moment. So he just needed to open the door, and the three of them would be reunited.
'That's right, it's okay... Neko saw me in my original form when she undid the memory manipulation.' That's why the two wouldn't say "Who would you be?" They wouldn't. 'But how can I be sure? Kuroh didn't see me, and Neko only saw me once in passing.'
Reason gave him hope, and same reason highlighted the loopholes and destroyed what it gave. Trapped in the loop of his fruitless anxiety, suddenly he felt something that wasn't reason, something taking the form of a familiar someone.
'Really, you're still such a sleepyhead.'
Those were the words he had heard in the past, when he woke up, having come back to life as Isana Yashiro. The words that his friend whom he hadn't seen in 70 years and who had become an old man in that time, had said to him. Those words came naturally, with nothing forced about them.
Both of them had changed beyond recognition in appearance. And yet, Weissmann found himself talking to the other as easily as before, as he replied, 'You haven't changed at all, Lieutenant.'
The statement objectively wasn't true. Yet somehow, to him, it felt true.
"...Right," he nodded to no one in particular.
And before he knew it, his body was already moving. It didn't even occur to him to press the button of the buzzer first. His hand took hold of the doorknob, and the door opened. Divesting of his shoes carelessly, he pushed forward through the entranceway. Passing the kitchen, he reached the room and, like nothing at all had ever happened, called out, "I'm home~"
The two were sitting at the familiar tea table, eating.
Ah, now that he thought about it, he did smell the yummy waft of grilled fish.
Two pairs of eyes went wide in shock, painting the exact reunion picture that Weissmann had feared so much. But before long, it melted away.
Kuroh - Yatogami Kuroh, to be exact - frowned and with a wry smile turned back up the third empty overturned rice bowl found on the tea table. In addition, he grumbled, "Took you long enough." Grumbling came as easily as breathing to him.
"Sorry," Weissmann returned with his usual laidback smile just before Neko - Ameno Miyabi - jumped at his neck. She squeezed him as tight as she could, without any fear of seeing a stranger and without hesitation.
"Welcome back!" And with the easy familiarity she called his name, "Shiro!"
Shiro, also known as the First and Silver King Adolf K Weissmann or Isana Yashiro, gently petted Neko's hair as he gave his sincere and heartfelt reply to his two precious people, "I'm home."
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