#impromptu glorfindel drawing
wanderer-clarisse · 1 year
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his hair was of shining gold...
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blankdblank · 6 years
White Knight Pt 3
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@himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @sweeticedtea, @ggbbhehe4455, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology, @evyiione, @sweetlytenacious25, @abiwim, @damalseer
It’s short but hopefully you like it!
White Knight, Pt 1 Pt 2
After days of travel the Dwarves had yet again finished the meal and served you first, always making sure you were safe and well taken care of in hopes of making up for their missing of friendships since the return. As soon as they’d heard what you were bearing they jumped at the chance to aid you through it after only adding to your struggles. Through the days they watched you and nights belonged to the Elven King. Simply dressed with his hair braided back with the aid of Estel who happily claimed Legolas’ shoulders for their guarded tours of the area as the Dwarves slept. Soft words were exchanged over the loud snores about your trip as the Elf Lords joined your short walks trying to bring up happier times keeping their minds away from the growing darkness you were all headed for.
Whispered words grew to ghosting fingers along the backs of each others hands as the Elf King tried to claim as much time with you as he could. Nearly to Rohan and a stolen holding of hands was claimed as the Rohirrim circled was managed before you were recognized and welcomed then were led safely to the city gaining a much larger army. Day by day word of the surfaced relic trickled out through to the White city that armed itself preparing for the weapon. Camped on a peak nearly at the city your eyes lingered on it with a growing fear, one that still refused to be calmed even with the Elf King’s best attempts.
Joining your side Bilbo asked, “Something wrong Jaqi?”
The Elves and Dwarves turned to look at you noticing your stiff demeanor looking out at the city, “I can’t go there.”
Elrond approached recognizing the barely there slur at the end of your words marking the end of a vision you’d seen. The city in flames as the line of the Steward fell at the hands of his Son. His hand landed on your shoulder, “Perhaps we should rethink the plan.”
Your eyes met his with a soft smile before you turned back to claim your seat in the group for dinner as you agreed to split up, Estel would travel to Gondor with the Elven and Dwarf guards with the Rohirric, never to let him out of their sight as your smaller group would leave before daylight heading for the darkness alone. They would keep the Steward and his kin distracted long enough to allow you to complete your plan.
Sunrise came and you broke apart promising Estel, now under the care of Tauriel, Glorfindel and Elrond’s Sons that you would be along shortly before turning towards the darkness. Nearly at nightfall you managed to reach the back stairs where you camped on the small set of hidden ledges for the group of Dwarves as you perched with bows drawn ready to claim any life able to announce your presence. With the dim morning the Company rose, greeted by your soft smiles, each claiming another slice of lembas with the same disappointed grumbles as you passed an extra three to Bilbo who happily snacked on his through the starting of your next set of climbs.
By nightfall a larger ledge was granted for their camp as you reached the top, settling down for the night you assured Bilbo he would be safe as he snuggled between Thorin and Dwalin who both assured him the same while keeping a steady eye on the foreboding cave across from them.
Safely in their dreams you, Thranduil and Legolas entered the cave easing past the webs scouring the twists and turns silently ending Shelob and her two infant Sons already the size of horses before joining the group once the surest path was memorized for the morning trip. Blinking his eyes open Bilbo’s focus landed on you noticing the webs still stuck to your clothes, “Where are the webs from?”
You smiled at him, “There was a group of spiders in the caves, we cleared them out.”
Thorin sat up helping Bilbo adjust his outer vest as he asked, “How far is it to the orcs?”
Your eyes met, we have another ridge between us, then it’s nearly an endless wave until we get to the mountain.”
Dain, “So we hack our way through.” His head nodded as he readied himself on not making it home as the others did the same sharing snuggling piles for silent goodbyes.
You smirked as the Elf Lords shuffled behind you rechecking their armor with obvious irritated expressions, “No, we walk right through.” The Dwarves met your eyes again abandoning their clutched remnants of lembas with confused expressions.
Dwalin, “And just how do we do that?”
Your smirk grew as Celeborn mumbled, “I hate this game.”
Thranduil replied, “It can’t be that bad.”
Celeborn gave him a stern raised brow, “I always have to be the prisoner.”
Elrond joined his side, “You’re not the only one.” Crossing his arms.
Their eyes shifted to the Dwarves as you said, “Because we’re going to play Orcs and Prisoners. I know this may upset you but you’ll need to change your hair and beards.” They all moved closer taking in the rules as they allowed you to help each of them pull back their hair and beard as closely tucked as you could before you led the way through the cave, which was just daunting enough to keep their minds off of the terrible patterns and buns their hair was trapped in to keep them from sight. Nearly an hour through the empty plain of jagged rocks you crept up on a tower that you easily ended the lives of their guards and helped the Dwarves and Bilbo into the dark and heavy layers as you did the same before grabbing the Elven rope you had packed approaching the Elves that all hid their weapons and turned with wrists extended to be bound with equally as unamused expressions.
Elrond, Legolas and Celeborn shifted under the bindings gripping the drawstring that would free their hands within a moment beside the small dagger you slipped in their palms as Thranduil realized exactly why Celeborn hated this game, bearing a growing scowl until he spotted your smirk and said, “I didn’t think we’d have to be bound. Had we a choice I’d prefer not to be.”
“If you want I could find you one of those loin cloth things, you’d just have to strip and let us coat you in mud.”
Firing a playful glare your way he fired back, “I am not taking off anything out here.”
You giggled sliding the dagger between his bound palms and turned giving him a gentle nudge to join the others whispering under your breath, “Pity.”
Shifting his eyes he watched your smirk vanish under your orc helmet as the others each claimed their ‘Prisoners’ to lead doing his best to mask his own. Crossing the last of the plains before meeting the first group of orcs giving sneers and jeers towards the Elves you’d added swiped of dirt to their clothes and armor as well as some scattered brushes from crushed berries mocking blood from their capture. Step by step you all filed through the parting crowds as the group behind you remained silent as they could save for a few random grunts and growls the Dwarves added in response to the other jeering creatures.
Smoothly you nearly made it to the tower where all prisoners were to be taken until a tall darkened twisted orc held out his club barring your entrance. Before his words could be uttered your hand gripped the club jerking him down to your level to grip his turned face harshly muttering in Black speech that drove the crowds of orcs near you to bow and step back before you shoved the orc guard away and continued your path. Filing in the tower you eyed the surest path as Bilbo joined your side asking barely above a whisper, “What did you say to him?”
“I am here at the Master’s bidding, bar me and burn. Something along those lines, bit rougher in translation.”
Thorin, “Where’d you learn that language?”
Your eyes met his through the narrow slot in your bird like helmets, “Valinor, language didn’t always sound like that. Melkor corrupted it.” Looking forward again the Elf Lords slipped their bindings drawing their weapons quietly to aid in the quiet clearing of the lower level of the tower as you found the back exit and traveled the winding narrow path along the edges of the crowds. Remaining out of sight among the crouching Elves until you met the end and stopped the group, ducking again as the eye swept over you. After it passed you rushed crossing the uncovered distance until you found the base of the Mountain and stripped as you climbed, holding your pace until you reached the top as a distant group of screeches were heard as a pulse of light was sent out by Gandalf perched on an eagle.
Easily the Ring was dropped and you joined your feathered steeds outside, climbing on with the aid of Thranduil who climbed on behind you and helped up Legolas after him. Looking out over the collapsing city your hands landed on the King’s arms across your middle feeling him tighten his grip. Safely you flew back to the white city easing back in the King’s arms with a growing smile feeling the weights bearing down on you slipping away as the pair of you enjoyed the silence with the wind whipping around you allowing you to simply curl together relaxing at each other’s touch.
Cheering grew the closer you came to the city, eventually landing and joining them for a impromptu celebration as you were shown to the Royal circle, claiming your apartments for your group to scrub and rest before dinner. Yours being the largest, settling down in the sitting room after scrubbing leaning against King Thranduil’s chest as he read the story Estel had chosen in varying voices while you joined in voicing the Queen’s parts as well as the other females. The smile on Estel’s face grew as he slipped into a deep sleep leaving you three in a snuggling pile on the long couch as the other Elf Lords and their Sons joined you, each with deepening smiles at the sweet moment they got to witness after such a dark place.
Snuggling closer to you Estel shifted with a soft grumble as the Company filed in with Dain behind them, all smiling at the child as your plans were set out. The dinner went smoothly but as night fell you made your escape utilizing the still lingering Eagles who volunteered for the task, easily taking you home within a few days rather than the weeks it took to get there. Landing once again found you safely back in the forest headed for the room the King had gifted you finding the nursery added to the small room attached during your absence at the order of the King. With your return as you started another round of story time the fact was settled you would be moving in to the forest and the Dwarves would all be visiting frequently to spend time with you and your Son realizing his bond with the King and Prince was too deep already to separate them.
Nearly a week had passed finding the Company back safely in Erebor seated at their table as the first round of celebrations began. Timidly your hand looped around the arm of the Elf King who made sure that you were properly seated at his side in the table of Kings marking your place among the Company and as the Ring Bearer. Raising your glass of wine you made sure not to drip any on the shimmering Silver gown Thranduil’s Seamstresses had made for you matching his robes while each breath made the jeweled necklace he had forged himself shifted slightly across your chest, glowing brightly reflecting the candlelight same as the jeweled clips in your hair to match. 
With Estel snuggly resting back in his room under Elven guard you accepted Thranduil’s hand for your first dance watching his smile grow as all Dwarven eyes lingered over your dress and jewels. Each visibly showing remorse for their behavior towards you after having to endure the King’s wrath and watch as those who had wronged you were cast out. Sure to his word all your gold was returned along with another chest’s worth to make up for his kin stealing from you.
Twisting and turning through the crowds your smile grew as your glow did enjoying your first moment of truly being relaxed among the Company and Elves since your return. Standing for each dance the King requested with you between the few some of the members of the Company had requested. Remaining out there until the ache of not being with Estel grew and once again the King’s hand found yours to lead you back out again. Outside into the cool night air to the waiting Elk to carry you back, just in time to curl up once again for another story, though this time you would fall asleep only to wake again still in the King’s arms but with a new ring on your hand. A ring that clearly stated his intentions of joining your family, blinking again your eyes rose to the Prince relaxing at his Father’s side having taken up both of your places and sharing his favorite story with his new Brother from when he was his age.
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