#implied scroldie
Nearly done with chapter in progress idk if I’ll post over the weekend or wait a bit to see if I can give myself a proper posting schedule….
Right now plans for the next few chapters should include…
—Donald meeting Daisy’s sister and nieces (idk if I implied in my in verse one shot if he met them before if he hadn’t than I’ll need another plot point)
—possibly a Scroldie or Delro fluff chapter
—NYE (poestone, fethbeak, maybe some others)
Flashback ideas or any character combinations you want to see interact drop me a line
Also always open to questions
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callme--starchild · 5 years
Auntie Goldie
Summary: Unca' Scrooge has a girlfriend! And Donald couldn't be happier for that.
Donald didn't think there were ducks the same or more rich and more amazing than his dear Unca' Scrooge, he thought sucking his thumb like any four-year-old kid would. But there he was, in a ball dedicated to the most powerful people in Duckburg.
Even if they weren't as amazing as his uncle.
Even so, being surrounded, the boy felt intimidated by so many unknown presences, and curled up in the old duck's chest, wrapping in his heartbeat like a lullaby.
"Ah wan' ta go ta th' m'or, Unca' Scrooge" babbled as he could, despite the finger in his bill and his partially distorted voice.
Even so, his caregiver seemed to understand the communicated message, and gave him a smile scooping him on his arm, holding the cane with his free hand as he continued to enter the Club, not worrying if the duckling's little hands wrinkled his deeply ironed suit.
"Dinnae worry, Donnie. Yer unkie jus' needs tae find new entrepreneurs t' socialize wit'. We willnae be here long. Besides, ye look absolutely charming in yer suit," adding, he tickled his nephew's belly, satisfied with the giggle that caused on him and dispelled his fear.
Of course, he was no longer Donald's Papa, constant visits and talks by Hortense made the infant perceive the genealogical difference between Quackmore and Scrooge; but that did not disturb the strong affection that the old Scotsman had since then.
"Besides, Ah'll be with ye all th' time. Who knows wha' yer mother would do with Unca' Scrooge if something will happen t' ye," for a few seconds he thought of joking, playfully saying that his sister would kill him if she knew that her son was injured in the care of the old duck; but he considered it knowing that this would not be the right vocabulary for a wee child.
Besides that he also didn't want to consider the possibility of the lad getting hurt. Much less being in his care.
Donald pulled his thumb from his bill at his uncle's words, giving him a smile despite the saliva that ran through his finger.
"But Ah know ye will never let anything happen to me, Unca' Scrooge. Ye're tougher than toughies after all!" With clear pride, Donald exclaimed raising a finger skyward.
Suffice it to cause a warm smile in the elder, taking with little problematic a handkerchief from the pocket of his coat to clean the nephew's salivated hand.
"That's right, Donald. And smarter than the smarties, just like ye." Finishing to clean his hand, he winked at his, self-satisfied with the smile the younger one was sketching.
After reassuring the little duckling, he firmly held his cane again and continued to enter the Gala of the Billionaire Club, saluting the millionaires he already knew.
He tried not to smile and remain stoic when Donald innocently corresponded to the greeting with a gesture and a bright look, keeping the manners learned in his short period of life.
He continued to avoid the aristocracy, furtively analyzing the face of each of them until the buffet began to glimpse, perceiving how almost immediately the child extends both hands, trying to take each snack despite the obvious distance.
"Are ye hungry? But if we ate before coming." Scrooge laughed softly, holding Donald and putting his other hand on his chest feeling his heartbeat. He finally reached the huge table and lowered the duck at his feet. "Whatever ye do, dinnae get away from Unkie Scrooge, awricht?"
He soon felt the little arms of his nephew circling one of his legs, feeling him bounce excited while trying to stand.
Wow, he was too elusive to be in the middle stage of walking, but fortunately he was just as obedient. Scrooge couldn't help a smile at it.
However, while searching for something suitable for an infant, he wondered why he had not brought the chopped fruit. As he mentioned, they had eaten something before they left for the gala, and had not considered carrying the huge duffel bag because they would not be there for a long time and would not need it.
He had clearly forgotten that he was dealing with the stomach of a four-year-old duckling.
"Do ye want a cookie, Donnie?" Looking at the boy, he took a considerable amount of the snack.
Donald nodded almost immediately.
"So soon you go to the buffet, Scrooge?" At that moment, a female voice interrupted the duck in his movements, and the youngest one clung more to the leg of his caregiver, hiding in him and at the same time wanting to protect the older.
After all, with all the riches and amazement that defined his unca', he would not be surprised if there were no good people who would try to take it away from him as happened in the stories Mama told him.
His very short stature allowing him not to see the funny smile that the Scottish's face adopted.
"Do ye appear here soon, Goldie?" Hidden in the old duck's back, Donald was baffled by the unnoticed confidence in his voice; that did not allow him to lower his guard or release his leg, though. "What did ye find during me absence?
Standing on tiptoe, he tried to see the face of the person who dared to approach his uncle, being intercepted by the table that looked immense in his eyes.
Goldie's name sounded terribly familiar to him, but he couldn't identify from where. Nor could he dare to speak to his uncle and risk interrupting his conversation. It would be a lack of education, and Donald Fauntleroy Duck was anything but a ill-mannered boy.
"Don't get excited, Scroogey," however, the ease in the other voice took him off guard when they referred to his uncle in that way. And if it weren't for the timbre of voice and that unknown touch that put Uncle Scrooge's feathers on end, he would have thought it was Mommy who they were dealing with. "I haven't been much longer than you, really. And answering your question, I would say no, these rich men didn't bring anything interesting tonight; fortunately, I just found something really valuable."
For some strange reason, the boy felt his caregiver's body shudder, his hiding place and attachment denying him the sighting of the plumage of his cheeks red-tinted.
"Answering yer question equally, dear Goldie, Ah woold dare tae say tha' Ah came t' see ye." Incredulous, Donald looked at the elder. A confident expression seemed to invade his features, watching as he slowly seemed to soften discreetly. "Sadly, me young chaperon seemed to get ahead."
Subsequently, he felt Uncle Scrooge's hand ruffling his hair feathers, taking the cookies stretched a little hesitantly. He heard the woman sigh in surprise before he could bite the first one.
"Young chaperone?" Listening to the small tapping of heels against the floor on the soft, slow music, Donald got even more attached to his uncle's leg, feeling his own trembling slightly, not sure if it was because of someone they faced or his little dominance in walking.
But whoever it is, he would not fear defending his beloved favorite adventurous uncle. The adventure was in him since he was born under the McDuck legacy, and it would not take long to prove it to protect him.
Donald was not afraid of anyone, not even—
An elegant duck dressed in a beautiful white dress. Her blond hair, beautifully neat in a way that looked strange to him, completely bathed in a varied but beautiful selection of precious gemstones that did not compete with his mother's, shone in the great hall in such a way that he questioned how he did not distinguish her when he was in his uncle's arms—maybe, he supposed, it was because he was more focused on talking to him.
He thought he saw her green eyes wide when he felt her gaze on him.
"...Oh," she seemed to have noticed something, something he couldn't identify while holding on to Scrooge. "Who is this cute young man?"
But perceiving the discreet amount of gold that ran through her jewelry, a skill that still required improvement, added to the beauty that came off in her simple presence, Donald recalled some of the stories that Unca' tells him before he slept.
Among all the gold hunts, amazing adventures and impressive discoveries, the blurry story of, Klike?, Klondike?, yes, K’ndikay, became present.
And in it, the image of a blondie duck that accompanied and betrayed his uncle over and over again slowly became clear.
But it couldn't be her, could it?
"This laddie? Oh, he's me lovely nephew, Donald." Soon, he saw himself again in his uncle's arms, and settled down to keep listening to his heartbeat, stopping to eat his cookie when he perceived it faster than usual. "And dinnae be fooled. He may seem like the most adorable duckling in the world, but this little imp is a whole bit."
Involuntarily, Scrooge thought about the occasion in which Della at her two years had plotted to make a joke by dressing, acting and even speaking exactly like her brother, and how it took all afternoon in which he took care of them to distinguish one from the other.
Or how they helped each other to throw or hide the vegetables they should ate, or sneaked into the kitchen, managing to avoid even Duckworth to reach the vase of cookies in the highest cabinet, being discovered and reprimanded when the elders gave with the wasted food or they accidentally broke the vase.
And how to forget the occasion when he had to improvise an adventure in the manor when both, at age three, had hidden to avoid a visit to the doctor that involved the application of an injection? Their hiding place was discovered thanks to a sneeze and the consequent Della's reprimand. They had cried a lot, and had not spoken to him for weeks until the strong love they had made them beg for apology.
Unfortunately, Della was prey to a chicken pox, which is why he was commissioned only with the youngest twin while the female duckling was recovering; that perhaps prevented them from making a mischief during the evening, but that made them look incomplete.
"Well, it's nice to meet you Donald," the boy said nothing at the older woman's forced tone, shaking his opposite hand hesitantly at his uncle's watchful eye, "I'm Goldie O'Glit."
A few seconds passed.
Goldie... O’Glit? The name rang in a loop, and Donald had to see for not suffering a outburst that made him look like a bad duck.
Of course it sounded familiar!
"Is she the friend, Unca'?" He inquired with a glow of curiosity in his gaze, looking at his uncle as he pointed to the woman in front of them.
Not knowing the reason why his dear unca's face turned red and nervous, as well as the small laugh that evoked the elegant duck.
Scrooge smiled broadly, laughing nervously.
"Children, huh? They have a great imagination," the old Scotsman said awkwardly, unsatisfied with the amused smile on Goldie's face.
"Yes, it seems so." Goldie rolled her eyes while still smiling slyly, sensing the peculiar way in which he stopped his hand on the duck's head, stirring the hair feathers with such familiarity and warmth that she didn't think she would see in Scrooge McDuck.
Inquisitive, Donald looked at his uncle again, tilting his head in confusion. He admitted to having an overactive imagination, especially when he was with his sister, but he wasn't sure that the facts of his Unca's stories were a product of his mind.
Unless he wanted to express in the kindergarten how much he admired his uncle, and how fascinating it was to have him in his life despite spending most of his time working in his studio, going out to work more in the money bin or counting his vast amount of money.
"But Unca' Scrooge..." but on that occasion it wasn't like that, and he was sure.
Being interrupted again by Scrooge.
"Wha's up, Donald? Do ye wan' tae go tae th' bathroom?" What? The duckling was wondering, looking at the old Scottish man, finally perceiving his nervous expression and colored feathers. Donald sighed in surprise. "If ye'll excuse us, Goldie, Ah have work tae do."
Excusing nervously, Scrooge withdrew from the buffet feeling how slowly the knot in the pit of his stomach was falling apart, sighing with relief.
For the next gala he would remember to bring his nephew's food, or minimally small zyploc bags in which he would carry the food he could, he thought as he headed to the bathrooms at the watchful eye of his ex-partner, determined to keep his facade…
"Is she yer girlfriend, Unca' Scrooge?"
Stopping abruptly in his footsteps to observe the curiosity in the glow of his wee Donald's eyes as he slowly chewed a cookie.
"W-What?" He repeated. And no, he hadn't stuttered or got nervous, thank you very much.
Much less, his behavior had attracted more attention of the child.
"Do ye wants that lady the same way Daddy wants Mommy?" He smiled, and Scrooge could not identify whether that innocence was false or not. "Because Daddy sometimes gets like this when Mommy is near."
The old duck cleared his throat, suddenly feeling his throat dry and his sweaty brow.
"No, no, Donnie. Yer tough uncle dinnae wan' that lady the same way..."
"But she was pretty!" And ye seemed to get along very well." Scrooge rolled his eyes, recognizing that Donald was still too young, innocent and gullible to understand the complex relationship between Goldie and him, "can Ah call her Auntie Goldie?"
Despite the shock, his reflexes were equally fast, and he knew how to react when his grip on the duckling loosened.
Well, now he was playing with him; Scrooge already recognized the false innocent smile on his nephew's face when he was plotting something.
"Wha'? Nae!" Having to fight against his willpower so as not to redden more than he already was to satisfy the wee one, he stared at his satisfied expression behind that plump pretty face. "Donald Duck, there is nothing between Goldie and me; so ye can forget the idea of calling her yer aunt."
Having to wait a few seconds to appreciate how his nephew's teasing expression slowly became a pout that made him look more adorable than he already was.
"Oh, phooey." In an attempt to snap his finger, his uncle didn't see when he got sad.
"Donald, language," of course, he was sure that the expression was created in a moment of boredom, but something told him he didn't want to know the meaning of it.
Until the duck's gaze shone again, and he smiled for a moment.
Scrooge did not see how the duck's face changed consecutively from a pout, to that cheerful expression and how, finally, he made the brightest look he could in a vain attempt to cry.
"But..." His voice was more unintelligible than usual, and he continued when he felt his uncle's gaze on him, "in a moment Ah will have to grow up, Unca' Scrooge."
Thought that, quite honestly, the Scotsman didn't even want to think. If an adventure offered him the possibility of finding an artifact that would allow him to keep his baby like a baby forever, he would accept it without hesitation.
"Ah wooldn't want to leave ye alone when that happened, but what if Ah did? Ah would like to leave ye with someone who loved you as much as I... maybe not so much" sobbing, he snatched the buttoned shirt of Scrooge with his cookie-free hand, and hid his face in small sobs.
And the old duck didn't know what to do or say when his nephew looked at him with puppy eyes and threads of tears running down his cheeks.
He sigh heavily, leaning his back against a nearby wall, leaning his cane to the side, to affectionately disarray Donald's hair feathers.
"Donald, m'boy, Ah willnae be alone," as he expected, his nephew looked at him with a trembling beak, waiting for an explanation, and smiled sweetly, wiping his cheeks with his thumb and forefinger. What did it matter if someone saw him acting so fatherly? Anyone would expect to see that with an lovable bairn in his arms. "Ah will have all me money..."
But that's something material, unca', and mommy says family is the most important thing."
Of course, Hortense would say that, Scrooge thought seeing the boy's confused expression, smiling before approaching and planting loud kisses on his face.
"But ye will always be me family, Donnie. Della, Hortense, Quackmore, yer Auntie Matilda, even yer cousin Gladstone" he tried not to laugh at the pout created by the boy at the mention of the goose following the strange resentment that enveloped the luck of both bairns. "Regardless of distance, time, or circumstances, we will continue to be family."
"Ah know, Ah know, but..."
"Besides, I know that this heart is so big not to leave this old duck on his own." Of course, he considered himself more than capable of taking care of himself from minor threats like Glomgold or the Beagle Boys, but feeling Donald's steady heartbeat as he stabilizes, he acknowledged being right.
Now he understood why the wee child loved to feel his.
Meanwhile, the young duck could not help smiling in shock. He had waited for the right moment to ask his uncle about the alleged marriage to Goldie, waiting for his replies about the so-called crocodile tears that Della and he had used so many times.
But he had obtained something better.
Unca' Scrooge does not usually speak with him so sincerely and familiarly, considering unnecessary feelings for business, which made him cherish the occasions when he looked like someone else.
Then there won't be Auntie Goldie?" Trying to sound disappointed, he stopped his hand over Scrooge's. The smile at his bill was what gave him away, though.
"There willnae be Auntie Goldie," he carried his nephew on his hip and took his cane again. "And if ye excuse me, laddie, this unca' needs tae go tae the bathroom and refuses tae leave his nephew alone."
He heard the duckling snort and eat the last cookie.
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twisted-lassie · 5 years
Tumblr media
Pics of the famous: Dickie Duck!
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tree-wizard · 3 years
White Night Fantasy
@promiseddifferent @roseprincess1994
My second fic! I got insanely carried away with this one and wrote like 7 pages of Scroldie just laying bed????
Anyways, this takes place right after that implied Prisoner of White Agony Creek scene. So lots of mention of sex but nothing explicit in any way. Lots of introspection and fluff.
I was very intentional with the way I wrote Goldie passages vs Scrooge passages but no one is probably even going to notice.
Title is a Nightwish reference as always. The lyrics of that whole song are perfect.
And oh I made both Scrooge and Goldie Demi .... BEACUSE I CAN HEHEHEH
Goldie starred up into the darkness. She’d gotten a bit carried away in the last hour but now she had to focus on what this had all been for. The nugget. She started to run through different plans but then suddenly stopped. She’d already stolen it. She’d literally had it in her hands last night. Along with the rest of the lockbox with its deed. That was the whole reason why she even let him take her to this isolated barren place. He was knocked out, she had a ride to Dawson, it was more perfect than she could have imagined. But then she saw a curl of her golden hair. The one he’d stare at every night. And she came back. She came back.
Had the sex been for no reason then? She’d always had a reason. Money, future favors, stolen treasure, something. It was always pleasurable once she was in the depth of it but she never had the urge to do it just because. But this time was different. She actually longed for it, without having anything to gain. Except him. She’d longed to have his rough hands move over her body, to have his lips bless her, to feel his breath. She’d never felt like this about anyone before and had no idea sex could be like this.
And in the midst of it all she wasn’t thinking about angles. She wasn’t plotting future moves. All that had matter was being with him. Her defenses had lowered. The defenses she’d gotten so used too, she forgot that they were even there, that she had existed at some point without them. But, oddly, she hadn’t felt exposed. It had felt natural, she felt present and secure. It had just felt right somehow. 
And now he was in her bed with her. Wait, no, she was the one who was in his bed. She passed her hand over the wood. His bed. It just dawned on her that he had slept where she lay every single night before she was here. He broke his back over the same stiff wooden frame, held the same blankets tightly to his shivering huddled body. The heat of the stove would warmly embrace his legs, making him relax his shoulders after a long day of work and convincing him to give into the awaiting rest. What did he think of—those days when he wasn’t too exhausted to think at all as she was sure was the case most nights—before slumber overtook him? His family back in Scotland? All his past travels and endeavors? The fortune he wished to find? Did he face the wall or the open room? Did he squirm in his sleep a lot? What dreams did he have, if any? 
Did his spirit linger all the days she slept here?  He’d always been with her in that case but now he was actually here. They were sharing the bed. In a sense it was theirs. That felt bittersweet for some reason. As if she knew she was lying to herself and she had to forget about such stupid fantasies and grow up. But she pushed the uneasy sense to the back of her mind and tried to focus instead on the warm comfort spreading through her. Their bed.
Scrooge lay in bed waiting to cool off and catch his breath. The rush of the last hour was settling down, leaving his head clear for reflection. The contentment was turning into nervousness as he realized that she was lying only a few inches away.
He had a hard time believing what had just happened. It felt like his whole world had shifted slightly and now everything was slightly off. He presumed that it was actually a pretty normal thing and something that typically happened much earlier than thirty. But it never really crossed his mind at any point in his life. He didn’t care for women, or anyone for that matter, before. He couldn’t understand why other men would go all googly eyed and waste their money on random bar girls. Why would they go crazy at seeing a woman with slightly lifted skirts. He didn’t pay attention to all the dance hall girls in Dawson and that’s probably why he could work besides Goldie whereas any other man would probably be losing their mind the whole time.
But as the days working next to Goldie had passed, he’d felt an unusual twisting warmth take up a home at the bottom of his stomach. He wanted to reach out to Goldie whenever he looked at her lately. He wanted to be near her. Wanted to have that warmth envelope her too. He would heat up when she kissed him and he burned when she went further than that. He didn’t know what was going on with his body. Why was it betraying him, now after thirty years? 
He used to think that if he ignored it, it would go away, but it had only grown, the warmth spreading through his whole body. He used to want to get rid of it but now he didn’t mind that much. He’d felt so much relief and pleasure when they made love. He felt special and he liked to see her enjoyment too. He wanted to be with her. 
It seemed that everything around him stopped when she kissed him. There was only mindless passion. The hard exterior he kept up, especially around her, and all his doubts about himself and her all disappeared. But now that they were done, Scrooge didn't know what was going to happen. Were they just going to wake up tomorrow and go back to their constant bickering, eyes filled with rage? Had it all just been some weird slip up?
Or worse, had it all been a trap? Maybe all that just happened was just a way for her to seem innocent, to make it look like she cared for him, to spin his head so that she’d have time to run away with his gold. He didn’t drink her coffee, her poison, earlier that day so this was plan B. Using her seductive powers to enchant unsuspecting men just long enough to steal their gold was her specialty. She was a siren, ready to drag men that passed her into deep dark waters. He’d already fallen for it once and he’d always curse himself for that. 
Except he didn’t feel too bad about it now for some reason. NO NO! He had been foolish and he couldn’t let it happen again. He wasn’t like all those other men. He couldn’t show any kind of care for her. That would be giving in. She’d know she had him in her grasp. He was smarter than the smarties, tougher than the toughies, sharper than the sharpies. He had to be.
 But he felt his cheeks warming up. Maybe the need to constantly mask his feelings wasn’t just because he needed to keep her from having an advantage over him. Maybe it was easier to pretend that he hated her than to confront the reality: she hadn’t only been able to do the impossible and turn him on, he had truly fallen for her. Find gold, send money to his family, make his fortune. That’s all he planned for, all he had focused on for the last two decades. This was not part of the plan. He couldn’t get distracted when he was finally so close to reaching his goals.
And yet simply going back to the way things were and pretending  that this night never happened seemed impossible. He could just tell her to leave tomorrow morning.
But could he just let her go like that? Make her leave? Never see her again? Remain in this infinite loneliness?
He turned to look at her. With the aid of a moonbeam, he could make out that she lay on her back, her arms crossed over her chest, her eyes closed. Her eyebrows were slightly furrowed and she seemed to be thinking about something. She seemed so soft and peaceful like this. He’d seen her face when it was furious, annoyed, exhausted, focused, lustful (an image that sent electric shivers down his spine) but this one seemed the most precious.
He silently whispered her name. Goldie.
He thought about her all the time and wondered what she thought of. What she was feeling? As much as she was truly the Ice Queen of the North, he could tell that she had a tender heart. Maybe so much that it made her swear to keep up her walls, be strong and never vulnerable. Just like him. They really were so alike. She loafed around and complained a lot and barely did any work in the first few days but he’d watched her slowly get more and more focused until she was just as determined as him. She tried to hide it but he’d noticed how excited she got any time she found some nuggets. He smiled to himself. She really understands now how rewarding hard work is. And she definitely could rise up to the challenge, to all his expectations, and seemed eager to prove herself. She was like a hearty gold veil, full of vigor. Head held high. And she was just as beautiful and shone just as bright as one too. He loved to see her proud with herself. To see her wipe her hands at the end of the day, look proudly down at her findings and smirk at him, with a hint of a giggle, claiming to have found more gold than him. Of course he always replied with a cold stare and a disapproving sigh but he actually really loved when she did that. He loved to see her rare giggles and genuine laughs, and when she’d playfully punch him or make faces at him or throw snowballs in his face. He loved it when they would settle down for meals and she’d listen to him retell his adventures with curious soft eyes. And when she’d talk about her own past and her success with her saloon. He loved that wistful look in her eyes. He loved how she’d sit with her face nestled in her hands, around their evening fire, and just attentively look out ahead, taking in the quiet beauty of the valley painted by the glow of the setting sun. The alpenglow on the mountains in the distance. The grandeur and purity of the Yukon wilderness. He just loved having her work and sit beside him, hearing her breath and feeling the whispers of her feathers.
He loved her.
But such affection was foreign to him. Even if he let himself admit it was there, even if he let himself give in to it, he had no idea what to do with it and that scared him. Fighting with her, keeping her at bay was the already well trodden path, the matted snow. But there on his side was fresh new snow where he hadn’t been before and as much as it was beautiful and glistening and tempting he had no idea what lay under it. It could be jagged rocks or feet upon feet of just snow that he would fall through once he took a step into it. 
He had no idea what Goldie even thought about him. She’d kissed him and then she’d hit him and threw the coffee pot and a bunch of plates at him and then she’d made love to him. He didn’t know what to make of that. He could understand why she’d be angry with him. He’d taken her against her will. He’d taken her away from her business and who knew what would happen to the Blackjack now? He’d essentially kidnapped her. She had to stay with a stranger in an unknown land. And he forced her to work every day too. He felt very ashamed of all this now. She had stolen his gold but she hadn’t deserved this. He could understand why she’d want to get away, even if she didn’t take his gold. She’d return to her home, to the business she had made from nothing and that meant everything to her, where she was in control and where her name, her name, mattered.
She’d told him earlier that if she’d wanted to steal his gold again she would have done it long ago. Maybe she cared for him at least a little then. It definitely felt like she did when they did it but that was most likely because it was his first time and he didn’t know better. He felt so special and adored then, like it was only the two of them in the whole world. But she’d probably had countless similar encounters before. He’d taken her away from the saloon, from Dawson, and she hadn’t seen anyone for a whole month. She probably just finally decided that the clueless virgin was her only option right now. And now she’d return to Dawson, to better men. Did he really believe that Glittering Goldie, the Star of the North, the Ice Queen, would actually love someone and if she did it’d be him?
He felt his chest ache from all those thoughts. He desperately wanted to touch her. To feel her warmth and at least pretend that she cared for him. He turned to face her again and froze.
Just do it, you big dope. Reach out to her. You are the Master of the Mississippi, the Buckaroo of the Badlands, the Terror of the Transvaal, the King of the Klondike and you’re scared of this? You’re Scrooge McDuck, for God’s sake!
At that Scrooge slowly extended his hand and moved away a strand of her face and stroked her cheek. Goldie jerked from the sudden contact and then turned to him with a mischievous smirk, and a catty look in her eyes. But he noticed her expression soften and her eyes become full of longing. He was suddenly reminded of when he came home from shoe shining when he was a child in Glasgow and Matilda would run up to him all upset because some mean boy had teased her and all she wanted was to be scooped up and embraced by her big brother. Her eyes would glisten with a prelude of tears but they’d also be brimming with joy at seeing her brother.
Goldie turned to him with her default expression but suddenly felt herself melt. There he was. His nervous innocent face. Less than a dozen inches away. With those curious big brown eyes. The clear pearl blue moonlight, speckled with floating dust angels, trickled over him. She was so close to him and it felt so intimate and peaceful. She could almost see the warm fuzzy tension in the air suspended between them. She felt herself blush. She wanted to lay here and look at this cute miner forever. The night was endless. It was just them in the cabin, in the same bed, under the same blanket, and her past, the outside world, time itself seemed to fade to the background.
She shifted closer to him and nestled her head into the crook of his neck. Scrooge’s eyes widened. He certainly hadn’t expected her to reciprocate his touch. She pulled the sheets closer over them and started to move one of her hands in small circles over his chest feathers. The movements sent a warm stream through him and pulled him out of his stupor. He finally grew accustomed to what was happening and rested a soft kiss at the top of her head. Goldie smiled at that and pulled him closer, Scrooge wrapping an arm over her back. He closed his eyes. She’s in my arms.
Goldie could feel his heart beating fast so she started to coo quietly in hopes of calming him down (and herself- her own heart wasn’t beating much slower). He squeezed her shoulders. Did he really stare at her curl of hair every night? Could he really love her? For something other than her body even. She felt so comfortable laying in his arms. And this was new for her. She didn’t let other men come this close before. They were foolish and mean and repulsive. But she liked being in this duck’s arms. They were strong and gentle. It seemed like he wanted to press her as much as possible to him, to his heart, but didn’t want to crush her. 
She lifted and turned her head and pressed her beak softly against his.
“With all that anger you usually direct my way, I didn’t think you could be this careful, sourdough.”
Scrooge got flustered at the sound of her voice. He shifted his head a little bit to look into her emerald shining eyes. 
“I’m surprised ye aren’t running away with mah gold.”
She frowned at that. He’d probably never really see her for something other than a thief.
“I know you don’t trust me and I understand that, but I don’t want to steal anything from you anymore.”
Goldie felt his sigh waft over her head. “You can go back to Dawson tomorrow then.”
Goldie stayed quiet. She knew that made sense, but she almost felt upset with him for saying that.
“After everything that happened this month?” She heard herself ask, surprising herself. She didn’t fully know why that mattered. Why she felt like she had to push back at his suggestion.
Scrooge blinked a couple times. “Wha...I...I don’t understand.”
Goldie shut her eyes and leaned closer to him, clutching a handful of his feathers.
Scrooge suddenly felt his chest get damp. Alarmed, he shifted to the side and turned to face her. He clasped his hands over the hand that had been holding on to him.
“What’s wrong, Goldie?”
“Why are you such an infuriating warm sourdough?” She asked, slapping his chest.
Scrooge shifted nervously, unsure how to respond. 
She sighed and looked away. “I don’t think I want to head back to Dawson just yet.”
She turned back to him and stared determined into his eyes. 
“Look, I know I stole from you and I know you think I’m a distraction-”
“Goldie, I-”
“Just listen! You’re trying to find your fortune, and support your family back in Scotland and rebuild your ancestral castle, I get that! I know you care about hard work and being tough and making things square, and you think I’m just some lying, stealing, lazy, dance hall girl. But I want to be part of your world, and not just by being the woman who stole your gold.”
Goldie let out her breath and turned away from him, her face all flushed. She couldn’t believe she’d just said all that. WHAT WAS WRONG WITH HER?
Scrooge’s eyes welled up and he reached out and cupped Goldie’s face, turning her towards him.
“Goldie, you...you’re already more to me than that. I’m so sorry I captured you and took you here and made you work really hard every day. I thought you hated me for that. But...but, I think I love you.”
Goldie smiled and shifted closer, wrapping an arm around him. She rested her forehead against his. 
“Me too, Scroogey”.
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lettheladylead · 4 years
idk if you've ever answered this one before, but does the 'dickie is scrooge's illegitimate granddaughter' theory have any validation?
its never been implied in official comic text! a lot of translations have dickie call scrooge variations of grandpa but thats just supposed to be a “young people call old people by nicknames”
romano scarpa (creator of dickie duck) also doesnt seem to ship scroldie and was very adament about goldie being scrooge’s “past” while brigitta is his “future” (funny because brigitta met scrooge around the same time as he met goldie but w/e these characters existed long before rosa came along to spruce scroldie up)
dickie’s also romantically shipped with fethry in a lot of comics and i know the relation is kind of distant at that point but i dont think theyd do that if anyone wanted that to be some kind of Secret
so my answer is: no not really but its fun to think about
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1) Ducktales 2) Drakepad 3) Della (even if i was only supposed to send one, at least you have options for what you want to answer ^^)
Favorite character: Drake!
Least Favorite character: M*rk B**ks
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): drakepad, fenro,dellumbra,dellene, three gay caballeros!
Character I find most attractive: seleeeeene!! and della 
Character I would marry: frank’s alluded to morgana coming to dt17 and im staying hopeful so...magic wife
Character I would be best friends with: launchpad bc he’s everyone’s friend!!
a random thought: its a good show watch it @ my non dt followers!!
An unpopular opinion: change is good just because they changed your fav character from the old one doesn’t mean the new one and the old cant coexist and be loved by everyone w/o any fighting!
My Canon OTP: there’s no real canonical ships except maybe scroldie? which i do like even if i constantly battle between gay scrooge and lesbian goldie and then back to bi for both
My Non-canon OTP: drakepad hands down!
Most Badass Character: ms. beakley!!!
Most Epic Villain: lunaris was p formidable imo!
Pairing I am not a fan of: besides the obvious incest (this includes webby and the triplets yall!!)/pedophilia...c/rackbea/ks is the ship name i think for fenton and m*rk? 
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): hmm not really thinking of anything atm except ig that it feels like there should be more about donald in the terms of him post moonvasion (but like obviously we arent that far so it might get expanded on so thats why i dont wanna concretely say he was “screwed up”)
Favourite Friendship: all the kids being friends makes me 🥺🥺🥺
Character I most identify with: drake and huey probably!!
Character I wish I could be: an interesting question that i don’t quite have an answer for yet!
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When I started shipping them: well i kept seeing cute fanart of them before i even got into dt and after i saw the hype for dwd i explored more, found drakepad, but didnt REALLY ship it til i gave dwd a try and was like “ok wow the fans werent exaggerating the gay huh”
My thoughts: its such a good ship i want it desperately to become canon i’ve never wanted a ship to become canon so badly before this is THE OTP for me.
What makes me happy about them: they care about each other sm and are already a family and are always trying to make the other be a better version of themselves
What makes me sad about them: that nagging negative feeling that theyll only be implied or never shown beyond platonic
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: tbh i can’t think of anything bc all the fics ive read of them are super sweet!! especially @/mighty-ant  @/bassiter’s fics  @/taylorthegiant@/transdarkwingduck(and some others but idk their tumblr urls)
Things I look for in fanfic: mutual love and understanding (also lots of angst AND PINING GOD THE PIIINIIIING!!!!) its also really great if gosalyns in there too bc then fambily.......
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: i lowkey like fenton with either! 
My happily ever after for them: get married and adopt gosalyn and then grow old together :’)
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How I feel about this character: she’s badass and complete wife...
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: selene and penumbra! 
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: i really love how much she loves her kids she wants to be a good mom and i love it ;u;
My unpopular opinion about this character: she deserves her time to shine screw what my uncle says she ain’t annoying! we’ve had a bajillion years of donald and della only made a select few appearances in some old comics no one really knows about so!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: she faces her fear of not being a good mom and just growing and adjusting and facing what she went through for over a decade
Favorite friendship for this character: donald and i really want for us to see her and gyro itd be hilarious
My crossover ship: um...idk if crossover since she might appear but...morgana x della? i would think morg would be the same age or only a couple of years older in the reboot! 
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Thanks for the ask(s)!!
Send me a fandom, ship, or character!
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📑 For Mun talks about Muse list!
📑 Favorite part of your muse’s backstory?
((Hm, well I can tell you my favorite chapter of “The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck” is “The Prisoner of White Agony Creek,” with the implied Scroldie sex scene and the “Between the legs” joke.  What can I say?  I’m an adult.  Of the original 12 chapters, maybe the happy ending, after Scrooge accepts Donald and the boys as his family and dives into his money for the first time in years.  Also when he finally strikes The Goose Egg Nugget and asks himself what being rich will cost him.
As for DuckTales 2017, they haven’t really covered too much of his backstory so far.  Well I’ll say “The Outlaw Scrooge McDuck” was a pretty decent episode.  Possibly on my personal top 10.  I kinda like that Scrooge and Goldie had a few encounters outside of The Klondike, some of which are only mentioned in the book “Solving Mysteries and Rewriting History.”  As I’ve said before, IMO the show is at its best when it goes its own completely original direction, instead of trying to do what’s already been done.
Though in the case of the ‘87 backstory the parts lifted from the comics were the best parts, i.e. Scrooge earning his first dime shining shoes, which was first established in a Carl Fallberg story called “Getting That Healthy, Wealthy Feeling.”  What they came up with on their own was just too ridiculous, i.e. the whole elephants running over coal to make diamonds scene, having him burying him his lucky dime and finding a gusher of oil.  Having said that you have to consider at that point in time that there really weren’t any full stories dealing with Scrooge’s past.  Don Rosa’s “Life and Times” wouldn’t be around for another 5 years and Rosa was just establishing himself as a writer at the time.  There were just several facts spread here and there throughout the comics.  So being the first canonical Scrooge biography story [aside from Jack L. Chalker’s “Informal Biography of Scrooge McDuck,” a little completely prose little pamphlet published in 1974 which the writers probably weren’t familiar with] I rate it E for effort.
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astrodances · 5 years
Into the Inferno
Just some silly Scroldie date-night shenanigans with some Rosa references sprinkled in for good measure. ;)
Slight warning for implied "amorous activities" and a semi-clothed Goldie.
Lucky them that whenever the rest of the family hears loud thumping and the occasional crash coming from Uncle Scrooge’s room, they know to stay away from that wing of the mansion for the night. Beakley has gotten it down to a science of herding the kids together for a movie night long before any amorous activities begin.
They’re more grateful than usual for it on this night, however, but not because of what Beakley thinks they’re doing, at least not yet.
A part of Scrooge almost wants to laugh at the sight of Goldie standing on the foot of his bed, hands on her hips and his hat lopsided on her head. She took it from him after tossing her evening shawl in his face as a coy distraction, and now he leaves it running parallel to his scarf around his neck. Whatever point she wants to make from her vantage point, well, she certainly has his attention for it now.
“Let’s go over this one more time,” Goldie dictates, rocking back on her heels to test the mattress underneath her. They’re both just a little tipsy, but that, if anything, has contributed to an extra-playful mood tonight. “When a damsel- no, when I’m standing on the edge of a burning stage, flames threatening to consume me at any second, what do you not do?”
Scrooge grumbles a century-old sigh and repeats the lesson she’s reminded him of at least half-a-dozen times over the past few hours. “Stand there like a big dope.”
“Right. And what do you do?”
“Let the hose brigade come and rescue you.”
He laughs and ducks out of the line of sight of her ire, having had way too much fun giving her wrong answers, before rolling his eyes and giving her the one she wants. “Throw aside my pride and save ye.”
“There ya go,” she nods in approval. “Now, let’s try it.” With an extra flair of dramatics, Goldie clears her throat and raises the back of her hand to her head, swooning, “Oh!”
Scrooge, for all he’s worth, dives into past character and bounds up onto his bed in three steps, carrying on with his lines from that fateful night. “Goldie, I-“
Yet just when he should catch her fainting form, Goldie ducks out of reach of his arm and spins out on the post of his bed to swing herself back around, hanging on with a hand on the frame as she watches him sprawl beak-first into his pillows. The tails of his tuxedo coat have ridden up onto his back and all semblance of dignity seems to leave him while he sinks into the mattress. Her melodious laugh does nothing to help, except to prompt him to glare back at her while leaning on his elbow.
“Whoops, you missed me, tiger,” she sings innocently.
With a low growl, Scrooge slowly begins to turn around on his hands and knees like he’s stalking his prey. She wants to play that game? Fine by him. The King of the Klondike always gets his gold in the end. “Trust me, I won’t make that mistake again,” he warns with a scheming grin, and then he pounces.
He leaps forward, scrambling towards her amid a flurry of kicked-up comforter, and she hops off the bed to give chase.
It continues like this for several minutes: Scrooge thinks he has Goldie cornered, only for her to use whatever’s at hand to throw him off his game. A chair gets knocked over; their footsteps pound hard on the floor; her shrieks of surprise when his hand grazes across her hip fill the air with merriment. They’re like two young Victorian lovers, not giving a care to the prim and proper society to which they belong as they let loose.
When she runs into his walk-in closet and pulls the door shut, he knows he has her. With the distinct click of the inner lock on her part, he knows she knows it, too.
“That was pretty foolish of ye, lass,” Scrooge chuckles through the door, crossing his arms as he leans against it. “I have a key, ye know.”
He waits for a retort, but when none come, he reaches into a vase on the nearby dresser to pull out the key. Sure, walking blindly into a closed room with Goldie O’Gilt inside is a dangerous idea, he reasons, but that’s just his life. And besides, he has an idea.
Door unlocked, Scrooge slips in as quickly as possible and locks the door behind him again. The lights are out, which gives him the advantage since no one knows his closet better than him. But that doesn’t stop his heart from beating mercilessly in his ears.
“Oh, Scrooooge...” Goldie lilts from the shadows.
Coat rack. Bingo.
“Yes, my love?” he plays along, sneaking forward with calculated steps.
“Think fast!”
“Huh- pfft!”
A face-full of fabric nails Scrooge in the beak, obscuring his vision while a certain vixen zooms past him. He tries to reach out to grab her, but ends up with air. When he finally pulls the fabric from his face, finding the closet door wide open and bedroom light pouring in, he notices that it isn’t one of his broadcloth coats like he thought she’d thrown at him, but a dress. Her dress.
His eyes fly wide in stunned realization of what’s awaiting him back in his bedroom and, without wasting any more time, he runs to the doorway to spot her, intent on catching her this time. Yet instead of finding what he thought he was going to find, he stumbles across an entirely different scene.
Goldie stands in front of his mirror, still wearing his hat, but now admiring herself in one of his red coats, spinning every which way to get a better angle. They’re all good... he thinks hopelessly.
“I can see why you wear these, Scroogie.”
She hasn’t bothered to tie it closed, he notices as he takes imperceptible steps towards her, and that suits him just fine.
“Warm, durable, lots of pockets.” Pulling it close, she gives the collar a sniff and shuts her eyes with a dreamy sigh. “Mmm, smells like your cologne.”
There are a million things the image of her in his coat is doing to him, and they all work to propel him further forward while he asks, “Can I have my coat back?”
“You would like that, wouldn’t you?” When he nods with an incriminating gulp, she smirks. “Still gotta catch me then!”
Goldie begins her escape once again, but Scrooge is ready this time. When she tries to slip past between him and his bed, he grabs the ends of his scarf and her wrap around his neck and lassoes them around her, earning another gleeful shriek as he pulls her right against him. Their breaths mingle in the limited space between their beaks, and her hands land on his at his hips in a frivolous attempt to push him away.
“Saved ye,” he announces in a victorious hush.
Scrooge guides their path back to his bed, his eyes never leaving hers as they fall together on the mattress and revive each other with deep, drawn-out kisses. When he breaks away, it’s only for a moment to give her fair warning.
“Now it’s my turn to show you what would’ve happened next.”
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neopuff · 6 years
DT17 Scrooge and Goldie canon timeline!!!! Based on the show and the Mystery Book! Some years aren’t known, but the order of events are so here we goooo:
1897 - Scrooge and Goldie meet in the Klondike for the very first time (S&G are about 30 years old)
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(Unknown year, takes place before getting trapped in ice: Scrooge’s lack of glasses, Goldie’s “should’ve stayed in Dawson,” still mining rather than looking for treasure) - Working Together in Gumption
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(Unknown) - Adventuring in the Bermuda Triangle
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(Before 1917) - Return to the Klondike to search for the Golden Lagoon, Spend 5 Years Frozen (S&G are about 50 years old in 1917)
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(Unknown) - Ayers Rock Adventures
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1942 - Scrooge hires George Mallardy to help him climb Mount Neverrest and becomes the Neverrest Ninny (not scroldie related but theres an exact year, so) [edit] (year is debatable because there’s no way scrooge wasnt a millionaire until 1942, doesnt make any sense. still gonna list it here but i think scrooge lied and/or forgot)
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1960 - Scrooge becomes the richest duck in the world, officially. (not scroldie related but it’s nice to have an exact year)
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Prior to the Christmas Party, after 1968 - Beakley Meets Goldie
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1970s or 1980s - Scrooge Invites Goldie to the McDuck Industries Christmas Party
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1973 - Oak Island (something something, Goldie cut a bridge and Scrooge let her fall) (S&G are about 106 years old)
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2017 - Scrooge and Goldie Return to the Klondike Again (S&G are about 150 years old)
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2018 - Goldie Shows Up In The Mansion, Emotionally Adopts Louie
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2019 - Goldie arrives in Duckburg to see Scrooge and his family save the world
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Later in 2019 - Goldie and Scrooge go to Florida and have a very emotional time
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From Frank’s blog: Scrooge is older than Goldie, but they’re about the same age.
Goldie looked younger in 2017 than she did the last time she and Scrooge interacted!
Gray hair in the 90s but back to blonde for 2010s? @show please give it to us
Beakley hates Goldie with what seems like a strong, personal anger
In 2018 it’d been “a long time” - (10 years? 20 years?) - implying that before that, Scrooge and Goldie saw each other pretty regularly (every few years? every year?)
2017 Reunion was such an emotional trial for Scrooge specifically because of where they were going - not just from seeing Goldie. Being Trapped In Ice was not their first adventure nor their most recent.
Scrooge says “that warmth came from something else” - he and Goldie did not randomly fall in love while frozen, their partnership/rivalry was strengthened by their weird romantic dedication to challenging each other and being stuck for so long led to reflection of their own feelings! The love was already there, just neither of them fully realized it until then
They had successful adventures together along with betrayals and backstabbings
The adventures listed above are clearly not even scratching the surface of all the adventures they’ve been on together
The Mystery Book put the adventuring events in this order - didn’t have years attached to them but Scrooge lists everything else chronologically
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