#imma call this the oc cauldron ask :]
thecryptidwizard · 8 months
A magic cauldron appears in the middle of the back yard. You put in an ingredient, and you get an ultra rare item back.
What's all the OCs putting in and what do they hope to get out of it?
Oooo this sounds very fun!! Makes my brain itch >:]c Some of these items may not sound like rare items, but they would be rare for them!!
edit; you’re gonna have to forgive me on some of these. After spending some time writing, i’m starting to remember how painfully average i was in english class 😭
Kioshi Ryuji:
Kioshi places a broken glazed clay shard into the cauldron. This shard was once part of a beloved project that was shattered years ago. The shard holds years of remorse, turmoil, and a sense of hopelessness. Ryuji wants it gone more than anything, but feels he can’t just simply ‘throw it all away’. Maybe it will create something new from the shard?
Out comes…a can of clay glaze. The can is hefty, but when you open it, the inside is pitch black. He can feel the glaze move and sway inside the can, but cannot see it. This substance coats whatever ceramic in a unique color and texture, based on what Kioshi envisions. No matter what circumstances the chosen pieces are put through, the glaze is nothing but resistant to damages of any kind. Only he can bring such a force to his own creations.
Gomez Brooks:
Gomez puts in one of his late grandmother's scarves. It's worn, but still holds that softness. Colors of purples, greens, and blues are faded, but still distinguishable. Beads of Jade and Tiger's eye hang on by the embroidered stems. Tattered but loved nonetheless. He only wishes for this part of her to last a little while longer.
Out comes…a ring. The bronze band is adorned with small, glimmering green jade, while the tiger's eye rests in the very middle. He remembers dancing with her in the early mornings, the kitchen flooded with hushed laughter and the smell of cherry pie. This ring makes him feel a warmth that he hadn't felt since he was a child, even in the dead of winter.
Crypta Barnaby:
Crypta places a dented metal baseball bat into the cauldron.
Thanks to Clemente Dawn, a whole slew of enemies emerged against the Barnabys. Mobsters, assassins, stalkers, and the occasional bounty hunters. While fighting them off makes their family and friends’ safety all worth the trouble, one can only do so much hand to hand combat when you're literally 5’2. Have you seen some of these fuckers?? <- the one who designed said fuckers
Now bearing a heavy dent, the bloodied bat is rendered useless. There’s no time to scavenge for a new weapon, not when Dawn’s henchmen are becoming more bold. Not when it’s getting increasingly difficult to keep track of everyone you love. Not when death is practically holding your heart by the very strings.
Out comes…the bat. It looks brand new. Stainless steel. It’s not hollow anymore, but heavy. Like the inside’s been filled with cement. There's a strong aura of rage when you hold it. It's cold, and it drags you down the more you hold onto it. Circles are in single file lines all around the bat, and with a twist of the bottom --spikes! Not too sharp, not too blunt. With a bit of practice, and a lot of repressed anger, Crypta can now send the message a bit more clearly.
Esmeralda Trent:
Esmeralda drops a pair of swimming goggles into the cauldron.
Ever since her mother’s disappearance, Esmeralda has always dreaded the ocean. Going beyond the shallow reefs would never cross her mind, and she hated it. She used to love everything about the ocean, even the deeper, more terrifying parts. But now, all there is, is anguish. She wants to feel the waves on her skin again. Anything to be closer to her mother.
Out comes…a pendant. An abalone shell, with a soft, iridescent shimmer. For as long as 3 hours, your breath will never run out when you wear this underwater. You are also not seen as a predator nor prey if you happen to come across any creatures, so you can explore the ocean freely.
Hector Barnaby:
Hector places a spoonful of coffee beans into the cauldron.
Aside from, y’know, the horrors. Hector doesn’t really have a specific need for any rare item. He does like making his lil coffee drinks, so who knows! Maybe he’ll get a new flavor of coffee out of this…
Out comes…a plant? A coffee plant! How cute! But it doesn’t look rare? It just looks like an ordinary coffee tree…Hector shrugs, and finds a sunny spot for the newcomer.
The next morning, Hector comes to find that the tree had sprouted flowers. Which was odd, since the tree showed no signs of flowering or producing fruit anytime soon. Maybe it was just stressed, he thought. So after a thorough check for any pests or possible root damage, he shrugged it off again before continuing his day. When he returns home from work, he completely forgets about the plant and heads to sleep.
The next morning rises, and he checks on the tree. Berries! The coffee tree was bearing fruit that ripened to perfection, as if it spent an entire season on a grow farm. Hector was confused, but cool-headed, given he’s been in weirder situations. We’re not going to argue with a magical coffee tree, that’s for damn sure.
After drying the berries, roasting the beans, and making his usual concoction of caffeine, he’s stumped. The coffee just tastes like any other store-bought beans thrown into the grinder. Hector thinks about this whole situation a bit too intensely that day, and takes another look at the tree itself. He notices a small envelope attached to the back of the pot!
Opening the paper, it read; ‘Place your desired flavoring beneath the soil.’ Okay? Weird? But simple enough? I guess?? Hector doesn’t get paid enough for this (he’s at home????).
Hector grabs a small bottle of Hazelnut spice. Sprinkling the powder into the soil, and gently mixing it in with his fingers. ‘Is this my life now?’ He ponders to himself. ‘Yeah, it probably is’.
The next morning arrives, and the berries have returned. There’s a hazelnut scent to them, but Hector doesn’t believe it just yet. And the coffee process starts again.
‘Well damn’, He grumbles, ‘It’s fucking hazelnut’.
There's probably gonna be a part 2, since there's so many ocs, and i didn't realize how much i would be thinking and writing for this, BUT IM HAVING FUN IN THE END!
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