#im willing to bet he couldnt find silver in the vicinity and was too taken by his instincts to go teleport for him
serenescribe · 9 months
Ficlet request event
Diasomnia cuddle pile?
[✐] ficlet frenzy
A voice rings out from the door, causing Lilia to raise his head from the bed. Silver stands in the doorway, eyes wide as he takes in the scene before him.
And oh, what a scene it must be! The three of them — him, Sebek and Malleus — all curled up together on Malleus' bed, large enough to fit all of them. Malleus lies in the middle, arms curled around Sebek and Lilia's waists, pulling them close to his warm body.
"Ah, Silver!" Lilia calls out, ignoring the exasperated little huff he hears from Malleus as he shifts to push himself upright. "You're just in time, actually. See, Malleus here happens to be in quite a bit of a pickle. His draconic instincts seem to be going a tad bit awry today."
"Yes, I can see that," Silver answers, still hovering in the doorway awkwardly, fingers curled around the jamb. His eyes flick from side to side, surveying the room. "Should I go?"
"No," Malleus demands, his voice like a throaty rumble of thunder, reverberating through the room. "Come."
It takes a bit of maneuvering, Lilia needing to stir Sebek from his slumber — the younger boy grumbling as he shifts over to make space for Silver to crawl in — but finally, Silver settles in among the rest of them. He lays with his head on Malleus' chest, fidgeting slightly, clearly at odds about weighing down his liege's body, though Malleus does not seem to care.
"He'll be like this for a while," Lilia tells Silver, reaching over to ruffle his hair. He hears a snort and an exasperated muttering of words from Malleus, complaining about how this isn't that bad. "Best to settle in for a nap to pass the time, much like Sebek is doing."
It's a bit of a shame that Lilia will have to miss the raid he's planned with Gloomurai today, given how suddenly Malleus had burst into his room and whisked him away without any warning. But can he really say he dislikes this, cuddling close to the rest of his dear family, spending precious time together?
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