#im totally not a mod in this server
benrybenrybenry-chr · 7 months
dude EVERY Sherlock Holmes discord server is the most stressful environment for someone like me to be in I swear- I'm not used to big public servers where anyone can see your opinions and every channel HAS to be used in a specific way and if your conversation drifts you have to move like holy. shit
the chill autistic man's nightmare, additional anxiety about not being where you're meant to be in a DISCORD SERVER
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thegoodcultist · 3 months
Does it make anyone else Very very anxious when you go step into a discord server and there's admins/mods who are under 15? Especially if the topic of the server is a bit heavy?
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faggotwalkwithme · 29 days
omg the urge to just fucking KILL HER ON SIGHT
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mrghostrat · 7 months
The only thing on my mind lately has been your absolutely amazing streamer au and how I just know damn well that The Them (now being older and getting into streaming as well) are little chaos gremlins and occasionally Crowley does streams w them. (Anathema also definitely hops on with them occasionally bc she misses them and just sits in calls on discord or even just plays silently in games while typing her response to them on discord off stream) They definitely all play jackbox together on weekends and fortnite and valorant or like some lawless minecraft server like 2b2t almost. (Crowley doesn’t really know how to play mc but The Them are trying to teach him lol) They do the most heinous crimes on any server they play on in any game they can get their grubby hands on (they love sea of thieves) but also have like chill days where they have like a really nice Raft server and their own modded mc server but none of them are very good at keeping things totally calm so streams on chill days always end in chaos anyways. Silly little rambles sorry abt that! But I just know the Them being young adults now would definitely be streamers too. Crowley probably wouldn’t stream with them too often but in my head that’s what The Them are up to as well in this au:)
im always kicking my feet and absolutely squealing every time I remember the streamer au. Your art, writing, and ideas are absolutely fantastic and a seriously great part of my day when i read ur posts. I can’t wait to spend my entire holiday break from college just reading ur current fic and getting even more hype for streamer and fandom au.
thank you for your services to this deranged and truly feral fandom. As a twitch enjoyer, i am feeling so seen and heard w the streamer au bc i know I’d definitely be in their chats going neurotic!!!!! I simply cannot get enough of ur work!!! ehehehehehhagahage ur so cool keep at it:))
YES YES YES!! and did i mention YES!!! this is a perfect Them and i'm LOSTTTTT thinkin about old man crowley, as modern and up to date as he is, needing a bunch of kids to tell him you don't attack zombies with your pickaxe
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thank you for being so sweet and sharing this with me omg 😭 i'm having the best time talkin about my silly fixations and collaborating with so many enthusiastic askers. i hope you like my fics!! (and best of luck getting through classes!!!)
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tomfrogisblue · 5 days
watched a compilation of all the (canon) egg deaths throughout the server's lifetime and I got some thoughts
(cw - lots of death, lots of pain, if you watched this server you know what to expect but be warned anyway)
- fit's reaction to ramón's loss of his first life is so interesting - no reaction from him or phil that an egg had just gone down in the in-game chat. crazy concept compared to the rest of the future of the smp
- juana and tilin's deaths are so sad and accidental that it's kinda funny. Charlie and Mari just clearly have no idea the risky shit they're pulling (COZ HOW COULD THEY???). man, thank god for etoiles figuring out the sword bug
- foolish just stepping out and coming back to a whale'd leo - the poor doozers who tried to get his attention through donos
- poor fucking roier man. that man just went through it. the reaction of the rest of the server when Bobby went down... bruh the suppressed memories of egg trauma are resurfacing...
- i forgot the bulls were such a fucking problem at one point, hit one and they all come to beat your ass.
- i was there for only some of the egg deaths in the actual streams but i remember tallulah's one from the code monster and phil so fucking clearly. the code was soooooo fucking intent on killing her that day, it took so long and it was so frustrating when it finally succeeded. (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
- oh my god i fucking straight up forgot how bad em's death to the eye workers was. that was so horrible. really fine with never hearing a scream like that ever again thanks 👍
- on that note - every single one of these are so not fun coz the qsmp perfected a level of story and character with the eggs where no one is really being a character or doing much acting. EVERY TIME AN EGG LOSES A LIFE EVERYONE IS ACTUALLY MISERABLE, THERE IS NO ACTING HERE, EVERYONE IS CRYING, IM CRYING, THE CHAT IS CRYING
- ahem. im fine.
- andddddddd i stopped watching when richas' final death was gonna play. i dont need to watch that again. it is tattooed in my brain. thanks but no ❤️
- and i didnt fully realise how many of the egg deaths that really fucked me up were the redacted ones, the nightmares. ramón getting chased out of his safehouse and dying alone in the bamboo as the server races to save him. Phil getting double tapped on the beach and watching pomme get one shotted by the code, totally helpless to do anything. richas disappearing for one (1) second and just showing up as dead, killed by a frenzied knight out of fucking nowhere. The Nightmare, the event that made the server remove a enemy mob mod for a while coz it was just too op compared to the players, just real fun memories of phil taking a boat back to the beach where it happened and debating on whether he's gonna straight up leave the server if chay is gone.
oh, and the Brazilians just blowing up on Vegetta's mines all the way through their first day, leading to richas just getting a redo of his lives lmao
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hazbinhotelsinstagram · 4 months
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I could also make a group chat... to like... talk about everything... ya know.
blah, boring... we already have a sinsta chat do we need anothar?
im not in the sinstagram chat...
sorry, only the cool cats are in the sinta chat. (Okay then.)
Even then, it would be nice to have a place to talk and boost each other. I know of a great app for chatting. Most of the humans I know use it.
Ah- Umm. Not Humans- I mean- It's called discord! Im very familiar with it! Hell, i can post it to the sinstagram and let other sinners join it! it might make them wanna join the hotel!
I mean... it couldn't hurt to try... (:0!!!)
Cool! I'll help you all get the app and set ya an invite! Penny, you want an invite?
Ah- Yes! I'm totally on board with... this chatting service!
Great! I promise this will go great! [Part 2 of 2] [The Selfie shot will be posted soon with a link to the discord! Yes, an actually discord server! I will be looking for mods so if you are interested, and 18+, please DM us! Otherwise, Stay Tuned~]
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total-noco-takes · 6 months
ouugghhh i have so many noco ideas but i don't wanna flood the inbox so it's all going in one post
please do NOT ask why these have titles, i was just feeling silly
apologies in advance mod tiny sausage
'a kill for the sake of killing'/'the perfect crime' Noco danganronpa au where noah kills harold while cody helps out. it doesn't really matter what chapter it would happen it, just for the first title it works best for chapter 1.
'the one behind it all' groovy idea i came up with where Noah accidentally signs a contract from chris and ends up having to watch his friends die. Cody is the last death of course, and at the hands of noah.
'dorm twenty five.' the title is completely based of an rp server im in where cody has dorm 25. basically it's just cody having a mental breakdown, and Noah's there to comfort.
Pokemon trainer AU. I don't have a name for this one. It's literally just a pokemon trainer au i had made when i was kiiinda into pokemon and kiiinda into total drama. It was fun.
Im gonna stop here,,,,,, errr....
-ahdy anon
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thehollyraven · 1 month
Hi!! With the Kirby oc tournament about to actually start, and the mods saying that ocs can totally interact/etc, I was wondering if Fitaphim would be willing to be friends with my little guy, Starry. I just really liked their design and what you had written about them and I feel like they'd get along with Starry! So that's all I really wanted to ask, lmk what you think! /nf
(also you don't have to answer this publicly btw, I tried to send you a message but it wouldn't let me so here's hoping this works right lol)
oh my god ABSOLUTELY !!!!! i love starry dee sm,,, i’d absolutely be down !! i think they’d get along great, especially since fitaphim Also thinks space is rad as hell
(also no worries !!!! went into my settings and fixed that for you, so hopefully you can message me now if you want! im also on the discord server for the tournament if you ever wanna talk through there!!!
anyways, tysm for asking !!!! here’s a little doodle of starry dee for you (if it shows up, drafts is being weird. if not i’ll dm it to you !!!))
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terraliensvent · 2 months
On behalf of someone not in the server, /what/ is the whole myo scandal going on rn? Did they hand out fake myos...? Did they revoke paid myos....? Did staff trade illegal myos to people....??? I'm lost.
OK SO im just gonna give a whole summary of the events of the past few days since it seems a lot of people are confused (also i dont have screenshots EVERYTHING what im about to say, but this is just what i remember from personally seeing it. ill link posts as they come along for context):
the other night, when staff made this announcement regarding coy, shit started to hit the fan pretty fast
this announcement came after almost a full 2 days of weird behavior from staff, like how a lot of them put almost all their terras up for trade and how there was basically radio silence with the staff questions and design concept channels going unanswered. a lot of people noticed how suspicious this was, and this anon was pretty on the money with their theory
so suffice to say everyone was pretty much on the edge of their seats waiting for something big, and after the announcement was made the entire server basically exploded. in the chaos of people trading and running around like chickens with their heads cut off, the mods said they would approve anything submitted to the site. they said they were doing this so they could make the species as bad as possible for when coy took it over, and mods were in the server being very apathetic about it and having an attitude like “idgaf what happens now because we have been getting treated like shit so this is finally the consequences.” this attitude can be seen in the screenshots included here too
during this chaos, people could also ask for myos to be uploaded to their acc for free, which mods would do. so tons of people got “illegitimate” myos. people used their illegal myos and real myos that had been purchased before the downfall to upload tons of characters and some joke characters too, like one that was just a PNG of ellen. during this huge chaos, people were also hating on coy and freely talking about things they disliked about how the species was run as opposed to the chokehold toxic positivity attitude that the server usually had. truly the most euphoric the server has ever been. some coy meat rider was also defending them, and got really aggressive about it and telling people to go fuck themselves (for which they got banned). someone else also made a branch-off server so people could stay in contact with their friends from the terra community seeing as the future was totally uncertain
after a while the “we are approving everything” stopped, and things were a bit more quiet. temul and some mods joined the branch-off server and gave some more deets about the shit coy would do. i also made my Big Post; initially this post was just gonna be positive stuff about how i has a discussion with tycho about suggesting things for the species, but after the announcement was made i was given screenshots to post here by a mod so i just threw it all in the same post. the Big Post made public opinion of coy a lot worse since now there were animal abuse allegations being talked about, but later on with further scrutiny the conclusion was reached that the screenshot was mainly coy exaggerating to try and be funny, but miserably failing. either way, public opinion of coy was and still is totally in the shitter.
the next day, mods put out another announcement that can be summed up as “lol sorry guys everyone get back to business” which is total bs to me considering the shit they were saying the very night before. so now they wanna try and reign in this species when they already did irreparable damage, and now people are switching up and acting like nothing ever happened (i assume its because mods are gonna be looking for new staff soon and they want a piece of the pie lmao)
to fix the monumental fucking issue they created for no reason, they put out another announcement (which i forgot to post here oops sorry pookies)
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so basically what theyre gonna do is:
- if you uploaded character(s) that night using illegal MYO(s), you can choose ONE to unvoid (with any changes that need to be made in order to be legal if you have illegal traits and stuff, like for example eyes + mouth), the unvoided terra will be account bound and non voucherable
- if you had an illegal myo from that night but DIDNT use it, or if you didnt get any illegal myos at all, there will be a form to fill out where you can get one free MYO that will create any subtype up to modified (meaning no limited subtypes), the MYO will be account bound until designed. theyre also in the process of figuring out whether theyll give people the choice of using x amount of lim traits or having the terra be voucherable. some of it is still up in the air
- if you used a legal myo to upload your terra, there will be a process a little down the line for you to get your myo and any items back
and this is where were at now, people in the terra server are acting like everythings normal and going along with the toxic positivity mob once more, people in the branch-off server are freely expressing their grievances as they did that night, and im pissed off because i think its a little unfair that people will get to unvoid their lim terras meanwhile other people only get up to a modified. hand out lim myos instead of modified, why are we STILL doing the artificial scarcity youre all acting just like coy
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pinkyjulien · 6 months
Hi, i really hope im not bothering you by sending a modding question... i am absolutely brand new to even thinking about modding, and i know theres a big discord out there, but ive mostly heard horror stories coming out of the community so im honestly terrified to even check it out... im just wondering if you have any idea if its feasible to make a mod of Padre's shirt for V? (The one w the sweater over a collared shirt, i feel like ive seen it on other random npcs as well) not asking you to do it or anything, but its one ive never seen in mods so idk if its already been tried by modders and everyone decided "nah this wont work". Again, so sorry if you dont want to be bugged with questions like this, you honestly just feel like one of the most approachable people ive seen in this fandom so far and trying to make any cp77 friends has proven extremely intimidating.
Heya!! It's always ok to ask modding questions, you don't bother at all 🤲
I can't blame you for not wanting to get your feet into big servers, it can get quite overwhelming and frustrating when nobody seems to notice you. Tho I recommend using them as modding-wiki extension! It can be useful to search for solution, plugins and softwares, discord exclusive tutorials, or catch someone's getting help for a similar problem for example. There is no need to be active :3 but no pressure ofc, just know that it's totally ok to join these servers to just lurk
Now for Padre's shirt! I won't be able to do it (not right now at least) so I'll throw infos and direction if anyone else wanna give it a try 🤏
Here's the path to Padre's mesh -
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Tho we can see its all wonky compared to a regular MA mesh, and that's because this one is specifically fitted for old' Padre (it's even in the mesh file name, _old)
To make a version useable for masc V, we'll need to combine a few meshes available in the same folder!
The main piece: t1_078_ma_shirt__sweater.mesh
The bottom part: t1_078_ma_shirt__sweater_shirt.mesh
The cuffs: t1_078_ma_shirt__sweater_cuffs.mesh
And one of the two available collar: t1_078_ma_shirt__sweater_collar_01.mesh or _collar_02.mesh
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All of these should already fit into one another, but if not a lil refit in blender should do the trick!
Then I can only point out to the Modding Wiki and its numerous tutorials for the AXL part (making a standalone clothing mod)
I also recently added my own AXL Workflow in my Tutorial Drive; I'm planning on writing a proper one, for now it's only screenshots from an old private tutorial I made for a friend, some infomartion are outdated (I've learned a lot since then as well) but it can still be useful, hopefully!
Thank you for the ask and for your kind words 🧡 I'm sorry to hear the community hasn't been too welcoming, but there are a lot of good souls willing to help and guide if needed!
A big server that I often recommend is The Cyberpunks; it's a fandom focused server, really chill and friendly, not based entierly on modding but its modding channels are pretty active! I lurk in there, you can catch me in the modding and screenshots area :>
If big servers are out of the picture, I totally recommend trying to get into a smaller server; small bubbles can be more comfortable when the members are well spirited and positive :3
I hope you'll find your place and people you vibe with 🧡 and hope the few info on Padre's shirt can be useful, to you or anyone out there seeing this that might want to give it a try! With a few recolors I'm sure it can be a cute, cozy corpo-ish attire ✨👌
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question for mod: will the marriage be happening on a discord server (or something along those lines) or will you just post about it (im sorry if that doesn't make sense)
(RIGHT-the wedding
Gonna be here
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sentientstump · 1 year
hi! i absolutely love your art and animatics, I was just rewatching the 11 minutes of team canada video — I’ve been wanting to go back and watch some team canada content for the first time but i never know where to start! do you have any suggestions? thanks ! (:
(im trying not to be too excited rn brb-)
oh my gosh!! first of all, thank you :D means a lot to me!! second of all, I'll try my best to be as unbiased as i totally can be (✨fails gloriously✨)
too long; wont read: Mushroom Cloud prank or Simulation Protocol: Animosity
1. I think it depends on if you want to get the most team canada experience from certain series or if you want to watch chronologically as someone whos first series was Uncharted Territory 3 (oooh lord!) i can say that choosing randomly is not the best option xD
Lets start with the chronological order: so the first ever ever video with them three was the Mushroom Cloud prank they did together on the mindcrack server. heres 3 links to their perspectives. If you want to proceed further i recommend this playlist just to browse through and this wikipage with their stuff listed (ther list doesn't include: Diversity 3, R.A.D. and Escape the Nether) and to check out Team Canada Montages on youtubes! That should be a pretty good starting point
And the most biased starting point would be Simulation Protocol: Animosity because i have reasons- its just a very cool map, no serious food problems, not very death loopy, funny stuff happens!, its a part of the golden era of Team Canada CTM maps, cookies and cream ice cream, etho falls down very gracefully sometimes, theyre high on sugar one time, beef explodes, bag of onions, pause falls gracefully too, swearing mosquitoes, ethoñata, bluh bluh, bluh bluh bluh, bluh. ... ,.,..,. .,.. ,.. ...,..,. ,. .
So yeah! its pretty great introductory series i think :'D ahaha-
2. Second most important question is about which pov to watch. I chose to watch CTM maps from Pauses perspective (he doesnt cut much, especially swears! >:] isnt that great?) and modded series from Ethos (he can know stuff!) What about pranks... youre on your own now.... wouldn't hurt to watch every single pov tho!
Hope this helps👍🏼✨ im so sorry if it doesn't (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) I'll try my best next time
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watatsumiis · 1 year
AUUUHHH i don't have a lot of time before I gotta go out for the day but I want in on this Minecraft au soooo bad. so here is a hastily typed list of things my brother does in minecraft that i think dottore would also do
1. minecart race to test the optimum ratio of powered rails to glitched regular rails (several curved rails in a straight line will make your minecart teleport to the center of the next block thereby making the minecart *move* faster BUT its actual momentum and velocity will still decay without powered rails BUT it's still half the distance so there's still an optimum (we found it was about 1 powered per 3 curved regular rails))
2. Unethical Villager Breeding Box In The Sky to generate villagers for experimentation, iron golem farming (which involves isolating the villagers on air beds and frightening them occasionally with a real zombie), and villager trade generation
3. villager experimentation, including causing raids on purpose, intentionally leaving some villagers more vulnerable than others, and dropping many villagers into the ocean by accident, as a side effect of tricking them into walking over holes in the ground
4. flying machines
5. fully automated chicken farm including lava to cook the chicken. the excess eggs are also automatically used to grief other players' front lawns with chickens. he thinks this is very funny, and at first it was an accident but he has no intention of fixing it/refined the system to work better later
6. TNT dupe glitch canons.
7. TNT in general. netherite stripmining using beds
8. never sleeps, has a full hotbar full of crossbows to kill the phantoms with
9. dripstone death machine hovering above common pvp locations and also above other players' houses
10. secret bases and tunnels everywhere but never bothers to make a "house" just like. hidden holes with chests and furnaces lying around. also lots of pistonwork
Ok first of all your brother lowkey sounds like a menace (/lh), but also someone I would love to observe in action
second of all, you're absolutely right in saying that these are things Dottore would do. This man will stop at nothing to break the server, the game, and the other players if his heart so desires.
The idea of netherite stripmining using beds actually lowkey bangs (ha)im gonna be real.
You know Dottore has all the primo gear and is practically invincible. The only people who have killed him have been Yae Miko (she's slaughtered everyone in the server at least once - she uses Ei's account to find ways to enable PvP for those who have it off), then Klee (totally by accident, by hooking up obscene amounts of TNT to some redstone machine he was working on) everyone online lost their collective minds, Dottore was on the warpath for days trying to figure out who did it (literally everyone except him knew the moment the death message popped up on screen). Albedo took the blame in the end because Dottore wouldn't stop cussing people out and Klee was starting to pick up on the bad words. People gave Klee so many rewards for knocking Dottore off of his high horse though.
Some of the 'mods' (read: archons) like to use /kill on him if he's being extra insufferable. (imagine Zhongli saying "i will have order" while clicking the enter key on the /kill command. comedy gold)
The last person who has killed him was Capitano. Dottore was probably being an annoying little snit about something, wandering around outside of Cap's castle and building weird traps and stuff. When Barbara got caught in one that crashed her game while she was trying to bring Cap some new flowers and a banner she made, Capitano just wordlessly went out and beat Dottore to death with a wooden axe. Nobody knows how he won that duel, considering Dottore dons himself with full netherite enchanted gear. Some even joke that Dottore was 'intimidated' into going AFK, since a lot of the harbingers play from the same place.
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mcfazbenders · 5 months
wait ooc but if u have discord im open to helping u make or just fuckin joining a mc fazbenders discord server because i have a small obsession with creating them and Also moddin them im sucha cool mod literally ask anyoen Trust m❤️
(obv not force but if ur ever interested lmk 🤞🤞)
// I unfortunately don’t have discord (I’m not even supposed to have tumblr erm..haha anyway) but if I did I would totally make a server !
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cyn-icism · 1 year
Intro post
— mod intro —
This account is run by Cynners! and heres the mods;
∘₊✧ Hello, hello? Uh, I wanted to record a message for you to help you get settled in on your first night at Cynners… I'm your host Cynner Nya (🐾) [insert applause] I use he/ey/nya and very silly :3
∘₊✧ hello, i’m cynner dion/🍷I was dragged here by the rest of the cynners and now reside with cyntism in my blood. I go by she/he/they and I’m unlabeled. uh, the other cynners do tend to get a bit quirker at night
∘₊✧ Yo, I'm Cynner Vinny(🐇) I use he/they, and I love the word balls and being funni. Remember to smile, you're the face of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza
∘₊✧ Hi, I'm Cynner Chi (🪐), definetly a super normal person about Cyn(lies), my pronouns are he/him, I'm like very random. uh… I also like potatoes, btw don't forget to check your cameras, the Cynners will be out in a while
∘₊✧ hello, the names Cynner Salem (🌙)! Cyntism is very strong. i go by he/they pronouns! oh and remember: these cynners hold a special place in the hearts of [] and you need to show them a little respect
∘₊✧HEHEHE h i, im Cynner Fizz (💫)! i am totally (not) normal about Cyn and i do in fact bite so be careful!!. I have the shortest attention span known to man and i kin V if that tells you ANYTHING about me. I go by She/They. Don't forget, logic means nothing in this world!!! only Cyn.
— Cyn intro —
Welcome to the best tumblr blog on copper 9 and all the universe! i’m always open for asks, just ask away and i will answer.
(NSFW/18+ asks will be ignored.)
(please say/mention Cyn in asks)
We have a discord server btw
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csvent-2 · 1 year
terraliens -
bugbox: "mods arent machines, "
someone: "will you be opening up mod apps ever again?"
bugbox: "no"
on another note, theyve been getting increasingly rude in the server, not just them but everyone
i saw one person get dogpiled for daring to ask for adopts cheaper than $300, and when others bring up dissatisfaction with the raffle system bug and other mods essentially laugh at them by saying stuff like "😂?? what? but were totally prioritising ftos! we JUST had a grub raffle and auction!" when the raffle has the same issue as the myo raffle and the auction instantly went to the max amount of grubs that ANYONE in the server has
i wish theyd stop mocking people and being disingenuous, its sickening watching them laugh at criticisms and then the person bringing it up immediately gets whiteknights coming after them so they backtracks and have to say "oh no not to say i dont LOVE the species and LOVE you and the mods work SO hard i love everything here im just a little disappointed but whatever you say! sorry for existing!" (something that actually happened btw)
stop acting like you care about ftos when all you do is make it harder for them
"were having an fto only gacha!" a single slot is 40 or 50 dollars (cant rememver) and its a raffle
"we had grub sales the other day!) its a raffle. and the person who won quite literally offered the max amount of grubs in the server
just make it so myos arent limited behind a raffle and allow people to buy them at any time, its so fucking simple but whatever. im so done with them.
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