#im torn between wanting a s2 and leaving s1 as it is
bird-inacage · 6 months
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Only Friends | EP12 Behind the Scenes: 'It's a wrap'
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quinnfebrey · 3 years
i think hating on the boys and s2 is the most chronically online take on media i've seen recently... people (on twitter especially) have started seeing media as pure comfort or something that should be completely tailored for them instead of letting it go in different directions than expected and challenge them. like if you can't accept the fact that not everything is always going to be exactly how you want it at least have the decency to leave media like the wilds and its fandom alone and go read fanfiction
yup. one of the reasons i love writing and reading fanfic is bc it allows me to essentially explore whatever i want
a potential post island where dot and fatin move in together? there’s a fic for that! a pre island where shelby and dot were secretly best friends? there’s a fic for that! a total au where toni is a lawyer and shelby was accused of murder? there’s a fic for that! fic is awesome bc it allows you to look at characters you love in various scenarios or alternate universes, and you can essentially make them say and do whatever you want
but fanfic is still just fanfic. the real show is going to be different, for better or worse, and just because it’s not fulfilling your specific expectations doesn’t mean it’s bad work
i think it’s so important for people to remember that sarah and amy didn’t pull the wilds out of their asses one day and get an amazon deal. they know how to write characters and plot and build a world that’s sustainable and purposeful. we would all love to see our dreams for the characters and show come true, but the truth is it would likely be lacking in a lot of technical writing aspects, plot cohesion, and overall arc. they have the vision they do for a reason
they have, what, four seasons planned? and they’ve had the other island in mind since season 1? to act as though bringing in the other island as a concept is bad writing or bad creative choices when you actually have NO idea what their end goal is is presumptuous, rude, and quite frankly just naive. i don’t know how many times i’m going to say it, but any kind of media making comments on feminism and the patriarchy without purposeful and comparable male characters WILL fall short
it must be so frustrating for sarah and amy to see one of their most successful works torn apart by random people on the internet that have probably never taken a non-mandatory writing class in their life.
to be clear, criticism is always valid. if the boys island ends up being pointless, and s2 ends up being a disaster, and there are actual things to criticize regarding character choices, plot holes, etc., i have no issues with people disliking that. for example, i AM worried about how they plan to fit everything into s2, especially considering even within s1 there was a lot more development i thought was missing. but im not going around saying that it WILL be lacking in season 2 because... it hasn’t even come out yet
there is a difference between expressing concerns and actively degrading something that barely even exists yet. all the criticism coming from nothing other than the fact that s2 isnt going to be every single thing you want to see just comes across as entitled and naive
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missjackil · 5 years
What I Think is Happening
We saw a big focus on Dean and Jack’s relationship this past episode, and I think it’s for a plot reason. No, its not so Sam can be sidelined because Jack is popular so TPTB want to make him Dean’s son instead, but because Dean and Jack need some ground to be made up for starters. We all already know Sam and Cas are very close to Jack, but Dean was harsh on him until the end of 13x04 last year, and soon after, Jack got lost in the AU. And then this season, Jack recently said that if Michael cant be killed without killing Dean, then Dean dies too, so even if thats all water under the bridge, it was still bad water, and they need to come together. That’s part 1. 
Part 2 is that, a common SPN pattern is that something gets built up before being torn down, or strongly challenged. They tend to play up relationships or roles right before something comes along to crush it or change it drastically.  Remember in S1, Sam and John fought tooth and nail until they had a heart to heart talk and then soon after, John died. Later in S5, Sam and Dean were at odds right before each chose each  other. Or S11 when an emphisis was put on Sam and Dean being together and Dean never leaving Sam, and then ending on Dean needing to choose the world over Sam and Sam accepting it.  What I think is probably happening here, is that soon, Dean will be trying to kill Jack (as Michael!Dean) or Jack trying to kill Dean (however that may come about) and most likely. Sam needing to make a choice between Jack and Dean. 
Supernatural is a horror/drama show. Emphisis on drama. Any way to kick us in the feels, they will do. If this isnt what you like, then there are a bunch of other shows that don’t deal in drama to choose from, this one however, likes making us cry, and get angry, and scared and stressed. Im pretty sure this is about to be one of those things,
Remember that Jack was able to kill Michael but he didnt, so as Im convinced Michael is still in Dean but hiding, its probably coming soon that Michael!Dean tries to kill him. Of course in attempt to protect himself in case Jack recovers his grace and then will be strong enough to kill him again. Same way hes been looking for dark Kaia’s spear.  So why does this story arch have to be Dean’s and not Sam’s? Because it would have never  made any sense for Sam to have been unaccepting of Jack, unless Jack was bad. However, Jack is good, and no better way make a new character likable, than to have Sam like them.  Imagine if it was Dean who accepted Jack first and not Sam? Sam would have a valid reason to, with him being Lucifer’s son and all, and it would feel wrong , or OOC for Dean to like Lucifers son when Sam didnt and samgirls and bibros alike would be side eyeing Dean, like “How could you do this to Sam? He’s the son of the entity who tortured him for 180 yrs and taunts him to this day!” And then after a few episodes, Sam for whatever reason warms up to him. It would always be in our mind that he’s rightfully uncomfortable around Jack, and we’d wonder if Sam wasnt just keeping the peace, for Dean’s sake, and still quietly hates Jack.  Jack wouldnt be as well loved as he is, if this arc had gone the other way and when the question of chosing one over the other rears its ugly head, it wouldnt be as dramatic.  As we learned in the last 13+ seasons, is that Sam and Dean will die for each other, kill for each other, destroy the universe for each other, and that wont ever change, but throw in someone they both love as a son, and now you have a problem. If one brother would choose Jack over the other, it wouldnt be that they love him more than their brother. It would be that they do love Jack, and hes so young and hasnt even had a chance to live yet, and they know their brother is more than willing to be a martyr, and has more often than not, wanted to die and stay dead. Now we truly do have a moral delema. This also wouldnt be as dramatic if the boys needed to choose between their mother and each other, because even though many of us dont hate Mary, I dont think we’d hurt too much if she died.  If this happens, Im pretty sure, that something else will interviene and the choice wont have to be made. Like when Lucifer was holding Dean by the throat and telling Sam to either say “yes” or Dean dies. Something happened so that the choice never needed to be made, and to this day, we dont know how Sam would have chosen. We could say “Oh well obviously, hed say yes, because he wont let Dean die” but, he DID just tell Lucifer he was ready to watch the people he loves die, but he isnt ready to be his bitch. So really, we dont know what Sam would have chosen in the moment.  So while I wont lie and say Im not salty about low Sam content thus far this season, I am finding the other stories unfolding very interesting. Even what would seem to be very boring stories, have potential to go a very interesting way. I generally dont care about the demons, but what if the fact that they have no ruler, and are scared of Sam, that he unintentionally became the King of Hell?
 I dont give a crap about the Angels either, but what if the only way to save them (and yes of course Cas will try to save them) is to release them from The Empty which also unloads a bunch of nasty demons from the past that the boys have killed? Azazel. Lilith. Alistare Ruby? (note: bringing back dead follks has been part of the shows actual formula since S2 and its not going to change. Accept it and stop crying whenever it happens. you dont have to be a fan of the person they brought back, but just accept its always been part of the show) So obviously now, Lucifer is coming back and I too am tired of the character, but I accept that Lucifer will always be the series long big bad and we’ll have to deal with him off and on till the very end. However, now that he has Jack’s grace and Nick has made it obvious that hes a psychopath, what if Lucifer comes back as freakin scary, and not the spoiled 16 yr old he was? How much worse could he be to Sam then? So yeah, I see lots of interesting potential that could unfold from these stories.  This brings me to my final thought. And its just a thought, something Ive been batting around since yesterday. What if Michael is making Jack sick? Just hear me out. Jack wasnt sick till Dean came home. We dont know of him being sick while Cas had him away on a hunting trip, he got sicker after spending time with Dean in 14x06, and is now near death after spending the afternoon with Dean. Dean had a couple of dizzy spells, and possibly even some lapses in memory. Not remembering Jacks last name, when he was born, (but yes, these just may have been normal confusion in the heat of the moment) but Michael can obviously manipulate the biology of a creature. like giving the Djinn more powers that he only needs to touch someone to make their nightmares come to life. What if he’s manipulating Jacks health and when he does so, it makes Dean dizzy? I mean he cant just snap his fingers and Jack explode or he’ll blow his cover right? Make it look natural and no one will suspect anything. Anyway. that part is just a thought. Im sure there’s holes but, it does make me wonder :)
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