ilcaeryx · 5 years
Oscillations [Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic/Reader]
SUMMARY: “Present Mic terrorizes everyone with the fact that he’s married, even you, his object of affection.”
TAGS: Yamada Hizashi/Reader, fluff, comedy, Eraserhead wishing he was deaf, Class 1A abusing Mic’s weakness
NOTES: Another day, another drabble.
Day 5 of Yamada Hizashi being married:
“Heeey, heeey!” Present Mic screeched, pushing down the villain onto their stomach, his foot between their shoulder blades. The restraints around the villain’s arms complained as Mic bent downwards. “Are you enjoying the show? D’ya like my new boots? My wife picked ‘em out for me.”
Eraserhead did not have sympathy for this particular villain, yet he thought that they should not be exposed to Mic’s new favourite topic to talk about. Everyone around him had been since he returned from his honeymoon and while friends and coworkers would not act on it, villains surely would. A hero’s civil status was a touchy subject, as many heroes feared retaliation from revengeful villains. Had Eraserhead been in Mic’s spot, he would have kept his trap shut and hope that they never discovered his partner.
But Mic was Mic...
“Mic,” Eraserhead said, grabbing his shoulder. Mic looked back at him, somewhat surprised. “Quit the wife-talk. Let’s leave this fool at the police station.”
Day 7 of Yamada Hizashi being married:
Izuku scribbled down the words Mic had written on the blackboard, absentmindedly muttering into his palm. He looked up to confirm that it said ‘Y/N will live happily ever after’ in large letters. That name had appeared many times before in his examples. Perhaps it was his wife’s name, who everyone knew of but no one knew the name of.
Mic pointed at someone in the back. “Iida!”
“Mic-sensei!” Iida’s hand flew down the instant he was referred to. “Could you please use different names for every example? I think it’ll be easier for everyone to remember.”
Mic squinted his eyes as Iida.
Kaminari spoke up, “Mic-sensei, isn’t Y/N your wife? Tell us more about her.”
Several ‘Nice!’ were said in synchronization and when Izuku saw Mic’s entire visage ignite he doubted they would ever end this lesson about adverbs.
Day 14 of Yamada Hizashi being married:
Reporter-chan spotted the Voice Hero: Present Mic, dressed up in his hero attire and swinging around a plastic bag. She tapped her cameraman on the shoulder and together they rushed towards him.
“Present Mic, can I-”
Mic didn’t even turn his head as he power-walked past them, just raised a hand. “Sorry citizen, but I have a wife to return to!”
A second passes and he was gone.
Day 18 of Yamada Hizashi being married:
The intern didn’t know your name yet, Nemuri learned after sitting together at lunch, even though said intern had worked there for two weeks. Since everyone referred to you as Mic’s wife, the intern had felt too embarrassed to ask for the name. Her cheeks flaring up, the intern explained how she knew an insane amount about you… except your name. 
Nemuri wished this Y/N mini-celebrity phase would end soon.
Day 26 of Yamada Hizashi being married:
“Activate your Quirk,” Nemuri rattled through her teeth when she walked inside Recovery Girl’s office, hauling Hizashi through the door Shouta was holding up. He nodded and called out for Recovery Girl’s attention. It was unnecessary, as she was already freeing up a bed, so Nemuri renewed her grasp of Hizashi’s arm and carried him there. Together with Shouta she gently laid him down.
Hizashi was somewhat conscious, though the pain from his injured thigh touching the mattress brought him back to clarity.
“Hey, why am I in Recovery Girl’s-” Hizashi froze mid sentence, mouth still open while his eyes panned over to Recovery Girl in one movement. 
“Do not kiss me! I am,” he inhaled sharply, “MARRIED!”
Everyone in the room flinched at his distressed shriek but at least his Quirk didn’t activate.
Chu! A quick peck on his forehead and Hizashi was out cold, head lolling back.
“Either one of you talk to him about this or you knock him out before bringing him here,” Recovery Girl stepped down from her stool and her face radiated irritation. She pointed her cane at the opposite side of the office. “I’m not having Hizashi traumatize any of my patients.” 
Everyone turned around, facing the terrified Midoriya shrinking back into his bed. Shouta’s Quirk automatically activated once he spotted the bandages that covered his arms.
Day 27 of Yamada Hizashi being married:
Hizashi was returning from the bathroom and seemed distracted by the bar patrons, so Shouta decided it was time to bring up Hizashi’s current obsession.
“Recovery Girl won’t treat him in her office if he doesn’t calm down,” Shouta lied, a logical ruse to motivate you to suppress Hizashi’s high-energy personality. “I have already spoken to him, but he won’t listen.”
You sipped on your beverage, eyeing him. “Isn’t this something between you as coworkers?”
“It’s definitely your problem as well.”
In about ten seconds, it would be everyone’s problem.
“Why? He’s not obnoxious at home.”
That was rather incredible. Perhaps he toned himself down when you were alone.
Shouta pointed behind you. “That’s why. I hope you don’t have social anxiety.”
“What?” You turned around to see Hizashi snatching the karaoke mic. “Ah, fuck me. He’s actually going to do it.”
Shouta felt satisfied once he saw you visibly cringe at Hizashi announcing that he dedicated this song to you, his wife.
“Point taken,” you said, planting your palms on your face, “I’ll stop him.”
I hope you all enjoyed this, reblog or like if you do! If you want more to read, check out my Masterlist on my blog!
Inspired by Mamamoo's You're The Best.
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ilcaeryx · 5 years
Drama Queen [Aizawa Shouta/Reader]
SUMMARY: Shouta is not delighted to discover that he’s picked up an appalling habit after you moved in.
TAGS: Aizawa Shouta/Reader, fluff, cute
This wasn’t actually a big deal. Although all couples bickered, he doubted they ever reached this point of ridiculousness frequently. Shouta did not want to get demolished, so he did not voice his opinion that you were being a drama queen. Besides, you’d come to your senses in a few minutes. With some self-restraint, he kept his sigh inside his chest at the sight of your shaking body, your face mashed into a pillow. For getting a very soft no to purchasing a spontaneous trip to the north during a work week, this reaction was... too extra, as his students would say.
Youth vernacular was terribly useful when dealing with you, even though you were almost his age.
An impulse came across him and Shouta left you whining, letting you stew in your short-lived misery while he went to the kitchen. You were absolutely terrible for his discipline, he thought and planted his palms on the counter. Something funny about living with someone for an extended amount of time was that you would pick up certain mannerisms or quirks from the other person.
Unfortunately, he had adopted some of your quirks.
You did not follow him, so he gathered all jars from the cupboards on the counter. While piling them up, he was content there was nothing reflective where he could catch his reflection - it was not gentlemanly of him to do this with a shit-eating grin on his face.
When he was done, he crawled up his shirt and tightened each and every jar with everything he had.
The jar with those nuts you were constantly craving? Good luck opening that.
The hazelnut cocoa spread jar? F, as his students eloquently expressed sometimes.
Afterwards he returned them to their rightful places. He kept fidgeting around, feeling uncharacteristically unrestful, so he brought out the ingredients for lunch. It was about time anyway.
Soon he caught sight of your head peering out by the door frame, hair tousled and eyes not red-shot. You had probably realized early on that it wasn’t responsible nor realistic to plan a getaway vacation for next week. He stared blankly at you, scratching his stubble as you tip-toed  closer, arms wrapped around yourself. Shouta returned his attention to the stove, stirring half-heartedly the food around. A short giggle escaped you and your arms snaked below his chest, squeezing him. 
With his free hand he lightly patted your arm.
“Okay, so maybe leaving next week wouldn’t be such a good idea,” he heard you mumble into his shirt. “I’m sorry for being such a bitch.”
He let the bitch comment go by unanswered. There was no answer that would satisfy you.
“The important thing is that we’re both on the same page.” Shouta looked behind his shoulder at the top of your head. “We’ll never get anywhere otherwise.”
“I just want to go somewhere with you.”
“There’s always the holidays. If my demon students all pass their exams, I’ll be free.”
That was always an incentive to work the little devils to the bone, pushing them beyond Plus Ultra. If they would cause extra work for him by failing class, he would just make the learning more effective.
He ceased stirring, noticing that his pettiness even extended to his students.
“It’s a date then!” You kissed his neck, shivers rushing down his spine. The warmth of your arms around him faded and you hauled yourself up on the counter, your legs swinging back and forth. With a very expectant look, you kept his gaze.
He touched his neck with his palm, pretending to scratch the area. “It’s not set in stone, but I would be up for it. I never thought of leaving the city for vacation…”
“That’s good enough for me. Now if you excuse me, I’m going to get something to eat.” You opened the cupboard to your left, challenging him with a smirk and raised eyebrows.
“I’m right in the middle of making food,” Shouta said and meaningly looked at his masterpiece. “Are you just doing this to spite me?”
“Stop me if you can,” you mocked him, reaching for your personal jar he under no circumstances could touch. Your hazelnut cocoa spread jar. As expected, it did not open. You bent yourself over the damn thing, trying to brute-force it open. “Why are these jars sitting so god damn tight? Shouta, help.”
“Dinner soon.”
“I beg of you, I’m going to starve to death.”
Shouta’s hand shot out, grasping your cheeks between his fingers.  “Not while you’re with me.”
Enjoyed this? I’ve got more one-shots and drabbles on my blog. Also consider following!
A short mid-week drabble. The latest Attack on Titan chapter came out today and I’m still processing that shit, so I didn’t get a lot done!!!
This was written while listening to Lost in the Dream by Monsta X.
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ilcaeryx · 5 years
Incognito [Midoriya Izuku/Reader]
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SUMMARY: Izuku visits you before going abroad. You're both single, interested... though only he will be surprised to find out you have a child.
TAGS: Midoriya Izuku/Reader, sad, borderline confession, single mother reader
NOTES: I just changed it around a tiny bit so that reader wouldn't be completely in a relationship when the nuke drops, because I think that'd be a supreme lack of respect on reader's part. I’ll be uploading these into separate posts so they’ll be easier to organize in my Masterlist. I’ll upload the others soon! Thank you for requesting. ^^
Izuku gathered stillness outside your apartment, his hands gentle around the bouquet with red roses. He hoped that you would appreciate having something that would remind you of him while he was overseas. When he spotted them on his way here, he instantly thought of you and perhaps it would have the same effect for you. 
The other way around, obviously.
Pushing silly thoughts aside, he knocked on the door. At first he suspected you didn’t hear it and he reached out to knock again when you opened, looking puzzled. You were wearing a bathrobe and your hair was slicked against your head.
If he could come home to you relaxed like this every night, he would be pleased with that.
“Happy birthd-” Izuku cut himself off mid-sentence and handed you the flowers. His hands wanted to wring about, so he brought them to his hips. “I hope I’m not bothering you with this surprise visit. I wanted to see you before my flight tomorrow. We won’t see each other for two weeks, after all.”
Your stature seemed to shrink into shyness at his words, a smile ghosting over your face a second before you elevated the bouquet to your lower face. It was a cute gesture and the thrill he felt at eliciting it was not proportional to the simpleness of the action.
Izuku let out a nervous chuckle.
“I appreciate the gesture,” you said, keeping eye-contact with him. “You’re not bothersome at all, Izuku. I would never have expected you to swing by at this time though. I would offer you to come in but you should be heading to sleep soon, right? It’s almost 9.”
Out of instinct, you checked your wrist and playfully hit your head with the bouquet.
“It is! I’ll sleep on the flight - I’ll work it out.”
His flight left at 4AM tomorrow, though that wasn’t necessary for you to know. He had survived on less sleep before. These last few weeks his sleeping schedule had been thrown off because of you, which was shameful as your relationship was in a transitional stage - or so he thought.
You shuffled back inside, steps muffled by your slippers. “I’ll trust your words then.”
However, this must be a positive sign.
You had settled into the sofa, speaking about the coming weeks, when Izuku got the impression that you were less energetic and mellow-voiced compared to your usual self. Legs crossed and body facing him, your legs were touching his and his forehead was almost touching yours. You were more approachable now, as your chic persona would make him too nervous to initiate things.
Eventually, the mood was right; you had been biting your lower lip and you grazed his forearm with your nails lovingly, so he kissed you.
With your lips against his, his body flared up in elation.
Someone’s tiny voice drenched him in ice. ‘Mama’, it said. Izuku pulled away from your face and withdrew his arm from beneath your hand. When he turned around he saw a young boy beside the armrest, snuggling a plushie tiger. The child’s nose and cheeks were reminiscent of yours.
“What is Deku doing here?” the child asked, his tiger concealing half his face.
Huh? Did he just recognize him out of costume? Izuku wanted to ask questions, yet when he saw your jaw clench in frustration he paused his thought process.
You cursed under your breath and reached out for your child, arms open. Your child suddenly sprung up into your lap, quickly peeking at Izuku before settling his head on your chest.
Beholding your child, your eyes softened while you nuzzled his neck with your hand.
“He’s really fond of superheroes,” you said without tearing your eyes off your son. “Much like all children, I guess.”
An invitation to discuss this from you was appreciated, about a topic he was passionate about no less.
Nevertheless, there were conflicting feelings blooming inside him as he struggled to look away from your child. He strained his voice and said somewhat cheerily, “Is that so? Who’s your favourite?”
A stifled ‘Red Riot’ came from the kid.
“That’s great but it’s not time for heroes,” you stated, seizing him beneath his armpits and bringing him up from the sofa with you. “Time to return to bed.”
Perhaps it wasn’t appropriate to talk about this with a child overhearing.
Izuku sunk down properly into the comfortable cushions and mulled about the signs he had previously missed. Now it was apparent that your schedule was adjusted to that of a child. He would never have expected this.
There were thoughts and feelings he wanted to voice but your throat seemed to burst with words once you sat down, so he remained silent.
“I’m incredibly sorry for not telling you,” you said, your voice earning a serious timbre. “I’m not saying this because I got caught. I never expected that you wouldn’t notice. I would’ve told you soon...”
You grimaced as you struggled to vocalize your thoughts.
Izuku focused on a spot on the floor. “I can understand why you wouldn’t tell me. It must be hard to date as a single mother and I imagine your child thinks his father is getting replaced.”
“Exactly. It’s a complicated situation… This doesn’t change my feelings for you but I can understand if you’re upset. A child changes the dynamics, after all.”
God, he was dying to answer that nothing had changed - however, it could impossibly be true. He didn’t want to reassure you of this and regret it, as that’d hurt both of you. “You’re right… Although we can talk about this.”
The inevitability that he would have to reassess his feelings about this addition forced him into silence.
“That’s the most I can ask for,” you said, lips tightening.
Perhaps he’d have to wait a little longer to confess his feelings.
Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoyed it! If you did, please like or reblog.
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I listened to Love Me Do by VIXX while writing this.
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ilcaeryx · 5 years
Eclipse [Amajiki Tamaki/Reader]
SUMMARY: Any and all attempts at flirting by Tamaki are thwarted by the mighty Y/N. 
TAGS: Amajiki Tamaki/Reader, fluff, cute, embarrassment, aged-up
NOTES: Best boy needs more love!!! Fic inspired by the song Black by BIGBANG G-Dragon ft Blackpink Jennie.
You cursed under your breath, calculating the final sum. Scrabbling it into the bottom of the paper, you enveloped the surprising number within a thick, red circle. For a two-person household, you two ate for a solid amount of money. That wasn’t strange, as you both had physically demanding jobs. Since you had joined your finances, you had never reached these numbers before. Comparing this month’s supermarket purchases from prior months, you saw an increase in meat-based products.
Well, that explains it, you concluded and checked the time. Around now Tamaki would be going to his office to change into a civilian outfit, which he always did before returning home. I’ll visit him and we can stop by the supermarket on the way home.
It took five minutes to dress like a proper adult and gather your reusable bags but you went off for Tamaki’s office building, 15 minutes away by public transport. You thought he had solid taste in location; not too far away from home and there was a larger supermarket nearby, not to mention the gorgeous park right outside. The building itself was outwardly nondescript, yet the lounge guards tipped off pass-byers that something special resided there.
Nowadays the guards recognized you and would let you enter without a fuzz, hailing you with suffixes that made you feel unworthy and uncomfortable. Nevertheless, you flashed an appropriate smile and entered. He shared the building with several other heroes, Hadou Nejire being one of them, though you had never encountered them. Floor 2 to 5 belonged to those heroes and you got off on floor 6.
When you reached his private room, lodged off in the innermost part of the floor, you smatted your knuckles on the door. “Tamaki, let me in.”
There was movement inside and you heard Tamaki say your name in a distracted tone. The door unlocked and Tamaki peered out, his hair flat along his skull after the shower. “What are you doing here?”
Hiding his lower half behind the door, Tamaki’s shirt sported the clothing tag below his neck unceremoniously. Your endeared smile spread to your eyes and you tugged on the tag. His fingers joined yours, warm and damp. 
“Your shirt is on back to front, silly.” You let go and stole a kiss off him. “I came to see you. What else would I do here, steal espresso shots?”
Tamaki let you inside, stepping behind the door. “You sometimes do that though…”
“Not today! Let’s go to the supermarket together,” you said, strutting over to his neat desk. You sat down on it and crossed your legs while he switched the shirt around.
“Sounds good to me.”
“Get dressed and we’ll leave after that.”
At the store, you recalled your earlier finding.
You brought some fresh vegetables to the cart, hanging onto it. “Apparently we went over the food budget a week early this month.”
“I am not surprised,” Tamaki said sheepishly, pushing the cart along. “That would be me. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. What’s all that protein for? Are you feeling nervous about the upcoming documentary?”
There was this weird facial expression he made sometimes, a hybrid between dread and anxious anticipation, that often preceded what he would perceive as an embarrassing comment. That was his face right now.
“There’s that,” he began. He kept his gaze to the far ends of the store, searching for something. “I’m not eating my feelings away, I think. I’ll survive. This isn’t work-related.”
Tamaki’s shoulders slumped together and he blocked out his face with a hand, though you could see him wrestling an awkward smile into resignation. He said something super quietly, so you didn’t catch it.
“I didn’t catch that, come again?” You couldn’t resist prodding since you were growing more invested by his reaction.
He parted two fingers in front of his eyes, boring into you through strands of hair. With a steady grasp around your upper arm, he drew you closer until you could feel him speaking into your hair.
“I was going to keep quiet about it until you were to point it out but since you’re asking…” His voice grew incrementally rougher and he was toying the line between intimate and more. “I… want to bulk up. It’s not that I don’t like what I see in the mirror right now - when I see you in front of me, I want to feel like you’re standing in my shadow.”
You hid your mischievous smile behind your scarf, not wanting to embarrass him further, but damn if you weren’t a bit giddy about his motivation being you.
“I’m pretty sure you're already bigger than I am.”
He pulled his head back to face you in a jerk, looking at you with an incredulous look.
“I meant overshadowing you as your protector.” There was a silent second and he withdrew from you, his ears changing colour. “Just forget about it. I’ll go get milk.”
Tamaki didn’t even let you have the last witty remark before rushing off towards the dairy section.
You like? Give it a reblog or like, it cheers me up. If you want more, there's always my masterlist.
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ilcaeryx · 5 years
Repentance [Shinsou Hitoshi/Reader]
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SUMMARY: Eight months into your relationship and Hitoshi is unpleasantly introduced to your ex and your son.
TAGS: Shinsou Hitoshi/Reader, secret child, relationship troubles, fuck your ex, reader is a liar, hurt
NOTES: Hello weebs, this is the Shinsou version of this ask! I’m about 400 words into the Todorockles version now and it’s fully planned out, so it’ll be done soon. Midoriya version is already up on my Masterlist. I've had a terrible day but I feel better now that I've written this so I'm happy I did it.
Hitoshi accidentally overheard the man at your door, his speech informal and haughty as if you two were beyond well-acquainted. As your boyfriend of eight months, you had vented and raged about your infamous dipshit ex enough times that he surmised that your ex returned for some verbal jousting. Your relationship with him was strained and there was a history of abuse, so Hitoshi felt justified when he remained within earshot and out of sight in case the guy felt brave about assaulting a woman.
Until a certain point, he admired how you repeatedly advised him to leave and refused to indulge him. When your ex mentioned your child Hitoshi muffled his astonished gasp with his sweater. His heartbeat accelerated as your quarrel continued into comments about past events and how inappropriate leaving your child at your doorstep this late was.
This was a two-way conversation he should not have eavesdropped for his emotional well-being. 
Your patience must have waned, because you told your child to go play in his room. That must be the room you kept closed off whenever he was over, Hitoshi figured and hoped that your son would obey. If he entered the kitchen, an absolute group meltdown would occur.
“Now leave,” you ordered, hissing from behind your teeth.
“I heard you were dating again,” the guy said jovially. “Already hopping onto some other dick?”
Your ex’s derogatory questions could be answered another day and Hitoshi wanted him gone now. Supposedly, your ex had an event more important than his child, yet he didn’t move a muscle.
Hitoshi rolled his head around before popping out from behind the wall, appearing right behind you.
“That’d be me,” he said monotonously, aligning himself beside you. “Didn’t you have somewhere to be?”
Dude seemed very inclined to bite back, though once he seized the size difference between them he disappeared down the staircase.
With two solid bangs, you shut the front door and slapped your own face.
Your eyes were tearing up, which dulled the edge of his anger. He embraced you, cradling your head against his collarbone while you fought to control your breath.
Nothing had been lost. Although you were a couple, you had separate finances, living spaces and belongings. Aside from this newfound knowledge, you were still you. Up until now, you had been generally truthful and loyal.
He noticed that your arms hung lifelessly against you, as if you resigned to whatever would happen next.
All in all, you weren’t a manipulative person… You were someone relentless in escaping solitude.
“I need to go talk to my son,” you said heavily, speaking from the bottom of your lungs.
“Go do that. First off, wipe your tears away. Wouldn’t want him to see you cry, would you? I’ll wait for you in the living room.”
You scampered out of his arms and into the bathroom, the tap running quietly.
The wait for you to return felt long and he knew what he wanted to express once you returned with two beers in your hands.
The feeling of normalcy settled inside the living room, lulling him into safety. He accepted a beer and almost laughed at your facial expression of being absolutely done with everything.
“My ex is a dickhead,” you said after your first sip, swirling the bottle in smooth circles,  “and so am I. Karma’s a bitch.”
“Mhm.” Hitoshi rotated his tungsten ring around his knuckle, cautiously awaiting the continuation.
Your hands shot out in an inviting movement. “Now you know I have a son. What are you going to do, Hitoshi? I assume you heard everything. There’s not much more to tell.”
Hitoshi sipped restlessly. He felt stressed about you instantly flipping the responsibility on him when he barely had time to register what happened.
“I am... conflicted. There’s tons to unpack. Why didn’t you bring this up before?”
You never faced him when you spoke and hopefully it wasn’t because you were lying about this, too. His intuition whispered that you did not lie, yet practical experience announced differently.
Your short monologue about being an inadequate partner due to your child being a major responsibility in your life and men not being interested in you due to your motherhood unless it satisfied a fetish brought him some insight. Was this a healthy reaction to rejection? Not in his opinion.
“There are boundaries that I think you’ve overstepped severely,” he said. “There’s the lack of integrity and respect, too.”
The next 30 minutes, there were more attempts at understanding one another than there had been during your entire relationship. Hitoshi felt listened to and you seemed distraught over your actions.
“I swear I won’t pull something like this again,” you promised, leaving your beer bottle on the glass table. “I have to ask: How do you feel about my son?”
Hitoshi smacked his tongue against his palate. “I don’t know. For some time now I’ve been thinking that starting a family sounds good, amazing even. However, I have never considered raising a kid that isn’t mine. He’s half yours, so I’m sure he’s wonderful just like his mother but the truth is that I’m not sure how I’d click with him.”
You nodded and bit your thumb. “If you feel comfortable with it, I could introduce you two tomorrow.”
“... We could try that.” These eight months were a blur in his mind and if he hadn’t been in a hurry to court you,he would have noticed the signs. This time around, he yearned for a slow paced continuation.
It was obvious that even with a hesitant answer like that, you were very happy.
“And I’m not secretly married, if that crossed your mind,” you joked.
Hitoshi didn’t find your joke funny and he suspected that none of your jokes about secrets would be funny in the future.
I tried to make this in character but I think that most people would want a time out if this happened to them, in particular after investing some time into the relationship. I would probably peace out myself.
If you enjoyed this, please give it a reblog or like. 
I listened to Untrust Us by Crystal Castles and Canvas by 4Minute.
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ilcaeryx · 5 years
House of Cards [Todoroki Shouto]
From his birth, all Shouto was demanded to become was predestined; an artificial fate, tailor-suited for someone of his talents. His personal growth was just as inorganic, he eventually calculated while surrounded by his chattering classmates. Silently comparing, his ruler for development expanded and adjusted... Until the worry that his persona as an ace overcame that of him as a person ascended to the surface. He interacted with caution and reacted politely, staying a peripheral figure in his class
In a way, his towering father's shade was a fixed and chilly place for Shouto regardless of his accomplishments, for whatever success he slaved away for Todoroki Enji would be present to claim. All Shouto would have left were coals of praise and criticism of traits in Shouto that his father couldn't see in himself. If he wanted out of his shadowlands Shouto had to shut him out. Were he to remain there, he would persist an afterimage of his father, the tiny speckles floating around your vision after gazing right into the sun.
Enji's favourite house of cards started slipping down from under his hands. A house of cards, where every card demanded exquisite precision to support the entire structure. Shouto's entire being, his father thought, was that monumental house of cards.
Be it teenage rebellion or new-found life experience, at the end of his last class at UA Shouto well-deservedly felt like a card in the house of cards that was class 3A.
Author's Note:
Too long to be a drabble, too short for a proper fic. 236 words.
Todorockles doesn't deserve his dad's bullshit. It'd be nice if kids and teenagers didn't have to feel like shit just for not reaching their parents' expectations, but I'm suspecting that a subset of the human population have children to quench their narcissistic dreams and let their children act as their clones. Hence why they're so mad when their child doesn't perfectly imitate the unrealistic image in their head.
Song used was House of Cards by BTS. Honestly one of their best songs. The lyrics do not reflect this content. I was going to make this a Shouto/Reader drabble but it felt right to focus it on him solely.
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ilcaeryx · 5 years
Tag organization
Because I'm pretty forgetful, I'll be using tags for several things:
🍰 #ilcaeryx.[fic name] allows you to read through the actual fic and random tidbits of comments or alternate scenes I have. For example, #ilcaeryx.limelight takes you to the Limelight fic.
🍪 #ilcaeryx.prompts is for my story prompts. Feel free to @ me if you use them!
🍩 #ilcaeryx.info is for informational posts about the blog, such as impending hiatuses, fandom addition/removals, what I'm thinking about uploading and general info.
🍮 #ilcaeryx.personal is for my thoughts and personal opinions.
🍫 #ilcaeryx.drabbles for drabbles.
I'm not very good at Tumblr yet, so I'll improve this system as I learn. Have some patience.
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