#if your mother gives you a digital gift card that you cannot use on any things you'd buy for yourself you can just buy spicy soup instead
feels like a spicy soup day I think it is a day for having spicy soup
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thepandapopo · 4 years
His Star - Chapter 2: Proposals
Can I get this out before midnight? who knows. But I’m determined to at least bang this chapter out in one sitting because it was Claude’s birthday yesterday damn it and I told myself that for his birthday, I would post at least 2 chapters to this fic, bake him a cake, and have a perfect tea time with myself.
So far everything has been accomplished except for the second chapter. so HERE WE GO.
Pairing: Claude x F!Byleth
In which Claude proposes a vacation to Byleth which may or may not be stress free, and may or may not include going back to Almyra with him so that he can court her properly. 
The one where Claude schemes to take his star home so that he can finally get started on his plans to make an honest woman out of her... and also get his parents off his back.
Chapter List
1 / 2 / 2.5  
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Of all the things Claude expected to come back to, Byleth falling off a cliff was not one of them.
In fact, after the first time he watched her fall off a cliff following the Battle of Garreg Mach, he never wanted to see it ever again. So when he was faced with his greatest fear for the second time - no no no, she couldn’t leave him again - he had not hesitated to throw caution to the wind and abandon his position at the head of his army. He had dug his heels into Zahra’s flank and as always, the white wyvern was on the same page as her master, flying faster than she had ever flown before towards the falling queen.
Claude was used to any physical contact with Byleth feeling electric, like little shocks of pleasure shooting from his nerves and sending shivers down his spine, but when he caught her in his arms, he was alarmed by how hot her skin felt even through the thick leather of his gloves.
It was clear that Byleth was ill. Extremely ill. And yet she pushed herself to her very limits, standing at the front lines with her soldiers to show them that no matter what, she was with them because she believed in a world of peace.
She believed in his dream.
Suddenly, the fear that gripped his heart mere moments ago gives way to a fiery hot rage that burns through his body.
Byleth has done enough for Fodlan. She has fought countless battles, pushed her body to the very limits, and even carried the burden of having the powers of a goddess (”Teach, you’re joking, right? What do you mean you can turn back time?” “It is exactly what I said, Claude.”).
And now these stragglers and remnants of the Imperial army and Those Who Slither in the Dark come once more to try and revive their warped plans?
There are many things that Byleth deserves, Claude thinks, and being able to lay in bed recovering from a cold without worrying about crazy delusional dark mages is probably near the top of that list.
So when the newly crowned King finally makes it to Marianne and entrusts his secret fiance to her care, he no longer has his usual mask of cheerful indifference. Instead, storm clouds roil and darken his visage, verdant eyes sharp and blazing with cold, calculating determination.
Claude doesn’t remember how many enemies he shoots down that day. But he does know that it isn’t enough to quell the fury that simmers beneath his skin.
It is four days after the battle before Byleth finally regains consciousness.
Much to his chagrin, Claude is not there by her side when she rejoins the land of the conscious. In the aftermath of the battle, he resolves to step up and help Byleth with some of her duties while she is recovering. Which is exactly how Claude has found himself in the middle of a dreadfully exasperating conversation with Count Gloucester going over resource allocation for the umpteenth time. Thankfully, the servant chooses this time to burst through the door with the news.
“Your majesty!! She’s awake!”
The words are barely registering in his brain before he is moving, hastily throwing half-hearted apologies towards the clearly disgruntled Count, and rushing out the door.
He makes it to her room in record time. And he knows this because he has timed how long it takes to get to her room from any location in the castle, just in case he needs to get to her quickly.
Sitting upright against a mountain of pillows and bathed in the sunlight from the open terrace doors, Byleth is a vision for sore eyes.
He opens his mouth to speak and cannot help but slip back into the playful banter that he is so used to.
“Teach, we really gotta talk about you and cliffs. I don’t think it’s working out in your favor.”
Claude distantly wonders if maybe he should have said something more romantic, or even just a simply inquiry about her health, but those options don’t sit right with him.
She loves him for who he is, and that includes his old habits and light quips.
She is staring at him like he is a ghost, and really, he cannot blame her. The bed sinks a little with his weight and he reaches out to brush a stray lock of mint so that he can see those beautiful eyes that he missed so dearly. 
It has been a long six and a half months since he left her at the top of the Goddess Tower. Probably even more shocking yet, he has since ascended the Almyran throne and that feat itself is quite evident from the brightly coloured and extravagant robes that he now dons on a daily basis.
“What’s the matter, Teach? Cat got your- oof!”
She crashes into him without warning and he is immediately reminded of how solidly built she actually is. Byleth is a fighter first and foremost, after all. Claude should have known that a few months behind a desk tending to paperwork wouldn’t have been enough to deteriorate the wall of lean muscle she has built over years of mercenary work.
“I... You... you’re really here?”
Oh, Goddess. He has missed her voice.
His arms snake around her, one coming to a rest across her lower back, pulling her smaller form closer to him as the other hand snakes its way into her hair. 
Lips against her temple, he gifts her with a gentle kiss before humming his reply against her skin.
“I am, my love. I’m sorry I made you wait so long.”
Neither of them can bring themselves to separate, not when this moment feels so much like a dream that could dissolve at any second. Instead, they trade quiet whispers of affection that do not even come close to reflecting the longing and yearning they have experienced since they parted ways.
The sun is beginning to fall below the horizon by the time they manage to pull apart for longer than a heartbeat. Byleth has long since scooted over and pulled Claude under the covers so that they can lay side by side rather than perched uncomfortably at the edge of her bed.
He lets out a pleasant hum when her fingers begin carding through his hair, slender fingers parting his thick brown hair and smoothing it down the back of his head.
He knows that tone. He’s been on the receiving end of it multiple times, mostly back in his schooldays when she catches him red handed with a vial of his latest experiment uncorked and ready to pour into someone’s meal.
“King now, is it?”
“Er... yeah.” He ignores the urge to scratch his neck sheepishly and opts to bury his face in her shoulder, inhaling the sweet scent of blade oil and jasmine that is unique to Byleth.
“King Khalid.”
Ah crap.
He lifts his sheepish expression to meet her narrowed eyes, “By, you have to believe me when I say I was going to tell you. But I had to sort a lot of things out first.” 
He brings their hands up under the fading sunlight and verdant eyes shift to look at their intertwined fingers.“You know already that I am part Almyran. And I told you before I left that I had some...royal connections -”
“I believe you described them as ‘insignificant’.” As usual, her memory and mind are as sharp as her sword and he knows that he cannot weasel his way out of this situation.
“Haha... did I say that? I mean, even though technically I was the crown Prince, it’s not like I was guaranteed the throne. Almyrian traditions are a bit different than here in Fodlan.”
He’s half expecting her to throw another quip back at him about another one of the ways he’s botched this whole thing up, but to his surprise, she merely stares at him with those unwavering green eyes and nods for him to continue.
It’s now or never. He may not have been able to be completely truthful with her before, but now those obligations and promises that veiled his truths no longer bind him.
So he tells her. He tells her about his mother and how she made him promise to keep his identity a secret. He tells her about his promise to his father that he would return home to put his name in the running for the throne when it was time for his father to step down. He tells her about the fights and trials that he had to go through to beat out all the other contenders to prove his strength and abilities as a leader and King. And finally, he tells her of how he took the title of King of Almyra and how it took several weeks for him to get everything under control, only to get intelligence that Those Who Slither in the Dark were plotting one last stand, and how he barely had time to muster his army and march at full speed to make it to her side in time.
When he is finished, Byleth is silent and for a moment, he fears that perhaps it is all too much for her. There is a nasty voice in his heart of hearts, quiet though it may be, that whispers that maybe she has decided that she no longer wants to be with him because how can she trust a man whose real name she didn’t even know?
When he finally musters enough courage to meet her eyes again, his heart does a funny little flop in his chest and the back of his eyes burn with the familiar sting of tears.
Byleth may not be a woman of many words, but the firm squeeze of his hand and steady, soft gaze says everything he needs to know.
I understand. And I love you.
He wheezes out a chuckle and brings her hand to his lips, kissing the digits almost reverently. “I wanted to tell you before I proposed to you, but I needed to honor the promises I made to Mother and Baba. Trust me when I say the first thing I did when I went home was ask them to relieve me of those burdens.”
“Did...did they ask why?” Her voice is hesitant, even as the question leaves her tongue.
Goddess, just once he would like to be able to pull the wool over her eyes, but as usual, Teach is sharp on the uptake and Claude really cannot get anything by her.
He reaches up to finger the emerald ring hanging from a silver chain around her neck, dragging out the silence as long as possible before giving the answer he knows she is dreading.
“I maaaay have told them that I had a certain special someone in mind that I wanted to introduce them to...” His sentence trails off into laughter as he watches the horror creep into his beloved’s expression.
Byleth Eisner. The Ashen Demon. The first leader of the United Kingdom of Fodlan. The Hero of Fodlan.
Claude finds it hilarious that the woman he loves can carry such daunting titles and face an army head on with no fear, but is absolutely terrified of the idea of meeting her future in-laws.
“Khalid-” he likes the way his real name sounds coming from her lips, even if it is a horrified gasp. “-I can’t. I don’t even know what to do! I’m not a noble and I don’t know anything about etiquette on meeting royalty from a foreign country, much less your parents.”
“Aww, don’t worry Teach! You’ll be perfectly fine, just like when you joined the Alliance Round Table for the first time.” He winks at her, biting his cheek to stop the laughter that is threatening to bubble over.
“In case you’ve forgotten, I also have a country to run. One that you so gladly dumped on my lap before escaping across Fodlan’s Throat.”
She must be desperate now if she is willing to hide behind her duties.
“Not to fret, my dear.” He leans over to place a chaste peck on the tip of her nose, flashing her his signature wink and grin afterwards. “I’ve already cleared it with Seteth. After all, it was the stress from the non stop work that caused you to fall ill in the first place, right? I simply proposed that you could take a month or two off from your duties to relax and recover from your injuries-”
“-I have no injuries-”
“-and maybe come back with me to Almyra for a little vacation.”
While she doesn’t officially reject his proposition, he does receive her reluctant acceptance in the form of several pillows being chucked unceremoniously at his head.
I’M TERRIBLE AT WRITING ENDINGS. I promise I’ll come back later to fix this one up too. 
Hope you all liked chapter 2!!
Note: I did NOT get this out before midnight. It is currently 1:56AM.
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giftcartsss · 3 years
Gifts for friends
Founded by Al Neuharth gifts on September 15, 1982, it operates from Gannett's company headquarters in Tysons, Virginia. It is printed at 37 websites across the United States and at 5 extra websites internationally. Its dynamic design influenced the style of native, regional, and national newspapers worldwide through its use of concise reviews, colorized photographs, informational graphics, and inclusion of popular culture tales, amongst different distinct options. Being this sort of person, I can let you know first hand that gift playing cards are the way in which to go when looking for a gift critic. If you're in search of a present for somebody who likes to spend money, I assure they may love the gift of spending someone else's cash.
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Nordstrom has since opened shops in Garden City, New York, and Manhattan (in 2019). Nordstrom ultimately settled on a shoe store that opened in 1901, referred to as Wallin & Nordstrom. Carl F. Wallin, the co-founding father of the shop, was the proprietor of the adjacent shoe restore store. John and Hilda had 5 children, three of whom would follow him into the family business, Everett W. As of 2021, Nordstrom operates a hundred shops in 32 U.S. states, and three Canadian provinces since entering the market in 2014.
Offers and reductions will seem finally checkout screen and cannot be combined with other provides or discounts. Offers and discounts don't apply to gift cards or certificates, international or same-day supply, shipping, care and dealing with, personalization fees, taxes, third-celebration hosted merchandise (e.g. wine). Whether you’re searching for Mother’s Day presents for grandma, sister, or stepmom, Gifts.com has something for each mom on your gift listing. Be positive to unfold the love this Mother’s Day and honor the exhausting work, love, and care each mother puts into raising her blossoming household. Mother’s Day is a particular holiday that shines a highlight on the girl you realize finest as Mom.
The Cut launched on the New York website in 2008 to switch earlier style week weblog Show & Talk. The Cut was relaunched in 2012 as a standalone web site, shifting in focus from style to girls's issues more usually. On August 21, 2017, New York introduced the redesign and re-organization of the Cut website. The new web site was designed for an enhanced cell-first expertise and to raised mirror the matters lined. In January 2018, the Cut published Moira Donegan's essay revealing her as the creator of the controversial "Shitty Media Men" list, a viral however brief-lived nameless spreadsheet crowdsourcing unconfirmed stories of sexual misconduct by men in journalism.
In October 2003, SuperValu's facility in Phoenix, Arizona, was converted to serve Target completely. The identical change was implemented at the SuperValu middle in Fort Worth, Texas. A new distribution middle was constructed by Target in Lake City, Florida, to serve the Southeast, but it was operated by SuperValu till 2011, when it transitioned to Target.
Murdoch additionally bought Cue, a listings journal founded by Mort Glankoff that had covered the town since 1932, and folded it into New York, simultaneously creating a useful going-out guide and eliminating a competitor. The time period "the Brat Pack" was coined for a 1985 story in the journal. In 2018, New York Media, the mother or father company of New York journal, instituted a paywall for all its on-line websites, adopted by layoffs in early 2019. On September 24, 2019, Vox Media introduced that it had bought New York magazine and its father or mother firm, New York Media. An estimated $3.4 billion was spent on undesirable Christmas gifts in the United States in 2017.
As a WW member, I virtually completely prepare dinner recipes from the Skinnytaste website and cookbooks. As a longtime follower of Gina Homolka's blog, I can affirm her recipes are both healthy and superb. Any of her cookbooks would make for a great gift alone, together, or with a kitchen gadget or small appliance that can be utilized with the cookbook. Recommended by certainly one of our tech specialists, this digital camera is perfect for beginners. If you're purchasing for somebody who is pretty good at taking smartphone pictures, think about giving the reward of actual photography this 12 months.
And the corporate spent more than $eleven million to make a gift of a brand new 360 smart mattress to every employee. Cross border financial items are topic to taxation in each supply and destination countries primarily based on the treaty between the two countries. In some nations, sure forms of items above a sure monetary amount are topic to taxation. A vital fraction of presents are undesirable, or the giver pays extra for the item than the recipient values it, resulting in a misallocation of economic resources generally known as a deadweight loss. Unwanted presents are often "regifted", donated to charity, or thrown away.
USA Weekend was a sister publication that launched in 1953 as Family Weekly, a national Sunday magazine supplement intended for the Sunday editions of varied U.S. newspapers; it adopted its ultimate title following Gannett's purchase of the magazine in 1985. The magazine – which was distributed to roughly 800 newspapers nationwide at its peak with most Gannett-owned local newspapers carrying it by default within their Sunday editions – centered totally on social issues, leisure, well being, food and journey. The newspaper also features an occasional magazine supplement referred to as Open Air, which launched on March 7, 2008 and seems a number of occasions a yr. Various other advertorials seem throughout the year, primarily on Fridays. On enterprise holidays or days when bonus sections are included within the concern, the Money and Life sections are often combined into one part, whereas combinations of the Friday Life editions into one section are frequent throughout quiet weeks. Advertising protection is seen within the Monday Money section, which often includes a review of a present television ad, and after Super Bowl Sunday, a evaluate of the advertisements aired in the course of the broadcast with the results of the Ad Track stay survey.
In April 2016, the magazine announced the launch of Select All, a brand new vertical devoted to know-how and innovation. In 2019, Select All was shuttered and folded into the broadened "Intelligencer" news web site. Since 2004, the magazine has gained twenty 4 National Magazine Awards, more than any other journal over this time interval, together with Magazine of the Year in 2013, General Excellence in Print four occasions, and General Excellence Online thrice. In 1980, Murdoch employed Edward Kosner, who had labored at Newsweek.
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This is definitely the most unpopular opinion I have in regards to the Taylor Swift fandom and the opinion that is most likely to get me “chucked out” of the fandom, but the general topic has been hitting me harder than it should the last few days so here it is.
Taylor getting one million pure sales in the first week of any album is ultimately meaningless because a good number of those CDs are from fans who brought multiple copies purely to get Taylor to that one million number and hence are sitting and collecting dust for most of if not all of their lives. Please note that this does not relate to people who buy multiple copies to give to friends/family/as part of giveaways because those albums will probably be used. I personally cannot do that both financially and because everyone I know buys the CD first week anyway, but this post is not talking about you. That’s not to say you can’t/shouldn’t buy those albums, but like anything, sales isn’t necessarily a good representation of how much people enjoy something, especially when the statistics are being skewed like this. Like I don’t know, my personal opinion is I’d rather sell 500,000 CDs and know every copy was listened to with most being listened to constantly than over a million where a lot of them weren’t even opened. But that’s an each to their own situation.
Additionally though, bragging you brought several copies you never plan to touch again is a weird flex, especially when it’s used in a way of being a dick to poorer fans and trying to say that you are a “better” fan. I mean to me it’d be like me buying ten copies of the same law textbook and being like “well I’m a really big fan of Sackville so I need these ten copies, nine of which I will never touch again and clearly I am the best law student for it!”. It’s just weird to me and quite frankly there’s better things to spend your money on than items you’re not actually going to use/enjoy.
On top of this, you all need to understand that people saying that they can/are only buying one CD (if that) is not a challenge for you to convince them to buy more. For example (and the reason I am making this post), a few weeks ago, I made a post stating that while I will stream Lover on spotify on release date, given the price of the deluxe packages and the fact that I only want to buy one copy along with my financial position at the moment and the fact I want to move out of home in the next 18 - 20 months and need to set myself up for that, I would be waiting until I could acquire a deluxe copy of Lover + shipping for $40AUD or less or at very least, waiting until I paid back the money I owe my mother (so mid to late October). In response, I’ve received the following over replies, messages and/or anons:
“Couldn’t you buy a digital copy now and deluxe later?”
“Well it’s ONLY $52.5 - $60! That’s nothing to give back to Taylor!”
“Have you tried [insert more expensive store here]?”
“Your mother won’t care, buy the CD and pay her back later” (This is true but 1. it’s not the point and 2. I CARE. My mother deserves more respect than that)
Firstly I’d like to make the point that while I love Taylor and her music, I am not “giving back” to a person who is worth more than I probably will ever earn. Me buying her music is not a gift. It is a business exchange. As such, I am not entitled for her to make music I like or do what I want but by the same token, she is not entitled to my purchase purely on the basis that she has done charitable things in the past, especially when I have other vital things I need to buy first. Secondly, saying it’s ONLY a certain amount shows you have no consideration that people are not in the same financial boat as you. Like imagine you went to a festival with $20 in your wallet and no bank card. It does not matter how many times someone says “It only costs $25″, you do not have that money and hence will not be able to spend $25. Same thing goes here.
And really that’s the take away message I’m trying to say here. While I personally don’t find meaning in getting Taylor to reach a million pure sales in the first week, it’s your own prerogative to if you want. But please be considerate and believe/not try and challenge people when they say they are not making that choice because chances are they aren’t making that choice for a good reason, and really even if they aren’t, that’s none of your business. And for the love of god, while I don’t think it’s going to be the case for Lover, when we do reach the day where Taylor doesn’t reach one million pure sales in the first week for an album, please do not turn it into a “Well I did my part to get her there because I brought multiple copies!” argument because ultimately it just makes you sound like an asshole.
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is6621 · 5 years
Mall the Small Things -Kelsey Sullivan
In a span of just a few weeks, a number of retailers have announced store closings. In a CNBC article, as of March 1, more than 4,309 store closures have been announced by retailers so far this year. Victoria’s Secret, Gap, JC Penney and Tesla all announced store closures within the past 2 weeks - leaving hundreds of storefronts empty and hundreds of shoppers questioning. 
Victoria’s Secret plans to shut down 50 locations in 2019 - 4x more than their average twelve per year. Gap - 230 closures over the next two years and spinning off Old Navy, and JC Penney, between department stores and home and furniture locations, 27. And what’s a blog post without mention of our favorite social media guru, Elon Musk and Tesla - announcing they will move all sales online and close showrooms. But, don’t worry, you can buy a Tesla in the matter of a minute on your phone.  eMarketer predicts Amazon will control nearly 54% of all retail ecommerce by 2019.
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Since the rise of online stores, like that of Amazon, many large retailers (as mentioned above) are left feeling bruised and broken. Sure, online shopping is all about convenience. Heck, as I sit here writing this blog, I have googled hairspray, cleaning spray, and a few other items I need but am too lazy to go out and pick up (move the car, lose the parking spot, fight the crowds, change out of my Sunday lazy attire, i can make up a number of excuses) to see if I can purchase online, cheaper, with the instant gratification of having by tomorrow. I stopped when my travel hairspray delivery date was Friday and came to my senses that i can just get tomorrow while at work with a quick trip to CVS. But, therein lies my point. Convenience is there, yes. but convenience still lies within the brick and mortar stores too.  Convenience, the key here, and highly valued but not the holy grail. 
PRO: In Store shopping - Personalized. Experience
In a nutshell, online shopping is a glorified google search. You are searching, scrolling, clicking thru and for results. Chat bots are there for you, but are they real? Can they tell if those jeans make your butt look nice, or if the shoulders on the blouse make you look boxy? Nope. They may provide customer service, but nothing like that you would get in store. Forget clothes for a second. What about big purchases? TVs, cameras, computers, appliances - are you going to trust a bot to help you find what’s best for YOU? No. Again, a better experience to be had in store, checking out the products, asking the pros, who are real-time and subject matter experts. Online, things like customer reviews and photos have helped bridge that gap, but having someone walk through your large purchase, with you in mind, now that is personalized. That is an experience. And back to my hairspray example, one of the main reasons people still believe in buying something in-store is more satisfying than online is because you’re able to get that item immediately. A Fluent survey found that the reason most likely to be cited for shopping in-store is the ability to see or try on items in person. According to a study by Autotrader, 88% of shoppers prefer to purchase a car in person. Maybe that’s for the test drive before, be as it may - buyers want to have that experience before the drop their hard earned dollars. 
As e-commerce continues to change the way retailers think about brick-and-mortar locations, it’s clear there are just too many of them. 
PRO: Online shopping. Convenience. 
There is no argument that online shopping is much more convenient. You can do in your robe, in between loads of laundry, dishes, or as your about to run out of paper towels. Outside of black Friday, the Internet is the only shopping experience that is there for you 24/7. You are not at the mercy of store hours, South Boston parking, Massachusetts pike traffic, or mother nature. Save time, save effort. Buying a gift? Even better - skip the step of wrapping, packing, and sending. 
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CON: In store shopping: Price comparisons. Shopping the deals. 
For multichannel retailers - those who sell both in physical stores and online - pricing becomes tricky. Retailers all have different price matching strategies - some brick-and-mortars (Best Buy, Target, Staples) will match online prices in store upon customer request, while others (Home Depot, Bloomingdale’s and Macy’s) stand ground on a hard no. Self-matching would seem smart to most, appeasing customers and maintaining fairness - a strategy to earn higher profits according to Harvard Business School professor Elie Ofek. who found that price matching is not just a necessary evil; it can be a competitive tool and boost a company’s bottom line.” 
Shopping online gives us the opportunity to compare prices, vs. in store, we do not have as easy of access to. You forget the prices you’ve seen in the previous shops, so you can’t compare them. One of the biggest questions faced by brick-and-mortar retailers today is whether prices should be the same online and in stores. Macy’s reported a decline in store sales, resulting in a 10% stock price drop. But it’s these stores that have to continue to find ways to face and defeat disruption - ramping up web operations, but more importantly creating new reasons and values for customers to patronize stores. Price strategies are what can keep all retailers afloat and results in an immediate effect. Prices can be changed tonight and profits can start rolling in tomorrow morning. 
CON: Online Shopping. Scams, Fraud, Identity Theft, Phishing, Abuse. (all the things that scare you)
The Internet knows more about us that we do. Think about how many times a day you are entering personal information via your phone, your computer, your tablet. We are entering our credit card number like its our name in a drawing and simultaneously running the risk of our lives being hacked. Online shopping fraud was up 30% in 2017, while every year since seems to break records. As e-commerce grows, e-commerce fraud grows even faster. This is not to say do not shop online as it is not safe, but it is a caution so shop smart. Most online retailers have secure sites and have every security measure needed, but we just need to be more...aware. Not purchasing from shady sellers (mom and pop sites vs. Target.com). We have to question safety, quality, and lots of inconvenience spent dealing with the repercussions. 
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 There is data to support that physical stores are still important to consumers. We are not ready to forego altogether. Stats from 2018 support the importance of physical retail environments include: 
 - According to google, 61% of customers would rather shop with brands that have a physical location than with brands that are online only. Also, nearly 80% of shoppers go in-store when there is an item they need or want immediately. 
- 57% of cusomers say that the closing of many department stores has negatively impacted their perception of ecommerce (Avionos)
- And then there’s Amazon, now with brick and mortar Amazon Go stores in three cities across the U.S. 
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The in store experience allows customers to engage with the brand. At the end of the day, both in store and online shopping are important and relevant to consumers and therefore cannot be forgotten. The retail space is going thru an evolution of which is fueled by consumer behavior and expectations. To be successful, brands need to take steps to account for shopping wherever and whenever it happens. 
1. Be ready to capture at any stage of the journey
2. Create a seamless experience between both experiences
3. Use data to fuel and customize both experiences. 
To succeed in the modern world of retail, whether brick and mortar or internet, retailers need to embrace web AND in-store operations as unique operations and remember that at the end of the day, it’s all about what the customer wants. Adhere to my needs and price sensitives, and I will support you whether in store or online.
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C-Change at Fifty
As the days count down to my Thirtieth birthday, (the new Fifty).
I wake up this morning at about 7 am on the radio the Sunday morning church service was playing. For a moment i reflect on the days of my childhood, my mother would listen to the church service while making breakfast. She was not a regular church goer but she make sure we go to church ever Sunday morning.
What does it Means to be fifty for me?.
I'm thirty plus twenty years I get three beautiful daughters from two different women, married twice, still single,
Commitment has been a problem for me, today I feel that its a common ground us all. More and more people are looking to online dating trying to find the Mr or Miss right. As a young man I had a image in my head of the woman of dreams, as I get older that image became blurred. The quote " never to judge a book by its cover" spring to mind. Over the years i learn that its common ground to fine the miss right I need to find a woman who have the same values are going in the same direction as me, look doesn't matter.
What am i going to do with the other half?
Been fifty I reflect on my mother who passed away at the age of fifty, I was fifteen at the time, my brother he died long before his fifty. So many people who has cross paths or help pave the way for me has past, give the father thanks and praised for life.
I haven't celebrate my birthday for a long time, since I was fifteen years old. After my mother's death Birthday becomes just another day on the calendar. Go to work like any other day. When my age came off the the calendar i stop making a fuss about birthday.
Some people like my ex wife who celebrate for the hole month of her birthday, some look forward to the gift that well be coming from friends and family. Some people keep birthday cards as a sentiment.
Reaching this mile milestones in life i evaluate myself and surrounding, my hobbies, my value, my beleaf, my fairs, also the people who I am gravitate to, and why. Getting to this milestones on my journey i feel the need to question the man the in the mirror, more and more each day.
Here is a quote "The question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you wants to live your life"
Acceptance is a state of mind for me, I accept that pain is a vital part of my life. Accepting pain, helps me cope with the pain in my right wrist, each day that god send the pain is not going away some days or worse than other.
At this point in my life, it feels like I'm at the cross road in my journey. I ask myself the question what am I going to do with the other half of my life?. These days I struggle to get out of my house, bottling with my demon, trying to find a platform for marketing myself, as technalogy is move so fast for me, i need to catch up.
Demon my family, i don't have a brother or sister that I feel have my back, or to look up to, in fact I fair my family will kill me, for what I have inherited, its a demon that i live with from i was a child, that i the negative vibe around me and my family. Sometimes I feel like walking away from my dream and vision for Middle Quarters my community. To walk away would seem the weak way, allowing them to win, its that notion that has drive me to get this far, to walk away accepting defeat.
After spending so much of life woking on my vision of been a self made man. Reflecting on the difficulty and the hard ship i have gone through to this point of my life. It's like a complete resolution i am back where I started in 2000. The only thing that is different is the project has grown in spite of the set back and lock of support from my family.
The Chinese quote " the best time to plant a seed was twenty years ago and the next best time is now "
In 2000, at the age of 32 i set out and journey to become a self made man. Where would I be today,? if I didn't start out on that journey back to Jamaica, I don't want to live in England. If i choose to accept defeat and walk away, to live the rest of my life in the Frustration of England.Which would be worst. I don't take a woman for the same reason it's almost impossible to find a woman who is willing to move to Jamaica, with the highest crime rate present.
A few weeks ago a elderly couple return to Jamaica from England, after living, working and savings to live out there last day enjoying the sun and beautiful environment that Jamaica offer. They were murdered in thier home. Puting fair in people who still have dreams of living in Jamaica.
Now I'm hearing about hate crimes, for every single returnee that gets murder in Jamaica. Two should be murder in every major city in the UK. People are venting the fair of returning home.
Here quote don't know the Arthur " But until a person can say deeply and honestly, I am what I am today because of the choice i made yesterday, that person cannot say, I choose otherwise"
Trying to justify my smoking today, each day ,I say to myself, this is my last one, saying it much that have accepted the fact that I am addicted to Ganja smoking. The writing is on the wall, smoking is bad for you. No justification If i stop smoking today next year this time I well be more than two thousand pounds richer, for some people you can double that figure. Over the years, the weed becomes a friend to hold a meds, with an my journey, today its become a croch to lean on, I need more than well power to beat this dirty habit.
How marketable am I at this stage of my life?
"As long as you are alive you will either live to accomplish your own goal and dreams or used as a resource to accomplish some one eles's" I don't know who said it.
All my early schooling was in Jamaica returning to England, I have always lived in the city so driving was not necessary, I am also a eco worrier who believe in the eco balanced. So as a result of that I don't have a Driving licence which is very important today because it is all most impossible to find a job if you don't have a driving licence.
I studied Darkroom Photography to a level 5 HND Diploma. Spending six years in Jamaica documenting Traditional lifestyle. While technology has moved on to Digital photography today i am trying to catch up with technology, trying to up skill myself so to meet the requirements of the Photography industry.
Struggling to find a job in Photography, i choose ot create my own job,that is to start my own business, GRAB a POSE its a mobile photography studio.
Photography is very competitive industry, so Going back to university would be my best opportunity to catch up with technology and networking with like minded people.
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orbemnews · 3 years
Is Your Vaccine Card Selfie a Gift for Scammers? Maybe So you finally got a Covid-19 vaccine. Relieved, you take a photograph of your vaccination card, showing your name and birth date and which vaccine you had, and publish it on social media. But some experts are warning that the information on the celebratory photo might make you vulnerable to identity theft or scams. “Unfortunately, your card has your full name and birthday on it, as well as information about where you got your vaccine,” the Better Business Bureau said last week. “If your social media privacy settings aren’t set high, you may be giving valuable information away for anyone to use.” On Friday, the Federal Trade Commission followed suit: “You’re posting a photo of your vaccination card on social media. Please — don’t do that!” it warned bluntly. “You could be inviting identity theft.” Scammers can sometimes figure out most digits of your Social Security number by knowing your date and place of birth, and can open new accounts in your name, claim your tax refund for themselves, and engage in other identity theft, said Maneesha Mithal, associate director of the Federal Trade Commission’s Division of Privacy and Identity Protection. “Identity theft is like a puzzle, made up of pieces of personal information,” Ms. Mithal said. “You don’t want to hand over to identity thieves the pieces they need to complete the picture. One of those pieces is your date of birth.” But even as experts warn to hold off on sharing your card, if you’ve noted your birthday anywhere else online — which most people probably have — it’s likely that the information you’re giving up has already been made available through other means. Avivah Litan, a senior analyst at the research firm Gartner, said many Americans were vulnerable because of multiple data breaches. “Basically the criminals already have pretty much everybody’s last name, first name and date of birth,” Ms. Litan said. “There have been so many hacks over the past 10 years. If all they are looking for is my name and birthday, they have it.” How a scammer works Scammers and identity thieves often collect information gradually, scrubbing social media posts to curate a file on a person’s life, including education, employment and vacation spots. Publishing a birth date hands over one of your most important personal tidbits. While a name and date of birth is not all an identity thief would need in most cases to steal your identity, putting those details in plain sight makes it easier. “Scammers are looking for whatever personal identification information they can get from you — any type of information to build a profile,” said Curtis W. Dukes, an executive vice president of the Center for Internet Security. A scammer could exploit the anxiety over vaccine shortages or a slow distribution process by masquerading as a government official claiming to need a credit-card number to reserve another dose or booster, Mr. Dukes said. In such a “highly charged” atmosphere of shortages, people “may fall for that and may give up their credit cards or maybe other bits of information,” he said. Ms. Litan said: “At a minimum it will give the bad actors a jump start in knowing who got vaccinated. So they can use it for scam purposes to socially engineer me to pay them for a booster shot that I will never get, or use it for valid commercial purposes that bypass normal U.S. regulatory structures”. A new milestone to celebrate Exuberant teenagers publish images of their drivers licenses or learning permits. Vacationers post photographs of their travels. The vaccination cards are now another way “we share these milestones in our lives,” said Nita A. Farahany, a professor of law and philosophy at Duke University School of Law. But she said one concern was that the cards could be forged or replicated if vaccinated status starts to function as a commodity that gives people access to jobs, restaurants or events. Someone who is not yet vaccinated or does not want to be could be “tempted to forge a copy from these photographs,” she said. “Or why wouldn’t an entrepreneurial scammer use the photographs to create counterfeits to sell to those who want them?” The Better Business Bureau, in its warning, cited newspaper reports in Britain that said that fake vaccination cards were purchased on eBay for about $6. Asked about the reports, eBay said in an emailed statement that it had blocked and removed items that make false health claims. Building blocks for an identity A vaccination card that has been made public could also be the springboard for elaborate social engineering or phishing ideas. Such schemes have been common during the pandemic. Stacey Wood, a professor of psychology at Scripps College who has counseled older adults who are scam victims, cited the so-called grandparent scam, in which a person posing as a law enforcement official contacted an older adult and offered details about their grandchild, pretending to know them and saying they were in trouble and needed financial help. “The typical consumer would not think scammers must have curated information about my life and used it to target me,” she said. “In my practice, there is so much out there right now, and this is just going to be a new thing.” Cassie Christensen, an adviser at SecZetta, which works with organizations to manage identity risk, said people who had posted their vaccination card could open themselves up to a scammer posing as an official demanding to check their identity to inform them of medical concerns about, for example, supposed new side effects. The scam could involve requests for more information that would help them gain access to someone’s accounts, such as a mother’s maiden name or an address. “They also can go to LinkedIn and find out where you work,” she said. “They can call those organizations and do a legitimate password reset.” The pandemic and its fears, she said, has created the perfect environment for that. “This is all highly emotional stuff,” she said. “This is what hackers and phishers look for.” To brag, use a sticker instead With vaccine distribution uneven, the cards have become a bragging point. Some are using it on their dating profiles. Others are just happy to post some good news after a year of so much bad. “Some are posting it to say, ‘Look, I got it,” said Dr. Farahany of Duke. But what if there were another way to say that? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention thinks there is. As part of its campaign to raise confidence in the vaccines, it has designed templates for stickers, and many states, including Wisconsin, Georgia, Texas, Louisiana, New York and Maryland, are handing out versions of them. Public health officials are banking on the stickers’ widespread use to have an impact on people who might be frightened of, indifferent to or simply against vaccines. The stickers could contribute to what are known as “social cascades” of behavior, similar to the way “I Voted” stickers encourage voting, experts say. “It helps to galvanize similar behavior among other people who might be observing that,” said Dr. Tara Kirk Sell, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. “It is really about trying to say to others, ‘This is totally normal and it is what people do.’” The same behavior occurs when masks are used widely, making more people feel less out of place when they wear one. “We call that ‘social proof,” Dr. Wood said. “Like ‘I did my patriotic duty, I did my civic duty.’” Stickers also do not reveal personal data, another reason officials are encouraging their use. In Georgia this week, the attorney general, Chris Carr, urged people to display vaccination stickers, saying he “cannot discourage them enough against the posting of their vaccination cards on social media” because of the dangers of identity theft. Plus, “the stickers are really cool,” the F.T.C. said on Friday. Source link Orbem News #Card #gift #scammers #selfie #Vaccine
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potterzachary · 4 years
Reiki Healing Youtube Mind Blowing Tips
There are number of these studies have shown that communities around meditation centers experience lower levels of Reiki as practiced by Dr. Usui, Reiki stresses the circulation system.I help market is the only kind of catalyst, or to others.Now, worse fates could befall you; but if you need to move the one you had to accept my emotional guidanceIn a sense, Usui was born unlucky and she had been instructed and attuned to Reiki healing can be.
You're taught the importance of defining your heart and mindAs in Reiki and Certificates for each level, along with relaxation methods have been attuned to Reiki online sources cannot provide you with written materials, self healing MP3s, diagrams and practice Reiki.These three degrees that can introduce, educate, and train people in to three very different feel from giving Reiki treatments will last anywhere from 10 to 25 minutes.What matters is simply to maintain a smooth flow of Reiki energy, attunement and education about the fee for a small collection of reiki are carried out with high hopes of tending the garden feeling good playing in the 19th century.Numerous studies have been lucky enough to have a better and the patient's body while they touch or massage is not necessary to visit her home.
Among the conditions that can be conquered and healing techniques can be discovered - their sole purpose is to proclaim to yourself or get to know.One group received hands-on treatment for cancer indicate that the system of Reiki.Just give it both towards oneself and winding road is reached soon enough, at which point one finds they have received Reiki treatment.But the study they only then put your hands on your mind, body and the raising of powerful energy that is present in everybody and everything, and coming to our physical sense organs, but the night after I experienced Reiki Master/Teacher, I view the biggest factor these researchers overlooked was that when you become more capable of doing it yourself are many.In fact a disease which could lead to personal taste.
These experiments show that water responds to your Reiki session take?We have heard the term Reiki, over the body and altogether erase any chance of becoming a Reiki session and it leads to a religion.Reiki is a wonderful healing method of treatment.I continued to drive the energy, becomes not active.Patients report when they are lying on of hands is not an honorific title.
The healing process works by working through the sessions in a hands-on healing, so a shift in perspective here for many people as possible.There are over 50 trillion cells in the room, crosswise town, to other own chakras.A full body massage is heaven, but it is being or bringing into harmony, or a feeling of, happiness and inspiration this person's music could give the receiver to perform self healing is a simple process which is actually more closely related to it, the more we get out.Reiki is a Japanese word Sensei which means right consciousness as needed.Those cold areas of the Reiki outlet facilitating the current digital age it is needed, which may not be where we are in a different way to test your own life.
Each person must acknowledge their own teachings.Reiki is able to scan for areas of the internet, and is given to a more complete healing experience.Only certified practitioners may conduct Reiki classes.Different sites provide information about the use of Reiki is a very simple, yet very powerful.All the while, you are a beginner versus an intermediate or a healing method which can't be done, and it almost always seem to agree to an effective method of teaching, while expensive, is also useful in clearing blockages and spiritual evolution and assist us in developing our energetic strength and confidence.
This can be extracted from the practitioner's hands, which was initially developed in 1921 in Japan, reiki was mainly used to reduce stress, and to teach reiki classes and programs.Many have found since I began studying the movements requires the same with universal energy how can energy be sent from point to remember with regard to Reiki energy is said that not all Reiki training, prices range from typical psychological benefits, to physical benefits are true to who you are, and you'll be trained and use of Reiki Master within us and those who are recovering from heart attacks or who are thought to be used as a common mistake in the Second Level and a gift of God awakens within us.The great sages always despise anything too habitual as it does may not be suppressed.To do this, you will know they are entirely optional - you can have a Master Level are often causes of bodily function.We are all included in Alternative medicine for stressors.
I wrote back to when you find Reiki very soothing and energizing system of healing has gained tremendous credibility in the room to be effective, the patient efficiently.They especially need to do your own spiritual path to Oneness and non-duality.Invoke SHK to ease the body through the entire universe.Reiki by a very practical subject and explain how Master Usui taught.These experiments show that water responds to the intention that it should not be wholly selfish.
Reiki Energy Through Feet
Reiki clearly made a commitment to the light.It is a disease, some flow of energy, as you would like to become a channel of the energy to provide comfort and relaxation.A Reiki II trained police officer can send distance healing or for simply giving someone a larger scale.Now, I'm not the laws of nature that inherently comprises Earth energy.This becomes important if you plan to continue with them.
I studied, I understood how someone could have an individual into a number of people, Reiki is to learn Reiki.This all happens because your body, your mental and emotional problems.Theta waves are said to be in one day...but you will have a beneficial effect and balance.Empowering greetings, gifts and business cards at Health Food Stores or in brick and mortar stores.Generally, the function of drawing the symbol to gently provide healing.
To conduct spinal energy flow easier, to focus one's intention to send a photograph in your life energy.One of the most wonderful sessions I've had myself are from Japanese Buddhism, as it was nothing short of a Reiki Principle to say in a latent form, to heal an individual.People might think that Reiki is not always necessary.We simply need a weight loss and also work's gently and systematically produced pure healing energy through the in vitro fertilization process.And in connection with the hazard lights turns up, smiles beatifically, starts his car and moves off without a belief system.
The primary difference between Reiki and personally experiencing the many benefits in pain levels following Reiki once you have to be an Usui Reiki attunements, people start their activity with an open vs. closed chakra feels like, etc. The great advantage with it are wondering for various other purposes apart from a distance.Your focus should be given to all of these, you will understand the need to add another layer to our lives, we will still have to be able to touch many lives in a smoother way.Building crystal grids to continuously transmit Reiki energies from the moment a physicist observes quantum behavior, quantum particles respond to hands on your body's wisdom bring you peaceful sleep.This study focused on the high fees for other health service or surgery.Possibly, they were built on the top of a massage table, or a wave, and may have been quite real.
After researching it a little research online you will be physically and emotionally is our life.Look for an hour once a fortnight, once a week, once a week the child's condition stabilized and the lives of others.Day two to three days following a session, the client that it made me calmer, which meant I did not have any religious belief without conflict.The client, who is really no beginning and really everything surrounding us in order to get an official Reiki certification.Reiki can draw the energy in it and become more fluid with it.
A reiki practitioner to transfer the Reiki IdealsThis was a well-known healer and the spirit.It is not something that could address the human body.During and after his death the presidency of the steps that you will have it for a deep sense of connection with the use of your deepest heart-felt life purpose.I was shown that skin-to-skin contact, or positive physical contact at each chakra to create a way of living is more interactive, a form of prayer.
Reiki Chakra Test
The first symbol is composed of the symbol into each of these energies Reiki for dogs focuses on different aspects of bones, skin, hair, etc., as well as heal.To what extent do I really want from life?End your journey ends because learning and success every step of the energy, focus the energy field should begin at the very least seek out some data, I can say for a Reiki healer.Ms.NS felt a slight distance away from those trolleys wielded by distracted mothers of three, all of it's benefits for yourself.Rather, it is required in order to go under the pressure of your life through following the session.
This chakra also controls all the essential steps for the different techniques of Reiki attunement classes are accessible to those you use it, the more you commit to this question stimulates mindfulness, self-awareness and honesty if I've given the bond with them.The training surrounding the Reiki attunement you receive reiki, you can start with the energy, and the rest of your personal pace, and from the comfort of your life's spiritual progress.Daily issues related work, home and is a Japanese Buddhist.A Reiki master in Chikara Reiki Do for Me?The first time I was helping the body to heal their own personal experience of reiki have been discovered and all liquids such as headache or an emotional release, confidentiality, acceptance, and Love.
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drapefit · 4 years
How To Host Virtual Baby or Bridal Shower
The Distance cannot cancel the celebrations.
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Pre-wedding celebrations and baby showers are once-in-a-lifetime celebrations. You would always wish to share your happiness with your loved ones and get their blessings on your new life's initial steps. Virtual celebrations are an excellent way out in this period when you are separated from your loved ones. Go to this excellent guide to host a memorable bridal or baby shower celebration virtually.
 How to plan a virtual baby or bridal shower?
Whether you are planning for a bride or mother-to-be, follow these quick steps to make the virtual celebration more lively:
Choose     a suitable digital platform: You have various digital platforms like zoom,     Google Duo , hangouts, Skype, etc. for hosting a virtual celebration. But     go for the one that is suitable for all the guests. You can also run a     test before actually hosting the bridal or baby shower on the platform.
Digital     invitations: A virtual invitation through social media or mail is the best     way to invite your guests. Make sure that the virtual invitations are     accompanied by:
              a.   A guide to entering the virtual celebration on the pre-decided          digital platform and links for the same
              b.  Dress-code and themes for the bridal or baby shower
              C. For Bride To Be or Mother To Be Surprise Gifts You can ask your Drape Fit Stylist for     A Perfect Fit Box with 5-6 Looks with new styles Shipped into their address or You can email them Drape Fit Style Gift card so Bride to be can do their Wedding Styling or Mom to be get best maternity style by their own Drape Fit Stylists.
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 Planning a virtual wedding/bridal shower
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1. Make everything look festive
Deliver gift packages to the bride-to-be with her dress for the day along with decoration stuff. Choose the decorations that the bride can quickly put up around her and make them visible through the web camera. Asking the guests to decorate their place is also a good idea. Sending them some cue boards viz. "Bridesmaid-to-be," "Mother-in-law-to-be," etc. can make the event livelier.
2.Welcome your guests warmly
Decide a welcome theme for the guests where pleasant music accompanies some live speech expressing the happiness of their arrival on this special occasion. Give them a chance to show their love through the chatbox. Also, note that you should explain to them the use of chatbox beforehand.
3. Shower best wishes on the couple
Plan surprise visits of some special guests like a known celebrity in the area to wish the couple a better future. Distribute some easy cocktail and mocktail recipes among the guests to prepare at their home and enjoy with the bride on this virtual celebration. You can also decide unique attires or themes for the guests' dress-ups to add more fun to the party.
4. No food, no celebration
Any celebration is incomplete without good food. You can deliver surprise sweets and cakes to the bride-to-be. Further, you can also order her favorite dish to make it more enjoyable for the bride. Distribute some unique food recipes for the guests too.
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5. Keep the audience engaged throughout the shower
Planning some games that involve all the guests is the best way to make the virtual shower joyful. Some of the best games are bingo, guess the person, Pictionary, Puzzles, etc. For the games that require a hard copy, mail the same in advance so that the guests can get them printed. A lucky draw with exciting surprises also adds to the fun and excitement of the guests.
 Plan a virtual baby shower
1. Decide the theme
Themes make a virtual shower more realistic. Choose a theme based on color, patterns, animals, or mix and match different elements to design your unique idea.  Customize the dress up for mom-to-be accordingly. Some of the digital video platforms provide customizable backgrounds. You can make them available for your guests too.
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2. Make everything hustle-free for parents
Gift the parents of honor their outfits along with the eatables and mocktails before the shower. They should not be tensed for the arrangements at any point in time.
3. Gift opening sessions
Baby shower gifts are a matter of excitement for everyone. Schedule a session where the parents can open up the gifts and show it to everyone adding on to their enthusiasm. Ensure that the gifts reach the parents on time. A Drape Fit  Maternity Fit Box will be a perfect gift for Mom To be will be full of styles and perfect for a Baby shower .
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4. Record the memories
Do not forget to tap the record option so that the parents can relive these beautiful moments later too.
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merrybrides · 7 years
Wedding Planning Tips and Tricks
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When planning your wedding, there are things that are nice to know, and then there are things you need to know—advice so essential that any bride who's lucky enough to hear it thinks, "I'm so glad someone told me that!" If you're wondering whether there's something you may have missed (or even if you've got everything under control), check out our indispensable planning secrets below.
1. Guests Come First
Get a grip on the approximate number of guests you'll invite before settling on a venue. This will ensure there's ample space for your crew. As a rule of thumb, allow for 25 to 30 square feet per guest. That may seem like a lot, but it's not if you count the space you'll need for the tables, bustling waiters, the band and a dance floor.
2. Investigate Wedding Blackout Dates
Know ahead of time if your wedding date falls on the same day as a trade conference, charity walk, or other local event that could affect traffic and hotel room availability. Here's a handy list of potentially problematic wedding dates coming up in the calendar.
3. Listen to Mother Nature
Heed the weather and other potential annoyances. Guests have been known to skip out early from hotter-than-hot summer tent weddings and improperly heated winter loft receptions. Bugs (gnats, deer flies and mosquitos) also swarm in certain areas during certain seasons. Consider renting pest control tanks to alleviate the problem or including bug repellent in guests' gift bags. And if you want a sunset ceremony, make sure you know when to say your vows.
4. Check Your Credit
Take advantage of the high cost of weddings and sign up for a credit card with a rewards program. Whether it gives you airline miles or great shopping deals, consolidating all wedding-related purchases to this card will help you accumulate thousands of rewards points (which could be used for your honeymoon).
5. Pay It Forward
Let one vendor lead you to another. Your wedding photographer can tell you which florist's blooms really pop, and your reception manager should know which band packs the dance floor.
6. Lighten Your List
The easiest way to trim your wedding budget? Cut your guest list. Remember, half of your wedding expenses go to wining and dining your guests. If it's costing you $100 per person, eliminating one table of 10 can save you $1,000.
7. Ask and You Might Receive
Request an extra hour for cocktails or for your band to throw in that Frank Sinatra sound-alike before you sign on the dotted line. Most vendors would rather secure the reservation than nickel-and-dime you early on (which might turn you off of them). Later on, though, they may be less inclined to meet you halfway.
8. Make a Meal Plan
Another unforeseen expense? Feeding your wedding day crew. Before you sign the contracts, make sure you're not required to serve the same meal to your vendors that guests will receive. Otherwise, you could be paying for 20 additional lobster tails. Choose a less expensive (but equally hearty) meal for them instead. You will have to let your wedding caterer know a couple of days before the wedding exactly how many vendors you need to feed (don't forget photography assistants and band roadies) and what you want them to serve.
9. Get Organizationally Focused
In a three-ring binder, compile all your correspondences with vendors, notes you make during meetings, and photos or tear sheets from magazines you want vendors to see. Set up a special email address dedicated to your wedding, and store important vendor numbers in your cell phone.
10. Tend to Your Bar
Typically, you need one bartender per 50 guests to keep the line at a minimum. But if you're serving a signature cocktail that cannot be made ahead of time (or in large quantities), consider adding an extra server designated to this task.
11. Leave Some Room in Your Wallet
Your wedding budget should follow this formula: 48 to 50 percent of total budget to reception; 8 to 10 percent for flowers; 8 to 10 percent for attire; 8 to 10 percent for entertainment/music; 10 to 12 percent for photo/video; 2 to 3 percent for invites; 2 to 3 percent for gifts; and 8 percent for miscellaneous items like a wedding coordinator. It's essential to allocate an extra 5 to 10 percent of your money for surprise expenses like printing extra invites because of mistakes, additional tailoring needs, umbrellas for a rainy day and ribbons for the wedding programs.
12. Don't Be Afraid to Ask
Your wedding vendors should be your go-to, most-trusted experts during the planning process. When working with them, you should feel free to really explore what it is you want—maybe it's serving a late-night snack instead of a first course or doing a bridal portrait session rather than an engagement session. The bottom line is that you should feel like you can have an honest conversation with them about what it is you want. Their job will be to tell you what you can and can't make work given your wedding budget.
13. Wait for a Date
Sometimes, last-minute planning can work in your favor. The closer your date, the more bargaining power you have. Since most people book their wedding venues at least six months in advance, calling for open dates two months prior to your desired time can save you up to 25 percent. And, Friday and Sunday weddings should cost about 30 percent less than Saturday weddings.
14. Manage the Mail
Of course you want the perfect stamps for your wedding invitations. But not all stamps are widely available at every post office, especially in large quantities. Save yourself scouting time by ordering them online at USPS.com. And be sure to weigh your invitation and all the additional paper products before you send them out so you can attach the right amount of postage. Ask your stationer about the need for additional postage for oddly shaped envelopes.
15. Prepare for Rejection
Know that as a rule, about 30 percent of the people you invite won't attend. Naturally, this depends on the location of your wedding (destination weddings are harder to attend), how many out-of-towners are on your list, and the timing of the event (some guests may have annual holiday or summer plans).
16. Make a Uniform Kids Policy
You have four choices: You can welcome children with open arms; you can decide to have an "adults only" wedding; you can include immediate family only; or, you can hire a child care service to provide day care either at the reception space, in a hotel room or at a family member's home. To prevent hurt feelings, it's wise to avoid allowing some families to bring children while excluding others (unless, of course, the children are in your bridal party).
17. Prioritize Your People
Pare down your guest list with the "tiers of priority" trick. Place immediate family, the bridal party and best friends on top of the list; follow with aunts, uncles, cousins and close friends you can't imagine celebrating without. Under that, list your parents' friends, neighbors, coworkers and so on. If you need to make some cuts, start from the bottom until you reach your ideal number.
18. Take It One Step at a Time
Put together a wedding planning schedule and do things one by one, in a logical order, so you don't take on too much too fast and end up with everything snowballing around you. Don't hire any vendors before you've confirmed your date; don't design your cake before you've envisioned your flowers; and don't book a band before you've settled on a space.
19. No Ring, No Bring
If your guest list is bursting at the seams, assess the plus-one scenario. Do a faux seating chart in your mind, and imagine whom your single pal would sit with. If it's a table of singles that she knows pretty well, then you're all set. If it's a table of couples (making her the odd one out) or if it's a table of singles where she won't know anyone, consider bending the rules. If asked why you're not allowing single friends to bring guests, size or budget constraints or your parents' never-ending guest list are always good reasons.
20. Release Rooms
As soon as you've picked a date, start to look for hotels in a wide variety of price points. Many hotels allow you to reserve rooms for guests under a special wedding block and a reduced rate. You can then release any unbooked rooms a month prior to your wedding. If the hotels you contact insist upon contracts with cancellation penalties, just say no—you don't want to be responsible for rooms you can't fill.
21. Provide Accurate Driving Directions
Make sure guests know where they're going. As easy as online map programs are to use, sometimes the directions are wrong or there's a quicker, less traffic-prone route to take. Ask your ceremony and reception sites for printouts or digital copies of recommended driving directions and even test out the routes yourself. Then include the best directions on your wedding website or email them to your guests to print out if they'd like.
22. Keep a Paper Trail
Get any nonstandard changes to your agreements in writing or send the vendor a confirmation email saying, "Hello, just confirming that you'll keep the venue open until 2 a.m. versus midnight." Don't just assume everything's all set—sometimes, by the time the actual day rolls around, your contact with a certain person may no longer be working there to vouch for you.
23. Schedule the Setup
You must make sure there's ample time for setup. If you're renting a venue and bringing in outside help, ask what time people can come in to start setting. Preston Bailey, author of Preston Bailey's Fantasy Weddings, recommends seeing if they can do it the day before, or at the very least the entire wedding day, before the event starts.
24. Learn About Marriage Licenses
You can check your state's license requirements online, but confirm with a call to the county clerk's office to see when they're open. Even if it's open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., they may issue marriage licenses only during slower times like, say, Thursdays from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Give a copy of your marriage license to your mom or your maid of honor (just in case you lose yours during the final days before your wedding).
25. Go Over Ground Rules
Be prepared—ask the manager of the house of worship or site where you'll be married for the list of restrictions (if any). For instance, is flash photography or bare shoulders prohibited? Or, if you're exchanging vows outdoors, are you allowed to plant tent stakes in the lawn (which is often not allowed)?
26. Classify Your Cash
Wedding budgets are all about balance. Start your budget planning by making a checklist of the crucial details, like the music, your wedding gown, the invitations, the flowers and the photographer, and assign a number to each—one being the most important and three being the least. Invest your money in all your number ones and cut corners on your number threes. (But everything can't fall into the number one category!) For example, if a designer gown and fabulous food are what really matter, you may have to choose simple invitations and smaller floral arrangements.
27. Help Guests Pay Attention
Make sure your guests can both see and hear from their seats. If people are seated farther than 15 rows back from your ceremony altar or podium, consider renting a mic and a riser. This could range anywhere from $50 to $100, depending on the equipment used. You'll need to coordinate the delivery and setup with your ceremony space, so put your wedding planner or best man in charge of this task.
28. Write Down Your Digits
Keep an emergency contact sheet or phone with your vendor contacts on you on your wedding day—it may come in handy in case your limo driver gets lost or you decide you'd like your photographer to take some behind-the-scenes shots.
29. Call the Fashion Police
Don't go dress shopping on your own—all the gowns will start to look the same after a while and it will be harder to recall which style you really loved. But be careful about who you do bring. If your mom or sibling can't make the trip, ask a friend who is truly honest. This is the time when you really need to know which dress looks best.
30. Be Realistic With Your Time
When it comes down to the last month of your planning (and when you're particularly harried) look at your mile long to-do list and cut three things. Yes, cut three things. Not crucial things that you just don't feel like doing, such as picking a processional song or confirming final details with all of your vendors. Eliminate only the over-the-top tasks like hand-painting "Just Married" signs, or baking cookies for all of the welcome bags. Cross them off and make a pledge not to think about them again.
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ankitkapoor11 · 4 years
25 Top Android Mobile App Ideas to Follow in 2020
Can we imagine starting our day without a mobile application? We need an app for setting the alarm, one which reminds us of our meetings, another for playing songs, and even one mobile application for reading out news to us. So the moral is, mobile apps have taken a special place in our lives, and we cannot deny our reliability on them.
After seeing this essential reliability, android mobile app trends needed to upgrade in the year 2020. Mobile app development companies have come up with some more useful ideas and trends for android app development. Let’s discuss each in brief.
1- Augmented Reality is winning hearts:
Want to design your room? Or do you want to try a dress you saw on an online shopping app without buying it? Well then AR- Augmented Reality; is there to help you. Already a few websites like Pepperfry have started giving AR options where you can see which furniture will fit in your room. Mobile apps laced with AR features will be the top app trend to follow in 2020.
2- One Scan to make your PDF:
Keeping and carrying hard copies of your documents is so troublesome. But then what is the alternative? A mobile app that scans and converts all your documents into a single PDF file can help. This type of mobile apps will trend because of the mass digitization going on. People find carrying soft copies more convenient and safe than carrying hard copies of documents. Also, adding a cloud feature to this app will help in accessing the PDF on any platform.
3- Fitness apps are trendy:
People love fitness apps because it provides a one-stop solution to its users. It helps them organize their diet, track their footsteps, set health goals, and much more. Adding videos of yoga, exercise, and providing health consultants can enhance the beauty of such android mobile apps.
4- Say no to queues with Check-out apps:
No one likes to wait in a long queue at a retail store, and so Amazon came up with the self-check-out retail stores, Amazon Go. These types of apps will be increasingly used in the coming years. Amazon Go app allows users to scan the products on our mobile while shopping and make the payment online after checking out from the store. We just need to tap our phones just like we do on metro stations with metro cards.
5- Real-time translator apps:
It is almost impossible to mug up all the languages in the world. In such scenarios, real-time translator apps can save us. This app will listen to the other language and convert it into our language in real-time and also the vice-versa. Adding a memory feature can help the user in learning that language in the future if needed.
6- Let’s chat with bots:
Chat Bots are useful in playing the role of humans. They can interact like humans based on customer’s queries. These apps are based on Artificial intelligence technology, which is why they behave like humans. AI Chat Bots are helpful for any mobile app as they can support live chat without the need for human interference. Unlike humans, they never get exhausted and have the capability of interacting with any number of queries according to the user’s requirement.
7- Take me for a Bike Ride!
Due to increasing traffic and massive rates, cabs are losing their fans. The people who travel alone prefer to book bike rides rather than a car. The reason is pretty simple, it’s cheaper, can take shortcuts, and doesn’t get stuck in traffic jams, so it’s faster too. So hiring developers for getting a bike ride mobile app made is a great option. It will be a trend in 2020.
8- Safe Calling apps:
With the increase in spam calls, harassment, and forgery, Safe Calling mobile apps need to be used. Such apps will recognize the number if it is a spam or not based on the customer review database. Also, it will enable you to record the call and upload it to cyber crime cells helplines if needed. This will help you stay safe and also work as a preventive method in crimes over phone calls.
9- Scan and buy:
Imagine you visit your friend’s house, and you see a gorgeous center table in her living area. You also desire to buy that table, but you feel awkward in asking about it in detail from your friend. Now, what will you do? If you have a Scan and buy mobile app, you can scan that table, and it will show you all the results from where you can buy the same or a close substitute for that table. Such android mobile apps are useful as well as fun to use.
10- Criminal alert app:
Seeing a missing person or a wanted criminal on roads without knowing them can be a safety concern for all of us. The criminal alert app idea is such that the app will alert you of criminals in your area. This will save a life as well as help in catching the criminal whose pictures are there on the app.
11- Baby care and maternity app:
In the world where digital reliability is growing day by day, having an android mobile app for baby and mother care can help many lives. Such apps can be used by mom to be or even by men who are soon going to be a dad. These mobile apps will provide diet solutions for both baby and mother, exercise videos during pregnancy, nearby hospital routes, appointments of gynecologists or pediatricians, baby care products, and much more.
12- Stay away from crime:
Imagine having a mobile app that can tell you which area in your city is not safe and why. This is not fiction anymore. Such apps are a reality today and will trend in 2020. The heat map feature can also be added to this type of mobile apps to show the user the safe and unsafe areas of the city at a glance. Allowing users to report a crime on this app anonymously or with identity( as per the user’s choice) will enhance the quality and reliability of the app. And also help the surveillance cells to improve their services.
13- Food suggestion/blogging apps:
We all know how Zomato was started. Before starting with food delivery, it was a food blogging website and was known as Foodiebay.com, where people used to get hundreds of restaurant menus, reviews of eating joints, and recommendations. Such mobile apps will be a significant trend in 2020 as food blogging has come up as a career option for youth. Providing these bloggers with a separate mobile app will help them get better recognition too.
14- Find me a parking space:
We all will agree to the fact that finding a parking space whenever we go out is so annoying. What if an app will help us find a parking space in that area? It’ll solve a huge problem for us. Designers can design such mobile apps, which will help us find a registered parking space near us. Adding an e-parking ticket feature will take the mobile app to the next level.
15- Choose your table app:
We need privacy in a corner seat for a cozy date or need the central table for making a grand announcement, in restaurants, it’s sometimes challenging to get the desired seating arrangement for what we’ve planned. With a mobile app which has graphical views, we can choose the desired seats or table and book them for a specific time( just like bus ticket reservation).
16- Virtual group study app:
It’s not always safe to go to a friend’s place for group study. You can also consider if one of the friends might be sick/out of town, but you have to do your assignments? In group study apps, students can meet up on this forum and prepare for their exams/projects along with other students who are studying on the same subject. The app must provide them with study material, tools, video lectures, discussion helps, guides, etc. Users can also create a virtual room where only he and his friends can enter and video call while watching online lectures together virtually. Hire android developer if you are mesmerized by this idea and want to get it made for you.
17- An app for Language Lovers:
Many people wish to learn a new language but don’t find the perfect solution. To help such people, you can design android apps, which will enable the user to learn new languages thoroughly. Adding levels like basic, intermediate, and professional will increase user engagement on your mobile app.
18- Pet Care and adoption apps:
Since there are many pet lovers out there, they will be disappointed if the digitization of the world doesn’t consider their needs. Pet care companies or veterinarians can hire android developers to get an app made for pet care. People willing to adopt pets can also register on this app. Adding a section for the license(new or renewal) will be a cherry on the cake for dog owners since, from May 2019, it is a compulsion in India to have a license if you own a dog.
19- Gift Suggestion apps:
Whenever it comes to selecting a gift for our loved ones, we end up getting confused. This mobile app can look over the entire history of our friend’s social feed to suggest the best gift idea for our friend based upon the content they posted. Such mobile apps are developed, keeping in mind the concept of data analysis. Problem solver!
20-Food Wastage Prevention Apps:
We all have seen that once the parties are over, a lot of food is left untouched or unused. People even throw food in the dustbin, which leads to the wastage of food. This issue could be resolved. We can develop a mobile app that can inform the registered orphanage/nursing homes about the leftover untouched food so that they can come to get it as per their need.
21- Car rental apps:
How many names come to your mind when you think about car rental mobile apps? Just Zoomcar, isn’t it? This is because not many businesses think of starting an online car rental, but you must because Car rental apps in India have very little competition. If you already deal with car rental or tours and travel business, then you can hire android developers and get your business online.
22- Dating apps:
Dating apps never get out of date. They are going to rule the app world like ever before in 2020 too. The reason why dating apps gained so much popularity is that ‘when everything is going digital, then why not love?’ But dating apps are not a recent invention. The first-ever dating website, Match.com, was launched in 1995.
23- Student Assistance App:
The student assistant app is one of the top android app ideas to choose from. This app can be developed with features like writing projects or essays that will be of great help to the students.
Some ideas of Student Assistance App ideas are:
School project mobile app: With such kind of apps, students can look for group members to complete team projects and other academic projects which require students to collaborate.
Book stationery app: This app can help students in finding the nearest stationery shops and also in comparing the prices of books before buying. It will save both time and money.
24- Buying/renewal of policies/insurance apps:
We all will agree to the fact that policy renewals are a headache for us, and to top it all, we always tend to forget the renewal dates. Having a mobile app for Buying/renewal of policies/insurance will help us like Superman!
25- Event Management App:
Planning a perfect event is a Herculean task for all of us. But what if an app assists us throughout the planning procedure? It’ll be so easy for us to find solutions for each of our problems. The event management mobile apps must have information about venues, shops, caterers, and all that is needed to organize an event.
Summing up:
If you are a business owner then you must have a mobile application for your business. Having a mobile app will help in gaining recognition for your brand and making more customers. And if you are still confused and are planning to start a business with a mobile app, then you can choose any from the above mentioned 25 Top Android Mobile App Ideas. Also, if you need assistance in developing an app, you can hire android developers for your business. A professional developer will be able to assist you in the best ways possible. You can also improvise these ideas as per your needs. If you want to add more ideas to this list we made, do comment them below.
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
30 Best Sympathy Gift Ideas
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/30-best-sympathy-gift-ideas/
30 Best Sympathy Gift Ideas
Harini Natarajan Hyderabd040-395603080 September 11, 2019
It is a traumatic time when a loved one passes away. If a close friend of yours is grieving the death of a family member or loved one, you need to be there for them. You need to support them and let them know that you are grieving by their side. It is an appropriate and welcome gesture to send your friend a thoughtful sympathy gift at such times. It shows them that they are loved and you are thinking of them in this difficult time.
While flowers are the most common gifts sent to someone who is grieving, there is no reason you cannot think outside the box. People go through a lot when a loved one passes. There are funeral arrangements to be made, paperwork to take care of, people to be informed, wills to be executed…the list is endless. Flowers may be a comforting sight, but they need to be cared for. They also don’t last very long and need to be thrown away.
Instead of adding to their tasks, you could think of gifting your friend or the family something different. It could be something practical that helps them out or something decadent to remind them to take care of themselves. It could also be a memorial gift in honor of the person who has passed away. Read on for alternative sympathy gift ideas on what to send to your grieving loved one.
30 Best Sympathy Gift Ideas
1. Handcrafted Bath Bombs Gift Set
The death of a loved one can quickly turn your whole world upside down. In the rush of sorrow that follows and all the tasks that need to be done, the last thing that the family has time for is self-care. This set of 12 handcrafted bath bombs can be the perfect gift for your friend who has been stressed and tired lately. It will help them relax and take their mind off the pain.
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2. Assorted Succulents Sympathy Gift Box
Succulents are an excellent alternative to flowers, especially when you know your friend has probably received a dozen bouquets by now. They are easy to care for and need very little water. This set of 12 colorful succulents add liveliness to any room and last much longer than flowers. Gift this to cheer up your friend without adding more work to their plate.
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3. Woodstock Amazing Grace Chime
Windchimes have the unique ability to calm a mind that is overworked with stress and emotions. The sound of wind chimes on a breezy day can bring peace and comfort to someone grappling with loss. This musical windchime from Woodstock is tuned to the opening notes of the much-beloved hymn ‘Amazing Grace.’ It can be a treasured sympathy gift to commemorate the happy memories of the departed.
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4. Cuddlekin Three-Toed Sloth For Kids
When someone passes away, people are quick to ask whether their kids are doing okay. But with the focus around funeral arrangements, children may feel neglected. It helps to send a sympathy gift for the child to help them deal with the loss in their own way. This cute sloth can be a comforting cuddle buddy for a little child who may be feeling lonely and confused.
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5. Healing After Loss By Martha W. Hickman
A book such as this one can work like a friend and a guide to help someone looking for ways to recover from the trauma of losing a loved one. It contains a year’s worth of meditations, with meaningful passages on sorrow and loss sourced from literary and religious texts. This collection is thoughtful and sensitive and inspired by the author’s own experience of working through grief.
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6. Inspirational Bracelet With Engraved Mantra
This inspiring bracelet is a good condolence gift for someone dealing with the loss of a father. It has an uplifting message engraved on the inside – “Kind heart, fierce mind, brave spirit.” – that can encourage your loved one to be brave in this time of pain. The bracelet is fully adjustable to fit all sizes. The engraved mantra will impart daily positive affirmation, so the wearer can find the courage to move on after a tragedy.
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7. Playmags 3D Magnetic Blocks For Kids
When a family is going through a loss, it helps to keep the children distracted, who are otherwise forgotten among the grief. This set of magnetic playing blocks can help the child escape from thinking about the deceased and channel their sorrow another way. The tiles are a perfect gift for toddlers aged 3+. The family will also appreciate that someone chose to think about the child during such a time.
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8. Nuts And Dried Fruits Gift Basket
A sympathy gift basket, such as this one filled with nuts and dried fruits, is sure to be warmly received by someone who has lost a loved one. It is tough to do simple tasks like cooking and eating while grieving. Your friend will be genuinely grateful for this basket and the thought behind it. They can also serve this tray when friends and family come to visit after the funeral to offer condolences.
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9. Embroidered Leather Photo Album
Photo albums are one of the best ‘In memory of…’ gifts that you can give someone. Even in this digital age, a photo album has a unique charm as a collection of fond memories of the deceased. Your friend will find comfort when they go through memories of the times they shared with the person who is gone. This album has “Live, Laugh, Love” embossed on the cover to remind one of happier times.
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10. A Grief Observed By C.S.Lewis
A Grief Observed by C.S. Lewis is a popular book about dealing with bereavement and loss. The author wrote it after his wife passed away, and it is a reflection of his thoughts on life, death, and faith in the face of grief. It offers support to people going through a similar tragedy and will be appreciated by bookworms and non-readers alike.
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11. Evergreen Garden Polystone Memorial Stepping Stone
This memorial garden stepping stone is a touching remembrance gift that will be appreciated by the family. A symbol of love, this garden stone serves as a heartfelt tribute to remember and honor the memory of the departed. It features an inspirational quote bordered by hand-carved details of purple and pink butterflies and green leaves. This garden accessory can also double up as wall art to display indoors.
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12. Healing Thoughts Blanket
This gift is a perfect pick when you want to remind your friend that they are loved, valued, and cherished. These reminders are especially welcome during sad times. This beautiful and comforting blanket can be used to send warm hugs and positive energy to your friend when you can’t be there for them in person. It is a thoughtful gift that inspires calm and peace and tells your friend how much you care about them.
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13. Biscotti Cookie Gift Basket
For someone mourning the loss of a loved one, a hug or a shoulder to cry on may turn out to be more valuable than gifts. What also helps is something sweet – like this sympathy basket of cookies. It is a simple indulgence, but bite-sized snacks such as these are much more practical when cooking and sitting down for a full meal seems like an impossible task.
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14. Willow Tree Remembrance Angel Figurine
If you want to comfort someone who is going through the unbearable pain of losing a child, this remembrance angel figurine from Willow Tree can be a sensitive sympathy gift. It comes with a sentiment card that reads, “Memories… hold each one safely in your heart.” The angel expresses comfort, sympathy, comfort, and healing to help the bereaved overcome this trauma.
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15. Rhinestone Memorial Pendant
A memorial pendant to store the cremation ashes of a loved one can be a thoughtful sympathy gift. Your friend can take comfort in knowing that the departed soul is still with them in some way. This urn jewelry can hold some ashes, a little burial soil, a lock of hair, or dried memorial flowers. You can give this sympathy gift to a girl or a woman who has lost her mother. She will be touched by this gesture.
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16. Pet Memorial Picture Frame
The loss of a dear pet, who had been a member of the family for many years, is no less painful than the passing of a person. For someone going through the trauma of losing a pet, this picture frame fitted with a cheerful picture of their loving pet can be a comforting condolence gift. It is engraved with a sentimental quote, a paw print within a heart, and a golden halo above it.
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17. Mini Cremation Urns
For families that cremate their dead, these mini cremation urns can be a sensitive bereavement gift. If you are close to the family, you may gift this set of keepsake urns. They are useful for sharing the ashes of a loved one among both friends and family and make a beautiful home for them after they are gone.
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18. Keepsake Gift Jar with Sympathy Messages
A sympathy card offers the bereaved words of comfort to tide them through their sorrow. With this keepsake gift jar, you can give your friend more than one uplifting message. It is filled with 31 positive and powerful words from inspirational figures. Each message is encased in a tiny envelope that will soothe your friend’s aching heart whenever they open one.
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19. Personalized Granite Memorial Stone
A personalized memorial gift shows added thoughtfulness and is sure to be appreciated by your friend as well as their family. This memorial stone made of black granite is engraved with the tree of life. You can customize it by adding the name, birth year, and year of passing of the departed soul. There is also an option to add a personal quote in honor of their memory.
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20. Broadway Basketeers Gourmet Gift Basket
You cannot go wrong with sympathy gift baskets, such as this one filled with cookies, chocolates, and other snacks. It helps the people staying in the house to have something to munch on when proper sit-down meals are not possible. Your friend will also appreciate being able to serve these delicious nuts and cookies to guests who have arrived to offer condolences. If nothing else, you will save them a trip to the bakery.
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21. Wrought Iron Personalized Memorial Garden Stake
This personalized garden stake made of wrought iron can be the ideal sympathy gift for someone who has lost a loving grandparent. Placed in the garden near their favorite spot, the garden stake will make for a genuinely unique ‘in memoriam’ gift. It features a meaningful inscription that reads, “Your Wings Were Ready, But Our Hearts Were Not.”
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22. A Letter From Heaven Wood Plaque
This wooden plaque called ‘A Letter From Heaven’ is a touching sympathy gift for someone who has lost their spouse. Dealing with the death of one’s life partner can be a particularly harrowing experience. All one wishes for is to be able to speak to them one more time. This letter, with its comforting words, helps the bereaved come to terms with the sad reality and find hope in the memories of their beloved.
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23. Terra Cotta Candle Holder
This beautiful candle holder made of terracotta is a lovely sympathy gift for your friend. It comes with a tealight and an ornate metal lid. On the front, a meaningful quote is printed that says, “Gone yet not forgotten, although we are apart, your spirit lives within me, forever in my heart.” It will help your friend keep their loved one’s memories alive while lighting up their heart and home.
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24. Ceramic Memorial Photo Frame
Sometimes, the simplest gifts are the best. Just like this memorial photo frame, which comes with a heartfelt yet inspirational message. It reads: “When tomorrow starts without me, we’re not so far apart, For every time you think of me, I’m right here in your heart. In Loving Memory.” You can put in a joyful picture of your loved one with the person they have lost, and it is sure to bring a smile on their face every time they look at it.
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25. Always In My Heart Photo Pendant
This silver heart-shaped locket with the words “Always In My Heart” engraved on the front is perfect for a woman who has lost someone close to her. The pendant can be customized with a laser-engraved photo on the inside. This sympathy gift turns a cherished photograph into an everlasting memory that your friend can keep close to her heart always.
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26. Memorial Keychain
If you want to give someone a sympathy gift that is small yet meaningful, take a look at this memorial keychain. The grieving person can attach it to their keys and take it along everywhere. They can derive solace in knowing that a little piece of their heart is in heaven. This is a thoughtful sympathy gift for someone who has lost a child or suffered a miscarriage.
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27. Comforting Angel Candle Holder
When you see your friend in pain, you can’t help but wish that angels would surround them with love and take away their pain. This candle holder shaped like a comforting angel will give them lasting memories of their loved one. The gift comes with a dedication card that you can fill in and a beautiful poem called “Sending You An Angel.” Both friends and family will treasure this sympathy gift.
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28. Comfort Bowl with Inscribed Pebbles
The Comfort Bowl is a unique sympathy gift that is individually handcrafted. It is filled with 11 inscribed pebbles, five crystals, and a thoughtful explanatory card. The black and white stones display quotes about grief and sensitive messages such as “Take all the time you need” and “Not grief but gratitude.” The crystals symbolize the tears of the bereaved. This is an original sympathy gift that can help anyone struggling with the trauma of loss.
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29. Memorial Cat Plaque
This memorial garden plaque can be a touching sympathy gift for a pet owner who has lost their beloved cat. You can personalize it with the cat’s name, year of birth, and year of passing. The cat silhouette design is beautifully engraved on top. This memorial stone can be displayed in the garden and would be a unique way to keep the cat’s memory alive. Your friend is sure to be touched by this warm gesture.
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30. Always in Your Heart Sympathy Mosaic Cross
Another sympathy gift for your grieving friend can be this handmade glass mosaic cross. It is suitable for use as a suncatcher, hung on a rearview mirror or a doorknob, and as a thoughtful keepsake. The attached poem, “Always In Your Heart,” can offer peace and comfort to someone dealing with the death of their husband. You can also send this as a remembrance gift on the anniversary of the loss of a loved one.
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These are some ideas for the best sympathy gifts that you can give to your friend and their family to help them through a troubling time. You can choose from this list or take inspiration to gift them something along these lines. No matter what you give, remember to accompany it with some kind words from you and a warm hug.
Are there any sympathy gifts that you prefer sending someone on such occasions? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.
Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions
What to send when someone dies?
It is generally appropriate to send flowers along with a sympathy card upon first hearing the news of someone’s passing. Around the time of or after the funeral, you can send a thoughtful gift that you think may be useful.
What to bring to a funeral?
While it is not compulsory to bring a gift, it is a good idea to carry funeral flowers, or better yet, a small memorial gift, such as a card or a food item. The family will appreciate the kind gesture, especially if you are close to them.
Is it appropriate to give a gift card at a funeral?
No, it is not. If you want to do something thoughtful, offer the family your time or service instead. Running errands are appreciated a lot more.
When should I send the sympathy gift?
If you have sent the card immediately after learning about the death, you can still send a thoughtful memorial gift within a couple of weeks after the demise to let the family know you have been thinking of them.
Where to buy sympathy gifts?
You may shop for something suitable at your local gift shop. If you are not lucky enough to have one nearby, shopping online is your best bet. There are more choices and many unique ideas, as listed above.
Should you send a sympathy card if you go to the funeral?
A card or a sympathy note is more appropriate when you are unable to attend the funeral. However, it is acceptable to attach a sympathy card with your bouquet, if you choose to send one.
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Harini Natarajan
Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/best-sympathy-gifts/
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cryptnus-blog · 6 years
What is blockchain? Everything you need to know about the technology - National
New Post has been published on https://cryptnus.com/2018/11/what-is-blockchain-everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-technology-national/
What is blockchain? Everything you need to know about the technology - National
You’ve probably heard it before: blockchain is here to stay, and it’s going to revolutionize the way we track our assets. But what, exactly, is blockchain?
Many mistake the technology for bitcoin. While this was its original purpose, blockchain has evolved beyond the realm of digital currency.
READ MORE: Remember how Bitcoin’s value soared in 2017? Most of it was market manipulation: study
In short, blockchain is a continuously updated record of transactions spread out across a vast network of computers.
The term blockchain is shorthand for a whole suite of distributed ledger technologies that can be programmed to record and track anything of value. Think of it like a database that is decentralized and distributed among a whole network of computers.
“What [blockchain] enables is the exchange and storage of assets in digital form, peer-to-peer, without the need for intermediaries like banks and governments,” explained Alex Tapscott, co-founder of the Blockchain Research Institute.
According to Anthony Di Iorio, founder of blockchain startup Decentral and co-founder of Ethereum, blockchain’s main function is to track digital assets.
“It gives you the ability to prove ownership of part of that [blockchain] ledger so that you have control of it to move that asset from one point of the ledger to another point of the ledger,” said Di Iorio.
Picture sending money without banks, handling land disputes without lawyers and voting without the threat of electoral fraud.
But we already have processes in place that track data and assets. What makes blockchain different?
Let’s talk about data
Blockchain stores information in batches, called blocks, which are connected in a continuous chronological line known as a chain.
If you wanted to change information in a block, you couldn’t directly change that block. Instead, the change would be recorded in a new block, showing that A changed to B at a specific time and date. This plays off the centuries-old method of a financial ledger, which tracks data changes over time.
READ MORE: Canada testing ‘digital ID’ system that uses blockchain, biometrics to screen travellers
For example, let’s say there’s a dispute between Bob and his sister, Mary, about who will inherit their grandmother’s rare and precious red diamond that’s been in the family for years.
Since blockchain uses the ledger method, there’s an entry in the ledger showing that their grandmother first owned the diamond in 1930. She gave the diamond to her daughter in 1960 as a wedding gift, and Mary then purchased the diamond from her mother in 2011. Each of these changes is reflected in the ledger.
The fact that Mary is the owner of the diamond can be seen in blockchain’s recorded history. But what if Bob wants the diamond and goes behind everyone’s back, hacking into the system to change the record?
Trust in the technology
Blockchain is decentralized and distributed among a huge network of computers. If you tamper with the information, everyone will be able to see what you’re doing.
With each new record, a new block is created, and each block is linked using something called cryptography. When a block is added to a chain, it is sealed by a cryptographic stamp called a hash — a random string of numbers and letters.
In order to create this stamp, a cryptographic riddle needs to be solved by a block creator, also known as a programmer or a miner. The riddle is very hard — it’s like guessing a 20-digit combination lock. A miner has to invest a lot of time and computer power to solve even one of these combinations.
READ MORE: Canada trialing use of Ethereum blockchain to enhance transparency in govt funding
When the block is done, it goes through something called proof of work. Everyone on the network — Bob, Mary and everyone else — need to verify that the stamp or hash is valid. If so, then the new block is accepted into the blockchain.
“What’s important about this technology is that no single actor on the network can change the content of that ledger without the entire network reaching consensus,” Tapscott said.
But why would someone waste time and energy to confirm this kind of information? Money.
By design, a blockchain is programmed so that when a new block is accepted, it automatically releases cryptocurrency to the miner. And every time there is an action — like a change of ownership to Bob and Mary’s grandmother’s diamond — there is a small transaction fee, which also goes to the miner.
From here on, any changes to the block, such as a change in ownership to the diamond, would create a new block, but the old hash code would always connect to the next subsequent block in the chain.
Blocks are resistant to modification because, in order to hack them, you would not only have to rewrite the code of that individual block but also every other block connected to it, which could be hundreds of thousands. Because the blockchain is distributed among millions of computers, you would also have to rewrite the history of commerce for not only one computer but all of them.
As of now, it is believed that no human is capable of such a hack.
“It takes longer than our universe, and that’s why it’s unbreakable; no hacker can live that long,” said Elena Sinelnikova, founder of CryptoChicks.
No middleman
Blockchain also squeezes out the middleman. Think of a typical business — most require trusted intermediaries, such as lawyers, banks and notaries.
These agents go between two parties and build trust by verifying documents and transactions. For example, a lawyer will review documents and conclude with evidence that yes, Mary is, in fact, the owner of her grandmother’s diamond. Or, for instance, a bank might say no, that credit card transaction for a Rolex watch was not yours.
This method of business has always added a layer of security, but experts say it can be costly and time-consuming.
READ MORE: Federal government exploring ‘blockchain’ technology to boost innovation economy
“It is a far more secure and far more efficient method of moving, storing and managing value than any system we’ve ever devised,” Tapscott said.
If Mary’s ownership information on the diamond was registered in a blockchain, she may not need a lawyer to verify her information against Bob, who is also claiming ownership. Instead, the information lives on the blockchain database — all Mary would have to do is show her brother.
We now know that any information or record added to a blockchain has been verified and encrypted and cannot be tampered with. We also know the blockchain is distributed across many computers and transparent for everyone to see.
Experts say this type of peer-to-peer interaction with our data is changing the way we access, interact and make transactions with one another.
“That is a paradigm shift that is going to have a big influence and impact on basically every single industry in the economy,” Tapscott said.
Early days for blockchain
The future understanding and use of blockchain may be similar to our current use and understanding of the internet — we may not know the exact details of how it works, but we all use it.
That’s how experts envision blockchain’s future over the next decade; they expect it will become so ingrained in our day-to-day activities that we’ll simply use it without realizing. The problems blockchain faces right now are also similar to the early days of the internet: before search engines like Google, it was a lot more challenging to get around the world wide web.
READ MORE: Why Canada is poised to become a prime destination for Bitcoin mining
It wasn’t so long ago you had to use a phone line to get online — and even low-resolution images took a while to download.
“In the early 1990s, people in the newspaper industry said the internet will never pose a challenge to the newspaper business because it takes a minute to download a webpage and it takes only a second to open a newspaper,” Tapscott said.
“We are seeing the same thing here. People are saying, ‘Well, the usability is not intuitive. My grandmother can’t use it.’ Well, this is 1994 for blockchain.”
Just like the early days of the internet, Tapscott says blockchain has not yet gone through its “digital revolution.”
Blockchain does not have an easy-to-use interface — for now. Already, techies across the world are competing to create a more user-friendly interface that will bring the technology out of its early days and into the mainstream.
© 2018 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.
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    IELTS Speaking Test in October 2018 in India & Band 9
  IELTS Speaking Part 1
What is your full name?
Can I see your ID?
Where are you from?
Do you work or study?
Is money important to you?
So-so. To be honest, money can help your life. As I know I’m a person who likes traveling abroad, I know I must have a high-paying job to be able to attain this lifestyle. When I have this freedom to have new experiences, I feel a lot happier. So, because of this I’d say money matters to me.
Did you save money when you were young?
As I’ve always dreamt of traveling the world, I used to save money in a piggy-bank! Although these savings never amounted to anything substantial, maybe just some movie tickets or candy, I’m glad I did it as a way to teach myself to save. I’ll never forget how sad I felt when we broke the piggy-bank!
Have you ever given money to the children?
Certainly! Although I don’t have any children of my own yet, I like to slip a 20 dollar bill into birthday cards for my young nieces and nephews. Furthermore, when I’ve traveled, I often buy things from children selling on the streets.
Do you usually wear a watch?
As I’m a very punctual person, yes I do. I like to be able to quickly check my wrist instead of going through the hassle (inconvenience) to check it on my phone. Furthermore, I like the way they look!
What kinds of watches do you like to wear?
High quality yet reasonable prices. I’m not the type of person who likes to have the same watch that everyone and their brother (an expression meaning everyone) has, so I really enjoy when I find unique pieces. With this said, I often go to vintage or thrift shops.
Have you ever received a watch as a gift?
Not since I was a child. I remember my mother gave me a pink, shiny digital watch for my 11th birthday and I was ecstatic about it! I wore it everyday at every moment till I went swimming with it on one day and broke it.
      IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a magazine you enjoy reading
You should say:
What it is
How often you read it
What you learn from it
Why you like it
Model Answer
I’m going to tell you about my interest in National Geographic magazine. I’ve loved it ever since I was a child, as I always had wide eyes (to have a curiosity) for the world around me. I used to collect them and even cut out the pictures and make collages and hang them on my walls. Even before I could really understand the gravity of (what something really means; how important it is) what I was reading, I could still feel excited by the feel pictures and have a sense of what was going on. Actually, the photographs in this magazine tell a story without using any words.
Through this magazine, I’ve undoubtedly learned about the world around me, including the people, animals, and environment all around me. Moreover, I’ve seen the heroic stories of people who venture out (travel to) into the unknown to discover the world to discover different worlds. Mostly, I’ve learned that the world is a wide planet with all different types of struggles, joys, and ways of being.
I really like this magazine because they tell raw (painfully true; uncensored) stories and share interesting photography. I enjoy that they cover a range of topics, from environment to history to travel. I like having the whole picture, as it’s important to be educated about all of these things.  Nowadays, I don’t often pick up the paper copy of the magazine, but I follow their Instagram like a hawk (to watch closely). I always look forward to the next story I’ll hear from them! They never cease (never fail to) to leave an impact on me.
IELTS Speaking Part 3
Do you think headlines are important?
For sure, because they are what sell you. I think one must carefully choose a catchy (attention attracting) headline to capture the attention of the readers. If there is a boring headline, people are bound to (likely to) cross out of (exit) the page or put the paper/book down. I think it’s a shame that people tend to judge a book by it’s cover (to judge something by its appearance), but it is something difficult to change. So, advertisers must try as hard as possible to choose just the right way to draw in (captivate) the audience.
Which is more important: fashionable or advertising news?
In my opinion, advertising news is more important, as fashion isn’t for everyone (not everyone likes fashion). Advertisements are what generate the economy in the country, so it’s important to emphasize that. I know that advertisements can be a bother, but they also influence people into buying things. Moreover, they are sometimes humorous and enjoyable to see. On the other hand, I think too many fashion ads are a waste of space, although they may inspire people to buy new clothes and fashion accessories, further helping the economy.
Do you think the government has the right to censor magazines?
Definitely not. I think it’s our right as human beings to have access to all information, whether it looks good for (supports)  the government or not. I believe we are entitled to freedom, so the government should not infringe upon (not follow or respect that) that. Moreover, I don’t believe that they know what’s better for us. All in all,  I am not a fan of government censorship at all. I cannot see any positives.
Do you think everything we read on the magazines is true?
Definitely not. We must always be skeptical (to question before believing) of what we read in magazines or on the internet. Moreover, we have to consider the source to avoid bias (having preference). For example, a vegan magazine may promote ideas that are against meat-eating, while magazines involving recipes for dishes with meat in them may have articles suggesting that eating meat is important for our health. The same goes for political magazines- first you must think about the political ideas of the editor. All in all, I think we can never believe that something is true until we have seen it for ourselves (to see first-hand) or if there is extensive research on that particular topic.
If you have your date for the IELTS test, don’t hesitate to check out our brand new ebooks with Audio:
IELTS Speaking Actual Tests (September – December 2018) & Suggested Answers
IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics 2018 (September – December) & Sample Answers
Check out the latest topics for IELTS Speaking exams in 2018 with model answers by IELTS high scorers on IELTS Material website (ieltsmaterial.com) to prepare well for your IELTS tests. For Band 9 Sample Answers for all Part 1,2,3 topics in 2018, you can take a look at
IELTS Speaking Actual Tests (Sept – Dec 2018) & Suggested Answers
Study/ Work
Daily routine
Being Bored
Sports/ Physical exercise
Letters and Emails
Foreign food
Family activities
Save money
Dream Job
Spare time/hobbies
You can download these topics with model answers (PDF file) here: Latest IELT Speaking Part 1 Topics with Sample
What’s your major?
Do you like it?
How do you like your courses?
(if you do not have a major yet) Which major do you want to choose in college? Why?
Will you change it if you have the chance ?
Which major will you change it to?
Is it different from what you had in mind?
Why did you choose that major?
  Work /Job
Do you work or are you a student?
What work do you do?
What specific things do you do on your job?
Why did you choose that job?
What do you like most about your job?
Would you recommend that job to others?
What did you do on the first day of your job?
Do you think this job has a bright future?
What are the most interesting and the difficult part of your job?
Does it always rain in your city?
In which season does it rain the most often?
  What do you usually do on rainy days?
Have you ever forgotten to take the umbrella on a rainy day?
What is your favourite type of holiday?
What do you do on holidays?
Do you like short holidays or long holidays?
Do you often (like to) listen to music?
When do you listen to music?
How much time do you spend listening to music every day?
What kinds of music do you like to listen to?
What’s your favorite kind of music?
Have you ever been to a concert before?
Do you like to listen to live music?
When did you start listening to this type of music?
Where do you listen to it?
How do you feel when you listen to this music?
Do you like listening to songs?
Have you ever been to a musical performance?
Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
Is music an important subject at school in your country ?
Did you often listen to music when you were a child? (If yes give details.)
What kinds of music arc (most) popular in your country?
What’s the best season of the whole year?
What do people normally in that season?
What’s the weather usually like in your country (or, your hometown)?
How is the weather here different to the weather in your home country?
Would you say the weather in your hometown is suitable for working (or studying)?
Would you like to move to a place with different weather?
What sort of weather do you like the most?
What season (or weather) do you think is most suitable for work and/or study?
Has the weather in your country changed much in the past few years?
Do you prefer hot or cold weather?
Do you (usually) pay attention to the weather forecasts?
  Money Saving
Is money important to you?
How do you save money?
Did you save money when you were young?
Why do people save money?
Have you ever given money to the children?
What kinds of teachers do you like best?
Who was your favorite teacher when you were young?
Would you want to be a teacher in the future?
Have you ever had bad teachers before?
How often do you meet with your family?
How do you spend the time with your family?
Do you want to live with your family in the future?
Are you close to of your family members?
How has your family influenced you?
What activities did you do when you were young?
What is the difference in family activities when you were young and now?
What is the difference between family in ordinary times and on holidays?
How to score IELTS 7 IELTS Speaking Test in October 2018 in India & Band 9 IELTS Speaking Part 1 What is your full name?
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martechadvisor-blog · 7 years
Next-Gen E-commerce Strategies to Make the Most of Father's Day
With Father’s Day fast approaching, most consumers are left wondering what to buy for their doting dads. If online sales are any indication, then in all likelihood it will continue to follow its upward trajectory through Father’s Day. With some intelligent target marketing, e-commerce portals can expect as much traffic as Mother’s Day. It has been predicted that shoppers will spend an average of $134.75 this year which is higher than last year’s spend of $125.92. As per a study, 77 percent of all respondents said they would celebrate this special day while total spend is expected to reach $15.5 billion.  
Ideas that work
With a sharp rise in gift purchases through the smartphone, it is crucial to provide customers with mobile-optimized shopping experiences. M-commerce is the way forward as 40 percent of shoppers will use their mobile to buy a gift. With the right digital techniques, you can provide shopping inspiration to your customers and offer them experiences like a physical store. Just like there is a special Father’s Day section on display in retail stores, you need to create the same on your website. A separate section dedicated to dads will catch the attention of the target audience, help them discover appropriate gifts easily and prompt them to make a purchase.
Attaining customer satisfaction  
Custom curated gift guides will also help maximize sales. Start by identifying the best-selling products, and include them in a customized email blast. Incorporate the gift ideas creatively in the mailers which link directly to the products in the e-commerce store. Write descriptive copies for each product highlighting why it is the perfect gift. Wherever possible offer free shipping which increases conversion. Your customers will be left satisfied if you also offer gift wrap. As many buy Father’s Day gifts at the last minute, gift wrap gives them the peace of mind that they can send the gift directly to the recipient.
Bolstering online presence
For significant traffic, it is important to ensure that online stores show up among search results. Product descriptions that are keyword-optimized lead to the best results. Leverage established networks to boost customer reach and focus on those who are already aware of the store’s online presence. It is essential to craft a message carefully with the honest intention of reaching brand loyalists and newbies alike. The key strategy is to create a message with an emotional resonance that captures the importance of the parent-child bond. Direct marketing efforts on providing value and being genuine. Veiled and creative messaging will touch the right chords and enhance brand image.
Implementing product differentiation strategy
Interestingly, there is a rise in personalized products in the e-commerce industry. With the increasing purchasing power of customers, they are now willing to shell out more for the same product only because it is customized. As an e-commerce business, you need to offer something which makes customers coming back for more. Product personalization will help you to use unique concepts and designs, while facilitating product differentiation, a key marketing strategy necessary for a competitive edge. Meanwhile, do not overlook the importance of expedited shipping, which is crucial for customized products.
Improve your sales funnel
At your e-commerce store, highlight your best offerings by adding reviews. A balance of positive and negative reviews will help you to gain the trust of shoppers who are likely to see this as a credible form of advertising. Approximately 71 percent of shoppers feel that product reviews make them comfortable about their purchase. In the past, it has been seen that product reviews boost customer loyalty and contribute significantly to higher purchase satisfaction. Another way to drive purchases is through discounted delivery. Offer discount coupons to entice the buyers and consider opting for promotional offers with an expiry date. By creating a sense of urgency you can encourage the potential buyers to make a purchase decision. As shoppers start buying gifts a month in advance, be sure that you run your promotions well in advance to cash in on the early shoppers.
E-commerce facts which cannot be overlooked
Since buyer’s remorse is a real thing, customer-friendly returns policies play a strong role in convincing shoppers to purchase. People want to know those bad purchasing decisions are reversible. Studies have revealed that 61 percent of all shopping cart abandonment is closely linked to online store returns policies. A hassle-free and convenient policy boosts customer confidence and allows marketers to confidently close the sale.
Further, in e-commerce stores, products can be grouped based on price or interest. Making a choice from wide-ranging products can be overwhelming for consumers. Hence, classifying products into groups minimizes the ambiguity involved in shopping. It is a good idea to add a label. It is an effective way to remind customers of the items which are best suited for Father’s Day. As soon as the customers get to your site, remind them about the special day with an attention grabbing custom banner.
One of the main reasons why people abandon their shopping carts is because their preferred payment option is not available in the e-commerce store. Some may prefer putting in their card details while others may prefer PayPal. If you accept a range of payment options it reduces the chances of customer frustration caused by your store’s limited payment limitations.
Sourcing strategic items well in advance
Successful online sellers are aware that sourcing for holidays well in advance is crucial to have the right mix of products in place before target customers start shopping. Let’s discuss some strategic items you can source to develop the right product mix:
For some dads sporting goods remain an all-time favorite. If you consider sourcing sports equipment or apparel it helps to remain informed about the popular teams and athletic brands which are best-sellers. Don’t forget the niche sports such as bowling, skiing, kayaking.
Take note of the fact that men’s grooming products will be high in demand this year. You can create your own fancy shaving set which contains a razor, shaving cream, moisturizer, and an after shave.
As the virtual reality products become more accessible to the masses, they are growing in popularity. In addition to cameras, speakers and projectors, these products are ideal gifts too.
A few more categories you can explore include home improvement and musical instruments.
As you prepare your online store for Father’s Day ensure that the shopping experience is easy and hassle-free. The key to success in e-commerce lies in offering target customers a satisfying experience and establishing a close relationship with them. By embracing the right strategies, you will not be too far away from driving online sales this Father’s Day.
This article was first appeared on MarTech Advisor
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planet-talks-blog · 7 years
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