#if you wanna talk about some bullshit
chiefninetails · 10 months
sasuke stans will come up with every reason under the sun as to why naruto stans hate sasuke EXCEPT the fact that he tried to kill him multiple times for dumbass reasons while he was trying to help him and never once wanted to kill him in return like wow, that doesn't sit right with people, who would've thought lmaoo. He literally tried to kill him on his birthday right after his dead father said goodbye like hello?? Yeah some people are just bitter and jealous and self inserting but to act like that's all there is to it? And so what if naruto stans don't think sasuke deserved all that love and effort? naruto was letting himself get beat black and blue for a man who tried to kill him and joined a criminal organization that specifically targeted people like him, nobody irl doing that shit for someone like sasuke cause it's borderline insanity. That's not a lack of understanding it's common sense. sasuke was an antagonist for almost the entirety of shippuden and yall will get on here and cry about people not liking him, it's in the job description.
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weidli · 2 months
would be very funny to me to introduce a bunch of americans who are used to the constitution being treated as a gift from god that's very hard to change and is holy Because it's almost never changed and has been in operation in nearly the same form since 1789 to the way the swiss constitution (last total revision in 1999, there have been several hundred direct democratic votes on possible changes to it since 1848, all you need to suggest a change is hundred thousand people with voting power who'll sign the suggestion) works
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Okay actual question. Do you all think sun and or moon would like jojo's bizzare advernture?
I am sure moon would love it. Not so sure bout sun but he might.
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jonny-b-meowborn · 1 year
As time goes by I'm becoming more and more sure that I just can't survive on my own. I can take basic care of myself, but the second I have to go to a doctor or do some formal stuff I get paralyzed. I just can't. Fuck, I can barely even talk to strangers in general. Or even not strangers, I can't fucking text someone back if I'm not close to them, it's just so scary and exhausting. I'm becoming emotionally tired more easily and sometimes even talking with my mom about anything is too much for me and I love my mom. And I really need her, I can't do basic stuff without her pretty much holding my hand all the time. I can't get a normal job. We went to this blueberry plantation a few times but I just couldn't go there without her, and now the job is over and we can't go there at all. If I wasn't such a fucking baby I'd go there a few more times alone and get some money. I can't make calls, there's literally like two people I feel comfortable talking on the phone with. People used to say I was mature for my age when I was younger but I never grew up and now I'm almost 21 and can't do anything with my life. I'm scared of everything, I'm constantly exhausted physically and mentally. I'm like a fucking child. I'm scared that I'm gonna have to live with my mom my whole life. I can't see a future for myself, I'm just not able to survive without help and at some point I won't be able to get help, I don't want to be a parasite living off of my mom's money but I don't see anything else I could do. I hate my brain so much. I hate the way it refuses to work. I hate myself for being such a child.
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vaugarde · 4 months
for a romhack thats supposedly about darkrai, eots is reallyyyyyyyy obsessed with chatot. it also reallyyyyyyyy hates chatot.
#we gave the game an unreliable protagonist and narrator who is meant to be kinda terrible bc this is an ‘’off’’ take on the game#meant to feel uncanny and its supposed to be uncomfortable and creepy when the guild members reject you for your behavior#but god chatot is apparently sooooooo nasty and evil and lazy and corrupt we gotta introduce a whole new guy#just to back up the hero that yep!!! hes evil incarnate and nasty!!#the hero is unreliable except for when we wanna vent abt the characters we dont like#its not even that i like chatot and want to defend him it just feels so exhausting and weird#like i thought this was about darkrai why are you spending all these scenes talking about how chatot is horrible and mean#im sorry im not over brelooms backstory. its supposed to be unfair and gross and ik he didnt exactly deserve to get evicted or anything#but seriously???? it comes across like a teen throwing a fit that his mom asked him to do the dishes for one night#and then got upset when the dishes werent done the next morning and asked their mom why she didnt just suck it up and do them#i feel like a factor here is that people forget that the apprentices arent kids. even hero and partner while implied to be young can be seen#as young adults but everyone else comes across like an adult to me. so its not like theyre exploiting babies#echoed voice#it sucks bc other than this i like this romhack quite a bit! i think the stuff with hero is really interesting#i like the second timeline i like the uncomfortable changes i like how you actually make partner worse as an inversion to the vanilla game#but when the chatot stuff happens it takes me out of it. free my man he did some bullshit but not all that
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hellboyyy25 · 1 year
Cis straight people will look you in the face and swear up and down they support you but the moment you even dip a toe out of the surface level "hows the weather today" bullshit conversations suddenly they get uncomfortable and they can't seem to figure out that they obviously have hella homo/trans/queerphobia to unpack.
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i-am-the-rat-king · 6 months
Took my first dose of T tonight!
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jeonqkooks · 6 months
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britneyshakespeare · 2 years
it is weird being an aromantic asexual who is incidentally attractive. like. i just came back from a concert with my friends who have known me for years and know that about me. some of the very few real-life friends who know that about me actually and i only told them relatively recently. regardless. the only reason i had bothered to bring it up w them is that they had seen me in SO many situations that telling them “i’m asexual” was if anything just clarification. just confirmation, like, don’t worry. it’s not an inability to attach to others or whatever. if you can’t tell. like they’d seen me be pursued by quite a few people in our time as friends and at some point it seems like a curious thing if i only ever seem to feel negatively about anyone who’s attracted to me, ever, no matter who it is. and they were understanding and i knew they’d be. yeah.
we were talking on the way back about bucket list concerts we’d still like to see. we saw stromae which was a really big one of mine (my fucking boy btw, i had an amazing time). i mentioned that i don’t have very many, as i’m rarely the person to be like “yeah, let’s go to a concert” unless i have people i know i wanna go with. like i’ve been meaning to see the jonas brothers w my sister and sisters-in-law ever since they came back because it’d be a fun thing for us since we always listen to them together. 
but i would genuinely love to see super junior someday, like just for myself, wherever whenever if i was just able to get transportation (i don’t drive). i’ve loved suju for years but i got really back into them in 2020 in the pandemic as a sort of nostalgia comfort thing (but also the music they’ve put out in recent years is like, literally the best in their discography, they just keep getting better w age). and i had to go on this tangent to explain it, right?
in the first months of the pandemic, there was something weird happening to people psychologically. some kind of end-of-the-world loneliness. i mentioned that i had like 5 or 6 different people in my DMs at the time interested in me. not all of them men. and the friend who was driving said “you know, diana, if this were literally anyone else talking, i would think that this is some enormous humblebrag—”
and i like. didn’t even think about it that way. i was just trying to make my point that i had a serious thought in 2020 of like, when the world opened back up, just doing one (1) seriously manipulative thing in my life and convince one of those men who was thirsting for me to buy me tickets to super junior and go with me. it was hypothetical. this hasn’t happened and all but certainly will not. i would not feel good taking advantage of someone’s feelings like that. 
but i had to go on a tangent even before that because i was like. oh my goodness. i didn’t even realize that was a humblebrag. i’m sorry. i’m just telling a story.
#the politics of being a pretty young woman#tales from diana#i also wouldn't have felt comfortable telling anyone that anecdote about myself if they had known less about me than my friends i was with#so i guess i wouldn't be in danger of humblebragging. but sometimes i think i do? by mistake.#like when i talk about my social life in the past i always mention no one openly liked me in high school. not one person.#it very much affected how i saw myself. bc bullshit. young girls. male approval. y'know.#but in retrospect now i'm better able to tell when a boy had some kind of crush on me so i might mention it like 'he thought i was cute'#and one time a different friend i had. but one who i have also told im asexual (im trying to do that more) said to me#'you know for how unpopular you say you were in high school it seemed like a lot of ppl liked you'#i mean. yes? it's complicated. i was most certainly not popular i can tell you that.#i was more of a 'hey goob nice binder' 'hey goob wanna hang out at my house after school?' [narration: they all hated me...] kinda kid.#i probably kept myself from making friends wo realizing it but also lots of cliques i would've liked to be part of very much ignored me.#i was hot on the margins. a truly underrepresented social archetype... except that's literally every teen movie so maybe not.#i didn't have a big win in the final act that's the difference.#also before the concert we were talking about one of our other friends who is just. so fuckin funny.#like we were all talking about how much we love him. and they said they had been talking about who in the group chat we're in#has the most 'pull' and im like. pull?#like who could pick up the most ppl successfully. hypothetically.#both of them ranked me high :^) i was like. thank you.#they asked me to ponder on the topic myself and try to come back to it but i think im just confused by the concept of 'pull' itself#stromae has pull. that is all.
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toruvi · 2 years
When you see 500 red flags of ur friends new s/o but they see NOTHING 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
nah instagram keeps recommending an acct to me whose entire shtick is that our very catholic college is not catholic enough, with such delightful posts as "genuinely comparing being pro choice to racism" and "the secularists are trying to destroy religion on campus by cancelling a guest speaker"
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jlf23tumble · 11 months
Still think about how Yolanda reportedly said Zayn shouted at her that Khai was “the sperm that came out of my fucking cock!”. Like either way if it’s true it’s interesting he called his kid that and even more so if Yolanda came up with that lie herself
My guy, you gotta give me a link or a source for that quote, and you gotta do it in full, I just looked high and lo, and I saw nada, I am not the person you want to come for out of context, lmao (and I say this as someone who DID see the really shitty parts of this in real time, like the shoving, etc.).
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zhalar · 2 years
wheres that post hows it go. whats worse than having a job. not having one. bro im so fuckign b o r e d. BUT I DONT WANNA WORKKKKK. but i need money to live and buy sweet treats....... but theres no suitable work available in this tOWNNN
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esrah-rah-rasputin · 2 years
You ever see a post that is definitely rooted in valid feelings, but the end result is just pure bs that doesn’t pan out the moment you list out the assumptions about society made in the post, and therefore feel shifty about even approaching the post or contradicting it so you just block the OP
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redleavesinthewind · 2 years
hmmm i wanna read that one very specific fic that only exists in my head
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cinnabeat · 2 years
back to my this world hasnt even started yet bullshit but LIKE tsukasa barey even hd solo lines in his own sekai song its mostly dominated by everyone else LIKE HELLO
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