#if you know who to credit tho to please let me know 💜
umlewis · 1 year
Tumblr media
lewis hamilton greets fans while leaving after the race, hungary - july 31, 2022
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loulines · 3 years
✨Lou’s master post✨
because mobile Tumblr is garbage.
◾  My Art Tag
◾  My profile on AO3
◾ My Instagram (in progress)
◾  My Twitter (is dead tho)
Also if you see me on Wattpad or TikTok then yup that’s me, tho I am almost never active there. I also have a dead deviantArt page with some old af art.
❌ Do not repost my art without asking me for permission first. Also remember to give a proper credit. It’s not nice when art gets stolen.
💙🧡 I don’t care who you ship with whom, we’re all free to enjoy our fandoms. I respond to kindness with kindness and if you act like a b!tch expect to be blocked. I don’t have time for this shit.
If you want to know who I ship, check my tags in the archive page. Then block them or block my blog. It's that simple.
My pronouns are she/her 💙💜🩷
I was born and live in Poland, so you can guess my English isn't perfect. If you find something that I've said that might be offensive, please let me know as it 100% is because of the language barrier. Though I'm constantly trying to educate myself.
Might edit this post in the future.
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