#if we do have that radio show it’s gonna be cray
jovalencia · 1 year
my friend and I went on our weekly hot girl walk and instead of ending the walk when we got to my building we just stood outside and talked about a potential radio show we might have together next year and we were smiling and laughing and the weather is nice and maybe it’s gonna be okay
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wheremytwinwatches · 4 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 3
Time for more Brotherhood! When we last left off, we got the backstory on the Elric Brothers, and they were off to investigate rumors of ‘miracles’ by a priest that I don’t think is quite on the up and up, given all the oh-so-subtle “THIS IS A BAD GUY” clues in the last post-credits. But hey, I’ve been wrong before. Let’s get started!
Hmm. Same “Alchemy 101” intro from last episode, should I count the mention of “Equivalent Exchange” here if this shows up each time? I’m happy just spotting it in normal dialogue, but I’ll leave it up to you guys if I should include this mention. Urgh, seeing smiling Mama Elric is still a kick in the gut. Still don’t know some of the characters here, but looking forward to meeting them. Maybe not the Goths so much. We’re at the town! And there’s a [Radio Voice]? Is this the (corrupt) priest? Who… huh, he’s preaching about the “Sun God Leto”. This the primary religion in this setting, or just one guy who’s all “Praise the Sun!” NPC Shopkeeper is asking if the Elrics are street performers in their getups. Gotta admit, Al’s pulling off an impressive loom here, leaning on the counter. “Street performer” wouldn’t be my first guess looking at the giant fanged suit of armor. Ed in his red cloak, however… yeah, gotta side with NPC Shopkeeper here. And really Ed, what did you expect? Why would he ask if you were a carny unless he thought you might be? Oops! Watch your head, Al! Don’t break the poor guy’s radio! Well, that’s smashed. But nothing a little Alchemy can’t fix, right? [Energetic Strings] as Al preps the TC, and a crowd of curious villagers are looking on. And tada, good as new! Smug Ed is proud of- “Amazing, it’s a miracle! You’ve been touched by the Sun God, just like Father Cornello!” No no, it’s alchemy! But to their credit, the villagers come around quickly at the mention of the Elric Brothers, are pleased to meet… *sigh*. Saw that coming a mile away. Wavy-armed Al has to correct his well-meaning friends, point out the “little guy”. Who does not appreciate the running gag. Episode 03: “City of Heresy” So now that that little misunderstanding is out of the way, Ed asks the now-terrified villagers about the voice on the radio. Shopkeep and [Man 1] talk about their leader Father Cornello, who came into town with some pretty big claims, up to bringing the dead back to life. Ed says that’s something he needs to see. And here’s the priest, smiling to a huge crowd of cheering villagers as glowing roses rain from the sky. On of his miracles? And the crowd goes nuts as he catches one of them, and then a bright red glow later it’s a large crystal? Not sure what he just did, but something about that shade of red… just didn’t seem that wholesome to me. Again, trying to reserve judgement, but not getting the best impression of you right now, Father. The Brothers are watching the show, Al says that there’s no doubt it’s alchemy. But somehow he’s ignoring the Law of Equivalent Exchange? EEC: 4 Oh, I see! Normal rules would be that you can’t add mass or change organic matter into inorganic, but here he is catching a rosebud and making a great big crystal statue. And you can’t do that, unless… But that ring on his finger can’t really be a Philosopher’s Stone, could it? That’s like the end-all of this magic system. I could buy one showing up earlyish in this series, but the third episode? Let alone as a tool of a minor villain. Heck, either the Goths or the Government should have already swooped in and taken this, no sane power-block would let such an artifact remain out of their control for long. Anyways, inside the chapel a lady with striking red highlights is praying for “him” to be brought back, when Ed and Al show up. Lady, who captions have named Rose, asks if they are interested in Letoism. So she works for Cornello? Or just a religious villager? But nah, Ed says he’s not really the “religious” type. Given we’ve seen him encounter a demon who claimed to be God, I can understand his position. Rose is sorry to hear that, saying that to know God is to know hope, that through divine grace all things are possible. I’d rather not have religion get pulled into this Watch, but I can- “If you believed… I’m sure Leto would bless you and make you grow taller!” ...wow, ok then. I’m just gonna put away my heartfelt religion discussion, and just sit back and laugh at Al holding Ed back. Come on dude, she’s so sincere she’s got “Sincere” above her head! Don’t hate the messenger! Anyways, back to the topic at hand. How’s about this “bringing the dead back to life” business, does Rose believe in that as well? She does, and in the face of so much optimism Ed just pulls out a ratty notebook and starts reciting… chemical compositions… oh dear. Yeah, Rose has no idea what all this chemistry is about. Ed hunches over, talking about how the chemical composition of the human body has been calculated down to the last microgram, but still no successful human transmutations. And here Rose is saying that they can do with prayer something that modern science can’t do? Rose starts reciting scripture… and Ed holds no punches, explaining any kid could buy those ingredients down at the market for pocket change. “As it turns out humans are pretty cheap.” Hoo boy. This is turning into a proper religion v. science slugfest, isn’t it? And I really, REALLY don’t want to open up that particular can of worms on the Internet, but… Ed’s saying that Alchemists are scientists, they don’t believe in unprovable concepts like creators or gods. And heck, with the progress of science they’ve gotten the power to play gods themselves… Rose takes offense to this sheer arrogance. And Ed… brings up the myth of Icarus? Oooh, topical, isn’t it. About how someone flew too close to the sun and came crashing back down to earth. Al… Ed jumps up and asks if Father Cornello could save an arrogant scientist like him, which Rose jumps upon. *Sigh* Rose isn’t going to have a good time this episode, is she? Higher in the chapel, someone named Cray is talking to Father Cornello, saying a child and a man in a suit of armor wish to see him. Cornello is scowling out the window, says he can’t be bothered right now and to send them away. What’s the trouble, Father? But then he recognizes the Elric name, and- Oooh! Bad Father, you just swore in church! Both men are upset at realizing that the Fullmetal Alchemist (“The man in the armor?” “Dressing the part, it would seem.” Ha!) has come calling? Oh wow you guys are definitely bad, scowling and muttering about your “plans” to ominous string music. It seems Cray is leading the Elrics now, saying that they’re in luck, he can spare a moment of his time. Ed says they won’t take too much, and Cray- gun! Brother Cray has pulled a gun… and is pointing it at Al, while two guys in robes with staves block Ed. Yeah, not too worried about this, although Rose is. Cray claims that they are evil heathens come to discredit the Father, to which Ed agrees to make it quick and instantly takes down the Robes. And Armor Punch to the unfortunate Cray’s face! Father Cornello emerges from the shadows, welcoming them to the hope of their ‘sacred order’ and “apologizing for his disciples’ behavior”. Ed doesn’t buy it for a second, demanding to know how Cornello has been using Alchemy to deceive the villagers. Cornello claims that it’s the work of Leto, creating a statue in his hands as proof of something Alchemy couldn’t do. And Ed agrees, saying he didn’t get how he could just ignore the Law of Equivalent Exchange. EEC: 5 Poor Rose, looking back and forth between the increasingly irate Father Cornello and the angry Edward, who calls out Cornello’s ring as a Philosopher’s Stone. Cornello keeps claiming to be “God’s humble servant”, so Ed says he’ll just have to beat the Truth out of him. Cornello… what. Dude. Dude, NO. That is messed up. Cornello just told Rose to pick up the fallen gun. And then shoot the Fullmetal Alchemist. Thankfully Rose is shocked at that order, says she can’t do that. But Cornello says that his word is that of Leto himself, and finally opens one eye to look down on them. “Shoot him, Rose. It’s God’s will.” Bad Father, very very bad Father! Rose? Rose, honey, please put down the gun. Aw crud, and now Cornello’s bringing up the loss of her fiance, reminding her of a promise; if she had faith, he’d bring him back to life. And with that, she’s pointed the gun at… Al. Ok, that’s ok, we can work with aw damnit Al shut up! You’re the suit of armor, take the name for just a few minutes! And oh my god Ed just shut up shut up stop getting pissed that people keep mistaking your brother for you. “Person about to shoot the Fullmetal Alchemist” is not the time to insist that you’re the Fullmetal Alchemist! And aw crud, Cornello’s shocked that it’s “the short one”. You dun goofed. Ok, back to the gun. Rose is apologizing, saying she has no choice. Ed tries to convince her that Cornello’s been lying, but she’s still believing in the Father’s “miracles”. So Ed tells her to shoot, and- Al! Rose fired blindly and hit Al’s helmet! On the one hand, impressive shot if it had been intentional. On the other hand, what the hell Rose?! Rose rightfully drops the gun in shock and starts screaming, Cornello smugly says that “God Leto is pleased”. And then tells her to pick the gun back up and shoot the other as well. And then the headless suit of armor sits back up and chides Cornello for making her do enough already! Ha! Take that, fake priest! [Exciting Music] starts up as Cornello blathers about Al being an abomination, how the ‘evil’ must be purged… and pulls a switch? Gah, manticore! Manticores are a thing in this setting! Cornello says his chimera should be up to the task. Or not a manticore? In the light it looks like the front half of a lion, and the back half of a rat. Edward calmly summons a spear, further shocking Cornello at the lack of a TC. But… ooh, the chimera just sliced right through the weapon. Seems the claws are sharp enough to “tear through iron”. Maybe Al should step back? Ah, nevermind. Ed’s pants may have been shredded, but the chimera’s claws didn’t do jack against his steel automail leg. And a bite attack likewise failed against his automail arm. And the pieces finally click into place for Cornello… wait, hold on. This seems really familiar for some reason… didn’t we just go through all this two episodes ago? Yeah, we did! This is almost word for word from Ep 1! Failed attack against an automail limb, Al getting his head knocked off, bad guy smugly accusing them of breaking the “No Human Transmutation” rule… you guys were saying this was the first proper episode in the manga, right? How Brotherhood’s first episode was mostly to show off the characters, and they put all the backstory into the second? Not saying this is bad or anything, just figured I should mention it. Poor, poor Rose. You’ve had a rough day, haven’t you? And good grief Cornello shut up, stop blathering about their attempting human transmutation. I don’t know exactly why you’re evil, beyond your earlier attempts to kill these boys for getting too close to your “plans”, but you are not helping your case right now. Yup, there it is, you just insulted their arrogance for trying to bring someone dead back to life. Remind me, what was your promise to Rose? Al plaintively asks for Cornello to hand over the stone before he gets hurt. It goes over about as well as you could expect, Transmuting his cane into a good grief is that a minigun? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you are a terrible priest! Ed blocks the shots with Earthbending, boasting about he and God don’t get along very well, as Al swoops up Rose and gets her out of the line of fire. Or not really, because Cornello takes aim at them and starts blasting away, Rose only protected by Al’s bulk. And Ed… ha! Ignores the door and Transmutes a new one to get past the hapless disciples, and the brothers prance off down the hallway as gun-toting Father Cornello runs out and orders them to chase. Brothers are running along, but a couple of disciples have blocked off the end of the hallway, saying that’s far enough. Ed just laughs and goes full Alex Mercer on them. Disciple Group #2 are waiting in the wings… and their boss gets a Armor Boot to the face. Next! Now they’re… up in the clocktower? Al’s doing something to the bell, talking to Rose who is understandably upset. Al says that they aren’t evil. They just wanted to see their mom’s smile again. And guh guh don’t show that Thing again get it away, we already know it failed don’t show us again. Al goes on to talk about how Alchemy’s based on the Law of Equivalent Exchange- EEC: 6 -and how the price of their failed attempt was enormous, costing Ed his left leg and Al his entire body. And then Ed gave up his arm to bind Al to the armor. Now they’re on a mission, Al to restore Ed to his original body, and Ed to do likewise to Al. It won’t be easy, but it’s the path they chose. All they can do is keep moving. And here’s the sticking point, Cornello’s “promise” to Rose. And true to her optimism, she still has hope, going so far as to say that even if the Elrics failed, that doesn’t mean he will. Poor, poor Rose. Back inside, Cornello runs past a room… and then looks back in, finding Ed sitting on a desk. Cornello’s office? Ed seems confident, is he planning something? Wait, what? “Tell me what I need to know and I’ll be on my way... “ Cornello. Cornello, buddy, tell me you aren’t going to fall for that… oh my Sun God, really? You can’t seriously believe after all you’ve done that Ed will just walk away after a few questions. He’s obviously stalling for whatever Al was doing. *Sigh* Fine, whatever. What’s your deal, Cornello? Why waste time with these phony ‘miracles’ when you can ignore Equivalent Exchange? Oh? So you’re attracting disciples with your ‘miracles’, building an army of fanatics? As unimpressed as Ed is, it’s not actually the worst plan. Why do everything yourself when you can convince some schmucks to do it for you? I mean, they won’t last a second against the State Alchemists, but whatever. Although it’s still not answering the question of “why”. Why do you need an army? Why do you want to use the Philosopher’s Stone to “tear the country apart”? Heck, ignoring your stupid offering of a ‘slice’ of the country to Ed (do you really think he’d go for that?), I still want to know how you got a Philosopher’s Stone, and why someone smarter hasn’t beaten you up for it already. Alright, whatever. [evil laughter], glowing white eyes, cast in shadow. Are you done monologuing? Because it’s probably time for Al to come busting down the door or whatever. “Wait, what are you laughing about?” You, dude. You are just cartoonishly evil. You got nothing on Mr. Freeze. See, Ed’s even calling you a novice! Evil Overlord List, Cornello. Read it. Wait, what? “On”? No. YES. YES. On Switch + Microphone = Dawning Realization the Radio Transmitter was turned on, plugged into the Church Bell Transmuted into a Loudspeaker. “There were never any miracles, Rose…” Shut up Al don’t ruin this moment for me! Ok, moment slightly redeemed by the “Are you f*cking kidding me” looks on the disciples’ faces. Here I was thinking Ed was recording it maybe, delaying for Al to show up and knock his teeth out? But transmitting Cornello’s monologue over the entire town? Genius. I am standing up and applauding, I am not even kidding. Oh man, these reaction cuts are gold, NPC Shopkeeper in particular looks pissed. Even the dog is shocked! Ok, ok. Give me a second to breathe… Just give it up, Cornello. You aren’t talking your way out of this one. And stop trying to fight, Ed way outclasses you. And… ouch, your Transmutation on your damaged gun just failed, looks like it melded with your arm? A rebound, like the failed Human Transmutation? Yep, Cornello’s lost it, yelling about being the ‘chosen emissary of the Sun God Leto’. Cut to the chapel, and Hulk-Cornello just smashed through. They’re smashing the place up, Cornello still ranting about being the Fist of God (does he really believe in Leto?), to which Ed Transmutes the great big statue to give him what he asked for. And Cornello’s down, like the half-baked villain he is. Now Ed can grab the… Philosopher’s Stone? It just stopped glowing and fell to the ground before dissolving. I mean, way too early for Ed to get the Quest Item, but still. Ed’s all shocked, saying the Stone is supposed to be the perfect material. So it was fake? But then how did Cornello do all that? Speaking of, the guy is just whining and whimpering now that he apparently can’t Transmute anymore. And Ed just… lets him go, yells at him to get out of there? Dude, arrest him! Guy was brainwashing a village, tried to have you killed, and was working to take over the country (no way he would have succeeded, but still). Don’t just let him get away! But apparently he does, it’s later as the Elric Brothers are talking outside the chapel. Come on, perk up guys. Just because this was a dead end- Rose, what the hell?! Put the gun down! Didn’t you hear him, it was a fake! And whoa, accusing them of keeping it for themselves? To get their bodies back, and bring back- Oh. Huh. Apparently that’s not even a consideration. “People don’t come back from the dead, Rose. Not ever… Not ever…” So, it really is just a quest to get their bodies back? Not to bring back Mama Elric? Rose collapses, crying about how Cornello promised her, that if she was faithful a miracle would occur. Without that hope, what is she supposed to believe in now? She’s begging them, asking what to do… and the Brothers walk right by her. Dudes, not cool. Don’t just leave her like this. “I can’t tell you that. You have to figure it out. Stand up and walk. Keep moving forward. You’ve got two good legs. So use them. You’re strong enough to make your own path.” ...while I admire the intent behind the message (and is this the show that Monty Oum’s catchphrase of “Keep moving forward” came from?), I can’t help but think that this isn’t he best time. Rose has just had her world destroyed, the source of her faith uprooted, the hope of getting her fiance back shattered. She needs something a little more gentle than “suck it up”. Later that night, seems the entire village has gathered, the [angry mob yelling] for Cornello. Inside the chapel, Cornello is clutching his new metal arm and ranting about the little brat… until another voice interrupts him? Lust? The lady’s complaining that they should have just incited a rebellion, while the fat guy chews on one of the chimera’s legs, then says he’s hungry and asks to eat the old man. Lust tells Gluttony no, she doesn’t want to risk indigestion. Cornello does not appreciate being mocked, says he won't SWEET LETO WHAT THE HELL Um, so Lust apparently has Terminator 2 claws on her glove, just stabbed Cornello through the forehead. Camera pans to an ouroboros-like symbol above her bust? Anyways, Cornello dead. Lust complains about ‘Father’ not being pleased about starting from scratch- Gluttony? Gluttony, no. Gluttony NO. No eating him. Don’t you- Ok, didn’t not need to see that. Well ok! Good episode, some parts seemed a little bit repetitive, drawn from the previous two I guess? But good overall, more establishment of the Elrics and setting stuff up for future episodes. So what’s up next? Riza! Doing paperwork! Seems the Elrics travel to the Eastern Command Center and to report to Colonel Roy Mustang (name is still manly). And there they meet the Sewing Life Alchemist? Oh, so bio-alchemy’s a thing? I guess with the divide between organic and inorganic matter, with all the Earth and Waterbending we’ve seen so far time to see the other side. And will this get us details on that chimera that Cornello made? Oh hey, is that a Cerberus? Looks like a three-headed dog in a cage, captured experiment or what? Episode 04: “An Alchemist’s Anguish” “Some meetings in this life are destined only for heartbreak.”
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e8luhs · 6 years
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YOU KNOW THE DRILL BY NOW (last edited 04.27.19)
shake my little soul for you now, toy and i settle up into a world of noise i’m a man of many tricks and tools and joy with a battery of guilt on which to poise
even though it is a dream you are with me tonight inside me
white on white, translucent black capes back on the rack bela lugosi's dead the bats have left the bell tower, the victims have been bled red velvet lines the black box
if they crawl out of the mud, wash them away in a flood i'm only as a good as my god, burnt hair and more money
where do i put the books? there's so many i could read, but they all are filled with lies where do i put all the lies? there's so many i could say but it seems they're in the books
you'll see him in your nightmares, you'll see him in your dreams he'll appear out of nowhere but he ain't what he seems you'll see him in your head, on the TV screen and hey buddy, i'm warning you to turn it off! he's a ghost, he's a god, he's a man, he's a guru you're one microscopic cog in his catastrophic plan designed and directed by his red right hand
i'm a man, i'm a twisted fool my hands are twisted, too five fingers to black hooves i'm a man, don't spin me a lie got toes and i can smile i'm crooked but upright
when i was young i was a star amongst zeroes but then i grew up and now i'm heading up river i'm gonna cover myself in mud, mud yeah, i'mma deliver
i've got this planet in my hands yeah, i'll try to save it if i can i'm satisfied with myself don't care for anyone else i'm so united when i stand
murdoc is god murdoc is god murdoc is god johnny is dead
been watching cowboy films on gloomy afternoons tinting the solitude put on your dancing shoes and show me what to do i know you've got the moves
i look inside myself and see my heart is black i see my red door i must have it painted black maybe then i'll fade away and not have to face the facts it's not easy facin' up, when your whole world is black
half an angel, half a monster i will sleep in your bosom again half an angel, half a monster i will roam to where you are
getting hard to sleep, but it's in my dreams but it's killing me to try and figure it out nothing better to do, when i'm stuck on you and still i'm here trying to figure it out
feeling unknown and you're all alone flesh and bone by the telephone lift up the receiver, i'll make you a believer
daddy was dumb, said that i’d be something special  brought me up tough but i was a gentle human said that he loved each of my two million freckles when i grew up, was gonna be a superstar
talking ‘bout the business man, devil in a sunday hat buddy with the stupid laugh, just talking ‘bout the business man
i'm checking your name off my list, i'm checking your name on my list i'm making up a reason to exist, i'm checking your name off my list you're thinking that your wife is worth a lot i'm telling you your life is worth a yacht no matter whose knife in the dark, still wanking with a robot arm i'm checking your name off my list, i'm checking your name off my list i'm making up a reason to exist, i'm checking your name off my list
let me clarify before we begin am i getting under your skin? your disposition seems a trifle bland it's time you learned how to serve man
he’s only comfortable with complete control and authority they should invent something for guys with this kind of affliction like a vr system  where he can believe he’s in a perpetual state of giving you a tour of his house
something's happening, i can feel it moving out of time you'll hear it falling in the way you fear it jumping, thumping, shout out something jumping, thumping, shout out something
and it's alright, it won't be long you feeling something so won't you come outside with me? and it's alright, sing like a song and now you're flying so won't you come and fly with me?
protect yourself, this plague spreads spiders everywhere come on, dig your grave look, the day wakes up again
i'm tired of this human duet no civilizing hides our animal impulses
i can see you running i can see you running gone in the blink of my eye gone, gone, gone in the blink of my eye
oh darling, i'm not so sure about our hearts aligning at sixteen years old, could this just be bad timing? puppies pining listen to me sweetheart, you are nothing when we're apart i can promise you this, when we split the town you won't be missed
oh, who is she? a misty memory a haunting face is she a lost embrace?
there are days when outside your window i see my reflection as i slowly pass and i long for this mirrored perspective when we'll be lovers, lovers at last
i've given it some thought... and i really think that you could use a guy like me in your life looking after you, a man to take you home, a hand for you to hold... and i'd never leave you alone
some call it stalking, i say walking just extremely close behind i'm sure if i sat down and asked you, well you really wouldn't mind you've got those eyes that drive me crazy and i've got eyes to watch you sleep i brought a pack lunch and some coffee for my stakeout in your tree outside your house
i am your neighbor, i can hear you i got this tin can with a string through and when you're crying, i hear your shaky breath and when you're lying i hear your heart confess
a look so quick a movement so slight ah, it’s not passin’ fascination now it’s obsession
i know, i know, i know, i'm always in your place but don't you see, my dear? i am your doppelgänger have your faith so
extraordinarily pretty teeth beauty lingers out of reach you're my dc oh lee, oh man ray went cray cray over you capturing, but never captured you're my dc oh lee, oh
i tell you i want you i tell you i need you
i want to hold you close skin pressed against me tight lie still, and close your eyes girl so lovely, it feels so right
i didn't want to hurt you, baby i didn't want to hurt you i didn't want to hurt you, but you're pretty when you cry
that's the kind of love i’ve been dreaming of that's the kind of love i've been dreaming of
you and me in our playhouse living in a veil, we never need to go without memories bring no joy or peace we are alone and all we need
oh, god i'm beautiful oh, god i'm wonderful i'm marvelous, intelligent, so why doesn't that make me feel better? i need some more, i need someone who's insecure i don't care who you are controlling you makes me better
they wouldn't know, wouldn't comprehend you are with me, next to me
i'm a killer, cold and wrathful silent sleeper, i've been inside your bedroom i've murdered half the town left you love notes on their headstones i'll fill the graveyards until i have you
i don't know about you but i am hellbent, i know what it is that i must do close your eyes when we kiss ‘cause I'm prepared to set myself on fire for this
i know that you don't like me that's alright today i love you, but you bore me don't fuck up my day ‘cause i could stay right here and never ever leave, what else do i need?
there are objects of affection that can mesmerize the soul there is always one addiction that just can not be controlled
honey honey, don’t you cry it’s a ruse all these creatures are a lie funny bunny, it’s alright i clap my hands and they’re gone into the night
i stand alone now, istand alone but can you save me from myself oh, please
no i won’t bring too much of anything maybe a little slicker for the rain maybe just a good book and a heart to break Ii’ll make a mistress of a little wiccan thing
don't fret precious, i'm here step away from the window, go back to sleep safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils see, they don't give a fuck about you like i do
i know you're aching to be saved from all the bullshit and banality sacredly i have watched you grow you've conquered all the self-loathing and high hopes
it's down to me, yes it is the way she does just what she's told down to me, the change has come she's under my thumb
appearing unsightly with devils inside me if you ever try to leave me i'll find you, ronnie
i get a little bit genghis khan i don't want you to get it on with nobody else but me, with nobody else but me
imagine me and you, i do i think about you day and night it's only right to think about the girl you love and hold her tight so happy together
the razors and the dying roses plead i don't leave you alone, the demi-gods and hungry ghosts god, god knows i'm not at home i’ll never find someone quite like you again
i've got something to say i've acquired a taste for watching you in pain it's pretty hard to admit it makes me feel like shit but i mean it
you understand, i got a plan for us i bet you didn’t know that i was dangerous it must be fate, i found a place for us i bet you didn’t know someone could love you this much
he said it's up to me it's up to me, it's up to me, it's up to me, i gotta try it again! it's up to me, it's up to me, it's up to me, i gotta rip it apart! It's up to me, it's up to me, it's up to me
i'm getting on a mountain, baby, yeah i'm thinking of an island, maybe oh, archipelago, take me i'm looking to isolate me, terra incognita, baby i'm getting away from all the la-di-dah, la-di-dah
but if you could just see the beauty, these things i could never describe these pleasures a wayward distraction, this is my one lucky prize
believe me believe me, this loneliness won't go away hear me oh, woman that has gone astray gone astray
do you know what makes me happy? when i clothe you in a swarm of bees and the world is my ashtray, the world is my ashtray tonight shave my head and call me monkey let me see you with the caps lock on if we're all apoplectic then i'll be the neckbeard, alright?
it all seemed so perfect it all seemed like everything was right but i won’t let you leave that way, but i won’t let you but i won’t let you, but i won’t let you leave that way but i won’t let you, but i won’t let you leave
do you know where the wilds things go? they go along to take your honey, la la la la break down now weep, build up breakfast now let’s eat my love my love love love, la la la la
yellow nails and pinching fangs, a slimy creature lacking clad, he pulls his fingers from her mind, and lets her see, just like she was blind
i'd give you all i have if i could get it back this has been the best of me i hope you end up missing me and i'll hold on to that
i come with knives i come with knives and agony to love you
telephones make you seem miles away from home all alone, i get a little meaner i leave a message at your tone, and miles away from home you get a little cleaner of me and i find a little greener shade of envy
don't you go leaving baby, i'll find you tell all your secrets and no one will want you it's for your own good, i know what's best for you if you won't sleep with me, there will be no rest for you
i want this planet and i want it now to beat like an anvil 'til the poison's out i am a pencil-pusher with the pencil-pusher blues what the hell do i have left to lose?
i wanna make it right i wanna make you cry i follow suit, i follow suit i follow suit, i follow
the bass, the rock, the mic, the treble i like my coffee black just like my metal with the bass, the rock, the mic, the treble i like my coffee black just like my metal
i wish i could hide from everyone is there somewhere else to be is there somewhere else to be take me in, i want out that's all i need
now shut your dirty mouth, if i could burn this town i wouldn't hesitate to smile while you suffocate and die and that would be just fine, and what a lovely time that it would surely be so bite your tongue and choke yourself to sleep
1460 days since we were alright you're having trouble sleeping, and i think i know why 1460 days since we were alright but now you're just pathetic, i said it you are pathetic
so can we let sleeping dogs lie? 'cause everyone believes me when i say it's mine a little wool over the eyes 'cause everyone believes me when i-
i would've loved you for a thousand years i would've died for you i would've sacrificed it all my dear i would've bled for you 'til death do us part, you were unholy right from the start it's a nice night for a black wedding yeah, it's a nice night for a black wedding
creeping 'round, i saw a little thing i didn't like; you tried to hide i've been creeping 'round i saw a little thing i didn't like, you tried to hide from me
hard liquor is my medicine it must have happened when i hit my head hard liquor for my birthday cake power, power, power, power, power
i'm not a gangster tonight don't want to be a bad guy i'm just a loner baby and now you've gotten in my way
you don't have to be afraid you don't have to be afraid like the grass beneath your feet, they will wither away
so go ahead, hold your breath be my guest, see if i care ‘cause it's your life, it's your body in the morning what's it to you, my sweet bijou? ‘cause if you knew what was good for you you'd stand there lowborn to drop every rampart and drawbridge
i hate my work, but i'm in control i'm fearless now, but it cost my soul save yourselves, the moon is full under its power, gravitational pull
you can’t run so you must hide you won’t make it back this time i sold your rope for a bucket of lemon peel, now suck it
not one day goes by that i don't compromise your love for the cold love of the world it's killing me through my own evil pride not one day goes by  that i don't know that i'm dying
and at the trial, there'll be no jury and all the dead are going to play witness it's not too late to say you're sorry but it's too late to truly mean it
i'm not anti-social i'm just tired of the people and i'm fine with rolling solo so get out
i alone am the answer i alone will make wrongs right but in order to root out the cancer it's got to be kept from the sunlight
air in my lungs, a cough and a wheeze holes in the bellows and blood on the keys you move along, there's nothing to see nobody loves you like me nobody loves you like me
when could you tell it was over? when did you turn on me? i'd cry if i thought it would change your mind, cry for the girl i hoped you to be
and i believe, i believe, i believe you're one of them you're one of those things so go on and scream all you want 'cause that only excites me i'm aiming this plane for the sea, i'm taking you all with me so suffer little children, suffer little children suffer little children come and get me!
i wish i could be living at the end of all living just to know what happens, just to know what happens i would know every answer and just how far we all made it this is all my life this is all my life
inevitability, you are my mother bleeding seeds of sour lust onto the mounds of bleeding crust unto all that holy dust i shall return, bathed in fire
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elenamatisstuff · 6 years
Playlist for Alex i tried to make as badass and less emotional as i could cuz i want you to have a playlist that makes you feel like you can kick the world in the nuts
The end - My Chemical Romance Never Wanted to dance - Mindless Self Indulgens 7 minutes in Heaven - Fall Out Boy in bloom - nirvana Allie - Patrick Stump let's Kill Tonight - Panic! At the Disco American Beauty / American Psycho - Fall Out Boy Kiss The ring - My Chemical Romance say goodbye - Green day Austin We have a problem - Fall Out Boy The Ballad of Mona Lisa - Panic! at The Disco headfirst for halos - MCR Bang The Dooldrums - Fall Out Boy on a plain - Nirvana bittersweet - Panic!At the disco Bohemian Rhapsody - The Queens bang bang - Green day Boy Division - Mt Chemical Romance stay away - Nirvana Burn Bright - My Chemical ROmance Calm before the storm - fall out boy Chicago is os two years ago - Fall Out Boy Choke - I don't know how but they found me Clint eastwood - Gorillaz Cray = genius - Panic! At the Disco Dancing's not a crime - Panic! at the Disco Dead! - My chemical Romance Death Valley - Fall Out Boy Down Under - Man at work Feel Good inc. - Gorillaz Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying - Fall Out Boy The Ghost of You - My CHemical Romance G.I.N.A.S.F.S. - Fall Out Boy (because gay) Girls/Girls/Boys - Panic! Give 'em hell kid - My Chemical Romance Jesus Of Suburia - Green Day Basket Case - Green day Holiday - Green day Hang em high - My Chemical Romance Headfirst slide into cooperstown on a bad bet - Fall Out Boy Heaven Help Us - My Chemical ROmance Kill All You Friends - My CHemical ROmance Heaven Knows i'm Miserable Now - The Smiths (my gay anthem) Heaven's Gate - Fall Out Boy Homesick at Space camp - Fall Out Boy Hoeny this mirror isn't big enough for the two of us - My HCemical Romance House of Wolves - McR Vampires will never hurt you - MCR Hurricane - Panic! I never told you what i do for a living - MCR I slept with someoen in fall out boy and all i got was this stupid song written about me (ghost wrote by mikey way) - FoB In The shadows - The rasmus It's hard to say i do when i don't - FOB It's almost halloween - Panic! It's not a fashion statement it's a fucking deathwish - McR The Jetset life is gonna kill you - McR Just one Yesterday - fall Out Boy King of the clouds - panic! Mama - My Chemical Romance Maya The psychic - Gerard Way revolution radio - Green day The Mighty Fall - Fall Out Boy The music or the misery - Fall Out boy My SOngs know what you did in the dark - Fall Out Boy (cuz it's still a banger) troubled times - Green day Novacaine - Fall Out Boy The phoenix - Fall Out Boy Planatery go! - My Chemical Romance Pretty In Punk - Fall Out Boy The pros and cons of breathing - Fall Out Boy roaring 20's - Panic! At the disco rock me amadeus - Falco saturnz barz  - Gorillaz mad as rabbits - Panic! save yourself i'll hold them back - My CHemical ROmance seven nation army - WHite stripes the sharpest lives - My Chemical ROmance smells like teen spirit- Nirvana snitches and talkers get sticthes and walkers - Fall Out Boy song 2 - Blur lithium - nirvana teenagers - My Chemical Romance cubicles - McR Thnak you for the Venom - My Chemical ROmance outlaws - Green day This i show i disappear - My Chemical Romance To The End - MCR our lady of sorrow - MCR Tomorrows Money - MCR Party poison - MCR welcome to the black parade obviously tf? twin skeletons - FoB where did the party go - Fob XO - fall out boy you know hwat they do to guys like us in prison - MCR Young and Menace (cuz it's a banger come  ON !) build god then we'll talk - Panic! headfirst for halos - MCR Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off - Panic!
@alexthefan67 love you btw and i loved making this! It’s gay and badass and uuhh i was too lazy to type sometimes and yeah. i haven’t heard it yet, btw.
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frawleyonmusic · 3 years
Light at The End of The Livestream
(Photos posted on the Goose Cab Family Facebook group from “Yacht Rock” night)(Photos posted on the Goose Cab Family Facebook group from “Yacht Rock” night)
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March 18th 2020, students were not in classrooms, bars and theaters were closed, people were at home and left to worry. Around 7 in the evening Charley Carozzo, grabbed his most used acoustic guitar, set up his phone, pulled up a chair and started a live stream over Facebook. For a short time a few friends joined him online. They showed their appreciation and thanks in the comments for the entertainment. The following night Carozzo would set up his stream again… and the next night, and the next night. For what continued for 100 consecutive days, for about an hour and a half every evening Carozzo turned on his live stream and performed for his friends, family, and his growing online community. “I started it one night, and 100 nights later I stopped playing every night.” Carozzo stated matter of factly. Playing 136 shows in all amid the pandemic, Carozzo performed 1214 distinct songs. Over 2000 songs including repeats. March 14th, 2021, almost exactly one year later, at 7 p.m. Carozzo set up his final live stream in what became known as the “Goose Cab.” 
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(Carozzo Playing live with Way Up South)
Carozzo is a member of multiple music groups with his main band being Way Up South, and his main string duo, “The Coal Boilers.” Pre-pandemic they performed at clubs, outdoor venues, parties and bars around Boston and New England. Way Up South is a southern inspired rock band of New Englanders. They are described as a “joyful soul” band, who play Southern Rock, Americana, and Jam band music. Carozzo’s role in the band includes the lead singer, songwriter and rhythm guitarist.
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(Way Up South Performances)
Raised by singers and actors, Carozzo was brought up around music. Yet, he did not pick up a guitar before highschool. It was on one particular day at summer camp in 1983, that Carozzo was inspired to play music. Recounting that day with love and nostalgia he said; “the older counselors were listening to Neil Young, and I can remember where I was when I first heard Neil Young. I was like; oh. This, is music that I love.” Moving away from pop radio, Carozzo gravitated towards the acoustic world of music. Picking up an acoustic guitar for the first time, Heart of Gold was the first song his hands learned to play.  By the end of the Summer Carozzo could play and sing songs. Playing guitar steadily grew into a lifestyle. “It's the best pastime, it really is. An acoustic guitar you can take anywhere.” Carozzo took it everywhere. At Tufts University he joined a serious band, named Plan B. The name references the concerns of the bandmates' parents, who were always telling their sons to have a backup plan if their music careers fell short. Carozzo explained; “We quit our jobs, so this was plan b. You know ‘cause they always tell ya when you’re gonna be a musician; ‘Well make sure you have a plan b!’ That’s what your parents always tell ya. So we got our jobs first and then we quit. So this was our plan b.”  Playing the clubs of Boston such as Johnny D’s Uptown, and the MacPhee club at Tufts University, Plan B saw some success. Big names such as Stevie Ray Vaugh, the Ramones, and Buddy Guy performed at Tufts back then. On one occasion the MacPhee club ran a competition to chose the opening act for Robert Cray and Ivan Neville. Carozzo recounted, “my band won the battle of the bands, and so that was our big gig. We played for a couple thousand people… and I was hooked. From then on I was like; This is what I want to do.” Three decades, hundreds of performances and many tours later Carozzo is still hooked on performing live.
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When the pandemic began, practices and shows were called off. “Live music was basically ending... indefinitely.” Suddenly Carozzo, a musician in four different groups, had nobody to play music with. Like many musicians who were being left without their livelihoods, Carozzo turned to the online community as an outlet for both music and mutual support. “I started playing online like a lot of people… more out of looking to just calm myself down and look for some connection with my friends.” There was no grand plan here. Singing and strumming to a camera and a few Facebook friends is no concert. You cannot see or hear your audience. Yet as a musician of nearly forty years, Carozzo was determined to continue playing for people. Carozzo remarked; “What struck me more about doing it rather than people being like; ‘oh the music was great or this or that,’ it was more about the people who are my friends getting together online and talking to each other.” The response he got was truly heartwarming. Dozens of friends became hundreds joining in every night, turning the comments section into a live virtual crowd. Jokes, song requests, compliments, and funny pictures Pretty soon fan art began to turn up.
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(Goose Cab Fan Art)
Themed nights eventually started up in the Goose Cab where fans would dress up in outfits and share during the stream. “Yacht Rock” was a particularly flamboyant occasion.
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(Photos posted on the Goose Cab Family Facebook group from “Yacht Rock” night)
Commenting on the Goose Cab community Carozzo remarked; “I got a lot of handwritten notes from people saying ‘thank you.’ People have given me gifts unsolicited, saying ‘thank you for keeping us sane.’ My response has always been: I’ve gotten a lot more out of this than I put it.” That might strike some as a bold statement considering the amount of time and effort put into the Goose Cab. Each day Carozzo would spend hours learning the songs that he would then perform that very night.
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(Views of the Goose Cab before live streams, and Carozzo playing his Dobro guitar)
Whole families gathered each night for the Goose Cab streams, sharing a meal and friendship with the online Goose Cab Community. While many people struggled to keep in touch with each other, Carozzo was making new friendships. Carozzo stated, “In the total isolation of the coronavirus, I have never felt more connected to people… and I have never made more new connections” People who had never met Carozzo began to join the Goose Cab from out-of-state. Carozzo formed real connections with people from places such as California, Wisconsin, and Kentucky.
It is no exaggeration to say that the community Carozzo curated, shared both life and death together. Several deaths have been mourned throughout the past year in the Goose Cab. Morning together, Carozzo played out song requests for loved ones. Carozzo recounted dolefully; “I played Country Roads by John Denver for my friend's father in one of his last moments. Before he passed away the whole family gathered together in the hospital room, and we played the song for him. He passed away the next day.��� Country roads… take me home. Despite the stress and fear that the community lived through, there were many moments of light and laughter. Images and videos shared, showing kids playing air guitar along with Carozzo. Decorations and elaborate viewing set ups in living rooms and bedrooms to watch the Goose Cab each night. 
At the end of his last Goose Cab stream, Carozzo invited all his friends from around to join him and his band Way Up South at their upcoming concerts either in person or online. Bringing his son Thomas and his wife onscreen to wave goodbye he exclaimed “goodnight Goose Cabbers! We love you! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I love you guys. Thank you.”
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team-adults-blog · 6 years
5.01 Eden
We’ve all bee waiting so long for this. But in my heart, I have been waiting longer than the rest of you. LEGGO! 
Yo lots of showing instead of telling, what a change from the norm way we receive information on this show.
Jasper’s goggles brb crying
Clarke’s hand in the flowers was straight out of Gladiator. fight me.
I would like to point out that IT HAS BEEN CONFIRMED. CLARKE IS IN THE SHENNENDOAH VALLEY. SHENNENDOAH NATIONAL PARK. INCREDIBLE. It followed the original setting from the book but holy cow I am so pleased with myself for the sleuthing in >this< previous post.
Maddi wants her hair dyed so frickin much and Clarke is doing it- cool but then we’re supposed to forget Maddi has frickin berry juice all up in her hair when she lays on Clarke’s lap? Uh your clothes gonna get soggy but we can just forget that. Red dye is cray to get out. My freshman year roommate dyed her hair in the hall bathroom and it looked like something had died in there. Now it’s all over Clarke’s clothes. But Clarke’s clothes are black and we’re not supposed to think about this minor point. Red dye 40 is also cray btws.
Mama bear Clarke protects the child!
On this drop ship we’ve got EXACTLY TWO non-violent prisoners. They’re a mass murdering army! 
I lost the other half of my doc lol I don’t feel like rewatching. It’s episode 1 and we spent a lot of time following Clarke around, which was pretty neat. The use of silence/ Clarke talking to the radio to tell us what’s happening was effective story telling. good job my dudes. 
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felicityb-reviews · 6 years
Review Roundup - Week 4 January 2018
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Hello, my lovely baby boos!! My name is Jace (aka Felicity B), and welcome to your Weekly Roundup for Week 4 of January 2018!! This week was something else, sis. I must have listened to 40 or 50 different songs for this week's list. It was cray!! For these kinds of lists, the last thing I wanna do is leave off songs because I don't like them, but that's what I ended up having to do. This week's list was getting excessively long (is still excessively long), but the last thing we need here is an RRU with 20 ballads.
That being said, there's a lot of songs here with "I liked it, it was good" reviews. There's not much I can do about that. A lot of the music that came out this week was very middle of the road. They're good songs, don't get me wrong; I'd throw very few of them into the Shuffle Bait. But there's just not much to say about them.
Turn It Up (RAINZ)
I really wanted to like this song, you guys. That chorus is Rave Excellence™ (if EDM tracks from rookie boy bands sounded like this, I wouldn't hate them so much). It's fucking everything, sis. And you know, I can excuse RAINZ for conjuring the spirit of 4minute with that New and Improved™ Hate breakdown. Everything leading up to it was bomb af, so I can get over myself with how annoyed I was by it.
But what I refuse to get over is DUBSTEP IN 2018!! ABSOLUTELY NOT!!
I don't know what makes Turn It Up pop so much more than tracks we've heard from groups like UP10TION or SF9 or ViCTON, because like I mentioned before, it's all in the same lane. Sure, that chorus makes my inner gay wanna come charging out and kiss five boys before rolling around in body paint (and then proceed to kiss five more boys), but this isn't anything we haven't heard before, musically. There's nothing inherently fun about this song (just extremely gay, which... RAINZ is a Broduce 101 project group, so of course), I just really freaking like it.
I just can't get over dubstep in 2018. If I had the means to cut it out of the track, I would be featuring that version in the official playlist.
Rating - Conditional Rotation
NO MORE (LIMZY featuring Huckleberry P)
No More is an exercise in RnB influenced Trip Hop/EDM that I wasn't sure I was gonna like, at first. This weirdly disjointed flavor of electroRnB is really not my taste, and the fact that LIMZY pushed it more left field than I've heard before really didn't help matters.
But No More is charming in its own way. The more I listened to it, the more it grew on me. LIMZY's smooth vocals are a nice foil to the weirdness of the beat, and Huckleberry P's rap didn't irritate me as much as I thought it would. I gotta be in a certain mood to really enjoy a song like this, but when I'm in said mood, catch me dissociating to No More.
Rating - Conditional Rotation
A luminous cat (Evolution of Sound)
A luminous cat is kind of basic, but it's also kind of fun. It's hella catchy, too.
Would you say that the luminous cat is also a lucky cat?!?!?!
I've always found it interesting how the farther away from K-Pop you get, the lower everyone's voices get. Ballad singers live in the low baritone/mezzo soprano range (although some of them think they live in soprano/tenor land, and they need to Stop Stop It™), and EoS's vocalist is the same. He's got a voice on him like WINNER's Kang Seung Yoon, but not quite as raspy. It's really nice to listen to.
A luminous cat is a synth driven pop/rock song. The first time I listened to it, I was bored as fuck all. The teaser had a lil somethin' somethin' goin' on, but the song fell flat in full. Upon repeat listens, A luminous cat hooks you in, but this is not a track I really wanna play all of the time. Which is a shame, cause I don't hear this type of sound a lot in Korean music.
Rating - Shuffle Bait
Ttongkku (Park Jongchul)
This is the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen in my life. And I stan Kim Jongin, okay?!?!? Do y'all know how cute my mans is?!!? But this video is even cuter than him!!!
Ttongkku is a very whimsical acoustic ballad (for lack of a better descriptor). With the way Ttongkku is written, I'd expect this to be from something for children. The majority of the song follows the same strum pattern, just with different chord progressions swapped in, so Ttongkku is perhaps one of the most simple songs I've reviewed. That doesn't take away from how great this song is, tho. It's a really nice break from all the flashiness of K-Pop, which can easily wear on the ears.
Rating - Conditional Rotation
To Heart (fromis_9)
To Heart sounds like the theme song from a 2008 shoujo anime. I shouldn't be surprised considering their pre-release track, Glass Shoes, also sounded like that, and the inspiration behind Idol School is definitely Japanese idol groups. It's just not a sound you hear a lot in K-Pop.
fromis_9 (pronounced Promise 9, even though I still pronounce it like it's written without meaning to) is the group that resulted from last year's survival show Idol School. You know, when everyone was suddenly concerned about the ethnics of all these survival shows, because it wasn't under the Produce banner.
While I liked Glass Shoes (and appreciated K-Pop's modern production techniques being applied to a song like it), it was definitely nothing to write home about. It was easy to lose it in the craziness that is end of the shows and what not. To Heart is, unfortunately, more of the same, but it definitely holds its own.
To Heart is an upbeat, happy go lucky pop/rock track with a really catchy violin riff layered on top of the intro and chorus bits. The verses are rather lowkey, but the chorus puts the pedal to the metal with the energy. You don't really hear a lot of lighter pop/rock tracks in K-Pop, so this is definitely a sound I'd like for fromis_9 to explore more, because it could easily give them a leg up on all the other cutesy girl groups. Tis a good comeback, but that's literally it for me, sis.
Rating - Conditional Rotation
Jazzclub (BoA)
Current Dancing Queen of K-Pop, Kwon BoA, has set her sights on Japan with a new album, set to release in February of 2018 (and it was about fuckin' time, because Who's Back was an abominable Mess™)!! Jazzclub is a song that's been floating around since December, but I'm including it in today's list per request since the single actually dropped last week.
Um... Whom tf just calls their ex out of the blue to tell them they got married?! Every time I watch the video for Jazzclub, I'm so confused by why this bit is included (they literally could've just started with BoA in the club with the song playing).
To the surprise of quite a few people (myself included), Jazzclub is an electroswing track with one of the catchiest horn riffs I've heard in K-Pop. If you're over horn riffs in K-Pop, you'll be happy to know that while it is played at the intro and after every chorus, those sections don't last for long. The most surprising bit about this song is definitely when BoA starts scat singing. Never in my life would I ever expect Kwon Boah to start scat singing in one of her songs, but I guess that just goes to show why she's the Queen.
I'm not quite sure how I feel about Jazzclub, babies. I obviously don't hate it, but there's just something keeping me from falling in love with this song completely. I definitely enjoy the chorus, that horn riff doesn't really bother me (I been listening to all kinds of horns in my music since I was a baby), and I was scalpedt by BoA's scat singing. But this song just doesn't come together the way I need it to, sis. BoA seems like she's phoning it in here, and that's the opposite of what someone in her stature should be doing.
Rating - Conditional Rotation
Don't Stop (TheEastLight.)
TheFetusLight. TheEastLight. weren't content with shaving our edges off with the Funky Fresh™ A Real Man last week, so they decided to drop a lyric video for their song Don't Stop to finish the job.
Of shaving us baldt, that is.
Don't Stop is a pop/punk number that I immediately latched onto. It simply suits TheFetusLight. TheEastLight. far more than A Real Man did. Not to say that they did MJ wrong with A Real Man, but Don't Stop feels more like their style. TheFetusLight. TheEastLight. do more youthful n fun tracks like this (and I Got You) far better than they do songs like A Real Man and You're My Love, because these types of songs suit their voices more.
Rating - Heavy Rotation
Winter Sleep (Lee Junhoe of 2PM)
Two questions -
How many of these 2PM fools can rap?!?!
What is up with these 2PM boys having whack ass vocal production on their songs!?!?!
Junhoe's Winter Sleep sounds like he got Day6's Young K to write him a song and then pulled in some random producer to arrange it into an RnB track. While I am cross about the weird effects on Junhoe's voice (they contrast very Wrongly™ with the sample that sounds like a digital clock ticking), he sounds leagues better than Wooyoung did on two of the four songs I reviewed for in previous Review Roundups, so I'm not too mad.
I don't like this song. It's not a Trash Bomb like Wooyoung's Party Shots, but I wouldn't even download this for Shuffle Bait. The weird beeping contrasting with the vocal effects is one thing, but the entire song just sounds way too loud. None of the elements meld together in a pretty manner, and if I were Young K, I'd demand reparations for Junhoe doin' my song like this.
Rating - Trash Bomb
Radio 199.3 (SBGB)
SBGB decided to go left field with their acoustic midtempo, and the results are a very pleasing aural experience.
Radio 199.3 is your typical acoustic midtempo, but with some very creative chord choices to make the song stand out above all the other acoustic midtempos we've heard this month. I'm typical a sucker for these types of songs (and their RnB cousins), so even if SBGB didn't include the ear catching chord progressions, I'd still be a fan of this song.
This is a song for soft days. For rainy afternoons that make you wanna curl up in bed with someone special. Or those days when things are just kind of blue, and you wanna listen to something simple.
Rating - Conditional Rotation
Thank You, Goodbye (BoA)
BoA, once again proving that she is indeed That Bitch™ (as in, That Bitch™ who loves to spread ha'self too thin), has released the the title track from her new Japanese album two days before she drops her new Korean album.
Because why scalp ya fandom once, when you can do it twice?!?! IN TWO DIFFERENT COUNTRIES!!
Thank You, Goodbye is a Japanese Ballad. If you've been a J-Pop fan for any period of time, you've decided if you like these types of songs or hate them (song quality notwithstanding). I happen to really like the way they sound, and I absolutely adore Thank You, Goodbye. BoA has a very shrill, nasal voice, so anytime she records a song like this, it's a risk that it could turn out Very Bad™. But the production in Thank You, Goodbye compliments BoA's voice well. And speaking of her voice, whomstever was on vocal production duties was on their A game, cause these arrangements are A1. You deserve a raise, babe!!
BoA's Thank You, Goodbye album is due for release in Japan on February 14, while Nega Dola is due for release in Korea on January 31.
Rating - Heavy Rotation
Shall We Dance (SBGB)
Shall We Dance is a very different song than what I was expecting. I thought she was gonna be an upbeat acoustic number, but what I got was a melancholy piano driven midtempo.
I'm not upset, tho. On the contrary, I'm very content.
Shall We Dance sees SBGB sprinkling in unusual sonic choices (including an uptick in tempo at the end of the track) to make their acoustic midtempos pop just like in Radio 199.3. This is all tied together with the very bright (but restrained) soprano of their vocalist.
I like Shall We Dance more than I do Radio 199.3, simply because I like piano driven tracks more than acoustic guitar ones, but I don't see myself listening to it as much as Radio 199.3. Radio 199.3 is a song for a specific mood, but the mood of Shall We Dance is quite darker than the one in Radio 199.3, That's not something I really want in my space all the time. Still, this song makes my Musician Brain™ very happy.
Rating - Conditional Rotation
Cherry On Top (10:45 from The Unit G)
Y'all, I was so so S O sure that Cherry On Top was gonna make the Fabulous Five for this week!! I don't know what name I'd put on songs with this kind of synth bass that also acts like a melodic element and a percussive one, but I fucking L O V E them. I loved it in SNSD's All Night (All Night should have been all the chorus bits, imo), and I loved it in the Cherry On Top preview.
But Cherry On Top is Como se dice... Not Good™.
Now, I listen to Cherry On Top like crazy, because I'm a fan of all of the different elements. But I listen to a lot of songs that I'd rate very poorly, because a) my taste in music is trash and b) I like fun music. If you're song isn't made well, but is a fun aural experience, I can excuse that.
I'm not gonna put you in a top faves list, because I have *some* integrity. But I mean...
The problem with Cherry On Top is that the verses and the choruses are too different, and the transition from the verse to the chorus is whack af. I mean, they *tried* (once), but it's still too jarring of a change. And I don't understand why they jumped right from the verse to the chorus after the rap in the second verse. That always throws me off. This bridge is also trash. It's literally just the prechorus, copy and pasted after the second refrain section. Blegh.
Today's video of Cherry On Top is brought to you by the ladies of The UNIT G's 10:45 unit winning second place in the digital single challenge. There is also a performance version of the video (that I wish was the original) that you can view here. And be sure to watch the ladies of 10:45 making your fave boy band look redundant on Music Bank here!!
Rating - Heavy Rotation
Always (Blooming of The Unit G)
I'm not gonna lie, the first time I heard Always, I turned my tv off because I couldn't find my phone to change the video. I really had that visceral of a reaction to the song.
Always is every cutesy K-Pop song you've ever heard. And I usually love these kinds of songs; they're fun, even if they aren't the most imaginative thing in the world. But Always is just ridiculously saccharine. It's a little too much, sis. It did end of growing on me, but this is not a song I want in my face all the time.
Today's video of Always is brought to you by the ladies of The UNIT G's Blooming unit winning first place in the digital single challenge. There is also a performance version of the video that you can view here. And be sure to check out Blooming perform Always on Music Bank here!!
Rating - Shuffle Bait
I Wanna Become a Celeb (Celeb Five)
Whoever said trot music was boring has clearly never heard of Celeb 5.
Granted, I'm pretty sure this is a project group, because *I've* never heard of them before this song. Either way, I Wanna Become a Celeb is a really fun trot song that's perfect if you need something over the top to jam to.
The best part of I Wanna Become a Celeb is how it refuses to take itself seriously. There's a random ass break in the middle of the track where it totally changes vibes twice, and then goes back to the original. The vocals are done in a tongue in cheek manner. The entire thing is just a really fun mess, and I love everything about it.
Rating - Heavy Rotation
The Perks Of Breaking Up (Cho Jung Chi featuring Fromm)
The Perks of Breaking Up is a sad song. But not too sad, if that makes sense.
The Perks of Breaking Up is a soft synthrock ballad. I really like the way it builds from a simple acoustic guitar all the way up to a rousing orchestration of guitars and synths. A song like this could have easily turn dreary and overly sad, but the arrangement and composition uplifts it. Yes, this is a song about a breakup, but it isn't the end of the world. Take what you need to be sad, and live. That's the feeling I get from this song. Tis nice.
Rating - Conditional Rotation
Propose (Younha)
Miss Younha, not content with the pile of wigs she procurred with last month's Hello and Parade, has blessed us with an Acoustic Coffee Shop RnB Midtempo in the form of Propose.
We love a benevolent queen, babies.
Propose, like I mentioned above, is an Acoustic Coffee Shop RnB Midtempo. Ms Younha's voice is complimented well by a soft guitar and electric keyboard, which are all laid over a soft n simple drum machine. A song like this is Shuffle Bait in the best of ways, imo. I'd put this on on my own accord, mind you, but this is the kind of song I'd look forward to playing if I put my phone on shuffle.
Rating - Heavy Rotation
Always Find You (Kwon Yuri x RAIDEN)
I see Future Bass is the mood of #TwentyGayTeen. Not sure how I feel about that, but considering how much I like Always Find You (and how I can't wait for Seventeen to ruin my life with Thank You), I guess I don't mind.
The problem that I have with most Future Bass songs is that they lack any type of punch or originality. And I mean, most styles of EDM really do not have any room for originality, but Future Bass just seems to have this problem where producers and DJs just churn out the most generic sounding beats they can. Always Find You, thankfully, doesn't have that issue.
Always Find You has a breakdown that washes over you and makes you feel like you're floating. There's a depth of sound/feeling here that I don't get with most Future Bass tracks. Yuri isn't the best vocalist, but she does her best to stand head and shoulders above the instrumentation (and has a producer that wants those Big Man Monies™). There are also vocoded bits that serve as a hook interjected into the prechorus that make it pop, and it's just... *clenches fist* So Good!!
Always find you is a collaboration between Yuri and English based producer/DJ Raiden for SMSTATION. There is an English version that features on Protocol Records' Youtube channel that you can watch here.
Rating - Heavy Rotation
Hometown (Ryan)
Ryan's Hometown sounds like someone decided to take acid, and turn the experience into a song. It's... I'm not quite sure if I like the way it turned out.
Hometown starts out nice and easy, folks. She's not gonna hurt you. Yet. Ryan creates a beautifully tranquil atmosphere with just his voice and a piano, but it doesn't stay that way for long. Hometown very quickly builds and crests into a drop that I would lovingly describe as Dissociation At It's Finest™.
Cause a bitch feels like she's flying!! YEEHAW, MOTHERFUCKERS!!
After the second verse is when Hometown takes a turn into Bad Trip™ land. This section takes the gentle and almost euphoric feeling of the first drop, and inverts them into something nightmareish. If you're not prepared for this section, it can scare the absolute shit outta you. I don't know why Ryan decided to add it, because the lazy bitch couldn't be fucked to properly transition out of it when he goes into the second prechorus. Either way, if you can get past how odd that shit is, Hometown is pretty great.
Rating - Conditional Rotation
Beautiful Life (Six Bomb)
Six Bomb is a group that keeps cropping up out of nowhere and surprising my ass, and you'd think I'd be used to this shit by now. At least they left the gimmicky concepts at home, and decided to just deliver a nice song this time around.
Beautiful Life is really not much to write home around. It's just a really simple pop song, accented by a sax riff that honestly makes the song. If you're sick to the back of ya teef of sax riffs in your pop music, then skip to the next song, this one is not for you. But if you don't mind them, Beautiful Life is nice.
Rating - Shuffle Bait
Baby Boo (High Soul featuring KissN and Mint)
You know that feeling when you stan a rookie from a small company that you aren't sure is gonna make it?!!?! That's me with High Soul. She showed up last year on a random episode of Music Core with a song I couldn't find a video for, and besides a few more sporadic daily music show appearances, I haven't heard from her since.
Baby Boo is a very cutesy swing song that I have to be in a cutesy mood to listen to. If the entire track was just KissN (except for Lime's rap break), I'd probably like this way more, but High Soul's nasally tone is a bit too much with the brightness of the instrumentation. I'm glad that she's still making music, but sis... This ain't the move.
Rating - Conditional Rotation
Miss You (Jang Sooa)
Miss You is a very smooth and straight forward RnB song. This is the type of song I wanna play after listening to a song like CHASY's Memories:Snow, because it helps me anchor my soul back to reality.
Cause shit, a bitch really be visitin' four dimensions in the Higher Realm™ while listening to tracks like Memories:Snow.
Miss You is your typical Acoustic Coffee Shop RnB Midtempo to the T. But that's okay, sis!! We love those around these parts!! People these days are really scared to do shit that's considered ~typical~, but sometimes it's just best to stay in your lane. And that's what Ms Sooa does with Miss You.
Ms Sooa has a really pretty voice that compliments the instrumentation of Miss You very well. More intricate vocal production/arrangement would've been appreciated, tho. And mayhaps a rap break?!?! I feel like this needs a rap break. Nonetheless, a really nice song.
Rating - Shuffle Bait
vague (Ha Un)
Vague is a song you'd hear playing in an upscale bar. Pleasantly funky, but in a manner you can ignore if you wanted to.
There's not really much for me to say about vague other than "I liked it, it was good". A song like this is a textbook Shuffle Bait track, sis. I like the funkiness of the guitars and bass, and the way Ha Un's voice sis on top of the track is Very Nice™, but everything from the arrangement to the chord progressions used here are things I've heard in other songs. And not only that, but used more creatively.
Vague isn't a bad song, it just isn't that creative. And honestly, while I did just say that sometimes it's better to just stay in your lane, sometimes you stay a little *too* far in your lane.
Rating - Shuffle Bait
FLY (Heera featuring PDAY)
FLY is a song I was looking forward to, because the teasers gave me a nice instrumental. But sis... Heera's vocals were whack. They did the thing where they had the hook play out over silence, and... It wasn't cute. BUT!! I've been fooled by teasers before, so I figured I should hear FLY in full before condemning it.
My initial reaction was correct. This instrumentation is amazing, but Miss Heera's voice gets hella screechy. It's not pleasant. And while I like that this is an experimental electroRnB track that isn't too left field, I don't like it enough to purposefully play the song more than twice.
Rating - Shuffle Bait
6 (Six) (MDSZ)
6 sounds like it should be the opener for a Shounen Jump anime. That extended intro at the beginning would lend itself very well to a Bleach or Black Cat type of show.
6 is a synth driven pop/punk track. I wasn't sure what to make of this song at first, but it grew on me. Like, a fuckin' weed. This type of track would be great to work out to. I mean, I don't really work out, but I'd assume the energy here would hype you up like you're the baddest bitch in that gym.
If I ever find myself in Korea, I'd love to hear this song live. The studio version packs quite the punch, but it feels a little restrained. And that's very common with songs like these, because mixing them requires you to EQ a lot of the different elements quite aggressively to get them to sound nice together in a recording. But still, live show. I wanna be there.
Rating - Heavy Rotation
The Fabulous Five
5. NIRVANA (Ravi)
Can someone please find me what that melody being played by the xylophone at the beginning of this song is from?!?!! It sounds so annoying familiar, but I can't place it and it's gonna drive me nuts.
Not as nuts as Ravi's Sik-k imitations, but close.
Nirvana starts out sounding very on trend for a K-HipHop song. I'm not gonna lie, I was debating if I should leave Nirvana off the list, because Ravi's intro was just... So Bad™. But since we're being better people in 2018, I decided to give the whole song a chance, and I was very surprised. The verse had me boppin' a lil, cause Ravi ditches the autotune and starts rapping like he means it.
But nothing could have prepared for the Rave Realness™ of the chorus, ladies.
The autotune is back with a vengeance, but it fits the Rave backdrop better, so I'm not mad. And I will admit (grudgingly), that the hook is catchy as fuck all. This combination, lowkey, reminds me of Azealia Banks' Ice Princess (the verse bits on Nirvana are more RnB than trap, but same concept). This kind of combo really shouldn't work, but the transition into the Rave sections from the verses is clean af.
Jimin's bits are a nice break from Ravi (he's learned to stop embellishing his voice, but he can still be annoying at times), but I feel like they could have utilized her more in the track. The brightness of her voice contrasts the depth of Ravi's, plus she elevates the Rave sections very nicely. But we literally hear her for 10 seconds twice and dassit, boo!!
For whatever reason, Nirvana gets mixed into one of the b-sides on Ravi's mixtape called Alcohol in the official video. You can listen to both tracks separately here.
Rating - Heavy Rotation
4. Sunset Dream (Kriesha Chu)
Miss Kriesha Chu got bored with that Future Bass mess Hui (of Pentagon) gave her and decided to take a swipe at Ariana's ponytail. Turn up!!
Sunset Dream swaggerjacks Problem down to the horn riffs and trap breakdowns, sis. Fortunately, it does so in a way that improves upon the original, and isn't reductive. Kriesha Chu doesn't particularly care that we know she stole Problem out from underneath Ariana Grande's nose. She just wants us to know that she's a better dancer.
And has more stage presence, but let's not get *too shady*.
I don't really understand why Like Paradise was chosen to be the title track from Kriesha Chu's first glorified single album mini album when Sunset Dream was right there. This song makes Like Paradise look dusty af, and I'm salty as hell now. Either way, I'm glad she decided to perform it on MCD One Good Time™. If you'd like to hear the studio version, you may do so here.
Rating - Heavy Rotation
3. Memories:Snow (CHASY featuring Yeonhee)
If I ever lucked out and got cast in a movie, I'd want this song to play during the first makeout scene with my character's boyfriend. These types of really intense breakdowns are perfect for those types of scenes, sis.
CHASY's Memories:Snow is what I wanted from Ryan's Hometown - a straightforward EDM track to dissociate to. There are no surprise breakdowns or beat switches here, baby. Memories:Snow is 100% chillstep. And I fucking love it. These types of songs are great for bad days, because they either make me cry or feel like I'm floating.
Obviously, I like the floaty feel feels better, because that doesn't make physically exhausted, but sometimes a bitch just has to cry.
Rating - Heavy Rotation
2. Glue (Planetarium Records)
Last we saw the boys of Planetarium Records, they were ruining my life with tropical flavored RnB. Glue sees them trading in the tropical synths and drum beats for more conventional, Gospel inspired RnB sounds and hip hop beats.
And to the utter surprise and shock of absolutely no one, I fucking loved it.
While Blah was a "winin' on the beach, dancin' by the sand castles" type of track that would make any misc. group of niggas party go crazy, Glue is slow n sultry. Glue is a "slow dancing with bae" type track. Glue is a "I'm gon' romance you if it's the L A S T thing I do" track. Glue is the type of song you sing to bae when you wanna get in dem guts (or have bae blunder yours #InclusivityInOurSexJams). Glue is a song of many moods, sis.
Glue is brought to us today via a special showcase live video. The Planetarium boys were kind enough to also post their performance of Blah, which you may view here.
Rating - Heavy Rotation
1. On or Off (Nick & Sammy)
So like... Y'all just gon' snatch up Eric Nam like that!?!? Y'all really gon' steal my mans' song, and do it better than him!?!?!? I'm not mad (#SorryBae :3), I'm just curious, sis!!
On or Off is 90% a funky ass bassline, and y'all K N O W how I feel about Funk in my K-Pop!! It's also 90% Sammy rapping (and a lil singing), but I'm absolutely not mad at that, either. Nick comes in with his smooth n bright tenor just enough that it doesn't feel like On or Off is Sammy featuring Nick (in fact, I probably wouldn't like this song as much if it was just Sammy), so it's all good.
On or Off, like I mentioned above, is Funky af. Nick & Sammy have snatched their own little slice of the '90s with track, and it works so ridiculously well. On or Off is also lowkey af; this is a song you play when the party's winding down, sis. It's a lil hype, but you not trynna have nobody be buckwild.
Btw, am I just imagining things or does it sound like the na na na's were quoted from Will Smith's Gettin' Jiggy Wit It?!?!?! They didn't lift the actual audio from the song, but it sounds like they recorded their own version of that bit.
1theK continues to do the Lord's work by providing a Special Clip of On or Off (it's basically a live studio recording with) that you can watch here. Nick & Sammy also posted a dance practice video to their channel that you can view here. And be sure to check out the other videos on their Youtube channel; their covers and mashups are fucking amazing.
Rating - Heavy Rotation
Alright guys, that's it for today's list!! Be sure to tune in this time next for my next Review Roundup featuring songs from this week (I'll try to keep it under 20 songs this time, but no promises)!! And don't forget to keep your eyes open on Friday for the next entry in my SHINee Feature Spotlight series, where we're gonna be looking at some of SHINee's more contemporary tracks!!
I'm also starting up full length reviews again, pending my work schedule. I've got two lined up for next Monday, one at 12pm EST and the other at 6pm EST. Be sure to show them some love, guys!!
Love you all.
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morningpages-louise · 6 years
July 28, 2018
Hello huhu this shouldnt be morning pages when i end up writing these at random points of the day huhu its so hard kasi like i wish i could wake up at around like 6 am or something para i can fit in all my morning routine juju but like that is nearly impossible i already feel like death when i wake up at 7.. i dont know my sleeping is so fucked up fuck im listening to cinema by tom misch and damn the lyrics are actually quite relatable. what a beautiful tune. two lovers in this mystic stream. ugh reminds me of tsai. huhu cge my new maoy song. pero anyways today is july 28, 2018. it's a saturday. i was actually gonna start my RYC weekend retreat but like ya girl just don't got the time huhu maybe this weekend for sure! other things i want to do this weekend is to make this room a little more like home. pin up the california flag, wrap the fairy lights around the bed. i guess thats it like i want to hang my dream catchers pero like i dont wanna stick too much in the room cause we might be charged a lot huhu but yeah. to be honest ive grown to really look forward to these morning thought sessions. it's so nice to dump all your thoughts and check in on how youre feeling. stop from the commotion and tiredness that life often brings and just revel in the moment you know. it's a very chill weeekend but very understandable since everyones got shit to do. it's sila kristine and kathy's last weekend na which is like cray. like this term went by so fast but it also went by so slow if you know what im saying.. ugh what a beautiful song puta tom misch is a god i want to see him live :(( okay no im gonna watch kygo. i will watch kygo! so anyways omg 11:11 my wish is that im gonna ace my radio drama <3 that is all hehe and that i will have a good week ahead of me and also get adequate sleep and just be a happy butterfly all around. i feel happy. today i attended a one hour and 30 minute yoga session in urban ashram. beautiful studio! it was big and they had high ceilings and lots of props and free yoga mats na and open windows. it was a good session and great location! probaby will try again hehe so anyways im gonna go yoga again. at first i was thinking should I? like i need sleep man cause i already know im not gonna get any this week but idk i love yoga and i want my practice to be consistent so hell yes im going hehe and maybe i can check out legazpi right after? kind of want to grab some toby's estate. they have great coffee. speaking of coffee i went to an amazing coffee house earlier called % arabica. it's located in Fort and it is beautiful. i was so enthralled by the aesthetics. very minimalistic and japanese. i found out later that it is in fact a Japanese brand. i read the philosophy and it was quite inspiring. the founder sounds like me char lol i went there with albie and we had a really good and stimulating conversation. i love albie because you can go really deep. he is a highly intelligible person to be honest and i feel like a total airhead when im with him sometimes but i just like how i find it so easy to talk to him. ive been having some very meaningful conversations with people lately. deep talks. talks that don't just revolve over the shallow trivialties of every day life. wala lang. it's nice to get deep with a person. it's very lami. very juicy lol thats the only way i can describe it. so yeah anyways what else oh yes i also had lunch with him in sunnies cafe. all in all it was a great day. i forget how nice bgc actually is. it's so damn clean and so green and im so glad i have someone to go with whenever im there since albie lives there so i can always hit him up if i want a chat or a quick hangout hehe so yeah what else huh i was gonna say something but i forgot oh yes speaking of japanese culture, i have started this new show called terrace house. ive always heard of it and ive always seen kristine watching it but man i do love it. i love shows that revolve around human connection, human relationships. i have no clue why maybe its because im just enthralled by humanity and how we connect with one another. connection thats a topic that has really interested me. like the reason why i love sense8 so much is because of the connectedness that they shared. i dont know terrace house just feels so damn genuine and real and it reflects who we are as a generation for me. all striving to figure out what we want to do with this grand life of ours and going through myriads of personalities while were at it lol so i guess i use big and profoud words when i write at night. cge damn its getting easier to write noh like thoughts just flow you know there's a lot of interesthing things in my head that i want to tackle. right now im reading this book The Untethered Soul and to be honest it's so damn interesting.. pero like i dont got the time to read it so SADNESS :( yeah okay cge gotta get to my other tasks and trivialties so ill see ya laters.
0 notes
tigermaskdan · 7 years
Week 2, 2017 - New beginnings, same old shit
Well now, here we are.  You may be asking yourself, “Dan, you fetid hunk of beetle corpses, we aren’t even doing fantasy this year, and also, what the fuck is on your face?” To which I would respond, “Well walrus penis- can I call you walrus penis? - yes, walrus penis.”  I’m still mad, and though I don’t think I can carve out enough time to care about fantasy football, what with a baby on the way, I still have time to get pissed off about the Colts, and the fucking world in general.  I mean, Christ have you seen Earth? Fucking hell.  One night in college I decided “Rum is going to be the alcohol I drink. That’s gonna be my signature booze,” and drank a whole goddamnned bottle in one night.  The next morning I was convinced I had woken up under the wheel of a still running el Camino.  That is basically the state of Earth right now.
So why the mask? Well, in case you hadn’t noticed, this column is filthy as all shit fuck balls.  Before I didn’t give a shit cause it was just you guys reading it.  As we all know, nobody is able to actually share anything cool from our fantasy football page so it didn’t matter.  Now that it’s on the real internet I would rather my employer not see this, or people that I just casually know.  Like I’m walking down the street and some lady from my mother-in-law’s quilter group is like “that’s the evil man who’s column turned my grandson into a swearing monster.  And also made him gay.”  I don’t really know about the last part, that bitch is cray.
Now I’m Tiger Dan.  I will be referred to as such from now on here.  If we’re in person just call me Dan, unless I get famous enough to make public appearances in gimmick brother, brother. If you’re here and not from the fantasy football league, then you probably work with one of those assholes, so I won’t give you any shit because that’s punishment enough.
But that’s not why you clicked this.  No, you clicked this to get the hottest takes in the saggiest package.  You can to get your dickbag of the week.  I’mma make you wait.  
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First off, lets begin with last week, which was the worst display of “football” I have ever seen in my life.  The Colts were so pathetic.  I did not expect much, but I expected something resembling a professional football team.  Not a hodgepodge of rec league softball players that think they have one more down in them and JV football washouts.  Don’t worry. After you fail at this I’m sure the mall security force will be happy to take you in. Then you can harass some college kid you think has marijuana and a better life than you. (Hint: it’s because they do)
Also, Pagano somehow regressed.  I feel like at some point he knew something about football.  He had to.  But somewhere down the line he started hitting the superlatives too hard.  It started with just one “grind it out” every once in a while to unwind, but now he needs to have 3 or 4 “we have the heart and grit”s every morning just to get to normal.
Lulz Tolzien.  Lulzien.  How’s it feel to be bested by Tom Brady’s second best backup when he’s had the playbook for a week?  Make you feel good?  Well I’m glad someone’s happy.
But then something magical happened.  This morning I raced for the cure.  We didn’t win, but we got enough points to unlock Rainbow Road.  But I digress.
As such, I didn’t get to follow the game until it had started, and I was SHOCKED to find that we somehow were up 10-0.  Could it be?  Is Brissett actually he who was named?  Forged of fire and ice?  Did we actually learn anything and improve?!
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You scared me there for a little Colts.  I thought you were actually going to be worth my time this year and I was going to have to shell out some money to get the world’s worst streaming service, NFL Sunday Ticket.  As it is, you’re still garbage and I can get by listening to the Colts the same way I did this weekend, which brings me to the main event.
Dickbag of the Week:
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Bob. Fucking. Lamey.  You miserable sack of everything wrong with the Midwest.  You’re mayonnaise on french fries.  You’re “Tasty” videos with cream cheese as primary components.  You’re candy corn frappachinoes.  Every time I try to say “hey, here’s something cool about my home!” in Portland, I’m met with an article about how someone that looks just like Bob Lamey that loves Trump, but didn’t think he’d take away their medicare.  The fact that you exist is making us all look bad.
I’ve been listening to this man for something like a 1000 years.  Granted, sometimes I can’t tell if I was listening to Bob Lamey, or if I was listening to my Dad talking about my peewee football team.  “Somehow we just need to make sure Trevor is hitting his man,” or some bullshit like that.  These are GROWN MEN Bob.  They aren’t your kids.  They’re professionals out there doing a fucking difficult job.  Stop acting like you’re going to take them to the corner DQ for buster bars after the game and treat them like adults.
And nothing is worse than when you get your “disappointed” voice going.  We all know how it sounds.  
“Reggie, in the flat, Peyton AIRS IT OUT HE’S GOING DEEP THIS IS GOING TO BE - he dropped it….he just dropped it…dangit Reggie.  You can’t be making mistakes like that.  Now Reggie, come on- this is just not us.  This is not Colts football.”
Fuck you it’s not Colts football.  I hate to break it to you the only constant in Colts football is Irsay’s continued coke fueled involvement in the team.  Everything else is cyclical.  Being a “Colt” is not something someone becomes at age 13 at some horseshoe barmitzvah.  Guys will come and go, and what is or isn’t Colts football will be dictated by them.  Telling me that Scott Tolzien sneezing in a manner that somehow converts to a pick six isn’t “Colt’s football” isn’t good analytical insight.
And you know this sack of shit loves Pagano.  They are cut from the same fucking wide ass cloth.  I would like to clarify though that that cloth is wide only for Lamey’s sake.  Pagano is normal sized, it’s just that Lamey is such a prime example of the dormant lifestyle that he requires double the cloth.
Even during the broadcast today he gave pulled out this little chestnut.  When talking about Pagano’s incredibly bushleague decision to not challenge a bad call that would’ve gotten us a touchdown - a decision that Pagano himself has said was a mistake - Lamey said something along the lines of “We got word from the league office in New York and they said even if it was challenged, they didn’t see anything to overturn it, if you can believe that.  So you all talking about it, it didn’t make a difference so that ends that.”  
Do you hear yourself?  That’s some Hannity level of schilling for the boss.  It doesn’t matter?  Even if you heard “from New York” which - lets face it, the closest you ever got to having a source in New York was when Pizza Hut carried extra thin crust pizza - it shouldn’t matter that the play wouldn’t have been over turned.  It was still an incredible failure as a strategist and a coach to not challenge that play.  Lamey’s the type of guy that argued  we should keep Tolzien over Morris, even though Morris was clearly better, because he showed more heart and hustle in practice.  He’s the kind of guy that complains about guys being “distractions,” while not a word is mentioned about Irsay’s latest porn tweet.  He BLEEDS BLUE #chuckstrong #onegame #nextmanup #protecttheshield #tweetcaroline.
And you know what’s terrible?  Even if Irsay pisses off his dealer enough that he’s killed in some cartel crossfire, I’ll still have to put up with you.  YOU’RE AN INSTITUTION, someone who’s opinion I don’t care about will say.  You’re the type of old man piece of shit that people keep telling me is worth having around because of your down to earth wisdom, like Mike Ditka and Hawk Harrelson. But you’re really just some old guy that thinks the league would be better if players all stood during the anthem and if they started hitting during practice again.  
I hate that you’re my only option if I don’t want to pay $1,000 to watch SOME of the Colts games on Sunday Ticket.  I hate that you’re what somebody hears if they’re flipping through radio stations on a Sunday in Indianapolis.  I hate that it’s your voice over all the greatest highlights of the Colt’s Super Bowl year.  Do us all a favor and roll your fat ass to some B&B in Brown County and stay there forever.
So that’s it for the first public dickbag.  Please like, share, and subscribe…nah just kidding.
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officialvalbarnes · 7 years
December Favorites 2016
Wow. This is it. I can’t believe December is over and 2017 is here. 2017 IS A THING GUYS. I remember when 2017 was looked at as something that was super far away and would be a time where we would live like the Jetsons. We still don’t live like the Jetsons. Talk about a total let down. Who remembers that show?! I used to watch it all the time on Boomerang. But seriously guys, where has time gone honestly?! I hope that you all had an amazing Christmas and have a Happy New Year! I’m excited about all things in store for the blog and me personally in 2017. I have a feeling it’s going to be a super, awesome year!
Today, I’m going to be sharing my December Favorites 2016 with you guys. I know it’s kind of late. Well, not kind of late it’s just late. I was contemplating on whether I was going to do one or not because I wasn’t sure if I had enough stuff to share with you guys. December has just been a busy month for me. Honestly from October till about...now like early/mid-January, I’ve been busy. As I mentioned in my last post, I recently got a puppy. Between her, school work, school extracurriculars (I’m heavily involved in school clubs), etc life has been super cray cray lately. I decided that I still wanted to share my December Favorites with you guys. As usual, these are the things I really liked more than other things in December.
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Favorite Food of the Month
1. La Croix Curate Muré Pepino (Blackberry and Cucumber) Sparkling Water
Now I know you are probably thinking, “Valencia, why in the heck are you drinking a COLD drink during the WINTER?” I honestly have nothing to say but BABY I LIKE IT (Enrique Iglesias anyone?)
Those who know me know that if I’m in the mood for a cold drink regardless of the time of year, I will order it without any regrets whatsoever. #DontHateMeCanYouAintMe. You guys should already know that I’m always in the mood for a sparkling beverage. Haha! I recently came across this drink at the grocery store and I was intrigued by it because I would have never thought of combining these two things. Blackberry and Cucumber? Like why? For some reason, it just works and I don’t question it anymore. I definitely recommend trying it because it’s SO good!
2. Sunbutter Cookies
I actually made these cookies and gave them out as presents to some people this past Christmas. They were a hit! They are simple to make and taste very similar to peanut butter cookies but obviously without the peanut butter. You guys HAVE to make these cookies. Nuff said.
3. Bigelow Decaffeinated Green Tea
I’ve been drinking this tea a whole lot this month to help me with my allergies. I’ve talked about the regular green tea from Bigelow on the blog before, but this time I got the decaf one. I got the decaf one so that if I want to drink a cup before I go to bed, I’m not up all night because of caffeine in green tea you know? I notice that sometimes when I drink regular green tea before bed, I can’t seem to go to sleep immediately. It takes me a hot minute to ease into it. Is it just me that experiences this? Hopefully, someone understands where I’m coming from or this just turned a little awk. Anyway, you gotta try this green tea. If you love green tea, try this because you’ll love this. If you never had green tea, try this. If you don’t like green tea, well....still try it because not all green tea is created equal. I’ve tasted some not so good green tea. When I had the real, good stuff I loved it.
4. Almond Breeze Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Coconut Milk Blend
This is my go-to milk, especially for baking. We were attached at the hip this holiday season. You could say we are BFFs. I just really love this blend. I live a low sugar lifestyle, so this milk blend hits the spot since it is unsweetened. This is such a great milk substitute for those who are dairy-free like me. My food allergies prevent me from having many things, but I’m happy that this is one of the things I can have without having to have Benadryl in my back pocket. Haha, but seriously. #FoodAllergyProbz.
Favorite Book of the Month
5. Holding Up the Universe by Jennifer Niven
I haven’t really had the time to just sit down and read a book like I’ve been wanting to do. If you read my last post, I briefly talked about me getting a puppy. I got a puppy as an early birthday present from my mom and I’m super excited about her. Anyway, during Christmas break I was able to have a little bit more time to do some reading. I started to read the book Holding Up the Universe by Jennifer Niven. I’ve been reading it on my Kindle and so far I’ve been liking it. Fingers crossed that I can actually finish this book before I post my January Favorites so I can give you guys my full opinion on the book.
6. The Community Table: Recipes & Stories from the Jewish Community Center in Manhattan & Beyond
I’ve always loved being surrounded by and learning about different people from different backgrounds and different walks of life. That’s just me. I feel like I get that from my mom because she grew up in a diverse community and had friends from different backgrounds. You learn so much about other cultures. I actually find it very fascinating. My cookbook collection definitely represents my fondness of learning about different cultures. I have books from Chinese cooking, kid-friendly and clean eating to vegetarianism as well as food allergen-friendly. I received this book as a birthday gift from my mom and I was excited about getting it. It has classic recipes like Challah, Latkes, etc in the book and it also has a variety of recipes for all types of eaters. Whether you are a pescatarian, you eat meat, you are meatless or whatever, you’ll find some recipes to make. This book has such a great selection of recipes that are great for family gatherings and celebrations. You should definitely check this book out.
Favorite Fashion of the Month
7. Cozy Socks
I got some cozy socks from Old Navy and they are the best thing ever. They are thebomb.com. I get cold really easily especially during the winter so I wear the cozy socks to bed, even though they somehow end up not on my feet by the time I wake up in the morning. Then when I try to find them, I can’t or it takes a good amount of time. Yeaaah. Does that happen to anyone else? No? Just me? Great.
Favorite TV of the Month
8. Star on FOX
It’s created by the same guy who did Empire, Lee Daniels, and it’s about three girls forming a music group in Atlanta. I wasn’t sure if I was going to like this show since it’s a musical and I’m not one to gravitate towards musical tv shows, but it’s actually not a bad show. It’s pretty good actually. It has Lenny Kravitz and Queen Latifah in it. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Ms. Queen Latifah on a project before and she’s such a down to earth person. If you are into musical tv shows, you might want to check out this show. It comes on Wednesdays I believe at 9PM on Fox.
Favorite Movie of the Month
9. Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them
I’ve never really been into the whole “Harry Potter world” stuff. Not really my thing. However, when I saw the commercials for Fantastic Beasts I was intrigued and I didn’t expect to be (my recent trip to Harry Potter World probably sold me on going to see this movie). If you didn’t know, Fantastic Beasts is set 70 years before Harry Potter. I was surprised that I liked this movie. The CGI of this movie is SO good and so is the filming style of the movie! I’m not gonna lie, the movie was a little slow at first. BUT I know that it went very slow because they were trying to set up the story line and I appreciated that. Once they were done setting up the story and the pacing of the movie picked up, I really liked the movie.
Favorite Music of the Month
10. Hallejuah by Pentatonix
I have three words for you. OH MY GOODNESS. Pentatonix’s rendition of Hallejuah is absolutely beautiful and just amazing. As a group, their vocals work so well together and I’m just really impressed by their work. I heard this song on the radio and have had it on repeat since then. I also saw their holiday special they had on NBC and I thought that it was good. If you haven’t listened to this song, you just have to and also watch the music video. I love the simplicity of the video. It allows you to just focus on the talent. From Avi’s bass to Kevin’s beatboxing. You just have to check out the song and the group in general.
Those were my December Favorites 2016. I hope you all enjoyed my December Favorites 2016. If you did, be sure to give this post a like and subscribe to join the Vegaholics fam. It’s a pretty good time here. What were some of your faves from December? Also, do you have any New Years resolutions? Tell me in the comments below. I hope that you guys are having a great day & I’ll see you in my next post. Bye :)
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