#if ur asking me if this means r is calling e kitten
Enjolras: hm, I wonder how Grantaire is doing at the Barriere du Maine. I should check on him.
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takamishinko · 3 years
hi hi canipleaserequestagain andimbeingannoyingiknow iloveyourwriting👉👈 h e r e p l s - diluc, kaeya, childe, zhongli and xiao ofc w/ a male neko reader (like diona half cat half human?) (and reader has like shadow power????? what is this lmao- i cannot explain myself to save myself- ugh-)
haha dw bout it i love writing for genshin :) but if u can please try and be more specific next time it will make it easier for me to write!
kaeya, diluc, childe, xiao, and zhongli with a male s/o with cat traits and a unique "vision"
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kaeya and diluc:
im just gonna lump them together im too lazy to find another gif
kaeya would probably would love your cat ears
pets them all the time and brushes them to make sure they're clean and stuff
will compliment and make small talk with you while doing it too
i headcanon diluc to love cats, he seems like a cat person
loves your ears but will never admit it
when brushing them he won't say anything because he's too busy appreciating them
kaeya would asks diona if the two of you are related
very cheesy and kinda cringe but he would definitely call you kitty/kitten
since your literally a catboy in a sense
diluc knows diona hates him but he'll still go to diona and asks is there any way to better take care of you cuz the two of you are similar
will get hate from diona obviously but he'll suck it up for you
will not call you kitty/kitten unless you literally beg him to, he don't do that.
kaeya shows you off to other ppl and tells them he has a pet cat
you offer to go on missions with kaeya and he gladly accepts because he knows your powers and acknowledges them
diluc wouldn't tell other ppl about ur relationship unless you want to, cuz as we all know he doesn't like to share
you offer to help diluc but he's overprotective and doesn't let you go on missions with him even tho he knows what you're capable of
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idk why but i think childes probs really bad with animals especially cats
so he's glad that at least you like him
one time he bought u like a shit ton of fish and asked you if you like them
he never did it again
buys you all sorts of stuff cuz mans rich asf
and by stuff i mean like jewelry, whatever products you need to take care of your fur ect.
will play with your ears when cuddling
holds you in his arms like a kitty and will refuse to sleep until you're asleep first
can't grasp the idea of ur vision
he has a two different visions himself but he still can't grasp the idea of yours
asks you to duel a lot with him
cuz he's a bloodhungry mf
he'll try to figure out where your vision came from by himself so he told you to not tell him about the origin of it
he'll take you wherever he goes btw
like everywhere
one because he's made a lot of enemies throughout his battle history so he's scared of someone hurting you when he's gone
secondly because he knows he can protect you
he knows your power and how strong you are but he doesn't want to take any risks
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he doesn't even care about humans lol so he cares less about animals
except for you ofc, you're the only exception
doesn't know anything about animals and does not know how to take care of your cat traits whatsoever
but he's trying.
he doesn't understand the concept of finding something cute
so he definitely does find your ears and tail cute he just doesn't know the feeling of it
mans barely knows the feeling of being in love with someone so
impressed by your powers because it's not technically considered a vision
he doesn't care for it much as long as you can protect yourself with it before like
the 1-2 seconds he gets there he's fine with it
is not keen on pda or letting anyone except for zhongli know about this relationship
he doesn't get the idea of relationships in general really but in his idea he likes it private
he worries at times because he's an adeptus, meaning he'll get to live forever with the thought of you d13ing before him
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i dont think zhongli is an animal person
i feel like animals are the last thing he cares about tbh he's been through too much just like xiao
he will try to know more about cats because his boyfriend has cat traits
is not open about the relationship unless people ask him about it
in that case he will proudly present you as his boyfriend
and say stuff like he is honored
people will disagree tho
they will say things like
"how could the former archon be in a relationship with a mere mortal, let alone a human with cat traits."
he will kindly reason with them if this does happen
however if reasoning doesn't work then he will chose 2 solutions
1. just leaving
2. "i will have order" /j
but really he doesn't care what anyone says
he just wants you to feel happy and safe cuz that's the type of bf he is :)
hutao loves you btw
thinks your ears are so cute and you guys are like bestfriends since zhongli takes u to meet her sometimes but you too just get along really well
zhongli is quite interested in your power because throughout everything he's seen during his lifetime he hasn't seen anything like yours
however just like xiao he's glad you can protect yourself with it
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: Fav boys with an S/O that's usually a hardass but has a moment of just 'oh my god that's so fucking cute' that they start crying??
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• Listen, you weren't totally against showing emotion but you really only showed two
• Frustration and 'happiness'
• Aka you laughed a lot but had no problem blowing up on someone
• No one had ever seen you outside of those two moods
• Half the class just assumed you never got sad or anything
• The other half assumed you never really had a reason too but maybe one day you'd snap
• Crying? You? Off the table.
• You're not capable of it
• They'd seen you detach yourself from things without a second thought
• CRAZY how you and Bakugou actually WORKED together in a relationship
• To be honest Bakugou doesnt even know if he's seen you cry
• He figures he'll see it eventually
• And he's right :)
• Bc one day you two are walking ahead if the bakusquad
• And theres this fucking puppy
• And it's so small
• Its a lil weiner dog
• And an audible rasp is ripped out of your throat followed by a small 'oh my god'
• His head fuckin WHIPS around• And he's met with you tearing up as you stare at this small dog and his mouth d r o p a
• This??? This is what it takes for you to cry????
• You put a hand over your mouth, mumbling something else and Bakugou is having a stroke
• You're like full crying now
• There are t e a r s
• He moves a little closer, wrapping and arm around your shoulder
• "Are you seriously crying over a dog right now?"
No words. You just nod.
• He accepts it
• No questions asked
• Bakusquad is what you call
• V fuckin confused
• "I want a puppy," you mumbled, breathing uneven.
"I know,"
"Katsu he was so tiny,"
"I know,"
• Cue more crying
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• Hard ass 100%
• emotionally constipated on the Bakugou level
• emotion what's that??
• Idk
• Neither do you apparently
• You were just chilling most of the time
• Just- looking really blank
• never really felt comfortable with showing a lot of emotion
• People could use that against you
• call you week-
• You didn't want that
• you were dating the new symbol of peace, you had to keep up
• This happens during a rescue
• You get people out and once you're standing on the sidelines, the fight over- this little boy runs up to you, hugging your legs
• Thank your's are falling out of his mouth and he looks teary eye'd
• He puts his hands up and makes grabby hands and you immediately pick him up
• You kiss his forehead, your hold on the child tightening
• I mean at this point you're crying too
• Bc he was so damn cute
• Even with all the dirt on his face
• And Izuku is just standing there
• baffled
• bc you
• the person who was literally STABBED four times and kept a straight face the whole time about a year ago
• is crying over a child saying thank you
• He takes care of the press- and whatever else he needs to before slowly making his way over to you, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
• The boy was still in your arms
• "You okay princess?"
"Fine, thanks,"
• New image for the press!!
• You went from known for no emotion to Oh my god they have emotion????
• ur v upset about it
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• He know you cant express emotions exactly how you want
• you'd told him it always felt weird and uncomfortable
• Especially letting other people see it
• Deadass took him 3 months after the initial four you guys were dating to pry that out of you
• He's never really minded though
• he just wants you to feel comfortable and be okay
• So he's always gone along with the casually mean laugh a lot vibe you've had
• But one day
• one faithful day
• you two are walking after an icecream date
• And you see these 2 little kittens in a beat up box
• you GASP and your hand immediately leaves his as you jog over
• And you coo at them, picking them up, one in each hand
• He's behind you when the water works start
• "Toshi...they're so cute-" you sniff
"Are you crying?"
"No- Yeah, just look at them. They're so tiny, they're gonna die out here alone,"
"Oh my god babe,"
"Toshi we have to take them back."
"I don't know if we can do that, we can take them to a shelter-"
• you're full on sobbing now, a blubbering and hiccuping mess
• he feels like he's gonna pass out
• what's he supposed to do
• you chose now to start crying??
• "No-No because they might end up on the street again and they need love, toshiiiii-" you whine out
• So he hugs you from behind, using one hand to pet the cat in your left hand. "Okay, we'll take them back. We can talk to Aizawa sensei."
• he presses a gentle kiss to your neck
• You def apologize later for crying in front if him, almost refusing to look him in the eye
• He flicks you and tells you to do it more often
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• hardass?? Yes and no
• You vibe
• you just chill and go with the punches
• but GOD do you refuse affection and basic human emotion.
• It took him 3 MONTHS to convince you to go out with him
• That he wasn't going to hurt you or judge you
• And what felt like fucking forever for you to accept his advances for affection
• He's so patient with you, you'll never find another man like this
• pls keep him forever
• Anyway now yall just vibe together
• But he's never seen you upset tbh
• And he's never seen you cry
• You push all that down, constantly just staying in a place of whatever
• He's a little concerned about it ngl
• but he doesn't know how to really help it
• Has deadass secretly been reading books about it
• Anyway
• One day y'all are chilling
• You're in his room
• he's at his desk- looking over an essay that was due the next day and you were in his hammock, already having finished it
• But he was bopping
• he had an earbud in one ear and he was mumbling along with the song, bopping his head and moving around in his chair, randomly bursting out a lyric here and there
• And then he heard a sniffle
• He immediately turns around and he see's you
• Your eyes are watery
• he pulls his earbud out and he's making his way over to you, clearly worried
• "Babe what's wrong?"
You shake your head, waving him off.
"No no, c'mon tell me-"
"You're just so damn cute and I love you so much. Precious."
• He's confused for a moment before it processes and he grins
"Is that why you're crying?"
"Yes!" You wipe your eyes again. "Thank you,"
He climbs into the hammock carefully, and wraps his arms around you.
• Not particularly what he had in mind when you finally decided to show emotion like that but he'd take it
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• puppy and cat
• aka
• Bubbly jock and hard ass motherfucker who can and will kill you
• He knows that you cant freely express what you feel all the time
• He understands more than most people think
• Because he knows it's easier to just be bitter than risk getting hurt again
• and you've opened up a lot!!
• and he's proud of you! Really.
• He tells you all the time and you gag and call him a sap but he knows that you secretly enjoy it
• Anyway you two are eating lunch outside
• Kirishima is babbling about something that happened after class the other day and you were eating quietly listening to your boyfriends ramblings
• And suddenly he feels a finger on his lips
• He opens his eyes confused, going to talk again before you sush him
• You're looking at a bird
• a REALLY small bird
• you take a small piece of bread from his sandwhich
• "Hi baby," you coo, "how you doin? Want some food?" You slowly hold the piece out
• The birds head tilts a little and he takes a hop
• then another
• and he watches you tense up
• and the bird takes the bread piece and flies away, he watches it go before looking back at you
• he about has a stroke
• you're fucking crying
• "Babe- wait- why are you crying?" He puts a hand on your shoulder
"What the fuck, that was so cute. Eij, he was so cute."
"Well yeah-"
"Jesus he was so tiny," you sniff, "did you see the way he tilted his head- oh my god and his little hop? No fuck off I'm gonna cry more,"
• And you do
• But honestly he doesn't even care bc you're finally letting something else in
• and it means you're comfortable around him
• so he only wraps his arms around your waist and pull you closer
• "he was very cute,"
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yoosungiib · 6 years
rfa and minor trio being surprised by mc? like making a nice dinner or getting something they’ve wanted for the heck of it or whatever lol. i love ur blog btw u write so nicely!!
Thank you, love! I hope you like this :) I really enjoyed this request!
RFA + Minor Trio being surprised by MC
★ Yoosung ★
The moment the new video game Yoosung was craving for came on sale, he was rushing to the store to get it,
But only to be disappointed by the fact they were all sold out.
He kept going back and back to the store, but everytime they had to turn him away.
He tried to order it online, but the only way he could do so was by paying a high fee for shipping.
Another problem was that the game was re-stacked while he was at work, so people came right away for it, leaving none eft. So Yoosung was really upset.
He moped around a bit, but tried not to let his sadness show. But you could see just how upset the smol boy was.
Of course, you had to do something about this. You will not under any circumstances let your husband be sad!
So once you give him his kiss goodbye and see him off to work, you get dressed and head to the gaming store.
You wait for about an hour for them to re-stack so you can make sure to get one for definite. You are so excited to present it to him when he gets home – you wrap it in his favorite puppy wrapping paper and put a big blue bow on it.
When he comes home and you help him to de-stress by massaging his shoulders and some soft kisses hehe you hand him the wrapped up game. He looks up at you with a gentle smile and asks what it is, but you just tell him to open it.
He tears the paper apart and s c r e a m s when he sees the game. He nearly throws it across the room jumping up and spinning you around.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you, MC! You have no idea how much this means to me!”
Dinner and any responsibilities are forgotten by you guys as you play the new game for the rest of the night.
♪ Zen ♪
Zen had recently gotten the lead in a new play, which he was absolutely ecstatic about! It was a role he’s been wanting for awhile.
You couldn’t be more proud of him, but you watched as he came home exhausted every night, worn out, and barely able to stay awake.
You watched him eat little to nothing as stress started to chew away at him. Zen had even stopped taking care of himself! Your worried he is going to drive himself to insanity if he doesn’t at least eat breakfast.
So you had to do something for him. You couldn’t stand to see him like this. You wanted to do something that would be nice for him, enjoyable, and would help him to get more energy. Something that would commemorate him for all his hard work.
What better way than a date night! You found a few recipes online for some of Zen’s favorite meals, and while he was at work, you cooked it up for him. You decorated the room with candles and flower petals how romantic and set the table with all the meals presented - including a dessert!
You waited for Zen to come home, which was around eleven o’clock, excitement bubbling inside you to show him your surprise.
Zen came through the door looking exhausted as usual, but he was surprised to see you awake considering you are normally in bed by the time he gets home?
“Jagiya? What are you doing up?” he says smiling tiredly. You just grin and gently take his hand, pulling him to the kitchen. He gasps when he walks in to the elaborate display in the kitchen.
He’s wide awake now!
All his favorite meals on the table, fish bread from the shop, a chocolate cake, candles on every shelf and center, rose petals scattered all over the floor. He was speechless! He turned to you and suddenly all his energy was back as he lifted you up and spun you around. “Thank you so much, MC. This must have been a lot of work.”
“It’s nothing compared to what you’ve been doing, and I’m so proud of what you have accomplished and how far you have come.” Zen grins, bending down to kiss you, then digging into his food.
He’ll probably be extra tired in the morning after the wonderful~ night~ you~ guys~ have~ together~
❀ Jaehee ❀
*** FUN FACT! This same thing happened to my mom!
You were at home with a kidney infection, under doctors orders to rest while you take the medicine the makes you woozy and sick. You felt terrible, not only because of the pain in your abdomen, but because this meant that Jaehee had to work in the cafe by herself.
She came home exhausted and worn out, dark bags under her eyes and her auburn hair a mess. She tried to aid you since you were in a lot of pain, but you could see just how much it was taking out of her; the shine that was normally in her eyes just gone.
You desperately wanted to do something for her, but you were at a loss of what to do. Money was tight and you were home sick.
Under a blanket on the couch eating cereal, you listened to the radio. You were snapped out of a daze when they mentioned a contest where the winner would get two tickets for a free trip to Bermuda - flight paid for by the station and everything. You were interested and thought maybe if you could win, this could be a gift to Jaehee. She deserves a vacation afterall.
The way to win was by getting the correct answer to a trivia question based on an American TV show. You were able to answer it correct, however, many others did too so the radio station had to choose a random caller for their winner.
You were just about to hang up thinking there was no chance of you winning when suddenly, “Caller number 3?”
“Uh? Yes?”
“Congratulations! You have won a free trip for two to Bermuda!”
If it wasn’t that you were in so much physical agony, you would have jumped up and started screaming.
By the time the tickets were mailed to you, you were better, so you decided to do something flamboyant in presenting them to Jaehee. While she was washing the dishes from the cafe, you quickly set up a display of her favorite cupcake, flowers and coffee.
“MC? What’s all this for?”
It was hard to contain your excitement. You pulled out the two tickets from your pocket, presenting them to Jaehee who let out a gasp and squeel prying the tickets out of your hands. She was at a little bit of a loss for words. She questioned why you bought tickets, especially with their financial status. But you told her about the radio contest and how you won, and Jaehee just couldn’t be haPPIER SHE’S GOING TO BERMUDA.
Best trip of your lives. On the beach, relaxing, eating whatever you want, swimming, with the woman you love. You couldn’t have asked for a better vacation. 
☂ Jumin ☂
What can you do for one of the richest businessmen in the world, who with a snap of his fingers can have anything delivered to him.
You watched the recent stress of work eat at him, though he tried to pass it off that he was fine. When he came home, he acted energized and on high alert, but over dinner you could see how his eyes would droop and it was difficult for him to keep his head up.
You tried to talk about it with him, but he just smiled, kissed you, and assured you he was fine.
But not only seconds later did you find him asleep on the toilet. Embarrassed, he had allowed you to help him into bed. He tried to tell you he didn’t need the help but he was just so tired at this point, he couldn’t even bother stopping you.
It pained you to see him like this; you know just how much he hates feeling weak and not in control. As he slept your cutie pie husband, you thought of something you could do for him. You felt like buying him something would be unnecessary, and you thought trying to clean up or cook something for him would just be a waste since he’d probably have the maid or cook redo everything.
So whatever it was you were to do for him, it had to be heartfelt and meaningful.
As Elizabeth the third strutted into the room mewling, her indication that she wanted food, the perfect idea popped in your head.
A sweater with Elizabeth’s face on it!
He could probably get a proper designer to do this for him, but you have some skill in sewing/knitting, and it will be much more meaningful and treasuring if it were you who made it.
The project took about a week, but it was worth it just to see the way Jumin’s face lit up when you presented to him the sweeter with Elizabeth on it.
For the first time ever, Jumin seemed to be at a loss for words as he pulled you into a bone crushing hug mumbling thank yous.
“My love. What did I do to deserve such a beautiful gift?”
You giggle, pulling him back down into a hug and kissing his cheek. “I did it because I love you. And I see that you are stressed. You are my husband. We are connected. You help me whenever I am stressed or upset, so I will help you when you are stressed.” You felt Jumin smile into your hair before he whispered to you,
“I’m a lucky man to have some as wonderful and pure as you.”
☺ Seven/Saeyoung ☺
Shopping for Seven can be incredibly difficult, considering there isn’t much that he wants and if he really wanted something, he’d just make it himself.
But you watched as Sevens health seemed to deteriorate as work for a new agency alliterated stress, and how unlike before where he could stay up for days, he could hardly keep his eyes open. And it astounded you how he continued to try and be lively around you, shower you with affection, and pretend that nothing was wrong though you could clearly see that there was.
You wanted to do something for Seven; something to show him that you appreciate him and all the hard work he was doing to provide for his family and the RFA. But what could you do?
While Seven was cooped up in what he called an office – which was a room with a bunch of computers and honey buddha chip bags everywhere – you sat in the kitchen with a notepad and tea and tried to think of some ideas.
In the end, it was Saeran who gave you the brilliant idea of adopting a kitten for Seven! What better gift could there be? It was so clear that Seven wanted a kitten and with everyone in the house, the kitten would definitely be taken cared of. But let’s not but Seven in charge of feeding it. All the cat will be fed is honey buddha chips.
The only one who was against it was Vanderwood, but after enough convincing, he finally agreed to adopting the kitten.
It was really hard to keep the surprise a secret since Seven has eyes basically everywhere and is always keeping tabs on you, but the day you went to go and adopt the kitten, Vanderwood and Saeran made sure he was completely unable to track you or figure out what as going on.
You went to an adoption center and searched for the perfect cat. You finally found the one when you spotted an orange tabby cat with a torn ear and a what looked to have a lopsided grin. Not only was the cat just purely stunning, it was playful too which was perfect for Seven!
You were so excited to give the kitten to Seven, you could hardly stop yourself from jumping up and down. Inside the bunker, you stood behind Seven who was so focused on work, he didn’t hear you come in. You grinned, holding the kitten to your chest and said, “Seven, honey, I have a surprise.”
Seven turned around to tell you he’d look at it later but he gasped when he saw the beautiful orange kitten. The scream of joy he released could probably be heard all around the world as he jumped off the chair and hurried towards you and the cat. He practically yanked the poor baby out of your arms.
“MC?? You did this for me? You got us a kitten? I’m a father now!!” You laughed, nodding your head and joining him at his side. You rested your head on his shoulder and petted the kitten who was flush against Seven’s chest. “Thank you, baby, this is amazing. Is it a boy or a girl?”
“A boy. What are you going to name him?”
Seven ponders for a few seconds before snapping his fingers. “Elliot!”
❆ V ❆
When V is not devoted to your well being and making sure you feel utterly loved, he is devoted to his art, whether it is painting or photography.
V has a transparent talent in the arts, especially photography. However, you can see that he favors painting. So you can imagine how upset he was when he ran out of paints. Of course, he could go to the store and buy some, but money was incredibly tight, especially with the move and financing a new house.
You could see just how much it upset him that he couldn’t paint. Sure, he loved photography, but he did it for so long that he got tired of it and prefered to mix the colours of paint instead of taking pictures of the same old thing.
If only you could get him new paints, and maybe more tools as something special, without cutting in too much to your finances. But doing that would be hard, so you called in a favor.
You were hesitant to do this but you wanted to see V smile, a genuine smile, once again. Besides, he’s done so much for you, so you should do this for him.
You called Jumin and asked for a loan, promising to pay him back, but as you expected, Jumin denied the need for you to pay him back. He was happy to loan money to a friend, especially when the money was being used to help someone.
In Paris, you found the most luxurious if that is really even possible and most eccentric of paints you could find. You had definitely gotten your money’s worth. While V was out, you set up the paints in his studio, grinning as you waited for V to come home. You heard the front door open and V call to you. “In your studio, honey. Come look at this!”
Blue boy shooketh
V entered the studio and immediately dropped his bag when he saw displayed all over the room were buckets and cartons of new paints. He was speechless as he walked around the room, inspecting the paints, as well as some new tools you bought for him. He turned to you and smiled.
“Darling, this is wonderful. But I told you we needed to save that money for finishing with the house and-”
You silenced him by placing your finger on his lips, then taking a hold of his collar and bringing him down to you so you could kiss him, gently. “None of that money was spent. I got a favor from someone, besides, we are not in debt. We are not in a financial crises, but even so, you don’t have to worry about that money being spent. You deserve this. I can see how much you miss painting. I want you to paint to your hearts desires.”
Your husband wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug as he kissed the top of your head. “Thank you, MC. Really,” V said into your hair. “I know exactly what I will paint first.”
☻ Saeran/Unknown ☻
It’s been two years since Saeran was rescued from Rika’s grasps, and 6 months since you and Saeran made your relationship official.
Everyday, Saeran worked to be a loving and caring boyfriend to you, working on his anger and showing affection through the little ways he can.
However, this month seemed to be a particularly bad one for Searan. He was having issues with PTSD, and having more panic attacks than usual, and frequent breakdowns. He yells more than often, gets angry very easily, and the littlest things set him off. The transition from Unknown to Saeran was not easy for him.
Everyday he tries, so, so hard to get better. He even realizes how bad this month has been for him emotionally and mentally. He started to go to therapy more often, and at home he’d do all the things his therapist would suggest for him. He even agreed to take medication, which he was really against doing.
You’re so proud of him.
All the trauma he’s been facing this past month has drained him. It hurts you to see the mental pain he endures.
One night you two sat on your shared bed, him crying into your chest as he degraded himself and called himself weak.
“Don’t you ever say that, baby, don’t you ever. You are not weak. You are so strong. Look how far you have come. You have reached a rough spot, but that is ok, you are not alone.” Saeran continued to sob into your breasts as he clutched onto you, too afraid to let you go.
“I fear that one day you will leave me,” he wails, “because I am not good enough. I fear I won’t be able to make you happy… all I want is for you to be happy. I’ve been so cruel to you this month… not even just this month. I’ve never treated you right. I don’t deserve you.”
“You know that isn’t true, Saeran… I am happy every day with you. I wish you could see that.”
Rationally, you wanted to do something to cheer him up and to make him feel better. 
So you got him an ice cream machine!
At first, you thought that was a silly idea, but as you sat and thought about it, you realized it was perfect. Saeran loves ice cream more than you you are sure, and you think he might find it calming and therapeutic to be able to make his own ice cream.
Ice cream machines aren’t cheap though, so you had to put aside a lot of money for it. You even had to borrow some money from Jumin you don’t know if you are lucky or not that he didn’t offer you taking in a cat as a deal breaker.
Saeran had gotten a lot better by the time you were able to order the ice cream machine and get it dropped off at the bunker. You had Seven keep him occupied as you set it up in the kitchen, putting a big bow that was his favorite colour on the top. Giddily, you shouted for him.
He entered the room and stopped in his tracks when he saw the machine. He gaped, his mint eyes widening a bit. You giggled as you ran to his side and took his hand, pulling him towards the machine.
“Is… is this?”
“An ice cream machine? Yes! Now you can make your own ice cream. It even comes with a tutorial and different flavors to use.”
“MC… why would you do this for me?” he asked, turning to you and cupping your cheek. His eyes kept straying to the machine since he was pretty desperate to start making ice cream.
“Because I love you, silly. And I’m so proud of you.”
He grinned, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you in for a bone crushing hug. The two of you spent hours that night making ice cream after ice cream, not caring how sick you may feel in the morning because of the amount of sugar you two will have surely consumed.
✌ Vanderwood ✌
Leaving the agency was a huge step for Vanderwood.
He loved the action, the thrill, the sudden adrenalin you get when on missions, but he loved you more, and he understood being in an agency put your life at risk. So he was willing to give it all up if it meant he could be with you.
But that didn’t make adjusting to what’s a “normal” life any easier. Though Vanderwood is skilled in many things, finding a job was hard for him. Especially one that he fit in to and one that he didn’t end up pissing anyone off in.
Vanderwood was going through job after job until he finally settled as a janitor and facilities worker ok I can so see this though I’m sorry at a school. But the problem with that is he is surrounded by at least 700 other sevens!!
And everyday he comes home frustrated and tired, absolutely done with the world. The second he is through the door, he’s kissing your temple as a quick hello then locking himself in the bedroom to do work. He’ll only come out for dinner and maybe watch something with you, but then he’ll go back into the bedroom.
At first you thought it was to sleep but you figured out it was him working and getting out some stress by stabbing one of those seven dolls.
You’ve tried to get him to talk to you, and only once did he ever really open up to you about it, and he barely said a thing. “Lets just say kids are brats. If we ever have a kid we better raise them right.”
When you’re stressed, Vanderwood has always pushed his tsundere side aside to help you, so you think it is only right that you find a way to help him.
One night he called you telling you he’d be home late, so you decided you would prepare a nice meal for him with some candles, a movie, and a cake.
It was around 8 o’clock that Vanderwood came through the door. He looked very tired and was reaching for a cigar as you walked over to him. He kinda weakly wrapped his arm around you and kissed your forehead, then made his way to the bedroom but you stopped him. “Before you shut yourself off from the world, I have a little surprise for you.”
You took his larger hand in yours and brought him to the kitchen where you had the meal set up. His eyes widened and he stammered as he stared at the meal. “MC. What is this?”
“Dinner of course! When is the last time you have had a proper meal? You are always telling me to eat healthy and to take care of myself. You’ve been working so hard. You deserve this. So before you go to complete any more work or sleep, please just have this meal with me.”
Vanderwood chuckled, a smirk appearing on his face as he took off his jacket with the leopard prints and hung it up. How could he deny this.
You two ate the meal together and had your first proper conversation in what has seemed like ages. After that, you cuddled on the couch and watched one of Vanderwoods favorite films. He noticed half way through the film though that you fell asleep. He grinned, turning off the TV and bringing you to bed. As he tucked you in and got under the covers besides you, he wrapped his arms around you, something he hasn’t been able to do in awhile since he has always been asleep first. He whispered a small thank you in your hair, and drifted off to sleep with you.
It was the best sleep he’s had in ages.
Requests are closed right now, but to find rules of requests you can check out my masterlist page!
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m0onbean · 7 years
Astro Reaction To You Having Tattoos But A Sweet Personality
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here you go <3 (this is in bullets)
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when he first met you he thought you were an angel
sweet personality, cute laugh, ummm you're adorable ok???
he always thought you were cuddly teddy bears, kittens and puppies, unicorns, you know...
then when you went on the stage with your rock band he would be like
W O A H 
I  T H I N K  I  F E L L  I N  L O V E
so like backstage when you get off the stage he's in awe at your performance
he compliments you incessantly like "omg you were so good" and "sTEP ON ME YOURE PERFECT"
and you just laugh cutely and he's like (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
and then you two go on a date bc you think jinjin is rlly kyoot too
and on the first date you decided to show him your tattoos
you show him your favorite one which is a rose on your shoulder, a dragon on your neck, some quotes hidden on your body, and basically everything that means a lot to you and is your soul
and at first he's taken aback bc he never thought you to be such an edgy person
but now that he knows he feels closer and more in love than ever
he's t o u c h e d you showed them to him and he's even considering getting a tattoo now too
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so you two would be at an airport catching a flight
you would be sitting next to eachother, waiting for the next takeoff
and then he would notice a small tattoo sticking out from your sleeve
and instantly he would be like ?????THATS SO COOL?????
and MJ being MJ this boi would not hesitate to ask "so what's that on ur arm lolz"
and you being sweet/chill/nice you would smile at him and pull your sleeve up
and it reveals *insert whatever you would have tattooed*
and he'd be like :-O that's so cool! and would examine it carefully
and you'd be like NOW WAIT THERE'S MORE and pull up your other sleeve and bAM ANOTHER TATTOO
he would be like nOW WAIT A MINUTE and be super amazed anD be     S H O O K  E T H
and you found it funny how obsessed he was with them
and hearts would be flying out his pupils because you're perfect: sweet personality but badass tattoos
and you would explain to him that you were also in a rock band and you performed and you were traveling for your next performance
and coincidentally you two were going to perform at the same place so you exchanged numbers and decided to meet up more often 
and MJ may or not be squealing in excitement bc he's head over heels for you
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so you would be walking down the street casually heading over to a cafe to get a drink
a guitar case was slung over your shoulder and you were wearing a muscle tanktop showing off your tattoos
to say the least, you looked BADASS and cOOOLL
literally everybody was staring at you as you walked by because you had such a c o o l aura
and suddenly you bump into a hard chest and ur like wTf and stumble back
but these arms catch you mid air and you look up and see the most beautiful human being in the world
AnD that human was eunwoo and he was shaking in his boots and how he literally knocked you over and how he was intimidated by you
(but of course there was nothing to be scared of)
and you'd be like C H I L L but you'd find it adorable so you forgave him kindly and giggled
and ur laugh was music to his ears
and he'd be like O H S O R R Y
and you two would have a conversation that was filled with his apologies
then he would hesitantly ask what your tattoos meant
and you'd be like oH ok and show him all of the visible ones and explain each of them
and he'd be drowning in the meanings bc he thought your tattoos were not only cool but really meaningful
and then he would ask if you were in a rock band bc of that guitar in your hand and you'd be like yUp
despite his schedule he would walk with you to the cafe and you would show him videos of your performances on your phone and he'd be ♥‿♥
and he would attend all of your concerts and although he doesn't prefer rock music he loves it now bc of you
then you two started dating after a while bc he fell in love with everything about you
and whenever you two would just cuddle he would trace his fingers your tattoos and admire them which warmed your heart up
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this boi has always considered getting a tattoo but was scared that it would hurt
so he always wimped out but felt a lingering feeling whenever he would look at the tattoo shop down the corner
and then the members would legit have to drag him there and yELL at him saying "YOURE A BIG BOY YOU CAN DO IT OK"
so there he was standing awkwardly outside the shop rethinking his life choices
and through the window he saw you laying down on the chair literally so calm as the artist drilled ink into your skin
and like you didn't even flinch or blink throughout the process and patiently waited
and moonbin would be like gODDAMN she's such a badass y can't i do that :-(
so he would watch the whole process in awe and when it was finally finished he was enraptured with you
and so you walked out the shop with your fresh, new tattoo glimmering on your arm
and he would quickly stop you and be like "HOW ?!"
after explaining his fear to you you'd comfort and soothe him
you would tell him it's ok to be scared and that the first time always hurts but after it's done everything is amazing and it's worth it
so after much consoling & pep talk you lead him into the shop and hold his hand as he screwed his eyes shut
and although he would flinch sometimes, he was silent & focused on staying still
his hand was tightly attached to yours and you would squeeze it several times to let him know he was fine
and after it was all done his face was literally glowing and he'd never felt so relieved before
and you'd smile at this cute boi and he would be super grateful that you stuck with him throughout this adventure
so being the slick boi he is he asks "can i get your number so the next time i get another tattoo you can provide moral support"
and you'd be like oKAY YOU ADORABLE MESS
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so rocky entered this dance competition where he had to dance with a selected group
and his group decided to sort of do this "badass" concept where they would do backflips, jump off a car, set things on fire, you know
and so for their costumes rocky's group all didn't have tattoos so they decided to get those temporary ones
so when rocky entered the shop to find those cool temporary tattoos of dragons and stuff he spots you looking around
and he notices that sick tattoo you have inked on your arm and a couple other ones on your leg and neck
so he goes up to you shyly (this cute, awkward boi smhhh) and he's like "oh um eXcuse me ?? yah can you show me which store you got that tattoo from? they look rlly realistic and i need some realistic ones for something"
and you'd be like ???????????????lol they're real
his cheeks would be blushing so hard and he'd be yelling at himself in his brain 
and you'd be like in your head LOL HE KYOOT and since you felt bad for his misunderstanding you ended up helping him find a cool tattoo anyways
because you were in that shop to get design ideas in the first place
and as you two shopped together rocky would feel more comfortable around you
you weren't exactly badass, tough, and scary which rocky liked
and by the time you two stepped out of the shop y'all would be laughing together and engaging in fun conversations
rocky would be telling stories of how he fell on stage in once of his dances and he became a meme in his school after that
and so you notice he's getting quieter as you two realize that the sun was setting
and he would finally be brave enough to say "would you... like uhhh... want to watch my performance lol its ok if you dont want to though its understandable i just thought-"
aNd you'd be like uhhh???? they're not! i'm in a rock band so i love any type of music performances
and he'd be like O rlly?? bITCH I FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU EVEN MORE
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this cute ass kid was one day like OHOHOHO IMMA GET ME A TATTOO
but all his friends would try to convince him not to and be like UMMMM OH HELL NO SANHA 
but sanha never understood why not? he always thought of it as art creations and not anything rebellious
and plus they looked super edgy and cool anyways and sanha wanted to be c o o l 
so despite what everybody thought the tall beagle marched to the tattoo shop and flung the door open and was like SUP GUYS
and all the artists would be like gEt oUt where are your parents
and poor sanha would walk out the door with his head down bc he really really wanted to get a moon tattooed on his arm (WINK WINK MY SANHA SERIES BONFIRE YOU CAN FIND IT ON MY MASTERLIST)
but you were there to witness it and you were like w h a t let the kid live
and so you'd grab his wrist and it was one of those kdrama moments where sanha would dramatically turn around and it's raining and you're like "no... don't go" and he'd be like "i have to my love" and you're like "we can work this out"
and the people in the store are legit like wtf is happening
and although everybody was scolding at you for letting him back in who cares?? the boy is 19 and is the size of a palm tree let him get that moon if he wants that moon
but of course you would ask him if his parents gave him permission and he'd be like "well..."
so you weren't really a tattoo artist there but you were just helping out since your dad worked there
and as sanha patiently waited for his artist to get ready he would stare at your tattoos and ask permission to look at all of them
and now sanha was H Y P E D bc he was sooo ready to finally do something he's always dreamed of doing
and you had to keep him from bouncing in his seat
and after it was done sanha would be like ZOOWEEMAMA I F E E L   L I K E   I   C A N   S A V E   T H E  W O R L D 
and everyone would still be eyeing him weirdly but whatever you thought it was cute
and he'd thank you a bajillion times for helping him
and you'd be like okok you kid
but then you noticed that sanha started visiting the shop more regularly even though he wasn't getting a new tattoo
like he'd stop by, show you his tattoo multiple times, talk with you, talk with the staff, and bAsically become the store's new son (UGHH SO CUTE)
and whenever he'd stop by and stay for a few hours he brought everyone coffee and everybody actually loved him now
and they even offered to get him a free tattoo for all he's done and hE'D BE LIKE O M G  UM YES 
and now you and sanha were bFFs because since you two were the same age the chemistry was perfect and you were never bored around him
and the staff would  be like J U S T  D A T E 
and you two would get matching tattoos as a symbolism and are BASICALLY DATING BUT YOU TWO ALWAYS DENY IT AND FACES TURN PINK
y'all cute ok?
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chenlays · 7 years
i’m really sorry if it’s too short or really bad!! and i’m really sorry of the problems and that it’s late !!! :(( ⭐ requested ⭐ requests are open!! 
renjun is the cutest lil cutie
I don’t see him being into a lot of skinship
is more into cute, meaningful dates or just thoughtful gifts
likes to express his love through words and sweet gestures rather than kisses and saying “I love you”
even a picnic on a nice day just to talk about things or mess around is perfect to him
u being there with him is what makes him happy and he doesn’t need to be holding u to smile
although he does smile when holding u ok
like,,,when u two were packing up and deciding who carries what, he’s just
“first one down the other side of the hill gets 10 bucks”
and u know how he is so before he can rearrange quickly u just R UN
and he can’t even comprehend he just runs after u trying not to fall and break his neck or smth
and u WON and he just gave u ten when u got to the dorms and was all pouty
u asked him what was wrong and he just,,melted
“I wanted to buy u something :(”
u literally emptied ur wallet bc he looked legit sad and disappointed
I’m not saying he hates skinship
but he would just rather see ur face light up at a cute song he sings or a tiny stuffed kitten he buys u bc the fact that he just thought of u
it makes u happy
and seeing u happy makes him rly happy
so just standing and watching u pet a dog even makes his heart just !!! bc like?? u have such a big smile bc of the pup
he is absolutely in love
but ofc if cuddles are needed he won’t pass it up
he’d probably like to be the big spoon,,,very rarely little
like me tbH
just holding u makes him feel so amazed and grateful
u of all people r here with him just watchin a few episodes of moomin
he is ethereal but thinks u are
i mean if ur reading this ofc u are ily
renjun loves u too
hates sadness, especially if it’s because of a bad situation
whenever u cry he is immediately there to smooch all over that face and make u smile and laugh
“pls st op it tickles >:((”
“awh no ur too cute come here”
angels don’t deserve to cry !!!!
probs calls u angel when ur alone b e cause all renjun stans are amazing (if they are nice!!!)
also if u try to do the smooch to his face he will be really shy and red and it is quite a cute sight
just quietly holds ur hand while smiling bc he doesn’t know how to speak anymore
if ur in front of other members he’s kinda just a little more shy and awkward
a little too shy to touch u at all or even sit really close to you
but if u ask he will sacrifice and make u happy
it his his main priority as well as his career
but he’d probably drop it for u bc,,,his happiness is 10x more important than his money or pride
i also think that if ur runnin late for something he’d make u some small box of food to make sure u eat at least a little
knows more about u than urself
also calls at like 2am if u post something even relatively emotional on anything to make sure you are okay
i feel like he also is pretty good at knowing how to comfort
wraps u in a blanket and gets ur fav snacks and feeds u them while u both watch whatever is good
and if u need it he will sing for you
literally say one word and he’s already screaming his 40 lines in my page
he is so cute and i feel like every day would be a cozy and cute smiley day when it’s with him
protect h im please i beg
he is so soft for love and just spending time with those he loves i bet u
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theotherwesley · 7 years
I was tagged by @crocordile​ ❤ and @imindhowwelayinjune (*´♡`*)
A—Age: 27 until August 
B—Birthplace: air force base in Tuscon, AZ
C—Current Time: 11:31pm
D—Drink You Last Had: coffee
E—Easiest Person To Talk To: my boy @cenobitesquid​ and also prolly @masteroftheseas​. #driftcompatible 
F—Favourite Song: XD I never know the answer to this question uhhhhh... at this very second it’s probably Hagia Sophia by Irfan? I just got it and it’s great. Recently i’ve been mainlining Shearwater albums and also the Witcher3 soundtrack which I think was made and tailored specifically for me, Wesley.  
G—Grossest Memory: idk man i got a couple but for obvious reasons id rather not dwell on them?? I guess subjectively grossest to me personally was the time a plague of fucking crickets came through Idaho and that is the fun origin story of my worst bug-related phobia :))) i hate them, i hate them so much, i never ever want to see them or think about them or hear them i fucking hate crickets and hoppers please god remove all knowledge of them from my  brain thank you
H—Horror Yes or Horror No: Yeah, I’m down! I like spooky/eery/poignant + monster horror a lot, Gillermo del Toro’s stuff especially; slasher stuff is just kinda cathartic for me? @cenobitesquid got me into hellraiser and takashi miike films and to this day I have weird fondness for low budget japanese gore films. 
I—In Love: heck ye
J—Jealous of People: Never romantically, but sometimes from an art/career standpoint, keinahora >.>;;;
L—Love at First Sight or Should I Walk By Again: @crocordile i sympathize deeply with ur answer, i am very susceptible to drive-by crushes on people XD I feel very affectionately towards a lot of people I don’t know very well, platonically and otherwise, but it takes a lot longer for me to, like, cross that last bridge of making myself emotionally receptive/vulnerable. 
M—Middle Name:  “Margaret” i.e. THE WOOORSSSSTTTTTTTTTT
M—Memory: my ADD brain is selectively photographic and I have perfect sensory memories of weird things throughout my life but if you asked me at gunpoint what the cross streets of my house were or what day of the week I said something I couldn’t answer you and I would die
N—Number of Siblings: I am the last scion of my house 
O—One Wish: “The end of social and economical inequality” -Juliana  I MEAN THAT’S A REAL GOOD ONE???
P—Person You Called Last: what are phones, this is my pokemon machine
Q—Question You Are Always Asked: “Do you take commissions?” and the answer is always “yes, soon!” and it is a lie 
R—Reason to Smile: buns. good good buns. and kittens. remembering my tabby cat who is in heaven 
S—Song You Sang Last: some shit I made up humming in the kitchen 
T—Time You Woke Up: I plead the fucking fifth 
U—Underwear Colour: my fav pair is black and dark teal striped <3
V—Vacation Destination: Vienna and Prague ;3; 
W—Worst Habit: i have so many how do I choose? depression spending? depression eating? alienating friends and family? picking my hangnails? depression hygiene collapse? forgetting to eat? forgetting to sleep? inability to make reasonable small talk with strangers? inability to stop talking once started?? disassociation and avoidance??
X—X-Rays: Like… who knows how many x-rays I’ve had taken in my life
Alternate question:
X—Men: Magneto 🙌
Y—Your Favourite Food: lemons? rice? havarti cheese? seeds? mohnkuchen? steak? apricots???
Z—Zodiac Sign: i am apparently a leo/virgo cusp, i always get the most boring ass predictions like what is the point
Tag 20 some ppl: @badmadwolf @ososassi @i-gwarth @napoldeinlove @redsixwing
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sungrcwn · 7 years
( my muse’s five last sent texts yours )
( sent to ❝ kit-kat + vinny ❞ — 4:17 PM ) do u think lil dude would like it if i planted some nepeta cataria in the garden?? i know somethin like thirty to fifty percent of cats arent really into it thats why i ask because i dont want to get super excited about it just to have him look at me like
( sent to ❝ kit-kat + vinny ❞ — 4:18 PM ) what do u expect me to do w/ this??
( sent to ❝ kit-kat + vinny ❞ — 4:20 PM ) u know exactly which face im talking about too that cat can be so sassy when he wants to be its ridiculous but idk i just thought maybe he would like it and figured id ask u first bc i dunno if nepetalactone counts as a drug but hes ur kiddo
( sent to ❝ kit-kat + vinny ❞ — 5:13 PM ) i propose an impromptu field trip off campus for some froyo. i will chaperone and also buy said froyo but i just want something sweet and the kitchen pantry is lettin me down an i dont feel like making that trip alone so im recruiting u an vin
( sent to ❝ kit-kat + vinny ❞ — 5:19 PM ) as many toppings as ur wonderful heart desires. or yknow. as many as will fit into the bowl w/ minimum spillage. wouldnt gummy worms get hard tho because its so cold?? 
BONUS ( sent to ❝ kit-kat + vinny ❞ — 5:23 PM ) why dont u see if rory wants to come or something?? i feel like she could use some cheering up 
( my muse’s five last unsent texts yours )
( drafted — 2:17 PM )  is a bird landing in my hair with a mouthful of twigs a sign that im doing something right or that its time to get a haircut bc i genuinely cant tell
( drafted — 2:19 PM ) but it feels like im doing something right 
( drafted — 6:17 PM ) a student just came up to me and told me that ❝ as a member of the faculty and a grown ass man ❞ i shouldnt be singing disney songs in the gardens and i wasnt sure what to say bc first of all disney is classic and ur never too old to enjoy the soundtracks to their movies but also its not my fault that my flowers love colors of the wind?? its a beautiful song 
( drafted — 6:24 PM ) i went ahead and stopped anyway but just as like a side thought?? idk how u go through those classes year after year and stay so sweet and kind and genuinely caring because some of these kids are actually kinda really mean and basically what im saying is u are a ray of light on this school pls dont ever change u beautiful soul
( drafted — 7:30 PM ) you wanna come watch pocahontas? 
( my muse’s last snapchat to yours )
( x ) followed by a string of both crying and laughing emojis with the caption ❝ and vinny just tried to eat her ❞
( what my muse saved your number as )
❝ kit-kat + vinny ❞ although it should be mentioned that her nickname changes quite frequently in his phone because he’s come up with several over the years. ( before ❝ kit-kat ❞ it was ❝ katnip ❞ and before that ❝ kat + kitten ❞ and❝ my two favorite felines ❞ among other ridiculous — and usually cat-related — puns idk pls forgive him he can’t help it. ) 
( what contact photo my muse has set for yours )
( x ) from one of their walks through the orchard. it’s one of his favorite pictures??
( what ringtone my muse has set for yours )
okay look almost e v e r y o n e in his contacts has a specific ringtone he’s picked out with a birdsong he’s recorded somewhere on the property but kat?? is slightly different bc if you think for one minute he doesn’t have an audio clip of vinny’s precious lil kitten meow saved to his phone — you’re right. ( he actually has SEVERAL, most of which are taken from videos he’s sent to kat of him romping around in the garden while topher is babysitting. ) 
( how many times my muse has called your this week? )
a couple of times. usually it happens when vinny’s in the middle of doing something outrageously cute ( like chasing after butterflies or curling up in a bed of wildflowers for a nap ) and topher facetimes kat so she can enjoy how adorable it is too before realizing that the only reason he’s got vinny and  she’s NOT there to enjoy it with him is because she’s in class and he probably shouldn’t be calling her whOOPS
( how many calls has my muse missed from yours? )
none! unless, of course, he’s napping or something and doesn’t hear his phone ring.  they don’t call as often as they simply seek each other out for face-to-face communication, but when she does call, he doesn’t hesitate to answer in case it’s an emergency.
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