#if i see anyone shitting on each other i will draw Elias and Bright kissing again
cupinho · 1 year
Hi I’m Blake and I just wanted to maybe explain why Bright fans can be so aggressive here on Tumblr and why. As a Bright fan myself from other platforms I would be very grateful if you could maybe take a minute to read through this whenever you get a chance, since this situation has been very distressing for me and a lot of others, thank you.
It’s kind of interesting that Bright fans are so aggressive on Tumblr I think this is because they get so much hate elsewhere you said you see a lot of Bright fans sh*ting on Elias here but on almost every other platform the opposite is true although they are mush less aggressive from what I’ve seen. However I think this is the case because Bright fans have been pushed out of most other platforms aside from Tumblr which is why they may feel it’s the only place they have left. I’ve seen many comments on YouTube asking for the removal of videos that contain Bright even though some of these videos have amassed millions of views and aid in the channels income, on Discord Bright fans basically can’t even speak about the character without people telling them off for using him a lot of times this completely cuts off any conversations that could happen, and on Twitter Brights entire existence seems blacklisted I haven’t seen anyone in the EN community even mutter his name unless it was to criticize him. So you have to understand Bright fans or simply people who use the character are at risk of having to lose their work which in some cases provides income, are at risk of being ostracized for even having used him in the past, and people like me who simply enjoy the character are at risk of losing hundreds of articles, artworks, and videos we love. Which can be very distressing especially for people who suffer from mental health issues and depend on the character for comfort.
I also want to add that I have nothing against Elias Shaw but there may be varying reasons others do. Including having a dislike for his creators past actions, thinking he is just a rename instead of a different character, and removal of site history.
As for Bright fans themselves, most didn’t become fans because of the og creator whose work with the character can often be questionable and creepy. Most of his fans come from YouTube where video’s portray him in a much more positive and family friendly light, additionally most of these fans never even use the site and as such don’t know about the creators existence or simply don’t care to. Also most articles that use the character on the site also portray him without any weird or creepy details, as I said most of those came from the og creators articles and there aren’t a lot of them.
I myself am a fan that came from Youtube and didn’t even bother to check out the site for over a year and even then while I enjoy articles containing Bright I don’t care much for the og creators work with him as I think the way he wrote Bright is very dull and overly edgy. Although I guess that is to be expected considering that Scps started out on 4chan which houses a lot of questionable people which also in turn probably explains why so many early Scp creators turned out to be bad people, Brights creator isn’t the only one.
P.s. Thank you again for taking the time to read this and I’m also sorry for such a long ask as I said this situation has been very distressing for me as I also depend on the character for comfort due to my anxiety.
P.s.s I referred to most characters as “he” for clarity.
I havent see a lot of hate against Bright outside of the subreddit (if that could even be called hate), and i dont have twitter anymore so idk the situation at hell, but its ridiculous people would harass each other for characters that dont even exist.
You want to draw Bright? Ok draw Bright! Its understandable that you dont want to abandon this character after 15 years.
You want to draw Elias? Ok draw Elias! Its understandable you dont want to draw Bright because of the creator's actions
Its like seeing Dream SMP lore drama all over again i dont want another wave of "X CC fans harassing Y CC fans because X CC burned down Y CC house in a roleplay"
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kiruuuuu · 6 years
Blitz/Rook oneshot in which Blitz would like their relationship to stay secret and Rook... doesn’t. - for @magehir and her adorable second hand embarrassment ❤ :) (Rating T, fluff/humour, ~2.2k words)
“Oh I’m sorry, what was the question?”, Rook asks, a sickly sweet smile on his face and voice raised to make sure everyone in his close vicinity can hear him – though it’s painfully obvious he’s doing it for the benefit of one special someone who shows no outward reaction but struggles not to draw his brows together or even roll his eyes.
Ash grants the Frenchman a weird look and repeats herself at a normal volume: “I was just wondering whether you’re seeing anyone at the moment. You seem so chipper lately.”
“Sadly, no. There’s no one like that in my life right now, though I wish there was. Someone with whom I could hold hands in public, you know?” Ash nods sympathetically and opens her mouth to reply but Rook isn’t done, not by a long shot. “I bet he’d make me ridiculously happy just by being there when I wake up or by being the last thing I see before I sleep and I’d want to shout out to the whole world just how glad I am to have him.” The redhead is looking increasingly confused now at all the unnecessary detail yet is clearly too polite to interrupt. “Believe me, if there was someone, I’d want everyone to see how disgustingly happy we are and to listen to me gushing endlessly about how wonderful he is and -”
“Sorry to interrupt, Rook, but do you have a minute?”, Blitz chimes in after turning towards him with a fake smile. “I’d like you to take a look at my pistol, I feel like its accuracy is going down but have no idea why.”
Rook mirrors his vaguely pained expression perfectly and chirps: “I’m sure your gun is working fine, Elias.” They stare at each other wordlessly, neither of them willing to back down, while Ash just judges them silently. “We were just speaking of relationships. How would you show your significant other how much you love them?”
He’s ready for this one. “By respecting their boundaries and accepting compromises without complaints should it come to a clash in personal values”, he replies evenly.
The boyish face before him darkens considerably. “The accuracy is getting worse, you said?”, Rook grits out and grabs his sleeve, proceeds to drag him away from an entirely bemused Ash and down the nearest corridor, into the closest room that’s unoccupied. It’s resembling a typical interrogation room, the only furniture being two chairs, a cheap table and a large mirror on the wall – and isn’t it ironic that they’re going to have this conversation in a place like this. Blitz doesn’t miss how Rook purposefully positions himself with his back to the mirror so he doesn’t have to see his own angry expression.
“You’re being too obvious”, he states and it was undoubtedly the wrong thing to start with since Rook’s temper flares.
“Oh yeah? First you explicitly forbid me to talk to you, now I’m not allowed to talk about you? It was implicit, she didn’t have any idea what I was on about -”
“Which is exactly my point, she’s going to wonder until she looks more closely at what you said, maybe mentions it to Jordan whom you told that your ‘ideal type’ is someone your height with dirty blonde hair and an accent and oh, who could that be?”
“You’re being paranoid. They have better things to do than to gossip, do you genuinely think they compare notes or something? Why the hell do you even care that much whether they know or not? Jäger is gayer than the two of us combined and no one talks shit about him. Except for Bandit, but he badmouths everyone.”
Blitz heaves a sigh and rubs his forehead in an attempt to tidy his thoughts. It’s far from the first time they’re talking about this yet it always seems to drain him, leaves him weary and oddly exposed. “I’m not ashamed of you”, he says quietly and breathes a little more freely when Rook’s annoyance softens, “really, I’m not. You’re great, I’m insanely lucky to have you and I don’t tell you this often enough. But I just need some time. Alright? Just a bit more. Please.”
The young man seems appeased but it doesn’t mean much, he appeared satisfied the last time they had this argument. “How long? You keep postponing it, every time I ask it’s just ‘a little longer’. What if it’s ‘a little longer’ for a year? Give me something, mon cœur, just so I know you mean it.”
“I promised you I’d work on it, right?” A nod – of course Rook remembers. “It wasn’t empty: I told Seamus earlier.”
At this, the Frenchman’s eyes light up. “Did you really?”
“Yes. He was very supportive, promised not to pass it on and wished us all the best. I couldn’t have asked for – why are you looking at me like that?”
Rook is suddenly beaming at him full force, all traces of his earlier ire vanished into thin air and he’s almost bouncing with joy. “That’s – thank you. Why didn’t you tell me right away? Oh, I thought -”
He cuts off abruptly and Blitz can guess effortlessly what’s going on in his pretty head: “Seriously? You thought I’d never tell anyone and dump you without anyone ever knowing we’re together? Julien, please. Come here.” He pulls him into a tight hug that’s reciprocated just as eagerly and strokes his back reassuringly. Even though he knows his lover can go overboard with his emotional responses, the fact that Blitz must’ve given him reason to worry makes him feel guilty regardless. “I’m sorry”, he murmurs against Rook’s cheek, “I shouldn’t have waited so long. You’re worth so much more than my pride.”
The man in his arms draws a shaky breath but manages to pull himself together and when they separate again, there’s a genuine smile illuminating the sparse room. “Thank you. And I’m sorry for pressuring you. I really should respect your boundaries.”
“It’s alright.” Blitz strokes over Rook’s cheek on an impulse, relishes the soft skin under his fingertips. “If you want, we can tell Emmanuelle next, maybe even today. You said you’d like her to know and she’d also not tell anyone.”
“Yeah. That’d be nice. Let’s do it together.” And just like that, Blitz’ heart is singing again. Relief and fondness are making him light-headed, making him cherish how they seem to have overcome an obstacle in their way and only grown closer in doing so. He leans in and Rook’s eyelashes fanning out as his lids fall shut are the last thing he sees just before their lips touch. It’s simple and short at first, nothing more than a brush, only then Blitz realises he’s far from done and repeats it, catches Rook’s top lip between his own, tilts his head the other direction and then they’re kissing properly.
Almost chastely, their mouths slide together, work against each other, up to the point where Rook’s tongue darts out, politely asks for entry that Blitz grants generously and it morphs into something more than just an affectionate gesture. It’s addicting and lovely, still sugary sweet and slow but now it kindles a fire in Blitz to taste his lover more, more deeply and more intimately. He pulls their bodies flush, starts toying with Rook’s tongue in earnest and wonders when trading spit with someone, with another man became this desirable, this all-out attractive to him. He can probably accredit it to Rook and Rook alone, he kisses like a young god and is always patient enough to adapt to Blitz’ pace.
When they break apart again, both of them are smiling at their shared secret that would persist even if everyone else knew they care about each other – because no one could possibly understand how much. Blitz’ hand is in the nape of Rook’s neck and though one of his rules was that nothing would ever happen at work, he still pulls him back in and invades his mouth nonetheless, allows the strong legs to walk him backwards until he hits a wall. They fuse together, hips moving against each other more out of habit than need yet Blitz feels himself grow hard; Rook smells delicious and the way he nips at Blitz’ lip is nothing short of magical. The atmosphere has shifted completely, turned into something warm, playful, intimate.
“I bet this isn’t the gun Ash thinks I’m inspecting right now”, Rook murmurs and drags his fingers over the bulge in Blitz’ jeans, both of them grinning good-naturedly.
“We can take care of this when we’re done with work, hm?”
“Yeah. You said you wanted to get out more, right? We can take Mark’s car, I’ve got his keys, just drive out into the countryside somewhere and make love on the back seat.”
“I’d rather not soil his upholstery”, Blitz responds with a chuckle and grimaces while trying to adjust his crotch without actually using his hands. Rook notices what he’s doing and simply reaches into his trousers and underwear, grabs the half-hard shaft and pulls it into a non-incriminatory position, not without giving it a few light tugs for good measure.
“There you go, you’re decent now. Don’t talk to Bandit though, he’s probably the only one who’d both stare at your crotch creepily and unnecessarily and comment on it.”
Blitz just agrees with him and, with a final kiss and a quick squeeze to Rook’s buttocks, they step away from each other and out of the room. “What would I do without you?”, he asks rhetorically, gets a bright grin in return and then moves to walk back just as Jäger rounds the corner with what looks like a bowl of popcorn in his hands. As soon as he spots the two, his eyes widen comically and he seems to fight the urge to run away immediately.
“Oh! Uh, hi”, he greets them awkwardly. “I was just – do you want some popcorn?”
His teammate just stares at him, uncomprehending, until a terrible thought crosses his mind. He looks back at the door from which they’ve just emerged, then at the door next to it, thinks of the large mirror and the interrogation theme of the furniture and dear God please no. He prays for the adjacent room to be empty but the way Jäger involuntarily twitches as soon as he grabs the handle already tells him unambiguously it’s not going to be.
Blitz is greeted with entirely too many pairs of eyes who stare at him decidedly too entertained – the small chamber is cramped with people, he sees Bandit, the entirety of the SAS, Ash and even two of the Russians. Past them, he has an unobstructed view of the room he and Rook have just left and it’s not hard to imagine what in the world happened. As if on commando, at least five pieces of paper jump up, all of them labelled with a number and it takes Blitz a mere second to understand they’re fucking rating him as if he’d just ice skated competitively.
“Oh my fucking God”, he says because there’s literally nothing else he could say.
“You missed the crotch grab”, Bandit addresses Jäger over Blitz’ shoulder with a gleeful glint in his eyes, “don’t shake Rook’s hand unless you want to get a handful of a different German cock for once.”
“Beautiful”, Kapkan adds and pretends to wipe away a tear with his note that reads a solid 9.5. “You two are ready for the stage, it had everything: conflict, reconciliation, passion and romance.”
Blitz can’t believe it. He’s just standing there, thunderstruck, and gapes at the audacity. “How long -”
“Originally, Marius and I wanted to fuck in here”, Bandit explains helpfully and with a shit eating grin, “but then you two came in and I figured others might appreciate the show as well, so I gathered an audience.”
“I’m revoking your rights to my car, by the way”, Mute butts in and holds out his hand. “For obvious reasons.”
Rook seems surprisingly fine with the whole situation, quite the opposite to Blitz whose face must’ve adopted the colour of a tomato by now. He steps inside and drops the keys in question into Mute’s palm. “That’s fair enough. But why the fuck do we only get a 3?”
Bandit looks at the number he wrote and shrugs. “Neither of you moaned like a bitch, so it can’t have been that good. Or is that not normal? Is that just something Marius does?”
“Kill me”, Jäger mumbles and expertly expresses Blitz’ mood in those two words alone.
“I, for one, think you two make an adorable couple”, Smoke raises his voice and earns unanimous and very vocal agreement, especially from Thatcher who’s holding an impressive 10. “And there’s nothing you need to worry about, especially because you’re both so embarrassingly obvious that most of us knew already anyway.”
Ash just snorts at that. “Yeah. Gun inspection. Really?”
And when Rook starts arguing with Glaz about the fact that he awarded them a measly 7, Blitz’ mortification coupled with an increasingly strong death wish take over and he shuts the door once more, locking out the incessant voices and at least some of the teasing. He turns to Jäger who’s watching him with a sympathetic expression and says: “You know, I suddenly feel like getting very, very drunk.”
His teammate looks down at the popcorn he’s still carrying and nods slowly. “Yeah. Sounds good. The first round is on me, mate.”
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skam-season4 · 7 years
Welcome Back Yousef
Read on Ao3
Summary:The whole gang celebrates Yousef's return.
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Notes: Y’all wanted the party, so here ya go! There are some of our favorite ships in there like yousana and evak, there are some of our not so favorites, like noorhelm and vildus (vagnus?), some we have mixed feelings about, like joneva, but the point is that it’s cannon compliant, and the ships that aren’t our favorite exist, but thet don’t get as much any “screentime” as the good ones. Also Vilde is gay because they literally set it up in the show. Theres also a special crackship that i’ve talked about before, you’re welcome. i got lazy like three paragraphs in so sorry if it’s shit.
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Sunday, August 20, 2017 at 8:37 pm Multiple points of view
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Yousef rolls his eyes at his friend’s impatience. He pockets his phone and doesn’t respond, figuring it’s kind of pointless when he and Sana are already standing on her front porch. 
They took their time walking back to her house, just talking about Yousef’s trip, how Sana was while he was away, and just enjoying being around each other in general.
Now, standing on Sana’s front stoop, Yousef is excited to see his friends again. He and Sana appear to be so late to his own “surprise” party, that it’s already in full swing. They can hear the music from the backyard, and the loud chatter that carries with it.
Yousef makes to walk inside, but Sana stops him. “Remember to try to look surprised. Elias will never forgive me if he finds out I ruined the surprise. I give him so much shit for it when he does it, and I don’t need to look like a hypocrite,” she exclaims as she waggles a finger at him.
He laughs and says, “Okay, I promise. Alt for deg, girl.”
She rolls her eyes fondly as they make their way inside, walking through the living room and kitchen, out to the backyard. They walk through the doors together as Yousef puts on a mock - surprised face that turns into a genuinely - surprised face. The backyard is breathtaking. There are fairy lights strung across the trees on the sides of the yard that drench the scene in an almost magical, soft glow. Everyone is wearing nice clothes, but not too formal, and chatting comfortably with one another. The whole atmosphere is just laid back and chill. It’s perfect.
The entire party seems to collectively turn to see who showed up, look back to their conversations, and then realize who it was. Un-synchronized shouts of “Surprise! Welcome back Yousef!” and scattered cheers ring through the backyard. Elias starts running back and forth, seemingly trying to figure out what to do.
“Sana! You were supposed to text me before you guys got here!” Elias exclaims, hands running back and forth along the back of his head.
Sana scrunches her face up in confusion. “What? You didn’t tell me that!”
Elias gives her a skeptical look. “Ja, I did. I told you yesterday!”
Sana raises an unimpressed eyebrow. “Nei, you did not tell me! I would have remembered if you did.”
Elias deflates slightly. “Oh. I thought I’d told you before.”
Sana just shakes her head in disappointment as Eva busts out laughing from somewhere in the back of the yard, Noora consolingly patting her shoulder. The attendees start to resume their previous conversations as Sana makes her way over to the back of the yard.
Noora is still patting Eva’s shoulder, William standing behind her with a confused expression painting his face. Jonas is standing behind Eva with a fond, amused look on his face.
Surprisingly, Eva isn’t even drunk. There’s no alcohol at this party, as it’s at the Bakkoush’s house, but this is something that Sana would typically expect out of Drunk Eva.
“What’s happening?” Sana inquires as she gives Eva a skeptical look. When Eva only laughs harder, Sana turns to Noora for explanation. “I have no idea.” She says simply.
A minute passes while Eva gathers herself again, moving away from Noora and standing on her own. Jonas takes this as a queue to step forwards and rub her back.
“I was just talking to Even earlier. He said that you and Elias have always been so much alike, but every time someone would tell you that, you’d look at each other and start shaking your heads and deny it. Then, right after he said that, Elias came over to us to say hi, and asked what we were talking about. Even told him, and he turned to me and was like, ‘Nei nei nei, he’s been on this for like, nine years, this guy has no idea what he’s talking about.’ So then we started talking about something else, but then you and Yousef show up, and you were like, ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ and he was like, ‘I thought I’d told you before.’” Eva looks at Sana, waiting for her to start laughing along, but Sana just looks confused. “Don’t you remember? Back in first year, it was the three of us,” she gestures to herself, Sana, and Noora, “In the library? We were talking about, uhm, Chris! Penetrator Chris and Ingrid hooked up at that one party and you saw it, but you never told me until we were in the library together?”
Sana and Noora start giggling along too, as Noora jumps in too, trying to talk over the giggles.
“Ooh, ooh, remember that time-” Noora begins, just in time as Chris and Vilde jump into the conversation.
“Halla, girls,” Chris greets.
“What are we talking about?” Vilde asks.
“Just reminiscing about the good times, yeah?” Noora sighs as she throws an arm over both Eva and Vilde’s shoulders. Vilde smiles and laughs along as she rests her head on Noora’s shoulder, and Noora squeezes tighter.
“Oh, remember the whole cabin trip during easter break in first year? And the Ouija Board? The one that-”
“-AND THE POTATOES!” Vilde and Noora shriek in unison, pointing at each other as they dissolve into uncontrollable laughing.
(Half the party is looking at the group of them by now, among them is the most confused, Isak, who just heard his name shouted along with the fact that he’s gay, and something about an Ouija Board. He’ll ask Eva about it later. None of the girls notice the looks being shot their way.) “Hva faen is the deal with potatoes and you two?” Chris asks, exasperated.
Noora and Vilde share a fond look for a moment before Vilde quips, “Your body needs potatoes.” Before anyone else can inquire about the mysterious potatoes, the girls all burst into more rounds of trying to shout over each other and coming up with the best remember this’s.
Jonas and William make eye contact over the group of oblivious girls and both shake their heads, silently understanding that there’s a mutual confusion plaguing them both. Both boys take this as a queue to leave.
Jonas lets out a huff of laughter as he spots Isak not too far away, in the corner of the yard with Even. As he approaches, he watches the exchange between the two of them. Even is standing close to Isak, hand resting on Isak’s upper back, as he leans in for a kiss. Even seems to expect a long kiss, whilst Isak only gives him a short peck and turns back to his plate of food he has in hand.
“...love food more than you love me,” Even whines as Jonas draws close enough near to hear the conversation.
“Maybe I do,” Isak shoots back, chin upturned with sass. Even feigns offense and puts a hand on his chest, gasping a scandalized breath to go with it.
Isak looks up at him with hooded eyes and says quietly, but still loud enough for Jonas to hear, “Nei. Nothing more than you.” Even smiles a bright smile and kisses Isak again, who actually returns more than a quick peck this time.
“Blegh,” Jonas says as he approaches. “You two are gross,” he grumbles, though his tone and the smile he shoots at Isak suggest anything but that.
“Halla gutta,” Magnus interjects loudly as he and Madhi step into the group.
A chorus of hallas ring around the circle as Magnus breaks it, stepping forwards to greet Even with a tight hug. Isak’s eye twitches when the hug lingers for more than one second, but Jonas thinks he’s the only one that saw it.
“What’s happening over there?” Isak questions, raising his fork and pointing in the general direction of the still shrieking girls, who are currently yelling something about Noora chewing out William in first year and William’s pubic hair.
Jonas just gives him a sideways look before responding, “I don’t even know myself, man. Something about Ouija Boards and Jodel and potatoes.” The boys laugh and shake their heads. “Yeah, but uh, how is everything? I know we haven't talked as much recently, we’ve both been busy lately. But it’s good? With you and Eva, I mean?” Isak prods. Magnus, Madhi, and Even have turned to their own conversation already, so now it’s just him and Isak.
“Det går bra, det går bra,” Jonas replies as he bobs his head. “I really think we can make it work this time. Just from the couple of months we’ve spent back together, I can see how much she’s grown without me in a year and a half. And it’s all for the better. We’ve both grown into ourselves a bit more now, and I feel better than I have in a long time.” Isak looks back at Jonas with a soft expression. Isak knows in detail more than anyone else about the messy start to their relationship the first time around, and knows better than anyone else how much it had hurt Jonas when he and Eva had split up.
Isak and Jonas exchange a private smile that Even catches out of the corner of his eye. As Mahdi says something else that makes Magnus shriek in protest, and Jonas and Isak join in the roasting session, he takes this as an opportunity to slip out of the group, quickly squeezing Isak’s shoulder before leaving the boys to their own devices for a little while (no one is drunk, so he’s not too worried about leaving them alone).
Even takes a few long strides to over where Elias, Yousef, and Sana are all standing together. “She’s the one that spoiled it, man!” Elias exclaims. Yousef looks down at Sana, who’s standing close by his side.
“Nah. You brought it up in the chat first.”
“That’s no fair, bro. You’re only taking her side because you like her.” “Aww, Elias! Are you jealous!? It’s okay, I like you too,” Yousef sarcastically coos. He reaches out and wraps Elias in a hug that’s half bro hug but half soft and caring.
“I do. I love you,” Yousef says to him. Sana and Even watch the exchange fondly as he catches her eye over the tops of the boys’ heads. She gives him her signature Sana Smirk, and his eyes twinkle right back at her. Yousef and Elias untangle with rapid pats on each other’s backs. Yousef steps back and says something lowly into Sana’s ear. She nods and the two walk away, not touching but still unnecessarily close to one another. Even watches them for a few moments, observing their interactions. He’s happy for Yousef. He’s over the fucking moon stoked for Yousef. Even knows how long he’s been pining for Sana (and how Sana pined for him, because let’s be honest, they’re not subtle when they’re together), and he’s glad they finally got together. He watches as they make their way over to the snack table, which is empty save the two of them. As soon as they have a little privacy they immediately start flirting. Within a few moments, Yousef has already thrown approximately three Cheetos at Sana, one of which got stuck somewhere in the folds her hijab. It appears to be lost now as they both pick through the grey fabric, dissolving into uncontrollable giggles. Even though Sana was going through a rough time a couple of months ago, and he’s glad to see her genuinely laughing and smiling again.
Even is pulled back to reality when he hears Elias sigh next to him. He turns back to Elias only to find him also staring at his sister and best friend.
“I’m happy she’s happy,” he says simply. Even smiles to himself. Even after years of zero interaction, Elias still manages to voice his internal thoughts aloud.
He turns back to face Even fully.
“Are you happy?” Elias asks it so simply. No judgement. No overbearing worry. No nosy snooping. Just genuinely wanting to know how his friend is.
Even’s small smile turns into a wider one, but still humble.
“Yes.” Elias meets his eyes and nods, matching his smile. They’ll have time to talk more later, but for now, that’s all they need. “But it’s good to have you back, man.” Elias offers as he claps a hand on Even’s shoulder.
As if on queue, Mutta, Mikael, and Adam pop up to his right, all offering their own hands to pat his other shoulder or rub circles on his back.
He’s amazed how their old dynamic picked back up so quickly despite the history and how things had ended. Even is overwhelmed with love for these boys, who just accepted him back into the squad without anyone blinking twice.
“But what about you? How are things with Isabelle?” Even asks, and Elias’s smile grows as he looks at the floor. All the other boys chime in and start in on him about his situation with her.
Mutta had already talked to Elias earlier this week, so he knows the inside scoop.
He walks over to the snack table and piles his fourth plate up with junk food. Another girl approaches the table, plate already in hand with crumbs on it. She’s wearing a t-shirt with a french fry pattern on the shoulders, along with a purple and pink jacket thrown over it and a unicorn headband in her thin, brown hair.
“Jeez, this is like my third plate!” She exclaims. She smiles in Mutta’s direction as he laughs.
“It’s my fourth. I got you beat,” he counters playfully.
The girl looks up and meets his eyes. She had just taken a bite off of her plate and has her fork in her mouth. She seems to have swallowed her food, but is spinning the fork around in her mouth.
Mutta takes this opportunity to take in the girl’s entire appearance. She’s much shorter than him, a little stocky and judging from her wardrobe choice, quirky. He looks back up to her face and takes in her soft features.
She’s beautiful. Suddenly he’s hyper aware of the fact that she’s eyeing him up and down, slowly as she continues to spin the fork around in her mouth.
“I’m Chris. I know you’re Mutta, but we haven’t really met yet.” She says. He smiles at her and offers his hand. He accepts it.
“Hi Chris, I’m Mutta. You just said that, though. Uh, sorry. Why am I still shaking your hand?” Chris glances down at their joined hands, which are still shaking in the space between them.
They hold eye contact for what feels like another two minutes (it’s actually more like six, but who's counting)
Vilde watched the exchange from her spot in the yard, as Magnus comes up behind her. “Everything good?” “Yeah. Great,” She smiles at him. She means it. Magnus smiles and kisses the side of her head and squeezes her hand. “Just checking in.” He walks away back to the group of boys nearby, consisting of Mahdi, Mikael, Adam, Even, Isak and Elias.
Sana appears to her left and leans in to nudge her shoulder. “You’re seeing it too?” Sana asks through giggles, referencing the eye-fucking taking place at the food table. “Yeah,” Vilde giggles along. She cocks her head a little. “It seems different this time though. Do you know Mutta well?” She turns to look at Sana.
“I’ve known him for a long time.” Sana responds after a moment. She glances back at Chris and Mutta. “I’ve never really considered it before, but now that I think about it, the two of them make total sense.” “Yeah?” “Yeah.”
Yousef approaches them both with a warm smile at Vilde and a dopey, love-sick one for Sana. “Hei,” she greets him. “Halla.”
“I’m going to go talk to Eva. Let me know if anything new happens over there,” Vilde interjects quickly, before leaving Yousef and Sana by themselves.
“Are you having fun?”
“Of course! Takk. Serr, takk. This was so nice.” “I didn’t do this! Mikael and Elias planned it all.” Yousef shoots her a skeptical look. “We both know that’s a lie.” Sana giggles and nods. “Yeah. But most of the decorating was Vilde, she volunteered to set it all up the second she heard about it.”
“But still. It’s amazing.”
“You’re welcome.”
She takes a step closer to him and leans into his side for a moment.
“I’m really glad you’re back. Like, really, really glad.”
Yousef grins to himself like an idiot. He takes in the scene in front of him, the Bakkoush’s backyard brimming with people that love him.
“I am too. Like, I really, really am. I love all of you so much.”
Notes: uh yeah, so what do you all think about chris / mutta? I’ts such a concept I love it. this entire chapter was just foreshadowing what ill write more about in the future, (gayvilde) (EliasandIsabelle) (JonasandIsak) etc.
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afterpartyhell · 7 years
Being able to draw those sounds from this man had made Alexei’s already large ego soar. He loved seeing the flush on the man’s cheeks, the hickies that stood out against his skin, the now relaxed smile that adorned his features.
What he didn’t expect was the man taking his hand.
Alexei’s brain short circuited as the man kept eye contact and began licking his hand clean. He couldn’t even look at his hand as he stared back into the man’s eyes, completely slack jawed. Those soft brown eyes glimmered with lust and Alexei couldn’t look away from them.
As the man’s tongue swept long, slow and wet stripes across his hand, lapping up his cum, Alexei’s body tightened and he felt his dick twitch again. He couldn’t breathe. Alexei could only whine and moan as the stranger licked his fingers and took each one into his mouth slowly and swirled his tongue around each digit thoroughly.
His chest tightened and he could feel the heat pooling in his stomach again. Alexei let out a long, low groan and shut his eyes. He’d be hard again soon if the man kept this up.
Suddenly, his tongue was no longer on his hand. Alexei opened his eyes to look at him and thank him, but the man was on his knees and licked the tip of his cock as soon as his eyes were open. Alexei’s hips jerked and he stared at the stranger in shock once again before the sensation became too much and he moaned into his fist. 
The slow drag of his tongue on the tip of his dick was too much for him. Alexei wanted the man to take him into his mouth, wanted to feel his tongue tease him further. The image was enough to make Alexei curse under his breath. Unfortunately, the man seemed to have other plans.
He felt the man tuck him back into his pants and if Alexei had been hard, he would have came instantly. The stranger zipped him up with his teeth and Alexei was floored. The man had only teased him, had given him just a little bit before taking it all away from him. It both pissed him off and made him want the man more. He almost wished he had held the man’s head down.
He looked up as the man stood, felt his hands on his tie and grinned. Alexei tilted his head up to give the man more access and he could taste himself when they kissed. It was one of the hottest things he had experienced.
His tie was suddenly fixed and Alexei was blown away. The man had completely surprised him and had turned the tables on him instantly. “No, thank you.” He murmured as the man pulled away.
As soon as the door to the bathroom was closed, Alexei leaned against the sink to catch his breath. “Well, shit.”
He began fixing his hair so it didn’t look suspiciously like they had fucked. Unfortunately, he wasn’t going to be able to hide his hickies. His shirt was buttoned up all the way, and his tie was tight, but the hickies spread higher than that. They were a bright red, a sharp contrast against his skin, but there was nothing he could do about that.
Alexei left the bathroom and was surprised to see that no one noticed anything. Apparently people weren’t as observant as he expected. He and the stranger had obviously been in there for quite a while and neither of them had started with any marks.
He passed by the man and smirked before finding his way back to his seat. Alexei put his headphones back on and began focusing himself for the game. He shut his eyes and zoned out, and as soon as the plane landed, he had to bolt out.
He realized he hadn’t given the man his number as soon as he reached baggage claim, but there wasn’t enough time for him to go back. Alexei was in a hurry and his car was already waiting for him.
After grabbing his luggage, a large red duffel bag inscribed with the Assassin’s logo, he met with the driver and the headed off to the arena to prepare for the match. He called Olev as soon as they left the airport.
“Olev, I just left the airport. I’m on the way.” Alexei drummed his fingers against his knee and looked out of the window as they passed through St. Louis.
“Good. Just in time. The boys are starting an afternoon skate. You’ll be able to catch up after that.” Olev pulled away from the phone to shout something at the boys before he returned to the call. “How’s your shoulder?”
Alexei rolled his left shoulder to test it out. “It’s all good. No tenseness or pops. I’ll be solid to play tonight.”
“No fights, Alexei. I mean it. You blow your shoulder again like that and it’ll be more than a game that you’ll miss.”
Alexei sighed into the receiver. “Alright, alright. I’ll be good, coach.”
“You better. Get your ass over here.”
Alexei hung up and before long, they were pulling up to the arena. Apparently the news that he was arriving late and spread since there were some fans, decked out in Assassin’s gear that were awaiting his arrival.
He grinned when he noticed that many of them were wearing his jersey. Their home jersey was black, with a large, stylized red “A” across the front. His own jersey had a captain’s patch over his heart and Kallasov inscribed on the back paired with his number, 93.
Alexei loved his fans and quickly took pictures with them and signed as many jerseys as he could before he was called inside.
He changed out in the locker room and was about to step onto the ice when he heard a loud whistle come from on the ice.
Alexei looked up and grinned when he realized Elias was the one who whistled.
“Hey, Yoshi! Anyone can see those hickies from a mile away, bro.” Elias laughed and the rest of his teammates started grinning and whistling as Alexei skated over to them. Elias was one of his alternate captains and his best friend, so he had to expect some sort of chirp from the man.
Alexei grinned and tugged at his jersey. “Hey, I needed a way to make commercial bearable.” He poked Elias in the side with his stick and moved when Elias tried to do the same. “No need to be such a drag, Drag.”
“C’mon, mate. You’ve already killed that fucking joke.” Alexei heard the voice from behind and immediately started grinning. He looked over his shoulder just in time to get slapped in the back with a goalie glove. Duke King was their goalie, a six foot six Australian man with the mouth of a sailor. He rivaled Alexei when it came to cursing. He was an intimidating man and an incredible goalie, and Alexei couldn’t think of anyone else that he wanted between those poles.
Alexei was about to make a retort, but at that moment, Olev yelled at them to get busy and warm up.
They’d catch up later. For now, they had a game to prepare for.
Once they had sufficiently warmed up, Alexei began to head to the locker room to cool off, but was stopped by some media that was looking for him. He hated talking to the media and usually did his best to keep his interviews short. He even resorted to making his English worse than it was.
“Kallasov!” Alexei did his best not to groan. “What are your thoughts going into this game against the Blues in their home rink? How you do plan to fight back against their advantage?”
“Well, they play good game, at home, anywhere. We just have to be better. We’ll use our speed, keep it out of neutral zone. They play good. We’ll play better.” Alexei almost cringed at his misuse of English.
“One more question.” The reporter pointedly looked to the hickies that were only brought out by his red away jersey. “Is there someone special that you’d like to leave a message for?”
Alexei immediately smirked as he thought about the stranger from the plane. He licked his lips and looked directly into the camera as he spoke. “To that special someone I met earlier, the one who matches me, this game’s for you.” He winked and thanked the reporters before heading into the locker room where he was instantly chirped by his teammates.
They pulled at his jersey to get a better look at the marks and congratulated him.
“So who’s the lucky man?” Duke asked. Fortunately, Alexei was out to his team. His reputation for going around and preceded him, and Alexei had had enough of them asking who the lucky lady was. Some of them had already known. He had slept with quite a few of his teammates and it had only made their bond as a team stronger.
Alexei shrugged as he pulled his jersey off. “Not sure. Never got his name or number unfortunately.”
“After that interview, maybe he’ll find you,” Elias teased as he snapped a towel at Alexei. “Trust me, everyone’s going to hear about that comment.”
It wasn’t long after that that the boys began to focus for the game. They reviewed their lines and their game plays. Alexei was itching to be playing again. It had only been a few days, but he was itching to sink that puck into the net and hear the blare of the siren to announce a goal.
They began getting ready and headed out for another warm up with the Blues on the ice, then readied themselves. It was game time.
The team stood in the tunnel, and there was a loud, nervous energy thrumming between all of them. They were all fairly silent as the Blues were introduced. They were going to be a hard team to beat. They were on a seven game winning streak and had been dominating the games played in their home arena.
Alexei steeled himself against these thoughts as the team made their way out onto the bench and the ice. Being the captain, he was the last man, right behind Elias, onto the ice.
He would be on the starting line, so he skated to the center of the ice.
His name and picture flashed across the jumbotron, and he waved to the crowd and blew a kiss at the camera when the arena began to boo. The sea of blue jerseys was enough to indicate who they’d be cheering for.
Overhead, the announcers were talking.
“And here we have the return of the Atlanta Assassin’s captain, Alexei “Yoshi" Kallasov after a shoulder injury that had him out for a game."
“And what an injury it was, Jim. The man took a hard check and was taken off the ice. But he’s back and certainly is sporting what looks to be a bunch of hickies.”
The camera zoomed in on his face and Alexei was grinning at Elias and speaking lowly. Even with his helmet and jersey, the marks were obvious enough that the camera could pick them up.
“He’s dedicated this game to that special someone that matches him, apparently. A bold move considering how tough this game will be for the Assassins. He’ll really need to keep his head in the game if they want a win.”
Alexei took a breath on the ice and pulled his chains out of his jersey to kiss them for good luck. He was back on the ice, back where he belonged. He tucked the chains back into his jersey and readied himself for a face-off.
And like that, the game had begun.
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