#if anybody wants to inbox me with tips or advice on how to build my platform on here
diamxndjules · 8 months
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i’m new at this, lol.
hi, my name is julian.
22 // he/they only // non-binary transmasc // pls only interact if you are 18+
reblogs appreciated! **
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lode-builds · 2 years
Do you have any tips on custom terraforming and custom trees? Or is there a specific YT chanel or blog you follow for advice yourself?? (Love your builds btw, I recently haven't had the energy or a good enough mood to play mc but it's always amazing to look through people's projects for my own inspiration).
 heyo! so it's a bit tricky to give advice on this kind of thing bc I more go with the flow until things start looking right, but I can offer some basic (and probably very vague) advice under the cut
for terraforming: think natural, organic shapes and avoid hard edges. this seems obvious but it can be hard to remember especially when making upward slopes/mountains etc.
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^this is from literally 7 years ago bc I'm not at my new computer but it's a good example bc it's got good and bad things to it. you can see how at the bottom of the build it gradually slopes up from the water and then transitions pretty smoothly to a steeper slope, that's a pretty good example of how mountains can look. if you've taken algebra, think exponential graph type shiz. even if you have a steep cliff it usually doesn't rise completely vertical from the ground. you can see the area I circled does pretty much that, which makes it look out of place with the rest of the build. 
another good thing to keep in mind is block variation, which adds texture to the landscape. I've definitely gotten better at this over time through practice and watching other people build. the blocks you use are gonna vary depending on the biome/environment ofc, but I like to play around with multiple blocks w/ similar colors
depending again on your biome, greenery is always a plus. I tend to avoid using bonemeal to add grass/flowers/etc, because personally I don’t love the red/yellow color combo. as for custom trees, I typically make the trunk/branches first (using a combo of logs, wood planks, fences, stairs, slabs to get the right shape/colors) and then filling in leaves until it feels right lmao. 
I don’t really watch tutorials on building, but I do watch a few builder youtubers when I have time. GoodTimesWithScar is known for being a super talented terraformer with a lot of large-scale builds. (his current hermitcraft starter base is a really cool tree iirc, which might be good to check out!) BDoubleO100 is another inspiration of mine, and is really good at nailing fine detailing in building (his texturing has inspired me a LOT). in my last post with the castle, those pine trees were inspired by some he made in one of his videos. he just started a new season of his youtube building series, where he talks in depth about his build process––would totally recommend. through association I know lot of other hermitcraft members have great experience (GeminiTay PearlescentMoon Grian etc etc etc), so you can check them out too! 
big takeaway that I’m sure everyone’s heard before: practice makes progress woohoo yass! but it’s true, I’ve definitely seen improvement just by trial and error and experimenting with different things over time. also learning from other people can be super helpful as well. tools like worldpainter/worldedit/voxel aren’t necessary at all, but they’re sometimes super nice to use especially in the planning stages of building. if you’re able to download/willing to use them, there are a lot of youtube tutorials on how they work
this is a super general overview and I’d be glad to answer some more questions if you have any specific ones! just realized this has been sitting in my inbox for a few days and wanted to make sure I got back to you. again, I’m no expert and if anybody else wants to reply w/ extra advice feel free <3
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write-a-bad-romance · 4 years
Only If You Hurry (Comte/Leo)
Pairing: Leonardo x Comte, with hints of Vlad x Comte
Rating: T
Word Count: 1738
Prompt: Hurt/Comfort, Leo and family matters, modern AU
Ao3 Link: Here
Note: I'll be referring to Comte as "Saint-Germain" throughout this fic because I don't want to spoil his first name. Also, his views about same-sex relationships do not reflect the author's actual opinion.
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Vanilla-scented smoke trailed behind Leonardo as he located the door to Saint-Germain's apartment and knocked furiously. The sound of a violin was abruptly cut and replaced by footsteps approaching the door. 
Leonardo didn't need to announce who he was. The man inside already knew.
Or maybe not. Saint-Germain still needed to look through the peephole to make sure. Leo heard the sound of unlatching as he stared at the tip of his scuffed leather shoes, a stark contrast against the grimy maroon carpet.
All the money in the world and still he refused to move someplace newer, fancier. But then, the entire building is HIS anyway. 
The door opened with a heavy creak as Saint-Germain's worried face came into view.
"I wasn't expecting a guest. At least not tonight." The blond man sighed, "But at this point, this is your house as much as it's mine, isn't it?"
Saint-Germain backed away to allow Leonardo some space. The moment he stepped into the room, he noticed an ornate decanter of wine and matching glasses on the coffee table.
"I thought you weren't expecting company," Leonardo smacked his lips. The living room was bathed in a warm golden glow, just like everything Saint-Germain.
"I had a feeling knew you'd come."
The larger man decided to let further comments die on his tongue. He marched towards the burgundy velvet armchair and sunk against the cushioning. Other men of his size would complain about how cramped it was, but Leonardo welcomed the snug comfort it offered.
He loved sitting at this very chair and let himself soak in the familiarity of his surroundings. Even more so when the master of the house was around and he would—
Leonardo batted his thoughts away as Saint-Germain probed him. "Is this about that date you mentioned a few days ago?"
"Jeez, how did you know?"
"Just a guess. To be honest, I can't tell you if you just came back from your lab or a fancy restaurant on a hotel rooftop." Saint-Germain gestured towards Leo's desultory choice of clothes. "You're not even trying anymore."
"Yeah, well. She’s a friend of my cousin, my only good cousin. How was I supposed to refuse?" 
"Family matters. I understand." Saint-Germain poured from his decanter and passed it onto the slouching man. "But you can't keep doing this if it means coming to me moaning about it."
"Grazie," Leonardo accepted his friend's offering, but not without almost dropping the glass and letting its content spill onto Saint-Germain's antique Persian rug. "And thank you for being such a good friend and taking in the burnt of my woes."
He wasn't far off from the truth. Despite his harsh words, Saint-Germain would always nod and listen with that almost-holy, serene visage. And without fail, the man would offer him little quips of advice, some soothing words here and there. Sometimes, outright spats were inevitable. But even then, it was Saint-Germain who stood his ground and made Leonardo spend the rest of the night reflecting and repenting.
The weary lecturer closed his eyes and sighed. The good, young doctor wasting all his attention on me? This can't be right.
"Was she really that...undesirable?" The occupant of Leo's thoughts picked his violin once again and pressed it against his collarbone. "How long did you, erm, last?"
"Dio. You make it sound so obscene," Leonardo scoffed. "She wasn't. It's just, well...."
Saint-Germain let out a wry chuckle and gave him a hearty smile. "I see. So it's your tastes that's currently leaning towards....men. Did I put that correctly?"
"Well, I guess you're not entirely wrong." Leonardo hoped he could blame the wine for the rosy tinge that swept across his cheeks.
"Understandable," Saint-Germain cradled the instrument on his arm, a faraway gaze to his eyes. "Once you're accustomed to the comforts of a man, it'll take you a while before you stop searching his image in other men."
Leonardo threw a pointed look at the oblivious man. That's not how it works. 
Besides, aren't you just talking about yourself?
"Really," Saint-Germain ignored his indignant gaze and sat on the loveseat across Leonardo, his own filled glass in hand. "Even if you've dropped hints here and there, wouldn't it be better if you confront your family and tell them the truth?"
"Those were major hints I've been dropping," Leonardo raised his voice. "I had another cousin calling me just to ask about some guy in my Facebook photo from five years ago."
"And?" Saint-Germain licked his wine-tinted lips. Grazioso, Leonardo wanted to say. "What did you tell him?"
"I asked him what his point was. He hung up immediately after," Leo snickered. "Guy must have been scared shitless of me sounding so angry. I never showed that side to him before."
"See?" The blond man sighed, pouring himself a second glass. "Deflecting questions is not a confirmation. Neither is silence."
Leonardo watched intently as the other man rose from his seat to get his violin. His best friend looked enticing in a white shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows, he had to admit. The ensemble would've been made perfect if Saint-Germain had on a black waistcoat—
Damn the alcohol for letting my mind run loose.
"Anyway, since you're here to drink your sorrows away," Saint-Germain lifted his violin. "Why don't I play something for you?"
Leo bit back a scoff. That's not the kind of comforting I need, but that's about the only thing I can get from this. More than this, and it’d be—
"Sure," He flashed a cheeky grin, "Are you taking requests? Wait, no classics. I don't want you to lull me to sleep."
Saint-Germain set his bow on top of his violin's strings, the instrument waiting in position. "Anything for you."
The pair laughed their worries off into the night, accompanied by Leonardo's off-key singing. It was tiring, the Italian thought. 
But relaxing, in its own superficial way.
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“Anyway,” Leonardo spoke much later as he began gathering his belongings. “How’s it going with your cara mia?”
Saint-Germain seemed taken aback by the sudden question. “Oh, everything is fine. Why do you ask?”
“No,” Leonardo paused, wondering if Saint-Germain noticed the awkwardness of his phrasing. Not that it mattered, going by the inanimate turn of his voice.
“There’s nothing for you to worry about,” Ah there it was, Saint-Germain’s signature stern look that appeared whenever Leonardo managed to land a crack on his defenses. “Now, look at you, fussing over someone else’s love life over your own.”
“I get it, I get it.” Leonardo waved a hand in defeat as he made a beeline towards the exit. “Besides, it won’t do if your girlfriend notices I’m going to your apartment all the time. She might get suspicious.”
“She already has,” The smaller man gently pushed Leo’s back as he ushered him out of his abode. “Now go home and get to bed. Don’t wander off into some bar for another drink. Or guy.”
“Santo Dio! No need to keep scolding me! Save your lectures for later!” Leonardo laughed, his face completely flushed. “Thanks anyway. See you when I see you?” 
“Anytime for a dear friend.” Saint-Germain patted the padding of Leonardo’s jacket.
“Right. Ciao.”
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Leonardo cursed in Italian as he slammed his fist on a nearby wall.
“Shit.” He ran a sweaty hand over his weary face. “What was I thinking? Wasting my time and whining to the very person I want."
Leonardo could never say he loved the man. He longed for him. He lost sleep over him. Crying for him might be a little too much, but still, it was the blonde hair and amber eyes that followed him to sleep and starred in his dreams. 
And every time, Leonardo would wake up panicked, alone and panting.
And desiring.
He remembered carefully warning his 'wards' Salai and Melzi, "Never go for unavailable men. Don't give in to the delusion that you're somehow going to make it work, whatever it takes."
"Withdraw while there's still time. It's not worth it." He admonished severely.
Leonardo laughed at his hypocrisy, disgust welling in the pits of his stomach. Even if his frivolity hadn't corrupted Saint-Germain, the other man had enough poison in himself to get the job done. Time and time again, he would gaze into the man's golden orbs and find nothing there. 
He would give so much of himself to others but never oblige anybody else to fulfill him. Would never allow anyone close to his heart.
Leonardo knew he couldn't handle him, Saint-Germain and his darkness. And neither could the man endure him. So why did he—
How did he fall in this deep? 
Leonardo shook his head and carried on with a forceful stride. They were fools, both of them. But Leonardo was an absolute abject for letting his heart and brain to be wholly governed by the image of a man who clearly wouldn’t look his way.
Nor anywhere else.
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Saint-Germain stared dumbly at the blinding screen of his phone. There was no delivery notification under his latest message.
She was still blocking him. He could only pray the email reached her inbox and didn't end up in the spam or whatever abyss she subjected him. He couldn't afford another postponement. If he was lucky, this weekend, they'd have one last dinner, and Saint-Germain would offer to end their meetings.
Leonardo and his colleagues would praise him for being the one in control, always the dominant one. They believed Comte could pull away gracefully and call off his relationships at the drop of a hat.
Oh, if only such was the case. Saint-Germain battled day and night to gain control over his erratic feelings, hidden under lock and key beneath his impassive facade.
The constant battles made him vulnerable. Weak people had no business supporting another, not when they could barely stand on their own two feet.
And he was so close to baring it all to the very person he'd laid his eyes on. 
Leo can't keep seeing me like this. So prone and useless.
You're a strong man who deserves an even stronger man. It will never be me.
He recalled Leonardo murmuring to him over another round of wine on the balcony of some hotel a long time ago.
It should be easy, being with the one you love. 
Love isn't supposed to hurt or tire you out. If it's running your heart rugged to the ground, then what's the point?
Saint-Germain twisted the silicone casing of his phone furiously. He didn't know. How could he answer?
What was love supposed to feel like?
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Joyeux anniversaire, Comte! Sorry I’m offering nothing but angst on this jolly day! :’)))
This was actually a request from anon, but I decided to make a longer piece from the prompt. The original draft had Renaissance influences thrown in, but things got hectic and I couldn’t continue my research. So I decided to go with mu usual jam: Modern AU.
Also, I think I overdid the hurt and added too much angst. I hope it’s okay.
Thank you to @ashavazesa for helping me brainstorm ideas. I’m sorry things didn’t come out like we intended to, but your suggestion (namely, Comte playing the violin for Leonardo) stuck with me and it fit nicely. Thank you!
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issabangtanfic · 4 years
[Jungkook] The Windmill House (Chapter 8)
Synopsis: When for once rich doesn’t rhyme with Christian Grey.
Pairing: Jungkook x OC
A/N: Feel free to submit a cover! Tell me what you think in my inbox! Enjoy!
Swinging my bag over my shoulder and tucking it under my armpit, pick up the large box containing my brand new set of portfolios I just picked up from the printing store. The box obstructing my vision, I trust my instincts to guide me to the office. I close my trunk with one free hand and walk a few steps, peeking to the side of the box to watch for the steps before the double doors.
I give one of the doors a great push with my feet, but it comes back too fast and slams right into me as I try to walk in. Squealing, I lose my balance and send the box flying, falling onto my butt spectacularly.
“Damn it.” I mutter to myself, looking at the dozen of my portfolios scattered next to the tipped box. I reach for one but almost grab two leather shoes.
“I can’t believe how clumsy you are.” Mr.Jeon crouches down before my eyes, all grey suit and sickening looks. I nearly jump.
“What are you doing here?” I ask, my face a mix of horror and surprise.
“I came to pay my consultation fees.” He explains, pricking up each of my photo books and stacking them. I give myself a mental slap and help him clean my mess.
“You forgot to charge me.” He adds. Yeah, that was a detail I wish no one would have noticed.
“Did I?” I feign surprise, and he answers with a soft chuckle. ’S’all good now.” He says reassuringly, getting back up with a cheetah’s ease. He stretches a hand down to me.
“I always pay my debts.” He declares.  I take his hands and try to ignore how it feels around mine and he helps me up, before handing me my box.
“Do you think you’ll be okay with this?” He asks once I can’t see him anymore, and I hear him press the button for the elevator.
“Yes, thank you.” I murmur, so glad that my crimson face is hidden from his view by the cardboard box.
“Have a good day.” I hear him say to me as I step in. Please go away. I punch the third floor button.
“You too.” I choke out as the doors close. I sigh deeply. Please let this be the last of last times I see this man.
“Hi everyone.” I call once I enter the office.
“Morning. You just missed Mr. HotButtocks.”  Jade teases, eyebrows wriggling. Oh, please.
“Who she forgot to charge for the consultations.” Fred chimes in before I can answer, appearing behind Ava with a bunch of folders in his hands. Oh, crap.
“Well, it wasn’t-“
“Save it. He tipped. A lot.” He cuts me off. I almost sigh in relief. “What’s all this?” He asks me.
“Port folios.” I reply, starting to walk to my office again. This is getting heavy.
“Need help?” I hear Ava call after me. I look at her over my shoulder.
“I got it! It’s pancakes that I need Ava!” I retort. When I turn my head back and make a turn down the hallway, I bump into a firm chest,  sending my package flying once more. The content pilled on the floor, I look up to the man in front of me.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” The tall, platinum blonde asian guy says, crouching down to clean the mess. 
“It’s okay.” I reply, more intrigued by the reason of his presence than anything.  I join him on the floor, quickly throwing my portfolios back into the box.
“Kim Namjoon.” He pauses to streatch his hand out.  “I’m the new architect.”
The new architect?
“I’m Maya Fair. Nice to meet you.” I reply, shaking his hand. 
“I had no idea Fred had hired someone.” I tell hm, unable to hide my surprise.
“He thinks it could be plus for the company to have both designers and architects.” My new colleague says to me. It’s not a stupid idea.
“He also told me you would be my partner.” He adds, lifting himself off the floor with the bax in his arms.
“Partner?” I repeat, rising to my feet.
“We have our first client who asked for both a designer and an architect.” He says as I open the door to my office. We’re already starting?!
“It’s 10 ten in the morning.” I gape at him. I’m sure Fred hasn’t communicated on it yet, how would anybody now we have an architect?
“It’s good friend of mine.” He clears up as we both step into my office. Oooh.
“Oh, Maya.” Fred calls from outside the door.
“I see you’ve met Namjoon.” He smiles at the newest employee.
“Yes, he just told me about the two-in-one.” I tell him.
“Then, you’re fine. I gotta go. Bye!” He sings, nearly pirouetting his way out of my office. Namjoon and I both chuckle at him.
“Where should I put this?” He asks, my package still in his hands,
“I could take advantage of your height and have you put it up here.” I propose, pointing at my unused top shelf reserved for my drawing equipment.
“No problem.” Namjoon replies, placing the box on the shelf with ease and grace I could never have.
I thank him warmly and ask him about our appointment today.
“It’s at 2pm, downtown near the design museum. Should we take my car?” He proposes. I don’t mind not driving for once. This two-in-one package has its perks.
“Sure.” I reply.
“I’ll leave you to it, then. See you.” He greets before leaving my office. Taking a cleansing breath, I slide behind my desk, ready to get to work.
“Cute, right?”
I look up and see Ava standing in my doorway, hip jutted ou and a plate of pancakes in her hand. I chuckle rolling my eyes.
“What about Eli?” I shoot back.
“No one’s above Elijah. But he is cute, right?” She replis, walking over to my desk. Ava is addicted to men, it’s crazy. I grab a pancake and shove it down my throat.
“M’yeah.” I mumble. He is cute, but the. real snack is that pancake for me.
“He’s from Seoul, graduated from Barlett, and worked with people like Emma Thomson and the Beckham’s.” She gives me his whole resume without me asking, raising her eyebrows in excitement. So he’s high class, huh?
“Aren’t we a little small for him?” I raise a brow, and Ava replies with a clueless shrug.
“You know, Maya.” She trails off. “I had no idea Jeon was putting you through all this.”
“It’s fine, Ava. Really.” I reply dismissively, reaching out for a second pancake. 
“It’s all behind me now.” I reassure her.
“I can’t wait to get back to work actually.” I say excitedly.
“Well, I’ll let you do just that.” She declares, turning on her heels.
“Thanks for the pancakes!” I say to her back before she exits the room.
“Miss Fair?”
I lift my head from my scribbles and see Mr.Namjoon standing in the doorway of my office.
“It’s Maya. We’re colleagues.” I give him a warm smile that he returns immediately.
“Okay well, you can call me Joon if you want. ” He says to me.
“Joon. Is it time?” I ask him.
“I’ll be there in a minute.”
“I’ll be outside.” He says before closing the door and ambling off. I quickly gather my belongings, my portfolio, my tablet and my note bad, before joining Namjoon at the elevator.
“Who are we meeting?” I ask him.
“Choi Minah. A friend from Seoul.” He explains. I’m meeting a lot of Korean people these days. From Mr.Jeon to him to Mrs.Choi.
“She’s a designer for Alexander McQueen.” He tells me, though I don’t really know what to do with this information.
“Interesting.” I say to myself. So he’s a high-class architect bringing us his high-class clients. Why did he settle for us? We are way too small of a company.
“A round apartment in a square building?” I utter once we're out of the appointment. Miss Choi has been very friendly with us, she's easy going, funny and very elegant as I had imagined, but she's also very edgy.
She likes vintage decors, clothes and even vintage movies. She lives in the wrong century. Her requirements were...disruptive. Not impossible to realize, just very...interesting.
“Rita doesn’t do conventional.” Namjoon explains as we walk back to his car. We both know that's an understatement. She's unique.
“Had the building been round she would’ve wanted a triangle house.” He muses.
“If she’s opting for minimalism I won’t be much help.” I retort. The project sounds amazing, but I don't see how I can ring much to it. Namjoon might as well have gone alone and asked for advice if be needed any.
“Of course you would. You’ve done plenty of such projects.” He counters.
“How do you know?” I ask, squinting my eyes at him. He gives me an embarrassed smile.
“I borrowed one of your portfolios.” He admits. 
“Borrowed?” I repeat. When did he do that.
“It fell out of your box.” He says. I lift an eyebrow. What a sneaky dude.
“I was going to give it back, I promise.” He says reassuringly. Oh, whatever.
"Well we could trade portfolios. I'd like to see your work." I tell him.
"I'll get you- Oh.” Namjoon freezes and stops in his tracks, eyes glued to a sign. Looking in the same direction, I realise we’re in front of the design museum, and he is reading the colourful banner above the entry.
“An RCR exposition?” He says under his breath.
“What’s that?” I enquire, clueless.
“Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigen dnd Ramon Vilalta, three of the best architects in the entire world." He nearly gushes, a smile stretching his face. Well, if you say so…
 “I knew they were in London to work on a house, but I had no idea they would have an exposition here.” He mumbles to himself, frowning deeply. I read the sign.
“It’s the last day.” I remark. “Do you want to have a quick look?” I propose, and he directs his frown to me.
“Shouldn’t we get back to the office?” He says. Well, we can always take the long way home.
“Fred won’t know.” I say reassuringly, I always make pit stops between meetings if I ever have to.
“I don’t know if I should be doing this on my first day.” He mumbles, scratching the back of his neck.  Don’t tell me he’s a bootlicker!
“Oh, come on.” I refrain an eye roll. “We can be out in ten minutes. Plus, it’s your last chance.” I argue, and that seems to do the trick.
“A quick look then.” He says quietly, refraining a smile to hide his excitement. 
Jeez, he must really love these guys. As an interior designer I’ve always been interested in architecture. I have always admired the way our ancestors have pushed the limits of what we could build, of how they could create entire spaces that tell stories. 
Namjoon. and I walk into the museum and amble in the middle f the exhibit. For someone so excited about these architect, my colleague seems to be skimming over each model and picture quite fast, almost as if h was looking for something.
“It’s there.” He nearly gasps, stopping in front of a replica of a cubic, rainbow-gradient coloured building.
“El petit Combe.” He says. I take a closer loo at the colourful yet minimalistic square.
“They made this in collaboration with Lego’s.” He explains to me. Now that I know that, I’m less bothered by all the squareness of the place.
“Playing with Lego’s is actually what made me want to be an architect. Before my parents would start buying me equipment to draw plans, I would use Lego’s to build models.” He explains to me. What a lovely story. And what a ingenious kid he must have been! I remember doing the exact same thing with Lego’s whenever I wanted to change the layout of my bedroom, but when I was a teen.
“And this actually is a school in Spain.” He says, pointing at “El Petit Combe”.
“Imagine going to school in a Lego building.” He whispers to himself. His passion for architecture is nearly palpable, the excitement in his eyes visible and almost contagious.
“Are they building a Lego house in London? Is that why they’re here?” I enquire, which makes him chuckle.
“I wish.” He says, walking away from his favorite piece. I follow him to wards the back of the room to see the rest of the exhibit. “I haven’t been up to date with the project, but I think they’re finishing their Mesh Manor.”
“Mesh Manor?”
“Ever heard of the Mesh House in Hampstead?”
I shake my head, and he fishes his phone out of his pocket.
“It looks like this.” He says, showing me a picture. Ah, mesh as in mesh textures in modelling softwares!
“They’re using the same concept but making it their own. On a bigger scale.” He explains. “Speaking of the devil.”
He stops in front of a replica of what would be the manor. My brain can’t really wrap itself around the idea of having such a big building built like this. The scale of this project is huge. But it doesn’t feel at all like a manor, just like a manor-size piece of contemporary art.
“You can hardly call this a manor.” I remark.
“It fits the definition.” He retorts. I mean, yeah, if it comes with enough land.
“I wonder what the inside looks like.” I muse. I am currently imagining luxurious minimalism, which of course would fit but which I am also bored of.
“I’m curious to see what they were trying to express with this.” I tell myself. “I hope it’s not minimalism.”
“Well, you could see for yourself.”
When I snap my head towards Namjoon, he’s reading a leaflet he found next to the description of the replica.
“They’re doing an inauguration party.” He tells me. Oh, do they?! I could go with Sidney. She loves acting fancy.
“Certified designers and architects only.” He mumbles. Oh, that kind of party?! 
“Proof of employment should be sent to this e-mail address for an invitation to be sent to you.” He reads. That is super selective. Well, it’s a high class project carried out by high-class architects. 
“Dress code: suit and tie or cocktail dress.” He finishes. That sounds a lot of fun, but I can’t go with my baker of a roommate.
"Would you like to go with me?” He proposes. 
What? He’s already asking me out on a date. I have nothing against him, but I’ve had enough os testosterone for at least a month. Hell, I’m so fucking blind I hadn’t noticed he was interested in me.
“Not as a date though.” He adds quickly. i blink up at him.
“I’m really not trying to ask you out.” He says. If we weren’t on the same page I’d be offended.
“But if we both enjoy architecture, we can have a good time.” He explains, and I hide my relief. This could be fun. 
“Sure!” I nod vigorously. “Sure. It’ll be fun.”
He grins, eyes almost disappearing.
“Perfect.” He pipes up. Looks like I have a not-a-date this weekend. "We should get back to the office now."
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youdecode · 4 years
Powerful Money Affirmations | Abundance Affirmations That Work
Do you think that it is hard to manage money?
If yes then you need to flip your belief system. A bit of effort will be required from your end. This blogpost will be heavily expanding to your belief system regarding money issues. There can be a probability that you think money does not flow easily to you …
 Also Here Are Some Related Massively-Transformative Resources You Will Ever Need.
21 Things to do to be Productive 
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19 Will Power Strategies & Tips to recharge self discipline
But this might be just your perception.
And such a negative mindset can be changed by following affirmations.
You might be already aware of what the formations are. These are simple statements that are repeated so that they sink into your subconscious mind. Remember that anything that resides in your subconscious mind is a part of your belief systems and belief governs your life.
  PS : Don’t forget to grab the freebie at the end of post, specially crafted for you  !
 Thoughts are things
 Before straight away diving into wealth affirmations that work.
Know that anything that you are attracting in life has a direct relation to your belief system.
Any act which you do is forced by your belief system. If someone is to ask what life is all about then your life is a model of your belief system.
So it is very important to know what actually is part of the system. You need to become mindful of what your thoughts are. Because everything starts with your thoughts, even your beliefs.
What have you thought lately regarding money?
Was it positive or negative?
Were you like that why this person gets to earn more when you deserve better?
Were you like I didn’t get the job because I was not going to get it anyway . . .
News flash ‘i am not good enough’ were you like I am working twice as hard work but still getting pennies? All these thoughts can be completely irrational . . . Or the thoughts can be what the reality reflects . . .
  But have you ever questioned that thought came first or the reality?
Let me tell you it was your thought. Not the other way around.
If you believe in the law of attraction which is the seventh universal law then you also believe that your situation is never permanent and you’re constantly manifesting different reality is based on your thought process or your mindset ah, fancy word.
Let’s dig into this word deeper before diving into powerful money affirmations.
Scarcity mindset
 You might have heard of the term scarcity mindset.
This is just the name of your weak belief system. A mindset which houses all your negative thoughts.
If you own the fear of the unknown and money will never be enough for you then you are thinking from the position of scarcity.
That is the feeling of lack . . . 
How mindset is linked with affirmation?
 Well, affirmations are a powerful tool that may help you shift your scarcity mindset into an abundance mindset so that it will attract more money in your life.
Through affirmations you are reconstructing your belief system.
And remember a new belief system means a new reality.
You might have heard about affirmation on social media.
You might already know that there are just positive statements that you keep repeating.
Most importantly these are such statements which you might not believe in the present moment.
But remember that is our goal. We need the stream of positive words to build up so that our subconscious mind could pick up.
You need to rewire your brain and reconstruct your thinking with the help of these affirmations.
Affirmations are Prayer for wealth & prayer for money
 Repetition of affirmations will surely develop your faith so that you take the actions accordingly and attract the miracles of the same energy level.
If you want to do an x amount of money by the end of next month then just repeat it and have faith that you will.
Know that what you want already exists in another reality and we just need to match its frequency for attraction.
This proves that the law of attraction is not only the mind game but it is also a science game.
If you want to know more about how the law of attraction works and how you can attract much energy, then this blog post will get you covered with the details.
Are you ready to utilise the tool of affirmation in anything you want?
Specifically money here? If yes then let get started with powerful money affirmations.
Money affirmations that work
I am a money magnet
Money flows to me in every direction
I am releasing every resistance which is coming in my way of attracting money
I deserve a positive cash flow in my life
Money is always sufficient for me
I am a natural attractor of good fortune
I enjoy financial freedom
My income is more than my expenses
I am paid more than my knowledge
I enjoy a positive relationship with money
My money is Increasing constantly
I know how to spend my money
I am having multiple sources of income
My business and job are allowing me to live the lifestyle I desire
I have a direct connection with the universal supply of money.
I enjoy abundance because I am grateful for abundance
SET 2 Wealth affirmations that work
My money gets multiplied no matter how much I spend
I am living a rich life
I deserve to prosper
I deserve to live an expensive lifestyle
I have the power to create my reality and build wealth
Prosperity gets attracted to me naturally
I am moving away from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset
Money comes to me in unexpected ways
I am making more money day by day
I am receptive to wealth
I am open to the new avenues of income
I let go all the negative thoughts concerning money
My actions are creating prosperity in my life
I am aligned with the frequency of abundance
I am attracted to the opportunities that bring more money
SET 3 law of attraction money affirmations
My finances are improving every day, beyond my dreams.
Money is one of the roots of my joy but yet money is my servant
I am a master of all the wealth present in this world.
I am enough to handle a large amount of money
Money expand the experiences of my life and creates a positive impact
I can handle a huge amount of money with grace
Wealth is one of the key component of my life
I can defeat any barriers that comes between me and money
I am capable of conquering my money goals
From this second I commit to living my financial dream
Abundance comes to me because I accept and deserve it
My status of money is changing
I am attracting money even at this moment
Every action only creates more prosperity in my life
SET 4 Prosperity affirmations
I use the money to make my life better
I manage money wisely
I am attracting passive income
I believe money is very important
I believe that money is freedom
I also believe that money is just the energy and I match its frequency
I am grateful for the money which is processed now
The universe is at work in serving my best interest
I get money in doing what I love
I make a difference in people’s life by money
Money loves me
I get happy when I spend the wealth
I feel a great joy when my wealth contributes to the economy
There is more money in the universe than you can imagine
SET 5 Abundance affirmations
Everyone can have a share in the money as there are infinite sources
Money in unlimited
I love investing money
I attract profits
The energy of money is flowing in my life every day like sunlight
I don’t have any limiting beliefs about money
I don’t have any fears regarding money
My net worth is increasing now
Anyone can be wealthy
Anyone can enjoy an abundance
My positive mindset attracts financial abundance
I have countless money in my bank account
I can write a blank cheque to anybody
I am making money with my passion
I can feel abundance everywhere
Prosperity enters my life now
The universe is taking care of me
Anyone can be wealthy and if others can I can too
No matter what my financial status is today I am focusing on what I want
I thank the universe for all the opportunities
I love my life because I have all the resources I need
Print these money affirmations and repeat these abundance affirmations each night until memorized.
Apart from using wealth affirmations to manifest money you can tap into other powerful ways through this blogpost.
Use these insane techniques with prosperity affirmations to manifest money.
  Before you go Know This Secret:
There is a world . . . 
Where everything you want in life…
Can actually come true.
In this place…
You only have to close your eyes and dream…
And what you dream of…
Becomes reality.
Abundance actually exists.
But only a very small percentage of people in the world know how to get into it right now.
I am going to let you step inside for a moment, and see how it works.
Click here to step into an abundant life now … become a money magnet
And I’ll show you how everything – EVERYTHING – from the house you live in, to the relationships you’re in, to the amount of money that’s coming into your life…
Can change in an instant…
Once you know how to do this.
If this sounds like magic. . . it is. But it’s completely supported by science.
You’ll see what I mean when you get there.
I have taken several manifestation programs and I KNOW they work.
Can’t wait to see what amazing, “dream world” you create!
Comments time, So Ready to manifest your dream?
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The post Powerful Money Affirmations | Abundance Affirmations That Work appeared first on You Decode.
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kjmsupremacist · 3 years
Uhm I don't want to bother you with writing advice and I'm not planning on becoming the next Shakespeare or anything but I've been trying to write some of the ideas in my head for a while now and I've been failing spectacularly. It's like as soon as I start typing I either don't know what or how to type, or it ends up being a boring mess. Is.. that normal or should I just quit?😶 And sorry for bothering you, your writing is just absolutely fantastic so I thought I'd ask you for your experiences
hi anon!! first of all, please don't think you're being a bother. Writing was my first love, and remains my greatest love, so I'm always happy to talk about it. plus it's like my one area of expertise, and I'd love to share my experience and everything i've learned.
I'll put the rest under the cut, but I've also given some general writing advice here as well if you'd like more resources. My #writing-tips tag also has some awesome posts from other writers! Lastly, I'm linking a bootcamp doc for writers who want guidance planning and worldbuilding here, which I'll talk about below <3
TL;DR: writing requires patience and practice. What you're experiencing is normal, and if it feels hard that means you're doing it right. Don't quit! You should let yourself plan your work out in great detail before just trying to sit down and write because I don't think that works for anybody. You probably feel like you don't know what to do because you've gotten lost in all your ideas and don't have a foundation or a direction to guide your writing. I believe in you!
Writing is all about practice, so if you're relatively new to writing (and honestly even if you're not), what you're experiencing is entirely normal. It's hard to get ideas in your head down on paper in a way that is both accurate to your thoughts and palatable to a reader. It's one of the biggest struggles and also greatest joys of writing, because when you do manage it, it's, like, euphoric.
I've mentioned this elsewhere, I think, but all art is about taking something you feel and trying desperately to put it into some form that other people can consume. Every time you create something, especially if it is written, you are saying, "look, this is how it feels to me. Can anybody else understand this? Does anybody hear me?" and the magical thing is that invariably, you'll get at least one yes.
Writing is particularly uncomfortable because there is less wiggle room for interpretation the way there is for other forms of art. Writing is like entering a confessional, even if what you're writing seems to have very little to do with you. but that's what makes it good! If it's hard and uncomfy, that means you're doing it right.
I recently attended a talk by one of my favorite poets, Ocean Vuong, and he was talking about how to choose what you write about. He said to write for yourself, and to privilege your curiosity and write towards the unknown. So it's okay to not know what or how to do what you're trying to do! Writing is just as much about all the times you failed as it is about the one time you succeed.
Philosophy and comfort aside, I linked that doc above as a more concrete potential solution to your roadblocks. A note on Google Docs - you'll be a viewer, but you can make a copy of the doc to use yourself, as it's a sort of interactive instruction manual haha.
To me, it sounds like you're forcing yourself to go straight from ideas to prose, and that rarely works (unless your ideas are HIGHLY specific and you have a LOT of practice). I can't do that most of the time. No good writer just starts writing cold and immediately produces something publishable lol! Instead, you should give yourself plenty of time to plan. Not only does this gives you a sort of playground to try out and expand on new ideas, but it also means you get steps to work your way down the cliffside instead of just... running and jumping haha. Plus it's a really, really great way to eliminate plot holes, because you have all your information in one place.
The doc contains a lot of guidance so I won't go too far into detail, but basically it helps you flesh out ideas and build up your characters so you're not going into the actual writing with only the bare bones of what you're trying to accomplish. I use that guide in some form for literally everything I write so that I don't get lost in all my ideas and forget which direction will keep me marching through the plot.
The doc shows that bootcamp in its most complex form, which is GREAT if you're writing something really long that requires elaborate worldbuilding and has a HUGE ensemble (hi, warm like a gun!). but you don't need to use all of it. It's meant to be a general guide, and you can prune sections as you see fit.
So don't let it daunt you! you don't need to have every single thing figured out before you actually start writing; it's just nice to have a lot of it down so that you're not falling with no parachute. if you have any questions at all (regarding that doc or this long ass post lmao) feel free to pop back into my inbox. I promise you're not bothering me.
Lastly, don't quit!! As you mentioned, not everyone can be a shakespeare, but I firmly believe that anybody can be a good writer if they just practice. I started writing as soon as I was able to speak. I've been writing novel-length work since I was about seven years old. I love it, even when it's hard. And it's hard! Especially when you're just starting out. Don't be afraid of it being bad. Just write it. The more you write, the easier it'll get, and the better you'll be.
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topicprinter · 5 years
I graduated with an Executive Master of Business Administration from Oxford just two years ago, it was really a competitive industry and it seems like working experience and hidden knowledge about marketing was one of the key factors of securing a high paying position. I have spent about 13 months working for Alibaba and started my business after that. Well, being an entrepreneur isn’t easy at all, especially when there’s an array of hidden digital marketing strategies that requires a lot of analysis and researching online. After referencing over 50 digital marketing entrepreneurs, these are the top 5 people who inspired me. Thanks to their methods and strategies, my business successfully reached out to over a hundred thousand of subscribers online within a period of one year.1. Gary VaynerchukI have personally watched most of his videos on productivity and marketing. He has emphasised so much about social media, content and storytelling. What I personally love the most is about his topics on future marketing and “preaches” amazing principles. Though some may say that GaryVee projects an unrealistic idea of what most businesses look like while preaching that anybody can start a business like his because he’s a self-made man. While he is not technically wrong, he is an exception, not the rule. He works in a fancy NYC office, travels around the world speaking at conferences, meeting fans and uses luxury products (Apple AirPods, iPhones, high end sneakers, etc.), and spends a lot of time being social with industry peers and colleagues. When I first came across his content about a year ago I was addicted with his keynotes and interview. AskGaryVee was in its heyday and had a lot of great content. It really helped shape the way I run and market my business on a core level. But honestly, this is not what business looks like for most entrepreneurs, and it’s not a realistic aspiration when starting up a business. He is surely a professional "personality", I love watching his candid conversations with someone, either in person, on the phone or on Skype, giving them a motivational speech about how they can change their life. He is super motivational for sure with some sort of special gene for energy to be able to do the amount of stuff he does with the sleep he sometimes gets. I take his advice to heart and would say he’s a teacher with great intentions and a lifestyle that backs his stuff up. 2. Neil PatelHe was one of my top references to Digital Entrepreneurship. He is a New York Times best selling author and was also recognized as a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by President Obama and a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 35 by the United Nations. Though alot would say that Neil Patel is the Dr. Oz of SEO, his SEO tips, hacks, and solutions are about as meaningful as the weight-loss advice of "Eat less and work out more." It is hard to disprove the validity of it, but also hard to put it to practical, effective use without the nuance, time, and dedication that real, comprehensive, sustainable results require. I still think that his content ranks because he is really good at click baiting. From my understanding, SEOs usually don't have blogs where they teach people how to do SEO, because they can make more money doing SEO in other niches. Another point is that not exactly that many people could even put real advanced SEO tactics into action cause they lack either skills or assets to do that. He is great at SEO, but at a certain point I think it's more about marketing his own name than producing results. With this credibility building method, that is surely how he gets big clients. His podcasts are good for sure, I still listen to them during my transit in the train.3. ZachdevI have always assumed that marketing intelligence was easily obtained through googling. But after knowing Zachdev, it seems like the algorithms are way much more advanced and complicated. It requires a specialized team to conduct a few months of detailed observations and critical analysis. Zachdev was recommended by my Oxford lecturer as a project reference to better understand the importance social media algorithms and digital marketing trends. He is known to be one of the top online digital marketing experts from Singapore who has worked with many high-profile individuals to go viral. I have personally spoken to him on telegram before (@zachdev) and unlike other “Gurus” who wants you to buy their E-Book, Zach has unconditionally replied to any of my questions. Though I still find most of his answers too technical to understand, his algorithm predictions are mostly accurate. I do agree to an extent that site analysis helps to keep track on your site’s growth. Also, the observation of trending marketing activities will help you understand what society expects from your content. I would say that unlike Gary Vee and Neil Patel, Zach is not exactly that kind of famous digital marketing guru with a massive amount of self-marketing videos online. He is more of the under-radar marketing specialist that can only be known through the word of mouth. I have personally used most of his services for my marketing campaigns, and I would say that those services are very different from those traditional social media / digital marketing agencies.4. Matthew WoodwardMatthew writes excellent, high quality tutorials, answers questions/comments, publishes regularly and has built strong relations in the SEO community. Though I would say that many of those high quality tutorials have been primarily focused on black hat SEO and in particular automated/tiered link building. He is definitely a very knowledgeable and experienced marketer, but I wonder if he really still believes in those (outdated) techniques or whether he is simply giving his audience what they want. Recently Matt’s email popped into my inbox, it linked me to the post which focused on some tiered link building method he had previously advocated. He has constantly been emphasizing that the link building method no longer effective but in my opinion, this is very one sided. I personally feel that there is just too much low quality content and strange target site lists being used, correct me if I’m wrong. Matt has developed a strong influence in the internet marketing community. For him to come out and say strongly that things have to change (and that his previous methods are now outdated) has taken a lot of balls and I admire him for that. I think that 2020 will be the year of huge algorithm changes from google which will kill all these spamming low-quality link building sites. Matt is the kind of guy that I use for tutorial for sure but only to an extent.5. Danny SullivanDanny’s the SEO guy that was hired by google to help educate and communicate with SEOs. I mean, just like any other search engine, Google is constantly preventing spammers and those who challenge the algorithm rather than improve the technical aspects of their websites. Still, Good Product Management, good content development, good business development, and good engineering will never die. In the long run, Google's goal is still the same, to organize the world's information and make it accessible and useful. There are two ends of the spectrum, people wanting to make information accessible and useful, and search engines trying to make sense out of information accessible and useful. Danny has always pointed out that Google uses the systems to keep track of businesses acquiring other businesses, businesses merging, businesses growing and any other instance where a domain might change hands. Danny has shifted away from his role as Chief Content Officer of Third Door Media, and is taking an advisory role, of course he isn’t the first “first generation” search marketer to step away from the industry but he is still called the “Godfather of SEO” for a reason.What about you guys? Who are your top 5 favourite Entrepreneurs?Please share with us! Lets keep the ball rolling
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lucyariablog · 6 years
6 Great Email Lessons From the GDPR Deluge of 2018
A few weeks ago, your inbox was probably stuffed with GDPR emails. Mine was.
These emails, prompted by the European data protection and privacy law that took effect May 25, asked us to confirm our interest in continuing to receive email from the sender. Many asked us to review and accept new privacy policies. Some thanked us for being loyal subscribers. Some begged us to stay subscribed. Some let us know how so-and-so brand can help you, as a marketer, ensure GDPR compliance, avoid fines, and make millions of dollars using their tools.
A few warned we’d never get another email (please, say it ain’t so) unless we took action.
I even got an email from my mom asking if I knew anything about “this whole GDPR thing.” Bottom line, inboxes were flooded.
On the bright side, the onslaught means companies viewed the new law as an opportunity to reevaluate their business processes, work out a GDPR-compliance plan with their legal teams, and reaffirm audience interest in their content. On the not-so-bright side, some companies simply blasted out emails to anybody they could scrape from their databases. That’s never a great practice – and might have violated the law that prompted the email in the first place.
I’m not a lawyer. I am not giving legal advice on GDPR compliance (if you’re concerned about that, work with your company’s legal team).
Instead, I’m using the torrential GDPR outpouring to illustrate some do’s and don’ts for email marketing.
Use the flood of #GDPR emails as an opportunity to rethink your #email marketing, advises @jphautomation. Click To Tweet
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: How to Deliver Emails That Will Increase Reach, Impact, and Subscriber Satisfaction
Don’t include a CTA that leads to a dead (or wrong) end
One email I received included a call to action with these options:
Stay subscribed
Change preferences
Opt out
I clicked opt out and landed on a page with no opt-out option. I left all checkboxes blank and submitted the form. Then I received a thank you … for opting-in. What?
Do explain in the subject line the action required
If you require someone to take an action, emphasize the action in the subject line. “[Action Required]: GDPR” or “[Important Notice] Please Confirm Your Subscription.”
If you have an engaged audience (or audience segment) that reacts well to catchy non-specific subject lines, you can try that approach. But, for less engaged segments, clarity around the action makes sense. That’s why segmenting your engaged vs. unengaged audience is critical.
I’ve received numerous emails with content reading, “If you like hearing from us …,” or “let us know what you would like to read.” And I’ve been asked, “Are you still interested in us?” OK, but don’t you already have a sense of my interest or my historic engagement?
Your audience members who haven’t acted on your emails in the past will remain unmoved by a GDPR-related message. Instead of focusing on the less engaged, let your creative juices flow with your engaged audience. This is the audience you likely want to keep in your database.
Focus on engaged #email audience to ensure they recommit to your database. Forget non-engaged. @jphautomation Click To Tweet
8 Copywriting Techniques to Boost Email Conversions
5 Steps to Improving Subscriber Data for More Personalized Emails
Do use a consistent, recognizable “from” address
I didn’t recognize many of my GDPR-notice senders. Be consistent, especially because many people are white-listing sender addresses. Stick with the email distribution address that’s worked in the past.
Also, I get nervous when I receive an email from an individual (I don’t know) asking me to take an important action. In a world of phishing attacks and hackers, assume your audience is as skeptical as I am.
Don’t send multiple requests too close together
Most of the emails I received were either “review a privacy policy” or “stay or confirm subscriptions,” and sometimes companies sent both emails. Why not combine the request? Assuming you’re truly sending a confirm-your-subscription email to a previously consenting subscriber, asking the recipient to review a privacy policy link could be simply a secondary notification in the same email.
Do design a consistent experience
I’m a stickler for consistency. If you create a themed email with a pretty HTML design, see that design all the way through. Landing pages, return pages, and confirmation emails should have the same look even if it incorporates a slightly toned-down flare. That shows the recipient your process/request is well thought out and quickly connects to the path you want that person to take.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: How to Write Email Newsletters People Want to Open and Act On
Do act promptly after response
If you email a forewarning that if they don’t act, they will be removed/unsubscribed from your database, the next logical step would be to follow through promptly. If somebody responds by opting to receive emails about your newsletter, think twice about sending emails about webinars or events. Remember, every non-requested email in a person’s inbox is one more reminder they can unsubscribe or mark it as spam.
Every non-requested #email is one more reminder to unsubscribe or mark it as spam, @jphautomation. Click To Tweet
These email tips are common-sense ideas that work well with or without the GDPR mandate. New regulations and laws can force us to reevaluate how we conduct ourselves as businesses and data processors, but ultimately that review can lead to better relationship-building between us and our “true” subscribers.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: GDPR: The Biggest Gift to Content Marketers in a Decade
Content Marketing Institute invites you, one of our engaged readers, to grow your relationship with thousands of your fellow content marketers and to learn from some of the brightest in the field. Register today for Content Marketing World Sept. 4-7 using code BLOG100 to save $100.
Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute
The post 6 Great Email Lessons From the GDPR Deluge of 2018 appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.
from https://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2018/06/email-lessons-gdpr/
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New Post has been published on http://www.lifehacker.guru/im-brad-smith-ceo-of-intuit-and-this-is-how-i-work/
I'm Brad Smith, CEO of Intuit, and This Is How I Work
Brad Smith knows karate. Not “business karate” or any overwrought metaphor about teamwork; he literally teaches karate. Or at least he used to before he became chairman and CEO of Intuit.
Intuit is the financial software company that owns and operates TurboTax, probably the most idiot-proof way to file your taxes. (I speak from personal experience, as I’m definitely bad with money and taxes. Using TurboTax feels like playing a soothing video game.) They also own the popular personal finance app Mint, and were the original developers of Quicken. It is more than worth mentioning, though, that nothing is without controversy; Intuit has been criticized for lobbying against making filing your taxes easier. But let’s get back to the karate.
Brad Smith has been with the company since 2003, has served as CEO since 2008, and credits much of his success to the lessons he discipline he gained at the dojo as a young man as well as the career advice given to him by his father. We caught up with Brad to learn a little about his background, how he manages his time, and some of his favorite inspirational movies. Here’s how he works.
Location: Mountain View, CA Current Gig: Chairman and CEO, Intuit One word that best describes how you work: Passionately Current mobile device: iPhone 7 Current computer: MacBook Air
First of all, tell me a little about your background and how you got to where you are today.
I was born and raised in Kenova, West Virginia, population 3,500 if you round up! From an early age, the community played a key role in my life. I began studying martial arts at a local dojo as a sophomore in high school, and the discipline it taught me continues to impact my life to this day. After graduating from Ceredo-Kenova High School, I attended the US Military Academy at West Point for one semester, but my West Virginia roots pulled me back home. I went on to graduate from Marshall University in 1986 with a bachelor’s degree in business administration with an emphasis in marketing.
After graduating college my dad advised me to always pursue what makes your heart beat the fastest. He [also] said I should always make my job choices based on the franchise and not the role. In other words, look for purpose-driven companies that would challenge me and provide me with stretch assignments so I would continue to grow. He told me not to focus on title or the money, because that would change over time if I worked hard. Finally, [he said to] understand that there will be good days and bad days, but if the good outweigh the bad, you are on the right course.
I learned at an early age through my martial arts training—where, as a black belt and teacher, you are measured on the progress of your students—that I loved getting things done through a team as opposed to being an individual contributor. This led me into people management and my first job at Pepsi. I went on to work at ADVO and ADP before joining Intuit in 2003. I held various roles within the company before becoming CEO in 2008, and chairman in 2016.
What apps, software, or tools can’t you live without?
Time is our most precious and limited resource, therefore managing my time is my most important priority. A productivity tool that helps me is color-coding my calendar so I can see how I’m spending my time against my “100-point plan.”
I allocate my time in a 40-30-20-10 split: I spend forty percent of my time running the company through operating mechanisms and product reviews; thirty percent building our organization’s capability and leadership bench through 1:1’s, skip levels, and leadership development forums; twenty percent on outside-in learning by engaging with fellow leaders in roundtable discussions, forums and board rooms; and the last ten percent on personal growth and development, meeting with mentors and learning from others I admire. Color-coding my calendar holds me accountable and allows me to measure whether I am on track or off, so I can adjust if needed.
What’s your workspace setup like? Coffee shop with laptop and headphones? Home office with a standing desk?
I have a seated desk for when I’m focused on getting work done, a table for in-person meetings, and a video conference screen so I can meet face-to-face with people around the world.
When I’m in my office I’m surrounded by photos of my family and special memorabilia that represent the influences in my life, like my framed We Are Marshall poster, a Marshall University football, and a model of King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable—with a Latin inscription that reads “leadership through serving others.” My home office is similar, with family pictures and signed photographs from my favorite movies including Forrest Gump, The Godfather, and Gladiator. Family and fighting for causes greater than oneself have always inspired me!
What’s your best time-saving shortcut or life hack?
The tip is simply-stated, but requires real commitment: never touch something more than once. For example, my email inbox is cleared every day, despite receiving several hundred emails that require action. It is not managed or sorted by an assistant. Instead, I practice the principle of read, act, file, or delete. To stay on top of it, I schedule forty-five minute meetings (versus an hour), which allows me fifteen minutes in between meetings to quickly read and act on any incoming messages.
What’s your favorite to-do list manager?
Call me old school, but I’m a pen and paper kind of guy! If I write something down I won’t forget it.
Besides your phone and computer, what gadget can’t you live without and why?
Google Home, because it has the power of Google search at voice command. Conversational user interface (CUI) is enabling us to do things faster than ever from shopping to getting our news, and these types of gadgets have won me over. I’ve just been looking for the one that can understand my West Virginian accent, and luckily they keep getting smarter!
What everyday thing are you better at than everyone else? What’s your secret?
I’m not sure I am better than everyone else at anything, but I do write poetry. My wife and my two daughters each have poems that I’ve written for them framed on their walls. My wife has one that was written before our wedding, and another that I wrote when she chose to leave her profession to be a stay-at-home mother. Each of my daughters’ poems were written the night of their birth. While they aren’t world-class poems, they are sincere expressions of my love and gratitude for having them in my life, and for helping me strive to be a better man each and every day.
What do you listen to while you work? Got a favorite playlist? Maybe talk radio? Or do you prefer silence?
While I am a musician myself (guitar and sax) and I am constantly inspired by music, it has its place in my life. I tend to work in silence, which allows me to focus 100 percent of my concentration and energy on the task at hand. However, during a break or at home, my playlist is quite eclectic—80’s rock, contemporary country, and some classical music tossed in for good measure. Lyrics matter most to me, so good songwriters are a plus!
What are you currently reading? Or what’s something you’d recommend?
I’d highly recommend a book I recently read called Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth. It’s full of amazing, inspirational stories that show that anyone, regardless of I.Q., talent, or background, can succeed if they have grit—a blend of passion and persistence. I’m a big fan of this school of thought—one of my strongest personal beliefs is that it doesn’t matter where you went to school. This book makes all of us underdogs feel like we’re just as capable as anybody else.
How do you recharge? What do you do when you want to forget about work?
Spending time with my wife and daughters is my favorite way to recharge. I also love to go to the movie theater. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been touched by the power of movies, and I find some of my greatest inspiration comes from them.
What’s your sleep routine like? Are you a night owl or early-riser?
I’ve always been a morning person, so on a typical day I get up early, around 5:30 or 5:45 a.m. I work out every morning, I do P90X and I watch [CNBC’s] Opening Bell. Then I read a couple of papers: The Wall Street Journal and the Huntington Herald Dispatch before getting into the office around 8 a.m. I usually get out of the office a little after 7 p.m., get home, have dinner, and spend time with my wife. I’m in bed about 9 p.m. That’s the program!
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
My Dad is no longer with me, but the best advice I ever received was from him on making tough career choices. He offered three simple guideposts:
Surround yourself with people smarter than you: According to Dad, this was important for choosing where you work, because it ensures that you will constantly be learning and growing. With this in mind, I have always been drawn to work in organizations where the bar is high.
Volunteer for assignments no one else wants: Once you find the right environment, volunteer to work on the hardest and most unwanted problems facing the organization, because that’s where you’ll stretch yourself and be forced to grow in ways you wouldn’t have planned. In addition, every boss has something that no one wants to do, and if you volunteer to take it on, it will distinguish you from others and establish you as the “go-to person” for tough problems.
Finally, make sure you can pay your bills: The last thing Dad told me was to never prioritize big dollars and big business cards over the principles above. He cautioned that if I did, I would most likely find myself in a position where the number of bad days outweighed the good ones. As for paying my bills, Dad was always someone who fulfilled the promises he made. For him, bills were a promise of payment. So he closed by saying “but always try to make enough to pay your bills!”
This interview has been lightly edited for clarity. The How I Work series asks heroes, experts, and flat-out productive people to share their shortcuts, workspaces, routines, and more. Have someone you want to see featured, or questions you think we should ask? Email Andy.
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New Post has been published on http://fitnessandhealthpros.com/fitness/calling-all-misfits-and-mutants-welcome-home/
Calling all Misfits and Mutants: Welcome Home.
Welcome to the quirkiest, most supportive community on the Internet.
If you consider yourself a nerd, misfit, mutant, oddball, goof, or somebody that doesn’t quite fit the mold, you’ve come to the right place.
If you’re interested in living a better life but can’t seem to find others that think the way you do or want the same things you do, I want you to know two things:
You are never alone.
Welcome home.
Whether you’ve been reading this site for a day or 8+ years (hi mom), I appreciate you. Whether you just want to eat better and learn how to do pushups, or you’re interested in deep diving into a community that encourages both healthy and nerdy behavior equally, I’m thankful you’re here.
Actually, the fact that anybody is here is very exciting to me. I started this site in 2008 simply because I couldn’t find anything like it on the internet: a home for nerds that provided no-nonsense, unbiased fitness information. Since then, Nerd Fitness has taken on a life of its own and I couldn’t be more proud of the quality and caliber of the people who embody the NF philosophies and ideals.
This past fall, we had 450 misfits and mutants from 10+ countries attend Camp Nerd Fitness (our big in-person event), and it felt like a giant family reunion. Whether it was people that had been to Camp NF previously, or newbies meeting other members of the community for the first time, it cemented how powerful this community/force-of-nature has become.
People have gotten married as a result of meeting at Camp NF. At least 4 people have the NF logo tattooed on themselves (shout-outs to Amanda M, Chris J, Chris P, and Hannah P). There are 100+ member-led Nerd Fitness groups throughout the world.
I feel very fortunate to be part of such a special group of people, and today I want to invite you to get more involved. I know only good things can come of this 🙂 
Welcome home.
Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
The Island of Misfit Toys.
The Nerd Fitness Rebellion?
I started Nerd Fitness as a simple blog back in 2009 – I published articles about push-ups, Star Wars, vegetables, and LEGO, trying my best to help other nerds get started with exercise or eating slightly better. I hoped one day this side-project hobby could become my day job and support me financially so I could focus on it. I never expected it to become a community of people that I would lean on emotionally!
Sure, I absolutely love sharing fitness and nutrition tips, deep diving into topics like The Truth About Belly Fat, How to Get Started in the Gym, or even helping others acknowledge that Being Flawed is a Good Thing.
However, that’s just a small piece of the puzzle.
Somebody at Camp NF last year said something that I’ve taken to heart: “Come for the push-ups, stay for the feels.”
We know a lot of people stumble upon Nerd Fitness through an unemotional topic like a Beginner Bodyweight Workout or the Paleo Diet or Intermittent Fasting, but it isn’t just the information that keeps them around: it’s the camaraderie of the community that ends up keeping them here for years.
I’ve been thinking a lot about why and how the Nerd Fitness Rebellion became what it is, and I think it’s because we’re all a bunch of weirdos that never get to truly be ourselves.
We often don’t get to nerd out about our favorite nerd things with our work friends. At the same time, we don’t get to be our true selves amongst some of our nerdy friends either! They’re not interested (yet) in getting healthier, and they don’t understand that we can’t start up another game of D&D or Overwatch because we have an early run or workout the next morning.
You might be working on getting in shape, but you’re intimidated by training in a commercial gym full of good looking in-shape people. Maybe you’re sick of getting bombarded with “fitspiration” ads on Instagram that show a genetically flawless person who is promoting supplements or skinny tea or cleanses.
You might feel like you’re on your own island, alone on this journey, with nobody that understands your struggles, supports your passions, and gives you permission to both love yourself AND want more for yourself.
This is what the Nerd Fitness Rebellion (our community name, paying homage to the Star Wars rebel alliance) represents: A place you get to be 100% yourself.
You can debate Star Trek vs Star Wars, discuss which Brandon Sanderson series you like the best, join a crochet group, write fan fiction as a group, or anything in between, and be heralded for your nerdy quirks.
At the same time, you can ask questions about eating better, what to do on a first date, have somebody check your deadlift form, find someone to support you on your quest to run your first 5k, or ask somebody to call you on your excuses and keep you honest!
People joked at Camp NF, after they had crowd-surfed me against my will (all in good fun though), that I had become the accidental leader of an actual cult.
I laughed and shrugged it off, and then I looked around at one group of people training with swords, another group scaling a wall, another breaking boards, another playing board games, and hundreds rocking the Nerd Fitness logo on their chests, cheering for everybody with passion, and I realized something:
We’re not a cult…we’re an army!
An army of passionate people dedicated to helping each other live a happier, healthier life.
And we need your help!
How to get involved with Nerd FItness
“Steve, I read your emails, and I’ve done the bodyweight workout, but this Rebellion thing sounds kind of fun. How do I get involved?”
You might be asking yourself this right now.
That is a fantastic question! Also, you look nice today.
Let me break down the different places you can get more involved and supported by this community.
Free Nerd Fitness Message Boards: We have a free message board community that’s home to tens of thousands of members from all over the planet. We’re lucky to have 40+ volunteer moderators that help keep the community rocking and rolling.
A quick note that your Message Board account is different than the NF Character account you might have made (or you might have if you own one of our products). If you look at the message boards and get overwhelmed, it’s okay! Start here, introduce yourself, and begin sharing your stories and struggles.
Community-Led Facebook Groups: Thanks to the growth of Facebook, although we do have an official Nerd Fitness page and private Facebook groups for each of our paid products or experiences (Camp, Rising Heroes, Academy, Yoga, Rings and Handstands), many community members have taken it upon themselves to set up their own Facebook groups for certain things as well.
Many people in these groups coordinate regular meetups or events, and I cannot tell you how cool that is for me. Here are just SOME of the communities, some based around geographical locations or others based on interests.
Here are just a FEW of the location-based ones:
And here are a few focused on interests:
A simple search on Facebook for a city or state and Nerd Fitness should reveal a group you might be on the hunt for!
What’s that? You don’t see a group for your particular special interest or location? Make one! Post a comment on this post, join the Message Boards and let people know you’re starting a group, share it with the community, leave it as a comment in this article, and get your group up and running! It only takes two to tango!
What’s that? You want to host a meet-up? Go for it, and let us know so we can share the details! I know the Austin NF group, the Boston group, Europe, and Aussies get together at least a few times a year, and it’s all community-led.
We hope to be able to support and make these groups and events more official in the future, but for the time being I am so thankful for the men and women and robots that have set up these groups and are embracing the NF Rebellion, hosting events, and facilitating the support. You have my thanks.
Who works for Team Nerd Fitness?
Although Nerd Fitness started as a part-time hobby that I worked on after my day job every night, it’s really become a beast to manage and support.
We now have 9 full-time employees (that live in 9 different states) and a dozen contractors that work all day to improve the experience around here!
You probably know some of them:
Staci Ardison was a community member who found NF at a low point in her life (and chain smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day) and now deadlifts 430 pounds. She also champions our community to the world and encourages women to not be afraid to lift heavy, teaches how to batch cook, and has the cutest dog on the planet. You should probably follow her on Instagram at @StaciArdison if you want to see deadlifts and doggies 🙂
Jim Bathurst taught me how to do handstands and muscle-ups back in 2011. A few years later, I sheepishly asked if he wanted to train our nerds at Camp NF, and then I learned that he’s even nerdier than I am! Since then, Jim has joined the team full time and creates workout experiences and provides expert fitness advice to our communities. He also has an amazing dog named Scooter, and you should follow both Jim (@BeastSkills) and Scooter (@ScooterpomDC).
In addition to those two knuckleheads above, we have a ton of people that operate behind the scenes. From Darryl who does all of our design to Alek who builds all of our websites, Baker who develops our products and coordinates everybody, and Lauren who runs Camp, we also have Noel who is helping take care of people in our monthly adventure Rising Heroes along with making sure our emails make it safely to your inboxes, and Simone who is in charge of Rebel Support.
Along with this full-time team, we also have a dozen contractors and partners that handle everything from HR to bookkeeping to accounting to forecasting to legal to servers to analytics and all of the other behind-the-scenes stuff. (All the adult stuff, gross.)
I wanted to share with you these things for a few reasons:
Nearly everybody on Team NF is somebody that started as a community member at Nerd Fitness. They were asked to join the team thanks to their commitment to improving the lives of those around them, doing so just because they wanted to. These are people leveling up their lives too, and their infectious and supportive behavior is what makes them great Team NF Members.
We’re just like you: misfits and oddballs and goofs who are trying to figure out life, fitness, and business. Nerd Fitness has been bootstrapped since day one (my initial investment was $ 100 to buy a domain and a year of hosting), and our focus is on creating an experience and environment that helps you live better.
Depending on how long you’ve been reading Nerd Fitness, you might not be aware of some of the following:
1) There are purposefully no ads on Nerd Fitness. Before I started this site, I really struggled to find a fitness website that gave me honest information. Most of them tried to sell me on proprietary workouts (scientists hate this one weird trick!), supplements (fat blaster!), or shamed me into thinking I was unworthy unless I joined their service.
There are no ads on Nerd Fitness because I want you to know the information presented here is unbiased and untainted by advertising dollars.
I have no problems with companies needing to make a living; I just wanted Nerd Fitness to be a safe haven from all of that stuff. If you read something on Nerd Fitness, it’s because we believe in it wholeheartedly, we’ve experimented on ourselves and can share the results, or we’ve seen the strategy work for OUR people (busy nerds who struggle with their health).
This might lead you to ask the question: “Steve, how do you pay 9 people and 12 contractors if there are no ads?”
2) Nerd Fitness builds its own courses and experiences. Nerd Fitness is both a community and a business. We know that probably 95% of people that read this site or join our community will never buy anything we sell, and that’s okay!
At the same time, we have built some damn good products and experiences that have helped tens of thousands of customers dramatically transform their lives.
We know not everybody can afford them, which is why we offer everything else on this site for free and ad-free. We have published 800+ free articles, we have free message boards, encourage free community-led events, and more.
We are confident that the free stuff we offer is better than most people’s paid offerings, and that our paid experiences or products are a better value than anything out there in the fitness space.
In short, we create things that get results for our people. We break down the problems busy nerds have, and create experiences – both digital and in person – that remove all barriers between that person and success.
When we put out something new, we’re going to tell you about it! We believe very strongly that our products are the best in the industry, and that they will get you the results you’re after in the environment you need to succeed – provided you follow the instructions and do the work (which is always the tough part)!
Right now, the things we have for sale:
The Nerd Fitness Academy: Think of this like a digital bootcamp for the first 12 months of your fitness journey. The Academy includes quests, workouts, nutritional plans, and mindset strategies to finally overcome the obstacles of getting in shape.
Rising Heroes: Our monthly habit-building, team-based, story-driven adventure. We open the doors to enlist for a few days each month and take the entire community through an experience that changes based on the actions the group takes or the decisions made from week to week. Doors open again next week for a few days!
Nerd Fitness Yoga: Yoga for people who don’t do yoga. 🙂 If you have a sore back, poor posture, or you just want to finally be able to touch your toes, NF Yoga is your thing. No zen or woo-woo stuff, just fun approachable routines you can follow in the comfort of your home (or download and watch anywhere) with the NF Style you love.
Nerd Fitness Rings and Nerd Fitness Handstands: A beginner’s guide to getting you from doing simple movements to advanced movements like handstands, front levers, and muscle-ups. We built a proprietary leveling system to let you know exactly when to level up for each movement so you always know what to do next.
Camp Nerd Fitness (next Camp in 2018): An in-person, long weekend experience of training, costume parties, gaming, and everything in between. I could try to explain it to you, and this video does a pretty damn good job, but you really have to experience it in person. 🙂
Here’s something super important to know: we don’t think every person should join every single premium experience we offer! We also don’t think they’re courses “that scientists don’t want you to know about!” We don’t build our courses or communities like this.
Instead, we believe this should be a choose-your-own-adventure, and that our courses might be a good fit to help you get to where you want to go. Our goal is that anything we build for sale solves a specific set of problems for rebels in a specific situation.
Many people do love the Academy for their mindset, diet, and workout quests – but on their off days love to pop on one of the NF Yoga videos and stretch their sore muscles. It’s great that these work together for many people, but no single course is required for any other.
Obviously we’d love for you to check out the ones that pique your interest; it’s how we keep the lights on. Or don’t! That’s cool too 🙂
3) We’re a small team. We make mistakes! We spend all day every day trying to serve this community better.
This community is everything to me, it’s everything to our team, and I know it’s everything for a lot of people in it.
Every member of this team has the same passion and the same love for serving the Rebellion. We work hard to provide an amazing free community experience AND also be a valuable company that can sustain itself and grow the number of people our message can impact.
We read pretty much every email, facebook comment, thread, discussion, argument and success story that happens in our community.
Some people are fanatical about what we do and how we offer to help people. Other people would prefer that we take a different approach (in slightly less nice terms, ha!). It’s part of having a large, diverse community – and many members feel a BIG stake in the future of the Rebellion (and thus also have passionate opinions). It’s a good problem to have. 🙂
We have big plans to evolve, adapt, improve, change, fail, flop, grow, and learn in the coming years.
We’ll continue to provide free resources on topics that can help nerds around the world live happier, healthy lives. We’ll continue to invest in creating or improving premium experiences that a portion of our community embrace and leverage to get better, more sustainable results.
And we’ll also continue to mess up! And then we’ll continue to lean on the community for advice and suggestions on how to balance being a free, open, supportive community and a sustainable, long-term business.
No matter what your current role in the Rebellion is – new or old, active or passive, occasional article reader or member of several of our communities – you are welcome here.
And we hope you’ll reach out. Let us know what you are struggling with. Let us know what you love about the community or wish we could offer you in a better way.
You’re never alone
Harry potter lived under a staircase until he found his people at Hogwarts. Rogue struggled with her powers and identity until she discovered there was a school for people like her run by Professor Xavier.
Depending on where you are at in your life, what your job or family situation looks like, you might feel like a misfit toy or a mutant that is misunderstood.
I want you to know that you’re not alone. This community will welcome you with open arms, and do whatever we can to help you – as long as you are willing to commit to helping yourself too.
We know most people arrive on the proverbial doorsteps of the Nerd Fitness School for Gifted Youngsters with a lot of baggage: a rough upbringing, a shitty home situation, poor genetics, years of bad habits, and mental challenges that need to be overcome. Fighting these battles can be ugly, messy, and scary.
Welcome home, friend.
Although we have 11 official Rules of the Nerd Fitness Rebellion, I can simplify things even further.
If you believe or embrace the following, we’re glad to have you:
We don’t care where you came from, only where you’re going. 400 pounds, 100 pounds, male, female, young, old, olympic athlete or newbie. Welcome. I don’t care what got you here, only how we can help you get you where you want to go.
We need to take personal responsibility. We all have baggage and crap we’re dealing with. Nerd Fitness and this community wants to help. It starts by accepting that no matter where you are in life, you and you alone are responsible for taking ownership and responsibility for that (even if it’s not your fault). This means you also already have all the tools and permission you need to change your life!
We don’t say “This doesn’t work for me because [excuse].” Instead, we say “Okay, this is my situation, how can I make this work for me?” It’s easy to take the easy path and decide your problems are unique and unsolvable…we don’t have room for those people! We are looking for people who step up and take the challenge: “Okay, I’m a single mom with 3 kids and 2 jobs and a busted leg…here’s how I can make this advice work for me.”
Play nice. We have a zero-tolerance policy for asshats – our moderators on the boards wield a heavy Ban Hammer 🙂 Remember that we all start somewhere, and that there are different ways to get in shape. We help those that want to be helped, but we don’t force our opinions on somebody that isn’t interested. Just because it’s the internet doesn’t mean you get to be a jerk. We have no problem telling people “thanks for being here up until now, but you need to find a new community moving forward.”
Ask for help. Whether it’s dealing with a mental illness, feeling silly for being afraid of going to the gym, or worrying about looking foolish when attending your first dance class, this is a community of people you can lean on. You will get out of it what you put into it.
TL:DR – Thank you for being here, for being weird, and for reading this. I hope you continue to be a part of this amazing group of people – in person or just online. Ask for help, and help those that ask.
In other words, come for the push-ups, stay for the feels 🙂
If you already have a NF Facebook group with at least 5 members in it, please leave a comment below with the link to it and what your group represents so others can join!
I’d love to hear from you: what makes you a unique member of Nerd Fitness?
Here’s mine again:
I nerd out passionately about video games, economics, playing music (piano, guitar, and violin), and for some reason think Taylor Swift’s “Blank Space” is one of the best songs of the past decade. I read 1-2 books per week. I break out into spontaneous solo dance parties and sing at the top of my lungs in my apartment at least once a week.
I also hit the gym four days a week. I’m working towards a 405 lb deadlift, a 60-second handstand, and can knock out sets of strict ring muscle-ups. I love discussing strength training tactics at the same time as discussing the brilliance of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
Your turn. Leave a message in the comments!
See you around the Rebellion!
all photos courtesy of Will Byington Photography.
Originally at :Blog – Nerd Fitness Written By : Steve
#Calling, #Home, #Misfits, #Mutants, #Welcome #Fitness
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giveuselife-blog · 7 years
Internet Marketing - 10 Tips For Success For the Newcomer In Business
New Post has been published on https://giveuselife.org/internet-marketing-10-tips-for-success-for-the-newcomer-in-business/
Internet Marketing - 10 Tips For Success For the Newcomer In Business
If you are new to internet marketing or considering turning into an internet marketer, then please do no longer sign up for something, do now not spend any cash until you’ve got read this newsletter so in many instances it’s far continually at the vanguard of your mind. I am speaking from painful enjoy, the whole thing in this text comes from my painful revel in of starting off in net advertising and marketing. My primary passion is to stop others going through the suffering, financial ache and get wealthy short schemes that I’ve had the misfortune to suffer. Do I accept as true within net marketing? Yes, I do, however, I need to lay out in this text the right manner to do it to prevent time, cash and making sure you figure with the right human beings that will help you. Besides, underneath I’ve set out what I suppose are the pinnacle 10 practical courses that will help you with your business.
1/ Examine the Training from this text!
I have written this article now not to sell and to make money, however, to save you-you making the same errors I made when I started out in this business. read this text again and again once more so you are constantly prepared for what internet advertising and marketing will throw at you. There are times whilst you will be completely overloaded with facts and to be sincere at a standstill together with your business. Keep coming lower back to this text and the on lineups given here will assist you to live focused and recognition in any business is a key factor.
2/ Are they Really Going to help you?
You may see many claims from individuals who need to introduce you to internet advertising and to be your “mentor”. Do not get me incorrect, there are top mentors available who want to peer you be successful. but you must remember that they’ll ask you to sign up for their software or provider as a way to getting cash from your future sales. A few mentors obtainable to be very honest just need to get you on board and take their first fee. The probabilities are You’ll in no way listen from those mentors once more or If you do their assist and advice might be as exact as worthless. In case you do go for a mentor then You may maximum probable should spend money and deliver them fee. So why provide cash to someone who will no longer help you? Test out your mentor. Have they were given many people underneath their wing? Can you communicate to the people they’re mentoring? How will they help you over this primary 6 months? This is a key place you need to analyze thoroughly. Do no longer let them away with phrases, genuinely ask them what they will do for you over the primary ninety days and get a plan from them to lower back it up. Best whilst you are completely convinced that they permit you to achieve your goals need to you sign up with them. once more, locate the proper mentor and you will have a much less complicated course to achievement.
3/ Positioned Your Credit Card Away!
net marketers reading this next bit will cringe and likely ask for a public striking, however right here goes, do now not spend any money! You may see offer upon offer to enroll in automatic structures with the intention to generate so much coins without your involvement that you may not recognise what to do with the money that rolls in. If you have a listing then that can be actual but In case you do not have a listing then it’ll take you many months to begin generating profits. You’ll be asking what’s a listing? A listing is huge range of subscribers who’ve opted in to acquire offers and statistics from you. It takes time to build a excellent listing, so In case you do not have one do now not anticipate the money to roll in from day 1 or even day 51. As a newcomer to the commercial enterprise You may get overloaded with gives to spend your cash. everything from shopping for a electronic mailing listing (do not) to the state-of-the-art and greatest system in order to quadruple your earnings (Sure, however Most effective If you have already got a list). You do no longer need cash to get commenced on this business. The Simplest aspect you really want to spend money on is a Computer and a broadband connection, the whole thing else you could nearly pick up for free, irrespective of what anybody else tells you. Preserve your cash to your financial institution account, Preserve your Credit playing cards locked away and you have fully understood tent online 3. you can spend money as soon as you have got the basics in place and you’re generating coins out of your 8db290b6e1544acaffefb5f58daa9d83 enterprise.
4/ It is Your enterprise
As a newcomer to internet marketing usually Maintain your pursuits at the leading edge of your thoughts. You will acquire provide after offer, usually with the notorious time constrained offer for that day Simplest or at this charge Only If you join up for today. Each time you receive this type of gives, leave the page and you will find that offer receives even higher with a lower charge or a price plan. Each time any offer comes your manner you need to determine will this help your commercial enterprise pass ahead in the manner you’ve got planned it to, will it take your recognition far away from your business plan or will it value money and you’ll never get better the funding over a practical time period, if at all. That is your business marketing, do what is first-class in your business now not what others want you to do.
five/ net Hype
There is lots of hype and garbage accessible. In truth, net advertising might be a miles extra best region if humans told the fact. Sure, there is lots of cash to be made on the net however it isn’t always simply as smooth as signing up for a program and looking the money roll in. Every advert need to be precluded with “If you already have a listing”. irrespective of what software you be part of you need to have customers in an effort to purchase from you. these buyers will come from the pleasant listing which you have taken the time to construct. once you have got a terrific list then top possibilities will come your way as other entrepreneurs may be inquiring for your assist in selling merchandise which will get get admission to on your list. You quite rightly will choose up commissions from all purchases from your list that is the way it should be. construct your list and then you definitely are your own grasp.
6/ information Overload
I assume at one point I was receiving over 100s of electronic mails a day to one account from marketers who had the silver bullet for my 8db290b6e1544acaffefb5f58daa9d83 business. How did I am getting into this whole overload? Easy, whilst you are new to the business marketing you get over excited (move lower back to my first tent online!) with the amount of free gives and data that you receive. You get carried away sign on for this loose offer, sign on for this unfastened product and before you are aware of it you’re in information overload. One of the real troubles to look at out for is the offer If you read some e-mails an afternoon then your provide may be posted to different internet entrepreneurs so you can construct your listing. I appear to consider on my first day receiving around 30 e-mails and it just grew from there. I even tried to place filters on my electronic mail email to save you those getting into my inbox. The Handiest way I may want to get out of this changed into to unsubscribe. What number of gives did I study? Almost none of them and I’m sure my electronic mail email offers had been examine by the identical amount of humans, none! when you start off, pick out your commercial enterprise, construct your plan and live centered on it.
7/ cognizance, consciousness and focus once more!
I can not take into account who got here up with this word “focus, attention and consciousness once more”
not only for your internet marketing commercial enterprise but for your entire lifestyles you need to attention. That is why the excessive achievers prevail and the rest of the population falters. Set your goals for all elements of your life and then recognition on accomplishing them. Set your dreams on your 8db290b6e1544acaffefb5f58daa9d83 enterprise and then cross after them wholeheartedly. You can not fail In case you keep your focus and your notion.
eight/ don’t Surrender The Day Task
net marketing isn’t a get rich quick scheme, despite the fact that others will inform you in another way. Start off with internet advertising and marketing element time, Preserve your day Process until you have built an  enterprise which can generate the profits required to remove your day Job. How lengthy does this take? A few human beings manipulate it in approximately 6 months, others can take years. internet advertising is not an alternative to your day Process. Be patient, the money will come In case you persevere. recall the pinnacle internet entrepreneurs have Put the time, attempt and cognizance in over many years to be successful
9/ Endurance
The net and technology are ridiculously speedy transferring. while you are going for walks your commercial enterprise do not get caught up in this. when you start Positioned your basics in vicinity, monitor them and when you see the want for trade or new structures then Most effective buy them if they will upload value on your business marketing. remember the tortoise and the hare. In net marketing it is simple to emerge as a hare chasing the whole thing that you see. All You will do is divert yourself out of your plan and most probably lose a variety of money. Take it slow, be affected person, live focused and your rewards will come.
10/ Revel in
Given the primary nine on lineups, this one may come as a bit of a marvel. Enjoy your commercial enterprise. you’ve got decided on it so have amusing with it. net advertising is an thrilling environment. If you want studying then there may be endless opportunity to Research and to grow your competencies and knowledge. not many people make money doing what they Enjoy, most of the people are stuck in their day to day routines and cannot wait to complete their work to get out. internet advertising isn’t always owned by way of major organizations so that you do now not need to work for one to be an internet marketer. You also are operating for yourself so the hard work you put in places coins in your pocket, no longer anyone else’s. your time suddenly becomes your personal so In case you want to take the circle of relatives out for the afternoon then you have no one to get permission from, simply you.
I hope you found the thing informative, it is not meant to scare people far from net advertising, use this as a Take a look at list earlier than you sign on and while you’re new to the enterprise to Preserve you on target. There are a whole number of different issues you want to take into the mind like your dreams, your willingness to hard it out and how to get into the proper mental state, but This is for different articles.
Can I just quit by hoping which you do come to be an internet marketer and that you have a very successful and profitable enterprise, right here’s in your ongoing fulfillment?
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youdecode · 4 years
Powerful Money Affirmations | Abundance Affirmations That Work
Do you think that it is hard to manage money?
If yes then you need to flip your belief system. A bit of effort will be required from your end. This blogpost will be heavily expanding to your belief system regarding money issues. There can be a probability that you think money does not flow easily to you …
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But this might be just your perception.
And such a negative mindset can be changed by following affirmations.
You might be already aware of what the formations are. These are simple statements that are repeated so that they sink into your subconscious mind. Remember that anything that resides in your subconscious mind is a part of your belief systems and belief governs your life.
  PS : Don’t forget to grab the freebie at the end of post, specially crafted for you  !
 Thoughts are things
 Before straight away diving into wealth affirmations that work.
Know that anything that you are attracting in life has a direct relation to your belief system.
Any act which you do is forced by your belief system. If someone is to ask what life is all about then your life is a model of your belief system.
So it is very important to know what actually is part of the system. You need to become mindful of what your thoughts are. Because everything starts with your thoughts, even your beliefs.
What have you thought lately regarding money?
Was it positive or negative?
Were you like that why this person gets to earn more when you deserve better?
Were you like I didn’t get the job because I was not going to get it anyway . . .
News flash ‘i am not good enough’ were you like I am working twice as hard work but still getting pennies? All these thoughts can be completely irrational . . . Or the thoughts can be what the reality reflects . . .
  But have you ever questioned that thought came first or the reality?
Let me tell you it was your thought. Not the other way around.
If you believe in the law of attraction which is the seventh universal law then you also believe that your situation is never permanent and you’re constantly manifesting different reality is based on your thought process or your mindset ah, fancy word.
Let’s dig into this word deeper before diving into powerful money affirmations.
Scarcity mindset
 You might have heard of the term scarcity mindset.
This is just the name of your weak belief system. A mindset which houses all your negative thoughts.
If you own the fear of the unknown and money will never be enough for you then you are thinking from the position of scarcity.
That is the feeling of lack . . . 
How mindset is linked with affirmation?
 Well, affirmations are a powerful tool that may help you shift your scarcity mindset into an abundance mindset so that it will attract more money in your life.
Through affirmations you are reconstructing your belief system.
And remember a new belief system means a new reality.
You might have heard about affirmation on social media.
You might already know that there are just positive statements that you keep repeating.
Most importantly these are such statements which you might not believe in the present moment.
But remember that is our goal. We need the stream of positive words to build up so that our subconscious mind could pick up.
You need to rewire your brain and reconstruct your thinking with the help of these affirmations.
Affirmations are Prayer for wealth & prayer for money
 Repetition of affirmations will surely develop your faith so that you take the actions accordingly and attract the miracles of the same energy level.
If you want to do an x amount of money by the end of next month then just repeat it and have faith that you will.
Know that what you want already exists in another reality and we just need to match its frequency for attraction.
This proves that the law of attraction is not only the mind game but it is also a science game.
If you want to know more about how the law of attraction works and how you can attract much energy, then this blog post will get you covered with the details.
Are you ready to utilise the tool of affirmation in anything you want?
Specifically money here? If yes then let get started with powerful money affirmations.
Money affirmations that work
I am a money magnet
Money flows to me in every direction
I am releasing every resistance which is coming in my way of attracting money
I deserve a positive cash flow in my life
Money is always sufficient for me
I am a natural attractor of good fortune
I enjoy financial freedom
My income is more than my expenses
I am paid more than my knowledge
I enjoy a positive relationship with money
My money is Increasing constantly
I know how to spend my money
I am having multiple sources of income
My business and job are allowing me to live the lifestyle I desire
I have a direct connection with the universal supply of money.
I enjoy abundance because I am grateful for abundance
SET 2 Wealth affirmations that work
My money gets multiplied no matter how much I spend
I am living a rich life
I deserve to prosper
I deserve to live an expensive lifestyle
I have the power to create my reality and build wealth
Prosperity gets attracted to me naturally
I am moving away from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset
Money comes to me in unexpected ways
I am making more money day by day
I am receptive to wealth
I am open to the new avenues of income
I let go all the negative thoughts concerning money
My actions are creating prosperity in my life
I am aligned with the frequency of abundance
I am attracted to the opportunities that bring more money
SET 3 law of attraction money affirmations
My finances are improving every day, beyond my dreams.
Money is one of the roots of my joy but yet money is my servant
I am a master of all the wealth present in this world.
I am enough to handle a large amount of money
Money expand the experiences of my life and creates a positive impact
I can handle a huge amount of money with grace
Wealth is one of the key component of my life
I can defeat any barriers that comes between me and money
I am capable of conquering my money goals
From this second I commit to living my financial dream
Abundance comes to me because I accept and deserve it
My status of money is changing
I am attracting money even at this moment
Every action only creates more prosperity in my life
SET 4 Prosperity affirmations
I use the money to make my life better
I manage money wisely
I am attracting passive income
I believe money is very important
I believe that money is freedom
I also believe that money is just the energy and I match its frequency
I am grateful for the money which is processed now
The universe is at work in serving my best interest
I get money in doing what I love
I make a difference in people’s life by money
Money loves me
I get happy when I spend the wealth
I feel a great joy when my wealth contributes to the economy
There is more money in the universe than you can imagine
SET 5 Abundance affirmations
Everyone can have a share in the money as there are infinite sources
Money in unlimited
I love investing money
I attract profits
The energy of money is flowing in my life every day like sunlight
I don’t have any limiting beliefs about money
I don’t have any fears regarding money
My net worth is increasing now
Anyone can be wealthy
Anyone can enjoy an abundance
My positive mindset attracts financial abundance
I have countless money in my bank account
I can write a blank cheque to anybody
I am making money with my passion
I can feel abundance everywhere
Prosperity enters my life now
The universe is taking care of me
Anyone can be wealthy and if others can I can too
No matter what my financial status is today I am focusing on what I want
I thank the universe for all the opportunities
I love my life because I have all the resources I need
Print these money affirmations and repeat these abundance affirmations each night until memorized.
Apart from using wealth affirmations to manifest money you can tap into other powerful ways through this blogpost.
Use these insane techniques with prosperity affirmations to manifest money.
  Before you go Know This Secret:
There is a world . . . 
Where everything you want in life…
Can actually come true.
In this place…
You only have to close your eyes and dream…
And what you dream of…
Becomes reality.
Abundance actually exists.
But only a very small percentage of people in the world know how to get into it right now.
I am going to let you step inside for a moment, and see how it works.
Click here to step into an abundant life now … become a money magnet
And I’ll show you how everything – EVERYTHING – from the house you live in, to the relationships you’re in, to the amount of money that’s coming into your life…
Can change in an instant…
Once you know how to do this.
If this sounds like magic. . . it is. But it’s completely supported by science.
You’ll see what I mean when you get there.
I have taken several manifestation programs and I KNOW they work.
Can’t wait to see what amazing, “dream world” you create!
Comments time, So Ready to manifest your dream?
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