#idk if you can see it but the red eye is also holographic paper
80roxy08 · 8 months
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OC-tober day 6 : Symbol !
Bleeding eye or bleeding heart ? In a way, Louis had both...
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nulfaga · 4 years
I think about Miranda finding Salo again right after ME3 like everyday. Like idk which ending u picked but whatever way u slice it the world is like being rebuilt and there’s this gaping hole where Shep used to be, holding things together.. & there wouldn’t be much to go on clues wise to find her
peas in a pod u and i because i also think about that every day 💝💝💝
i think it’s not so much a matter of locating salo as it is getting to her. our salomé picked the destroy ending, meaning all the reaper tech is blown away, MEANING the mass relays are also gone.
(i’m sure the mass relays’ designs have been analyzed and logged, at least by the asari and salarians, so rebuilding them would be definitely possible, but the question is how long would it take? and which systems are going to be at the top of the priority list? personally i think the widow system would be first cause citadel, then maybe the home systems of the council races + the krogans, the hanar, the quarians if they got rannoch, and if there’s some scrap metal lying around maybe the batarians. my point is i don’t think the sol system would be #1 on the list)
as far as miranda knows, salomé was part of the final assault on the reapers on earth, which took place in london. adding to that, shepard is a pretty big name, so she’s not necessarily worried about finding her. but: maybe salo crawls out of the rubble with her face completely laid open, so you can see the little pulses of electricity traveling through the wiring beneath her skin; several of her organs (the original ones as well as the lazarus replacements) failing; nine ribs broken. and maybe she spends several weeks in a grimy cot in a ramshackle field hospital, slipping in and out of consciousness, before she can be transferred to one of the few intact facilities in the country. and maybe miranda, having heard not a peep from her in so many days’ time, is drinking a black coffee and looking out over the ruins of the presidium, and starting to put out the remains of her irrational hope, when—lightyears away—salomé wakes up, aching and miserable but definitely alive, and demands a comm link to the citadel.
miranda has been reckless enough to leave her real name with c-sec, on the off chance, just on the off chance that salomé is alive and can move and can speak and has access to an intact link. so one morning, a turian in scuffed armor taps her on the shoulder and tells her she has a call waiting “from a woman named, uh, vauquelin? seems to be an unauthorized transmission from earth, so i wasn’t going to let it through, but...” and he slips her a piece of paper—no trail that way—with a hastily scribbled transmission frequency. miranda has to pinch herself.
she keys it into her omni-tool and a holograph face appears in front of hers—salomé! with deep furrows of scar tissue in her cheeks and the red glint of cerberus optics showing behind her dark eyes, and they’ve shaved her head again, when she was trying so hard to grow it out after lazarus, but then if she’d only take fewer traumatic brain injuries—
“hey, miri. i have missed you.”
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following-the-drum · 6 years
Torts, Gavels, and Sleighbells
A Harlots Holiday Fic for Harlots Week at the beginning of September... well when the muse hits you! 
Characters involved: Idk um like two characters... Violet Cross and Josiah Hunt
Parings: I recommend a nice brandy (If you are of age) or a tea 
Ratings: Well surprisingly not much to give it any higher than a teen for language!  
Warnings: Don’t read this fic and drive at the same time. Uh use protection? Um the writer (me) is insane? This is my first Fanfic of this variety? Also American so attempting at remembering what traditions British people use to celebrate Christmas.... so will definitely get things wrong... I apologize in advance so here it is without further ado this Cracktastic-spastic-fanfic-introduction is in no way relevant to the actual fic in tone...
Snow fell in that wet manner, not at all like the movies the waiting room seemed to have on repeat. Josiah Hunt never paid much mind to any of the holiday traditions keeping rather secular, not that his profession allowed much time to be otherwise. Pulling his glasses from his face while he rubbed the bridge of his nose, the paperwork spinning in his mind. He reached forward and tapped the speaker button, “Miss Cross?” Silence from the other end. He sighed and attempted again, “Miss Cross?” 
His door opened and Violet popped her head in, “Yes Mister Hunt.” The opening of the door allowed one to hear they lobby movie, the singers crooning about snow, snow, snow. 
“How is your girlfriend Miss Scanwell fairing?” He asked looking up, he ought to visit the young woman, a recent near fatal car crash involving a Lord Fallon or some other. This being the same young woman he had nearly asked out on a date not long before. After all  the young Miss Scanwell attended his church, he had learned that the two were dating and now maintained some distance. The girl was now a subject of a case he would soon be part of overseeing. “I was thinking of paying her a visit to wish her well this holiday. Offer my best and all.”
“Dressed as you are she’s likely to think your the grim reaper not a well wishing visitor.” Miss Cross had entered his office and now stood arms crossed over stacks of files. She was wearing a cheery red suit with a Rudolf-the-red-nosed-reindeer pin on the left lapel. A pair of flashing light bulb earrings flickered festively from each ear. 
This only further proved her point as he caught sight of his reflection in the standing mirror of his small closet containing his robe and wig, it was important to maintain a professional appearance, one knew someone in ten steps he reminded himself. A dark crisp business suit not one color in his wardrobe, not even his tie was to be a splash of color against the black and white. “W-w,” He took a moment to steady himself. “-what would you recommend?” 
“Perhaps a jumper? You won’t be on the clock or the Queen’s salary even if you are you could use some cheer yourself. S’also cold outside might keep your” She stopped herself as if catching the word before it escaped her mind out her mouth, “-self-” clearly not the original word. “-from freezing.”
Hunt raised an eyebrow at her, “And where at this hour would I find such a jumper?” It was late enough in the evening and with the weather. 
“Well you might want to try opening the gift I gave you,” Violet gestured to the now buried under mail package. 
Hunt looked over and felt embarrassment creep up reddening  his face. “Miss Cross, I didn’t expect. Th-that is I didn’t get you anything.” 
“You could give me the holiday’s off, I’d like to spend time with my friends.” Violet looked at him. “Perhaps have my monitoring anklet removed?”
Josiah looked at her, “I’ll think about it.”
“ ‘course you will.” A look of disappointment mixed with what others would note as resentment. 
“Miss Cross, I must remind you, when you took this opportunity you agreed to the terms.” He had pulled his hands together almost like he was going to start praying. “Probation is not meant to be a permanent punishment, your freer than a cell.” He added. 
“Yes Sir,” Violet barely concealed the eye roll as she opened the door of his office. 
“And Miss Cross one more thing, if you could bring me a cup of tea that would be lovely. My office is rather cold today.”
“Or maybe it’s your heart,” She muttered under her breath.
“Wh-what was that?” He asked.
“Yes Sir.” She left his office giving him a forced smile. 
He sat at his desk and waited for a moment before going over to the package. Paper sporting holographic snowflakes on a green background, it was clearly wrapped with care topped with a bow with a candy cane pattern, now squashed. He was careful to unwrap the package folding the paper setting it aside he opened the box pulling back the tissue paper and felt a soft smile break over his face. Despite the short time of her working for him she had noted that he enjoyed reading and while he stayed to scripture mostly he did occasionally delve into fantasy literature. Upon a black background of cashmere was a Santa residing upon a throne of candy canes holding before him a candy cane like a sword stabbed into the ground. It was clearly a parody of Game of Thrones a book series, he hoped would be finished soon given the age of the author. 
Dark lense filtered eyes fell on the calendar, Miss Cross had been working for him in a form of internship rather than spending time in prison. An odd program he might turn into something bigger should it work well for her. He wasn’t completely heartless, she had worked hard and more than often proven herself to be much more reliable than initially thought. There was little he could do for the anklet being removed and he wasn’t certain that she was ready for that. His eyes drifted to the jumper still resting in the box in front of him, it was rather cold in his office. 
After some time he went out of his office as the day was coming to a close, perhaps she had gotten distracted and forgotten about his tea. That was fine, he didn’t need it now. The lobby movie had been shut off and the lights out. “Miss Cross?” He saw her getting ready to leave a warm hat pulled over her head. 
“Yes?” She looked up at him clearly tired or annoyed, with her the expressions seemed to be intertwined. 
“About the holidays, I suppose it wouldn’t be so har-hard to give you the day off or two, after all it is Christmas and perhaps allow for your anklet to be given a broader radius during those two days. I expect you to be back in your usual radius by the day a-after-” He had looked away from her as he continued holding out the letter bearing his signature and permission. 
Violet looked at him then spied the jumper pulled over his shirt neatly under his coat and a smile broke out, “Seems you aren’t such a Scrooge after all.” She took the letter then handed him a lukewarm mug of tea. “Sorry I forgot your tea Mr. Hunt.”
He allowed a soft tug of his own lips to turn up slightly though his lips were still rather tight-lined. Taking the mug of very over brewed tea.  “It’s alright Miss Cross, I can only imagine I’ve been a bit of a-”
“Git?” She blurted out then chuckled.
Hunt nodded, “That’s one way of putting it.” He was warmer now due to her gift. “Thank you for the Jumper, no one has given me such a thoughtful gi-gift in years.” 
“Thought you could use some color,” Violet smirked. “See you after the Holiday and Merry Christmas Mr. Hunt.” She nodded and left to finish up.
“Merry Christmas, Miss Cross,” Hunt smiled as he went back into his office. 
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