#id like to think she found a little cottage in the middle of nowhere to finally call home
aimseytv · 1 year
hey aimsey i realize your lore is done and no vol2 and such but i just wanted to say thank you for the story you did tell. i was so grateful to see more of bearsmp, i loved the love your character had for others, i loved the themes of forgiveness and moving forward and grief, i love the way you told a story so much. I love the themes of being haunted (by ghosts, by memories, by the past, by guilt). c!Aimsey the world :,) hope youre doing well!
c!aimsey is so tragically yet so beautifully human. even though they have been haunted their entire life, they never fed into the cycle of violence, because despite everything she wanted to live. through heart break, abandonment, grief and even death she remained true to her intentions which is something i’ll always love about the character itself. to have someone with the ability to portray grief so honestly was such a big thing i wanted to ensure i did based on the fact it’s one of the things i never see usually in media and i wanted a way for people to see the way c!aimsey grieves and notice that it is okay. it can take weeks, months, years and you can think you’re over it but have a day where you just can’t stop crying over what you once had - and that’s okay. c!aimsey belongs to you. you are her, as much as she is you. you love her, just as much as she loves you. despite everything, she tries and you can too.
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rose-9906 · 2 years
Finding Dream
Chapter Three - The Visits
Words - 983
Notes - Hope you Enjoy. :)
Photo Credit To Owner
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It’s been almost a week since I awoke from my supposed coma, and I’m slowly remembering certain things, like where my previous apartment was and where I worked. I had a dog/cat named [Pet’s Name]. I was on my way to my mother’s funeral, and was running late, which is why I didn't have my license, why I was speeding, why I was almost killed, and why I was all alone. My mother was my last relative alive. So all my stuff was gone, [Pet’s Name] was gone. Everything and everyone was gone. I still don’t remember everything, like I didn't remember how old I was or my middle name until they told me. I am slowly learning to walk and chew again, and I’m allowed to roam the hospital. My savings is covering everything so far, and I got things like my ID/drivers license, and bank account information back. I don’t know exactly what's going to happen to me yet. How am I going to be able to get an apartment or job?  I’m currently ignoring all of these problems and eating a cup of jello in my hospital room, while reading a book. All of a sudden a shadow appears in front of me, and a dark figure is standing there. “Hello?” I call out in a shaky voice.
“[Name], I’ve found you, at last, you can come home now” The figure moves closer, stepping into the faint light of the lamp beside my bed. 
“Morpheus?” I question, “No, you were-are a dream. This is all in my head. How-How are you-” He cuts me off.
“My love, While I am dream I am most certainly real. Who has told you all of this?” He holds his hand up to hold my face but puts it back down when I flinch away.
“No, I’m recovering, you shouldn’t be here.” I say. My mind is starting to question what's real and what is not. Before I can ask, Morpheus is surrounded by some kind of magic. The last thing I hear from him is a faint “No” before he is completely gone. “Morpheus?” I look around, almost expecting him to be somewhere else in the room, but he is nowhere to be found. “See,” I say to myself, “you are recovering.”
It’s been so long since that night. I’ve learned that I don't grow old, I’m basically immortal. One of my neighbors comes by every so often with a basket, usually full of treats or flowers. I don’t think I ever learned her name now that I’m thinking about it. I’ve moved into a nice little cottage and have a job at a library in a small town. I’ve also been writing in my spare time, I’ve never shared my stories with anyone though. My cottage is on the edge of the forest, surrounded by many, many flowers. I like to go for long walks in the woods to help clear my head and give me ideas. Sometimes I’ll bring my notebook or my laptop to write things that pop into my head. Today I’m strolling through the woods, on the usual path, when a faint memory comes back to me. I’m struggling to remember if it really happened or not. It’s from when I was in the hospital, there was a man. He was dressed in all black, you could see the whole galaxy in his eyes. His coat seemed to float around him, as if it wasn't really a coat at all. He was trying to tell me something… Oh well, it was probably just a part of my imagination. I come upon an old tree in a small clearing. It’s a willow tree, and it has resided here as long as I can remember. I duck down under its branches and sit against its trunk. I pull my laptop from my basket, along with my bottle of water and  small apple pastry. I pull up a blank document and begin to write. I write wonderful stories about a girl, living in a castle with a strange man. She loves him very much, and they talk very little in each other's presence. They live in unison, like they are meant to be together, like they are soulmates, each from a different star, so far yet so close. The more I write, the more I come up with. The words flow through my mind as if they were always there. Like I had really lived this and I was just waking up from a coma. Wouldn't that be ironic, I think to myself, I was in a coma. I slowly start to drift off into my imagination and without realizing it I have fallen asleep. I’m leaning against something, or someone. I inch closer, not wanting to break the contact. I look out, I’m still in the same spot under the willow tree, but something feels different, off. I look to my side, where I see a man. He is wearing all black, ang looks like he hasn't slept in ages. “Dream?” I say, looking into the tall figures eyes
“I’m sorry my love, I cannot stay, but I will be back for you, I promise.” He holds my chin up with his fingers. They feel cold, like they’ve come out of a freezer, awaiting something warm. I slowly reach up and lightly wrap my hands around his. I hold both his hands in my lap, trying my best to keep as much warmth on them as I can. He looks in my eyes for a moment before leaning over and giving me a slow, warm kiss. His lips are cold, yet he makes me feel so warm.
“I’ll be back, I promise.” and with that, he's gone. And now is when I start to question, have I been recovering from a coma, or have I been in one?
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